Unit 8 Students

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It is important because the world’s population is growing and

there won’t be enough food for everyone.

They will be like high-rise greenhouses.
They will be built in cities.
They will be indoors, not outside, and they will grow crops in
water instead of soil.
Food will probably be cheaper because transportation costs
will be less.
1. the population is expected to rise by 3 billion
2.the idea was invented by Dickson Despommier.
3.crops won’t be affected by the weather.

1. A. Crops will be grown, this is done

B. Nutrients are added, less energy is used by the plants, are grown
2. A too many pesticides are used
B pesticides won’t be needed, the crops will be protected, the use of
pesticides will be reduced, has been contaminated by pesticides
3. A vertical farms are going to be seen
B they can’t be built, some trials were been published, they are not going to
be built, the situation must not be food is going to be needed, a solution
needs to be found
blueberries: brain- help you concentrate
cherries: headaches-many make the pain go away
ginger: heart-might reduce cholesterol
hibiscu tea: blood pressure -may lower blood pressure
avocados: skin-may prevent skin from again
mushrooms: immune system-may protect from colds
and flu
chili peppers: metabolism-may increase your
metabolism and help with weight loss
apples: livers-may remove toxins
raisins: muscles- help build strong muscles
pinEapple: digestive system-might keep you from
getting an upset stomatch mil/soybeans/tof: bones and
teeth-strength bones and teeth
kiwis and mangoes: eyesights-May keep eyesight
1. krep
2.to rise
3.from getting

1. to rise;l ower
2.make ;eat
3.from having; cope
4.to concentrate; from again
5. getting
6.to eat
7.from performing; behave
8. fromgetting
Debra: why don’t they educate kids about these issues?
Edward: I mean, why is it so expensive?
Debra: why don’t people cook anymore?
Edward: Isn’t it a shame?

1. hamburgrrs/fries
2.potato chips/peanuts
3.lowers cholesterol/good for your heart
4. melons/banana/kiwis/brócoli/carrots 5.

a.1 b. 5 c. 3 d.4 e.2

1. he wanted to change how Americans think about their

2.he wanted to get rid of junk food in school lunches
3.thry were pretty upset
4.he has had a huge impact
1.T 1. Discovery
2. T 2. Pollunation
3. F 3. Threat
4.F 4. Production
5.F 5. Disappearance
6. F 6. Survival
7. F 7. Loss
8. T

Advantafes: a backyard hive doesn’t take a lot of time. It’s not

very expensive to set up. The rewards are enormous.

Disadvantages: You must check local laws and find out if you
can keep bees in your neighborhood. Some research shows
that backyard beekeepers may actually harm bees by using

1. 50-70 2. 8.7 million 3. 150.000 4.

80,000 5. 4

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