Active Grammar 3-35-38

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The passive 2 complex passive forms

it has b e e n s u g g e s te d that it was c a u se d by se c re t e x p e rim e n ts

Shortly alter 7 o’clock on the morning ol 30 June 1908, the

world ended. At least, that was what the people living near
Siberia’s Stony Tunguska River believed at the time, when
an enormous explosion lit up the sky. More than 80 million
trees were destroyed anti although there were no people
killed, many had their houses damaged or their windows
broken. An explosion like that obviously needs explaining
and the ‘Tunguska Event’ has been under investigation
ever since. It has been suggested that it was caused by secret
experiments or by an underground gas explosion. But there
have also been more mysterious explanations. At the time,
the explosion was said by some people to have been the
result ol a UFO crashing to the ground, and in 2004 it
was reported that the remains ol an alien spaceship had
been found. Alter scientilic tests, however, the truth is now
believed to be a little less exciting: the explosion is thought
to have been caused by a comet entering our atmosphere.1

1 W h at was the ‘Tunguska Event’?

2 W h at caused it, according to scientists?
jeuioj v Z saa.ii uo|||!ui 0 8 P^O-WP
ipiqM uo|so|dxa snoujjoua uy \ :sjaMsuy
T he p a s s iv e 2
When this type o f passive structure is more than
R e p o rtin g w ith th e p assive one word, it must come after the noun.
1 W e often use It and a passive form o f a reporting verb An explosion caused by a comet.
(e.g. suggest, say, believe, think, report, rumour) with a NOT A caused by a comet explosion.
that-clause, in formal situations, to report opinions and
beliefs. ► See Unit 36 for shortened passive forms in relative clauses.
It has been suggested that it was caused by secret
experiments. 5 We often use the past participle by itse lf in newspaper
It was reported that the remains o f an alien spaceship headlines.
had been found. 80 MILLION TREES DESTROYED (= 80 million trees have
been destroyed.)
► See Unit 15 for more information on it + be.

H a ve so m eth in g d o n e and g e t so m e th in g done

To rumour is only possible in the passive. 6 We often use have + object + past participle to
It was rumoured that a UFO had been found. describe a service which someone does for us.
NOT People rumoured that a UFO had been found. I'm going to have my hair cut this afternoon.

2 W e can also use a passive form o f many reporting verbs 7 We sometimes use have + object + past participle
when unpleasant things happen to us.
Nếu trong
(e.g. believe, say, think, câuunderstand,
rumour, 2 chủ ngữ mà khác nhau => thì
V mới khác nhau Many had their houses damaged.
with the to-infinitive.
Nếu đồng chủ ngữ và cùng thì => dùng to V Tom had his leg broken
The truth is now believed to be a little less exciting.
8 We often use get instead of have in informal situations.
She was thought to know the truth.
Do you know anywhere where I can get my car washed?
It was said that she knew the truth
To report earlier events in this way, use to + have + past Susana's upset because she got her bag stolen on the
participle. bus this morning.
A UFO was said to have crashed to the ground.
The explosion is thought to have been caused by a
W e usually use have, not get, with the present
comet entering our atmosphere.
A few verbs (e.g. suggest, decide, recommend and My neighbours have ju st had their house painted.
announce) cannot be used in this way. NOT My-neighbour-s-have-just-got-theirbouse-pamtecL9 0
It was announced that the company is going to close.
NOT The company was announced to be going to close.
► See Unit 39 for more information on reporting verbs. 9 We sometimes use get + object + past participle when
an activity was difficult to complete for some reason.
T h ere + be + su b je c t + p ast p a rtic ip le Doing all the reports took ages but we got them all
3 W e sometimes use There at the start o f a passive written in the end. (=... we managed to write them a ll...)
sentence to emphasise an indefinite subject.
V erb s w ith p assive m eaning
There were no people killed. OR No people were killed.
There has been a lot o f money invested in alternative 10 We sometimes use the verbs need, want, deserve and
energy in the last few years. O R A lot o f money has been require + -ing with a passive meaning.
invested in ... An explosion like that obviously needs explaining.
1 Text
UP 11PJ When we use want in this way, it is very informal.
1 We don’t use There in this way when there is a
definite subject. That computer wants looking at. (= The computer
The Eiffel Tower was built in the nineteenth century. needs to be looked at.)
NOT There was the Eiffel Tower built ...

