FMSM - Secret Superstar Notes - All in One-Executive-Revision

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CHAPTERWISE WEIGHTAGE ...........................................................................................3

REVISION NOTES (FOR DETAILED REVISION)..............................................................4
CHAPTER 1: NATURE & SCOPE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ............................................4
CHAPTER 2: CAPITAL BUDGETING .................................................................................15
CHAPTER 3: CAPITAL STRUCTURE..................................................................................30
CHAPTER 5: PROJECT FINANCE......................................................................................51
CHAPTER 6: DIVIDEND POLICY ......................................................................................76
CHAPTER 7: WORKING CAPITAL ....................................................................................83
CHAPTER 8: SECURITY ANALYSIS ................................................................................103
CHAPTER 9: PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT........................................................................116
CHAPTER 11: INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT ..........................................................130
CHAPTER 12: INTRODUTION TO STRATEGIC MANAGEMANT ..........................................144
CHAPTER 14: STRATEGIC ANALYSIS AND PLANNING ....................................................176
CHAPTER 15: STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION AND CONTROL .........................................199
CHAPTER 16: ANALYSING STRATEGIC EDGE ................................................................219
END GAME NOTES (FOR QUICK REVISION) ...............................................................237
PART A: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT..................................................................................238
CAPITAL BUDGETING ..................................................................................................241
CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND LEVERAGE ANALYSIS...........................................................244
SOURCES OF LONG TERM FINANCE AND COST OF CAPITAL ..........................................246
PROJECT FINANCE.......................................................................................................248
DIVIDEND POLICY .......................................................................................................251
WORKING CAPITAL .....................................................................................................254
SECURITY ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................258
PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT...........................................................................................262
PART B: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT.................................................................................265
INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT ...............................................................................265
INTRODUCTION TO STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT .............................................................268
BUSINESS POLICY & FORMULATION OF FUNCTIONAL STRATEGY ...................................271
STRATEGIC ANALYSIS & PLANNING .............................................................................275
STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION & CONTROL ..................................................................281

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ANALYSING STARTEGIC EDGE .....................................................................................286
FORMULA SHEET .........................................................................................................292
FMSM TYPEWISE PRACTICAL QUESTIONS .................................................................299
CAPITAL BUDGETING ..................................................................................................300
CAPITAL STRUCTURE...................................................................................................312
COST OF CAPITAL .......................................................................................................319
DIVIDEND POLICY .......................................................................................................327
WORKING CAPITAL .....................................................................................................331
SECURITY ANALYSIS & PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT........................................................340
PAST PAPERS WITH WORKING NOTES ......................................................................344
DECEMBER 2019 PAPER...............................................................................................344
DEC 2020 ANSWERS ...................................................................................................364
AUGUST 2021 ANSWERS .............................................................................................385
DECEMBER 2021 .........................................................................................................401
DISCLAIMER ON PAST PAPER ANSWERS.......................................................................419

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2021 2021 (T + P) (T + P)
(T + P) (T + P)
Nature & scope of financial 5(4+1) 3 (3+0) 5 (5+0) 3 (3+0)
Capital budgeting 7(3+4) 13 (10+3) 7 (2+5) 13 (3+ 10)
Capital structure 11(4+7) 11 (8+3) 7 (1+6) 9 (6+3)
Sources of raising long term finance 6(3+3) 6 (3+3) 9 (0+9) 5 (2+3)
and cost of capital
Project finance 5(5+0) 2 (2+0) 2 (2+0) 1 (1+0)
Dividend policy 6(3+3) 7 (5+2) 7 (2+5) 4 (3+1)
Working capital 6(2+4) 7 (5+2) 8 (3+5) 14 (8+6)
Security analysis 7(6+1) 5 (4+1) 7 (6+1) 7 (6+1)
Portfolio management 7(4+3) 6 (4+2) 8 (5+3) 4 (3+1)
60 60 60 60
(34+26) (44+16) (26 + 34) (35+25)

Introduction to management 6 3 6 0
Introduction to strategic management 6 6 7 2
Business policy and formulation of 7 6 5 12
functional strategy
Strategic analysis and planning 7 10 8 17
Strategic implementation and control 6 9 7 5
Analysing strategic edge 8 6 7 4
40 40 40 40

TYPE DEC 2021 AUG 2021 DEC 2020 DEC 2019
THEORY 74 84 66 75
PRACTICAL 26 16 34 25
*Please Note, Part B (SM) is full theory. All Practical are from Part A (FM)

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DEFINITION OF The term financial management has been defined by different experts as under:
FINANCIAL Solomon “It is concerned with the efficient use of an important economic
MANAGEMENT resource namely, capital funds”
Howard and Financial management “as an application of general
Upton managerial principles to the area of financial decision-making.”
W eston and Financial management “is an area of financial decision-
Brigham making, harmonizing individual motives and enterprise goals”
Joseph and Financial management “is the operational activity of a
Massie business that is responsible for obtaining and effectively
utilizing the funds necessary for efficient operations.”

Thus, financial management is broadly concerned with raising of funds,

creating value to the assets of the business enterprise by efficient allocation
of funds. It is the study of integration of the flow of funds in the most optimal
manner to maximize the returns of a firm by taking proper decisions in
utilizing the funds. In other words, raising of funds should involve minimum
cost and to bring maximum returns.

NATURE,  For carrying on business, we need resources which are poole d in te rms of
SIGNIFICANCE money. It is used for obtaining physical and material resources for
& SCOPE OF carrying out productive activities and business operations which affect sales
FINANCIAL and pay compensation to suppliers of resources, physical as well as
MANAGEMENT monetary. Hence financial management is considered as an organic
function of a business and has rightly become an important one.

 The approach, thus, is concerned almost exclusively with the procurement

of funds and could be widened to include instruments, instituti ons and
practices through which to raise funds. It also covers the legal and
accounting relationship between a company and its sources of funds.
Financial Management is certainly broader than procurement of funds and
there are other functions and decisions too.

 Financial Management as procurement of funds and their effective

utilisations in the business; though there are other organisations like
schools, associations, government agencies etc., where funds are procured
and used. So, Financial Management has not only to see that funds can be
raised for installing plant and machinery at a cost; but it has also to se e
that additional profits adequately compensate for the costs and risks borne
by the business while setting up the project.

 Financial Management, to be more precise, is, thus concerned with

investment, financing and dividend decisions in relation to objectives of
the company. Such decisions have to take care of the interests of the

INVESTMENT  Investment ordinarily means utilisation of money for profits or returns.

 This could be done by creating physical assets with the money and carrying
on business or purchasing shares or debentures of a company or
sometimes, though erroneously, purchasing a consumer durable like

 In an economy, money flows from one type of business to another

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depending upon profits expected or in a capital market securities of a
concern are purchased or sold in the expectation of higher or lower profits
or gains.

 Capital budgeting is a major aspect of investment decision making proce ss.

Investment decisions and capital budgeting are considered as synonymous
in the business world.

 Investment decisions are concerned with the que stion whether adding to
capital assets today will increase the revenue of tomorrow to cove r costs.
Thus investment decisions are commitments of monetary resources at
different times in expectation of economic returns in future.

 Choice is required to be made amongst available resources and avenues for

investment. As such investment decisions are concerned with the choice of
acquiring real assets, over the time period, in a productive process.

In making such a choice consideration of certain aspects is essential viz.,

 Need for investment,
 Factors affecting decisions,
 Criteria for evaluating investment decisions and
 Selection of a particular alternative from amongst the various options

The choice helps achieve the long term objectives of the company i.e.,
 Survival and growth,
 Preserving market share of its products and
 Retaining leadership in its production activity.

Thus, investment decisions encompass wide and complex matters involving the
following areas:
 Capital budgeting
 Cost of capital
 Measuring risk
 Management of liquidity and current assets
 Expansion and contraction involving business failure and re -organisations
 Buy or hire or lease an asset.

FINANCING o Financing decisions are concerned with the de termination of how much
DECISIONS funds to procure from amongst the various avenues available i.e. the
financing mix or capital structure.
o Financial decision making is concerned more and more with the que stions
as to how cost of funds be measured, proposals for capital using projects be
evaluated, or how far the financing policy influences cost of capital or
should corporate funds be committed to or withheld from certain purpose s
and how the expected returns on projects be measured.
o Both Investment decision and financial decisions are jointly made as an
effective way of financial management in corporate units. No doubt, the
purview of these decisions is separate, but they affect each other.
o Financial decisions, as discussed earlier, encompass determination of the
proportion of equity capital to debt to achieve an optimal capital
structure, and to balance the fixed and working capital requirements in the
financial structure of the company. This important area of financing
decision making, aims at maximising returns on investment and
minimising the risk.
o The risk and return analysis is a common tool for investment and financing
decisions for designing an optimal capital structure of a corporate unit. It
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may be mentioned that debt adds to the riskiness of the capital structure
of a firm.

DIVIDEND  The financial manager must decide whether the firm should distribute all
DECISIONS profits or retain them or distribute a portion and retain the balance.
 Theoretically, this decision should depend on whether the company or its
shareholders are in the position to better utilise the funds, and to e arn a
higher rate of return on funds.
 However, in practice, a number of other factors like the market price of
shares, the trend of earning, the tax position of the shareholders, cash flow
position, requirement of funds for future growth, and restrictions under the
Companies Act etc. play an important role in the determination of divide nd
policy of business enterprise.

DECISION The main objectives which a business organisation pursues are:

CRITERIA  maximisation of return and
 minimisation of costs.

A fair decision criterion should distinguish between:

 Acceptable and unacceptable proposals and
 Solve the problem of selection of the best alternatives from amongst the
various alternatives available in a given situation to achieve the above

A fair decision criterion should follow the following two fundamental principles
(1) the “Bigger and Better” principle;
(2) “A Bird in Hand is Better than Two in the Bush” principle.

The first principle suggests that bigger benefits are preferable to smaller ones;
whereas the second one suggests that early be nefits are pre ferable to late r
benefits. Both the above principles are based on the assumption “other things
being equal” which is a rare reality.

As a matter of fact, these techniques have been founded on the following

decision criteria:
1. URGENCY: The use of ‘urgency’ is treated as criterion for selection of
investment projects in many corporate units/ business
enterprises/government set up. Urgency is assessed on the following basis:
(a) it provides sufficient justification for undertaking a project;
(b) it provides immediate contribution for attainment of obje ctives of the
project; and
(c) It maximises profits.

2. PAY BACK: Time is of essence while selecting this criterion for inve stment
decisions. The decision is taken on the basis of quickness in pay off of the
investments. Pay back simply measures the time re quired for cash flows
from the project to return the initial investment to the firm’s account.
Projects, on the basis of this criterion, having quicker pay backs are

3. RATE OF RETURN: It provides another decision criterion based on

accounting records or projected statements to measure profitability as
annual percentage of capital employed. Rate of return is arrived at following
two different methods for treating income in the analysis which give
different results. In the first case, average income generated from
investment is taken after deduction of depreciation charge. In second case,

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the original cost is taken as denominator rather than average investment.
This gives the simple yearly rate of return. This is base d on “bigge r and
better” principle. This criterion can be applied either against average
investment in the year selected for study or simply against initial cost.

4. UNDISCOUNTED BENEFIT-COST RATIO: It is the ratio between the

aggregate benefits and the cost of project. Benefits are taken at face value.
The ratio may be “gross” or “net”. It is “gross” when calculated with benefits
without deducting depreciation. In the net version, depreciation is de ducted
from benefits before computing the results. Both ratios give identical
ranking. Net ratio equals the gross ratio minus 1. This relationship make s
it simple to calculate gross ratio and then to arrive at net ratio.

5. DISCOUNTED BENEFIT-COST RATIO: This ratio is more reliable as it is

based on present value of future benefits and costs. It may also be gross or
net like the one discussed earlier. It takes into account all incomes
whenever received and to this extent complies with “bigger and better”
principle. Early receipts are given more weight than late receipts on
account of introduction of discount factor. This ratio satisfies the
requirements of both the principles and is a good criterion for decision

6. PRESENT VALUE METHOD: This concept is useful as a de cision criterion

because it reveals the fact that the value of money is constantly de clining
as a rupee received today is more in value than the rupee at the e nd of a
year. Besides, if the rupee is invested today it will fetch a return on
investment and accumulate to Re. 1 (1+ i) at the end of ‘n’ period. He nce a
rupee received at the end of ‘n’ period is worth 1/ (1+ i) n now. Inve stment
decisions require comparison of present value with the cost of assets, and if
the present value exceeds the cost, the investment is rendered acceptable.

7. INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN: It is a widely used criterion for investment

decisions. It takes interest factor into account. It is known as marginal
efficiency of capital or rate of return over cost. It stipulates rate of
discount which will equate the present value of the net be nefits with the
cost of the project. This method satisfies both these principles. The criteria
used in financing decisions, with particular reference to capital structure of
a corporate unit can be discussed here precisely.
OBJECTIVES Broadly, there are only two alternative objectives a business firm can pursue
OF FINANCIAL viz. (a) Profit maximisation; (b) Shareholder Wealth maximisation.
Basis Profit Maximization W ealth Maximization
Objective Large amount of profits Maximize Market Value of
common stock
Advantages (i) Efficient allocation of (i) It is consistent with the
resources under competitive object of maximising
conditions owner’s economic welfare.
(ii) It focuses on the long
(ii) Efficiency in Operation run picture.
(iii) It considers risk.
(iii) Easy to calculate profits (iv) It recognises the value
of regular dividend
(iv) Easy to determine link payments.
between profits & financial (v) It takes into account
decisions. time value of money.
(vi) It maintains market
price of its shares.
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(vii) It seeks growth in
sales and earnings.

Disadvantage (i) It is vague conceptually. (i) Offers no clear

(ii) It ignores timing of returns. relationship between Stock
(iii) It ignores the risk factor. Price & Financial
(iv) It may tempt to make such Decisions.
decisions which may in the
long run prove disastrous. (ii) Can lead to
(v) Its emphasis is generally on management anxiety &
short run projects. frustration.
(vi) It may cause decreasing
share prices.
(vii) The profit is only one of the
many objectives and variables
that a firm considers.

Scope Narrow Broad

Time Frame Short Term Long Term

ECONOMIC  Economic value added (EVA) is the after tax cash flow generated by a
VALUE ADDED business minus the cost of the capital it has deployed to generate that cash
 Representing real profit versus paper profit, EVA unde rlines shareholder
value, increasingly the main target of leading company’s strategies.
 The concept of EVA is well established in financial theory, buy only recently
has the term moved into the mainstream of corporate finance, as more and
more firms adopt it as the base for business planning and performance
 There is growing evidence that EVA, not earnings, determines the value of a
firm. There is difference between EVA, earnings per share, return on assets,
and discounted cash flow, as a measure of performance.
 Earnings per share tell nothing about the cost of generating those profit s. If
the cost of capital (loans, bonds, equity) as says, 15 per cent, then a 14 pe r
cent earning is actually a reduction, not a gain, in economic value. Profits
also increase taxes, thereby reducing cash flow.
 Return on assets is a more realistic measure of economic performance, but
it ignores the cost of capital. Leading firms can obtain capital at low costs,
via favourable interest rates and high stock price s, which they can then
invest in their operations at decent rates of return on asse ts. This te mpts
them to expand without paying attention to the real return, economic value-
 Discounted cash flow is very close to economic value -added, with the
discount rate being the cost of capital.

EVA = (Operating Profit) – (A Capital Charge)

EVA = NOPAT – (Cost of Capital x Capital)

Thus, EVA represents the value added to the shareholders by generating

operating profits in excess of the cost of capital employed in the business. EVA
will increase if:
i. Operating profits grow without employing additional capital i.e., through
greater efficiency.
ii. Additional capital is invested in the projects that give higher returns than
the cost of procuring new capital, and
iii. Unproductive capital is liquidated i.e., curtailing the unproductive uses of

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if right actions are taken straight from the beginning then implementing EVA
should be one of the easiest change processes that a company goe s through.
The actions might include e.g.:
 Gaining the understanding and commitment of all the members of the
management group through training and discussing and using this support
prominently during the process.
 Training of the other employees, especially all the key persons.
 Adopting EVA in all levels of organization.

VALUE OF  Financial decisions incur different degree of risk. An investor’s de cision to

FIRM: RISK & invest in risk free government bonds has less risk as interest rate is known
RETURN and the risk of default is very less.
 On the other hand, an investor would incur more risk if he decides to inve st
in shares, as the return is not certain. However, the investor can e xpe ct a
lower return from government bond and higher from shares. Risk and
expected return move in tandem; the greater the risk the greater would be
the expected return.
 A finance manager cannot avoid the risk altogether nor can he make a
decision by considering the return aspect only. Usually, as the return
from an investment increases, the risk associated with it also
increases. In an attempt to increase the return, the finance manage r will
have to undertake greater degree of risk also. Therefore, a finance
manager is often required to trade-off between the risk and return.
 At the time of taking any decision, the finance manager tries to achieve the
proper balance between the consideration of risk and return associated with
various financial management decisions to maximise the market value of
the firm. A particular combination of risk and return where both are
optimized may be known as Risk-return trade off and at this level of
risk-return, the market price of the shares will be maximised.

LIQUIDITY  Liquidity is defined as ability of the business to meet its short-term

(Discussed in  It shows the quickness with which a business/company can convert its
detail in Chapter assets into cash to pay what it owes in the near future.
7: Working  According to Ezra Soloman, it measures a company’s ability to meet
Capital) expected as well as unexpected requirements of cash to expand its
assets, reduce its liabilities and cover up any operating losses. Liquidity, as
a decision criterion, is widely used in financial management.
 A company will like to have liquid resources for transaction purpose s, as a
precautionary measure and for speculative opportunities.
 Liquidity is assessed through the use of ratio analysis. Liquidity ratios
provide an insight into the present cash solvency of a firm and its ability
to remain solvent in the event of calamities.

PROFITABILITY Profitability as a decision criterion is another important tool in financial

management for taking decisions from different angles after e valuating the
performance of the company in different spheres.

Profitability to sales ratio reflects the company’s ability to generate profits pe r

unit of sales. If sales lack sufficient margin of profit, it is difficult for the
business enterprise to cover its fixed cost, including fixed charges on debt, and
to earn profit for shareholders. From investors point of view profits are
compared by the investors as percentage to the capital employed in the
business enterprise. Absence of adequate profitability ratio on sales reflects the

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company’s inability to utilise assets effectively. This is analysed through the
asset turnover ratio.

One of the important profitability ratios is profits on equity – profit figure after
interest, before dividend and taxes, drawn from the profit and loss account is
related to the equity of the shareholders as shown in balance sheet. This is an
indicator of profits earned on funds invested by the owners. It is an indicator of
actual returns received by them. This ratio may assume two forms:

𝑬𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒂𝒗𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑬𝒒𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔

⁄𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑬𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒕𝒚
𝑵𝒆𝒕 𝑰𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝑨𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒂𝒙
⁄𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑬𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒕𝒚
The ratio at (2) is used where the company has no preference shareholders.

Profit margin is another measure of viewing profitability. The revenue be aring

property of sales can be easily assessed from the profit margin. It is de rived by
dividing operating income from business by sales. This ratio indicates the
efficiency of operations as well as how products are priced. Inadequacy of profit
margin is an evidence of company’s inability to achieve satisfactory re sults.
Pricing decisions are made by financial executives in consultation with the
marketing departments of the company. Policy decisions relating to increase or
decrease in price are taken in respect of different products keeping in vie w the
competitiveness of the market. Profit margin ratio is constantly used by
business executives for this purpose. To look into the cash generating capacity
of sales, gross profit margin is used by deducting the cost of goods sold from
sales and dividing by sales.

The gross profit margin ratio indicates the profits relative to sales after
deduction of direct production cost. It indicates efficiency of production
operations and the relationship between production costs and se lling price.
The difference between the above two ratios i.e. gross profit margin and ne t
profit margin ratios is that general and administrative expenses are e xcluded
while computing gross margin. Thus, net profit margin ratio is cal culated as

𝑵𝒆𝒕 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒂𝒙𝒆𝒔

Net Profit Margin =

NPM ratio is an indicator of company’s ability to generate profits after paying

all taxes and expenses. Decline in this ratio re flects the pre sence of e ither
higher expense relative to sales or higher tax burden on the company, affecting
its profitability adversely. For assessment of profitability as a decision criterion
return on investment (ROI) is a frequently used ratio.

Return on Investment: This is an important profitability ratio from the angle

of shareholders and reflects on the ability of management to e arn a re turn on
resources put in by the shareholders. The beauty of the ROI ratio is that
earning of the company can be viewed from different angles so as to take
decisions on different causes responsible, to reduce or to enhance the
profitability of the company. One way of finding out rate of re turn on asse ts
employed in the company is to find the ratio of e arnings be fore interest and
taxes (EBIT) to capital employed. This ratio indicates operating income to the
assets used to produce income.

Another way of computing the ratio of return is through the assets turnover
ratio and margin of profit which gives the same results, as EBIT to capital
employed. It may be seen from the following:
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× =
𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝑨𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝑨𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒕𝒔
A high ratio indicates efficient use of assets and low ratio reflects inefficient use
of assets by a company.

COSTING &  In financial management, costing relates to the system adopted for
RISK assessing cost of capital from various sources viz., e quity and pre ference
shares, debentures/bonds, long-term borrowings from financial
institutions, etc.

 There are thus, risks involved if interest is not paid or on account of default
in repayment of principal. It is ordinarily expected that every rupee obtained
on loan enhances the chances of increasing the returns on owne rs’ capital
and the net worth. The rate of interest on borrowed funds is usually lower
than the returns expected by the investors or risk-takers in the busine ss.
Moreover, interest paid is deductible for tax purposes.

 But if the company is not able to earn sufficient returns, the re turns on
owners’ funds are reduced and risk increases. Using borrowe d funds or
fixed cost funds in the capital structure of a company is called financial

 High financial gearing will increase the earnings per share of a company if
earnings before interest and taxes are rising, as compared to the e arnings
per share of a company with low or no financial gearing. It may be
understood that leverage and gearing are used interchangeably. (The former
is used in the USA and the latter in U.K.). So at times when the economy is
doing well, the shareholders of a highly geared company will do better than
the shareholders of a low geared company. However, if the company i s not
doing well, when its profits before interest and taxes are falling, the
earnings per share of highly geared company will fall faster than those of
the low geared company. The higher this level of financial gearing, the
greater the risk. Those who take risk should appre ciate that in difficult
times their reward will be below average but in good times they will receive
above average rewards. The lower the levels of financial gearing, the
more conservative are the financial policies of the company and the
less will be deviations over time to earnings per share.

 Risk is associated with fixed charges in the shape of interest on debt

capital. Higher the fixed charges, the greater the chance that it will not be
covered by earnings and so greater the risk. Large companies financed by
heavy borrowings, need to continue to produce and search for new markets
for their output. Any internal disturbance or external constraint that may
hamper the company’s production and sales will reduce inflow of funds but

 Debt is associated with risk which enhances with increase in the leverage.
There are two major reasons for this increased risk viz., (1) interest is a
fixed charge and is required to be paid by the company whether or not it
earns profits; and (2) a substantial decrease in liquidity or increased
demands from creditors for payment if the company has higher proportion
of debt capital in its capital structure. For these reasons, the risk of a
company not being able to meet its obligations is greater than in the case of
a company in which the proportion of borrowed sum is substantially

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 Distinction may be made between different types of risk to which an

enterprise is exposed in the business environment. The risk which we have
discussed is financial risk that arises in relation to owners’ return created
by the utilization of funds in the enterprise particularly fixed cost securities
i.e. debt and preference shares. Financial risk is distinguished from
“business risks” which is associated with the chance of loss due to
variability of return, in general, created by the enterprise and as such it is
known as operating risk. It is concerned with EBIT (earnings before
interest and taxes) whereas financial risk is concerned with EAIT (e arning
after interest and taxes). If there is preference capital then the financial risk
is concerned with earnings available to ordinary (equity) shareholders after
dividends have been paid to preference shareholders.

 Financial risk encompasses the risk of possible insolvency and the

variability in the earnings on equity. In case the enterprise does not
employ debt or preference capital there will be no financial risk and
overall risk for the firm will be low . It is only because of application of
debt financing, that overall risk increases and originates into financial risk
to equity holders.

 Besides, there are other types of risk which are related to investment
decisions and not cost of financial sources viz., purchasing power risk,
market risk, interest rate risk, social or regulatory risk and other risks.

 Purchasing power risk affects all investors. The risk is associated with
changes in the price level on account of inflation. Under inflationary
conditions, the purchasing power of money decreases ove r time, and the
investor is faced with the possibility of loss on account of investments made
to the extent of inflation. Under inflationary conditions, therefore, the re al
rate of return would vary from the nominal rate of return (viz., the pe rcent
return on the face value of inve stment made).

 Interest rate risk is concerned with holders of the bonds due to changes in
interest rates. These bonds are high quality bonds not subject to busine ss
or financial risk but their prices are determined by their prevailing level of
interest rates in the market. As a result, if interest rate falls, the price of
these bonds will rise and vice versa. The risk is more in case of long -
term bonds because the rate of interest may fluctuate, over a wider
range as compared to a short-term bond. As regards social and
regulatory risks, they arise due to harsh regulatory measures like licensing,
nationalisation, price controls limiting profits, etc. Other types of risks may
depend upon the nature of investment.


FINANCIAL RISK Obligation to mandatorily pay interest on the borrowings
whether profit is available or not. This risk is faced by
only those businesses who have borrowed funds from
outside sources like bank loans, etc.
OPERATING This risk is faced by all the businesses and cannot be
RISK eliminated. This risk is the chances of incurr ing losses
because of variations in revenue & cost of busine ss due
to various factors.

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PURCHASING Purchasing power risk affects all inve stors. The risk is
POWER RISK associated with changes in the price level on account of
INTEREST RATE Interest rate risk is concerned with holders of the bonds
RISK due to changes in interest rates.

FINANCIAL  Generally the affairs of a firm should be managed in such a way that the
DISTRESS & total risk – business as well as financial – borne by equity holders is
INSOLVENCY minimised and is manageable, otherwise, the firm would obviously face
 In managing business risk, the firm has to cope with the variability of the
demand for its products, their prices, input prices, etc. It has also to ke e p a
tab on fixed costs.
 As regards financial risk, high proportion of debt in the capital structure
entails a high level of interest payments. If cash inflow is inadequate, the
firm will face difficulties in payment of interest and repayment of principal.
If the situation continues long enough, a time will come when the firm
would face pressure from creditors. Failure of sales can also cause
difficulties in carrying out production operations. The firm would find i tself
in a tight spot. Investors would not invest further. Creditors would recall
their loans. Capital market would heavily discount its securities. Thus, the
firm would find itself in a situation called distress. It may have to se ll its
assets to discharge its obligations to outsiders at prices below their
economic values i.e. resort to distress sale. So whe n the sale proce eds is
inadequate to meet outside liabilities, the firm is said to have failed or
become bankrupt or (after due processes of law are gone through) insolvent.
 Failure of a firm is technical if it is unable to meet its current obligations.
The failure could be temporary and might be remediable. Whe n liabilities
exceed assets i.e. the net worth becomes negative, bankruptcy, as
commonly understood, arises.
 Technical bankruptcy can be ascertained by comparing current assets
and current liabilities i.e. working out current ratio or quick ratio.
 On the other hand, solvency ratios indicate long term liquidity i.e. the
ability of the firm to discharge its term-liabilities. Examples of solvency
ratios are Debt to Equity ratio, Debt to total Funds Ratios, and Interest
coverage ratio. Trend analysis should be made for the past three to five
years to pick up signals of bankruptcy, if any.

FINANCIAL  Financial Management is a subject within the compass of social science as

MANAGEMENT it deals with people. Its nature is nearer to applied sciences as it envisages
AS A SCIENCE use of classified and tested knowledge as a he lp in practical affairs and
OR AN ART solving business.
 A very interesting presentation has been made by Weston in his book
“Methodology in Finance”. The finance functions are mainly three viz.,
planning, organisation and financial control. In each of these finance
functions elements of science and art can be observed. Wherever
methodology is to be applied in decision making in all these areas, the
subject matter becomes a science confronted with the framework of
techniques and tools. On the other hand, when the que stion of choice to
make selection out of the alternative results arises the subject matter
becomes an art requiring human skills for value judgement.
 For example, in planning function, there are certain goals, which may be
short-term goals or long-term goals. Each falls within the area of art.
Another parameter of planning is estimating funds, which may again be
short-term or long-term involving techniques and skills. When involvement
to techniques is there the subject matter re mains science and when the

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skills are required to be interpreted, the subject matter be comes an art. It
so happens in all aspects of planning, organisation and control. Thus, in
the entire study of financial management whether it is related to investment
decision, financing decisions i.e. deciding about the sources of financing, or
dividend decision, there is a mixture of science as well as art.
 When techniques for analytical purposes are used it is science and whe n
choice in appreciation of the results is made it is an art. Thus, people w ill
like to call financial management as science as well as art. But it is
better if we say that the discipline of financial management has both the
aspects of science as well as art; where there is theory of systematic
knowledge it is science and where there is application it is art.

FUNCTIONS OF 1. Forecasting of Cash Flow: This is necessary for the successful day to day
FINANCE operations of the business so that it can discharge its obligations as and
MANAGER when they arise.

2. Raising Funds: The Financial Manager has to plan for mobilising funds from
different sources so that the requisite amount of funds are made available
to the business enterprise to meet its requirements for short term, me dium
term and long term.

3. Managing the Flow of Internal Funds: Here the Manager has to keep a track
of the surplus in various bank accounts of the organisation and ensure that
they are properly utilised to meet the requirements of the business.

4. To Facilitate Cost Control: The Financial Manager is generally the first

person to recognise when the costs for the supplies or production processes
are exceeding the standard costs/budgeted figures. Consequently, he can
make recommendations to the top management for controlling the costs.

5. To Facilitate Pricing of Product, Product Lines and Services: The Financial

Manager can supply important information about cost changes and cost at
varying levels of production and the profit margins needed to carry on the
business successfully.

6. Forecasting Profits: The Financial manager is usually responsible for

collecting the relevant data to make forecasts of profit levels in future.

7. Measuring Required Return: The acceptance or rejection of an inve stment

proposal depends on whether the expected return from the proposed
investment is equal to or more than the required rate of return.

8. Managing Assets: The function of asset management focuses on the

decision-making role of the financial manager.

9. Managing Funds: Funds may be viewed as the liquid assets of the firm. In
the management of funds, the financial manager acts as a specialised staff
officer to the Chief Executive of the company.

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CAPITAL Capital budgeting refers to long-term planning for propose d capital outlays and
BUDGETING: their financing. Thus, it includes both raising of long-te rm funds as we ll as
their utilisation. It may, thus, be de fined as the “firm’s formal process for
PLANNING & acquisition and investment of capital.”
CAPITAL To be more precise, capital budgeting decision may be defined as “the firms’
EXPENSES decision to invest its current fund more efficiently in long -te rm activities in
anticipation of an expected flow of future benefit over a series of ye ars.” The
long-term activities are those activities which affect firms ope ration be yond
the one year period.

The basic feature of capital budgeting decisions are:

(1) current funds are exchanged for future benefits;
(2) there is an investment in long-term activities; and
(3) The future benefits will occur to the firm over series of years.

NEED FOR The following factors give rise to the need for capital investments:
CAPITAL (a) Wear and tear of old Equipments.
INVESTMENT (b) Obsolescence.
(c) Variation in product demand necessitating change in volume of
(d) Product improvement requiring capital additions.
(e) Learning-curve effect.
(f) Expansion.
(g) Change of plant site.
(h) Diversification.
(i) Productivity improvement.

INVESTMENT  Usually, in investment problems, much attention is focussed on how to

DECISION: choose among alternative projects, so that one is tempted to be lie ve that
MANAGEMENT this constitutes the only problem in capital decisions.
PERSPECTIVE  A possible objective might be to maximise return on investment in which
case the management might seek to minimise investment by selecting only
a few capital projects that yield the highest returns.
 Within the board company objectives, top management also reviews the
competitive position of the company and if the competition is sharper, the
management looks out continuously to evaluate and upgrade the
Equipments to achieve greater efficiency at least cost.
 Top management has also to keep watch on company funds which finance
investments. It cannot allow funds to lie idle just because suitable proje ct
is not at hand. The cost of idle funds is substantial and hence the need for
looking out for suitable investment opportunities. If such opportunities
exist then the management must spare funds and if existing funds are
inadequate it should raise funds externally.
 Funds for capital investment must be arranged on a long-term basis
otherwise borrowings short and investing long can lead to lack of liquidity
and consequent troubles.
 And finally, the top management is usually concerned with
implementation and control aspects of investment projects.

IMPORTANCE Capital budgeting decisions are of paramount importance in financial

OF CAPITAL decision. So it needs special care on account of the following reasons:
BUDGETING (1) LONG-TERM IMPLICATIONS: A capital budgeting decision has its effect

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over a long time span and inevitably affects the company’s future cost
structure and growth.
decisions need substantial amount of capital outlay.
(3) IRREVERSIBLE DECISIONS: Capital budgeting decisions in most of the
cases are irreversible because it is difficult to find a market for such asse ts.
The only way out will be to scrap the capital assets so acquired and incur
heavy losses.
(4) RISK AND UNCERTAINTY: Capital budgeting decision is surrounded by
great number of uncertainties. The future is uncertain and full of risks.
Longer the period of project, greater may be the risk and uncertainty.
(5) DIFFICULT TO MAKE: Capital budgeting decision making is a difficult and
complicated exercise for the management. These decisions require an ove rall
assessment of future events which are uncertain.

FACTORS (i) MANAGEMENT OUTLOOK: If the management is progressive and has an

INFLUENCING aggressive marketing and growth outlook, it will encourage innovation
INVESTMENT and favour capital proposals which ensure better productivity or quality
DECISIONS or both.

(ii) COMPETITOR’S STRATEGY: If competitors continue to install more

equipment and succeed in turning out better products, the e xistence of
the company not following suit would be seriously threatened. This
reaction to a rival’s policy regarding capital investment often forces
decision on a company.


changes create new equipment which may represent a major change in
process, so that there emerges the need for re -evaluation of existing
capital equipment in a company. However, the management should think
in terms of incremental cost, not the full accounting cost of the new
equipment because cost of new equipment is partly offset by the salvage
value of the replaced equipment. In such analysis an index called the
disposal ratio becomes relevant.

(iv) MARKET FORECAST: Both short and long run market forecasts are
influential factors in capital investment decisions. In order to participate
in long-run forecast for market potential critical decisions on capital
investment have to be taken.

(v) FISCAL INCENTIVES: Tax concessions either on new investment incomes

or investment allowance allowed on new investment decisions, the
method for allowing depreciation deduction allowance also influence ne w
investment decisions.

(vi) CASH FLOW BUDGET: The analysis of cash-flow budget which shows the
flow of funds into and out of the company, may affect capital inve stment
decision in two ways.

(vii) NON-ECONOMIC FACTORS: New equipment may make the workshop a

pleasant place and permit more socialising on the job. The effect would be
reduced absenteeism and increased productivity. It may be difficult to
evaluate the benefits in monetary terms and as such we call this as non -
economic factor.
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RATIONALE OF The rationale behind the capital budgeting decisions is efficiency. The main
CAPITAL objective of the firm is to maximise profit either by way of increased re venue
BUDGETING or by cost reduction.
Broadly, there are two types of capital budgeting decisions which
expand revenue or reduce cost.


investment decisions which are expected to bring additional reve nue by
raising the size of firm’s total revenue. It is possible either by expansion of
present operations or the development of new product in line. In both the
cases fixed assets are required.


decisions of the firms which reduces the total costs and leads to increase
in its total earnings i.e. when an asset is worn out or becomes out-dated,
the firm has to decide whether to continue with it or replace it by new

3. TACTICAL INVESTMENT DECISIONS: It includes those investment

decisions which generally involves a relatively small amount of funds an d
does not constitute a major departure from what the firm has been doing
in the past.

4. STRATEGIC INVESTMENT DECISIONS: Such decisions involve large sum

of money and envisage major departure from what the company has bee n
doing in the past. Acceptance of strategic investment will involve
significant change in the company’s expected profits and the risk to
which these profits will be subject. These changes are likely to lead stock-
holders and creditors to revise their evaluation of the company.

KINDS OF (i) ACCEPT-REJECT DECISIONS: Business firm is confronted with alternative

CAPITAL investment proposals. If the proposal is accepted, the firm incur the
BUDGETING investment and not otherwise. Broadly, all those investment proposals
DECISIONS which yield a rate of return greater than cost of capital are acce pted and
the others are rejected. Under this criterion, all the independent
prospects are accepted.

(ii) MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE DECISIONS: It includes all those projects which

compete with each other in a way that acceptance of one precludes the
acceptance of other or others . Thus, some technique has to be used for
selecting the best among all and eliminates other alternatives.

(iii) CAPITAL RATIONING DECISIONS: Capital budgeting decision is a

simple process in those firms where fund is not the constraint, but in
majority of the cases, firms have fixed capital budget. So large numbe r of
projects competes for these limited budgets. So the firm ration the m in a
manner so as to maximise the long run returns.

Thus, capital rationing refers to the situations where the firm have more
acceptable investments requiring greater amount of finance than is
available with the firm. It is concerned with the selection of a group of
investment out of many investment proposals ranked in the descending
order of the rate of return.

CAPITAL It is a complex process which may be divided in the following phases:

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PROCESS possible alternatives is not all that is required in any se arch for inve stment
proposals. The best proposal needs to be discovered and considered. Capital
expenditure proposals should come from different segments of the enterprise.
Personnel working at different levels in the organisation should be
encouraged to participate in the discovery of best available proposals for
capital outlays within the limits of their authority, knowledge and experience.
It is better if management establishes well-defined guide lines for se arching
investment proposals so that no useful idea remains uncommunicated and no
redundant proposal pass through the processing stage.

Proposals regarding capital expenditure do not originate at the level of the

controller or the budget committee. The requirements for fixed-assets
expenditure are forwarded by the managers of different operating units or

II. ASSEMBLING INVESTMENT PROPOSAL: Economic performance like return

on investment as calculated in a number of ways under different methods
furnishes the most important criterion used for evaluating fixed assets
investment proposals. But here also the technique to be used fo r e valuating
economic performance should be clearly defined and communicated. The re
are also occasions when non-economic criteria like compe tition, risk, le gal
requirements, and social responsibilities become the over-riding
considerations in evaluating different investment proposals. Re le vance and
reliability of criteria should be continuously reviewed.

All those proposals which are conflicting or Duplicate and do not deserve
further consideration are rejected so that only useful alternatives are
analysed in detail.

III. DECISION MAKING: It would be useful if different proposals are prope rly
classified and diagnosed before their evaluation. Investment proposals may be
classified on the basis of the degree of risk involved or the extent to which
they are postponable. In terms of reasons for the expenditure, the proposals
may be classified whether they result in replacements, betterments or
additions to assets. In the process, certain mutually exclusive and conflicting
proposals will be eliminated. If the firm enjoys sufficient resources to finance
all the remaining projects which are profitable, ranking them in order of
preference is not a serious problem. But in reality, the number of proposals are
generally larger than the amount of funds available with the firm, and the
controller wants to recommend only the most desirable of them. As a matter of
fact, some of the good proposals are also rejected even when they are

IV. BUDGETING CAPITAL EXPENDITURE: Capital budgeting refers to the

process of planning the investment of funds in long-term assets of the
enterprise. Its purpose is to help management control capital expenditure.
With the help of capital budgeting, management is able not only to reject po or
investment decisions but also to select, in order of priority the projects which
are most profitable and consistent with the objectives and targets set.
Additions, replacement and betterments require additional funds to be
committed to long-term assets, and are thus included in the capital budge t
which is typically prepared for a year. Capital budget is a snapshot of the
plan and projects for the coming year for which approval is sought.


aspect of planning and control of capital outlays is to devise a procedure to

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exercise control over projects while in process. Controlling of projects in
process generally falls within the purview of the financial manager .

VI. FOLLOW-UP AND PERFORMANCE REPORT: The project manager or the

manager originating the investment proposal is responsible for submitting its
completion report on the basis of which management normally proceeds to
carry out the post completion audit. Follow up implies comparing and
reporting actual results with the projected result of investment proposal so as
to evaluate the performance and outcome in proper perspective.

INVESTMENT A sound and systematic investment criterion is absolutely necessary to

CRITERIA appraise the economic worth of an investment proposal. It is be cause of the
fact that huge sums of scarce financial and other re sources are to be sunk
almost irrevocably within a limited span of time for which returns and
rewards are uncertain and expected to accrue over a long period of time in the
future. A sound investment criteria at least should provide the following:
1. a means of distinguishing between acceptable and non-acceptable projects;
2. ranking of projects in order of their desirability;
3. choice among several alternatives;
4. a criteria which is applicable to any conceivable investment project
independent of others;
5. recognising the fact that the bigger benefits are preferable to smalle r one
and early benefits are preferable to later benefits;
6. Helping to choose among mutually exclusive projects, one which maximises
the shareholders wealth.

CAPITAL A wide variety of techniques are used for evaluating investment proposals.
BUDGETING The most commonly used techniques are as follows:



TRADITIONAL As the name suggested, these techniques do not discount the cash flows to
OR NON find out their present worth. There are two such techniques available i.e. (i)
DISCOUNTED the Payback period method, and (ii) the Accounting rate of Return method.
1. PAYBACK  This technique estimates the time required by the project to recover,
PERIOD through cash inflows, the firm’s initial outlay.
METHOD  Beginning with the project with the shortest payout period , different
projects are arranged in order of time required to recapture their
respective estimated initial outlays.
 The payback period for each investment proposal is compared with the
maximum period acceptable to management and proposals are then
ranked and selected in order of those having minimum payout period.

While estimating net cash inflows for each investment proposal, the following
considerations should be borne in mind:
(i) Cash inflows should be estimated on incremental basis so that only the
difference between cash inflows of the firm with and without the proposed
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investment project is considered.
(ii) Cash inflows for a project should be estimated on an after-tax basis.
(iii) Since non-cash expenses like depreciation do not involve any cash
outflows, estimated cash inflows form a project should be adjuste d for such

Sometimes there are projects where the cash inflows are not uniform. In such
a case cumulative cash inflows will be calculated and by interpolation
exact payback period can be calculated.


Accept the project if the payback period calculated for it is less than the
maximum set by the management.

Reject the project if it is otherwise. In case of multiple proje cts, the proje ct
with shorter payback period will be selected. In essence, payback period
shows break-even point where cash inflows are equal to cash out flows. Any
inflows beyond this period are surplus inflows.

Advantages of Payback Disadvantages

1. It is easy to understand and calculate, thus, 1. The payback
investment proposals can be ranked quickly. method ignores the
time value of money
2. For a firm experiencing shortage of cash, the and treats all cash
payback technique may be used with advantage to flows at par.
select investments involving minimum time to
recapture the original investment. 2. The payback
method does not
3. The payback period method permits the firm to consider cash flows
determine the length of time required to recapture and income that may
through cash flows, the capital expenditure be earned beyond the
incurred on a given project and thus helps it to payout period so it is
determine the degree of risk involved in each not good measure of
investment proposal. profitability. It gives
misleading results.
4. This is ideal in deciding cash investment in a
foreign country with volatile dynamic political 3. Moreover, it does
position where a long-term projection of political not take into account
stability is difficult. the salvage or residual
value, if any, of the
5. This is, likewise, more preferred in case of long-term asset.
industries where technological obsolescence comes
within short period; say electronic industries. 4. The payback
technique ignores the
6. This method is a good indicator of liquidity. If cost of capital as the
an entrepreneur is interested to have greater cut-off factor affecting
liquidity for the firm, he can choose the proposal, selection of investment
which will provide early cash inflows. proposals.


Payback period method may be successfully applied in the following
(i) where the firms suffers from liquidity problem and is interested in quick
recovery of fund than profitability;
(ii) high external financing cost of the project;
(iii) for projects involving very uncertain return ; and
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(iv) Political and economic pressures.

2. AVERAGE  This method is designated to consider the relative profitability of

RATE OF different capital investment proposals as the basis for ranking the m – the
RETURN fact neglected by the payout period technique.
 Since this method uses accounting rate of return, it is sometimes
ACCOUNTIN described as the financial statement method.
G RATE OF  Rate of return is calculated by dividing earnings by capital invested.
RETURN  The numerator, i.e., earnings can be interpreted in a numbe r of ways. It
might mean income after taxes and depreciation, income before taxes and
OR depreciation, or income after taxes but before depreciation.
FINANCIAL  Average investment is estimated by dividing the total of original
investment and investment in the project at the end of its economic life by
 Since both numerator and denominator carry different meanings. It is not
surprising if one comes across a number of variations of the ave rage rate
of return method. However, the two common variations are:

Decision Rule for Average of Rate of Return Method:

Normally, business firm determine rate of return. So acce pt the proposal if
ARR > Minimum rate of return (cut off rate)
and Reject the project if ARR < Minimum rate of return (cut off rate)

In case of more than one project, where a choice has to be made, the different
projects may be ranked in descending or ascending order of their rate of
return. Project below the minimum rate will be dropped. In case of project
yielding rate of return higher than minimum rate, it is obvi ous that proje ct
yielding a higher rate of return will be preferred to all.

Advantages of Average Rate of Return Method:

(i) Earnings over the entire life of the project are considered.
(ii) This method is easy to understand, simple to follow. Accounting concept of
income after taxes is known to every student of accountancy.

Disadvantages of Average Rate of Return Method:

(i) Like the payback technique, the average return on investment method also
ignores the time value of money. Consideration to distribution of earnings
over time is important. It is to be accepted that current income is more
valuable than income received at a later date.
(ii) The method ignores the shrinkage of original investment through the
process of charging depreciation allowances against earnings. Even the
assumption of regular recovery of capital over time as implied in average
investment approach is not well founded.
(iii) The average rate of return on original investment approach cannot be
applied to a situation where part of the investment is to be made after the
beginning of the project.
(iv) Since ARR can be calculated by using different methods, so results are not
the same. Thus, the identification of right method to compare with cut of rate
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is difficult to apply.
(v) Its major limitation is that ARR is based on accounting principle and not
on cash flow analysis.

Suitability of using ARR Method:

If the project life is not long, then the method can be used to have a rough
assessment of the internal rate of return. The present method is generally
used as supplementary tool only .

DISCOUNTED The traditional techniques like the Payback period or Accounting rate of
CASH FLOW return takes no account of the time value of the money. But mone y re ceived
METHOD today is much more valuable than the some money received later.

Discounted cash flow method involves following steps:

1. Computation of cash flows i.e. both inflows and out flows (preferably after
tax) over the life of the project.
2. Applying the discount factor to the cash flows.
3. Totalling discounted cash-inflows and comparing it with discounted cash

1. NET The net present value method is understood to be the best available method
PRESENT for evaluating the capital investment proposals. Under this method, the cash
VALUE outflows and inflows associated with each project are ascertained first.
Cash inflows are worked out by adding depreciation to profit after tax arising
to each project. Since the cash outflows and inflows arise at different point of
time and cannot be compared, so both are reduced to the pre se nt value s at
the rate of return acceptable to the management. The rate of return is e ithe r
cost of capital of the firm or the opportunity cost of capital to be inve ste d in
the project. The assumption under this method remain that cash inflows are
reinvested at the same discount rate.

In essence, Net Present Value is the difference between the sum total of
present values of all the future cash inflows and outflows:

Decision Rule of using NPV Method:

If NPV > Zero: Accept the project
NPV < Zero: Reject the project
NPV = Zero: Firm is indifferent to accept or reject the project.

Advantages Disadvantages
(i) Income over the entire life of the proje ct (i) As compared with the first
is considered. two methods, the present
(ii) The method takes into account time value approach is certainly
value of money. more difficult to understand
(iii) The method provides clear acceptance and apply. It requires special
so interpretation is easy. skill for calculation.
(iv) When projects involves different (ii) An additional difficulty in
amount of investment, the method may this approach is encountered
not provide satisfactory answers. when projects with unequal
(v) This method considers the firm lives are to be evaluated.
objective of wealth maximisation concept (iii) It is difficult to de te rmine
for the shareholders. the firm cost of capital or
appropriate rate of discount.

Suitability of NPV Method:

Net present value is the most suitable method in those circumstances where
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availability of resources is not a constraint. The management authority can
accept all those projects having Net Present Value either Zero or positive. This
method shall maximise shareholders wealth and market value of share which
is the sole aim of any business enterprise.

The Modified Net Present Value Method

One of the limitations of NPV method is that reinvestment rate in case of NPV
is Cost of Capital (k).

However, in case of MNPV, different reinvestment rates for the cash inflows
over the life of the project may be used.

Under this modified approach, terminal value of the cash inflows is calculated
using such expected reinvestment rate (s). Thereafter, MNPV is de te rmined
with present value of such terminal value of the cash inflows and present
value of the cash outflows using cost of capital (k) as the discounting factor.

Terminal value is the sum of the compounded value of cash inflows of

different years at the end of the life of the project. If the life of the project is ‘n’
years, cash inflow of period ‘t’ is CFt and reinvestment rate is ‘r’, the terminal

value will be

2. INTERNAL  The internal rate of return refers to the rate which e quates the pre sent
RATE OF value of cash inflows and present value of cash outflows.
RETURN  In other words, it is the rate at which net present value of the inve stment
(IRR) is zero. If the Net Present Value is positive, a higher discount rate may be
used to bring it down to equalise the discount cash inflows and vice versa.
That is why Internal Rate of Return is defined as the break even financing
rate for the project.
 The necessary steps to be followed in applying this method are:
(i) Project the net cash benefit of an investment during the whole of its
economic life. Future cash flows should be estimated after taxes, but
before depreciation and interest.
(ii) Determine the rate of discount that e quates the pre sent value of its
future cash benefits to its present investment. The rate of discount is
determined by the method of trial and error.
(iii) Compare the rate of discount as determined above with the cost of
capital or any other cut-off rate, and select proposals with the highest rate
of return as long as the rate is higher than the cost of capital or cut off

Decision Rule:
If Internal Rate of Return i.e.
r > k (cut off rate) Accept the investment proposal
r < k Reject the investment proposal
r = k Indifferent

In case of several investment proposals the projects may be ranked according

to their Internal Rate of Return, the project with highest Internal Rate of
Return, is ranked first and so on. Acceptance of more than one proje ct may
follow in order of priority.

Advantages of IRR Method Disadvantages of IRR Method

(i) The discounted cash flow (i) The discounted cash flow is the most
(IRR) takes into account the difficult of all the methods of project evaluation
time value of money. discussed above.
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(ii) It considers cash
benefits, i.e. profitability of (ii) An important assumption implied in this
the project for the whole of method is that incomes are reinvested
its economic life. (compounding) over the projects economic life
(iii) The rate of discount at at the rate earned by the investment. This
which the present value of assumption is correct and justified only whe n
cash flows is equated to the internal rate of return is ve ry close to the
capital outlay on a project is average rate of return earned by the company
shown as a percentage on its total investments. To the extent internal
figure. Evidently, this rate of return departs from the typical rate of
method provides for uniform earnings of the company, results of this
ranking and quick method will be misleading. Thus, when the
comparison of relative internal rate of return on a project is compute d
efficiency of different to be 30% while company’s average rate of
projects. return is 15%, the assumption of earning
(iv) This method is income on income at the rate of 30% is highly
considered to be a unrealistic. From this point of view the
sophisticated and more assumption of the net present value method
reliable technique of that incomes are reinvested at the rate of
evaluating capital discount (cost of capital) seems to be more
investment proposals. reasonable.
(v) The objective of
maximising of owner’s (iii) The rate may be negative or one or may be
wealth is met. multiple rates as per calculations. When a
project has a sequence of changes in sign of
cash flow, there may be more than one internal
rate of return.

Modified IRR:
The limitation of IRR is that reinvestment rate in case of IRR is IRR itself. This
can be overcome changing the reinvestment rate incorporating the
expected reinvestment rate for future periods over the life of the proje cts and
using such expected reinvestment rate for calculating the te rminal value of
the cash inflows for different years of the life of the project.

Thereafter, MIRR is determined with present value of such te rminal value of

the cash inflows and present value of the cash outflows. In othe r words, the
MIRR is the discount rate which will make present /discounted value of
terminal value of cash inflows equal to present/discounted value of cash

Procedure to calculate MIRR:

In case of mutually exclusive projects, financial appraisal using NPV & IRR
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methods may provide conflicting results. The reasons for such conflicts may
be attributed to (i) Difference in timing / pattern of cash inflows of the
alternative proposals (Time Disparity), (ii) difference in their amount of
investment (Size Disparity) and (iii) difference in the life of the alternative
proposals (Life Disparity).

TIME DISPARITY: Main source of conflict is the different re -inve stment rate
assumption. Such conflicts may be resolved using modified version of NPV
and IRR using expected / defined reinvestment rate applicable to the firm.

SIZE DISPARITY: Conflict may arise due to disparity in the size of initial
investment /outlays. Such conflict may be resolved using incremental

 Find out the differential cash flows between the two proposals
 Calculate the IRR of the incremental cash flows
 If the IRR of the differential cash flows exceeds the required rate of re turn
(usually cost of capital), the project having greater non-discounted net
cash flows should be selected.

Unequal lives of the Projects or LIFE DISPARITY

In some cases, the mutually exclusive alternatives with different/ une qual
lives may lead to conflict in ranking. To re solve such conflict, one approach is
to compare the alternatives on the basis of their Equivale nt Annual Be nefit
(EAB) or Equivalent Annual Cost (EAC) and select the alternative with the
higher EAB or lower EAC.

Another approach is to evaluate the alternatives over an equal time frame

using the lowest common multiple (LCM) of the lives of the alternatives unde r
consideration. This method is referred to as LCM method. For example, life of
Proposal A is 3 Years and that of B is 5 years. Lowest common multiple period
is 15 years, during which period, it may be assumed that Machine A will be
replaced 5 times and Machine B will be replaced 3 times. Cash Flows are
extended to this period and computations made. The final results would the n
be on equal platform i.e. equal years, and hence would be comparable .

If a firm is evaluating tow mutually exclusive proposals, then the decision

may be taken in normal course on the basis of NPV of the two proposals. The
proposal with the higher NPV will be selected as it will give greater rise in the
wealth of the shareholders.

Equivalent Annual Annuity Approach (EAA)

The EAA approach uses a three-step process to compare projects. The present
value of the constant annual cash flows is exactly equal to the proje ct’s ne t
present value.

The three steps includes

1. Calculate each project’s NPV over its lifetime
2. Compute each project’s EAA so that the present value of the annuities is
exactly equal to the project’s NPV
3. Compares each project’s EAA and selects the one with the highest EAA.

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3. PROFITABIL Profitability Index is defined as the rate of present value of the future cash
ITY INDEX benefits at the required rate of return to the initial cash outflow of the
(PI) investment. Symbolically, Profitability Index is expressed as :
Profitability Index = PV of Future cash flows ÷ Initial cash investment

The above ratio is an indicator of the profitability of the project. If the ratio is
equal to or greater than one, it shows that project has an expected yield equal
to or greater than the discount rate. If the index is less than one, it indicates
that project has an expected yield less than the discount rate.

Decision Rule:
If PI > 1 Accept the Project, PI = 1 indifferent, PI < 1 Reject the project.

In the event of more than one alternative, projects may be ranke d according
to their ratio – the project with the highest ratio should be ranke d first and
vice versa.

Advantages Disadvantages
(1) Profitability Index method gives due (1) This method is more
consideration to the time value of money. difficult to understand and
(2) Profitability Index method satisfies compute.
almost all the requirements of a sound (2) This method does not take
investment criterion. into account the size of
(3) This method can be successfully investment.
employed to rank projects of varying cash (3) When cash outflows occur
and benefits in order of their profitability. beyond the cement period
(4) This method is consistent with the Profitability Index Ratio
principle of shareholders wealth criterion is unsuitable as a
maximisation. selection criterion.

CHOICE OF The business enterprise is confronted with large number of investment

METHODS criteria for selection of investment proposals.

It should like to choose the best among all. Specially, it is the choice between
Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return Method because these are the
two methods which are widely used by the firms. If a choice must be made ,
the Net Present Value Method generally is considered to be superior
theoretically because:
(i) It is simple to operate as compared to internal rate of return method;
(ii) It does not suffer from the limitations of multiple rates;
(iii) The reinvestment assumption of the Net Pre sent Value Me thod is more
realistic than internal rate of return method.

On the other hand, some scholars have advocated for internal rate of re turn
method on the following grounds:
1. It is easier to visualise and to interpret as compared to Ne t Pre sent Value
2. It suggests the maximum rate of return and even in the absence of cost of
capital; it gives fairly good idea of the projects profitability. On the other hand,

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Net Present Value Method may yield incorrect results if the firm’s cost of
capital is not calculated with accuracy.
3. The internal rate of return method is preferable over Net Present Value
Method in the evaluation of risky projects.

LIMITS ON The evaluation techniques discussed above help management to appraise and
INVESTMENTS rank different capital investment proposals in terms of their economic
benefits. But does it mean that management will accept all projects promising
some economic benefit? The most probable answer seems to be in ne gative.
For one thing, no firm enjoys infinite capital supply at a point of time when
investment decisions have to be made.

Ability to generate funds internally and to raise them externally is not without
limits. Next, there are also occasions when quantitative factors of e conomic
evaluation need to be suppleme nted with a number of qualitative
considerations like employee relations, competitive position, e nvironmental
and social responsibility and public relations. Moreover, there are some valid
reasons for establishing some minimum acceptable rate of return bel ow which
management will not accept any investment proposal even if resources would
remain unutilised for some time. The rate of return below which no
investment should ordinarily be accepted is known as the cut off rate
or the hurdle rate.

Further, by indicating the hurdle rate management communicates

throughout the organisation its expectation as to the minimum rate of return.

The cut off rate may be established by any of the following methods:
1. By the method of intuition;
2. By the historical rate of return;
3. By the weighted average cost of capital;
4. By the cost of funds to be used to finance a given project.

CAPITAL The firm may put a limit to the maximum amount that can be invested during
RATIONING a given period of time, such as a year. Such a firm is then said to be resorting to
capital rationing.

A firm with capital rationing constraint attempts to select the combination of

investment projects that will be within the specified limits of inve stments to
be made during a given period of time and at the same time provide greatest

Capital rationing may be effected through budget ceiling. A firm may re sort
to capital rationing when it follows the policy of financing investment
proposals only by ploughing back its retained earnings. In that case , capital
expenditure in a given period cannot exceed the amount of retained e arnings
available for reinvestment.

Management may also introduce capital rationing when a department is

authorised to make investments upto a limit beyond which investment
decisions will be made by higher level management.

Capital rationing may result in accepting several small investment proposals

then accepting a few large investment proposals so that there may be full
utilisation of budget ceiling. This may result in accepting relatively less
profitable investment proposals if full utilization of budget is a primary
consideration. Similarly, capital rationing also means that the firm f oregoes
the next most profitable investment falling after the budget ceiling even
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though it is estimated to yield a rate of return much higher than the required
rate of return. Thus, capital rationing does not lead optimum results.

Uncertainty refers to the outcomes of a given event which are too unsure to
be assigned probabilities, while Risk refers to a set of unique outcome s for a
given event which can be assigned probabilities.

In investment decisions, cash outflows and cash inflows ove r the life of the
project are estimated and on the basis of such estimates, decisions are take n
following some appraisal criteria (NPV, IRR, etc.). Risk and uncertainties are
involved in the estimation of such future cash flows as it is ve ry difficult to
predict with certainty what exactly will happen in future. Therefore, the risk
with reference to capital budgeting is referred to as the variability in actual
returns of a project over its working life in relation to the estimated return as
forecast at the time of the initial capital budgeting de cision. The difference
between the risk and uncertainty, therefore, lies in the fact that variability is
less in risk than in uncertainty. So, the risk exists when the decision maker is
in a position to assign probabilities to various outcomes. This happe ns whe n
the decision maker has some historical data on the basis of which he assigns
probabilities to other projects of the same type.


Risk analysis gives management better information about the possible
outcomes that may occur so that management can use their judge ment and
experience to accept or reject an investment. Since risk analysis is costly, it
should be used relatively in costly and important projects.

Risk and uncertainty are quite inherent in capital budgeting decisions. This is
so because investment decisions and capital budgeting are actions of today
which bear fruits in future which is unforeseen. Future is uncertain and
involve risk. The projection of probability of cash inflows made today are not
certain to be achieved in the course of future. Seasonal fluctuations and
business cycles both deliver heavy impact upon the cash inflows and outflows
projected for different project proposals. The cost of capital which of fe rs cut-
off rates may also be inflated or deflated under business cycle conditions.
Inflation and deflation are bound to effect the investment de cision in future
period rendering the degree of uncertainty more se ve re and e nhancing the
scope of risk. Technological developments are other factors that enhance the
degree of risk and uncertainty by rendering the plants or Equipments
obsolete and the product out of date. Tie up in the procure me nt in quantity
and/or the marketing of products may at times fail and frustrate a busine ss
unless possible alternative strategies are kept in view.


Standard Deviation is considered as the best measures of dispersion or
variability. Higher value of standard deviation indicates higher variability and
vice versa. Higher variability means higher risk. As future cash flows cannot
be estimated with certainty, it involves risk. Therefore, risk in investment
analysis can be measured by using standard deviation. Investment proposal
with lower standard deviation will indicate lower variability in cash flow
estimates; hence such investment proposal may be preferred to the proposal
having higher standard deviation. For comparing different alternative
investment proposals, coefficient of variation is preferred to standard
deviation because coefficient of variation is a relative measure (which is
derived through dividing standard deviation by expected NPV while standard
deviation is an absolute measure.

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Both standard deviation and co-efficient of variation re quire to be adjuste d
with the discount rate with which the project investments are evaluated.
According to the degree of standard deviation or co-efficient of variation, the
investment proposals shall be termed as highly risky or less ri sky
investments. Less risky projects shall be afforded highest priority in
investment or capital budgeting decisions.


Risk adjusted discount rates method is used in investment and budgeting
decisions to cover time value of money and the risk. The use of risk adjuste d
discount rate is based on the concept that investors demands higher re turns
from the risky projects. The required return of return on any investment
should include compensation for delaying consumption equal to risk free rate
of return, plus compensation for any kind of risk taken on. The case, risk
associated with any investment project is higher than risk involved in a
similar kind of project, discount rate is adjusted upward in order to
compensate this additional risk borne.

After determining the appropriate required rate of return (Discount rate) for a
project with a given level of risk cash flows are discounted at this rate in
usual manner.

Adjusting discount rate to reflect project risk- If risk of project is gre ater
than, equal to, less than risk of existing investments of firm, discount rate
used is higher than, equal to or less than average cost of capital as the , case
may be. Risk Adjusted Discount Rate for Project ‘k’ is given by:

Where, NCF t is the forecast ne t cash flow in time period t, K is a risk-adjusted

discount rate (RADR). That is:
RADR = Risk free rate + Risk premium
k = kf + kr


This is another method of dealing with risk in capital budge ting in orde r to
reduce the forecasts of cash flows to some conservative levels. The ce rtainty
equivalent approach may be expressed as:

NCFt = the forecasts of net cash flow without risk adjustment
αt = the risk adjustment factor or the certainty equivalent coefficient
Kf = risk- free rate of return assumed to be constant for all periods

The certainty equivalent coefficient αt assumes value be tween 0 and 1, and

varies inversely with risk. A lower αt will be used if greater risk is pe rce ived
and a higher αt will be used if lower risk is anticipated. The de cision maker
subjectively or objectively establishes the coefficients. These coefficients

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reflect the decision maker’s confidence in obtaining a particular cash flow in
period t. Thus, to obtain ce rtain cash flows, we multiply estimated cash flows
by the certainty-equivalent coefficients.

The certainty-equivalent coefficient can be determined as a relationship

between the certain cash flows and the
risky cash flows, i.e.
Certain Cash Flows
αt =
𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘𝑦 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑐𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑠


Decision tree technique is another method which many corporate units use to
evaluate risky proposals. A decision tree shows the sequential outcome of a
risky decision. A capital budgeting decision tree shows the cash flows and ne t
present value of the project under differing possible circumstances.


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INTRODUCTI  Capital structure means the structure or constitution or break-up of the

ON capital employed by a firm.
 The capital employed consists of both the owners’ capital and the debt
capital provided by the lenders.
 Debt capital is understood here to mean the long term debt which has be e n
deployed to build long term assets.
 Apart from the elements of equity and debt in the capital structure, a firm
could have quasi equity in the form of convertible debt.

TYPES OF  Capital Structure of a firm is a reflection of the overall investment and

CAPITAL financing strategy of the firm.
STRUCTURE  It shows how much reliance is being placed by the firm on exte rnal sources
of finance and how much internal accrual is being used t o finance
expansions etc.

Capital structure can be of various kinds as described below:

In a Horizontal capital structure, the firm has zero debt components in the
structure mix. The structure is quite stable. Expansion of the firm take s in a
lateral manner, i.e. through equity or retained earning only. The absence of de bt
results in the lack of financial leverage. Probability of disturbance of the
structure is remote.


In a vertical capital structure, the base of the structure is formed by a small
amount of equity share capital. This base serves as the foundation on which the
super structure of preference share capital and debt is built. The incre mental
addition in the capital structure is almost e ntirely in the form of debt. Quantum
of retained earnings is low and the dividend pay-out ratio is quite high. In such
a structure, the cost of equity capital is usually higher than the cost of
debt. The high component of debt in the capital structure increases the financial
risk of the firm and renders the structure unstable. The firm, be cause of the
relatively lesser component of equity capital, is vulnerable to hostile takeovers.


A pyramid shaped capital structure has a large proportion consisting of e quity
capital and retained earnings which have been ploughed back into the firm ove r

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a considerably large period of time. The cost of share capital and the re tained
earnings of the firm is usually lower than the cost of debt . This structure is
indicative of risk averse conservative firms.


Such a capital structure has a small component of equity capital, reasonable
level of retained earnings but an ever increasing component of debt. All the
increases in the capital structure in the recent past have be e n made through
debt only. Chances are that the retained earnings of the firm are shrinking due
to accumulating losses. Such a capital structure is highly vulnerable to

SIGNIFICAN Capital structure is significant for a firm because the long term profitability and
CE OF solvency of the firm is sustained by an optimal capital structure consisting of an
CAPITAL appropriate mix of debt and equity. The capital structure also is significant for
STRUCTURE the overall ranking of the firm in the industry group. The significance of the
capital structure is discussed below:

1. It reflects the firm’s strategy

The capital structure reflects the overall strategy of the firm. The strategy
includes the pace of growth of the firm. In case the firm wants to grow at a faster
pace, it would be required to incorporate debt in its capital structure to a greater
extent. Further, in case of growth through acquisitions or the inorganic mode of
growth as it is called, the firm would find that financial leverage is an important
tool in funding the acquisitions.

2. It is an indicator of the risk profile of the firm

One can get a reasonably accurate broad idea about the risk profile of the firm
from its capital structure. If the debt component in the capital structure is
predominant, the fixed interest cost of the firm increases thereby incre asing its
risk. If the firm has no long term debt in its capital structure, it means that
either it is risk averse or it has cost of equity capital or cost of retained earnings
less than the cost of debt.

3. It acts as a tax management tool

The capital structure acts as a tax management tool also. Since the interest on
borrowings is tax deductible, a firm having healthy growth in ope rating profits
would find it worthwhile to incorporate debt in the capital structure in a gre ater

4. It helps to brighten the image of the firm

A firm can build on the retained earnings component of the capital structure by
issuing equity capital at a premium to a spread out base of small investors.
Such an act has two benefits. On the one hand, it helps the firm to improve its
image in the eyes of the investors. At the same time, it reduces chances of
hostile take-over of the firm.

CAPITAL  If you take a look at the balance sheet of a company, the entire left hand side
STRUCTURE which includes liabilities plus equity is called the financial structure of the
VS. company. It contains all the long term and short term sources of capital.
STRUCTURE  On the other hand, capital structure is the sum total of all long term sources
of capital and thus is a part of the financial structure. It includes
debentures, long term debt, preference share capital, e quity share capital
and retained earnings.

 In the simplest of terms, capital structure of a company is that part of

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financial structure that reflects long term sources of capital.

Differences between financial structure and capital structure:

 Capital structure relates to long term capital deployment for creation of long
term assets. Financial structure involves creation of both long term and
short term assets.
 Capital structure is the core element of the financial structure. Capital
structure can exist without the current liabilities and in such cases. Capital
structure shall be equal to the financial structure. But we cannot have a
situation where the firm has only current liabilities and no long term capital.
 The financial structure of a firm is considered to be a balanced one if the
amount of current liabilities is less than the capital structure net of outside
debt because in such cases the long term capital is considered sufficient to
pay current liabilities in case of sudden loss of current assets.
 Components of the capital structure may be used to build up the level of
current assets but the current liabilities should not be used to finance
acquisition of fixed assets. This would result in an asset liability mismatch.

ATTRIBUTES A sound or appropriate capital structure should have the following features:
OF A WELL 1. RETURN: The capital structure of the company should be most
PLANNED advantageous. Subject to other considerations, it should generate maximum
CAPITAL returns to the shareholders without adding additional cost to them.
STRUCTURE 2. RISK: The use of excessive debt threatens the solve ncy of the company. To
the point debt does not add significant risk. It should be sued; othe rwise its
use should be avoided.
3. FLEXIBILITY: The capital structure should be flexible. It should be possible
for a company to adapt its capital structure with a minimum cost and de lay
if warranted by a changed situation. It should also be possible for the
company to provide funds whenever needed to finance its profitable
4. CAPACITY: The capital structure should be determined within the debt
capacity of the company and this capacity should not be exceeded. The de bt
capacity of a company depends on its ability to generate future cash flows. It
should have enough cash to pay creditors’ fixed charges and principal sum.
5. CONTROL: The capital structure should involve minimum risk of loss of
control of the company. The owners of closely-held companies are
particularly concerned about dilution of control.

DESIGNING While designing a capital structure, following points need to be kept in view:
A CAPITAL 1. DESIGN SHOULD BE FUNCTIONAL: The design should create synergy with
STRUCTURE the long term strategy of the firm and should not be dysfunctional. It should
facilitate the day to day working of the firm rathe r than cre ate sy stematic
2. DESIGN SHOULD BE FLEXIBLE: The capital structure should be de signed to
incorporate a reasonable amount of flexibility in order to allow for temporary
expansion or contraction of the share of each component.
should conform to the statutory guidelines, if any, regarding the proportion
and amount of each component. The limits imposed by lenders regarding the
minimum level of owners’ equity required in the firm should be complied

OPTIMAL  An optimal capital structure is the best debt to equity ratio for a firm that
CAPITAL maximises its value.
STRUCTURE  The optimal capital structure for a company is one that offers a balance
between the ideal debts to equity range and minimises the firm’s cost of

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 A combination less or more than the optimal combination would be less than
satisfying. Hence, a sub-optimal combination would affect the achievement of
the goal of maximisation of the shareholders’ wealth.

FACTORS Some of the chief factors affecting the choice of the capital structure are the
INFLUENCIN following:
G CAPITAL (1) Cash Flow Position
STRUCTURE While making a choice of the capital structure the future cash flow position
should be kept in mind. Debt capital should be used only if the cash flow
position is really good because a lot of cash is needed in order to make payme nt
of interest and refund of capital.

(2) Interest Coverage Ratio-ICR

With the help of this ratio an effort is made to find out how many times the EBIT
is available to the payment of interest. The capacity of the company to use de bt
capital will be in direct proportion to this ratio.

(3) Debt Service Coverage Ratio-DSCR

This ratio removes the weakness of ICR. This shows the cash flow position of the
company. This ratio tells us about the cash payments to be made (e.g.,
preference dividend, interest and debt capital repayment) and the amount of
cash available. Better ratio means the better capacity of the company for de bt
payment. Consequently, more debt can be utilised in the capital structure.

(4) Return on Investment-ROI

The greater return on investment of a company increases its capacity to utilise
more debt capital.

(5) Cost of Debt

The capacity of a company to take debt depends on the cost of debt. In case the
rate of interest on the debt capital is less, more debt capital can be utilised and
vice versa.

(6) Tax Rate

The rate of tax affects the cost of debt. If the rate of tax is high, the cost of de bt
decreases. The reason is the deduction of interest on the debt capital from the
profits considering it a part of expenses and a saving in taxes.

(7) Cost of Equity Capital

Cost of equity capital (it means the expectations of the equity shareholders from
the company) is affected by the use of debt capital. If the debt capital is utilised
more, it will increase the cost of the equity capital. The simple reason for this is
that the greater use of debt capital increases the risk of the equity shareholders.
Therefore, the use of the debt capital can be made only to a limited level. If e ve n
after this level the debt capital is used further, the cost of equity capital starts
increasing rapidly. It adversely affects the market value of the shares.

