Aim High TB3 Test 7
Aim High TB3 Test 7
Aim High TB3 Test 7
1 Complete the sentences with an expression containing the word in brackets.
1 I want to lose weight, so I’m going to ________ ________ ________ cakes and
biscuits. (cut)
2 Who do you ________ ________ ________ at weekends? (hang)
3 Jake ________ ________ ________ a fantastic idea for his dad’s 50th birthday.
4 I lost touch with all my old school friends ________ ________. (after)
5 My ex-best friend really ________ ________ ________ over the trip we were
going to make. (let)
6 The teachers asked us to ________ ________ ________ with the painting of the
school. (hand)
7 My sister always ________ ________ ________ me if I have an argument with
my brother. (stands)
8 Sally promised to ________ ________ ________ when she moved to another
city. (touch)
9 The person I ________ ________ the most is my mother. (confide)
10 Our cousins ________ ________ ________ us because they think they’re better
than we are. (look)
Marks: __ /10
3 Read the text and choose the correct answers.
Message in a bottle
Forty years ago, eight-year-old Sandra Morris was on a cruise ship travelling home to
the USA from a holiday in Europe. During her journey, she threw an empty bottle
containing a note over the side of the ship. Three months later, eight-year-old
Rosalind Hearse was walking on a beach with her headmaster father when she spotted
Sandra’s bottle in the sand. The two girls started writing to each other straight away,
and have been in touch ever since. Yesterday the pair, both now 48, visited the spot at
Morfa beach near Margam, South Wales, where Rosalind found the message.
Rosalind says, ‘Our friendship grew through our letters as we shared amazingly
parallel lives. We each have two children, a boy and girl, and our eldest were born
4 Read the text again and answer the questions with a complete sentence.
1 How did Sandra send her note?
2 How long did the bottle take to reach the shore?
3 How long have the women been writing to each other?
4 Where did Rosalind find the bottle?
5 What have Rosalind and Sandra got in common?
Marks: __ /15
5 Find the mistake in each line. Write the correction below.
1 Birth order is one of the more important factors in
2 personality development. The most old child can often
3 communicate best than later children, so they make
4 good leaders. In some cases, they are more aggressiver.
5 Middle children are less ambitious that first-borns, but
6 their need to fight more hard for attention makes them
7 very competitive. Last-borns are the less independent
8 of all. Parents are also least strict with them so they
9 tend to be lazy. The most youngest child is often very
10 charming as they learn quicklier how to get what they want.
1 ____________ 6 ____________
2 ____________ 7 ____________
3 ____________ 8 ____________
4 ____________ 9 ____________
5 ____________ 10 ____________
Marks: __ /10
Language skills
7 Complete the dialogue.
Becky Have you ever fallen 1________ with a friend, Paula?
Paula Yes, I have, but I’d 2________ not talk about it.
Becky Why? What happened?
Paula Oh, I suppose I can tell you. I used to 3________ out with a girl
called Maria. We were quite good friends, but I get 4________ much
better with you. Anyway, one day I confided 5________ her and she
told my secret to the whole class. I was furious!
Becky I’m not surprised! She really let you 6________! What did you do?
Paula I told her that if I couldn’t trust her, I 7________ speak to her again,
and that was the end of our friendship.
Becky Didn’t she apologize and try to make 8________?
Paula No, she didn’t. We lost 9________ when she changed schools.
Becky So, what was this big secret?
Paula I’m not going to tell you that! I 10________ you wouldn’t ask so
many questions!
Marks: __ /10