Jamaica Tax Guide
Jamaica Tax Guide
Jamaica Tax Guide
Article Courtesy of:
Dawkins Brown
Dawgen Global
47-49 Trinidad Terrace
Kingston 5
International Tax: Jamaica highlight 2018
Tax is payable in quarterly installments on the 15th The Commissioner General, TAJ is empowered to conduct
day of March, June, September, and December audits on selected tax returns or to assess a
of each tax year. taxpayer for additional tax at any time prior to
Quarterly installments are based on an estimate of the expiration of the statute of limitation,
the year's liability or the actual tax payable for the which is six years, except in certain cases.
previous year. The balance of income tax payable for Tax audits can be carried out whether or
a taxation year, after deduction of the not notices of assessment have been issued. Tax
installments of estimated tax, is due on 15 March of assessments may be raised where the Commissioner
the following year. Interest is charged on unpaid tax General, TAJ is of the opinion that a taxpayer has been
at a rate of 16.62% per annum while the amount assessed for less tax than the taxpayer ought to have
remains unpaid. A penalty of up to 50% may also be been charged, or where the taxpayer failed to file
imposed if TAJ issues an assessment. a tax return.
TAJ has implemented an electronic tax system that
taxpayers are required to use to file various tax
returns and remit taxes online.
New income tax treaties Jamaica (TAJ) also filed Jamaica’s list of notifications
In January 2018, Jamaica signed an income tax and reservations in relation to the Multilateral Instrument
treaty in Kingston with Italy. This is the first tax treaty (MLI). The next step will be for Jamaica to ratify this
International Tax: Jamaica highlight 2018
between the two countries. This follows the multilateral treaty and lodge instruments of ratification
ratification by Mexico of its income tax treaty with with the OECD. This is expected to take place later this
Jamaica in December 2017. Both treaties are now in year.
force. The OECD has been spearheading the implementation of
These two treaties brings to 14 the number of an inclusive framework by over 100 OECD and
bilateral double taxation treaties (DTTs) that have non-OECD jurisdictions to tackle BEPS tax avoidance
been entered into by Jamaica to date in addition to strategies.
the multilateral Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
tax treaty, which covers a further ten Caribbean Tax provisions for share buy-backs
jurisdictions within the CARICOM Community.
The Companies Act provides various mechanisms where-
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and by a company may either redeem or purchase its own
Development (OECD) Multilateral Tax shares subject to meeting the various conditions and
Convention requirements stipulated. Notwithstanding this, there were
no complementary provisions in Jamaican tax law, and
In January 2018, Jamaica signed the OECD Base this adversely impacted the capacity of companies to
Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Multilateral implement such transactions without triggering onerous
Convention. Upon signature, Tax Administration tax liabilities.
Overview of Jamaica Tax Types Where services are imported from a supplier who is not
resident in Jamaica, the recipient of those services is
General consumption tax (GCT) deemed to be liable to account for GCT on the services.
International Tax: Jamaica highlight 2018
Customs duty is levied on the customs value of goods SCT is imposed at various rates on the importation or
International Tax: Jamaica highlight 2018
imported, which is determined in accordance with local manufacture of “prescribed goods” (i.e. certain
the World Trade Organization (WTO) rules on petroleum products, ethanol, alcoholic drinks, tobacco,
customs valuation. and motor vehicles).
The rates are specified by a prescribed Customs
Tariff, having regard (where appropriate) to the Property tax
Common External Tariff agreed between CARICOM All land in Jamaica is valued for property tax purposes
member states. on the 'site value' or 'unimproved value' (as reflected on
In addition to normal customs duties, an environmen- the 2013 Property Valuation Roll). Property tax is levied
tal protection levy (EPL) and a standards compliance by reference to various value bands at a scale of rates
fee (SCF) are imposed at the rate of 0.5% and ranging from 0.50% to 0.90%.
0.3%, respectively, of the customs value of goods
imported. The EPL is also imposed on 75% of the Transfer tax
sales value of locally manufactured goods with an A transfer tax of 5% is applicable on the consideration
input tax credit available for any EPL paid in respect payable (or market value in certain instances) on the
of imported productive inputs. Customs administra- transfer of land, buildings, securities, and shares (provid-
tion fees (CAF) are charged based on the service(s) ed that a refund is available where the transfer tax
provided by Jamaica Customs. Other import levies charged exceeds 37.5% of the capital gain made).
apply in certain instances, such as additional stamp Transactions on the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) are
duty (ASD) on certain goods. exempt from transfer tax, as are the transfer of regis-
tered corporate bonds, whether or not the company is
listed on the JSE.
Stamp duty is imposed on a wide variety of legal An MBT of JMD 60,000 per annum is levied on all
International Tax: Jamaica highlight 2018
instruments. The rate of stamp duty depends on the corporate bodies incorporated or registered under the
legal instrument involved. Stamp duty is imposed, for Companies Act, the Building Societies Act, the Friendly
example, on the conveyance on sale of real estate Societies Act, or the Industrial & Provident Societies Act,
and certain other assets at 4%, while transfers of as well as on individuals carrying on a trade, profession,
shares in Jamaican companies attract a rate of 1%. or business whose chargeable income (less emoluments
Transfers of shares on the JSE are exempt from and an amount equivalent to the annual tax-free thresh
stamp duty, as are the transfer of registered corpo- old) exceeds JMD 3 million per annum.
rate bonds, whether or not the company is listed on The MBT is payable in two tranches and is creditable
the JSE. Stamp duty is also imposed at an ad valor- against the taxpayer’s income tax liability for the year of
em rate on the creation or increase of a mortgage. assessment.
In general, Jamaican residents and domiciled individ- In the case of an individual taxpayer, any MBT paid in
uals are taxed on their worldwide income, while excess of income tax liability for the year of assessment
non-resident individuals are taxed on Jamai- may be refunded or carried forward. Companies, how-
can-sourced income. A non-Jamaican domiciled ever, are not entitled to a refund or carryforward of
individual is generally not taxable on excess MBT.
foreign-sourced income unless one remits this to
Jamaica. Notwithstanding this, a non-domiciled
individual working in Jamaica is taxed on the com-
pensation attributable to services rendered in and in
relation to Jamaica (subject to certain exceptions) as
well as Jamaican-sourced income.
Asset Tax which the payment is made. The levy paid is allowable
as a credit against the income tax liability of the contrac-
An ad valorem asset tax at the rate of 0.25% is tor in the year of assessment in which the levy is deduct-
International Tax: Jamaica highlight 2018
imposed on the ‘taxable value’ of the assets of ed. To the extent that there is any excess, it is not refund-
deposit-taking institutions regulated by the Bank of able.
Jamaica, as well as securities dealers, life assurance
companies, and property and casualty insurance Guest accommodation room tax (GART)
companies regulated by the Financial Services Com-
mission. The taxable value of assets is broadly deter- GART is levied at a specific rate on hotels and other
mined as the value of assets on the balance sheet tourist accommodation facilities based on room occupan-
with adjustments for certain items specific to each cy. GART is tiered depending on the number of rooms at
type of institution. the hotel or other tourism accommodation facility.
For other entities, asset tax is imposed at a fixed rate
ranging from JMD 5,000 to JMD 200,000, depend- Telephone call tax
ing on the aggregate value of the entity’s assets, and Tax is imposed on telephone calls, including inbound
is payable on or before 15 March annually. calls terminating on fixed or mobile networks.
Contractors levy
The Commissioner General is empowered to conduct Tax is imposed on individuals at the national level.
International Tax: Jamaica highlight 2018
audits on selected tax returns or to assess a taxpay- Income tax is not separately imposed at the local level.
er for additional tax at any time prior to the expira -
tion of the statute of limitation, which is six years, Payroll taxes
except in certain cases. Tax audits can be carried
out whether or not notices of assessment have been Payroll taxes are imposed at the national level on emolu-
issued. Tax assessments may be raised where the ments paid by employers to their employees, including
Commissioner General is of the opinion that a (subject to certain conditions) expatriates who undertake
taxpayer has been assessed for less tax than one work in Jamaica. The taxes comprise Pay-As-You-Earn
ought to have been charged, or where the taxpayer (PAYE) Income Tax, Education Tax, and contributions to
failed to file a tax return. the National Housing Trust (NHT), the National Insur-
ance Scheme (NIS), and the Human Employment and
Personal income tax rates Resource Training (HEART) Trust.
Individuals are generally liable to income tax at a Employers are obligated to deduct and remit payroll
rate of 25% on income in excess of the annual taxes within 14 days after the end of the month in which
tax-free threshold. However, individuals with income the emoluments are paid. Employers and employees
exceeding 6 million Jamaican dollars (JMD) per contribute at the following rates:
annum are subject to income tax at a rate of 30%.
With effect from 1 April 2017, the nil-rate threshold
is JMD 1.5 million.
Employee Employer
Payroll tax Basis
rate (%) rate (%)
International Tax: Jamaica highlight 2018
Taxable emoluments up to 6
million Jamaican dollars
25.00 N/A
(JMD) per annum less the annual
PAYE Income
Tax tax-free threshold
for a tax year (being the calendar year) if they 140,000 per annum and is determined by reference to
satisfy any of one of several conditions: the cost, the age, and the relative percentage of private
•They spend at least six months in Jamaica in the use.
tax year or visit Jamaica with the intention of estab- Reimbursement of excess tax paid over the tax that
lishing tax residence and actually do so. would be chargeable on the same amount of income in
•They (or their spouses) have a place of abode the recipient's home country (tax equalisation) is exempt
available for their use in Jamaica, and they visit the from tax.
island at any time during the tax year, no matter Housing accommodation benefit
how short the stay. Housing accommodation provided to an employee by
•They habitually visit Jamaica for substantial peri- an employer is a taxable benefit. The taxable value of
ods. The Commissioner General, Tax Administration benefit varies, subject to certain conditions being met.
Jamaica (TAJ) generally regards periods totalling Uniform and other non-cash benefits
three months as substantial and visits occurring in The charge to income tax in respect of uniform and other
four consecutive years as habitual. non-cash benefits is to be determined by reference to the
full cost of providing the uniform and other benefits in
Employment income kind. Previously, the Income Tax Act did not prescribe a
basis for the valuation of non-cash benefits derived by
An individual who is resident but not domiciled in employees, with certain exceptions (e.g. the provision of
Jamaica is taxed on the emoluments (salary, living accommodation benefit, company cars, or preferential
allowances, benefits in kind, use of company cars, loans by specified financial institutions). Nominal tax-free
etc.) received for work done for or relating to Jamai - allowances of up to JMD 5,739 per annum in respect of
ca, regardless of where payment is made and the provision of uniforms and JMD 3,395 per annum in
regardless of whether the emoluments are remitted respect of laundry still apply for specified categories of
to Jamaica. workers.
Capital gains and investment income recipient is an individual. Dividends paid to non-resident
shareholders are subject to income tax thereon at the
An individual who is resident but not domiciled in default rate of 25% in the case of an individual (subject
International Tax: Jamaica highlight 2018
Jamaica is taxed in Jamaica on investment income to any treaty protection or incentive relief available).
arising outside of Jamaica to the extent that the Subject to certain conditions being met, a company may
income is remitted to Jamaica. claim an income tax deduction in respect of preference
Capital gains dividends paid during the year of assessment. However,
There is no tax on capital gains in Jamaica. There is, to the extent that these preference dividends do not
however, a transfer tax on the market value of qualify for this income tax deduction, they will be treated
certain assets transferred and stamp duty payable in the manner indicated above.
on the transfer/disposal of shares or real property.
Interest income
Dividend income
Income tax at the rate of 25% is deducted at source
Ordinary dividends paid by Jamaican tax-resident from gross interest paid to Jamaican residents (i.e. indi-
companies to Jamaican tax-resident shareholders are viduals and companies) by a ‘prescribed person’.
liable to tax at the rate of 15%. The tax is to be Prescribed persons include commercial banks and other
deducted on payment by the distributing company financial institutions.
and represents the final tax on such dividends. Addi- Interest paid by a resident person to a non-resident
tionally, the dividend income on which tax is pay- individual is subject to withholding tax (WHT) of 25%
able may not be offset by tax losses, and expenses (unless a lower rate of withholding is applicable by
incurred to earn the dividend are no longer deduct- virtue of tax treaty protection available).
ible in arriving at chargeable income.
Preference dividends that qualify as tax deductible
expenses of the paying company (see below) contin-
ue to be liable to tax at a rate of 25% where the
A resident corporation is taxable on its worldwide income. Non-resident companies are subject to tax
on Jamaican-sourced income. Tax is imposed on certain sources of income, such as interest, dividends,
royalties, and fees, by way of withholding at a rate of 33% for non-resident corporations. Lower rates
of withholding are possible, provided that the recipient is resident in a country that has concluded a DTT
with Jamaica.
The current rates of corporate income tax (CIT) are as follows:
Life assurance
Unregulated A company (that is not a regulated company) registered and
company operating within Jamaica.
tax is not separately imposed at the local level. is tax deductible but that of an employee is not. Employ-
ee’s contributions are refunded after seven years, and
Social security contributions an employer's contribution is not refundable.
Expatriate employees, on application, are entitled to a
Employers are obligated to deduct and remit the refund of their contributions when they leave the island
following contributions, in addition to permanently.
Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) Income Tax applicable to Education Tax
employees, by the 14th day of the month following Education Tax is charged at the rates of 3.5% for
the month of deduction. employers and 2.25% for employees after the deduction
National insurance scheme (NIS) contributions of NIS contributions and contributions to an approved
Employees and self-employed persons are required superannuation scheme. Only the employer's contribu-
to be insured under a state-administered programme tions are tax deductible, and the amounts paid are not
of social security insurance. Employees and self-em- refundable to either the employer or the employee.
ployed persons contribute at a rate of 2.5% on a Human Employment and Resource Training (HEART)
maximum remuneration/earnings of JMD 1.5 million. contributions
Employers also contribute at a rate of 2.5% on a HEART contributions are payable monthly by employers
maximum remuneration of JMD 1.5 million. NIS only, at the rate of 3% of the wage bill. The contribu-
contributions are tax deductible. tions are tax deductible.
National housing trust (NHT) contributions
NHT contributions are made by employers at the
rate of 3% while employees contribute at the rate of
Consumption taxes bonds, whether or not the company is listed on the JSE.
There is no inheritance tax or capital gains tax regime in
General consumption tax (GCT) Jamaica.
GCT is a value-added tax (VAT), and the standard rate Stamp duty
is currently 16.5%. Higher or lower rates of GCT are
International Tax: Jamaica highlight 2018
Tax treaties
that hold 25% or more of the voting rights of the 8.Comes into effect for WHT from 1 January
paying Jamaican resident company. 2019.
2.Tax is withheld at the rate of 15% where a divi- 9.Provided the services are rendered outside of
dend is paid by a company resident in Jamaica to a Jamaica or if in Jamaica (within a prescribed
resident individual shareholder, regardless of share- period).
Tax credits and incentives available to Com - available to a developer or occupant under the SEZ Act
panies in Jamaica include relief from asset tax and a reduced rate of
income tax, property tax, transfer tax, GCT, and customs
International Tax: Jamaica highlight 2018
The Income Tax Act (Junior Stock Market Companies) Incentives for large-scale
projects/pioneer industries
Subject to certain conditions being met, a company
The Income Tax Relief (Large-Scale Projects & Pioneer
listed on the Junior Market of the JSE is eligible for full
Industries) Act is designed to encourage innovation and
exemption from income tax on their profits in the first
high-value investments. It provides a mechanism through
five years from the date of admission to the Junior
which additional income tax incentives can be offered in
International Tax: Jamaica highlight 2018
Bauxite and Alumina Industries (Encourage - designated in foreign currency or Jamaican dollars.
ment) Act Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP)
A person engaged in mining bauxite and producing Certain tax benefits accrue to employees and employers
alumina in Jamaica may be approved as a in respect of contributions to an approved ESOP as well
recognised bauxite producer or a recognised alumi- as the allocation of shares from such plans.
International Tax: Jamaica highlight 2018
Non-resident deposits
Capital gains and investment income recipient is an individual. Dividends paid to non-resident
shareholders are subject to income tax thereon at the
An individual who is resident but not domiciled in default rate of 25% in the case of an individual (subject
International Tax: Jamaica highlight 2018
Jamaica is taxed in Jamaica on investment income to any treaty protection or incentive relief available).
arising outside of Jamaica to the extent that the Subject to certain conditions being met, a company may
income is remitted to Jamaica. claim an income tax deduction in respect of preference
Capital gains dividends paid during the year of assessment. However,
There is no tax on capital gains in Jamaica. There is, to the extent that these preference dividends do not
however, a transfer tax on the market value of qualify for this income tax deduction, they will be treated
certain assets transferred and stamp duty payable in the manner indicated above.
on the transfer/disposal of shares or real property.
Interest income
Dividend income
Income tax at the rate of 25% is deducted at source
Ordinary dividends paid by Jamaican tax-resident from gross interest paid to Jamaican residents (i.e. indi-
companies to Jamaican tax-resident shareholders are viduals and companies) by a ‘prescribed person’.
liable to tax at the rate of 15%. The tax is to be Prescribed persons include commercial banks and other
deducted on payment by the distributing company financial institutions.
and represents the final tax on such dividends. Addi- Interest paid by a resident person to a non-resident
tionally, the dividend income on which tax is pay- individual is subject to withholding tax (WHT) of 25%
able may not be offset by tax losses, and expenses (unless a lower rate of withholding is applicable by
incurred to earn the dividend are no longer deduct- virtue of tax treaty protection available).
ible in arriving at chargeable income.
Preference dividends that qualify as tax deductible
expenses of the paying company (see below) contin-
ue to be liable to tax at a rate of 25% where the
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International Tax: British Virgin Islands highlight 2018
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Contact Information:
Regional Head Office : Dawgen Towers, 47-49 Trinidad Terrace, Kingston 5 | Jamaica
Telephone: (876) 929-2518| (876) 926-5210| (876) 630-2011| Fax: (876) 929-1300
Email: [email protected]