(8) Floatation Costs

Floatation costs are those expenses which are incurred while issuing se curities
(e.g., equity shares, preference shares, debentures, etc.). These include
commission of underwriters, brokerage, stationery expenses, etc. Generally, the
cost of issuing debt capital is less than the share capital. This attracts the
company towards debt capital.

(9) Risk Consideration: There are two types of risks in business –

(i) Operating Risk or Business Risk
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This refers to the risk of inability to discharge permanent oper ating costs (e .g.,
rent of the building, payment of salary, insurance instalment, etc.).

(ii) Financial Risk

This refers to the risk of inability to pay fixed financial payments (e.g., payme nt
of interest, preference dividend, return of the debt capital, etc.) as promise d by
the company.

(10) Flexibility
According to this principle, capital structure should be fairly flexible. Flexibility
means that, if need be, amount of capital in the business could be incre ased or
decreased easily. Reducing the amount of capital in business is possible only in
case of debt capital or preference share capital.

(11) Control
If funds are raised by issuing equity shares, then the number of company’s
shareholders will increase and it directly affects the control of existing
shareholders. In other words, now the number of owners (shareholders)
controlling the company increases. This situation will not be acce ptable to the
existing shareholders. On the contrary, when funds are raised through debt
capital, there is no effect on the control of the company because the de be nture
holders have no control over the affairs of the company. Thus, for those who
support this principle debt capital is the best.

(12) Regulatory Framework

Capital structure is also influenced by government re gulations. Fo r instance,
banking companies can raise funds by issuing share capital alone, not any other
kind of security. Similarly, it is compulsory for other companie s to maintain a
given debt-equity ratio while raising funds. Different ideal debt -equity ratios
such as 2:1; 4:1; 6:1 have been determined for different industries. The public
issue of shares and debentures has to be made under SEBI guidelines.

(13) Stock Market Conditions

Stock market conditions refer to upward or downward trends in capital market.
Both these conditions have their influence on the selection of sources of finance.
When the market is dull, investors are mostly afraid of inve sting in the share
capital due to high risk. On the contrary, when conditions in the capital marke t
are cheerful, they treat investment in the share capital as the best choice to reap
profits. Companies should, therefore, make selection of capital sources ke eping
in view the conditions prevailing in the capital market.

(14) Capital Structure of Other Companies

Capital structure is influenced by the industry to which a company is re lated.
All companies related to a given industry produce almost similar products, the ir
costs of production are similar, they depend on identical technology, the y have
similar profitability, and hence the pattern of their capital structure is almost

CAPITAL There are basically four approaches to capital structure decision:

STRUCTURE 1. Net Income Approach
THEORIES 2. Net Operating Income Approach
3. Traditional Approach
4. Modigliani Miller (MM) Approach

1. NET According to this approach there is a relationship between capital structure and
INCOME the value of the firm and therefore, the firm can affect its value by incre asing or
APPROAC decreasing the debt proportion in the overall financial mix.
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The Net Income Approach makes the following assumptions:
1. The total capital requirement of the firm is given and remains constant.
2. Cost of debt (K d) is less than cost of equity (K e).
3. Both Kd and Ke remain constant and increase in financial leverage i.e., use of
more and more debt financing in the capital structure does not affect the risk
perception of the investors.

Under this approach, the cost of debt capital, Kd and the cost of e quity capital
Ke remain unchanged when D/S, the degree of leverage, varies. He re S stands
for total capital employed (= D + E). The constancy of Kd and Ke with re spe ct to
the degree of leverage means that K the average cost of capital, measured by the
following formula declines as the degree of leverage increases.

K = [Kd x ] + [Ke x ]

This happens because when the degree of leverage increases, Kd which is lowe r
than Ke receives a higher weight in the calculation of K.

As our assumption is that the cost of debt and equity capital would not change
with the change in the level of leverage, K is seen to go down with the increasing
proportion of debt in the capital.

There are two points to be noted here

1. As the cost of capital decreases the value of the firm would go up as it is
dependent upon the return expected and the cost of capital. Inverse
relationship exists between the value of the firm and cost of capital for any
given level of return.

2. This means that as we increase the level of debt in the company, the value of
the firm would go up even further. This would mean that the companies
would like to employ as much debt as possible.

3. NET Net operating income approach is opposite to the Net income approach.
OPERATI According to NOI Approach, the market value of the firm depends upon the ne t
NG operating profit or EBIT and the overall cost of capital. The financing mix or the
INCOME capital structure is irrelevant and does not affect the val ue of the firm.
The NOI Approach makes the following assumptions:
1. The investors see the firm as a whole and thus capitalize the total earnings of
the firm to find the value of the firm as a whole.
2. The overall cost of capital KO, of the firm is constant and depends upon the
business risk which also is assumed to be unchanged.
3. The cost of debt, K d, is also taken as constant.
4. The use of more and more debt in the capital structure increases the risk of

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the shareholders and thus results in the increase in the cost of equity capital
i.e, Ke. The increase in Ke is such as to completely offset the benefits of
employing cheaper debt, and
5. There are no taxes.

There are two points to be noted here:

1. As the cost of total capital and debt is constant, the cost of e quity would go
up or down with increasing or decreasing leverage, i.e., the amount of debt in
the capital structure.

2. This means that as we increase the level of debt in the company, the value of
the firm doesn’t change and the company does not benefit by taking on de bt.
This would mean that the companies would like to employ as much equity as
possible so as to reduce the risk of the company.

3. TRADITIO The NI Approach and NOI Approach hold extreme views on the relationship
NAL between the leverage, cost of capital and the value of the firm.
H In practical situations, both these approaches seem to be unrealistic.

The traditional view takes a compromising view between the two and
incorporates the basic philosophy of both. The traditional approach to capital
structure suggests that there exist an optimal debt to equity ratio where the
overall cost of capital is the minimum and market value of the firm is the
maximum. On either side of this point, changes in the financing mix can bring
positive change to the value of the firm. Before this point, the marginal cost of
debt is less than a cost of equity and after this point vice -versa.

The traditional approach to capital structure advocates that there is a right

combination of equity and debt in the capital structure, at which the market
value of a firm is maximum. As per this approach, debt should exist in the
capital structure only up to a specific point, beyond which, any increase in
leverage would result in the reduction in value of the firm.

It means that there exists an optimum value of debt to equity ratio at which the
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is the lowest and the marke t value of
the firm is the highest. Once the firm crosses that optimum value of debt to
equity ratio, the cost of equity rises to give a detrimental effect to the WACC.
Above the threshold, the WACC increases and market value of the firm starts a
downward movement.

Assumptions under traditional approach:

1. The rate of interest on debt remains constant for a certain period and
thereafter with an increase in leverage, it increases.
2. The expected rate by equity shareholders remains constant or increase
gradually. After that, the equity shareholders start perceiving a financial risk
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and then from the optimal point and the expected rate increases speedily.
3. As a result of the activity of rate of interest and expected rate of re turn, the
WACC first decreases and then increases. The lowest point on the curve is
optimal capital structure.

4. MODIGILI In 1958, Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller (MM) published a theory of
ANI modern financial management – they concluded that the value of a firm depends
MILLER solely on its future earnings stream, and hence its value is unaffected by its
APPROAC debt/equity mix.
In short, they concluded that a firm’s value stems from its assets, re gardless of
how those assets are financed.

In their paper, MM began with a very restrictive set of assumptions, including

perfect capital markets (which imply zero taxes). And then they used an
arbitrage proof to demonstrate that capital structure is irrelevant.

Under their assumptions, if debt financing resulted in a higher value for the firm
than equity financing, then investors who owned shares in a le ve raged (debt -
financed) firm could increase their income by selling those shares and using the
proceeds, plus borrowed funds, to buy shares in an unleveraged (all equity
financed) firm. The simultaneous selling of shares in the leveraged firm and
buying of shares in the unleveraged firm would drive the prices of the stocks to
the point where the values of the two firms would be identical. Thus, according
to MM Hypothesis, a firm’s stock price is not related to its mix of debt and equity

Modigliani and Miller have restated and amplified the net operating income
position in terms of three basic propositions. These are as follows:

Proposition – I
The total value of a firm is equal to its expected operating income (PBIT when tax
= 0) divided by the discount rate appropriate to its risk class. It is inde pe ndent
of the degree of leverage.

Here the subscript l is used to denote leveraged firm and subscript u is use d to
denote unleveraged firm.

Since the V (Value of the firm) as established by the above equation is a

constant, then under the MM model, when there are no taxes, the value of the
firm is independent of its leverage. This implies that the weighted
Average cost of capital to any firm is completely independent of its capital

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structure and the WACC for any firm, regardless of the amount of de bt it use s,
is equal to the cost of equity of unleveraged firm employing no debt.

Proposition – II
The expected yield on equity, K e is equal to Ko plus a premium. This premium is
equal to the debt – equity ratio times the difference between Ko and the yie ld on
debt, Kd. This means that as the firm’s use of debt increases its cost of e quity
also rises, and in a mathematically precise manner.

Proposition – III
The cut-off rate for investment decision making for a firm in a given risk class is
not affected by the manner in which the investment is financed. It e mphasizes
the point that investment and financing decisions are independent be cause the
average cost of capital is not affected by the financing decision.

If the MM theory was correct, managers would not need to conce rn the mselves
with capital structure decisions, because such decisions would have no impact
on stock prices. However, like most theories, MM’s results would hold true only
under a particular set of assumptions. Still, by showing the conditions under
which capital structure is irrelevant, MM provided important insights into whe n
and how debt financing can affect the value of a firm.


In 1963, MM added corporate taxe s to their model. With corporate taxes
considered a firm’s stock price was shown to be directly related to its use to debt
financing – higher the percentage of debt financing, the higher the stock price .
Under the MM with tax theory, firms should use virtually 100% debt financing.
The reason for this result is the corporate tax structure – returns to
stockholders come from after-tax earnings, but returns to creditors are paid
before tax. The effect of this tax treatment is that more of a company’s operating
income is left for investors when more debt financing is used.


In spite of the MM arguments, firms do not usually use anywhere close to 100%
debt financing. In an attempt to modify MM’s model to make it more consiste nt
with actual behaviour, many of their assumptions were relaxed in papers by
other authors. In particular, the possibility of financial distress drastically
changed the MM results. In the modified model, tax savings cause the value of a
firm to rise as more and more debt is used, but at some point (the optimal
structure); the value of the firm begins to fall with additional de bt be cause the
tax benefits are more than offset by the increasing costs of pote ntial financial

The MM model as modified to include financial distress suggests to managers.

– that a certain amount of debt is good
– that too much debt is bad, and
– That there is an optimal amount of debt for every firm.

Thus, the modified MM theory, which is called the trade-off theory of capital
structure, provides useful insights into the factors that affect a firm’s optimal
capital structure. Here the marginal costs and benefits of debt financing are
balanced against one another, and the result is an optimal capital structure that
falls somewhere between zero and 100% debt.

PECKING One of the most influential theory of corporate leverage is Pecking Order Theory.
ORDER It assumes that there is no target capital structure and due to adverse selection,
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THEORY firms prefer internal finance to external finance. Even whe n outside funds are
necessary, debt is preferred to equity since issue of debt involves lower
information costs. The debt is preferred because issuing equity would bring
external ownership into the company.

EBIT EPS One widely used means of examining the effect of leverage is to analyse the
ANALYSIS relationship between earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) and earnings pe r
share (EPS). The use of EBIT – EPS analysis indicates to management the
projected EPS for different financial plans. Generally, management wants to
maximise EPS if doing so also satisfies the primary goal of financial
management - maximisation of the owner’s wealth as represented by the value of
business, i.e. the value of firm’s equity. If the firm attempts to use excessive
amounts of debt, shareholders (who are risk - averters) may se ll the ir shares,
and thus its price will fall. While the use of large amount of de bt may re sult in
higher EPS, it may also result in a reduction in the price of the firm’s equity.

The optimum financial structure for a firm (that is, the use of debt in
relationship of equity and retained earnings as sources of financing) should be
the one which maximises the price of the equity.

EBITDA EBITDA, an acronym for “earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
ANALYSIS amortization,” is an often-used measure of the value of a busine ss. EBITDA is
calculated by taking net income and adding interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortization expenses back to it. EBITDA is used to analyse a company’s
operating profitability before non-operating expenses (such as interest and
“other” non-core expenses) and non-cash charges (depreciation and

Analysis with EBITDA

EBIDTA enables analysts to exclude the impacts of non-operating activities and
focus on the outcome of operating decisions. Non-operating activities include
interest expenses, tax rates, and large non-cash items such as depreciation and

By removing the non-operating effects, EBITDA gives investors the ability to

focus on the profitability of their operations. This type of analysis is particularly
important when comparing similar companies across a single industry.

Limitations of EBITDA
Factoring out interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization can make even
completely unprofitable firms appear to be fiscally healthy. The use of EBITDA
as measure of financial health made these firms look attractive.

EBITDA numbers are easy to manipulate. If fraudulent accounting te chniques

are used to inflate revenues and interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
are factored out of the equation, almost any company may appears to be
profitable and great.

Operating cash flow is a better measure of how much cash a company is

generating because it adds non-cash charges (depreciation and amortization)
back to net income and includes the changes in working capital that also use or
provide cash (such as changes in receivables, payables and inventories). The se
working capital factors are the key to determining how much cash a company is
generating. If investors do not include changes in working capital in their
analysis and rely solely on EBITDA, they will miss clues that indicate whether a
company is losing money because it isn’t making any sales.

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Despite various shortcomings, there are some good reasons for using EBITDA.
1. The first factor to consider is that EBITDA can be used as a shortcut to
estimate the cash flow available to pay debt on long-term assets, such as
equipment and other items with a lifespan measured in decades rather than

2. Another factor is that EBITDA estimate to be reasonably accurate; the

company under evaluation must have legitimate profitability.

3. EBITDA can also be used to compare companies against each other and
against industry averages. In addition, EBITDA is a good measure of core profit
trends because it eliminates some of the extraneous factors and allows a more
“apples-to-apples” comparison.

Ultimately, EBITDA should not replace the measure of cash flow, which includes
the significant factor of changes in working capital. Remember “cash is king”
because it shows “true” profitability and a company’s ability to continue

MEASURES The term leverage refers to an increased means of accomplishing some purpose .
OF Leverage is used to lifting heavy objects, which may not be otherwise possible. In
OPERATING the financial point of view, leverage refers to furnish the ability to use fixe d cost
& FINANCIAL assets or funds to increase the return to its shareholders.
Definition of Leverage
James Horne has defined leverage as, “the employment of an asse t or fund for
which the firm pays a fixed cost or fixed return.”

Types of Leverage
Leverage can be classified into three major headings accordi ng to the nature of
the finance mix of the company.

The company may use financial or leverage or operating leverage, to increase the

OPERATING The leverage associated with investment activities is called as operating leverage.
LEVERAGE It is caused due to fixed operating expenses in the company. Operating leverage
may be defined as the company’s ability to use fixed operating costs to magnify
the effects of changes in sales on its earnings before interest and taxes.
Operating leverage consists of two important costs viz., fixed cost and variable
cost. When the company is said to have a high degree of operating le ve rage if it
employs a great amount of fixed cost and smaller amount of variable cost. Thus,
the degree of operating leverage depends upon the amount of various cost
structure. Operating leverage can be determined with the he lp of a bre ak e ve n

Operating leverage can be calculated with the help of the following formula:

Degree of Operating Leverage

The degree of operating leverage may be defined as pe rce ntage change in the
operating income (EBIT) resulting from a percentage change in the sales. It can
be calculated with the help of the following formula:

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Uses of Operating Leverage
Operating leverage is one of the techniques to measure the impact of changes in
sales which lead for change in the profits of the company. If any change in the
sales, it will lead to corresponding changes in profit. Operating leverage helps to
identify the position of fixed cost and variable cost.

Operating leverage measures the relationship between the sales and re ve nue of
the company during a particular period. Operating leverage helps to understand
the level of fixed cost which is invested in the operating e xpe nses of busine ss
activities. It describes the overall position of the fixed operating cost.

FINANCIAL A leverage activity with financing activities is called financial leverage. Financial
LEVERAGE leverage represents the relationship between the company’s earnings before
interest and taxes (EBIT) or operating profit and the earning available to e quity

Financial leverage is defined as “the ability of a firm to use fixed financial

charges to magnify the effects of changes in EBIT on the earnings per share ”. It
involves the use of funds obtained at a fixed cost in the hope of increasing the
return to the shareholders. “The use of long-term fixed interest bearing debt and
preference share capital along with share capital is called financial le verage or
trading on equity”. Financial leverage may be favourable or unfavourable
depends upon the use of fixed cost funds.

Degree of Financial Leverage

Degree of financial leverage may be defined as the percentage change in taxable
profit as a result of percentage change in earnings before interest and tax (EBIT).
This can be calculated by the following formula :-


Uses of Financial Leverage

 Financial leverage helps to examine the relationship between EBIT and EPS.
 Financial leverage measures the percentage of change in taxable income to
the percentage change in EBIT.
 Financial leverage locates the correct profitable financial decision re garding
capital structure of the company.
 Financial leverage is one of the important devices which are used to measure
the fixed cost proportion with the total capital of the company.
 If the firm acquires fixed cost funds at a higher cost, then the earnings from
those assets, the earning per share and return on equity capital will

Financial BEP
It is the level of EBIT which covers all fixed financing costs of the company. It is
the level of EBIT at which EPS is zero.

Indifference Point
It is the point at which different sets of debt ratios (percentage of de bt to total
capital employed in the company) gives the same EPS.


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BETWEEN Operating Leverage is associated Financial Leverage is associated with
OPERATING with investment activities of the financing activities of the company
& FINANCIAL company
LEVERAGE Operating leverage consists of fixe d Financial leverage consists of
operating expenses of the company operating profit of the company
It represents the ability to use fixe d It represents the relationship between
operating cost EBIT & EPS
A percentage change in profits A percentage change in taxable profit
resulting from a percentage change resulting from a percentage change in
in the sales is called as degree of EBIT is called as Degree of Financial
operating leverage leverage
Trading on equity is not possible Trading on equity is possible only
while the company is in operating when the company users financial
leverage leverage
Operating leverage depends upon Financial leverage depends upon the
fixed cost and variable cost operating profits
Tax Rate and interest rate will not Financial leverage will change due to
affect the operating leverage tax rate and interest rate
COMBINED When the company uses both financial and operating leverage to magnification
LEVERAGE of any change in sales into a larger relative changes in earning per share.
Combined leverage is also called as composite leverage or total leverage.

Combined leverage expresses the relationship between the revenue in the

account of sales and the taxable income.

Combined leverage can be calculated with the help of the following formulas:


WORKING One of the new models of leverage is working capital leverage which is use d to
CAPITAL locate the investment in working capital or current assets in the company.
Working capital leverage measures the sensitivity of return in investment of
charges in the level of current assets.


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LONG TERM A business requires funds to purchase fixed assets like land and building, plant
FINANCE – ITS and machinery, furniture etc. These assets may be regarded as the foundation of
MEANING a business. The capital required for these assets is called fixed capital. A part of
AND the working capital is also of a permanent nature. Funds required for this part
PURPOSE of the working capital and for fixed capital is called long term finance.

Purpose of long term finance:

Long term finance is required for the following purposes:
1. To Finance fixed assets:
Business requires fixed assets like machines, building, furniture e tc. Finance
required to buy these assets is for a long period, because such assets can be
used for a long period and are not for resale.

2. To finance the permanent part of working capital:

Business is a continuing activity. It must have a certain amount of working
capital which would be needed again and again. This part of working capital is of
a fixed or permanent nature. This requirement is also met from long term funds.

3. To finance growth and expansion of business:

Expansion of business requires investment of a huge amount of capital
permanently or for a long period.

FACTORS The amount required to meet the long term capital needs of a company de pe nd
DETERMINING upon many factors. These are:
LONG-TERM o Nature of Business: The nature and character of a business de termines the
FINANCIAL amount of fixed capital. A manufacturing company requires land, building,
REQUIREMEN machines etc. So it has to invest a large amount of capital for a long pe riod.
TS But a trading concern dealing in, say, washing machines will require a
smaller amount of long term fund because it does not have to buy building or
o Nature of goods produced: If a business is engaged in manufacturing small
and simple articles it will require a smaller amount of fixed capital as
compared to one manufacturing heavy machines or he avy consume r items
like cars, refrigerators e tc. which will require more fixed capital.
o Technology used: In heavy industries like steel the fixed capital investment is
larger than in the case of a business producing plastic jars using simple
technology or producing goods using labour intensive technique.


CAPITAL It represents the investment made by the owners of the business. They enjoy the
rewards and bear the risks of the ownership. They are paid divide nd only afte r
paying dividend to preference shareholders and after meeting the future
investment needs of the organisation.


It represents the investment made by preference shareholders. Preference
shareholders as the name suggests enjoy preference over payment of divide nd.
The dividend paid on these shares is generally at a fixed rate.


It represents the earnings not distributed to shareholders. A firm may re tain a
portion or whole of its profits and utilize it for financing its projects.

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BORROWED (1) DEBENTURES: Debenture capital is a financial instrument for raising long
CAPITAL term debt capital. A debenture holder is a Sources of Long Term Finance
Internal External Equity Share Capital Preference share capital Retained
earnings Term Loans Debentures Others creditor of the company. A fixed
rate of interest is paid on debentures. It may be convertible or

NON-CONVERTIBLE DEBENTURES - these are straight debt instrument

carrying a fixed rate and have a maturity period of 5 -9 ye ars. If inte rest is
accumulated it has to be paid by the company by liquidation of its asse ts. It
is an economical method of raising funds. Debenture holders do not have
any voting rights and there is no dilution of ownership. They cannot be
converted into equity shares.

CONVERTIBLE DEBENTURES - convertible debentures are debentures which

are convertible wholly or partly into equity shares after a fixed period of time.

(1) TERM LOANS FROM BANKS: Many industrial development banks,

cooperative banks and commercial banks grant medium term loans for a
period of three to five years. Commercial banks usually provide short -term
finance to business firms in the form of loans and advances, cash credit,
overdraft etc. But now-days, most of the commercial banks have also started
term lending (long and medium term) and providing ne ed base d finance of
different time periods to firms of all sizes.

(2) LOAN FROM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: There are many specialised financial
institutions established by the Central and State governments which give
long term loans at reasonable rate of interest. Some of these institutions are:
Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI), Industrial Developme nt Bank
of India (IDBI), Industrial Investment Bank of India (IIBI), Infrastructure
Development Finance Company Ltd. (IDFC), Small Industries De velopme nt
Bank of India (SIDBI), State Industrial Development Corporations (SIDCs),
Industrial Credit and Inve stment Corporation of India (ICICI), Unit Trust of
India (UTI), State Finance Corporations (SFCs) etc.

(3) FOREIGN SOURCES: Foreign Sources also play an important part in meeting
the long-term financial needs of the business in India. These usually take the
form of (1) external borrowings; (2) foreign investments and; (3) deposits from

COST OF The cost of capital is the required rate of return that a firm must achieve in
CAPITAL order to cover the cost of generating funds in the marketplace. It is used to
evaluate new projects of a company as it is the minimum return that inve stors
expect for providing capital to the company, thus setting a benchmark that a
new project has to meet.

MEANING OF  Cost of capital is the rate of return that a firm must earn on its project
COST OF investments to maintain its market value and attract funds.
CAPITAL  Cost of capital is the required rate of return on its investments which
belongs to equity, debt and retained earnings.
 If a firm fails to earn return at the expected rate, the market value of the
shares will fall and it will result in the reduction of overall wealth of the

ASSUMPTION Cost of capital is based on certain assumptions which are closely associated
OF COST OF while calculating and measuring the cost of capital. It is to be conside red that

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CAPITAL there are three basic concepts:
A. It is not a cost as such. It is merely a hurdle rate.
B. It is the minimum rate of return.
C. It consists of three important risks such as zero risk level, business risk and
financial risk. Cost of capital can be measured with the help of the following
K = rj + b + f
K = Cost of capital.
rj = The riskless cost of the particular type of finance,
b = The business risk premium.
f = The financial risk premium.
IMPORTANCE Computation of cost of capital is a very important part of the financial
OF COST OF management to decide the capital structure of the business concern.
1. Importance to Capital Budgeting Decision: Capital budgeting decision largely
depends on the cost of capital of each source. According to net present value
method, present value of cash inflow must be more than the present value of
cash outflow. Hence, cost of capital is used to make capital budge ting

2. Importance to Capital Structure Decision: Capital structure is the mix or

proportion of the different kinds of long term securities. A firm uses
particular type of sources if the cost of capital is suitable.
Hence, cost of capital helps to take decision regarding structure.

3. Importance to Evolution of Financial Performance: Cost of capital is one of the

important factors in determining claim which affects the capital budge ting,
capital structure and value of the firm. Hence, it helps to eval uate the
financial performance of the firm.

4. Importance to Other Financial Decisions: Apart from the above points, cost of
capital is also used in some other areas such as, market value of share,
earning capacity of securities etc. hence; it plays a major part in the financial

FACTORS Cost of capital, like all other costs, is a variable term, subje ct to change s in a
DETERMINING number of factors. The various factors that play a part in determination of cost
THE FIRM’S of capital are described below. There are four main factors which mainly
COST OF determine the cost of Capital of a firm.
General economic conditions, the marketability of the firm’s securities (market
conditions), operating and financing conditions within the compa ny, and the
amount of financing needed for new investments.
1. GENERAL  General economic conditions determine the demand for and supply of capital
ECONOMIC within the economy, as well as the level of expected inflation. This e conomic
CONDITIONS variable is reflected in the risk less rate of return.
 This rate represents the rate of return on risk- free investments, such as the
interest rate on short-term government securities. In principle, as the
demand for money in the economy changes relative to the supply, inve stors
alter their required rate of return.
 For example, if the demand for money increases without an equivalent
increase in the supply, lenders will raise their required interest rate. At the
same time, if inflation is expected to deteriorate the purchasing power of
money, investors require a higher rate of return to compensate for this
anticipated loss.
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2. MARKET  When an investor purchases a security with significant risk, an opportunity
CONDITIONS for additional returns is necessary to make the investment attractive.
Essentially, as risk increases, the investor requires a highe r rate of re turn.
This increase is called a risk premium. When investors increase their
required rate of return, the cost of capital rises simultaneously.
 If the security is not readily marketable when the investor wants to se ll, or
even if a continuous demand for the security exists but the price vari es
significantly, an investor will require a relatively high rate of return.
 Conversely, if a security is readily marketable and its price is reasonably
stable, the investor will require a lower rate of return and the company’s cost
of capital will be lower.

3. OPERATING Risk, or the variability of returns, also results from decisions made within the
AND company. Risk resulting from these decisions is generally divided into two types:
FINANCING business risk and financial risk. Business risk is the variability in re turns on
DECISIONS assets and is affected by the company’s investment decisions. Financial risk is
the increased variability in returns to common stockholders as a result of
financing with debt or preferred stock. As business risk and financial risk
increase or decrease, the investor’s required rate of return (and the cost of
capital) will move in the same direction.

4. AMOUNT  The last factor determining the corporation’s cost of funds is the level of
OF financing that the firm requires. As the financing requirements of the firm
FINANCING become larger, the weighted cost of capital increases for several reasons.
 For instance, as more securities are issued, additional flotation costs, or the
cost incurred by the firm from issuing securities, will affe ct the pe rcentage
cost of the funds to the firm.
 Also, as management approaches the market for large amounts of capital
relative to the firm’s size, the investors’ required rate of return may rise.
 Suppliers of capital become hesitant to grant relatively large sums without
evidence of management’s capability to absorb this capital into the business.
This is typically “too much too soon”. Also, as the size of the issue increases,
there is greater difficulty in placing it in the market without reducing the
price of the security, which also increases the firm’s cost of capital.


LE FACTORS A firm has control over its capital structure, and it targets an optimal capital
AFFECTING structure. As more debt is issued, the cost of debt increases, and as more equity
COST OF is issued, the cost of equity increases.
Given that the firm has control over its payout ratio, the breakpoint of the
marginal cost of capital schedule can be changed. For e xample, as the payout
ratio of the company increases, the breakpoint between lower -cost Internally
generated equity and newly issued equity is lowered.

It is assumed that, when making investment decisions, the company is making
investments with similar degrees of risk. If a company change s its inve stment
policy relative to its risk, both the cost of debt and cost of equity change.


ABLE The level of interest rates will affect the cost of debt and, potentially, the cost of
FACTORS equity. For example, when interest rates increase the cost of de bt incre ases,
AFFECTING which increases the cost of capital.

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Tax rates affect the after-tax cost of debt. As tax rates increase, the cost of de bt
decreases, decreasing the cost of Capital.


DEBT (Kd) Cost of Debt refers to the cost of long term debentures/bond. Short te rm de bts
are ignored in calculating the cost of debt assuming that either short te rm de bt
plays insignificant part in determining the cost of de bt or that the inte rest on
short term debt is balanced by interest on short term receivables Cost of Debt is
calculated after tax because interest payments are tax deductible for the firm.
Cost of capital is denoted by the term K d
Kd after taxes = Kd (1 – tax rate)


Cost of Redeemable Debt:

In case of debentures redeemable after a certain period of time , cost of de bt is
calculated taking the average of sale value and redemption value. It is calculated
by using under given formula :-

Kd (before tax) = (I + [RV - SV] / n) / (RV + SV) / 2

I = Annual fixed interest
RV = Redeemable Value of debenture net of commission and floatation costs, if
SV= Sale Value of debentures net of discount or premium.
n = Term of debt till maturity

AFTER TAX COST OF REDEEMABLE DEBT :- Kd (after tax) = Kd (before tax)

*(1- T)

B. COST OF Preference shares represent a special type of ownership interest in the firm.
PREFERENCE They are entitled to a fixed dividend, but subject to availability of profit for
SHARE distribution. The preference shareholders have to be paid their fixed divide nds
CAPITAL before any distribution of dividends to the equity shareholders. Their divide nds
(Kp) are not allowed as an expense for the purpose of taxation. In fact, the preference
dividend is a distribution of profits of the business. Dividends are paid out of
profits after taxes so the cost of preference shareholder is after tax only.

Preference shares can be divided into:

1. Irredeemable preference shares
2. Redeemable preference shares


Irredeemable preference shares are those shares issuing by which the company
has no obligation to pay back the principal amount of the shares during its
lifetime. The only liability of the company is to pay the annua l dividends. The
cost of irredeemable preference shares is:

Kp = Annual dividend of preference shares

Market price of the preference stock

Cumulative preference shares:

Cumulative preference shares are those shares whose dividends will get
accumulated if they are not paid periodically. All the arrears of cumulative

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preference shares must be paid before paying anything to the equity share
holders. In case of cumulative pre ference shares, the market price of the
preference stock will be increased by such amount of dividend in arrears.

Non-cumulative preference shares:

These are preference shares whose dividends do not get carried forward to the
next year if they are not paid during a year.
If the company issues new preference shares,

The cost of preference capital would be:

Kp = Annual dividend / Net proceeds after floatation costs, if any.


Redeemable preference shares are those shares which have a fixed maturity date
at which they would be redeemed.
Cost of Redeemable preference shares = Kp = D + [(RV - SV) / N]
(RV + SV) / 2
Where Kp= Cost of preference Shares
RV- Redemption value
SV= Sale value
N= No of years to Maturity
D= Annual Dividend

C. COST OF The measurement of cost of capital of equity share capital is the most typical
EQUITY and conceptually a difficult exercise. The reason being there is no coupon rate in
CAPITAL case of equity shares. Further, there is no commitment to pay equity divide nds
(ke) and it is the sole discretion of the Board of directors to pay or not to pay
dividends or to decide at what rate the dividend be paid to the equity share
holders. Moreover equity shareholders are the last claimant on the profits of the
company. Therefore, it is often said that equity shares have no cost of capital as
such. But the same is not true.

The equity share capital, like any other source, also has a cost. Just as in the
case of debt and preference shares, the investor will invest the funds in the form
of equity share capital of a firm only if they expect a return from the firm, which
will compensate them for surrendering the funds as the risk undertaken.

The return which equity share holders get is of two kinds:

 Periodic Payments in the form of dividends. This is an explicit return.

 The capital appreciation which they might get by selling the shares at the
increase in the market value of the shares. This return is an implicit re turn.
The market value is an indicative measure of the return to the investors
when they wish to redeem their investment

The cost of equity capital is the minimum rate of return that a company must
earn on the equity financed portion of its investments in order to maintain the
market price of the equity share at the current level. The cost of equity capital is
rather difficult to estimate because there is no definite commitment on the part
of the company to pay dividends. However, there are various approaches for
computing the cost of equity capital. They are:

1. CAPM This is a popular approach to estimate the cost of equity. According to the
MODEL CAPM, the cost of equity capital is:
Ke = Rf + ß (Rm - Rf )

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Ke = Cost of equity
Rf = Risk-free rate
Rm = Equity market required return (expected return on the market portfolio)
ß = beta is Systematic Risk Coefficient.

2. BOND This approach is a subjective procedure to estimate the cost of equity. In this
YIELD PLUS approach, a judgmental risk premium to the observed yield on the long-term
RISK bonds of the firm is added to get the cost of equity.
PREMIUM Cost of Equity = Yield on long-term bonds + Risk Premium
3. DIVIDEND The price of an equity stock depends ultimately on the dividends expe cted from
GROWTH it. It can be represented as follows:
𝐷1 𝐷2 𝐷3
APPROACH P0 = ( + + +……..
1+𝑟) 1 ( 1+𝑟)2 ( 1+𝑟) 3

P0 = Current Price of the stock
D1 = Expected Dividend at the end of Year 1
D2 = Expected Dividend at the end of Year 2
R = Equity Shareholders required rate of return

If Dividends are expected to grow at a constant rate of g% per year, then the
equation becomes,

𝐷1(1+𝑔) 𝐷2(1+𝑔) 𝐷3(1+𝑔)

P0 = ( 1+𝑟)1
+ ( ) + ( ) +……..
1+𝑟 2 1+𝑟 3

From the above equation, we get:

P0 =

4. EARNINGS- According to this approach, the cost of equity capital is:

Ke =
E1= expected earnings per share for the next year
P0 = Current market price per share
E1 = Current EPS * ( 1+ G)

COST OF Earnings generated by a firm are distributed among the equity shareholders.
RETAINED However, if the entire earnings are not distributed and a part of it is retained by
EARNINGS the firm, then these retained earnings are available for re investment within the
firm. The firm is not required to pay dividends on retained earnings, so it may be
argued that the retained earnings have no cost as such. But this is not true. The
cost of retained earnings must be considered as the opportunity cost of the
foregone dividends. From the point of view of equity shareholder, any e arnings
could have been profitably invested by them, had these been distributed to
them. Thus, there is an opportunity cost involved in the firms retaining the
earnings and an estimation of this cost may be taken up as a measure of cost of
capital of retained earnings.

The cost of retained earnings are often taken as equal to the cost of equity.
Therefore we can say, ke = kr. It may be noted that the cost of retained earnings
is not to be adjusted for tax, for floatation cost and for the under -pricing. While
retaining the earnings, the firm does not in any way incur any such cost and the
earnings to be retained are already after tax.

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WEIGHTED The weighted average cost of capital (WACC), as the name implies, is the
AVERAGE weighted average of the costs of different components of the capital structure of
COST OF a firm. WACC is calculated after assigning different weights to the compone nts
CAPITAL according to the proportion of that component in the capital structure.

WACC = (Equity Weight * Ke) + (Debt Weight * Kd)

𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦
Equity Weight =
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑑

𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡
Debt Weight =
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑑

BOOK VALUE The weights to be used for calculation of WACC can either be based on the book
VS. MARKET value or the market value of the funds raised from different sources.
WEIGHTS (a) Book value weights
The weights are said to be book value weights if the proportion of different
sources are ascertained on the basis of the face values. The book value can be
easily calculated by taking the relevant information from the capital structure as
given in the balance sheet of the firm.

(b) Market value weights

The weights may also be calculated on the basis of the market value of diffe rent
sources i.e., the proportion of each source at its market value. In order to
calculate the market value weights, the firm has to find out the curre nt marke t
price of the securities in each category.

Generally, there will be a difference between the book value and marke t value
weights, and therefore, WACC will be different. WACC, calculated using the book
value weights, will be understated if the market value of the share is higher than
the book value and vice versa.

MARGINAL MCC can be defined as the cost of additional capital introduced in the capital
COST OF structure since we have assumed that the capital structure can vary according
CAPITAL to changing requirements of the firm.

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PROJECT Project finance is the financing of long-term infrastructure, industrial proje cts
FINANCE? and public services based upon a non-recourse or limited recourse financial
structure, in which project debt and equity used to finance the proje ct are paid
back from the cash flow generated by the project, without any claims (with some
very specific exceptions) on the companies that develop these projects. Project
financing is a loan structure that relies primarily on the proje ct’s cash flow for
repayment, with the project’s assets, rights and interests held as secondary
security or collateral. Project finance is especially attractive to the private se ctor
because companies can fund major projects off balance sheet.

Project finance, comes from a combination of both equity and debt. The split
between equity (investor funding) and debt (lender funding) depends on the
individual project and, most importantly, on the risk profile of each proje ct. The
higher the risk, the greater the share of equity will be re quired by the le nding
banks. The risk of an individual project is also decisive for the level of debt which
a project can take on.

The principle used in Project Finance is simple: a bank finances a specific asset,
and gets repaid only from the revenues generated by that asset, without recourse
to the investors that own the project. It works well for project with well ide ntified
assets with high initial investment costs, and strong cash flows after that, like big
infrastructure items (toll bridges, pipelines) and energy assets ( oil fie lds, powe r


PROJECT Project planning defines the project activities and end products that will be
PLANNING? performed and describes how the activities will be accomplished. The purpose of
project planning is to define each major task, estimate the time and re sources
required, and provide a framework for management review and control. The
project planning activities and goals include defining:
1. The specific work to be performed and goals that define and bind the project.
2. Estimates to be documented for planning, tracking, and controlling the project.
3. Commitments that are planned, documented, and agreed to by affected groups.
4. Project alternatives, assumptions, and constraints.

The planning process include s steps to estimate the size of the proje ct, e stimate
the technical scope of the effort, estimate the resources required to comple te the
project, produce a schedule, identify and assess risks, and negotiate

IMPORTAN A project plan is a formal, approved document that is used to manage and
CE OF THE control a project.
PLAN The project plan forms the basis for all management efforts associated with the
project. It is a document that is also expected to change ove r time . The proje ct
plan documents the pertinent information associated with the project; the
information associated with the plan evolves as the project moves through its
various stages and is to be updated as new information unfolds about the project.

Steps in the Project Planning Process

51 | P a g e CA. AMIT TALDA NOTES | | CMA & FMSM | Enquiry: 7249869322
The plan defines the objectives of the project, the approach to be take n, and the
commitment being assumed.

The project plan evolves through the early stages and, by the time the proje ct is
ready to begin project execution, contains the detail required to successfully
complete the project. Then, when implementation begins, the plan is update d as


In the projects concept phase, a need that would result in a product is identified .
While only very general information may be known about the project at this time ,
it is important to capture this information for the planning phase. In this stage ,
the focus of planning is on the project definition and on getting the project
underway. A strategy for deriving a solution to the stated goals is important at
this point. The problem being addressed by the project is clearly stated; the
project goals and objectives are identified; and success criteria for the project are
documented. Also, the assumptions, constraints, and risks that apply to the
project are defined.


The project plan is completed in the Project Planning and Risk Identification stage
of a project. For large projects, this stage may be run as a mini-project, with a
team of people dedicated to performing the effort. For very small projects, the plan
may be developed by a group of people as a part-time job. Since various skill se ts
are required to complete a succe ssful project plan, it is a difficult task for one
person to develop the entire plan. During this project stage, details of the plan are
determined and an approach is defined. The full project plan is then developed.

The plan may include the following ele ments: a brief project summary, a work
breakdown structure, a project organization chart, a schedule, an approach, a list
of identified risks, an estimated budget and cost, a list of deliverables, a
description of planned quality activities, a description of the configuration
management process to be used, and a summary of project requirements.

Even during the planning stage, the development of the project plan is an
iterative process. Each element of the plan is regularly revisited for change s and

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refinements, based upon further analysis and decisions made in developing othe r
plan elements. This refinement also develops .buy-in. from the proje ct te am and
stakeholders. It is critical to get buy off on the project plan from the involved
parties prior to actually starting the project. Approval of the plan commits the
resources needed to perform the work.


To transition a project from the initial conceptualization and planning to
execution requires some type of start-up activities. The project start-up stage is
typically a short period that transitions a project from the planning to the
execution stage. In the start-up stage, the team is assembled and a kick-off
meeting is held to familiarize the team with the elements of t he plan and the
requirements of the system. Specific work packages detail and specify the
activities being performed by the teams, as well as the cost and schedule
associated with those activities.

Sometimes, particularly in systems that include procureme nt, there may be a

need to update the project plan during this stage to reflect negotiations or
refinements in scope that occurred prior to the actual start of the project. In these
cases, the plan is reviewed and updated prior to presentation to the team. Also, in
some projects, auxiliary plans (such as the configuration management or quality
assurance plans) are detailed in the start-up phase. These plans are de ve lope d
from strategies defined in the project planning stage.


Planning in the project execution stage consists of re -planning when it is
determined that the project is not on track with the current plan. This might
occur for a variety of reasons. It is very important to know that project plans will
change and that re -planning is a natural part of the planning process. Re -
planning does not necessarily mean that a project is in trouble. Frequent and
extensive re-planning may, however, indicate that there are some serious issues
with the project plan. It is better to re-plan than to simply throw away the original
plan and operate without a plan.


A close-out process is performed once the project objectives have been met.
Closing a project should be fairly routine. The first step is acceptance of the
system by the users. It is important that the user decides when the project is
completed. The determination is based upon the success criteria de fined in the
very early concept and planning stages of the project. This acce ptance may be
very informal or it may be very formal and depends upon the criteria de fined in
the plan.

PREPARATI The project report is an extremely important aspect of the project. It should be
ON OF properly structured and also necessary and appropriate information regarding the
PROJECT project.
Preparation of project report is a pre -investment study of investment proposal but
encompasses a thorough investigating process covering economic, technical,
social managerial and commercial aspects. Project report is a working plan for
implementation of project proposal after investment decision by a company has
been taken.

Importance of preparation of project report has been felt in the wake of

sophisticated technology being adopted and the heavy fi nancial state of public
funds through financial institutions, banks and investment organization being
contemplated. High technology involvement, higher cost in the project
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implementation and as such economy cannot afford to tolerate failure of the
project. Therefore, to ensure before taking in hand a proje ct whe ther or not the
proposed project is viable, preparation of project report has become essential
exercise for all corporate units particularly in the light of the following
(1) Planning in advance, the accomplishment of the following objectives:
(a) Performance Objectives
(b) Marketing Objectives
(c) Operations Objectives
(d) Technical Objectives
(e) Financial Objectives
(f) Personnel Objectives
(g) Organisation Objectives
(h) The end product Objectives
(i) The customer benefit Objectives, and
(j) The societal Objectives

(2) To evaluate above objectives in the right perspective it is essential to conside r

the input data, analyse the data, predict outcome, choose best alternatives, and
take action and measure results with predictions.

Stress is laid that the objectives become measurable, tangible, verifiable, and
attainable and the risk of failures is avoided to the maximum desired extents.

(3) To evaluate constraints on resources viz. manpower, equipment, financial and


(4) To avail of the financial facilities who require a syste matic proje ct report to
evaluate desirability of financing the project. Besides, the financial intermediaries
today check-up and verify the project proposals for accepting the responsibility
for a company to procure funds from the capital market.

Merchant banks that have entered in the capital market as financial

intermediaries are quite careful about the project viability before taking up a
contract for making financial services available to corporate units.

(5) Successful implementation of a project depends upon the course of action

suggested in the project report. Besides, comparison of results will de pe nd upon
the projected profitability and cash flows, production schedule and targets as
planned in the project report.

The above background necessitating the preparation of a project report leaves the
impression that the task of preparation of project report involves skills, expe rtise
and experience of field work covering different aspects by financial, technical,
commercial, socio-economic, government rules and regulations and the legal
requirements under different laws and can only be handled by a team of e xpe rts
in different areas. Project idea can be formulated by an entrepreneur but proje ct
report cannot be prepared single -handedly as it requires a multidisciplinary
approach to incorporate the following set of analysis in the project report:

(1) Marketing research to forecast demand for goods/services which may be

produced on implementation of the project, capture market and elicit cooperation
of the consumers etc.

(2) Technical analysis comprising systems analysis using technique of ope ration
research to sort out complex problems like allocation problems, replacement
problems, inventory problems, scheduling and queuing of operations with use of
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PERT/CPM, Linear programming. Integral programming, Goal Programming and
simulation etc.

(3) Financial analysis, to project future cash flows, profitabi lity, evaluate net
worth, to do cost-benefit analysis, profit planning’s, budgeting and resource
allocation, etc.

(4) Techno-economic Analysis suggesting to adopt optimal technology for proje ct

size/objectives, to explore economic conditions to absorb projects products, etc.

(5) Project Design and network analysis i.e. detailed work plan to the proje ct and
its time profile.

(6) Input output analysis etc.

PROJECT Appraisal means to critically examine with a focus of attention on specific

APPRAISAL aspects, areas of operations, and target goals to ensure the conformity of the
UNDER performance to the proposed goals. Basic task before the appraiser is to study
NORMAL progress in terms of cost productivity ratio, time schedule relationship, in ter-
action between different agencies, and performance of personnel in terms of the ir
responsibilities and objectives of the company.
Important ingredients of appraisal are the following:
(1) Objectives as defined in the proposal to be kept in view for sa tisfactory
assessment of operational courses;
(2) Accuracy of methods and measurements planned to be adopted is well
adhered to;
(3) Objectivity of the proposal is highlighted so as to keep off from the bias and
personnel prejudices;
(4) Ensure the reliability of the data and projected statements;
(5) Predictors made to conform to reality and should be objective.

In project appraisal above points should be kept in view by the members of

appraisal team irrespective of the fact whether the appraisal is being done for an
industrial project being implemented by a corporate unit or the project devoted to
the national economy sponsored by the state agency.

Form the angle of a company unit the project appraisal of the project may be done
at three stages as under:
(1) Projects appraisal by the corporate unit itself i.e. the promoters of the
company are interested in ensuring that on successful implementation of the
project whether or not it would generate the required rate of re turn on the total
investment. The promoters make selection of the projects following inve stment
criteria of obtaining the required rate of return. In this appraisal, all aspects with
reference to project idea are identified and evaluated. As a matte r of fact, it is a
feasibility study done to identify the project, identify internal constraints and
external difficulties, environmental constraints including government placed
restrictions and regulations. Once the promoters are satisfied on this aspect, they
have the formal feasibility report pre pared and consider it for investment

(2) Second stage of project appraisal arises when a project report duly accepted by
the promoters is submitted by the corporate unit of financial institution for
considering for grant of financial facilities to finance the cost of implementation of
the project.

(3) Project appraisal is done by Government agencies for according approvals

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required to clear a particular project under the different statues or state
regulations. The main criterion followed by Gove rnment agencies is the cost
benefit analysis and social gains.

PROJECT Timing for project appraisal is most important consideration for all types of
APPRAISAL appraisers. A project under normal circumstances is appraised from different
UNDER angles viz. technical feasibility, managerial aspects, commercial aspects, financial
INFLATION viability and economic and social aspects.
Under the normal conditions when prices are generally stable, demand pattern as
CONDITION projected in the project report is unchangeable, the project cost describe d in the
S project report remains unchanged at current prices and as such there is not
much danger of any sudden escalation in project cost or over run in the projected

There is practically no risk involved of either business or financial nature and

evaluation of the project could be done from different angles without providing for
any change in project cost and planning for additional financial resources to meet
the over run or escalations.

Nevertheless, project appraisal can’t be devoid of inflationary pressures as normal

conditions for a project do not exist. Because the project is to be implemented
over a period of time ranging upon the size and magnitude of the proje ct, i.e . it
could be six months or beyond to run or two or more years. During such a period,
it can’t be predicted as and when the trade cycles set in and the up-turn in
economy is generated.

In a developing economy like India, inflation grow at a planned steady rate

because of the economic development activities and as such provision for a
probable escalation in the project cost is generally provided as a cushion to
inflationary pressures.

However, during inflationary conditions the project cost is affected in magnitude

of parameters. Cost of project on all heads viz. labour wage, raw mate rial, fixe d
assets, Equipments, plant and machinery, building material, remuneration of
technicians and managerial personnel’s undergo a shift change. Besides,
inflationary conditions place constraints on the resources of the consumers of the
product and affect the demand pattern. Thus, cost at production are affected
besides the projected statements of profitability and cash flow by the change in
the demand pattern and market forecasting figures. The infl ationary pre ssures
alone do not stop here. The financial institution and banks revise their rate of
lending and their financing cost further escalate during inflationary conditions.
Under such conditions, the appraisal of the project generally be done ke e ping in
view the following guidelines which are usually followed by the Government
agencies, banks and financial institutions:

(1) Make provisions for delay in project implementation, escalation in project cost
as per the forecasted rate of inflation in the economy particularly on all he ads of

(2) Sources of finance should be carefully scrutinized with reference to revision in

the rate of interest to be made by lender and the revision which could be followe d
in the interest bearing securities. All these factors will push up the cost of
financial resources for the corporate unit.

(3) Profitability and cash flow projections as made in the project report require
revision and adjustment should be made to take care of the inflationary pressures
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affecting adversely future projections.

(4) Explain fully the criteria followed in adjusting the inflationary pre ssures viz.
there are two criteria followed given as under:-
(a) take inflationary rate at average rate and escalate the total cost at that rate;
(b) Adjust each cost item against inflationary rate. This would make adjustment
for inflationary pressures in the cost elements responsible outflows and the
revenue elements in the cash. Both cash inflows and outflows will accordingly
adjust to inflationary changes at the appropriate rate applicable to e ach of the m

(5) Examine the financial viability of the project at the revised rates and asse ss
the same with reference to economic justification of the project. The appropriate
measure for this aspect is the economic rate of return for the proje ct which will
equate the present value of capital expenditure to net cash flows ove r the life of
the project. The rate of return should be acceptable which accommodates the rate
of inflation per annum.

(6) In inflationary times, early pay back projects should be prepared. Because
projects with long pay back are more subjected to inflationary pressures and the
cash flow generated by the project will bear high risk.

PROJECT A different situation may arise in deflationary or recessionary situation. The

APPRAISAL economy is in down swing, prices are falling, lack of effective demand is
UNDER discernible, and production capacities are already affected narrowing the cash
DEFLATION inflows affecting liquidity of the project adversely because wages and salaries and
ARY other overhead costs do not fall which keeps the outflow at static rate with
declining inflows. The main consideration in project appraisal during this pe riod
CONDITION is the cash inflow, sales, the demand for the projects and sales forecasting
S outliving the predictions. As a matter of fact new project are delayed as the
appraisal never remains so realistic and the sources of supply of mone y be come
tight; investors have no enthusiasm in investing this money or savings in the
corporate securities for the uncertain working results and higher risk investment.
Nevertheless, the appraisal of the project should be done keeping in view the
above factors.

From the above discussion, it is concluded that the difference in project appraisal
during normal inflationary and deflationary condition is only of degree if due care
is taken to adjust the economic, commercial or financial aspe cts of the proje ct
affecting the cost and cash inflows, the profitability and liquidity of the project.

PROJECT Project Report submitted by a corporate unit to a financial institution for grant of
APPRAISAL financial facilities is properly appraised by a team of experts drawn from different
BY disciplines.
INSTITUTIO The project appraisal is done as a “business risk” and, therefore, efforts are made
to corroborate the data submitted by a company with authentic sources. Each
NS project is appraised on its own merits and flexibility is observed while applying
the norms of ratio analysis, funds flow analysis, financial indicators, te chnical
norms etc. The basic objective during appraisal remains the project and its future
in the form of successful implementation and efficient operation so as to
contribute to national economy. If a project remains successful, the mone y lend
by financial institutions is returned safely. The growth of the proje ct is the be st
security for the financial institutions than the physical and legal security. No
doubt this security form an important part in the entire transaction for le nding
and borrowing for the project.

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Viewing from the above angle, project appraisal, in general, by the financial
institutions seek to consider inter alia the following aspects:
(1) The project profile, its reliable and formulation and project report;
(2) The promoter’s capacity and competence;
(3) Viability Tests:
(A) Technical Aspects
(B) Financial Aspects
(C) Economic Aspects
(D) Societal/Distributive Aspects
(E) Environment, Energy Management and Economical Aspects
(F) Organisation and Management Aspects
(G) Commercial Including Marketing Aspects

1. THE The first and foremost consideration for appraisal of project report by a financial
PROJECT institution is the examination of the project itself. It may be recalled that the term
lending financial institutions have been established by the Governme nt with the
sole objective to promote development and growth of the industries which are
given planned priorities for the economic development of the country. The refore,
the project should be such which meet this standard and falls within the category
of approved projects.

Another important consideration in this area is that the project report pre pare d
by the corporate unit should confirm to the prescribed standard of the fi nancial
institutions. To be on the safe side, it is desirable if the project report is pre pare d
by the reputed consultants approved by the financial institutions or the Technical
Consultancies organisation established in different parts of the country by t he
financial institution.

There is no standard Performa for preparation of project report but to facilitate its
easy appraisal it should be self-contained study with all necessary feasibility
reports, market surveys, projected financial statements, managerial pe rsonnel
and organisational charts, status of the company in the ownership and title to the
property and the legal relationship with the promoters be clearly specified to avoid
discrepancies and confusions. In reality, the prescribed application form for
financing by the financial institutions contains clauses to bring out most of the
salient features in accepting a project proposal.

2. THE The promoter’s capacity and competence should be examined with re fere nce to
PROMOTER their management background, traits as entrepreneurs, busine ss or industrial
S: experience, and past performance in other concerns, their integrity and
CAPACITY reputation, market standing and legal competence.
Different considerations have got to be applied for the established entrepreneurs,
COMPETEN or promoters and the new entrepreneurs. The basic requirement is that their
CE profile should inspire confidence of their abilities and capacities to run the project
successfully and continue the interest therein till the repayment of the financial
facilities disbursed by the institutions to the unit promoted by them. In the case s
of technocrats who are coming up and taking up the industrial project, these
aspects are paid more attention than their experience with entrepreneur ism
ability or skills.

3. After analysing the Project and Promoters capacity, a bank/financial institution

VIABILITY carries out the different validity tests.
A. This involves studying the feasibility of selected technical processes and its
TECHNICAL suitability under Indian conditions, Location of the project, Plant layout,

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ASPECTS appropriateness of the chosen equipment, machinery and technology, availability
OF of raw material, powe r and other inputs, appropriateness of technology chosen
PROJECT from social point of view, availability of infrastructure for the project, the te chno
APPRAISAL economic assumptions and parameters used for analysing costs and benefits and
viability provision for treatment of effluents, training of manpower, legal
requirement on documentation, license and registration.

The technical feasibility is generally examined by technical specialists in the

organizations. In case of highly specialized projects, the banks se e k opinions or
get the projects appraised through experts like consultants, or organizations like
Technical Consultancy Organizations (TCOs).

B. THE Financial Appraisal of a project is most important for a banker. The primary aim
FINANCIAL of financial analysis is to determine whether the project satisfies the inve stment
ASPECTS criteria of generating acceptable level of profitability. The project should be able to
OF service the debt and ensure expected returns to the investor. The important
aspects which are examined while conducting financial appraisal are inve stment
outlay, means of financing, projected financial statements, viability and
profitability, break-even point analysis, sensitivity analysis and risk analysis.

Cash flow statement is the basis for financial analysis. In the initial pe riod the re
is a negative cash flow because of investment in capital assets, but after the
project takes off, the cash flow becomes positive due to the increased income.

Investment is generally required in the initial years, which is a cash outflow for
the project. In the operational phase, there is inflow from the business, which
results in positive cash flow till the project is wound up. In the last year, the
inflow is higher due to the residual value adding to the cash inflow.

The period from start of the project till its winding up is known as project life and
will vary from project to project. Generally, projects with more than 20 ye ars life
are analysed for financial cost and benefits for 20 years only, as the benefits
accruing after that have a negligible present value.

(a) Measures of Financial Viability – NPV, BCR and IRR

Financial viability is measured by net present value, benefit cost ratio, inte rnal
rate of return and debt service coverage ratios.

Net Present Value (NPV) representing wealth creation by the Project, is calculated
by taking the discounted sum of the stream of cash flows during the proje ct life .
In symbolic terms, we can express NPV of a project as under:

Where C = Cash Flows for different periods, r = Discount Rate and Invest. = Initial
Investment In other words, NPV represents the diffe rence be tween the pre sent
value of the cost and benefit streams.

A project is considered viable if the NPV is positive at a given discount r ate and
vice-versa. When two or more mutually exclusive projects are being appraised, the
project with the highest NPV should be selected. Among the discounted
techniques, NPV is considered the most important parameter for assessing

(i) Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR): BCR is the ratio of discounted value of bene fit and
discount value of cost. It can be expressed as under:-
The project is viable when BCR is one or more than one and is unviable
when it is less than one.

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(ii) Internal Rate of Return (IRR): IRR represents the returns internally
generated by the project. This is also the rate which makes the net present value
equal to 0. The calculation of IRR is a process of trial and error.

Normally, the process starts with the minimum discount rate and as the discount
rate is increased the NPV will come down and become s 0 or ne gative. If NPV is
positive at one rate and negative at the immediate next rate (for example if NPV is
positive at 20% discount rate and is negative at 25%), ‘Interpolation Method’
could be used for finding out the exact IRR by the following formula.

Where, IRR = Internal Rate of Return; L = Lower discount rate where NPV was
positive; H = Higher discount rate at which NPV was negative.

The project is considered viable if the IRR is more than the acceptable rate for the
entrepreneur which could be the opportunity cost for his funds. In case of
agricultural and rural development projects generally the prescribed IRR for
viability is 15% in India and other developing countries.

(b) Sensitivity Analysis

Projects are sensitive to fluctuation in values of critical variables like costs of
inputs and prices of outputs. It is important to examine how sensitive is the
project to fluctuations in the values of these variables because the basic
assumptions taken for projections of balance sheet, cash flow statements for
future years have an element of uncertainty. Different projects may, however, ge t
affected differently from changes in the assumption of cost and return items.
Sensitivity analysis helps us in finding out that how sensitive is the project to
these fluctuations.

Sensitivity analysis involves identification of crucial variable relating to costs and

returns, specification of alternative values of the crucial variables and re -
computation of the NPV and IRR by using the alternative values. A project, which
is highly sensitive to even small fluctuations in cost and price, is a risky proje ct
for financing.

(c) Scenario Analysis

Sensitivity analysis takes care of only one or two variable which is at times
inadequate. This limitation is partially overcome by what is known as sce nario
analysis, where scenario of certain prices, cost and othe r variable s are cre ated
and the financial parameters are computed.

(d) Risk Analysis

Even though through sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis techniques, some
of the uncertainties in the project are taken care, both the se type s of analysis
have limitation that they have deterministic values for the variables. In a
significant improvement over these methods, under risk analysis, probabilistic
analysis is done by identification of key risk variables, finding out value s of e ach
risk variable, assigning probabilities for each value to each of the risk variable s,
using these values for risk analysis and finding out the probability of negative
outcome of the project, i.e. what is the probability that the NPV of the project will
be negative.

C. The objective of economic appraisal is to examine the project from the entire
ECONOMIC economy’s point of view to determine whether the project will improve the
APPRAISAL economic welfare of the country. Economic appraisal is traditionally not
conducted in banks or financial institutions. It is generally conducted by agencies
like the World Bank and the development agencies of the Government for the
projects having huge investment and profound implication for the economy.
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Examples of the projects where economic analysis is conducted are big dams,
forestry projects and big industrial projects.

D. For an analysis of a project to be complete, it should include not only the

SOCIAL/ financial and economic but also social appraisal. The social analysis consi sts of
DISTRIBUTI two parts: measurement of the distribution of the income due to the proje ct and
VE identification of the impact on the basic needs objectives of the society.
The steps involved in social appraisal are: conducting financial analysis,
economic analysis and appraisal of distributional effect of the net benefits
(externalities) of the project. Here, the affected parties like farmers, dealers of the
goods, existing operators and Government are to be identified. One party (like
farmers whose lands will be irrigated in the case of a dam) is a gainer but the
other (like those who are displaced due to the dam) is a loser.

After social and distributive analysis it may emerge that a proje ct is financially
unviable but socially and economically is viable. In such situations the de cisions
to undertake the project would depend upon the goals of the Governme nt. If the
Government believes that the positive externalities are worth the negative
financial cash flow, it may decide to implement the project.
E. Developing countries including India are now becoming increasingly aware of the
ENVIRONM urgency to integrate environmental concerns into their project formulations and
ENTAL appraisal. This has led to the increased importance being attached to the
ASPECTS environmental aspects in the projects and now most of the banks and financial
institutions insist on what is known as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
The essence of EIA is a prediction of the consequences to the natural environment
from development projects.

The emphasis in EIA is on those consequences of the projects which are relatively
well known and whose magnitudes can be easily estimated. Conditional,
uncertain or probabilistic aspects of the impacts are not considered. Another
elaborate analysis called Environmental risk Assessment (ERA) is used to
differentiate a new and additional analysis in which the probabilistic e lement is
explicitly addressed.

In India, the consciousness has already come at the policy level. A separate
ministry has been formed and Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 was passe d by
the Government of India. Further, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has
been formed for ensuring proper implementation of the provisions of the Act. Most
of the industries are covered by the Act and therefore such industries have to
seek clearance not only before setting up of industries but also on a regular basis
from the state level PCBs. State level PCBs implement the standards set by CPCB.
Reserve Bank of India has also directed the banks not to e x te nd ce rtain cre dit
facilities to industries which have deleterious effects on the e nvironment. Thus,
environmental aspects of the projects are becoming very important in project

F. The organizational and managerial aspects evaluate the managerial capacity of

ORGANIZA the organization or the entrepreneur, responsible for imple me nting the proje ct.
TIONAL Even if very good technology is chosen for the project, it may fail due to lack of or
AND inadequate managerial capability. In small agricultural and other projects the
entrepreneur is responsible for taking care of all these aspects. It is important for
the banker to judge the borrower’s managerial capability and also his financial
AL capability (worth). In case of cost escalation he should be in a position to meet the
ASPECTS additional financial requirement for the project.

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G. Commercial aspects of a project include arrangement for supply of inputs for the
COMMERCI initiation and operation of the project and marketing of outputs. Some experts
AL prefer to have a separate marketing module and would treat it as the most
ASPECTS important aspect of appraisal.
LENDING Lending policy and appraisal norms by banks are decided by the Reserve Bank of
APPRAISAL These principles include: safety, liquidity, profitability, and risk diversion.
(1) Safety
Banks need to ensure that advances are safe and mone y le nt out by the m will
FINANCIAL come back. Since the repayment of loans depends on the borrowe rs’ capacity to
INSTITUTIO pay, the banker must be satisfied before lending that the business for which
NS AND money is sought is a sound one. In addition, bankers many times insist on
BANKS security against the loan, which they fall back on if things go wr ong for the
business. The security must be adequate, readily marketable and free of

(2) Liquidity
To maintain liquidity, banks have to ensure that money lent out by the m is not
locked up for long time by designing the loan maturity period appropriately.
Further, money must comeback as per the repayment schedule. If loans be come
excessively illiquid, it may not be possible for bankers to me e t the ir obligations
vis-à-vis depositors.

(3) Profitability
To remain viable, a bank must earn adequate profit on its investment. This calls
for adequate margin between deposit rates and lending rates. In this respect,
appropriate fixing of interest rates on both advances and deposits is critical.
Unless interest rates are competitively fixed and ma rgins are ade quate, banks
may lose customers to their competitors and become unprofitable.

(4) Risk diversification

To mitigate risk, banks should lend to a diversified customer base. Diversification
should be in terms of geographic location, nature of business etc. If, for example ,
all the borrowers of a bank are concentrated in one region and that re gion ge ts
affected by a natural disaster, the bank’s profitability can be seriously affected.

LOAN Based on the general principles of lending stated above, the Lending Policy
POLICY Committee (LPC) of individual banks prepares the basic Lending policy of the
Bank, which has to be approved by the Bank’s Board of Directors.

The loan policy outlines lending guidelines and establishes operating proce dures
in all aspects of Lending management including standards for presentation of
Lending proposals, financial covenants, rating standards and benchmarks,
delegation of Lending approving powers, prudential limits on large Lending
exposures, asset concentrations, portfolio management, loan review me chanism,
risk monitoring and evaluation, pricing of loans, provisioning for bad debts,
regulatory/ legal compliance etc. The lending guidelines reflect the specific bank’s
lending strategy (both at the macro level and individual borrower level) and have
to be in conformity with RBI guidelines.

1. Credit Deposit (CD) Ratio

A bank can lend out only a certain proportion of its deposits, since some part of

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deposits have to be statutorily maintained as Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) deposits,
and an additional part has to be used for making investment in prescribed
securities (Statutory Liquidity Ratio or SLR requirement). It may be note d that
these are minimum requirements. Banks have the option of having more cash
reserves than CRR requirement and invest more in SLR securities than the y are
required to. Further, banks also have the option to invest in non-SLR securities.

Therefore, the Credit Policy Committee (CPC) has to lay down the quantum of
Lending that can be granted by the bank as a percentage of deposits available.
Currently, the average CD ratio of the entire banking industry is around 70
percent, though it differs across banks. It is rarely observed that banks le nd out
of their borrowings.

2. Targeted Portfolio Mix

The LPC aims at a targeted portfolio mix keeping in view both risk and return.
Toward this end, it lays down guidelines on choosing the preferred areas of
lending (such as sunrise sectors and profitable sectors) as well as the se ctors to
avoid. Banks typically monitor all major sectors of the economy. They target a
portfolio mix in the light of forecasts for growth and profitability for each sector. If
a bank perceives economic weakness in a sector, it would restrict new exposure s
to that segment and similarly, growing and profitable sectors of the economy
prompt banks to increase new exposures to those sectors. This entails active
portfolio management. Further, the bank also has to decide which sectors to
avoid. For example, the LPC of a bank may be of the view that the bank is already
overextended in a particular industry and no more loans should be provided in
that sector. It may also like to avoid certain kinds of loans keeping in mind
general Lending discipline, say loans for speculative purposes, unsecured l oans,

3. Hurdle ratings
There are a number of diverse risk factors associated with borrowers. Banks
should have a comprehensive risk rating system that serves as a single point
indicator of diverse risk factors of a borrower. This helps taking Lending decisions
in a consistent manner. To facilitate this, a substantial degree of standardisation
is required in ratings across borrowers. The risk rating system should be so
designed as to reveal the overall risk of lending.

For new borrowers, a bank usually lays down guidelines regarding minimum
rating to be achieved by the borrower to become eligible for the loan. This is also
known as the ‘hurdle rating’ criterion to be achieved by a new borrower.

4. Pricing of loans
Risk-return trade-off is a fundamental aspect of risk management. Borrowers
with weak financial position, hence, placed in higher risk category and are
provided Lending facilities at a higher price (that is, at higher interest). The higher
the Lending risk of a borrower, the higher would be his cost of borrowing. To price
Lending risks, banks devise appropriate systems, which usually allow flexibility
for revising the price (risk premium) due to changes in rating. In othe r words, if
the risk rating of a borrower deteriorates, his cost of borrowing should rise and
vice versa. At the macro level, loan pricing for a bank is dependent upon a
number of its cost factors such as cost of raising resources, cost of administration
and overheads, cost of reserve assets like CRR and SLR, cost of maintaini ng
capital, percentage of bad debt, etc. Loan pricing is also dependent upon

5. Collateral security
As part of a prudent lending policy, banks usually advance loans against some
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security. The loan policy provides guidelines for this. In the case of term loans
and working capital assets, banks take as ‘primary security’ the property or goods
against which loans are granted. In addition to this, banks often ask for
additional security or ‘collateral security’ in the form of both physical and
financial assets to further bind the borrower. This reduces the risk for the bank.
Sometimes, loans are extended as ‘clean loans’ for which only personal guarantee
of the borrower is taken.

6. Compliance with RBI guidelines

The Lending policy of a bank should be conformant with RBI guidelines; some of
the important guidelines of the RBI relating to bank Lending are discussed below.

7. Directed Lending stipulations

The RBI lays down guidelines re garding minimum advances to be made for
priority sector advances, export Lending finance, etc. These guidelines need to be
kept in mind while formulating Lending policies for the Bank.

CAPITAL If a bank creates assets-loans or investment-they are required to be backed up by

ADEQUACY bank capital; the amount of capital they have to be backed up by depends on the
risk of individual assets that the bank acquires. The riskier the asset, the larger
would be the capital it has to be backed up by . This is so, because bank capital
provides a cushion against unexpected losses of banks and riskie r assets would
require larger amounts of capital to act as cushion.

The Basel Committee for Bank Supervision (BCBS) has prescribed a set of norms
for the capital requirement for the banks for all countries to follow. The se norms
ensure that capital should be adequate to absorb unexpected losses. In addition,
all countries, including India, establish their own guidelines for risk based capital
framework known as Capital Adequacy Norms. These norms have to be at least as
stringent as the norms set by the Basel committee. A key norm of the Basel
committee is the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), also known as Capital Risk
Weighted Assets Ratio, is a simple measure of the soundness of a bank. The ratio
is the capital with the bank as a percentage of its risk-weighted assets. Given the
level of capital available with an individual bank, this ratio determines the
maximum extent to which the bank can lend. The Basel committee specifies a
CAR of at least 8% for banks.

This means that the capital funds of a bank must be at least 8 percent of the
bank’s risk weighted assets. In India, the RBI has specified a minimum of 9%,
which is more stringent than the international norm. The RBI also provides
guidelines about how much risk weights banks should assign to different classes
of assets (such as loans). The riskier the asset class, the higher would be the risk
weight. Thus, the real estate assets, for example, are given very high risk weights.
This regulatory requirement that each individual bank has to maintain a
minimum level of capital, which is commensurate with the risk profile of the
bank’s assets, plays a critical role in the safety and soundness of individual
banks and the banking system.

EXPOSURE 1. Individual Borrowers: A bank’s Lending exposure to individual borrowers

NORMS must not exceed 15 % of the Bank’s capital funds. Lending exposure to individual
FOR borrowers may exceed the exposure norm of 15 % of capital funds by an
COMMERCI additional 5 % (i.e. up to 20 %) provided the additional Lending exposure is on
account of infrastructure financing.
2. Group Borrowers: A bank’s exposure to a group of companies under the same
management control must not exceed 40% of the Bank’s capital funds unless the
exposure is in respect of an infrastructure project. In that case, the exposure to a
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group of companies under the same management control may be up to 50% of the
Bank’s capital funds.

3. Aggregate exposure to capital market: A bank’s aggregate exposure to the

capital market, including both fund based and non-fund based exposure to
capital market, in all forms should not exceed 40 percent of its ne t worth as on
March 31 of the previous year.

PROJECT Project review is a very important aspect of entire project life.

REVIEW Even projects that are well designed, comprehensively planne d, fully re sourced
AND and meticulously executed will face challenges. These challenges can take place
CONTROL at any point in the life of the project and the project team must work to
continually revisit the design, planning and implementation of the project to
confirm they are valid and to determine whether corrective actions need to be
taken when the project’s performance deviates significantly from its design and its
plan. This is the purpose of the Project Monitoring, Evaluation and Control Phase.

Not surprisingly, the three principle categories of activities taking place during the
Monitoring, Evaluation and Control Phase are:
– Project Monitoring
– Project Evaluation
– Project Control

These activities are intended to occur continuously and continually, taking place
through the entire life of the project. For example, the e arlies t iterations of the
project indicators are already being developed during the Proje ct Ide ntification
and Design Phase; the Monitoring Plan is developed during the Planning Phase ;
monitoring visits are conducted during the implementation phase, and many
evaluation activities are undertaken during the End of Project Transition Phase.

