Recent Advances in Nutritional Sciences: The Biochemistry of Chromium

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Recent Advances in Nutritional Sciences

The Biochemistry of Chromium1,2 obtained have been widely disparate among studies. Chro-
mium levels in tissues and body fluids are so low that analytical
John B. Vincent
research to measure chromium concentrations before ⬃1980
was unreliable because only chromium from sample contami-
Department of Chemistry and Coalition for Biomolecular Products, nation was being detected (3).
The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0336
The Essentiality of Chromium(III). In the late 1950s,
ABSTRACT Chromium has been known to be a micronu- Schwarz and Mertz (4) demonstrated the existence of a new
trient for mammals for four decades, but progress in elu- dietary factor, which was absent in the diet of rats fed Torula
cidating the role of chromium has proceeded slowly. How- yeast as their sole protein source. Rats consuming the diet
ever, recent studies have shed light on a potential role of developed an inability to remove glucose efficiently from the
bloodstream, which was reversed by adding foods rich in

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chromium in maintaining proper carbohydrate and lipid me-
tabolism at a molecular level. The oligopeptide chromodu- chromium or by adding synthetic inorganic chromium(III)
lin binds chromic ions in response to an insulin-mediated complexes to the diet. Subsequent studies with epididymal fat
chromic ion flux, and the metal-saturated oligopeptide can tissue from Cr-deficient rats suggested that chromium action
bind to an insulin-stimulated insulin receptor, activating the was dependent on insulin (5,6). Evidence for an essential role
receptor’s tyrosine kinase activity. Thus, chromodulin ap- for chromium in humans comes from patients receiving total
pears to play a role in an autoamplification mechanism in parenteral nutrition (7). Some patients have developed dia-
insulin signaling. The molecular agent responsible for betic symptoms that were refractory to insulin but reversed by
transporting chromium from mobile pools to insulin-sensi- addition of chromium. Absorption of chromium has also been
tive cells is probably the metal transport protein transferrin. shown to be inversely proportional to chromium intake, al-
Chromium from the popular dietary supplement chromium though at any intake level, the body absorbs dietary chromium
picolinate enters cells via a different mechanism. Release poorly, i.e., ⬃0.5–2% (8). Yet, identifying and isolating the
of chromium from chromium picolinate for use in cells naturally occurring, biologically active form of chromium has
requires reduction of the chromic center, a process that proved difficult (9,10).
can lead potentially to the production of harmful hydroxyl
Low-Molecular-Weight Chromium-Binding Substance/
radicals. J. Nutr. 130: 715–718, 2000.
Chromodulin. A breakthrough in establishing the mecha-
KEY WORDS: ● chromium ● chromodulin nism of chromium action at a molecular level appears to have
● low-molecular-weight chromium-binding substance occurred starting in the 1980s when Wada, Yamamoto, and
● insulin receptor ● transferrin co-workers reported the isolation and characterization of a
unique chromium-binding oligopeptide named low-molecular-
weight chromium-binding substance (LMWCr) or chromodu-
The last five years have seen a flurry of activity in the lin (11). The oligopeptide possesses a molecular weight of
elucidation of a potential role for trivalent chromium in mam- ⬃1500 Da and is comprised of only four types of amino acid
malian carbohydrate and lipid metabolism at a molecular residues, i.e., glycine, cysteine, glutamate and aspartate
level. In contrast, the previous 35 years of study, starting from (12,13). Despite its small molecular weight, it binds four
the elucidation of an essential role of chromium(III) in mam- equivalents of chromic ions, apparently in a tetranuclear as-
mals, had resulted in numerous studies of the physiology of sembly, as necessitated by charge balance arguments. To date,
chromium deficiency and the effects of chromium supplemen- the oligopeptide has been isolated and purified from rabbit
tation, but little on the structure, function and mode of action liver (12), porcine kidney and kidney powder (14), bovine
of the biologically active form of chromium (1,2). The diffi- liver (13) and colostrum (15), and dog liver (16); it has also
culty lies in the chemistry of the biologically relevant form of been isolated from mouse and rat liver (17), Thus, chromodu-
chromium, substitutionally inert Cr(III), and the low concen- lin appears widely distributed in mammals. There have been
trations of the element in tissues. The understanding of chro- no reported efforts to isolate the oligopeptide from animals
mium metabolism has been so poor that no reliable method for other than mammals. The most novel attribute of chromodu-
diagnosing chromium deficiency exists other than observing lin is its ability to potentiate the effects of insulin on the
beneficial changes during chromium supplementation; thus, it conversion of glucose into carbon dioxide or lipid by isolated
is not readily possible to determine the chromium status of an rat adipocytes (9,5,18). This stimulation of insulin activation
individual (2). As a result, studies on the effects of supple- occurs without changing the concentration of insulin required
mentation of normal diets of healthy patients or diabetic for half-maximal activity, suggesting that chromodulin plays
subjects with chromium have been inconclusive; the results an intrinsic role in the adipocytes. The stimulation is also
directly dependent on the chromium content of chromodulin
(19). No other naturally occurring chromium-containing spe-
1 cies potentiates insulin action in this manner.
Manuscript received 25 January 2000.
Research on chromium in the author’s laboratories is funded by NRICGP/ Combined with studies of diet supplementation with chro-
USDA 97–35200-4259. mium on glucose transport by rat adipocytes (20), the insulin

