E-Commerce Course Syllabus

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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND LAW Independence – Freedom - Happiness

1. Course Information:
- Course name: E-COMMERCE
- Course code: MIS 1034
- Credits: 3 credtits
o Theory: 45 contact hours
- Faculty: Information System
- Required course:
- Prerequisite: Principles of management (BUS1100), Principles of marketing
- Parallel course:
- Other requirements (knowledge/ skill/ attitude):

2. Lecturer information:
Name: Nguyễn Thế Đại Nghĩa
Email: [email protected]

3. Course description:
This course is designed to provide students with fundamental knowledge of E-commerce
as well as issues relating to development of an E-commerce system or a business plan.
Typical topics include business models of E-commerce, basic IT infrastructure, E-
commerce start-up business plan, security and payments, online marketing and ethical,
social and political issues in E-commerce. This course will benefit students interested in
working in group with their own E-commerce business project.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

- Describe characteristics of E-commerce and list all its basic business models
- Outline IT infrastructure required for E-commerce
- Explain advantages and disadvantages of different online payment options
- Discuss common ethical, political and social issues in E-commerce
- Analyse, design an E-commerce system
- Apply the knowledge of online security techniques to protect websites
- Prepare a plan for online maketing
- Plan to start-up an e-commerce business project

4. Course objective

4.1 Overal objective:

Provide students with fundamental knowledge of the Internet and E-commerce system,
issues related to E-commerce and online marketing. It also provide students the skills to
analyze and select a suitable solution to start an E-commerce business project.

4.2 Detailed objective:

After finish the course, students have the ability to:
G1. Describe E-commerce business models and critical IT infrastructure for E-
G2. Distinguish among the various kinds of electronic payment and identify
problems of online security
G3. Determine issues related to law and ethics in E-commerce
G4. Plan an E-commerce business project.

5. Learning outcomes:
Course Learning
Number Description
objectives outcomes
Discuss key features of the IT infrastructure G1 1.2.3
LO1 of E-commerce models 2.1.1
List several important elements of the E- G1 1.1.3
LO2 commerce business models. 1.2.7
Compare the different types of payment and G2 1.2.7
LO3 select a suitable payment for a system 1.3.1
serving e-commerce business 1.3.6
Recognize problems related to system G2 1.2.10
LO4 security and apply proper security techniques 1.3.6
Identify requirements for system must be G3 2.5.4
complied with the laws and ethics 4.1.1
Prepare a plan for E-commerce business G4 2.1.1
LO6 following a requirement 2.4.7
Describe requirement details of an E- G4 3.2.1
commerce project 4.2.2
LO8 Identify reasonable E-commerce model for G4 1.3.8
business requirements

Analyze and select a suitable solution to G4 1.3.4
complete an E-commerce project 1.3.6
LO10 Plan an online marketing project G4 1.3.3

- 6. Course details:

Chapter Details Contact hours Notes

1.1 What is E-commerce? 3
1.2 Difference between E-commerce and E-
Chapter 1
business, between E-commerce and
Introduction to Traditional commerce
E-commerce 1.3 Technological building blocks of E-
1.4 Eight unique features of E-commerce
1.5 Type of E-commerce
1.6 E-commerce history
1.7 Understanding E-commerce: organizing
1.8 Academic disciplines concerned with E-
Chapter 2 2.1 The Internet: Technology Background 6
2.2 The Internet Today
E-commerce 2.3 The Web
Infrastructure 2.4 The Internet and the Web: Features and
2.5 Mobile Apps: The Next Big Thing Is Here
Chapter 3 3.1 Imagine Your E-commerce Presence 6
3.2 Building an E-commerce Presence: A
Building an E- Systematic Approach
commerce 3.3 Choosing Software

Presence 3.4 Choosing Hardware
3.5 Other E-commerce Site Tools
3.6 Developing a Mobile Website and Building
Mobile Applications
Chapter 4 4.1 E-commerce Business Models 6
4.2 Major Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
E- commerce 4.3 Major Business-to-Business (B2B)
Business Business Models
Strategies 4.4 How E-commerce Changes Business:
Strategy, Structure, and Process
Chapter 5 5.1 The E-commerce Security Environment 6
5.2 Security Threats in the E-commerce
E-commerce Environment
Security and 5.3 Technology Solutions
Payment 5.4 Management Policies, Business Procedures,
Systems and Public Laws
5.5 E-commerce Payment Systems
5.6 Electronic Billing Presentment and Payment
Chapter 6 6.1 Consumers Online: The Internet Audience 6
E-commerce and Consumer Behavior
Marketing and 6.2 Digital Commerce Marketing and
Advertising Advertising Strategies and Tools
6.3 Internet Marketing Technologies
6.4 Understanding the Costs and Benefits of
Online Marketing Communications
Chapter 7 7.1 Introduction to Social, Mobile, and Local 6
Social, Mobile, Marketing
and Local 7.2 Social Marketing
Marketing 7.3 Mobile Marketing
7.4 Local and Location-Based Mobile

