Sherman Leader

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The document outlines the rules and sequence of play for a WWII tactical combat simulation game where the player commands an American army group across various campaigns.

The main steps in a campaign week are: start of week, pre-combat, combat, post-combat, and end of week.

The different types of battalions are: assault, supply, and command.

Introduction ............................................

1 • Introduction
You are the commander of an American army combat
Sequence of Play ....................................2
group in WWII. You will take command in the hardest
Campaign Set-Up ..................................2 fought campaigns from 1942 North Africa to the final
Start of Week ........................................10 assault into Germany in 1945!
Pre-Combat ..........................................11 Each of your Campaigns involve both operational and
Combat..................................................14 tactical decisions. At the start of a Campaign, you select
Post-Combat ........................................19 the Units and Commanders to make up your force. During
each Week of the Campaign, you decide which enemy
End of Week..........................................20
Battalions to attack, which of your forces to allocate, and
End of Campaign ..................................22 then resolve each battle using the tactical battlefield.
Optional Rules ......................................22
Your Commanders gain Experience with every battle, but
Credits ..................................................22 they also suffer Stress. Each Week, you must decide how
Sample Game ......................................23 hard to push your men to achieve Victory.
• Sequence of Play • Campaign Set-Up
This rulebook is organized according to this Sequence of Tactical Display Sheet

Campaign Set-Up
Select Campaign Card
Select Objective Card
Draw Battalion Cards
Buy Units
Select Commanders

Start of Week
Special Condition Card
Assign Units

Event Card
Place Turn Counter
Place Terrain Tiles Place the Tactical Display Sheet on the table in front of
Place Friendly Units you. Use this Display to resolve the Combat steps of each
Unit Advancement Battle.
Place Enemy Units
The parts of the Tactical Display Sheet are as follows:
Unit Advancement
1 - Battlefield Area
Combat 2 - Card Areas
Fast Move and Attack 3 - Turn Track
Roll for Enemy Move 4 - Sequence of Play
Enemy Actions 5 - Initial Enemy Placement Diagram
Slow Move and Attack 6 - Operational Map
Advance Turn Counter 7 - Enemy Operational Movement Chart
8 - Enemy Tactical Movement Chart
Post-Combat Headquarters Sheet
Event Card
Place the Headquarters
Battalion Status
Sheet next to the
Record Commander Stress
Tactical Display Sheet.
Record Commander Experience Points
This sheet shows the
Tank types you will
End of Week encounter during your
Move Battalions Campaign, and general
On Leave information you will
Adjust Special Option Points need, as well as areas
Repair/Replace to place some of your
Priority R&R cards.

End of Campaign
Campaign Outcome

Cards Tactics - Used to record the number of times
Separate the cards by type: Unit cards, Commander your Commanders and Units can use Tactics
cards, Campaign cards, Objective cards, Battalion cards, in a Battle.
Event cards, and Special Condition cards.
Enemy Unit - The background color
indicates the Unit’s country.
German counters have a gray
background and Japanese
counters have a green background.

The backside shows the Unit when it is


In the game, “Enemy” refers to the forces you

are fighting against.

US (Friendly) Unit - The number on the counter

is its Unit number. This same number is also
found on its Unit card.
Shuffle the Special Condition deck
and Event deck, and then place them In the game, “Friendly” refers to your forces.
face down in the labeled areas on the
Scout - Used to increase Battle Turns.
Tactical Display Sheet.

When you need to draw a card and

no cards remain in a deck, shuffle the
discards to form a new deck. Truck - Used to reduce the cost of attacking
Enemy Battalions deep in enemy territory.

Enemy Battalion - Full and Half

Strength. Used to show the
Battalion’s position on the
Separate the Operational Map.
three types of
Battalion cards, Damage Counters
and form three
Gather the Damage counters and put them into an
decks of: Assault,
opaque cup. The Damage counters are two-sided.
Supply, and
Command cards. The camouflaged side is for Damage inflicted
Each Battalion card has its type noted on its card back. on your High Explosive (HE) Units.
Do not form decks for Campaign cards, Objective cards,
Unit cards, and Commander cards. You select cards from
each type, at the beginning of a Campaign. The gray side is for Damage inflicted on your
Armor Piercing (AP) Units.

Expansion Game Counters

There are several red and green counters
on counter sheet one. The red counters are
for the Sherman Leader Enemy
Counters Commander Expansion pack, and the
green counters are for the Terrain Tile
Stress - Used to record the Stress your
Expansion pack.
Commanders suffer during a Campaign.
These counters are not used with the core
Player Log 1 - Campaign Name
The information you
2 - Year of the Campaign
record on the Player Log
You may only choose Friendly
determines Commander
Units whose years of service
Promotion, and shows include this year.
Special Option Point
expenditures, Combat 3 - Difficulty Level
Unit Status, and Victory The difficulty Levels from
Points earned. easiest to hardest are:
Photocopy this sheet or Introductory, Standard,
download it from Advanced, and Expert.
4 - Special Option Points
This number modifies the number of SO (Special Option)
points you get from your Objective card at the start of the

The Die 5 - Terrain

Each Campaign card lists the Terrain
Whenever a die roll is called for in the game, roll a ten-
type used during its Campaign:
sided die (1d10). This will generate random numbers
Desert, European, Winter, or Jungle.
from 1 to 10. Some dice have numbers ranging from 1 to
10, others range from 0 to 9. Treat the die’s “0” face as
being a “10”.
The 8 Terrain tiles with the brown triangles are
The only exception is on the Enemy Tactical Movement used in Desert Campaigns.
chart. There are times when you will roll a 6-sided die.
The 8 Terrain tiles with the green triangles are
End of a Campaign used in European Campaigns.
The Campaign ends when any one of the following
The 8 Terrain tiles with the gray triangles are
used in the Winter Campaigns.
- When you complete the last Week of the Campaign.
The 8 Terrain tiles with the white triangles are
- When you must pay a Special Option Point cost and used in the Jungle Campaigns.
cannot do so.
6 - Special Notes
- When you achieve a Great result. Each Campaign has Special Notes that modify the
Select Campaign Card 7 - Commander Skill Levels
Choose the Campaign card you would Each Campaign card
like to use and place it on the shows your starting
Headquarters sheet. Commander Skill
levels. You get one
We recommend starting with an
Commander for each
Introductory Campaign for your first
Unit you purchase. From lowest to highest the
Commander Skill Levels are: Recruit, Green, Average,
Skilled, Veteran, and Ace.

Record the name of your 8 - Aggressiveness Level of Enemy Units

Campaign card on the These die roll ranges
Player Log. determine if the Enemy Units
will roll a d6 or d10 when
The parts of a Campaign card are as follows: performing Tactical Movements.
Example: I roll a 10-sided die and get a 4. The Enemy will roll 6-
sided dice for their Movement rolls during the Battle.

9 - Country start of the Campaign.
The country’s flag shows which forces you
will be fighting against. You purchase Units with your Special Option points. SO
points may also be expended during Special Conditions
Example: If you choose the North Africa 1942 and Events.
Campaign, you will fight against German forces.
Record your starting SO points on the Player Log.
Enemy Tank Counters
3 - Weeks
Once you have chosen You have the designated number of Weeks to complete
your Campaign’s year, the Campaign.
reference the
Record the number of Weeks on the
Headquarters sheet, and
Player Log. You’ll also record each
place the designated type
Week’s activities on the Player Log.
and number of Enemy
Tanks into a cup. 4 - Weekly SO Points
At the end of each Campaign Week, you gain this number
When the Enemy
of SO points. Record this number on the Player Log
Battalion card calls for
Tanks, draw the Tank
counters from this cup. 5 - Battalion Point Value
This number shows the total value of Enemy Battalion
Example: When playing a
1942 Campaign against
Victory Points you randomly draw at the start of the
Germany, place 7 Pz IIIs, 2 Pz Campaign.
IVs, and 2 StuGs into a cup.
6 - Special Notes
Select Objective Card Each Objective card has specific rules that modify your
Choose the Objective card you would
like to use and place it on the 7 - Evaluation
Headquarters sheet. The Victory Point chart shows how well
you are doing in the Campaign. You
These cards show information specific to score Victory Points (VPs) when you
your chosen type of Objective. Destroy enemy Battalions. As you play
the Campaign, compare the number of
Victory Points you have earned to the
Evaluation Chart on the Objective card.

Record the Name of your

Objective card on the Player
Log. Draw Battalion Cards
Battalion cards represent
the enemy forces present
The parts of an Objective in your vicinity.
card are as follows:
The parts of a Battalion
1 - Objective Name card are as follows:

1 - Battalion Name
2 - Starting SO Points
Each Objective card 2 - Enemy Units
specifies the number of Lists the quantity and
Special Option points (SO types of Enemy Units
points) you have at the present in the Battalion.
beginning of the These are the Units fight
Campaign. on the Battlefield area of
the Tactical Display Sheet.
This number is modified
by the SO points shown Example: When fighting the Large Tank Force, you encounter the
on your Campaign card. 18 Enemy counters listed on the Battalion card.
Example: If the Objective card notes 45 SO points, and the
Campaign card notes +42 SO points, you get 87 SO points at the

3 - Battalion Designation reduced to Half.
A - Assault Battalions: These Battalions
advance quickly on the Operational and Example: “2XP” is in yellow.
You still gain 2 extra XP when
Tactical maps.
you Destroy the Battalion,
S - Supply Battalions: These Battalions usually even if it has been reduced
to Half in the past.
add or subtract from your SO points.

