ASTM E1300-16 Standard Practice

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This standard describes procedures to determine the load resistance of glass for use in buildings based on glass type and installation configuration.

This standard applies to vertical and sloped glass installations where the total design load is less than or equal to 15 kPa (315 psf). It does not apply to applications like balustrades or glass shelves.

This standard applies to monolithic and laminated glass that is rectangular with continuous edge support on 1-4 sides. It does not apply to wired, patterned, etched, drilled or notched glass.

Designation: E1300 − 16

Standard Practice for

Determining Load Resistance of Glass in Buildings1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E1300; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 1.7 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the

standard. The values given in parentheses are for mathematical
1.1 This practice describes procedures to determine the load
conversions to inch-pound units that are provided for informa-
resistance (LR) of specified glass types, including combina-
tion only and are not considered standard.
tions of glass types used in a sealed insulating glass (IG) unit,
exposed to a uniform lateral load of short or long duration, for 1.8 Appendix X2 lists the key variables used in calculating
a specified probability of breakage. the mandatory type factors in Tables 1-3 and comments on
their conservative values.
1.2 This practice applies to vertical and sloped glazing in
buildings for which the specified design loads consist of wind 1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the
load, snow load and self-weight with a total combined magni- safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
tude less than or equal to 15 kPa (315 psf). This practice shall responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
not apply to other applications including, but not limited to, priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
balustrades, glass floor panels, aquariums, structural glass bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
members, and glass shelves.
2. Referenced Documents
1.3 This practice applies only to monolithic and laminated
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
glass constructions of rectangular shape with continuous lateral
C1036 Specification for Flat Glass
support along one, two, three, or four edges. This practice
C1048 Specification for Heat-Strengthened and Fully Tem-
assumes that (1) the supported glass edges for two, three, and
pered Flat Glass
four-sided support conditions are simply supported and free to
C1172 Specification for Laminated Architectural Flat Glass
slip in plane; (2) glass supported on two sides acts as a simply
D4065 Practice for Plastics: Dynamic Mechanical Proper-
supported beam; and (3) glass supported on one side acts as a
ties: Determination and Report of Procedures
cantilever. For insulating glass units, this practice only applies
E631 Terminology of Building Constructions
to insulating glass units with four-sided edge support.
1.4 This practice does not apply to any form of wired, 3. Terminology
patterned, sandblasted, drilled, notched, or grooved glass. This 3.1 Definitions:
practice does not apply to glass with surface or edge treatments 3.1.1 Refer to Terminology E631 for additional terms used
that reduce the glass strength. in this practice.
1.5 This practice addresses only the determination of the 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
resistance of glass to uniform lateral loads. The final thickness 3.2.1 acid etched glass, n—glass surface that has been
and type of glass selected also depends upon a variety of other treated primarily with hydrofluoric acid and potentially in
factors (see 5.3). combination with other agents. Acid etched glass strength shall
be considered as equivalent to float glass in this practice
1.6 Charts in this practice provide a means to determine provided the glass thickness conforms to Specification C1036.
approximate maximum lateral glass deflection. Appendix X1
provides additional procedures to determine maximum lateral 3.2.2 aspect ratio (AR), n—for glass simply supported on
deflection for glass simply supported on four sides. four sides, the ratio of the long dimension of the glass to the
short dimension of the glass is always equal to or greater than
1.0. For glass simply supported on three sides, the ratio of the
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 on Perfor-
mance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.52 on
Glass Use in Buildings. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved June 1, 2016. Published August 2016. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1989. Last previous edition approved in 2012 as E1300 – 12aɛ1. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/E1300-16. the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
E1300 − 16
TABLE 1 Glass Type Factors (GTF) for a Single Lite of Monolithic TABLE 4 Nominal and Minimum Glass Thicknesses
or Laminated Glass (LG) Nominal Thickness Minimum
GTF or Designation, Thickness,
mm (in.) mm (in.)
Long Duration Load
Glass Type Short Duration Load (3 s) 2.0 (picture) 1.80 (0.071)
(30 days)
2.5 (3⁄32) 2.16 (0.085)
AN 1.0 0.43
2.7 (lami) 2.59 (0.102)
HS 2.0 1.3
3.0 (1⁄8) 2.92 ( 0.115)
FT 4.0 3.0
4.0 (5⁄32) 3.78 ( 0.149)
5.0 (3⁄16) 4.57 (0.180)
6.0 (1⁄4) 5.56 (0.219)
TABLE 2 Glass Type Factors (GTF) for Double Glazed Insulating 8.0 (5⁄16) 7.42 (0.292)
Glass (IG), Short Duration Load 10.0 (3⁄8 ) 9.02 (0.355)
12.0 (1⁄2 ) 11.91 (0.469)
Lite No. 1 Lite No. 2 16.0 (5⁄8 ) 15.09 (0.595)
Monolithic Glass or Monolithic Glass or Laminated Glass Type 19.0 (3⁄4 ) 18.26 (0.719)
Laminated Glass AN HS FT 22.0 (7⁄8 ) 21.44 (0.844)
Type 25.0 (1) 24.61 (0.969)
AN 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.9 1.0 3.8
HS 1.9 1.0 1.8 1.8 1.9 3.8
FT 3.8 1.0 3.8 1.9 3.6 3.6 annealed (AN) glass, n—a flat, monolithic, glass lite
of uniform thickness where the residual surface stresses are
TABLE 3 Glass Type Factors (GTF) for Double Glazed Insulating nearly zero as defined in Specification C1036.
Glass (IG), Long Duration Load (30 day) fully tempered (FT) glass, n—a flat, monolithic,
Lite No. 2 glass lite of uniform thickness that has been subjected to a
Lite No. 1
Monolithic Glass or Monolithic Glass or Laminated Glass Type special heat treatment process where the residual surface
Laminated Glass AN HS FT compression is not less than 69 MPa (10 000 psi) or the edge
Type GTF1 GTF2 GTF1 GTF2 GTF1 GTF2 compression not less than 67 MPa (9700 psi) as defined in
AN 0.39 0.39 0.43 1.25 0.43 2.85 Specification C1048.
HS 1.25 0.43 1.17 1.17 1.25 2.85 heat strengthened (HS) glass, n—a flat, monolithic,
FT 2.85 0.43 2.85 1.25 2.71 2.71
glass lite of uniform thickness that has been subjected to a
special heat treatment process where the residual surface
compression is not less than 24 MPa (3500 psi) or greater than
52 MPa (7500 psi) as defined in Specification C1048. insulating glass (IG) unit, n—any combination of
length of one of the supported edges perpendicular to the free
two or three glass lites that enclose one or two sealed spaces
edge, to the length of the free edge, is equal to or greater than
respectively, filled with air or other gas.
0.5. laminated glass (LG), n—a flat lite of uniform
3.2.3 glass breakage, n—the fracture of any lite or ply in thickness consisting of two or more monolithic glass plies
monolithic, laminated, or insulating glass. bonded together with an interlayer material as defined in
3.2.4 Glass Thickness: Specification C1172. thickness designation for laminated glass (LG), n—a (1) Discussion—Many different interlayer materials are
term used to specify a LG construction based on the combined used in LG. The information in this practice applies only to
thicknesses of component plies. polyvinyl butyral (PVB) interlayer or those interlayers that
(1) Add the minimum thicknesses of the individual glass demonstrate equivalency according to Appendix X8.
plies and the nominal interlayer thickness. If the sum of all 3.2.6 glass type factor (GTF), n—a multiplying factor for
interlayer thicknesses is greater than 1.52 mm (0.060 in.) use adjusting the LR of different glass types, that is, AN, HS, or FT
1.52 mm (0.060 in.) in the calculation. in monolithic glass, LG, or IG constructions.
(2) Select the nominal thickness or designation in Table 4 3.2.7 lateral, adj—perpendicular to the glass surface.
having the closest minimum thickness that is equal to or less 3.2.8 load, n—a uniformly distributed lateral pressure.
than the value obtained in (1). glass weight load, n—the dead load component of
(3) Exceptions—The construction of two 6-mm (1⁄4-in.)
the glass weight.
glass plies plus 0.38-mm (0.015-in) or 0.76-mm (0.030-in.)
interlayer shall be defined as 12 mm (1⁄2 in.). The construction load resistance (LR), n—the uniform lateral load that
of two 2.5-mm (3⁄32-in.) glass plies plus 1.52-mm (0.060-in.) a glass construction can sustain based upon a given probability
interlayer shall be defined as 5 mm (3⁄16 in.). The construction of breakage and load duration.
of two 4-mm (5⁄32-in.) glass plies plus any thickness interlayer (1) Discussion—Multiplying the non-factored load (NFL)
shall be defined as 8 mm (5⁄16 in.). from figures in Annex A1 by the relevant GTF and load share thickness designation for monolithic glass, n—a (LS) factors gives the LR associated with a breakage probabil-
term that defines a designated thickness for monolithic glass as ity less than or equal to 8 lites per 1000.
specified in Table 4 and Specification C1036. long duration load, n—any load lasting approxi-
3.2.5 Glass Types: mately 30 days.
E1300 − 16
(1) Discussion—For loads having durations other than 3 s 5.2 Use of this practice assumes:
or 30 days, refer to Table X4.1. 5.2.1 The glass is free of edge damage and is properly non-factored load (NFL)—three second duration glazed,
uniform load associated with a probability of breakage less 5.2.2 The glass has not been subjected to abuse,
than or equal to 8 lites per 1000 for monolithic AN glass as 5.2.3 The surface condition of the glass is typical of glass
determined from the figures in Annex A1. that has been in service for several years, and is weaker than short duration load, n—any load lasting 3 s or less. freshly manufactured glass due to minor abrasions on exposed
surfaces, specified design load, n—the magnitude in kPa (psf), 5.2.4 The glass edge support system is sufficiently stiff to
type (for example, wind or snow) and duration of the load limit the lateral deflections of the supported glass edges to no
given by the specifying authority. more than 1⁄175 of their lengths. The specified design load shall
