BSBMGT616 Develop and Implement Strategic Plans Assessment Task 2
BSBMGT616 Develop and Implement Strategic Plans Assessment Task 2
BSBMGT616 Develop and Implement Strategic Plans Assessment Task 2
Part A
Identify sources of information to use to research Native Bush Spice Australia’s market,
competitors and target customers.
Note down at least 3 sources of information. You will need to record these information
sources in your SWOT and PESTLE analysis.
Using the information that you have developed, research trends and development in the
industry and competitors, potential new and emerging markets, competitors and any other
relevant factors.
Australian bush spices appeal to those seeking adventure and savor the delicacies and
aromas of native delicacies. The general population accounts for a significant percentage of
customers who enjoy native spices. Australia is a home of food lovers who are passionate
about making old-fashioned local dishes.Native spices have gained familiarity in many
Australian households as residents become loyal customers of suppliers.
Street stalls and kiosks are food and spice retailers, more or less akin to native bush spice in
Australia. As street stalls are easily available and accessible by any person, they have the
greatest share of customers who buy spices. The competition at roadside stalls using
indigenous spices is so intense that spice masters have to recommend after-sales service.
Fast food vendors also compete with native bush spices, as they are easy to buy on the
street and have the advantage of having the resources needed to season them cheaper than
their competitors thus outperform in the highly competitive market.
Self-service restaurant that prepared with local spices is the competitors of Naive Bush
Spices Australia since the customers who appreciate local heather spices love the fine dining
and spices served in self-service motels, hotels and restaurants in cities as well. This is a
competition with native shrub spices. Most customers like to switch between bush spices
and plain spice dishes to stop the monotony.
2. Complete a risk assessment and cost benefit analysis for the potential cooperative
Potential risk Detail Risk Preventive Measure Responsibilities Cost
Rating (AUD)
Risks from changing Population structure changing from smaller High Entrepreneurs have to adapt to the trend of growth. Marketing 7500
demographic households, urban growth, and changing Various restaurants such as the popularity of Fast Team
structure and consumer lifestyles, the expansion of tourists Casual, Premium restaurants focusing on high
consumer behavior has helped support the growth of restaurants, purchasing power customers, as well as a focus on
but the competition is becoming more intense. Foodie Influencer and restaurant search platforms.
Especially the expansion of branches of As well as adding more popular delivery channels
various restaurant chains, while there are new
players to compete more.
Risk of having The company has a policy to buy quality raw High Not buying raw materials from only one vendor This Research and 7500
limited resources materials in order to able to produce products could create a risk of lack of power or negotiating purchasing
that meet the standard the price, in the past the company set product department
research and purchasing department recruiting
suppliers quality to have more sellers
Risk of raw material
Due to the fact that some raw materials are Mediu Consider entering into medium and long term Research and 5000
price volatility and
popular materials highly from consumers, m contracts with certain vendors. purchasing
product production when unforeseen events such as outbreaks of department
costs staple plants and animals cause shortages and
fluctuate prices.
Risk from economic The risks from economic changes can be Occur High Monitor the situation closely Along with establishing Marketing 10000
impact and may affect the level of consumption And appropriate marketing strategies and guidelines Team
consumer confidence From fluctuation and
The uncertainty of the economic conditions at
some point affects For business operations in
various fields such as rising raw material costs
and labor costs
3. Develop a SWOT and a PESTLE analysis.
Refer to PPT
I. Introduction
Preparing a business plan is very important. Due to business investment or conducting that
business It does not rely solely on investment in capital or machinery alone but still need other
resources such as personnel, time, business risks and market risk or other factors involved a lot.
Therefore, the business itself analyses the weaknesses, business strengths, opportunities and
obstacles from external factors as well, the internal and external analysis of the business It helps to
see the advantages and disadvantages of the business as they arise in order to strengthen the
strengths along with finding protection against problems arising from the weaknesses of the business
Besides analysing the internal and external factors of the business, the business plan continues
to help to present product analysis, customer group, marketing strategy, sales, production
Finance and investment as well as research and product development of the business causing
investors and Operators have confidence and can act properly. As well as being able to assess the
situation in the future and can be corrected in a timely manner when the event is not planned.
II. Analysis
After 12 months of new strategic plan, the result of product revenue are Total sales
revenue increased 20% and identified the international market and began to export.
Sell to foreign countries
Identify the right affiliate marketing and 10% increase in sales due to affiliate.
Sales increased from $ 550,000 to $ 800,000. Products are now sold in Hong Kong and
Singapore. All international sales indicate $ 70,000 however, no progress yet in affiliate
marketing and there is no suitable partners were identified, no ideas for new products.
Total sales revenue increased more than 20% from the previous year: 31.25%, in fact
However, international sales have not been managed to achieve the required 20%,
international sales account for only 8.75% of revenue.
Therefore, it could be seen that the strategic plan is acceptable and effective, however
there are several procedure to enhance future revenue as follows;
1) Inbound Logistics deals with the import of raw materials to produce products in
this segment under Native bush spice Australia, a supplier of raw materials.
Storage of raw materials And manage the remaining stock They can procure raw
materials at low prices due to the large volume of orders to provide services to
multiple distributors
2) Operation processing from raw materials. As a commodity oth in the production
process packaging packaged. It is the responsibility of vender since they are an
expert In this field directly and support workers in the production line.
Therefore, able to produce quality products as standard by using low production
costs and less raw materials lost in the production process.
3) Outbound Logistics involves the collection and distribution of products to the
customers. Delivered through a logistics provider by considering the suitability
and convenience of the destination and low cost.
4) Marketing and Sales to stimulate sales through social networks by focusing on
communication, knowledge and understanding to build confidence. Along with
incentive activities for the first time using the product by organising sales
promotions every month, such as organizing a buy 1 get 1 promotion when
customers review results through online distribution channels that are marketed
via Facebook.
5) Services covers after-sales services to add value to the product. Introduce how
to use and share properties through YouTube video clip. And opening channels
for customers You can chat directly through Facebook and YouTube to ask for
comments and suggestions for development. Goods and products
6) Services covers after-sales services to add value to the product. Introduce how
to use and share properties through YouTube video clip. And opening channels
for customers so that customers can chat directly through Facebook and
YouTube to ask for comments and suggestions for development of goods and
7) Technology Development by use of technology that adds value to the product,
such as providing product information through the product's Facebook page ot
on YouTube and build a relationship with customers through chat and
comments. Receiving online orders Through various channels to increase
confidence and provide convenience for customers.
8) Human Resource Management and planning by focus on outsourcing service
providers (outsourcing) in terms of product delivery, product design And
professional photography to reduce fixed costs.
9) Firm Infrastructure, corporate infrastructure, finance and management services,
use a flow Account system that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet
connection. And store data in the cloud, which has a high security system and
performs instant backup (Real time System) without worrying about data loss.
Tax creating, invoices, billing statements, receive products in stock, close
accounts, send documents to customers and downloaded immediately, reducing
the use of paper in the whole process. Work online 24 hours a day, allowing
communication convenience, speed, always timely.
10) Create an international distribution agreement This document should cover
regional exclusivity, purchase orders, product pricing, payment terms,
warranty / liability policies, maps. (Minimum advertised price), governing law,
and much more. Let lawyers draft agreements. If distributors push for a
monopoly, consider adding a deal that will measure quarterly and annual
performance with minimum quota so that distributors continue to be exclusive
in that region.
11) Assemble an international sales team by building an international sales team
can be done today through partnerships, partnerships and direct hires. Create a
comprehensive list of companies in the industry, visit the website and contact
the management team. Check out the country-specific industry association
websites and start connecting with the leaders or their board of directors.
Likewise, research trade shows related to the industry and follow the same
process of meeting organizers and learning about industry in that region.
12) Conduct new product research since the success of the organisation is the
continuous development of products into the market. Factors to be considered
in business operations include income and profit return on shareholders good
service. Giving back to society, providing opportunities to employees and
making progress for the organisation. All of this has to do with the creation of
new products for the business. Accumulation of ideas Develop and test ideas. In
the early stages of product development it was constantly changing. After the
business has thought about the product (Product Idea), then it has to be refined
so that it is in a form that can be tested in the market. The entity shall present
details in the form of a product concept described in detail in a meaningful form
and a product image by presenting concrete and concretely about the product
that the market wants.
III. Conclusion
There are various factors that have an advantage over the competition andmany
market opportunities for Native bush spice Austrlia. Therefore, the entity should have a
strategic planning. Business and operational-level strategic plans in line with the strategy In
addition, increasing the quality and standards in Providing services in each step of marketing to
reach customers. The target group will enable the business to maintain existing customers and
add new customers, resulting in being able to gain market share, generate more revenue and