C - Command Battalions: These Battalions usually have Fixed Battalions

Special Notes that affect other Battalions. If a Battalion
card has the
4 - Half / Destroyed Values “Fixed”
Each Battalion card has a set of Special
numbers. The Battalion is reduced Note, the Battalion does
to Half if the value of Enemy Units not Move during the Move Enemy Battalions phase. Fixed
remaining on the Battlefield is Battalions have a Building graphic on their counters. Fixed
reduced to the first number. The Battalion is Battalions remain Fixed and never Move.
Destroyed if the value of Enemy Units
remaining on the Battlefield is reduced to the second Determine and Place Battalions
number or lower.
Draw cards from the 3 Battalion decks in
Each Enemy Unit counter has a Point value in the following order: Assault, Assault,
its top-left corner. Supply, Command.

Example: This Bldg Counter is worth 4 points. Draw one card from the Assault deck,
then another card from the Assault deck,
Example: If, at the end of the Battle there are 10 or then one card from the Supply deck, and
more points of Enemy Unit counters remaining on the finally one card from the Command deck.
Battlefield, the Battalion is still at Full strength. If that
Repeat the cycle as needed.
number is from 9 to 5 points, the Battalion is reduced to Half
strength. If there are 4 or fewer points remaining, the Battalion has Once you draw a Battalion card and its Battalion
been Destroyed.
point value brings the total equal to, or in excess
5- Battalion Point Value of, the Objective card’s Battalion point value,
This number shows the Battalion’s point value. You use stop drawing Battalion cards. The Battalion
this number when drawing Battalion cards for a cards drawn, including the last card drawn, are part of
Campaign, and you earn this number of Victory Points by your Campaign.
Destroying the Battalion card.
Example: You are playing an Objective
6 - Placement and Special Notes with 23 Battalion points. You draw an
Assault Battalion worth 3 points, another
Assault Battalion worth 4 points, a
Support worth 2 points, a Command
worth 5, an Assault worth 5, an Assault
worth 3, and a Support worth 2. You
have now drawn 24 points of Battalions,
Each Battalion card so you stop drawing. These are the
designates which Battalions in your Campaign.
Operational Map’s Range
Band it starts in. Set aside the remaining Battalion
cards. You will not use them during
Example: A Battalion card has the Campaign.
the Enemy Transit trait. Place its
Battalion counter in the Enemy Transit Range Band on the Tactical The designation on the
Display Sheet. Battalion card
corresponds to a Battalion
Any Special Conditions specific to this Battalion card are counter.
also noted here. Unless the note specifies otherwise,
Special Notes only affect this Battalion card. Find the counter for each Battalion
appearing in your Campaign. For
Ignore the Special Note text on a Battalion card that has easy reference, the Battalion’s Victory
been reduced to Half. Point value is printed on each
Exception, some Battalion cards have yellow Special Note
text. Yellow text still applies when the Battalion has been Place the Battalion counters on the Tactical Display

Sheet’s Operational Map. Each Battalion card designates 3 - Unit Number
where on the Operational Map the counter is placed. The This number is also found on a Unit counter.
Battalion counters are placed with their Full Strength side The Unit card is placed in front of you on the
facing up. table, and the Unit counter will be placed on
the Terrain tiles during Combat.
Example: The
1S Supply 4 - Special Option Points
Convoy is Spend this number of SO points to purchase this Unit.
placed in the
Enemy 5 - Unit Type
Breakthrough Units have the following types: Armor, Light Armor,
band on the
Artillery, and Infantry.
Map. 6 - Special Notes
Place the Any Special Notes pertaining to this Unit are noted in this
Battalion area.
cards on the -X Attack when Moving: If the Unit Moves and
Attacks during the same step, subtract the noted
Headquarters Sheet in the area for Battalion cards. value from each of its Attack rolls.

Can only use AP at R0: The Unit can only conduct

Buy Units AP Attacks when it is at Range 0 from its target.
Select the Unit cards you
would like to have under X Stress if Move & Attack: If the Unit Moves and
your command. You can Attacks during the same step, inflict the noted number
only select Units that have a of Stress points on the Unit’s Commander.
Service Life that includes the Cannot Move & Attack: The Unit can Move -or-
Year of your Campaign. Attack during a step. Not both.
Some Campaign cards also Transport: This Unit can Move 1 Infantry Unit and/or 1
have a Special Note that limits the number of Armor Units Artillery Unit in its hex when it Moves.
you can have in the game at the same time.
Tactic: The Unit starts each Battle with the noted
Be sure and save a few SO points to purchase Trucks, number of Tactic counters.
Scouts, and still have a couple SO points to spend once
the Campaign starts. Command Tactic: The Unit starts each Battle with the
noted number of Tactic counters and can use them as
Example: The Campaign takes place in
Command Tactics.
1942. All Units purchased for this
Campaign must have a Service life that 7 - Speed
includes 1942. The maximum number of hexes this Unit can Move during
its turn.

8 - Attack
You must roll these numbers or higher on any of your
Attack dice to Destroy an Enemy Unit.

Use the black “AP” (Armor Piercing) value when attacking

an armored target (Tank, Halftrack, Bunker, or Armored

Use the red “HE” (High Explosive) value when attacking a

non-armored target (Truck, Building, Rifle, AT, MG, Mortar,
or AT Gun)

9 - Range
The parts of a Unit card are as follows: This Unit can attack Enemy forces in any hex within its
Attack Range. Some Units cannot Attack at Range 0 (in
1 - Unit Name their own hex).

2 - Service Life Example: A Unit has an Attack Range of 1-3. It cannot Attack at
The years this Unit was in service. Range 0. It can attack 1, 2, or 3 hexes away from its hex.

10 - Defense 1 Green Commander.
Roll this number or lower to negate each successful
Enemy Attack rolled against the Unit. Each Commander card has two sides that show different
Experience Levels. Each Commander’s Name has 3 cards
Example: A Unit has a Defense of 2. An Enemy Unit rolls two with a total of 6 Skill Levels.
Attacks against it, gets lucky, and they both hit. Roll a die for each
of the 2 successful Attacks. A roll of 1 or 2 negates an Attack. A Commander can only
Command the type of Unit listed
11 - Target Type on his card.
Each Unit can be attacked by either AP (Armor Piercing),
or HE (High Explosive) Attacks. Example: If you purchased 2 Armor
Units, 1 Light Armor Unit, 3 Infantry Units, and 1 Artillery
Record on the Player Log the Unit, you must select 2 Armor Commanders, 1 Light Armor
SO points you spent on Units. Commander, 3 Infantry Commanders, and 1 Artillery Commander.

Find the Unit counters that have Commanders are not permanently assigned to a specific
the same Unit numbers as the Unit cards you selected. Unit. They can Command any Unit of that type.
Place the Unit counters near the Tactical Display Sheet.
Select the Commander cards you would like to have in
Place the Unit cards on the Headquarters sheet. your command. You may not choose more than one card
with the same Commander’s Name.
We suggest a balanced selection of Units.
The parts of a
For example: 2 or 3 Armor, 1 or 2 Light Armor, 2 or 3 Commander’s card are as
Infantry, and 0 or 1 Artillery. Also, be sure and leave a few follows:
SO points unspent, to purchase Support forces, Promote
your Commanders, or save them for future uses. 1 - Commander’s Name

Select Commanders 2 - Unit Type

A Commander can only
You automatically get one Commander,
Command Units of the
matching the Unit’s type, for each Unit
Type listed on his card.
you purchased. You cannot select extra
Commanders. 3 - Skill Rating
The Commander’s Skill
The Campaign card shows how many
Commanders you receive at each Skill
Level. You must select Commanders in 4 - XP (Experience
order of Skill Level from lowest to Points)
highest: first Recruit, then Green, Average, Skilled, The number of Experience Points the Commander must
Veteran, and finally Ace. earn to be Promoted to his next higher Skill Level.
Once you have selected 5 - Cool
the specified number of Cool removes Stress from the Commander after a Battle.
Recruit Commanders,
you then select the 6 - Stress
specified number of Commanders suffer Stress just for participating in a Battle.
Green Commanders, and so on. Commanders can suffer additional Stress when attacked
during a Battle.
If you select more Commanders than are listed, all
additional Commanders have the Skill level noted with the If a Commander’s
asterisk. Stress falls into the
“Okay” range, he uses
Example: You are playing his “Okay” Skill Values.
the North Africa 1942
Campaign. You purchased Example: The Okay Stress
15 Units. You must choose range on the sample card is 0 to 6.
exactly 15 Commanders.
According to the Campaign card, the first 5 Commanders are Commanders exceeding their Okay range become
Recruits, the next 3 are Green, you then get 3 Average, and 2 Shaken, causing them to use their Shaken Skill values.
Skilled. After gaining the 13 Commanders with the Skill levels
found on the Campaign card, all additional Commanders will be Example: The Shaken Stress range on the sample card is 7 to 11.
Commanders exceeding the Shaken Range become Unfit.
If you had purchased only 6 Units, you would receive 5 Recruit and
Example: The Unfit range on the sample card is 12 and above.
If a Commander becomes Unfit during a battle, treat the Tactic: Expend a Tactic counter for the Unit
Unit as not having a Commander. The Unit is Slow and during either the Fast or Slow step when it
suffers a -2 to its Attack rolls. Also, the Commander is not scheduled to act. The Unit can now
cannot use his Skills. act during this step for this Battle Turn in
addition to acting during its normal step.
7 - Status
Okay, Shaken, or Unfit. This is based on the Example: A Commander is Fast. He attacks during the Fast
Commander’s current Stress points. Move and Attack phase, then uses a Tactic counter to attack
again during the Slow Move and Attack phase.
8 - Speed
Fast or Slow. A Fast Commander Attacks before the US Mechanic: At the start of the Repair/Replace step,
Enemy Units Attack each Battle Turn. A Slow Commander each of your US Mechanics can freely remove 1 or 2
Attacks after the Enemy Units Attack each Battle Turn. Vehicle Damage counters.

9 - Attack Rating at Range 0, or Range 1+ Commander Promotion Priority

Modifies the Commander’s die rolls when attacking the After selecting your Commanders, you may spend SO
enemy. points to immediately Promote one or more of your
Use the Range 0 modifier when attacking Enemy Units in Commanders to his next higher Skill Level.
his same hex. When you Promote a Commander, pay 3 SO points for
Use the Range 1+ modifier when attacking Enemy Units each Skill Level promotion. You can Promote a
outside his hex. Commander more than once.
Example: I choose to use Commander Promotion to increase Cruz
10 - Special Notes
from Average to Skilled. I pay 3 SO points and use the Cruz Skilled
Any Special Notes pertaining to this Commander are card in my Campaign.
noted in this area. Special Notes cannot be used when
the Commander is Unfit. Record the
Aggressive: The Unit can Move and Attack without Names, Skill
suffering the noted Stress. Levels, XPs
Cautious: The Commander’s Unit cannot Move (even needed for
if Moved by a Transport) and Attack in the same step. Promotion,
and Cool
Close Combat: Roll 1 extra die for the Unit when it points on the
performs Range 0 Attacks. Player Log.

Command Tactic: The same as Tactic, except the Unit

can expend the Tactic for another Unit to use.
Example: A Commander uses a Command Tactic to allow a
(Slow) Commander to attack during the Fast Move and Attack
phase. The Slow Commander can also attack again during his
normal Slow Move and Attack phase.
Record the number of Commanders
you have with the Medic or US
Marksman: When rolling for an Enemy Unit’s Mechanic Skills on the Player Log.
Defense, do not add a Terrain Cover bonus when
defending against this Unit’s Attacks. Trucks and Scouts
You can also purchase support forces.
Medic: At the start of the Repair/Replace step, each of
your Medics can do one of the following: Freely Trucks
remove a Wounded Commander counter, freely
remove a Casualty Damage, or freely remove 2 Stress Each Truck counter costs 2 SO points. Each
from one Commander. Week, each Truck assigned to an Enemy
Battalion in the Enemy Breakthrough, Enemy
Overdrive: You can add 1 to the Speed of the Unit Rear, or Enemy Transit Range Band subtracts 2
when it Moves, but the Commander suffers 1 Stress. from your SO point cost to attack the Battalion.

Spotter: The Unit ignores blocking Line of Sight You can use each Truck once each Week and you can
Terrain hexes. assign multiple Trucks to a single Battalion.

You may also purchase Trucks during the Repair/Replace

step each Week.

The counter mix does limit your purchases. Choose which Battalions you will Attack during this
Campaign Week. Then, select the Units and Commanders
Scouts that will Attack each Battalion, and place their cards
Each Scout counter costs 1 SO point. Each together for later use. Each Unit assigned to a Battle must
Scout assigned to an Enemy Battalion adds 1 have a Commander of the same Type.
Battle Turn to the Battle.
Example: To attack Battalion 9A, I assign: Rifle Team #902
You can use each Scout once each Week, and commanded by Reisner, Machine Gun Team #921 (Sanders),
Mortar Team #931 (Kolchak), Experienced Anti-Tank Team #1111
you can assign multiple Scouts to a single Battalion.
(Red Tree), M3 Scout Car #301 (Henders), M4 Sherman (75mm)
You may also purchase Scouts during the Repair/Replace #042 (Eandi), and M3 Halftrack #501 (Blair).
step each Week. You may not assign Unfit or Wounded Commanders to a
Battle. You may not assign Vehicles with Engine or
The counter mix does limit your purchases.
Suspension Damage to a Battle.
Enemy Units Assign Trucks and Scouts to the Battalions you are
Gather the Enemy Unit counters for your selected attacking this Week.
Select the Battalion you would like to
fight first for the Week. Write the number
of the Battalion you have chosen to
Attack on the Player Log in the Battalion
Target box. Place the Battalion card you
Germany Japan have chosen to attack in the Battalion
card box on the Tactical Display Sheet.
Place the Enemy Unit counters to the side of the Tactical
Display Sheet. You will use them during the Combat steps. On Leave
Record on the Player Log the number of SO points you You may choose to leave some Commanders, and their
spent on Trucks, Scouts, and Promotions. Units, out of the Week’s Battles. These Commanders are
assumed to be On Leave and will regain 4 Stress points at
Write the number of remaining the end of the Week.
SO points in the SO points box
of the first column. Operational Move Cost
The Operational Map is broken into Range Bands. If you
This completes the Set-Up steps. You are now ready to assign Units to attack Enemy Battalions in their Enemy
start your Campaign. Transit, Enemy Rear, or Enemy Breakthrough Range
Bands, you must immediately pay SO points.

• Start of Week Enemy Transit: If you attack a Battalion in their Transit

Perform the following steps each Week of the Campaign. area, you must pay 1 SO point when you assign Units.

Special Condition Card Enemy Rear: If you attack a Battalion in their Rear area,
you must pay 2 SO points when you assign Units.
Draw a card from the Special Condition
deck on the Tactical Display Sheet and Enemy Breakthrough: If you attack a Battalion in their
follow the card’s directions. Breakthrough area, you must pay 3 SO points when you
assign Units.
Unless the card text says otherwise, the
Special Condition applies to all of the Example: You attack a Battalion in
Battles fought during the Week, and the Enemy Rear, you must pay 2 SO
takes effect immediately. Any costs must points.
also be paid immediately.
Remember to pay 2 fewer SO
points for each Truck you
Assign Units assign to the Battalion.
Each Week, you will need to attack 1 to 3 Enemy
Battalions to do well in the Campaign. Compare the Perform the Pre-Combat,
Victory Points you will earn by Destroying each Battalion Combat, and Post-Combat
to the Evaluation chart on the Objective card to get an steps for each Battle before
idea of which Enemy Battalions you need to Destroy moving on to the next Battle.
during the Campaign.

• Pre-Combat The 6 Tiles form your Battlefield for the Battle.
Perform the following steps at the start of each Battle. Each Tile has an arrow. Place the
Tiles on the Tactical Display Sheet
Event Card with all arrows pointing toward the
Draw an Event top edge of the Tactical Display
card, and apply Sheet.
the effects of the
top section. Each Tile is divided into 4 hexes.

This represents Terrain Types

the time from Some hexes have a special letter notation.
when the Units
are preparing Line of Sight
for the battle, Some hexes are noted as blocking Line of Sight. In order
until they reach to Attack, the shortest path of hexes lying in between an
the Battlefield. Attacking Unit’s hex and the Target Unit’s hex must be free
of Line of Sight blocking hexes. If a hex blocks your Line
of Sight, you cannot target a Unit behind it.
Unless an Event card states otherwise, Events only apply Each special hex has special rules:
to the current Battle, and the Commanders and Units
participating in that Battle. All effects and costs are An “H” in a hex designates Heavy Cover.
immediate. Heavy Cover adds 2 to a Unit’s Defense,
and blocks Line of Sight.
Place Turn Counter Example: A Tank is in a Heavy Cover hex. When it is
Each Battle lasts 5 attacked, add 2 to its Defense value.
Turns. Place the
Turn Counter on the
“1” Box on the An “L” in a hex designates Light Cover,
Tactical Display Sheet’s Turn adds 1 to a Unit’s Defense, and Blocks Line
Track. of Sight.
Place any Scouts you assigned
to the Battle next to the Battle
Turns track as a reminder of the extra Turns you can use
during the Battle.
“W” in a hex designates Water. Units may
Place Terrain Tiles not enter a Water hex. A Water hex does not
block Line of Sight.
Your Units and the Enemy Units move across the hexes
during the Battles.

A Bocage hex (wooded area) adds 1 to a

Unit’s Defense. A Unit in a Bocage hex can
only be attacked from a range of 0 or 1.
Bocage blocks Line of Sight.
Gather all the Terrain
Tiles of the type
specified by your An “Im” in a hex designates Impassable
Campaign card. Terrain. AP Units (Armor, Light Armor, Tank,
Each Battle, shuffle Halftrack, or Armored Car) may not enter an
the Terrain Tiles and Impassable hex. Impassable hexes add 2 to
randomly place 6 of a Unit’s Defense, and Block Line of Sight.
them on the 6 Tile
spaces on the HE Units may enter “Im” hexes as normal.
Tactical Display
sheet. After laying out the Terrain tiles, verify that all non-
Impassable hexes can trace a path to all other non-
The remaining tiles will not be used during the Battle. Impassable hexes. If any hex cannot be entered, pick up
the tiles and layout a new set. Armored Cars.

If all the hexes in the top or bottom rows contain Gather the Enemy Unit counters for
Impassable hexes, pick up the tiles and layout a new set. the Battle. Enemy Units have two
sides, an Active side and a
You cannot place your AP Units in Impassable hexes. Destroyed side.
If an Enemy AP Unit is to be placed in an Impassable hex, Roll a die for each Enemy Unit to determine its hex
place it in the closest non-Impassable hex. If there is more placement.
than one hex equally close, you choose the hex.
The Initial Enemy Placement
Place Friendly Units Diagram on the top of the
Gather the Unit cards and counters, as well as their Tactical Display sheet
Commanders, and place them next to the Tactical Display represents the top 2 rows of
Sheet. Place your Unit counters in any hexes in the the Battlefield.
bottom row. Place the Enemy Unit counters on the Battlefield with their
You may issue each of your AT and MG Units 1 Move Active sides up.
Order. Example: I gather the 12
Enemy Units for the Fast
You may issue each of your Rifle Units 1 or 2 Move Assault Battalion and roll
Orders. a 10 sided die for each.
The first die roll is a 3, so I
Move up to the Unit’s Maximum Movement. Moving into a place the first Enemy Unit
hex counts as 1 movement of a Unit’s Speed. in the hex noted with a
“3”. The second roll is a 7
Treat these Move Orders as normal Movement Orders for so I place the second Enemy Unit in the hex noted with “6-7”, as
purposes of Terrain and other game effects. indicated on the Sheet. I continue rolling and placing until all the
Enemy Units are placed.
This graphic
shows the 8
starting hexes
at the top of
the map, as
well as the 4
US starting
hexes at the
bottom of the

Enemy Infantry - Starting Advances

After placing the Enemy Units:

Issue each of their AT and MG Units 1 Advance Order.

Issue each of their Rifle Units 2 Advance Orders.

Place Enemy Units For each Advance Order, move the Unit 1 hex closer to the
The quantity and type of Enemy Units present are shown closest Friendly Unit.
on the Battalion card, however their hex locations on the
Treat these Advance Orders as normal movement Orders
Battlefield are not known until you begin the battle.
for purposes of Terrain and other game effects.
Each Battalion card shows
the number and type of Enemy Aggressiveness Level
Enemy Units you will engage After placing and advancing the
during the Battle. Enemy Units, roll a die and
consult the Campaign card to
Example: When engaging the determine their Aggressiveness
Large Tank Force, you will
level for the Battle. If you roll low, you will roll a 6-sided die
encounter 8 Tanks, 2 Halftracks,
2 Rifle Teams, 2 Machine Gun Teams, 2 Anti-Tank Guns, and 2
on the Enemy Tactical Movement chart for the remainder

of the Battle. If you roll high, you will roll a 10-sided die for Each Friendly Unit’s AP or
the remainder of the Battle. HE Type is found on its card.

Half Battalions Example: The M5 ATG (3”) can

only be Attacked with HE Attacks.
If a Battalion is at Half Strength due to a
previous Battle, place only 1/2 of each Unit
type listed on the Battalion card. Point Value:
The Battlefield value of the Unit. At the end
of each Battle Turn, add up the Point Values
Example: If the Scout Force was at
of all Enemy Units on the Battlefield to
Half Strength, I would only place: 1
Tank, 1 Rifle Team, 1 Machine Gun determine if the Battalion is at Full Strength,
Team, 1 Truck, and 1 Armored Car. Half Strength, or Destroyed.

Mortar Unit Indirect Fire Attacks

Mortar Units have the “Indirect Fire” ability.
This is noted on the Enemy counters with
Enemy Units an “i” in their Attack range circle. Friendly
Each Enemy Unit counter represents one vehicle, Units note this with the “Indirect Fire”
structure, or group of soldiers. notation on their cards. These Units do not
check for Line of Sight when Attacking. This is the same
The specific values vary for each as the “Spotter” Commander skill.
The maximum number of hexes the Unit can
Attack. If the Unit has a Range value of 0, it can
only Attack Units in its same hex.

If a Unit only has one Range notation, it applies

to both its AP and HE Attack.

Unit Type:
Identifies the Unit’s Type.

Most Enemy Vehicles can perform HE (in Red) or AP (in

Black) Attacks from Range 0 out to their listed maximum
Enemy Rifle Units may only perform Armor Piercing Roll this number or lower to negate each
Attacks at Range 0. They can Attack your Infantry and successful Attack rolled against the Unit.
Artillery Units at Range 0 or 1.
Perform AP Attacks against Enemy Units
If a Unit has a dash (“-”) for an Attack type, it cannot with a black Defense background, and HE
perform that type of Attack. Attacks against Enemy Units with a red Defense
Example: Enemy MG Units (Machine Gun Teams),
cannot perform Armor Piercing Attacks. Example: When Attacking a StuG, I roll 2 dice and
score 1 hit. The StuG has a Defense of 3. To negate
the Attack, the StuG must roll a 3 or less. I then roll a
Defense die for the StuG. I roll a 5, the StuG does not
negate my Attack, and I Destroy it.
This number indicates the number or
higher the Enemy must roll to inflict a Hit.
The Black number is the Unit’s Attack roll
against AP targets, and the Red number is
the Unit’s Attack roll against HE targets.

• Combat When using Tactics, a Unit that is Transported,
or Moves, or Attacks during the Fast step can
During each Battle Turn, resolve the following steps. Use
also be Transported, or Move or Attack during
the Turn counter to keep track of the current Turn.
the Slow step.
Fast Move and Attack Retreating
Commanders with a Speed rating of Fast, If you Move a Unit off the bottom edge of the Battlefield,
Move and Attack before Enemy Actions the Unit Retreats out of the Battle. Place it off to the side
each turn. Commanders with a Speed rating until the end of the Battle. Retreated Units go through
of Slow, Move and Attack after the Enemy Post-Combat activities as normal.
Actions each turn.
If all your Units have been Destroyed or Retreated, end
Resolve the movement and attack for each Fast the Battle.
Commander before moving on to the next Fast
Commander. Once all Fast Commanders have acted, Cover
move on to the Enemy Actions step. Being in a Light or Heavy Cover hex adds to a Unit’s
Defense, even when attacked by an opposing Unit in its
Unit Movement same hex.
A Unit’s Speed shows the maximum
number of hexes it can Move each Battle One Hit Destroys an Enemy Unit counter.
Step. Moving into a hex counts as 1 When you Destroy a Unit, flip the counter to its
movement of a Unit’s Speed. Destroyed side. Once Destroyed, a Unit no
longer Moves or Attacks or counts toward the
Battalion’s strength.
If the Commander
of an Infantry Unit Line of Sight
chooses to both If there is more than one equally direct path, the Attacker
Move and Attack, chooses the path that will give it a Line of Sight to the
he suffers the target.
indicated Stress.
A Unit cannot Attack an Enemy Unit if there is a Line of
Artillery Units cannot Move and Attack during the same Sight blocking hex between it and its target.
Battle Step.
Trace the most direct path through the hexes separating
Units with the Transport ability the Attacker’s hex from the target’s hex.
can freely pick up and Move
one Infantry Unit, and/or Unit Attacks
Artillery in its same hex up to
Perform the entire Movement for each Unit before
the Transport’s Speed. The Transporting Unit, and Units
conducting its Attack. You must declare the target of the
being Transported, must all start the step in the same hex.
Unit’s Attack before rolling dice. The target you select
The Transport can not drop off a Unit in a hex and keep
must be both in range and not be blocked by hexes that
block Line of Sight.
A Transported Unit can not Move before or after being
Roll 2 dice to perform an
Transported, or be Transported again during the same
Attack for each of your
Units. Each die that rolls
Example: M3 Halftrack 501 is in the the Unit’s Attack value or
same hex as Rifle Team 902. The higher will inflict a Hit,
Halftrack can Move up to 2 hexes. unless negated by the
It can also freely pick up and Move target’s Defense roll.
the Rifle Team up to 2 hexes.
Use your Armor Piercing (AP) value when
A friendly Unit cannot Attack attacking Enemy Tanks, Armored Cars,
during the same Battle step in Bunkers, and Halftracks. AP Units have a black
which it is Transported. background for their Defense.
If a friendly Unit Attacks, it Use your High Explosive (HE) value when
cannot be Transported later in attacking all other Enemy Units. HE Units have
the Battle step. a red background for their Defense.
If a friendly Unit is Transported,
it cannot Attack later in the Battle step.
Add or Subtract your Commander’s Skill at Units in their same hex.
that Range.
Retreat: Move the Enemy Unit 1
Subtract 1 from each die roll when hex closer to the top edge of the
attacking at Range 2. Battlefield. If there is a choice of
hexes, Move the Unit into the hex
Subtract 2 from each die roll when attacking at Range 3. with the heaviest Cover.
Subtract 3 from each die roll when attacking at Range 4. If it is already in a top-most hex,
Move it off the Battlefield, and treat
Each Unit also has an Attack
it as being Destroyed.
penalty to its die rolls if it Moved
during this step. Retreat to Cover: Move the Enemy
Unit into an adjacent hex that is
After determining the number of
both 1 hex farther away from the
potential Hits scored by an Attack, roll for the Enemy
closest Friendly Unit -and- has
Unit’s Defense.
Cover. If none of the adjacent
Roll 1 die for each potential Hit. The target negates the hexes that are farther away from
Attack if the roll is equal to or less than the target’s the closest Friendly Unit have
Defense. Cover, the Unit does not Move. If
those hexes have different levels of Cover, Move the Unit
Example: You are attacking an Enemy Rifle Unit and are using your to the hex with the heaviest Cover. If several applicable
Unit’s HE Attack value of 6. The Range is 1, and your Commander hexes have equally heavy Cover, you choose the hex it
gives you +2 on your rolls. You need to roll a 4 or higher on each
Moves to.
die to succeed. You roll a 1 (+2 = 3), missing, and a 5 (+2 = 7)
inflicting 1 Hit. Adjacent Cover: Move the Enemy
The Rifle Unit has a Defense of 3 and is in Heavy Unit into an adjacent hex that has
Cover (+2 = 5). If the Rifle rolls a 5 or less the Attack Cover. If none of the adjacent
will be negated. You roll a 2 for its Defense, and it is hexes have Cover, the Unit does
successful. Your Attack fails. not Move. If those hexes have
different levels of Cover, Move the
A successful Attack roll will Destroy the target if
Unit to the hex with the heaviest
it is not negated by its Defense roll. When you
Cover. If several applicable hexes
Destroy a Unit, flip the counter to its Destroyed
have equally heavy Cover, you choose the hex it Moves to.
Advance to Cover: Move the
Enemy Unit into an adjacent hex
Roll For Enemy Move that is both 1 hex closer to the
closest Friendly Unit -and- has
Roll once on the Enemy Tactical
Cover. If none of the adjacent
Movement chart to determine the
hexes have Cover, the Unit does
Movement Orders for all enemy
not Move. If those hexes have
Units at the start of each Enemy
different levels of Cover, Move the
Actions step.
Unit to the hex with the heaviest Cover. If several
Use the Tactical Move counter to applicable hexes have equally heavy Cover, you choose
mark the die roll as a reminder of the hex it Moves to.
the roll.
Cautious Advance: Only Move the
Enemy Unit into an adjacent hex
Enemy Actions that is 1 hex closer to the closest
Move each Enemy Unit, then Friendly Unit. If the Unit cannot be
resolve its attack, before going attacked in the new hex, the Unit
on to the next Unit. You can Moves. If the Unit can be attacked
resolve their actions in any order. in the new hex, the Unit does not
Move. If those hexes have different
Each Enemy Unit type appears in one of the 3 Tactical
levels of Cover, Move the Unit to the hex with the heaviest
Movement columns. Cross-reference the die roll with each
Cover. If several applicable hexes have equally heavy
column to determine how those Units Move. Buildings and
Cover, you choose the hex it Moves to.
Bunkers do not appear in any of the columns, because
Buildings and Bunkers never Move.