DIFFERENTI Before examining each of the three categories of activities in the Project
ATING Monitoring, Evaluation and Control Phase in detail, it is first important to
MONITORIN differentiate between them.
Progress Monitoring tracks the operational work of the project. It answers
questions like “Have activities been completed as planned?” “Have outputs be e n
produced as anticipated?” “Is the work of the project progressing as projected?” At
CONTROL a fundamental level it is a passive process, it changes nothing. Instead, it te lls
the project manager where the project performance is in te rms of mone y, time ,
risk, quality, and other areas of project progress. At its core, the goal obje ctives,
timing and activities of project progress monitoring are perhaps best identified via
the following table:

The W hat, W hy, When and How of Monitoring

What: A continuous review of project progress at the activity and le ve ls Ide ntify
necessary corrective action.
Why: Analyse current situation, identify issues and find solutions, discover
trends and patterns, keep project activities on schedule, measure progress
against outputs, make decisions about human, financial and material resources
When: Continuous
How: Field Visits Records Reports

SOCIAL Social cost-benefit analysis is a systematic and cohesive method to survey all the
COST AND impacts caused by a project. It comprises not just the financial effects
BENEFIT (investment costs, direct benefits like tax and fees, etc.), but all the social effects,
ANALYSIS like: pollution, safety, indirect (labour) market, legal aspects, etc. The main aim of
a social cost benefit analysis is to attach a price to as many effects as possible in
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(SCBA) OF order to uniformly weigh the abovementioned heterogeneous effects. As a re sult,
PROJECT these prices reflect the value a society attaches to the caused effects, enabling the
decision maker to form a statement about the net social welfare effects of a
Major advantages of a social cost-benefit analysis are that it enables inve stors to
systematically and cohesively compare different project alternatives. Hence, these
alternatives will not just be compared intrinsically, but will also be set against the
“null alter-native hypothesis”. This hypothesis describes “the most likely” scenario
development in case a project will not be executed. Put differently, investments on
a smaller scale will be included in the null alternative hypothesis in order to make
a realistic comparison in a situation without “huge” investments.

The social cost-benefit analysis calculates the direct (primary), indirect

(secondary) and external effects:
(a) Direct effects are the costs and benefits that can be directly linked to the
owners/users of the project properties (e.g., the users and the owner of a building
or highway).
(b) Indirect effects are the costs and benefits that are passed on to the produce rs
and consumers outside the market with which the project is involve d (e .g., the
owner of a bakery nearby the new building, or a business company locate d ne ar
the newly planned highway).
(c) External effects are the costs and benefits that cannot be passed on to any
existing markets because they relate to issues like the environment (noise,
emission of CO2, etc.), safety (traffic, external security) and nature (biodive rsity,
dehydration, etc.).

The results of a social cost-benefit analysis are:

1. An integrated way of comparing the different effects: All relevant costs and
benefits of the different project implementations (alternatives) are ide ntified and
monetized as far as possible. Effects that cannot be monetized are describe d and
quantified as much as possible.
2. Attention for the distribution of costs and benefits: The benefits of a
project do not always get to the groups bearing the costs. A social cost -benefit
analysis gives insight in who bears the costs and who derives the benefits.
3. Comparison of the project alternatives: A social cost-benefit analysis is a
good method to show the differences between project alternative s and provide s
information to make a well informed decision.
4. Presentation of the uncertainties and risks: A social cost-benefit analysis
has several methods to take economic risks and uncertainties into account. The
policy decision should be based on calculated risk.

TWO UNIDO Approach: - This approach is mainly based on publication of UNIDO

APPROACH (United Nation Industrial Development Organisations) named Guide to Practical
ES FOR Project Appraisal in 1978.
L-M Approach :- IMD Little and J.A. Mireless approach for analysis of Social Cost
Benefit in Manual of Industrial Project “ Analysis in Developing countries and
project Appraisal and planning for Developing Countries.

UNIDO The UNIDO guidelines provide a comprehensive framework for appraisa l of

APPROACH projects and examine their desirability and merit by using different yardsticks in
OF SOCIAL a step-wise manner. The desirability is examined from various angles, such as the
COST impact on:-
(a) Financial profitability of utilization of domestic resources,
(b) Savings and consumption pattern,
(c) Income distribution, and
(d) Production of merit and demerit goods.
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These different aspects are examined in five stages, each stage leading towards a
social benefit-cost of the project.

Stage one: measures financial profitability from detailed integrated standard

analytical tables enumerating various costs and benefits at the market price and
examines profit viability from investors’ point of view.

Stage two: adjusts the financial costs and benefits to various distortions
introduced by market imperfections by valuing costs and benefits or net be ne fits
in terms of economic efficiency or shadow prices. For shadow prices, it categorizes
project inputs and outputs into “traded”, “tradable” and “non-traded”. For traded
and tradable, the guidelines use the border prices (f.o.b/c.i.f)as the relevant
shadow prices, whereas non-traded inputs and outputs are broken down into
their components and each tradable subcomponent is valued at border prices,
and so on. The residual non-traded components of commodities are valued at
domestic willingness to pay criterion and the labour is valued at shadow wage

Stage three: This stage designed to examine the impact of projects on savings
and consumption which are of vital consideration in the choice of alternative
investments in labour-intensive and capital-intensive projects. If saving is
assigned great importance, as should be the case in capital -scarce countries, this
stage recommends the rate for adjustment for savings by whi ch the social value of
a rupee/dollar investment exceeds its consumption value.

Stage four: This is important for those countries that regard income
redistribution in favour of weaker sections and backward regions as desirable
objectives. The guidelines suggest weighting net benefits to various income groups
or regions that reflect the judgment of politicians or the planners.

Stage five: Finally, in stage five, the UNIDO analysis suggests a methodology for
necessary adjustment of the deviations in economi c and social values and
difference between the efficiency and social value of project output, say, be twe en
good and bad or merit and demerit goods. It has been claimed that the analysis of
merit and demerit goods is not designed for “purists in economics who think that
economics should be devoid of political or subjective judgements”

LITTLE – The seminal work of Little and Mireless on benefit-cost analysis systematically
MIRELESS develops a theoretical basis for the analysis and its underlying assumptions and
(L-M) lays down step-wise procedure for undertaking benefit-cost studies of public
APPROACH projects. The mathematical formulation is identical to the UNIDO method e xce pt
for differences in assigning value to discount rates and accounting for
imperfections and other market failures and social considerations.

Like UNIDO guidelines, the Little -Mireless method also suggests valuation of
project investment at opportunity cost (shadow prices) of resources to correct
distortions due to market imperfections. Both methods make use of border price s
to correct distortions but with a major difference.

While Little and Mireless express the numeraire in terms of border prices in
foreign currencies, the guidelines recommend that fore ign e xchange values be
calculated in terms of domestic currency. Little and Mireless have also sugge sted
an elaborate methodology for calculating shadow prices of non-tradables.

DIFFERENT Term Loans from Financial Institutions and Banks

SOURCES Term loan is a long term secured debt extended by banks or financial institutions
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OF to the corporate sector for carrying out their long term projects maturing between
FINANCE 5 to 10 Years which is normally repaid in monthly or quarterly equal instalment.
They are external source of finance paid in instalments governed by loan
agreement and covenants.

All the capital requirements cannot be fulfilled by the promoters or e quity share
issues and that is where the term loans come into picture. Te rm loan or proje ct
finance is a long term source of finance for a company normally extended by
financial institutions or banks for a period of more than 5 years to a maximum of
around 10 years. One common feature which helps management in relatively
substituting equity by term loans is the longer term of the loan.

Term loan is a type of funding which is most suitable for proje cts involving ve ry
heavy investment which is not possible by an individual or promoters. Big
projects cannot be concluded in a year or two. To yield return from them, long
term perspective is required. Such big ventures are normally financed by big
banks and financial institutions. If the investment is too large, several banks
come together and finance it. Such type of term loan funding is also called as
consortium loan Term loan is acquired for new projects, diversification of
business, expansion projects, or for modernization or technology up gradation.
Here also, the underlying fact is that the investment in these projects is normally
very huge. Lack of option of funding from other sources such as equity etc. for
any reason also directs a company to go for term loan.

FINANCIAL At times, important reason for selecting term loan is financial leverage. By opting
LEVERAGE for debt finance like term loan, a company tries to magnify the re turns to the ir
AND TERM equity shareholders. This help management of a company achieve the core
LOAN objective of wealth maximization for its shareholders and also preserve the control
and share of existing shareholders.

FEATURES 1. Loan in any Currency: These loans are provided both in home or foreign
OF A TERM currency. Home currency loans are offered normally for purchase of fixe d asse ts
LOAN: such as land, building, plant and machineries, preliminary and preoperative
expenses, technical know-how, working capital etc. On the othe r hand, fore ign
currency loans are offered for import of certain plant or machine ry, payme nt of
foreign consulting fee etc.

2. Secured Loan: Term loans come under secured category of loans. Two kinds of
securities are there – primary and collateral. Primary security is the asset which
is purchased using the loan amount and collateral security is the charge on other
assets of the borrower.

3. Loan Instalments: Repayment of loan is done in instalments. These

instalments cover both principal and interest. Normally, loan instalments are
decided by banks based the borrower’s cash flow capacity. There may be
instalments paid monthly, quarterly, biannually, or even annually. Instalments
are normally equal but they may be structured based on the borrower’s business.
Moratorium or grace period is also given by banks in which no instalment or ve ry
low instalment is asked from the borrower. Sometimes, small instalments are
kept in the initial year or two and then the remaining loan is split into the
remaining maturity period making the later instalments higher than the initial

4. Maturity: Normally a term loan is ranging between 5 to 10 years. Forecasting

for more than 10 years in the current changing business environment is very

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5. Loan Agreement: An agreement is drafted between the borrower and the bank
regarding the terms and conditions of the loans which is signed by the borrowe r
and is preserved with bank.

6. Loan Covenant: Covenants are a part of loan agreement. They are certain
statements in the agreement which states certain do’s and don’ts for the
company. They are normally related to use of assets, creation of liabilities, cash
flow, and control of the management. They are positive / affirmative or negative in
Leasing and hire purchase are currently a supplementary form of debt finance.

LEASE A lease represents a contractual arrangement whereby the lessor grants the
FINANCE lessee the right to use an asset in return for periodic lease rental payments. While
leasing of land, buildings, and animals has been known from times immemorial,
the leasing of industrial Equipments is a relatively recent phenomenon,
particularly on the Indian scene. There are two broad types of lease: finance lease
and operating lease.

FINANCE A finance lease or capital lease is essentially a form of borrowing. Its salient
LEASE features are:
1. It is an intermediate term to a long-term non-cancellable arrangement. During
the initial lease period, referred to as the ‘primary lease period’. Which is usually
three years or five years or eight years, the lease cannot be cancelled.
2. The lease is more or less fully amortised during the primary lease period. This
means that during this period, the lessor recovers, through the lease rentals, his
investment in the equipment along with an acceptable rate of return. Thus, a
finance lease transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incident to
ownership to the lessee.
3. The lessee is responsible for maintenance, insurance, and taxes.
4. The lessee usually enjoys the option for renewing the lease for furthe r pe riods
at substantially reduced lease rentals.

OPERATIN An operating lease can be defined as any lease other than a finance le ase. The
G LEASE salient features of an operating lease are:
1. The lease term is significantly less than the economic life of the equipment.
2. The lessee enjoys the right to terminate the lease at a short notice without any
significant penalty.
3. The lessor usually provides the operating know-how and the re lated se rvices
and undertakes the responsibility of insuring and maintaining the equipment.
Such an operating lease is called a ‘wet lease’.

An operating lease where the lessee bears the costs of insuring and maintaining
the leased equipment is called a ‘dry lease’.

The key features of lease finance in India:

– Most leases in India are finance leases not operating leases
– Lease finance is available for identifiable performing assets
– Lease finance is available in small volume
– There is a great deal of flexibility in structuring lease finance
– Lease of immovable assets is not possible by banks
– Lease tenors up to eight years is available

HIRE- Hire Purchase is a loan or contract that involves an initial deposit, linke d to a
PURCHASE specific purchase, which is a way of obtaining the use of an asset before payme nt
is completed. The payments of the HP are in monthly instalments, plus inte rest
within which at the end of the agreement. Finance companie s usually offe r the

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facility of leasing as well as hire -purchase to its clients.

The main features of a hire -purchase arrangement are as follows:

 The hiree (the counterpart of lessor) purchases the asset and gives it on hire to
the hirer (the counterpart of lessee).
 The hirer pays regular hire -purchase instalments over a specified period of
time. These instalments cover interest as well as principal re payme nt. When
the hirer pays the last instalment, the title of the asset is transferred
from the hiree to the hirer.
 The hiree charges interest on a flat basis. This me ans that a ce rtain rate of
interest, usually around 8 percent, is charged on the initial investment (made
by the hiree) and not on the diminishing balance.
 The total interest collected by the hiree is allocated over various years. For this
purpose, the ‘sum of the years digits’ method is commonly employed.

VENTURE Venture capital is a source of financing for new businesses. Venture capital funds
CAPITAL pool investors’ cash and loan it to startup firms and small businesses with
perceived, long-term growth potential. This is a very important source of funding
startup that do not have access to other capital and it typically entails high risk
(and potentially high returns) for the investor.

Venture capital provides long-term, committed share capital, to he lp unquote d

companies grow and succeed. If an entrepreneur is looking to start -up, e xpand,
buy-into a business, buy-out a business in which he works, turnaround or
revitalise a company, venture capital could help do this. Obtaining venture capital
is substantially different from raising debt or a loan from a lender. Lenders have a
legal right to interest on a loan and repayment of the capital, irrespective of the
success or failure of a business. Venture capital is inve sted in e xchange for an
equity stake in the business. As a shareholder, the venture capitalists re turn is
dependent on the growth and profitability of the business. This return is generally
earned when the venture capitalist “exits” by selling its shareholding whe n the
business is sold to another owner.

Venture capitalist prefers to invest in “entrepreneurial businesses”. This doe s not

necessarily mean small or new businesses. Rather, it is more about the
investment’s aspirations and potential for growth, rather than by current size.
Such businesses are aiming to grow rapidly to a significant size. As a rule of
thumb, unless a business can offer the prospect of significant turnover growth
within five years, it is unlikely to be of interest to a venture capital firm. Venture
capital investors are only interested in companies with high growth prospects,
which are managed by experienced and ambitious teams who are capable of
turning their business plan into reality.

Venture capital firms usually look to retain their investment for be tween three
and seven years or more. The term of the investment is often linked to the
growth profile of the business. Investments in more mature businesses, where the
business performance can be improved quicker and easier, are often sold soone r
than investments in early-stage or technology companies where it take s time to
develop the business model.

PRIVATE  Private equity is essentially a way to invest in some assets that isn’t publicly
EQUITY traded, or to invest in a publicly traded asset with the intention of taking it
 Unlike stocks, mutual funds, and bonds, private equity funds usually invest in
more illiquid assets, i.e. companies.
 By purchasing companies, the firms gain access to those assets and re ve nue

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sources of the company, which can lead to very high returns on investments.
 Another feature of private equity transactions is their extensive use of de bt in
the form of high-yield bonds. By using debt to finance acquisitions, private
equity firms can substantially increase their financial returns.
 Private equity consists of investors and funds that make investments dire ctly
into private companies or conduct buyouts of public companies that re sult in
a delisting of public equity.
 Capital for private equity is raised from retail and institutional investors, and
can be used to fund new technologies, expand working capital within an
owned company, make acquisitions, or to strengthen a balance sheet.
Generally, the private equity fund raise money from investors like Angel
investors, Institutions with diversified investment portfolio like –pension
funds, insurance companies, banks, funds of funds etc.

TYPES OF Private equity investments can be divided into the following categories:
PRIVATE Leveraged Buyout (LBO): This refers to a strategy of making equity inve stments
EQUITY as part of a transaction in which a company, business unit or business asse ts is
acquired from the current shareholders typically with the use of financial
leverage. The companies involve d in these transactions are typically more mature
and generate operating cash flows.

Venture Capital: It is a broad sub-category of private equity that refers to e quity

investments made, typically in less mature companies, for the launch, early
development, or expansion of a business.

Growth Capital: This refers to equity investments, most often minority

investments, in companies that are looking for capital to expand or re structure
operations, enter new markets or finance a major acquisition without a change of
control of the business.

STRUCTUR  Huss (2005) describes that investing in private equity can be done in two
E OF ways: a direct investment or an investment through a fund.
PRIVATE  A direct investor participates in privately placed offeri ngs and is re sponsible
EQUITY for the investment process. Such an investment is not only very time
consuming and costly, but it requires a certain know-how and e xpe rience in
the private equity market.
 When investing through a fund, one can be faced with problems due to
asymmetric information between investors and entrepreneurs. These
entrepreneurs have a better knowledge about the real conditions of the firm,
the market and potential risk factors.

CHARACTE The structure of private equity funds is a fixed limited partnership; therefore early
RISTICS OF withdrawals are not possible. Moreover, there is often a sales restriction that
PRIVATE underlies private equity investments. Private equity inve stments ge nerally are
EQUITY liquid, because when there is a possibility of a secondary sale of fund shares,
investors can expect a substantial discount on the net asset value if selling in the
secondary market.

When participating in a limited partnership, the investor needs a minimum

amount of capital commitment. This minimum differs from fund to fund, but it is
a small fraction of the wealth of an investor. So, the potential for diversification is
highly restricted. The private equity market is not transparent. One of the ke y
characteristics in this market is that the re is little publicly available information.
The lacking of transparency is seen as a necessity for achieving the results,
because substantial part of the returns, private equity experiences, is due to the
ability to exploit inside information.

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DEFERRED A deferred payments arrangement is one of the source s of finance to industry.
PAYMENT Machinery suppliers in India or overseas where machinery is proposed to be
ARRANGEM imported may agree to accept payment in a scheduled manner in instalments in
ENTS the period ahead of delivery. This is known as deferred payment arrangement
with the machinery suppliers. The machinery suppliers in India or abroad may
agree to above arrangement on security which is procured in the form of
guarantee from financial institutions and banks of repute relied upon by the
machinery suppliers.

Guarantee for deferred payments are offered by All India Institution viz, IFCI,
IDBI, ICICI to foreign machinery supplier and also to indigenous machinery
supplier against the request of the company for financing project cost of the
company. The application made by the borrower for facility of guarantee is
processed in the same manner as applicable for loan. However, the borrower
company to be able to avail the facility should be in possession of requisite import
licence where the guarantee is required for import of machinery from abroad or
should have tied up the foreign currency loan from the foreign institution with the
approval of the Government of India where the guarantee for such loans is
required to be given to such foreign lending institution.

INTERNATI International finance plays a very important role in financing the cost of capital of
ONAL projects of the corporate sector.
FINANCE In international financial market the borrower from one country may seek lenders
AND in other countries in specific currency which need not be of the participant
country. In international financial market, the availability of fore ign currency is
assured under four main systems:
ON OF (a) Euro currency market; (b) Export credit facilities; (c) Bond issues; and (d)
LOANS Financial institutions.

(a) Euro currency market—Here funds are made available as loans through
syndicated Euro credits/ instruments known as Floating Rate Notes FRNs.
Interest rates vary every 3 to 6 months based on London—Interbank offered—
Rate. Syndicated Euro Currency bank loan has developed into one of the most
important instruments for international lending. Syndicated Euro credit is
available through instruments viz. Term loan and Revolving Line facility.

(b) Export Credit Facilities are made available by several countries through an
institutional frame work in which EXIM Banks play a prominent role. EXIM Bank
of India is playing a significant role in financing exports and othe r off shore deals.

(c) International Bond Market provides facilities to raise long term funds by using
different types of instruments.

The bond market is generally known as Euro bond market.

(d) UN Agency financial institutions viz. IMF of World Bank and its allied
agencies, IFC (W), ADB, etc. provide finance in foreign currency.

NEW Swap is the international finance market instrument for managing funds. The
INTERNATI basic concept involved in swaps is matching of difference between spot e xchange
ONAL rate for a currency and the forward rate. The swap rate is the cost of e xchanging
INSTRUME one currency into another for a specified period of time. The swap will re pre sent
an increase in the value of the forward exchange rate (premium of a decrease
discount). There are three main types of swaps (a) interest swap; (b) currency
swap; (c) combination of both.

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SYNDICATE The Eurocurrency market refers to the availability of a particular currency in the
D EURO international financial market outside the ‘home country’ of that curre ncy. For
CURRENCY example, the Eurodollar market refers to the financial market for US dollars in
LOANS England, France, Germany, Hong Kong and other financial ce ntres outside the
US. The Eurodollar borrowing may be evidenced by issue of commercial pape r in
the form of promissory notes, or by subscription to bond/debentures or it may be
syndicated loans type.

MAIN (a) Large sums are arranged without delay and at least cost.
OBJECTIVE (b) Gets better introduction to enter into international loan market without much
S OF difficulty.
SYNDICATI (c) Funds are made available easily for meeting balance of payment deficit and for
financing large industrial projects.
(d) The borrower is allowed to select the length of the roll over period and in
choosing different currencies to repay or cancel agreements after a short notice
RS’ POINT period without penalty.
LENDERS’ (1) It helps the bank to share large credits with other banks, to finance many
POINT OF borrowers.
VIEW (2) Different size banks can participate.
(3) It provides more profitability to banks as costs are relatively low.
(4) Syndicated loan is under-written by a small group banks which resell portions
of the commitments to other banks.

TAX Special economic zones have been set up throughout the country in order to
INCENTIVE promote competitive business environments. Both developers and occupiers of
S FOR SEZS SEZs enjoy substantial long-term tax holidays and concessions that are worth
exploring when establishing an operation in India, although these may be phase d
out under the direct tax code (DTC) for SEZs that are operationalized after March
31, 2020.

Presently, units in SEZs enjoy 100 percent income tax exemptions on

export income for the first five years, 50 percent for the next five years
thereafter, and 50 percent of the ploughed back export profit for another
five years.

Other benefits include a refund of integrated goods and services tax (IGST) on
goods imported by units and developers of SEZs, easy re fund procedure of input
GST paid on procurement of goods and services if any, and minimal compliance
requirement and return filing procedure.

Units in SEZs also receive additional benefits from respective state gove rnments
in the form of stamp duty exemption, VAT exemption or refund, and electricity
duty exemption.

Conditions for SEZ developers

• To avail incentives, the firm must be involved in the development, operation,
and maintenance of SEZs, including their infrastructure facilities.

Conditions for SEZ unit

• Must be engaged in the export of goods and services from April 1, 2005 onward;
• Must not be formed by split ting up or reconstructing an existing business ;
• Not to be formed by transferring a previously owned plant and machinery to the
SEZ unit.

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TAX Businesses setting up, under taking, or manufacturing units anywhere in the
INCENTIVE notified regions of the northeast and Himalayan states of India are eligible for
S IN special tax benefits. The notified regions include north-eastern states of
NORTHEAS Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim,
T, and Tripura and Himalayan states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Prade sh,
and Uttarakhand.
N STATES A deduction of 100 percent of business profits for a period of 10 years is
IN INDIA permitted for companies manufacturing, producing goods, providing
eligible services, or undergoing substantial expansion between July 1,
2017, and March 31, 2027.

Further, a refund is available on excise duty payable on specified value addition

for 10 consecutive years.

A refund is not available with respect to the manufacture or production of

tobacco, pan masala (betel leaf), plastic carry bags of less than 20 microns, or
goods produced by petroleum and gas refineries.

Service sectors eligible for the benefits include hotels (two stars and above),
nursing homes (25 beds or more), old age homes, vocational training institutes for
hotel management, catering and food crafts, entrepreneurship development,
nursing and paramedical, civil aviation related training, fashion design and
industrial training, IT related training centres, IT hardware manufacturing units,
and biotechnology.

TAX To strengthen the startup ecosystem in the country and provide support, the
INCENTIVE Indian government offers several tax benefits to startup recognized under the
S FOR National Startup Policy. Benefits include a tax holiday for a period of seven
STARTUPS previous years, beginning from the year the startup is incorporate d; e xemption
from tax on long-term capital gains; and approval to set-off carry forward losses
and capital gains in case of a change in shareholding pattern.

As a form of further relief, the government also provides an exemption from an ge l

investment tax, introduced in 2012. Under this, funds from angel investors or
family and friends – domestic funds that are not registered as venture capital (VC)
funds – or funds which are raised from VC firms set up for the very purpose of
backing such ventures, will not be taxed on their investment into a startup firm.
An eligible startup under the National Startup Policy is a company that holds an
eligible business certificate from the inter-ministerial board of certification unde r
the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).The company must be
incorporated on or after April 1, 2016, but before April 1, 2021. Additionally, the
total turnover of such a company must not exceed ` 250 million (US$ 3.87
million) in any of the previous years be ginning on or after April 1, 2016, and
ending on March 31, 2022.

TAX For newly set-up Indian companies, the government has announced a
INCENTIVE discounted CIT rate of 25 percent – plus applicable surcharge and
S FOR NEW education cess – with effect from FY 2016-17.
S The company may avail the discounted rate, provided it fulfils the following
• The company is registered and set up on or after March 1, 2016;
• The company has not claimed a benefit for establishing its unit in an SEZ,
benefit of accelerated depreciation, or benefit of additional depreciation,
investment allowances, expenditure on scientific research, and any de duction in
respect of certain income; and,
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• The company has not claimed set-off of loss carried forward from any earlier
assessment years, provided such loss is attributable to the deductions referred in
the above condition.

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YouTube Video Link :

INTRODUCTI  Dividend policy determines what portion of earnings will be paid out to stock
ON holders and what portion will be retained in the business to finance long-
term growth.

 Dividend constitutes the cash flow that accrues to e quity holde rs whe reas
retained earnings are one of the most significant sources of funds for
financing the corporate growth.

 Both dividend and growth are desirable but are conflicting goals to each
other. Higher dividend means less retained earnings and vice versa. This
position is quite challenging for the finance manager and ne cessitates the
need to establish a dividend policy in the firm which will evolve a patte rn of
dividend payments having no adverse effects on future actions of the firm.

 Two important considerations evolve from the above, firstly, whether owne rs’
needs are more important than the needs of the firm. It is not easy to
ascertain the extent to which shareholders best interest or desires affect
dividend policy because of the following difficulties:
(1) in determining the dividend ‘needs of the stock-holders, as re lated to tax
position, capital gains, current incomes; it is also difficult to locate e xactly
what more affects the interest of the shareholders current income
requirements or alternative use of funds, or tax considerations.
(2) Existing conflict of interest amongst shareholders dividend policy may be
advantageous to one and not to other.

 Nevertheless, investor’s expectations of dividend are mainly base d on thre e

factors viz.,
(a) Reduction of uncertainty due to current earnings by way of dividend.
(b) Indication of company’s strength and sound position that reposes
confidence in investors.
(c) To meet the need of current income.

 Secondly, need of the firm are easier to determine which the centre of
attention is for the policy makers. Firm oriented matters relating to divide nd
policy can be grouped under the following six categories, affecting directly or
indirectly the determination and the appropriateness of the policy:
(1) Firms’ contractual obligations, restrictions in loan agreement and/or legal
limitations/considerations; and insufficiency of cash to pay dividends.
(2) Liquidity, credit standing and working capital requirement and
considerations. Ability to borrow, nature of stockholders, de gree of control,
timing of investment opportunities, inflation and need to repay debt.
(3) Need for expansion-availability of external finance, financial position of
promoters, relative cost of external funds, and the ratio of debt to equity.
(4) Business cycle considerations.
(5) Factors relating to future financing.
(6) Past dividend policies and stockholders relationship.

The above factors affect the different firms or industry in different manner in
different situations.

TYPES OF There are basically four types of dividend policy.

DIVIDEND (1) Regular Dividend Policy: In this type of dividend policy the investors get
POLICIES dividend at usual rate. Here, the investors are usually persons who want to ge t
regular incomes. This type of dividend payment can be maintained only if the
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company has regular earning.

Merits of Regular Dividend Policy:

– It helps in creating confidence among the shareholders.
– It stabilizes the market value of shares.
– It helps in marinating the goodwill of the company.
– It helps in giving regular income to the shareholders.

(2) Stable dividend policy: Here the payment of certain sum of money is regularly
made to the shareholders.
It is of three types:
(a) Constant Dividend Per Share: In this case, reserve fund is created to pay fixed
amount of dividend in the year when the earning of the company is not enough.
It is suitable for the firms having stable earning.
(b) Constant payout ratio: Under this type the payment of fixed percentage of
earning is paid as dividend every year.
(c) Stable Rupee Dividend + Extra Dividend: Under this type, there is payme nt of
low dividend per share constantly + extra dividend in the year when the
company earns high profit. The extra dividend may be considered as a “bonus”
paid to the shareholders as a result of usually good year for the firm. This
additional amount of dividend may be paid in the form of cash or bonus share s,
subject to the firm’s liquidity position.

Merits of Stable Dividend Policy:

– It helps in creating confidence among the shareholders.
– It stabilizes the market value of shares.
– It helps in marinating the goodwill of the company.
– It helps in giving regular income to the shareholders.

(3) Irregular Dividend: as the name suggests here the company does not pay
regular dividend to the shareholders.

The company uses this practice due to following reasons:

 Due to uncertain earning of the company.
 Due to lack of liquid resources.
 The company is sometime afraid of giving regular dividend.
 Due to uncertainty of business.

(4) No Dividend: the company may use this type of dividend policy due to
requirement of funds for the growth of the company or for the working capital

DETERMINA In the company/organisation, dividend policy is determined by the Board of

NTS/ directors having taken into consideration a number of factors which include
CONSTRAIN legal restrictions imposed by the Government to safeguard the Interests of
TS OF various parties or the constituents of the company.
DIVIDEND The main considerations are as follows:
(1) Legal: As regards cash dividend policy several legal constraints bear upon it –
POLICY a firm may not pay a dividend which will impair capital.

(2) Financial: There are financial constraints to dividend policy. A firm can pay
dividend only to the extent that it has sufficient cash to disburse;

(3) Economic Constraints: Besides, there are economic constraints also. The
question arise, does the value of dividend affects the value of the firm. If the
answer to it is yes then there must be some optimum le ve l of divide nd, which
maximises the market price of the firm’s stock.
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(4) Nature of Business Conducted by a Company: A company having a business
of the nature which gives regular earnings may like to have a stable and
consistent dividend policy. Industries manufacturing consumer/ consumer
durable items have a stable dividend policy.

(5) Existence of the Company: The length of existence of the company affects
dividend policy. With their long standing experience, the company may have a
better dividend policy than the new companies.

(6) Type of Company Organisation: The type of company organisation whe ther a
private limited company or a public limited company affects dividend decisions.

(7) Financial Needs of the Company: Needs of the Company for additional capital
affects the dividend policy. The extent to which the profits are required to be
invested in the company for business growth is the main consideration in
dividend decisions.

(8) Market Conditions: Business cycles, boom and depression, affects dividend
decisions. In a depressed market, higher dividend declaration are used to
market securities for creating a better image of the company. During the boom,
the company may like to save more, create reserves for growth and expansion or
meeting its working capital requirements.

(9) Financial Arrangement: In case of financial arrangements being entered into

or being planned like merger or amalgamation with anothe r company, liberal
policy of dividend distribution is followed to make the share stock more

(10) Change in Government Policies: Changes in Government Policies

particularly those affecting earnings of the company are also taken into
consideration in settling dividend decisions.

TYPES OF (1) Cash Dividend

DIVIDEND/ If the dividend is paid in the form of cash to the shareholders, it is calle d cash
FORM OF dividend. It is paid periodically out the business concern’s EAIT (Earnings afte r
DIVIDEND interest and tax). Cash dividends are common and popular type followed by
majority of the business concerns.

(2) Stock Dividend

Stock dividend is paid in the form of the company stock (Shares) due to raising
of more finance. Under this type, cash is retained by the business concern.
Stock dividend may be bonus issue. This issue is given only to the existing
shareholders of the business concern.

(3) Bond Dividend (also known as script dividend)

If the company does not have sufficient funds to pay cash dividend, the
company promises to pay the shareholder at a future specific date with the he lp
of issue of bond or notes.

(4) Property Dividend

An alternative to cash or stock dividend, a property dividend can either include
shares of a subsidiary company or physical assets such as inventories that the
company holds. The dividend is recorded at the market value of the asset
provided. It will be distributed under exceptional circumstances. This type of
dividend is not prevalent in India.

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THEORIES Dividend decision consists of two important concepts which are based on the
OF DIVIDEND relationship between dividend decision and value of the firm.

RELEVANCE If the choice of the dividend policy affects the value of a firm, it is conside red as
OF DIVIDEND relevant. In that case a change in the dividend payout ratio will be followe d by a
change in the market value of the firm. If the dividend is relevant, there must
be an optimum payout ratio. Optimum payout ratio is the ratio which
gives highest market value per share.

1. WALTER’S Professor James E. Walter has developed a theoretical mode l which shows the
MODEL relationship between dividend policies and common stock prices. The basic
premise underlying the formulation is that price s re flect the pre sent value of
expected dividend in the long run. The model operates on the objective of
maximising common stockholders wealth. In general, if a firm is able to e arn a
higher return on earnings retained than the stockholder is able to earn on a like
investment then it would appear beneficial to retain the se e arnings, all othe r
things being equal.

Walter’s model is based on the following assumptions:

1. The firm finances all investment through retained e arnings; that is de bt or
new equity is not issued;
2. The firm’s internal rate of return (r), and its cost of capital (k) are constant;
3. All earnings are either distributed as dividend or reinvested internally
4. Beginning earnings and dividends never change. The value s of the e arnings
per share (E), and the divided per share (D) may be changed in the model to
determine results, but any given values of E and D are assumed to remain
constant forever in determining a given value.
5. The firm has a very long or infinite life.
𝐷 + (𝐸 − 𝐷)
𝑃= 𝑘
P : Market price per share of common stock
D : Dividend per share
E : Earnings per share
r : Return on investment
K: Market capitalization rate.

The above equation clearly reveals that the market price per share is the sum of
the present value of two sources of income:
(i) The present value of an infinite stream of constant dividends, (D/k) and
(ii) The present value of the infinite stream of stream gains, [r (E-D)/k/k]

According to the theory, the optimum dividend policy depends on the

relationship between the firm’s internal rate of return and cost of capital. If r >
k, the firm should retain the entire earnings, whereas it should distribute the
earnings to the shareholders in case the r < k. The rationale of r > k is that the
firm is able to produce more return than the shareholders from the retained

Walter’s view on optimum dividend payout ratio can be summarised as below:

(a) Growth Firms (r > k):- The firms having r > k may be referred to as growth
firms. The growth firms are assumed to have ample profitable investment
opportunities. These firms naturally can earn a return which is more than what
shareholders could earn on their own. So optimum payout ratio for growth firm
is 0%.

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(b) Normal Firms (r = k):- If r is equal to k, the firm is known as normal firm.
These firms earn a rate of return which is equal to that of shareholders. In this
case, dividend policy will not have any influence on the price per share. So there
is nothing like optimum payout ratio for a normal firm. All the payout r atios are

(c) Declining Firm (r < k):- If the company earns a return which is less than what
shareholders can earn on their investments, it is known as declining firm. He re
it will not make any sense to retain the earnings. So entire e arnings should be
distributed to the shareholders to maximise price per share . Optimum payout
ratio for a declining firm is 100%.

So according to Walter, the optimum payout ratio is e ither 0% (whe n r > k) or

100% (when r < k).

CRITICISM The criticisms on the model are as follows:

OF 1. Walter’s model of share valuation mixes dividend policy with investment
WALTER’S policy of the firm. The model assumes that the investment opportunitie s of the
MODEL firm are financed by retained earnings only and no e xte rnal fi nancing de bt or
equity is used for the purpose when such a situation exists either the firm’s
investment or its dividend policy or both will be sub-optimum. The wealth of the
owners will maximize only when this optimum investment in made.
2. Walter’s model is based on the unrealistic assumption that r is constant, but
it does not hold good. This reflects the assumption that the most profitable
investments are made first and then the poorer investments are made. The firm
should stop at a point where r = k. This is clearly an erroneous policy and fail to
optimise the wealth of the owners.
3. A firm’s cost of capital or discount rate, k, does not remain constant; it
changes directly with the firm’s risk. Thus, the present value of the firm’s
income moves inversely with the cost of capital. By assuming that the discount
rate, k is constant, Walter’s model abstracts from the effect of risk on the value
of the firm.

Thus, market price per share can be maximised with complete distribution of
earnings. If r is equal k, then market price per share is insensitive to payout
ratio. To sum up Walter’s conclusions, the firm should distribute all the
earnings in dividends if it has no profitable opportunities to invest.

2. Another theory, which contends that dividends are relevant, is the Gordon’s
GORDON’S model. This model which opines that dividend policy of a firm affects its value of
MODEL the share and firm is based on the following assumptions:
(a) The firm is an all equity firm (no debt).
(b) There is no outside financing and all investments are financed exclusive ly by
retained earnings.
(c) Internal rate of return (r) of the firm remains constant.
(d) Cost of capital (k) of the firm also remains same regardless of the change in
the risk complexion of the firm.
(e) The firm derives its earnings in perpetuity.
(f) The retention ratio (b) once decided upon is constant. Thus the growth rate of
frim (g) is also constant (g=br).
(g) ke >g.
(h) A corporate tax does not exist.

Gordon used the following formula to find out price per share:
𝑬(𝟏 − 𝒃)
𝒌𝒆 − 𝒃𝒓
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Where, P = Market price of a share
E = Earnings per share
b = Retention ratio or percentage of earnings retained or (1 – Payout ratio)
(1 - b) = dividend payout ratio, i.e., percentage of earnings distributed as
ke = Capitalisation rate/cost of capital
Br = growth rate in r, i.e., rate of return on investment of an all equity firm.

The model is also referred to as the dividend capitalization mode l. Grahm and
Dodd Myron Gordon and others worked on the model which considers
capitalization of dividends and earnings. The model is also referred to as the
dividend growth model. The model considers the growth rate of the firm to be the
product of its retention ratio and its rate of return.

The capitalization model projects that the dividend division has a bearing on the
market price of the shares.

According to Gordon, when r>ke the price per share increases as the divide nd
payout ratio decreases. When r<k the price per share increases as the divide nd
payout ratio increases.

When r=ke the price per share remains unchanged in response to the change in
the payout ratio.

Thus Gordon’s view on the optimum dividend payout ratio can be summarised
as below:
(1) The optimum payout ratio for a growth firm (r>ke) is zero.
(2) There no optimum ratio for a normal firm (r=ke).
(3) Optimum payout ratio for a declining firm r<ke is 100%.

Thus the Gordon’s Model’s is conclusions about dividend policy are similar to
that of Walter. This similarity is due to the similarities of assumptions of both
the models.

DIVIDEND Gordon revised this basic model later to consider risk and uncertainty. Gordon’s
AND model, like Walter’s model, contends that dividend policy is relevant. According
UNCERTAIN to Walter, dividend policy will not affect the price of the share whe n r = k. But
TY: Gordon goes one step ahead and argues that dividend policy affects the value of
shares even when r = k. The crux of Gordon’s argument is based on the
following two assumptions :
THE BIRD-IN- 1. Investors are risk averse and
HAND 2. They put a premium on a certain return and discount (penalise) uncertain
ARGUMENT return.

The investors are rational. Accordingly they want to avoid risk. The term risk
refers to the possibility of not getting the return on investment. The payme nt of
dividends now completely removes any chance of risk. But if the firm retains the
earnings the investors can expect to get a dividend in the future. But the future
dividend is uncertain both with respect to the amount as well as the timing. The
rational investors therefore prefer current or near dividend to future divide nd.
Retained earnings are considered as risky by the investors. In case earnings are
retained, therefore the price per share would be adversely affected. This
behaviour of investor is described as “Bird in Hand Argument”. A bird in hand is
worth two in bush. What is available today is more important than what may be
available in the future. So the rational investors are willing to pay a higher price
for shares on which more current dividends are paid, all other things held
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constant. Therefore the discount rate (K) increases with retention rate. Thus,
distant dividends would be discounted at a higher rate than the near dividends.

DIVIDEND Professor Modigliani and Miller in their article, “Dividend Policy, Growth and the
IRRELEVANC Valuation of Shares” advanced most comprehensive arguments to hold that
E: investors are indifferent to dividends and capital gains and so dividends have no
MODIGLIANI effect on the wealth of shareholders. They argue that the value of the firm is
determined by the earning power of firm’s assets or its inve stment policy. The
manner in which earnings are divided into dividends and retained earnings does
MODEL not affect this value. These conclusions of MM model are based on certain
assumptions which side -lined the importance of the dividend policy and its
effect thereof on the share price of the firm. According to the theory the value
of a firm depends solely on its earnings power resulting from the
investment policy and not influenced by the manner in which its earnings
are split between dividends and retained earnings.

Following are the assumptions under M-M hypothesis:

1. Capital markets are perfect- Investors are rational, information is freely
available, transaction cost are nil, securities are divisible and no inve stor can
influence the market price of the share.
2. There are no taxes- No difference between tax rates on dividends and capital
3. The firm has a fixed investment policy which will not change. So if the
retained earnings are reinvested, there will not be any change in the risk of the
firm. So k remains same.
4. Floatation cost does not exist.

MARGINAL  The residual theory of dividend assumes that if the firm has retained
ANALYSIS earnings left over after financing all acceptable investment opportunities,
AND these earnings would then be distributed to shareholders in the form of cash
RESIDUAL dividends. If no funds are left, no dividend will be paid.
THEORY OF  In such a case, the dividend policy that results is a strictly a financing
DIVIDEND decision. As a result the payment of cash dividend is a passive residual. Thus
the treatment of dividend policy as a passive residual determined strictly by
the availability of acceptable investent proposals implies that divide nds are
irrelevant; the shareholders are indifferent between dividends and retention.
 Thus, if the available investment opportunities are plenty, the pe rce ntage of
dividend payout will likely to be zero. On the other hand, if the firm is unable
to find profitable investment opportunities, the dividend payout ratio is likely
to be 1.
 As regards the acceptability of investment opportunities, it may be stated
that the firm will retain the earnings for investment in new projects up to the
point where the marginal return on the new investment equals to the
marginal cost of capital. Thus, the amount of retained earnings to be used by
the firm for investment purposes will depend upon the expe cted return on
the available investment opportunities.
 If the expected return on the available investment opportunities are more
than the firm’s marginal cost of capital, the firm will unde rtake as many of
these opportunities as are within its financial capability and thus, no
dividend will be paid to shareholders. Conversely, if the expected returns are
less than the firm’s marginal cost of capital, the firm will not accept the
investment opportunities and the entire earnings may be distribute d by way
of dividend.

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MEANING OF The capital which is required to finance current assets is called working capital.
WORKING It is the capital of a business which is used to carry out day-to-day business
CAPITAL – operations of a firm.

THE BASIC Current Assets: An asset is classified as current when:

CONCEPT (i) It is expected to be realised or intends to be sold or consumed in normal
operating cycle of the entity;
(ii) The asset is held primarily for the purpose of trading;
(iii) It is expected to be realised within twelve months after the reporting period;
(iv) It is non- restricted cash or cash equivalent.

Generally current assets of an entity, for the purpose of working capital

management can be grouped into the following main heads:
(a) Inventory (raw material, work in process and finished goods)
(b) Receivables (trade receivables and bills receivables)
(c) Cash or cash equivalents (short-term marketable securities)
(d) Prepaid expenses.

Current Liabilities: A liability is classified as current when:

(i) It is expected to be settled in normal operating cycle of the entity
(ii) The liability is held primarily for the purpose of trading
(iii) It is expected to be settled within twelve months after the reporting period.

Generally current liabilities of an entity, for the purpose of working capital

management can be grouped into the following main heads:
(a) Payable (trade payables and bills receivables) (b) Outstanding payments
(wages & salary etc.) In general, Working capital management is essentially
managing Current Assets; management of working capital arises as a part of the
process of such management.

Short term assets of a firm means cash money, short-term securities, inventory,
bill receivable, note receivable, debtors etc. In operating daily business, fixed
assets are also needed in addition to current assets. Though some fixe d asse ts
help on the daily operation of a firm, these can’t be termed as working capital,
because these can’t be converted into cash in the current accounting period. So,
the assets which can be converted into raw material from cash—R/M—Finished
Goods—B/R—Cash and helps in operating daily business of the firm, is calle d
working Capital. Working capital is also called ‘Trading Capital”, Circulating
capital/Short term capital /Short /Current Assets management.

SIGNIFICANC Importance of Adequate Working Capital:

E OF  Management of working capital is an essential task of the finance manager.
WORKING He has to ensure that the amount of working capital available with his
CAPITAL concern is neither too large nor too small for its requirements.
 A large amount of working capital would mean that the company has idle
funds. Since funds have a cost, the company has to pay huge amount as
interest on such funds.
 If the firm has inadequate working capital, such firm runs the risk of
insolvency. Paucity of working capital may lead to a situation where the firm
may not be able to meet its liabilities.
 Over capitalization implies that a company has too large funds for its
requirements, resulting in a low rate of return, a situation which implie s a
less than optimal use of resources.
 A firm, therefore, has to be very careful in estimating its working capital
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requirements. Maintaining adequate working capital is not just important in
the short-term. Sufficient liquidity must be maintained in order to ensure the
survival of the business in the long- term as well.

OPTIMUM  If a company’s current assets do not exceed its current liabilities, then it may
ORKING run into trouble with creditors that want their money quickly.
CAPITAL  Current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) (along with acid test ratio to
supplement it) has traditionally been considered the best indicator of the
working capital situation.
 It is understood that a current Ratio of 2 (two) for a manufacturing fi rm
implies that the firm has an optimum amount of working capital . This
is supplemented by Acid Test Ratio (Quick assets/Current liabilities) which
should be at least 1 (one).

TYPES OF 1. Initial Working Capital: The capital, which is required at the time of the
ORKING commencement of business, is called initial working capital. These are the
CAPITAL promotion expenses incurred at the earliest stage of formation of the enterprise
which include the incorporation fees, attorney’s fees, office expenses and othe r
preliminary expenses.

2. Regular Working Capital: It supplies the funds necessary to meet the cur r ent
working expenses i.e. for purchasing raw material and supplies, payment of
wages, salaries and other sundry expenses.

3. Fluctuating Working Capital: This capital is needed to meet the seasonal

requirements of the business. It is used to raise the volume of production by
improvement or extension of machinery. It may be secured from any financial
institution which can, of course, be met with short term capital. It is also calle d
variable working capital.

4. Reserve Margin Working Capital: It represents the amount utilized at the time
of contingencies. These unpleasant events may occur at any time in the
running life of the business such as inflation, depression, slump, flood, fire,
earthquakes, strike, lay off and unavoidable competition etc.

5. Permanent and Temporary Working Capital: The Operating Cycle creates the
need for Current Assets (Working Capital). However, the need doe s not come to
an end once the cycle is completed. It continues to exist.

6. Long Term Working Capital: The long-term working capital represents the
amount of funds needed to keep a company running in order to satisfy de mand
at lowest point. There may be many situations where demand may fluctuate
considerably. It is not possible to retrench the work force or instantly sell all the
inventories whenever demand declines due to temporary reasons. Therefore the
value, which represents the long-term working capital, stays with the busine ss
process all the time. It is for all practical purpose known as permanent fixed
assets. In other words, it consists of the minimum current assets to be
maintained at all times. The size of the permanent working capital varies directly
with the size of Operation of a firm.

7. Short Term Working Capital: Short-term capital varies directly with the level of
activity achieved by a company. The Volume of Operation decides the quantum
of Short-term working capital. It also changes from one form to another; from
cash to inventory, from inventory to debtors and from debtors back to cash. It
may not always be gainfully employed. Temporary Working capital should be
obtained from such sources, which will allow its return when it is not in use.

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8. Gross Working Capital: Gross working capital refers to the firm’s inve stment
in current assets.

9. Net Working Capital: Net working capital refers to the difference between
current asset and Current liabilities. Current liabilities are those claims of
outsiders, which are expected to mature for payment within accounting year and
include creditors, bills payable and outstanding expenses. Net Working capital
can be positive or negative. A positive net working capital will arise when current
assets exceed current liabilities.

DETERMINAN Some of the factors which need to be considered while planning for working
TS OF capital requirement are:-
WORKING 1. Nature of Business: A company’s working capital requirements are directly
CAPITAL related to the kind of business it conducts. A company that sells a service
primarily on a cash basis does not have the pressure of keeping considerable
amounts of inventories or of carrying customer’s receivables. On the other hand,
a manufacturing enterprise ordinarily finances its own customers, requires large
amounts to pay its own bills, and uses inventories of direct materials for
conversion into end products.

2. Degree of Seasonality: Companies that experience strong seasonal movements

have special working capital problems in controlling the internal financial
savings that may take place.

3. Production Policies: Depending upon the kind of items manufactured, by

adjusting its production schedules a company may be able to offset the effect of
seasonal fluctuations upon working capital, at least to some degree, even
without seeking a balancing diversified line.

4. Growth Stage of Business: As a company expands, it is logical t o e xpe ct that

larger amounts of working capital will be required to avoid interruptions to the
production sequence.

5. Position of the Business Cycle: In addition to the long-term secular trend, the
recurring movements of the business cycle influence working capital changes.
As business recedes, companies tend to defer capital replacement programme s
and deflect depreciations to liquid balances rather than fixed assets.

6. Competitive Conditions: A corporation that dominates the marke t may re lax

its working capital standard because failing to meet customers’ re quirements
promptly does not necessarily lead to a loss of business. When competition is
keen, there is more pressure to stock varied lines of inventory to satisfy
customer’s demands and to grant more generous credit terms, thereby causing
an expansion in receivables.

7. Production Collection Time Period: Closely related to a company’s competitive

status are the credit terms, it must grant. These arrangements may be re sult of
tradition, policy within the industry, or even carelessness in failing to carry out
announced principles. And the arrangements, in turn, are part of the overall
production collection time sequence, that is, the time intervening be tween the
actual production of goods and the e ventual collection of receivables, flowing
from sales. The length of this period is influenced by various factors.

8. Dividend Policy: A desire to maintain an established dividend policy may affect

the volume of working capital, or changes in working capi tal may bring about an
adjustment of dividend policy. In either event, the relationship between dividend
policy and working capital is well established, and very few companies ever
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declare a dividend without giving consideration to its e ffect on cash and t he ir
needs for cash.

9. Size of Business: The amount needed may be relatively large per unit of
output for a small company subject to higher overhead costs, less favourable
buying terms, and higher interest rates. Small though growing companie s te nd
to be hard pressed in financing their working capital needs because they seldom
have access to the open market as do large established business firms have.

10. Sales Policies: Working capital needs vary on the basis of sales policy of the
same industry. A department store which caters to the “carries trade” by
carrying a quality line of merchandise and offering extensive charge accounts
will usually have a slower turnover of assets, a higher margin on sales, and
relatively larger accounts receivable than many of its non-carriage, trade
competitors. Another department store which stresses cash and carry operations
will usually have a rapid turnover, a low margin on sales, and small or no
accounts receivable.

11. Risk Factor: The greater the uncertainty of receipt and expenditure, more the
need for working capital. A business firm producing an item which sells for a
small unit price and which necessitates repeat buying, such as canned foods or
staple dry goods etc., would be subject to less risk than a firm produc ing a
luxury item which sells for a relatively high price and is purchase d once ove r a
period of years, such as furniture, automobiles etc.

INVESTMENT How much to be invested in current assets as working capital is a matter of

OF WORKING policy decision by an entity. It has to be decided in the light of organisational
CAPITAL objectives, trade policies and financial (cost-benefit) considerations.

There is not set rules for deciding the level of investment in working capital.
Some organisations due to its peculiarity require more investment than othe rs.
For example, an infrastructure development company requires more investment
in its working capital as there may be huge inventory in the form of work in
process on the other hand a company which is engaged in fast food business,
comparatively requires less investment. Hence, level of investment de pe nds on
the various factors listed below:
(a) Nature of Industry: Construction companies, breweries etc. requires large
investment in working capital due to long gestation period.
(b) Types of products: Consumer durable has large inventory as compared to
perishable products.
(c) Manufacturing Vs. Trading Vs. Service: A manufacturing entity has to
maintain three levels of inventory i.e. raw material, work-in-process and finished
goods whereas a trading and a service entity has to maintain inve ntory only in
the form of trading stock and consumables respectively.
(d) Volume of Sales: Where the sales are high, there is a possibility of high
receivables as well.
(e) Credit policy: An entity whose credit policy is liberal has not only high level of
receivables but requires more capital to fund raw material purchases.

APPROACHES (a) Aggressive: Here investment in working capital is kept at minimal

OF WORKING investment in current assets which means the e ntity doe s hold lowe r le vel of
CAPITAL inventory, follow strict credit policy, keeps less cash balance etc. The advantage
INVESTMENT of this approach is that lower level of fund is tied in the working capital which
results in lower financial costs but the flip side could be that the organisation
could not grow which leads to lower utilisation of fixed assets and long term

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(b) Conservative: In this approach of organisation use to invest high capital in
current assets. Organisations use to keep inventory level higher, follows libe ral
credit policies, and cash balance as high as to meet any current liabilities
immediately. The advantage of this approach are higher sales volume, increased
demand due to liberal credit policy and increase goodwill among the supplie rs
due to payment in short time. The disadvantages are increase cost of capital,
higher risk of bad debts, and shortage of liquidity in long run to longer operating

(c) Moderate: This approach is in between the above two approaches.

CURRENT The finance manager is required to determine the optimum level of current
ASSETS TO assets so that the shareholders’ value is maximized. A firm needs fixed and
FIXED ASSETS current assets to support a particular level of output. As the firm’s output and
RATIO sales increases, the need for current assets also increases. Ge nerally, current
assets do not increase in direct proportion to output; current assets may
increase at a decreasing rate with output. As the output increases, the firm
starts using its current asset more efficiently. The level of the current assets can
be measured by creating a relationship between current assets and fixed assets.
Dividing current assets by fixed assets gives current assets/fixed assets ratio.
Assuming a constant level of fixed assets, a higher current assets/fixed assets
ratio indicates a conservative current assets policy and a lower current
assets/fixed assets ratio means an aggressive current assets policy assuming all
factors to be constant.

A conservative policy implies greater liquidity and lower risk whereas an

aggressive policy indicates higher risk and poor liquidity.

ESTIMATING Operating cycle is one of the most reliable methods of Computation of Working
WORKING Capital. However, other methods like ratio of sales and ratio of fixed inve stment
CAPITAL may also be used to determine the Working Capital requirements.
(i) Current Assets Holding Period: To estimate working capital needs based on
the average holding period of current assets and relating them to costs base d on
the company’s experience in the previous year. This method is essentially base d
on the Operating Cycle Concept.

(ii) Ratio of Sales: To estimate working capital needs as a ratio of sales on the
assumption that current assets change with changes in sales.

(iii) Ratio of Fixed Investments: To estimate Working Capital re quirements as a

percentage of fixed investments. A number of factors will, however, be impacting
the choice of method of estimating Working Capital. Factors such as se asonal
fluctuations, accurate sales forecast, investment cost and variability in sales
price would generally be considered. The production cycle and credit and
collection policies of the firm will have an i mpact on Working Capital
requirements. Therefore, they should be given due weightage in projecting
Working Capital requirements.

CURRENT  The more of the funds of a business are invested in working capital, lesser is
ASSETS AND the return in term of profitability and less amount is available for investing in
FIXED ASSETS long-term assets such as plant and machinery, etc.
FINANCING  Therefore, the corporate enterprise has to minimise inve stment in working
capital and to concentrate on investment of resources in fixed assets.

ASSESSMENT Requirement of working capital over the operating cycle period could be guesse d

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OF WORKING for short-term, medium term as well as long-term. For short term, working
CAPITAL capital is required to support a given level of turnover to pay for the goods and
services before the cash is received from sales to customers. Effort is made that
there remains no idle cash and no shortage of money to e rase liquidity within
the company’s working process. For this purpose sales budget could be linked to
the expected operating cycle to know working capital requirement for any give n
period of time or for each month. Medium term working capital include profit
and depreciation provisions. These funds are retained in business and re duced
by expenditure on capital replacements and dividend and tax payment.

By preparing budget the minimum amount required for medium te rm working

capital can be estimated. The company can work out its working capital ne e ds
for different periods through cash budget which is key part of working capital
planning. To prepare such a budget operating cycle parameters are of gre at use
as estimation of future sales level, time and amount of funds flowing into
business, future expenditure and costs all can be made with le ast difficulty to
help the main target.

Then, operating cycle help in assessing the needs of working capital accurately
by determining the relationship between debtors and sales, creditors and sale s
and inventory and sales. Even requirement of extra working capital can be
guessed from such estimate.

WORKING Working capital requirement assessment requires:

CAPITAL 1. Calculation of average value of Raw Material Inventory, Work in Progress
REQUIREMEN inventory and Finished Goods inventory
T 2. Calculation of Trade receivables
ASSESSMENT 3. Calculation of Cash and Cash Convertibles required for normal running of
4. Calculation of trade payables.

NEGATIVE Generally, negative working capital is a sign that the company may be facing
WORKING bankruptcy or a serious financial trouble. Under the best circumstances, poor
CAPITAL working capital leads to financial pressure on a company, increased borrowing,
and late payments to creditor - all of which result in a lower credit rating. A
lower credit rating means banks charge a higher interest rate, which can cost a
corporation a lot of money over time.

In general, companies that have a lot of working capital will be more succe ssful
since they can expand and improve their operations. Companie s with ne gative
working capital may lack the funds necessary for growth.

FINANCING Sources of financing of working capital differ as per the classification of working
OF WORKING capital into permanent working capital and variable working capital.
1. Sources of permanent working capital are the following:
(a) Owner’s funds are the main source. Sale of equity stock or pre fe rence stock
could provide a permanent working capital to the business with no burden of
repayment particularly during short period. These funds can be retained in the
business permanently. Permanent working capital provides more strength to the

(b) Another source of permanent working capital is bond financing but it has a
fixed maturity period and ultimately repayment has to be made. For re payme nt
of this source, company provides sinking funds for retirement of bonds issue d
for permanent working capital.

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(c) Term loan from banks or financial institutions has the same characteristics
as the bond financing of permanent working capital.
(d) Short-term borrowing is also a source of working capital finance on
permanent basis.

2. Source of Variable Working Capital

Working capital required for limited period of time may be secured from
temporary sources as discussed below:

(a) Trade Creditors: Trade credit provide a quite effective source of financing
variable working capital for the period falling between the point goods are
purchased and the point when payment is made. The longer this period, the
more advantageous it becomes for the firm to avoid efforts of seeking finance for
holding inventories or receivables.

(b) Bank Loan: Bank loan is used for variable or temporary working capital.
Such loans run from 30 days to several months with renewals being very
common. These loans are granted by bank on the goodwill and credit worthiness
of the borrower and collateral may include goods, accounts/notes receivable or
Government obligations or other marketable securities, commodities and

(c) Commercial Paper: It can be defined as a short term money market

instrument, issued in the form of promissory notes for a fixed maturity. It will be
totally unsecured and will have a maturity period ranging from 90 days to 180
days. It will meet the short term finance requirements of the companies and will
be good short term investment for parking temporary surpluses by corporate

(d) Depreciation as a Source of Working Capital: Increase in working capital

results form the difference in the amount of depreciation allowance de ducted
from earnings and new investment made in fixed assets. Usually, the entire
amount deducted towards depreciation on fixed assets is not invested in the
acquisition of fixed assets and is saved and utilised in business as working
capital. This is also a temporary source of working capital so long as the
acquisition of fixed asset is deferred.

(e) Tax Liabilities: Deferred payment of taxes is also a source of working capital.
Taxes are not paid from day-to-day, but estimated liability for taxes is indicated
in Balance Sheet. Besides, business organisations collect taxes by way of income
tax payable on salaries of staff deducted at source, old age retirement be ne fits,
excise taxes, sales taxes, etc. and retain them for some period in busine ss to be
used as working capital.

(f) Other miscellaneous sources are Dealer Deposits, Customer advances etc.

WORKING In formulating a Firm’s Working Capital Policy, an important consideration is

CAPITAL – A the trade-off between profitability and risk. In other words, the level of a
POLICY firm’s Net Working Capital (Current Assets – Current Liabilities) has a be aring
DECISION on its profitability as well as risk.

The risk of becoming technically insolvent is measured using net working

capital. It is assumed that the greater the amount of Net Working Capital, the
less risky the firm is, and vice-versa.

The relationship between liquidity, Net Working Capital and risk is such that if
either net working capital or liquidity increases, the firm’s risk decreases.
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What proportion of current assets should be financed by current liabilities and
how much by long term sources will depend, apart from liquidity – profitability
trade off, on the risk perception of the management? Two broad policy
alternatives, in this respect, are:

(a) A conservative current Asset financing policy: It relies less on short te rm

bank financing and more on long term sources.

No doubt it reduces the risk that the firm will be unable to repay its short te rm
debt periodically, but enhances the cost of financing.

(b) An aggressive current Asset Financing Policy: It relies heavily on short

term bank finance and seeks to reduce dependence on long te rm financing. It
exposes the firm to a higher degree of risk, but reduces the average cost of
financing thereby resulting in higher profits.

The relationship between current assets and sales under different current asset
policies is shown in the following figure:

To explain, an aggressive current asset policy aims at minimising the investment

in current assets corresponding to increase in sales thereby exposing the firm to
greater risk but at the result of higher expected profitability. On the othe r hand
conservative policy aims at reducing the risk by having higher investment in
current assets and thereby depressing the expected profitability. In between
these two, lies a moderate current asset policy.

WORKING  Working capital leverage may refer to the way in which a company’s
CAPITAL profitability is affected in part by its working capital management.
LEVERAGE  Profitability of a business enterprise is affected when working capital is
varied relative to sales but not in the same proportion.
 If the flow of funds created by the movements of working capital through the
various business processes is interrupted, the turnover of working capital is
decreased as is the rate of return on investment.
 Working capital management should enhance the productivity of the current
assets deployed in business. This correlates the working capital with Return-
on-Investment (ROI). ROI is product of two factors – assets turnover and
profits margin. If either of these ratios can be increased, ROI will be
increased to a great degree.
 Current assets reflect the funds position of a company and is known as
Gross Working Capital. Working Capital leverage is nothing but current
assets leverage which refers to the asset turnover aspect of ROI. This reflects
company’s degree of efficiency in employing current assets. In othe r words,

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the ability of the company to guarantee large volume of sales with small
current asset base is a measure of company’s operating efficiency. This
phenomenon is asset turnover which is a real tool in the hands of finance
manager in a company to monitor the employment of fund on a cumulative
basis to result into high degree of working capital leverage.

WAYS TO Working capital is a highly effective barometer of a company’s ope rational and
IMPROVE financial efficiency and effectiveness. The better its condition, the better
WORKING positioned a company is to focus on developing its core business. By addressing
CAPITAL the drivers of working capital, in fact, a company is sure to reap significant
POSITION operating cost and customer service improvement.

(1) Get Educated: A properly conceived and executed improvement program will
certainly focus on optimizing each of these components, but also, it will de liver
additional benefits that extend far beyond operational rewards.

(2) Institute Dispute Management Protocols: Established dispute -management

protocols free up time for sales, order-entry and cash collections’ personnel to be
more effective at their designated roles, and they also will increase productivity,
reduce operating costs and potentially boost sales. And finally, day’s payable
outstanding (DPO) and working capital will improve, as customers won’t have
reason to hold payment.

(3) Facilitate Collaborative Customer Management: If it is feasible to collaborate

with customers to help them plan their inventory requirements more efficiently,
it may be possible to match your production to their consumption, efficiently
and cost-effectively, and replicate this collaboration with your suppliers.

(4) Educate Personnel, Customers and Suppliers: A business imperative should

be to educate staff to consider the trade -offs between various working capital
assets when negotiating with customers and suppliers.

(5) Agree to formal terms with suppliers and customers and document carefully:
This step cannot be stressed enough. Terms must be kept up to date and
communicated to employees throughout the organization, especially to those
involved in the customer-to-cash and purchase -to-pay processes; this includes
your sales organization.

(6) Don’t forget to collect your cash: Customers should be asked if invoices have
been received and are clear to pay and, if not, to identify the problems
preventing timely payment. Confirm and reconfirm the credit terms.

(7) Steer clear of arbitrary top-down targets: try to balance top-down with
bottom-up intelligence when setting objectives.

(8) Establish targets that foster desired behaviours

(9) Do not assume all answers can be found externally

(10) Treat suppliers as you would like customers to treat you: Far greater cash
flow benefits can be realized by strategically leveraging your re lationship with
suppliers and customers. A supplier is more likely to support you in the case of
emergency if you have treated them fairly, and, likewise, a customer will be
willing to forgive a mistake if you have a strong working relationship.

91 | P a g e CA. AMIT TALDA NOTES | | CMA & FMSM | Enquiry: 7249869322
YEAR 1968 1974 April 1979 1982 April 1985 1997

TOPIC Control the Control Gap between independent review the free the banks
tendency of the sanctioned review of the working of from rigidities of
over- tendency cash credit Credit monetary the Tandon
financing of over- limit and its Authorisatio system in India Committee
and the financing utilisation n Scheme recommendation
diversion of and the (CAS) s in the area of
the banks diversion Working Capital
funds of the Finance and
banks considering the
funds on-going
liberalizations in
the financial

RE Present as Three (1) CAS is not to Government Regular interface

COM M E well as methods emphasised be looked should take with the
N future cash for need for upon as a initiative to borrower to have
DATION credit Maximum reducing the mere include a penal a better
S accounts Permissibl dependence regulatory interest understanding
should be e Bank of large and measure payment clause
distinguishe Finance: medium which is in purchase Periodical
d as between I: (CA – scale units confined to contracts with obtaining of
the ‘hard CL) *75% on bank large suppliers for affidavits from
core’ and the finance for borrowers delayed the borrowers,
‘short-term II: (CA * working payments declaring
components’ 75%) – CL capital; The basic beyond a pre - highlights of
. purpose of specified period. their assets,
III: [(CA – (2) to CAS is to liabilities and
Hard Core CCA)*75%] supplant the ensure operating
represents – CL cash credit orderly The credit limits performance
the system by credit to be
minimum bifurcate loans and management sanctioned to a Periodical
level of the cash bills and improve borrower exchange of
current credit into wherever quality of should be information to
assets to be a loan possible; and bank lending segregated pick-up the
maintained account so that all under three alarm signals at
and should and (3) To follow borrowings, different heads the earliest.
be financed demand simplified whether - Cash credit-I -
through cash credit information large or to cover the Establishing, a
term loan. instead of system but small, are in supplies to “Credit
treating with conformity Govt. Cash Information
Short term the entire penalties with the credit II - to Bureau” to
component credit limit when such policies and cover special provide updated
would as cash information priorities circumstances information of
represent credit for a is not laid down by and existing/new
requirement year forthcoming the Central contingencies borrowers before
of temporary within the Banking Normal working taking a credit
funds. borrower specified Authority capital limit - to decision
to submit limit. cover the
quarterly balance of the
statement It was also credit facilities.
s in the suggested
prescribed that banks

92 | P a g e CA. AMIT TALDA NOTES | | CMA & FMSM | Enquiry: 7249869322
format should fix
about its separate
operations limits where
, current feasible for
assets and peak level
current and non-
liabilities peak level
and funds requirements
flow with periods
statement where there
s with is a
monthly pronounced
stock seasonal
statement trend.
s and
projected Chore
balance Committee
sheets and also
profit and suggested
loss that the
account at banks
the end of should adopt
financial henceforth
year Method II of
the lending
d by the

Credit Monitoring Arrangements (CMA)

 Credit Monitoring Arrangement report is the report showing the projected pe rformance and
the past performance of a business in financial terms.
 It is compiled with all the required financial ratios and metrics to help Financial Analysts and
Bankers to ascertain the financial health of a business.
 Most of the Banking and Financial Institution request the applicant (Business Loan
Applicant) to prepare a Credit Monitoring Arrangement report (CMA report) in order to
understand the flow and application of funds in a business.
 A CMA report which is professionally prepared can enhance the chances of obtaining a bank
loan. Under the Credit Monitoring Arrangement (CMA), banks have been permitted for
sanctioning credit proposals (of large borrowers) after detailed analysis of the past
 There is another requirement for the Banks. They need to submit the large credit proposals to
the Reserve Bank of India for post-sanction scrutiny. These proposals involve working capital
limits of Rupees 500 lakhs (5 crores) and above and/or term loan in e xce ss of Rupe e s 200
lakhs (2 crores).

Statements covered in the CMA report

It covers the following statements:
1. Particulars of current & proposed limits: The first statement in the Credit Monitoring
Arrangement (CMA) report states about the existing fund & non-fund based cre dit limits, the ir
usage limits and history. In addition to this, the statement also contains the proposed or applie d
limit of the borrower. This document is a basic document which is to be provi ded by the
borrower to the banker.
2. Operating statement: This is the second statement which indicates the borrowe r’s busine ss
plan showing the Current Sales, profit before & after tax, sales projections, direct & indirect
expenses, and profit position for 3 to 5 years. These requirements are case to case specific on the
basis of the borrower’s working capital request. This is a scientific analysis of existing &
projected profit-generating capacity of the borrower.
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3. Analysis of Balance sheet: This is the third statement in the CMA data, this statement
contains an analysis of the current & projected financial years. It helps in providing a
comprehensive analysis of current & non-current assets, current & non-curre nt liabilities and
cash & bank position of the borrower. This statement also specifies the net worth position of the
borrower for the future projected years. As the name states, it is the analysis of the Balance
sheet and gives a complete picture of the financial position of the borrower.

4. Comparative statement of Current Asset & Current liabilities: This is the fourth statement
which provides the comparative analysis of the movement of the current assets & liabilities.
Basically, this analysis helps to decide the capacity of the borrower to meet the working capital
requirements and the actual working capital cycle for the projected period.

5. Calculation of Maximum Permissible Bank Finance (MPBF): This is the fifth statement and a
very important one. This includes a calculation which indicates the Maximum Permissible Bank
Finance. It shows the borrower’s capacity to borrow money.

6. Fund flow statement: The next statement is the Fund flow analysis for the current & projecte d
period. In this analysis, it indicates the fund position of the borrower with reference to the
projected balance sheets and MPBF (Maximum Permissible Bank Finance) calculations. The
main objective of this statement is to capture the movement of the fund for the given period.

7. Ratio analysis: This is the last statement in Credit Monitoring Arrangement report (CMA
report) which provides keyfinancial ratios for the Financial Analysts and Bankers use. The basic
key ratios are GP (Gross profit) ratio, Net profit ratio, Current ratio, Quick ratio, Stock turnove r
ratio, Net worth, the ratio of Net worth to Liabilities, DP limit, MPBF, Asse t turnove r, Current
asset turnover, Working capital turnover, Fixed asset turnover, Debt-Equity ratio etc.

Documents/Information required to prepare CMA

 Previous 2 years Audited Financials
 Latest Sanction letter (in case of renewal)
 Provisional Financial for the current year
 Term Loan Repayment Schedule,( if any)
 Details of proposed enhancement (if any) along with the terms and conditions

CASH By cash management, we mean the management of cash in:

MANAGEMENT  Currency form,
 bank balances and
 Readily marketable securities.

MOTIVES FOR (a) Transactional Motive

HOLDING CASH This is the most essential motive for holding cash because cash is the medium
through which all the transactions of the firm are carried out. Some example s
of transactions of a manufacturing firm are given below:
– Purchase of Capital Goods like plant and machinery
– Purchase of raw material and components
– Payment of rent and wages
– Payment for utilities like water, power and telephone
– Payment for service like freight and courier

These transactions are paid for from the cash pool or cash reservoir which is
all the time being supplemented by inflows. These inflows are of the following
– Capital inflows from promoters’ capital and borrowed funds
– Sales proceeds of finished goods
– Capital gains from investments

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The size of the cash pool depends upon the overall operations of the firm.
Ideally, for transaction purposes, the working capital inflows should be more
than the working capital outflows at any point of time. The non-working
capital inflows should be utilized for similar outflows such as purcha se of
fixed assets together with the surplus of working capital inflows.

(b) Speculative Motive

Since cash is the most liquid current asset, it has the maximum pote ntial of
value addition to a firm’s business. The value addition can come in two forms.
First, as the originating and terminal point of the operating cycle, cash is
invaluable. But cash has an opportunity cost also and if cash is ke pt idle ; it
becomes a liability rather than an asset. Therefore, efficient firms seek to
deploy surplus cash in short term investments to get better returns. It is he re
that the second form of value addition from cash can be had. Since this
deployment of cash needs to be done skilfully, not all the firms hold cash for
speculative motive. Further, the amount of cash held for spe culative motive
should not cause any strain upon the operating cycle.

(c) Contingency Motive

This motive of holding cash takes into account the element of uncertainty
associated with any form of business. The uncertainty can result in
prolongation of the working capital operating cycle or even its disruption. It is
possible that cost of raw materials or components might go up or the time
taken for conversion of raw materials into finished goods might incre ase. For
such contingencies, some amount of cash is kept by every firm.

