Death House
Death House
Death House
Lead Designer: Christopher Perkins
Creative Consultants: Tracy and Laura Hickman
Designers: Adam Lee, Richard Whitters, Jeremy Crawford
Managing Editor: Jeremy Crawford
Editor: Kim Mohan
Editorial Assistance: Scott Fitzgerald Gray
D&D Lead Designers: Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford
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Death House
You can run Curse of Strahd for 1st-level characters riage arrived at Death House soon thereafter, and from
with the help of this optional mini-adventure, which is out of its black heart stepped the vampire himself. The
designed to advance characters to 3rd level. Players cultists tried to impress Strahd. In response, he slaugh-
creating 1st-level characters can use the haunted one tered them for slaying his playthings. Centuries later,
character background in appendix A, or they can pick the cultists’ spirits haunt the dungeons under the house.
backgrounds from the Player’s Handbook as normal. The building itself, it seems, is unwilling to let the cult
Before the characters can explore the haunted town- be forgotten.
house known as Death House, you need to guide them
to the village of Barovia. The “Creeping Fog” adventure
hook in chapter 1 works best, as it introduces few dis-
Rose and Thorn
The characters are pulled into Strahd’s domain by the
tractions. Once the characters arrive in Strahd’s do-
mists of Ravenloft. Forced to follow a lonely road (area
main, steer them to the village. For the duration of this
A), they eventually arrive at the village of Barovia (area
introductory adventure, any attempt by the characters to
E). Once they reach the village, read:
explore other locations in Strahd’s domain causes the
mists of Ravenloft to block their path.
The gravel road leads to a village, its tall houses dark as
Level Advancement tombstones. Nestled among these solemn dwellings
In this mini-adventure, the characters gain levels by ac- are a handful of closed-up shops. Even the tavern is
o pl s n spe oals ra er an sla n on-
shut tight.
sters. These milestones are as follows:
A soft whimpering draws your eye toward a pair of
• Characters who gain access to the secret stairs in the at-
tic (area 21) advance to 2nd level. The stairs appear only children standing in the middle of an otherwise life-
under certain circumstances. less street.
• Characters advance to 3rd level once they escape from
the house (see the “Endings” section).
The children are ten-year-old Rosavalda (“Rose”) and
3. Den of Wolves
1A). The gate is unlocked, and its rusty hinges shriek
when the gate is opened. Oil lamps hang from the por-
tico ceiling by chains, flanking a set of oaken doors that This oak-paneled room looks like a hunter’s den.
open into a grand foyer (area 1B). Mounted above the fireplace is a stag’s head, and po-
Hanging on the south wall of the foyer is a shield sitioned around the outskirts of the room are three
emblazoned with a coat-of-arms (a stylized golden stuffed wolves.
Dumbwaiter Dumbwaiter
A dumbwaiter in the corner of the west wall has a button
Behind a small door in the southwest corner of the
on the wall next to it. Pressing the button rings the tiny
kitchen is a dumbwaiter—a 2-foot-wide stone shaft con-
bell in area 4A.
taining a wooden elevator box attached to a simple rope-
and-pulley mechanism that must be operated manually.
The shaft connects to areas 7A (the servants’ quarters)
8. Library
and 12A (the master bedroom). Hanging on the wall The master of the house used to spend many hours here
next to the dumbwaiter is a tiny brass bell attached by before his descent into madness.
wires to buttons in those other areas.
A Small character can squeeze into the elevator box
Red velvet drapes cover the windows of this room. An
with a successful DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
The dumbwaiter’s rope-and-pulley mechanism can sup- exquisite mahogany desk and a matching high-back chair
port 200 pounds of weight before breaking. a e e en ran e an e repla e a o e an s
a framed picture of a windmill perched atop a rocky
5. Dining Room ra ua e n orners o e roo are o o ers uffe
The centerpiece of this wood-paneled dining room is chairs. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves line the south wall.
a carved mahogany table surrounded by eight high- A rolling wooden ladder allows one to more easily reach
backed chairs with sculpted armrests and cushioned the high shelves.
seats. A crystal chandelier hangs above the table, which
is covered with resplendent silverware and crystal-
ware polished to a dazzling shine. Mounted above the The desk has several items resting atop it: an oil lamp,
marble fireplace is a mahogany-framed painting of an a jar of ink, a quill pen, a tinderbox, and a letter kit
alpine vale. containing a red wax candle, four blank sheets of parch-
The wall paneling is carved with elegant images of ment, and a wooden seal bearing the Durst family’s in-
deer among the trees. Characters who search the walls signia (a windmill). The desk drawer is empty except for
for secret doors or otherwise inspect the paneling can, an iron key, which unlocks the door to area 20.
with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check, The bookshelves hold hundreds of tomes covering a
see twisted faces carved into the tree trunks and wolves range of topics including history, warfare, and alchemy.
lurking amid the carved foliage. There are also several shelves containing first-edition
Red silk drapes cover the windows, and a tapestry collected works of poetry and fiction. The books rot and
depicting hunting dogs and horse-mounted aristocrats fall apart if taken from the house.
chasing after a wolf hangs from an iron rod bolted to the
south wall.
32. Hidden Trapdoor • A small, mummified, yellow hand with sharp claws (a
goblin’s hand) on a loop of rope
The staircase ends at a landing with a 6-foot-high ceil- • A knife carved from a human bone
ing of close-fitting planks with a wooden trapdoor set • A dagger with a rat’s skull set into the pommel
into it. The trapdoor is bolted shut from this side and • An 8-inch-diameter varnished orb made from a
can be pushed open to reveal the den (area 3) above. nothic’s eye
• An aspergillum carved from bone
Development • A folded cloak made from stitched ghoul skin
Once the trapdoor has been found and opened, it re- • A desiccated frog lashed to a stick (could be mistaken
mains available to characters as a way into and out of for a wand of polymorph)
the dungeon level. • A bag full of bat guano
• A hag’s severed finger
33. Cult Leaders’ Den • A 6-inch-tall wooden figurine of a mummy, its arms
The door in the southwest corner is a mimic in disguise. crossed over its chest
Any creature that touches the door becomes adhered to • An iron pendant adorned with a devil’s face
the creature, whereupon the mimic attacks. The mimic • The shrunken, shriveled head of a halfling
also attacks if its takes any damage. • A small wooden coffer containing a dire wolf’s with-
A chandelier is suspended above a table in the middle ered tongue
of the room. Two high-backed chairs flank the table, The southernmost tunnel slopes down at a 20-degree
which has an empty clay jug and two clay flagons atop angle into murky water and ends at a rusty portcullis
it. Iron candlesticks stand in two corners, their candles (area 37).
long since melted away.
36. Prison
34. Cult Leaders’ Quarters The cultists shackled prisoners to the back walls of
This room contains a large wood-framed bed with a alcoves here. The prisoners are long gone (their bones
rotted feather mattress, a wardrobe containing several litter the floor in area 27), but the rusty shackles remain.
old robes, a pair of iron candlesticks, and an open crate
containing thirty torches and a leather sack with fifteen Secret Door
candles inside it. At the foot of the bed is an unlocked A secret door in the south wall can be found with a
wooden footlocker containing some gear and magic successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check and pulls
items (see “Treasure” below). open to reveal area 38 beyond.
Two ghasts (Gustav and Elisabeth Durst) are hidden
in cavities behind the earthen walls, marked X on the Treasure
map; they burst forth and attack if someone removes Hanging on the back wall of the cell marked X on the
one or more items from the footlocker. The ghasts wear map is a human skeleton clad in a tattered black robe.
tattered black robes. The skeleton belongs to a cult member who questioned
the cult’s blind devotion to Strahd. Characters who
Treasure search the skeleton find a gold ring (worth 25 gp) on one
Characters searching the footlocker find a folded cloak of its bony fingers.
of protection, a small wooden coffer (unlocked) con-
taining four potions of healing, a chain shirt, a mess 37. Portcullis
kit, a flask of alchemist’s fire, a bullseye lantern, a set This tunnel is blocked by a rusty iron portcullis that can
of thieves’ tools, and a spellbook with a yellow leather be forcibly lifted with a successful DC 20 Strength (Ath-
cover containing the following wizard spells: letics) check. Otherwise, the portcullis can be raised or
1st level: disguise self, identify, mage armor, magic mis- lowered by turning a wooden wheel half-embedded in
sile, protection from evil and good the east wall of area 38. (The wheel is beyond the reach
2nd level: darkvision, hold person, invisibility, of someone east of the portcullis.) The floor around the
magic weapon portcullis is submerged under 2 feet of murky water.
These items were taken from adventurers who were
drawn into Barovia, captured, and killed by the cult.
38. Ritual Chamber
The cult used to perform rituals in this sunken room.
35. Reliquary The chanting heard throughout the dungeon originates
here, yet when the characters arrive, the dungeon falls
The ghostly chant emanating from area 38 fills this
silent as the chanting mysteriously stops.
room. Characters can discern a dozen or so voices say-
ing, over and over, “He is the Ancient. He is the Land.”