Enemy Units follow these rules, even if there are friendly

HE Advance: Move the Enemy Example: I am Attacking the Supply Convoy and I have reduced
Unit 1 hex closer to the closest HE the Value of forces on the Battlefield to 6 points. It is now at Half
Friendly Unit. If no Friendly Units Strength. On all future turns I subtract 2 from their Movement rolls.
on the map can be attacked with Enemy Rifle Unit
HE, the Unit does not Move. If - Special
those hexes have different levels of Movement
Cover, Move the Unit to the hex Enemy Rifle Units
with the heaviest Cover. If several treat their
applicable hexes have equally heavy Cover, you choose asterisked Orders
the hex it Moves to. as being “AP
AP Advance: Move the Enemy Advance” if they
Unit 1 hex closer to the closest AP are at range 1
Friendly Unit. If no Friendly Units from a Friendly
on the map can be attacked with Unit that is
AP, the Unit does not Move. If those Attacked by AP.
hexes have different levels of Example: An Enemy Rifle Unit is at range 1 from one of your Tanks.
Cover, Move the Unit to the hex It rolls for Movement and receives an “HE Advance*” Order. The
with the heaviest Cover. If several Rifle Unit treats it as an “AP Advance” Order, and Moves into the
applicable hexes have equally heavy Cover, you choose Tank’s hex.
the hex it Moves to.
Enemy Unit - Impassable
Advance if cannot Attack: If the Terrain Movement
Enemy Unit cannot attack a Impassable hexes may
Friendly Unit, Move the Enemy Unit prevent Enemy Units from
1 hex closer to the closest Friendly carrying out Movement
Unit. If those hexes have different orders, such as Advance or
levels of Cover, Move the Unit to the Retreat. If an Impassable hex
hex with the heaviest Cover. If prevents a Unit from directly
several applicable hexes have carrying out its Movement
equally heavy Cover, you choose order, move the Unit into a
the hex it Moves to. If the Unit can Attack, it does not hex that best carries out the
Move. order.

Advance: Move the Enemy Example: An Enemy Tank receives an Advance order, but there is
Unit 1 hex closer to the an Impassable hex directly in its best path to Advance. Move the
Tank into a hex with the shortest path to the targeted Friendly Unit.
closest Friendly Unit. If those
hexes have different levels of Enemy Attacks
Cover, Move the Unit to the
hex with the heaviest Cover. If After you Move each Enemy Unit,
several applicable hexes have resolve its Attack before going on
equally heavy Cover, you to the next Enemy Unit.
choose the hex it Moves to.
Use the Line of Sight rules as you
did for your Fast Friendly Units.

Example: You roll a 1 for the Each Enemy Unit may only Attack one Friendly Unit each
Enemy Tactical Movement. Turn. A Unit automatically targets the Friendly Unit that it
Each enemy Tank, AT (Anti- has the lowest Attack roll required to Hit.
Tank Team), and Armored
Car, will Hold. They do not If more than one Friendly Unit has the same lowest
move this turn. chance to be Hit, attack the one with the lowest overall
Defense. If more than one has the same lowest Defense,
choose one of those to be Attacked.
The Pz III’s possible targets are 902, 921 and 1111.
He is using an HE attack, and needs to roll a 5 or
higher to hit each of them.
Subtract 2 from the Movement roll if you are
rolling for a Battalion that is at Half Strength, Since he has the same chance to hit all of them, he
or if you have reduced the number of enemy attacks the one with the lowest defense.
forces on the Battlefield to the Half Strength
902 has a defense of 3, Commander KIA (Killed In Action): Remove
921 has a defense of 2, the Commander from the Campaign. Return
and 1111 has a defense the counter to the cup. The Unit continues to
of 3. The Pz III targets
operate in the Battle, but without its
Unit 921.
Commander’s skills. Treat the Unit as being Slow and
subtract 2 from its Attack rolls.

Commander Wounded: Place the counter on

the Commander card. No immediate effect. If
the Commander suffers a 2nd Commander
Wounded Damage counter, he is KIA. A
Roll 2 dice to perform an Attack for each Wounded Commander cannot enter a new Battle until you
Enemy Unit. Each die that rolls the Unit’s pay to remove this counter.
Attack value or higher will inflict a Hit, unless Destroyed 2 Stress: Destroy the Unit and
negated by the target’s Defense. remove it from the Campaign. Return the
Subtract 1 from each die roll when attacking at Range 2. counter to the cup. Place 2 Stress on the
Subtract 2 from each die roll when attacking at Range 3. Commander.
Subtract 3 from each die roll when attacking at Range 4.

Enemy Units suffer the following penalties to their attack Engine 1 Stress: Place the counter on the Unit
rolls if they Move and Attack during the turn: card and add 1 Stress to its Commander card.
The Vehicle cannot Move during the Battle. If it
Tank, Armored Car, Halftrack: -1 die roll penalty. suffers a 2nd Engine Damage, it is Destroyed.
Rifle, Machine Gun, Anti-Tank: -2 die roll penalty. The Vehicle cannot enter a new Battle until you pay to
AT Guns and Mortars: Cannot Attack if they Move. remove this counter.

Add 1 to a target’s Defense value when it is in Light Cover. Exposed: Place the counter on the Unit.
Enemy Units add 2 to their Attack rolls against
Add 2 to a target’s Defense Value when it is in Heavy this Unit starting on the next Battle turn. Return
Cover. this counter to the cup when the Unit Moves.
A successful roll will Damage the Friendly Machine Gun: Place the counter on the Unit
Unit, if not negated by its Defense. card. The Unit cannot attack at Range 0.
For each die that rolls equal to or greater
than the Unit’s Attack Value, roll a die for
the target’s Defense. If you roll the Unit’s No Effect: No effect.
Defense or lower, you negate that Attack.

Draw a Damage counter for each successful Attack roll

that was not negated.
Suspension 1 Stress: Place the counter on
Example: A StuG Tank is at range 1 from an M4 Sherman Tank. the Unit card. The Vehicle cannot Move during
The StuG needs a 3 or higher to hit. I roll 2 dice to Attack the the Battle. If it suffers a 2nd Suspension
Sherman, getting a 7 and 9. These rolls will inflict 2 Hits. The
Damage, it is Destroyed. The Vehicle cannot
Sherman has a Defense of 2, and is in Light Cover, bringing it to a
3. I roll for its Defense, and roll a 4 and 9, both failing. I draw 2
enter a new Battle until you pay to remove this counter.
Damage counters from the cup and refer to their gray AP Damage The Commander suffers 1 Stress.
Hull: Place the counter on the Unit card. If it
Armor Piercing (AP) Hits suffers a 2nd Hull Damage, it is Destroyed.
The gray AP side of the Damage counter shows the
Damage inflicted on your AP Unit.
Glancing: Place the counter on the Unit card.
Unless otherwise stated, Damage can only be removed Until repaired, inflict 1 Stress on each
during the Repair/Replace step. Commander assigned to this Vehicle at the
start of each future Battle.
1 Stress: Place 1 Stress on the Commander
card. Return the damage counter to the cup. Gun: Place the counter on the Unit card. The
Unit cannot attack at Range 2+.

Explosion: Destroy the Unit, KIA the No Effect: No effect.
Commander, and remove them from the
Campaign. Return the counter to the cup.

High Explosive (HE) Hits Mowed Down: Destroy the Unit, KIA the
The green and brown HE side of the Damage counter Commander, and remove them from the
shows what has happened to your HE Unit. Campaign. Return the counter to the cup.

Unless otherwise stated, Damage can only be removed

during the Repair/Replace step.
Damage Counter Rules
Commander Wounded: Place the counter on If a counter has no effect on a Unit, return it to the cup,
the Commander card. No immediate effect. If and draw a replacement.
the Commander suffers a 2nd Commander
Wounded Damage counter, he is KIA. A Example: Your Unit with a maximum range of 1 suffers a Gun Hit.
Since your Unit cannot attack at Range 2+, the Hit has no effect.
Wounded Commander cannot enter a new Battle until you
Return it to the cup and draw a new Damage counter.
pay to remove this counter.
If a Unit’s Commander has suffered a “Commander KIA”
Commander KIA (Killed in Action): Remove
Damage during the Battle, redraw any future Damage
the Commander from the Campaign. Return
counters that only inflict Stress. Also, the Unit cannot
the counter to the cup. The Unit continues to
choose to suffer Stress when Immobile or Suppressed.
operate in the Battle, but without its
Commander’s skills. Treat the Unit as being Slow and Example: Your Rifle Team’s Commander suffered a KIA earlier in
subtract 2 from its Attack rolls. the Battle. You now draw a 1 Stress counter. Redraw the Hit
1 Stress: Place 1 Stress on the Commander
card. Return the damage counter to the cup. Example: Your Rifle Team’s Commander suffered a KIA earlier in
the Battle. You now draw a Suppressed counter. During the Unit’s
next time to act, it cannot take the option to suffer 1 Stress and
Casualty: Place the counter on the Unit card. If
it suffers a 2nd Casualty Damage, it is Slow - Move and Attack
Destroyed. After the Enemy Units Move and Attack, your
Slow Units Move and Attack.

