History, Impact, and Status of Infectious Diseases of The Pacific White Shrimp Penaeus Vannamei (Bonne, 1831) Cultivated in Mexico
History, Impact, and Status of Infectious Diseases of The Pacific White Shrimp Penaeus Vannamei (Bonne, 1831) Cultivated in Mexico
History, Impact, and Status of Infectious Diseases of The Pacific White Shrimp Penaeus Vannamei (Bonne, 1831) Cultivated in Mexico
DOI: 10.1111/jwas.12662
bacteria, diseases, Penaeus vannamei, shrimp, virus
Significance statement: Data were analyzed from the official records as a set of settlement and the production of shrimp farms in Mexico from 1995 to
2014. The main features include the records of inland farms and their economic value and productivity, as well as major health issues related to shrimp
aquaculture. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive overview of the economic impact associated with shrimp diseases in the Mexican shrimp
1 | I N T RO D UC T I O N
In terms of economic impact, the most important diseases affecting the penaeid shrimp aquaculture in Mexico are of
infectious origin. In this review, an outline of the historical development of shrimp farming and the presence of the
major outbreaks associated with the shrimp industry are presented using official statistical data and available litera-
ture. The social and economic impact of pandemics caused by pathogens associated with shrimp farming has been
profound, and the attempts to counteract their adverse effects are discussed herein.
• What factor or factors explain improvements in the trend of shrimp aquaculture growth in Mexico?
• What was the impact of this change in the aquaculture sector within the country?
• What actions have been implemented and what are their scopes?
Productivityi = , ð1Þ
Cultured areai
where Productivityi is the national productivity during year i, Productioni is the national production of shrimp in
aquaculture systems during year i, Cultured areai is the area of the national territory designated to the commercial
cultivation of shrimp during year i.
Official records of commercial shrimp aquaculture recorded from 1995 to 2014 are shown in Figure 1. Since the
beginning, production (T) (bars) has displayed a positive exponential growth; however, in the period of 2005–2013,
the production showed an asymptotic trend. In 1996, the production was 13,114 T in an area of 18,188 Ha, whereas
in 2013, the production increased 4.6 times (60,191 T), with an area that increased 4.7 times (86,438 ha). Thus, in a
period of 17 years, the culture area increased by 68,250 ha (solid line). However, the average annual productivity in
1996 was 0.72 T/ha and in 2013 it was 0.70 T/ha (discontinuous line), corresponding to the lowest registered pro-
ductivity values in the studied period.
During this period, the water supply was adequate, as well as feed and technical knowledge on shrimp aquacul-
ture. Moreover, health issues were the most important biotic variables explaining the decrease in productivity. For
instance, in 1995, there were 231 shrimp farms with 14,302 ha of cultured area with a productivity of 1.11 T/ha,
whereas in 2014, there were 1,447 farms, with a production of 86,438 T, and a productivity of 1 T/ha (Figure 1).
Outbreaks caused by viral infections have caused a reduction in production and increased economic cost. Apart from
this, to avoid the risk of further infections, there is an extra cost for the disposal of dead organisms.
140,000 2.00
100,000 1.40
Productivity (T/Ha)
Cultured area (Ha)
Production (T)
40,000 0.60
0 0.00
Time (Years)
Production (T) Cultured area (Ha) Productivity (T/Ha)
F I G U R E 1 National production of shrimp in culture systems. Area designated for the culture of the species and
the productivity during the period 1995–2014 (CONAPESCA, 2014)
IHHNV (PstDV1) was characterized in 1990 and determined to be related to the parvoviruses (Bonami &
Lightner, 1991; Bonami, Trumper, Mari, Brehelin, & Lightner, 1990). Age and species differences in susceptibility to
the IHHN (PstDV1) virus were later reported (Bell & Lightner, 1984, 1987). According to Lightner et al. (1992),
IHHNV (PstDV1) was introduced to Mexico, because the demand far exceeded the available seed supply. As a result,
postlarval P. vannamei, P. stylirostris, and infected tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon stocks were imported by commercial
shrimp farming cooperatives from commercial sources in the United States, Hawaii, Panama, and Ecuador (Lightner,
1996; Lightner, 2005; Lightner, 2011; Lightner et al., 2012; Tang & Ligthner, 2002). Although IHHNV (PstDV1) is
lethal to P. stylirostris, it does not cause mortality in P. vannamei; instead it causes deformity and dwarfism syndrome
(RDS) (Bell & Lightner, 1984).
