Atr72 Norm Procedures

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Normal procedures ATR 72build 1.



This is the manual for the Normal Procedures of the ATR 72 build by Riviere with kalimero277 mod
1.04. We do this by making a small test flight in the ATR 72 from EGJB Guernsey to EGKK Gatwick in
the default plane Aurigney. This flight is a real world flight and I will include the routing and the load-
sheet at the end of this manual. So you all can recreate this flight.


1. Introduction and Index 14. Tutorial flight FMC

2. Cockpit layout overview 15. Tutorial flight Before start
3. Cockpit layout overhead A 16. Tutorial flight Start
4. Cockpit layout overhead A 17. Tutorial flight Start/before taxi
5. Cockpit layout Glareshield B 18. Tutorial flight Taxi
6. Cockpit layout MCP C 19. Tutorial flight Take off
7. Cockpit layout Front panel D 20. Tutorial flight Climb cruise
8. Cockpit layout Front panel E 21. Tutorial flight Descent
9. Cockpit layout Front panel E 22. Tutorial flight Landing
10. Cockpit layout Lower front panel F 23. Checklist ATR 1
11. Cockpit layout Throttle quadrant 24. Checklist ATR 2
12. Cockpit layout Radio panel
13. Tutorial flight Intro/preflight


If you step from the cabin into the cockpit then this is what you see

 A: overhead panel
 B: Glare shield panel
 C: mode control panel (MCP)
 D: front panel Captain’s side
 E: front panel
 F: lower front panel
 G: Throttle quadrant.
 H: radio panel


1. Fire indicator engine 1 25. Battery volts gauge

2. Fire extinguisher engine 1 26. Bus 1 gauge (V)
3. Avionics button 27. Bus 2 gauge (V)
4. Main flight computers 28. DC generator 1
5. Landing gear status annunciators 29. Ext. power annunc.
6. Annunciator test switch 30. External power switch
7. Cabin door switch 31. DC generator 2
8. Cabin/Cargo door switch 32. Start button engine 1
9. Engine 1 low pressure valve 33. Start button engine 2
10. Engine 1 fuel pressure annunc. 34. Hotelmode switch
11. Engine 2 fuel pressure annunc. 35. Hotelmode annunc.
12. Engine 2 low pressure valve 36. Nav lights switch
13. Crossfeed switch 37. Strobe lights switch
14. Left fuel-tank fuel-pump 38. Beacon light switch
15. Left tank fuel gauge 39. Pitot heat switch
16. Fuel transfer pump 40. Landing light switches
17. Right tank fuel gauge 41. Taxi light switch
18. Right fuel-tank fuel-pump 42. Anti –ice auto mode same as 63
19. Low fuel annunc. 43. Blue hydraulic pump button
20. Inverter 1 44. Auxiliary hydraulic pump button
21. Inverter 2 45. Green hydraulic pump button
22. Bus tie switch 46. Blue low pressure annunc.
23. Battery switch 47. Aux low pressure annunc.
24. Battery Amps gauge 48. Green low pressure annunc.


49. AC bus 1 gauge (Amps) 70. Engine fire annunc. Engine 2

50. AC bus 2 gauge (Amps) 71. Fire extinguisher engine 2
51. AC generator 1 switch 72. (boarding sound loop 8 min)
52. External power annunc. 73. Cockpit recirc. fan
53. AC generator 2 switch 74. Cabin temp setting
54. Probes heat annunc. 75. Cabin recirc fan
55. Window heat switches 76. Cockpit climate control switch
56. Captains probe heat switch 77. Cockpit temp setting
57. Stand by probe heat switch 78. Cabin climate control switch
58. First officers probe heat switch 79. Cockpit thermostat
59. Prop heat 1 80. Cabin thermostat
60. Prop heat 2 81. Packs 1
61. Rud/ail/elev anti-ice switch left 82. GPU bleed switch
62. Rud/ail/elev anti-ice switch right 83. Packs 2
63. Anti-ice auto mode slow 84. Engine bleed engine 1
64. Engine inlet heat engine 1 85. Engine bleed engine 2
65. Engine inlet heat engine 2
66. Anti-ice auto mode fast
67. Wings anti-ice
68. No smoking sign
69. Seatbelt sign