Exposed: Place the counter on the Unit card. Use the same procedure as you did for your
Enemy Units add 2 to their Attack rolls against Fast Units.
this Unit starting on the next Battle turn. Return
this counter to the cup when the Unit Moves. Advance Turn Counter
Compare the total value of active Enemy Units on the
Immobile (Temporary): Place the counter on Battlefield to the Half/Destroyed numbers on the Battalion
the Unit card. During the Unit’s next time to card.
act, you may either choose to have it not Move
and return this counter to the cup, or have it If the Battalion has been reduced to Half strength, subtract
Move and have the Commander suffer 1 Stress. This 2 from their Tactical Move rolls until the end of the Battle.
Move restriction also applies to Infantry and Artillery Units
being Transported. If you choose to suffer the Stress, If the Battalion has been Destroyed, you may end the
place a 1 Stress counter on the Commander card. Battle. The Battle automatically ends when you run out of
Battle turns.
Suppressed (Temporary): Place the counter
on the Unit card. During the Unit’s next time to If additional Units are added to a Battalion, add their
act, you may either choose to have it not values to the Battalion’s total.
attack and return this counter to the cup, or Advance the Turn Counter by 1 space.
have it attack and have the Commander suffer 1 Stress. If
you choose to suffer the Stress, place a 1 Stress counter
on the Commander card.

Repeat Combat Steps

Repeat the Combat steps for the next Battle Turn until you

have conducted 5 Battle Turns. Record Unit and Commander Damage
Gain 1 extra Turn for each Scout you assigned to the At the end of
Battle. the Battle,
record each
Friendly Losses Unit’s Number
and any
Unlike other Leader games, in Sherman Leader, you do
not suffer Victory Point penalties for having your Units
Damage on the Player Log and return all Damage
Destroyed and your Commanders Killed. Combat losses
counters to the cup. If the Damage is not Repaired at the
were an expected occurrence during WWII.
end of the Week, find the Damage counters in the cup and
place them back on the Unit before it enters the next
• Post-Combat Battle.

Event Card Record Commander Stress

Draw an Event card and resolve the Inflict 2 Stress on
Event in the bottom section. each Commander
who participated in
the Battle. Also add
any Stress the
Commander suffered
during the Battle.

Battalion Status
If the Battalion was Destroyed during the Battle, remove
the Battalion counter from the Operational Map and set
Reduce a Commander’s Stress points by his Cool
the Battalion card aside.
Skill. This number was also written on the Player
If the Battalion was reduced to Half, flip the Log at the start of the Campaign.
Battalion Counter to its Half side and return the
Example: A Commander started a Battle with 3 Stress. He
Battalion card to the Headquarters sheet. suffered 1 Stress due to Damage during the Battle, and 2 Stress for
being in the Battle. He has a Cool of 2. He ends the Battle with 4
If the Battalion is still at Full strength, return the Stress.
Battalion card to the Headquarters sheet.
Record the current number of Stress points for each
Ignore the Special Note text on a Battalion card that has Commander on the Player Log, in the column for the
been reduced to Half. Exception, some Battalion cards current Battle.
have Special Note text printed in yellow. Yellow text still
applies when the Battalion has been reduced to Half. Record Commander Experience Points
If the Battalion was Destroyed during (XPs)
the Battle, record an “X” in the Status XPs are awarded to all
and write the number of Victory Commanders assigned to
Points (VPs) from the Battalion card the Battle. Give each
on the VPs Gained line. Commander who
If the Battalion was reduced to Half, participated in the Battle 1
record a “1/2” on the Battalion Status line, and gain half of Experience Point in the XPs Gained column on the Player
the Victory Points for the Battalion, rounding down. If you Log.
later Destroy the Battalion, gain its remaining VPs. If the Battalion was Destroyed, each Commander
Example: You reduce 5 VP Battalion 1A to Half and gain 2 VPs. You assigned to the Battle gains 1 additional Experience Point.
later Destroy it and gain the remaining 3 VPs.
Commanders can
If you fail to reduce the Battalion to Half or Destroy the also gain Experience
Battalion, place an “F” in the Battalion Status and record a due to Battalion
0 (zero) on the VPs Gained line. cards, or Event

Promoting Commanders Operational Movement section.
Check for Assault Battalions, Support Battalions, and Command
Commander Battalions each have a row on the chart with the specific
Promotions after die rolls needed to Advance, Hold, or Retreat.
recording all
Experience Points. The rolls determine if the Battalion Advances one Range
Band closer to your Friendly Staging Range Band, Holds
position, or Retreats one Range Band toward the Enemy
Breakthrough band. Battalions will not retreat behind their
Enemy Breakthrough Range Band or past the Friendly
Staging Range Band.

Promote a Commander if his Experience Never roll for Fixed Battalions. They always
Point total is equal to or greater than the remain in their starting Range Bands.
Experience Point number shown on his card.
If a Commander is Promoted, exchange his
card for his next higher Commander Skill Level card and When you roll for the Operational movement of
note his new Experience Level on the Player Log. Half Strength Battalions, Subtract 2 from the
Commanders Promote from: Recruit to Green, Green to die roll.
Average, Average to Skilled, Skilled to Veteran, and
Veteran to Ace.
Example: You roll for the
Example: Average Skill Level Stout just completed a successful enemy Battalion
Battle, gaining 2 XPs. He previously earned 3 XPs. This brings his Movement. They have an
new total to 5. He Promotes from Average to Skilled. Assault Battalion in the
Front. You roll a die and
If a Commander is Promoted, recheck his Stress points get a 9. It Advances to
total to determine if he is Okay, Shaken, or Unfit. Also the Friendly Transit. They
check to see if his Cool rating changed, and record his have a Supply in the
new Cool on the Player Log. Enemy Transit, which
rolls a 4, and stays in the
Once a Commander is Promoted, he loses the Experience Enemy Transit. They also
Points that gained him the Promotion. Record the new Move a Half Strength
number of Experience Points he must earn to reach the Assault in the Enemy
Rear, it rolls a 2, -2 for
next Skill Level on the Player Log.
being at Half, resulting in
Example: Average Stout needs 1 more Experience Point to a roll of 0, which Retreats
Promote to Skilled. He earns 2 Experience Points during this it to the Enemy
Battle. 1 Point is added to his XPs to Promote him to Skilled, and Breakthrough.
the last Experience Point is retained and counted toward his
Promotion to Veteran.

Next Battle On Leave

If there are more Battles scheduled for the Week, return to Any Commander that does not participate in a Battle
the start of the Pre-Combat Step. during an entire Week recovers 4 Stress points. Do not
modify this number by the Commander’s Cool.
Example: Stout has suffered 10 Stress from
• End of Week previous Battles. On Week 3 he is not
assigned to a Battle. Stout remains on the
Move Battalions Headquarters sheet and recovers 4 Stress.
He has a Cool of 2, but this does not effect
his Stress recovery. Stout now has 6 Stress.

Roll a die for each surviving Enemy Battalion and consult

the chart on the Tactical Display Sheet in the Enemy
Adjust Special Option Points Commander Replacements
This is useful when a Commander has suffered a KIA or is
Gain Special Option Points Unfit or Wounded.
Consult your Objective card or Player
Log to see how many Weekly SO points If a Commander is KIA, discard the Commander and add
you gain. a Recruit Commander to your group of the same Type.

Record the new SO points on the Player The Commander cannot have the same Name as a
Log in the SO points box. Commander already in the Campaign, or that was
previously part of the Campaign. The card mix does limit
purchasing options.
Lose Special Option Points (Map) If a Commander is Unfit or Wounded, you many choose to
Lose 2 SO points for each Enemy Battalion in the Friendly discard the Commander and add a Recruit Commander to
Transit Range Band. your group of the same Type.
Lose 6 SO points for each Enemy Battalion in the Friendly You may replace more than one Commander during this
Staging Range Band. step.
Record the lost SO points in the “+/- SO Points” area on You may adjust the new Commander’s Skill Level at this
your Player Log. time by paying 3 SO points for each Skill Level increase.
If you are unable to pay the SO points, the Campaign You cannot have more Commanders than Units. You must
ends in failure. always have the same number of Commanders as the
Type of Unit they can Command.
Purchase Unit Loss
You can purchase new Friendly Units during this step. Pay If a Unit is Destroyed, but its Commander survives, you
the Unit’s cost in SO points and add the new Unit to your must either purchase a new Unit of the Commander’s
group. Immediately select 1 Recruit Commander of that Type, or discard any one Commander of that Type.
type to join the Campaign. You may not choose a
Repair Units & Heal Commanders
Commander who’s Name has already appeared in the
Campaign. You may use SO points to Repair Units. One SO point
removes one Damage counter from a Unit.
You cannot reuse a Unit with the same Unit Number as
one previously Destroyed in the Campaign. The card mix Exception: It requires 2 SO points to remove an Engine
does limit purchasing options. Damage counter.

Upgrade A Unit may participate in a Battle while Damaged unless

If you would like to Upgrade a Unit in your group, you can the specific Damage specifies otherwise.
turn in one or more undamaged Units. You gain the
You may spend 1 SO point to discard a Commander
turned-in Unit’s Cost in SO points toward the purchase of
Wounded counter. A Commander cannot enter a new
a new Unit. The new Unit must have a higher SO point
Battle while Wounded.
cost than the total of all turned-in Units.
Use your Commander Medic and US Mechanic Skills
Example: I turn in a 5 SO point Experienced Anti-Tank Team and a 3
SO point Rifle Team, worth a total of 8 SO points. I purchase a 12 during this step.
SO Point Experienced Mortar Team. I pay the extra 4 SO points.
Priority R&R
If the new Unit is of the same Type as the old Unit, you do
Once at the end of each Week, you may spend 5 SO
not get a new Commander.
points to remove 2 Stress from every Commander in your
If the new Unit is of a different Type than the old Unit, group.
discard any 1 Commander of the old Unit’s Type and
select a Recruit Commander of the new Unit’s Type. Next Week
If there are more Weeks in your Campaign, return to the
If you traded in more than 1 Unit, discard Commanders so Start of Week section of the Sequence of Play.
you do not end up with more Commanders than Units.

You may Upgrade more than one Unit during this step.
You may also repurchase the Units you removed from
your forces during the Upgrade.

• End of the Campaign • Credits
Game Design Rick Martin
Campaign Outcome Game Development Kevin Verssen
After all Battles are resolved for Dan Verssen
the Campaign’s last Week, find Movement Chart Dean Brown
your Campaign result on the Display Sheet Art Cloud Quinot
Objective card. Compare your Card Frame Art Paul Hoefener
total Victory Points to the US Soldier Card Art Gordon Napier
numbers listed on the Objective Rulebook Holly Verssen
card you were playing. Michael Granneman
Example: If you were playing the Bulge 1944 Campaign with the
Cut Off Objective, and you earned 15 Victory Points, you would
Special Thanks to Christopher Dean for all his unit
have earned a Good Campaign Evaluation. research help and unit stat balancing!

US and German Vehicle art - Copyright Caraktere Presse

• Optional Rules Thank you Yannis Kdr for your generous help!
Decide which Optional Rules you will use at the start of "Dedicated to our good friend Mike Lively - a good man
the Campaign. who loved board games."

At the end of the last turn of each Battle, you can decide
to extend the Battle by 1 turn. If you do so, each
participating Commander suffers 1 extra Stress at the end
of the Battle.

Pay 1 SO point at the start of the Campaign to use this


Battlefield Heroics
If a Commander’s Unit is Destroyed, and another Unit of
the same type is in his hex later in the Battle and the new
Unit has a KIA, Unfit, or Wounded Commander, you may
have the Unitless Commander take command of the Unit.

Pay 1 SO point at the start of the Campaign to use this


Flank Attacks
After a Unit inflicts 1 or more hits on its target at range 0 or
1, roll a die before rolling for the target's Defense.

At Range 1, the attacker inflicts a Flank attack on a roll of 8

or higher.

At Range 0, the attacker inflicts a Flank attack on a roll of 6

or higher.

If a target suffers a Flank attack, reduce its Defense by 1

when you roll for its Defense.

• Sample Game the Campaign card. I purchase:
To begin, I place the Tactical Display Sheet and Rifle Team #902 (3 points), Machine Gun Team #921 (4
Headquarters Sheet in front of me on the table. I then points), Mortar Team #931 (10 points), Experienced Anti-
separate the cards into piles: Campaigns, Objectives, Tank Team #1111 (5 points), M3 Scout Car #301 (8
Units, Commanders, Battalions, Events, and Special points), M4 Sherman (75mm) #042 (14 points), M3
Conditions. I shuffle the Event cards and Special Halftrack #501 (5 points), and
Condition cards, and place each deck face down on their
noted areas on the Tactical Display Sheet. I also separate Rifle Team #901 (3 points), M3 Halftrack #503 (5 points),
the Battalion cards into 3 piles: Assault, Supply, and M5 ATG #1132 (9 points), M3/M5 Stuart #005 (8 points),
Command. Experienced Mortar Team #1031 (12 points).

Set-Up I spent 86 out of my 88 points, leaving me with 2 points to

spend later.
For this sample
game, I choose The Campaign card lists the specific Skill Levels of my first
to play the 17 Commanders. Because I purchased 12 Units, I get 12
"Bulge 1944" Commanders.
Campaign with
the "Over There" I then select my Commanders:
Objective. I Recruits Sanders (Infantry)
place these 2 Chin (Infantry)
cards on the
Headquarters Kowalski (Light Armor)
Sheet. I Move Jones (Infantry)
the remaining Campaign and Objective cards off to the Green Reisner (Infantry)
Henders (Light Armor)
I reference the Cruz (Artillery)
Headquarters sheet for
Blair (Light Armor)
1944 and place all the
tanks listed in the 1944 Average Kolchak (Infantry)
column into a cup. Red Tree (Infantry)
When the Enemy Eandi (Armor)
Battalion card calls for Tylutki (Armor)
Tanks, I will draw the tank
counters from this cup. Had I purchased 3 more Units, the Commanders would
each have been Skilled, and the next two would have
I need to draw Battalion been Veteran. Each Commander after the 17th would be
cards until I get at least Green.
29 points of cards. I draw
the following Battalion I do not perform any Priority Commander Promotions.
cards from their 3 piles: 2A (3 points), 10A (2 points), 2S I record the Campaign
(4 points), 1C (6 points), 4A (3 points), 11A (3 points), 1S card, Commanders, and
(1 point), 6C (5 points), and 9A (3 points). This gives me a SO point information on
total of 30 points. the Player Log Sheet. At
I collect their Battalion the bottom of the Sheet,
counters and place them on I record reminder notes
the Operational Map: 4A and for the enemy Battalion
9A (Friendly Staging), 6C Special Abilities that I
(Front), 2A, 11A, 10A might need to
(Enemy Transit), 1C, 2S reference. For example,
(Enemy Rear), 1S (Enemy Battalion 1C will add 1
Breakthrough). Enemy Rifle Unit to
every battle, until I
I now purchase my Units, destroy 1C.
making sure they have a
Service Life that includes
1944. I can spend up to 88 Special Option points. I get 45
points from the Objective card and 43 extra points from

Sample Game Note: To make the Battlefield graphics I now place my 7 Friendly Units in any hexes in the bottom
easier to see, Destroyed forces will be removed instead of row. I place #042 in the bottom left hex and everyone else
flipped to their Destroyed side. in the hex right next to it.

Week #1 For my optional movement, I move #902, #921, and 1111

into their front right hex.
I now start the first Week of the Campaign.
Following the Initial Enemy Placement Diagram, I roll a die
I draw a Special Condition card, and
for each of the 12 Enemy Units.
get "Leadership." For each Battalion I
destroy this week, I will gain 1 SO I roll for the
point. Enemy Units
and place them
I now assign Units to the different
on the Tactical
Battalions I want to Attack. I am trying
to get a Great Campaign Evaluation,
including the 4
and I only have 4 Weeks to do it. I
tanks I drew
must earn on average 5-6 Victory
from the cup,
Points each Week. With that in mind,
getting a Tiger,
I attack: 9A (3 points) and 4A (3 points).
a StuG, a Panzer III and a Panzer IV.
I am pushing my forces to engage both Battalions. I think
Due to Battalion 1C, I
the 4A Battle might be a challenge.
also place an additional
To attack 9A, I assign: Enemy Rifle Unit.

Rifle Team #902 commanded by

Reisner, Machine Gun Team #921
(Sanders), Mortar Team #931
(Kolchak), Experienced Anti-Tank
Team #1111 (Red Tree), M3 Scout
Car #301 (Henders), M4 Sherman The special note on 9A
(75mm) #042 (Eandi), M3 Halftrack declares that this battle
#501 (Blair). will last 1 fewer turn, so
it will end at the end of 4
I then assign the remaining Units and turns.
commanders against 4A.

Clarification: A Commander is not permanently assigned

to a Unit. Eandi, for example, does not always have to
command Unit #042, but he does always have to
command an Armor Unit.

Battle with 9A
I start the battle by drawing
an Event card, and get,
"Vital Mission".

I place the Battle Turn

counter on the "1" space.

I gather the 8 Winter

Terrain Tiles (with dark
gray triangles) as listed on
the "Bulge 1944"
Campaign card,
randomize them, and use
the top 6 in the stack. I
place them on the 6 Terrain
Tile spaces on the Tactical Movement Adjustment
Display Sheet with their
Dark Gray triangles pointing to the top of the Sheet. I Move their 3 Enemy Rifle Units 2 hexes toward the
closest friendly Units, and their 2 Anti-Tank Teams by 1 hex

toward the closest friendly Unit. The 9 Hits. Because 921 is suffering 1 successful attack,
he rolls 1 die to defend himself. He must roll a 4 or lower
I roll an 8 for their Aggressiveness Level. This means I will to negate the attack. He rolls a 5.
roll a 10-sided die for their Movement each turn.
I draw 1 damage counter and reference its HE
I now start the 1st Battle Turn. side. I draw a 1 Stress counter and place it on
921’s Commander card (Sanders).
Turn #1
None of my Commanders are Fast, but I have a Tactic The Pz IV Advances into the hex with the two
counter on my Experienced Anti-Tank Team. I also have a ATs. He then follows the same Attack procedure as the Pz
Command Tactic on my Scout Car. I choose not to use III and Attacks 921. He needs to roll 6 or higher to Hit Unit
either counter now. 921. He rolls 5 and 7, hitting once. 921 must roll a 4 or
lower, and gets a 2, negating the attack.
I roll a 10 sided die for the
Enemy Tactical movement, The Tiger Advances into the hex with the Truck. He has
getting a 6. I add 2 to this the Range to Attack 921, but cannot Attack because he is
(and all movement die blocked by the Heavy Cover in front of him.
rolls) due to the German
The StuG cannot enter the hex with the Impassable
Offensive notation on the
notation. He moves into the hex with Light Cover. He must
Campaign card.
roll 7 or higher to hit 921 due to moving and range. He
I start with the Enemy rolls a 9 and 8, hitting twice. 921 rolls two dice for
Tanks, AT (Anti-Tank defenses getting a 1 and a 7.
Teams), and A.Cars
He has stopped one hit and I draw for the
(Armored Cars). Each will
successful attack, getting a No Effect counter.
Advance if they cannot
perform an Attack.

