What Is: Dedicated To The Universal Upward Path
What Is: Dedicated To The Universal Upward Path
What Is: Dedicated To The Universal Upward Path
~ Paramhansa Yogananda ~
Kriya Yoga is an advanced technique for spiritual evolution that comes down
from higher ages of spiritual enlightenment. Part of the ancient science of Raja Yoga, it
is referred to by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras, and by Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita.
While the actual Kriya technique can be revealed only to initiates, its purpose and basic
nature have been described by both Yogananda and Kriyananda in their respective au-
tobiographies, in chapters dedicated to this subject.
“The Kriya Yogi mentally directs his life energy to revolve, upward and downward,
LSJZB! ZPHB! JT! B! TQFDJGJD! NFEJUBUJPO! UFDIOJRVF! around the six spinal centers (medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccy-
which accelerates human evolution and which leads to God-real- geal plexuses) which correspond to the twelve astral signs of the zodiac, the symbolic
ization. It was revived in the modern age by the immortal guru, Cosmic Man. One-half minute of revolution of energy around the sensitive
Babaji, and was brought from India to the Western world at the spinal cord of man effects subtle progress in his evolution; that half-minute of
beginning of the twentieth century by Paramhansa Yogananda. In Kriya equals one year of natural spiritual unfoldment.” ~Paramhansa Yogananda
order to be able to practice Kriya properly, careful preparation is
necessary. This preparation process, and initiation into the Kriya “Kriya Yoga directs energy lengthwise around the spine, gradually neutralizing
practices, is available through Ananda centers throughout the the eddies of chitta. At the same time it strengthens the nerves in the spine and
world, including the European center near Assisi, Italy. brain to receive cosmic currents of energy and consciousness. Yogananda stated
that Kriya is the supreme yoga science.” ~Swami Kriyananda
This booklet is a guide for those who wish to know more about
Kriya Yoga and what is required in order to receive it. We invite The knowledge of Kriya became obscured during the dark age of materialism, known
you to contact us directly if you wish further information or if in India as Kali Yuga. It was revived by the immortal Indian master, Babaji, when,
you desire to discuss your personal situation: [email protected] or in }[}, he taught it to Shyama Charan Lahiri of Benares, who then developed the
(+u) ¤k [} ¤ Kriya principles into a specific series of meditation and pranayama practices. Lahiri
Mahasaya taught this science to thousands of disciples, most of them family people
who, like he, maintained their worldly responsibilities while at the same time practi-
cing Kriya.
In one of the most important passages from Autobiography of a Yogi concerning Kriya
in the modern age, Babaji says to Lahiri Mahasaya:
“‘A deep purpose underlay the fact that you did not meet me this time until you
were already a married man, with modest business responsibilities. You must
put aside your thoughts of joining our secret band in the Himalayas; your life lies balanced living which harmonizes body, mind and soul; developing willpower and self-
in the crowded marts, serving as an example of the ideal yogi-householder. discipline; and how to transcend physical and emotional attachments. These “how-to-
live” teachings have become an essential part of the path of Kriya Yoga and are a neces-
‘The cries of many bewildered worldly men and women have not fallen unheard sary requisite to learning the technique of Kriya Yoga, in the same way that the yamas
on the ears of the Great Ones,’ he went on. ‘You have been chosen to bring and niyamas of Patanjali are necessary steps towards the higher levels of Raja Yoga.
spiritual solace through Kriya Yoga to numerous earnest seekers. The millions
Yogananda’s teachings thus put the technique of Kriya Yoga into the wider context of a
who are encumbered by family ties and heavy worldly duties will take new heart
yogic lifestyle. Educational centers and communities based on this lifestyle have been
from you, a householder like themselves. You must guide them to see that the
developed in the United States, Europe and India by Yogananda’s direct disciple, Swami
highest yogic attainments are not barred to the family man. Even in the world,
the yogi who faithfully discharges his responsibilities, without personal motive
or attachment, treads the sure path of enlightenment… A sweet new breath of
divine hope will penetrate the arid hearts of worldly men. From your balanced L S J ZB ! Z P H B ! U I S P V H I ! B O B O E B
life, they will understand that liberation is dependent on inner, rather than outer,
renunciations… Spiritual masters usually empower some of their close disciples to carry on their tradi-
tion, even during their own lifetime. Interestingly, we find that, “Jesus himself baptized
“I gazed beseechingly at Babaji. ‘I pray that you permit me to communicate not, but his disciples.” — J OHN kQ
Kriya to all seekers, even though at first they cannot vow themselves to complete Paramhansa Yogananda also authorized a number of his close disciples to give the initia-
inner renunciation. The tortured men and women of the world, pursued by the tion on his behalf. Some of these disciples were part of his monastic order, while others
threefold suffering, need special encouragement. They may never attempt the were householders, in the Kriya tradition of Lahiri Mahasaya.
road to freedom if Kriya initiation be withheld from them.’
When Swami Kriyananda had been with Yogananda for less than one year, the Master
‘Be it so. The divine wish has been expressed through you.’ With these simple placed him in charge of the monks and authorized him to give Kriya initiation. During
words, the merciful guru banished the rigorous safeguards that for ages had hid- the remaining years of Yoganandaji’s life, Kriyananda often gave the initiation. After
den Kriya from the world. ‘Give Kriya freely to all who humbly ask for help.’” Yoganandaji’s passing, Kriyananda was sent around the world to speak about Self-realiza-
tion and give initiation into Kriya.
After founding Ananda in }u[, Kriyananda continued to train devotees in the teachings
L S J ZB ! Z P H B ! D P N F T ! U P ! U I F ! X F T U F S O ! X P S M E of Self-realization, helping them to prepare for and receive Kriya, each student according
to his own capacities and pace. In recent years Kriyananda has authorized some members
The Kriya technique has been transmitted through the same sacred initiation ceremony of the Ananda Sangha to give Kriya initiation in Yogananda’s name. There are currently
that was performed by Babaji for Lahiri Mahasaya, and passed down through the disci- fourteen “Kriyacharyas” who give initiations throughout the world.
ples of Lahiri Mahasaya and onward through their disciples to succeeding generations.
Paramhansa Yogananda is a direct spiritual descendant of Babaji and Lahiri Mahasaya.
His guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, was one of Lahiri Mahasaya’s most advanced dis-
ciples. In }u ¤ Yogananda was instructed by his gurus to bring the practices of Kriya and
the knowledge of the eternal, universal truths (known in India as Sanaatan Dharma) to
the Western world. From then until his passing in }ug , he lived in the United States,
where he initiated tens of thousands of sincere seekers in Kriya, inspiring them to dedi-
cate their lives to the pursuit of God-realization.
Whereas in India the guidelines for living a spiritual, “yogic” life are well known, in the
West Yogananda had to educate people about such things as proper diet, right attitudes,
k g
Chapter Two
! ! T U F Q T ! U P XB S E T ! L S J ZB ! J O J U J BU J P O
T I P Q Q J O H ! BU ! U I F ! T Q J S J U V B M ! T V Q F S N B S L F U
T U V EZ ! U I F ! U F B D I J O H T ! P G ! T F M G . S F B M J [ BU J P O!
Kriya Yoga belongs to a body of teachings which in India is called Sanaatan Dharma, and
which Yogananda called “Self-realization.” In his book The Hindu Way of Awakening,
Swami Kriyananda describes,
“Sanaatan Dharma, rightly understood, is rooted in the foundations of the uni-
verse. As a teaching, it excludes no practice that is designed to ennoble and uplift
the mind, to awaken selfless love in the heart, to inspire longing for the truth, to
loosen the bonds of egotism and selfishness, and to deepen our awareness of what
is as opposed to what merely appears to be.
“Put more simply still, the goal of Sanaatan Dharma is twofold: the upliftment
of human consciousness, on the one hand, and the expansion of our self-identity
through love, on the other, that we embrace all life and all reality as our own. Any
practice that inspires people in this direction, even if it doesn’t define the goal so
specifically, belongs rightfully within the domain of Sanaatan Dharma.”
M F B S O ! B O E ! Q S B D U J D F ! U I F ! C B T J D ! U F D I O J R V F T! !
P O ! U I F ! QBU I ! P G ! L S J ZB ! Z P H B
These two basic techniques which Yogananda taught can be learned and practiced by
anyone, of any faith, on any path. These techniques bring spiritual and practical ben-
efits to everyone, and are even recommended by some doctors as an aid to improving a
wide variety of physical and mental/emotional conditions.
¦ ! M F B S O ! J O ! Q F S T P O ! P S ! U I S P V H I ! T U V EZ ! H V J E F ! N BU F S J B M T / ! You
can learn these practices at Ananda Assisi and at many of the Ananda meditation
groups in Europe. If you are able to learn them in person, you will benefit from
the interaction with the teacher and the other students. After taking the techniques
courses, you can further and deepen your study through the written, audio and
video materials.
The basic courses offered through Ananda which will help you get started on the path W J SU V B M ! T BU T B O H
of Kriya Yoga are:
s 4HE !RT OF -EDITATION "ASIC 0RACTICES In India, people go to great lengths to visit the saints or holy images in a temple, in order
to have their darshan, which means to be in inner contact with the transforming vibra-
s 2ECHARGE 9OURSELF %NERGIZATION %XERCISES by Paramhansa Yogananda tions of the person or holy place. Those who are able to renounce their worldly activities
s 4HE 0ATH OF Kriya Yoga will often stay at the feet of a sage or in the vicinity of a temple, because of the magnetic
effect that such closeness has on their spiritual practices. There is no doubt that daily
“satsang” is one of the surest ways to make rapid spiritual progress.
¦ ! !ZP V ! D B O ! B M T P ! M F B S O ! U I F T F ! U F D I O J R V F T ! BU ! I P N F - ! U I S P V H I! ! We are fortunate in this technological age to be able to bring the presence of spiri-
tually-advanced people right into our homes, through audio and visual recordings of
U I F ! G P M M P X J O H ! N BU F S J B M T ;
their public presentations, as well as through their writings and music. Ananda Ediz-
s 'UIDED %NERGIZATION %XERCISES DVD of Swami Kriyananda ioni Sangha has video recordings of Yogananda, and both video and audio recordings
s -EDITATION 4ECHNIQUES OF 0ARAMHANSA 9OGANANDA %IGHT ,ESSONS WITH 3WAMI of many of Swami Kriyananda’s talks, some of them in series of short talks (}gn ¤
Kriyananda) DVD / CD /mp / booklet minutes) which can be watched on dvd and through the computer or listened to in
cd and mp3 formats. Thus one can conveniently benefit from daily satsang. (A cat-
alogue of these satsangs and other study materials is available at Ananda and online
s -EDITATION FOR 3TARTERS by Swami Kriyananda at www.anandaedizioni.it.)
s #HAKRAS FOR 3TARTERS by Savitri Simpson
E J T D J Q M F T I J Q! !
T BU T B O H ! B O E! !
TQJSJUVBM!FOWJSPONFOU After you have had some experience with the teachings and techniques of the path of
Kriya, and if you feel a deep inward connection with the masters of Kriya Yoga, you will
When young Mukunda (Yogananda’s boyhood name) felt in need of spiritual inspiration want to explore the guru-disciple relationship, which is explained in the next chapter.
and support, he would go to his father’s room and meditate with him. (His father was Discipleship initiation ceremonies are available at Ananda Assisi and through some of
a direct disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya and a devoted Kriya practitioner.) Or he would go the meditation groups on request.
around the corner to visit “the levitating saint,” or some of his spiritual friends, whom he
invited to join him in his attic “cave” for periods of meditation together. Satsang, which F T UB C M J T I ! B ! S F H V M B S ! N F E J UBU J P O! !
means being in the company of people who share your ideals, is declared by all the mas- S P V U J O F ! BU ! I P N F
ters to be the foremost aid for spiritual progress. As Yogananda often said, “Environment
is stronger than will power.” Your discipleship initiation heralds the next phase of your spiritual journey, during
It is of enormous benefit to meditate with others, especially those who are dedicated to which you will prepare yourself more specifically for Kriya Initiation. A careful prepara-
the path you have chosen. Regular visits to Ananda communities bring you in contact tion is very important, as Yogananda says,
with people who have been following the path for many years, and give you a strong “Kriya Yoga is not given until the devotee has practiced other highly advanced
spiritual recharge. techniques first, preparing his mind for the greater blessing of that highest tech-
Participating in a meditation group close to your home is another important way to nique. Experience has shown me the necessity of this general rule. It is very good
magnetize your own practices. Look on our website to see if there is an Ananda group to have devotion. Devotion plus determined effort in the right direction, cannot
near you. fail to take you to the goal you are seeking.”
}¤ }}
Before receiving the more advanced techniques, you will want to establish a regular daily J O J U J BU J P O ! S F U S F BU
practice, dedicating two periods each day to the energization exercises and the Hong Sau
concentration technique. When you are relatively solid in your daily routine, you can Kriya Initiation is given at Ananda Assisi several times each year, and in other locations
continue with the Kriya Preparation courses. in Europe. At Assisi the initiation is preceded by a five-day retreat which is highly recom-
mended for first-time initiates, so that you can be in the best-possible spiritual condi-
tion on the day of your initiation. Study materials are given to initiates during the Kriya
L S J Z B ! Q S F QB S BU J P O -! ! Review session, which is the following morning.
During this phase of your preparation, you will learn to practice the basic techniques L S J Z B ! Q S B D U J D F ! T V Q Q P SU
more deeply and more effectively. You will lengthen your meditation sessions to at least
forty-five minutes, including the AUM Technique of Meditation, which is taught during After the Kriya initiation ceremonies, detailed oral and written practice instruction is
this training. Emphasis is given to deepening your inner contact with the Kriya masters, given. Audio recordings of the initiation and of the technique review sessions are also
and careful attention is given to practices of pranayama, which help you develop the available, in addition to recordings of many inspiring classes and retreats given for Kriya
breathing capacity necessary for the proper practice of Kriya. Courses are available at practitioners (Kriyabans). Kriyabans are encouraged to have their practice checked often,
Ananda throughout the year, and also at some of the meditation groups. Written, audio which can be done with one of the trained Kriya teachers or assistants either at Ananda
and video materials are being created for the purposes of review and further study, and or at some of the meditation groups, and also by telephone. Kriya retreats are scheduled
also for those who are not able to attend these programs. See the Ananda website at at Ananda Assisi and increasingly at other locations throughout Europe.
www.ananda.it and look for the dates of the preparation programs. Or write to kriya@
ananda.it for further information.
L S J Z B ! Q S F QB S BU J P O -! !
M F W F M ! U XP
After about three months of daily practice of the basic techniques plus those given at the
first level of Kriya preparation, you can proceed to your final preparation, during which
you will learn techniques taught by Lahiri Mahasaya which increase awareness of and
stimulate the energy body (the astral body). Courses are available at Ananda throughout
the year, and also at some of the meditation groups. Written, audio and video materials
are being created for the purposes of review and further study, and also for those who are
not able to attend these programs.
After about three months of daily practice of the Level Two techniques, in addition to
the Energization, Hong Sau and AUM techniques, you can request to receive initiation
into the first Kriya practice. See the Ananda website at www.ananda.it and look for the
dates of the preparation programs and initiations. Or write to [email protected] for fur-
ther information.
} }
Chapter Three
D P N N J U N F O U Ñ U I F ! J N Q P SUB O D F! !
There is a story told about an emperor of China whose minister brought back reports
about an enormous monastery in the northlands where thousands of monks were living.
They had created a place of peace and incomparable beauty. The emperor decided to
visit, and when he met the abbot he commented, “What a beautiful place you have cre-
ated here. How many disciples are there?” The abbot responded, “Residents there are in
the thousands. Disciples, perhaps one or two.”
It is the commitment and receptivity of a disciple which attracts the Guru’s grace, and
which is necessary in order to receive initiation into the higher practices on the path of
Kriya Yoga. Chapter Four
To help you deepen your understanding of this concept, there are courses, writings and
talks on the subject of Discipleship. A weekend program is offered at Ananda Assisi, and ZP V S ! R V F T U J P O T ! B O T X F S F E
you are also welcome to come at any time to talk with one of the teachers. Or you may
call and request to speak with one of the teachers. Teachers are also available at some of
the Ananda Meditation Groups who can help you in this way. Write us if you wish to
find one near you. X I Z ! I B T ! L S J Z B ! O P U ! C F F O ! Q V C M J T I F E! !
J O ! C P P L ! G P S N - ! T P ! U I BU ! B M M ! N J H I U ! M F B S O ! J U @
G P S ! I P N F ! T U V EZ ! X F ! S F D P N N F O E! !
Swami Kriyananda responds to this important question in his book, The Essence of the
U I F ! G P M M P X J O H ! X S J U J O H T ! B O E ! UB M L T ;
Bhagavad Gita, Explained by Paramhansa Yogananda:
Autobiography of a Yogi, original edition, by Paramhansa Yogananda “A reasonable question, certainly. The masters themselves, however, have said it
Discipleship: The Divine Love Story by Swami Kriyananda should not be published precisely because it is a teaching that transcends reason
itself. Right understanding of it depends on the unfolding intuition.
The New Path by Swami Kriyananda
“Kriya Yoga, in order to be wholly effective, must be received not only intellectual-
The Essence of Self-realization (especially chapters }k and }g ) by Swami Kriyananda ly (in written or spoken form), but vibrationally, in the form of initiation. A mag-
God Alone, by and about Sister Gyanamata net is created either by electrical realignment of the molecules, or by close prox-
imity to another magnet. Attunement with a God-awakened guru influences the
Man’s Eternal Quest / The Divine Romance / Journey to Self-realization,
samskaras (comparable to the material molecules) to flow upward to the brain.
by Paramhansa Yogananda
“We are dealing here with a reality subtler, and much more difficult to master,
Talks on Discipleship, CD/DVD by Swami Kriyananda
than mere metallic molecules. Without an experienced guide, even mountain
A catalog of books and talks is available at www.anandaedizioni.it. climbing can be fatal -- though death, in this case, only ends a single incarnation.
Spiritual mistakes can be costlier in terms of long-range suffering.
UIF!EJTDJQMFTIJQ!DFSFNPOZ “Guidance from the guru is not only helpful: It is essential. This does not mean
that Kriya Yoga is dangerous. Far from it. But to take up Kriya Yoga signifies en-
If you wish to be accepted as a disciple of the line of Kriya Masters, an initiation cer- tering seriously onto the path to God. It is not a game, and should certainly be
emony can be arranged at Ananda Assisi or at some of the Ananda Meditation Groups. treated as a lifetime commitment… Any yoga initiation, and especially into the
The vows which the disciple takes during this ceremony are to be found in the booklet ancient science of Kriya Yoga, should be looked upon as a very sacred step in
on Discipleship. If you are absolutely unable to come to one of Ananda’s centers for this one’s life.”
initiation, an “initiation at a distance” can be arranged for you in your home.
J T ! U I F S F ! N P S F ! U I B O! !
Kriya is a deceptively simple term which refers to a wide variety of practices. The Sanskrit
word literally means “action”. The same Sanskrit root verb “kri” (to act) is also found in
the word “karma”. Whereas karma is generally understood as “actions which stem from
egoic desire”, Kriya is understood to mean “actions which purify”.
} }
In the science of Hatha Yoga there are many “kriyas,” practices that have the purpose of es all the books on mathematics, the logically-minded will always rediscover such
purifying the body and nervous system—for example cleansing of the nose, the stomach, truths; destroy all the sacred books on yoga, its fundamental laws will come out
the intestines, the nerve channels, etc. whenever there appears a true yogi who comprises within himself pure devotion
and consequently pure knowledge.” ~Autobiography of a Yogi, Original Edition, 0(D
In the science of Raja Yoga, the term Kriya refers to practices which purify the ego (thus
preventing future karma), and which also neutralize the “seeds” or traces of past karma Because of the necessity of the Guru’s blessings, the Kriya which stems from Babaji is
from the consciousness. When Babaji revived the ancient techniques for God-realization given as an “initiation,” a ceremony during which the power and the blessings of the
that had been part of Raja Yoga in the higher ages, he called these practices by the name Guru are transferred to the disciple, enabling him to properly practice the technique.
Kriya Yoga. This science includes a significant number of techniques, which his disciple
Lahiri Mahasaya focalized into a progression of preparatory exercises and initiations,
which is known as “the Kriya Yoga of Lahiri Mahasaya of Benares.” Because of this great
contribution, Lahiri Mahasaya is known as the father of Kriya Yoga in modern times, and The one who is yours; the one to whom you belong.
as a Yogavatar.
Amongst Self-realized masters, there is no competition. Each of them has been given by
Lahiri Mahasaya initiated thousands of students into these practices, and to some of God certain souls to guide. Thus it is neither the Guru who chooses his disciples, nor
them he gave the authority to initiate others. Many of these initiates have in turn initi- the disciple who chooses his Guru. This is the true “marriage made in heaven”; two souls
ated others, and various lines of Kriya Yoga have developed through succeeding genera- whom God has joined together until death (of the ego of the disciple) parts them, and
tions. Thus from the tree of the Kriya of Lahiri Mahasaya many lines have grown, with the disciple merges back into the cosmic ocean of consciousness.
their various branches. All of the Kriya lines which come from Lahiri Mahasaya teach
essentially the same techniques, with minor variations. In his final message to his disciples, Jesus said,
The Kriya Yoga which has come to the Western world through Paramhansa Yogananda, “I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the
and which is being taught today throughout the world by his direct disciple, Swami world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word…
Kriyananda, is one of the branches, which comes through Lahiri Mahasaya’s advanced Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that
disciple, Swami Sri Yukteswar. they may be one, as we are.” — J OHN , Chapter }
Being a generic term that refers to many practices of Raja and Hatha Yoga, the word
I P X ! D B O ! J ! L O P X ! X I J D I ! H V S V! !
“Kriya” is used today by many teachers to refer to practices which are similar but distinct
from those taught by Lahiri Mahasaya. Searching on the internet one will find tens of
thousands of references. The Guru will make himself known to his disciples, at that moment in their lives when
they are ready to perceive and receive him. In one way or another they “go calling” on
XIJDI!JT!UIF!CFTU!L S J Z B @ their disciples. The ways are as many and varied as the disciples. It could be by seeing
the Master in person, or through reading his written words. About his Autobiography of
When this question was posed to an advanced Kriya yogini in India, she replied, “The
a Yogi, Yogananda said that he had infused his vibrations into every word. Or through
one which your guru gives you.”
the spiritual practices which the master teaches. It might be through the magnetism of
It is not the technique in itself which automatically leads to liberation, although its the fellowship of their disciples, or those of them who carry their vibrations and message
proper practice brings beneficial results to those who use it. Its proper practice, however, to others. It could be through their spiritual work, which attracts those who are in tune
is possible only through the blessings of the Guru, who uses the technique as an instru- with the master. Contact can be made also in dreams, or visions, by hearing his voice, or
ment of liberation for his disciples. As Yogananda used to say, “Kriya plus devotion seeing a photograph of him. The important thing for an aspiring disciple is to put him-
works like mathematics.” self in tune with the vibrations of a master, using all means available to him, and then
“The law of Kriya Yoga is eternal. It is true like mathematics; like the simple rules feel inwardly for a response from his soul. The response can manifest as deep love, or joy,
of addition and subtraction, the law of Kriya can never be destroyed. Burn to ash- or the simple knowing that you have found your home.
}[ }u
D B O ! J ! Q S B D U J D F ! L S J Z B ! J G ! K F T V T ! J T ! N Z ! H V S V @! path. Many spiritually ignorant people, even in India, insist that with literacy as
widespread as it is now, and with books so easily available, spiritual teachings are
According to Yoganandaji, Jesus himself taught his close disciples a technique very simi- accessible to virtually everyone and a guru is no longer needed. Truly, widespread
lar to Kriya, one suitable for that age. And it was Jesus who personally requested Babaji literacy has had one unfortunate effect: the dissemination, not only of knowledge,
to send someone to the West to bring to his disciples the practices through which they BUT OF IGNORANCE
could commune inwardly with his Christ Consciousness. This is why Yogananda has
“True understanding comes not by intellectual reasoning, but by intuition. Inner,
included Jesus Christ as one of the line of Kriya Masters.
intuitive attunement with the consciousness of the guru is what most surely and
directly brings spiritual awakening.” ~The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita
E P ! J ! O F F E ! U P ! S F O P V O D F ! N Z ! S F M J H J P O ! B O E ! D I V S D I! !
J O ! P S E F S ! U P ! S F D F J W F ! L S J Z B ! J O J U J BU J P O @ J ! B M S F B EZ ! I BW F ! B ! H V S V -! !
C V U ! I F ! E P F T O Ö U ! U F B D I ! L S J Z B ! Z P H B /! !
Lahiri Mahasaya initiated Hindus, Christians, Muslim and atheists alike into Kriya Yoga,
saying that no one need give up his religion in order to follow this path.
