Lesson Plan - Noh Mask
Lesson Plan - Noh Mask
Lesson Plan - Noh Mask
Materials needed: Clay, clay carving tools, Design handout, paint, paint brushes.
Anticipatory Set Masks discussion: Teacher will ask a series of questions to the class
about masks. Teacher will introduce different historical uses of masks
and their significance.
Teaching Strategies Student Activities
Day 1 Day 1
Lesson introduction:
Teacher introduces the topic of Mask making and
starts a discussion switch students about the
purposes of masks and their historical relevance.
Exit ticket: Students begin to design their Noh Mask Students begin to think about their Noh Mask and start
using Noh Mask handout. drafting their design using Noh Mask handout.
Day 2 Day 2
Clay carving workshop: Students begin to use clay carving tools to develop and
Teacher explains and models the technique of clay practice clay carving skills.
carving by showing students step by step
instructions on how to use the different carving tools.
Exit ticket: Students shape and carve an animal Students work on their clay animals by shaping and
using air dry clay. carving air dry clay.
Day 3 Day 3
Teacher introduces students to their main project for Students begin shaping their clay in preparation for
this unit. Each student is given a block of carving carving.
clay and a set of carving tools.
Students begin carving their clay
Teacher goes over expectations and the project
Day 4 Day 4
Teacher assists students with their project while Students work on their masks with the goal of beginning
providing feedback and help to students. the painting of their mask during the next class session.
Day 5 Day 5
Teacher continues to provide feedback and help to Students continue to carve their masks.
students. Students begin to pint their masks.
Day 7 - Critique day Day 7 - Students complete peer critique worksheet and
Assessment plan:
Formative assessments: Noh Mask Design Handout, Art criticism
Summative assessment
Noh Mask
Closure: This lesson will be wrapped by an Online Jigsaw Activity. Students will
upload 3 photos of their mask along with their artist statement about
their work.