Animal Nutrition - ANSWERS

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Animal Nutrition – Questions (Part 1)

1. Explain the term diet.

** The food we each daily is known as diet.

2. What are the 7 types of nutrients that animals need in their diet. Explain each in brief.

** Carbohydrates – Used to release Energy

**Fats – Used to store Energy

** Proteins – Used to repair and make new cells

** Vitamins - Organic substances which is used in small amounts. Lack of Vitamins cause deficiency diseases such
as Scurvy & Rickets.

** Minerals – Inorganic substances which is used in small amounts. There are 2 types of minerasl known as
Calcium and Iron. Lack of minerals cause deficiency diseases such as Anaemia & brittle teeth and bones & poor
blood clotting.

** Fibre – Keep alimentary canal healthy through peristalsis. Fibre is common is Oatmeal, Cereal grains and
Brown/Unpolished sugar.

** Water – Present in human bodies.

3. Define the term ‘Balanced Diet’.

** A diet which contains all the nutrients in correct amounts and proportions.

4. What factors affect the amount of energy used by a person?

** Age, Gender/Sex & activities a person involves in.

5. a. Explain why children need less energy than teenagers/adults.

** Children’s internal body organs still haven’t been developed. Also, children have a less body mass and involve
in less physical activities. However, teenagers and adults have a larger body mass than children and teenagers
undergo certain development stages. Therefore, energy isn’t needed for the development of the body.

b. Why do teenagers require more energy than adults?

** Teenager’s internal body organs start to develop since they reach puberty and energy is needed for the
development and growth. However, adults have been already developed and grown-up therefore energy isn’t
needed for development and growth.

c. Why do males require more energy than females?

** Males have a larger muscle mass, denser bones & involves in lot of physical activities which require more
respiration than females.

d. Why do pregnant females & breast-feeding mothers require more energy than usual adult females?

** Pregnant females have to take in more nutrient foods since she carries a baby and the fetus should be given
many nutrients; including Iron for bones, teeth and blood. Breast-feeding mothers should take in many Calcium
in order feed the baby with good quality milk. However, normal adult woman doesn’t have to carry a baby or
feed breast-milk. Therefore, no need to take in more energy.

e. Why do people eat less when they are old.

** When people are old, their metabolism slows down. Therefore, food digestion is really hard and slow.

6. Why is it important to consume a balanced diet?

** In order be healthy, we need to consume a balanced diet.

7. a. Vitamins are ** Organic Substances. They are only needed in small amounts.

b. What deficiency diseases are caused by

(I) Vitamin C

** Scurvy, pains from joints and muscles. Bleeding from gums and other places.

(II) Vitamin D

** Rickets, soft and deformed bones.

Explain what happens when a person suffers from the above.

c. Why are vitamin C & D essential for our bodies. Name 2 sources for each.

** Vitamin C  Citrus fruits

** Vitamin D  Butter, egg yolk & Sunlight until 10.00 am

8. a. Minerals are ** Inorganic substances.

b. Name 2 important minerals, and name 2 sources for each.

** Calcium  Dairy products & Bread

** Iron  Liver, Red meat, Egg yolk & Dark green vegetables

c. What are the functions of the 2 above minerals. What deficiency disease is caused by the lack of each?

** Calcium  For bones & teeth. For blood clotting.

Brittle bones & teeth. Poor blood clotting

** Iron  For making Hemoglobin.

Anaemia – not enough blood cells to transport O2 for tissues.

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