Digital Library Development: A Case Study of Ta Quang Buu Library of Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Digital Library Development: A Case Study of Ta Quang Buu Library of Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Digital Library Development: A Case Study of Ta Quang Buu Library of Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Tran Thi Bich NGOC1, Duong Manh CUONG2*, Nguyen Thi NGAN3, Mai Thi UYEN4
School of Economics and Management of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
Ta Quang Buu Library of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
Research purpose:
The purpose of the article is to introduce some theoretical issues of digital transformation related to the development of
digital libraries and propose measures such as evaluating library users, creating digital collections from endogenous and
exogenous sources, upgrading digital infrastructure of the library to enrich digital data sources for university’s digital
Research motivation:
The article aims to improve the service quality of the library of higher education institutions based on developing the
university's digital library system by combining the existing traditional library with the digital library system as well as
other databases in the country and abroad under the booming of digitalization and digital transformation.
Research design, approach and method:
The systematic literature review approach was applied in this study to briefly review the appearance and nature of the
concepts of digital transformation; methods of comparative analysis and case study are used to analyze the survey data to
find out the shortcomings of Ta Quang Buu Library in particular HEIs’ libraries, and then discuss the obtained results to
propose useful recommendations.
Main findings:
The case study of Ta Quang Buu Library of Hanoi University of Science and Technology shows that in order to improve
service quality, it is necessary to focus on the characteristics and habits of users, and improve the capacity and skills of
users. librarian, develop digital resources, finance IT infrastructure development as well as build database for E-learning in
the long term in cooperation with other libraries and databases.
Practical/managerial implications:
The article focuses on the development of university digital libraries in the digital era and look at solutions to create digital
libraries to improve the quality of library services.
Keywords: digitization, digitalization, digital transformation, digital library, information user, digital collection
GDP will be derived from digital products or services Science and Technology (HUST) as a case study to
created through DT. Over the same period, DT will add propose practical solutions for the creation and
0.8% annually to the region's GDP, or US$1.16 trillion development of universities’ DL in general.
(Daniel-Zoe et al, 2017).
In Vietnam, many remarkable achievements have been
made in the DT field in order to build a digital economy, Digitization, digitalization, digital transformation
digital community and digital society. The explosive Digitization, digitalization and digital transformation are
growth of information and communication technologies three terms often used interchangeably, and the concept
(ICTs) accelerates the processes towards a knowledge- of digitization was a general term. But in fact, they have
based economy and profoundly impacts the training different content in terms of coverage. Digitization is the
process in universities and poses new challenges for conversion of information from a physical or analog form
universities, students and faculty as well (Torres-Ruiz et to a digital format. It refers “to creating a digital
al, 2019). In the higher education system, the representation of physical objects or attributes”, or in
development of the digital university model is being other words, it is fundamental and is the process of
confirmed by the benefits and opportunities it brings to converting information from a physical format to digital
higher education institutions (HEIs), becoming an one. Digitalization refers to enabling or improving
inevitable trend while DT is taking place rapidly all over processes by leveraging digital technologies and digitized
the world in all fields, in which education is the priority data (Mateusz Hapon, 2020; Gupta, M.S., 2020).
sector as it is directly related to human resource training.
Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has been being This concept is concretized and interpreted in business.
protracted for a long time, affecting universities and According to Gartner – a Global Research and Advisory
pushing them accelerate the DT process, distance training Company, “Digitalization is the use of digital
and online training (e-learning). The development trend technologies to change a business model and provide
of digital university, in essence, is the DT process at new revenue and value-producing opportunities; it is the
different levels (Bui Thi Nga et al, 2020). process of moving to a digital business” (Gartner
Glossary). It means integration of digital technologies
Aiming at the dual goal of developing a digital into everyday life by the digitization of everything that
government, digital economy, and digital society, as well can be digitized and the use of data that has been
as forming Vietnamese digital technology enterprises transformed into digital format to improve business
with global competitiveness, the Government has processes (PYSDEN, 2018).
approved the “National Digital Transformation Program
by 2025, with a Vision toward 2030” (Decision No. In foreign literature, there are many different concepts of
749/QD-TTg of the Government dated June 3, 2020), DT. In terms of technology-business-customer
whereby, education is acknowledged as second priority relationship, most define DT as the process of using
sector among 8 priority areas for DT in Vietnam. digital technologies to transform existing traditional and
non-digital business processes or create new processes or
The content of DT in education is defined as developing services that respond to market developments and
digital technology platforms aimed at supporting remote customer expectations, radically changing the way
learning, teaching and personalized training and businesses are managed and operated, and how value is
managing university activities, digitalizing learning delivered to customers; it brings business benefits such as
materials, establishing platforms for online sharing improving customer experience, efficiency by reducing
teaching and learning resources. The process of DT and labor costs, and thus increasing competitiveness.