Chapter 8 8.1 Understanding Ethical, Social, and Political 3

Ethics, Law, Issues in E-commerce
and E- 8.2 Privacy and Information Rights
commerce 8.3 Intellectual Property Rights
8.4 Governance
8.5 Public Safety and Welfare

- 7. References

[GT1] Kenneth C. Laudon, E-Commerce, Pearson, 2019

[1] Dave Chaffey, fourth edition, E-Business and E-Commerce Management Strategy,
Implementation and Practice, Pearson, 2009

[2] G. P. Schneider, Electronic Commerce, Thomson Learning Singapore, 2003.
[3] Turban & at, Electronic Commerce, a Managerial Perspective, 2010
[4] Rob Stokes, eMarketing – The essential guide to Online Marketing, 2nd edition,

- [1] Haravan E-commerce platform
- [2] Wix website builder
- 8. Teaching methods

- Active learning
- Group discussion
- Problem-based and case study
- Brainstorming
- Business project

- 9. Assessment
On-going assessment (40%): group discussion, group assignment, group presentation,
Mid-term assessment (20%): quiz test
Final assessment (40%): group business project report and presentation
Bonus point for individual (max 10%): answer lecturer’s questions

 Rubric for group project and presentation:

Criterion/Point 9-10 7-8 5-6 <5

(4 components)
- Business strategy:
Business model and Miss/Not Miss/Not
revenue model satisfy 2 out satisfy 3
satisfy 1 out
Content - Market and of 4 components
of 4
(40%). competitive analysis components or more.
- Marketing plan Moderate Low
- Accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.

Documentatio (5 components) Miss/Not Miss/Not Miss/Not

n and deadline - Follow the satisfy 2 out satisfy 3 out satisfy 4
guarantee structure provided of 5 of 5 components
(30%). by lecturer. components. components. or more.
- Submit the report
on time according to

the plan.
- No grammar errors
and misspelling
- Full citations and
references (if any)
- Group work roster
and peer evaluation
(6 components)
- Well presentation
script. No grammar
errors and
- All member
participates in the
- Slides: have a clear
structure, be easy to Miss/Not Miss/Not Miss/Not
Presentation follow, be vivid; satisfy 2 out satisfy 3 out satisfy 4
(20%). have full sections of of 6 of 6 components
a report. components. components. or more.
- Presentation style
is confident and
fluent. Reading
slides is limited.
- Presentation does
not exceed the
limited time.
- Give good answers
to questions.
(3 components)
- Clear site structure Miss/Not Miss/Not
- Full basic Miss/Not
satisfy 1 out satisfy 2 out
Website (10%) navigation menu and satisfy 3
of 3 of 3
features components.
components. components.
- All product
Criterion/Point 9-10 7-8 5-6 <5

- 10. Teaching activities:
Timeline Content Teaching Detailed activities Material Assessment Learning
methods Lecturer Student outcomes
Week 1 Chapter 1: Introduction to Active learning Lecture, ask Listen, note and [GT1] Chapter 1 Grade [LO1]
E-commerce question answer the question points on [LO2]
[Lecture slide] answers
Group Provide topic, Group discussion, Chapter 1
Discussion question present and take note Group
answer discussion
Week 2 Chapter 2: E-commerce Question– Ask a question to Listen, answer and [GT1] Chapter 2 Grade [LO1]
Infrastructure answer introduce chapter note. points on
content. [Lecture slide] answers
2.1 The Internet: Chapter 2
Technology Background Active learning Lecture, ask Listen, note and
2.2 The Internet Today question answer the question
2.3 The Web
Group Explain assignment, Do assignment at Group
assignment ask questions home discussion
Week 3 Chapter 2: E-commerce Question- Ask questions Listen, answer and [GT1] Chapter 2 Grade [LO1]
Infrastructure Answer note. points on
[Lecture slide] answers
2.4 The Internet and the Active learning Lecture, ask Chapter 2
Web: Features and Services question
2.5 Mobile Apps: The Next
Big Thing Is Here
Week 4 Chapter 3: Building an E- Case study Explain case study, Take note [GT1] Chapter 3 Group [LO1]
commerce Presence ask questions requirements discussion [LO2]
[Lecture slide]
3.1 Imagine Your E- Question- Ask a question to Listen, answer and Chapter 3 Grade
commerce Presence Answer introduce chapter note. points on
3.2 Building an E- content. answers

commerce Presence: A Active learning Lecture, ask Listen, answer and
Systematic Approach question note.
3.3 Choosing Software

Week 5 Chapter 3: Building an E- Question- Ask questions Volunteer [GT1] Chapter 3 Grade [LO1]
commerce Presence Answer points [LO2]
[Lecture slide]
3.4 Choosing Hardware Active learning Lecture, ask Listen, answer and Chapter 3
3.5 Other E-commerce Site question note.

Hand in Mid-term group [LO2]

mini project [LO8]

Week 6 Chapter 4: E- commerce Active learning Lecture, ask Listen, answer and [GT1] Chapter 5 Grade [LO2]
Business Strategies question note. points
[Lecture slide]
4.1 E-commerce Business Chapter 5
Models Question- Ask questions Take note
4.2 Major Business-to- Answer requirements
Consumer (B2C)
4.3 Major Business-to-
Business (B2B) Business

Week 7 Chapter 4: E- commerce Active learning Lecture, ask Listen, answer and [GT1] Chapter 5 Grade [LO2]
Business Strategies question note. points

[Lecture slide]
4.3 Major Business-to- Chapter 5
Business (B2B) Business Question- Ask questions Take note
Models (continue) Answer requirements
4.4 How E-commerce
Changes Business:
Strategy, Structure, and
Week 8 Mid-term group report and Presentation Ask question, Group presentation Mid-term [LO2]
presentation propose solution and take note group [LO8]

Week 9 Chapter 5: E-commerce Active learning Lecture, ask Listen, answer and [GT1] Chapter 4 Group [LO4]
Security and Payment question note. discussion
[Lecture slide]
Systems Group Provide topic, Group discussion, Chapter 4
Discussion question present and take note
5.1 The E-commerce
Security Environment
5.2 Security Threats in the
E-commerce Environment
5.3 Technology Solutions

Week 10 Chapter 5: E-commerce Active learning Lecture, ask Listen, answer and [GT1] Chapter 4 Grade [LO3]
Security and Payment question note. points
Systems [Lecture slide]
Chapter 4
5.4 Management Policies,

Business Procedures, and
Public Laws
5.5 E-commerce Payment
5.6 Electronic Billing
Presentment and Payment

Week 11 Chapter 6: E-commerce Question- Ask questions Listen, answer and [GT1] Chapter 6 Group [LO10]
Marketing and Advertising Answer note. discussion
[Lecture slide]
6.1 Consumers Online: Active learning Lecture, ask Listen, answer and Chapter 6
The Internet Audience question note.
and Consumer Behavior
6.2 Digital Commerce Problem-based
Marketing and group Explain assignment, Do assignment at
assignment ask questions home
Advertising Strategies
and Tools

Hand in Final group [LO6]

business project [LO7]
Week 12 Chapter 6: E-commerce Question- Ask questions Listen, answer and [GT1] Chapter 6 Group [LO10]
Marketing and Advertising Answer note. discussion
[Lecture slide]
6.3 Internet Marketing Active learning Lecture, ask Listen, answer and Chapter 6
Technologies question note.
6.4 Understanding the
Costs and Benefits of Problem-based Explain assignment, Do assignment at

Online Marketing group ask questions home
Communications assignment

Week 13 Chapter 7: Social, Mobile, Question- Ask questions Listen, answer and [GT1] Chapter 7 Grade [LO10]
and Local Marketing Answer note. points
[Lecture slide]
Active learning Lecture, ask Listen, answer and Chapter 7
questions note.
Week 14 Chapter 8: Ethics, Law, Question- Ask questions Listen, answer and [GT1] Chapter 8 Grade [LO5]
and E-commerce Answer note points
[Lecture slide]
Active learning Lecture, ask Listen, answer and Chapter 8
questions note

Course review

Week 15 Final project report and Presentation Ask questions, Group presentation Final group [LO6]
presentation propose solution and take note project [LO7]
assessment [LO8]

- 11. Rules:

- Join at least 80% lectures in class.

- Prepare assignments at home and bring assignments, slide when come to class
- Do group assignments and group project

12. Appendix of Learning Outcome

Learning Outcome Content of Learning Outcome

1.1.3 Traditional commerce, e-commerce and e-business
1.2.3 Information technology infrastructure of e-commerce
1.2.7 E-commerce and its unique features; E-commerce business
1.2.10 System security issues and proper security techniques
1.3.1 E-commerce payment systems
1.3.3 Digital commerce marketing and advertising strategies and tools;
Internet marketing technologies
1.3.4 Builingd an e-commerce presence; Management e-commerce
policies, business procedures, and public laws
1.3.6 Digital commerce marketing and advertising tools; E-commerce
site tools (Software and Hardware)
1.3.7 Mobile commerce and mobile marketing; Location-based mobile
1.3.8 E-commerce business strategy, structure and process
2.1.1 Understanding organizing themes of e-commerce; The Internet
audience and consumer behavior; Online purchasing decision
2.4.7 Use apps to communicate and manage task for group work
2.5.4 Broad knowledge of e-commerce business, marketing and its
related social and ethical issues
3.1.1 Group e-commerce business project
3.2.1 Group e-commerce business project
4.1.1 Understanding E-commerce: organizing themes
4.1.2 Understanding ethical, social, and political issues in e-commerce
4.1.4 Understanding ethical, social, and political issues in e-commerce
4.2.2 Define strategy, goals, and business plan through the e-commerce
business project
4.2.3 Identify e-commerce business opportunities
4.3.3 Develop an e-commerce business project with an e-commerce
4.4.1 Develop E-commerce business strategy, structure and process
4.5.3 Test, inspect and optimize the website of the group e-commerce
business project
4.6.3 Apply an e-commerce platform for an e-commerce business

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