1. Decision height rheostat

2. Decision height setting
3. Flight director/autopilot switch
4. Master warning
5. Master caution
6. Nav source switch


1. NAV radio 1 12. VNAV button

2. MCP display unit 13. Set altitude rheostat
3. NAV radio 2 14. Set speed rheostat
4. Set course rheostat 15. Arm glide slope button
5. Set heading rheostat 16. Arm approach button
6. Heading select button 17. Vertical speed select button
7. Localizer LNAV button 18. Altitude hold button
8. Speed select button 19. Level change button
9. Altitude arm button 20. Wings level button
10. Set vertical speed wheel 21. Autopilot annunc.
11. Auto throttle


1. Heading indicator
2. Primary flight CRT with turn bubble
3. Decision height annunc.
4. Clock
5. Airspeed indicator
6. Altitude indicator (pressure)
7. VOR/ADF pointer rose
8. Climb-/descent rate indicator
9. Map CRT control unit
10. Map CRT
11. Air temperature/true airspeed indicator
12. GNS 530 pop up button


1. Backup horizon
2. Backup speed indicator
3. Annunciator panel
4. Backup altimeter
5. Power management switch
6. Automated flight status indicator
7. Pitch to speed (autopilot switch) PEC 1 use in combination with PWR MGT in climb.
8. Autothrottle switch PEC 2 use in combination with PWR MGT switch in CRZ (cruise)
9. Ice-detect switch
10. Ice-detect annunc.
11. Fuel gauge per tank in KG
12. Engine/prop status annunc. Engine 1: FEATHER, BETA, NORMAL, REVERSE
13. Engine/prop status annunc. Engine 2: FEATHER, BETA, NORMAL, REVERSE
14. Engine torque indicator eng. 1
15. Engine torque indicator eng. 2
16. N1 indicator eng. 1
17. N1 indicator eng. 2
18. ITT indicator eng. 1
19. ITT indicator eng. 2
20. Round fuel gauge left tank. Full= 2500 KG red zone=< 250KG
21. N2 indicator eng. 1


22. N2 indicator eng. 2

23. Round fuel gauge right tank. Full= 2500 KG red zone=< 250KG
24. Oil pressure/temp eng. 1
25. Fuel flow indicator eng. 1 in x 100 KG per hour.
26. Fuel flow indicator eng. 2 in x 100 KG per hour.
27. Oil pressure/temp eng. 2
28. Hydraulic pressure indicator
29. Gear indicator
30. Gear handle
31. Flaps indicator
32. Trim setting indicator
33. Cabin pressure/altitude indicator (in checklist called under environment)
34. Set pressure panel
35. Cabin bleed air switch
36. Set pressurization speed switch slow= 500 ft/min fast= 1000 ft/min
37. Backup cabin altitude indicator


1. FMC 1 Captain’s FMC

2. Cockpit door button
3. Map CRT screen
4. DME distance NAV1
5. DME distance NAV2
6. FMC 1 Clone (F.O FMC under button D12)


1. Parkingbrake
2. Power lever engine 1
3. Power lever engine 2
4. Condition lever engine 1
5. Condition lever engine 2
6. Flaps lever


1. ADF radio 1
2. COM radio 1
3. Transponder
4. ADF radio 2
5. Com radio 2
6. Aileron trim
7. Rudder trim
8. Pitch trim


Now we are going to make a small flight from EGJB Guernsey to EGKK London Gatwick. I will include
a briefing package with all the plates for the airports involved, I use real time weather so the
departure runway and arrival runway may be different the moment you are going to fly this tutorial.
You can make your own briefing package or fly your own route you can use

Without further ado let’s get started

Welcome in the ATR cockpit did you already set up the payload and fuel weight for this flight, if not
under the tab flight (edit weight and balance) you can do this now.

Power up/preflight

Battery on (A23), Bus tie on (A22), Avionics on (A3), Nav lights on (A36), Connect ground power
(A30), Weather radar off (C9 WXR), GPU bleed on (A82), set cockpit and cabin temp. (A79/80), Packs
on (A 81/83/78)

If you did follow the previous actions, congratulations you just performed the power up preflight
flow. A flow is a set of actions you have to do in a certain order. A checklist is a means to check if
your flow was completed, so the first couple of times you can run the checklist and check and do. But
after a couple of times you can do the flow first and use the checklist to check if you forgot

Run the preflight checklist.

Preflight checklist.
Parking brake set
Gear lever down
Condition levers cut off
Power levers GND idle
Generators off
Inverters off
PWR MGT switch off
Battery on
Bus Tie set
Avionics on
Weather radar off
Navigation lights on
External power connected
GPU bleed on
Packs on
Cabin/Cockpit temp set
Preflight checklist completed.


Now run the safety tests (A6,E3 ann. Test), and open the doors (A7/8). Set up the FMC with your

Click on the line select key (LSK) to the left of status, then the LSK to the right of database.

Now use the keyboard on the FMC to put EGJB onto the scratchpad (the line between the blue [ ])
and push LSK1
Now push FPLN put EGJB in the scratchpad and press LSK1, put EGKK in the scratchpad and push
LSK7, AUR01 is the flight number, you can also put in GR01 at LSK9.

Put in ORIST at LSK11, press next page, put in L982 and press LSK1, put in VASUX and press LSK7.

Now we find out what the active runway is with the right QNH, we could listen to the ATIS, type in
METAR EGJB in GOOGLE search, or get the METAR by clicking on the airport on the map in X-plane


under the tab details. For this example it is runway 9 and QNH 1033 (we are in Europe in the US they
use inches of mercury).Click on DEP/ARR, DEP EGJB LSK, and press the LSK for the active runway LSK7
for runway 9 and the SID we fly is ORIS1F, for runway 27 it is ORIS1X. Click on DEP/ARR, ARR EGKK
LSK and find the Star VASU1G and press the LSK connected to that, ILS 8R or 26L (look on flight plan
by Simbrief or PFPX or look up the METAR of EGKK) and the transition will be WILLO. Push the EXEC
button. Now press the LEGS button and scroll through the flight plan for any discontinuity’s (discos),
if so paste the next LSK over that one and press EXEC. Now is all the FMC work done we will not
bother ourselves with a VNAV plan we try to get a continues descent onto our ILS intercept point I
have some tricks for that and an GPS device for that build in this airplane. Press FPLN and put in
AUR01 in the scratchpad press LSK 6 route menu choose LSK6 again. The route is now saved. Press clr
to clear the message.

FMC set up is done now so you can start the boarding sequence by 2x hitting button (A72)(ON/OFF),
this sequence takes 8 minutes with 4 minutes of open doors sound( when using ATC use this time to
get the proper clearances). When the door slams shut close the doors (A7/8), put the non smoking
switch to auto (yellow A68), and the fasten seatbelt switch to on (green A69). Ask for push and start
clearance, and run the before start checklist to the line.

Before start to the line

Parking brake set
Gear lever down
Condition levers cut off
Power levers GND idle
PWR MGT switch off
Fuel quantity checked
External power connected
Cabin signs auto/on
Before start to the line completed

After getting the clearance put on the beacon light (A38) and run the before start checklist below
the line.

Below the line .

Doors closed
Clearance recieved
Area clear L/R clear
Beacon lights on
Before start completed .


Starting the aircraft! The normal sequence of starting is engine 2 first and then engine 1.

Move the condition lever for engine 2 to auto (G5). Move the throttle of engine 2 forward about
2cm (G3).

Now go to the overhead and press and hold the start 2 button for 5 seconds (A33). And check if the
LP valve of engine 2 lights up (A12).

If everything went ok then you have now a running engine. If not then the most frequent fault is
that you have configured a mixture control on your joystick that is in the fully lean position it has
to be in the fully rich position.

Now press button (A31) to switch the engine 2 generator on the bus, and button (A21) to put the
inverter of engine 2 on the bus.


Disconnect the groundpower (A30). The aircraft generates enough electricity on its own, that’s why
the EXT POWER is disconnected. The ground chief is on the left side and when the lines are stowed
also on the left side one don’t want to have them fly into the props that’s one of the reasons that
engine 2 is the first to start. You can now push back.

During the push back start engine 1. (G4) to auto, (G2) forward 2cm, (A32) for 5 seconds, and check
LP valve (A9). Generator (A28) on bus, inverter 1 (A20) on bus.

Before taxi flow:

Start on top left and flow down each column.

Avionics on (A3 two white bulbs),annunciators dark, LP valves on (A9/12), fuel pumps on (A14/18).
Check fuel quantity (A15/17).

Inverters dark (A20/21), bus tie on(A22), battery on (A23),check for load on aircraft (A24/25),check
DC load on busses (A26/27), annunciators dark, nav light on, beacon on.

Hydraulic pumps on (A43/44/45 illuminated), annunciators dark, check AC load on busses (A49/50),
annunciators dark by pushing the probes heat to on(A56/57/58), window heat on (A55),Anti ice as
required. When the below 10degrees C and there is visible moisture in the air,this includes
fog press mode select auto (A63). When the Temp is < -20 all the systems must be turned on the
same with snowfall and heavy icing. No smoking auto(A68), seatbelts on (A69).

Annunciators dark, Cabin/cockpit temp set (A74/77),recirc fans and aircon auto(A73/75/76/78),
packs on (A81/83 dark), engine bleeds on (A84/85 illuminated).

Glareshield (B). Flight director (B3) can be switched to on, master warning (B4) and master caution
(B5) check off, set nav source to gps (B6).

Check indicated height and QNH (C6).

Check flight controls for freedom of movement (look for movement at the yoke of the FO).


Check the mode control panel (D) for the first cleared altitude(D2) otherwise adjust with (D13), ATHR
check off, check that the speed set on (D2) is 0

Check that the power mgt switch is off (E5 horizontal left)

Bring power back to beta, check that with (E12/13)

When the pushback is complete and you have been shown the gear pins the transponder can be
switched to on (H3) , also check the squawk number .

Ask for taxi clearance, and switch on the taxi lights (A41).

Run the before taxi checklist.

Before taxi.
Generators on
Inverters on
Hydraulic pumps on
Window heat on
Probes heat on
Anti-ice as required
Flight controls checked
Transponder on sqwk----
Taxi light on
Before taxi completed.

Move 1 power lever out of beta and taxi to the runway just use idle thrust of 1 engine .

You must set up beta range per engine, the best way is to set up two buttons on your joystick
(toggle beta) or on the keyboard. If you have a throttle per engine it is also possible to set up a
beta range for instance from 0-10%, buttons work the best.


During the taxi lower the flaps 1 knotch (G6), put the no smoking sign (A68) to on (green), when you
reach the holding point of the departure runway set parking brake (G1) and do the take off flow

No smoking and seatbelt signs on (A68/69), anti ice as required, put the Decision height rheostat to
1000 feet (B1), flight director to on (B3), LNAV on (C7), set runway heading (C5), weather radar on
(D9 WXR), trims set (E32 2,5 degrees up) (H8), set power mgt switch at TO(E5), set the pressurization
speed to high (E36). Run before take off checklist to the line.

Before take off to the line.

Flaps down 1
Controls checked
Cabin secure
Trims up 2,5
Enviroment checked
Nav aids set
Heading ???set
PWR MGT switch TO
Anti-ice as required
Ice detect on
Altitude/QNH crosschecked
To the line completed
Request take off clearance, landing lights on (A40), strobe lights on (A37), transponder to ident (H3).
Run take off checklist below the line.

Below the line.

Clearance recieved
Landing lights on
Strobe lights on
Weather radar on
Transponder alt sqwk----
Before take off completed.

Take off:

Put both engines in normal mode check (E12/13), release parking brake (G1). Line up on the runway
and advance the power levers (G2/3) to just over 90% on gauges (E14/15). Call out power set. When
the airspeed needle moves (D5), call out airspeed alive. When the airspeed needle(D5) reaches the
white band call out V1. At 115 knots call out rotate and pull the yoke back to a max of 11 degrees in
4 seconds. When the visual and the altimeter (D6) and vertical speed gauge (D8) indicate climb, call
out positive rate gear up, and raise the gear (E30).

Follow the flight director to 1000 feet above the field and put the flight director to auto (B3) when
annunc. (E3) extinguishes.


Put the PWR MGT switch to MCT (E5), and press PEC1 (E7), (E6) should indicate CLIMB.

Run the after take of checklist.

After take off

Gear up
Flaps up
Enviroment Checked
Altitude /QNH set xchecked
After take off completed.

In Europe change the altimeter to 1013 Hpa at the transition altitude (D6)

At 10000 ft, turn off the landing and taxi lights (A40/41) when there is no turbulence you can release
the flight crew and the passengers (A68/69 to auto yellow). Put the PWR MGT switch to CLMB. You
can now run the cruise checklist.