formation of digital universities in higher education (Whatfix; Daniel & Christopher, 2018). If consider DT as
inevitably entails the development of digital libraries a tool that changes people's lives, it is “a profound and
(DLs). accelerating transformation of business activities,
The purpose of the article is to examine theoretical issues processes, capabilities, business and organizational
related to the DT process and the developing university models to fully leverage the changes and opportunities
DL through analyzing the current situation of the Ta brought by digital technologies and their impact across
Quang Buu Library (TQBL) of Hanoi University of
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 196
society in a strategic and prioritized way” (Demirkan et application of digitized data, digitized processes and new
al, 2016). technologies such as big data (Big Data), Internet of
Things (IoT), cloud computing, etc. to shifting from the
Essence of DT is a business process transformation
traditional operating model, leadership, working process,
enabled by digitalization and digitalization technologies.
and culture to a new model based on the digital platform
Hence, it covers both digitization and digitalization
and around the digital environment.
(Gupta, M.S., 2020). In other words, DT is the
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 196
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 196
time of collections of digital works so that they are Emphasizing the technical features of DL in education,
readily and economically available for use by a defined UNESCO (2006) defines it as “a collection of a very
community or set of communities”. Gary Cleveland large number of digital objects, comprising all types of
(1998) synthesized the opinions presented in the research material and media, which are stored in distributed
of many scholars such as Graham (1995), Lynch and information repositories and accessed through national
Garcia-Molina (1995), Chepesuik (1997) and argued that computer networks”, and “a large collection of
DLs have the following characteristics: information that has been stored in digital form”. It can
include documents, images, sounds, and information
a) DLs are the digital face of traditional
gathered from ongoing events. University DL play an
libraries that include digital collections
important role in teaching and learning because of two
and traditional, fixed media collections,
advantages: (1) reusability of resources: teachers can
whether the collections are in digital or
share digital resources in ways that are not possible with
paper format;
paper documents; (2) easy integration by students into
b) DLs will also include digital materials
learning and research works. However, the ease of
of other DLs;
integration is an opportunity, facilitating richer learning
c) DLs will include all the processes and
subjects, and a threat, making it easier for students to
services that are converted to digital
platforms; and
d) DLs will serve the wider community The core of smart library in the era of Industry 4.0 is the
through the network. ability to flexibly meet the needs of information users on
the basis of digital information resources and online
The concept of a DL has also been gradually improved
information services. (Vu Duy Hiep, 2018). Furthermore,
with its existence. Joan M. Reitz (2004) in his Online
digital materials on the internet can be used in
Dictionary for Library and Information Science has given
educational applications, but will not be presented in the
the definition of DL as “a library in which a significant
same controlled environment as materials in a DL.
proportion of the resources is available in machine-
Therefore, lecturers need to introduce the information
readable format (as opposed to print or microform),
collected in the DL to focus students' activities and
accessible by means of computers. The digital content
participation in controlling resource usage (Gary &
may be locally held or accessed remotely via computer
Hermann (1995).
networks”. Later, it is described as an online database of
digital objects that may include text, still images, audio, According to the Vietnam Law No. 46/2019/QH14 on
video, digital documents and other digital media formats, Libraries 2019, DL means “a library or a section of a
or a library accessible via the internet (Savanur & library having information resources which have been
Nagaraj, 2004). So, it is also known as online library, processed and stored in digital formats for users to access
internet library, virtual library, or digital collection. and use via electronic devices and online” (Article 3).
This given concept seems to cover the content of existing
The university DL definition introduced by Vincenzo M.
definitions of DL.
and Fausto G. (2016) considered it as “a set of important
resources, methodologies and tools appropriately
organized to effectively support users of information of
the university” and interpreted it as a natural extension of The systematic literature review approach was applied in
the DL, that is, taking advantage of the strengths and this study to briefly review the appearance and nature of
expanding the range of DL to serve all information users. the concepts of digitization, digitalization and DT, and
This view is based on the argument that the DL is a place the scholars’ arguments on the concept, content and goals
to store learning materials (related scientific works; of digital universities and DLs.
references, lesson plans, personal information, etc.) The research team has collaborated with TQBL staff and
relevant in the country and the world) and is a place users - students to conduct surveys on information users'
through which access to other universities’ DLs and other habits, the types of documents they often refer to, and
large databases in the country and the world (Kumbhar, assess the current state of TQBL, especially its digital
2014). section of library and digital infrastructure; methods of
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 196
comparative analysis and case study are used to analyze percentage of users, but they play an important role in the
the survey data to find out the weak points and university operation. This users’ group participates in
shortcomings of TQBL in particular and university both administrative work and scientific research or
libraries in HEIs in general, discuss the obtained results teaching, so they do not have much time to go to the
to propose useful recommendations to create a library; their information needs are very diverse because
universities' DLs, keeping up with the ongoing trend of they are both information users and information
DL development in the world. providers.
2) Lecturers and researchers belong to the group of
highly qualified information users with high academic
degrees involved in teaching, advising students, research
To study current issues related to the development of projects and are the authors of lectures and textbooks.
university digital libraries, the research team applied a Therefore, they need updated information specialized in
case study, selecting TQBL of HUST, the leading the fields of the works they undertake. This user group is
university among Vietnamese HEIs. Examining the accessing the database of university DL with high
TQBL current situation, the research team focuses on volume and frequency. Therefore, they are granted an
analyzing factors affecting library services such as account and use the Library's DL (e-resources) through
information users’ specialties, characteristics of digital the university's IP range.
information resources, access rights and digital
3) Postgraduates and students. The information that
postgraduates need is mainly specialized material
Information Users’ Specialties relevant to their study program or research topic, such as:
The main TQBL information users are all HUST staff, reference books, specialized journals, theses, etc. Most of
lecturers, students and other objects. As of January 2020, them require a specific form of library service because
the University has 1,748 staff members and lecturers, they cannot be separated from their daily work.
more than 30,000 full-time students and more than 5,000 Students are the main library users. New teaching
postgraduates, who are classified into 4 main groups, and methods and credit-based training in universities require
each group has its own characteristics and information lecturers to impart basic knowledge and advise students
needs. on research directions to promote the initiative and
1) Leadership and administrative staff. This group creativity of each student, encouraging them to visit the
includes the Board of Directors, heads and deputy heads library regularly to complete weekly, monthly, semester
of faculties and institutes. Although making up a small or group assignments.
Table 2: Demands of student information users for different types of documents
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 196
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 196
l literature
Digitizing documents and building digital collections is An open service policy for endogenous materials and
the optimal choice for long-term preservation of rare which has granted full text access to all HUST’
original documents. It can be said that the core of DL is a information user is being developed by TQBL. However,
digital repository or digital collections, because DL is the library's server is frequently overloaded due to its old
essentially a digitized information repository, structured age that limits concurrent remote access. For remote
for easy access over computer networks or access, users need to contact with the TQBL manager for
telecommunications network (Jie & Bao, 2012). Being an account and password to be able to log in to view the
the largest university of science and technology in the full text. Therefore, non-university users with remote
country, HUST always attaches great importance to the access to this resource are restricted, and they can only
quality of training and scientific research and considers it view the bibliography (first 16 pages), while HUST staff
a top criterion in its activities. Stemming from that goal and students can view the full text of endogenous
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 196
materials directly at the TQBL or the university’s IP In addition to the collections built by TQBL and shared
range computers. In the coming time, TQBL will purchased databases, it also partners with international
continue to submit to the university Board of Directors to publishers to test the use of their electronic databases
clarify the issue of copyright between the authors and the such as IGI Global, ASME, Taylor & Francis databases,
library to provide open access to the source without and links with electronic information resources from the
violating Law on Copyright. Information Centers of the Hanoi National University
Library and the Library of Hanoi University of Culture,
To help university staff, faculty and students make more
use of other useful e-resources, TQBL has collaborated
with other universities to share the Ebrary Academic Library Digital Infrastructure
Ebook database, and join the Alliance Association of
The internal assessment of the library staff on the state of
Vietnam Electronic Resource Libraries using the same
the library's general infrastructure shows that it is
Proquest Central Common Database; TQBL is one of
maintained in good condition, including four indicators
three university libraries that have free access to the
of digital infrastructure such as computer, internet and
SienceDirect database under the auspices of the Ministry
intranet systems and server.
of Science and Technology.
Figure 3: library staff evaluation on the current state of the library general infrastructure (in %)
80 71 69 69
60 51 49
40 34 29 31 29
23 20 25
15 12 14
20 6 6
Working area Air conditioning Computer internet system Intranet system Server
and ventilation system
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 196
54 57
49 51 46 49
43 40
37 37 34 34
20 17
14 14 9
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 196
open libraries. This is a useful experience in developing electronic lectures, doctoral theses and master's theses
DL for any university library. arranged by specialties (Figure 3, in blue).
Current structure of the endogenous database of the
HUST’s TQBL includes only three components:
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 196
limitation somewhat hinders the accessibility of digital the application of assessment models to develop the
resources by non-university users. Legal issues of university DL system in Vietnamese HEIs.
author's copyright related to materials collected by TQBL
clarified to ensure that the library does not infringe
copyright; there should be a plan to provide open access This work was supported by the School of Economics
to endogenous sources in the future. and Management of Hanoi University of Science and
Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam (Project No. T-2021-PC-
Building Database for E-learning 054): “Quality assessment of Ta Quang Buu Digital
Library, s service”.
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