III. Exercises/activities Activity 1-Craft Your Proposition How To Become A Good Citizen in Our Country
III. Exercises/activities Activity 1-Craft Your Proposition How To Become A Good Citizen in Our Country
III. Exercises/activities Activity 1-Craft Your Proposition How To Become A Good Citizen in Our Country
Being a citizen nowadays entails being a member of a group with legal and political rights. It
entails bot benefits and responsibilities. I believe that we all have a responsibility to act responsibly as
citizens. Patriotism is a quality of a good citizen. It demonstrating love for ones nation. It entails a strong
devotion to specific national cultural ideals as well as a strong sense of patriotism. Another, a productive
citizen contibutes to their country. They are good as to contribute their skills, talents, and abilities. You
should be politically involved if you want to be a good citizen. Lastly, be well-rounded person. A person
who is well-rounded is better at creative problem solving and invention than someone who is not.
Furthermore, they have the potential to contribute not only to countrys GDP, but also to its cultural
Activity 2- The citizen in action
As a student we can express ourselves further by making a checklist for a healthy democracy and stop
martial law from happening again. We have to reflect on this list to identify areas where we still have
work to do. Here are the list that we should consider:
Democracy involves all generations. History must be taught and understood to younger
generations in order for them to understand why their participation is required. It may also include
internships to gain a closer look and prepare ourselves to take the baton forward. Youth is not an excuse
to shirk responsibility, and seniority is not an excuse to squander it.
Active citizenship, as we define it, is a combination of knowledge, attitude, skills, and actions
that aim to contribute to the establishment and maintenance of a democratic society. Active Citizenship
promotes democratic cooperation that is founded on universal human rights and the rule of law,
respects diversity, and includes the entire community. Education for acquiring this knowledge and
developing and practicing the skills occurs at all levels of our shared social life, but schools play a critical
role in this process. This all could help countrys progress towards a better future.