Libres Bsce 2-c Module3

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Module ___

Lesson No. ___

Name: ____Abegail Marie A. Libres____ Yr. & Section ___BSCE 2-C___

Engage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Based on your readings, describe how advanced Science & Technology is in the
Philippines during Pre-Colonial Period; Spanish, American & Japanese colonization; and Post-
Colonial Period.

During the pre-colonial period, science and technology paved its way with our
natives who showed innovative way to survive in an unfriendly environment. They
used plants and herbs as medicines, created system of farming and animal-raising,
and also developed different modes of transportation. Having these great minds in
science and technology the cordilleras built rice terraces by hand which is still
functioning as of today. They incorporated irrigation system from the forests and
mountain tops to achieve an elaborate farming system. We can say that long before
the colonial period, our country has its own way of bringing science and technology
through their inventions that helped them in their essential needs in everyday life.
When the Spaniards came and colonized the Philippines for 333 years, they
brought new ways to improve our country through science and technology. They
provided modern means of construction. They built walls, roads, bridges and other
large infrastructures that made a big impact in our country that can still be seen
today. As of today schools that had been built during their colonization are still in
run having religion as one of the subjects in all levels. Also brought education and
health systems that the principalia class enjoyed. They made a big impact in our
country for they have been here for a long period of time. Their influences and
innovations are still present and existing in modern days that made history for them
and in our country.
Americans modernized almost all aspect of life here in our country. They
established government agency & Bureau of Science to nurture development in
science and technology, established Formal Education; 3Rs, built Univ. of Sto.
Tomas; Thomasites were the earliest teachers-soldiers and returned after the
invasion of the Japanese. They have been improving our ways of maintaining an
organize life through their government agencies. They are serious in providing us a
way on how to improve our country by developing agencies in science and
technology that is the center of innovations as of today.
Blood shed by our brave Filipinos when the Japanese invaded the Philippines.
Other than these tragic happenings, the Japanese also contributed in our
development in science and technology. They introduced nihonggo, their language
with us. Shared their culture and arts just like origami. Japan is one of the most
developed countries in the world in science and technology. During their
colonization, they had made history in the lives of our countrymen and also in our

Module ___
Lesson No. ___

After achieving independence from all the colonizers, the Philippines, under
different administrations, continued the pursuance of programs in Science and
technology. Some presidents posted more developments in the field of Science and
Technology. One of them is the former president and dictator Ferdinand Marcos.
Marcos focuses in the development of science and technology in our country. Under
his term, many agencies in science and technology were established and
strengthened. Marcos saw that the key in nation-building is the continued
development in science and technology. The development in science and technology
continued after his term by the succeeding presidents that made legacies in the field.
And as of now, we are constantly improving and developing our country with the
help of science and technology. S & T evolved from most basic to “environmentally

Module ___
Lesson No. ___

Name: ____Abegail Marie A. Libres____ Yr. & Section ___BSCE 2-C___

Explore -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

With a concrete picture of Scientific and Technological standing in the Philippines in various
period, describe the governing authorities’ inclination to Science & Technology in those

Pre-colonial Period

The leaders in ancient times was dedicated to save the lives of their community.
Being able to develop herbal medicines brings science and technology into another level.
Also they are very innovative to be able to develop ways to survive in those times having
unfriendly environment by utilizing nature’s gift and turning it into something that people
could benefit not just for that period but up until the present time.

Spanish Period

The governing authorities in those times are all foreigners obviously because we
were being colonized by the Spanish people. Their way of developing science and
technology in the Philippines really made a history for us. Up until now the structures that
they built still exists in some area in our country. Their constructions are very helpful to
make things comfortable and easier in that particular period. It became the starting point
of having advanced science and technology that still in run today.

American Period

Americans modernized almost all aspect of life here in our country. They
are more focused in nurturing science and technology in our country by
developing agencies like Bureau of Science.
Japanese Period
During these days Japanese people shared their culture and for me they
haven’t done a lot in our country in terms of science and technology.
Post-colonial Period
During Ferdinand Marcos’ presidency, the importance given to science
grew. In the amended 1973 Philippine Constitution, Article XV, Section 9 (1), he
declared that the “advancement of science and technology shall have priority
in the national development.” In his two terms of presidency and during Martial
Law, he enacted many laws promoting science and technology in nation-
building. In this period former president Marcos focused more on science and
technology and the succeeding president had its own legacies.

Module ___
Lesson No. ___

List several scientific and technological discoveries or inventions that were identified in a
particular period and under whose presidency. Have they contributed to Philippines nation-
building? In what way?

Pre-colonial period

 Medicinal and therapeutic properties of plants and the methods of

extracting medicine from herbs. Yes, with this method those people having
illnesses that take their lives can be cured. Having a healthy community.
 Alphabet and number system. Yes, it makes communication easier for them.
Also note taking improved with these inventions that helped not just them but also
us to know our history.
 Weighing and measuring system. Yes, it makes accurate measurement for
different use like knowing the weight of an object.
 Farming and animal-raising. Yes, it helped to aid the hunger long time ago.

Spanish Period

 formal education and founded scientific institution. Yes, it helped in

improving the lives of many by nourishing knowledge that can help a person in
becoming conscious of what’s going on around him.
  Galleon Trade. Yes, it helped in our economy and exchanging of goods from
other countries.

American Period

 Univ. of Sto. Tomas. Yes, it helped in educating Filipinos that time that
developed their views around them and also in improving the country.

Japanese Period

 Nihonggo. Yes, it made way for better diplomatic relationship between the
two countries.

Post-Colonial Period

  Jeepney. Sergio Osmeña Sr. After independence from the United States was
declared in 1946, there was a surplus of American military jeeps in the
country. Filipinos then modified these vehicles to serve as makeshift buses.
Since then, this ubiquitous vehicle has faced a lot of innovative
transformations until the modern “E-Jeepney” was finally introduced in Metro
Manila and Bacolod. Yes, it is the most common form of transportation in the
country today. Made transportation easier and accessible to the public.

 INCUBATOR  BY FE DEL MUNDO. Manuel L. Quezon. Yes, maintain

microbiological cultures or cell cultures. The incubator maintains optimal
temperature, humidity and other conditions such as the CO2 and oxygen
content of the atmosphere inside. That helped the field of medicine in our
country to maintain life.

Module ___
Lesson No. ___

 VIDEOPHONE BY GREGORIO Y. ZARA. Ramon Magsaysay. Yes, it

improves our communication to connect from distant people and also in our


reportedly the first successful macrolide antibiotic introduced in the US. It
helped improve our field of medicine that maintain the lives of many people.


RUDY LANTANO SR. Fidel V. Ramos. Yes, evolutionary fuel half-
composed of water. The mix burns faster and emits pollutants, 95 percent less
than those released to the air by traditional fuel products. The inventor said his
invention is a result of blending new ingredients and additives with ordinary
oil products through agitation and mixing, which is a very safe process. It
helped the environment by lessening the products of pollutants in the air.

 Artificial Enrichment of White Rice as a Solution to Endemic Beriberi

which fortified the rice with Vitamin B. Elpidio Quirino. Yes, it helped in
giving the people proper nourishment in their body. It improved the well-being
of the people and also stopped the endemic circulating the country.

Are there existing laws or policies the governing authorities had created in the various
period paving the way to the nation’s dynamic economic growth?

For many years, the Philippines pursued an industrial policy that encouraged

import substitution rather than promoting exports. Until tariff reforms were introduced in
1991, trade policies heavily penalized the primary and agricultural sectors and benefited
the manufacturing sector. In the amended 1973 Philippine Constitution, Article XV,
Section 9 (1), Marcos declared that the “advancement of science and
technology shall have priority in the national development.” In 1986, during
Corazon Aquino’s presidency, the National Science and Technology Authority
was replaced by the Department of Science and Technology, giving science
and technology a representation in the cabinet. Under the Medium Term
Philippine Development Plan for the years 1987-1992, science and
technology’s role in economic recovery and sustained economic growth was
During Corazon Aquino’s State of the Nation Address in 1990, she said
that science and technology development shall be one of the top three
priorities of the government towards an economic recovery. While Fidel V.
Ramos believes that science and technology was one of the means wherein
the Philippines could attain the status of new industrialized country (NIC).
During his term, he was able to establish programs that were significant to the
field of S&T. In 1993, Science and Technology Agenda for National
Development (STAND) was established.
In President Joseph Estrada’s term, two major legislations that he
signed were Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 (Republic Act No. 8749) which
was designed to protect and preserve the environment and ensure the
sustainable development of its natural resources, and Electronic Commerce
Act of 2000 (Republic Act No. 8792) which outlaws computer hacking and

Module ___
Lesson No. ___

provides opportunities for new businesses emerging from the Internet-driven

New Economy. 
In the Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo administration, the science and
technology sector of the Philippines was dubbed as the “golden age” of
science and technology by then secretary Estrella Albastro . Numerous laws
and projects that concerns both the environment and science to push
technology as a tool to increase the country’s economic level. This is to help
increase the productivity from Science, Technology and Innovations (STI) and
help benefit the poor people. Moreover, the term “Filipinnovation” was the
coined term used in helping the Philippines to be an innovation hub in Asia.
In the current administration, Science and technology in the country
scored another milestone with the signing of the Balik Scientist law by
President Rodrigo Roa A. Duterte on 15 June 2018. Republic Act No. 11035,
also known as an “Act Institutionalizing the Balik Scientist Program,” would
give more incentives to returning Filipino experts, scientists, inventors, and
engineers who would share their expertise in the country.

Module ___
Lesson No. ___

Name: ____Abegail Marie A. Libres____ Yr. & Section ___BSCE 2-C___

Elaborate ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Identify at least 2 concrete manifestations of the role that Science and Technology play in
nation building. Present your answer following the matrix below.



Solid Waste MSW requires efficient Advantages are it reduces RA 9003 or the
Management collection, transfer and reliance on landfills and Ecological Solid
System disposal. One of the incinerators. Recycling Waste Management
Deployment in dynamic performers in protects our health and Act
Cadiz City, MSW in the Region is Cadiz environment when
Negros City Environment and harmful substances are
Occidental Natural Resources Office removed from
which supported and the waste stream.
collaborated with the Recycling conserves our
researchers. The study natural resources because
aims to deploy Solid it reduces the need for raw
Waste Management materials.
System (SWMS) in Cadiz
While the disadvantages
City, Negros Occidental is
are Process is not always
an offshoot of the study
cost-effective and the sites
entitled Material Recovery
are often dangerous.
Facility Monitoring and
Evaluation System (MRF
MES) in collaboration with
the Provincial
Environment Office
(PEMO) of Negros

Cadiz Solar The Cadiz solar farm Advantages are Solar RA 9513 or the
Power Plant Renewable Energy

Module ___
Lesson No. ___

brings to 10 the total power is pollution free and Act of 2008

number of fully causes no greenhouse
gases to be emitted after
functional solar power
plants in the
Philippines. They Reduced dependence on
have a combined foreign oil and fossil fuels.
installed capacity of Renewable clean power
377 MW, said former that is available every day
Senator Juan Miguel of the year, even cloudy
days produce some power.
Zubiri, who authored
the Renewable Energy While the disadvantages
Law of 2008. are High initial costs for
material and installation
and long ROI (however,
with the reduction in cost
of solar over the last 10
years, solar is becoming
more cost feasible every

Needs lots of space as

efficiency is not 100% yet

No solar power at night so

there is a need for a large
battery bank


S&T HUMAN Scholarships for S&T Human resource Republic Act No.

RESOURCE undergraduate degrees, development aims at 7687, also known as
DEVELOPME and scholarships and building future S&T the Science and
NT research fellowships at capabilities through Technology Scholars
the graduate level. It also focused programs in hip Act of 1994
conducts science and basic and higher
mathematics education.
competitions to motivate
members of the
academe and promote a
culture of achievement.

REGIONAL Provides laboratory and These services are Based on the

STANDARDS testing services to likewise very important to requirements of
AND industries, academe, our public institutions ISO/IEC 17025:2005.