3.2.9 load share factor (LSF), n—the portion of applied load be used for this calculation.
going to a particular lite in consideration in a sealed IG unit, 5.2.5 The deflection of glass or support system, or both,
whether the lite be monolithic glass or LG (including the shall not result in loss of glass edge support.
layered behavior of LG under long duration loads). NOTE 1—Glass deflections are to be reviewed. This practice does not Discussion—The LSF is used along with the GTF address aesthetic issues caused by glass deflection.
and the NFL value from the NFL charts to give the LR of the NOTE 2—This practice does not consider the effects of deflection on
IG unit, based on the resistance to breakage of one specific lite insulating glass unit seal performance.
only. 5.3 Many other factors shall be considered in glass type and
3.2.10 patterned glass, n—rolled flat glass having a pattern thickness selection. These factors include but are not limited
on one or both surfaces. to: thermal stresses, spontaneous breakage of tempered glass,
the effects of windborne debris, excessive deflections, behavior
3.2.11 probability of breakage (Pb), n—the fraction of glass
of glass fragments after breakage, blast, seismic effects, build-
lites or plies that would break at the first occurrence of a
ing movement, heat flow, edge bite, noise abatement, and
specified load and duration, typically expressed in lites per
potential post-breakage consequences. In addition, consider-
ations set forth in building codes along with criteria presented
3.2.12 sandblasted glass, n—flat glass with a surface that in safety-glazing standards and site-specific concerns may
has been sprayed by sand or other media at high velocities to control the ultimate glass type and thickness selection.
produce a translucent effect.
5.4 For situations not specifically addressed in this standard,
3.2.13 specifying authority, n—the design professional re- the design professional shall use engineering analysis and
sponsible for interpreting applicable regulations of authorities judgment to determine the LR of glass in buildings.
having jurisdiction and considering appropriate site specific
factors to determine the appropriate values used to calculate the 6. Procedure
specified design load, and furnishing other information re-
quired to perform this practice. 6.1 Select the procedure to determine the load resistance.
3.2.14 wired glass, n—flat glass with a layer of wire strands 6.2 Basic Procedure:
or mesh completely embedded in the glass. 6.2.1 For Monolithic Single Glazing Simply Supported Con-
tinuously Along Four Sides:
4. Summary of Practice Determine the NFL from the appropriate chart in
4.1 The specifying authority shall provide the design load, Annex A1 (the upper charts of Figs. A1.1-A1.14) for the glass
the rectangular glass dimensions, the type of glass required, thickness and size.
and a statement, or details, showing that the glass edge support Determine the GTF for the appropriate glass type
system meets the stiffness requirement in 5.2.4. and load duration (short and long) from Table 1. Multiply NFL by GTF to get the LR of the lite.
4.2 The procedure specified in this practice shall be used to Determine the appropriate maximum lateral (center
determine the uniform lateral LR of glass in buildings. If the
of glass) deflection from the approximate chart in Annex A1
LR is less than the specified load, then other glass types and
(the lower charts of Figs. A1.1-A1.14) for the designation glass
thicknesses may be evaluated to find a suitable assembly
thickness, size, and design load. If the maximum lateral
having LR equal to or exceeding the specified design load.
deflection falls outside the charges in Annex A1, then use the
4.3 The charts presented in this practice shall be used to procedures outlined in Appendix X1.
determine the approximate maximum lateral glass deflection. 6.2.2 For Monolithic Single Glazing Simply Supported Con-
Appendix X1 presents additional procedures to determine the tinuously Along Three Sides:
approximate maximum lateral deflection for a specified load on Determine the NFL from the appropriate chart in
glass simply supported on four sides. Annex A1 (the upper charts of Figs. A1.15-A1.26) for the
designated glass thickness and size.
5. Significance and Use Determine the GTF for the appropriate glass type
5.1 This practice is used to determine the LR of specified and load duration (short or long) from Table 1.
glass types and constructions exposed to uniform lateral loads. Multiply NFL by GTF to get the LR of the lite.
E1300 − 16 Determine the approximate maximum lateral (center lower charts of Figs. A1.36-A1.42) for the designated glass
of unsupported edge) deflection from the appropriate chart in thickness, size, and design load.
Annex A1 (the lower charts in Figs. A1.15-A1.26) for the 6.2.7 For Laminated Single Glazing Simply Supported Con-
designated glass thickness, size, and design load. tinuously Along Two Opposite Sides Where In-Service Lami-
6.2.3 For Monolithic Single Glazing Simply Supported Con- nated Glass (LG) Temperatures At The Design Load Do Not
tinuously Along Two Opposite Sides: Exceed 50°C (122°F): Determine the NFL from the upper chart of Fig. Determine the NFL from the upper chart of Fig.
A1.27 for the designated glass thickness and length of unsup- A1.43 for the designated glass thickness and length of unsup-
ported edges. ported edges. Determine the GTF for the appropriate glass type Determine the GTF for the appropriate glass type
and load duration (short or long) from Table 1. and load duration (short or long) from Table 1. Multiply NFL by GTF to get the LR of the lite. Multiply NFL by GTF to get the LR of the laminated Determine the approximate maximum lateral (center lite.
of an unsupported edge) deflection from the lower chart of Fig. Determine the approximate maximum lateral (center
A1.27 for the designated glass thickness, length of unsupported of an unsupported edge) deflection from the lower chart of Fig.
edge, and design load. A1.43 for the designated glass thickness, length of unsupported
6.2.4 For Monolithic Single Glazing Continuously Sup- edge, and design load.
ported Along One Edge (Cantilever): 6.2.8 For Laminated Single Glazing Continuously Sup- Determine the NFL from the upper chart of Fig. ported Along One Edge (Cantilever) Where In-Service Lami-
A1.28 for the designated glass thickness and length of unsup- nated Glass (LG) Temperatures At The Design Load Do Not
ported edges that are perpendicular to the supported edge. Exceed 50°C (122°F): Determine the GTF for the appropriate glass type Determine the NFL from the upper chart of Fig.
and load duration (short or long) from Table 1. A1.44 for the designated glass thickness and length of unsup- Multiply NFL by GTF to get the LR of the lite. ported edges that are perpendicular to the supported edge. Determine the approximate maximum lateral (free Determine the GTF for the appropriate glass type
edge opposite the supported edge) deflection from the lower and load duration (short or long) from Table 1.
chart of Fig. A1.28 for the designated glass thickness, length of Multiply NFL by GTF to get the LR of the laminated
unsupported edges, and design load. lite.
6.2.5 For Single-Glazed Laminated Glass (LG) Constructed Determine the approximate maximum lateral (free
With a PVB Interlayer Simply Supported Continuously Along edge opposite the supported edge) deflection from the lower
Four Sides Where In-Service Laminated Glass (LG) Tempera- chart of Fig. A1.44 for the designated glass thickness, length of
tures At The Design Load Do Not Exceed 50°C (122°F): unsupported edges, and design load. Determine the NFL from the appropriate chart (the 6.2.9 For Double Glazed Insulating Glass (IG) with Mono-
upper charts of Figs. A1.29-A1.35) for the designated glass lithic Glass Lites of Equal (Symmetric) or Different (Asymmet-
thickness. ric) Glass Type and Thickness Simply Supported Continuously Determine the GTF for the appropriate glass type, Along Four Sides:
load duration (short or long) from Table 1. Determine the NFL1 for Lite No. 1 and NFL2 for Multiply NFL by GTF to get the LR of the laminated Lite No. 2 from the upper charts of Figs. A1.1-A1.14 (see
lite. Annex A3 for examples). Determine the approximate maximum lateral (center NOTE 3—Lites No. 1 or No. 2 can represent either the outward or
of glass) deflection from the appropriate chart (the lower charts inward facing lite of the IG unit.
of Figs. A1.29-A1.35) for the designated glass thickness, size, Determine the GTF1 for Lite No. 1 and GTF2 for
and design load. If the maximum lateral deflection falls outside Lite No. 2 from Table 2 or Table 3, for the relevant glass type
the charts in Annex A1, then use the procedures outlined in and load duration.
Appendix X1. Determine the LSF1 for Lite No. 1 and LSF2 for
6.2.6 For Laminated Single Glazing Simply Supported Con- Lite No. 2 from Table 5, for the relevant lite thickness.
tinuously Along Three Sides Where In-Service Laminated Multiply NFL by GTF and divide by the LSF for
Glass (LG) Temperatures At The Design Load Do Not Exceed each lite to determine LR1 for Lite No. 1 and LR2 for Lite No.
50°C (122°F): 2 of the IG unit as follows: Determine the NFL from the appropriate chart (the
LR1 5 NFL1 3 GTF1÷LSF1 and LR2 5 NFL2 3 GTF2÷LSF2 (1)
upper charts of Figs. A1.36-A1.42) for the designated glass
thickness and size equal to the LG thickness. The LR of the IG unit is the lower of the two values, Determine the GTF for the appropriate glass type LR1 and LR2.
and load duration (short or long) from Table 1. 6.2.10 For Double Glazed Insulating Glass (IG) with One Multiply NFL by GTF to get the LR of the laminated Monolithic Lite and One Laminated Lite Under Short Duration
lite. Load Simply Supported Continuously Along Four Sides: Determine the approximate maximum lateral (center Determine the NFL for each lite from the upper
of unsupported edge) deflection from the appropriate chart (the charts of Figs. A1.1-A1.14 and Figs. A1.29-A1.35.
TABLE 5 Load Share Factors (LSF) for Double Glazed Insulating Glass (IG) Units
NOTE 1—Lite No. 1 Monolithic glass, Lite No. 2 Monolithic glass, short or long duration load, or Lite No. 1 Monolithic glass, Lite No. 2 Laminated glass, short duration load only, or Lite No.
1 Laminated Glass, Lite No. 2 Laminated Glass, short or long duration load.
NOTE 2—Values are approximated. Use Vallabhan and Chou (1) for alternate method. See Appendix X3 for basis of these values.
Lite No. 1 Lite No. 2
Monolithic Glass Monolithic Glass, Short or Long Duration Load or Laminated Glass, Short Duration Load Only
Nominal 2.0 2.5 2.7 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 19 22 25
Thickness (picture) (3⁄32) (lami) ( 1⁄ 8) (5⁄32) (3⁄16) ( 1⁄ 4) (5⁄16) ( 3⁄ 8) ( 1 ⁄2 ) ( 5⁄8 ) ( 3⁄4 ) ( 7 ⁄8) (1)

2.0 (picture) 0.500 0.500 0.367 0.633 0.251 0.749 0.190 0.810 0.097 0.903 0.058 0.942 0.033 0.967 0.014 0.986 0.008 0.992 0.003 0.997 0.002 0.998 0.001 0.999 0.0006 0.9994 0.0004 0.9996

2.5 (3⁄32 ) 0.633 0.367 0.500 0.500 0.367 0.633 0.288 0.712 0.157 0.843 0.096 0.904 0.055 0.945 0.024 0.976 0.014 0.986 0.006 0.994 0.003 0.997 0.002 0.998 0.001 0.999 0.0007 0.9993
2.7 (lami) 0.749 0.251 0.633 0.367 0.500 0.500 0.411 0.589 0.243 0.757 0.154 0.846 0.092 0.908 0.041 0.959 0.023 0.977 0.010 0.990 0.005 0.995 0.003 0.997 0.002 0.998 0.001 0.999
3 ( 1⁄8 ) 0.810 0.190 0.712 0.288 0.589 0.411 0.500 0.500 0.316 0.684 0.207 0.793 0.127 0.873 0.057 0.943 0.033 0.967 0.015 0.985 0.007 0.993 0.004 0.996 0.003 0.997 0.002 0.998

4 (5⁄32 ) 0.903 0.097 0.843 0.157 0.757 0.243 0.684 0.316 0.500 0.500 0.361 0.639 0.239 0.761 0.117 0.883 0.069 0.931 0.031 0.969 0.015 0.985 0.009 0.991 0.005 0.995 0.004 0.996

5 (3⁄16 ) 0.942 0.058 0.904 0.096 0.846 0.154 0.793 0.207 0.639 0.631 0.500 0.500 0.357 0.643 0.189 0.811 0.115 0.885 0.053 0.947 0.027 0.973 0.015 0.985 0.010 0.990 0.006 0.994
E1300 − 16

6 ( 1⁄4 ) 0.967 0.033 0.945 0.055 0.908 0.092 0.873 0.127 0.761 0.239 0.643 0.357 0.500 0.500 0.296 0.704 0.190 0.810 0.092 0.908 0.048 0.952 0.027 0.973 0.017 0.983 0.011 0.989
8 (5⁄16 ) 0.986 0.014 0.976 0.024 0.959 0.041 0.943 0.057 0.883 0.117 0.811 0.189 0.704 0.296 0.500 0.500 0.358 0.642 0.195 0.805 0.106 0.894 0.063 0.937 0.040 0.960 0.027 0.973
10 (3⁄8 ) 0.992 0.008 0.986 0.014 0.977 0.023 0.967 0.033 0.931 0.069 0.885 0.115 0.810 0.190 0.642 0.358 0.500 0.500 0.303 0.697 0.176 0.824 0.108 0.892 0.069 0.931 0.047 0.953
12 (1⁄2 ) 0.997 0.003 0.994 0.006 0.990 0.010 0.985 0.015 0.969 0.031 0.947 0.053 0.908 0.092 0.805 0.195 0.697 0.303 0.500 0.500 0.330 0.670 0.217 0.783 0.146 0.854 0.102 0.898
16 5
( ⁄8 ) 0.998 0.002 0.997 0.003 0.995 0.005 0.993 0.007 0.985 0.015 0.973 0.027 0.952 0.048 0.894 0.106 0.824 0.176 0.670 0.330 0.500 0.500 0.361 0.639 0.259 0.741 0.187 0.813
19 (3⁄4 ) 0.999 0.001 0.998 0.002 0.997 0.003 0.996 0.004 0.991 0.009 0.985 0.015 0.973 0.027 0.937 0.063 0.892 0.108 0.783 0.217 0.639 0.361 0.500 0.500 0.382 0.618 0.290 0.710
22 (7⁄8 ) 0.9994 0.0006 0.999 0.001 0.998 0.002 0.997 0.003 0.995 0.005 0.990 0.010 0.983 0.017 0.960 0.040 0.931 0.069 0.854 0.146 0.741 0.259 0.618 0.382 0.500 0.500 0.398 0.602
25 (1) 0.9996 0.0004 0.999 0.0007 0.999 0.001 0.998 0.002 0.996 0.004 0.994 0.006 0.989 0.011 0.973 0.027 0.953 0.047 0.898 0.102 0.813 0.187 0.710 0.290 0.602 0.398 0.500 0.500
E1300 − 16 Determine the GTF1 for Lite No. 1 and GTF2 for Determine the NFL for each lite from the upper
Lite No. 2 from Table 2. charts of Figs. A1.1-A1.14 and Figs. A1.29-A1.35 (see Annex Determine LSF1 for Lite No. 1 and LSF2 for Lite A3 for examples).
No. 2, from Table 5. Determine GTF1 for Lite No. 1 and GTF2 for Lite Multiply NFL by GTF and divide by the LSF for No. 2 from Table 3 for the relevant glass type.
each lite to determine LR1 for Lite No. 1 and LR2 for Lite No. Determine LSF1 for Lite No. 1 and LSF2 for Lite
2 of the IG unit as follows: No. 2 from Table 6 for the relevant lite thickness.
LR1 5 NFL1 3 GTF1÷LSF1 and LR2 5 NFL2 3 GTF2÷LSF2 (2) Multiply NFL by GTF and divide by the LSF for The LR of the IG unit is the lower of the two each lite to determine LR1 for Lite No. 1 and LR2 for Lite No.
calculated LR values. 2 of the IG unit, based on the long duration LR of each lite, as
6.2.11 For Double Glazed Insulating Glass with Laminated follows:
Glass (LG) over Laminated Glass (LG) Under Short Duration LR1 5 NFL1 3 GTF1÷LSF1 and LR2 5 NFL2 3 GTF2÷LSF2 (4)
Load Simply Supported Continuously Along Four Sides: Determine the NFL1 for Lite No. 1 and NFL2 for The LR of the IG unit is the lowest of the four
Lite No. 2 from the upper charts of Figs. A1.29-A1.35 (see calculated LR values LR1 and LR2 for short duration loads
Annex A3 for examples). from and LR1 and LR2 for long duration loads from For each lite, determine GTF1 for Lite No. 1 and
GTF2 for Lite No. 2 from Table 2. 6.2.13 For Double Glazed Insulating Glass with Laminated For each lite, determine the LSF1 for Lite No. 1 Glass (LG) over Laminated Glass (LG) Under Long Duration
and LSF2 for Lite No. 2 from Table 5. Load: Multiply NFL by GTF and divide by the LSF for The LR of each lite must first be calculated for that
each lite to determine LR1 for Lite No. 1 and LR2 for Lite No. load acting for a short duration as in 6.2.11, and then for the
2 of the IG unit as follows: same load acting for a long duration as given in –
LR1 5 NFL1 3 GTF1÷LSF1 and LR2 5 NFL2 3 GTF2÷LSF2 (3) Determine NFL1 for Lite No. 1 and NFL2 for Lite The LR of the IG unit is the lower of the two No. 2 from the upper charts of Figs. A1.29-A1.35 (see Annex
calculated LR values. A3 for examples).
6.2.12 For Double Glazed Insulating Glass (IG) with One Determine the GTF1 for Lite No. 1 and GTF2 for
Monolithic Lite and One Laminated Lite, Under Long Dura-
Lite No. 2 from Table 3.
tion Load Simply Supported Continuously Along Four Sides: The LR of each lite must first be calculated for that Determine LSF1 for Lite No. 1 and LSF2 for Lite
load acting for a short duration as in 6.2.10, and then for the No. 2 from Table 5.
same load acting for a long duration as given in – Multiply NFL by GTF and divide by the LSF for each lite to determine the LRs (LR1 and LR2 for Lites No. 1
and No. 2) of the IG unit, based on the long duration LR of
NOTE 4—There are some combinations of IG with LG where its each lite, as follows:
monolithic-like behavior under a short duration load gives the IG a lesser
LR than under the layered behavior of long duration loads. LR1 5 NFL1 3 GTF1÷LSF1 and LR2 5 NFL2 3 GTF2÷LSF2 (5)

TABLE 6 Load Share Factors (LSF) for Double Glazed Insulating Glass (IG) Units
NOTE 1—Lite No. 1 Monolithic glass, Lite No. 2 Laminated glass, long duration load only.
NOTE 2—Values are approximated. Use Vallabhan and Chou (1) for alternate method.
Lite No. 1 Lite No. 2
Monolithic Glass Laminated Glass
Nominal 5 6 8 10 12 16 19
Thickness (3⁄16) ( 1⁄ 4) (5⁄16) ( 3⁄ 8) (1⁄2) (5⁄8) ( 3 ⁄4)