Then I move to the Enemy Rifles, Halftracks, and Machine One of the ATs Advances into the hex with the
Guns. These forces move toward the nearest Unit that can single Rifle. He also targets 921. He must roll a
be targeted with a High Explosive attack. 7 or higher, -1 because he moved. He rolls a 4
and a 10 hitting once. 921’s defense roll is a 7,
Finally, the Enemy Trucks, Mortar Teams and AT Guns
failing. The damage counter is a Casualty. This has no
Advance into an area with Cover. If they cannot move into
immediate effect, but if he suffers another casualty, 921
an area with Cover, they do not move.
will be destroyed.
I Advance the enemy Pz
The second AT Advances into the hex with the two Rifles.
III into the Heavy Cover
He rolls two attack dice, missing both.
in front of it. His possible
targets are 902, 921 and One of the A. Cars moves into Light Cover. He cannot
1111. He is using an HE attack because the Cover is blocking his line of sight. The
attack, and needs to roll second A. Car Advances by one hex, but also cannot
a 5 or higher to hit each attack due to cover.
of them, but he suffers a
penalty of -1 to his roll The first enemy Rifle Unit Advances into the hex with my
because he moved, and Infantry, targeting 921. Their attack value is 5, -2 because
-1 due to range. He must they moved, +2 because they are in the same hex as their
roll a 7 or higher to hit target. They must roll a 5 or higher to hit. They roll a 2 and
any of those targets. 4, missing. The second enemy Rifle Advances into the
same hex and rolls 4 and 9, hitting once. 921 rolls a 6 in
Since he has the same defense, missing.
chance to hit all of them,
he attacks the one with I draw a Suppress counter.
the lowest defense.
The third Rifle Unit Advances and attacks,
902 has a defense of 3, hitting both times. 921 fails to defend both
921 has a defense of 2, times.
and 1111 has a defense
of 3. They each gain +2 to their defense due to being in I draw Exposed, and Commander
Heavy Cover. The Pz III targets counter 921. Wounded.

He rolls two ten sided dice to attack. He rolls a 5 and a 9. Finally, the two trucks both had an
Advance to Cover order. The first
truck does not move, because their is no Cover in front of Turn #2
him. The second Truck Advances into the High Cover in
the same hex as the Pz IV. I advance the Turn
counter to 2.
It is now my turn to Attack the enemy. I start by having
1111 expend its
I start with 921. It has a Suppressed counter, so Sanders Tactic counter to act
will suffer 1 Stress if 921 Attacks this turn. I choose to have during the Fast step.
him attack, so I remove the Suppress Damage counter It will also act during
and place a 1 Stress counter on Sanders. the Slow step as
I have 921 attack one of the Rifle Units in its same hex. normal. I have it
921 has a base roll of 2 or higher against an HE target at attack the AT Unit,
range 0. -1 for Sanders at range 0, but +2 for being at but it misses twice. I
range 0. This means it needs to roll 1’s or higher, and discard its Tactic
automatically hits with both dice. Rifle Units have a counter.
Defense of 3, plus 2 for Heavy Cover, for a total of 5. I roll I roll for Enemy
2 Defense rolls and get a 3 and 8. One is successful and Movement, and roll
one fails. I Destroy the Rifle Unit and remove it from the a 7, plus 2, for a 9.
I begin by moving their Pz.III into the hex in its left front. It
I then have 902 attack a Rifle Unit in its same hex. It needs attacks 501 because 501 has a lower Defense than
to roll 3’s or higher, and rolls 2 successful attacks. I roll 2 042.The Pz.III rolls 2 AP attacks, hits with both, and 501
Defense rolls, and both fail. I remove the Rifle Unit. fails both Defense rolls.
I then have 1111 attack the AT Unit to its front right. It I draw 2 Damage counters and get
needs to roll 6’s or higher, and succeeds with both rolls. a Hull and Explosion. This Destroys
The AT Unit fails both Defense rolls by rolling 4 and 7. I 501 and Kills Blair. I remove their
remove the AT Unit. cards and counters from the game.
I have 931 use its Indirect Fire ability to fire over the Cover Their Tiger moves into Heavy Cover and
hexes in front of it, and target the Pz. IV. It needs to roll 7’s, attacks 042 because it has the best chance to
-2 due to range, but +1 due to Commander Kolchak’s hit 042. It succeeds with both attack rolls, and
skill, so 931 needs to roll 8’s or higher to hit. It rolls a 4 042 stops only 1 of the attacks. I draw a
and 5, missing twice. Damage counter, and 042 suffers a Gun hit.
I move 501 to the Heavy Cover hex to its front left, and Their StuG moves forward. It then attacks 921
have it attack the AT Unit. It needs to roll 6’s, -2 for and ends up inflicting a Mowed Down Damage
Moving, and +1 for Commander Blair’s skill, so 7’s or counter. This eliminates the Unit and
higher overall. It rolls a 1 and 2, missing badly. Commander Sanders.
I have 301 attack the last Rifle Unit. It rolls twice and hits One of their Armored Cars advances into Heavy Cover
once. The Rifle fails its Defense roll, and is Destroyed. and fires at 042, missing twice.
042 moves into the Heavy Cover hex, and attacks the Their other Armored Car Advances into Light
Pz.IV. It hits with one attack, and the Pz.IV fails its Defense Cover and can fire at either 902 or 1111. I
roll, and is Destroyed. choose to have it attack 902 and it inflicts a
That completes Turn #1. Commander Wounded on Reisner.

Their AT Advances into 042’s hex

and attacks 042, inflicting a
Suspension and Glancing.

One of their Trucks advances to

being adjacent to 902 and 1111’s hex. It is in range to
attack, but Trucks cannot move and attack, so it doesn’t

Their other Truck also advances, and cannot attack.

It is now my turn to act.

I have 301 attack the AT Unit, destroying it.

042 Destroys the Pz.III. I begin my turn.

This drops them to 12 points of 931 fires at the Tiger, hitting it once, but the Tiger’s
Units in the battle, so they are now Defense negates the attack.
at Half Strength.
1111 moves toward the Tiger and attacks it
902 attacks the Truck, Destroying from range 1. Red Tree suffers 2 Stress
it. because he chose to both move and attack.
One attack hits, and the Tiger’s Defense roll
931 attacks the left-most Armored fails. The Tiger is Destroyed!
Car, and Destroys it.
This reduces their total Unit points to 3, which is low
1111 has a range of 1. I do not move it, and it does not enough to Destroy the Battalion. This ends the battle.
Post Battle
I Draw an Event Card, getting
Inspiring Leader. This lets me remove
1 Stress from each Commander that
participated in the Mission. Only
Commander Eandi currently has
Stress. His two Stress gets reduced
to one Stress.

Battalion Status
Since Battalion 9A was destroyed, I
remove the counter from the Enemy
Operational Movement area, and I discard the Battalion

Turn #3
I have 301 use its Command Tactic to allow
931 to act now.

931 attacks and Destroys the StuG.

I roll for their Movement and

they roll a 3. They get +2 for
the Campaign card, but
suffer -2 for being at Half, so
the roll remains a 3. None of
the enemy forces move.

Their Tiger fires at 042, hitting it

twice. Both Defense rolls fail, and
042 suffers a Glancing and Engine I record an X on my Player Log, and write in 4 Victory
Damage. Points (3 for the Battalion and 1 for the Vital Mission Event
Their Armored Car fires at 902, missing twice.
Each of my Commanders suffer 2 Stress from going into
Their Truck does not move or attack. the battle. I subtract their Cool rating.
This ends their turn. Ending Stress:

Reisner: 1 Stress gained for the Special Condition card, and the 2 I already
Kolchak: 1 Stress had.
Red Tree: 2 Stress
Henders: 1 Stress This ends my first week of Battle.
Eandi: 2 Stress

They each gain 2 Experience Points, which is not enough

to promote any of them.

Unit/Commander Damage
Reisner - Commander Wounded
Sanders - KIA
921 - Destroyed
Blair - KIA
501 Destroyed
042 - Glancing, Glancing, Engine, Suspension, Gun

Next Battle
I clean up the Battlefield Area of the Tactical Display,
Shuffle and lay out a new configuration of Terrain Tiles.

I then resolve the battle against 4A.

It was a challenging battle, but I

succeeded in destroying Battalion
4A, gaining 3 more Victory Points, at
the cost of Rifle Team #901 being
destroyed. Luckily, 901’s
Commander Chin survived. Several
other Units sustained damage.

I end the week with 7 Victory Points. I

record the Experience, Damage, and
Stress from the second battle on my Player Log.

I roll for their Battalion

Movement. I do not
roll for 6C, because it
is Fixed. I roll a 6 for
10A, which Advances
to the Front. I roll a 2
for 2A, which Holds. I
roll a 7 for 11A which
Advances. I roll a 5 for
1C, which Holds. I roll
a 3 for 2S, which
Holds. I roll a 10 for
1S, which Advances.

Adjust Special Option

I gain 7 SO points for
the Next week. I can immediately spend them to Repair
my damaged Units, or Replace my Commanders. I spend
4 SO points to repair the Engine, Suspension and Gun on

I use Kolchak, my Medic, to remove the Commander

Wounded counter from Reisner.

I’ll save the other 3 SO Points, adding them to the 2


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