Class Global English Olympiad (Geo) : Gcs Olympiads
Class Global English Olympiad (Geo) : Gcs Olympiads
Class Global English Olympiad (Geo) : Gcs Olympiads
Total Ques. : 40
: 60 Min.
Olympiads of the New Millennium
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization Paper Type : E 1
1- The Actual Question Paper Contains 40 Questions. Section A Contains 35 Ques. and Section B Contains 5 Ques. (Reasoning & Men-
tal Ability) . Each questions carry an equal marks of 2.5 .
2- The Duration of the Test Paper is 60 Minutes
3- There is question paper-cum answer sheet for classes 1 & 2. Students should tick mark their answers on the boxes provided on
the question.
Mark the word which best describes the given pictures Identify the object in the given picture and fill in
: the blanks to form the correct spellings:
1. 4. BALL__N
(A) Jacket (A) BALLUUN
(B) T- shirt (B) BALLOON
(C) Shirt (C) BALLUON
(D) Gown (D) BALLONN
(E) None of these (E) None of these
2. 5. BR__M
(A) Frying Pan (A) BROMM
(B) Cooker (B) BRROM
(C) Oven (C) BRUUM
(D) Gas stove (D) BROOM
(E) None of these (E) None of these
(A) Tiffin box Mark the words which form appropriate pairs:
(B) Water bottle 6. Bed sheet and ___________
(C) Letter box (A) Sofa (B) Bed
(D) Dustbin (C) Pillow cover (D) Table
(E) None of these
(E) None of these