2.0 (picture) 0.224 0.776 0.144 0.856 0.051 0.949 0.030 0.970 0.017 0.983 0.007 0.993 0.004 0.996
2.5 (3⁄32 ) 0.333 0.667 0.225 0.775 0.085 0.915 0.050 0.950 0.028 0.972 0.012 0.988 0.007 0.993
2.7 (lami) 0.463 0.537 0.333 0.667 0.139 0.861 0.083 0.917 0.048 0.952 0.021 0.979 0.012 0.988
3 ( 1⁄ 8 ) 0.553 0.447 0.417 0.583 0.187 0.813 0.115 0.885 0.068 0.932 0.030 0.970 0.017 0.983
4 (5⁄32 ) 0.728 0.272 0.609 0.391 0.333 0.667 0.221 0.779 0.136 0.864 0.062 0.938 0.035 0.965
5 (3⁄16 ) 0.826 0.174 0.733 0.267 0.469 0.531 0.333 0.667 0.217 0.783 0.105 0.895 0.061 0.939
6 ( 1⁄ 4 ) 0.895 0.105 0.832 0.168 0.614 0.386 0.474 0.526 0.333 0.667 0.174 0.826 0.105 0.895
8 (5⁄16 ) 0.953 0.047 0.922 0.078 0.791 0.209 0.682 0.318 0.543 0.457 0.333 0.667 0.218 0.782
10 ( 3⁄ 8 ) 0.973 0.027 0.955 0.045 0.872 0.128 0.794 0.206 0.681 0.319 0.473 0.527 0.333 0.667
12 ( 1⁄ 2 ) 0.988 0.012 0.980 0.020 0.940 0.060 0.898 0.102 0.831 0.169 0.674 0.326 0.535 0.465
16 ( 5⁄ 8 ) 0.994 0.006 0.990 0.010 0.970 0.030 0.947 0.053 0.909 0.091 0.808 0.192 0.701 0.299
19 ( 3⁄ 4 ) 0.997 0.003 0.994 0.006 0.983 0.017 0.970 0.030 0.947 0.053 0.882 0.118 0.806 0.194
22 ( 7⁄ 8 ) 0.998 0.002 0.996 0.004 0.989 0.011 0.981 0.019 0.966 0.034 0.923 0.077 0.870 0.130
25 (1) 0.999 0.001 0.998 0.002 0.993 0.007 0.987 0.013 0.977 0.023 0.948 0.052 0.910 0.090

E1300 − 16 The LR of the IG unit is the lowest of the four 6.3 Analytical Procedure:
calculated LR values LR1 and LR2 for short duration loads 6.3.1 For Monolithic Single Glazing Simply Supported Con-
from 6.12.4 and LR1 and LR2 for long duration loads from tinuously Along Four Sides: Determine the in-plane surface tensile stresses ac-
6.2.14 For Triple Glazed Insulating Glass (IG) with Three cording to A2.1 using the minimum thickness corresponding to
Lites of Monolithic Glass of Equal (Symmetric) or Different the desired nominal thickness listed in Table 4 for the specified
(Asymmetric) Thickness with Two Separately Sealed Air design load applied to the lite.
Spaces and Equal Glass Type, Simply Supported Continuously Determine the probability of breakage according to
Along Four Sides: A2.2.
NOTE 5—The user is recommended to limit the combined width of both If the probability of breakage, Pb ≤ 0.008, then the
air spaces in the IG unit to less than or equal to 25 mm (1 in.). A larger load resistance is greater than or equal to specified design load.
combined dimension may result in excessive sealant stress and glass Determine the maximum lateral (center of glass)
stresses due to temperature and altitude conditions. deflection according to A2.1 using the minimum thickness Determine the NFL1 for Lite No. 1, NFL2 for Lite corresponding to the desired nominal thickness listed in Table
No. 2, and NFL3 for Lite No. 3 from the upper charts of Figs. 4 for the specified design load applied to the lite.
A1.1-A1.14 (see Annex A3 for examples). 6.3.2 For Laminated Single Glazing Simply Supported Con-
NOTE 6—Lites No. 1 or No. 3 can represent either the outward or
tinuously Along Four Sides:
inward facing lite of the IG unit. Determine the effective thickness for stress for each
glass ply, h1;ef;σ h2;ef;σ comprising the LG and the effective Determine GTF1 for Lite No. 1, GTF2 for Lite
thickness deflection, hef;w for LG according to Appendix X9
No. 2, and GTF3 for Lite No. 3 from Table 7 for the relevant
using published shear moduli for the LG interlayer material for
glass type and load duration.
the temperature / load duration combination corresponding to Determine LSF1 for Lite No. 1, LSF2 for Lite
the design load duration designation as follows:
No. 2, and LSF3 for Lite No. 3 by using the following
(1) Long duration load, 20°C at 30 days.
(2) Short duration load, 50°C at 3 s.
LSF1 5 ~ t 1 3 ! / ~ t 1 3 1t 2 3 1t 3 3 ! (6)
3 3 3 3
NOTE 7—The effective thickness procedure provides one effective
LSF2 5 ~ t 2 ! ⁄ ~ t 1 1t 2 1t 3 ! (7) thickness to analyze the LG lite for deflection and an effective thickness
LSF3 5 ~ t 3 3 ! ⁄ ~ t 1 3 1t 2 3 1t 3 3 ! (8) for each ply to analyze each ply for stress.

where: Determine the in-plane surface tensile stresses ac-

cording to A2.1 using the effective thickness for stress for each
t1, t2, and t3 = the respective minimum glass thicknesses for glass ply, h1;ef;σ h2;ef;σ comprising the LG for the specified
each lite taken from Table 4. design load applied to the LG. Multiply NFL by GTF and divide by the LSF for Determine the probability of breakage according to
each lite to determine LR1 for Lite No. 1, LR2 for Lite No. 2 A2.2 for each glass ply comprising the LG.
and LR3 for Lite No. 3 of the insulating glass unit as follows: If each of the plies comprising the LG lite have a
LR1 5 NFL1 3 GTF1÷LSF1 (9) probability of breakage, Pb ≤ 0.008, then the load resistance is
greater than or equal to specified design load.
LR2 5 NFL2 3 GTF2÷LSF2 (10) Determine the maximum lateral (center of glass)
LR3 5 NFL3 3 GTF3÷LSF3 (11) deflection according to A2.1 using the effective thickness for The load resistance of the triple glazed IG unit is deflection, hef;w, for the specified design load applied to the
the lower of the three values: LR1, LR2, and LR3. LG lite.
6.2.15 If the LR thus determined is less than the specified 6.3.3 For Double Glazed Insulating Glass Units Simply
design load and duration, the selected glass types and thick- Supported Continuously Along Four Sides:
nesses are not acceptable. If the LR is greater than or equal to Determine the proportion of the specified design
the specified design load, then the glass types and thicknesses load carried by each lite in the IG using a method that
are acceptable for a breakage probability of less than, or equal maintains the ideal gas law equilibrium for the air space
to, 8 in 1000. between IG assembly and loaded conditions. The method
should accurately account for the displaced volumes of the lites
comprising the IG when loaded.
(1) Use the minimum thickness corresponding to the speci-
TABLE 7 Glass Type Factor (GTF) for Triple Glazed Insulating fied nominal thickness designation listed in Table 4 for MO
Glass (IG) glass.
GTF (2) Use the effective thickness for deflection, hef;w, for the
Glass Type Short Duration Load (3 s)
Long Duration Load (30 LG according to Appendix X9 using published shear moduli
days) for the LG interlayer material for the temperature / load
AN 0.81 0.34 duration combination corresponding to the design load dura-
HS 1.62 1.03
FT 3.24 2.58 tion designation as follows:
(a) Long duration load, 20°C at 30 days.
E1300 − 16
(b) Short duration load, 50°C at 3 s. the factored LR and the approximate lateral deflection, the Determine the in-plane surface tensile stresses for glass edge support conditions, and
each lite comprising the IG according to for MO lites 7.1.3 A statement that the procedure followed was in
and for LG lites using the respective apportioned accordance with this practice or a full description of any
specified design load according to deviations. Multiply the apportioned specified design load by
1.11 (1/0.9) if atmospheric pressure and temperature changes 8. Precision and Bias
are neglected in 8.1 The NFL charts (the upper charts of Figs. A1.1-A1.44) Determine the probability of breakage according to are based upon a theoretical glass breakage model that relates
A2.2 for each MO lite and each LG glass ply comprising the the strength of glass to the surface condition. Complete
IG. discussions of the formulation of the model are presented If the probability of breakage, Pb ≤ 0.008 for each elsewhere (2, 3).3
MO lite and each LG ply comprising the IG, then the load 8.1.1 A conservative estimate of the surface condition for
resistance is greater than or equal to specified design load. glass design was used in generation of the charts. This surface Determine the maximum lateral (center of glass) condition estimate is based upon the best available glass
deflection for each lite comprising the IG according to strength data and engineering judgment. It is possible that the
for MO lites and for LG lites using the respective information presented in the NFL charts may change as further
apportioned specified design load according to data becomes available. Repeat Steps – with the specified
design load applied in the opposite direction (reverse the 9. Keywords
loading direction). 9.1 annealed glass; deflection; flat glass; fully tempered
7. Report glass; glass; heat-strengthened glass; insulating glass; lami-
nated glass; load resistance; monolithic glass; probability of
7.1 Report the following information: breakage; snow load; soda lime silicate; strength; wind load
7.1.1 Date of calculation,
7.1.2 The specified design load and duration, the short
dimension of the glass, the long dimension of the glass, the 3
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of
glass type(s) and thickness(es), the GTF(s), the LSFs (for IG), this standard.


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 NFL charts are presented in the upper charts of Fig. A1.3 The data presented in the NFL charts are based on the
A1.1 through Fig. A1.44 for both SI and inch-pound units. The minimum glass thicknesses allowed by Specification C1036.
NFL charts were developed using a failure prediction model These minimum glass thicknesses are presented in Table 4.
for glass (4, 5). The model allows the probability of breakage Glass may be manufactured thicker than those minimums. Not
of any lite or ply to be specified in terms of two surface flaw accounting for this fact in the NFL charts makes the charts
parameters, m and k. conservative from a design standpoint.
A1.2 The values of the surface flaw parameters associated A1.4 The maximum center of glass lateral deflection of a
with a particular glass sample vary with the treatment and lite is often a major consideration in the selection of glass. No
condition of the glass surface. In development of the NFL recommendations are made in this practice regarding accept-
charts presented in upper charts of Fig. A1.1 through Fig. able lateral deflections. The lower charts of Fig. A1.1 through
A1.44 it was assumed that m is equal to 7 and k is equal to 2.86 Fig. A1.44 indicate the maximum lateral deflection of the glass.
× 10-53 N-7 m12 (1.365 × 10-29 in.12 lbf-7). These flaw param-
eters represent the surface strength of weathered window glass A1.5 The following steps are used to determine the NFL for
that has undergone in-service conditions for approximately 20 a particular situation:
years. The selection of the surface flaw parameters was based
A1.5.1 Select the appropriate chart to be used based upon
upon the best available data and engineering judgment. If the
the nominal glass thickness.
charts are used to predict the strength of freshly manufactured
glass, the results may be conservative. This method does not A1.5.2 Enter the horizontal axis of the chart at the point
apply to glass that has been subjected to severe surface corresponding to the long dimension of the glass and project a
degradation or abuse such as weld splatter or sand blasting. vertical line.
E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.1 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 2.0 mm (Picture) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 2.0 mm (Picture) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

A1.5.3 Enter the vertical axis of the chart at the point A1.5.5 Determine the NFL by interpolating between the
corresponding to the short dimension of the glass and project a load contours along the diagonal line of constant AR drawn in
horizontal line until it intersects the vertical line of A1.5.2. A1.5.4.
A1.5.4 Draw a line of constant AR from the point of zero
length and width through the intersection point in A1.5.3.

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.2 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 2.5 mm (3⁄32 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 2.5 mm 3⁄32 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.3 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 2.7 mm (Lami) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 2.7 mm (Lami) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.4 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 3.0 mm (1⁄8 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 3.0 mm (1⁄8 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.5 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 4.0 mm (5⁄32 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 4.0 mm (5⁄32 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.6 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 5.0 mm (3⁄16 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 5.0 mm (3⁄16 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.7 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 6.0 mm (1⁄4 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 6.0 mm (1⁄4 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.8 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 8.0 mm (5⁄16 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 8.0 mm (5⁄16 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.9 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 10.0 mm (3⁄8 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 10.0 mm (3⁄8 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.10 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 12.0 mm (1⁄2 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 12.0 mm (1⁄2 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.11 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 16.0 mm (5⁄8 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 16.0 mm (5⁄8 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.12 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 19.0 mm (3⁄4 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 19.0 mm (3⁄4 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.13 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 22.0 mm (7⁄8 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 22.0 mm (7⁄8 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.14 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 25.0 mm (1 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 25.0 mm (1 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.15 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 2.5 mm (3⁄32 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 2.5 mm (3⁄32 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.16 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 2.7 mm (Lami) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 2.7 mm (Lami) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.17 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 3.0 mm (1⁄8 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 3.0 mm (1⁄8 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.18 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 4.0 mm (5⁄32 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 4.0 mm (5⁄32 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.19 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 5.0 mm (3⁄16 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 5.0 mm (3⁄16 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.20 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 6.0 mm (1⁄4 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 6.0 mm (1⁄4 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.21 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 8.0 mm (5⁄16 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 8.0 mm (5⁄16 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.22 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 10.0 mm (3⁄8 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 10.0 mm (3⁄8 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.23 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 12.0 mm (1⁄2 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 12.0 mm (1⁄2 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.24 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 16.0 mm (5⁄8 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 16.0 mm (5⁄8 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.25 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 19.0 mm (3⁄4 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 19.0 mm (3⁄4 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.26 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 22.0 mm (7⁄8 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 22.0 mm (7⁄8 in.) Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.27 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for Glass Simply Supported Along Two Parallel Edges
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for Glass Simply Supported Along Two Parallel Edges

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.28 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for Glass Supported Along One Edge
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for Glass Supported Along One Edge

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.29 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 5.0 mm (3⁄16 in.) Laminated Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 5.0 mm (3⁄16 in.) Laminated Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.30 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 6.0 mm (1⁄4 in.) Laminated Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 6.0 mm (1⁄4 in.) Laminated Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.31 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 8.0 mm (5⁄16 in.) Laminated Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 8.0 mm (5⁄16 in.) Laminated Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.32 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 10.0 mm (3⁄8 in.) Laminated Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 10.0 mm (3⁄8 in.) Laminated Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.33 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 12.0 mm (1⁄2 in.) Laminated Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 12.0 mm (1⁄2 in.) Laminated Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.34 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 16.0 mm (5⁄8 in.) Laminated Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 16.0 mm (5⁄8 in.) Laminated Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.35 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 19.0 mm (3⁄4 in.) Laminated Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 19.0 mm (3⁄4 in.) Laminated Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.36 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 5.0 mm (3⁄16 in.) Laminated Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 5.0 mm (3⁄16 in.) Laminated Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.37 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 6.0 mm (1⁄4 in.) Laminated Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 6.0 mm (1⁄4 in.) Laminated Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.38 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 8.0 mm (5⁄16 in.) Laminated Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 8.0 mm (5⁄16 in.) Laminated Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.39 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 10.0 mm (3⁄8 in.) Laminated Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 10.0 mm (3⁄8 in.) Laminated Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.40 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 12.0 mm (1⁄2 in.) Laminated Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 12.0 mm (1⁄2 in.) Laminated Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.41 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 16.0 mm (5⁄8 in.) Laminated Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 16.0 mm (5⁄8 in.) Laminated Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.42 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 19.0 mm (3⁄4 in.) Laminated Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 19.0 mm (3⁄4 in.) Laminated Glass with Three Sides Simply Supported

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.43 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for Laminated Glass Simply Supported Along Two Parallel Edges
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for Laminated Glass Simply Supported Along Two Parallel Edges

E1300 − 16

FIG. A1.44 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for Laminated Glass Supported Along One Edge
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for Laminated Glass Supported Along One Edge

E1300 − 16


A2.1 The stress analysis method used to determine the ~ σ min

in-plane surface tensile stresses must incorporate the non-linear ri 5 (A2.4)
~ σ max
2-way bending and membrane action of plates. Only the
stresses in the plane of the lite surface are used in the where:
probability of breakage calculation. The stress analysis method k = (2.86 × 10-53 N-7 m12) or (1.365 × 10-29 in.12 lbf-7),
must be verified to produce acceptable values for surface m = 7,
stresses by ensuring the NFL chart values correspond to N = number of stress values,
specified design load results in a 0.008 probability of breakage td = duration of loading,
for a given geometry when calculated using A2.2. n = 16,
σmaxi = ith maximum principal stress,
A2.2 The probability of breakage denoted as Pb, based on a σmini = ith minimum principal stress,
two parameter Weibull distribution, is given by: RCSS = residual compressive surface stress; 0 MPa (0 psi)
for AN glass, 24.0 MPa (3500 psi) for HS glass,
P b 5 1 2 e 2B (A2.1) 69.0 MPa (10 000 psi) for FT glass, and
with: Ai = ith tributary area corresponding to the principal
B 5 k· Σ
ci ·
· ~ σ maxi 2 RCSS! D D

·A i (A2.2)
stresses, m2 (in.2).

c i 5 20.005·r i 6 10.022·r i 5 10.055·r i 4

10.039·r i 3 10.031·r i 2 10.06·r i 10.8 (A2.3)


A3.1 Examples 1, 2, and 3 illustrate use of the NFL charts A3.2.2 Enter the horizontal axis of the NFL chart in Fig.
and the calculation of the LR. Examples 4 and 5 illustrate the A3.2 at 60 in. and project a vertical line.
determination of the approximate center of glass deflection. A3.2.3 Enter the vertical axis of the NFL chart in Fig. A3.2
Example 6 illustrates the calculation of LR for a triple at 50 in. and project a horizontal line.
insulating glass unit.
A3.2.4 Sketch a line of constant AR through the intersection
A3.1.1 Example 1: Use of Non-Factored Load (NFL) of the lines described in A3.1.3 and A3.1.4 as shown in Fig.
Charts in SI Units—Determine the NFL associated with a 1200 A3.2 and interpolate along this line to determine the NFL. The
by 1500 mm, 6 mm thick monolithic AN glass plate. NFL is thus found to be 2.4 kPa. Convert kPa to inch-pound
A3.1.2 The appropriate NFL chart is reproduced in Fig. units by multiplying 2.4 by 20.9 = 50.2 psf.
A3.1. A3.3 Example 3: Determination of the Load Resistance
A3.1.3 Enter the horizontal axis of the NFL chart in Fig. (LR) of Asymmetrical Double Glazed Insulating Glass (IG)
A3.1 at 1500 mm and project a vertical line. Unit in SI Units—A horizontal skylight consists of an IG unit
with rectangular dimensions of 1520 by 1900 mm. The
A3.1.4 Enter the vertical axis of the NFL chart in Fig. A3.1 outboard lite (Lite No. 1) is 6-mm tempered glass; the inboard
at 1200 mm and project a horizontal line. lite (Lite No. 2) is 8-mm HS LG; the airspace thickness is
A3.1.5 Sketch a line of constant AR through the intersection 12 mm. Determine if the skylight will support a 6.0 kPa long
of the lines described in A3.1.3 and A3.1.4 as shown in Fig. duration load with a probability of breakage less than or equal
A3.1 and interpolate along this line to determine the NFL. The to 8 lites 1000.
NFL is thus found to be 2.5 kPa. A3.3.1 The NFL for Lite No. 1 (6-mm monolithic tempered)
is 1.80 kPa.
A3.2 Example 2: Use of Non-Factored Load (NFL) Charts
in Inch-Pound Units—Determine the NFL associated with a 50 A3.3.2 The short duration GTF for Lite No. 1 is 3.80.
by 60 by 1⁄4-in. monolithic AN glass plate. A3.3.3 The short duration LSF for Lite No. 1 is 0.296.
A3.2.1 The appropriate NFL chart is reproduced in Fig. A3.3.4 The LR of the IG based upon the short term LR of
A3.2. Lite No. 1 is:

E1300 − 16

FIG. A3.1 Non-Factored Load Chart for 6.0 mm (1⁄4 in.) Glass

FIG. A3.2 Non-Factored Load Chart for 6.0 mm (1⁄4 in.) Glass

LR 5 NFL 3 GTF÷LSF 5 1.80 kPa 3 3.80÷0.296 5 23.1 kPa A3.3.10 The long duration LSF for Lite No. 1 is 0.614.
(A3.1) A3.3.11 The LR of the IG based upon the long term LR of
A3.3.5 The NFL for Lite No. 2 (8-mm HS laminated) is Lite No. 1 is:
2.50 kPa. LR 5 NFL 3 GTF÷LSF 5 1.80 kPa 3 2.85÷0.614 5 8.36 kPa
A3.3.6 The short duration GTF for Lite No. 2 is 1.90. (A3.3)
A3.3.7 The short duration LSF for Lite No. 2 is 0.704. A3.3.12 The long duration GTF for Lite No. 2 is 1.25.
A3.3.8 The LR of the IG based upon the short term LR of A3.3.13 The long duration LSF for Lite No. 2 is 0.386.
Lite No. 2: A3.3.14 The LR of the IG based upon the long term LR of
LR 5 NFL 3 GTF÷LSF 5 2.50 kPa 3 1.90÷0.704 5 6.75 kPa Lite No. 2 is:
(A3.2) LR 5 NFL 3 GTF÷LSF 5 2.50 kPa 3 1.25÷0.386 5 8.10 kPa
A3.3.9 The long duration GTF for Lite No. 1 is 2.85. (A3.4)
E1300 − 16
A3.3.15 The LR of the IG is 6.75 kPa, the smallest of the A3.4.3 Compute (Load × Area2) as follows:
values calculated in Eq A3.1-A3.4. ~ Load 3 Area2 ! 5 ~ 1.80 kPa! 3 ~ 1.86 m 2 ! 2 5 6.24 kN 3 m 2
NOTE A3.1—The IG has the smallest LR under short duration loading (A3.10)
when the laminated HS lite acts in the monolithic mode.
A3.4.4 Project a vertical line upward from 6.24 kN × m2
A3.3.16 The load on the horizontal skylight includes the along the lower horizontal axis in Fig. A3.3 to the AR2 line.
total glass weight (TGW).
A3.4.5 Project a horizontal line from the intersection point
NOTE A3.2—The specific weight (unit weight) of glass, denoted as γG, of the vertical line and the AR2 line to the left vertical axis and
is taken as 2.45×10-2 kPa/mm. read the approximate center of glass deflection as 11 mm.
NOTE A3.3—The specific weight (unit weight) of PVB, denoted as γpvb
is taken as 1.05×10-2 kPa/mm.
A3.5 Example 5: Approximate Center of Glass Deflection
TGW 5 γ G 3 ~ t 1 1 t 2ply1 1 t 2ply2 ! 1γ pvb 3 ~ t 2pvb ! (A3.5) Determination in Inch-Pound Units—Determine the approxi-
kPa mate center of glass deflection associated with a vertical 60 by
TGW 5 2.45 3 1022 3 ~ 5.56 mm 1 3.78 mm 1 3.78 mm! 180 by 3⁄8 in. rectangular glass plate subjected to a uniform
lateral load of 20 psf.
11.05 3 1022 3 ~ 1.52 mm! 5 0.34 kPa (A3.6) A3.5.1 Calculate the AR of the glass as follows:
A3.3.17 The LR of the IG must be reduced by the glass AR 5 ~ 180 in.! ⁄ ~ 60 in.! 5 3.00 (A3.11)
weight. Therefore the LR of the IG is: A3.5.2 Calculate the glass area as follows:
LR 5 6.75 kPa 2 0.34 kPa 5 6.41 kPa (A3.7) Area 5 ~ 15 ft! 3 ~ 5 ft! 5 75 ft2 (A3.12)
A3.3.18 Conclusion—The IG will support the specified long A3.5.3 Compute (Load × Area2) as follows:
duration load of 6.0 kPa with a probability of breakage less
~ Load 3 Area2 ! 5 ~ 0.020 kip/ ft2 ! 3 ~ 75 ft2 ! 2 5 112 kip 3 ft2
than 8 lites per 1000.
A3.4 Example 4: Approximate Center of Glass Deflection A3.5.4 Project a vertical line downward from 112 kip × ft2
Determination in SI Units—Determine the approximate center along the upper horizontal axis in Fig. A3.4 to the AR3 line.
of glass deflection associated with a vertical 965 by 1930 by
6-mm rectangular glass plate subjected to a uniform lateral A3.5.5 Project a horizontal line from the intersection point
load of 1.8 kPa. of the vertical line and the AR3 line to the right vertical axis
and read the approximate center of glass deflection as 0.52 in.
A3.4.1 Calculate the AR of the glass as follows:
AR 5 ~ 1930 mm! ⁄ ~ 965 mm! 5 2.00 (A3.8)
A3.6 Example 6: Determination of the Load Resistance
(LR) of an Asymmetrical Triple Glazed Insulating Glass (IG)
A3.4.2 Calculate the glass area as follows: Unit in SI Units—A vertical window with glass size 1000 by
Area 5 ~ 0.965 m! 3 ~ 1.93 m! 5 1.86□m 2 (A3.9) 1500 mm of AN 3-mm lite, a sealed air space, a 2.5-mm AN

FIG. A3.3 Deflection Chart

E1300 − 16

FIG. A3.4 Deflection Chart

lite, another sealed air space, and a 3-mm AN inner lite will be A3.6.6 The LR of the entire triple glazed IG is the lesser of
subjected to wind load. Will this window glass support a LR1, LR2, LR3. This leaves a short term duration LR for the
1.5 kPa short duration load for an 8 in 1000 breakage prob- IG unit of: 2.61 kPa.
ability? A3.6.7 Conclusion—This design will support the specified
A3.6.1 For lites No. 1 and No. 3 the NFL (NFL1 and NFL3) short term duration load of 1.5 kPa for a breakage probability
from the 3-mm chart is 1.34 kPa. of less than 8 in 1000.
A3.6.2 For Lite No. 2 the NFL (NFL2) from the 2.5-mm A3.7 Example 7: Determination of the Probability of Break-
chart is 0.88 kPa. age of a Double Glazed Insulating Glass (IG) Unit in US
A3.6.3 For short duration load the GTF for each of the three Units—A vertical window consists of an IG unit with rectan-
AN lites is 0.81. gular dimensions of 50 by 30 in. The outboard lite (Lite No. 1)
is LG comprised of two 3⁄32 in. plies with a 0.030 in. PVB
A3.6.4 The LSF (LSF1, LSF2, LSF3) for each lite are as interlayer; the inboard lite (Lite No. 2) is 1⁄8 in. AN glass, and
follows: the airspace thickness is 3⁄8 in. Determine if the probability of
LSF1 5 ~ t 1 3 !⁄ ~ t 1 3 1 t 2 3 1 t 3 3 ! 5 ~ 2.923 ! ⁄ ~ 2.923 1 2.163 12.923 ! breakage of window is less than 8 lites 1000 for a 3-s 70 psf
5 0.416 (A3.14) load applied to Lite No. 1.
3 3
LSF2 5 ~ t 2 !⁄ ~ t 1 1 t 2 1 t 3 ! 5 ~ 2.16 ! ⁄ ~ 2.92 1 2.16 1 2.923 !
3 3 3 3 3 A3.7.1 For Lite No. 1, the effective thicknesses are as
5 0.168 (A3.15)
3 3 3 3
LSF3 5 ~ t 3 ! ⁄ ~ t 1 1 t 2 1 t 3 ! 5 ~ 2.92 !⁄ ~ 2.92 1 2.16 1 2.923 !
3 3 3 t1Def = 0.149 in.
5 0.416 (A3.16)
t1Str,p1 = 0.165 in.
t1Str,p2 = 0.165 in.
A3.6.5 The LR (LR1, LR2, LR3) of each lite are as follows: A3.7.2 For Lite No. 21, the thickness is 0.115 in.
LR1 5 NFL1 3 GTF1÷LSF1 5 1.34□kPa 3 0.81÷0.416 5 2.61□kPa A3.7.3 The load carried by Lite No. 1 and Lite No. 2 using
(A3.17) the iterative method advance by Vallabhan and Chou (1) are as
LR2 5 NFL2 3 GTF2÷LSF2 5 0.88□kPa 3 0.81÷0.168 5 4.24□kPa follows:
DL1 = 46.1 psf
LR3 5 NFL3 3 GTF3÷LSF3 5 1.34□kPa 3 0.81÷0.416 5 2.61□kPa DL2 = 23.9 psf

