Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System
Diagnosis Comment
C3 Specimen :
Heart with open chambers
Rheumatic endocarditis of the Description :
mitral valve with Mitral valve shows :-
incompetence Thickened greyish white, opaque retracted cusps
Hypertrophy & dilatation of Thickened shortened chordae tendinae
all cardiac chambers Widely patent mitral orifice
All cardiac chambers show hypertrophy & dilatation
C 7-1 Specimen :
Transversely cut heart showing
Rheumatic endocarditis of the Mitral & tricuspid valve
mitral valve with stenosis & Parts of atria [front view] & ventricles [back view]
tricuspid valve with Description :
incompetence Mitral valve show :-
Hypertrophy & dilatation of Thickened greyish white, opaque fused cusps
all cardiac chambers Stenosed button hole-like mitral orifice
Shortened chordae tendinae
Hypertrophied papillary muscles [seen from back view]
Tricuspid valve shows :-
Thickened greyish white, opaque retracted cusps
Widely patent mitral orifice
All cardiac chambers show hypertrophy & dilatation
C 17-1 Specimen :
Transverse slice of both ventricles & interventricular septum
Concentric hypertrophy of the Description :
left ventricle The wall of the left ventricle is hypertrophied
Hypertrophy of the right The interventricular septum is hypertrophied & is bulging
ventricle towards the right ventricle
Wall of the right ventricle is hypertrophied
C 18-1 Specimen :
Heart with open left side
Brown atrophy of the heart Description :
Aortic atherosclerosis Heart : reduce in size
Myocardium : dark brown
Coronaries : tortuous [seen at outer surface]
Pericardial fat : dissappeared & replaced by edematous tissue
[serous atrophy of fat]
Aorta : yellow atherosclerotic patches
hz |1588
Diagnosis Final Practical Gross Pathology 10/11
C 36-2 Specimen :
Heart with open left side
Aortic & coronary Description :
atherosclerosis Aorta : yellow atherosclerotic plaques & ulcers
Arteriosclerotic heart disease Coronary wall :
Atherosclerotic thickening
Narrowed lumen
Left ventricle :
Marked hypertrophy
White fibrous streaks are seen within the left
C 40-1 Specimen :
Heart with open left side
Healed anterior infarct of left Description :
ventricle Apex of the heart with adjacent parts of
Mural thrombus The anterior wall of left ventricles &
Pericardial adhesions Interventricular septum
Appear thinned
Replaced by greyish white fibrous tissue [healed infarct]
Whitish left ventricular subendocardial fibrosis is also
Endocardial side of the infarct is covered by a large yellowish
brown mural thrombus
Pericardial site show whitish fibrous adhesions
C 68-10 Specimen :
An aortic segment with the two common iliac arteries
Atherosclerosis of abdominal Description :
aorta & common iliac arteries Intima of aorta & common iliac arteries shows multiple yellow
associated with ulceration & irregular atherosclerotic patches
thrombosis Some of these lesions are ulcerated
Small brownish thrombi are seen covering some of the
atherosclerotic lesions
C 76-2 Specimen :
Left foot
Dry gangrene of left foot Description :
[ senile gangrene ] Left foot is
Atherosclerotic & thrombosi Black shrunken
of anterior tibial artery Mummified with wrinkled skin [dry gangrene]
An irregular groove [line of separation] is seen at the level of
Cross section of anterior tibial artery shows
Atherosclerotic wall
An occluding thrombus
hz |1588
Final Practical Gross Pathology 10/11
Diagnosis Comment
C 76-5 Specimen :
Right upper limb
Moist gangrene of the right Description :
upper limb [due to A groove [site of a tightly applied tourniquet] is seen at at the
erroneously tightly applied upper [proximal] aspect of the arm
tourniquet] The upper limb below this groove is dark brown, swollen with
macerated skin
No line of demarcation or separation
C 77-4 Specimen :
Open left ventricle, thoracic aorta & thoracic part of vetebral
Aortic atherosclerotic column
associated with fusiform Description :
aneurysms causing pressure The aorta shows
atrophy of thoracic vetebrae Atherosclerotic patches : yellow, raised & irregular
Left ventricle hypertrophy 2 fusiform aneurysm affecting the descending thoracic
The distal [lower] one is larger & has a laminated
The adjacent thoracic vetebrae show pressure atrophy,
The intervening discs are normal
The left ventricle is hypertrophied
C 78-1 Specimen :
Heart with a segment of thoracic aorta [ascending aorta & arch]
Syphilitic aortitis Description :
Aortic atherosclerotic & Aortic intima : shows multiple raised yellow atherosclerotic
Saccular aortic aneurysm patches
A saccular aneurysm with a thin fibrotic wall & laminated
thrombus is seen
C 86-4 Specimen :
Cavernous hemangioma of Description :
the spleen The cut section of the spleen shows a mass :
The mass is subcapsular
Non capsulated & more/less rounded
About 2.5cm in diameter
Cut section is spongy [vascular spaces] & brownish [blood]
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