Enviroment checked
lights as required
Cabin signs as required
Anti-ice as required
Cruise completed.

In the US and Canada the transition altitude is 18000 ft, change the altimeter to 29,92 inches of
mercury (D6).

At TOC (top of climb) put the PWR MGT switch to CRZ (E5), keep the power levers in their advanced
position. Annunciator (E6) is extinguished. When the speed needle (D5) reaches the red speed-bug
press ATHR on the MCP (C11). The annunciator (E6) should now read CRZ/DCNT and (E8) should have
2 light up.

Because this is a short flight we have to concern us with the descent almost immediate here also we
can use the PWR MGT switch (E5)but first lets set up the approach we are landing at 26L at EGKK or
08R the one that is the most likely we set up in nav1 and the reverse we set up in nav2 or the landing
runway of your alternate EGLL for instance for this tutorial we take 26L as the primary and 08R as
the option the frequency is the same for both 110.90only the intercept course is different and the
identifiers you can dial these frequency’s in using the nav radio’s (C1)/(C3) but those are pretty hard
to read so it is much easier to go to your FMC (F1) and click on the button nav rad and put In the
frequency’s there under nav 1 or nav2 you can set the courses here also but you have to be flying in
that nav mode at that time for the changes to come into effect. Better use the course dial (C4)to set
the course. How do we do that?

By first setting the current heading indicated on (D1) (NOT WHAT YOU ARE TRACKING) using (C5) and
press heading select (C6) put the nav source switch (B6) in nav1 and turn the course knob (C4) until
on your PFD(D2) it reads 258 under OBS1, put (B6) in nav 2 and turn (C4) until it reads 078 under
OBS2 on your PFD(D2). Now turn (B6) back to GPS and press LOC (D7) on the MCP.Now set the
decision height using (B1) here 400ft. So the approach is set up now continue with preparing for the
descent. Turn the vertical speed wheel(C10) so that it reads on the MCP -1200 now turn the altitude
knob(C13) to your desired height (intercept height when you are trying a continues descent Good for
you.)for EGKK this intercept height is 2000 for 26L and 3000 for 08R and when it is almost time to
decent put on the fasten seatbelt signs (A69), and run the descent checklist.

Descent checklist
Approach reviewed
Nav aids set
Cabin signs as required
Descent checklist completed
When the time has come to start the descent press the VS button (C17) monitor your ground speed
you can use the speed dial (C14) to keep that groundspeed stable up to 200 knots after that shallow
your descent with (C10)to -500max and if there is a shift in groundspeed recalculate.

At 10000 ft landing lights on when nearing transition altitude in this case 6000ft in North America
about 15- 20 miles from touch down we enter the approach phase of the flight enter the correct
QNH(D6) using one of the methods earlier mentioned , and turn on the taxi lights(A41) put the PWR
MGT switch(E5) to CLB, use heading select (C6) to plot an intercept of the ILS or use the GPS to guide
you just before the intercept put PWR MGT(E5) switch into MCT , put the nav source switch(B6) into
nav1 and arm the approach with button APP(C16) on the MCP when nearing the glideslope purple
diamond comes down to middle on PFD(D2) flaps1(G6) 5 miles to go PWR MGT switch toTO and gear
down(E30) no smoking on(A68)flaps full, now run the before landing checklist.

Before landing checklist

lights on
Cabin secure
Alitude/QNH set
Nav aids set
Decision height set
Speed set
Gear dwn/locked
Flaps set
Clearence recieved
Before landing checklist completed.

I am not the authority to talk to about landing(have you seen my earlier tutorial flight.) you have to
go somewhere else for that and practice you can use this plane very well to practice circuits but here
are some pointers at DH decision height no visual perform a go around. And go to the alternate
airfield or try again. Same goes if the aircraft is not stable, the approach speed is 125 knots and
touches down at 113 knots 12 knots does not seem much but is a lot when approaching the ground
with its ground effect and what not when over the barrier at the airfield remove ATHR(C11) and the

autopilot already has to be switched of(B3) to FD. Try to cross the threshold at 50 ft and do a minimal
flare at 15 feet maybe even 10. This is late because you have a shoulder mounted wing (catches me
everytime) check wings level and watch the end of the runway should make for a good landing , no
worries EGKK has a looong runway and the braking action in xplane 11 is miraculous. When you have
touched down you can use reverse thrust. When leaving the runway put both engines in BETA
landing lights and strobe lights off, run the after landing checklist.