E1300 − 16
A3.7.4 The probability of breakages for Lite No. 1 and Lite Pb2 = 8.35e-4
No. 2 for the load carried by each are as follows:
A3.7.5 Conclusion—The IG will support the specified short
Pb1,p1 = 3.57e-3 duration load of 70 psf with a probability of breakage of
Pb1,p2 = 3.57e-3 3.57e-3.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Maximum glass deflection as a function of plate X1.2.2 a = 1500

geometry and load may be calculated from the following b = 1200
polynomial equations by Dalgliesh (6) for a curve fit to the From Eq X1.2 r0 = −2.689
Beason and Morgan (4) data from:
X1.2.3 From Eq X1.3 r1 = 2.011
w 5 t 3 exp~ r 0 1r 1 3 x1r 2 3 x ! (X1.1)
X1.2.4 From Eq X1.4 r2 = 0.213
X1.2.5 q = 1.80
w = center of glass deflection (mm) or (in.), and E = 71.7 × 106
t = plate thickness (mm) or (in.).
t = 5.60
r 0 5 0.553 2 3.83 ~ a/b ! 11.11 ~ a/b ! 2 2 0.0969 ~ a/b ! 3 From Eq X1.5 x = 1.490
X1.2.6 Therefore from Eq X1.1 the maximum center of
r 1 5 22.2915.83 ~ a/b ! 2 2.17 ~ a/b ! 2 10.2067 ~ a/b ! 3 (X1.3) glass deflection is:
r 2 5 1.485 2 1.908 ~ a/b ! 10.815 ~ a/b ! 2 2 0.0822 ~ a/b ! 3 w = 5.6 exp(−2.689 + 2.111 × 1.490 + 0.213 × 1.4902)
(X1.4) w = 12.2 mm
2 4
x 5 ln$ ln@ q ~ ab! /Et # % (X1.5) X1.2.7 Example 10: Lateral Deflection Calculation in Inch-
where: Pound Units Using Method X 2—Determine the maximum
lateral deflection (w) associated with a 50 by 60 by 1⁄4-in.
q = uniform lateral load (kPa) or (psi),
rectangular glass plate subjected to a uniform lateral load of
a = long dimension (mm) or (in.),
b = short dimension (mm) or (in.), and 38 psf. The actual thickness of the glass is 0.220 in. as
E = modulus of elasticity of glass (71.7 × 106 kPa) or determined through direct measurement.
(10.4 × 10 psi). X1.2.8 a = 60
X1.1.1 The polynomial equations give an approximate fit to b = 50
center deflections of thin lites under enough pressure to cause From Eq X1.2 r0 = −2.612
non-linear behavior. Such deflections, which will exceed the X1.2.9 From Eq X1.3 r1 = 1.938
lite thickness, should be rounded to the nearest mm (0.04 in.).
Caution is advised for pressures less than 1⁄3 design capacity of X1.2.10 From Eq X1.4 r2 = 0.227
the lite. For aspect ratios greater than 5, use 5.
X1.2.11 q = 38
X1.2 Examples 9 and 10 illustrate this procedure as follows: E = 10.4 × 10
t = 0.220
X1.2.1 Example 9: Lateral Deflection Calculation in SI
From Eq X1.5 x = 1.527
Units Using Method X2—Determine the maximum lateral
deflection (w) of a vertical 1200 by 1500 by 6-mm rectangular X1.2.12 Therefore from Eq X1.1 the maximum center of
glass plate subjected to a uniform lateral load of 1.80 kPa. The glass deflection is:
actual thickness of the glass is 5.60 mm as determined through w = 0.220 exp(−2.612 + 1.938 × 1.527 + 0.227 × 1.5272)
direct measurement. w = 0.53 in.

E1300 − 16


X2.1 Determination of Type Factors of the fracture origin, but there is also a finite probability or a
X2.1.1 The GTF presented in Tables 1-3 are intended to fracture originating on the protected surfaces, No. 2 and No. 3,
portray conservative representations of the behaviors of the so the factor is adjusted to:
various types of glass. Rigorous engineering analysis that p 5 0.95 (X2.2)
accounts for the geometrically nonlinear performance of glass X2.2.4 For an IG with one lite of AN glass and the other lite
lites, glass surface condition, residual surface compression, of heat treated (HS or FT) monolithic or heat treated LG, the
surface area under stress, geometry, support conditions, load air space surface of the AN glass is protected and therefore less
type and duration, and other relevant parameters can result in likely than the exposed surface to be the location of the fracture
other type factors. origin. Therefore the AN lite probability factor becomes:
X2.2 Determination of Type Factors for Insulating Glass p 5 1.05 (X2.3)
(IG) X2.2.5 There is insufficient data available on the probability
X2.2.1 The IG type factors presented in Tables 2 and 3 have of the fracture origin occurring on any one particular surface of
been calculated by multiplying the single lite GTF, for short or an asymmetric IG when one lite is monolithic HS or FT and the
long duration load, from Table 1 or Table 2, by a probability (p) other lite is monolithic FT or HS, or when the other lite is
factor and a sealed air space pressure (asp) factor. laminated AN, laminated HS or laminated FT, and so for these
X2.2.2 The factor p allows for the number of glass surfaces cases:
from which a fracture can originate. As the area of glass under p 5 1.0 (X2.4)
a given stress increases there is an increased risk of breakage X2.2.6 A sealed air space pressure (asp) factor is included in
occurring. For a single monolithic lite with two surfaces the IG type factor because the lites of an IG unit are seldom
equally at risk, parallel. This is due to sealed air space pressure differences
p 5 1.00 (X2.1) caused by changes in: barometric pressure, temperature, and
X2.2.3 For a symmetrical IG with two monolithic lites of altitude from the time the unit was sealed. The factor for all IG
equal thickness and both AN, both HS, or both FT, the two units is:
outer surfaces (No. 1 and No. 4) are the most probable source asp 5 0.95 (X2.5)


X3.1 The load sharing between the lites of a sealed IG unit NOTE X3.1—The orientation of the IG unit is not relevant. Either Lite
is assumed to be proportional to the stiffness of the lites, that is, No. 1 or No. 2 can face the exterior.
the glass thickness raised to the power of 3. (Where membrane Under short duration loads LG is assumed to behave in a
stresses predominate, the exponent is less than 3 but this
monolithic-like manner. The glass thickness used for calculat-
regime is outside the range of typical architectural glass
ing LSFs for short duration loads is the sum of the thickness of
design.) Values are approximate. Use Vallabhan and Chou (1)
glass of the 2 plies (in accordance with Table 1).
for alternate method.
X3.2 For the LSFs in Table 5, the LSF for Lite No. 1 is: X3.3 Under long duration loads LG is assumed to behave in
a layered manner. The load sharing is then based on the
LSF1 5 ~ t 1 3 ! ⁄ ~ t 1 3 1 t 2 3 ! (X3.1) individual ply thicknesses of the LG. The LSF for one ply of
where: the laminated lite of an IG composed of: monolithic glass, air
t1 = minimum thickness of Lite No. 1, and space, laminated, is:
t2 = minimum thickness of Lite No. 2. LSFply 5 ~ t ply3 ! ⁄ ~ t 1 3 1 2 3 t ply3 ! (X3.3)
Similarly the LSF for Lite No. 2 is:
where tply is the minimum thickness of one glass ply of the
LSF2 5 ~ t 2 3 ! ⁄ ~ t 1 3 1 t 2
! (X3.2) laminate.

E1300 − 16


X4.1 The purpose of Appendix X4 is to convert a calculated To convert, multiply the LR by the factor in Table X4.1.
3-s LR to a load duration listed in Table X4.1.

TABLE X4.1 Load Duration Factors

NOTE 1—Calculated to 8/1000 lites probability of breakage (see 3.2.11).
Duration Factor
3s 1.00
10 s 0.93
60 s 0.83
10 min 0.72
60 min 0.64
12 h 0.55
24 h 0.53
1 week 0.47
1 month (30 days) 0.43
1 year 0.36
beyond 1 year 0.31


X5.1 The purpose of Appendix X5 is to present an approxi-

mate technique to determine a design load which represents the q3 5

i F G
combined effects of j loads of different duration. All loads are
considered normal to the glass surface. where:
q3 = the magnitude of the 3-s duration uniform load,
X5.2 Identify each load qi, and its associated duration, di, qI = the magnitude of the load having duration di, and
given in seconds for j loads. Use the following equation to n = 16 for AN glass.
calculate the equivalent 3-s duration design load:


X6.1 The purpose of Appendix X6 is to provide a conser- failure prediction that was used to develop the NFL charts in
vative technique for estimating the maximum allowable sur- Section 6.
face stress associated with glass lites continuously supported
along all edges of the lite. The maximum allowable stress
(allowable) is a function of area (A), load duration in seconds
σ allowable 5 S@ Pb
k ~ d/3 ! 7/n *A # D 1/7

(d), and probability of breakage (Pb). where:

X6.2 This maximum allowable surface stress can be used σallowable = maximum allowable surface stress,
Pb = probability of breakage,
for the design of special glass shapes and loads not covered
k = a surface flaw parameter,
elsewhere in this practice. This includes trapezoids, circular, d = the duration of the loading,
triangular, and other odd shapes. A conservative allowable A = the glass surface area, and
surface stress value for a 3-s duration load is 23.3 MPa n = 16 for AN glass.
(3 380 psi) for AN glass, 46.6 MPa (6 750 psi) for heat-
strengthened glass, and 93.1 MPa (13 500 psi) for FT glass. X6.5 The NFLs that are determined in this manner should
be conservative with respect to the values presented in Section
X6.3 The maximum surface stress in the glass lite should be
calculated using rigorous engineering analysis, which takes 6.
into account large deflections, when required. This maximum
X6.6 Eq X6.1 is applicable where the probability of break-
calculated stress must be less than the maximum allowable
age (Pb) is less than 0.05. (Note that Section 6 references a Pb
less than or equal to 0.008.)
X6.4 Maximum allowable surface stress is calculated using
the following equation which has its basis in the same glass
E1300 − 16


X7.1 The purpose of Appendix X7 is to provide an estimate X7.2 This approximate maximum allowable edge stress can
for the approximate maximum allowable edge stress (allow- be used for the design of glass shapes and support conditions
able) for glass lites associated with a maximum probability of where edge stress is significant. This includes applications
breakage (Pb) less than or equal to 0.008 for a 3-s load duration where the glass is not supported on one or more edges. An
(7). approximate allowable edge stress value for a 3-s duration can
be found in Table X7.1.
TABLE X7.1 Allowable Edge Stress
Clean Cut Edges, Seamed Edges, Polished Edges, X7.3 The approximate maximum edge stress in the glass lite
MPa (psi) MPa (psi) MPa (psi) should be calculated using rigorous engineering analysis,
Annealed 16.6 (2400) 18.3 (2650) 20.0 (2900)
Heat-strengthened N/AA 36.5 (5300) 36.5 (5300)
which takes into account large deflections, when required. This
Tempered N/A 73.0 (10 600) 73.0 (10 600) maximum calculated stress must be less than the maximum
N ⁄A–Not Applicable. allowable stress.


X8.1 The purpose of Appendix X8 is to provide a criterion 1.5 MPa (218 psi), at 50°C (122°F) under an equivalent 3-s
for specifying when the non-factored LR charts for PVB LG load. The Young’s modulus value should be determined fol-
may be used for LG made with plastic interlayers other than lowing Practice D4065. The forced constant amplitude, fixed
PVB. frequency tension oscillation test specified in Table 1 of
Practice D4065 should be used and the storage Young’s
X8.2 The NFL charts for PVB LG have been derived from modulus measured at 50°C (122°F) under a 0.3 Hz sinusoidal
a stress analysis that incorporates a viscoelastic model for the loading condition.
plastic interlayer (8). The viscoelastic model accurately de- X8.3.1 If the shear modulus of the non-PVB polymer
scribes the evolution of polymer shear modulus at 50°C interlayer is greater than or equal to 0.4 MPa (the shear
(122°F) under load duration of 3 s. The PVB interlayer can be modulus of PVB at 50°C (122°F)), then the non-PVB inter-
characterized with an effective Young’s modulus of 1.5 MPa layer is considered equivalent to PVB and the NFL charts for
(218 psi) for these conditions. This Young’s modulus value is PVB laminates can be used to determine the LR of the
a lower bound of the known values for the commercially non-PVB interlayer glass laminate.
available PVB interlayers at 50°C (122°F) after 3-s load
duration. X8.4 This specification can only be applied to interlayer that
are monolithic, or become monolithic with processing and
X8.3 For LG made with non-PVB plastic interlayers, the have a thickness greater than 0.38 mm (0.015 in.). Interlayers
non-factored LR charts for PVB LG may be used if the plastic comprised of differing polymers in multiple layers are not
interlayer has a Young’s modulus greater than or equal to covered in this procedure.


X9.1 The purpose of Appendix X9 is to provide engineering nated glass for cases not covered by the non-factored load
formula for calculating the effective thickness of laminated charts.
glass. Two different effective laminate thickness values are
determined for a specific case: (1) an effective thickness, hef;w, X9.2 The shear transfer coefficient, Γ, which is a measure of
for use in calculations of laminate deflection, and (2) an the transfer of shear stresses across the interlayer, is given by:
effective laminate thickness, h1,e,σ for use is calculations of 1
laminate glass stress. These effective thickness values can be Γ5 (X9.1)
EIs h v
used with standard engineering formulae or finite element 119.6
Gh2s a 2
methods for calculating both deflection and glass stress of with:
laminates subjected to load. The method applies to 2-ply 2 2
laminates fabricated from both equal and unequal thickness I s 5 h 1 h s;2 1h 2 h s;1 (X9.2)
glass plies. The intent of Appendix X9 is to provide a method h sh 1
h s;1 5 (X9.3)
that allows the user to perform engineering analysis of lami- h 1 1h 2
E1300 − 16
h sh 2 employed for the measurement, use the time-temperature-
h s;2 5 (X9.4)
h 1 1h 2 superposition (TTS) procedure established by Ferry (10) and
h s 5 0.5 ~ h 1 1h 2 ! 1h v (X9.5) used by Bennison et al. (8), to estimate the shear modulus at the
load duration of interest. For interlayers comprised of a stack
where: of different polymers, the shear modulus shall be measured on
hv = interlayer thickness, the individual polymer components of the stack and the shear
h1 = glass ply 1 minimum thickness (see Table 4), modulus value for most compliant polymer layer shall be used
h2 = glass ply 2 minimum thickness (see Table 4), in determining the shear transfer coefficient, Γ. Contact the
E = glass Young’s modulus of elasticity, interlayer manufacturer for appropriate shear modulus values.
a = smallest in-plane dimension of bending of the laminate
plate, and X9.6 Laminates shall comply with Specification C1172.
G = interlayer complex shear modulus (see X9.4).
X9.7 Example 13—An engineer wishes to calculate the
X9.2.1 Note that for interlayers comprised of a stack of maximum glass stress and deflection of a laminated glass beam
different polymers, the interlayer thickness hv, is considered to with dimensions 1.0 m × 1.75 m (39.4 in. × 68.9 in.). The beam
be the total stack thickness. The shear transfer coefficient, Γ, is fixed along one long edge (cantilever) and is subjected to a
varies from 0 to 1. line load, P, of 0.75 kN/m (51.4 lbf/foot) applied to the
opposite parallel edge. The proposed laminate construction is
X9.3 For calculations of laminate deflection, the laminate 10 mm glass | 1.52 mm interlayer | 10 mm glass (3/8 in. glass
effective thickness, hef;w, is given by: | 0.060 in. interlayer | 3/8 in. glass). From consideration of the
h ef;w 5 3 =h 31 1h 32 112ΓI s (X9.6)
application, it is specified that the line load duration is 60 min
at a sustained temperature of 30ºC (86ºF). For these loading
X9.3.1 For calculations of the maximum glass bending duration and temperature considerations the interlayer shear
stress, the laminate effective thicknesses (one for each glass modulus, G, is determined to be 0.44 MPa (63.8 psi).
ply) are given by:
h 1;ef;σ 5 Œ 3
h ef;w
h 1 12Γh s;2
(X9.7) hv
1.52 mm (0.060 in.),
9.02 mm (0.355 in.),
h 2;ef;σ 5 Œ 3
h ef;w
h 2 12Γh s;1
9.02 mm (0.355 in.),
71.7 GPa (10 399 ksi),
1.0 m (39.4 in.), and
X9.3.2 The calculation normally needs only to be per- G = 0.44 MPa (63.8 psi).
formed for the thickest ply, unless there are different types of
glass in the laminate that have different allowable stresses (9). Substituting into Eq X9.1 to Eq X9.8 gives:

X9.4 The primary interlayer property that influences the Is = 501 mm3 (0.031 in.3),
laminate deformation is the complex shear modulus, G. The hs;1 (= hs;2 ) = 5.27 mm (0.208 in.),
hs = 10.54 mm (0.415 in.), and
complex shear modulus is a measure of the plastic interlayer’s
Γ = 0.085.
shear resistance. The greater the shear resistances, the more
effectively the two glass plies couple and resist deformation Effective thickness for deflection:
under loading. The effective laminate thickness approaches the
equivalent monolith thickness for stiff interlayers (Γ → 1) and hef;w = 12.56 mm (0.495 in.).
approaches the layered limit for compliant interlayers (Γ → 0). Effective thickness for stress:
X9.5 Key to the use of the method is the accurate determi- h1;ef;σ = h2;ef;σ = 14.13 mm (0.556 in.).
nation of the interlayer shear modulus. All interlayers are X9.7.1 In order to calculate the maximum beam glass stress,
viscoelastic so consideration must be given to load duration σmax, and the maximum beam deflection, δmax, the effective
and temperature for the intended use. Interlayer samples shall thickness values are substituted into the standard engineering
experience full laminating thermal history prior to measure- formulae for a cantilevered beam with a line load:
ment. The shear modulus value shall be determined following
Practice D4065. The forced constant amplitude, fixed fre- 6Pa
σ max 5 2 (X9.9)
quency tension oscillation test specified in Table 1 and Fig. 5 h 1;ef;σ
of Practice D4065 shall be used and the shear modulus 4Pa3
δ max 5 (X9.10)
extracted for the temperature and load duration of interest. 3
Typical load duration-temperature combinations for design
purposes are: (1) 3 s/50°C (122°F) for wind loads, and (2)
30 days ⁄23°C (73°F) for snow loads. Note that for load σmax = 22.5 MPa (3263 psi), and
durations beyond the physical capabilities of the test apparatus δmax = 21.1 mm (0.831 in.).

E1300 − 16

(1) Vallabhan, C.V.G., and Chou, G.D., “Interactive Nonlinear Analysis (6) Dalgliesh, A., CGSB 12.20 Structural Design of Glass for Buildings,
of Insulating Glass Units,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, NRC National Research Council of Canada.
Vol 112, No. 6, June, 1986, pp. 1313–1326. (7) Walker, G. R., and Muir, L. M., “An Investigation of the Bending
(2) Beason, W. L., Kohutek, T. L., and Bracci, J. M., “Basis for ASTM Strength of Glass Louvre Blades,” Proceedings of the 9th Australian
E1300 Glass Thickness Selection Procedure,” Civil Engineering Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Sydney,
Department, Texas A& M University, 1996. Australia, August, 1984.
(3) Duser, A.V., Jagota, A., and Bennison, S.J., “Analysis of Glass/ (8) Bennison, S. J., Jagota, A., and Smith, C. A., “Fracture of Glass/
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(10) Ferry, J. D., Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers, 3rd edition,
(5) Vallabhan, C. V. G., “Interactive Analysis of Nonlinear Glass Plates,”
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol 102, No. 2, February Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 1980.
1983, pp. 489–502.

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