Shrimp that survive the acute phase chronically suffer from RDS and transmit the infection vertically (paternally
from parent to offspring), and horizontally (between organisms) (Dhar, Roux, & Klimpel, 2001). The gradual change in
cultivation from P. stylirostris to the white shrimp P. vannamei was probably motivated by the success in the manage-
ment and survival of this species in addition to its tolerance to IHHNV (PstDV1).
3 | T H E P R O B L E M O F B A C T E R I A L OR I G EN
4 | E F F E C T O F P A T H O G E N S ON P R O D U C T I ON
During the study period (1995–2014), the diseases recorded in Mexico were TSV, WSSV, IHHNV (PstDV1), and
VpAHPND and negative changes were observed during the years 1996, 2010, 2012, and 2013 regarding the national
production levels of cultivated shrimp (Figure 2). These diseases cause mortality, and they probably constitute at
least one reason why the national production decreased during these years. In 2002, there was also a negative
change in production; however, it might have been due to a reduction in the cultivation area from 52,648 to
0 1.50
Time (Years)
Changes in production (T) Changes in productivity (T/Ha)
F I G U R E 2 Changes in production and productivity of shrimp in aquaculture systems during the period of
1996–2014. In the figure, the years in which any disease was reported and the change in the production during that year
are indicated. The values of change in productivity, marked with a triangle, indicate negative values (CONAPESCA, 2014)
49,689 ha (Figure 1). In the data evaluated herein, total shrimp cultivation showed increases and decreases
(Figure 1); therefore, losses in production cannot be explained by the effects generated by the disease alone. The cal-
culation of productivity (production/cultivated area) allows the elimination of this effect, and the calculation of the
change in productivity (Equation (2)) allows the determination of whether productivity decreased during the disease
years, which would indicate, on average, fewer shrimp produced per unit area of culture.
where cProductivityi is the change in productivity, Productivityi is the change during year i, Productivityi − 1 is the
productivity during year i−1.
Figure 2 shows that in 1996, when TSV was recorded, a negative change in production occurred. In that year, there
were 18,188 ha under production, with a productivity of 0.72 m.t./ha. In 1999, the production increased to 28,288 m.t.,
and the productivity increased to 1.08 m.t./ha, over 26,291 ha. In 1999, the first outbreak of WSSV occurred in Mexico,
and although a positive change in the production was observed, there was a concurrent negative change in productivity.
In 2001, the water surface area for production increased by 49% compared to the previous year; however, the
productivity was 0.90 m.t./ha, which was a decrease of −30 m.t./ha in comparison to 2000. During that year, no viral
disease was reported, which supports the hypothesis that, despite the federal government having recorded an
increase in the number of farms, those farms did not begin working until the following year. Additionally, the hect-
ares of intensive cultivation decreased from 3.05% to 0.71% on the national level in 2001. In 2002, the total produc-
tive surface decreased from 52,648 to 49,689 ha, and the national productivity was 0.91 m.t./ha. In 2003, the
production increased to 61,704 m.t.; however, this could be because of the number of productive hectares increas-
ing to 15,396. Additionally, in 2003, the presence of TSV was detected for the second time.
Low productivity is masked when the cultured surface increases, because this apparently increases production;
however, in a detailed analysis it was observed that an increase in the productive surface area did not correspond to
an increase in biomass. This situation is more noticeable after the detection of WSSV in 2005, and TSV in 2007. The
viruses appeared on alternate years, for instance, TSV in 1996, 2003, and 2007, and WSSV in 1999, 2005, 2010, and
2012. Importantly, during these years, the highest productivity was 1.38 m.t./ha, obtained in 2010. In comparison,
IHHNV (PstDV1) was detected in 2009, and 2011, when the productivity was 1.81 and 1.53, respectively (Figure 2).