► See Unit 15 for more information on there +be.

S h o rte n ed p assive s tru c tu re s

4 W e sometimes use the past participle by itself as an
adjective with a passive meaning.
a known criminal, the reported crash the unknown
The passive 2 35
P r a c tic e
A Match the sentence beginnings to the correct endings. C Complete each sentence b so that it means
It is hoped that the injured man a made in order to prevent the same as sentence a, using a passive
2 The car was reported accidents in the future. form. W rite one word in each space.
3 There w ill be new safety laws b injured in the explosion. 1 a Did you manage to submit your
4 It has been suggested that c will be able to leave assignment on time?
400 workers hospital in a couple of days. b Did JJOHjGt y°ur
5 There were more than 20 d to be extinct. assignment submitted on
people e to have escaped with more time?
6 This kind o f monkey was than $1 million. 2 a Someone needs to empty the rubbish
believed f are likely to lose their jobs. bins.
7 It was claimed that the fire g to have been moving very b The rubbish bins
8 The robbers are thought fast when it hit the tree,
h had been started by some 3 a They thought the diamonds had been
children. stolen during the night.
1 C 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 b The diamonds

B Complete the sentences, using the words in the boxes and have/get
something done. during the night.
4 a They are going to take our local bus
car eyes nails picture teeth wedding dress service away from us.
b We
check draw make paint service test our
local bus service
from us.
5 a Police arrested about 20 people after
the riots.
b There about 20 people
after the riots.
6 a It took ages to plan the trip but we
organised everything eventually,
b It took ages to plan the trip but we

7 a Someone has repainted my neighbours’
house recently,
b My neighbours
their house
8 a People assume the damage was caused
by wild animals,
b The damage

caused by
wild animals.
1 She's Uvuy (ver nails painted
2 He

3 He
4 She

5 She
6 She
D Complete the reporting sentences, using passive forms E Use the words to write fu ll passive sentences from
o f the verbs in brackets. news stories.
1 "They broke the car window and stole the stereo.' 1 the thieves / report / carry / guns
(think) The thieves are reported to have been carryingjans.
The boys are thought to have broken, the car window and 2 at the time, / the victim / believe / fall / from his balcony
stolen the stereo
2 ‘We are worried that the missing woman may be in
danger.’ (fear) 3 there / a number o f people / trap / by the fire
4 it / suggest / an election will take place next year
3 ‘He was o f medium height with long blond hair and a
beard.’ (report)
The suspect 5 there / many complaints / make / about last week’s
4 ’The opinion o f many people was that it was a secret
government experiment.'(believe)
It 6 it / expect / the new statistics will show an improvement

5 ‘Could the hot summer be the result o f climate 7 the actor, 85, / say / be / in a serious condition in
change?’ (suggest) hospital
8 during yesterday’s meeting, / it / explain / a new airport
6 ‘People say she is one o f the best young players in the is to be built outside the city

7 ‘Everyone agreed that the situation was very

complicated.’ (accept) MY T U R N !
1 W hat have been the main news stories in your town
8 ‘The assumption now is that the planes crashed during / country recently? In your notebook, w rite five
a storm.’ (assume) sentences using the passive forms from the unit. If
The planes you prefer, you can invent your own news stories.
Example: 0 fire was thoiujht to have been started by vandals.
2 W rite about five things you have had done fo r / to
you in the past.
Example: I had nuj hair cat about a month ajo.


I Circle the correct option. I

I 1 The story about the alien spaceship was to have been invented by journalists. I
I a believed b suggested c announced I
I 2 There were destroyed, a Siberia’s oldest forests b millions o f trees c the Tunguska bridge I
3 I need to . They’re too long.
a get shortened my trousers b have shortened my trousers c have my trousers shortened
I 4 I was late because my dad couldn't his car started, a get b have c have got I
I 5 Your bedroom needs ........ a to clean b cleaned c cleaning I
L __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ J
35 ej, 3£ qz BT :si9msub jjsax Xw

The passive 2 37

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