Chapter 1 B Data
Chapter 1 B Data
Chapter 1 B Data
Presentation transcript:
1 Sugar Manufacturing Process:
Growing & Harvesting the Cane.Cane preparation for
4 Cane cleaning equipment: - As apart of the cane carrier or auxiliary to it, is a process of cleaning
the cane by water from associated mud resulting due to harvesting.
6 Milling machinery: -Milling Machinery is composed of three rollers arranged in triangular form.A
set of three to seven machines.Each mill unit is commonly driven by separate motor power, steam
engine, electric motor, or steam turbine.The three rolls are known respectively as the top roll, the
cane roll (entering) or feed roll, the bagasse roll or discharge roll.Adding water or thin juice to the
bagasse after each mill dilutes the content juice and increases the extraction as this juice is
7 Milling machinery: -
8 ClarificationThe primary object of the clarification is to remove from the juice the maximum
quantity of impurities.The degree of clarification has great bearing on the subsequent stations of the
factory, affecting the pan boiling, the centrifuging, the quality of the products, and most important of
all, the yield of raw sugar.
12 Filtration:In filtration process the rotary -type vacuum filter in common use.The filter consists of
rotating drum covered with perforated plate of copper or other metal, which dips into a bath
containing the mud water.The filter divided into four sections.Hot water and Bagacillo are added to
the mud to increase filtration efficiency.Filtration Result:Clarified Juice Sent directly to the
evaporators.Filter Cake.
13 Filtration:
15 Evaporation: Removes about 90% of the water from the clarified juice;
The multiple-effect is usually extended to three, four, and more effects.Evaporation increasing the
juice solids from about 15 Brix to about Brix. Which is the Syrup.
16 Evaporation:
17 Evapo- Crystallizers:
There fore the function of evapo-crystallizer is to produce satisfactory sugar crystals from syrup(seed
grain) to serve as the nuclei for the sugar syrup.When Brix reaches 78-80, crystals begin to appear
and the nature of the material changes.It’s then called “massecuite”.
18 Centrifugal Machines:
The basic function of the Centrifugal machines is to the crystals in the massecuite from the
surrounding molasses or syrup by centrifugal force.The Raw sugar is then sent to dryers or refining
unit according to the type of desired final product.Molasses is by-product which is used as a raw
material for other products.
19 Dryers:The wet raw sugar from centrifuges goes to rotary drier to remove the water from the wet
sugar to reduce moisture content to 0.5-2%; using hot air at 110ºC which flow counter currently with
20 Dryers: