MLAB 1235
Semester Hours Credit: 2
B. The courses are designed to meet basic curriculum requirements for the Central Texas
College Medical Laboratory Technician Program.
C. This course is occupationally related and provided didactic and practical knowledge
required for entrance into the clinical portions of the Medical Laboratory Technology
D. Prerequisite(s): None
July 2017
I. Perform quality control (QC) procedures according to established protocol and
evaluate the results.
J. Relate the clinical significance of laboratory procedures to the appropriate
disease process. Correlate values with given diseases states, diagnosis, and
K. At the conclusion of this lecture series, the student will have achieved the
following: Achievement will be met when a minimum score of 75 percent is
earned on the written examination covering the material.
A. Text: The instructional materials identified for this course are viewable through
A. To receive transferable credits for this course, you must earn a grade of 2.5 or
B. Class attendance is mandatory. A student who is late for 15 minutes or more will
be marked absent. A student who is late for less than 15 minutes late will be
marked tardy. 2 tardy will count as an absence. 3 absences result in loss of a letter
grade for the course. 4 absences will disqualify a student from the MLT program
and the student will be required to meet with the program director for
C. Students with a grade of 2.4 or less should make an appointment with the
instructor to discuss the reason for low performance. Any material not understood
by the student can be discussed with the instructor privately during office hours.
Office hours are posted; please try to schedule an appointment at your
D. Lecture examinations will be taken from class notes, assigned pages in your text,
and any additional information such as computer assignments or videos.
B. Makeup examinations will not be given. If you must miss an exam, you can use
your final exam grade to replace your missed exam grade. Any additional missed
exams would result in a “0” and cannot be made up.
Extra credit: Maximum of 3% of total grade. Extra credit for lecture portion only. Lab has lab
participation points. No extra assignments without approval of professor for lecture. Again, must
fit within 3% of total extra points.
NOTE: Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated. A student who chooses to plagiarize will be
given a zero on the assignment. A formal charge may be made to the College Disciplinary Board.
Testing: If professor elects to use testing center, tests will only be available on Tues-Thursday
only. No exceptions. Tests will only be for same time period as the class. Class must meet during
original scheduled class time for extra lectures and/or labs. Professor will take test on Monday,
pick up tests on Friday to be able to grade by next class period.
NOTE: Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. A student observed cheating will be given a zero on
the test. A formal charge may be made to the College Disciplinary Board.
The equivalent date (75% of the semester) will be used for other sessions of other
lengths. The specific last day to withdrawal is published each semester in the
Schedule Bulletin.
A student who officially withdraws will be awarded the grade of “W” provided
the student’s attendance and academic performance are satisfactory at the time of
official withdrawal. Students must file a withdrawal application with the college
before they may be considered for withdrawal.
A student may not withdraw from a class for which the instructor has previously
issued the student a grade of “F” or “FN” for nonattendance.
C. Incomplete Grade: The College catalog states, “An incomplete grade may be
given in those cases where the student has completed the majority of the course
work but, because of personal illness, death in the immediate family, or military
orders, the student is unable to complete the requirements for a course…” Prior
approval from the instructor is required before the grade of “I” for Incomplete is
recorded. A student who merely fails to show for the final examination will
receive a zero for the final and an “F” for the course.
D. Cellular Phones and Beepers: Student cellular phones and beepers will be
turned off while the student is in the classroom or laboratory. Students choosing
to disregard this policy will be asked to leave and will be recorded as absent. If a
cell phone rings or is used during testing, the test will be taken and a grade of zero
will be given.
G. Civility: The collegiate expectation is that students will conduct themselves with
civility at all times in classrooms. Minimal civility includes:
a. Being in class on time
b. Staying in class for the entire class period
c. Leaving early occurs only after informing the teacher, prior to class, of an
unavoidable conflict requiring your early departure (if possible, position
yourself close to the door for a minimum disruption of the class)
d. Avoiding such uncivil conduct as talking, sleeping, reading
papers/magazines, or working on some other class homework assignment
e. Using socially acceptable language in classroom discussions
Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action up to and including
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be able
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be able
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be able
c. Describe the composition and function of neutrophil extracellular
traps (NETs)
d. Discuss the role of monocytes and macrophages in cellular
e. Define and compare acute inflammation and sepsis
f. Briefly describe cell surface receptors
g. Name and compare the signs and symptoms of disorders of
neutrophil function
h. Compare the signs and symptoms of two monocyte or macrophage
i. Describe states involving the leukocyte integrins
j. Analyze case studies related to defects of neutrophils
k. Correctly answer case study related multiple choice questions
l. Be prepared to participate in a discussion of critical thinking
m. Describe the principal reporting of results, sources of error, clinical
applications, and limitations of phagocytic engulfment test
n. Correctly answer end of chapter review questions
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be able to:
m. Correctly answer case study-related multiple choice questions.
n. Be prepared to participate in a discussion of critical thinking questions.
o. Describe the assessment of the cellular immune status.
p. Correctly answer end of chapter review questions.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be able
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be able
f. Compare pre-exposure and post-exposure prophylactic measures for
handling potential occupational transmission of certain pathogens
(HBV, HCV, and HIV).
g. Demonstrate the proper decontamination of a work area at the start and
completion of work and after a hazardous spill.
h. Explain the process of properly segregating and disposing of various
types of waste products generated in the clinical laboratory.
i. Analyze a safety case study to identify violations and remediation for
the violations.
j. Correctly answer case study-related multiple choice questions.
k. Be prepared to participate in a discussion of critical thinking questions.
l. Identify items essential to safety in the clinical laboratory.
m. Correctly answer end of chapter review questions.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be able
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be able
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be able
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be able
f. Analyze a case study.
g. Correctly answer case study related multiple choice questions.
h. Be prepared to participate in a discussion of critical thinking questions.
i. Explain agglutination reactions of the ABO blood group procedure.
j. Describe the principle and sources of error of the ABO blood group
k. Correctly answer end of chapter review questions.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be able
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be able
fluorescent in situ hybridization, signal amplification technology, and
magnetic labeling technology.
g. Analyze a case study related to immunoassay.
h. Correctly answer case study related multiple choice questions.
i. Be prepared to participate in a discussion of critical thinking questions.
j. Describe the principle of the solid-phase immunosorbent assay for
pregnancy testing.
k. Describe the direct fluorescent antibody test for N. gonorrhea.
l. Correctly answer end of chapter review questions.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be able
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be able
l. Analyze a case study related to immunoassay.
m. Correctly answer case study related multiple choice questions.
n. Describe a molecular testing procedure.
o. Correctly answer end of chapter review questions.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
n. Correctly answer end of chapter review questions.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
c. Explain the principle, interpretation, and limitations of an antibody
detection assay.
d. Describe prevention strategies of Lyme disease.
e. Summarize the etiology, epidemiology, and signs and symptoms of
f. Analyze the immunologic manifestations and diagnostic evaluation of
g. Explain the prevention of ehrlichiosis.
h. Summarize the etiology, epidemiology, and signs and symptoms of
Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
i. Analyze the immunologic manifestations and diagnostic evaluation of
Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
j. Explain the prevention of Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
k. Summarize the etiology, epidemiology, and signs and symptoms of
l. Analyze the immunologic manifestations and diagnostic evaluation of
m. Explain the prevention of Babesiosis.
n. Briefly discuss the etiology and laboratory diagnosis of West Nile
virus infection.
o. Analyze case studies related to the immune response in Lyme disease,
Ehrlichiosis, and Babesiosis.
p. Correctly answer case study related multiple choice questions.
q. Be prepared to participate in a discussion of critical thinking questions.
r. Describe the principle, limitations, and clinical applications of the
rapid Borrelia burgdorferi antibody detection assay.
s. Correctly answer end of chapter review questions.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
a. Identify and describe the characteristics of the various forms of
primary infectious hepatitis, including laboratory assays.
b. Compare the etiology, epidemiology, signs and symptoms, laboratory
evaluation, and prevention of the various types of hepatitis.
c. Analyze case studies related to the immune response various forms of
d. Correctly answer case study related multiple choice questions.
e. Be prepared to participate in a discussion of critical thinking questions.
f. Describe the principle, results, and limitations of the rapid HCV test.
g. Correctly answer end of chapter review questions.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
g. Analyze a representative HIV-1 case study.
h. Correctly answer case study related multiple choice questions.
i. Be prepared to participate in a discussion of critical thinking questions.
j. Describe the principles of the Rapid HIV antibody test, GS HIV
Combo Antigen/Antibody EIA, and simulation of HIV-1 Detection.
k. Correctly answer end of chapter review questions.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
c. Explain and contrast the characteristics of other monoclonal disorders,
such as monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance.
d. Analyze a case study related to immunoproliferation.
e. Correctly answer case study related multiple choice questions.
f. Be prepared to participate in a discussion of case study related critical
thinking questions.
g. Describe the principle and application of the Bence Jones Protein
Screening Procedure.
h. Correctly answer end of chapter review questions.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
j. Correctly answer end of chapter review questions.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to: