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1. Bacalah Basmalah sebelum menjawab pertanyaan
2. Kerjakanlah soal yang mudah terlebih dahulu
3. Bacalah Hamdallah setelah selesai menjawab semua soal
4. Bekerjalah dengan penuh kejujuran dan rasa tanggung jawab

I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A, B, C, D dan E di bawah ini!
Quations 1 to 2! motorbike to visit the island. Formentera is a small
Green Miles West lovely island. I could see wonderful beach, sand dunes,
and great landscapes. It was summer and there were
The substitution of “West” in our name replacing many people there.
“California” is the result of an agreement we reached I didn’t go out at the night except the last day. I
with California Gardening Association, following a went to a disco in Ibiza near Ambosa Beach. It was a big
protest over the original use of “California” in our name. disco but expensive. I spent much money there but I had
a good time. I was too tired. I went to the bed latetly.
We hope this does not create any confusion among our Spending holiday in Ibiza was wonderful. I think I will
loyal customers. While this represent a change from our go back to Ibiza again, I really liked that place.
initial name introduction, it does not change the quality
of products we offer our customers. 3. How did the writer go to Ibiza?
A. By plane D. By car
1.The company assures its customers that they will always B. By bus E. By ship
maintain the ..... of their products. C. By motorcycle
A. Price
B. Origin 4. Where did the writer eat a breakfast?
C. Quality A. In a hotel D. In his office
D. Sale B. In a museum E. In the beach
E. Quantity C. In a plane

2.The name “Green Miles West” is ..... 5. How did the writer explore Formentera?
A. A new name was given to Green Miles California A. By plane D. By car
B. A new name of a merger of two company B. By bus E. By ship
C. A new name given from The California Gardening C. By motorcycle
D. A name of a new company that deals with gardening 6. What kind of text is it?
E. A name given to a company formed by the A. Recount
Gardening Association B. Descriptive
C. Analytical exposition
Quations 3 to 6! D. Hortatory exposition
Spending Holiday in Ibiza E. Review

I went to Ibiza three years ago in the summer. I 7. Your friend situation: I’ve gained some weight.
got there by plane from Valencia. The flight was short, What should be the response to this statement?
only 30 minutes. I have never flown with a plane. It was A. I would suggest you to drink a lot
great. B. I would suggest you to sleep earlier
I got to the Ibiza Airport and took a taxi that C. I would suggest you to go to the cinema
carried me to the hotel. The hotel was in Santa Eulalia D. I would suggest you to change your lifestyle
del Rio, 20 km from Ibiza town. It is a small and tourist E. Just eat more!
town. The hotel was big. There were many rooms. It had
a great swimming pool and several restaurants. I had Quations 8 to 9!
breakfast and dinner in the hotel.
I went to the beach near hotel in the afternoon, I
was too tired and relaxed on the beach. I saw beautiful
beach with clear waters and white sand. It was
wonderful landscapes, lovely coastal villages, it was
One day I took a ship to Formentera. Sailing by
ship was great. When I got to Formentera, I rented a
both parents and schools A must work harid in hand
without playing the blame game.

10. What should the school do if a student can’t stop

his/her habit to come late to school?
A. Punish him/her
B. Shut him/her out
C. File him/her
D. Talk to his/her parents
E. Try to understand him/her

11. What does the writer think to be “the highest from of

behavior” (in the second paragraph)?
A. Respect for one another
B. Not being late to school
C. Understanding the regulation
D. Understanding the rules
E. Inner discipline

8. The type of the party above is ..... 12. “Children are precious and dependent on the adults
A. Birthday party for guidance”. The word “precious” is closest in
B. Graduation Party meaning to .....
C. Marriage Party A. Valuable D. Innocent
D. New year Party B. Excellent E. Naive
E. Ceremonial new house Party C. Clever

9. The purpose of the invitation text above is ..... Quations 13 to 15!

A. To tell an good relationship The Journey
B. To describe a certain party Lea Salonga
C. To persuade people to have marriage
D. To invite people to join the party Half the world is sleeping What a journey it has been I
Half the world's awake have been to sorrow
E. To share the happiness
Half can hear their hearts I have been to bliss
Quations 10 to 12! Half just hear them break Where I'll be tomorrow
Being On time I can only guess
I am but a traveler Been Through the darkest desert
Being on time is a beautiful social ethic and one of great most everywhere Through the deepest snow
importance, as it creates efficiency in system and Ask me what you want to Forward, always forward I go
implies respect for one another. However, it is one the know
many values that is not easy for our students to learn. Back to Ref
Ref: Forward, always forward On
What a journey it has been ward, always up
Inner discipline, one that comes from an understanding
And the end is not in sight Catching every drop of hope
of the set rules and regulation, is the highest from But those stars are out tonight In my empty cup
behavior. Most excellent schools try to instill this with a And they're bound to guide
loving environment. Why, even adults arrive late to my way Back to Ref
meeting, work, etc. Here, we do not agree that late What a journey it has been
comers should be shut out. They can be given warnings, When they're shining on my
most of which are enough to make them try their best to life I can see a better day
reach the schoolon time latter. If this fails, invite the Iwon't let the darkness in
parent to school. By closing the gates, the school is
behaving cruelly, to which we prefer not to expose our 13. What is the song about?
children. Every school has responsibility to implant A. It’s about the world
good educational principle, but it should be in B. It’s about the writer’s love life
appropriate ways. Good schools create competitive C. It’s about the writer’s journey
students who can organize themselves effectively D. It’s about desert
insociety, so that everyone gets a quality life as a result E. It’s about snow
of the ethics and values learned for as long as 12 years.
14. “I am but a traveler”
Children are precious and dependent on the adult for What is the correct contextual meaning of the world
guidance understanding them is the key, and to this end, ‘but’ in the sentence?
A. Tetapi D. Rupanya A. Sugar D. Food
B. Melainkan E. Bahkan B. Food and O2 E. Branch
C. Hanya C. Root

15. How many times is the refrain repeated? 20. What kind of the text .....
A. One D. Four A. Narrative text D. Explanation text
B. Two E. Five B. Hortatory text E. Descriptive text
C. Three C. Discussion text

16. Two tents for our camping would ..... by my mother. 21. Andy : “Shall I bring your bags to your house?”
A. Being bought D. Been buying Boby : “Yes, please!”
B. Been bought E. Be bought
C. Bought The underlined word has meaning .....
A. Offering something
Quations 17 to 20! B. Offering help
What is photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is a food C. Accepting an offer
making process that occurs in green plants. It is the chief D. Declining an offer
function of leaves. The word photosynthesis means E. Refusing an offer
putting together with light. Green plants use energy from
light to combine carbon dioxide and water to make sugar Quations 22 to 25!
and other chemical compounds. CAREER OPPURTUNITY

How is the light used in photosynthesis? The light Our company-one the biggest national pha rmaceutical
used in photosynthesis is absorbed by a green pigment trading company (pharmaceutical raw materials
called chlorophyll. Each food making cell in a plant leaf including food, feed, cosmetics is offering a challenging
contains chlorophyll in small bodies called chloroplasts. position.
In chloroplast, light energy causes water drawn form the
soilto split into hydrogenand oxygen. OPERATIONAL DIRECTOR

What are the steps of photosynthesis process? Let Right candidate should process a degree from reputable
me tell you the process of photosynthesis, in a series of University either aboard/ localwith at least 10 years
complicated steps, the hydrogen combines with carbon experience in company with similar activities. Being a
dioxide from the air, forming a simple sugar. Oxygen team leader you are expected to be dynamic; innovation
from the water molecules is given off in the process. with a strong capacity to perform in a multicultural
From sugar together with nitrogen, sulphur, and environment. Sharp with a strong initiative; self
phosphorus from the soil-green plants can make starch, motivated and hardworking. For the right candidate we
fat, protein, vitamins, and other complex compounds are willing to offer competitive and benefit package
essential for life. Photosynthesis provides the chemical which will suit to your needs for your long term career
energy that is needed to eroduced these compounds. development. Please forward your application letter with
your al covering details of your previous employment
17. What step after the hydrogen combines with carbon records professional achievement plus a recent
dioxide from the air ..... photograph and contact phone number to
A. Photosynthesis provides the chemical energy
that is needed to produced these compounds. PO BOX 199 JKP 10019
B. Water drawn form the soil to split into hydrogen
and oxygen. Application should reach us by 10 the October 2008 and
C. Food making process that occurs in green plants. will be treated with the strictest confidence. Only
D. Phosphorus from the soil green plants can make applicant who meets our requirements will be contacted
starch, fat, protein, vitamins, and other complex for selections and on interview.
compounds essential for life.
E. Oxygen from the water molecules is given off in 22. Which one is not requirement needed?
the process A. Good at operating computer
B. A degree from reputable university
18. What are photosynthesis need ..... C. Innovative, self motivated and hard working
A. Water, light, oxygen, worm D. At least 10 years experience in a company
B. Soil, chlorophyll, sun, human E. Dynamic, and innovative to be the team leader
C. Bug, air, oxygen, food
D. Light, carbon dioxide, humus 23. “Please forward your application letter with your CV
E. Water, leaf, sun, bug .....” (Line 1)
The underlined word stands for .....
19. What the product of photosynthesis ..... A. Cultural variety
B. Curriculum vitae 29. Who is the source of the news?
C. Company vacancy A. SAR team
D. Competence and viae B. Yakub, a crewman
E. Creativity and validity C. Suharto, passenger
D. Aris Triono, the captain
24. The text above is a kind of functional text in the E. Rocky Asikin, the head of SAR team
form of .....
A. Announcement D. Brochure 30. SAR team found three more victims. The underlined
B. Advertisement E. Notice word means .....
C. Invitation A. A passenger of a ship
B. A person who join the SAR team
25. What position is the company offering? C. A person who cures the sick people
A. A team leader D. A person who helps the injured people
B. A challenging position E. A person that is injured or killed in the accident
C. A career opportunity
D. An operational director Quations 31 to 33!
E. A marketing manager

Quations 26 to 30!
Kendari SAR Team Found 3 More Victims

KENDARI, Southeast Sulawesi, on Thursday a

searching and rescue team found three more victims
from a ship that sank in Banda Sea, who had been
missing since the incident occurred on Friday last week.
They were Aris Triono, the captain of Amami cargo
Ship, Takub, a crewman, and Suharto, a passenger.

They were found on Thursday floating in waters close to

Menui Island, Central Sulawesi Province. The Province
is adjacent to South East Sulawesi Province, with in
those territory lies the Banda Sea. Two other victims
were earlier saved by SAR team in the Banda Sea on
Saturday last week only a day after the ship sank due to 31. What is the function of the caption?
the bad weather A. To make the picture look beautiful
B. To give description more detail of the picture
The SAR team is still searching for 10 crew members C. To tell about who was the viewer of the picture
and a passenger still missing from the incident, said D. To explain how beautiful the flowers are
Rocky Asikin, the head of Kendari SAR Team. E. To make readers see the beautiful flowers

26. The communicative purpose of the text is ..... 32. According to the caption on the picture, when was
A. To retell past experience the photo taken?
B. To describe particular thing A. July 19, 2018 D. December 7, 2015
C. To explain about SAR team’s work B. February 1, 2017 E. August 15, 2014
D. To persuade readers to help victims C. May 3, 2019
E. To inform readers about an important event
33.Where was the location in the picture?
27. Why did the ship sink to the sea? It happened A. Central Park D. Central Kiev
because ..... B. Garden E. Reuter
A. The weather was bad C. Floristry
B. The ship was broken
C. The ship was over loaded 34. Dinda would buy tens luxury houses if she ..... (win)
D. There was a leak in the ship the lottery.
E. The ship crashed another ship A. win D. had won
B. wins E. has won
28. How many crew members and passengers included C. won
in the accident?
A. Two D. Sixteen 35. Pay attention to the following statement!
B. Three E. More than sixteen (1) You can make instant noodles with help of a
C. Five microwave
(2) Finally, add any items that you want and serve Active in the nationalist cause, he belonged to a
the noodles faction favouring direct action and the use of
(3) First, fill the bowl with two cups of water and Western methods to destroy the power of the
the noodle Dutch. He was also a member of the Bandung
(4) Microwave it for about three to five minutes chapter of Sarekat Islām (“Islamic Association”)
(5) Then, take the noodles out of the microwave and and a founder of the Socialist Indische Partij
pour the seasonings (“Indies Party”). An article he wrote during this
(6) After the microwave beeps, wait for three period, “If I Were a Netherlander,” published in the
minutes in the closed microwave Indische Partij‟s De Express, led to his exile to the
(7) Next, stir the noodles until the seasonings Netherlands between 1913 and 1918.
In the Netherlands he became converted to
The best arrangement of the sentences above is: the idea of using Indonesian cultural traditions to
A. 1-7-5-6-2-4-3 D. 1-4-7-5-2-6-3 cope with the problems posed by Dutch colonial
B. 1-3-4-6-5-7-2 E. 1-4-6-5-2-3-7 rule. He felt that education was the best means to
C. 1-2-7-3-6-5-4 strengthen Indonesians, and he was deeply
influenced by the progressive theories of the Italian
36. Student Volunteers Needed! educational reformer Maria Montessori and by the
On Saturday, December 12th, from 10 A.M. Indian poet and philosopher Rabindranath Tagore.
until 4 P.M., Ma’arif Islamic Senior High School
will be holding a music festival in the school hall. The first Taman Siswa schools were
The special event will feature a variety of established in Java in July 1922. Instruction,
professional musicians and singers. TASK TIME carried on informally, emphasized traditional skills
DATE Make posters 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. December and values of Javanese life, particularly music and
5th. Set up gym 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. December 11th. dance. Western subjects were taught, too, in order
Help performers 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. December 12th. to help students cope with the demands of modern
Welcome guests 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. December life. Overcoming initial official hostility, the
12th. Clean up gym 4 P.M. to 7 P.M. December Taman Siswa schools had spread throughout the
12th archipelago and were by the late 1930s subsidized
by the Dutch colonial government. Based on
Interested students should speak with Ms. traditional Javanese concepts, the Taman Siswa
Rifa, the music teacher. Students who would like to schools appealed primarily to those segments of
help at the festival must have written permission Indonesian society termed abangan, in which the
from a parent or guardian. Islamic faith is less deeply entrenched. Dewantoro
continued his leadership of Taman Siswa after the
What time will the festival begin? war and upon his death was acclaimed a national
A. 10 A.M. D. 2 P.M. hero.
B. 1 A.M. E. 9 A.M.
C. 1 P.M. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A. Dewantoro‟s background
37. What job will be done the day before the festival B. Dewantoro‟s royal family
begins? C. Dewantoro‟s birth
A. Making posters D. Dewantoro‟s education
B. Setting up the hall E. Dewantoro‟s activities
C. Cleaning up the hall
D. Helping the performers 39. What is the purpose of Taman Siswa?
E. Welcoming guests A. To fight Dutch colonial rule
B. To strengthen Indonesian
38. Pay attention to the following sentence! C. To promote Indonesian culture
Ki Hadjar Dewantoro, original name Raden Mas D. To make Indonesia famous
(Lord) Suwardi Surjaningrat (born May 2, 1889, E. To emphasize traditional skills
Yogyakarta, Javadied April 26, 1959, Yogyakarta),
founder of the Taman Siswa school system, an 40. Why was Ki Hadjar Dewantoro exiled to the
influential and widespread network of schools that Netherlands?
encouraged modernization but also promoted A. Because of his article in the Indische Partij‟s De
indigenous Indonesian culture. Express
B. Due to his activities in the socialist Indische
Dewantoro was born into a noble family of Partij
Yogyakarta and attended a Dutch-sponsored C. Because he was a member of Sarekat Islam
medical school but failed to complete the course. D. Because of his relationship with western country
E. Because he was born into a noble family

JAWABAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
A √ √ √ √ √
B √ √
C √ √ √ √ √
D √ √ √ √ √
E √ √ √

JAWABAN 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
A √ √ √ √ √ √
B √ √ √ √
C √ √ √
D √ √ √ √
E √ √ √

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