Module ___
Lesson No. ___

TESTING local governmentv units, and local government

LABORATORI private institutions and units particularly in
ES (RSTL) individuals in Western addressing public
Visayas. These welfare concerns and
laboratory services are consumer protection. 
critical in the product
development as well as
quality assurance
requirements of our


Filipinnovation Create an attractive and Promote and facilitate the Republic Act (RA) 10055
financially rewarding transfer, dissemination, or the “Philippine
environment for RDIs and and effective use, Technology Transfer
scientists by providing management, and Act of 2009
them the IPR for output commercialization of
arising from government- intellectual property,
funded research, which in technology, and knowledge
turn encourages them to resulting from R&D that
commercialize the was funded by the
technologies produced government for the benefit
from their research. of the national economy
and taxpayers.

However, the enactment of

RA 10055 did not
accelerate technology
transfer as expected. There
were two missing
policies and funding.

The Business Cover up to 70% of the Level-up the innovation DOST Special Order
Innovation total eligible cost of the capacity of the Philippine No. 0276 which was
through S&T needed technology at Industrial Sector through approved on 02 April
(BIST) for zero percent interest. To R&D by helping private 2018
Industry date, the BIST Program companies and
Program has approved one industries acquire novel
project from an herbal and strategic
company, Herbanext technologies, such as
Laboratories Inc., state-of-the-art
providing a total financial equipment and
assistance of Php11.7M. machinery, technology
licenses and patent
rights among others.

Module ___
Lesson No. ___

Name: ____Abegail Marie A. Libres____ Yr. & Section ___BSCE 2-C___

Evaluate ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Trace the development of science and technology from the Pre-colonial times to the present.
What have you observed in terms of government’s inclination towards it?

Science and technology in the Philippines represents the wide scientific

and technological advances the Philippines has made. The government is really
focused on developing a competitive technology like from the developed countries
around the world. The main managing agency responsible for science and
technology (S&T) is the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). The
science department have consulting agencies for Forestry, Agriculture and
Aquaculture, Metal Industry, Nuclear Research, Food and Nutrition, Health,
Meteorological and the Volcanology and Seismology.

Numerous national scientists have contributed in different fields of science

including Fe del Mundo in the field of Pediatrics, Eduardo Quisumbing in the field
of Plant taxonomy, Gavino Trono in the field of tropical marine Phycology, and
Maria Orosa in the field of Food technology.
Science and Technology Fields

What do you think are the major contributions of Science and Technology to Philippine

The major contributions of science and technology to Philippine nation-

building are linked to its socio-economic progress and its industrialization. Today,
the current state of our country is very low in its capacity to produce local goods
for domestic needs as well as in international scientific research publications. One
of the primary reasons for the slow growth of science and technology in the
Philippines is because of the lack of funding and support from the government for
the improvement of science educational fields, especially in the research and

Moreover, the history of science and technology in the Philippines can be

traced as early as the stone age. The discovery of tools to aid in human life is one
of its first foundations. Next is in bronze age, people learned to use metals for
tools and weapons, as well as, domestication and agriculture. Moving forward, all
the discoveries and developments of tools lead to more knowledge and
advancements in the field of science. More scientists rose to invent and apply

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Module ___
Lesson No. ___

science for the betterment of our society. Our community life changed from rural
living to urbanized cities, especially in Manila where it becomes very crowded due
to greater work opportunities and higher demands of manpower. Though as time
goes by, technical innovations have lessened the load of people and led to greater
demand of studying newly applied technologies. On the other hand, medical
science has contributed much to the cure and prevention of diseases including the
application of vaccines and the promotion of cheaper medicines. Lastly, the field of
communication welcomed a drastic change from the internet usage to the
different supply of cellular phones- in just a snap people from far distances can
already see and commune with each other. Until now, more inventions are being
researched and studied. However, no matter how many innovations have broken
out in the Philippines, the country’s progress isn’t much highly competitive.
Hopefully, as we welcome new seasons, there would be more support in studying
and advancing sciences in our country.