After landing checklist

Auto throttle off
Flight director off
PWR MGT switch off
Decision height set 0
lights as required
Flaps up
Transponder stby
Weather radar off
After landing checklist completed
Taxi to your gate and this tutorial is finished.

Hope you had a pleasant flight, and many happy flights in the future. Only the shutdown checklist

Shutdown checklist
Lights as required
Transponder off
Parking brake set
Condition levers cut off
Power levers gnd idle
Generators off
Inverters off
Probes heat off
Window heat off
Anti ice off
Packs as required
Cabin signs off
External power as required
Doors closed
Avionics off
Battery off
Shutdown checklist completed

As I was very busy with all this and other requests, and if you like this plane drop me a like and for
livery requests drop me a DM on the org.

Signing off Kalimero277,


Preflight checklist. Before take off to the line.
Parking brake set Flaps down 1
Gear lever down Controls checked
Condition levers cut off Cabin secure
Power levers GND idle Trims up 2,5
Generators off Enviroment checked
Inverters off Nav aids set
PWR MGT switch off Heading ???set
Battery on PWR MGT switch TO
Bus Tie set Anti-ice as required
Avionics on Ice detect on
Weather radar off Altitude/QNH crosschecked
Navigation lights on To the line completed
External power connected
GPU bleed on Below the line.
Packs on Clearance recieved
Cabin/Cockpit temp set Landing lights on
Preflight checklist completed. Strobe lights on
Weather radar on
Before start to the line Transponder alt sqwk----
Parking brake set Before take off completed.
Gear lever down
Condition levers cut off After take off
Power levers GND idle Gear up
PWR MGT switch off Flaps up
Fuel quantity checked PWR MGT switch MCT/CLMB
External power connected Enviroment Checked
Cabin signs auto/on Altitude /QNH set xchecked
Before start to the line completed After take off completed.

Below the line . Cruise

Doors closed Enviroment checked
Clearance recieved lights as required
Area clear L/R clear Cabin signs as required
Beacon lights on Anti-ice as required
Before start completed . Cruise completed.

Before taxi.
Generators on
Inverters on
Hydraulic pumps on
Window heat on
Probes heat on
Anti-ice as required
Flight controls checked
Transponder on sqwk----
Taxi light on
Before taxi completed.

Descent checklist Speeds take off
Approach reviewed V1 105
Nav aids set VR 115
Cabin signs as required V2 125
Descent checklist completed

Before landing checklist speeds landing

lights on Vapp 150
Cabin secure Vref final 125
Alitude/QNH set Vref at landing 113
Nav aids set
Decision height set
Speed set
Gear dwn/locked
Flaps set
Clearence recieved
Before landing checklist completed.

After landing checklist

Auto throttle off
Flight director off
PWR MGT switch off
Decision height set 0
lights as required
Flaps up
Transponder stby
Weather radar off
After landing checklist completed

Shutdown checklist
Lights as required
Transponder off
Parking brake set
Condition levers cut off
Power levers gnd idle
Generators off
Inverters off
Probes heat off
Window heat off
Anti ice off
Packs as required
Cabin signs off
External power as required
Doors closed
Avionics off
Battery off
Shutdown checklist completed

Last Updated: 13th April 2016

Takeoff and Landing 42-500

PIA SOP: Crosswind limit 30 Knots (25 kts for narrow “less than 98 ft” runways)
Takeoff and Landing 72-500
PIA SOP: Crosswind limit 30 Knots (25 kts for narrow “less than 98 ft” runways)
Design Weight Limitation ATR 42-500

Design Weight Limitation ATR 72-500

Airspeeds 42-500
Airspeeds 72-500
Engine 42-500
Engine 72-500
Torque 42-500

Torque 72-500
Over temp and Eng Optg for both
Prop 42-500

Prop 72-500
Prop Both
Fuel 42-500

Fuel 72-500
TAWS (following note mentioned in 72-500 limits only)
Disclaimer: "ATR Limitations" are personal notes of the undersigned for training only. These notes do not sanction any pilot to violate his/her
Company's Standard Operating Procedures, Aircraft Manuals or Manufacturer's Recommendations.

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