Antilock Brake System With A Continuous Wheel Slip Control To Maximize The Braking Performance and The Ride Quality
Antilock Brake System With A Continuous Wheel Slip Control To Maximize The Braking Performance and The Ride Quality
Antilock Brake System With A Continuous Wheel Slip Control To Maximize The Braking Performance and The Ride Quality
Abstract—In this paper, a new type of antilock brake system desired front-wheel angular velocity
(ABS) algorithm is developed. A full-time feedback control algo-
desired rear-wheel angular velocity
rithm differentiates the new ABS from rule-based conventional
ABS algorithms. The rear wheels are controlled to create limit 4WD: four-wheel drive
cycles around the peak friction slip points. From the cycling
patterns of the rear wheels, the optimal slips are defined. The
front wheels are controlled to track the optimal slips defined by I. INTRODUCTION
monitoring the behaviors of the rear wheels. The new algorithm
can be implemented on any production ABS hardware without
any modification or extra sensors. The test results show significant
performance improvement in both the stopping distance and the
noise, vibration, and harshness on homogeneous surfaces, and
V EHICLE antilock brake systems (ABS) have been used
and evolved for about three decades since they came into
widespread use in production cars in 1978 developed by Bosch
also quick detection of surface transition. The robustness of the [1]. ABS was designed to keep a vehicle steerable and stable
new ABS algorithm is proven by vehicle tests on various speeds, during heavy braking moments by preventing wheel lock. There
surfaces, and driving conditions. have been no major changes to the original rule-based control ar-
Index Terms—Antilock braking system (ABS), brake system, chitecture. However, there have been many minor rules added on
continuous slip, feedback control, limit cycle. to the existing control algorithm to refine the performance. As a
result, the rule-based control algorithm has ended up with hun-
dreds of trimming parameters. Wheel velocities are controlled
through the modes of pressure dump, apply, and hold. At each
introduced brake control lag mode, hydraulic valves on each wheel are commanded to open
DD: double differential or to close based upon very complex rules. Due to the com-
tire normal force plexity of the rules, tuning of the control parameters is very time
consuming. Also, the switching between control modes causes
FWD: front-wheel drive the wheel velocity to cycle around a peak tire-to-road friction
wheel angular moment of inertia slip point. A certain level of the cycling is inevitable to find the
slope of locally linearized -slip curves optimal slip point especially when individual wheel brake pres-
control proportional gain sure is not measured. However, the excessive amount of cycling
deteriorates braking performance as well as ride quality and ve-
control derivative gain hicle-handling stability. Especially, cycling of front wheels on
PD: proportional and differential high-friction surfaces makes the ride very harsh.
wheel brake pressure There have been other efforts to enhance braking perfor-
R: tire nominal radius mance as well as ride quality by applying modern state feedback
control methods. The results look promising. However, most
RWD: rear-wheel drive of the methods need the information of full vehicle states,
S: Laplace Transform e.g., absolute vehicle speed, wheel brake pressure, the peak of
wheel brake torque surface-to-tire friction-slip curves, and surface type as well as
absolute vehicle speed equivalent to the free extremely fast brake actuators [2]–[12]. These vehicle states,
rotating wheel speed surface condition information, and fast actuators are available
at an extra cost, but it is hard to justify the hefty extra cost for
wheel speed
the benefits. ABS controls using other advanced types of brake
wheel slip actuators suffer the similar cost-versus-benefit issues [13]–[18].
desired slip of rear wheels equivalent to In this paper, a new continuous wheel slip ABS algorithm
tire-to-surface friction coefficient is developed. In the new ABS algorithm, rule-based control of
wheel angular velocity wheel velocity is reduced to the very minimum. Rear wheels
cycle independently through pressure apply, hold, and dump
modes, but the cycling is done by continuous feedback con-
Manuscript received November 5, 2006; revised July 2, 2007. Manuscript
received in final form October 3, 2007. First published March 31, 2008;
trol. While cycling rear wheel speeds, the wheel peak slips that
last published July 30, 2008 (projected). Recommended by Associate Editor maximize tire-to-road friction are estimated. From the estimated
R. Rajamani. peak slips, reference velocities of front wheels are calculated.
The author is with the Graduate School of Automobile Technology, Korea The front wheels are controlled continuously to track the ref-
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, 305-701, Korea
(e-mail: [email protected]). erence velocities. By the continuous tracking control of front
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCST.2007.916308 wheels without cycling, braking performance is maximized and
1063-6536/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE
where and are the desired slips of front and rear wheels
(12) equivalent to and . By adding some slip margin
(17) (20)
The controller suggested in (20) is validated by simulation on a
Combining (15), (16), and (17), a closed-loop dynamic equation very peaky surface similar to the wet Jennite surface described
is derived as follows: in Fig. 1. Initially, friction increases very stiffly proportional to
a slip. When the slip passes a peak point , friction
(18) decreases equally rapidly before it becomes stabilized and de-
creases gradually.
For the simulation, a target slip is set to be 0.05. Targeting slip
The characteristic equation of the closed-loop control system
error is only 0.03, but the resulting loss of surface friction is as
described in (18) is expressed as follows:
much as 10% from the peak value. Fig. 5 shows the simulation
result of the original tracking controller defined in (17). Due to
(19) the severe negative slop of the friction-slip curve at the target
slip point (0.05), the control becomes unstable. It is possible to
As (19) shows, the closed-loop system is always stable for the track the target slip by increasing the differential gain—shown
stable region of the -slip curve where k is positive. Also, the in Fig. 6. This is possible only if a brake actuator is fast enough.
derivative gain can be chosen to be large enough to make the However, the good tracking control of the suboptimal target slip
system stable around and just past the peak slip where k is zero is not the goal of good ABS algorithm design. Fig. 7 shows the
or slightly negative. The magnitude of the derivative gain is lim- simulation result of the front-wheel control with the modified
ited by the noise level of wheel speed signals though. Also, the controller described in (20). There exists steady state tracking
performance of the closed-loop control is affected by actuation error, but the wheel slip rather follows the optimal slip point
performance limit. (0.02) automatically. Therefore, the goal of the front-wheel slip
The above PD-type front-wheel control scheme is working control with maximized friction is achieved.
fine for most surfaces except for a wet Jennite surface shown
in Fig. 1 and other very peaky surfaces. If the slip passes the V. TEST RESULTS
peak point, the friction coefficient of the wet Jennite surface The performance of developed advanced continuous slip
drops significantly. Therefore, even a slight amount of exces- ABS is implemented on several test vehicles using d-Space, and
sive target slip can cost stopping distance significantly. Also, it evaluated on diverse surface conditions. The true vehicle speed
is practically impossible to define the exact target wheel speed and the wheel pressures are measured only for the purpose of
that represents the peak slip. To deal with this kind of unusual monitoring and are unknown to ABS algorithm.
and extreme surface condition, the PD-type controller described Fig. 8 shows the performance of advanced ABS imple-
in (17) is modified with an additional double derivative error mented on a BMW 740i and tested on a dry asphalt surface.
Fig. 7. Front-wheel control with a PD+DD-type controller. Fig. 10. Advanced ABS on wet Jennite.
Rear wheels are tuned to cycle faster than the cycling frequency
of conventional ABS. In this way, rear wheels consume a little
bit more fluid but find optimal slips much faster. Front wheels
follow optimal target wheel speeds without cycling. Since front
brake channels have much more fluid capacity than rear ones
for the same pressure level, noncycling front wheels save a
significant amount of fluid consumption. Vehicle deceleration
exceeds 1.0 g and approaches very close to the physical friction
limit of the surface.
Fig. 9 shows the performance of advanced ABS implemented
on a Ford Windstar minivan and tested on a loose gravel sur-
face. As Fig. 1 shows, this kind surface needs a deep slip to
achieve optimal friction. Front wheels follow an optimal slip
fairly well in the sense of average considering a loose and bumpy
surface condition. Also, front wheels hold fairly constant brake
Fig. 10 shows the performance of advanced ABS imple-
mented on the same minivan and tested on a wet Jennit surface.
Fig. 8. Advanced ABS on dry asphalt. Jennite has a very peaky characteristic -slip curve. As Fig. 1
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