“A significant feature of Lahiri Mahasaya’s life was his gift of Kriya initiation to When we accept a Guru’s presence in our lives, it means that we have the faith that he
those of every faith. Not Hindus only, but Moslems and Christians were among will give us precisely what we need. Once you have found your Guru, practice faithfully
his foremost disciples. Monists and dualists, those of all faiths or of no established what he has given you. Part of being a “disciple” is accepting the Guru’s “discipline,” and
faith, were impartially received and instructed by the universal guru. (He) en- using the instruments he gives with ever-increasing devotion, depth and constancy.
couraged his various students to adhere to the good traditional discipline of their
J ! M P W F ! ZP H B O B O E B ! C V U ! G F F M ! N P S F ! BU U S B D U F E! !
own faith. Stressing the all-inclusive nature of Kriya as a practical technique of
U P ! P O F ! P G ! U I F ! Q S F D F E J O H ! N B T U F S T / ! T I P V M E ! J! !
liberation, Lahiri Mahasaya then gave his chelas liberty to express their lives in
Q V S T V F ! U I F ! L S J Z B ! QBU I ! U I S P V H I ! B O B O E B @
conformance with environment and upbringing.”
~Autobiography of a Yogi, Original Edition, 0(D Reading the Autobiography of a Yogi, one feels attraction for all of the Kriya masters be-
cause of the devotion which Yogananda has for each of them. He did not write about
E P ! J ! O F F E ! U P ! C F D P N F ! B ! E J T D J Q M F! ! himself, but about them. As their direct spiritual descendant, Yogananda is a channel for
J O ! P S E F S ! U P ! S F D F J W F ! L S J ZB ! J O J U J BU J P O @ their blessings and for the Kriya science which they teach. If you feel love and respect for
Yogananda and also for one of his predecessors, and feel inspired by the way in which
Kriya is given as an initiation, in a ceremonial setting, to emphasize its significance as Kriya Yoga is presented by Ananda as a vital practice for daily life, you are welcome and
a sacrament, or a sacred moment during which the transforming power of the Guru is encouraged to pursue your Kriya path here. All of the Kriya masters will bless your prac-
transferred to the disciple, enabling him to fully understand and deeply practice the lib- tice through their direct channels.
erating technique. Such an advanced technique is not offered to those who wish to fol-
low the teachings in their own way, but to those who are willing and prepared to practice J ! I BW F ! S F D F J W F E ! L S J Z B ! J O J U J BU J P O ! G S P N! !
them as the Guru instructs. With these attitudes of willingness, openness and humility B O P U I F S ! U F B D I F S / ! D B O ! J ! D P N F ! U P ! ZP V S ! J O J U J BU J P O T! !
on the disciple’s part, the Guru is able to give more than to one who is merely curious B O E ! S F D F J W F ! T V Q Q P SU ! G S P N ! ZP V S ! U F B D I F S T @
about the teachings.
Each of the Kriya lines has their own particular way of structuring the various practices.
Swami Kriyananda explains:
You should refer to the line in which you have been initiated and ask the person who
“Spiritual progress without the help of a true, or Sat, guru, cannot but be slow,
initiated you, or their followers, for the advice you seek.
haphazard, uncertain, and sometimes dangerous. The ancient tradition in India,
where spirituality has been studied for thousands of years–not as a religion, but as If, on the other hand, you feel that you were not actually aware of the commitments of
a practical science (“practical” in the sense of results actually accomplished)–has receiving an initiation, and that you would like to prepare yourself and receive Kriya
always insisted that a true guru is the sine qua non for success on the spiritual through Ananda, you are invited to speak personally with one of our Kriya teachers.
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J G ! J ! UB L F ! L S J Z B ! J O J U J BU J P O - ! X I BU ! Q S F D J T F MZ! ! X I Z ! J T ! T P ! N V D I ! Q S F QB S BU J P O ! O F D F T T B SZ @! !
You are affirming your discipleship to God and the line of Kriya Yoga avatars, and Kriya is an advanced meditation technique, which requires a high degree of concentration
committing yourself to practicing the Kriya techniques faithfully as they are taught to and a strong central nervous system which is able to carry the increased amount of energy
you, and regularly, at least twice each day. You also promise to never reveal the Kriya flow which the practice awakens. People who have not developed these capabilities will
techniques to anyone unless given the authorization to do so. either not be able to feel the movement of energy of Kriya, or, in some cases, be unable to
control the increased flow of energy. Yogananda himself established this guideline:
J T ! U I F S F ! T P N F ! XBZ ! P G ! U SZ J O H ! P V U! !
“Kriya Yoga is not given until the devotee has practiced other highly advanced
U I F ! L S J Z B ! Z P H B ! QBU I ! C F G P S F ! J ! N B L F! !
techniques first, preparing his mind for the greater blessing of that highest tech-
nique. Experience has shown me the necessity of this general rule.”
Yogananda has given preparatory practices which can be used by everyone in their
daily lives: the Energization Exercises and the Hong Sau Technique of Concentration. E P ! J ! I BW F ! U P ! D P N F ! U P ! B O B O E B ! B T T J T J! !
Practicing these techniques and at the same time studying the writings of Yogananda J O ! P S E F S ! U P ! C F ! J O J U J BU F E @
and Kriyananda, and coming whenever possible to one of the Ananda teaching centers
to participate in courses on the path of Kriya, will be greatly beneficial. As you use the Kriya initiations are given at Ananda Assisi four times each year by Kriyacharyas (teachers
principles and do the practices, you will begin to have you own relationship with the of Kriya) who have been authorized by Swami Kriyananda. These teachers give initia-
Gurus and your own experience of the benefits which the techniques bring to your tions in other locations as well.
consciousness, to your inner state of wellbeing, and to your daily life.
P O D F ! J ! S F D F J W F ! L S J Z B - D B O ! J ! S F U V S O! !
To help you to know whether the Kriya path and masters are right for you, you can
G P S ! U I F ! J O J U J BU J P O ! D F S F N P O Z ! X I F O ! N Z ! G S J F O E T! !
“pretend” that they are and follow them as a disciple would: by including them in all
aspects of your life. You can become “engaged” to Yogananda by inviting him into
your heart, your home, your family, your place of work, involving him intimately in
If you can, come to every initiation ceremony, especially those during the first year. The
all of your activities, plans and decisions. After a period of engagement, you will know
blessings received during Kriya ceremonies help us enormously in our spiritual progress.
whether this path is for you. At that point, you can make a more formal commitment
And at each initiation we are able to understand the practices more deeply. During Yo-
through discipleship initiation.
gananda’s lifetime, his disciples attended all of the initiations.
I P X ! M P O H ! N V T U ! J ! XB J U ! C F G P S F! !
J ! D B O ! S F D F J W F ! L S J Z B ! J O J U J BU J P O @
On our path of Kriya Yoga there are four levels of initiation. When you have been medi-
It is not a matter of letting time pass, but rather of engaging yourself in the daily prac-
tating regularly with the basic Kriya technique for at least two years, and feel ready to
tice of the basic techniques on the path of Kriya Yoga. Once you have established a solid
increase your meditation time, you can request permission to receive initiation into the
daily routine, you can take the Kriya Preparation courses, during which you learn ad-
second Kriya practice. After at least one year of daily practice of both the first and second
ditional practices. The average minimum time that is usually required, from the point
techniques, and a commitment to longer meditation periods, you may request permis-
where you are practicing daily, is approximately six months. Since most people require
sion to receive initiation into the third and fourth practices, which are taught at the same
about six months to reach the point of becoming a disciple and establishing a regular
time. Ananda offers courses to help you prepare for each of these levels.
routine, it is possible to receive initiation within about one year’s time. It is necessary
to dedicate at least forty-five minutes twice a day to your practices in order to qualify
for initiation.
Chapter Five
U I F ! L S J ZB ! N B T U F S T
“(The) great Message of Jesus Christ is living and thriving in both East and
West. The West has been perfecting the physical man, and the East has been
developing the spiritual man. Both East and West are one-sided. And is it not
strange to note that, perhaps due to God’s secret Plan—since the East needs
since the West needs spiritual balance, it has been silently but surely invaded by
~ Paramhansa Yogananda, Oriental Christ ~
“The northern Himalayan crags near Badrinarayan are still blessed by the living pres- “Lahiri Mahasaya, my Master’s Master, was an ideal prophet and a Christ-like man,
ence of Babaji, guru of Lahiri Mahasaya. The secluded master has retained his physi- although married and performing the duties of ordinary life. We can picture saints in
cal form for centuries, perhaps for millennia…Babaji’s mission in India has been to the forests; but when we find them in the jungles of civilization, we can hold hopes
assist prophets in carrying out their special dispensations. He thus qualifies for the of spiritual salvation for the worldly man. It was Lahiri Mahasaya who revived the
scriptural classification of Mahavatar (Great Avatar)… Yoga system in India, and he was the harbinger of Yoga in Bengal. He was a prophet
of the world, but was not of this world. He had miraculous powers. His life-teachings
“The Mahavatar is in constant communion with Christ; together they send out vi- of Yoga, namely, to be calmly active and actively calm, are suitable for the use of the
brations of redemption, and have planned the spiritual technique of salvation for spiritually aspiring business man as well as for those in every station of life who are
this age. The work of these two fully-illumined masters–one with the body, and one seeking greater spiritual realization.”
without it–is to inspire the nations to forsake suicidal wars, race hatreds, religious
sectarianism, and the boomerang-evils of materialism. Babaji is well aware of the ~ Paramhansa Yogananda, East-West magazine, 0(Q ~
trend of modern times, especially of the influence and complexities of Western civi-
lization, and realizes the necessity of spreading the self-liberations of yoga equally in
the West and in the East.”
T S J ! Z V L U F T XB S QB S B N I B O T B ! ZP H B O B O E B
“Thou light of my life—thou camest to spread wisdom’s glow over the path of my soul. Mukunda Lal Ghosh, later known to the world as Paramhansa Yogananda, was the son
Cen¬turies of darkness dissolved before the shafts of thy luminous help. As a naughty of a senior executive in the Bengal-Nagpur Railway; as such, he faced the prospect of
baby, I cried for my Mother Divine, and She came to me as my Guru—Swami Sri wealth and high worldly position when he grew up. But it was not this world that at-
Yukteswar. At that meeting, O my Guru, a spark flew from thee, and the faggots of my tracted him. From earliest childhood he had longed for God as intensely as others long
God-cravings, gathered through incarnations, smoldered and blazed into bliss. All my for human love, or for worldly recognition.
questions have been answered through thy flaming, golden touch. Eternal, ever-present
“Soon after graduation from high school, Mukunda met his guru, the great Swami Sri
satisfaction has come to me through thy glory…
Yukteswar of Serampore, Bengal. At the feet of this great master he attained, in the
“Our souls met after years of waiting. They trembled with an omnipresent thrill. We amaz¬ingly short space of six months, the high state of samadhi, or unconditioned one-
met here, because we had met before. ness with God. His guru kept him in the ashram another nine and a half years, while he
trained him for his mission of yoga dissemination in the West. ‘The West,’ Sri Yukteswar
“Together we will fly to His shores, and then we will smash our planes of finitude for- explained, ‘is high in material attainments, but lacking in spiritual understanding. It is
ever and vanish into our infinite life. God’s will that you play a role in teaching mankind the value of balancing the material
with an inner, spiritual life.’”
“I bow to thee as the spoken voice of silent God. I bow to thee as the divine door lead- ~ Swami Kriyananda,The Path ~
ing to the temple of salvation…”
[ u
“I use Kriya to focus deeply, even on one thought, concept, or dilemma. In this practice
I find Kriya wonderful for problem-solving, as it creates a center of peace and calmness
Chapter Six
in a very busy, disorganized, and demanding world.” ~ K.W.
X I BU ! L S J ZB C B O T ! T BZ
“Kriya, and this path have given my life purpose and direction. No matter what “storm”
you Master, Swami Kriyanandaji, and all the true, dedicated, joyful souls of Ananda. I
can’t imagine any better way of life.” ~ J.B.
“The life of an advanced Kriya Yogi is influenced, not by effects of past actions, but solely
by directions from the soul...The superior method of soul living frees the yogi who, “ It was not until I was initiated into Kriya that things really changed for me. I have my
shorn of his ego-prison, tastes the deep air of omnipresence.” ups and downs, but as I practice Kriya, it brings me back to what’s important—seeking
~ Paramhansa Yogananda and actually feeling the presence of the Divine in my life. Kriya always brings me back
on the path to God. For me, Kriya Yoga has been the difference between having a deep,
“The single most important event of my life was taking my first Kriya Yoga Initiation meaningful spiritual life and still being our there reading books, seeking, dabbling and
at Ananda in the summer of }ug . I have regularly and faithfully practiced Kriya since not finding anything fulfilling. Kriya works. It brings me joy, peace and a connection
that time and I can say, without reservation, that all the promises that our Gurus make with God that I never thought possible in my life.” ~ R.R.
regarding Kriya Yoga and what it can do for your spiritual progress are very, very true —
THEY ARE ACTUALLY EVEN MORE SO THAN THEY SAYv ~ S.S. “I’ve been a Kriyaban for over ¤ years and Ananda Kriya Sangha has been of great help
to me. Many of us live far from other Kriyabans, and to have inspiration and practical
“I was searching all my life for a spiritual path. I tried different meditation techniques. advice on a regular basis can keep our practice energized. Each time my energy flags, it
I visited many different churches. The first time I came to Ananda, I took a yoga work- seems like that’s the time I receive an email from the Kriya Sangha, reminding me that
shop, and I could see the inner joy of those who worked there. They have what I’m look- I’m not the only one practicing . There always seems to be some new twist on the prac-
ing for, I thought. I went on to take Kriya. Many of my friends have noticed a change in tice to help me get back on track and enthusiastic again. What a blessing to have these
“You can’t imagine how my life has changed since I decided to practice Kriya Yoga. Most of “Thank you again for the Kriya Preparation week. Those days were the most wonderful
the time I feel joyful—joyful eyes, smiling face, energy flowing through my body, a strong experience of my life.” ~ M.
outlook on life, a faith in something outside of myself, something much greater.” ~ F.B.
“I can’t put into words what a powerful weekend it was. The pertinence of the Kriya
“The blessings of our Gurus have stayed with me. This Kriya weekend was so special. preparation program, the careful instruction, timing, and sequence of the classes, the
Seventeen years ago I read Autobiography of a Yogi, and knew that was my way. But life energy of the other members of our Kriya preparation group made for a very special
sometimes is not easy and I walked away. This weekend I felt blessed and chosen to re- weekend and a deep Kriya initiation.” ~ G.K. .
ceive this sacred teaching.” ~ K.B.
“Nothing can stop me now that I know Kriya. It feels like I have the missing link in my
“Kriya has been helping me by making me see things in the right perspective. I feel like spiritual search.” ~ P. B.
my feelings are more balanced, my ideas more clearly organized, my devotion has in-
creased and my attachments decreased. I no longer feel the need to eat as often as before,
and my words have a stronger effect on other people and events.” ~ O.P.
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In contrast to the slow,
useful information
uncertain “bullock cart”