Likewise, as mentioned above, an important outbreak occurred in 2013 and most of the affected farms recorded
up to 100% mortality rates, VpAHPND was reported as the causal agent (Nunan et al., 2014). However, it is still
unknown whether the illegal introduction of larvae or broodstock carrying the bacteria was the causal agent.
VpAHPND caused a significant loss of −0.45 m.t./ha during 2013, and the highest losses caused by WSSV were
−0.42 m.t./ha. In 2013, with the emergence of VpAHPND, there were losses of 39,284 m.t. compared to 2012, and
the productivity was 0.7 m.t./ha (Figure 2).
The negative productivity values indicate the quantity of shrimp that was not produced per unit area in 1 year
compared to the previous year. Of the data analyzed, the change in productivity has been negative only for the years
when a disease was reported (1996, 2010, 2012, and 2013), with the exception of 2002, in which the negative value
was a consequence of a decrease in the cultivated area of intensive farms, from 52,648 to 49,689 ha.
5 | E S T I M A T E D EC ON O M I C I M P A C T
In economic terms, if productivity decreases, it is possible that the economic value generated per ha (economic pro-
ductivity) will also decrease depending on the price per unit of shrimp (with the exchange rate being considered as
the average exchange rate of that year). If the productivity decreases, there is an economic value that is not gener-
ated per unit area, compared to the previous year. If productivity increases, there is an additional economic value
generated compared to the previous year.
The economic value is calculated depending on the change in productivity (VcP, Equation (3)). Negative values
indicate an economic value not generated per hectare in a year because of low productivity compared to the previ-
ous year. Positive values indicate that the economic value generated per hectare was higher than the previous year.
where VcPi is the economic value because of the change in productivity, cProductivityi is the change in productivity
during year i compared to year i−1, uPricei is the Unitary price during the year i.
The impact of a disease is more evident in the economic value because of the change in productivity (VcPi) than
the impact shown only by the change in production, but is similar to that shown by productivity. It can be observed
that, per hectare (ha) and compared to the previous year, in 1996, 1999, 2007, 2010, 2012, and 2013, a certain eco-
nomic value was not produced (Figure 3). The least effect was caused by TVS in 2007 when, compared to the previ-
ous year, the production per hectare reached a value of 230 USD/ha. VpAHPND was the disease that had the greatest
effect because an economic value of 2,320 USD/ha was not produced.
At a national level, the economic value because of the change in productivity has varied, and with the exception
of 2001, every year in which the economic value was negative, a disease was also reported. However, the economic
value was positive in 2003, 2005, 2009, and 2011, in which there were reports of TVS, WSSV, IHHNV (PstDV1),
and IHHNV (PstDV1), respectively.
Table 1 displays the years from 1996 to 2014, the diseases that were recorded during those years, and the eco-
nomic values that were not produced each year (compared to the previous year) at a national level. VpAHPND reduced
the economic production by $200,632,180.25 USD in 2013, and the economic loss that occurred in 2013 attributed
to VpAHPND alone surpassed the reduced economic production.
6 | A C T I O N S T H A T H A V E B E E N I M P L E M E N T E D TO M I T I G A T E T H E
The first and only action that was taken during the IHHNV (PstDV1) outbreak in 1987 was to replace the blue shrimp
P. stylirostris with the white shrimp P. vannamei because it is more tolerant of or less susceptible to the disease.
$3.00 2005 $8.00
Price (USD)
$(1.00) TSV
$(0.23) $4.00
$(2.00) 1999
1996 WSSV 2001
TSV 2010 2012
$(3.00) $(1.22) Decrease 2013 $3.00
$(1.91) of intensive WSSV WSSV VpAHPND
farms $(1.36) $(1.36) $(2.32)
$(4.00) $(1.84) $2.00
Time (Years)
Economic value due to changes in productivity (USD/Ha) Price (USD/kg)
F I G U R E 3 Estimation of economic values because of the change in productivity and price per kg of shrimp
produced in aquaculture systems during the period 1996–2014. The figure displays the years in which a disease was
reported and the economic value because of the change in productivity in that year. Negative economic values
because of the change in productivity indicate the economic amount that was not produced in that year compared
to the previous year (CONAPESCA, 2014)
Note: Negative values indicate the economic value that was not generated
per hectare in a year because of a low productivity compared to the
previous year.
In 1997, following the detection of TSV, the federal government took developmental actions such as: 1) optimizing the
existing laboratory infrastructure, 2) closing the culture cycle under controlled conditions, 3) implementing a large number
of laboratories for postlarvae production, 4) producing lines of genetically selected shrimp broodstock, 5) promoting good
management practices, and 6) because of the viral infections occurring during all the stages of the life cycle of shrimp, the
translocation of organisms of different ages (e.g. broodstock, postlarvae, etc.) was reduced (Alvarez-Torres et al., 2000).
In addition, the Mexican government created the Official Mexican Standard (Norma Oficial Mexicana, NOM)
including NOM-011-PESC-1993 (n.d.), NOM-020-PESC-1993 (n.d.), NOM-022-PESC-1994 (n.d.), and NOM-EM-
001-PESC-1999 (n.d.). These established the requirements and measures to prevent and control the introduction
and dispersion of viral diseases known as “white spot,” and “yellow head.” The Journal Official Federation (DOF,
2012) established health regulations for aquatic species, their products and subproducts. However, some of the reg-
ulations are hard to fulfill because the movement of animals is recurrent in the country.
In Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, from July 24 to 28, 2000, the International Cross-border Movement of Aquatic Animal
Pathogens and the Standardization of Techniques in Aquaculture Health workshop was held with representatives from
four international organizations: OIE, FAO, NACA, and APEC. SENASICA produced a new fishing and aquaculture law
on October 22, 2007, resulting in the creation of aquaculture health committees of each state. Today, there are three
official laboratories that diagnose the diseases of aquatic organism, including the National Centre of Animal Health Ver-
ification Services (Centro Nacional de Servicios de Constatación en Salud Animal, CENAPA), the National Centre for
Animal Health Diagnosis Services (Centro Nacional de Servicios de Diagnostico de Salud Animal, SENASA), and the
Mexico-United States Commission for the Prevention of Foot-and-mouth Disease and other Exotic Animal Diseases
(Comisión México–Estados Unidos para la Prevención de la Fiebre Aftosa y otras Enfermedades Exóticas de los ani-
mals, CPA) which are responsible for epidemiological surveillance of the country's aquaculture units and three qualified
laboratories certified by a Mexican Agency (EMA = Entidad Mexicana de Acreditacion), that are authorized by the gov-
ernment to issue health certificates for importation and exportation of frozen commodities and live organisms.
In 2014, when the presence of VpAHPND was suspected, the federal government provided for the first time an
economic support of 600 million Mexican pesos (MP), of which 283.5 million was given to the shrimp farmers, 317.5
million MP was designated for insurance, and 140 million was used to support the acquisition of shrimp larvae for
seeding. A temporary suspension of shrimp imports from China, Malaysia, and Thailand was also implemented by
SENASICA in April 2014 (SAGARPA, 2014).
7 | D I S C U S S I O N A N D C O N C L U S I ON S
Shrimp farming with a value annually of approximately US $711 million, is one of the most important primary activities
in Mexico. In 2014, the production of shrimp reached 158,123 m.t., 60.58% of which was produced by aquaculture
(CONAPESCA, 2014). Despite high profits, shrimp farming has been facing mass mortalities associated with pathogens
that have limited its development. The OIE define an epizootic event as an infectious disease that affects a high num-
ber of organisms of the same species or of different species at the same time and in the same place, and that propa-
gates rapidly. These characteristics have been displayed by IHHNV (PstDV1), TSV, WSSV, and the bacterium VpAHPND.