0022-3166/00 $3.00 © 2000 American Society for Nutritional Sciences.


dose-response studies suggest a role for chromium as chro- lenges, have been incorporated into a proposal for the mode of
modulin in signal transduction. In the last five years, system- action of chromodulin as part of an autoamplification system for
atic examinations of the activation or inhibition of phospha- insulin signaling (Fig. 1). In response to increases in blood sugar
tase and kinase activity in rat adipocytes by chromodulin levels, insulin is released rapidly into the bloodstream. Insulin
revealed two effects, i.e., a small activation of a membrane binds to an external ␣ subunit of the transmembrane protein
phosphotyrosine phosphatase (21) and, most significantly, an insulin receptor, bringing about a conformation change of the
insulin-sensitive stimulation of insulin receptor tyrosine kinase receptor. The receptor autophosphorylates tyrosine residues on
activity (13,22). Specifically, addition of chromodulin to rat the internal portion of its ␤ subunit, turning the receptor into an
adipocytic membranes or isolated rat insulin receptor in the active kinase (23). Chromodulin is stored in its apo-form in the
presence of 100 nmol/L insulin resulted in a concentration- cytosol (19) and nucleus (Ramirez and Vincent, unpublished
dependent stimulation of protein tyrosine kinase activity up to results) of insulin-sensitive cells. Increases in plasma insulin con-
eightfold; fitting the concentration dependence gave a disso- centrations have been found to result in a movement of chro-
ciation constant of 250 – 875 pmol/L for binding of chromodu- mium from the blood to insulin-dependent cells (24,25). This
lin to the insulin receptor. The site of activation appears to be transfer is likely mediated by the metal transport protein trans-
located at or near the kinase active site; addition of chromodu- ferrin (see below). Apochromodulin possesses a large chromic ion

