Effective Environmental Factors For Reducing Children's Fear in Children's Hospital: Using Parent's Attitudes
Effective Environmental Factors For Reducing Children's Fear in Children's Hospital: Using Parent's Attitudes
Effective Environmental Factors For Reducing Children's Fear in Children's Hospital: Using Parent's Attitudes
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3 authors, including:
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All content following this page was uploaded by Sara Nourmusavi Nasab on 26 June 2020.
International Journal of Architecture and Planning
Received: 27.05.2018 Accepted: 24.04.2020
Volume 8, Issue 1, pp: 01-19/ Published: 25.06.2020
Research Article DOI: 10.15320/ICONARP.2020.102 E- ISSN:2147-9380
Effective Environmental
Factors for Reducing
Children's Fear in
Children's Hospital: Using Sara Nourmusavi Nasab*
Amir Reza Karimi Azeri **
Parent's Attitudes Seyedjalil Mirbazel***
Purpose Keywords: Children, children's
Getting sick and getting into an unfamiliar environment in the hospital hospital, fear reduction,
makes children fear, discomfort and is considered as a very common environmental factors
stressor in such setting. Poor design of hospital environments can
*Architecture and Art Faculty, University
exacerbate behavioral disorders, as well as fear and anxiety in
of Guilan, Rasht, Iran. (Principal contact
individuals. The main purpose of this study is to investigate and for editorial correspondence.)
address the needs and preferences of children regarding the design of Email:[email protected]
therapeutic environments. ORCID No: https://orcid.org/0000-
Design/Methodology/Approach 0002-1883-8042
The desk research method was used and data was collected through a **Associate Professor, Architecture and
questionnaire given to the parents of children in 17th Shahrivar art faculty, University of Guilan, Rasht,
Children's Hospital in Rasht city, Northern Iran. After the data of the Iran.
Email: [email protected]
questionnaires was collected, it was analyzed through spss22 software. ORCID No: https://orcid.org/0000-
Descriptive statistics (charts, mean ...) were used to analyze the data. 0002-1551-8895
Due to the nonparametric nature of the data, Spearman test was used in ***Lecturer. Architecture and art faculty,
Common stressors during childhood are sickness and
hospitalization (Del Nord, 2006). For children, hospital settings
stimulate different emotions, such as fear, anxiety, anger,
sadness, loneliness, which can have adverse effects on children's
physical, mental and social health (Birch et al.,2007; Bsiri-
Moghaddam et al., 2011; Norton-Westwood, 2012; Wilson et al.,
2010). There is ample evidence that children's anxiety increases
during hospitalization and, in consequence, their health can be
subconsciously affected (Dise-Lewis, 1988; Varni & Katz, 1997).
Children suffer from a variety of considerable concerns and fears
during their stay: fear of being away from family; fear of being in
an unknown place; treatment stage's fear as well as loss of
privacy (Coyne, 2006). Anxiety and fear, in terms of children' 02
unconsciousness can affect the children's behavior throughout
their life. As e result, researchers are more interested to study
negative emotions, such as fear, anxiety, and stress-related
concerns which occur during illness (Thompson & Venon, 1993).
According to previous researches, being a fun place, Hospital can
attract children. children want an environment where they can
make friends and engage in entertaining activities (Fletcher et al.,
2011). In addition, the presence of peers and parents alongside
sick children gives them a sense of security and comfort (Norton-
Westwood, 2012). Previous studies about parents' perceptions of
children's hospital environments have shown that one of the key DOI: 10.15320/ICONARP.2020.102 E-ISSN: 2147-9380
elements is the physical quality of that environment, which
should be quiet, clean and convenient while also providing
adequate space and privacy (Pelander et al.,2007).
In the last fifty years, advances in medical technology have
increased the level of design competence in the therapeutic
spaces. Complexity in such buildings have increased. This
complexity is the result of the multiplicity of units, abundance
and the diversity of users and increase in the quality of medical
technologies (Aydın, 2009). Now, in Iran, the situations of
children's hospitals present a number of problems including lack
of environmental facilities, inattention to the needs of children
and the impact of the environment on their health condition.
Effective Environmental Factors for Reducing Children's Fear in
Children's Hospital: Using Parent's Attitudes
03 shape of hospital?
• How effective is the existence of amusement spaces in
reducing child's fear?
• How important is the presence of the family next to the
By the 1960s, hospital buildings had focused more on hospital
performance than patient experience (De Wilde & Muylle, 2012).
Until the 1990s, little information was available about hospital
design, but through the decade, architects and interior designers
ICONARP – Volume 8, Issue 1 / Published: 25.06.2020
to enjoy red and purple colors. Apart from the gender
perspective, sick children often preferred blue and green, and
had the slightest tendency to the white color.
This research is purpose-oriented, applied. In terms of collecting
data, it is a non-test descriptive study. Also, it was carried out as
a sample case study. The measurement tools include:
questionnaire and the software of social package for statistical
analysis (SPSS22). The questionnaire consisted of 26 questions
classified into 5 categories entitled "Mental relaxation, comfort,
attractiveness, positive distraction and security." When
developing the questionnaire, it was tried not to make them
Sara Nourmusavi Nasab & Amir Reza Karimi Azeri & Seyedjalil
Shahrivar Hospital is a Children's Specialized Hospital located in
Rasht. This hospital has 170 beds. The only specialized medical
unit of Rasht is this hospital. The spatial relationships and
positioning of the building are shown in Figures 1, 2, and 3.
The current visual form of this hospital is illustrated in Figures 4,
5 and 6. No use of happy colors and green space in the
environment, scattered space layout and inappropriate furniture
can be seen in the pictures.
ICONARP – Volume 8, Issue 1 / Published: 25.06.2020
The findings demonstrate that factors like adequate lighting, play
room, water elements, outdoor play, hospital structure,
ventilation, green spaces and happy colors, can be ideal
environmental elements providing suitable environment for
ICONARP – Volume 8, Issue 1 / Published: 25.06.2020
In this study, comfort and positive distraction with an average of
4.3 are more important than other ones. Previous studies have
also highlighted the significance of positive distraction. Other
research done by Pati and Nanda (2011), has also expressed that
positive distraction leads to gentle behavior of children.
The use of happy colors is the most important factor for the
subjective sense of mental relaxation. Other studies have also
suggested that the use of happy color in the environment can
lead to positive effect on children's mood (J. Coad and N. Coad,
Lighting as an environmental factor in this research, is indicted
by other researchers in hospital environment as well. Light
improves the quality of patients, staff and visitor's overall
Sara Nourmusavi Nasab & Amir Reza Karimi Azeri & Seyedjalil
This study was conducted as a scientific research to transform
children's needs into design by examining their parents'
responses about their children's needs in hospital setting.
Considering the results of the attitude screening questionnaire
from the parents of the sick children as well as library studies
done through desk research method, the elaboration of the
features that can be considered for designing children's hospital
environments is as follows:
This article is an excerpt from Sara Nourmusavi nasab's Master
Dissertaion titled " The design of the children specialist health
center in Rasht with an approach to reduce the fear of the
environment utilizing user opinions ", directed by Dr Amir Reza
Karimi Azeri, Seyedjalil Mirbazel at Gilan University.
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ICONARP – Volume 8, Issue 1 / Published: 25.06.2020
SaraNourmusavi Nasab received her B.Arch and M.Arch from Guilan
University in the major of Architecture. She currently works as a
Amir Reza Karimi Azeri currently works at Guilan University,
Department of Architecture, as an associate Prof. He received his
M.Arch and PhD in Architecture from Iran University of science and
Seyedjalil Mirbazel currently works at Guilan University, Department of
Architecture, as a lecturer. He received his M.Arch in Architecture from
Iran University of science and technology.