What do you think are the major contributions of the Philippines to Science and Technology
at present?

The Filipinos have contributed a lot in the field of science and

technology. In fact, there have been inventions by Filipino scientists.
The following are just some of the inventions by the Filipinos :

Lamps using sea water instead of kerosene. This was invented

by a Filipina scientist.

Cooking stove using methane gas from farm animals waste.

This was invented by a Filipino scientist.

Running a car machine using water instead of gasoline. This

was conceptualized by a Filipino scientist.

And lately, a group of Filipino students invented robotic toy

cars. There was also another group Filipinos who was also able to
invent dengue testing kits.

The aforementioned are just some of the inventions by Filipino

scientists. Their inventions may not be that big, but their inventions
can contribute to the science and technology not just in the
Philippines, but also to the world.

What specific government policy do you like the most in terms of contributing to the
developments of Science and Technology in the Philippines?

For me Republic Act No. 7687, also known as the Science and

Technology Scholarship Act of 1994 is one of the laws that I like the most. For the
reason that I am a DOST scholar and it really helped me a lot to finish my course. A
lot of scientists, engineers, and other professionals was produced by the said act.

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Lesson No. ___

Also it helped a lot of professionals now to achieve what they have become.
Without them, there would be no development in our country for they are the
ones who made a lot of changes in science and technology for the development of
our country.

What policies do you want our government to implement in the near future?

If possible, I want the government to implement environment friendly

materials in constructions. So that our nature won’t be destroyed easily and for us
and the future generation be able to enjoy it.

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Module ___
Lesson No. ___

Rubrics for Grading

Comprehension Check:

Criteria 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts 5 pts

Answers are partial or Answers are not Answers are accurate Answers are
incomplete. Key points comprehensive or and complete. Key comprehensive,
are not clear. Question completely stated. Key points are stated and accurate and complete.
not adequately points are addressed, supported. Key ideas are clearly
answered. but not well supported. stated, explained, and
well supported.
Organization and Inadequate Organization is mostly Well organized,
structure detract from organization or clear and question is coherently developed,
Organization the answer. development. Structure partially restated. and restates the
of the answer is not question.
easy to follow.
Displays over five Displays three to five Displays one to three Displays no errors in
Writing errors in spelling, errors in spelling, errors in spelling, spelling, punctuation,
Conventions punctuation, grammar, punctuation, grammar, punctuation, grammar, grammar, and sentence
and sentence structure. and sentence structure. and sentence structure. structure.


Does Not Meet

Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Criteria Expectations
10 pts 13 pts 15 pts
7 pts
Three or more One or two All components are All components are
model is components involved components involved labeled and/or labeled and/or
accurate and in the model are in the model are explained properly. explained properly and
includes all missing or mislabeled. missing or mislabeled. show an extra effort
essential for clarity and detail.

Model is not at all Model is slightly Model is a product of Model is clearly a
model is creative connected to the connected to interest the interest of the product of the interest
and expresses an interest of the student of student. student. of the student and
interest or and is perceived as oozes of passion and
passion of the a burden or drudgery. enthusiasm.

Discussion Paper

Needs Improvement Fair Good Excellent

10 pts 15 pts 20 pts 25 pts
Content Student shows little to Student shows slight Student shows some Student shows full
no mastery of topic. mastery of topic. mastery of topic. mastery of topic.

Information Student used Student's information Student's information Student's information

inaccurate or no contains many contains some shows few to no
information. inaccuracies. inaccuracies. inaccuracies.

Spelling/ Paper contains more Paper contains 7 to 9 Paper contains 4 to 7 Paper contains 3 or
Grammar than 10 spelling and spelling and grammar spelling and grammar less spelling and
grammar mistakes. mistakes. mistakes. grammar mistakes.

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Lesson No. ___

Paper is too hard to Paper is very hard to Paper is somewhat Paper is easy to read
-Easy to read and read and understand read and understand hard to read and and understand and is
understand and improper structure and contains little understand and structured correctly.
-Structure of is used. correct structure. contains some
paper is correct structural errors.

Essay / Reflection

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Module ___
Lesson No. ___

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