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lin to a fragment of the ␤ subunit of the insulin receptor that binding constant (K ⬇ 1021) (26) such that it should sequester
contains the active site (but does not require insulin to be chromium in response to this chromic ion flux. The newly gen-
active) resulted in a similar stimulation of kinase activity. Just erated holochromodulin (i.e., Cr4-chromodulin) can then bind to
as with the studies with intact rat adipocytes, stimulation of the insulin-stimulated insulin receptor, helping to maintain its
insulin-dependent insulin receptor kinase activity by chro- active conformation and amplifying insulin signaling.
modulin is dependent on the chromium content of the oli- When blood concentrations of insulin diminish and recep-
gopeptide. Titration of the metal-free or apo-form of the tor signaling must be terminated, chromodulin may be elimi-
oligopeptide with chromic ions revealed that four equivalents nated from cells. The large chromium binding constant indi-
of chromic ions are required for maximal activity. Other cates that chromium is not likely to be lost from chromodulin
transition metals that are commonly associated with biological to regenerate the apo-form; generation of apo-oligopeptide
systems were ineffective in restoring the ability of apochro- from Cr4-chromodulin requires treatment with chelating
modulin to stimulate the kinase activity, indicating that the agents at low pH levels and elevated temperatures, which are
reconstitution is chromium specific. (Similar results have been not physiologically relevant (27). The chromic centers of
obtained in titration studies examining the reconstitution of chromodulin are not readily reduced by biological reducing
stimulation of phosphatase activity.) agents to labile chromous ions (28), which could be removed
Recently, these results, combined with the results of studies of more easily from the oligopeptide. This loss of chromodulin
chromium homeostasis in response in glucose and insulin chal- from cells is consistent with increased urinary chromium con-
centrations after carbohydrate and sugar intake (29 –32) and
with chromodulin potentially representing the major form of
chromium(III) in urine (16). The manner in which apochro-
modulin is replaced is unknown; presumably, the oligopeptide
is synthesized as a proprotein which is modified post-transla-
tionally to give the oligopeptide (as with insulin and proinsu-
lin). Similarly, nothing is known of the mechanism of regula-
tion of chromodulin levels; however, the potential existence of
a chromium-binding translation factor similar to the metal-
binding factors that regulate the production of other metallo-
proteins (e.g., iron-responsive element binding protein) is
Chromium Absorption and Transport. The mechanisms
of absorption and transport of chromic ions are still uncertain.
In vivo administration of chromic ions to mammals orally or
by injection results in the appearance of chromic ions in the
iron-transport protein transferrin. This 80,000-Da blood serum
protein tightly binds two equivalents of ferric iron at neutral
and slightly basic pH levels; it is maintained only ⬃30%
loaded with iron on average and consequently has been pro-
posed to potentially carry other metal ions (33). In vitro
studies of the addition of chromium sources to blood or blood
plasma also result in the loading of transferrin with Cr(III),
FIGURE 1 Proposed mechanism for the activation of insulin re- although under these conditions, albumin and some degrada-
ceptor kinase activity by chromodulin in response to insulin. The inac- tion products also bind chromium (34). Thus, it has been
tive form of the insulin receptor (IR) is converted to the active form by assumed that transferrin was involved in chromium transport,
binding insulin (I). This triggers a movement of chromium (presumably although it has never been demonstrated in vivo. Transfer of
in the form of Cr-transferrin, Cr-Tf) from the blood into insulin-depen-
chromium from transferrin to apoLMWCr has been demon-
dent cells, which in turn results in the binding of chromium to apoc-
hromodulin (triangle). Finally, the holochromodulin (square) binds to the
strated in vitro (26). Recent reports on the effects of insulin on
insulin receptor, further activating the receptor kinase activity. Apoc- iron transport and the relationship between hemochromatosis
hromodulin is unable to bind to the insulin receptor and activate kinase and hepatic iron overload and diabetes suggest that transferrin
activity. When the insulin concentration drops, holochromodulin is re- may actually be the major physiologic chromium transport
leased from the cell to relieve its effects. agent. Plasma membrane recycling of transferrin receptors is

sensitive to insulin; increases in insulin result in a stimulation related to patients with unexplained hepatic iron overload
of the movement of transferrin receptor from vesicles to the (characterized by a nearly constant association with diabetes)
plasma membrane (35). The receptors at the cell surface can whose transferrin-bound iron levels are greatly increased (37).
bind metal-saturated transferrin, which subsequently under- Could increased loading of transferrin with iron prevent ade-
goes endocytosis with accompanying metal release at the quate chromium binding and transfer by transferrin, resulting
acidic pH of the newly formed vesicles. On the basis of these in insulin resistance and diabetes? The hemochromatotic di-
results, a mechanism for chromium transport is proposed (Fig. abetic condition is certainly exacerbated by reduced chromium
2). Increases in insulin levels should result in increased trans- retention (38), as observed in patients with adult-onset dia-
port of transferrin, including the portion containing bound betes (36).
chromium, culminating in chromium transport from the blood One note of caution must be addressed. The most popular
to insulin-sensitive cells and ultimately chromodulin. In adult- form of chromium in dietary supplements, chromium picoli-
onset diabetics, in which blood chromium levels are reduced nate, appears to be absorbed in a different fashion from dietary
and urinary chromium losses are increased (36), this transport chromium. Chromium picolinate, Cr(pic)3, is remarkably sta-
system may be exceeding normal operation. This may be ble; it remains intact for several hours in synthetic gastric juice
(39) and days to weeks under other physiologically relevant

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conditions (40,41). The complex also appears to pass unhin-
dered through the jejunum (39) and probably migrates to and
is incorporated into cells in its original form. Unfortunately,
the picolinate ligands shift the redox potential of the chromic
center of the complex such that it can be reduced by biological
reducing agents such as ascorbate and thiols (40). The result-
ing chromous complex can interact with oxygen catalytically,
generating the hydroxyl radical (26). In vitro studies using
concentrations of Cr(pic)3 believed to correspond to those in
cells of individuals taking the supplement for prolonged peri-
ods of time and typical cellular concentrations of ascorbate
found that significant DNA cleavage resulted from the gener-
ated hydroxyl radical (40). The release of chromium from
Cr(pic)3 (required for it to serve as a source of chromium)
requires reduction of the chromium (26), suggesting that the
deleterious chemistry and ability of Cr(pic)3 to serve as a more
absorbable source of chromium may be inexorably linked.
Studies of the long-term effects of Cr(pic)3 usage are required
to determine the significance of this chemistry.

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