Queadluun Nona
Queadluun Nona
Queadluun Nona
The most distinguishing characteristics of this battle suit when compared to the
Queadluun-Rau are its single, rear-mounted missile drum, and simpli ed sensor
plate. The missile drum launcher rises out of the back of the mecha with an
appearance not unlike a solitary armored camel hump. The simpli ed sensor
plate is a less elegant implementation of the more intricate sensor eye of the
Queadlunn-Rau, and has the appearance of a gure eight double-eye.
The Nona is classi ed by the UEDF as a Class II Female Power Armor as it was
rst identi ed in combat after UEDF forces had already engaged the superior
Queadluun-Rau. Queadluun-Nonas were engaged in large numbers during
Dolza’s assault on Earth. The mecha is now mostly encountered in con icts with
rouge Zentraedi forces in space, and also with salvaged units showing up
occasionally among malcontent groups on Earth.
MDC by Location:
* Sensor Plate — 60
** Communications Antenna — 10
Upper Arms (2) — 70 each
Forearms (2) — 150 each
Hands (2) — 35 each
Legs (2) — 100 each
Feet (2) — 75 each
*** Main Thrusters (2; rear) — 100 each
**** Chest Thrusters (2) — 50 each
Grenade Launchers (2; chest) — 65 each
Rotary Particle Cannons (2; forearms) — 75 each
Back Missile Launcher — 110
Hip Missile Launchers (2) — 100 each
**** Main Body — 250
* Destroying the sensor plate breaches the pilot's compartment, lling it with
shrapnel. It also vents atmosphere and sets the suit adrift in space, or in icts a
-25% piloting skill penalty and reduce combat bonuses by half when ghting on
the ground or in the air. When the sensor plate is destroyed, there is a 25%
chance that the attack may kill the pilot. Attackers must make a called shot to hit
the sensor plate with a penalty of -3 to strike.
*** Destroying one of the Main Thrusters reduces speed and combat bonuses by
half. Destroying both thrusters will set the suit adrift in space with only minor
repositioning available using the many maneuvering vector thrusters. The
maneuvering thrusters are not a suf cient means of propulsion when the mecha
is subject to gravity, and will crash if both Main Thrusters are lost while ying.
*** Destroying both Chest Vectoring Thrusters will reduce all dodge bonuses by
***** Depleting the MDC of the main body destroys the mecha, and has a 50%
chance of killing the pilot inside.
Running: 100 mph (161 kph).
Leaping: 340 ft (103.6 m) high or across with thruster assist, half that without
At Sea Level: 670 mph (1,078.3 kph)
At 32,808 feet (10,000 m): 1,903 mph (3,062 kph) or Mach 2.5
At 98,425 ft (30,000 m) or higher: 3,433 mph (5,525 kph) or Mach 4.5
Space: 10,780 mph (17,348.7 kph) or Mach 14
Underwater: Can walk along the bottom of a lake, or sea oor up to a depth of
0.8 of a mile (1.3 km). Reduce all speeds by half.
Statistical Data:
Height: 62.3 feet (19 m)
Width: 59 feet (18 m)
Length: 32.8 feet (10 m)
Weight: 32 tons.
Physical Strength: Robotic Strength of 48
Cargo: None
Power System: One miniaturized Re ex furnace powering two fusion pulse-
detonation thrusters delivering thrust though vectored thrust nozzles, and
numerous other maneuvering vectored and vernier thrusters.
Range: The Re ex furnace has enough Protoculture to run for approximately ten
years of active service.
Weapon Systems:
Rate of Fire: Each grenade launcher is capable of ring 10 round bursts. Each
single burst, or re-linked burst uses one attack.
Payload: 100 rounds of 64mm ri e grenades in each launcher. 200 total.
Bonus: +2 to strike.
3. 103mm Mini-Missile Launchers (3): Mounted on the hips and the center back
of the power armor are three, rapid- re missile launchers ring Zentraedi
103mm anti-mecha mini-missiles.
Hands (Forearm Particle Beam Cannons) 23-26 14-16 19-22 16-18 15-19
Forearm Particle Beam Cannons (Forearms) 27-31 17-18 23-27 19-21 20-29
Back Missile Launcher (Main Body) 65-76 61-79 67-81 43-82 75-86
When I learned of this design, I saw some justi cation in bringing it into the RPG
framework. Game wise, the Queadluun-Nona serves as a means to give lower
level player characters some fun against an Queadluun-class mecha while
providing them with slightly better odds.
Sources Used:
• Macross Mecha Manual
• www.robotechresearch.com
• Robotech: The Macross Saga Sourcebook by Palladium Books
• Robotech the Role-Playing Game 1st Edition by Palladium Books
• Sketchley’s Stats by Aaron Sketchley