KKS Codes
KKS Codes
KKS Codes
In consideration of the various requirements placed on the identification of plants, sections of plants and
items of equipment in power stations, KKS has three different types of code:
Process-related code
Process-related identification of systems and items of equipment according to their functions in
mechanical, civil, electrical and control and instrumentation engineering
Location code
Identification of locations in structures. on floors and in rooms and also of fire areas and topographical
determinations (surface area grid).
These three types of code use the same identification scheme, which is subdivided into four breakdown
levels and titled as follows:
Breakdown level 0 1 2 3
The individual breakdown levels are made up of classifying and numbering code elements which consist of
data characters occupied by alpha and numeric symbols:
Breakdown level 0 1 2 3
The following extract from the keys contains the most important classifying parts of the function, equipment
unit and component keys used in fossil-fueled power plants.
The numerical data characters of the identifier are normally not classifying and are employed on a plant and
user-specific basis ("Project-specific establishments according to the KKS Guidelines").
KKS Identification System for
Power Plants Function Key
A Grid and distribution systems > 420 kV systems
AB > 420 kV systems
AC 380 (420) kV systems
AD 220 (245) kV systems
AE 110 (150) kV systems
AF 60 (72) kV systems
AG 45 (50) kV systems
AH 30 (35) kV systems
AJ 20 (25) kV systems
AK 10 (15) kV systems
AL 6 (5) kV systems
AM 1-3 kV systems
AN < 1 kV systems
AP Control consoles
AQ Measuring and metering equipment
AR Protection equipment
AS Decentralized panels and cabinets
AT Transformer equipment
AU Open-loop control, checkback and auxiliary equipment
AV Marshalling racks
AW Instrument panels
AX Central equipment
AY Communication equipment
KKS Identification System for
Power Plants Function Key
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BA Power transmission
BAA Generator leads
BAB Foundation cabinets
BAC Generator circuit breaker, also commutating pole circuit breaker, incl. cooling system
BAT Generator transformers, including cooling system
BAW Earthing and lightning protection systems
BAX Control air supply system
BAY Control and protection equipment
BL Low-voltage sub-distribution boards and transformers, general-purpose
BLA-BLS LV sub-distribution board
BLT LV auxiliary power transformer
BLY Control and protection equipment
BT Battery systems
BTA-BTK Batteries
BTL-BTV Rectifiers, battery chargers
BTW-BTZ Common equipment
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CA Protective interlocks
CAA-CAQ Cabinets for protective interlocks
CE Annunciation
CEA-CEH Cabinets for annunciation systems
CEJ-CEQ Fault recording
CF Measurement recording
CFA-CFF Cabinets for measurement
CFQ Cabinets for recording (meters, pain recorders)
CH Protection
CHA-CHD Cabinets for generator and transformer protection
CR Programmable process control systems and associated cabinets
CRA Cabinets for automation systems, e.g. unit control level, function unit 1
CRB Cabinets for automation systems, function unit 2
CRC Cabinets for automation systems, function unit 3
CRD Cabinets for automation systems, function unit 4
CRE Cabinets for automation systems, function unit 5
CRF Cabinets for automation systems, function unit 6
CRG Cabinets for automation systems, function unit 7
CRK Cabinets for automation systems, e.g. several function units
CRN Automation systems, e.g. operational
CRP Automation systems, e.g. fail-safe
CRQ Automation systems, e.g. AS620-T
CRR Communications systems, e.g. terminal bus system
CRS Communications systems, e.g. plant bus system
CRT Communications systems, e.g. field bus system
CRU Process control and information system, e. g. OM650
CRV Configuring system, e.g. E5680
CRW Diagnostics system, e.g. D5670
CRY Common super ordinate systems
CV Marshalling racks
KKS Identification System for
Power Plants Function Key
CW Control rooms
CWA-CWE Main control consoles
CWF-CWP Main control panels
CY Communication equipment
CYA Telephone system (PABX)
CYB Control console telephone system
CYC Alarm system
CYE Fire alarm system
CYF Clock system
CYG Remote control system
CYH Telemetry system
CYJ Remote metering system
CYK HF carrier telephone system
CYL Staff paging system
CYP Optical monitoring system
CYR Pneumatic tube conveyor
CYS Radiotelephone system
CYY Telephone system for commissioning
KKS Identification System for
Power Plants Function Key
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EB Mechanical treatment of solid fuels (also for gas generation and treatment)
(Crushing, mixing drying etc.)
EBA Transport system
EBB Mixing system
EBC Crushing system, pulverizing system
EBD Screening system
EBE Separator system and discharge equipment thereof
EBF Temporary storage system for milled raw coal
EBG Predrying system
EBH Main drying system
EBJ Dried coal transport system incl. aftercooling
EBK Dried coal temporary storage system
EBL Vapour compressors system
EBM Exhaust system
EBR Residues removal system
EBT Weighing equipment
EBU Sampling equipment
EBY Control and protection equipment
ED Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal (e.g. desulfurization plant)
EG Supply of liquid fuels (light fuel oil)
EGA Receiving equipment incl. pipeline
EGB Tank farm
EGC Pump system
EGD Piping system
EGR Residues removal system
EGT Heating medium system
EGX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EGY Control and protection equipment
EH Chemical treatment of liquid fuels incl. residues removal (light and heavy fuel oil)
EHC Additive dosing system
EHG Chemical treatment of light fuel oil
EHN Chemical treatment of heavy fuel oil
EHT Heating medium system
EHX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EHY Control and protection equipment
EP Treatment of other fuels (physical treatment of light and heavy fuel oil)
EPC Pumps system
EPG Physical treatment of light fuel oil
EPN Physical treatment of heavy fuel oil
EPT Heating medium system
EPX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EPY Control and protection equipment
EU Treatment and transport system for combustion, fuel treatment, fuel conversion, flue
as cleaning, gas generation residues
EUA Treatment system for fuel treatment residues
EUB Treatment system for fuel conversion residues
EUC Treatment system for fuel combustion residues
EUD Treatment system for flue gas cleaning residues
EUE Treatment system for gas generation and treatment residues
EUF Treatment system for fuel treatment residues
EUG Treatment system for fuel treatment residues
EUH Treatment system for fuel conversion residues
EUJ Treatment system for fuel conversion residues
EUK Treatment system for fuel combustion residues
EUL Treatment system for fuel combustion residues
EUM Treatment system for flue gas cleaning residues
EUN Treatment system for flue gas cleaning residues
EUP Treatment system for gas generation and treatment residues
EUQ Treatment system for gas generation and treatment residues
KKS Identification System for
Power Plants Function Key
G Water supply and disposal
GB Treatment system (carbonate hardness removal) incl. cooling tower make-up water
treatment system
GBB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system
GBC Aeration, gas injection system
GBD Precipitation system (e.g. for carbonate hardness removal)
GBE Acid proportioning system (e.g. for carbonate hardness removal)
GBF Ion exchange, reverse osmosis system (e.g. for carbonate hardness removal)
GBG Evaporation system (e.g. for carbonate hardness removal)
GBH Deaeration, drying system
GBJ Preheating, cooling system
GBK Piping system temporary storage system, pump system for main fluid
GBL Storage system outside fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
GBN Chemicals supply system
GBP Regeneration flushing equipment
GBQ Injection system for main fluid (for hardness stabilisation)
GBR Flushing water and residues removal system incl. neutralization
GBS Sludge thickening system
GBT Heating, cooling and flushing fluid distribution system
GBX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GBY Control and protection equipment
KKS Identification System for
Power Plants Function Key
GC Treatment system (demineralization)
GCB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system
GCC Aeration, gas injection system
GCD Precipitation system (e.g. for carbonate hardness removal)
GCE Acid proportioning system (e.g. or carbonate hardness removal)
GCF Ion exchange, reverse osmosis system (e.g. for demineralization)
GCG Evaporation system (e.g. for demineralization)
GCH Deaeration drying system
GCJ Preheating, cooling system
GCK Piping system, temporary storage system, pump stem for main fluid.
GCL Storage system outside fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
GCN Chemicals supply system
GCP Regeneration, flushing equipment
GCQ Injection system for main fluid
GCR Flushing water and residues removal system incl. neutralization
GCS Sludge thickening system
GCT Heating, cooling and flushing fluid distribution system
GCX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GCY Control and protection equipment
GH Distribution systems (not drinking water)
GHB Distribution system after treatment (carbonate hardness removal)
GHC Distribution system after treatment (demineralization), (demineralized water
distribution system)
GHD Distribution system after treatment (others) (mains water distribution system)
GR Domestic waste water treatment system
GRB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system
GRC Aeration, gas injection system
GRD Precipitation system (e.g. for carbonate hardness removal)
GRE Acid proportioning system (e.g. for carbonate hardness removal)
GRF Ion exchange system (e.g. for demineralization)
GRG Evaporation system (e.g. for demineralization)
GRH Deaeration, drying system
GRJ Preheating, cooling system
GRK Piping system, temporary storage system, pump system for main fluid
GRL Storage system outside fluid treatment system (if not a part of another system)
GRN Chemical supply system
GRP Regeneration, flushing equipment
GRQ Injection system for main fluid
GRR Flushing water and residues removal system incl. neutralization
GRS Sludge thickening system
GRT Heating, cooling and flushing fluid distribution system
GRX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GRY Control and protection equipment
H Conventional heat generation
HF Bunker, feeder and pulverizing system
HFA Bunker for pulverizing system
HFB Feeder system
HFC Pulverizing system (incl. classifier)
HFD Flue gas return system
HFE Mill air system, carrier air system
HFF Vapour/exhaust gas system
HFG Pulverized coal temporary storage bunker after central pulverizing system (indirect
HFW Sealing fluid supply system
HFY Control and protection equipment
HJ Ignition firing equipment (if separate)
HJA Ignition burners
HJE Pulverized coal bin, forwarding and distribution system
HJF Oil temporary storage, pump and distribution system
HJG Gas pressure reduction, distribution system
HJL Combustion air supply system
HJM Atomizer medium supply system (steam)
HJN Atomizer medium supply system (air)
HJP Cooling supply system (steam)
HJQ Cooling supply system (air)
HJR Purging medium supply system (steam)
HJS Purging medium supply system (air)
HJT Heating medium supply system (steam)
HJU Heating medium supply system (hot water)
HJX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HJY Control and protection equipmented
HR Chemical flue gas treatment system incl. residues removal, adsorptive process (e.g.
dry additives)
HS Chemical flue gas treatment system incl. residues removal, catalytic process (e.g.
HSA Flue gas ducting system within *HS.*
KKS Identification System for
Power Plants Function Key
HSB Flue gas-side heat exchanger, gas heater (not *HU.*)
HSC Flue gas fan system
HSD Reactor (reduction)
HSE Converter (oxidation)
HSF Flue gas-side cleaning equipment for reactor
HSG Reduction agent dilution system
HSH (Residues) separator
HSJ Reduction agent supply system incl. storage
HSK Reduction agent treatment and distribution system
HSL Water supply and disposal system
HSM Chemicals and additives supply system
HSN Drainage systems
HSP Fly ash collecting system (incl. filtering) and removal system
HSQ Sprinkler system incl. drainage
HSR Oxidizing agent treatment and distribution system
HSS (Residues) forwarding, storage, loading system
HST Flushing fluid system incl. supply
HSU Heating fluid system
HSW Sealing fluid supply system
HSX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HSY Control and protection equipment
HT Chemical flue gas treatment system incl. residues removal, absorptive process (e.g.
flue gas desulfurization plants)
HTA Flue gas ducting system within *HT.*
HTB Flue gas-side heat exchanger, gas heater not *HU.*)
HTC Flue gas fan system
HTD Flue gas scrubbing system
HTE Flue gas cleaning and filtering system
HTF Absorption cycle
HTG Oxidation system incl. supply system
HTJ Absorbent supply system incl. storage system
HTK Absorbent preparation and distribution system
HTL Piping system for discharge of solids
HTM Thickening and solids dewatering system
HTN Solids drying, compacting system
HTP (Solids/ product) forwarding, storage, loading system
HTQ FGD plant water supply and disposal system
HTS Chemicals and additives supply system
HTT Drainage systems
HTW Sealing fluid supply system
HTX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HTY Control and protection equipment
HU Flue gas reheating system
HY Control and protection equipment
KKS Identification System for
Power Plants Function Key
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LA Feedwater system
LAA Storage, deaeration (incl. feedwater tank)
LAB Feedwater piping system (excl. feedwater pump and feedwater heating system)
LAC Feedwater Pump system
LAD HP feedwafer heating system
LAE HP desuperheating spray system
LAF IP desuperheating spray system
LAH Start-up and shutdown piping system
LAJ Start-up and shutdown pump system
LAW Feedwater sealing water system
LAX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LAY Control and protection equipment
LB Steam system
LBA Main steam piping system
LBB Hot reheat piping system
LBC Cold reheat piping system
LBD Extraction piping System
LBE Back-pressure piping system
LBF HP reducing station
LBG Auxiliary steam piping system
LBH Start-up steam system, shutdown steam system
LBJ Moisture separator/reheater (MSR)
LBQ Extraction steam piping system for HP feedwater heating
LBR Piping system for branch or auxiliary turbine
LBS Extraction steam piping system for LP feedwater heating (main condensate)
LBT Emergency condensing system
LBU Common dump line
LBW Sealing steam system
LBX Fluid supply for control and protection equipment
LBY Control and protection equipment
KKS Identification System for
Power Plants Function Key
LC Condensate system
LCA Main condensate piping system (excl. main condensate system, LP feedwater
heating system, condensate polishing plant)
LCB Main condensate pump system
LCC LP feedwater heating system
LCE Condensate desuperheating spray system
LCF Branch turbine condensate piping system
LCG Branch turbine condensate pump system
LCH HP heater drains system
LCJ LP heater drains system
LCL Steam generator drains system
LCM Clean drains system (collecting and return system)
LCN Auxiliary steam condensate system (collecting and return system)
LCP Standby condensate system, incl. storage and pump system
LCQ Steam generator blowdown system
LCR Standby condensate distribution system
LCS Reheater drains system (moisture separator/reheater)
LCT Moisture separator drains system (moisture separator/reheater)
LCW Sealing and cooling drains system
LCX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LCY Control and protection equipment
LF Common installations for steam, water, gas cycles
LFC Common drain and vent systems
LFG Secondary-side steam generator tubesheet lancing system
LFJ Steam generator layup system
LFN Proportioning system for feedwater, condensate system, incl. proportioning in boiler
and turbine area
M Main machine sets
MK Generator plant
MKA Generator, complete, incl. stator, rotor and all integral cooling equipment
MKB Generator exciter set (use only if *MKC* is not sufficient for identification)
MKC Generator exciter set, complete (10 auxiliary exitation, 20 main exitation unit)
MKD Bearings
MKF Stator/rotor liquid cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
MKG Stator/rotor gas cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
MKH Stator/rotor nitrogen cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
MKQ Exhaust gas system (if separate from *MKG* and *MKH*)
MKU Stator/rotor cooling oil cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
MKV Lubricant supply system (if separate system for generator)
MKW Sealing oil system, incl. supply and treatment
MKY Control and protection equipment
N Process energy supply for external users (e.g. district heating)
P Cooling water systems
PC Service water system
PCA Extraction, mechanical cleaning for direct cooling
PCB Piping and culvert system
PCC Pump system
PCD Recirculation cooling system, outfall cooling system
PCH Heat exchanger cleaning system
PCM Service water system for generator, motor generator cooling
PCX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PCY Control and protection equipment
Q Auxiliary systems
QJ Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJA Gas supply and distribution
QJY Control and protection equipment
QU Sampling systems
OUA for feedwater systems (*LA*)
QUB for steam systems (*LB*)
QUC for condensate systems (*LC*)
QUD for auxiliary steam generation systems (*QH*, *QL*)
QUE for heating and cooling medium systems (*SB*, *QK*)
QUG for demineralized water systems (*GH*)
QUN for district heating systems (*N*)
QUP for cooling water systems (*P*)
QUS for HVAC systems (*SA*)
QUW for liquid waste (*GM* and similar)
KKS Identification System for
Power Plants Function Key
S Ancillary systems
SN Elevators
SNC-SNZ Elevators assigned to structures
SP Railway installations
SQ Road installations
U Structures
UE Structures for conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
UEA Structure for unloading of solid fuels
UEB Structure for storage solid fuels
UED Structure for transport of solid fuels
UEE Structure for treatment of solid fuels
UEF Structure for transfer (e.g. junction tower)
UEG Structure for conversion of solid fuels
UEH Structure for unloading and reception of liquid fuels
UEJ Structure for storage of liquid fuels
UEL Structure for forwarding of liquid fuels (e.g. pump house)
UEM Structure for treatment and handling of liquid fuels
UEN Structure for transfer, conversion, storage of gaseous fuels
UER Structure for forwarding of gaseous fuels
UES Shaft structure (shaft)
UET Structure for ash storage
UEU Structure for ash transport
UEV Structure for ash settling pond
UEW Structure for combustion residues handling
UEX Special structure (plant-specific) (e.g. manhole for gaspipe)
UEY Bridge structure
UEZ Ducting structure
UH Structures for conventional heat generation
UHA Boiler house (steam generator enclosure, steam generator building)
UHB Auxiliary boiler
UHF Bunker bay
UHL Structure for boiler compressed air supply
UHN Bypass smoke stack (smoke stack incl. structure for flue gas circulation)
UHQ Structure for flue gas filtering system
UHS Shaft structure (shaft)
UHU Structure for flue gas reheating system
UHV Structure for combustion air circulation (e.g. for forced draft fan)
UHW Boiler blowdown structure
UHX Special structure (plant-specific)
UHY Bridge structure
UHZ Ducting structure
UN Structures-for process energy supply
UQ Structures for circulating water systems (e.g. circulating water pumps and outfall)
UQA Circulating water pump building
UQB Service water pump building
UQF Circulating water storage pit
UQG Circulating water overflow structure, surge tank
UQH Screen wash water discharge culvert
UQJ Circulating water seal pit, incl. circulating water aeration structure
UQK Circulating water venting structure
UQL Service waiter surge pond
UQM Service water collecting pond
UQN Circulating water outfall culvert
UQP Service water outfall culvert
UQQ Circulating water outfall structure
UQR Service waiter outfall structure
UQS Shaft structure (shaft)
UQT Service water discharge culvert
UQU Circulating water spillway structure, incl. circulating water aeration structure
UQV Structure for artificial circulating water aeration
UQW Routing structure for circulating water discharge
UQX Special structure (plant-specific)
UQY Bridge structure
UQZ Ducting structure
KKS Identification System for
Power Plants Function Key
UR Structures for circulating water systems (e.g. recirculation cooling)
URA Cooling tower structure (circulating water)
URB Cooling tower structure (service water)
URC Structure for air cooled condenser
URD Cooling tower pump building (circulating water)
URE Cooling tower pump building (service water)
URG Cooling tower connecting structure
URH Cooling tower outlet structure
URJ Cooling tower outfall culvert
URK Cooling tower return structure
URL Cooling tower return culvert
URM Circulating water distribution building
URN Cooling tower bypass structure
URP Cooling tower blowdown structure
URQ Cooling tower blowdown culvert
URS Shaft structure (shaft)
URX Special structure (plant-specific)
URY Bridge structure
URZ Ducting structure
UT Structures for auxiliary systems
UTA Supply systems building
UTB Central water chiller building
UTF Compressed air system building
UTG Central gas supply systems building
UTH Auxiliary steam generator building
UTJ Smoke stack
UTR Chemical storage tank pit
UTS Shaft structure (shaft)
UTX Special structure (plant-specific)
UTY Bridge structure
UTZ Ducting structure
UV Structures for chemical flue gas treatment incl. residues removal (for *HR*, *HS*,
UVA Structure for flue gas-side heat exchanger
UVB Structure for flue gas fan system
UVC Structure for flue gas scrubber, reactor
UVD Structure for adsorbent/absorbent circuit
UVE Structure for reagent supply, incl. preparation/treatment, storage, forwarding
UVF Structure for thickening and solids dewatering, solids drying and compacting system
UVG Structure for chemical flue gas treatment
UVH Structure for (solids/product) forwarding, storage, loading
UVM Structure for catalyst handling and storage
UVS Shaft structure (shaft)
UVX Special structure (plant-specific)
UVY Bridge structure
UVZ Ducting structure
UY General service structures
UYA Office and staff amenities building
UYB Staff amenities building
UYC Administration building
UYD Canteen
UYE Gate house
UYF Security gate house
UYG Information centre
UYH Training facilities
UYJ Medical centre
UYN Railway engine shed
UYP Fire station
UYQ Garage
UYR Auto mobile workshop
UYS Shaft structure (shaft)
UYT Filling station
UYX Special structure (plant-specific)
UYY Bridge structure
UYZ Ducting structure
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
XK Generator plant
XKA Generator frame, incl. stator, rotor and all integral cooling equipment
XKB Generator exciter set (use only if *MKC* is not sufficient for identification)
XKC Generator exciter set
XKD Bearings
XKF Stator-rotor liquid cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
XKG Stator/rotor gas cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
XKH Stator/rotor nitrogen cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
XKQ Exhaust gas system (if separate from *XKG* and *XKH*)
XKU Stator/ rotor cooling oil cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
XKV Lubricant supply system (if separate system for generator)
XKW Sealing oil system, incl. supply and treatment
XKY Control and protection equipment