In 1987, the cultivation of P. vannamei instead of P. stylirostris was fundamental for the development of
P. vannamei aquaculture, which is now the most cultivated species worldwide (Lightner et al., 2012). Indeed, the
growth of shrimp farming in Mexico would not have been possible without the development of the Pacific white
shrimp P. vannamei aquaculture.
Despite the fluctuation in production observed over the three decades of shrimp aquaculture in Mexico, the
most devastating effect apart from WSSV (Esparza-Leal et al., 2010), was that of VpAHPND (Nunan et al., 2014).
Although it is still unknown what factors triggered this outbreak, it is necessary to evaluate whether the genetic lines
of shrimp that were tolerant to WSSV and imported from Asia, were the carriers of this pathogen. VpAHPND caused
high mortalities in China in 2009, in Vietnam 2010, in Malaysia 2011, and in Thailand in 2011 (Flegel, 2012). It is
likely either that postlarvae or broodstock of P. vannamei were irregularly introduced and/or that the diagnosis of
this disease was inefficient before shrimp importation.
The shrimp industry started in 1970 in the states of Sonora, Sinaloa, and Nayarit, and nowadays, this industry is
sustained by approximately 1,500 farms located in the same states (COSAES, 2014). The economic success of this
industry in the Gulf of California is high; however, the cost is high. From the data analyzed herein, it was observed
that an increase in the productive surface area did not correspond to an increase in biomass. Apart from the eco-
nomic losses associated with outbreaks, the safe and environmentally responsible disposal of animal carcasses,
whether an individual death or during significant mortality events, is an essential consideration. For instance, in
Mexico, native shrimp is a very important resource from ecological, social, and economic perspectives. As an exam-
ple, IHHNV (PstDV1) has become enzootic in wild shrimp from the Gulf of California (Robles-Sikisaka, Bohonak,
McClenaghan Jr., & Dhar, 2010). Although it is difficult to evaluate the effect of the pathogens in shrimp from natural
environments, it is necessary to be concerned that wild shrimp sustain regional fisheries. For the rest of the country,
the risk of disease transmission would be mitigated by planning inland farms with proper management procedures.
Additionally, the number of qualified laboratories must increase. Only certified laboratories should produce shrimp
postlarvae free of pathogens. Also, the implementation of sanitary checkpoints along the country would be useful
during transportation of live shrimps within the country.
Finally, the viral diseases described herein will continue, cyclically and recurrently, because of their nature. There-
fore, it is necessary to track their epidemiological characteristics and compile data that will allow us to predict their
recurrence. It is also necessary to generate, review and update local regulations with scientific criteria, and likewise
to comply with the OIE (2015) guidance regarding the transport of animals. Overall, it is fundamental to guarantee
the transparency of the procedures of all the intervening actors (government, producers, and academies), to avoid
the risks of introducing new pathogens.
We would like to thank to Biol. Yuliana Zurita Moo (INAPESCA, CRIP-Lerma) and MSc. Juan Antonio Pérez-Vega
(CINVESTAV IPN Unidad Merida), for their technical support. We are grateful to Dr. Rodrigo Vichido Chávez
(SENASICA, CENAPA), for his comments to an earlier version of the manuscript. This manuscript is part of the PhD
thesis of N.A.L.-T. (CONACyT Scholarship No. 165190). Special thanks are conveyed to the anonymous reviewers.
The Instituto Nacional de Pesca y Acuacultura supported financially this review.
The first author conceived the idea, the rest of the authors contributed to the redaction, discussion, and edition of
the ms.
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How to cite this article: López-Téllez NA, Corbalá-Bermejo JA, Bustamante-Unzueta ML, Silva-Ledesma LP,
Vidal-Martínez VM, Rodriguez-Canul R. History, impact, and status of infectious diseases of the Pacific white
shrimp Penaeus vannamei (Bonne, 1831) cultivated in Mexico. J World Aquacult Soc. 2019;1–12. https://doi.