LEVEL OF CASH The level of cash holding of a firm depends upon a number of factors.
HOLDING Prominent among these factors are the nature of the firms’ business, the
extent and reach of the business. The level of cash is measured as a
percentage of turnovers of the firm.

1. Nature of the business

If the firm is engaged in cash purchase of raw material from a number of
sources, its requirement of cash would be more than that a firm which buys
on credit. Also a firm having cash purchase and cash sale would need to
maintain more cash balance than a firm which buys on credit and sells on
credit. A firm buying in cash and selling on credit is like ly to have strained
cash flows. On the other hand, a firm buying on credit and selling in cash has
comfortable cash balances.

2. Extent and Reach of the business

A multi-location firm having a number of large and small branches has more
cash requirement than a single location firm. Also the proble ms associated
with moving cash between the branches and maintaining liquidity are much
more in a multi-location firm.

COMPONENTS Cash and bank balances are held by the firms in three major forms, i.e. cash
OF CASH AND and cheques in hand, balances with banks and investment in liquid
BANK securities.
1. Cash and Cheques in hand
This is the most liquid and readily accessible component of cash. The cash is
held to meet day-to-day payments of small amounts. It is generated from
counter cash receipts of the firm, if any, and from cash withdrawals from the
bank. The volume of cash in hand maintained by the firm again depends upon
the nature of operations of the firm. In case of major portion of the sales being
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in cash, firm is left with large amounts of cash at the e nd of the day which
needs to be taken care of safely. This entails security and custody
arrangements for the cash before it is deposited in the bank.

Cheques in hand are clubbed with cash in a categorization because a che que
is a secondary form of cash and is equivalent to holding cash.

2. Bank Balances
Bank balances represent the amount held with banks in savings, curre nt or
deposit accounts. In the case of firms, balances are not held in savings
accounts. A firm has at least one main current account with a bank through
which the transactions are carried out. All the excess cash is de posite d into
this account together with the cheques. Payments to employees, creditors and
suppliers are made by way of cheques drawn on this account. Being a current
account, no interest is payable to the firm on the balance maintained in this
account. Therefore, the firm seeks to keep just sufficient balance in the
current account for meeting immediate payment liabilities. Afte r accounting
for these liabilities, the surplus is transferred e ither to an inte rest be aring
deposit account or invested in short term liquid instruments. In case the firm
has borrowed funds for working capital, the surplus cash and cheques are
credited to those accounts, thereby reducing the liability of the company.

WILLIAM J. Cash management model of William J. Baumal assumes that the conce rned
BAUMAL company keeps all its cash on interest yielding deposits from which it
MODEL FOR withdraws as and when required. It also assumes that cash usage is linear
OPTIMAL CASH over time. The amount of money is withdrawn from deposits in such a way
BALANCE that the cost of withdrawal is optimally balanced with those of interest
MANAGEMENT foregone by holding cash. The model is almost same as economic stock orde r
quantity model.

Formula Economic lot size = √
T= Projected cash requirement
b= Conversion cost per lot
I= Interest earned on marketable securities per annum.

ABC Analysis This system is based on the assumption that in view of the scarcity of
managerial time and efforts, more attention should be paid to those items
which account for a larger chunk of the value of consumption rather than the
quantity of consumption.

STRATEGY FOR The strategy for effective cash management in any firm has a core compone nt
EFFECTIVE of ensuring uninterrupted supply of cash to the operating cycle. This cash is
CASH ideally generated from the cycle itself but under certain circumstances
MANAGEMENT infusion of cash from outside the cycle also takes place. Examples of such
circumstances are:
(a) when the firm has been newly set up and the cycle has yet to commence;
(b) When due to disruption in the cycle, cash gets stuck in other current
assets and outside cash infusion in the form of promoter’s lenders’
contribution is done.

(1) Realistic Cash Forecasting

By realistic cash forecasting we mean that cash fore cast for the e ntire ne xt
year should be prepared at its commencement. The cash forecast has two
parts—one is the forecast of cash flows from the operating cycle and the

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second part is the capital flows. The first part originates from the sales
forecast for the year while the second part originates from the capital budge t.
The surplus of cash generated from the operating cycle in called the internal
accruals of the firm and it is used to fund the capital outlays toge ther with
bank borrowings.

(2) Speeding up Collections

After the cash forecast has been prepared, the firm should ensure that in day
to day operations cash (including cheques) should be collected speedily.
Towards this end, a schedule of receivables should be prepared and kept
updated. Before due date of each payment, the debtor should be reminded for
it. When the cheques are received on due dates, these should be cre dited to
the bank account expeditiously. For a multi-locational firm, arrangements
should be made with the bank for on-line transfer of funds to the main
account. Similarly, facilities like drop boxes can be provided by firms having a
large user base whereby customers can drop their payments in boxe s place d
at vantage locations.

(3) Spreading out Payments

Simultaneously with speeding up collection, the firm should spread out
payments as far as possible. It means that if credit period is available in some
payments, it should be utilized fully. Bunching of payments should be
avoided. For outstation customers, arrangement can be made with the bank
for making at par payment.

INVENTORY Inventory Management is the second important segment of working capital

MANAGEMENT management Inventory is the second step in the operating cycle wherein cash
in converted into various items of the inventory. Inventory has the following
major components:
(a) Raw Material
(b) Work in Process
(c) Finished Goods.

Inventories form a link between production and sale of a product. A

manufacturing company must maintain a certain amount of inventory during
production, the inventory known as work in process (WIP). Although other
types of inventory – namely, raw materials and finished goods – are not
necessary in the strictest sense, they allow the company to be fle xible . Raw
materials inventory gives the firm flexibility in its purchasing. Finished goods
inventory allows the firm flexibility in its production scheduling and in its
marketing. Production does not need to be geared directly to sa les. Large
inventories also allow efficient servicing of customer demands. If a product is
temporarily out of stock, present as well as future sales may be lost. Thus,
there is an incentive to maintain large stocks of all three types of inventory.

STRATEGY FOR A successful strategy for inventory management has at its core the objective of
INVENTORY holding the optimum level of inventory at the lowest cost.
The cost of holding inventory has the following three elements:
(i) Carrying Cost
This is the cost of keeping or maintaining the inventory in a usable condition.
This includes the storage costs, i.e. the cost of storing the inventory in re nted
premises or the opportunity cost of storing in own premises + the wage cost of
personnel assigned to storing and securing it + cost of utilities and insurance
+ cost of financing.

Inventory carrying cost is directly proportional to the level of inventory

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assuming that the loading of carrying cost is done pro rata to the space
occupied. Thus if inventory level rises, its carrying cost also rises.

(ii) Ordering Cost

It is the cost associated with placing each individual orde r for supply of raw
materials, stores, packing materials etc. If these items are procure d in small
lots, then the ordering cost per unit of inventory would be more and vice

(iii) Stock-out Cost

It is the cost associated with procuring an inventory item, which has gone out
of stock and is needed for immediate supply. This cost includes the reduction
of profit and costs accruing due to disruption in the operating cycle.

HOW COST OF Cost of inventory can be lowered by–

INVENTORY  Entering into long term arrangements for supply of raw materials at
CAN BE market driven prices.
LOWERED:  Arranging for direct supply of raw material at manufacturing locations.
 Promoting ex-factory sales of the finished goods.
 Availing quantity discounts and spot payment discounts if the carrying
cost and financing cost is less than the discounts.
 Apart from these general steps, a technique called ABC ana lysis is also
used for monitoring inventory costs.

MANAGING THE 1. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model

INVENTORY Inventory level can be managed by adopting the Economic Order Quantity
LEVEL (EOQ) model. This model determines the order size that will minimize the total
inventory cost. According to this model, three parameters are fixe d for e ach
item of the inventory:
(1) Minimum level of that inventory to be kept after accounting for usage rate
of that item and time lag in procuring that item and contingences.
(2) The level at which next order for the item must be placed to avoid
possibility of a stock-out.
(3) The quantity of the item for which the re -order must be placed.

In addition to the determination of above parameters, the EOQ model is base d

on the following assumptions:
 The total usage of that particular item for a given period is known with
certainty and the usage rate is even throughout the period.
 There is no time gap between placing an order and receiving supply.
 The cost per order of an item is constant and the cost of carrying inventory
is also fixed and is given as a percentage of the average value of inventory.
 There are only two costs associated with the inventory and the se are the
cost of ordering and the cost of carrying the inventory.

RECEIVABLES Receivables are near the terminating point of the operating cycle. Whe n raw
MANAGEMENT material has been converted into finished goods, the final product is sold by
the firm. Some of the sales are done on spot basis while the remaining sales
are made on credit. The extent of credit sales varies from industry to industry
and within an industry.

Period of credit depends upon the position of the firm in the industry. If the
firm has a monopoly position, period of credit would be very low. If the
industry consists of a large number of players in keen competition with e ach
other, the period of credit would tend to be fairly long. Also, during pe riods of
demand recession, even a firm in monopoly situation might be forced to
extend credit in order to promote sales.
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Receivables are generally referred to by the name of “Sundry De btors” in the
books of account, Strictly speaking, Sundry Debtors refer to receivables
created in the course of operation of the working capital cycle, i.e. those
persons which owe payment to the firm for goods supplied or services
rendered. Thus sundry debtors represent an intermediate stage between
reconversion of finished goods into cash. So long as the sundry debtors
persist, the firm is strained of cash. So, logically the firm se eks to minimize
the level of sundry debtors.

The period of credit allowed to debtors also depends upon the industry
practice. This period of credit has two components. First component is a small
period of week to ten days which is normally allowed in all industries and no
interest is charged on the amount due. The second compone nt is the large r
one, length of which varies from industry to industry and inte rest is usually
charged for this period. In the alternative, the firm may charge full invoice
value for payment made after the credit period and allow discount for spot

Apart from the Sundry Debtors, cash flow of the firm is also affected by Loans
and Advances made to suppliers, subsidiaries and others. These advances are
not exactly working capital advances but nevertheless the se are tre ated as
current assets because these are assumed to be recoverable or converted into
inventory, fixed assets or investments within one year.
Credit policy can have a significant influence on sales. In theor y, the firm
should lower its quality standard for accounts accepted as long as the
profitability of sales generated exceeds the added costs of the receivables.

What are the costs of relaxing credit standards? Some arise from an enlarged
credit department, the clerical work of checking additional accounts, and
servicing the added volume of receivables. We assume for now that these costs
are deducted from the profitability of additional sales to give a net profitability
figure for computational purpose. Another cost comes from the increased
probability of bad-debt losses.

HOW DO FIRMS Timely realisation of receivables is an important element of working capital

ENSURE management. Practices in this respect vary from firm to firm. Most of the
REALISATIONS? firms dissuade credit sales to first time customers and gradually allow cre dit
after development of relationship. While giving credit, some firms obtain post -
dated cheques from their clients.

In other cases, firms have special staff earmarked for recovery efforts. The ke y
elements here are the opportunity cost of funds blocked in receivables and the
net expenses of maintaining recovery infrastructure. Expenses of maintaining
recovery infrastructure include the costs associated with recovering the
amount from debtors. If the funds realised from receivables can yie ld be tter
return than the interest recovered from debtors, then the firm would be better
off by promoting cash sales.

FACTORS The credit policy is an important factor de termining both the quantity and the
DETERMINING quality of accounts receivables.
Various factors determine the size of the investment a company makes in
accounts receivables. They are, for instance:
(i) The effect of credit on the volume of sales;
(ii) Credit terms;
(iii) Cash discount;
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(iv) Policies and practices of the firm for selecting credit customers;
(v) Paying practices and habits of the customers;
(vi) The firm’s policy and practice of collection; and
(vii) The degree of operating efficiency in the billing, record keeping and
adjustment function, other costs such as interest, collection costs and bad
debts etc., would also have an impact on the size of the investment in

The rising trend in these costs would depress the size of investment in
receivables. The firm may follow a lenient or a stringent credit policy. The firm
which follows a lenient credit policy sells on credit to customers on very liberal
terms and standards. On the contrary a firm following a stringent credit policy
sells on credit on a highly selective basis only to those custome rs who have
proper credit worthiness and who are financially sound. Any increase in
accounts receivables that is, additional extension of trade credit not only
results in higher sales but also requires additional financing to support the
increased investment in accounts receivables. The costs of credit
investigations and collection efforts and the chances of bad debts are also

CONTROL OF Control of bad-debts is an important part of controlling the working capital or

BAD DEBTS the current assets of the company. Credit policy should be followed which
may not lead to bad-debts and expedite collections. Periodical checks
should be maintained by classifying debtors as outstanding from 0 -30 days,
30-60 days, 60-90 days and 90 and over. Amount due for 60 days or more
should be followed seriously and collected.

FACTORING As the accounts receivable amount to the blocking of the firm’s funds, the
SERVICES need for an outlet to impart these liquidity is obvious. Other than the lag
between the date of sale and the date of receipt of dues, collection of
receivables involves a cost of inconvenience associated with tapping every
individual debtor. Thus, if the firm could contract out the collection of
accounts receivable it would be saved from many things such as
administration of sales ledger, collection of debt and the management of
associated risk of bad-debts etc.

Factoring is a type of financial service which involves an outright sale of the

receivables of a firm to a financial institution called the factor which
specialises in the management of trade credit. Under a typical factoring
arrangement, a factor collects the accounts on the due dates, effects
payments to the firm on these dates (irrespective of whe ther the customers
have paid or not) and also assumes the credit risks associated with the
collection of the accounts. As such factoring is nothing but a substitute for in -
house management of receivables.

A factor not only enables a firm to get rid of the work involved in handling the
credit and collection of receivables, but also in placing its sale s in e ffect on
cash basis.

DEFINITION “Factoring may be defined as a relationship between the financial institution

AND or banker (‘factor’) and a business concern (the ‘supplier’) selling goods or
FUNCTIONS – providing services to trade customers (the customer) whereby the factor
FACTORING purchases book debts with or without recourse (‘with a recourse’ me ans that
SERVICES in the event of bad debts factor can approach the ‘supplier’) to the supplier
and in relationship thereto controls the credit extended to the custome rs and
administers the sales ledger of the supplier.”

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Though the purchase of book debts is fundamental to the functioning of
factoring, there are a number of functions associated with these unique
financial services. A proper appreciation of these functions would e nable one
to distinguish it from the other sources of finance against receivables. The y
– assumption of credit and collection function;
– credit protection;
– encashing of receivables;
– collateral functions such as:
(a) loans on inventory,
(b) loans on fixed assets, other security and on open credit,
(c) Advisory services to clients.

Factoring vs. Accounts Receivable Loans

Accounts receivable loan is simply a loan secured by a firm’s accounts
receivable by way of hypothecation or assignment of such receivables with the
power to collect the debts under a power of attorney. In case of factoring
however, there is an outright sale of receivables. Thus, in case of the forme r,
the bank may debit client’s account for ‘handling charges’ if the debt turns
out to be bad as against non-recourse factoring.

Factoring vs. Bill Discounting

Under a bill discounting arrangement, the drawer undertakes the
responsibility of collecting the bills and remitting the proceeds to the financing
agency, whereas under factoring agreement, the factor collects client’s bills.
Moreover, bill discounting is always with recourse whereas factoring can be
either with recourse or without recourse. The finance house discounting bills
does not offer any non-financial services unlike a factor which finances and
manages the receivables of a client.

Mechanics of Factoring
Factoring offers a ve ry flexible mode of cash generation against re ceivable s.
Once a line of credit is established, availability of cash is dire ctly ge ared to
sales so that as sales increase so does the availability of finance. The
dynamics of factoring comprises of the sequence of events outlined in figure.
(1) Seller (client) negotiates with the factor for establishing factoring
(2) Seller requests credit check on buyer (client).
(3) Factor checks credit credentials and approves buyer. For each approved
buyer a credit limit and period of credit are fixed.
(4) Seller sells goods to buyer.
(5) Seller sends invoice to factor. The invoice is accounted in the buyers
account in the factor’s sales ledger.

OTHER Cash forecast technique can be used for control of funds flowing in and out of
TECHNIQUES business to check surpluses and shortages. Daily, weekly, monthly, cash flow
FOR CONTROL statements are used to regulate flow of funds and arrange for fund shortage
OF WORKING and invest surplus cash.
1. FUND FLOW Fund flow statements are used to find changes in assets over a period of time
STATEMENT showing uses of funds and sources of funds. Funds flow represent move me nt
of all assets particularly of current assets because movement in fixed asserts
is expected to be small except at times of expansion or diversification.

2. FORFAITING Forfaiting is a form of financing of receivables pertaining to international

SERVICES trade. It denotes the purchase of trade bills/promissory notes by a
bank/financial institution without recourse to the seller. The purchase is in
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the form of discounting the documents covering entire risk of non-payment in
collection. All risks and collection problems are fully the responsibility of the
purchaser (forfeiter) who pays cash to seller after discounting the bills/notes.

The salient features of forfaiting as a form of export relating financing are as

(i) The exporter sells and delivers goods to the importer on defe rred payme nt
(ii) The importer draws a series of promissory notes in favour of the e xporte r
for payment including interest charge. Alternatively the exporter draws a
series of bill which are accepted by the importer.
(iii) The bills/notes are sent to the exporter. The promissory note s/bills are
guaranteed by a bank which may not necessarily be the importer’s bank. The
guarantee by the bank is referred to as an Aval, defined as an endorsement by
a bank guaranteeing payment by the importer.
(iv) The exporter enters into a forfaiting agreement with a forfe iter which is
usually a reputed bank. The exporter sells the avalled notes/bills to the bank
at a discount without recourse and receives the payment.
(v) The forfeiter may hold these notes/bills till maturity for payment by the
importers bank.

Forfaiting vs. Export Factoring

Forfaiting is similar to cross border factoring to the extent both have common
features of non-recourse and advance payment. But they differ in several
important respects:
(a) A forfeiter discounts the entire value of the note/bill but the factor finances
between 75-85% and retains a factor reserve which is paid after maturity.
(b) The availing bank which provides an unconditional and irrevocable
guarantee is a critical element in the forfaiting arrangement whereas in a
factoring deal, particularly non-recourse type, the export factor bases his
credit decision on the credit standards of the exporter.
(c) Forfaiting is a pure financing arrangement while factoring also includes
ledger administration, collection and so on.
(d) Factoring is essentially a short term financing deal. Forfaiting finances
notes/bills arising out of deferred credit transaction spread over three to five
(e) A factor does not guard against exchange rate fluctuations; a forfeiter
charges a premium for such risk.

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INTRODUCTION  Investment means to forego present consumption for the increased

consumption resource available in the future.
 It can be in any form, assets of all type and kind be it jewellery,
commodity, real estate etc. An investor can buy a share of a company in
anticipation of getting good returns in future.
 While financial assets are the paper claim representing an indire ct claim
to real assets in form of debt or equity commitments, the real assets are
land and building, machines, etc., which are used to produce goods and
services. Therefore, a security is understood to be a debt or equity
instrument issued by a firm in lieu of the funds raise d by it to me e t its
long term and short term requirements.
 Among the many properties that distinguish real from financial assets are
liquidity and marketability.
 These features make the financial assets more attractive for inve stors as
they are able to liquidate their investments easily in ready and active

WHAT ARE Securities may be defined as instruments issued by seekers of funds in the
SECURITIES investment market to the providers of funds in lieu of funds.

These instruments prima facie provide evidence of ownership to the holder of

the instrument. The owner is entitled to receive all the be ne fits due on the
instrument and to retrieve his investment at the time of redemption.

INVESTMENT Investment is the employment of funds on assets with the aim of earning
income or capital appreciation. Investment has two attribute s name ly time
and risk. Present consumption is sacrificed to get a return in the future. The
sacrifice that has to be borne is certain but the return in the future may be
uncertain. This attribute of investment indicates the risk factor. The risk is
undertaken with a view to reap some return from the investment.
The investor makes a comparison of the returns available from each ave nue
of investment, the element of risk involved in it and then makes the
investment decision that he perceives to be the best having regard to the
time frame of the investment and his own risk profile.

Any investment decision will be influenced by three objectives – security,

liquidity and yield. A best investment decision will be one, which has the best
possible compromise between these three objectives.

When selecting where to invest our funds, we have to analyze and manage
folowing three objectives.
(i) SECURITY: Central to any investment objective is the certainty in recovery
of the principal. One can afford to lose the returns at any given point of time,
but s/he can ill afford to lose the very principal itself. By identifying the
importance of security, we will be able to identify and select the instrument
that meets this criterion. For example, when compared with corporate bonds,
we can vouch the safety of return of investment in treasury bonds as we have
more faith in governments than in corporations. Hence, treasury bonds are
highly secured instruments. The safest investments are usually found in the
money market and include such securities as Treasury bills (T-bills),
certificates of deposit (CD), commercial paper or bankers’ acce ptance slips;
or in the fixed income (bond) market in the form of municipal and other
government bonds, and in corporate bonds.

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(ii) LIQUIDITY: Because we may have to convert our investment back to cash
or funds to meet our unexpected demands and needs, our investment should
be highly liquid. They should be en cashable at short notice, without loss
and without any difficulty. If they cannot come to our rescue, we may have to
borrow or raise funds externally at high cost and at unfavorable te rms and
conditions. Such liquidity can be possible only in the case of investment,
which has always-ready market and willing buyers and sellers. Such
instruments of investment are called highly liquid investment. Common
stock is often considered the most liquid of investments, since it can usually
be sold within a day or two of the decision to sell. Bonds can also be fairly
marketable, but some bonds are highly illiquid, or nontradable, possessing a
fixed term. Similarly, money market instruments may only be redeemable at
the precise date at which the fixed term ends. If an investor seeks liquidity,
money market assets and non-tradable bonds aren’t likely to be he ld in his
or her portfolio.

(iii) YIELD: Yield is best described as the net return out of any inve stment.
Hence given the level or kind of security and liquidity of the investment, the
appropriate yield should encourage the investor to go for the inve stment. If
the yield is low compared to the expectation of the investor, s/he may pre fe r
to avoid such investment and keep the funds in the bank account or in worst
case, in cash form in lockers. Hence yield is the attraction for any investment
and normally deciding the right yield is the key to any investment.

INVESTMENT According to Benjamin Graham “An investment operation is one which,

VS. upon thorough analysis, promises safety of principal and an adequate
SPECULATION return. Operations not meeting these requirements are speculative.”

Thus investment differs from speculation. Speculation also involves

deployment of funds but it is not backed by a conscious analysis of pros and
cons. Mostly it is a spur of the moment activity that is promoted and
supported by half-baked information and rumours. Speculative de ployment
of funds is generally prevalent in the secondary equity market. What attracts
people to speculation is a rate of return that is abnormally higher than the
prevailing market rates. The balancing of risk and return nevertheless
operates in speculative activity also and as such the risk element in
speculation is very high. Very broadly, the characteristics of an investor
differ from the speculator as follows:

RISK AND ITS  Risk in security analysis is generally associated with the possibility
TYPES that the realized returns will be less than the returns that were
 In finance, different types of risk can be classified under two main
groups, viz., systematic risk and unsystematic risk.

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Basis Systematic Risk Unsystematic Risk
Influence of External Factors Internal Factors
Controllability Uncontrollable Controllable
Nature Macro Micro
Applicability These may include companies that deal in Higher proportion of
basic industrial goods like automobile unsystematic risk is found in
manufactures firms producing non-durable
consumer goods. Examples
include suppliers of
telephone, power and food
Types 1. Interest Rate Risk 1. Business Risk or
2. Market Risk Liquidity Risk
3. Inflation Risk or Purchasing Power 2. Financial Risk or
Risk Credit Risk
RETURN OF  Return is the primary motivating force that drives investment. It
THE SECURITY represents the reward for undertaking investment.
 The word “return” can be misleading, since no single me asure of re turn
can answer all possible questions regarding results.
 The reasons lie in the fact that taxes, inflation, commissions, and the
timing of cash flows all play major roles in “correct” calculation of

The return of an investment consists of two components:

Current Return- The first component that comes to mind when one is
thinking about return is the periodic cash flow (income), such as divide nd or
interest, generated by the investment. Current re turn is me asured as the
periodic income in relation to the beginning price of the investment.

Capital Return – The second component of return is re flected in the price

change called the capital return – it is simply the price appreciation (or
depreciation) divided by the beginning price of the asset. For assets like
equity stocks, the capital return predominates.

Total return = Current return + Capital return

The current return can be zero or positive, whereas the capital return

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can be negative, zero or positive.

MEASURING  Total return, or holding period return (r), is perhaps the best unique,
RETURN rational and comparable measures of results, no matter what type of
asset is under discussion.
 Holding period return is the total return received from holding an asse t
or portfolio of assets over a period of time, generally expressed as a
 Holding period return is calculated on the basis of total returns from the
asset or portfolio – i.e. income plus changes in value.
 It is particularly useful for comparing returns between investments he ld
for different period of time.

Holding Period Return = Income + (End of Period Value – Initial Value) /

Initial Value

APPROACHES There are three main schools of thought on the matter of security price
TO VALUATION evaluation.
OF SECURITY Advocates of different schools can be classified as (1) Fundame ntalists; (2)
Technicians; and (3) efficient market advocates.

(1) The Fundamental Approach:

 The Fundamental approach suggests that every stock has an intrinsic
 Estimate of intrinsic worth of a stock is made by considering the
earnings potential of firm which depends upon investment environment
and factors relating to specific industry, competitiveness, quality of
management, operational efficiency, profitability, capital structure and
dividend policy.
 The earning potential is converted into the present value of the future
stream of income from that stock discounted at an appropriate risk
related rate of interest.
 Security analysis is done to compare the current market value of
particular security with the intrinsic or theoretical value.
 Decisions about buying and selling an individual security de pe nds upon
the comparison.
 If the intrinsic value is more than the market value, the fundamentalists
recommend buying of the security and vice versa.

(2) Technical Approach:

 The technical analyst endeavours to predict future price levels of
stocks by examining one or many series of past data from the market
 The basic assumption of this approach is that history tends to repeat
itself and the price of a stock depends on supply and demand in the
market place and has little relationship with its intrinsic value.
 All financial data and market information of a given security is re flected
in the market price of a security. Therefore, an attempt is made through
charts to identify price movement patte rns which predict future
movement of the security.

(3) Efficient Capital Market Theory:

 The theory is popularly known as “Efficient Capital Market Hypothesis:
 The advocates of this theory contend that securities markets are
perfect, or at least not too imperfect.
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 The theory states that it is impossible to beat the marke t be cause stock
market efficiency causes existing share prices to always incorporate and
reflect all relevant information.
 It is based on the assumption that in efficient capita l markets price s of
traded securities always fully reflect all publicly available
information concerning those securities.
 Market efficiency was development in 1970 by the economist Eugene
Fama, whose theory of efficient market hypothesis stated that it i s not
possible for an investor to outperform the market because all available
information built in to all stock prices. For market efficiency,
 there are three essential conditions; (i) all available information is cost
free to all market participants; (ii) no transaction costs; and (iii) all
investors similarly view the implications of available information on
current prices and distribution of future prices of each security.

FUNDAMENTAL The investor seeks to arrive at the real value or the intrinsic value of a
APPROACH TO security through the process of security analysis. This value is arrived at by
VALUATION using a number of tools of financial analysis and it approximates the level at
which the demand and supply of stock of the security would be in
equilibrium leading to stability of prices. Price of the security below and
above this level would tend to be unstable.

Money has a “time value.” the powerful tools of compounding and

discounting can help us build a theoretical framework of valuation of bonds
and stocks. Bond values are reasonably easy to determine. As long as a bond
is not expected to go into default, the value of the bond is made up of present
values of annual interest payments plus the principal amount to be
recovered at maturity or sooner. Valuation of equity is different because
earnings and dividend streams are uncertain as to timing of receipt and the
amount of dividend. The value of an equity stock at any moment in time can
be thought of as the discounted value of a series of uncer tain future
dividends that may grow or decline at varying rates over time.

ANALYSIS OF Performance of a company is intimately related to the overall economic

THE ECONOMY environment of the country because demand for products and services of the
company would under normal circumstances be directly related to growth of
the country’s economy. If the country has an improving GDP growth rate,
controlled inflation and increasing investment activity then chances are that
the valuation of securities shall be libe ral. The capital market is said to be in
a bullish phase with share values shooting up across the board. As the
economy is growing, the analyst expects almost every industry to do well.

On the other hand, if the GDP growth rate slackens, inflation is out of
control and investment activity is stagnant or declining, the inve stor or the
analyst will expect the performance of industries to slow down. Unde r such
circumstances, valuation of securities tends to be conservative. The capital
market enters a bearish phase and share values decline across to board.

INDUSTRY Industry level analysis focuses on a particular industry rather than on the
LEVEL broader economy. In this analysis, the analyst has to look for the
ANALYSIS composition of the industry, its criticality vis-à-vis the national economy, its
position along the industrial life cycle, entry and exit barriers. All these
factors have a bearing upon the performance of the company.

Industry is a combination or group of units whose end products and services

are similar. Having a common market, the participants in the industry

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group face similar problems and opportunities. To the extent that an
industry loses or gains from certain happenings, the performance of the
participants is sure to be similarly impacte d. These happenings may be
technological changes, shifts in consumer preferences, availability of
substitutes etc. These changes also drive the life cycle of the industry.

The industry life cycle or the industry growth cycle can be divided into three
major stages-pioneering stage, expansion stage and stagnation stage.

 The pioneering stage is related to sunrise status of the industry. It is the

stage when technological development takes places . The products have
been newly introduced in the market and they gain ready acceptance. The
pioneering units in the industry make extraordinary profits and thus
attract competition. As competition increases profitability in the industry
comes under strain and less efficient firms are forced out of the marke t.
At the end of the pioneering stage, selected leading companies re main in
the industry.
 In the expansion stage of the growth cycle the demand for the products
increases but at a lower rate. There is less volatility in prices and
production. Capital is easily available in plenty for these units. Due to
retention of profits, internal accruals increase.
 At the stagnation stage, the growth rate initially slows down, then
stagnates and ultimately turns negative. There is no product innovation .
External capital is hard to come by. Even the internal capital takes flight.
This stage of the industry is most valuable during time s of slowdown in
national economy.

COMPANY  Armed with the economic and industry forecasts, the analyst looks at the
ANALYSIS company specific information. Company information is generated
internally and externally .
 The principle source of internal information about a company is its
financial statements.
 Many popular and widely circulated sources of information about the
companies emanate from outside or external sources . These sources
provide supplements to company-generated information by overcoming
some of its bias, such as public pronouncements by its officers.
 There are traditional and modern techniques of company analysis. Among
the traditional techniques are forecasting expected dividends and
earnings using price -earnings ratios which help us to determine whether
a stock is fairly valued at a point in time. Such approaches allow us to
evaluate an equity share for a short term horizon . Moreover, an approach
combining the dividend discount model (with variable growth rates) and
the concept of systematic risk can also be helpful in evaluating a stock for
a longer term holding period.
 Among the modern methods are regression analysis, and the related tools
of trend and correlation analysis, decision tree analysis and simulation.
Modern methods have strengths of the traditional methods while
attempting to overcoming their shortcomings.

TECHNICAL In the fundamental analysis, share prices are predicted on the basis of a
ANALYSIS three stage analysis. After the analysis has been completed, the deciding
factors that emerge are the financial performance indicators like e arnings
and dividends of the company. The fundamentalist makes a judgement of the
equity share value with a risk return framework based upon the earning
power and the economic environment. However, in actual practice, it ofte n
happens that a share having sound fundamentals refuses to rise in value

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and vice versa. We would now examine an alternative approach to predict
share price behaviour. This approach is called the Technical Analysis. It is
used in conjunction with fundamental analysis and not as its substitute.

Technical analysis is based on the following assumptions:

 The inter-play of demand and supply determines the market value of
 Supply and demand are governed by various factors – both rational and
 Stock values tend to move in trends that persist for a reasonable time.
 These trends change as a result of change in demand-supply equilibrium.
 Shifts in demand and supply can be detected in charts of market action.
 Chart patterns tend to repeat themselves and this repetition can be use d
to forecast future price movements.
 Markets behave in a random style.
 Markets discount every future event that has a bearing upon share

DOW JONES  The theory was formulated by Charles H. Dow of Dow Jone s & Co. who
THEORY was the first editor of Wall street Journal of USA.
 According to this theory, share prices demonstrate a pattern over four to
five years.
 These patterns can be divided into three distinct cyclical trends- primary,
secondary or intermediate and minor trends.

PRIMARY  The primary trend lasts from one to three years.

TRENDS  Over this period, the markets exhibit definite upward or downward
movement which is punctuated by shorter spans of trend reversal in the
opposite directions. The trend reversal is called the secondary trend.
 Primary trend is indicative of the overall pattern of movement.
 If the primary trend is upward, it is called a bullish phase of the market.
If the primary trend is downwards, it is called a bearish phase.



SECONDARY  In Dow Theory, a primary trend is the main direction in which the

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TRENDS market is moving. Conversely, a secondary trend moves in the opposite
direction of the primary trend, or as a correction to the primary trend.
 For example, an upward primary trend will be composed of secondary
downward trends. This is the movement from a consecutively higher high
to a consecutively lower high. In a primary downward trend the secondary
trend will be an upward move, or a rally. This is the movement from a
consecutively lower low to a consecutively higher low.
 In general, a secondary, or intermediate, trend typically lasts be tween
three weeks and three months, while the retracement of the secondary
trend generally ranges between one-third to two-thirds of the primary
trend’s movement.

MINOR TREND  The last of the three trend types in Dow Theory is the minor trend, which
is defined as a market movement lasting less than three weeks.
 Minor trends are changes occurring every day within a narrow range.
These trends are not decisive of any major movement.
 The minor trend is generally the corrective moves within a secondary
move, or those moves that go against the direction of the secondary trend.

TOOLS OF The two variables concerning groups of securities or individual securities

TECHNICAL that technicians watch are the behaviour of prices and volume of trading
ANALYSIS contributing to and influenced by changing prices. Technical analyst s use
two major types of tools for their analysis. These are the charts and the price

1. TECHNICAL These are the plotting’s of prices and trading volumes on charts. The purpose
CHARTS of reading and analysing these charts is to determine the demand-supply
equation at various levels and thus to predict the direction and extent of
future movement of the prices. The charts are not infallible but be cause of
their repeated accuracy, they have come to be accepted. In all the charts, a
correlation exists between market price action and the volume of trading
when the price increase is accompanied by a surge in trading volumes; it is a
sure sign of strength. On the other hand, when the decline in share price s is
accompanied by increased volumes, it is indicative of beginning of bearish

There are four ways to construct a chart. These are the Line Chart, Bar
Chart, Candle Stick Chart and Point & Figure Chart.

LINE CHART  A Line chart is a style of chart that is created by conne cting a se ries of
data points together with a line.
 This is the most basic type of chart used in finance and it is ge ne rally
created by connecting a series of past prices together with a line. Line
charts are the most basic type of chart because it represents only the
closing prices over a set period.
 The line is formed by connecting the closing prices for e ach pe riod ove r
the timeframe and the intraperiod highs and lows of stock prices are
 This type of chart is useful for making broad analysis over a longer
period of time.

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BAR CHART  Bar charts expand upon the line chart by adding the open, high, low,
and close – or the daily price range, in other words – to the mix.
 The chart is made up of a series of vertical lines that represent the price
range for a given period with a horizontal dash on each side that
represents the open and closing prices.
 The opening price is the horizontal dash on the left side of the horizont al
line and the closing price is located on the right side of the line.
 If the opening price is lower than the closing price, the line is often
shaded black to represent a rising period. The opposite is true for a
falling period, which is represented by a red shade.

CANDLESTICK  Like a bar chart, candlestick charts have a thin vertical line showing the
CHARTS price range for a given period that is shaded different colors based on
whether the stock ended higher or lower. The difference is a wide r bar or
rectangle that represents the difference between the opening and closing
 Falling periods will typically have a red or black candlestick body, while
rising periods will have a white or clear candlestick body.
 Days where the open and closing prices are the same will not have any
wide body or rectangle at all.

POINT &  Emphasis is laid on charting price changes only and time and volume
FIGURE CHART elements are ignored.
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 The first step in drawing a figure and point chart is to put a X in the
appropriate price column of a graph.
 Successive price increases are added vertically upwards in the same
column as long as the uptrend continues.
 Once the price drops, the figures are moved to another column and Os
are entered in downward series till the downward trend is reversed.

PATTERNS Once the charts have been constructed, analysts seek to locate certain
CREATED BY indicators/patterns in the charts. The common patterns are being describe d
CHARTS below:
1. Support and resistance levels
A support level indicates the bottom which the share values are unable to
pierce. After rising time and again, the share price dips to a particular leve l
and then starts rising again. At this level, the share gets buying support. A
resistance level is that level after which the share price refuses to move up in
repeated efforts. At this level, selling emerges. Support and resistance le vels
are valid for a particular time period. Once these leve ls are breached,
beginning of a new bull or bear phase is signalled.

2. Heads & Shoulders Configuration

In this type of chart configuration, a formation similar to heads and
shoulders is created wherein the neckline acts as the resistance or support
line. As the head and shoulder top is formed, a resistance le vel appe ars at
the top of the head. The volumes start declining near the head top and
reversal sets in. The volumes become heavy again and shrink near the
neckline where another reversal of trend begins.

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3. Triangle or Coil Formation
This pattern represents a pattern of uncertainty. Hence it is difficult to
predict which way the price will break out.

4. Double Top Formation

It represents a bearish development, signalling that the price is e xpe cted to

5. Double bottom formation

It represents a bullish development, signalling that the price is e xpe cted to

2. TECHNICAL Apart from the charts, technical analysts use a number of indicators
INDICATORS generated from prices of stocks to finalise their recommendations. These
indicators are often used in conjunction with charts. Some of the important
indicators are:
(a) Advance-Decline Ratio
It is the ratio of the number of stocks that increase to the numbe r of stocks
that have declined. If the ratio is more than one, the trend is assume d to be
bullish. If the ratio starts declining, a change of trend is signalled.

(b) Market Breadth Index

This index is a variation of the Advance -Decline Ratio. This index is
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computed by taking the difference between the number of stocks rising and
the number of stocks falling. If during a month, 400 out of 1000 stocks in
the market have risen and 300 have declined while 300 have remained
unchanged, then market breadth would be calculated as = 2(400–300)/300.
The figure of each time period is added to the previous period. If market
breadth is increasing along with rise in stock indices, it confirms the bullish
trend and vice versa.

(c) Moving Averages

A moving average is the average of share values of a set of consecutive
number of days. If we have to calculate 50 days moving average, we calculate
the average for days 1–50. Then on day 51, we add the value of day 51 and
deduct the value of day 1 and so on. Similarly, moving averages for 100 days,
200 days and 300 days can be calculated. Moving averages provide a
benchmark for future valuation. If share value is below the moving ave rage,
it has scope for appreciation. If the value is above the moving average, the
upside is limited in the near term.

ALTERNATIVE 1. Random walk theory

APPROACHES In the Fundamental Analysis, factors such as economic influences, industry
TO VALUATION factors and particular company information are considered to form a
judgement on share value. On the other hand, price and volume information
is analysed in Technical Analysis to predict the future course of share values.
There is another approach which negates both Fundamental and Te chnical
analysis. This approach has been based upon the research aimed at te sting
whether successive price changes are independent in different forms of
market efficiency.

According to the theory, share prices will rise and fall on the whims and
fancies of manipulative individuals. As such, the movement in share value s
is absolutely random and there is no nee d to study the trends and
movements prior to making investment decisions. No sure prediction can be
made for further movement or trend of share prices based on the given prices
as at a particular moment. The Random Walk Theory is inconsistent with
technical analysis.

Whereas, it states that successive price changes are independent, the

technicians claim that they are dependent. But believing in random walk
does not mean that one should not believe in analysing stocks. The random
walk hypothesis is entirely consistent with an upward and downward
movement in price, as the hypothesis supports fundamental analysis and
certainly does not attack it.

One of the advantages of this theory is that one is not bothe re d about good
or bad judgement as shares are picked up without preference or evaluation.
It is easier for believers in this theory to invest with confidence. The se cond
advantage is that there is no risk of being ill informed while making a choice
as no information is sought or concealed. Random walk theory implies that
short term price changes i.e. day to day or week to week changes are random
but it does not say anything about trends in the long run or how price le ve ls
are determined.

2. Efficient – Market Theory

Efficient Market Hypothesis accords supremacy to market forces. A market is
treated as efficient when all known information is immediately discounted by
all investors and reflected in share prices. In such a situation, the only price
changes that occur are those resulting from new information. Since new
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information is generated on a random basis, the subsequent price changes
also happen on a random basis.

Major requirements for an efficient securities market are:

o Prices must be efficient so that new inventions and be tte r products will
cause firms’ securities prices to rise and motivate investors to buy the
o Information must be discussed freely and quickly across the nations so
that all investors can react to the new information.
o Transaction costs such as brokerage on sale and purchase of se curities
are ignored.
o Taxes are assumed to have no noticeable effect on investment policy.
o Every investor has similar access to investible funds at the same te rms
and conditions.
o Investors are rational and make investments in the se curities providing
maximum yield.

Research studies devoted to test the random walk theory on Efficient Capital
Market Hypothesis (ECMH) are put into three categories i.e.
(a) The Strong Form of Efficiency: This test is concerned with whether two
sets of individuals – one having inside information about the company and
the other uninformed could generate random effect in price move me nt. The
strong form holds that the prices reflect all information that is known. It
contemplates that even the corporate officials cannot benefit from the inside
information of the company. The market is not only efficient but also perfect.
The findings are that very few and negligible people are in such a privile ge d
position to have inside information and may make above -ave rage gains but
they do not affect the normal functioning of the market.

(b) Semi-strong form of Efficiency: This hypothesis holds that security

prices adjust rapidly to all publicly available information such as functional
statements and reports and investment advisory reports, etc. All publicly
available information, whether good or bad is fully reflected in security
prices. The buyers and sellers will raise the price as soon as a favourable
price of information is made available to the public; opposite will happe n in
case of unfavourable piece of information. The reaction is almost
instantaneous, thus, printing to the greater efficiency of securities market.

(c) The W eak Form theory: This theory is an extension of the random walk
theory. According to it, the current stock values fully reflect all the historical
information. If this form is assumed to be correct, the n both Fundame ntal
and Technical Analysis lose their relevance. Study of the historical sequence
of prices, can neither assist the investment analysts or investors to
abnormally enhance their investment return nor improve their ability to
select stocks. It means that knowledge of past patterns of stock price s doe s
not aid investors to make a better choice.
The theory states that stock prices exhibit a random behaviour.

In this way, if the markets are truly efficient, then the fundamentalist would
be successful only when (1) he has inside information, or (2) he has supe rior
ability to analyse publicly available information and gain insight into the
future of the company. The empirical evidence of the random walk
hypothesis rests primarily on statistical tests, such as runs test, corre lation
analysis and filter test. The results have been almost unanimously in
support of the random walk hypothesis, the weak form of efficient market

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PORTFOLIO  Portfolio, or combination of securities, helps in spreading this risk over

MANAGEMENT many securities. The investors hope that if they hold different assets,
even if one goes bad, the others will provide some protection from an
extreme loss.
 Portfolio management thus refers to efficiently management of the
investment in the securities by diversifying the investments across
industry lines or market types.
 The reasons are related to the inherent differences in the debt and e quity
markets, coupled with a notion that investment in companies in
dissimilar industries would most likely do much better than the
companies within the same industry.
 However, there is disagreement over the “right” kind of diversification and
the “right” reason.
 In the following paragraphs a formal, advanced notion of diversification
conceived by Harry Markowitz will be introduced.
 Portfolio theory was originally proposed by Harry Markowitz in
1950s, and was the first formal attempt to quantify the risk of a port folio
and develop a methodology for determining the optimal portfolio.
 Markowitz assumed that investor attitudes towards portfolio depend
exclusively upon (1) expected return and risk, and (2) quantification of
risk. And risk is, by proxy, the statistical notion of variance, or standard
deviation of return.
 Harry Markowitz was the first person to show quantitatively why and how
diversification reduces risk.

The objectives of Portfolio management are —

(i) Reduce Risk: To reduce the risk of loss of capital / income, by investing in
various types of securities and over a wide range of industries, i.e.

(ii) Safety of Principal: To keep the capital / principal amount intact, in terms
of value and in terms of purchasing power. The capital or the principal
amount invested should not erode, either in value or in terms of purchasing
power. By earning return, principal amount will not erode in nominal te rms,
and by earning returns at a rate not lesser than the inflation rate, principal
amount will be intact in present value terms too.

(iii) Stability of Income: To facilitate a more accurate and systematic re -

investment of income, to ensure growth and stability in returns.

(iv) Capital Growth: to enable attainment of capital growth by re inves ting in

growth securities or through purchase of growth securities.

(v) Marketability / Liquidity: To have an easily marketable investment portfolio,

so that the investor is able to liquidate investments and take advantage of
attractive opportunities in the market.

(vi) Tax Savings: To effectively plan for and reduce the tax burden on income ,
so that the investor gains maximum from his investment.

PORTFOLIO While discussing Security Analysis, we had restricted our discussion to the
ANALYSIS behaviour of value of individual equity securities. Portfolio Analysis seeks to
analyse the pattern of returns emanating from a portfolio of securities, i.e . a
number of securities that absorb a proportion of total amount of investment.
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Although holding two securities is probably less risky than a portfolio
composed exclusively of less risky asset. How? This is done by finding two
securities each of which tends to perform well whene ver the other does
poorly. This makes a reasonable return for the portfolio more certain as a
whole, even if one of its components happens to be quite risky. For example ,
if you invest in two stocks, say, one in company engaged in sugar production
and other, in a company engaged in cement production, you would be always
able to get a reasonable return as cement is a highly cyclical industry and
sugar is non-cyclical. When cement industry will rise, the sugar industry will
just perform below average but when cement industry will fall sugar industry
will outperform.

The average return of this average return of each se curity in the portfolio;
that is;

Rp = expected return to portfolio
Xi = proportion of total portfolio invested in security i
Ri = expected return to security i
N = total number of securities in portfolio

Portfolio is a collection of securities belonging to a diverse set of industries.

Management of a portfolio is considered to be a specialised activity
because of the time and effort involved in tracking of each compone nt of the

RISK IN  Risk means that the return on investment would be less than the
INVESTMENT expected rate.
SITUATION  Risk is a combination of possibilities want to quantify how high or how
low the risk in investment is going to be, we have to intimate the
probability of various outcomes and their deviation from expected
 The risk involved in individual securities can be measured by standard
deviation or variance. When two securities are combined, we need to
consider their interactive risk, or covariance.

If the random variable pair (X, Y) can take on the values (xi, yi) for i = 1, ... ,
n, with equal probabilities 1/n, then the covariance can be equivalently
written in terms of the means E (X) and E (Y) as:

Where the probabilities are equal and

COVxy = covariance between x and y
xi = return on security x
yi = return on security y
E(X) = expected return to security x
E(Y) = expected return to security y
n = number of observations

 If the rates of return of two securities move together, we say their

interactive risk or covariance is positive.
 If rates of return are independent, covariance is zero.
 Inverse movement results in covariance that is negative.
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COEFFICIENT Covariance and correlation are conceptually analogous in the sense that both
OF of them reflect the degree of movements between two variables.
The coefficient of correlation is a measure designed to indicate the similarity
or dissimilarity in the behaviour of two variables. We define it as

rxy = coefficient of correlation of x and y
COVxy = covariance between x and y
sx = standard deviation of x
sy = standard deviation of y

The coefficient of correlation is, essentially, the covariance taken not as an

absolute value but relative to the standard deviations of the individual
securities (variables).

CALCULATION We have shown the effect of diversification on reducing risk. The key was not
OF PORTFOLIO that two stocks provided twice as much diversification as one, but that by
RISK investing in securities with negative or low covariance among themselves, we
could reduce the risk. Markowitz’s efficient diversification involves combining
securities with less than positive correlation in orde r to re duce risk in the
portfolio without sacrificing any of the portfolio’s return. In general, the lower
the correlation of se curities in the portfolio, the less risky the portfolio will
be. This is true regardless of how risky the stocks of the portfolio are whe n
analysed in isolation. It is not enough to invest in many securities; it is
necessary to have the right securities.

Let us conclude our two-security example in order to make some valid

generalization. Then we can see what three -security and larger portfolios
might be like. In considering a two-security portfolio, portfolio risk can be
defined more formally now as:

sp = portfolio standard deviation
wx = percentage weightage of total portfolio value in stock X
wy = percentage weightage of total portfolio value in stock Y
sx = standard deviation of stock X
sy = standard deviation of stock Y
rxy = correlation coefficient of X and Y
Note: rxy sx sy = covxy

We are able to see that portfolio risk (sp) is sensitive to

(i) the proportions of funds devoted to each stock,
(ii) the standard deviation of each stock, and
(iii) The covariance between the two stocks.

If the stocks are independent of each other, the correlation coefficient is ze ro

(rxy = 0). Second, if rxy is greater than zero, the standard deviation of the
portfolio is greater than if rxy = 0. Third, if rxy is less than zero, the
covariance term is negative, and portfolio standard deviation is le ss than it
would be if rxy were greater than or equal to zero. Risk can be totally
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eliminated only if the third term is equal to the sum of the first two te rms.
This occurs only if (1) rxy = -1.0, and (2) the percentage of the portfolio in
stock X is set equal to Wx = s/ (sx + sy).

MARKOWITZ Dr. Harry M. Markowitz is credited with developing the first modern
MODEL portfolio analysis model. It provides a theoretical framework for analysis of
risk-return choices.

A portfolio is efficient when:

 It yields highest return for a particular level of risk or
 Minimizes risk for a specified level of expected return.

The Markowitz model makes the following assumptions regarding investor

 Investors consider each investment alternative as being represented by a
probability distribution of expected returns over some holding period.
 Investors maximize one period expected utility and possess utility curve ,
which demonstrates diminishing marginal utility of wealth.
 Individuals estimate risk on the basis of variability of expected returns.
 Investors base decisions solely on expected return and variance of returns
 At a given risk level, higher returns are preferred to lower returns.
Similarly for a given level of expected returns, investors prefer less risk to
more risk.

SIMPLE It is possible to develop a fairly simply decision rule for selecting an optimal
MARKOWITZ portfolio for an investor that can take both risk and return into account. This
PORTFOLIO is called a risk-adjusted return. For simplicity, it can be termed the utility of
OPTIMIZATION the portfolio for the investor in question. Utility is the expected return of the
portfolio minus a risk penalty. This risk penalty depends on portfolio risk
and the investor’s risk tolerance.

THE RISK The more risk one must bear, the more undesirable is an additional unit of
PENALTY risk. Theoretically, and as a computational convenience, it can be assume d
that twice the risk is four times as undesirable. The risk penalty is as follows:
Risk penalty = Risk squared/Risk tolerance

Risk squared is the variance of return of the portfolio. Risk tolerance is a

number from zero through 100. The size of the risk tolerance number reflects
the investor’s willingness to bear more risk for more return. Low (high)
tolerance indicates low (high) willingness. Risk penalty is less as tolerance is

STANDARD In the above graphic presentation, arc XY is the efficient frontier. All points
DEVIATION on this arc provide a superior combination of risk and return to other
combinations with the shaded area, which represent attemptable portfolios.
Each portfolio has its own combination of risk and return. Investor’s final
choice out of the range depends on his taste.

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LIMITATION OF The Markowitz approach requires several inputs for portfolio analysis. The se
MARKOWITZ are expected return of the securities, variances of their return and co
MODEL variances. Calculation of efficient portfolios is easy when the number of
securities in the portfolio is two or three. As the number of securities in the
portfolio increases, which indeed is the case in real life situations, the
amount of calculations required to be done becomes enormous. Further, in
the real world, portfolio analysts do not keep track of corre lations be tween
stocks of diverse industries. As such, correlating a security to a common
index is much more convenient than correlating to a large number of
individual’s securities.

Secondly, the assumption that correlation in the values of two securities

depends on the characteristics of these two securities alone is not valid. In
fact movement in value of securities is affected by a variety of other factors. A
stock index is more representative benchmark that incorporates the ge neral
economic conditions more authentically.

CAPITAL The CAPM developed by W illiam F Sharpe, John Linter and Jan Mossin
ASSET establishes a linear relationship between the required rate of return of a
PRICING security and its beta. Beta, as we know is the non-diversifiable risk in a
MODEL portfolio.

A portfolio’s standard deviation is a good indicator of its risk. Thus if adding

a stock to a portfolio increases its standard deviation, the stock adds to the
risk of the portfolio. This risk is the un-diversified risk that cannot be
eliminated. Beta measures the relative risk associated with any individual
portfolio as measured in relation to the risk of the market portfolio.

𝑁𝑜𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑜𝑓 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑜

Beta =
𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑜

Thus Beta is a measure of the non-diversifiable or systematic risk of an asset

relative to that of the market portfolio. A beta of 1 indicates an asset of
average risk. If beta is more than 1, then the stock is riskier than the market.
On the other hand, if beta is less than one, market is riskier.

Recall that portfolio theory implied that each investor faced an efficient
frontier. In general, the efficient frontier will differ among investors be cause
of differences in expectations. When we introduce riskless borrowing and
lending there are some significant changes involved. Lending is best thought
of as an investment in a riskless security. This security might be a savings
account, Treasury bills, or even high-grade commercial paper. Borrowing can
be thought of as the use of margin. Borrowing and lending options transform
the efficient frontier into a straight line. See Figure be low for the standard

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efficient frontier ABCD. Assume that an investor can lend at the rate of RF =
.05, which represents the rate on Treasury bills.

CAPM The CAPM is often criticised as unrealistic because of the assumptions on

ASSUMPTIONS which the model is based, so it is important to be aware of these
assumptions and the reasons why they are criticised. The assumptions are
as follows:

Diversified portfolios
This assumption means that investors will only require a return for the
systematic risk of their portfolios, since unsystematic risk has been
diversified and can be ignored.

Single-period transaction horizon

A standardised holding period is assumed by the CAPM to make the re turns
on different securities comparable. A return over six months, for e xample ,
cannot be compared to a return over 12 months. A holding period of one year
is usually used.

Investors can borrow and lend at the risk-free rate of return

This is an assumption made by portfolio theory, from which the CAPM was
developed, and provides a minimum level of return required by investors. The
risk-free rate of return corresponds to the intersection of the security market
line (SML) and the y-axis (see Figure 1). The SML is a graphical
representation of the CAPM formula.

Perfect capital market

This assumption means that all securities are valued correctly and that their
returns will plot on to the SML. A perfect capital market requires the
following: that there are no taxes or transaction costs; that perfect
information is freely available to all investors who, as a result, have the same
expectations; that all investors are risk averse, rational and desire to
maximise their own utility; and that there are a large number of buye rs and
sellers in the market.

ADVANTAGES • Considers only systematic risk, reflecting a reality in which most inve stors
OF THE CAPM have diversified portfolios from which unsystematic risk has been essentially
• Theoretically-derived relationship between required return and syste matic
risk which has been subject to frequent empirical research and testing.
• Much better method of calculating the cost of equity than the dividend
growth model (DGM) in that it explicitly considers a company’s level of
systematic risk relative to the stock market as a whole.
• Clearly superior to the WACC in providing discount rates for use in
investment appraisal.

PROBLEMS  Several assumptions behind the CAPM formula that have been shown not
WITH THE to hold in reality. Despite these issues, the CAPM formula is still wide ly
CAPM used because it is simple and allows for easy comparisons of inve stment
 Including beta in the formula assumes that risk can be measured by a
stock’s price volatility. However, price movements in both dire ctions are
not equally risky. The look-back period to determine a stock’s volatility is
not standard because stock returns (and risk) are not normally
 It assumes that the risk-free rate will remain constant over the

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discounting period. An increase in the risk-free rate also increases the
cost of the capital used in the investment and could make the stock look
 The market portfolio that is used to find the market risk premium is only
a theoretical value and is not an asset that can be purchased or inve sted
in as an alternative to the stock. Most of the time, investors will use a
major stock index, like the S&P 500, to substitute for the market, which
is an imperfect comparison.
 Most serious critique of the CAPM is the assumption that future cash
flows can be estimated for the discounting process. If an inve stor could
estimate the future return of a stock with a high le ve l of accuracy, the
CAPM would not be necessary

SECURITY For well-diversified portfolios, non-systematic risk te nds to go to ze ro, and

MARKET LINE the only relevant risk is systematic risk measured by beta. Since we assume
that investors are concerned only with expected return and risk, the only
dimensions of a security that need be of concern are expected return and

We have seen that all investments and all portfolios of investments lie along a
straight line in the return-to-beta space. To determine this line we need only
connect the intercept (beta of zero, or riskless security) and the market
portfolio (beta of one and return of RM). These two points identify the straight
line shown in Figure below. The equation of a straight line is
Ri = a + bßi
The first point on the line is the riskless asset with a beta of zero, so
RF = a + b(0)
RF = a

The second point on the line is the market portfolio with a beta of 1. Thus,
RM = a + b(1)
RM – a = b
(RM – RF) = b
Combining the two results gives us :
Ri = RF + ßi (RM – RF)

This is a key relationship. It is called the Security Market Line. It de scribe s

the expected return for all assets and portfolios of assets, efficient or not. The
difference between the expected return on any two assets can be related
simply to their difference in beta. The higher beta is for any security, the
higher must be its expected return. The relationship between beta and
expected return is linear.

Recall that the risk of any stock could be divided into systematic and
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unsystematic risk. Beta is an index of systematic risk. This equation
suggests that systematic risk is the only important ingredient in determining
expected returns. Unsystematic risk is of no consequence. It is not total
variance of returns that affects returns, only that part of the variance in
returns that cannot be eliminated by diversification.

CAPITAL The Markowitz mean-variance model is modified by introducing into the

MARKET LINE analysis the concept of risk-free asset. Capital market line (CML) is the
tangent line drawn from the point of the risk-free asset to the feasible region
for risky assets. Capital market line reflects the expected return of a portfolio
consisting of all possible proportions between the market portfolio and a risk-
free asset. The market portfolio is completely diversified, carries only
systematic risk, and its expected return is equal to the expected market
return as a whole .

The Capital Market Line (CML) provides the best risk and return tradeoff for
an investor. CML enables an investor to estimate the Expected Return from a

(i) Portfolio is assumed to be efficient, i.e. exact replication of the market
portfolio in terms of risks and rewards.
(ii) CML assumes no unsystematic risk, i.e. all the unsystematic risk is
completely taken care off by proper diversification similar to that of marke t
(iii) Capital Market Line estimates the return for a portfolio based on the
Total Risk Route, i.e. it assumes existence of perfect correlation between the
portfolio return and market return.
(iv) Individual securities does not lie on Capital Market Line. This is be cause
they have some extent of unsystematic risk associated with their returns.


Risk Considered Capital market line uses Security Market Line uses
standard deviation i.e Beta or Systematic Risk
total risk across the X across the X axis.
Nature of It uses only efficient Security Market Line uses
Portfolios portofolios i.e the one both efficient & non
which is perfect Efficient Portfolios.
replication of the Market
Portfolio in terms of Risk
& Rewards.
Combination Every point on the Capital It graphs all portfolios and
Market Line is a securities which lie on and
proportional combination off the Capital Market Line
between Risk free rate of
return and market return

ARBITRAGE The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) asserts that only a single numbe r – a
PRICING security’s beta against the market – is required to measure risk. At the core
THEORY of arbitrage pricing theory (APT) is the recognition that several systematic
factors affect security return.

The returns on an individual stock will depend upon a variety of ant icipated
and unanticipated events. Anticipated events will be incorporated by

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investors into their expectations of returns on individual stocks and thus will
be incorporated into market prices. Generally, however, most of the re turn
ultimately realized will result from unanticipated events. Of course , change
itself is anticipated, and investors know that the most unlikely occurrence of
all would be the exact realization of the most probable future sce nario. But
even though we realize that some unforeseen e vents will occur, we do not
know their direction or their magnitude. What we can know is the sensitivity
of returns to these events.

Systematic factors are the major sources of risk in portfolio re turns. Actual
portfolio returns depend upon the same set of common factors, but this doe s
not mean that all portfolios perform identically. Different portfolios have
different sensitivities to these factors.

Because the systematic factors are primary source s of risk, it follows that
they are the principal determinants of the expected, as we ll as the actual,
returns on portfolios. It is possible to see that the actual re turn, R, on any
security or portfolio may be broken down into three constituent parts, as

(Z) R = E + bf + e
E = expected return on the security
b = security’s sensitivity to change in the systematic factor
f = the actual return on the systematic factor
e = returns on the unsystematic factors

Equation Z merely states that the actual return equals the expected re turn,
plus factor sensitivity time’s factor movement, plus residual risk.
Empirical work suggests that a three -or-four-factor model adequately
captures the influence of systematic factors on stock-market returns.
Equation Z may thus be expanded to:
R = E + (b1) (f1) + (b2) (f2) + (b3) (f3) + (b4) (f4) + e

Each of the four middle terms in this equation is the product of the re turns
on a particular economic factor and the given stock’s sensitivity to that
factor. Suppose f3 is associated with labour productivity. As labour
productivity unexpectedly increases, f3 is positive, and firms with high b3
would find their returns very high. The subtler rationale and higher
mathematics of APT are left for development elsewhere.

What are these factors? The y are the underlying economic forces that are the
primary influences on the stock market. Research suggests that the most
important factors are unanticipated inflation, changes in the expected level of
industrial production, unanticipated shifts in risk premiums, and
unanticipated movements in the shape of the term structure of interest rates.

The biggest problems in APT are factor identification and separating

unanticipated from anticipated factor movements in the measurement of
sensitivities. Any one stock is so influenced by idiosyncratic forces that it is
very difficult to determine the precise relationship between its re turn and a
given factor. Far more critical is the measurement of the b’s. The b’s measure
the sensitivity of returns to unanticipated movements in the factors. By just
looking at how a given stock relates to, say, movements in the money supply,
we would be including the influence of both anticipated and unanticipated
changes, when only the latter are relevant.

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SHARPE Sharpe Index Model
SINGLE AND One Simplification of CAPM formula was done by Sharpe (1963), who
MULTI INDEX developed the Single -Index Model. The single -index model imposes
MODELS restrictions on how security returns can co-vary. In particular, it is assume d
that all covariance arises through an "index." As we will se e, this leads to a
dramatic reduction in complexity. Sharpe's model has since been extended to
multi-index models, and leads to a more general theory called the Arbitrage
Pricing Theory, developed by Ross (1976). Besides simplifying the covariance
matrix, this approach is easily extended to take account of non-financial
factors. In the multi-index model, for example, one of the indexes could easily
be the rate of inflation.

Single-Index Model
The major assumption of Sharpe's single -index model is that all the co-
variation of security returns can be explained by a single factor. This factor is
called the index, hence the name "single -index model." According to the
Sharpe single index model the return for each security can be give n by the
following equation:
RI = ai bi Rm+ ei

Where Ri = Expected return on a security

ai = Alpha Coefficient
bi = Beta Coefficient
RM = Expected Return in market (an Index)
e = Error term with a mean of zero and a constant standard deviation.

Alpha Coefficient refers to the value of Y in the equation Y = a + b x when x =


Beta Coefficient is the slope of the regression line and is a me asure of the
changes in value of the security relative to changes in values of the index.

A beta of +1.0 means that a 10% change in index value would result in a
10% change in the same direction in the security value. A beta of 0.5 me ans
that a 10% change in index value would result in 5% change in the se curity
value. A beta of – 1.0 means that the returns on the se curity are inve rsely

The equation given above can also be rearranged as shown below:

R = b RM + a + e

Here the component b RM is the market related or systematic compone nt of

the return. The other component represents the unsystematic component. As
is assumed to be near zero the unsystematic return is given by alpha only.

Multi-Index Model
The single index model is in fact an oversimplification. It assumes that stocks
move together only because of a common co-movement with the market.
Many researchers have found that there are influences other than the market
that cause stocks to move together. Multi-index models attempt to ide ntify
and incorporate these nonmarket or extra-market factors that cause
securities to move together also into the model. These extra-market factors
are a set of economic factors that account for common movement in stock
prices beyond that accounted for by the market index itself. Fundamental
economic variables such as inflation, real economic growth, interest rates,
exchange rates etc. would have a significant impact in determining security
returns and hence, their co-movement.
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A multi-index model augments the single index model by incorporating these
extra market factors as additional independent variables. For example, a
multi-index model incorporating the market effect and three e xtra-market
effects takes the following form:

The model says that the return of an individual security is a function of four
factors – the general market factor Rm and three extra-market factors R1 ,
R2 , R3. The beta coefficients attached to the four factors have the same
meaning as in the single index model. They measure the se nsitivity of the
stock return to these factors. The alpha parameter αi and the residual term e i
also have the same meaning as in the single index model.

Calculation of return and risk of individual securities as well as portfolio

return and variance follows the same pattern as in the single inde x mode l.
These values can then be used as inputs for portfolio analysis and selection.

A multi-index model is an alternative to the single index model. However, it is

more complex and requires more data estimates for its application. Both the
single index model and the multi-index model have helped to make portfolio
analysis more practical.

SIMPLE The construction of an optimal portfolio is simplified if there is a single

SHARPE number that measures the desirability of including a stock in the optimal
PORTFOLIO portfolio. If we accept the single index model (Sharpe), such a number exists.
OPTIMIZATION In this case, the desirability of any stock is directly related to its excess
return-to-beta ratio.
(Ri – RF)/ßi
Ri = expected return on stock i
RF = return on a riskless asset
bi = expected change in the rate of return on stock i associated with a 1
percent change in the market return

If stocks are ranked by excess return to beta (from highest to lowest), the
ranking represents the desirability of any stock’s inclusion in a portfolio. T he
number of stocks selected depends on a unique cut-off rate such that all
stocks with higher ratios of (Ri – RF)/ ßi will be included and all stocks with
lower ratios excluded.

To determine which stocks are included in the optimum portfolio, the

following steps are necessary:
1. Calculate the excess return-to-beta ratio for each stock under re view and
the rank from highest to lowest.

2. The optimum portfolio consists of investing in all stocks for which (Ri –
RF)/ ßi is greater than a particular cut-off point C.

Sharpe notes that proper diversification and the holding of a sufficient

number of securities can reduce the unsystematic component of portfolio
risk to zero by averaging out the unsystematic risk of individual stocks.

What is left is systematic risk which, is determined by the marke t (index),

cannot be eliminated through portfolio balancing. Thus, the Sharpe model
attaches considerable significance to systematic risk and its most important

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measure, the beta coefficient (ß).

According to the model, the risk contribution to a portfolio of an individual

stock can be measured by the stock’s beta coefficient. The market inde x will
have a beta coefficient of +1.0. A stock with a beta of, for example, +2.0
indicates that it contributes far more risk to a portfolio than a stock with,
say, a beta of + .05. Stocks with negative betas are to be coveted, since they
help reduce risk beyond the unsystematic level.

Since efficient portfolios eliminate unsystematic risk, the riskiness of such

portfolios is de termined exclusively by market movements. Risk in an
efficient portfolio is measured by the portfolio beta. The beta for the portfolio
is simply the weighted average of the betas of the component securities. For
example, an optimal portfolio which has a be ta of 1.35, suggests that it has a
sensitivity above the + 1.0 attributed to the market. If this portfolio is
properly diversified (proper number of stocks and elimination of
unsystematic risk), it should move up or down about one -third more than
the market. Such a high beta suggests an aggressive portfolio. Should the
market move up over the holding period, this portfolio will be expected to
advance substantially? However, a market decline should find this portfolio
falling considerably in value.

In this way, establishing efficient portfolios (minimum risk for a given

expected return) comprising broad classes of assets (e.g., stocks, bonds, re al
estate) lends itself to the mean-variance methodology suggested by
Markowitz. Determining efficient portfolios within an asset class (e.g., stocks)
can be achieved with the single index (beta) model proposed by Sharpe.

RISK Does the choice of risk-adjusted performance measure matter? This is the
ADJUSTED question the current discussion in academic literature revolves around. Risk-
MEASURE OF adjusted performance measures are an important tool for investment
PERFORMANCE decisions. Whenever an investor evaluates the performance of an investment
he will not only be interested in the achieved absolute return but also in the
risk-adjusted return – i.e. in the risk which had to be take n to re alize the

The first ratio to measure risk-adjusted return was the Sharpe Ratio
introduced by William F. Sharpe in 1966. It has been one of the most
referenced risk/return measures used in finance, and much of this
popularity can be attributed to its simplicity. The ratio's credibility was
boosted further when Professor Sharpe won a Nobel Memorial Prize in
Economic Sciences in 1990 for his work on the capital asse t pricing mode l

THE RATIO Most people with a financial background can quickly comprehend how the
DEFINED Sharpe ratio is calculated and what it represents. The ratio de scribes how
much excess return you are receiving for the extra volatility that you e ndure
for holding a riskier asset. Remember, you always need to be properly
compensated for the additional risk you take for not holding a risk-free asset.

S(X)=(rX – Rf)/Std Dev(X)

– X is the investment
– rX is the average rate of return of x
– Rf is the best available rate of return of a risk-free security (i.e. T-bills)
– StdDev(X) is the standard deviation of x

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RETURN (RX) The returns measured can be of any frequency (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly or
annually), as long as they are normally distributed, as the returns can
always be annualized. Herein lies the underlying weakness of the ratio - not
all asset returns are normally distributed.

Abnormalities like kurtosis, fatter tails and higher peaks, or skewness on the
distribution can be a problematic for the ratio, as standard deviation doe sn't
have the same effectiveness when these problems exist. Sometimes it can be
downright dangerous to use this formula when returns are not normally

RISK-FREE The risk-free rate of return is used to see if you are being properly
RATE OF compensated for the additional risk you are taking on with the risky asse t.
RETURN (RF) Traditionally, the risk-free rate of return is the shortest dated government T -

While this type of security will have the least volatility, some would argue
that the risk-free security used should match the duration of the investment
it is being compared against. For example, equities are the longest duration
asset available, so shouldn't they be compared with the longest duration
risk-free asset available - government issued inflation -protected se curities

STANDARD Now that we have calculated the excess return from subtracting the return of
DEVIATION the risky asset from the risk-free rate of return, we need to divide this by the
[STDDEV(X)] standard deviation of the risky asset being measured. As me ntioned above ,
the higher the number, the better the investment looks from a risk/return

However, unless the standard deviation is very large, leverage may not aff e ct
the ratio. Both the numerator (return) and denominator (standard deviation)
could be doubled with no problems. Only if the standard deviation gets too
high do we start to see problems. For example, a stock that is leveraged 10 to
1 could easily see a price drop of 10%, which would translate to a 100% drop
in the original capital and an early margin call.

USING THE The Sharpe ratio is a risk-adjusted measure of return that is ofte n use d to
SHARPE RATIO evaluate the performance of a portfolio. The ratio helps to make the
performance of one portfolio comparable to that of another portfolio by
making an adjustment for risk.

For example, if manager A generates a return of 15% while manager B

generates a return of 12%, it would appear that manager A is a be tter
performer. However, if manager A, who produced the 15% return, took much
larger risks than manager B, it may actually be the case that manager B has
a better risk-adjusted return.

To continue with the example, say that the risk free-rate is 5%, and manage r
A's portfolio has a standard deviation of 8%, while manager B's portfolio has
a standard deviation of 5%. The Sharpe ratio for manager A would be 1.25
while manager B's ratio would be 1.4, which is better than manager A. Based
on these calculations, manager B was able to generate a highe r re turn on a
risk-adjusted basis.

To give you some insight, a ratio of 1 or better is considered good, 2 and

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better is very good, and 3 and better is considered excellent.

The Sharpe ratio is quite simple, which lends to its popularity. It's broken
down into just three components: asset return, risk-free return and standard
deviation of return. After calculating the excess return, it's divided by the
standard deviation of the risky asset to get its Sharpe ratio. T he ide a of the
ratio is to see how much additional return you are receiving for the additional
volatility of holding the risky asset over a risk-free asset - the higher the

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CONCEPT OF Management is a process containing a human element and makes most

MANAGEMENT efficient use of resources through and with people for attaining defined
organizational objectives by most economical and effective planning and
execution. Therefore, management can be viewed as:
o A process of continuing and inter-related activities
o Concentrates on attaining organizational goals
o Focuses on working with and through human and other organizational

DEFINITIONS  Harold Koontz in his book “The Management Theory Jungle”, defined
OF management as “the art of getting things done through and with people in
MANAGEMENT formally organised groups.”

 Henri Fayol in his book “Industrial and General Administration”, de fined

management as “To manage is to forecast and to plan, to organise, to
command, to co-ordinate and to control.”

 Similarly, Peter Drucker in his book “The Principles of Management”

conceived management as “Management is a multi-purpose organ that
manages business and manages managers and manages workers and

 According to George R. Terry, “Management is distinct process consisting of

planning, organizing, actuating and controlling performed to determine and
accomplish the objectives by the use of people and resources.”

 According to American Management Association, “Management is getting

things done through people.”

 According to Mary Parker Follet, “Management is the art of getting things

done through people.”

THEORIES ON With the passing times, scholars be gan studying and theorizing the essence of
MANAGEMENT management, which gave birth to diverse ideas and concepts of management.

Here are some the most infl uential theories outlined about the ideas about the
functions of management.
 Frederick W. Taylor’s Scientific Management Theory.
 Henri Fayol’s Administrative Theory
 Max Weber’s Bureaucratic Theory
 Elton Mayo’s Human Relations Theory
 Ludwig von Bertalanff y’s Systems Theory
 Douglas McGregor’s theory based on diff erent types of workers.
 George R Terry propounded principles of management.
 Harold Kootz and Cyril O Donnel’s systems and contingency analysis of
management functions.

HENRI FAYOL  At the beginning of the last century (1916), the French engineer Henri
Fayol shelled out the first ever 14 principles of ‘classical management
theory’ formally.

Fayol’s propounded the following 14 principles of management:

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1. Division of work – Employees should have complementary skill sets that
allow them to specialize in certain areas. This will increase e fficiency.

2. Authority – Management needs authority to give employees orders. This

authority must be agreed upon. However, authority and responsibility must
go together.

3. Discipline – This gets to the idea of employees listening to commands and

being disciplined in getting work done. If a manager sets a deadline, an
employee should have the discipline to meet it.

4. Unity of command – There has to be unity of command for e ach e mploye e.

Each employee should be under the command of the only one boss.

5. Unity of direction – Teams should be striving for common goals. Teams with
same objective should be under the direction of one manager.

6. Subordination of individual interests – The team comes before the individual.

7. Remuneration– There are monetary and non-monetary versions of

remuneration. Both are needed to motivate employees.

8. Centralization – There should be a balance between decision-making power.

Employees should be closer to decision making process.

9. Scalar chain – Each company should have clear hierarchical structures and
that should be known to employees.

10. Order – This refers mostly to cleanliness and organization within a


11. Equity– Employees should be treated well.

12. Stability of tenure of personnel – This principle suggests that businesses

should try to limit turnover and keep employees around as they accumulate
knowledge and improve. Proper personnel planning should be given priority.

13. Initiative – Employees should share ideas and be rewarded for innovative
thinking and taking on new tasks.

14. Esprit de corps – Employee morale matters. This principle suggests that
managers should work to keep employees engaged and interested and the y
should promote team spirit and unity.

 Henri Fayol is classified as ‘the founding father’ of a variety of concepts

including the line and staff organization. Based on his experience as a
thriving director or a mining company, he developed numerous theories
which still find their relevance in contemporary times.

 At the time when Henry Fayol gave such principles, there was no formal
training mechanism in existence for managers; therefore, Fayol principles
were ground breaking. However, the growing complexity of organizations
visibly generated a call for professional management.

 While developing fourteen principles of management, Fayol also defined the

five core functions of management, which are still used and form the basis
of theories developed by other scholars later on.
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 As per Fayol, management is a process, which includes functions such as
forecasting, planning, organizing, commanding and controlling. These
functions are the fundamental foundation of setting the relationship
between the subordinates and the superior in tune and the five core
functions help the managers to solve troubles/dilemmas in this relationship
or within the organization in a creative and innovative manner.

BUREAUCRATI Max Weber created the bureaucratic theory, which says an organization will be
C THEORY BY most efficient if it uses a bureaucratic structure. Weber’s ide al busine ss uses
MAX WEBER standard rules and procedures to organize itself. He believed this strategy was
especially effective for large operations particularly governmental organisations.

The theory includes the following fi ve principles:

 Task specialization – Weber stressed the importance of each employee
fulfilling a specific role within a company.
 Hierarchy– Weber wanted each company to have a cle ar hierarch y within
the organization.
 Formal selection– When selecting leaders, businesses view a person’s qualifi
cations. They should be appointed to certain roles based on qualifi cations,
which means they won’t be elected by vote.
 Rules and requirements – These ensure everyone knows what’s expe cted of
them. Weber wanted business to have uniform standards, and rules are
essential to achieve this goal.
 Impersonal – The rules and regulations make a business structure
impersonal. Promotions aren’t about emotions or personal tie s, but rather

HUMAN In stark contrast to Weber’s bureaucratic theory of manage ment, the human
RELATIONS relations theory emphasizes relationships. Mayo conducted a series of
THEORY BY experiments known as Hawthorne Experiments, which focussed on the study
ELTON MAYO of behaviour of people at work. Mayo believed that productivity increases when
people feel like they are part of a team and valued by their co-workers.

Important features of Human Relations Theory are as follows:

1. A manager must have basic understanding of human behaviour in the
context of work groups and organisations.
2. The informal groups have signifi cant influence on morale and productivity
of works.
3. Workers are motivated not only by money alone but total work situation
including recognition, participation etc.
4. Study of manageme nt must draw concepts and principles of behaviour
sciences like Psychology, Sociology etc.

The human relations theory emphasizes praise and teamwork as motivational

SYSTEMS The systems theory of management belie ves that each business is anopen
THEORY BY system, much like a living organism. An open system interacts with its
LUDWIG VON environment by way of inputs, throughputs and outputs. There are exchanges
BERTALANff Y of energy, money, matter, people and information with external environment.
X&Y THEORY The X&Y theory of management assumes there are two diff erent types of
BY DOUGLAS workers. Theory X workers lack ambition and drive and need to be ordered
MCGREGOR around by bosses to do anything. Theory Y workers, on the othe r hand, e njoy
work and strive for self-fulfillment.

GEORGE R. After Henry Fayol, the subject became a matter of interest for various theorists

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TERRY and which resulted in analysis of the functions of manage ment from various
viewpoints and many more ideas emerged which deviated only to some e xte nt
from Fayol’s core functions of management. George R. Terry wrote a book
Principles of Management in the year 1968 and elaborated his viewpoint. Terry
believed that there are existed four core functions of management, each
function addressing a specific problem/issue the management must solve.

HAROLD In the year 1976, Harold Koontz and Cyril O’Donnell published an essay
KOONTZ AND ‘Management: A Systems and Contingency Analysis of Managerial Functions’.
CYRIL They were of the opinion that the preceding studies in the past have been
O’DONNELL successful in describing the functions of management, but, they were of
viewpoint that the division of such functions needs to be more comprehensive.

Koontz and O’Donnell believed that there ought to be five key functions of
• Planning
• Organizing
• Staffing
• Directing/Leading
• Controlling


While there are slight variations in how the functions are named and the
different management theories might combine or divide certain functions into
smaller parts, the consensus points to five core functions.

PLANNING  The first and foremost managerial function is ‘planning’.

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 Planning means looking ahead and chalking out future courses of action to
be followed. It is a preliminary step.

 The function aims at developing a comprehensive ske tch for achie ving an
explicit organizational objective.

 Planning involves identification of tasks which are re quired to re alize the

desired goals, demarcation of how such tasks should be performed,
chalking out who, when and where such task will be performed.

 A meticulous knowledge about vision and mission of the organisation forms

the pre-requisite of short as well as long term success of planning.

 It has been aptly said “well planned is half done”. Therefore, planning take s
into consideration existing as well as potential human and physical
resources of the organization.

 It is the basic management function which includes formulation of one or

more detailed plans to accomplish optimum balance of ne e ds or de mands
with the available resources.

 According to Urwick, “Planning is a mental predisposition to do things in

orderly way, to think before acting and to act in the light of facts rather
than guesses”.

 According to Koontz & O’Donell, “Planning is deciding in advance what to

do, how to do and who is to do it. Planning bridges the gap be twe en whe re
we are to, where we want to go. It makes possible things to occur which
would not otherwise occur”

W hy is planning is significant?
Why planning occupie s a significance? This is because, the planning provide s
the organization a better sense of what it wants to achieve and how to achie ve
this. In effect, planning ensures the proper utilization of the available resources
and the capability to comprehend how these should be used in order to achieve
the goal.

A key part of planning is also the vital role it plays in pacifying risks. When
management plans for the tasks ahead, they are looking at the situation and
detailing the probable difficulties ahead.

Steps in Planning Function

The Planning function involves the following sequence of steps:

1. Establishment of objectives
 Planning requires a systematic approach and starts with the setting of goals
and objectives. The objectives provide a rationale for carrying out a range of
activities as well as indicates the direction of the efforts of the team.
Besides, the objectives also focus the attention of managers on the end
results to be achieved. Objectives form nucleus of the planning process.
Therefore, the objectives should be stated in a cle ar, pre cise and e xplicit
language. In the lack of this, the activities are bound to be futile and
 As far as possible, the objectives should be stated in quantitative terms. For
example, number of wage earners, per hour wages, number of units
produced in each quarter, profit desired as a percentage of sales etc.

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 The objectives should be practical, acceptable, feasible and realizable.

2. Establishment of planning premises

 Planning premises are the assumptions about the events in future and
serve as a basis of planning.
 Establishment of planning premises is concerned with determining the
possible deviations from the actual plans and reasons of such de viations.
Establishment of planning premises is concerned to take such ste ps that
avoid such obstacles to a great extent.
 Planning premises may be internal or external. Internal planning pre mises
consist of capital investment policy, management labour relations,
philosophy of management, etc. Whereas, external premises include socio-
economic, political and economical changes. In terms of control, Inte rnal
premises are controllable whereas external are non- controllable.

3. Choice of alternative courses of action

 When forecast are available and premises are established, a number of
alternative course of actions have to be considered. For this purpose , e ach
and every alternative will be evaluated by weighing its pros and cons in the
light of available resources and organisations requirements. The
advantages, disadvantages as well as the consequences of each alte rnative
must be thoroughly examined before making the final choice.
 After objective and systematic evaluation, the best alternative is chosen.
 The planners should take assistance of a number of quantitative techniques
to judge the stability of an alternative.

4. Formulation of derivative plans

 Derivative plans are the sub plans or secondary plans which aid in the
accomplishment of master plan.
 Secondary plans will flow from the master plan. These are suppose d to be
act as a support and accelerate the pace of attainment of basic plans. These
detail plans include policies, procedures, rules, programmes, budgets,
schedules, etc. For example, if profit maximization is the key aim of the
enterprise, derivative plans will include sales maximization, production
maximization, productivity and cost minimization.
 Derivative plans indicate time schedule and seque nce of accomplishing a
range of tasks.

5. Securing Co-operation
 After the plans have been determined, it is essential to take in confide nce
the subordinates or those who have to execute these plans. The rationale
behind taking team into confidence are :-
 Subordinates may feel motivated as they have a say in the decision
making process.
 Such involvement may result in valuable suggestions and improve me nt
in formulation as well as implementation of plans.
 The employees will be willingly ensuring that such plans see light of the
day due to being attached with these.

6. Follow up/ Appraisal of plans

 After choosing a certain plan, it needs to be put into action and appraise d
for its effectiveness. Such an appraisal is done on the basis of fe edback or
information received those who are responsible for its execution.
 Feedback enables the management to take corrective actions for re ctifying
 Follow up establishes a link between planning and controlling function.

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 Execution and follow up must go side by side so that the planning e xe rcise
in the future may be made more realistic in the light of observations.

ORGANIZING  Organizing is the function of the management which follows the first
function of management i.e. planning.
 It is a function which brings together human, physical and financial
resources of the organisation. The synchronization of all three resources is
essential to derive the results. Therefore, the ‘organization’ function
facilitates the achievement of results.
 According to Chester Barnard, “Organizing is a function by which the
concern is able to define the role positions, the jobs related and the co-
ordination between authority and responsibility. Hence, a manage r always
has to organize in order to get results.”
 For example, if the task is to augment the sales volume, then a plan to
increase such a sales volume will determine how to divide the re sources to
execute such plan. This can be about arranging the finances, ensuring the
right plant and machinery is in place and deputation of the personnel to the
specific tasks.
 The objective of the manager is to arrange the concerned team or
department which uses the resources to put the plan into reality. The
organizing function is about the overall structure of the specific managerial
 Depending on the managerial level, managers will have different
responsibilities and resources to organize.

W hy is organizing essential?
(1) Benefits of Specialisation
While organising, every activity is subdivided into a host of sub-tasks. For
performing these sub tasks, competent people are appointed who eventually
convert in to experts by doing a specific job over and ove r.

(2) Clarity in W orking Relationship

Organising makes a clear cut picture of the working relations among
employees. It specifies a clear line of reporting. This in turn makes the
communication clear, effective and productive.

(3) Optimum Utilisation of Resources

Under the process of organising the whole work is divided into a variety of
miniature activities. There is a certain employee deputed for performing a
different job. By doing so, there is no possibility of an activity being le ft out or
unnecessary duplicating. Consequently, there is best possible utilisation of all
the existing resources (physical, financial as well as human) in the

(4) Adaptation to Change

Organising process makes the organisation capable of adapting to any chan ge
associated with the position of the employees. This becomes possible only
because of the fact that there is a clear Scalar chain of authority for the
manager’s right from the top to the bottom. Whenever a managerial position
falls vacant, it is straight away filled up by promotion. Since every subordinate
is well aware of the working of his senior, there is no difficulty for his taking up
the new position.

(5) Effective Administration

It has normally been observed that there is always a condition of dou bt about
the authority of the managers among themselves. The process of organising

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makes a clear mention of each and every activity of every manager and also of
their extent of authority. One and all also knows to whom they are
accountable. Consequently, e fficient administration sees light of the day.

(6) Development of Personnel

Under the process of organising, delegation of authority is practiced. This is
done not because of the restricted capacity of any individual, but also to realize
new techniques of work. It provides opportunities of taking decisions for the
subordinates. By taking advantage of this situation, they try to find out the
latest techniques and implement them. Subsequently, it he lps the m to grow
and develop and also in career and succession planning.

(7) Expansion and Growth

The process of organising allows the employees the freedom to take de cisions
which helps them to grow. They are relentlessly ready to face ne w challenges.
This situation can aid in the development of the enterprise. This helps in
escalating the earning capacity of the enterprise which in turn helps its growth
and development.

Steps in organizing
When done efficiently, organizing tends to follow the pattern and steps outlined
1. Identification of activities - All those activities which need to be performed
in a concern shall have to be identified first. Prima facie, it is extremely
important to prepare a list of tasks to be done. For example, preparation of
accounts, making sales, record keeping, quality control, inventory control e tc.
All these activities have to be grouped and classified into units.

2. Departmentally organizing the activities - In this step, the manager tries

to combine and group similar and related activities into units, divisions or
departments. This organization of dividing the whole concern into independent
units and departments is called departmentation.

3. Classifying the authority - Once the departments are made, the manager
likes to classify the powers and its extent to the managers. This activity of
giving a rank in order to the managerial positions is called hie rarchy. Th e top
management is into formulation of policies, the middle level management into
departmental supervision and lower level management into supervision of

4. Co-ordination between authority and responsibility - Each individual is

made aware of his authority and he/she knows whom they have to take orde rs
from and to whom they are accountable and to whom they have to report. A
clear organizational structure is drawn and all the employees are made aware
of it.

STAFFING  Staffing is an occupying significance as a function of management. The

managerial function of staffing involves manning the organization
structure through proper and effective recruitment, selection, appraisal and
development of the personnel to fill the roles assigned to the
 It can be seen closely related to organizing, with both focused on
ensuring the resources are directed to the right processes and tasks.
 According to Theo Haimann, “Staffing pertains to recruitment, se lection,
development and compensation of subordinates.” The function aims to
warrant the organization always has the right people in the right positions
and the organizational structure isn’t hindered by shortage and surplus of
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W hy is staffing essential?
Staffing is essential to guarantee the operational functionality of the
organization. Staffing also assures that the human resources available within
the organisation are capable to perform the designated tasks and that they are
satisfactorily supported in those roles. This will further lead to the
organizational efficiency, since people are motivated and qualified to work
towards the common goal. Furthermore, even the most qualified of e mploye es
need the occasional help and support. The staffing function helps create these
development opportunities.

Nature of Staffing
 Staffing is an inseparable managerial function along with planning,
organizing, directing and controlling. The operations of these four functions
depend upon a strong team which is built through staffing function.
 Staffing is a pervasive activity and is carried out by all mange rs and in all
types of organisations where business activities are carried out.
 Staffing is a continuous activity- It continues throughout the life of an
 The basis of staffing function is efficient management of personnel- Human
resources can be efficiently managed by a system or proper procedure, that
is, recruitment, selection, placement, training and developme nt, providing
remuneration, etc.
 Staffing helps in placing right men at the right job through proper
recruitment procedures and then finally selecting the most suitable
candidate as per the job requirements.
 Staffing is performed by all managers depending upon the nature of
business, size of the company, qualifications and skills of managers, etc.

How to staff?
According to Koontz & O’Donell, staffing “involves manning the organisation
structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal and developme nt of
personnel to fill the roles designed on the structure”. It consists of a numbe r of
separate functions, which are:

• Manpower requirements- The foremost step in staffing is to plan the

manpower inventory required by a concern in order to match them with the job
requirements and demands. Therefore, it involves forecasting and determining
the future manpower needs of the concern.

• Recruitment- After knowing the requirements, the organisation invites

people to apply for jobs. The job requirement should unmistakably mention the
desired candidate ’s profile, so that only eligible candidates apply for the job.
Though hiring people through internal transfers and promotion is always the
best way to go in terms of time and compensation; organizations usually have
to work together with placement contractors, consultants, and employment
exchanges to meet their needs. Organizations can also make use of me dia to
advertise their job requirements.

• Selection- selection is the stage in staffing that can ‘make or break’ the
entire process. Scanning candidates for the right skills, experience, and
qualification needs the hiring manager to be at the best of his/her ability.
Through test or interview or discussion, it may be judged that whether a
candidate is a fit for the job or not. Sometimes, the right candidates would not
consider the opportunity just because they didn’t like the work e nvironment.
It’s a two-way process, with both the company and the candidate having to be
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very careful in the way they come across to each other.

• Orientation and Placement- During orientation, new employees are

introduced to the existing ones and are made to feel comfortable within the
organization. It is an aspect of staffing with the basic objective of familiarizing
the new employee with people, processes, and work space.

• Training and Development- Training is a part of incentives given to the

workers in order to develop and grow them within the concern. Training is
generally given according to the nature of activities and scope of e xpansion in
it. Along with it, the workers are developed by providing them extra be ne fits of
in-depth knowledge of their functional areas. Development also includes giving
them key and important jobs as a test or examination in order to analyse their

• Remuneration- It is a kind of compensation provided monetarily to the

employees for their work performances. This is given according to the nature of
job- skilled or unskilled, physical or mental, etc. Remuneration forms an
important monetary incentive for the employees.

• Performance Evaluation- In order to keep a track or record of the behaviour,

attitudes as well as opinions of the workers towards their jobs. For this regular
assessment is done to evaluate and supervise different work units in a
concern. It is basically concerning to know the development cycle and growth
patterns of the employees in a concern.

• Promotion and transfer- Promotion is said to be a non- monetary incentive

in which the workers shifted from a higher job demanding bigger
responsibilities as well as shifting the workers and transferring them to
different work units and branches of the same organization.

DIRECTING  Directing is a process in which the managers instruct, guide and ove rse e
the performance of the subordinates to achieve predetermined goals.
Directing is said to be the heart of management process.
 Planning, organizing, staffing has got no importance if directing is not
 Directing initiates action and is said to be consisting of human factors. In
simple words, it can be described as providing guidance to team in doing
work. In field of management, direction is said to be all those activities
which are designed to encourage the subordinates to work e ffe ctive ly and
 According to Human, “Directing consists of process or technique by which
instruction can be issued and operations can be carried out as originally

Therefore, Directing is the function of guiding, inspiring, overseeing and

instructing people towards accomplishment of organizational goals.

Direction has got following characteristics:

• Pervasive Function - Directing is required at all levels of organization. Eve ry
manager provides guidance and inspiration to his subordinates.

• Continuous Activity - Direction is a continuous activity as it continuous

throughout the life of organization.

• Human Factor - Directing function is related to subordinates and therefore it

is related to human factor Since human factor is complex and behaviour is
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unpredictable, direction function becomes important.

• Creative Activity - Direction function helps in converting plans into

performance. Without this function, people become inactive and physical
resources are meaningless.

• Executive Function - Direction function is carried out by all manage rs and

executives at all levels throughout the working of an enterprise; a subordinate
receives instructions from his superior only.

• Delegate Function - Direction is supposed to be a function dealing with

human beings. Human behaviour is unpredictable by nature and conditioning
the people’s behaviour towards the goals of the enterprise is what the executive
does in this function. Therefore, it is termed as having delicacy in it to tackle
human behaviour.

W hy is directing essential?
Directing is important to strengthen the operational capability of the
organization. Directing is a bridge between the operational needs and the
human requirements of its employees. Since directing aims to improve
productivity, you are strengthening how well the organisation succeeds.

Research has pointed out how important human-focused management is in

today’s organization. When objectives are approached from a human
perspective that aims to ensure people’s opinions are listened to, the goals are
met faster than in task-oriented environments. The management’s ability to
listen to the workforce, support and inspire them will boost the productivity
and profitability of the organization.

Scope of direction
You can direct and lead your team by utilizing four key methods base d on the
findings of human behavioural studies. These are:

(i) Supervision
Supervision is concerned with overseeing the subordinates at work and is done
at all levels of management. It refers to the direct and immediate guidance and
control of subordinates in the performance of their task. It is conce rned with
seeing that the subordinates are working according to plan, policy, programme,
instruction and keeping up the time schedule. Supervision is inevitable at
every level of management for putting the managerial plans and policie s into
action. It can be compared to the key that keeps the managerial train into

(ii) Communication
It is the process of telling, listening, understanding or passing information from
one person to another. A manager has always to tell the subordinates what
they are required to do, how to do it and whe n to do it. He has to create an
understanding in the minds of the people at work.

An organisation can’t operate successfully without an effective system of

communication. The process of communication can be carried through
different Media’s viz., telephone, intercom system, issuing letters and
messengers etc.

(iii) Leadership
It can be defined as the process by which a manager guides and influences the
work of his subordinates. It is concerned with influencing people for the
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achievement of common goals. An executive, as an effective leader, should
consult his subordinates before starting any line of action to ensure their
voluntary cooperation. The manager as a leader acts as a dynamo which
charges a battery.

(iv) Motivation
Employees come forward to work in any enterprise in order to satisfy their
needs. Past experience reveals that in most cases they do not contribute
towards the organisational goals (as much as they can) be cause they are not
adequately motivated.

Motivation relates to a conscious atte mpt made by the exe cutive to influe nce
the direction and role of individual and group behaviours. A manage r should
understand the process of human-behaviour while performing his managerial
function of directing and leading.

He can get things done through other people willingly by motivation. Motivation
inspires the subordinates to work with zeal, willingness and initiates to achieve
enterprise goals. It promotes team work. It can tap the human potential in the
best possible manner. Managers must continuously be in search of the cause s
that motivate employees and develop a motivational system which may satisfy
most of their needs. Otherwise, productivity will not increase. Le adership and
motivation are thus the two wings of direction in the process of management.

(v) Commanding
Commanding refers to setting the business going to get the desired optimum
results from the subordinates. Fayol conceived the function of command as the
‘operation of organisation.’ He emphasised that the managers must possess the
requisite personal qualities and knowledge of the principles of management.

CONTROLLING  Controlling consists of verifying whether everything occurs in conformities

with the plans adopted, instructions issued and principles established.
Controlling ensures that there is effective and efficient utilization of
organizational resources so as to achieve the planned goals.

 Controlling measures the deviation of actual performance from the standard

performance, discovers the causes of such deviations and he lps in taking
corrective actions.

 According to Brech
“Controlling is a systematic exercise which is called as a process of
checking actual performance against the standards or plans with a vie w to
ensure adequate progress and also recording such experience as is gaine d
as a contribution to possible future needs.”

 According to Donnell
“Just as a navigator continually takes reading to ensure whether he is
relative to a planned action, so should a business manager continually take
reading to assure himself that his enterprise is on right course .” As The o
Haimann has put it, controlling is “The process of checking whether or not
proper progress is being made towards the objectives and goals and acting if
necessary, to correct any deviation“.

FEATURES OF Following are the characteristics of controlling function of management-

CONTROLLING  Controlling is an end function- A function which comes once the
FUNCTION performances are made in conformities with plans.

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 Controlling is a pervasive function- which means it is performed by
managers at all levels and in all type of concerns.
 Controlling is forward looking- because effective control is not possible
without past being controlled. Controlling always look to future so that
follow-up can be made whenever required.
 Controlling is a dynamic process- since controlling requires taking
reviewed methods; changes have to be made wherever possible.
 Controlling is related with planning- Planning and Controlling are two
inseparable functions of management. Without planning, controlling is a
meaningless exercise and without controlling, planning is useless. Planning
presupposes controlling and controlling succeeds planning.

IMPORTANCE Controlling’s most important function is the risk-reduction ability. Since you
OF are essentially monitoring the performance of the team and comparing it
CONTROLLING against the objectives you’ve set, you can react to problems more easily.
Instead of realizing at the end of the month that you’ve missed your sales
target by a huge margin, you can keep an eye on the situation during the

If you notice the marketing campaign, for example, is not producing any ne w
customers or leading to increased sales, you can re -tweak it to be tte r attract
customers. With the re -tweak, you might be able to change the campaign’s
attractiveness and recover the situation. This could end up guaranteeing you
meet the sales target at the end of the month.

Even if you miss the target, you might not miss it by as much and you’ve at
least had the chance of correcting the situation. With controlling, you are
reducing the risk of failure and the impact of failing to meet your objectives.

HOW TO Controlling as a management function involves following steps:

CONTROL? 1. Establishment of standards- Standards are the plans or the targets which
have to be achieved in the course of business function. They can also be calle d
as the criterions for judging the performance.

Standards generally are classified into two-

(a) Measurable or tangible - Those standards which can be measured and
expressed are called as measurable standards. They can be in form of cost,
output, expenditure, time, profit, etc.

(b) Non-measurable or intangible- There are standards which cannot be

measured monetarily. For example - performance of a manager, deviation of
workers, their attitudes towards a concern. These are called as i ntangible

2. Measurement of performance- The second major step in controlling is to

measure the performance. Finding out deviations becomes easy through
measuring the actual performance. Performance levels are some times e asy to
measure and sometimes difficult. Measurement of tangible standards is e asy
as it can be expressed in units, cost, money terms, etc. Quantitative
measurement becomes difficult when performance of manager has to be
measured. Performance of a manager cannot be measured in quantities. It can
be measured only by-
(a) Attitude of the workers,
(b) Their morale to work,
(c) The development in the attitudes regarding the physical environment, and
(d) Their communication with the superiors.

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3. Comparison of actual and standard performance- Comparison of actual
performance with the planned targets is very important. Deviation can be
defined as the gap between actual performance and the planne d targets. The
manager has to find out two things here - extent of deviation and cause of
deviation. Extent of deviation means that the manager has to find out whe ther
the deviation is positive or negative or whether the actual pe rformance is in
conformity with the planned performance. The managers have to exercise
control by exception. He has to find out those deviations which are critical and
important for business. Minor deviations have to be ignored. Major de viations
like replacement of machinery, appointment of workers, quality of raw
material, rate of profits, etc. should be looked upon consciously. Therefore it is
said, “If a manager controls everything, he ends up controlling nothing.” Once
the deviation is identified, a manager has to think about various causes which
have led to deviation.

The causes can be -

(a) Erroneous planning,
(b) Co-ordination loosens,
(c) Implementation of plans is defective, and
(d) Supervision and communication is ineffective, etc.

4. Taking remedial actions- Once the causes and extent of deviations are
known, the manager has to detect those errors and take remedial measures for
it. There are two alternatives here-
(a) Taking corrective measures for deviations which have occurred; and
(b) After taking the corrective measures, if the actual performance is not in
conformity with plans, the manager can revise the targets. It is here the
controlling process comes to an end. Follow up is an important step because it
is only through taking corrective measures, a manager can exercise controlling.

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STRATEGIC Strategic Management is a discipline that deals with long-term development

MANAGEMENT : of an organisation with a clear-cut vision about organisational purpose,
MEANING scope of activities and objectives.

Chandler describes strategic management as the “determination of the basic

long-term goals and objectives of an enterprise and adoption of course of
action and allocation of resources necessary to carry out these goals.”

As per Glueck “That set of decisions and actions which leads to the
development of an effective strategy or strategies to help achieve corporate

According to Paine and Naumes, “Strategic management involves the

decision-making and the activities in an organisation which (1) have wider
ramifications, (2) have a long time perspective, and (3) use critical resources
towards perceived opportunities or threats in a changing environment.”

Hambrick and Chen, “Strategic management is the formulation and

implementation of the major goals and initiatives taken by a company’s top
management on behalf of owners, based on consideration of resources and an
assessment of the internal and external environments in which the
organization competes.”

Therefore, it can be understood from the analysis of above de finitions that

strategic management provides overall direction to the organisation and
includes specifying the organization’s objectives, developing policies and
plans designed to accomplish these objectives, allocating re sources for the
implementation of such plans.

Michael Porter identifies three principles underlying strategy: creating a

“unique and valuable [market] position”, making trade -offs by choosing
“what not to do”, and creating “fit” by aligning company activities with one
another to support the chosen strategy.

STRATEGIC The strategic management process is defined as the proce ss by which the
MANAGEMENT: managers/ decision makers’ are able to make a choice of a set of strategies
PROCESS for the organization that will enable it to accomplish improved performance.
Strategic management is not a static but continuous process as it involve s
continuous appraisal of the micro and macro environment surrounding the
organization and choosing between alternatives that meet the objectives and
thereafter re-assessment of such strategy. The strategic management
consists of different phases, which are sequential in nature.

FOUR PHASES There are four indispensable phases of every strategic management process.
OF STRATEGIC In diverse companies these phases may have altered nomenclatures and
MANAGEMENT different sequences; nevertheless, the fundamental substance remains
PROCESS same. The four phases can be listed as below.

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1. Environmental Scanning- The Board of Directors and the top
management will have to review the current performance. To review, the
organization will have to scan the internal environment for the strengths and
weaknesses and the external environment for opportunities and threats. The
internal and external scan helps in selecting the strategic factors. These
have to be reviewed and redefined in relation to the mission and obje ctive s.
All the organizations have missions that define the significance of their

2. Strategy Formulation- Strategy formulation is the process of deciding

about the best course of action for accomplishing organizational obje ctives
and therefore, attaining organizational purpose. After conducting
environment scanning, managers formulate corporate, busi ness and
functional strategies.

3. Strategy Implementation- Strategy implementation implies putting the

chosen strategy into action. Strategy implementation includes designing the
organization’s structure, distributing resources, developing decision making
process, and managing the human resources.

4. Strategy Evaluation- Strategy evaluation is the final step of strategy

management process. The key strategy evaluation activities are: appraising
internal and external factors that are the root of prese nt strategies,
measuring performance, and taking remedial/corrective actions. Evaluation
ascertains that the organizational strategy as well as its implementation is in
line with the organizational objectives.

These components are steps that are carried in sequential order, while
creating a new strategic management plan. Pre sent busine sses that have
already created a strategic management plan will revert to these steps as pe r
the situation’s requirement, so as to make essential changes.

STRATEGIC As per May, “Strategic Leadership is the ability to influence others to

LEADERSHIP voluntarily make decisions that enhance the prospects for the organisation’s
long-term success while maintaining long-term financial stability. Different
leadership approaches impact the vision and direction of growth and the
potential success of an organization.

To successfully deal with change, all executives need the skills and tools for
both strategy formulation and implementation.”

Strategic leadership refers to a manager’s potential to articulate the strategic

vision for the organization, and to motivate, guide and influence his
subordinates to attain the objectives of that vision. Strategic leadership can
also be defined as utilizing strategy in the management of e mploye e s. It is
the ability to influence organizational members and to accomplish
organizational change. Strategic leaders generate organizational structure,
assign resources and communicate strategic vision. Strategic leaders have to
work in an uncertain environment on various strategic issues.

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The main purpose of strategic leadership is strategic productivity. Anothe r
aim of strategic leadership is to generate an environment in which
employees match the organization’s needs in context of their individual job.

Strategic leaders instil confidence to the employees in an organization to

follow their own ideas, yet, moving in the direction of organisation’s ove rall
goals. Strategic leaders make better use of reward and incentive system for
encouraging productive and quality employees. Functional strategic
leadership is about creativity, resourcefulness, and pre paring to assist an
individual in realizing his objectives and goals.

Functions and Importance of a Strategic Leader

Following are the nine key strategic leadership roles and brief definitions of
NAVIGATOR Clearly and quickly works through the complexity of
key issues, problems and opportunities to affect
actions (e.g., leverage opportunities and resolve

STRATEGIST Develops a long-range course of action or set of goals

to align with the organization’s vision.

ENTREPRENEUR Identifies and exploits opportunities for new

products, services, and markets.

MOBILIZER Proactively builds and aligns stakeholders,

capabilities, and resources for getting things done
quickly and achieving complex objectives.

TALENT Attracts, develops, and retains talent to ensure that

ADVOCATE people with the right skills and motivations to me e t
business needs are in the right place at the right

CAPTIVATOR Builds passion and commitment toward a common


GLOBAL Integrates information from all sources to de ve lop a

THINKER well-informed, diverse perspective that can be use d
to optimize organizational performance.

CHANGE DRIVER Creates an environment that embraces change;

makes change happen – even if the change is radical
– and helps others to accept new ideas.

ENTERPRISE Ensures shareholder value through courageous

GUARDIAN decision-making that supports enterprise – or unit-
wide interests. These nine roles are important at
senior strategic levels because they help leaders
understand what to do to be strategic. They addre ss
the broader challenges leaders face as they
transition from managing more narrowly focused
“silos” to taking on the challenges of more
enterprise-wide leadership.

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STRATEGIC A lot has changed since the passage of Indian Companies Act, 2013. A
MANAGEMENT: Company Secretary is no more a ‘Glorified Clerk’ now rather he is a Key
FUNCTIONS Managerial Personnel and plays a pivotal role in ensuring be st gove rnance
AND practices of the corporate world. In order to ensure that every activity of the
IMPORTANCE business organization are conducted in the interests of the stakeholders, i.e.
shareholders, employees, suppliers, government agencies etc. it is e ssential
FOR that a Company Secretary work as a strategist and not as a simple
PROFESSIONAL knowledge worker.
COMPANY He is required to contemplate the future changes in the political, e conomic,
SECRETARIES social, technological and legal environment and its impact on the industry
as well as the company per se. Further, the job of a company se cretary is a
balancing act, meaning that on the one hand he needs to take care of almost
all the aspects of corporate affairs, i.e. acting as a media tor between the
board and the shareholders, communicating with the outside world on
various corporate issues, conducting of meetings and proper maintenance of
its records etc.

On the other hand, he needs to take care of a bigger but extremely

important aspect, in absence of which, it may exert a debilitating impact on
the business, i.e. Corporate Governance. At times, while performing his
duties, he may find himself at a crossroad or a dilemma, where he ne eds to
choose between the two, i.e. what is good for the company and what is
ethically correct.

Due to higher degree of association with business matters, now a company

secretary’s platter is full of various tasks. For instance, the y interact with
the top management on a continuous basis to apprise them of the latest
developments taking place in the capital markets, corporate laws, securities
laws and their impact on the organization and also communicating with
different external agencies and regulatory authorities, thereby enlarging
their role in the organization. Further, a company secretary has to take care
of the following critical facets of the business, i.e. Risk management,
assessing the sustainability of an organization, contribution towards
corporate vision and mission, assessment of the magnitude of business
competition, guiding the company on the path of corporate social
responsibility etc. have enhanced the significance of a company se cretary

Thus, it is clear that the role of a Company Secretary encompasses almost

all the functions which a top management official needs to pe rform and in
view of this, strategic management is of paramount significance for a
company secretary. The ensuing paragraph makes an attempt to
comprehend how a company secretary is also a part and parcel of strate g ic

A company secretary in today’s era while discharging his or her professional

obligations has to perform several key roles which are also integral
components of strategic management. A brief discussion on some of the
roles is as follows:

(1) Advisory: As an advisor to the Board Members, the Company Se cretary

must build a good relationship with them provide impartial or unbiased
advice which is in the best interest of the company. He is re quired to offe r
necessary assistance to the Chairman with all development processes
including board evaluation, induction and training. This involves
implementation of a rigorous plan for the assessment of the performance of
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Directors and taking requisite measures based on the review report. Further,
the company secretary should take the lead in developing tailored induction
plans for new directors and devising a training plan for individual dire ctors
and the Board. Although these tasks are ultimately the responsibility of the
chairman, the company secretary can add value by fulfilling, or procuring
the fulfilment of, these best practice governance requirements on be half of
the chairman.

(2) Communication with Stakeholders: The company secretary is a

distinctive interface between the Board and management and as such the y
act as an important link between the Board and the business.

Through effective communication they can coach management to

understanding the expectations of, and value brought by the Board. The
company secretary also has an important role in communicating with
external stakeholders, such as investors, and is often the first point of
contact for queries. The company secretary should work closely with the
chairman and the Board to ensure that effective shareholder relations are

(3) Flawless Disclosure and Reporting: In recent years there has been
increased emphasis in the quality of corporate governance reporting and
calls for increased transparency. The company secretary usually has
responsibility for drafting the governance section of the company’s annual
report and ensuring that all reports are made available to shareholders
according to the relevant regulatory or listing requirements.

(4) Management of Board Meetings and Committees: The company

secretary plays a leading role in good governance by helping the Board and
its committees function effectively and in accordance with their terms of
reference and best practice. Providing support goes beyond scheduling
meetings to proactively managing the agenda and ensuring the presentatio n
of high quality up-to-date information in advance of meetings. This should
enable directors to contribute fully in board discussions and de bate and to
enhance the capability of the Board for good decision making. Following
meetings the company secretary should pursue and manage follow up
actions and report on matters arising.

(5) Compliances: In current scenario a business has to adhere to various

laws and regulations failing which may invite various legal hassles. A
company secretary is required to ensure compliance with various laws and
regulations and for doing so he / she should be conversant with the laws as
well as the amendments that take place. For instance, in Indian conte xt a
company secretary has to ensure compliance of the following laws but not
limited to- Companies Act; SEBI Act, Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act
and rules and regulations made there under; Foreign Exchange
Management Act; Consumer Protection Act; Depositories Act; Environme nt
and Pollution Control Laws; Labour and Industrial Laws etc.

(6) Representation: A Company Secretary has to represent be fore various

tribunals and courts in order to present the legal issue of the company. In
India, a company secretary appears before the following legal bodies-
National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT); National Company Law Appellate
Tribunal (NCLAT); Competition Commission of India (CCI); Registrar of
Companies; Tax Tribunals etc.

ENVIRONMENTA The term environment in context of business refers to all exte rnal forces or
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L INFLUENCES factors having a direct or indirect bearing on events related to functioning of
OF BUSINESS business. Business helps a country to accomplish economic growth,
generates employment opportunities and makes available various type s of
goods and services for human consumption. A business organisation does
not exist in a vacuum but has to take into account external and internal
environment. Business environment may offer opportunities for any firm or
pose threats to the firm. A business firm is also affected by a number of
internal factors, which are forces inside the business organisation.

While the policy makers and the managers on the top are conce rned with
the external environment, the middle level and lower level management are
more concerned with the internal environment.

According to Keith Davis, “Business environment is aggregate of all

conditions, events and influences that surround and affect the business”.

Bayord O. W heeler defines business environment as “the total of all the

things, external to a business firm, which affect the organisation and its

As per Arthur M. W eimer, “Business environment encompasses the climate

or set of conditions- economic, social, political, or institutional- in which
business is conducted”.

Therefore, business environment may be defined as: “The sum total of all
individuals, institutions and other forces that are outside the control of a
business enterprise but the business still depends upon them as they affe ct
the overall performance and sustainability of the business.”

The forces which compose the business environment are its suppliers,
competitors, consumers, government, bankers, customers, economic
conditions, market conditions, investors, technologies, political parties,
international institutions and multiple other institutions working externally
of a business constitute its business environment. The se forces influence
the business even though they are outside the business boundaries.

For example, changes in income tax rate by the government while

announcing the budget may make the customers reduce their consumption
expenditure and reduce quantity of products purchased earlier from the
company. Due to this macro level change, the business will need to re -work
with its pricing policy to adapt to the tax rate change. Here, even though the
business had no participation in initiating the tax rate change, still had to
adapt to this change by re -working its pricing policy to maintain its previous

IMPORTANCE The benefits of studying business environment are as follows:

OF  Development of strategies and long-term policies and objectives of the
L STUDY  Development of action plans to deal with changes in environment.
 To forecast the consequences of socio-economic changes at the national
and global levels on the company’s stability.
 Analysis of competitor’s strategies and formulation of effectual
 To keep the business dynamic and up-to-date.

CHARACTERISTI The various components of business environment are–

CS AND (i) External Environment
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COMPONENTS (ii) Internal Environment
External environment consists of all those factors that affect a business
enterprise from outside its boundaries. It consists of shareholders, legal,
competitors, customers, society, government rules and regulations, policies
and technology etc. These are uncontrollable factors and firms have to adapt
to the components of this environment.

External environment is can be sub-divided into micro environment and

macro environment. Different players in the micro environment normally do
not affect all firms of a particular industry equally. However, sometimes
micro environment of the various businesses may remain more or less same.


“The micro environment consists of factors in the company’s immediate
environment”. Micro environment includes those playe rs whose de cisions
and actions have a direct bearing on the company. Production and sale of
goods are the two important aspects of modern business. The various
constituents of micro environment are as under:

(a) Suppliers: These supply of resources (finances, raw materials, fuel,

power and other factors of production) and pave the way for smooth conduct
of the business. Firms should keep themselves updated about the policies of
suppliers as rise in the cost of inputs will influence their sales volume and

The scarcity of inputs also have a bearing on the production schedules. For
smooth production and sales, the business should have more than one
supplier in their list to have an unhampered production schedules.

(b) Customers: The people who buy and use products and services of
business and are an important part of external micro environment. A
business may have diverse customers such as households, producers,
retailers, Government and foreign buyers on its portfolio. Since sales of a
product or service is critical for a firm’s survival and growth, it is ne cessary
to keep the customers satisfied.

(c) Marketing intermediaries: In the firm’s external micro environment,

marketing intermediaries play an essential role of selling and distributing its
products to the final customers. They are the physical distribution firms
(transport firm), service agencies (media firms), financial intermediaries
(banks, insurance companies) etc. that assist in production, marke ting and
insurance of the goods against loss of theft, fire etc. Business has to
maintain healthy relations with them to carry their activities smoothly.

All these factors are largely controllable by the firms but they operate in the
larger macro environment beyond their control.

Competitors: Different firms in an industry compete with each other for

sale of their products. This competition may be on the basis of pricing of
their products and also non- price competition through competitive
advertising such as sponsoring some events to promote the sale of diffe rent
varieties and models of the ir products. They constantly watch compe titors’
policies and adjust their policies to gain customer confidence.

(e) Public: Finally, publics are an important force in external micro

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environment. Public, according to Philip Kotler, “is any group that has an
actual or potential interest in or impact on the company’s ability to achie ve
its objective.” A public is any group that has an actual or potential interest
in or impact on an organisation’s ability to achieve its interest.
Environmentalists, media groups, women’s associations, consumer
protection groups, local groups, citizens association are some important
examples of publics which have an important bearing on the business
decisions of the firm. Companies observe the behaviour of the se groups to
make functional policies.


Apart from micro environment, business firms also come across some othe r
external environmental forces which are beyond their control and operate at
macro level. Because of the uncontrollable nature of suc h macro force s, a
firm has to adjust or adapt it to harness the opportunitie s thrown by such
forces and mitigate the threats. These factors are:

(a) Economic Environment: Economic environment includes all those

forces which have an economic impact on business. Accordingly, total
economic environment consists of agriculture, industrial production,
infrastructure, and planning, basic economic philosophy, stages of economic
development, trade cycles, national income, per capita income, savings,
money supply, price level, fiscal and monetary policies and population.

The economic environment has definitely an impact on the activities of

business enterprises. In the capitalist economies, the e conomic de cisions
concerning investment, production and sale are driven by profit motives.
While in socialist economies, such decisions are taken by the public se ctor
and driven by social welfare motive rather than profit maximisation. In a
mixed economy, public and private sectors have a co-existence and they may
individually or jointly own the factors of production.

Choice of alternatives regarding allocation of resources such as what to

produce, how to produce and for whom to produce; nature of technology and
the techniques of production, timing of production etc. will be different in
capitalist, social and mixed economies, therefore, the busine ss firm has to
keep in mind the economic environment in which it operates.

(b) Political-legal Environment: The political- legal environment includes

the activities of three political institutions, namely, legislature, executive and
judiciary which usually play a useful role in shaping, directing, de ve loping
and controlling business activities. In order to attain a meaningful busine ss
growth, a stable and dynamic political-legal environment is very important.
Legal environment is also significant for functioning of the business as
various laws are in force to regulate the operations of the business
enterprises. They relate to standard of products, packaging, protection of
environment and ecological balance, ban on advertisement of (alcohol and
medicines), advertisement of certain products with statutory warning
(cigarette) etc. Laws also exist to prevent restrictive trade practices (RT P)
and monopoly.

(c) Technological Environment: Technology implies systematic application

of scientific or other organized knowledge to practical tasks or activities. It
includes innovations too. As technology is changing fast, businessmen
should keep a close look on those technological changes for its adaptation in
their business activities. Not adopting technological changes and imitating
innovation is not possible as technical threats from e xte rnal e nvironment
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have to be converted into opportunities and gainfully employed in busine ss

(d) Global or International Environment: The Global environment or

‘borderless world’ plays an important role in shaping business activity. With
the liberalisation and globalisation of the Indian economy in 1991, there
have been significant economic and political changes and increasing role for
the private sector to play since then. The global business environment is
radically affected by the principles and agreements of World Trade
Organisation (WTO) as it keeps a watch and regulates the business
transacted in the international environment.

(e) Socio-cultural Environment: The social environment consists of the

social values; concern for social problems like protection of environment
against pollution, providing employment opportunities, he alth care for the
aged and old etc.; consumerism (indulging in fair trade practices) to satisfy
human wants.

The cultural environment represents values and beliefs, norms and ethics of
the society. The buying habits, buying capacities, tastes, preferences and
many other factors are dependent on the cultural environment. For example,
in India, beef is not eaten by a majority of people as it is not part of their
culture. Similarly, white wedding dress is very less preferred in Hindu
weddings. Therefore, business has to offer socially acceptable goods to
maintain its positive business image and survive competition.

Every business has to keep in mind that the business operations

successfully meet the ethical and value system of the society and if not,
making necessary changes?

(f) Demographic environment: The demographic environment includes the

gender ratio, size and growth of population, life expectancy of the people,
rural-urban distribution of population, the technological skills and
educational levels, language skills of labour force. All these demographic
features have an important bearing on the functioning of business firms. For
example, huge populated countries such as Indian and China can adopt
labour-intensive technologies than capital intensive ones to give employme nt
to its labour force. Similarly, the population of kids will decide product range
and space for such products to be offered in a mall while planning logistics.

(g) Natural Environment: The natural environment is the ultimate source of

many inputs such as raw materials and energy, which firms use in their
productive activity. The natural environment which includes ge ographical
and ecological factors such as minerals and oil re se rves, water and fore st
resources, weather and climatic conditions and port facilities are all highly
significant for various business activities. For example, steel producing
industries are set up near the coal mines to save cost of transportation to
distant locations. The natural environment also affects the demand for

For example, places with hot temperatures will have high demand for air
conditioners. Areas which are highly polluted will have more scope of selling
air-purifiers. Similarly, weather and climatic conditions influence the
demand pattern for clothing, building materials for housing etc. Natural
calamities like floods, droughts, earthquake etc. are devastating for business

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(h) Ecological environment: Though natural resources such as air, wate r
and solar energy can be replenished, yet, business organisation are polluting
these resources by dumping chemical industrial wastes in water and
affecting the ozone layer. The environment damage to wate r, e arth and air
caused by industrial activity of mankind is harmful for future ge nerations.
Business enterprises should understand their social responsibility and use
these resources meticulously. Legislative measures are also brought in by
the Government (Pollution Control Board) to protect the natural
environment. Even, as a part of self-accountability, the renewable resources
should be used wisely so that rate of consumption does not exceed the rate
of replenishment.

Survival and growth of a business depends upon its strengths and
adaptability to the external environment.

The internal strengths represent its internal environment. The se consist of

financial, physical, human and technological resources. The factors in
internal environment of business are to a certain extent controllable because
the firm can change or modify these factors to improve its efficiency.
However, the firm may not be able to transform all the factors. The various
internal factors are:

(a) Value system: The value system of an organisation means the ethical
beliefs that guide the organization in achieving its mission and obje ctive s.
The value system of a business organisation also determines its be haviour
towards its employees, customers and society at large. The value system of a
business organisation makes an important contribution to its succe ss and
its prestige in the world of business.

(b) Mission and objectives: The business domain of the company, direction
of development, business philosophy, business policy etc. are guided by the
mission and objectives of the company. The objective of all firms is assume d
to be maximisation of profit. Mission is defined as the overall purpose or
reason for its existence which guides and influences its busine ss de cision
and economic activities.

(c) Organisation structure: The organisational structure, the composition

of the board of directors, the professionalism of management etc. are
important factors influencing business decisions. An efficient working of a
business organisation requires that the organisation structure should be
conducive for quick decision-making. The board of directors is the highe st
decision making body in a business organisation.

For efficient and transparent working of the board of directors in India it has
been suggested that the number of independent directors be increased.

(d) Corporate culture: Corporate culture and style of functioning of top

managers is important factor for determining the internal environment of a
company. Corporate culture is an important factor for determining the
internal environment of any company. In a closed and thre atening type of
corporate culture the business decisions are taken by top level managers
while the middle level and lower level managers have no say in business
decision making. This leads to lack of trust and confidence among
subordinate officials of the company. In an open and participating culture,
business decisions are taken by the lower level managers and top
management has a high degree of confidence in the subordinates.
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Free communication between the top level management and lower -level
managers is the rule in this open and participatory type of corporate culture.

(e) Quality of human resources: Quality of employees that is of human

resources of a firm is an important factor of internal environment of a firm.
The characteristics of the human resources like skill, quality, capabilities,
attitude and commitment of its employees etc. could contribute to the
strength and weaknesses of an organisation. It is difficult for the top
management to deal directly with all the employees of the business firm.
Therefore, for efficient management of human resources, employees are
divided into different groups. The manager may pay little attention to the
technical details of the job done by a group and encourage group
cooperation in the interests of a company.

(f) Labour unions: Labour unions collectively bargains with the managers
for better wages and better working conditions of the different categories of
workers etc. For the smooth working of business firm good relations between
management and labour unions is required.

(g) Physical resources and technological capabilities: Physical re sources

such as plant and equipment and technological capabilities of a firm
determine its competitive strength which is an important factor for
determining its efficiency and unit cost of production. Research and
development capabilities of a company determine its ability to introduce
innovations which enhances productivity of workers.


The tool was created by Harvard Business School professor Michael
Porter. Porter’s five forces model is an analysis tool that uses five industry
forces to determine the intensity of competition in an industry and its
profitability level. Since its publication in 1979, it has turned into one of the
most popular and highly regarded business strategy tools.

Porter was of the firm viewpoint that the organizations should ke e p a close
watch on their rivals, but he also encouraged them to go beyond the
boundaries of their competitors and make an assessment of other factors
impacting the business environment. In this process, he identified five
forces that build competitive environment, and have a take away its

The five forces identified are: These five forces establish an industry
structure and the level of compe tition in that industry. The stronger the
competitive forces are in the industry, the less profitable it becomes
ultimately. An industry with low barriers to enter, having not many buye rs
and suppliers but many substitute products and competitors will be vie we d
as highly competitive and thus, lesser attractive due to its low profitability. It
is every strategic leader’s job to make an assessment of company’s
competitive position in the industry and to identify its strengths or
weaknesses to make stronger that position. The model is very valuable in
formulating firm’s strategy as it reveals the strength of each of these five ke y

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THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS: This force determines the ease of new
entrants to enter a particular industry. If an industry is profitable and the re
are hardly any barriers to enter, competition intensifies rapidly. The refore,
with the entry of more rivals, firms begin to compete for the fixed market
share, profits start to decline. Hence, it is critical for existing organizations
in the industry to build high barriers to enter to discourage new entrants.

Threat of new entrants is high when:

 Smaller capital is required to make an entry;
 Existing companies are not influential/dominant to prevent new
 Existing firms do not have patents, trademarks or do not strong brand
 There is no/little government regulation;
 Customer switching costs are low;
 There is low customer loyalty;
 Products are not being able to be differentiated; and
 Economies of scale can be effortlessly acquired.

BARGAINING POW ER OF SUPPLIERS: This is determined by the powe r of

the suppliers to raise their prices. It is also determined by the volume of
potential suppliers in case existing supplier increase the price.

Bargaining power will also be lower in case suppliers are not supplying
identical product/service but a unique one. And the cost of switching from
one supplier to another.

Suppliers have dominant bargaining power when:

 There are a small number of suppliers but plenty of buyers;
 Suppliers are large in number and pose a threat to forward integrate;
 There are not many substitutes of raw materials;
 Suppliers hold scarce/unique resources;
 Cost of switching supplier is relatively high.

BARGAINING POW ER OF BUYERS: Bargaining power of the buye rs would

depend on the number of the buyers and the volume of their order. It would
also be a product of the cost of switching from company’s products and
services to products/services of the competitors.

Buyers exert strong bargaining power when:

 They buy in high volumes or control many access points to the final
 There are only few buyers in the market;
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 Switching costs to competitors are low;
 They threaten to backward integrate;
 There are many close substitutes;
 Buyers are price sensitive.

THREAT OF SUBSTITUTES: This force is especially threatening when

buyers can easily find substitute products with attractive prices or better
quality and when buyers can switch from one product or service to anothe r
with little cost. For example, if a company supplies a unique software
product that automates data re lated to human resource records, the
buyer/client may substitute the software either by making the process
manual or outsourcing it.

RIVALRY AMONG EXISTING COMPETITORS: it refers to the numbe r and

strength of competitors in the industry. How does the quality of their
products and services compare with the company? Where rivalry is intense,
companies can attract customers with aggressive price cuts and high-impact
marketing campaigns. On the other hand, where competitive rivalry is
minimal, and the product is differentiated, there will be high monopoly and
steady profits for the company. This force is the major dete rminant on how
competitive and profitable an industry is. In competitive industry, firms have
to compete aggressively for a market share, which results in low profits.

Rivalry among competitors is intense when:

 There are several competitors;
 Exit barriers are high;
 Industry of growth is slow or negative;
 Products are not differentiated
 Products can be easily substituted;
 Low customer loyalty.

Although, Porter originally introduced five forces affecting an industry,

scholars have suggested including the sixth force: complements.
Complements increase the demand of the primary product with which the y
are used, thus, increasing firm’s and industry’s profit potential. For
example, Amazon Prime complements Amazon and Jio TV compleme nts Jio
telecom business. As a result, the sale of both products shot up as
compared to competitors.

IMPLEMENTING The following steps are to be followed to implement the Porter’s Model:
THE MODEL • Step 1. Gather the information on each of the five forces
• Step 2. Analyze the results and display them on a diagram
• Step 3. Formulate strategies based on the conclusions

Step 1. Gather the information on each of the five forces. What

managers should do during this step is to gather information about their
industry and to check it against each of the factors (such as “number of
competitors in the industry”) influencing the force.

Porter’s Five Forces Factors

Threat of new entry
o Amount of capital required
o Retaliation by existing companies
o Legal barriers (patents, copyrights, etc.)
o Brand reputation
o Product differentiation
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o Access to suppliers and distributors
o Economies of scale
o Sunk costs
o Government regulation

Supplier power
o Number of suppliers
o Suppliers’ size
o Ability to find substitute materials
o Materials scarcity
o Cost of switching to alternative materials
o Threat of integrating forward

Buyer power
o Number of buyers
o Size of buyers
o Size of each order
o Buyers’ cost of switching suppliers
o There are many substitutes
o Price sensitivity
o Threat of integrating backward

Threat of substitutes
o Number of substitutes
o Performance of substitutes
o Cost of changing

Rivalry among existing competitors

o Number of competitors
o Cost of leaving an industry
o Industry growth rate and size
o Product differentiation
o Competitors’ size
o Customer loyalty
o Threat of horizontal integration
o Level of advertising expense

Step 2. Analyze the results and display them on a diagram. After

gathering all the information, you should analyse it and determine how each
force is affecting an industry. For example, if there are many companie s of
equal size operating in the slow growth industry, it means that rivalry
between existing companies is strong.
Remember that five forces affect different industries differently so don’t use
the same results of analysis for even similar industries!

Step 3. Formulate strategies based on the conclusions. At this stage,

managers should formulate firm’s strategies using the results of the analysis
For example, if it is hard to achieve economies of scale in the marke t, the
company should pursue cost leadership strategy. Product development
strategy should be used if the current market growth is slow and the market
is saturated.

Although, Porter’s five forces is a valuable tool to analyse industry’s

structure and to formulate firm’s strategy, it has its limitations and requires
supplementary analysis to be done, such as SWOT, PEST or Value Chain

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BUSINESS Business policies are the guidelines developed by an organization to govern the
POLICY – actions of those who are a part of it. They define the potential limits within
INTRODUCTION which decisions must be made. Business policy also deals with acquisition of
resources with which organizational goals can be achieved. Business Policy
defines the scope within which decisions may be taken by the subordinate s in
an organization. It permits the lower level management to deal with the routine
problems and issues on their own without reverting back to top manage ment
for the purpose of decision making.

Business policy is the study of the roles and responsibilities of top level
management, significant issues affecting organizational success and the
decisions affecting organization in long-run. The top management consists of
those managers who are primarily responsible for long-term decisions and
carry designations such as Chief Executive, President, Ge neral Manage r, or
Executive Director. These are the persons who are not concerned with the day-
to-day problems but are expected to devote their time and energy for thinking
and deciding about the future course of action.

FEATURES OF An effective business policy must have following features-

BUSINESS 1. Specific – Every policy must have a basic feature of being specific/ definite.
POLICY If it is uncertain, then its implementation will become difficult.

2. Clear – Policy must be unambiguous and as clear as possible in order to

guide the subordinates effectively. It should avoid frequent use of jargons and
connotations to create any chaos.

3. Reliable and Uniform – Policy must be uniform and reliable e nough to be

efficiently followed by the subordinates.

4. Appropriate – Policy should be appropriate to the represent the

organizational goals.

5. Simple – A policy should be simple and easily understood by each and

every person in the organization.

6. Inclusive/ Comprehensive – In order to have a wide scope, a policy must be


7. Flexible – Policy should be flexible in application. It should be wide in scope

so as to ensure that the line managers use them in repetitive/routine

8. Stable – Policy should be stable so as to avoid the scope of any

indecisiveness and uncertainty in minds of those who look into it for guidance .

EVOLUTION OF The origin of business policy can be traced back to the year 1911, when
BUSINESS Harvard Business School introduced an integrative course in management
POLICY aimed at the creation of general management capability. This course was
based on some case studies which had been in use at the school for
instructional purposes since 1908.

However, the real impetus for introducing business policy in the curriculum of
business schools came with the publication of two reports in 1959. The
Gordon and Howell report, sponsored by the Ford Foundation, recommended a
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capstone course of business policy “… which will give students an opportunity
to pull together what they have learned in the separate business fields and
utilize this knowledge in the analysis of complex business problems. The
Pierson report, sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation and published
simultaneously, made a similar recommendation.

In 1969, the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business, a regulatory

body for business schools, made the course of business policy a mandatory
requirement for the purpose of recognition. During the last four decades,
business policy has become an integral part of management curriculum. From
the U S, the practice of including business policy in the management
curriculum spread to other parts of the world.

• Evolution Based on Managerial Practices

The development in business policy as arising from the use of planning
techniques by managers. Starting from day-to-day planning in e arlier times,
managers tried to anticipate the future through preparation of budgets and
using control systems like capital budgeting and manage ment by obje ctive s.
With the inability of these techniques to adequately emphasise the role of
future, long-range planning came to be used. Soon, long-range planning was
replaced by strategic planning, and later by strategic managemen t: a te rm is
currently used to describe the process of strategic decision – making. Strategic
management is the theoretical framework for business policy course s today.
Policy-making became the prime responsibility of erstwhile entrepreneurs who
later assumed the role of senior management.

THE INDIAN Formal management education started in India in the late fifties and gained an
SCENARIO impetus with the setting up of the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and
the Administrative Staff College of India in the early sixties. In the formative
years of the IIMs, the curriculum and philosophy of management education
“…were borrowed substantially from the American business schools”. The IIM,
Ahmedabad based its teaching methodology on the Harvard model of
developing and using case studies as the major tool. With the setting up of
three more IIMs at Bangalore, Calcutta and Lucknow and the creation of
university departments, management education has experienced an
unparalleled growth in the last three decades. Different nomenclature used for
the course title include, besides business policy; corporate planning, corporate
strategy and planning, management policy and, lately, strategic planning or
strategic management.

IMPORTANCE Business policy is important as a course in management curriculum and as a

OF BUSINESS component of executive development programmes for middle -level managers
POLICY preparing to move up to the senior management level. A study of business
policy fulfils the needs of management students as well as those of middle -level

To highlight the importance of business policy, we consider four are as where

this course proves to be beneficial.

• From the viewpoint of the Course itself

Business policy seeks to integrate knowledge and experience gained in various
functional areas of management.

It enables the learner to understand and make sense of the complex

interaction that takes place between different functional areas.

Business policy deals with the constraints and complexities of the real-life
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business. In contrast, the functional area courses are based on a structured,
specialized and well-developed body of knowledge resulting from the
simplification of the complexity of the overall takes and responsibilities of

For the development of a theoretical structure of its own, business policy cuts
across the narrow functional boundaries and draws upon a variety of source s;
other courses in management curriculum and from a wide variety of
disciplines like economics, sociology, psychology, demography, political
science, etc. In doing so, business policy offers a very broad perspe ctive to its

Business policy makes the study and practice of management more

meaningful as one can view business decision-making in its proper
perspective. For instance, in the context of business policy, a short -term gain
for a department or a sub-unit is willingly sacrificed in the interest of the long -
term benefit that may accrue to the organisation as a whole.

• For the Understanding of Business Environment

Regardless of the level of management where a person is, business policy
creates an understanding of how policies are formulated. This helps in creating
an appreciation of the complexities of the environment that the senior
management faces in policy formulation.

By gaining an understanding of the business environment, managers be come

more receptive to the ideas and suggestions of the senior management. Such
an attitude on the part of managers makes the task of policy imple me ntation

By being able to relate the environmental changes to policy changes within the
organisation, managers feel themselves to be a part of a gre ater de sign. This
helps in reducing their feelings of isolation.

• For Understanding the Organisation

Business policy presents a basic framework for understanding strategic
decision-making while a person is at the middle level of manage ment. Such a
framework, combined with the experience gained in working in a spe cialized
functional area, enable a person to make preparations for handling general
management responsibilities. This benefits the organisation in a variety of

Business policy, like most other areas of management, brings to the

organisation and also to its managers, the benefit of years of dist illed
experience in strategic decision-making. Case study, which is the most
common pedagogical tool in business policy, provides illustrations of re al -life
business strategy formulation and implementation.
Framework of
VISION Vision serves the purpose of stating what an organization wishes to achie ve in
the long run. It articulates the position that the organisation would like to
occupy in future. The vision is about looking forward and about formalizing
where you, and the business, are going. It is a future aspiration that le ads to
an inspiration of being the best in one’s business sphere. It creates a common
identity and a shared sense of purpose.

A vision statement is a company’s road map, indicating both what the

company wants to become and guiding transformational initiatives by setting a
defined direction for the company’s growth. Vision statements undergo
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minimal revisions during the life of a business, unlike operational goals which
may be updated from year-to year.

 Concise : able to be easily remembered and repeated
 Clear : defines a prime goal
 Time horizon : defines a time horizon
 Future-oriented : describes where the company is going rather than the
current state
 Stable : offers a long-term perspective and is unlikely to be impacted by
market or technology changes
 Challenging : not something that can be easily met and discarded
 Abstract : general enough to encompass all of the organization’s interests
and strategic direction
 Inspiring : motivates employees and is something that employee s view as

PURPOSE Vision statement may fill the following functions for a company:
 Serve as foundation for a broader strategic plan
 Motivate existing employees and attract potential employees by clearly
categorizing the company’s goals and attracting like -minded individuals
 Focus company efforts and facilitate the creation of core compe te ncies by
directing the company to only focus on strategic opportunities that advance
the company’s vision
 Help companies differentiate from competitors. For example, profit is a
common business goal, and vision statements typically describe how a
company will become profitable rather than list profit directly as the long -
term vision.

MISSION A mission statement defines the basic reason for the existence of that
organization. Such a statement reflects the corporate philosophy, identity,
character, and image of an organization. It may be defined explicitly or could
be deduced from the management’s actions, decisions, or the chief executive’s
press statements.

A mission statement is a short statement of an organization’s purpose,

identifying the goal of its operations: what kind of product or service it
provides, its primary customers or market, and its geographical region of

It communicates primarily to the people who make up the organization—its

members or employees—giving them a shared understanding of the
organization’s intended direction.

There are no hard and fast rules to developing a mission - what matte rs most
is that is generally be considered to be an accurate reflection and useful
summary of UH Hilo and ‘speaks’ to our stakeholders.

What follows though are some general principles that we could bear -in-mind:
1. Make it as succinct as possible. A mission statement should be as short
and snappy as possible - preferably brief enough to be printed on the back of a
business card. The detail which underpins it should be mapped out elsewhere.

2. Make it memorable. Obviously partially linked to the above, but try to

make it something that people will be able to remember the ke y e lements of,
even if not the exact wording

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3. Make it unique to you. It’s easy to fall into the ‘motherhood and apple pie ’
trap with generic statements that could equally apply to any institution. Focus
on what it is that you strive to do differently: how you achieve excellence, why
you value your staff or what it is about the quality of the stude nt e xpe rience
that sets you apart from the rest.

4. Make it realistic. Remember, your mission statement is suppose d to be a

summary of why you exist and what you do. It is a description of the pre se nt,
not a vision for the future. If it bears little or no resemblance to the
organization that your staff know it will achieve little 5. Make sure it’s current.
Though it is not something which should be changed regularly, neither should
it be set in stone.

STRATEGIC CORPORATE “What Business(es) should we invest in?”

ORGANIZATION STRATEGY  Created by Top Level Management
 Long Term Strategy
 essence of strategic planning process
 determines the growth objective
 highlights the pattern of business moves
 defines how the firm will remain sustainable in the long
 occupies the highest level of strategic decision making
 covers actions dealing with the objective of the firm,
acquisition and allocation of resources and
coordination of strategies of various SBUs for optimal
 the more the aptness in the degree of the corporate
level strategy, the higher will be the chances of firm’s
success in the market
 Corporate strategy is not the sum total of business
strategies of the corporation
 uses extroverted approach, which links the business
with its environment
 Strategies includes Expansion, Stability and

BUSINESS “What Competitive methods do we invest in to achieve

STRATEGY competitive advantage?”

 Created by Middle Level Management

 Short Term Strategy
 applicable in those organizations, which have diffe rent
businesses-and each business is treated as Strategic
Business Unit (SBU).
 where SBU concept is applied, each SBU sets its own
strategies to make the best use of its resources (its
strategic advantages) given the environment it faces.
 operate within the overall strategies of the organization
 has an introverted approach, i.e. it is concerned with
the internal working of the organization
 Strategies includes Cost Leadership, Focus &

FUNCTIONAL “What financial, marketing, operations and other

STRATEGY strategies will be important to implement business

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relates to a single functional operation and the

activities involved therein.
 Decisions at this level within the organization are ofte n
described as tactical
STRATEGY Financial metrics have long been the standard for assessing a firm’s
performance. Financial goals and metrics are established based on
benchmarking the “best-in-industry” and include:

1. Free Cash Flow

This is a measure of the firm’s financial soundness and shows how e fficiently
its financial resources are being utilized to generate additional cash for future
investments. It represents the net cash available after deducting the
investments and working capital increases from the firm’s operating cash flow.
Companies should utilize this metric when they anticipate substantial capital
expenditures in the near future or follow-through for implemented projects.

2. Economic Value-Added
This is the bottom-line contribution on a risk-adjusted basis and helps
management to make effective, timely decisions to expand businesses that
increase the firm’s economic value and to implement corrective actions in
those that are destroying its value. It is determined by deducting the operating
capital cost from the net income.

Companies set economic value -added goals to effe ctively assess their
businesses’ value contributions and improve the resource allocation process.

3. Asset Management
This calls for the efficient management of current assets (cash, re ceivables,
inventory) and current liabilities (payables, accruals) tur novers and the
enhanced management of its working capital and cash conversion cycle.

Companies must utilize this practice when their operating pe rformance falls
behind industry benchmarks or benchmarked companies.

4. Financing Decisions and Capital Structure

Here, financing is limited to the optimal capital structure (debt ratio or
leverage), which is the level that minimizes the firm’s cost of capital. This
optimal capital structure determines the firm’s reserve borrowing capacity
(short and long-term) and the risk of potential financial distress. Companie s
establish this structure when their cost of capital rises above that of direct
competitors and there is a lack of new investments.

5. Profitability Ratios
This is a measure of the operational efficiency of a firm. Profitability ratios also
indicate inefficient areas that require corrective actions by manage ment; the y
measure profit relationships with sales, total assets, and net worth. Companies
must set profitability ratio goals when they need to ope rate more e ffectively
and pursue improvements in their value -chain activities.

6. Growth Indices
Growth indices evaluate sales and market share growth and de termine the
acceptable trade-off of growth with respect to reductions in cash flows, profit
margins, and returns on investment. Growth usually drains cash and re serve
borrowing funds, and sometimes, aggressive asset management is re quired to
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ensure sufficient cash and limited borrowing. Companies must set growth
index goals when growth rates have lagged behind the industry norms or when
they have high operating leverage.

7. Risk Assessment and Management

A firm must address its key uncertainties by identifying, measuring, and
controlling its existing risks in corporate governance and regulatory
compliance, the likelihood of their occurrence, and their economic impact.
Then, a process must be implemented to mitigate the causes and effects of
those risks. Companies must make these assessments when the y anticipate
greater uncertainty in their business or when there is a need to enhance the ir
risk culture.

8. Tax Optimization
Many functional areas and business units need to manage the level of tax
liability undertaken in conducting business and to understand that mitigating
risk also reduces expected taxes. Moreover, new initiatives, acquisitions, and
product development projects must be weighed against their tax implications
and net after-tax contribution to the firm’s value. In general, performance
must, whenever possible, be measured on an after-tax basis. Global companies
must adopt this measure when operating in different tax environments, where
they are able to take advantage of inconsistencies in tax regulations.

The introduction of the balanced scorecard emphasized financial performance

as one of the key indicators of a firm’s success and helped to link strategic
goals to performance and provide timely, useful information to facilitate
strategic and operational control decisions. This has led to the role of finance
in the strategic planning process becoming more relevant than ever.

FORMULATION Strategic Financial Management (SFM): Strategic Financial Management

OF FINANCE (SFM) SFM is concerned with development of a finance strategy by
STRATEGY identification of some key strategic alternatives which are capable of
maximizing entity’s Net Present Value (NPV) and by allocation of scarce capital
resources among the competing opportunities. It is concerned with taking
these three key financial decisions:


INVESTMENT It is the first and foremost important component of financial strategy. In the
DECISION course of business, the available finance with business is usually limited but
the opportunities to invest are plenty? Hence the finance manager is re quired
to access the profitability or return of various individual investment de cisions
and choose a policy which ensures high liquidity, profitably of an organization.
It includes short term investment decisions known as working capital
management decisions and long term investment decisions known as capital
budgeting decisions.
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Capital Budgeting: - It is the process of making inve stment decisions in
capital expenditure, benefits of which are expected over a long pe riod of time
exceeding one year. Investment decision should be evaluated in the te rms of
expected profitability, costs involved and the risks associated. This decision is
important for setting new units, expansion of present units, reallocation of
funds etc.

Short Term Investment Decision: - It relates to allocation of funds among

cash and equivalents, receivables and inventories. Such decision is influenced
by trade-off between liquidity and profitability. Proper working capital
management policy ensures higher profitability, proper liquidity and sound
structural health of the organization.

FINANCING Once the requirement of funds has been estimated, the next important ste p is
DECISION to determine the sources of finance. The manager should try to maintain a
balance between debt and equity so as to ensure minimized risk and
maximum profitability to business.

DIVIDEND The third and last function of finance includes dividend decisions. Dividend is
DECISION that part of profit, which is distributed to shareholders as a reward to high risk
investment in business. It is basically concerned with deciding as to how much
part of profit will be retained for the future investments and how much part of
profit will be distributed among shareholders. High rate of divide nd e nsures
higher wealth of shareholders and also increase market price of shares.

Influences on financial strategy: Businesses may be reluctant to obtain extra

funds due to a variety of reasons such as fear of loss of control, fe ar of e quity
not getting subscribed, fear of inability to service its debts, tax shields, not
having enough asset bases to provide as security or to maintain go od rating,

Therefore, the manager must keep in mind such factors to make a trade -off for
finance. Although the basic decisions of finance includes three types of
decisions i.e. investing, finance and dividend decisions but they are interlinked
with each other in a way. This is so because:

The main aim of all three decisions is profit maximization and wealth
maximization of shareholders.

In order to make investment decisions such as investing in some major

projects, the first thing is the finance available to make investment.

Finance decision is also a function of dividend decision. The more the dividend
distribution, the more the dependency on external sources to raise finance and
vice versa.

MARKETING Formulation of marketing Strategic: Marketing is the means by which a firm is

STRATEGY effectively able to differentiate itself from its competitors by capitalising on its
strengths (both existing as well as potential) to provide consistently better
value to its customers than its competitors.

Marketing strategy is a long-term, forward-looking approach for attaining

sustainable competitive advantage. It involves an analysis of the company’s
existing strategic situation before the formulation, evaluation and se lection of
market-oriented competitive position that contributes to the company’s goals
and marketing objectives.
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DEFINITIONS Marketing Strategy is:
OF MARKETING “The marketing strategy lays out target markets and the value proposition that
STRATEGY will be offered based on an analysis of the best market opportunitie s.” (Philip
Kotler & Kevin Keller)

In short, the Strategic Marketing answers three ‘W’s:

1. Which markets to compete in
2. What is the basis of the firm’s competition, and
3. When to compete
STRATEGIC Marketing strategy involves mapping out the company’s direction for the
GAP future, be it three, five or ten years. It involves carrying out a 360° re vie w of
the firm and its operating environment with a view to ide ntify ne w busi ne ss
opportunities that the firm could potentially leverage for competitive
advantage. Strategic planning may also reveal market threats that the firm
may need to consider for long-term sustainability.

Strategic planning is concerned with identifying the business opportunities

that are likely to be successful and evaluates the firm’s capacity to le ve rage
such opportunities. It seeks to identify the strategic gap; that is the diffe rence
between where a firm is currently situated where it should be situated for
sustainable, long-term growth.

MARKET In terms of market position, firms may be classified as market leaders, marke t
POSITION AND challengers, market followers or market niches.
Market  one who controls significant market share
Leader  The goal of a market leader is to reinforce their promine nt
position through the use of branding to develop and
maintain their corporate image and to restrict the
competitors brand.
 may adopt unconventional or unexpected approaches to
building growth

Market  holds the next highest market share in the industry

Challenger  market posture is generally offensive
 They will compete ‘neck to neck’ with the marke t leader in
an effort to grab their market share
 Their overall strategy is to gain market share through
product, packaging and service innovations; new market

Market  Followers are generally content by taking a backseat and

Follower follow the policy of wait and watch
 adopt a “me-too” approach

Market  occupies a small niche in the market in order to avoid ‘ne ck

Niche to neck’ competition
 objective is to build strong ties with the e xisting customer
base and develop strong loyalty with them.
 Tactically, nichers are likely to improve the product or
service offering, leverage cross-selling opportunitie s, offe r
value for money and build relationships through superior
after sales service, service quality and othe r re lated value
adding activities.

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ENTRY Marketing strategies may differ depending on the unique situation of the
STRATEGIES individual business. According to Lieberman and Montgomery, e very e ntrant
into a market – whether it is new or not – is classified under a Market Pione er,
Close Follower or a Late follower.

 Pioneers
Market pioneers are known for innovative product development, resulting into
some early entry market-share advantages than the followers as they have the
first-mover advantage, pioneers must ensure that they are having at le ast one
or more of three primary sources: Technological Leadership, Pre-emption of
assets or buyer switching costs.

Technological Leadership means gaining an advantage through either

Research or Development or the “learning curve” for using the re search and
development as a key point of selling.

Pre-emption of Assets can help gain an advantage through acquiring scarce

assets within a certain market, allowing the first-mover to be able to have
control of existing assets rather than those that are created through new

By being a first entrant, it is easy to avoid higher switching costs compare d to

later entrants. For example, those who enter later would have to inve st more
expenditure in order to encourage customers away from early entrants. It has
been found that while Pioneers in both consumer goods and industrial
markets have gained “significant sales advantages”, they are at a disadvantage
in terms of cost.

 Close followers
If there is a profit potential in the innovation introduced by marke r pione er,
many businesses would step in offering the same product. Such people are
more commonly known as Close Followers. These entrants into the market can
also be seen as challengers to the Market Pioneers and the Late Followers. This
is because early followers are more than likely to invest a significant amount in
Product Research and Development than later entrants.

Due to the nature of early followers and the re search time be ing later than
Market Pioneers, different development strategies are used as opposed to those
who entered the market in the beginning, and the same is applied to those who
are Late Followers in the market. By having a different strategy, it allows the
followers to create their own unique selling point and perhaps target a different
audience in comparison to that of the Market Pioneers.

 Late Entrants
Those who follow after the Close Followers are known as the Late Entrants.
Late entrant has certain advantages such as ability to le arn from the ir e arly
competitors and improving the benefits or reducing the total costs.

This allows them to create a strategy that could essentially mean gaining
market share and most importantly, staying in the market. In addition to this,
markets evolve, leading to consumers wanting improvements and
advancements on products. Late Followers could have a cost advantage ove r
early entrants due to the use of product imitation. Late Entry into a marke t
does not necessarily mean there is a disadvantage when it come s to marke t
share; it depends on how the marketing mix is adopted and the performance of
the business.

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The requirements of individual customer markets are unique, and their
purchases sufficient to make viable the design of a new marketing mix for each
customer. If a company adopts this type of market strategy, a separate
marketing mix is to be designed for each customer. Specific marketing mixes
can be developed to appeal to most of the segments when market segmentation
reveals several potential targets.

FORMULATION Human resource planning is a process that identifies current and future
OF HUMAN human resources needs for an organization to achieve its goals. Human
RESOURCE resource planning should serve as a link between human resource
STRATEGIES management and the overall strategic plan of an organization. Ageing worke rs
population in most western countries and growing demands for qualified
workers in developing economies have underscored the importance of effective
human resource planning.

As defined by Bulla and Scott, human resource planning is ‘the process for
ensuring that the human resource requirements of an organization are
identified and plans are made for satisfying those requirements’.

Human resource planning includes creating an employer brand, retention

strategy, absence management strategy, flexibility strategy, (talent
management) strategy, (recruitment) and selection strategy.

Reilly defined (workforce planning) as: ‘A process in which an organization

attempts to estimate the demand for labour and evaluate the size, nature and
sources of supply which will be required to meet the demand.

This Strategic HR Planning and evaluation cycle is depicted in the diagram

below Human resource planning is the on-going process of systematic
planning to achieve the best use of an organisation’s most valuable asse t – its
human resources. The objective of human resource (HR) planning is to ensure
the best fit between employees and jobs, while avoiding workforce shortages or

The three key elements of the HR planning process are forecasting labour
demand, analysing present labour supply, and balancing projected labour
demand and supply.

IMPLEMENTING 1. Assessing the current HR capacity

HR STRATEGY This includes taking stock of the skills of the existing human resources of the
organisation to have a clear understanding of the current skill set of the
company. This will help in forecasting future HR requirements.

2. Forecasting HR requirements
This step includes projecting what the HR needs for the future will be based on
the strategic goals of the organization and assessment of total skill set of
existing human resources. Some questions to ask during this stage include:
• The positions to be filled in the future period
• The number of staff will be required to meet the strategic goals of the
• Effect of external environmental forces in getting new human resources

3. Gap analysis
In this stage, one will make a comparison between existing and desired
position of the organisation in terms of strategic. During this phase you should
also review your current HR practices and if these require any amendments.

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4. Developing HR strategies to support the strategies of the organization
The five HR strategies which may be adopted to attain the organizational goals
are given hereunder:

• Restructuring strategies
This includes reducing staff, regrouping tasks to create well-designed jobs, and
reorganizing work groups to perform more efficiently.

• Training and development strategies

This includes providing the current staff with training and development
opportunities to encompass new roles in the organization

• Recruitment strategies
This includes recruiting new hires that already have the skills the organization
will need in the future.

• Outsourcing strategies
This includes outreaching to external individuals or organizations to comple te
certain tasks.

• Collaboration strategies
This includes collaborating with other organizations to learn from how othe rs
do things, allow employees to gain skills and knowledge not previously
available in their own organization.

• Retention strategy
Every area of the employer-employee relationship in your organization deserves
your attention. Embrace these key strategies to improve your organization’s
employee retention and boost employee satisfaction:

• On boarding and orientation – The job orientation is just one compone nt of

on boarding, aim to develop an on boarding process where new staff me mbe rs
not only learn about the job but also the company culture and how the y can
contribute and thrive, with on-going discussions, goals and opportunities to
address questions and issues as they arrive.

• Mentorship programs – Pairing a new employee with a mentor is a gre at for

retention. New team members can learn from the experience of a senior.

• Employee compensation – the organisation should offer competitive

compensation packages which include salaries, bonuses, paid time off, he alth
benefits, retirement plans and all the other perks.

• Recognition and rewards systems – Every person wants to feel appreciated

for what they do. When they go the extra mile, they should be recognized.
Some companies set up rewards systems that incentivize great ideas and

• W ork-life balance – A healthy work-life balance is essential. Companies

should give a serious thought for offering telecommuting or flexible sche dules
to improve work-life balance for their employees.

• Training and development – Smart managers invest in their workers›

professional development and seek opportunities for them to grow. Some
companies pay for employees to attend conferences or industry e ve nts e ach
year, or provide tuition reimbursement or continuing education training.

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• Communication and Feedback – Lines of communication should be kept
open for ensuring employee retention. Their ideas, questions and concerns
must be welcomed.

• Dealing with change – If the organization is going through a merger, layoffs

or other big changes, the employees must be taken into confidence beforehand
to maintain their trust.

• Fostering teamwork – When people work together, the y can achieve more
than they would have individually. Foster a culture of collaboration by
clarifying team objectives, business goals and roles, and encouraging everyone
to contribute ideas and solutions.

• Team celebration – Celebrate major milestones for individuals and for the
team. Whether the team just finished that huge quarterly project under budget
or an employee brought home a new baby, seize the chance to celebrate
together with a shared meal or group excursion.


The types of production strategies listed above are discussed as follows:

1. Differentiation strategy
Under a differentiation strategy, the company tries to be make a product
different and unique from that offered by its competitors in the market. Such a
differentiation may be done in terms of enhanced quality, quantity, pricing,
appearance, and after sales-service than its rivals. Such a uniqueness and
divergence in its product quality and customer service may lead to fetching
higher prices by the company in the same market.

2. Cost leadership strategy

Under a cost leadership strategy, the company tries to diminish its cost of
production by reaping economies of the scale on a larger volume of production
in a single batch. Higher the scale of production, lower will be the cost of
production due to reduction in fixed costs per unit of production be it raw
materials, labour, advertising, sales promotion, R & D, etc.

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3. Market segmentation strategy
In market segmentation strategy, the company divides the market according to
the type of customers it has to focus and target. It sells different products and
services to different types of customers. To achieve this goal, it produce s and
sells goods and services as per the needs of the customers. Therefore, marke t
segmentation strategy is also called Focus Strategy. For example, many
detergent companies offer different variants of detergents with diffe rent price

4. Price or cost strategy

Under price or cost strategy, the company sells its product at a very small
price. This strategy is used when the products are homogeneous in nature and
company is not able to differentiate that. That is, when the customers cannot
distinguish the company’s product from the competitors’ products. In this
case, the company will fix a low price to fetch maximum market share. For
example, match sticks; the customer will not care much about brand while
buying this and will easily switch to other brand, if his current company trie s
to raise the price.

5. Quality strategy
Under quality strategy, the company produces and sells ‘premium’ goods and
services. The prices of such goods and services are naturally very high such as
luxury cars and bikes. However, this strategy attracts those customers who
have huge incomes and therefore prefer top quality products as a status
symbol and are ready to pay high prices intentionally. To gain succe ss in the
market, the company must smartly invest to make quality innovative products
that are free from any defects.

6. Delivery strategy
Under delivery strategy, the company delivers its product and services to the ir
customers as early as possible within a fixed time period. The company give s
top priority to fast delivery of products and providing quickest accessibility of
services. Speed delivery of products and faste st accessibility of services
removes the problem of scarcity and unnecessary delays in the market.
Delivery strategy is used as a selling tactic to fight cut-throat competition.

7. Product mix or flexibility strategy

Under this strategy, the company produces and sells a product mix. A product
mix is a group of products, which are sold by the same company for e xample
Hindustan Lever. Here, the company does not depend only on a single product
for its survival and growth. It uses a product mix because it offe rs many
advantages to the company. However, only large companies with huge
production capacity can adopt this strategy.

8. Service strategy
Under this strategy, the company uses a service to attract the customers. It
gives quicker and better aftersales se rvice. It gives around the clock, i.e . 24-
hour customer service. It may render this service directly via the company or
through the network of call centres. Service is required for both consumer
goods as well as industrial goods.

9. Eco-friendly products
Under eco-friendly strategy, the company produces and sells environment -
friendly products also called as Green Products. For e.g. producing and selling
lead-free petrol to reduce pollution, manufacturing mercury free television
panels, etc., are some good steps to preserve nature. This is a new type of
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production strategy. It is used to reduce pollution and protect the biosphe re .
Companies may also recycle certain materials like plastic, metals and pape rs.
The properly recycled products are later used for manufacturing new products
and in packaging. Companies use biodegradable packing material to reduce
the problem of waste disposal. Recycling reduces continuous demand cycle of
natural resources and hence somewhat minimize the exploitation of
environment. The company informs the public about their environment-
friendly manufacturing approach through advertisements.

10. Flexible response strategy

Flexible response strategy is said to be used when a company makes re quired
changes in its production plans in accordance with the e merging changes in
the market. Here, focus is given to speed and reliability. That is, the company
must make swift changes as per the emerging changes in the market demand.
It must also give a regular supply of goods to its customers. There must not be
any shortage of goods in the market. To achieve this, the company must follow
a strict production schedule.

11. Low cost strategy

Under low cost strategy, the company fights massive market competition by
selling its products at very lower prices. Simultaneously, it must also maintain
the quality of its products. A company can only sell its goods at minimum
prices if it maintains a low cost of production and distribution. This can be
done by producing and distributing goods on a large scale. That is, company
must take advantage of economies of large -scale production.

FORMULATION Logistics strategy is defined as “the set of guiding principles, driving forces and
OF LOGISTICS ingrained attitudes that help to coordinate goals, plans and policie s be twe en
STRATEGY partners across a given supply chain.”

Logistics is not confined to tactical decisions about transportation and

warehousing. Longer-term decisions are needed to put in place the capabilities
that ensure that logistics plays a full role in supporting a company’s products
in the market place.

When a company creates a logistics strategy it is defining the service le vels at

which its logistics organization is at its most cost effective. Because supply
chains are constantly changing and evolving, a company may develop a
number of logistics strategies for specific product lines, specific countries, or
specific customers.

Strategic Level: By examining the company’s objectives and strategic supply

chain decisions, the logistics strategy should review how the logistics
organization contributes to those high-level objectives. The top level is the
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Strategic level that defines Customer service strategy. Customer service
strategy is the driving force behind the design and operations of a company ’s
logistics supply chain. The key inputs that go into defining a customer se rvice
strategy are the company’s products, its markets and its customer service

Structural and Functional Levels: In any Strategic planning exercise, there is

interplay between strategy and functional operations. In our logistics strategy
framework, functional layers provides important inputs to finalize the
Structural layer.

Channel Design: Pertains to activities and functions that need to be carried out
to achieve the Customer service goal.

Network Strategy: Locations and missions of facilities and strategies for using
these facilities to achieve the Customer service strategy. The process of
designing the Structural element of the strategy is integrated with the
Functional elements of the strategy as well. Warehouse Operations,
Transportation Management and Material management decisions are inputs to
a detailed Structural strategy.

Implementation: In this final phase, people, business processes and IT come

together to support and execute the Logistics Strategy. Implementation is one
of the most important and challenging aspects of your Logistics strategy.

ELEMENTS OF The Logistics Strategy plan is then developed within eight elements:
THE LOGISTICS 1. Customer service policy – the appropriate level of service for custome rs,
STRATEGY by product group or market segment; considering: order fulfilment
PLAN requirements, enquiry and investigation capability and the available
information. The customer service policy informs the nodes and links of the
supply network

2. Inventory location policy (Supply Network nodes) – centralised or

decentralised inventory; whether to differentiate facilities by fast and slow
moving stock; location of sites; use of specific technologies and layouts;
company-owned or contracted facilities

3. Inventory policy – form and function of inventory by location; the

appropriate amount of stock to hold for various groups of inventory;
planning structure that links outbound and inbound materials

4. Cost plan – trade-off analysis between cost and service level requirements;
cost of Logistics operations

5. Transport and distribution (Supply Network links) policy – affected by

whether enterprise imports or exports and the size and structure of
conurbations being served. This incorporates transport modes, delivery
pattern and storage location considerations, base d on the time taken for

6. IT and Communications capability: technologies (including software) that

will be internally developed; buy planning and scheduling applications from
single supplier or obtain ‘best of breed’ applications

7. Logistics organisation structure: function or flow based; allocation of

responsibilities; managed or self managed teams

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8. Logistics Targets and metrics: measures of performance and achievement
targets; operations improvements process and management

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STRATEGIC Strategic analysis and planning involves careful formulation of the

ANALYSIS AND strategies and goals taken by a company’s top management on behalf of
PLANNING the organization. It is based on deliberation of resources and an
assessment of the internal and external environments in which the
organization competes based on a variety of models.

It aims at providing overall direction to the organisation and specifying the

organization’s objectives, developing policies and plans designed to achieve
these objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the plans. All
this requires a careful analysis of the vision, mission, objectives, goals and
resources of the organisation and in-depth analysis of the external

SITUATION Before developing any strategy, the foremost requirement is carrying out a
ANALYSIS Situation Analysis. A Situation analysis or environmental analysis is an
essential component of any strategy formulation and it has to be assure d
that such analysis is conducted periodically to keep the strategies up to
date. A complete situation analysis focuses on four areas i.e.:
• The problem (its severity and its causes)
• The people (potential stakeholders)
• The broad context (in which the problem prevails)
• Factors (facilitating behaviour change)

A situational analysis takes into account the internal and external

environment of an entity or organization and clearly identifies its own
capabilities, customers, potential customers, competitors and the business
environment and the impact they are going to have on the entity or

It can also help in identifying strengths, weakness, opportunities and

threats to the organization or business which can help in fore casting the
choices required to be made keeping in view the environmental

Need of Situation Analysis

A Situation Analysis paves the way for strategy development by
identification of priorities by bringing out a clear, detai led and realistic
picture of the opportunities, resources, challenges and barriers regarding a
formulating a business plan. The quality of the Situation Analysis will
affect the success of the whole plan.

Suitability of Situation Analysis

A small, well knitted and focused team from different functional areas of
the organisation should conduct the situation analysis. Throughout the
data collection process, team members should also consider about
engagement of concerned stakeholders including opinion le aders, se rvice
providers, policy makers, partners, and potential beneficiaries to reap
maximum output. It may be done by conducting in-depth interviews, focus
group discussions, community dialogues, small group meetings, taskforce
engagements or participatory stakeholder workshops.

Timing of Conducting Situation Analysis

A situation analysis should be conducted at the beginning of any program
or project but before developing a strategy.

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• Product Situation
It relates with the products being offered by the business at present. It may
further be sub-divided into the core product and any secondary/ancillary
or supporting products/services. While doing so, the needs of the
customers should be taken into. This is so because, now days, consumer is
the king; therefore, everything needs to be tailor-made to the requirements
of the customers.

• Competitive situation
This involves analysis of the competitive forces to identify the closest
competitors. It involves finding out core competencies of the competitors as
compared to our own organization and the areas in which they are have
strong hold and the characteristics of the customers segment that are
attracted by the competitors.

• Distribution Situation
Review your distribution and logistics network.

• Environmental Factors
The external and internal environmental factors which ne ed to be take n
into account. This includes economic or sociological factors that impact

• Opportunity and Issue Analysis

Carrying out a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity and
Threats). Current opportunities available in the market, the main threats
that business is facing and may face in the future, the strengths that the
business can rely on and any weaknesses that may affect the business

Effectiveness of Situation Analysis

The following questions may bring out the effectiveness of situation
 Is currently adopted situational analysis simple and practical to use?
 Is it easy and clear for even an outsider to understand?
 Is it focused on key factors that are impacting my business both
internally and externally?
 Does it clearly identify future goals for the business?


Every manager is entrusted with the responsibility of se tt ing up his/he r
organisation’s mission and goals and creating a strategic plan that will
guide the company to achieve its goals. For doing this, managers make use
a variety of tools and methods to make a basis for decision making that
includes SWOT and TOWS analysis, which are two closely related
brainstorming exercises.

SWOT is a tool for strategic analysis of any organization, which take s into
account both examination of the company’s internal as well as of its
external environment. It consists in recognition of key assets and
weaknesses of the company and marching them to exploit future
opportunities and combating threats. SWOT is quite helpful in formulating
a company’s strategy”

SWOT may be expanded as:

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S – Strengths
W – Weaknesses
O – Opportunities
T – Threats.

The origin of the SWOT analysis is supposed to be rooted in the conce pt of

‘Force Field Analysis’ pronounced by K. Levin in 1950s. However, ‘Force
Field Analysis’ concept was too complex to be practically applied. Yet, it
became a reference for scholars to develop some simpler methods that
included the SWOT analysis as well.

TOWS Though TOWS was created through rearrangement of the le tters of SWOT
analysis, yet, it may not be considered as just reversal of se que nce of the
SWOT analysis. This is so because, while in the SWOT analysis, one starts
with evaluation of internal strengths and weaknesses and seeks the
manner of the their best application taking into account the external
business environments, TOWS analysis scans opportunities and thre ats
existing in external environment of any organization, and the n ge nerates,
compares and selects strategies based on internal strengths and weakness
to utilize such opportunities and reduce threats.

Michael Watkins of the “Harvard Business Review” says that focusing on

threats and opportunities first helps lead to productive discussions about
what is going on in the external environment rather than ge tting bogge d
down in abstract discussions about what a company is good at or bad at.

Therefore, it is not just reversal of letters of SWOT, but, a tool for strategy
generation and selection. SWOT analysis is a tool for audit and analysis.
One would use a SWOT at the beginning of the planning process, and a
TOWS later as one decides upon ways forward.

• W ho can use SW OT/TOWS

The SWOT/TOWS Matrix is not just meant for the top levels of
management in an organisation. Rather, these two can be very use ful tool
for divisions, products, functions as well as departments. The se can also
be used for individual employees on an operational level.

The SWOT/TOWS analysis is a very simple yet valuable te chnique which
aids in identifying opportunities and threats from an external environment,
and analysing its own strengths and weakness. Such a review helps in
establishing the relationship between threats, opportunities, we aknesses,
and strengths for developing strategies and making decisions.

Further, use of TOWS by examining threats and opportunities before

analysing strengths and weaknesses can further allow for more productive
analysis and interpretation of external environment leading to more
informed decisions. The TOWS Matrix also helps in brainstorming to bring
out great ideas to generating effective strategies and tactics.

FOUR TOWS - As said earlier, whereas SWOT Analysis starts with an internal analysis,
STRATEGIES: the TOWS Matrix takes the other route, with an external environment
PRODUCT OF analysis; the threats and opportunities are examined first. Then, in TOWS
TRADE-OFF makes a trade-off between internal and external factors. As we know,
BETWEEN Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors and opportunities and
INTERNAL AND threats are external factors. This trade -off is the point where four potenti al
EXTERNAL strategies derive their importance, these are :
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FACTORS Strength/Opportunity (SO): Strengths of the companies are utilized to
exploit the opportunities.

W eakness/Opportunity (W O): The organisation finds options that

overcome weaknesses, and then take advantage of opportunities.
Therefore, it mitigates weaknesses, to exploit opportunities.

Strength/Threat (ST): Exploiting strengths to overcome any potential


W eakness/Threat (W T): With Weakness/Threat (WT) strategies one is

attempting to minimise any we aknesses to avoid possible threat.

STRATEGIES IN There are 4 types of strategies differentiated:

TOWS 1. Aggressive strategy (maxi-maxi)
2. Conservative strategy (maxi-mini)
3. Competitive strategy (mini-maxi)
4. Defensive strategy (mini-mini)

AGGRESSIVE “The aggressive strategy (maxi-maxi) consists in maximum exploitation of

STRATEGY (MAXI- the synergy effect present between the strong sides of the organization and
MAXI) opportunities generated by the environment. It is a strategy of strong
expansion and diversified development (…)”. Therefore, maxi-maxi refers to
an organization, within which the synergy effect is present and
opportunities are dominating in the environment. It consists in strong
expansion and development, with maximum application of stre ngths and
available opportunities.

The aggressive strategy embraces actions such as: capturing opportunities,

strengthening position on the market, taking over organizations of the
same profile, concentration of resources on competitive products.

It is a strategy that exploits a synergy effect of company’s strong side s and

opportunities that appear in the environment.

CONSERVATIVE It is present in an organization in a situation, when with high interna l

STRATEGY (MAXI- potential; it undergoes unfavourable system of external conditions or
MINI) threats. The threats need to overcome with use of the stre ngths, e .g. the
competitors should be bought and its shares taken over.

The conservative strategy embraces such actions as: selection of products,

market segmentation, reduction of costs, improvement of competitive
products, development of new products, searching for new markets. It is a
strategy, where success of an organization is mainly sought in its strong
sides and reduction of threats.

COMPETITIVE It is present in an organization, where weaknesses dominate over the

STRATEGY (MINI- strengths still there are opportunities prevailing in the e nvironment. The
MAXI) competitive strategy consists in “(…) elimination of weak sides of
company’s operation and construction of its competitive strength through
maximal exploitation of the existing opportunities that support
development” .

The competitive strategy embrace such actions as: expansion of financial

resources, improvement of commercial resources, improvement of a line of
products, improvement of productivity, reduction of costs, maintenance of

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competitive advantage. It is a strategy that embraces construction of a
competitive strength of an organization.

DEFENSIVE This strategy enables survival in a situation, when an organization works

STRATEGY (MINI- in an unfavourable environment, it is deprived of strengths. It may le ad to
MINI) take maximal benefits from the company before its liquidation, or to
combine it with another enterprise.

The defensive strategy encompasses such actions as: gradual withdrawal,

reduction of costs, reduction of productive ability, ceasing the inve stmen t
process. It is a strategy that provides survival, through counteracting weak
sides and threats.

PERT & CPM  One of the most challenging jobs that any manager can take on is the
management of a large-scale project that requires coordinating
(programme numerous activities throughout the organization. A myriad of details
evaluation review must be considered in planning how to coordinate all these activities, in
technique) developing a realistic schedule, and then in monitoring the progre ss of
the project. Therefore, the managers have to rely on Project
(Critical Path management techniques to handle such large scale projects. Project
method) Management is a systematic way of planning, scheduling, executing,
monitoring, controlling the different aspects of the proje ct, in orde r to
attain the goal made at the time of project formulation.

 PERT and CPM two complementary statistical techniques utilized in

Project management. These two are network based scheduling methods
that exhibit the flow and sequence of the activities and e ve nts. The se
techniques make heavy use of networks to help plan and display the
coordination of all the activities.

 First developed by the United States Navy in the 1950s to support the
U.S. Navy’s Polaris nuclear submarine project, PERT is commonly use d
in conjunction with the critical path method (CPM). Afte r discove ry by
Navy, It found applications all over industry. DuPont’s Critical Path
Method was invented at roughly the same time as PERT.

 Today, PERT and CPM have been used for a variety of projects,
including the following types.
• Construction of a new plant
• Research and development of a new product
• NASA space exploration projects
• Movie productions
• Building a ship
 Government-sponsored projects for developing a new weapons system
• Relocation of a major facility
• Maintenance of a nuclear reactor
• Installation of a management information system
• Conducting an advertising campaign

 PERT /CPM identify the time required to complete the activities in a

project, and the order of the steps. Each activity is assigned an earliest
and latest start time and end time. Activities with no slack time are said
to lie along the critical path–the path that must stay on time for the
project to remain on schedule.

CPM: KEY POINTS The critical path method (CPM) is a project modelling technique develope d
in the late 1950s by Morgan R. Walker of DuPont and James E. Kelley Jr.
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CPM computes the longest path of planned jobs/ activities to logical end
points/the end of the project, and the earliest and latest time by which
each activity can start and finish without making the project longer. This
process determines the activities that are “critical” or on the longe st path
and having “total float” (i.e., can be delayed without making the project

Critical Path Analysis is an effective and powerful method of assessing:

• What jobs/activities must be carried out?
• Where parallel activities can be performed.
• The shortest time to complete a project.
• Resources needed for a project.
• The sequence of activities, scheduling and timings.
• Task priorities.
• The most efficient way of shortening time on urgent projects.

An effective Critical Path Analysis can make the difference between success
and failure on complex projects. It can be very useful for assessing the
importance of problems faced during the implementation of the plan.

STEPS IN PERT (i) Each project consists of numerous independent jobs/activities. It is vital
AND CPM to identify and distinguish the various activities required for the completion
of the project and list them separately.

(ii) After listing, the order of precedence for these jobs needs to be
determined. Certain jobs will have to be done first. Therefore, jobs have to
be completed before others should be determined. Also, a numbe r of jobs
may be carried out simultaneously. All such these relationships be twe en
the different jobs need to be clearly laid down.

(iii) Then, a picture/graph portraying each of these jobs should be drawn

showing the predecessor and successor relations among them. This graph
shows the time required for completion of each job. This is known as the
project graph or the arrow diagram.

The three steps given above can be understood with the help of an
example. Suppose, a manger wishes to draw a project graph for pre paring
an operating budget for a manufacturing firm. To accomplish this proje ct,
the company salesmen must provide sales estimates in units for the period
to the sales manager who would consolidate it and provide it to the
production manager. He would also estimate market prices of the sale and
give the total value of sales of the units to be produced and assign
machines for their manufacture. He would also plan the re quirements of
labour and other inputs and give all these schedules together with the
number of units to be produced to the accounts manager who would
provide cost of production data to the budget officer.

Using the information provided by the sales, production and accounti ng

departments, and the budget officer would make the necessary
arrangements for internal financing and prepare the budget. We have se e n
that the project of preparing the budget involves a number of activities.

This technique is very useful in case of projects which involve a large

number of activities. It makes the project manager list out all the possible
activities, their relationships, find out which activities can be pe rformed
first, which next and which can be performed simultaneously so as to find
out the best possible manner of completing the project.
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ADVANTAGES OF 1. Compels managers to plan their projects critically in considerable de tail
PERT from beginning to the end and analyse all factors affecting the progre ss of
the plan.

2. Provides management a tool for forecasting the impact of schedule

changes. The likely trouble spots are located early enough to take
preventive measures or corrective actions.

3. A considerable amount of data may be presented in a pre cise manner.

The task relationships are presented graphically for easier evaluation.
4. The PERT time is based upon 3-way estimate and hence is the most
objective time in the light of uncertainties and results in greater de gree of
accuracy in time forecasting.

5. Results in improved communication with all concerned parties such as

designers, contractors, project managers etc. The ne twork will highlight
areas that require attention of higher priority to the key jobs without
ignoring the lower priority tasks.

LIMITATIONS OF 1. Uncertainly about the estimate of time and resources due to being based
PERT on assumptions.

2. The costs may be higher than the conventional methods of planning and
as it needs a high degree of planning skill and minute details re sulting in
rise in time and manpower resources.

3. Not suitable for relatively simple and repetitive processes such as

assembly line work which are fixedsequence jobs.

BCG MATRIX “A company should have a portfolio of products with different growth rates
and different market shares. The portfolio composition is a function of the
balance between cash flows.… Margins and cash generated are a function
of market share.”—Bruce Henderson, “The Product Portfolio,” 1970.

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The BCG Matrix was developed by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and
is used for the evaluation of the organization’s product portfolio in
marketing and sales planning. BCG analysis is mainly used for Multi -
Category/ Multi Product companies. All categories and products toge ther
are said to be the part of a Business portfolio. It aims to evaluate each
product, i.e. the goods and services of the business in two dimensions:
• Market growth
• Market share

The combination of both dimensions creates a matrix into which the

products from the portfolio are placed:
CASH COW High Market Cash cows are the most stable
Share product/service line for any business
(HARVEST) Low Growth and hence the strategy includes
retention of the market share for such
category. As the market growth rate is
low and acquisition is less and
customer retention is higher. Thus,
customer satisfaction programs, loyalty
programs and other such promotional
methods form the core of the marketing
plan for a cash cow product.

STARS High Market All types of marketing, sales promotion

Share and advertising strategies are use d for
(HOLD) High Growth Stars. Similarly in Stars, because of the
high competition and rising market
share, the concentration and
investment needs to be high in
marketing activities so as to increase
and retain market share.
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QUESTION Low Market As they are new entry products with
MARKS Share high growth rate, the growth rate needs
High Growth to be capitalized in such a manner that
(BUILD) question marks turn into high market
share products. New Customer
acquisition strategies are the be st
strategies for converting Question
marks to Stars or Cash cows.
Furthermore, time to time market
research also helps in determining
consumer psychology for the product as
well as the possible future of the
product and a hard decision might have
to be taken if the product goes into
negative profitability.

DOGS Low Market Depending on the amount of cash

Share which is already invested in this
(DIVEST) Low Growth quadrant, the company can either
divest the product altogether or it can
revamp the product through rebranding
/ innovation / adding features etc.
However, moving a dog towards a star
or a cash cow is very difficult. It can be
moved only to the question mark region
where again the future of the product is
unknown. Thus in cases of Dog
products, divestment strategy is used.

SEQUENCES IN Success Sequence in BCG Matrix – The Success sequence of BCG matrix
BCG MATRIX happens when a question mark becomes a Star and finally it becomes a
cash cow. This is the best sequence which really gives a boost to the
company’s profits and growth. The success sequence unlike the disaster
sequence is entirely dependent on the right decision making.

Disaster sequence in BCG Matrix – Disaster sequence of BCG matrix

happens when a product which is a cash cow, due to competitive pressure
might be moved to a star. It fails out from the competition and i t is move d
to a question mark and finally it may have to be divested because of its low
market share and low growth rate. Thus the disaster sequence might
happen because of wrong decision making. This sequence affects the
company as a lot of investments are lost to the divested product. Along
with this the money coming in from the cash cow which is use d for othe r
products too is lost.

STEPS IN BCG BCG matrix is a framework to help understand, which brands the firm
MATRIX should invest in and which ones should be divested. Following are the
steps involved:
Step 1. Choose the unit. BCG matrix can be used to analyse SBUs,
separate brands, products or a firm as a unit itself. Which unit will be
chosen will have an impact on the whole analysis. Therefore, it is essential
to define the unit for which you’ll do the analysis.

Step 2. Define the market. Defining the market is one of the most
important things to do in this analysis. This is because incorrectly de fined
market may lead to poor classification. For example, if we would do the
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analysis for the Daimler’s Mercedes-Benz car brand in the passenger
vehicle market it would end up as a dog (it holds less than 20% relative
market share), but it would be a cash cow in the luxury car marke t. It is
important to clearly define the market to better understand firm’s portfolio

Step 3. Calculate relative market share. Relative market share can be

calculated in terms of revenues or market share. It is calculated by dividing
your own brand’s market share (revenues) by the market share (or
revenues) of your largest competitor in that industry. For example, if your
competitor’s market share in refrigerator’s industry was 25% and your
firm’s brand market share was 10% in the same year, your relative market
share would be only 0.4. R elative market share is given on x-axis. Its top
left corner is set at 1, midpoint at 0.5 and top right corner at 0 (see the
example below for this).

Step 4. Find out market growth rate. The industry growth rate can be
found in industry reports, which are usually available online for free. It can
also be calculated by looking at average revenue growth of the leading
industry firms. Market growth rate is measured in percentage te rms. The
midpoint of the y-axis is usually set at 10% growth rate, but this can vary.
Some industries grow for years but at average rate of 1 or 2% per year.

Therefore, when doing the analysis you should find out what growth rate is
seen as significant (midpoint) to separate cash cows from stars and
question marks from dogs.

Step 5. Draw the circles on a matrix. After calculating all the measures,
you should be able to plot your brands on the matrix. You should do this
by drawing a circle for each brand. The size of the circle should correspond
to the proportion of business revenue generated by that brand.

Strategies based on the BCG Matrix.

There are four strategies possible for any product / SBU and these are the
strategies which are used after the BCG analysis. These strategies are
1) Build – By increasing inve stment, the product is given an impetus such
that the product increases its market share. Example – Pushing a Question
mark into a Star and finally a cash cow (Success sequence)

2) Hold – The company cannot invests or it has other investment

commitments due to which it holds the product in the same quadrant.
Example – Holding a star there itself as higher investment to move a star
into cash cow is currently not possible.

3) Harvest – Best observed in the Cash cow scenario, wherein the

company reduces the amount of investment and tries to take out
maximum cash flow from the said product which increases the overall

4) Divest – Best observed in case of Dog quadrant products which are

generally divested to release the amount of money already st uck in the

Thus the BCG matrix is the best way for a business portfolio analysis. The
strategies recommended after BCG analysis he lp the firm de cide on the
right line of action and help them implement the same.
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At the height of its success, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the growth
share matrix (or approaches based on it) was used by about half of all
Fortune 500 companies, according to estimates.

The matrix helped companies decide which markets and business units to
invest in on the basis of two factors— company competitiveness and
market attractiveness—with the underlying drivers for these factors be ing
relative market share and growth rate, respectively. The logic was that
market leadership, expressed through high relative share, resulted in
sustainably superior returns. In the long run, the market leader obtained a
self re-inforcing cost advantage through scale and experience that
competitors found difficult to replicate. High growth rates signalled the
markets in which leadership could be most easily built.

Putting these drivers in a matrix revealed four quadrants, each with a

specific strategic imperative. Low-growth, high-share “cash cows” should
be milked for cash to reinvest in high-growth, high-share “stars” with high
future potential. High-growth, low-share “question marks” should be
invested in or discarded, depending on their chances of becoming stars.
Low-share, low-growth “pets” are essentially worthless and should be
liquidated, divested, or repositioned given that their current positioning is
unlikely to ever generate cash.

The utility of the matrix in practice was two fold:

• The matrix provided conglomerates and diversified industrial
companies with logic to redeploy cash from cash cows to business units
with higher growth potential. This came at a time when units ofte n ke pt
and reinvested their own cash—which in some cases had the effect of
continuously decreasing returns on investment. Conglomerates that
allocated cash smartly gained an advantage.

• It also provided companies with a simple but powerful tool for

maximizing the competitiveness, value, and sustainability of their business
by allowing them to strike the right balance between the exploitation of
mature businesses and the exploration of new businesses to secure future
CRITICISM OF THE The BCG Matrix has lost some of its popularity following the de ve lopme nt
BCG MATRIX of other models, and drawn criticism for making some false suppositions
such as:
 It assumes that a business unit with a higher market share will
generate more cash. While it has been observed that a unit that has a
high market share needs to keep investing in it to sustain this share
and, therefore, may absorb cash instead of generating it.
 Also, the matrix seems to ignore interdependencies among a
corporation’s business units. A dog, for example, may be helping a
question mark or a star with cash.
 The matrix also seems to use broad definitions of market share and
market growth overlooking nuances—a unit that makes scoote r tyres,
for instance, may have a big market share in this niche se gment, but
only a minuscule share of the ove rall tyre market. The corporation that
owns this unit may be using it as a cash cow for the benefit of a “star”
or a “question mark” in its portfolio.
 The matrix has also been criticised for suggesting that all corporations
will identify units or products in the four quadrants, and that units or
products will travel through all the four quadrants in their life cycles.
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 Market growth rate is only one factor that makes an industry attractive.
Similarly, relative market share is only one factor that give s a unit a
competitive advantage. According to critics, the matrix ignores other
factors that determine profitability. At least some critics suggest the use
of the GE/McKinsey Matrix.
 The market share of the matrix does not guarantee profitability.
 The BCG matrix does not consider decreasing marke ts e nough; Cash
Cows could disappear without reason.
 Both axes have been assigned the same value. In practice, this value
can depend on the strategy.
 The coherence as regards content between products and product
groups is not incorporated.
 The BCG matrix does not show what the competition is doing.
 The BCG matrix may oversimplify the assessments of the facts.

BCG’S RESPONSE In a paper published in 2014, the BCG, while defending the basic
TO CRITICISM : principles of the matrix, acknowledges that the business world and the
MATRIX 2.0 distribution of companies across the matrix have changed. It recommends
“strategic experimentation [with the original matrix] to allow adaptation to
an increasingly unpredictable business environment.”

The paper admits that in the modern business environment, the matrix
needs “a new measure of competitiveness to replace its horizontal axis,” as
market share cannot be relied upon as a strong pointer to performance

It says companies need to look at new markets and products to renew their
advantage and desist from wasting resources. They need to invest in more
question marks to help the promising ones grow into stars.

Responding to the marketplace, they should also cash out stars, retire
cows, and maximize the information value of pets.

The BCG gives the example of Google, with its portfolio of AdWords,
AdSense, Android, and other products, and says that at that company,
portfolio management is “embedded in organizational abilities that
facilitate strategic experimentation.”

At Google, questions marks are generated, and a few are selected and trie d
out before they are scaled up.

Making suggestions for using “BCG Matrix 2.0,” the paper puts forward
“four practical imperatives” that businesses can use in strategic


ANSOFF GROWTH This matrix is also known as the Ansoff Product-Market Grow th matrix
MATRIX? or the Four Ways To Grow A Business model.

It first appeared in the Harvard Business Review in 1957 and was cre ated
by strategist Igor Ansoff to help manage ment teams to focus on the options
for business growth. In common with other popular strategy mode ls, it is
built around a two by two matrix.
• current products or new products
• current markets or new markets

The Four Growth Options of The Ansoff Growth Matrix

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Market current  The emphasis is on escalating
penetration products and market share by making some
strategy current rigorous marketing promotions, or
markets by creating more customer value.
 business as usual but on steroids

Product new products  To replace present product profile

development and current with new and better products
strategy markets  To provide products which
complement the main product sold
by the business
 To provide “one stop shop” by
adding new products to value
chain to strengthen or leverage the
relationship and to provide added

Market current  Opening up previously excluded

development products and market segments through pricing
strategy new markets policies
 New marketing and distribution
 Entering new geographic markets
by moving from local to regional to
national and finally international.

Diversification new products  There are three levels of

and new diversification:
markets • Diversification into related
• Diversification into unrelated
markets using existing resources
and capabilities
• Diversification into unrelated

 Diversification is the most risky

growth strategy in Ansoff’s growth
matrix and especially if it requires
the development of new resources
and capabilitie s. It has even been
referred to as the “suicide cell”.

HOW TO USE There are two ways to use the Ansoff Growth Matrix
ANSOFF GROWTH 1. As a tool for brainstorming to help identify possible strategic options.
MATRIX 2. As a tool for assessing preferred strategic options to check for some kind
of balance. There aren’t right or wrong answers but you might be shocke d
to discover that all six growth strategies you intend to follow fall into the
diversification box.

DEVELOPMENTS The original matrix developed by Ansoff was the simple 2 x 2 matrix
TO THE ANSOFF presented above. Ansoff later refined the matrix into a 3 dimensional
GROWTH MATRIX version. Others have turned the matrix from 2×2 into 3×3 by introducing
middle categories for expanded markets and modified products to give
more flexibility to the tool. This allows shading from “a little different” to
“very different”.

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The Arthur D. Little provides with the ADL matrix that is a portfolio
management method based on thought of product life cycle. The ADL
portfolio management involves the dimensions of environmental
assessment and business strength assessment.

The environmental assessment approaches to industry maturity whereas

business strength assessment leads to competitive position.

INDUSTRY In ADL portfolio management, industry maturity is very close to the

MATURITY OR product life cycle or it could be renamed as industry life cycle, though with
LIFE CYCLE the industry segments are also considered. Industry maturity is classifi ed
STAGE in four following divisions;

Embryonic: It involves the introduction stage by following rapid market

growth, no or little competition, high prices and investments and new

Growth: In this stage, market is strengthening as the sales increase s, fe w

competitors make an appearance and company achieves excellence in
bringing up a new product.

Mature: At maturity stage the market is completely stable with well -

established base of customers and market shares are also stable.
Customers are making repeated orders, but, with a lot of competitors, the
company has to make efforts in differentiating their product from

Aging: The last stage of the market in which market volume shrinks as the
demand declines, snatching market shares from the competitors be come s
difficult, then company requires innovating or modifying the product or to
make an exit. The assessments of the industry life cycle are base d on the
facts like business market share, investment, profitability and cash flow.

COMPETITIVE Competitive position is derived from different segments in which Strategic

POSITION Business Unit operates. It is more focused on the organization’s
competitive position which involves the strong strength of the product and
the dispersed geographical factors means that it works in the area of
product and place (Peter, 2008). Competitive position comprises of five
categories that are:
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Dominant: this is a rare phenomenon , as it is a near monopoly situation,
appears in results of innovative out of the box product/technology is
introduced in the market by a very strong brand.

Strong: market share is higher as the position of company is comparably

powerful although the competitors are working aggressively.

Favourable: Company has a strong edge in certain limited segments of its

competitive strengths. Strength of the product and geographical
advantages are taken into consideration at this stage and need to be
constantly protected.

Tenable: The company keeps strong position in small niche, specific

geographic location or very focused product differences. The force of
competitors strengthens and causes difficulties for the company.

W eak: The profitability is not satisfactory making position of the company

unattractive, the market share is declining though they have opportunitie s
in order to enhance their potion in the market and becoming favourable.

HOW TO USE ADL Following are the steps that are involved in using the ADL Matrix
MATRIX? (Herman);
• Identify the industry maturity category
• Determining competitive position
• Plot the position of the matrix

GE MCKINSEY GE McKinsey Matrix is a strategy tool for a multi business corporation

MATRIX used in brand marketing and product management that assists a company
to decide about the products to be added to its portfolio and opportunitie s
to be prioritized in the market for investment. It is a framework that
evaluates business portfolio, provides further strategic implications and
helps to prioritize the investment needed for each business unit (BU).

Though it is conceptually similar to BCG analysis, but somewhat more

complicated that BCG Matrix. This is so because, in BCG analysis, a two -
dimensional portfolio matrix is created, while, with the GE model the
dimensions are multi-factorial. One dimension comprises industry
attractiveness measures; the other comprises of internal business strength
measures. The GE matrix helps a strategic business unit (SBU) to evaluate
its overall strength.

UNDERSTANDING In the practical business world, the problem of resource scarcity has a
THE TOOL bearing on the decisions made by any business organisation. Among such
limited resources, as there are plenty of avenues to use such resources for
many opportunities available, the crucial question remains how to use
their cash best. Such a tussle takes place at every level in the company i.e .
between teams, functional departments, divisions or business units.

This decision of resource allocation becomes even more crucial for

diversified businesses which are supposed to manage complex business
portfolios involving as much as 50 to 100 products and services

The products or business units are diverse in characteristics and future

prospects. This makes it a tough decision to choose products/se rvices for
allocating resources.
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Keeping this in mind, the BCG matrix and its improved version GE-
McKinsey matrix was developed. In 1970s, General Electric was managing
a huge and complex portfolio of unrelated products and was unsatisfied
about the returns from its investments in the products. At the time,
companies usually relied on projections of future cash flows, future market
growth or some other future projections to make investment decisions,
which was an unreliable method to allocate the resources. The refore, GE
consulted the McKinsey & Company and designed the nine-box framework.

The nine-box matrix plots the Business Units on 9 cells that indicate
whether the company should invest in a product, harvest/divest it or do a
further research on the product and invest in it if there’re still some
resources left. Both these tools have served the purpose by comparing the
business units and dividing them in suitable groups as per their worth.

INDUSTRY Industry attractiveness indicates how hard or easy it will be for a company
ATTRACTIVENESS to compete in the market and earn profits. The more profitable the industry
is the more attractive it becomes. When evaluating the industry
attractiveness, analysts should look how an industry will change in the
long run rather than in the near future, because the inve stments ne eded
for the product usually require long lasting commitment.

Industry attractiveness consists of many factors that collectively determine

the competition level in it. There’s no definite list of which factors should
be included to determine industry attractiveness, but the following are the
most common:
o Long run growth rate
o Industry size
o Industry profitability
o Industry structure
o Product life cycle changes
o Changes in demand
o Trend of prices
o Macro environment factors
o Seasonality
o Availability of labour
o Market segmentation

COMPETITIVE Along the X axis, the matrix measures how strong, in terms of competition,
STRENGTH OF A a particular business unit is against its rivals. In othe r words, manage rs
STRATEGIC try to determine whether a business unit has a sustainable competitive
BUSINESS UNIT advantage (or at least temporary competitive advantage) or not. If the
OR A PRODUCT company has a sustainable competitive advantage, the next question is:
“For how long it will be sustained?”

The following factors determine the competitive strength of a business unit:

o Total market share
o Market share growth compared to rivals
o Brand strength
o Profitability of the company
o Customer loyalty
o VRIO (Value, Rareness, Imitability, Organization) resources or
o business unit strength in meeting industry’s critical success factors
o Strength of a value chain
o Level of product differentiation
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o Production flexibility

USING THE TOOL There are no established processes or models that managers could use
when performing the analysis. Therefore, we designed the following steps to
facilitate the process:

Step 1. Determine industry attractiveness of each business unit

 Make a list of factors. The first thing you’ll need to do is to identify,
which factors to include when measuring industry attractiveness. We’ve
provided the list of the most common factors, but you should include
the factors that are the most appropriate to your industries.

 Assign weights. Weights indicate how important a factor is to industry’s

attractiveness. A number from 0.01 (not important) to 1.0 (very
important) should be assigned to each factor. The sum of all weights
should equal to 1.0.

 Rate the factors. The next thing you need to do is to rate each factor for
each of your product or business unit. Choose the values between ‘1 -5’
or ‘1-10’, where ‘1’ indicates the low industry attractive ness and ‘5’ or
‘10’ high industry attractiveness.

 Calculate the total scores. Total score is the sum of all weighted scores
for each business unit. Weighted scores are calculated by multiplying
weights and ratings. Total scores allow comparing industry
attractiveness for each business unit.

This is a tough task and one that usually requires involving a co nsultant
who is an expert of the industries in question. The consultant will help you
to determine the weights and to rate them prope rly so the analysis is as
accurate as possible.

Step 2. Determine the competitive strength of each business unit

‘Step 2’ is the same as ‘Step 1’ only this time, instead of industry
attractiveness, the competitive strength of a business unit is evaluated.
 Make a list of factors. Choose the competitive strength factors from our
list or add your own factors.

 Assign weights. Weights indicate how important a factor is in achieving

sustainable competitive advantage. A number from 0.01 (not important)
to 1.0 (very important) should be assigned to each factor. The sum of all
weights should equal to 1.0.

 Rate the factors. Rate each factor for each of your product or business
unit. Choose the values between ‘1-5’ or ‘1-10’, where ‘1’ indicates the
weak strength and ‘5’ or ‘10’ powerful strength.

 Calculate the total scores. See ‘Step 1’.

Step 3. Plot the business units on a matrix

With all the evaluations and scores in place, we can plot the business units
on the matrix. Each business unit is represented as a circle. The size of the
circle should correspond to the proportion of the business revenue
generated by that business unit. For example, ‘Business unit 1’ ge ne rates
20% revenue and ‘Business unit 2’ generates 40% revenue for the
company. The size of a circle for ‘Business unit 1’ will be half the size of a
circle for ‘Business unit 2’.
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Step 4. Analyze the information
There are different investment implications you should follow, de pe nding
on which boxes your business units have been plotted. There are 3 groups
of boxes: investment/grow selectivity/earnings and harvest/divest boxe s.
Each group of boxes indicates what you should do with your investments.

Invest/Grow box. Companies should invest into the busine ss units that
fall into these boxes as they promise the highest returns in the future.
These business units will require a lot of cash because they’ll be ope rating
in growing industries and will have to maintain or grow their market share.
It is essential to provide as much resources as possible for BUs so the re
would be no constraints for them to grow. The investments should be
provided for R &D, advertising, acquisitions and to increase the production
capacity to meet the demand in the future.

Selectivity/Earnings box. You should invest into this BUs only if you
have the money left over the investments in invest/grow business units
group and if you believe that BUs will generate cash in the future . The se
business units are often considered last as there’s a lot of uncertainty with
them. The general rule should be to invest in business units which operate
in huge markets and there are not many dominant players in the marke t,
so the investments would help to easily win larger market share.

Harvest/Divest box. The business units that are operating in unattractive

industries don’t have sustainable competitive advantages or are incapable
of achieving it and are performing relatively poorly fall into harvest/ dive st
boxes. What should companies do with these business units?

First, if the business unit generates surplus cash, companies should tre at
them the same as the business units that fall into ‘cash cows’ box in the
BCG matrix. This means that the companies should invest into these
business units just enough to keep them operating and collect all the cash
generated by it. In other words, it’s worth to invest into such busine ss as
long as investments into it don’t exceed the cash generated from it.

Second, the business units that only make losses should be divested. If
that’s impossible and there’s no way to turn the losses into profits, the
company should liquidate the business unit.

Step 5. Identify the future direction of each business unit

The GE McKinsey matrix only provides the current picture of industry
attractiveness and the competitive strength of a business unit and doe sn’t
consider how they may change in the future. Further analysis may re ve al
that investments into some of the business units can considerably improve
their competitive positions or that the industry may experience major
growth in the future. This affects the decisions we make about our
investments into one or another business unit.

For example, our previous evaluations show that the ‘Business Unit 1’
belongs to invest/grow box, but further analysis of an industry reveals that
it’s going to shrink substantially in the near future. Therefore, in the ne ar
future, the business unit will be in harvest/divest group rather than
invest/grow box. Would you still invest as much in ‘Business Unit 1’ as
you would have invested initially? The answer is no and the matrix should
take that into consideration.

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How to do that? Well, the company should consult with the industry
analysts to determine whether the industry attractiveness will grow, stay
the same or decrease in the future. You should also discuss with your
managers whether your business unit competitive strength will likely
increase or decrease in the near future. When all the information is
collected you should include it to your existing matrix, by adding the
arrows to the circles. The arrows should point to the future position of a
business unit.

Step 6. Prioritize your investments

The last step is to de cide where and how to invest the company’s mone y.
While the matrix makes it easier by evaluating the business units and
identifying the best ones to invest in, it still doesn’t answer some very
important questions:
 Is it really worth investing into some business units?
 How much exactly to invest in?
 Where to invest into business units (more to R &D, marketing, value
chain?) to improve their performance?

 Helps to prioritize the limited resources in order to achieve the best
 Managers become more aware of how their products or busine ss units
 It’s more sophisticated business portfolio framework than the BCG
 Identifies the strategic steps the company needs to make to improve the
performance of its business portfolio.

 Requires a consultant or a highly experienced person to determine
industry’s attractiveness and business unit strength as accurately as
 It is costly to conduct.
 It doesn’t take into account the synergies that could exist be tween two
or more business units.

STRATEGIC As per Allison and Kaye , “Strategic planning is an organization’s process of

PLANNING defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its
resources to pursue this strategy. It may also extend to control
mechanisms for guiding the implementation of the strategy.”

The concept of Strategic planning gained prominent in strategic

management in corporate sector in the 1960s and it has maintained its
importance in contemporary times too. It follows a cycle that is interpreted

THE STRATEGIC Although, strategic planning process may be unique as per the specific
PLANNING CYCLE requirements of any organisation, yet the Strategic Planning process is
modelled in cycle shown above contains the steps most commonly followe d
by most of the organisations:
 Deliberating mission of the organisation
 Developing goals based on chosen mission
 Examining internal environment (strengths and weaknesses)
 Examine external environment (opportunities and threats)
 Summarize findings of SWOT analysis
 Formulate final strategy based on SWOT
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Strategic planning is an iterative process; as a strategic planning proce ss
may begin with one mission and end with another depending on the
outcomes of the process.

BENEFITS OF Strategic planning can help your organization in a number of critical ways:
STRATEGIC  Improved results and confidence: A proper plan may positively
PLANNING influence organizational performance and can contribute to a gre ater
sense of purpose, progress and accountability among its team.
 Focus: Good strategic planning forces future thinking and can re focus
and re-energise a disorientated organization.
 Problem solving: Strategic planning focuses on an organization’s most
critical problems, choices and opportunities.
 Teamwork: Strategic planning provides an excellent opportunity to
build a sense of teamwork, to promote learning, and to build
commitment across the organization.
 Communication: All stakeholders have an interest in knowing the
direction in which organisation is heading and also how their
contribution will fit in overall plan.
 Greater control: Strategic planning can provide an organisation greater
control the environment in which it operates

LIMITATIONS OF  Costs can outweigh benefits: Strategic planning can consume a lot of
STRATEGIC time and money. This can be wasteful if the strategic planning is not
PLANNING successful.
 Development of Poor plans: Faulty assumptions about the future,
poor assessment of an organization’s capabilities, poor group dynamics
and information overload can lead to the development of poor plans.
 Implementation: if not implemented properly, whole planning exercise
will go futile. Disillusionment, cynicism and feelings of powe rle ssness
often result if people have contributed energy for development of a plan
which is not implemented.

There are many strategic alternatives that can be adopted by an
organisation to attain its objectives. The most famous one s are Glue ck &
Jauch Generic Strategic Alternative and Porter’s Generic Strategies as
discussed hereunder:


While developing generic strategic taxonomies, the work of Glueck and
Jauch is widely referred to.

These authors developed a complex matrix involving

expansion/retrenchment and stability aspects across products/markets
and functions. Using this matrix, Hitt et al. (1982) and Pearce et al.
postulate that there exist four grand strategic alternatives:
o Stability;
o Internal growth;
o External acquisitive growth;
o Retrenchment.

STABILITY The stability strategy involves the maintenance of the current busine ss ad
safeguarding the existing interests and strengths. It continue s to pursue
its well established and tested objectives and goals and optimizes the
resources committed to attain such goals. It may also change the pace of
effort within its stable business definition in order to become more efficient
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or effective (Glueck and Jauch). Pearce et al. ope rationalize the stability
strategy along four dimensions:

 Implemented wherein few functional changes are made in the

 A business continues to serve existing customers in the same or similar
market segment with same portfolio of products
 Not a “do nothing” strategy, but a “do nothing new” strategy
 It has its sharp focus on incremental improvement of functional
 It continues to pursue same set of objectives and goals; and
 The business adjusts the level of improvement he equivalent proportion
every year.
 Involves keeping track of new developments to ensure that strategy
continues to make sense The strategy is an substitute to growth or
retrenchment strategy as goals such as profit or growth are not
dumped, rather, returns can actually be increased, for instance by
improving efficiency.

AN INTERNAL An internal growth strategy involves re-defining of busine ss de finition by

GROWTH substantially scaling the level of operations through internal de ve lopme nt
(EXPANSION) and not taking help of other corporations or businesses.
Market penetration, market development and product development are
emphasised to develop new products, enter new markets and e mbracing
new technology.

 Implemented by redefining the business by adding business scope

substantially, which increases the efforts of current business.
 Promising and famous strategy, which may take company along
relatively risky untraveled paths.
 Includes diversification, acquisition and mergers.

EXTERNAL Glueck and Jauch note that there are a number of terms used for exte rnal
EXPANSION expansion. These include acquisitions, mergers (one business loses its
identity), consolidations (both businesses lose their identity, and a new
business arises) and joint ventures. The distinguishing feature of all
external growth strategies, though, is that they involve another company or

RETRENCHMENT Pearce et al. operationalize a retrenchment strategy along three

dimensions: improvement in performance by scaling down the level and/or
scope of product/market objectives; cut back in costs; and reduction of the
scale of operations through the divestment of some units or divisions.
Glueck and Jauch also suggest that retrenchment also involves a reduction
in functions.

Internal retrenchment is, labelled as an operating turnaround strategy

where the emphasis is on reducing costs, increasing re venues, reducing
assets, and reorganising products and/or markets to achieve greater
efficiency. External retrenchment constitutes a more serious form of
strategic turnaround, including such measures as divestiture and
liquidation. Glueck and Jauch’s typology introduces the concepts of
stability and external versus internal aspects of growth and retrenchment.

 Redefinition of business by divesting a major product line/market

 Not always bad proposition as it saves org’s vital interests, minimise
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certain adverse effects, regroup resources be fore launching a rise on
growth ladder
 For temporary setbacks, cut on its capital & revenue expenditure,
advertising, executive perks, employee welfare subsidie s, community
development projects
 In second stage, cut on inventory levels, manpower, divide nd, interest
on deposits
 In third stage, withdraw marginal markets, some brands, product sizes,
 In fourth stage, go for sale of some manufacturing facilities, product
divisions, retirement either from production or marke ting stage, may
offer itself for take over
 At last option, org may seek for liquidation which means corporate

COMBINATION The above discussed strategies are not mutually exclusive but can be use d
STRATEGIES in a combination to suit the needs of the organisation.


In 1985, in his book “Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining
Superior Performance” Michael Porter pronounced the three generic
strategies namely “Cost Leadership” (no frills), “Differentiation” (creating
uniquely desirable products and services) and “Focus” (offering a
specialized service in a niche market). Thereafter, he then subdivide d the
‘Focus’ strategy into two parts: “Cost Focus” and “Differentiation Focus.”

THE COST This strategy also involves the firm winning market share by appe aling to
LEADERSHIP cost-conscious or price-sensitive customers. This is achieved by having the
STRATEGY lowest prices in the target market segment, or at least the lowe st price to
value ratio (price compared to what customers receive). To succeed at
offering the lowest price while still achieving profitability and a high return
on investment, the firm must be able to operate at a lower cost than its
rivals. There are three main ways to achieve this:

The first approach is achieving higher asset utilization. In manufactur ing,

it will involve production of high volumes of output. These approaches
mean fixed costs are spread over a larger number of units of the product or
service, resulting in a lower unit cost, i.e. the firm hopes to take advantage
of economies of scale and experience curve effects.

The second dimension is achieving low direct and indirect operating costs.
This is achieved by offering high volumes of standardized products, offering
basic no-frills products and limiting customization and personalization of

The third dimension is control over the value chain including all functional
groups (finance, supply/procurement, marketing, inventory, information
technology etc.) to ensure low costs. Wal-Mart is known for sque e zing its
suppliers to price its products reasonably low.

The greatest risk in pursuing a Cost Leadership strategy is that the

competitors may follow the same cost reduction strategies; therefore, the
company has always to be on its toes to continuously reduce its cost.

This can be done by adopting the Japanese Kaizen philosophy of

“continuous improvement” among other techniques of reducing cost.

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THE A differentiation strategy is appropriate where the target customer segment
DIFFERENTIATION is not price-sensitive, the market is competitive or saturated, customers
STRATEGY have very specific needs which are possibly under-served, and the firm has
unique resources and capabilities which enable it to satisfy these needs in
ways that are difficult to copy .

Differentiation is deemed to be successful when a company is able to fe tch

a premium price for its products or services, has increased revenue per
unit, or is able to retain loyalty of its customers. Differentiation drives
profitability when the added price of the product outweighs the added
expense to acquire the product or service.

However, for ensuring success of its Differentiation strategy, a company

 Undertake high-quality research, development and innovation.
 Be able to deliver premium products/services.
 Rigorous branding and marketing about differentiated offerings.
 Need to stay agile with their new product development processes.

THE FOCUS The focus strategy is also known as ‘niche’ strategy. This is so be cause ,
STRATEGY companies adopting focus strategies focus on niche markets and, by get
hold of the dynamics of such niche market and unique requirements of its
customers. Based on such understanding, they develop exclusively low -
cost products particularly for such niche market. Due to this, a strong
brand loyalty is developed with its customers making it difficult for
competitors to enter. Such a strategy is often used by small firms/

Further, such companies may either use a ‘cost focus’ or a ‘differentiation

focus’. While cost focus makes the firm the lowest cost produce r in such
niche or segment, differentiation focus creates competitive advantage
through differentiation within the niche or segment.

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STRATEGIC Strategy implementation is a process through which a strategy is put into

IMPLEMENTATI action. Strategies are only ‘means’ to an ‘end’ i.e. accomplishment of
ON CONCEPT organization’s objectives which have to be activated through implementation.

This is because both strategic formulation and strategic implementation

process are intervened in real life situation. While strategi c formulation is
largely an intellectual process, strategic implementation is more of operational
nature. A good strategy without effective implementation is futile for success of
an organization.

The implementation of policies and strategies is concerned with the design and
management of systems to achieve the best integration of people , structures,
processes and resources in reaching organization objectives.

Strategy implementation may also consist of securing re sources, organizing

these resources and directing the use of these resources within and outside
the organization. In an action, the strategy chosen is a promise and
implementation is to turn the promise into performance. These tasks of
transformation warrant structural and administrative mechanism which can
be compatible and workable to be established to reinforce the chosen strategic
direction for action. Once the strategy has been determined; it is the job of the
management to ensure that the strategy is imple me nted. The major task of
implementation strategy is to create a fit between the company goals and its
other activities. Generally two types of fits needs to be created—
(i) Fits between the strategy and functional policies; and
(ii) Fits between the strategy and the organizational structure , process and

Developing alternative strategy and making the strategic choice constitute

important steps in the process of strategic management. Implementation of the
strategy is a vital step in the process. A good strategy without effective
implementation can hardly be expected to succeed in the performance.
Implementation of strategy in an organization covers a number of inter-related
decisions, choices, and a broad range of activities such as the commitme nts
and cooperation of all units, sections and departments. The re are two inter -
related tasks involved in the process, i.e. differentiation and integration.

STRATEGY  Strategy formulation is largely an intellectual proce ss whereas strategy

FORMULATION implementation is more operational in character.
IMPLEMENTATI  Strategy formulation requires good conceptual, integrative and analytical
ON skills but strategy implementation requires special skills in motivating and
managing others.

 Strategy formulation occurs primarily at the corporate level of an

organization while strategy implementation permeates all hierarchy levels.

 In fact, they are not supplanting each other but supplementing each othe r.
In other words, they are not conflicting but contemporary to each other.
The relation between strategy formulation and implementation can be be st
understood by their inter-dependence.

 There are two types of linkages between strategy formulation and

implementation i.e. forward linkage and backward linkage.

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 Forward linkage is concerned with the influence of the formulation on
implementation. Strategy formulation has forward linkage with
implementation in the sense that total implementation activities are geared
according to strategy chosen for implementation. The nature and type of
organizational processes and systems are conditioned by the strategy for its
successful implementation. Thus, implementation is dependent upon

 Backward linkage, on the other hand, deals with the influence in the
opposite direction. Strategy formulation has backward linkage with
implementation as organization tends to adopt those strategies whi ch can
be implemented with the help of existing structure of resources joined with
some additional efforts. The strategy is formulated in a particular
environment which is dynamic. The feedback from operations, a re sult of
strategy implementation gives notices of the changing environmental
factors to which strategy should be seen in continuity rather than in
discrete form.

STRATEGY The development and selection of strategies to pursue in an organization is

IMPLEMENTATI considered easier and less time consuming than implementing these strategies
ON – once they have been chosen. An effective implementation of strategy in an
SUPPORTING organization needs multiple supporting factors. Some of these factors include
FACTORS the following:

Organizations to be successful in strategy implementation ne ed to de ve lop a
detailed action plan i.e., chronological lists of action steps (tactics) which add
the necessary detail to strategies and assign responsibility to specific
individual or group for accomplishing those actions. They should also set a
due date and estimate the resources required to accomplish each of their
action steps. Thus, they translate their broad strategy statement into a
number of specific work assignments.

Successful strategists should also give proper thought to their organizational
structure and see whether the current structure is appropriate for their
intended strategy because different structures suit the implementation of
different strategies


Human Resource factors through framing strategic plan play a vital role in
successful implementation of strategies in an organization. Strategist realize
that the human resource issue is really a two part story. The conside ration of
human resources requires the management to think about the organization’s
communication needs. Further, managers successful at imple mentation are
aware of the effects each new strategy will have on their human resource


Organizations successful at implementation are we ll aware of the ir ne ed to
fund their intended strategies.

They think about necessary financial commitment in the planning process. For
firming up their commitments to strategic plans, companies monetize their
strategy. That way, they link their strategic plan to their annual business plan.

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Monitoring and controlling the plan covers a list of options to get back on
course if company should veer off. Those options include changing the
schedule, changing the action steps, changing the strategy or changing the

Developing an effective strategic plan is only half the battle. Getting it

implemented is the other half – completing the tactics to accomplish the
strategies and objectives within the plan. Monitoring the implementation of
strategic plan is justified on the following grounds:
(i) It helps to assure the organization efforts conform to the plan.
(ii) It enables the organization to ensure that the results achieve d correspond
to our quantified objectives.
(iii) Further monitoring allows for corrective action.
(iv) Since monitoring is part of control process, it encourages improved
(v) Monitoring provides the essential link between the written plan and the
day-to-day operation of the business.

It demonstrates to all that organization is really managing the business

according to its strategic plan.

To set functional area goals, the following steps should be taken:

1. For each functional area, compare present functional goals with new
enterprise, corporate and business level goals.
2. Decide what new goal areas (functional variables) are needed for each
3. Set new goal levels (values for each functional area’s variables).

ISSUES IN An organization is confronted with a number of issues in the process of

STRATEGY strategy implementation. Some of the important issues are discussed as
Project is a highly specific program for which time schedule and specific cause
are determined in advance. Projects create all necessary conditions and
facilities required for the strategy implementation, the discipline of project
management. A project basically passes through various phases which are
given below before a set of task can be accomplished:
(a) Detailed planning related to different aspects of projects such as
infrastructure design, schedules, budgets etc., has to be completed.
(b) Ideas generated during the process of strategic alternatives and choice
consideration form the core of the future projects that may be unde rtaken by
the organization.
(c) After a set of projects have been identified and arranged according to the
priority, they have to be subjected to preliminary project analysis pertaining to
technical, financial, marketing and economic aspects. After the screening, the
viable projects are taken up and feasibility studies are conducted.
(d) Detailed engineering, awarding contracts, civil and other types of
construction etc., are to be undertaken during the implementation phase
leading to the testing trail and commissioning of the plant.
(e) The final phase deals with disbanding the project.

Strategy implementation also requires executing the strategy based on the
rules, regulations and procedures formulated by the Government. Though
many procedures are simplified with the liberalization, privatization, and
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globalization of the Indian economy, certain procedures are still applicable in
the process of strategic implementation such as, licensing requirements,
Foreign Exchange Management Act requirements, collaboration proce dures,
import and export requirements, incentives and benefits, requirements of
Labour Laws and other Legislations.


Organizational structure is a means for achieving organization mission and
objectives. Thus, it is an important source of strategic implementation.
Organizational structure refers to the method of allocating duties and
responsibilities to individuals, and the ways these individuals are grouped
together into units, departments and divisions. Companies form structures for
their organizations based on their strategies. There are number of me thods in
which the organizations can be structured. A simple strategy requires simple
structure whereas the growth strategies require a flexible structure and
complex strategies necessarily influence to build the matrix structures.

Resource allocation involves the process of allocating organizational resources
to various divisions, departments and strategic business units. It de als with
the procurement, commitment and financing the physical and the human
resources required to accomplish strategic tasks for the achievement of
organizational objectives.

Functional policies describe functional guidelines to ope rating managers so
that coordination across functional units can take place. Once the strategy of
the companies is decided, modificational functional policies may become
necessary to meet the demands of the new business.

Communication strategy covering the mission, objectives, market scope,
technology and all the issues related to implementation, to diffe rent le vels in
the organization is very important for its success. This is because strategy is
implemented through people who ought to be clear about their roles they have
to play in relation to each other.

Appropriate leadership is necessary for developing effective structure and
systems for the success of strategy. Leadership is the key factor for developing
and maintaining right culture and climate in the organization.

The strategy implementation process generally involves a change. The change
can be minor or major. The process of change may cover in fre ezing, moving
and refreezing.


Before the implementation of the strategy, it is advisable to go for a final
scrutiny so as to avoid failure due to weaknesses in the analysis, if any and to
ensure that the strategy decided for the organization is optimum.


McKinsey developed the 7-S framework management model which organize
seven factors to organize a company in an holistic and effective way with the
objective to diagnose the causes of organization problem and formulate
program for improvement due to the implementation of the strategy which are
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associated with change in the organization.

The organizational change is not simply a matter of structure although the

structure is a significant variable in the management change. Effective
organizational change may be understood to be a complex relationship
between the 7-S i.e. strategy, structure, systems, style, skills, staff and share d
values (super ordinate goals).

Hard “S”: Strategy, Structure, Systems

Soft “S”: Style, Skills, Staff & Shared Values

Strate • actions the organization plans or undertakes in response to or

gy in anticipation of external environment
• includes purposes, missions, objectives, goals and major action
plans and policies
• targets at gaining competitive advantage over rivals

Struct • is a basic framework to designate responsibilities and functions

ure • prescribes the formal relationship among various positions and

System • signifies all the rules and regulations, procedures both formal
s and informal that complement the organizational structure
• Change in a strategy is implemented through changes in the

Style • Style stands for the patterns of behaviour and managerial style
of top management over a period of time
• The style has to change with the change in strategy, system
and structure

Skills • the term ‘staff’ refers to the way organizations introduce young
recruits into the main streams of their activities and the
manner in which they manage their careers as the new
entrants develop into future managers.

Staff • means organization and individual capabilities

• ability or proficiency in performing a particular task
• Skills are developed over a period of time
• Skills are the dominant capabilities and competencies
possessed by the organization through its people

Shared • Super ordinate goals stands for company’s mission, vision,

Values values, philosophy in the backdrop of which organizational
(Super goals and objectives are set and strategies are formulated.

ACTIVATING Activation is the process of stimulating an activity so that it can be pe rforme d

STRATEGY successfully. Activation of strategy is required because only a small numbe r of
people are involved in the strategy formulation while its implementation
involves a good number of people within the organization. Activation of
strategies requires the performance of the following activities:

(i) Institutionalization of strategy

Strategists role in the implementation of strategy is its institutionalization. A
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successful implementation of strategy requires that the manager should act as
its promoter or defender. Institutionalization of strategy involves the following
two elements:

(a) Strategy Communication: The role of the strategists is to make the

fundamental, analytical and entrepreneurial decisions and pre se nt these to
the members of the organization to bring their support.

Therefore, in order to get the strategy accepted and conse quently e ffectively
implemented requires proper communication. The form of communication may
be oral through interaction among strategists and other persons. Howeve r, in
large organizations oral communication may not be adequate. He nce, a we ll -
documented written form of communication is followed.

(b) Strategy Acceptance: Strategy acceptance makes organizational members

to develop a positive attitude towards the strategy. This facilitates them to
make commitment to strategy by treating it as their own strategy than
imposed by others. Creation of such feeling is essential for the effective
implementation of the strategy.

(ii) Formulation of Action Plans and Programs

Once the strategy is institutionalized, the organization may proceed to
formulate action plans and programs. Action plans are the targets for the
effective utilization of resources in an organization so as to achieve the set
objectives. It may be plan for procuring a new plant, developing a new product,
etc. The action plans to be formulated in the organization depend upon the
nature of the strategy under implementation. Against action plans, a program
is a single use plan which covers relatively a large set of activities and specifies
major steps, in their order and timing, and responsi bility for each step.
Programs are generally supported by necessary capital and operating budgets.
Since there may be various programs involved in the implementation of
strategy, these should be coordinated so that each of them contributes
positively to others.

(iii) Translating General Objectives into Specific Objectives

Sometimes objectives are too general and intangible to be transformed into
action. In order to make these objectives operational, managers determine
specific objective within the framework of general objectives which the
organization and its various departments will seek to achieve within a
particular period. A specific objective provides focus on the activities that may
be undertaken to achieve the overall growth of the organization.

Translation of general objectives in the specific and operative obje ctives must
fulfil the following criteria:
• It should be tangible, meaningful and easily measurable as organizational
performance; and
• It should contribute to the achievement of the general objectives.

(iv) Resource Mobilization and Allocation

In order to implement a strategy, an organization should have re sources i.e .,
financial or human and these resources should be committed and allocated to
various units to have maximum utilization. Financial resources are the means
by which an organization produces goods and services. The se re sources are
used to procure various physical resources such as land, building, machinery,
raw material, etc. An organization should concentrate on mobilization of the
required resources and their allocation among various units and departments.

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Resource mobilization process involves procurement of resources which may
be required to implement a strategy. The amount of resources are determined
on the basis of nature and type of strategy. An organization’s capacity to
mobilize resources has inverse relationship with strategy. A strategy
determines what type of resources will be required while resource mobilization
capacity determines what type of strategy will be selected.

Resources can be owned, leased or rented . Once the resources are mobilized,
resource allocation of activity is undertaken. It involves allocation of diffe rent
resources, financial and human among various organization units and
departments. Resource allocation implies that when resources are committed
to a unit or a project, the organization takes a risk which de pe nds upon the
time taken to recover the cost of resources.

Some of the problems which are encountered in the process of resource

allocation are as follows:
(i) Power play: In an organization each and every department tries to have
larger share of the resources at its disposal. The de partme nt fe els re latively
stronger than others if it has more resources than other departments. Further,
each department wants to have more flexibility in operations in orde r to hide
its inefficiency.

(ii) Commitments of past: Past commitment on the part of the organization

with regard to resource which acts as a hurdle in the optimal resource
allocation, unless it is not sorted out and settled. The manager’s in -charge of
departments where the resources are not used properly opposes the transfer of
resources as they feel that they are neglected.

(iii) Resistance to changes: The organization may turn resistance to change

even though it is a loser under changing circumstances because of false
ideology. The organization put best managers to manage a product which are
fast declining because of false prestige and sentimental ways of approach.

STRUCTURAL Structural implementation involves the designing of organizational structure

IMPLEMENTAT and interlinking various departments and units of the organization created as
ION a result of the organizational structure. Organizational structure is a patte rn
in which the various parts of the organization are interrelated or
interconnected. It involves how the organization will be divide d and assigned
among various positions, groups, departments, divisions etc., and the
coordination necessary to accomplish organizational objectives. The structure
defines the framework within which the activities work. When structuring an
organization, the management needs to consider such aspects as
departmentalization, level of authority, specialization, supervision,
centralization, decentralization, size of departments, grouping of activities,
extent and nature of delegation etc. There are two aspects of organization
design i.e.: (i) differentiation; and (ii) integration.

There should be close relationship between an organization strategy and it s

structure. The organization structure is designed according to the needs of the
strategy. Relationship between strategy and structure can be related in te rms
of utilizing structure for strategy implementation as structure is a means to an
end and not an end in itself. Recognition of interaction between strategy and
structure is crucial for a complete understanding of the criteria which underlie
the structural design. It becomes clear that a top management’s perspective in
structural design is necessary when one understands that such a de sign is a
result of overall strategy and the success of the strategy is also de pe nde nt on
that desire. Organization’s structure must be flexible and capable of quick
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adjustments in case of environment changes.

Structure of an organization can influence its strategy formulation proce ss. It

is because organization’s structural form (line and staff, matrix, market or
product differentiation etc.) can affect internal communication, interpe rsonal
relations and other strategic pe rspectives. Companies with organization
system based on advanced information technology can use the latest IT trends
to support and hence influence the strategy formulation.

FORMS OF There are two basic forms of organization structures available for large
ORGANISATIO organizations i.e. functional structure and divisional structure.
(i) Functional Structure
Functional structure is created by grouping the activities on the basis of
functions required for implementing strategy. The basic functions are those
which are essential for the strategy and their operations contribute to
organizational efficiency which includes production, marketing, finance,
personnel, etc. When the departments are created on the basis of basic
functions and the manager feels that this span of management is too wide to
manage effectively which invariably happens in large organizations, several
departments are created on the basis of dividing a basic function into sub
functions. For example a marketing department may be classified into
advertising, sales, research etc. Thus, the process of functional differentiation
would continue through successive levels in the hierarchy. Following is a form
of functional structure: The functional structure is based on specialization of
functions. This leads to economies of scale and specialization which increases
operational efficiency and organization efficiency, economic flexibility and
greater motivation to the people having attached to their area of speciality. The
structure is suitable to firms operating single or related business.

There are certain limitations of this form of organization structure due to the
following reasons:
(i) Lack of responsibility: No one in the organization is responsible for the
project cost and profit. There is always lack of coordination and control
because functional department managers are expected to discharge their
responsibility within the budget.
(ii) Complex activity: Complex and different activity in the organization
require faster decision-making due to time factor which is of prime
(iii) Lack of responsiveness: Functional structure lacks responsiveness
necessary to cope with new and rapidly changing work requirements.
(iv) Line and staff conflicts: Functional structure suffers from usual line and
staff conflicts, interdepartmental conflicts and other weaknesses emerging
from such a structure.

(ii) Divisional Structure

In divisional structure, the activities are grouped according to the types of
products manufactured or different market territories as the organizations
began to grow by expanding variety of functions performed. The organizational
units so structured are treated as autonomous segments of the busine ss and
the managers heading these segments or divisions are the functional authority
in relation to all the matters pertaining to divisions. The divisional head is
responsible to control and coordinate the functional units created to me e t the
requirements of a division. In other words, each, division becomes a self-
contained block, that each division has a separate set -off functional
departments. The format of a divisional structure is as follows:

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Bases of Divisionalisation: There are different bases on which various
divisions in an organization can be created. The two traditional bases are
product and territory. Later, many organizations have moved from these base s
to strategic business units. In product Divisionalisation, e ach major product
or product line is organized as a separate unit. Each unit has its own
functional structure for various activities necessary for the product.

Multi-product organizations use these bases of Divisionalisation. This is

suitable when each product is relatively complex and large amount of capit al
is required for each product. The product requires different functions in te rms
of production, marketing, finance, etc. In territorial Divisionalisation, re gional
offices are established as separate units. Each regional office has its own set of
functional departments and operates under the strategic policies and
guidelines established by a management. It is useful in those organizations
where activities are geographically spread such as transport, insurance,
banking, etc. In multi-product or multi geographical area companies, divisions
are created in the form of various strategic business units (SBUs). The
fundamental concept of strategic business unit is to identify the indepe ndent
product/market segments served by an organization.

Since each independe nt product/market has a distinct environment, a

strategic business unit should be created for each such segment. Thus,
different strategic business units are involved in distinct strategic busine ss
areas with each area serving the distinct segment of the e nvironment. A
divisional structure has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Divisional structure offers the following advantages to an organization:

(i) Strict financial control: Under this form of structure, there is strict
finance control in the sense each division is a self-contained block ge ne rating
a sense of competitive performance making everyone to contribute to
(ii) Management by exception: It enables to apply management by e xce ption
as each division has the full freedom. There is good scope for its growth and
(iii) Enhancement of morale: It also enhances employees’ morale because
they enjoy full freedom to work hard which leads to the ir e mpowe rment and
(iv) Care for strategic task: It enables the senior managers’ to use their
energy on strategic decision making and not waste their valuable time on day
to day matters or decisions.
(v) High efficiency level: It brings high level of efficiency since each functional
manager and his team have full liberty and they work together for each
function/each division as inter-dependent department which raises the
efficiency in the division and for the entire organization.

Despite various advantages, divisional structure form of organization has

certain disadvantages also. Some of them are discussed as under:
(i) Costly affair: It incurs extra costs since each division has its own set of
functional departments and attached staff.
(ii) Competition between divisions: Divisionalisation and
compartmentalization leads each division to compete for more resources
leading to competition among the divisions due to which one department
suffers at the cost of another.
(iii) Coordination problem: It becomes proposition to manage as a result of
more divisions and departments
(iv) Change of priorities: The service departments such as research and
development in order to get higher and quick returns on investments.
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(iii) Matrix Organization Structure
Matrix structure is one where each project and product becomes strategic. It is
the realization of two dimensional structures which emanates from two
dimensions authority i.e. pure project structure and functional structure.

Authority flows vertically within functional department while authority of

project manager flows horizontally crossing the vertical lines.

This organizational structure is based on dual channels of authority and

accountability and therefore, uses two forms of horizontal differentiations i.e .
on vertical axis, the grouping of activities on the basis of functions and on
horizontal axis on the basis of products and projects.

Further, under this structure, people have to report to two bosse s, one be ing
the functional head of the department in which the y are working and othe r
being the leader or co-ordinator of the project on which they are working.

A matrix organization structure offers following advantages:

1. Direct relations: It enhances the direct relationship because matrix
organization structure makes use of dual authority and accountability.

2. Quality decision: The quality of decisions undergoes a change for better as

there is interrelation of line and functional officers.

3. Participative management: It encourages empowerment which re sults in

high morale and motivation adding to quality decisions and implementation.

A matrix organization structure has following disadvantages:

1. Conflicts and confusions: Under this form of organization structure the
principle of unity of command is violated. This leads to confusion and conflicts
for the smooth working of managers. A conflict of loyalty also emerges between
the line managers and project managers over the allocation of resources.

2. Delayed decisions: Dual reporting system results in uncertainty with

regard to accountability. Further there is participative decision making which
is time consuming.

3. High degree of integration: The coordination is the biggest problem in this

type of organization structure because of duality in responsibility and
accountability which is inherent in this form of corporate

(iv) Free Form Organization

The free-form of organization model is based on the premise that the
organization is an open system and basic task of the manager is to facilitate
the change in the organization.

Free form organization is a rapidly changing, adaptive, temporary system

organized around problems to be solved by groups of relative strangers with
diverse professional skills.

This form of organization reduces the emphasis on positions, departments,

and other formal units and on the organizational hierarchy. In this the
traditional man boss relationship disappears.

This form of organization is suitable for those industries which have to

work in highly dynamic environments. Such environments are
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characterized by high flexibility and ever changing character.

Functional structure is generally suitable for stable environments which

place less demand on inter-departmental coordination and innovation whereas
divisional structure is more appropriate for dynamic environments, which
require faster response, better coordination, communication and innovation.

PROCEDURAL A procedure refers to series of related task which make -up a chronological
IMPLEMENTAT sequence. It is an established way of performing the work to be accomplishe d.
ION Procedural implementation level concerned with completion of all statutory
and other formalities which have been prescribed by the Gove rnment both at
Central and State. The major procedural requirements involved in the strategy
implementation process are discussed as under:
(i) Licensing Requirements
The licensing provisions have been provided under the Industries
(Development and Regulation) Act, 1951. In many industries industrial license
is required particularly in those industries which are perceived to be injurious
to public health.

(ii) FEMA Requirements

Under the provisions of FEMA, all companies registered under the Companie s
Act, 1956 having foreign shareholding in excess of 50% and all foreign
companies are required to obtain permission from Reserve Bank of India,
regarding different activities like, fresh investments, issue of shares and
debentures, acquisition of an Indian business unit, etc.

(iii) Foreign Collaboration Procedures

The emergence of joint venture projects with foreign collaborators brings
technology and participation in equity. Besides, joint ventures, Indian
companies may enter technology agreements for the import of technical
knowhow. In the case of joint venture and technology agreement prior
approval has to be received from the Central Government.

(iv) Capital Issue Requirements

Under the provisions of Securities Exchange and Board of India Act, 1992,
SEBI exercises some controls over capital issues to the public in the form of
adherence to disclosure norms. For this purpose, SEBI scrutinizes the
prospectus of the company intending to enter the capital market to ensure
that relevant information has been provided in the prospectus on the basis of
which the public can analyse the worth of issue of shares or de be ntures. For
raising funds from abroad by way of Global Depository Receipts, American
Depository Receipts, and long term loans, prior permission of the Central
Government is required.

(v) Import and Export Requirements

Import and Export requirements differ in two types of goods i.e. which a re
under the list of open general license and those under restrictive list. The re is
less requirements for items falling under open general license except that the
companies going for import/exports have to inform the Reserve Bank of India.
However, import and export license is required to be procured from the
Ministry of Commerce in the case of items falling under restrictive list.

BEHAVIOURAL Strategic choice is influenced by various subjective factors such as de cision

IMPLEMENTAT styles, attitude to risk and internal power play be twe en the strategists. The
ION strategy implementation process is also influenced by the behaviour and
attitude of the strategist along with organizational factors such as corporate
culture, corporate values, ethics and organization sense of social
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Behavioural implementation is concerned with those aspects of strategy

implementation which have influence on the behaviour of the people in the
organization. Since the organization is basically a deliberate creation of human
beings for certain specified objectives, the activities and behaviour of its
members need to be directed in certain way. Some of the issues which are
relevant for behavioural implementation of strategy in an organization are
discussed as under:

(i) Leadership
Leaders are the vital aspect of an organization which helps to cope the change
by ensuring that plans and policies formulation are implemented as planne d.
Leadership is basically the ability to persuade others to achie ve the de fined
objectives willingly and enthusiastically. A strategic le adership involve s the
process of transforming an organization with the help of its people so as to put
it in a unique position. Thus, strategic leadership transforms the organization
which involves changing all faces that is size, management practices, culture
and values etc. Further, it emphasizes people because they are the source for
transforming various physical and financial resources of the organization into
outputs that are relevant to the society.

Thus, the elements of strategic leadership may be summarized as under:

(i) It deals with vision keeping the mission insight and with effectiveness and
(ii) It emphasises on transformational aspects which leads to emergence of
leaders in the organization.
(iii) It inspires and motivates people to work together with a common vision
and purpose.
(iv) Strategic leadership has external focus rather than internal focus which
helps the organization to relate it with its environment.

A leader initiates the actions for putting a strategy into operation. Strategist’s
leadership role in strategy implementation is as important as his role of
architect of strategy.

A leader should adopt the following initiative for implementing the le adership
(a) Developing new qualities to perform effectively
(b) Be a visionary, willing to take task and highly adaptable to change
(c) Exemplifying the values, culture and goals of the organization
(d) Paying attention to strategic thinking and intellectual activities
(e) Adopting a collective view of leadership in which the leaders’ role is
highlighted at all levels of the organization
(f) Empowering others and emphasising on statesmanship
(g) Adopting a perspective to build subordinate skills and confide nce to make
them change agents
(h) Delegating authority and emphasizing on innovation.

Merely understanding the role of leadership in strategy implementation is not

enough. The leader should match his styles according to the re quirements of
the strategy. Leadership styles are the pattern of behaviour which a leader
adopts in influencing the behaviour of his subordinates in the organizational
context. There are various dimensions for describing leadership styles such as
use of power in influencing the behaviour, employee task orientation and
emphasis on reward or punishment in influencing the behaviour. Each of
these dimensions have varying degrees of orientation. There are different type s
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of leadership styles and their suitability depends on the nature of
environment. Therefore, the most appropriate style of leadership should be
adopted for the strategy implementation.

Thus, for an effective and successful implementation of chosen strategy in the

organization, there is a need to ensure the selection of the right strategist in
the right place at the right time.

(ii) Organizational Culture

Organizational culture affects strategy implementation as it provides a
framework within which the behaviour of the members takes place. It is
defined as a set of assumptions, beliefs, values and norms which are shared
by people and groups in the organization and control the way they interact
with each other and with stakeholder outside the organization. The re are two
types of elements which define the culture of an organization i.e . (i) abstract
elements and (ii) material elements. Abstract elements are internally oriented
and include values, attitudes, beliefs and feelings. Material elements are
extremely focused and include building, personnel dresses, products etc.

(iv) Values and Ethics

Values are convictions and a framework of philosophy of an individual on the
basis of which he judges what is good or bad. Business ethics generates from:
(a) value forming institutions; (b) organizational values and goals; (c)
colleagues; and (d) professional code of conduct.

Strategy implementation is, thus, mostly affected by instrumental value s of

people in the organization. From strategic management point of view, people in
the organization are divided into–Board of Directors, Chief Executives,
managers and corporate planning staff. Of these groups, Chief Exe cutive and
managers under him are mostly responsible for strategy implementation.
However, values are held by individuals which are part of their personality.
Therefore, it is quite likely that values of diffe rent individuals do not match
each other. Thus, in actual practice, the relationship between organizational
values and personal values exists in the organisation.

FUNCTIONAL The implementation of strategy also requires development of functional

IMPLEMENTATI policies which provide the direction to middle management on how to make
ON the optimal use of allocated resources. They guide the middle level e xecutives
in framing operational plans and tactics to make strategy implementable.
Policies are basically general guidelines to help executives to make certain
choices. They are developed in order to ensure that strategic decisions are

In order to formulate plans at the functional level, the strategist has only to
decide which functional area goals (or set of related goals) for which it is
necessary to formulate action plans. A single goal may require action plans at
several functional areas such as marketing, finance, research and
development, personnel, production and external relations.

STRATEGIC Strategic control is concerned with that aspect of strategic management

CONTROL through which an organization ensures whether it is achieving its obje ctives
contemplated in the strategic action. Strategic control involves the monitoring
and evaluation of plans, activities, and results with a view towards future
action, providing a warning signal through diagnosis of data, and triggering
appropriate intervention, be they tactical adjustments or strategic re -
orientation. Strategic management is basically divided into two distinct part
i.e. strategic evaluation and strategic control. However, because of the nature
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of strategic evaluation and strategic control both these are intertwined.
Therefore, the term strategic control includes evaluative aspect al so.

APPLICATION Strategic control processes should ensure that strategic aims are translated
OF STRATEGIC into action plans designed to achieve these aims, and that the effectiveness of
CONTROL these plans is monitored. An effective strategic control process should e nsure
that an organization is setting out to achieve the right things, and that the
methods being used to achieve these things are working. Within this are na,
there has been emphasis on strategic planning activities.

But operational management control systems have reduced the need for
strategic planning. Indeed it has been long argued that distinct planning
activities are not required at all. The function of control now be come s close ly
linked with planning, and it serves little purpose to conceive them as separate

This implies that a strategic control process should set the age nda/goals for
management processes, and monitor the operational activities de livering the
result. Accordingly, effective strategic control process needs both to
communicate information about what outcomes need to be achie ved, and be
able to monitor how well these activities are working to achie ve the strategic
aims of the organisation.

ROLE OF When strategic control is undertaking properly, it contributes to the following

STRATEGIC specific areas:
CONTROL (i) Measurement of Organizational Progress: Strategic control determines
organizational progress towards achievement of its objectives. When a strategy
is chosen, it specifies the likely outcomes which are si gnificant for achieving
the organizational objectives.

(ii) Feedback for Future Actions: Strategic control activities are unde rtaken
in the light of criteria set by a strategic plan. But at the same time control
provides inputs either for adjusting the same strategic plan or taking future
strategic plan. The organizations take a strategic action implemented and
observe its results. The results are in line with what was planned, similar
types of strategic actions will be taken in future.

(iii) Linking Performance and Rewards: Many organizations fail in linking

performance and rewards. Linking performance and rewards is a big strate gic
issue. If taken objectively, control provides inputs for relating performance and

ROLE OF The following are the major organizational systems:

ORGANISATIO (i) Information System: Management information and control systems are
NAL SYSTEMS closely interrelated; the information system is designed on the basis of control
IN STRATEGIC system. Broadly speaking, the manager should be supplied with the
CONTROL information for taking appropriate action. For taking corre ctive ste ps for the
deviations, if any, the manager must have the information at prope r time and
covering the functioning of a period which is subject to control.

(ii) Planning System: Planning provides the entire spectrum on which control
function is based. Control function emphasizes that there is a plan which
directs the behaviour and activities in the organisation.

(iii) Development System: Development system is concerned with de ve loping

personnel to perform better in their existing position and likely future
positions that they are expected to occupy. The system aims at increasing
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organization capability through people to achieve better re su lts and late r on
these results becomes the basis for control.

(iv) Appraisal System: Performance appraisal system involves systematic

evaluation of the individual with regard to his performance and his pote ntial
for development. For evaluating an individual his performance along with his
abilities and potential is taken into consideration.

(v) Motivation System: Since the basic objective of the control is to ensure
that organizational objectives are achieved, motivation plays crucial role in the
control process. It energizes the managers and the other employees in the
organization to perform better which is the key for organizational success.

CONTROL The control process consists of the following steps:

PROCESS (i) Setting Performance Standards: All functions in the organization begin
with plans which specify the objectives and goals to be achieved. After se tting
the standards it is also necessary to decide about the level of performance.

(ii) Measuring Actual Performance: The next stage in control proce ss is the
measurement of actual performance against the standards already se t. This
involves measuring the performance in respect of work in terms of control

(iii) Comparison of Actual Performance against Standards: This stage

involves measuring actual key variable performance, comparing results
against standards, and informing the appropriate people so that deviations
can be detected and corrections made or reinforcement given.

(iv) Analysing Variance: Analysis of variance involves finding out the extent of
variations and identifying the causes of such variations. When adequate
standards are developed and actual performance is measured correctly the
variations, if any, can be clearly identified. In case the standards are achieve d
no further managerial action is necessary and control process is complete.
However, in many cases the actual performance achieved may vary from the
standards fixed and variations may differ from case to case. When the
variation between standard and actual performance is exceeded the prescribed
level, an evaluation is made to find out the causes of such variations.

(v) Re-enforcement of Corrective Action: This step in the control process

requires that action should be taken to maintain the decided degree of control
into system or operation. The following actions are taken to maintain the
control system:
(a) Improvement in the performance by taking suitable measures if the re sult
is not upto the desired level.
(b) Resetting the standard of performance, if the standards are too high and
(c) Change the strategies, objectives and plans, if they are not suitable.

STRATEGIC In order to overcome this situation the following strategic control te chniques
CONTROL are followed:
TECHNIQUES 1. Premise Control: Premise control is designed to check systematically
whether the assumptions set during strategy formulation and implementation
process are still valid. Premises include assumptions or forecast of the future
and known conditions that effect the operations of a strategy. Premises are
usually concerned with environmental and industry factors.

For effective premise control an organization may take into account the
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following measures such as:
(i) Identify the ke y premises which are vital to strategy implementation.
(ii) People in the organization who are likely to have access to the relevant
information about the premises should be entrusted the responsibility for
monitoring premises.
(iii) Identify the trigger points at which a change in strategy is required.

2. Strategic Momentum Control: These techniques are suitable for

organizations working in a relatively stable environment. The major
assumptions made at the time of strategic formulation remain valid for quite
long time.

There may be change in the environmental factors but such change is gradual
and on predicted lines. There are three approaches for strategic mome ntum
control as under:
(a) Responsibility Control Centres: Responsibility control centres are created
on the basis of control criteria used and termed as revenue ce ntres, e xpe nse
centres, profit centres and investment centres.

(b) Underlying Success Factors: The organization can achieve its obje ctives
by focusing continuously on the success factors.

(c) Generic Strategies: Generic strategic approach to strategic control is

based on the assumption that an organization’s strategy should be comparable
with others in the same industry. Based on this, the organization can adjust
its strategy.

3. Strategic Leap Control: Strategic leap control enables the organizations

operating in a relatively unstable and turbulent environment in de fining ne w
strategic requirements and to cope with environmental realities. The following
techniques are generally used for exercising strategic leap control.

(a) Strategic Issue Management: It involves identifying strategy issues and

assessing their impact on the organization. By managing strategic issues in
time, the organization can avoid the adverse impact on environment al

(b) Strategic Filed Analysis: It involves examining the nature and extent of
synergies that can be developed in changing environment.

(c) Systems Modelling: It refers to simulated technique of decision making in

which various organizational features and environmental scenarios are
analysed on simulated basis.

4. Implementation Control: This is designed to assess whether the overall

strategy should be changed in the light of unfolding events and the results
associated with incremental steps and actions to implement the overall
strategy. In designing implementation control, the following two aspe cts are
taken in to consideration:

(a) Monitoring Strategic Thrusts: For the implementation of strategy, actions are
divided into different identifiable new thrusts. These thrusts provide
information which can be used as basis for subsequent actions.

(b) Milestone Review: It is an identifiable segment of a strategy which may be in

the form of crucial events, major resource allocation over a passage of ce rtain
time. E ach milestone requires critical assessment in terms of time and cost.
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5. Strategic Surveillance: This is a non-focused control and is designed to
monitor a broad range of events inside and outside the organization which are
likely to threaten the course of strategy. The idea behind the strategy
surveillance is that some form of general monitoring of multiple information
sources should be encouraged with the objective to reveal unanticipated

6. Special Alert Control: This measure is undertaken to assess the impact of

any major environmental events such as technological invention, regional
disturbance between countries affecting the business, strategic actions take n
by a country or countries together in controlling some criti cal issues. For
example, a sudden increase in critical resources may invite an immediate
reassessment of the organization strategy.

BALANCE The balance scorecard is used as a strategic planning and a management

SCORECARD technique. This is widely used in many organizations, regardless of their scale,
to align the organization’s performance to its vision and objectives.

The scorecard is also used as a tool, which improves the communication and
feedback process between the employees and management and to monitor
performance of the organizational objectives. As the name depicts, the
balanced scorecard concept was developed not only to evaluate the fi nancial
performance of a business organization, but also to address customer
concerns, business process optimization, and enhancement of le arning tools
and mechanisms.

The Basics of Balanced Scorecard

The balanced scorecard is divided into four main areas and a succes sful
organization is one that finds the right balance between these areas.

Each area (perspective) represents a different aspect of the business

organization in order to operate at optimal capacity.
• Financial Perspective - This consists of costs or measurement involved, in
terms of rate of return on capital (ROI) employed and operating in come of the
• Customer Perspective - Measures the level of customer satisfaction,
customer retention and market share held by the organization.
• Business Process Perspective - This consists of measures such as cost and
quality related to the business processes.
• Learning and Growth Perspective - Consists of measures such as e mploye e
satisfaction, employee retention and knowledge management.

The four perspectives are interrelated. Therefore, they do not function

independently. In real-world situations, organizations need one or more
perspectives combined together to achieve its business objectives. For

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example, Customer Perspective is needed to determine the Financial
Perspective, which in turn can be used to improve the Le arning and Grow th

Features of Balanced Scorecard

When it comes to defining and assessing the four perspectives, following
factors are used:
• Objectives - This reflects the organization’s objectives such as profi tability or
market share.
• Measures - Based on the objectives, measures will be put in place to gauge
the progress of achieving objectives.
• Targets - This could be department based or overall as a company. There will
be specific targets that have been set to achieve the measures.
• Initiatives - These could be classified as actions that ar e take n to me e t the

A Tool of Strategic Management

The objective of the balanced scorecard was to create a syste m, which could
measure the performance of an organization and to improve any back lags that

The popularity of the balanced scorecard increased over time due to its logical
process and methods. Hence, it became a management strategy, which could
be used across various functions within an organization.

The balanced scorecard helped the management to understand its obje ctive s
and roles in the bigger picture. It also helps management team to measure the
performance in terms of quantity. The balanced scorecard also plays a vital
role when it comes to communication of strategic objectives.

One of the main reasons for many organizations to be unsuccessful is that

they fail to understand and adhere to the objectives that have been set for the

The balanced scorecard provides a solution for this by breaking down

objectives and making it easier for management and employees to understand.

Planning, setting targets and aligning strategy are two of the key are as where
the balanced scorecard can contribute. Targets are set out for each of the four
perspectives in terms of long-term objectives. However, these targets are
mostly achievable even in the short run. Measures are taken in align with
achieving the targets.

Strategic feedback and learning is the next area, where the balanced scorecard
plays a role. In strategic feedback and learning, the management ge ts up-to-
date reviews regarding the success of the plan and the performance of the

The Need for a Balanced Scorecard

Following are some of the points that describe the need for implementing a
balanced scorecard:
• Increases the focus on the business strategy and its outcomes.
• Leads to improvised organizational performance through measurements.
• Align the workforce to meet the organization’s strategy on a day-to-day basis.
• Targeting the key determinants or drivers of future performance.
• Improves the level of communication in relation to the organization’s strategy
and vision.

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• Helps to prioritize projects according to the timeframe and other priority

As the name denotes, balanced scorecard creates a right balance between the
components of organization’s objectives and vision. It’s a mechanism that
helps the management to track down the performance of the organization and
can be used as a management strategy. It provides an extensive ove rview of a
company’s objectives rather than limiting itself only to fi nancial value s. This
creates a strong brand name amongst its existing and potential customers and
a reputation amongst the organization’s workforce.

STRATEGIC Organisations are always involved in a variety of change, and this is not just
CHANGE confined to internal projects. For example, it could also encompass interaction
MANAGEMENT with suppliers and customers. The change being undertaken by organizations
now is inherently complex and often impacts diverse stakeholder groups both
internally and externally. As the change portfolio grows the level of comple xity
grows with it. With many organizations now find it difficult to understand and
track the plethora of change initiatives underway. An adde d comple xity is a
reduction in manpower and the availability of skilled resources.

Strategic change management is the process of delive ring the strategy of a n

organisation in a controlled, efficient and effective manner. It is not about the
delivery of a single project or monitoring business as usual activities. It is
basically the process of governing a portfolio of programmes, projects and
initiatives within the context of a wider strategy for the organisation. The
purpose of the whole exercise is to deliver value to the organization.

The term change refers to an alteration in a system whether physical,

biological or social. Thus organization change is the a lternation of work
environment in the organization. It implies a new equilibrium between
different components of the organization i.e., technology, structural
arrangement, job design, and people. An organization change may have
following features:
(i) Any change may affect the whole organization;
(ii) When change occurs in any part of the organization, it disturbs the old
equilibrium necessitating development of a new equilibrium;
(iii) Organization change is a continuous process.

A strategic change is the movement of the company away from its present
state towards some desired future state to increase its competitive advantage.
There are three kinds of strategic changes that most of the companies pursue:
(i) Re-engineering; (ii) Restructuring; and (iii) Innovation.

Business process re -engineering is the redesign of the business processes and

the associated systems and organizational structures to achieve a dramatic
improvement in business performance. The business reasons for making such
changes could include poor financial performance, external compe tition, and
erosion of market share of emerging market opportunities. Business proce ss
re-engineering is the examination and change of the business components
such as: strategy, processes, technology, organization culture e tc. Strategic
managers may need to develop a new strategy and structure to revise the le vel
of their performance in the light of sudden changes taking place in the
environment. They focus on business process, which is an activity that is v ital
to delivering goods and services to the customers.

Restructuring is another kind of change that strategic management use to

implement strategic change to improve the performance. It may be: (i) reducing
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the level of differentiation and integration by reducing divisions, de partments
or hierarchy levels; (ii) by reducing the number of employees to bring the
operating cost. Restructuring also involves changes in relationships be tween
divisions or functions. Restructuring and downsizing becomes ne cessary due
– Unforeseen changes in business environment;
– New technological development;
– Reduction in demand;
– Excess production capacity;
– High bureaucratic and operating costs;
– Improving the competitive advantage;

Innovation is the process by which organizations use their skills and resources
to create new technologies or goods and services so that they can change and
better respond to the needs of their customers. Innovation can lead
organizations to change that they want, it can also lead to the ki nd of change ,
they do not want.

Organizations that depend on innovation as the way to achieve competitive

advantage should adopt adjustable structures such as matrix or cross -
functional team-structures that give people freedom to experiment and be

MANAGING The basic problem in managing change is to overcome people resistance

STRATEGIC successfully. Problems of overcoming resistance to change can be manage d in
CHANGES the following ways:
(i) Education and Communication: If misinformation and lack of information
create barriers to managing change, education and communication might be
appropriate. It requires an atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence and
respect between managers and employees.
(ii) Participation: Participation helps to give people in organizational change a
feeling of importance. It creates the feelings among the employees that the
decision is their own. They realise that the change proce ss is a must. Those
people who are directly affected by the change should be given opportu nity to
participate in that change before the final decisions are reached.
(iii) Obtaining commitment: Commitment to take part in changed programme
can be obtained in private from each individual. However, getting a pe rson to
commit himself in private to a changed programme may yield fewer results
than if he voluntarily and publicly gives his commitment to an idea of change.
(iv) Leadership: A transformational leader can use personal reasons for
change without arousing resistance. An effective le ader tries to change the
psychological needs of his followers.
(v) Training and Psychological Counselling: Management can change the
basic values of the people by training and psychological counselling. People
should be educated to become familiar with change, its process, and working.
They must be taught new skills, helped to change attitudes and indoctrinated
in new relationships.
(vi) Coercion or Edict: Coercion or edict is the imposition of change or the
issuing of directives about change. It is the explicit use of powe r. Coe rcion is
the least successful style of managing change except in a state of crisis or

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BUSINESS  Also known as Business Process Redesign, Business Transformation, or

PROCESS RE- Business Process Change Management, Business Proce ss Re engineering
ENGINEERING (BPR) is an endeavour to fabricate the operations of the business on an
(BPR) extensive scale and the act of recreating a core busine ss proce ss with the
goal of improving product output, quality, or reducing costs.
 Adopting BPR as a change management tool requires the organizations to
make introspection about the fundamentals of the company itself i.e . ‘What
they do?’, ‘Why they do things?’ and ‘Why do we do things the way we do it?’
 The primary objective of BPR is to Eliminate redundancies or futile layers in
the whole process & Eliminate enterprise costs.

BPR: As per Hammer and Champy: “Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR) is the
DEFINITION fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business proce sses aimed at
achieving radical improvements in essential contemporary measures of
performance, such as cost, quality, service and speed.”

Hammer and Champy further stress “Reengineering is about business

reinvention- not business improvement, business enhancement, or busine ss
modification”. Business process is another core concept in BPR which discards
Adam Smith’s notion of division of labour and specialization as applie d in the
form of breaking work into its simplest tasks and assigni ng each task to a
specialist. Instead Hammer and Champy define business process as “a
collection of activities that takes one or more kinds of input and creates an
output that is of value to the customer”.

ORIGIN Business process reengineering became popular in the busine ss world in the
1990s, inspired by an article called Reengineering Work: Don’t Automate,
Obliterate, an article in Harvard Business Review which was publishe d in the
Harvard Business review by Michael Hammer, the then professor of Compute r
Science at MIT. Hammer tested BPR as an examination of the manner
Information Technology was having an impact on business processes.

The underlying principle of BPR is that the managers must demolish such
components of work that do not make any value addition and further
automating it if possible. At the core of BPR was viewed as a revolutionary,
fast-track and drastic change process (rather than incremental one) that could
trigger fundamental changes in the business process itself such as job de sign,
organizational structures, or management systems.

OBJECTIVES The following are the objectives for entities to opt for BPR:
OF BUSINESS o Boost effectiveness and produce higher quality products for end customer
PROCESS o Improve efficiency in the production processes
REENGINEERIN o Cost saving in the long run
G o Providing more meaningful work to employees
o To be more adaptable and flexible towards future changes.
o Enable new business growth and expansion

TYPOLOGY OF Earl provides a four-strand typology of BPR projects which can be applied
BPR PROJECTS across any organization irrespective of what business it is involve d in. The se
o Core Processes: Core processes are central to business functioning and
represent the primary value chain activities which relate directly to external
customers. Examples being order fulfilment processes.

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o Support Processes: Support processes are back office processes which
reinforce the core processes. These are typically secondary value -chain
activities and relate more to internal customers. Typical examples being
information technology, financial systems, and human resources systems.

o Business Network Processes: Business network processes are the

processes which extend beyond the boundaries of the organization into
other organizations such as suppliers and customers.

o Management Processes: those processes through which firms plan,

organize and control resources. Examples include strategy development,
direction setting, and managing the organization.

STEPS FOR BPR comprises the following steps:

BUSINESS • Define : Objectives and Framework
PROCESS There must be a clear definition of the objectives of choosing BPR. Such
REENGINEERIN objectives must be clearly laid out in qualitative and quantitative te rms. After
G defining such objectives, the requirement for change must be communicated to
the employees to apprise them about the upcoming processes. This becomes
important as the willingness of the employees to adopt the change is a ke y for
the success of BPR.

• Identify : Customer Needs

The requirements and feedback of the customers must be given due
importance while designing the BPR. It must be ensured that the ne w proce ss
is able to deliver the added value to the customer.

• Study: the Existing Process

In order to re-engineer, the company must has to analyse its existing busine ss
process. A SWOT should be carried out to have a clear view of the strengths
and weaknesses of the existing processes.

• Formulate: a Redesigned Business Plan

After an analysis of the prevailing business process, the modifications to be
made are chalked down. These modifications form a base for the re -designing
of process. Then, a plan is laid down by selecting the best alternative.

• Implement: the Redesign

The last step is to implement the redesigned plan. Manage ment should make
sure that the new process is operational and adopted by the team. Such a
support from the team is indeed critical to the success of BPR.

BENCHMARKIN According to Camp, Benchmarking is simply “Finding and imple me nting the
G : DEFINITION best business practices”.

Benchmarking is a strategy tool of comparison. It is used to compare the

performance of the business processes and products of a company with that of
the best performances of other companies inside and outside the industry
which the company is a part of. Managers use the tool to identify the best
practices in other companies and apply those practices to their own proce sse s
in order to improve the company’s performance. Improving company’s
performance is, without a doubt, the most important goal of benchmarking.

TYPES OF Three major types of benchmarking were identified by Tuominen and Bogan
BENCHMARKIN and English:
G • Strategic benchmarking: This type of benchmarking is used to identify the
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best way to compete in the market. I n this type of benchmarking, the
companies identify the winning strategies (typically outside the boundaries of
their own industry) used by successful companies and thereafter adopt them in
their own strategic processes.

• Performance benchmarking: Performance benchmarking determines how

strong a company’s products and services are when compared to compe tition.
According to Bogan and English, the tool mainly focuses on product and
service quality, features, price, speed, reliability, design and customer
satisfaction, but it can measure anything that has the measurable metrics,
including processes.

• Process benchmarking: It requires to look at other companies that engage in

similar activities and to identify the best practices that can be applie d to your
own processes in order to improve them. It usually derives from pe rformance
benchmarking. This is because companies first identify the weak competing
points of their products or services and then focus on the key processes to
eliminate those weaknesses.

APPROACHES  Internal benchmarking: In large organizations that have operations in

multiple geographic locations within or outside national and regional
boundaries, or organisations managing plentiful products and services,
duplicating functions and processes are usually performed among diffe rent
teams, business units or divisions of the same organisation. Internal
benchmarking is used to compare the work of such teams, units or
divisions to identify the ones that are best performing and share the
knowledge throughout the company to other teams to achieve higher

 External or competitive benchmarking: Competitive benchmarking re fers to

a process when a company compares itself with the competitors inside its
industry itself. External benchmarking looks both inside and outside the
industry to find the best practices, thus, including competitive

 Functional benchmarking: Managers of functional departments find it useful

to analyse how well their functional area performs compared to functional
areas of other companies. It is quite easy to identify the best marketing,
finance, human resources or operations departments, in other companie s,
that excel in what they do and to apply their practices to one’s own
functional area.

 Generic Benchmarking: General benchmarking refers to comparisons which

“focus on excellent work processes rather than on the business practices o f
a particular organization”.

 Easy to understand and use.
 If done properly, it’s a low cost activity that offers huge gains.
 Brings innovative ideas to the company.
 Provides with insight of how other companies organize their operations and
 Increases the awareness of costs and level of performance compared to
 Facilitates cooperation between teams, units and divisions.

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 Requires identification of a benchmarking partner.
 Sometimes impossible to assign a metric to measure a process.
 Might need to hire a consultant.
 The initial costs could be huge.
 Managers often resist the changes.

BENCHMARKIN The benchmarking wheel model was first brought out in an article
G WHEEL “Benchmarking for Quality”.
1. Plan: Clearly define what you want to compare and assign metrics to it.
2. Find: Identify benchmarking partners or sources of information.
3. Collect: Choose the methods and gather the data for the metrics defined.
4. Analyze: Compare the metrics to identify the gap in pe rformance be tween
your company and the benchmarking partner. Provide the results and
5. Improve: Implement the changes to your own products, services, proce sses
or strategy.

TQM DEFINED  “Quality” is “a degree of excellence”, it is a degree to which a product live s

up to its performance, endurance, maintainability, and other attributes
expected by a customer while buying that specific product.
 For meeting such expectations of the customer, one must instil the conce pt
of TQM in product development process.
 The word “total” means the sum total of every process, every job, every
resource, every output, every person, every time and every place.
 American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) defines Total Quality
Management (TQM) as “a management approach to long-term success
through customer satisfaction.
 TQM is based on the participation of all members of an organization to
improving processes, products, services, and the culture they work in. TQM
benefits all organization members and society.
 TQM is a management philosophy that views an organization as a
collection of processes such as marketing, finance, design, engineering, and
production, customer service, etc., thereby, focussing on meeting customer
needs and organizational objectives.
 The simple objective of TQM is “Do the right things, right the fir st time,
every time.” Although originally applied to manufacturing operations, TQM
is now becoming recognized as a Generic Management tool and is being
widely applied in a number of service and public sector organizations all
over the world.
 Some examples of the companies who have implemented TQM include Ford
Motor Company, Phillips Semiconductor, SGL Carbon, Motorola and Toyota
Motor Company.

TQM is the foundation for activities, which include:

• Commitment by senior management and all employees
• Meeting customer requirements
• Reducing development cycle times
• Just in time/demand flow manufacturing
• Improvement teams
• Reducing product and service costs
• Systems to facilitate improvement
• Line management ownership
• Employee involvement and empowerment
• Recognition and celebration
• Challenging quantified goals and benchmarking
• Focus on processes / improvement plans

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• Specific incorporation in strategic planning

This shows that TQM must be practiced in all activities, by all personnel, in
manufacturing, marketing, engineering, R & D, sales, purchasing, HR, etc.

CHARACTERIS The most practical implementations of Total Quality Manage ment involve the
TICS OF TOTAL following most widely principles:
QUALITY • Total involvement of employees: The most fundamental characteristic of TQM
MANAGEMENT is total employee involvement. Only empowered and valiant employees who can
take a stand for their work and understand the mechanism of operations of
their organization operates as a whole can achieve desired level of performance
by improving their efficiency.

• Customer focus: TQM views end customers as the sole measure of quality and
success. Any effort, including employee training, infrastructure upgrades,
software investments, or product releases, is worthwhile only if it aims at
benefitting customers.

• Continual improvement: Organizations who practice TQM believe that me rely

maintaining the same level of quality and customer satisfaction is not e nou gh
to outperform competition. Rather, top management has the responsibility for
promotion of culture of innovation and creativity to customers’ expectations
and maintain competitiveness.

• Process approach: it calls for breaking all processes into a series of ste ps, be
it internal or external. The rationale of this is that each such step can be
analysed, measured and improved upon to attain desired results.

• System Approach to Management: All inter-related processes should be

managed as a system to ensure that improvement efforts are focused on ‘ke y’
processes and integrated to achieve the desired results.

• Fact-based decisions: TQM requires organizations to collect data to improve

decision-making, reach agreements on key business directions and make
predictions based on historical data.

• Leadership/ strategy definition: a strategic plan should be developed to

achieve organization’s vision, objectives and goals with ‘quality’ as a key
component. Leadership is a key attribute as it establishes the dire ction of the

• Mutually beneficial relationship with suppliers: An organization depends on its

suppliers and this relationship should be strengthened to ensure that a
mutually beneficial relationship is sustained.

PRINCIPLES OF There are the 8 principles of Total Quality Management:

TOTAL • Customer-focused
QUALITY The customer ultimately determines the level of quality. No matter what an
MANAGEMENT organization does to foster quality improvement – training employees,
integrating quality into the design process, upgrading computer s or software,
or buying new measuring tools – the customer determines whether the e fforts
were worthwhile.

• Total Employee Involvement

All employees participate in working toward common goals. Total employee
commitment can only be obtained after fear has been driven from the
workplace, when empowerment has occurred, and management has provide d
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the proper environment.

• Process-centered
A fundamental part of TQM is a focus on process thinking. A process is a series
of steps that take inputs from suppliers (internal or external) and transforms
them into outputs that are delivered to customers (again, either internal or

• Integrated System
Although an organization may consist of many different functional spe cialties
often organized into vertically structured departments, it is the horizontal
processes interconnecting these functions that are the focus of TQM.

• Strategic and Systematic Approach

A critical part of the management of quality is the strategic and systematic
approach to achieving an organization’s vision, mission, and goals. This
process, called strategic planning or strategic management, includes the
formulation of a strategic plan that integrates quality as a core component.

• Continual Improvement
A major thrust of TQM is continual process improvement. Continual
improvement drives an organization to be both analytical and creative in
finding ways to become more competitive and more effective at meeting
stakeholder expectations.

• Fact-based Decision Making

In order to know how well an organization is performing, data on performance
measures are necessary.
TQM requires that an organization continually collect and analyse data in order
to improve decision making accuracy, achieve consensus, and allow prediction
based on past history.

• Communications
During times of organizational change, as well as part of day-to-day operation,
effective communications plays a large part in maintaining morale and in
motivating employees at all levels. Communications involve strategies, method,
and timeliness.

THE CONCEPT TQM is mainly concerned with continuous improvement in all work, from high
OF level strategic planning and decision-making, to detailed execution of work
CONTINUOUS elements on the shop floor. It stems from the belief that mistakes can be
IMPROVEMENT avoided and defects can be prevented. It leads to continuously improving
BY TQM results, in all aspects of work, as a result of continuously improving
capabilities, people, processes, technology and machine capabilities.

Continuous improvement must deal not only with improving results, but more
importantly with improving capabilities to produce better results in the future.
The five major areas of focus for capability improvement are
• Demand generation
• Supply generation
• Technology
• Operations and
• People capability

IMPLEMENTATI Assess the organization’s current reality: A preliminary step in TQ M

ON implementation is to assess an organization’s current reality. Relevant
PRINCIPLES preconditions have to do with the organization’s history, its current needs,
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AND precipitating events leading to TQM, and the existing employee quality of
PROCESSES working life. If an organization has a track record of effective responsiveness to
the environment, TQM will be easier to implement.

However, if there is no track-record of responsiveness, there will be both

employee skepticism and a lack of skilled change agents. If this condition
prevails, a comprehensive program of management and leadership development
may be instituted. A management audit is a good assessment tool to ide ntify
current levels of organizational functioning and areas in need of change.

An organization should be basically healthy before beginning TQM. If it has

significant problems such as a very unstable funding base, weak administrative
systems, lack of managerial skill, or poor employee morale, TQM would not be
appropriate. However, a certain level of stress is probably desirable to initiate
TQM. A crisis, if it is not too disabling, can also help create a se nse of urge ncy
which can mobilize people to act. In the case of TQM, this may be a funding cut
or threat, or demands from consumers or other stakeholders for improved
quality of service. After a crisis, a leader may intervene strategically by
articulating a new vision of the future to help the organization de al with it. A
plan to implement TQM may be such a strategic decision. Such a le ader may
then become a prime mover, who takes charge in championing the ne w ide a
and showing others how it will help them get where they want to go. Finally,
action vehicles are needed and mechanisms or structures to enable the change
to occur and become institutionalized.

SIX SIGMA  Six Sigma is a disciplined, statistical-based, data-driven quality control

(99.999996%  It is a methodology for continuous cycle time improvement (the reduction of
Defect Free) manufacturing defects to a level of no more than 3.4 per million) by
eliminating defects in any product, process or service.
 Developed by Motorola in middle 1980’s, Six Sigma is based on quality
management fundamentals. Due to its accuracy and merits, the approach
became popular at General Electric (GE) in the early 1990’s.
 Six Sigma is:
• A Business Strategy: Using Six Sigma Methodology, a business can strategize
its plan of action and drive revenue increase, cost reduction and process
improvements in all parts of the organization.

• A Vision: Six Sigma Methodology helps the Senior Management create a vision
to provide defect free, positive environment to the organization.

• A Benchmark: Six Sigma Methodology helps in improving process metrics.

Once the improved process metrics achieve stability; we can use Six Sigma
methodology again to improve the newly stabilized process metrics. For
example: The Cycle Time of Pizza Delivery is improved from 60 minute s to 45
minutes in a Pizza Delivery process by using Six Sigma methodology. Once the
Pizza Delivery process stabilizes at 45 minutes, we could carry out anothe r Six
Sigma project to improve its cycle time from 45 minutes to 30 minutes. Thus, it
is a benchmark.

• A Goal: Using Six Sigma methodology, organizations can keep a stringent goal
for themselves and work towards achieving them during the course of the year.
Right use of the methodology often leads these organizations to achie ve the se

• A Statistical Measure: Six Sigma is a data driven methodology. Statistical

Analysis is used to identify root-causes of the problem. Additionally, Six Sigma
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methodology calculates the process performance using its own unit known as
Sigma unit.

• A Robust Methodology: Six Sigma is the only methodology available in the

market today which is a documented methodology for problem solving. If use d
in the right manner, Six Sigma improvements are bullet-proof and they give
high yielding returns.
WHY SIX SIGMA With the budding costs cost of resources and rise in other factors such as
competition, the organizations are forced to look around for alternative
methods which add to efficiency. Adoption of Six Sigma methodology he lps in
improving efficiency in any organization as it meticulously ide ntifies de fects
and minimizes the variations within a process. This is because; each Six Sigma
project is supposed to follow a defined sequence of steps and includes spe cific
improvement targets. Some examples could include:
• Decrease in process cycle time
• Decrease of scrap generated by a process
• Growing customer satisfaction
• Decline in the number of factory defects
• Decrease or elimination of costly reworks

The scope of Six Sigma is not curtailed to the manufacturing industry rather
the tools and techniques of Six Sigma are presently being used to improve
processes in all type of business organizations, routine office operations,
business processes and customer service processes.

HOW DOES 6 A typical Six Sigma project determines the existing state and enhances the
SIGMA WORK? performance of the business process to a new and statistically significant
improved state with the use of statistical tools. The re can be two situations:
first, the process already existing but it is not working “reasonably” well;
second, there is no process in existence at all.

Situation 1: The process already existing but it is not working “reasonably” well.
This scenario focuses on use of DMAIC (which stands for Define, Measure,
Analyze, Improve and Control):
1. Define problem statement process goals in terms of key critical parame ters
on the basis of customer requirements or Voice Of Customer (VOC) and setting
project boundaries.
2. Measure a complete picture of the current state of the process and
establishes a baseline through measurement of the existing system in conte xt
of goals and collecting the data regarding possible causal factors.
3. Analyze the current scenario in terms of causes of variations and de fe cts
and determining the root cause.
4. Improve the process by systematically reducing variation and e liminating
defects and root causes.
5. Control future performance of the process and support and maintain the
gains realized.

Situation 2: This is the situation when there is no proce ss in e xistence at all

and it has to be designed using Design F or Six Sigma (DFSS) approach. DFSS
approach typically requires I DOV:
1. Identify process goals in terms of critical parameters, industry & competitor
benchmarks, Voice Of Customer (VOC)
2. Design involves enumeration of potential solutions and selection of the best
3. Optimize performance by using advanced statistical modelling and
simulation techniques and design refinements
4. Validate that design works in accordance to the process goals

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THE SIX SIGMA The Six Sigma training and certification levels are emulated from the martial
TRAINING AND arts. “Six Sigma” management has several levels of certification e ach le vel of
CERTIFICATIO certification is described below.
A Six Sigma Champion is the most basic form of Six Sigma certification. A
Champion understands the theory of Six Sigma management, but does not ye t
have the quantitative skills to function as an active Six Sigma project team

A Six Sigma Yellow Belt is an individual who has passed the Green Belt
certification examination but has not yet completed a Six Sigma project. A
Yellow Belt should have a basic understanding of Six Sigma, stati stical tools
and DMAIC methodology. However, executives in Six Sigma organizations
function as champions of Six Sigma projects.

A Six Sigma Green Belt is an individual who works on projects part-time either
as a team member for complex projects, or as a project leader for simpler
projects. Green belts are the “work horses” of Six Sigma projects.

Green Belts receive training on DMAIC methodology, statistical tools, prope r

data collection and analysis of the data collected. Most managers in a mature
Six Sigma organization are green belts.

A Black Belt receives the highest level of training in the statistical tools of Six
Sigma. Black Belts, as a rule, develop the plans for Six Sigma project
implementation. Their responsibilities include creating proje ct plans, le ading
cross-functional projects and directing team membe rs, including Green and
Yellow Belts. Black Belts usually train other team members on the prope r use
of Six Sigma tools and techniques, such as control charts, histograms and Root
Cause Analysis (RCA).


A Master Black Belt is classically trained in statistical tools, Six Sigma
methodology and management processes.

Master Black Belts mentor and direct groups of Black Belts and Six Sigma
teams through various problems that need to be reviewed.

ENTERPRISE  ERP, or enterprise resource planning, is a modular software system

RESOURCE designed to integrate the main functional areas of an organization’s
PLANNING business processes into a unified system.
(ERP)  An ERP system includes core software components, often called modules,
that focus on essential business areas, such as finance and accounting,
HR, production and materials management, customer relationship
management (CRM) and supply chain management.
 What primarily distinguishes ERP software from stand-alone targeted
software -- which many vendors and industry analysts re fer to as be st -of-
breed solutions -- is a common central database from which the various
ERP software modules access information, some of which is shared with the
other modules involved in a given business process.
 This means that companies using ERP are largely saved from having to
make double entries to update information because the system shares the
data, in turn enabling greater accuracy and collaboration between the
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organization’s departments. ERP implementation options include on
premises, cloud and a mix of the two, called hybrid, such as with platform
as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
 Some ERP systems also offer next-generation capabilities, such as AI, IoT
and advanced analytics, to foster digital transformation. Businesses
typically turn to an ERP system when they outgrow spreadsheets and
disparate, often siloed software systems and need the unifying capabilities
of an ERP system to enable growth. As with many technology products, the
specifi c defi nition of what constitutes ERP can vary widely from ve ndor to

History of ERP
 Gartner coined the term “enterprise resource planning” in 1990.
 ERP is preceded by Material Requirements Planning (MRP) , developed by IBM
engineer Joseph Orlicky as a system for calculating the materials and
components needed to manufacture a product
 In 1983, management expert Oliver Wight developed an extension of MRP
called MRP II, which broadened the planning process using a me thod that
integrated operational and financial planning. MRP II added other
production processes, such as product design and capacity planning.
 ERP emerged as an expansion of MRP II , extending its scope beyond
manufacturing to cover business processes such as accounting, human
resources and supply chain management, all managed from a single,
centralized database.
 ERP has expanded to encompass a growing set of business-critical
applications, such as business intelligence, sales force automation (SFA)
and marketing automation. While MRP and MRP II applied to the
manufacturing industry, ERP is used by a wide range of industries today.

How ERP works

 ERP systems rely on a centralized relational database, which collects
business information and stores them in tables. Having the data stored
centrally allows end users, such as from finance, sales and other
departments, to quickly access the desired information for analysis.
 Instead of employees in different departments managing their own
spreadsheets and reports, ERP systems allow for reporting to be generated
from a single, centralized system. Information updated in one ERP module,
such as CRM, HR and finance, is sent to a central, shared database . The
appropriate information in the central database is then shared with the
other modules.

Importance of ERP
Experts list four important business benefits of ERP:
 IT cost savings
 Business process e fficiency
 A business process platform for process standardization
 A catalyst for business innovation

While businesses ofte n focus on the first two areas because they’re easy to
quantify, the latter two areas can create greater impact for businesses.

ERP makes real-time business data available throughout the organization,

which enables businesses to adapt quickly and respond to changes. The
business data available in ERP systems provides for more informed decision
making within an enterprise. ERP systems can also share data with third party
partners and vendors to improve e ffi ciencies in the supply chain.

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Benefits of ERP systems
ERP offers a plethora of bene fits, most of which come from information sharing
and standardization. Because ERP components can share data more easily
than disparate systems, they can make cross-departmental business processes
easier to manage on a daily basis. They can also enable be tter insights from
data, especially with the newer technologies that many ERP systems are
including, such as powerful analytics, machine learning and industrial IoT

Advantages and disadvantages

 Can save money over the long run by streamlining processes.
 Provides a unified system that can lower IT-related expenses and e nd-user
training costs.
 Enables greater visibility into myriad areas of the business, such as
inventory, that are critical for meeting customer needs.
 Enables better reporting and planning due to better data.
 Offers better compliance and data security, along with improved data,
backup and the ability to control user rights.

 Can have a high upfront cost.
 Can be difficult to implement.
 Requires change management during and after implementation.
 Basic, core ERP modules may be less sophisticated compare d to targe ted,
stand-alone software. Companies may require additional modules for more
control and better management of specific areas, such as the supply chain
or customer relationship capabilities.

INDUSTRY 4.0 McKinsey defines Industry 4.0 as the “digitization of the manufacturing sector,
with embedded sensors in virtually all product components and manufacturing
equipment, ubiquitous cyber physical systems and analysis of all relevant

It is driven by four clusters of disruptive technologies:

1. Data, computational power and connectivity – i.e., low-power, wide-area
networks, for example
2. Analytics and intelligence
3. Human-machine interaction – i.e., touch interfaces and augmented reality
4. Digital-to-physical conversion – i.e., advanced robotics and 3-D printing

With these clusters currently at a tipping point, the time is now for
manufacturing companies to figure out a response to them. As Industry 4.0 infl
uences mission-critical applications in business processes, the digital
transformation is extensive, but it will come at a slower pace than the digital
disruption of the Internet. Because of their long investment cycles, companie s
are often conservative when deciding on how to address fundamental
disruption. However, manufacturing companies that take the risk and are early
adopters of new technology will be rewarded for their progressive decision -
making. Digitization helps to ensure product quality and safety, as well as
faster service delivery, which goes a long way with customers.

For a manufacturing company to be considered Industry 4.0, it must include:

• Interoperability– Having machines, devices, sensors and people that connect
and communicate with one another.

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• Information transparency – Having systems that create a virtual copy of
physical things through sensor data in order to put information in context.
• Technical assistance– Having systems with the ability to help people in
decision-making and problem-solving, and to assist people with tasks that are
too difficult or unsafe for humans to do.
• Decentralized decision-making – Having cyber-physical systems (i.e., smart
grid, autonomous automobile systems, medical monitoring, process control
systems, robotics systems, etc.) with the ability to directly make simple
decisions and become as autonomous as possible.
ARTIFICIAL  Artificial Intelligence (AI), or machine intelligence, is the field developing
INTELLIGENCE computers and robots capable of parsing data contextually to provide
requested information, supply analysis, or trigger events based on fi ndings.
Through techniques like machine learning and neural networks, companies
globally are investing in teaching machines to ‘think’ more like humans.
 Artificial Intelligence, or simply AI, is the term used to describe a machine ’s
ability to simulate human intelligence. Actions like learning, logic,
reasoning, perception, creativity, that were once considered unique to
humans, is now being replicated by technology and used in every industry.
A common example of AI in today’s world is chatbots, specifically the “live
chat” versions that handle basic customer service requests on company
websites. As technology evolves, so does our benchmark for what
constitutes AI.
 The Artificial Intelligence and Business Strategy initiative explores the
growing use of artificial intelligence in the business landscape. The
exploration looks specifically at how AI is affecting the development and
execution of strategy in organizations.T he initiative researches and reports
on how AI is spurring workforce change, data management, privacy, cross -
entity collaboration, and generating new ethical challenges for busine ss. It
looks at new risks and threats in dependency, job loss, and security. And it
seeks to help managers understand and act on the tremendous opportunity
from the combination of human and machine intelligence.

Nine Areas for developing AI Business Strategy:

1. Business strategy
Creating an AI strategy for the sake of it won’t produce great results. To get the
most out of AI, it must be tied to your business strategy and your big -picture
strategic goals. That’s why the first step in any AI strategy is to review your
business strategy. (After all, you don’t want to go to all this trouble and apply
AI to an outdated strategy or irrelevant business goals.)

In this step, ask yourself questions such as:

 Is our business strategy still right for us?
 Is our strategy still current in this world of smarter products and services?
 Have our business priorities changed?

2. Strategic AI priorities
Now that you’re absolutely clear on where your business is headed, you can
begin to identify how AI can help you get there.

In other words:
 What are our top business priorities?
 What problems do we want or need to solve?
 How can AI help us deliver our strategic goals?

The AI priorities that you identify in this phase are your use case s. To e nsure
your AI strategy is focused and achievable, I’d stick to no more than 3–5 AI use

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Examples of AI priorities or use cases include:

 Developing smarter products and services
 Making business processes and functions (such as accounts, sales and HR)
more intelligent
 Automating repetitive or mundane tasks to free people up for more value -
adding activities
 Automating manufacturing processes

3. Short-term AI adoption priorities

Transforming products, services or processes is never going to be an ove rnight
task. It may take some time to deliver the use cases you’ve identifi ed. For that
reason, I fi nd it helps to also identify a few (as in, no more than three) AI quick
wins – short-term AI priorities that will help you demonstrate value and gain
buy-in for bigger AI projects.

Ask yourself:
 Are there any opportunities to optimise processes in a quick, r elatively
inexpensive way?
 What smaller steps and projects could help us gather information or lay the
groundwork for our bigger AI priorities?

4. Data strategy
AI needs data to work. Lots and lots of data. Therefore, you need to review your
data strategy in relation to each AI use case and pinpoint the key data issues.

This includes:
 Do we have the right sort of data to achieve our AI priorities?
 Do we have enough of that data?
 If we don’t have the right type or volume of data, how will we get the data we
 Do we have to set up new data collection methods, or will we use third-
party data?
 Going forward, how can we begin to acquire data in a more strategic way?

5. Ethical and legal issues

Let’s not beat around the bush: the idea of super-intelligent machines fre aks
people out. It’s therefore crucial that you apply AI in a way that’s e thical and
above board.

Here, you’ll need to ask yourself questions like:

 How can we avoid invading people’s privacy?
 Are there any legal implications of using AI in this way?
 What sort of consent do we need from customers/users/employees?
 How can we ensure our AI is free of bias and discrimination?

The ethical implications of AI is a huge topic right now. Notably, tech giants
including Google, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook and Amazon have formed the
Partnership on AI, a group that’s dedicated to researching and advocating for
the ethical use of AI.

6. Technology issues
Here you identify the technology and infrastructure implications of the
decisions you’ve made so far.

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 What technology is required to achieve our AI priorities (for example,
machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, etc.)?
 Do we have the right te chnology in place already?
 If not, what systems do we need to put in place?

7. Skills and capacity

For those companies who aren’t Facebook or Google, accessing AI skills can be
a real challenge. Therefore, this step is about reviewing your in-house AI skills
and capabilities, and working out where you need a skills injection.

For example:
 Where are our skills gaps?
 To fill those gaps, do we need to hire new talent, train existing sta ff , work
with an external AI provider or acquire a new business?
 Do we have awareness and buy-in for AI from leadership and at other levels
in the business?
 What can we do to raise awareness and promote buy-in?

8. Implementation
Here you need to think about how you’ll turn your AI strategy into reality.

This might surface questions such as:

 How will we deliver our AI projects?
 What are the key next steps?
 Who is responsible for delivering each action?
 Which actions or projects will need to be outsourced?

9. Change management issues

Because people are so wary of AI, particularly what it might mean for their
jobs, change management is a really important part of any AI project.

Example questions include:

 Which employees and teams will be impacted by this AI project?
 How can we communicate eff ectively with those people about the change?
 How should the change process be managed?
 How will AI change our company culture, and how will we manage that
culture change?

FINTECH Financial technology (Fintech) is used to describe new tech that seeks to
improve and automate the delivery and use of financial se rvices. At its core ,
fintech is utilized to help companies, business owners and consume rs be tter
manage their financial operations, processes, and lives by utilizing spe cialized
software and algorithms that are used on computers and, increasingly,

Fintech, the word, is a combination of “financial technology”. Broadly, the term

“financial technology” can apply to any innovation in how people transact
business, from the invention of digital money to double -entry bookkeeping.
Since the internet revolution and the mobile internet/ smartphone re volution,
however, financial technology has grown explosively, and fintech, which
originally referred to computer technology applied to the back office of banks or
trading firms, now describes a broad variety of technological interventions into
personal and commercial finance.

When fintech emerged in the 21st Century, the term was initially applied to the

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technology employed at the backend systems of established financial
institutions. Since then, however, there has been a shift to more
consumeroriented services and therefore a more consumer-oriented defi nition.
Fintech now includes diff erent sectors and industries such as education, retail
banking, fundraising and nonprofit, and investment management to name a

Some of the most active areas of fintech innovation include or re volve a round
the following areas:
 Cryptocurrency and digital cash.
 Blockchain technology, including Ethereum, a distributed ledger
technology (DLT) that maintain records on a network of computers, but has
no central ledger.
 Smart contracts, which utilize computer programs (often utilizing the
blockchain) to automatically execute contracts between buyers and sellers.
 Open banking, a concept that leans on the blockchain and posits that
third-parties should have access to bank data to build applicati ons that
create a connected network of financial institutions and thirdparty
providers. An example is the all-in-one money management tool Mint.
 Insurtech, which seeks to use technology to simplify and streamli ne the
insurance industry.
 Regtech, which seeks to help financial service firms meet industry
compliance rules, especially those covering Anti -Money Laundering and
Know Your Customer protocols which fi ght fraud.
 Robo-advisors, such as Betterment, utilize algorithms to automate
investment advice to lower its cost and increase accessibility.
 Unbanked/underbanked, services that seek to serve disadvantaged or low -
income individuals who are ignored or underserved by traditional banks or
mainstream financial services companies.
 Cybersecurity, given the proliferation of cybercrime and the de centralized
storage of data, cybersecurity and fintech are intertwined.

Fintech Users
There are four broad categories of users for fintech:
1) B2B for banks,
2) their business clients,
3) B2C for small businesses, and
4) Consumers.

Regulation and Fintech

Financial services are among the most heavily regulated sectors in the world.
Not surprisingly, regulation has emerged as the numbe r one conce rn among
governments as fintech companies take off.

As technology is integrated into financial services processes, regulatory

problems for such companies have multiplied. In some instances, the problems
are a function of technology. In others, they are a refl ection of the tech
industry’s impatience to disrupt fi nance. For example, automation of
processes and digitization of data makes fi ntech systems vulnerable to attacks
from hackers.

Recent instances of hacks at credit card companies and banks are illustrations
of the ease with which bad actors can gain access to systems and cause
irreparable damage. The most important questions for consumers in such
cases will pertain to the responsibility for such attacks as well as misuse of
personal information and important financial data.

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There have also been instances where the collision of a technology culture that
believes in a “Move fast and break things” philosophy with the conservative and
risk-averse world of finance has produced undesirable results.

Regulation is also a problem in the emerging world of cryptocurrencies. Initial

coin off erings (ICOs) are a new form of fundraising that allows startups to raise
capital directly from lay investors. In most countries, they are unregulated and
have become fertile ground for scams and frauds. Regulatory unce rtainty f or
ICOs has also allowed entrepreneurs to slip security tokens disguised as utility
tokens past the SEC to avoid fees and compliance costs.

BLOCKCHAIN Blockchain is a series of data linked together. Every single transaction is linked
TECHNOLOGY to the chain using cryptographic principles in batches, making blocks. The
blocks are connected to each other and have unique identifier codes ( called
hashes) that connect them to the previous and the subsequent blocks. This
forms a blockchain, usually in the form of a continuous ledger of transactions.
It isn’t owned by any one individual. The series is managed and store d across
several computer systems. Each ledger is shared, copied and store d on e ve ry
computer connected in the system.

This decentralised nature of storage provides security, since changing the

details of one record will cause the hash of that block to change, disconnecting
it from the next one and causing the latter’s hash to change, and furthe r such
disruptions. Since the data is stored on multiple systems, any pe rson looking
to change the details on one system will have to do it for every other system as

Importance of Blockchain
Blockchain technology has been the backbone of bitcoin and other
cryptocurrencies. The transparency and the security offered by the te chnology
are some of the main reasons why cryptocurrency has become so popular. This
technology is increasingly being adopted in the retail, manufacturing and
banking sectors due to its be nefits, like eliminating middlemen, providing data
security, reducing corruption and improving the speed of service delivery. It
can be particularly useful in maintaining government data related to public
transactions. For instance, if all land records are moved on a blockchain, with
each subsequent buying and selling of a property being recorded as a block
that can be publicly accessed, corruption can be arrested and governing will be
made so much easier. Similarly, hallmarked gold jewellery can be moved on an
open-source blockchain ledger, which can be maintained by jewellers and
viewed by consumers.

However, blockchain technology must be adopted in a gradual manner. Bitcoin

and other cryptocurrencies have seen wild fluctuations in value, due to the
lack of regulatory supervision. The open nature of the technology implies
that anyone can adopt it, which is partly why the government is hesitant to go
ahead and use it. Scalability, transaction speed and data protection are key
technological hurdles, along with the difficulty of integrating the technology into
existing financial systems. Many legal and regulatory challenges are also

Blockchain is a developing field and its practical uses are being explored in
many areas. You may want to adopt this technology in your business, if you
are a B2C company and want to improve user experience or enhance
transparency. There is a possibility of some data, such as banking
transactions, land records and vehicle registration details, moving on the
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blockchain platform in the future. Example: Even recent entrants like Uber and
Airbnb are threatened by blockchain technology. All you need to do is e ncode
the transactional information for a car ride or an overnight stay, and again you
have a perfectly safe way that disrupts the business mode l of the companie s
which have just begun to challenge the traditional e conomy. We are not just
cutting out the feeprocessing middle man, we are also eliminating the ne ed for
the match-making platform.

The Three Pillars of Blockchain Technology

The three main properties of Blockchain Technology which have helped it gain
widespread acclaim are as follows:
Pillar #1: Decentralization
Before Bitcoin and BitTorrent came along, we were more use d to ce ntralized
services. The idea is very simple. You have a centralized entity that stored all
the data and you’d have to interact solely with this entity to get whatever
information you required.

Another example of a centralized system is the banks. They store all your
money, and the only way that you can pay someone is by going through the
bank. In a decentralized system, the information is not stored by one single
entity. In fact, everyone in the network owns the information.

In a decentralized network, if you wanted to interact with your friend the n you
can do so directly without going through a third party. That was the main
ideology behind Bitcoins. You and only you alone are in charge of your mone y.
You can send your money to anyone you want without having to go through a

Pillar #2: Transparency

One of the most interesting and misunderstood concepts in blockchain
technology is “transparency.” Some people say that blockchain gives you
privacy while some say that it is transparent. A person’s identity is hidde n via
complex cryptography and represented only by their public address. So, if
you were to look up a person’s transaction history, you will not see “Bob sent 1
BTC” instead you will see “1MF1bhsFLkBzzz9vpFYEmvwT2Tb yCt7NZJ se nt 1
BTC”. So, while the person’s real identity is secure, you will still see all the
transactions that were done by their public address. This level of transparency
has never existed before within a financial system. It adds that extra, and
much needed, level of accountability which is required by some of these biggest

Pillar #3: Immutability

Immutability, in the context of the blockchain, means that once something has
been entered into the blockchain, it cannot be tampered with. The re ason why
the blockchain gets this property is that of the cryptographic hash function. In
simple terms, hashing means taking an input string of any le ngth and giving
out an output of a fixed length.

In the context of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, the transactions are taken as

input and run through a hashing algorithm (Bitcoin uses SHA-256) which gives
an output of a fixed length. So basically, instead of remembering the input data
which could be huge, you can just remember the hash and keep track.

Folowing new business applications will result from this:

 Smart contracts
 The sharing economy
 Crowdfunding

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 Governance
 Supply chain auditing
 Decentralizing file storage
 Prediction markets
 Protection of intellectual property
 Internet of Things (IoT)
 Neighbourhood Microgrids
 Identity management
 Anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC)
 Data management
 Land title registration
 Stock trading

As revolutionary as it sounds, Blockchain truly is a mechanism to bring

everyone to the highest degree of accountability . No more missed transactions,
human or machine errors, or even an exchange that was not done with the
consent of the parties involved. Above anything else, the most critical area
where Blockchain helps is to guarantee the validity of a transaction by
recording it not only on the main register but a connected distributed system of
registers, all of which are connected through a secure validation mechanism.

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Please note:
1. These are not full-fledged revision notes. Students can’t just read
these notes and go for exams.

2. These notes are punch word notes

3. These are prepared so that students can revise punch words atleast
4 to 5 times before exams so that they don’t get confused between

4. Students own judgement is required before using these notes.

5. These notes have been prepared by Amit Talda Sir with utmost care
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6. In case of any issue, Whatsapp 7249869322.

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1. Financial Management deals with procurement of funds and their effective utilizations in the
business and concerned with investment, financing and dividend decisions in relation to
objectives of the company.

2. Financial Management, to be more precise, is, thus concerned with inve stment, financing
and dividend decisions in relation to objectives of the company.

3. Investment decisions are concerned with the question whether adding to capital assets
today will increase the revenue of tomorrow to cover costs.

4. Financing decisions are concerned with the determination of how much funds to procure
from amongst the various avenues available i.e. the financing mix or capital structure.

5. The financial manager must decide whether the firm should distribute all profits or re tain
them or distribute a portion and retain the balance.

6. Risk and expected return move in tandem; the greater the risk the greater would be the
expected return.

7. At the time of taking any decision, the finance manager tries to achie ve the prope r balance
between the consideration of risk and return associated with various financial management
decisions to maximise the market value of the firm.

8. Liquidity is defined as ability of the business to meet its short-term obligations. It shows the
quickness with which a business/company can convert its assets into cash to pay what it
owes in the near future.

9. Current Ratio which is the ratio of current assets to current liabilities, is widely used by
corporate units to judge the ability to discharge short-term liabilities covering the period upto
one year.

10. Du Pont Concept: Another way of computing the ratio of return is through the assets
turnover ratio and margin of profit which gives the same results, as EBIT to capital employed.
A high ratio indicates efficient use of asse ts and low ratio reflects inefficient use of assets by a
× =
Sales Assets Assets

11. There is an inverse relationship between liquidity and profitability. liquidity e nsures short
term survival and profitability ensures long term survival.

12. Financial Risk: Obligation to mandatorily pay interest on the borrowings whe ther profit is
available or not. This risk is faced by only those businesses who have borrowe d funds from
outside sources like bank loans, etc.

13. Operating Risk: This risk is faced by all the businesses and cannot be eliminated. This risk
is the chances of incurring losses because of variations in revenue & cost of busine ss due to
various factors.

14. Purchasing Power Risk: Purchasing power risk affects all investors. The risk is associated
with changes in the price level on account of inflation.

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15. Interest Rate Risk: Interest rate risk is concerned with holders of the bonds due to change s
in interest rates.

16. Economic value added (EVA) is the after tax cash flow generated by a busin e ss minus the
cost of the capital it has deployed to generate that cash flow.
EVA = NOPAT – (Cost of Capital x Capital)

17. Profit Maximization vs Profit Maximization:

Basis Profit Maximization W ealth Maximization

Objective Large amount of profits Maximize Market Value of
common stock
Advantages (i) Efficient allocation of resources under (i) It is consistent with the obje ct
competitive conditions of maximising owner’s economic
(ii) Efficiency in Operation (ii) It focuses on the long run
(iii) Easy to calculate profits (iii) It considers risk.
(iv) It recognises the value of
(iv) Easy to determine link between regular dividend payments.
profits & financial decisions. (v) It takes into account time value
of money.
(vi) It maintains market price of its
(vii) It seeks growth in sales and

Disadvantage (i) It is vague conceptually. (i) Offers no clear relationship

(ii) It ignores timing of returns. between Stock Price & Financial
(iii) It ignores the risk factor. Decisions.
(iv) It may tempt to make such decisions
which may in the long run prove (ii) Can lead to management
disastrous. anxiety & frustration.
(v) Its emphasis is generally on short run
(vi) It may cause decreasing share
(vii) The profit is only one of the many
objectives and variables that a firm

Scope Narrow Broad

Time Frame Short Term Long Term

18. A Company may have to sell its assets to discharge its obligations to outsiders at prices be low
their economic values i.e. resort to distress sale.

19. When techniques for analytical purposes are used it is science and when choice in
appreciation of the results is made it is an art. Thus, people will like to call financial
management as science as well as art.

20. Functions of Finance manager includes Forecasting of Cash Flows, Raising Funds,
Managing the flow of Internal Funds, Cost Control, Facilitate Pricing of Products, Product
Lines and Services, Forecasting Profits, Measuring Required Return, Managing Assets,
Managing Funds, etc.

21. Interest paid is deductible for tax purposes.

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22. Using borrowed funds or fixed cost funds in the capital structure of a company is called
financial gearing.

23. For assessment of profitability as a decision criterion return on investment (ROI) is a

frequently used ratio.

24. Liquidity is assessed through the use of ratio analysis.

25. EVA will increase if:

i. Operating profits grow without employing additional capital i.e., through greater efficiency.
ii. Additional capital is invested in the projects that give higher returns than the cost of
procuring new capital, and
iii. Unproductive capital is liquidated i.e., curtailing the unproductive uses of capital.

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1. Importance of Capital Budgeting:

(i) Long Term Implications
(ii) Involvement of Large Amount of Funds
(iii) Irreversible Decisions
(iv) Risk & Uncertainty
(v) Difficult to Make

2. The rationale behind the capital budgeting decisions is efficiency.

3. Generally the business firms are confronted with three types of capital budgeting
(i) the accept-reject decisions;
(ii) mutually exclusive decisions; and
(iii) Capital rationing decisions.

4. Capital Budgeting Process:

(i) Identification of Investment Opportunities
(ii) Assembling Investment Proposal
(iii) Decision Making
(iv) Budgeting Capital Expenditure
(v) Implementation and Controlling of Projects
(vi) Follow-up and Performance Report

5. Capital Budgeting Techniques:

6. Pay Back Period technique estimates the time required by the proje ct to re cove r, through
cash inflows, the firms initial outlay.

7. For a firm experiencing shortage of cash, the payback technique may be used with
advantage to select investments involving minimum time to recapture the original

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8. Pay Back Period is ideal in deciding cash investment in a foreign country with volatile
dynamic political position where a long-term projection of political stability is difficult.

9. Pay Back Period is more preferred in case of industries where te chnological obsole scence
comes within short period; say electronic industries.

10. Pay Back Period method is a good indicator of liquidity. If an entrepre neur is inte rested to
have greater liquidity for the firm, he can choose the proposal, which will provide e arly cash

11. Sometimes there are projects where the cash inflows are not uniform. In such a case
cumulative cash inflows will be calculated and by interpolation exact payback period can
be calculated.

12. The net present value method is understood to be the best available method for e valuating
the capital investment proposals.

13. The internal rate of return refers to the rate which equates the present value of cash
inflows and present value of cash outflows.

14. Profitability Index is defined as the ratio of present value of the future cash bene fits at the
required rate of return to the initial cash outflow of the investment.

15. Decision Criteria of Various Methods:

Pay Back Accept the project if the payback period calculated for it is less than the
Period maximum set by the management. Reject the project if it is otherwise.

NPV NPV > Zero : Accept the project

NPV < Zero : Reject the project
NPV = Zero : Firm is indifferent to accept or reject the project.

IRR If Internal Rate of Return i.e.

r > k (cut off rate) Accept the investment proposal
r < k Reject the investment proposal
r = k Indifferent

PI If PI > 1 Accept the Project, PI = 1 indifferent, PI < 1 Reject the project.

16. If a choice must be made, the Net Present Value Method generally is considered to be
superior theoretically because:
(i) It is simple to operate as compared to internal rate of return method;
(ii) It does not suffer from the limitations of multiple rates;
(iii) The reinvestment assumption of the Net Present Value Method is more realistic than
internal rate of return method.

17. The firm may put a limit to the maximum amount that can be invested during a given pe riod
of time, such as a year. Such a firm is then said to be resorting to capital rationing.

18. Types of Capital Rationing:

(i) Hard or External
(ii) Soft or Internal

19. Higher value of standard deviation indicates higher variabi lity and vice versa. Higher
variability means higher risk.

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20. According to the degree of standard deviation or co-efficient of variation, the inve stment
proposals shall be termed as highly risky or less risky investments. Less risky proje cts shall
be afforded highest priority in investment or capital budgeting decisions.

21. Sensitivity analysis is used in Capital budgeting for more precisely measuring the risk.

22. Decision tree technique is another method which many corporate units use to evaluate risky
proposals. A decision tree shows the sequential outcome of a risky decision. A capital
budgeting decision tree shows the cash flows and net present value of the proj ect under
differing possible circumstances.

23. If an event is certain to occur, the probability of its occurrence is one but if an event is
certain not to occur, the probability of its occurrence is zero. Thus, probability of all e ve nts
to occur lies between zero and one.

24. Capital Rationing helps the firm to select the combination of investment projects that will be
within the specified limits of investments to be made during a given period of time and at the
same time provide greatest profitability.

25. Cash inflows for a project should be estimated on an after-tax basis.

26. The rate of return below which no investment should ordinarily be accepted is known as the
cut off rate or the hurdle rate.

27. The cut off rate may be established by any of the following methods:
1. By the method of intuition;
2. By the historical rate of return;
3. By the weighted average cost of capital;
4. By the cost of funds to be used to finance a given project.

28. Capital rationing may be effected through budget ceiling.

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1. Capital Structure of a firm is a reflection of the overall investment and financing strategy of
the firm.

2. Kinds of Capital Structure:

(i) Horizontal Capital Structure
a. zero debt components
b. quite stable

(ii) Vertical Capital Structure

a. Vulnerable to Hostile Takeovers
b. Unstable
c. Small Amount of ESC

(iii) Pyramid Shaped Capital Structure

a. Large proportion of ESC & Retained Earnings
b. Indicative of risk averse conservative firms

(iv) Inverted Pyramid Capital Structure

a. Highly vulnerable to collapse
b. Small proportion of ESC, reasonable level of Retained Earnings & Ever increasing

3. In simple terms, financial structure consists of all assets, all liabilities and the capital.
Capital structure is the sum total of all long term sources of capital and thus is a part of the
financial structure. Difference between Financial Structure & Capital Structure is
Current Liabilities.

4. An optimal capital structure is the best debt to equity ratio for a firm that maximises its
value. The optimal capital structure for a company is one that offers a balance be tween the
ideal debt to equity range and minimises the firm’s cost of capital.

5. There are basically four approaches to capital structure decision:

1. Net Income Approach: Net income approach provides that the cost of debt capital, Kd and
the cost of equity capital Ke remains unchanged when the degree of leverage, varies.

2. Net Operating Income Approach: Net Operating Income approach states that cost of the
capital for the whole firm remains constant, irrespective of the leverage employed in the firm.

3. Traditional Approach: Traditional Approach to capital structure advocates that there is a

right combination of equity and debt in capital structure, at which market value of the firms
is maximum.

4. Modigliani Miller (MM) Approach: Modigliani and Miller have restated the ne t ope rating
income position in terms of three basic propositions:
Proposition I – The total value of a firm is equal to its expected operating income divide d by
the discount rate appropriate to its risk class.
Proposition II – The expected yield on equity, Ke is equal to Ko plus a premium.
Proposition III – The cut off rate for investment decision making for a firm in a given risk
class is not affected by the manner in which the investment is financed.

6. In the financial point of view, leverage refers to furnish the ability to use fixed cost assets or
funds to increase the return to its shareholders.

7. The leverage associated with investment activities is called as operating leverage. Operating
leverage may be defined as the company’s ability to use fixed operating costs to magnify the

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effects of changes in sales on its earnings before interest and taxes. Operating leverage
consists of two important costs viz., fixed cost and variable cost.

8. Operating leverage can be determined with the help of a break even analysis.

9. The degree of operating leverage may be defined as percentage change in the operating
income (EBIT) resulting from a percentage change in the sales.

10. A leverage activity with financing activities is called financial leverage. Financial leverage
represents the relationship between the company’s earnings before interest and taxe s (EBIT)
or operating profit and the earning available to equity shareholders.

11. Financial leverage may be favourable or unfavourable depends upon the use of fixe d cost
funds. Favourable financial leverage occurs when the company earns more on the assets
purchased with the funds, then the fixed cost of their use. Hence, it is also called as positive
financial leverage. Unfavourable financial leverage occurs when the company does not e arn
as much as the funds cost. Hence, it is also called as negative financial leverage.

12. Degree of financial leverage may be defined as the percentage change in taxable profit as a
result of percentage change in earnings before interest and tax (EBIT).

13. Financial BEP is the level of EBIT which covers all fixed financing costs of the company. It is
the level of EBIT at which EPS is zero.

14. Combined leverage expresses the relationship between the revenue in the account of sale s
and the taxable income.

Operating Leverage is associated with Financial Leverage is associated with financing
investment activities of the company activities of the company
Operating leverage consists of fixed operating Financial leverage consists of operating profit of
expenses of the company the company
It represents the ability to use fixed operating It represents the relationship between EBIT &
cost EPS
A percentage change in profits resulting from A percentage change in taxable profit re sulting
a percentage change in the sales is called as from a percentage change in EBIT is called as
degree of operating leverage Degree of Financial leverage
Trading on equity is not possible while the Trading on equity is possible only when the
company is in operating leverage company users financial leverage
Operating leverage depends upon fixed cost Financial leverage depends upon the ope rating
and variable cost profits
Tax Rate and interest rate will not affe ct the Financial leverage will change due to tax rate
operating leverage and interest rate

16. While designing a capital structure, following points need to be kept in view:
 Design should be functional
 Design should be flexible
 Design should be conforming statutory guidelines

17. An optimal capital structure is the best debt to equity ratio for a firm that maximise s its

18. EBITDA, an acronym for “earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization,” is
an often-used measure of the value of a business.

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1. Sources of Long Term Finance

2. Commercial banks usually provide short-term finance to business firms in the form of loans
and advances, cash credit, overdraft etc

3. Foreign Sources usually take the form of (1) external borrowings; (2) fore ign inve stments
and; (3) deposits from NRIs.

4. The cost of capital is the required rate of return that a firm must achieve in orde r to cove r
the cost of generating funds in the marketplace.

5. If a firm fails to earn return at the expected rate, the market value of the shares will fall and
it will result in the reduction of overall wealth of the shareholders.

6. There are four main factors which mainly determine the cost of Capital of a firm. The y are
General Economic Conditions, Market Conditions, Operating & Financing Decisions, Amount
of Financing

7. As the financing requirements of the firm become larger, the weighted cost of capital
increases for several reasons. (Risk goes on increasing)

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8. Controllable Factors affecting Cost of Capital:
(i) Capital Structure Policy (Financing)
(ii) Dividend Policy
(iii) Investment Policy

9. Uncontrollable Factors affecting Cost of Capital:

(i) Level of Interest Rates
(ii) Tax Rates

10. Cost of Debt refers to the cost of long term debentures/bond. Short term debts are ignored
in calculating the cost of debt assuming that either short term debt plays insignificant part in
determining the cost of debt or that the interest on short term debt is balanced by interest on
short term receivables

11. Cost of Debt is calculated after tax because interest payments are tax deductible for the

12. Dividends are paid out of profits after taxes so the cost of preference shareholder is afte r tax
only. Their dividends are not allowed as an expense for the purpose of taxation.

13. The measurement of cost of capital of equity share capital is the most typical and
conceptually a difficult exercise. The reason being there is no coupon rate in case of e quity
shares. it is often said that equity shares have no cost of capital as such. But the same is not

14. The return which equity share holders get is of two kinds:
– Periodic Payments in the form of dividends. This is an explicit return.
– The capital appreciation which they might get by selling the shares at the increase in the
market value of the shares. This return is an implicit return.

15. CAPM is a popular approach to estimate the cost of equity.

16. Methods of Calculating Cost of Equity are CAPM, Bond Yield plus Risk Premium, Dividend
Growth Approach, Earnings Price Ratio Approach.

17. The firm is not required to pay dividends on retained earnings, so it may be argue d that the
retained earnings have no cost as such. But this is not true. The cost of retained earnings
are often taken as equal to the cost of equity.

18. Marginal Cost of Capital can be defined as the cost of additional capital introdu ced in the
capital structure since we have assumed that the capital structure can vary according to
changing requirements of the firm.

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1. Project finance is the financing of long-term infrastructure, industrial proje cts and public
services, like toll bridges, highways, pipelines, power plants, oil fields etc.

2. Project finance is done through debt or equity or mix of them.

3. The risk in project determines the amount of loan or equity. Greater risk of project will have
greater equity component.

4. Cash flow from the project is primarily used for repayment of loan.

5. Project planning defines the project activities and end products that will be pe rforme d and
describes how the activities will be accomplished.

6. A project plan is a formal, approved document that is used to manage and control a project.

7. Lending policy and appraisal norms by banks are decided by the Reserve Bank of India.

8. Bank Lending principles include: safety, liquidity, profitability, and risk diversion.

9. Based on the general principles of lending, the Lending Policy Committee (LPC) of
individual banks prepares the basic Lending policy of the Bank, which has to be approve d by
the Bank’s Board of Directors.

10. Term loan is a long term secured debt extended by banks or financial institutions to the
corporate sector for carrying out their long term projects maturing be tween 5 to 10 Years
which is normally repaid in monthly or quarterly equal instalment.

11. A lease represents a contractual arrangement whereby the lessor grants the lessee the right
to use an asset in return for periodic lease rental payments. The re are tw o broad types of
lease: finance lease and operating lease.

12. A finance lease transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incident to ownership to the
lessee. The lessee is responsible for maintenance, insurance, and taxes. During the initial lease
period, referred to as the ‘ primary lease period’ . Which is usually three years or five years or eight
years, the lease cannot be cancelled.

13. An operating lease can be defined as any lease other than a finance lease. The lease te rm is
significantly less than the economic life of the equipment. The le ssor usually provide s the
operating know-how and the related services and undertakes the responsibility of insuring
and maintaining the equipment. Such an operating lease is called a ‘wet lease’. An operating
lease where the lessee bears the costs of insuring and maintaining the le ased e quipme nt is
called a ‘dry lease’.

14. Most leases in India are finance leases not operating leases. Lease tenors up to eight years is
available. Lease of immovable assets is not possible by banks.

15. Hire Purchase is a loan or contract that involves an initial deposit, linked to a specific
purchase, which is a way of obtaining the use of an asset before payment is completed. When
the hirer pays the last instalment, the title of the asset is transferred from the hiree to the

16. Venture capital is invested in exchange for an equity stake in the business. As a
shareholder, the venture capitalists return is dependent on the growth and profitability of the
business. This return is generally earned when the venture capitalist “e xits” by se lling its

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shareholding when the business is sold to another owner. Venture capitalist prefers to inve st
in “entrepreneurial businesses”.

17. Venture capital firms usually look to retain their investment for be tween three and seven
years or more.

18. Private equity is essentially a way to invest in some assets that isn’t publicly trade d, or to
invest in a publicly traded asset with the intention of taking it private. Unlike stocks, mutual
funds, and bonds, private equity funds usually invest in more illiquid assets, i.e. companies.

19. Types of Private Equity are Leveraged Buyout, Venture Capital & Growth Capital.

20. Most private equity funds are structured as limited partnerships and are gove rne d by the
terms set forth in the limited partnership agreement or LPA.

21. Machinery suppliers in India or overseas where machinery is propose d to be importe d may
agree to accept payment in a scheduled manner in instalments in the period ahead of
delivery. This is known as deferred payment arrangement with the machinery suppliers.

22. In international financial market, the availability of foreign currency is assured unde r four
main systems: (a) Euro currency market; (b) Export credit facilities; (c) Bond issue s; and (d)
Financial institutions.

23. Swap is the international finance market instrument for managing funds. The basic conce pt
involved in swaps is matching of difference between spot exchange rate for a curre ncy and
the forward rate. The swap rate is the cost of exchanging one currency into another for a
specified period of time. The swap will represent an increase in the value of the forward
exchange rate (premium of a decrease discount). There are three main types of sw aps (a)
interest swap; (b) currency swap; (c) combination of both.

24. Presently, units in SEZs enjoy 100 percent income tax exemptions on export income for the
first five years, 50 percent for the next five years thereafter, and 50 percent of the plowe d
back export profit for another five years.

25. Businesses setting up, under taking, or manufacturing units anywhere in the notified
regions of the northeast and Himalayan states of India are eligible for special tax
benefits.The notified regions include northeastern states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam,
Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, and Tripura and Himalayan states of
Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand. A deduction of 100 pe rce nt of
business profits for a period of 10 years is permitted for companies manufacturing,
producing goods, providing eligible services, or undergoing substantial expansion between
July 1, 2017, and March 31, 2027.

26. An eligible startup under the National Startup Policy is a company that holds an eligible
business certificate from the inter-ministerial board of certification under the Department of
Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).The company must be incorporated on or after April 1,
2016, but before April 1, 2021. Additionally, the total turnover of such a company must not
exceed Rs 250 million (US$3.87 million) in any of the previous years beginning on or afte r
April 1, 2016, and ending on March 31, 2022.

27. For newly set-up Indian companies, the government has announced a discounted CIT rate
of 25 percent – plus applicable surcharge and education cess – with effect from FY 2016-17.
The company is registered and set up on or after March 1, 2016;

28. In Social Cost-Benefit Analysis, a project is analyzed from the point of view of the bene fit it
will generate for the society as a whole.

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29. Loan syndication involves obtaining commitment for term loans from the financial
institutions and banks to finance the project. Basically it refers to the se rvices re ndered by
merchant bankers in arranging and procuring credit from financial institutions, banks and
other lending and investment organization or financing the client project cost or working
capital requirements.

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1. Dividend policy determines what portion of earnings will be paid out to stock holders and
what portion will be retained in the business to finance long-term growth.

2. Both dividend and growth are desirable but are confli cting goals to each other. Higher
dividend means less retained earnings and vice versa.

3. There are basically four types of dividend policy.

(i) Regular dividend policy: in this type of dividend policy the investors ge t divide nd at
usual rate.

(ii) Stable dividend policy:

a. Constant dividend per share: In this case, reserve fund is created to pay fixed amount of
dividend in the year when the earning of the company is not enough. It is suitable for the
firms having stable earning.

b. Constant pay-out ratio: the payment of fixed percentage of earning is paid as divide nd
every year.

c. Stable rupee dividend + extra dividend: there is payment of low dividend per share
constantly + extra dividend in the year when the company e arns high profit. The e xtra
dividend may be considered as a “bonus” paid to the shareholders as a re sult of usually
good year for the firm. This additional amount of dividend may be paid in the form of cash
or bonus shares, subject to the firm’s liquidity position.

(iii) Irregular dividend

(iv) No dividend

4. In the company/organisation, dividend policy is determined by the Board of directors

having taken into consideration a number of factors which include legal restrictions impose d
by the Government to safeguard the interests of various partie s or the constit uents of the

5. Types or Forms of Dividends:

(i) Cash Dividend: Cash dividends are common and popular type followed by majority of
the business concerns.

(ii) Stock Dividend: Stock dividend is paid in the form of the company stock due to
raising of more finance. Stock dividend may be bonus issue.

(iii) Bond Dividend: Bond dividend is also known as script dividend. If the company doe s
not have sufficient funds to pay cash dividend, the company promises to pay the
shareholder at a future specific date with the help of issue of bond or notes.

(iv) Property Dividend: An alternative to cash or stock dividend, a property divide nd can
either include shares of a subsidiary company or physical assets such as inve ntories
that the company holds. The dividend is recorded at the market value of the asset
provided. It will be distributed under exceptional circumstances. This type of
dividend is not prevalent in India.

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6. Theories of Dividend on Relationship between Dividend Policy & Stock Prices:


The basic premise underlying the formulation is that prices reflect the present value of
expected dividend in the long run. The model operates on the objective of maximising
common stockholders wealth.

Walter’s model is based on the following assumptions:

1. The firm finances all investment through retained earnings; that is de bt or ne w e quity is
not issued;
2. The firm’s internal rate of return (r), and its cost of equity capital (ke) are constant;
3. All earnings are either distributed as dividend or reinvested internally immediately.
4. Beginning earnings and dividends never change. The values of the earnings per share (E),
and the divided per share (D) may be changed in the model to determine results, but any
given values of E and D are assumed to remain constant forever in determining a given value.
5. The firm has a very long or infinite life.

According to the theory, the optimum dividend policy depends on the relationship be twe en
the firm’s internal rate of return and cost of capital. If r > ke, the firm should retain the entire
earnings, whereas it should distribute the earnings to the shareholders in case the r <ke. The
rationale of r > ke is that the firm is able to produce more return than the shareholders from
the retained earnings.

 The firms having r > ke may be referred to as growth firms. optimum payout ratio for
growth firm is 0%.
 If r is equal to k, the firm is known as normal firm. dividend policy will not have any
influence on the price per share. All the payout ratios are optimum.
 If the company earns a return which is less than what shareholders can e arn on the ir
investments, it is known as declining firm. Optimum payout ratio for a de clining firm is

2. GORDON’S MODEL (Also Known as dividend capitalization model or dividend growth

Another theory, which contends that dividends are relevant, is the Gordon’s model. This
model which opines that dividend policy of a firm affects its value of the share and firm is
based on the following assumptions:
(a) The firm is an all equity firm (no debt).
(b) There is no outside financing and all investments are financed e xclusive ly by re tained
(c) Internal rate of return (r) of the firm remains constant.
(d) Cost of capital (k) of the firm also remains same regardless of the change in the risk
complexion of the firm.
(e) The firm derives its earnings in perpetuity.
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(f) The retention ratio (b) once decided upon is constant. Thus the growth rate of frim (g) is
also constant (g=br).
(g) ke>g.
(h) Corporate Taxes do not exist.
(i) Retention ratio is always less than 1 , i.e. b < 1

Optimum Payout Ratio as given by Gordon’s model is same as given for Walter’s.


According to the theory the value of a firm depends solely on its earnings power resulting
from the investment policy and not influenced by the manner in which its earnings are split
between dividends and retained earnings.

Following are the assumptions under M-M hypothesis:

1. Capital markets are perfect- Investors are rational, information is fre ely available,
transaction cost are
nil, securities are divisible and no investor can influence the market price of the share.
2. There are no taxes- No difference between tax rates on dividends and capital gains.
3. The firm has a fixed investment policy which will not change. So if the re tained e arnings
are reinvested,
there will not be any change in the risk of the firm. So k remains same.
4. Floatation cost does not exist.

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1. The capital which is required to finance current assets is called w orking capital. It is the
capital of a business which is used to carry out day-to-day business operations of a firm.

2. Gross W orking Capital is the total of all current assets. Net working capital is the
difference between current assets and current liabilities.

3. Working Capital =Current assets –Current Liabilities

4. Management of working capital is an essential task of the finance manager.

5. Importance of Adequate W orking Capital: neither too large nor too small for its
requirements. A large amount of working capital would mean that the company has idle
funds. Since funds have a cost, the company has to pay huge amount as interest on such
funds. If the firm has inadequate working capital, such firm runs the risk of insolvency.
Paucity of working capital may lead to a situation where the firm may not be able to me e t its

6. Optimum W orking Capital: It is understood that a current ratio of 2 (two) for a

manufacturing firm implies that the firm has an optimum amount of working capital. This is
supplemented by Acid Test Ratio (Quick assets/Current liabilities) which should be at least 1
(one). Thus, it is considered that there is a comfortable liquidity position if liquid current
assets are equal to current liabilities. Both excessive as well as inadequate working capital
positions are dangerous.

7. Types of Working Capital:

Initial Working required at the time of the commencement of business, include the
Capital incorporation fees, attorney’s fees, office expenses and othe r pre liminary

Regular Working remains invested in the enterprise for the successful ope ration, includes
Capital purchasing raw material and supplies, payment of wages, salaries and
other sundry expenses.

Fluctuating needed to meet the seasonal requirements of the business. also called
Working Capital variable working capital

Reserve Margin amount utilized at the time of contingencies such as inflation, depression,
Working Capital slump, flood, fire, earthquakes, strike, lay off and unavoidable competition

Permanent & To carry on a business, a certain minimum level of working capital is

Temporary necessary on a continuous and uninterrupted basis. For all practical
Working Capital purposes, this requirement has to be met permanently as with other fixe d
assets. This requirement is referred to as permanent or fixed working

Any amount over and above the permanent level of working capital is
temporary, fluctuating or variable working capital.

Long Term & the amount of funds needed to keep a company running in order to satisfy
Short Term demand at lowest point. Therefore the value, which re presents the long -
Working Capital term working capital, stays with the business process all the time. It is for
all practical purpose known as permanent fixed assets.

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Short-term capital varies directly with the level of activity achieved by a

Gross & Net Gross working capital refers to the firm’s investment in current assets.
Working Capital
Net working capital refers to the difference between current asset and
Current liabilities.

8. Working capital policy is a function of two decisions, first, investment in working capital and
the second is financing of the investment.

9. Based on the organisational policy and risk-return trade off, working capital investment
decisions are categorised into three approaches i.e. aggressive, conservative and moderate.
Aggressive: Investment in WC kept at minimum
Conservative: High Investment in WC
Moderate: Between Aggressive & Conservative

A conservative policy implies greater liquidity and lower risk whereas an aggressive
policy indicates higher risk and poor liquidity.

10. Operating cycle is one of the most reliable methods of Computation of Working Capital.
Operating Cycle = R + W + F + D – C

11. The more of the funds of a business are invested in working capital, le sser is the re turn in
term of profitability and less amount is available for investing in long-te rm assets such as
plant and machinery, etc.

12. Negative W orking capital is a situation in which current liabilities of the company are
higher than current assets. Generally negative working capital is a sign that the company
may be facing bankruptcy or a serious financial trouble.

13. A successful strategy for inventory management has at its core the obje ctive of holding the
optimum level of inventory at the lowest cost. The cost of holding inventory has the following
three elements: Carrying Cost, Ordering Cost, Stock Out Cost.

14. As John Maynard Keynes put, these are three possible motives for holding cash, such as
transaction motive, precautionary motives and speculative motive.

15. There are various technical tools used in inventory management such as ABC analysis,
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and inventory turnover analysis.

16. ABC analysis is based on paid to those item which account for a larger value of
consumption rather than the quantity of consumption.

17. Factoring is a type of financial service which involves an outright sale of the receivable s of a
firm to a financial institution called the factor which specializes in the management of trade
credit. The Bank/Financial institution purchasing the receivable is known as factor.

18. Factoring may be with or without recourse. ‘With a recourse’ means that in the event of bad
debts factor (Bank) can approach the ‘supplier’.

19. Forfaiting is a form of financing of receivables pertaining to international trade. It de notes

the purchase of trade bills/ promissory notes by a bank/financial institution without
recourse to the seller. All risks and collection problems are fully the responsibility of the
purchaser (forfeiter) who pays cash to seller after discounting the bills/notes.

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20. In Forfaiting, The promissory notes/bills are guaranteed by a bank which may not
necessarily be the importer’s bank. The guarantee by the bank is referred to as an Aval,
defined as an endorsement by a bank guaranteeing payment by the importer.

21. By cash management, we mean the management of cash in: Currency form, bank balance s
and Readily marketable securities.

22. Cash management model of W illiam J. Baumal assumes that the concerned company ke e ps
all its cash on interest yielding deposits from which it withdraws as and when re quired. The
amount of money is withdrawn from deposits in such a way that the cost of withdrawal is
optimally balanced with those of interest foregone by holding cash. The model is almost same
as economic stock order quantity model.

23. The optimum ordering quantity, i.e., the quantity for which the cost of holding plus the cost
of purchasing is the minimum is known as Economic ordering Quantity. At EOQ, Total
Inventory Management Cost is Minimum. Also At EOQ, Total Ordering Cost is equal to Total
Carrying Cost.

24. ABC system is based on the assumption that in view of the scarcity of manage rial time and
efforts, more attention should be paid to those items which account for a larger chunk of the
value of consumption rather than the quantity of consumption.

25. Control of bad-debts is an important part of controlling the working capital or the current
assets of the company. Credit policy should be followed which may not lead to bad-debts and
expedite collections. Periodical checks should be maintained by classifying debtors as
outstandings from 0-30 days, 30-60 days, 60-90 days and 90 and over. Amount due for 60
days or more should be followed seriously and collected.

26. Cash is considered to be the most liquid of current assets.

YEAR 1968 1974 April 1979 1982 April 1985 1997

TOPIC Control the Control Gap between independent review the working free the banks
tendency of the sanctioned review of the of monetary system from rigidities of
over-financing tendency cash credit Credit in India the Tandon
and the of over- limit and its Authorisation Committee
diversion of financing utilisation Scheme recommendations
the banks and the (CAS) in the area of
funds diversion Working Capital
of the Finance and
banks considering the
funds on-going
liberalizations in
the financial sector

RE Present as Three (1) CAS is not to Government should Regular interface

COMMEN well as future methods emphasised be looked take initiative to with the borrower
DATIONS cash credit for MPBF: need for upon as a include a penal to have a better
accounts I: (CA – reducing the mere interest payment understanding
should be CL) *75% dependence regulatory clause in purchase
distinguished of large and measure contracts with Periodical
as between II: (CA * medium scale which is suppliers for obtaining of
the ‘hard core’ 75%) – CL units on confined to delayed payments affidavits from the
and the bank finance large beyond a pre- borrowers,
‘short-term III: [(CA – for working borrowers specified period. declaring
components’. CCA)*75%] capital; highlights of their
– CL The basic assets, liabilities
Hard Core (2) to purpose of The credit limits to and operating
represents the bifurcate supplant the CAS is to be sanctioned to a performance
256 | P a g e CA. AMIT TALDA NOTES | | CMA & FMSM | Enquiry: 7249869322
minimum the cash cash credit ensure borrower should be
level of credit into system by orderly credit segregated under Periodical
current assets a loan loans and management three different exchange of
to be account bills wherever and improve heads - Cash credit- information to
maintained and possible; and quality of I - to cover the pick-up the alarm
and should be demand bank lending supplies to Govt. signals at the
financed cash credit (3) To follow so that all Cash credit II - to earliest.
through term instead of simplified borrowings, cover special
loan. treating information whether large circumstances and Establishing, a
the entire system but or small, are contingencies “Credit
Short term credit limit with penalties in conformity Normal working Information
component as cash when such with the capital limit - to Bureau” to provide
would credit for a information is policies and cover the balance of updated
represent year not priorities laid the credit facilities. information of
requirement forthcoming down by the existing/new
of temporary borrower within the Central borrowers before
funds. to submit specified Banking taking a credit
quarterly limit. Authority decision
in the It was also
prescribed suggested
format that banks
about its should fix
operations, separate
current limits where
assets and feasible for
current peak level
liabilities and non-peak
and funds level
flow requirements
statements with periods
with where there
monthly is a
stock pronounced
statements seasonal
and trend.
balance Chore
sheets and Committee
profit and also
loss suggested
account at that the
the end of banks should
financial adopt
year henceforth
Method II of
the lending
by the

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1. Investment is the employment of funds on assets with the aim of earning income or capital
appreciation. Investment has two attributes namely time and risk.

2. A best investment decision will be one, which has the best possible compromise between
these three objectives. Security, Liquidity, Yield.

3. Speculation also involves deployment of funds but it is not backed by a conscious analysis of
pros and cons. Mostly it is a spur of the moment activity that is promoted and supporte d by
half-baked information and rumours.

4. Both gambling and betting are games of chance in which return is dependent upon a
particular event happening. Here also, there is no place for research -based activity. The
returns in gambling are high and known to the parties in advance.

5. Security analysis is the first part of investment decision process involving the valuation and
analysis of individual securities. Security Analysis is primarily concerned with the analysis of
a security with a view to determine the value of the security, so that appropriate de cisions
may be made based on such valuation as compared with the value placed on the se curity in
the market.

6. Two basic approaches of security analysis are fundamental analysis and technical

7. Fundamental analysis is a three level systematic process that analyse the ove rall e xternal
and internal environment of the company before placing a value on its shares. The three
levels at which the analysis is carried out are the following: (a) Analysis of the e conomy (b)
Industry Level Analysis (c) Company Analysis

8. If the country has an improving GDP growth rate, controlled inflation and increasing
investment activity then chances are that the valuation of securities shall be liberal. The
capital market is said to be in a bullish phase with share values s hooting up across the
board. As the economy is growing, the analyst expects almost every industry to do well.

9. On the other hand, if the GDP growth rate slackens, inflation is out of control and investment
activity is stagnant or declining, the investor or the analyst will e xpe ct the pe rformance of
industries to slow down. Under such circumstances, valuation of securities tends to be
conservative. The capital market enters a bearish phase and share value s de cline across to

10. Industry is a combination or group of units whose end products and services are similar.
Industry level analysis focuses on a particular industry rather than on the broader economy.
In this analysis, the analyst has to look for the composition of the industry, its criticality vis -
à-vis the national economy, its position along the industrial life cycle, entry and exit barriers.
All these factors have a bearing upon the performance of the company.

11. The industry life cycle or the industry growth cycle can be divided into three major
stages-pioneering stage, expansion stage and stagnation stage.

12. The pioneering stage is related to sunrise status of the industry. It is the stage when
technological development takes places. The products have been newly introduced in the
market and they gain ready acceptance. The pioneering units in the industry make
extraordinary profits and thus attract competition. As competition increases profitability in
the industry comes under strain and less efficient firms are forced out of the marke t. At the
end of the pioneering stage, selected leading companies remain in the industry.

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13. In the expansion stage of the growth cycle the demand for the products incre ases but at a
lower rate. There is less volatility in prices and production. Capital is easily availabl e in
plenty for these units. Due to retention of profits, internal accruals increase.

14. At the stagnation stage, the growth rate initially slows down, then stagnates and ultimately
turns negative. There is no product innovation. External capital is hard to come by. Even the
internal capital takes flight. This stage of the industry is most valuable during time s of slow
down in national economy.

15. The principle source of internal information about a company is its financial statements.
Many popular and widely circulated sources of information about the companies emanate
from outside, or external sources.

16. In the fundamental analysis, share prices are predicted on the basis of a three stage
analysis. It is used in conjunction with fundamental analysis and not as its substitute.

17. Technical analysis is an analysis for forecasting the direction of prices through the study of
past market data, primarily price and volume. This Technique assumes market prices of
securities are determined by the demand supply equilibrium. In this type of analysis, no
weightage is given to intangible items like investors’ attitude, market se ntiment, optimism,
pessimism etc.

18. Dow Jones Theory:

a) One of the Earliest theory of Technical Analysis
b) Formulated by Charles H. Dow of Dow Jones & Co who was the first editor of wall street
journal of USA
c) Share prices demonstrate a pattern over 4 to 5 years
d) Patterns can be divided into three distinct cyclical trends: Primary, Secondary and Minor

19. The primary trend lasts from one to three years. Primary trend is indicative of the overall
pattern of movement. If the primary trend is upward, it is called a bullish phase of the
market. If the primary trend is downwards, it is called a bearish phase. In Dow theory, a
primary trend is the main direction in which the market is moving.

20. In a bullish phase, after each peak, there is a fall but the subsequent rise is higher than the
previous one. The prices reach higher level with each rise. After the peak has be e n re ached,
the primary trend now turns to a bearish phase. In a bearish phase, the overall trend is that
of decline in share values. After each fall, there is slight rise but the subseque nt fall is e ve n

21. Conversely, a secondary trend moves in the opposite direction of the primary trend, or as a
correction to the primary trend. For example, an upward primary trend will be compose d of
secondary downward trends. In general, a secondary, or intermediate, tre nd typically lasts
between three weeks and three months.

22. The minor trend is defined as a market movement lasting less than three weeks. Minor
trends are changes occurring every day within a narrow range. These trends are not decisive
of any major movement. The minor trend is generally the corrective moves within a
secondary move, or those moves that go against the direction of the secondary trend.

23. Technical analysts use two major types of tools for their analysis. These are the charts and
the price indicators.

24. There are four ways to construct a chart. These are Line Chart, Bar Chart, Candle Stick
Chart and Point & Figure Chart.

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Line Chart o Most Basic Form of Chart
o Created by connecting a series of data points together with a line.
o represents only the closing prices over a set period
o useful for making broad analysis ove r a longer period of time.

Bar Chart o Bar charts expand upon the line chart by adding the open, high, low, and
close – or the daily price range
o horizontal dash on each side that represents the open and closing prices
o The opening price is the horizontal dash on the left side of the horizontal
line and the closing price is located on the right side of the line.
o If the opening price is lower than the closing price, the line is often shade d
black to represent a rising period. The opposite is true for a falli ng pe riod,
which is represented by a red shade

Candle Stick o Like a bar chart, candlestick charts have a thin vertical line showing the
Chart price range for a given period that is shaded different colors based on
whether the stock ended higher or lower.
o Falling periods will typically have a red or black candlestick body, while
rising periods will have a white or clear candlestick body.
o Days where the open and closing prices are the same will not have any
wide body or rectangle at all.

Point & Figure o Emphasis is laid on charting price changes only and time and volume
Chart elements are ignored.
o The first step in drawing a figure and point chart is to put a X in the
appropriate price column of a graph.
o Successive price increases are added vertically upwards in the same
column as long as the uptrend continues.
o Once the price drops, the figures are moved to another column and Os are
entered in downward series till the downward trend is reversed.

25. A support level indicates the bottom which the share values are unable to pierce. At this
level, the share gets buying support.

26. A resistance level is that level after which the share price refuses to move up in re pe ated
efforts. At this level, selling emerges.

27. Double Top Formation represents a bearish development, signalling that the price is
expected to fall.

28. Double Bottom Formation represents a bullish development, signalling that the price is
expected to rise.

29. Some of the important indicators in Technical Analysis are the Advance Decline Ratio, the
Market Breadth Index and Moving Averages.

30. Advance Decline Ratio is the ratio of the number of stocks that incre ase to the numbe r of
stocks that have declined. If the ratio is more than one, the trend is assumed to be bullish. If
the ratio starts declining, a change of trend is signalled.

31. Market Breadth Index is computed by taking the difference between the numbe r of stocks
rising and the number of stocks falling.

32. A moving average is the average of share values of a set of consecutive number of days. If we
have to calculate 50 days moving average, we calculate the average for days 1–50. Moving
averages provide a benchmark for future valuation.
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33. According to Random W alk theory, share prices will rise and fall on the whims and fancies
of manipulative individuals. As such, the movement in share values is absolutely random and
there is no need to study the trends and movements prior to making inve stment de cisions.
No sure prediction can be made for further movement or trend of share price s base d on the
given prices as at a particular moment. The Random Walk Theory is inconsistent with
technical analysis.

34. Efficient Market Hypothesis accords supremacy to market forces. A marke t is tre ate d as
efficient when all known information is immediately discounted by all investors and reflected
in share prices. In such a situation, the only price changes that occur are those resulting
from new information. Since new information is generated on a random basis, the
subsequent price changes also happen on a random basis.

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1. A portfolio refers to a collection of investments such as stocks, shares, mutual funds, bonds,
cash and so on. Portfolio Management refers to the selection of securities and their
continuous shifting in the Portfolio for optimizing the return for a given level of risk and
maximizing the wealth of an investor.

2. Portfolio theory was originally proposed by Harry Markowitz in 1950s. Harry Markowitz was
the first person to show quantitatively why and how diversification reduces risk. Dr. Harry M.
Markowitz is credited with developing the first modern portfolio analysis model.

3. Objectives of Portfolio Management:

a) Reduce Risk
b) Safety of Principal
c) Stability of Income
d) Capital Growth
e) Marketability/ Liquidity
f) Tax Savings

4. Portfolio analysis is conducted with two objective viz. minimizing the risk and maximizing
the returns.

5. The Expected Return on a Portfolio is computed as the weighted average of the expected
returns on the stocks which comprise the Portfolio. The weights reflect the proportion of the
Portfolio invested in the stocks.

6. The risk involved in individual securities can be measured by standard deviation or


7. Total Risk = Systematic Risk + Unsystematic Risk

Systematic Risk: It represents that portion of Total Risk which is attributable to factors that
affect the market as a whole. Beta is a measure of Systematic Risk.

Unsystematic Risk: It is the residual risk or balancing figure, i.e. Total Risk Less Systematic

8. Generally, Standard Deviation of a specified security or portfolio is considered to be the

Total Risk associated with that security or portfolio.

9. Covariance is an absolute measure of co-movement between two variables, i.e. the e xtent to
which they are generally above their means or below their means at the same time.

10. If the rates of return of two securities move together, we say their interactive risk or
covariance is positive. If rates of return are independent, covariance is zero. Inverse
movement results in covariance that is negative.

11. Covariance and correlation are conceptually analogous in the sense that both of them re flect
the degree of Co-movements between two variables. The coefficient of correlation is a measure
designed to indicate the similarity or dissimilarity in the behavior of two variables. The
coefficient of correlation is, essentially, the covariance taken not as an absolute value but
relative to the standard deviations of the individual securities (variables).

12. If the coefficient of correlation between two securities is -1.0, then a perfect negative
correlation exists (rxy cannot be less than -1.0). If the correlation coe fficient is zero, the n
returns are said to be independent of one another. If the returns on two securities are
perfectly correlated, the correlation coefficient will be +1.0, and perfect positive correlation is

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said to exist (rxy cannot exceed +1.0). Thus, correlation between two securities depends upon
(1) the covariance between the two securities, and (2) the standard deviation of each security.

13. Markowitz’s efficient diversification involves combining securities with le ss than positive
correlation in order to reduce risk in the portfolio without sacrificing any of the portfolio’s
return. In general, the lower the correlation of securities in the portfolio, the le ss risky the
portfolio will be.

14. A portfolio is efficient when it yields highest return for a particular level of risk or minimizes
risk for a specified level of expected return.

15. It is possible to develop a fairly simply decision rule for selecting an optimal portfolio for an
investor that can take both risk and return into account. This is called a risk-adjusted
return. For simplicity, it can be termed the utility of the portfolio for the investor in question.
Utility is the expected return of the portfolio minus a risk penalty. This risk penalty depends on
portfolio risk and the investor’s risk tolerance.

16. Risk penalty = Risk squared/Risk tolerance. Risk squared is the variance of re turn of the
portfolio. Risk tolerance is a number from zero through 100.

17. Beta is a measure of the non-diversifiable or systematic risk of an asset relative to that of the
market portfolio. A beta of 1 indicates an asset of average risk. If beta is more than 1, the n
the stock is riskier than the market. On the other hand, if beta is le ss than one , marke t is

18. A beta of +1.0 means that a 10% change in index value would result in a 10% change in the
same direction in the security value. A beta of 0.5 means that a 10% change in inde x value
would result in 5% change in the security value. A beta of – 1.0 me ans that the re turns on
the security are inversely related.

19. Capital market line (CML) is the tangent line drawn from the point of the risk-free asset to
the feasible region for risky assets. Capital market line reflects the expected return of a
portfolio consisting of all possible proportions between the market portfolio and a ris k-free


Risk Considered Capital market line uses standard Security Market Line uses Beta or
deviation i.e total risk across the X Systematic Risk across the X axis.
Nature of Portfolios It uses only efficient portofolios i.e Security Market Line uses both
the one which is perfect efficient & non Efficient Portfolios.
replication of the Market Portfolio
in terms of Risk & Rewards.
Combination Every point on the Capital Marke t It graphs all portfolios and securities
Line is a proportional combination which lie on and off the Capital
between Risk free rate of return Market Line
and market return

21. The first ratio to measure risk-adjusted return was the Sharpe Ratio introduced by W illiam
F. Sharpe in 1966. The ratio's credibility was boosted further when Professor Sharpe won a
Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1990 for his work on the capital asse t pricing
model (CAPM).

22. The Sharpe ratio is a risk-adjusted measure of return that is often used to evaluate the
performance of a portfolio. The ratio helps to make the performance of one portfolio
comparable to that of another portfolio by making an adjustment for risk.

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23. A perfect capital market requires the following: that there are no taxes or transaction costs;
that perfect information is freely available to all investors who, as a re sult, have the same
expectations; that all investors are risk averse, rational and de sire to maximise the ir own
utility; and that there are a large number of buyers and sellers in the market.

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1. Management is the art of getting things done through people.

2. Henri Fayol is classified as ‘the founding father’ of a variety of concepts including the line
and staff organization. The French engineer Henri Fayol shelled out the first ever 14
principles of ‘classical management theory’ formally.

3. While developing fourteen principles of management, Fayol also defined the five core
functions of management which are Forecasting, Planning, Organizing, Commanding,

4. Max W eber created the bureaucratic theory, which says an organization will be most
efficient if it uses a bureaucratic structure. He believed this strategy was especially e ffective
for large operations particularly governmental organisations.

5. In sharp contrast to Weber’s bureaucratic theory of management, the human relations

theory emphasizes relationships. Elton Mayo conducted a series of expe rime nts known as
Hawthorne Experiments, which focussed on the study of behaviour of people at work. Mayo
believed that productivity increases when people feel like they are part of a team and value d
by their co-workers

6. Question=Function=Result
What is the need? Planning Objectives, Goals, Policies,
Procedures and methods
Where should action take Organizing Work Division, Work
place and who should do Assignment and work
what work? utilization
Why and how should group Directing Leadership, communication,
members perform their development and incentives
Are the actions being Controlling Reports, comparisons, costs
performed according to plan? & budgets

7. While there are slight variations in how the functions are named and the different
management theories might combine or divide certain functions into smaller parts, the
consensus points to five core functions i.e Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing &

 first and foremost managerial function
 It is a preliminary step
 Planning involves identification of tasks which are required to realize the de sired goals,
demarcation of how such tasks should be performed, chalking out who, when and whe re
such task will be performed.
 well planned is half done
 According to Koontz & O’Donell, “Planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do
and who is to do it.
 Planning bridges the gap between where we are to, where we want to go.
 Planning is on on-going and recurring function.
 Henri Fayol called the function as the most difficult to achieve as a lot of knowle dge and
 When management plans for the tasks ahead, they are looking at the situation and
detailing the probable difficulties ahead.

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 Steps in Planning: Establishment of Objectives, Establishment of Planning Premises,
Choice of Alternative courses of action, Formulation of Derivative Plans, Securing Co-
operation, Follow up of Plans.

 follows the first function of management i.e. planning
 function which brings together human, physical and financial resources of the
 Steps in Organizing: Identification of Activities, Departmentally organizing the activities,
classifying the authority, Co-ordination between authority & responsibility.
 Organising makes a clear cut picture of the working relations among employees.
 The process of organising makes a clear mention of each and every activity of every
manager and also of their extent of authority.
 W hy Organizing is Important? Benefits of Specialization, Clarity in Working
Relationship, Optimum utilization of resources, Adaptation to Change, Effective
administration, Development of Personnel, Expansion & Growth.

 According to Theo Haimann, “Staffing pertains to recruitment, selection, development
and compensation of subordinates.”
 The function aims to warrant the organization always has the right people in the right
positions and the organizational structure isn’t hindered by shortage and surplus of
 The reason staffing is included as a separate function is a crucial part of manage ment is
due to the changing nature of the workforce and the organization.
 Staffing is a continuous activity
 Staffing is a pervasive activity and is carried out by all mangers and in all types of
organisations where business activities are carried out.
 According to Koontz & O’Donell, staffing “involves manning the organisation structure
through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of personnel to fill the
roles designed on the structure”.
 Staffing consists of a number of separate functions which are Manpowe r re quirements,
Recruitment, Selection, Orientation & Placement, Training & Development, Remuneration,
Performance evaluation, Promotion & Transfer.

 Directing is a process in which the managers instruct, guide and oversee the performance
of the subordinates to achieve predetermined goals.
 Directing is said to be the heart of management process.
 Directing initiates action and is said to be consisting of human factors.
 Directing is the function of guiding, inspiring, overseeing and instructing people towards
accomplishment of organizational goals.
 Characteristics of Directing are Pervasive Function, Continuous Activity, Human factor,
Creative Ability, Executive Function, and Delicate Function.
 Directing is a bridge between the operational needs and the human re quirements of its
 Scope of Directing includes Supervision, Communication, Leadership, Motivation,
 Supervision is concerned with overseeing the subordinates at work and is done at all
levels of management. It refers to the direct and immediate guidance and control of
subordinates in the performance of their task.
 Communication is the process of telling, listening, understanding or passing information
from one person to another. A manager has always to tell the subordinates what the y are
required to do, how to do it and when to do it.

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 Leadership can be defined as the process by which a manager guides and influences the
work of his subordinates. It is concerned with influencing people for the achieve ment of
common goals.
 Motivation relates to a conscious attempt made by the executive to influence the
direction and role of individual and group behaviours. Motivation inspires the
subordinates to work with zeal, willingness and initiates to achieve enterprise goals.
 Leadership and motivation are thus the two wings of direction in the process of
 Commanding refers to setting the business going to get the desired optimum results from
the subordinates.

 Controlling consists of verifying whether everything occurs in conformities with the plans
adopted, instructions issued and principles established.
 Controlling measures the deviation of actual performance from the standard
performance, discovers the causes of such deviations and helps in taking corrective
 Controlling is an end function
 Controlling is a pervasive function
 Controlling is forward looking
 Controlling is a dynamic process
 Controlling is related with planning
 Steps involved in Controlling:
o Establishment of Standards
o Measurement of Performance
o Comparison of actual with standard performance
o Taking remedial actions

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1. Strategic Management is a discipline that deals with long-term development of an

organisation with a clear-cut vision about organisational purpose, scope of activities and

2. Strategic management is not a static but continuous process as it involves continuous

appraisal of the micro and macro environment surrounding the organization and choosing
between alternatives that meet the objectives and thereafter re -assessment of such strategy.

3. Four Phases of Strategic management process: Environmental Scanning, Strategy

Formulation, Strategy Implementation, Strategy Evaluation.

4. The organization will have to scan the internal environment for the strengths and
weaknesses and the external environment for opportunities and threats.

5. Strategy formulation is the process of deciding about the best course of action for
accomplishing organizational objectives and therefore, attaining organizational purpose.

6. Strategy implementation implies putting the chosen strategy into action. Strategy
implementation includes designing the organization’s structure, distributing resources,
developing decision making process, and managing the human resources.

7. Strategy evaluation is the final step of strategy management process. The key strategy
evaluation activities are: appraising internal and external factors that are the root of pre se nt
strategies, measuring performance, and taking remedial/corrective actions.

8. Strategic Leadership is the ability to influence others to voluntarily make de cisions that
enhance the prospects for the organisation’s long-term success while maintaining long -term
financial stability.

9. The main purpose of strategic leadership is strategic productivity.

10. Functions & Importance of a Strategic Leader:

NAVIGATOR Clearly and quickly works through the complexity of key issues, problems
and opportunities to affect actions (e.g., leverage opportunitie s and re solve

STRATEGIST Develops a long-range course of action or set of goals to align with the
organization’s vision.

ENTREPRENEUR Identifies and exploits opportunities for new products, services, and markets.

MOBILIZER Proactively builds and aligns stakeholders, capabilities, and resources for
getting things done quickly and achieving complex objectives.

TALENT Attracts, develops, and retains talent to ensure that people with the right
ADVOCATE skills and motivations to meet business needs are in the right place at the
right time.

CAPTIVATOR Builds passion and commitment toward a common goal.

GLOBAL Integrates information from all sources to develop a we ll -informed, dive rse
THINKER perspective that can be used to optimize organizational performance.

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CHANGE DRIVER Creates an environment that embraces change; makes change happen – even
if the change is radical – and helps others to accept new ideas.

ENTERPRISE Ensures shareholder value through courageous decision-making that

GUARDIAN supports enterprise – or unit-wide interests. These nine roles are important
at senior strategic levels because they help leaders understand what to do to
be strategic. They address the broader challenges leaders face as they
transition from managing more narrowly focused “silos” to taking on the
challenges of more enterprise-wide leadership.

11. The concept of Strategic planning gained prominent in strategic management in corporate
sector in the 1960s.

12. Strategic Planning Cycle:

a. Deliberating mission of the organisation
b. Developing goals based on chosen mission
c. Examining internal environment (strengths and weaknesses)
d. Examine external environment (opportunities and threats)
e. Summarize findings of SWOT analysis
f. Formulate final strategy based on SWOT Strategic

13. Benefits of Strategic Planning includes Improved results and confidence, Focus, Proble m
solving, Teamwork, Communication and Greater Control.

14. Limitations of Strategic Planning includes Costs can outweigh benefits and De ve lopme nt
of Poor Plans.

15. Porter’s Five Forces: (The tool was created by Harvard Business School professor Michael
Porter in 1979)
o Threat of New Entrants
o Bargaining power of suppliers
o Bargaining power of buyers
o Threat of Substitutes
o Rivalry among existing competitors
o Although, Porter originally introduced five forces affecting an industry, scholars have
suggested including the sixth force: complements. Complements increase the demand
of the primary product with which they are used, thus, increasing firm’s and
industry’s profit potential.

 Porter’s five forces model is an analysis tool that uses five industry forces to determine the
intensity of competition in an industry and its profitability level.

 Attractive Industry (High Profits): High Barriers to Entry, Weak Supplier bargaining
power, Weak Buyers Bargaining Power, Few Substitutes, Low Competition.

 Unattractive Industry (Low profits): Low Barriers to Entry, Strong Suppliers Bargaining
powers, Strong Buyers Bargaining Power, Intense Competition, and Many Subtitutes.

 If an industry is profitable and there are hardly any barriers to enter, competition
intensifies rapidly.

 Threat of new entrants is high when: Smaller capital is required to make an entry;
Existing companies are not influential/dominant to prevent new entrants; Existing fir ms
do not have patents, trademarks or do not strong brand value; There is no/little
government regulation; Customer switching costs are low; There is low custome r loyalty;

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Products are not being able to be differentiated; and Economies of scale can be effortlessly

 Suppliers have dominant bargaining power when: There are a small number of
suppliers but plenty of buyers; Suppliers are large in number and pose a threat to forward
integrate; There are not many substitutes of raw materials; Suppliers hold scarce/unique
resources; Cost of switching supplier is relatively high.

 Buyers exert strong bargaining power when: They buy in high volumes or control
many access points to the final customer; There are only few buyers in the market;
Switching costs to competitors are low; They threaten to backward inte grate; The re are
many close substitutes; Buyers are price sensitive.

 Rivalry among competitors is intense when: There are several competitors; Exit
barriers are high; Industry of growth is slow or negative; Products are not diffe rentiated,
Products can be easily substituted; Low customer loyalty.

 The following steps are to be followed to implement the Porter’s Model:

• Step 1. Gather the information on each of the five forces
• Step 2. Analyze the results and display them on a diagram
• Step 3. Formulate strategies based on the conclusions

 Although, Porter’s five forces is a valuable tool to analyze industry’s structure and to
formulate firm’s strategy, it has its limitations and requires supplementary analysis to be
done, such as SWOT, PEST or Value Chain analysis.

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1. Business policies are the guidelines developed by an organization to gove rn the actions of
those who are a part of it. Business Policy defines the scope within which decisions may be
taken by the subordinates in an organization. It permits the lower level management to de al
with the routine problems and issues on their own without reverting back to top management
for the purpose of decision making.

2. Features of Business Policy:

o Every policy must have a basic feature of being specific/definite.
o Policy must be unambiguous and as clear as possible in order to guide the subordinates
o Policy must be uniform and reliable enough to be efficiently followed by the
o Policy should be appropriate to the represent the organizational goals
o A policy should be simple and easily understood by each and every person in the
o In order to have a wide scope, a policy must be comprehensive
o Policy should be flexible in application
o Policy should be stable so as to avoid the scope of any indecisiveness and uncertainty in
minds of those who look into it for guidance

3. Vision vs. Mission

Mission Vision
About A Mission statement talks about A Vision statement outlines WHERE you
HOW you will get to where you want to be. Communicates both the
want to be. Defines the purpose purpose and values of your business.
and primary objectives related to
your customer needs and team

Answer It answers the question, “What do It answers the question, “Where do we

we do? What makes us different?” aim to be?”

Time A mission statement talks about A vision statement talks about your
the present leading to its future future

Function It lists the broad goals for which It lists where you see yourself some
the organization is formed. Its years from now. It inspires you to give
prime function is internal; to your best. It shapes your understanding
define the key measure or of why you are working here.
measures of the organization’s
success and its prime audience is
the leadership, team and

Change Your mission statement may As your organization evolves, you might
change, but it should still tie back feel tempted to change your vision.
to your core values, customer However, mission or vision statements
needs and vision explain your organization’s foundation,
so change should be kept to a minimum

Developing a What do we do today? For whom Where do we want to be going forward?

Statement do we do it? What is the benefit? When do we want to reach that stage?
In other words, Why we do what How do we want to do it?
we do? What, For Whom and

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Features of Purpose and values of the Clarity and lack of ambiguity:

Effective organization: Who are the Describing a bright future (hope);
Statement organization’s primary “clients” Memorable and engaging expression;
(stakeholders)? What are the realistic aspirations, achievable;
responsibilities of the organization alignment with organizational values
towards the clients? and culture.

4. Strategic Levels of the Organisation:

CORPORATE “What Business(es) should we invest in?”
STRATEGY  Created by Top Level Management
 Long Term Strategy
 essence of strategic planning process
 determines the growth objective
 highlights the pattern of business moves
 defines how the firm will remain sustainable in the long run.
 occupies the highest level of strategic decision making
 covers actions dealing with the objective of the firm, acquisition and
allocation of resources and coordination of strategies of various SBUs for
optimal performance.
 the more the aptness in the degree of the corporate le ve l strategy, the
higher will be the chances of firm’s success in the market
 Corporate strategy is not the sum total of business strategies of the
 uses extroverted approach, which links the business with its
 Strategies includes Expansion, Stability and Retrenchment.

BUSINESS “What Competitive methods do we invest in to achieve competitive

STRATEGY advantage?”

 Created by Middle Level Management

 Short Term Strategy
 applicable in those organizations, which have different busine sses -and
each business is treated as Strategic Business Unit (SBU).
 where SBU concept is applied, each SBU sets its own strategies to make
the best use of its resources (its strategic advantages) given the
environment it faces.
 operate within the overall strategies of the organization
 has an introverted approach, i.e. it is concerned with the internal
working of the organization
 Strategies includes Cost Leadership, Focus & Differentiation

FUNCTIONAL “What financial, marketing, operations and other strategies will be

STRATEGY important to implement business strategy?”

 relates to a single functional operation and the activities involved

 Decisions at this level within the organization are often described as

5. Finance Strategy is concerned with taking these three key financial decisions : Inve stment
Decisions, Finance Decision & Dividend Decisions.

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6. the Strategic Marketing answers three ‘W’s:
i) Which markets to compete in
ii) What is the basis of the firm’s competitive, and
iii) When to compete

7. Strategic Gap is the difference between where a firm is currently situated where it should be
situated for sustainable, long-term growth.

8. Market Position & Strategy:

Market  one who controls significant market share
Leader  The goal of a market leader is to reinforce their prominent position through the
use of branding to develop and maintain their corporate image and to re strict
the competitors brand.
 may adopt unconventional or unexpected approaches to building growth

Market  holds the next highest market share in the industry

Challenger  market posture is generally offensive
 They will compete ‘neck to neck’ with the market leader in an effort to grab their
market share
 Their overall strategy is to gain market share through product, packaging and
service innovations; new market

Market  Followers are generally content by taking a backseat and follow the policy of
Follower wait and watch
 adopt a “me-too” approach

Market  occupies a small niche in the market in order to avoid ‘neck to neck’
Niche competition
 objective is to build strong ties with the existing customer base and develop
strong loyalty with them.
 Tactically, nichers are likely to improve the product or service offering, le verage
cross-selling opportunities, offer value for money and build relationships
through superior after sales service, service quality and other related value
adding activities.

9. Entry Strategies:
 known for innovative product development
 first-mover advantage

Close Followers:
 If there is a profit potential in the innovation introduced by marker pioneer, many businesses
would step in offering the same product. Such people are more commonly known as Close
 seen as challengers to the Market Pioneers and the Late Followers

Late Entrants:
 follow after the Close Followers
 advantages such as ability to learn from their early competitors and improving the benefits or
reducing the total costs
 have a cost advantage

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Logistics strategy is defined as “the set of guiding principles, driving force s and ingrained
attitudes that help to coordinate goals, plans and policies between partners across a give n
supply chain.”

When a company creates a logistics strategy it is defining the service levels at which its
logistics organization is at its most cost effective.

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1. A situational analysis takes into account the internal and external environment of an
entity or organization and clearly identifies its own capabilities, customers, potential
customers, competitors and the business environment and the impact they are going to have
on the entity or organization.

2. A situation analysis should be conducted at the beginning of any program or project but
before developing a strategy.

3. Elements of Situational Analysis includes Product Situation, Competitive Situation,

Distribution Situation, Environment Situation & Opportunity and Issue Analysis.

4. SWOT is a tool for strategic analysis of any organization, which takes into account both
examination of the company’s internal as well as of its external environment.

5. The origin of the SWOT analysis is supposed to be rooted in the concept of ‘Force Field
Analysis’ pronounced by K. Levin in 1950s.


o Weihrich developed TOWS Matrix in 1982, as the next step of SWOT Analysis in
developing alternative strategies.
o SWOT Analysis starts with an internal analysis, the TOWS Matrix takes the othe r route,
with an external environment analysis; the threats and opportunities are examined first.
o Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors and opportunities and threats are external
o four potential strategies

7. PERT & CPM:

 Project Management is a systematic way of planning, scheduling, executing, monitoring,
controlling the different aspects of the project, in order to attain the goal made at the time
of project formulation
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 PERT and CPM two complementary statistical techniques utilized in Project management
 PERT was first developed by the United States Navy in the 1950s to support the U.S.
Navy’s Polaris nuclear submarine project, PERT is commonly used in conjunction with the
critical path method (CPM).
 The critical path method (CPM) is a project modelling technique develope d in the late
1950s by Morgan R. Walker of DuPont and James E. Kelley Jr.
 CPM determines the activities that are “critical” or on the longest path and having
“total float” (i.e., can be delayed without making the project longer).

8. The tool to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a company is a Product Portfolio
Analysis. The Product Portfolio Analysis was proposed in 1973 by Peter Drucker as a way
to classify current and expected profitability.

9. Drucker classified the offerings of a particular company into seven categories i.e . Today`s
Breadwinners, Tomorrow`s Breadwinners, Yesterday`s Breadwinners, Developments,
Sleepers, Investments in Managerial Ego, and Failures. He classified products in the first
three categories, “Today`s Breadwinners,” “Tomorrow`s Breadwinners,” and “Yesterday`s
Breadwinners,” as strengths of the company while those in the last two categories,
“Investments in Managerial Ego” and “Failures,” as weaknesses.


 The BCG Matrix was developed by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and is used for
the evaluation of the organization’s product portfolio in marketing and sales planning.
 BCG analysis is mainly used for Multi-Category/ Multi Product companies.
 Following are the steps involved in BCG:
• Step 1. Choose the unit
• Step 2. Define the market
• Step 3. Calculate relative market share
• Step 4. Find out market growth rate
• Step 5. Draw the circles on a matrix

CASH COW High Market Share Cash cows are the most stable product/service line for
Low Growth any business and hence the strategy includes retention
(HARVEST) of the market share for such category. As the market
growth rate is low and acquisition is less and custome r
retention is higher. Thus, customer satisfaction
programs, loyalty programs and other such promotional
methods form the core of the marketing plan for a cash
cow product.
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STARS High Market Share All types of marketing, sales promotion and adve rtising
High Growth strategies are used for Stars. Similarly in Stars, because
(HOLD) of the high competition and rising market share, the
concentration and investment needs to be high in
marketing activities so as to increase and retain market

QUESTION Low Market Share As they are new entry products with high growth rate ,
MARKS High Growth the growth rate needs to be capitalized in such a
manner that question marks turn into high market
(BUILD) share products. New Customer acquisition strategies are
the best strategies for converting Question marks to
Stars or Cash cows. Furthermore, time to time market
research also helps in determining consumer psychology
for the product as well as the possible future of the
product and a hard decision might have to be taken if
the product goes into negative profitability.

DOGS Low Market Share Depending on the amount of cash which is already
Low Growth invested in this quadrant, the company can either divest
(DIVEST) the product altogether or it can revamp the product
through rebranding / innovation / adding features e tc.
However, moving a dog towards a star or a cash cow is
very difficult. It can be moved only to the question mark
region where again the future of the product is
unknown. Thus in cases of Dog products, divestment
strategy is used.



 It first appeared in the Harvard Business Review in 1957 and was created by strategist
Igor Ansoff to help management teams to focus on the options for business growth.
 Four Growth Options of The Ansoff Growth Matrix
Market current  The emphasis is on escalating market share by
penetration products and making some rigorous marketing promotions, or by
strategy current creating more customer value.
markets  business as usual but on steroids

Product new products  To replace present product profile with new and better
development and current products
strategy markets  To provide products which complement the main
product sold by the business
 To provide “one stop shop” by adding new products to
value chain to strengthen or leverage the relationship
and to provide added convenience

Market current  Opening up previously excluded market segments

development products and through pricing policies
strategy new markets  New marketing and distribution channels
 Entering new geographic markets by moving from
local to regional to national and finally international.

Diversification new products  There are three levels of diversification:

and new • Diversification into related markets
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markets • Diversification into unrelated markets using existing
resources and capabilities
• Diversification into unrelated markets

 Diversification is the most risky growth strategy in

Ansoff’s growth matrix and especially if it requires the
development of new resources and capabilities. It has
even been referred to as the “suicide cell”.


 The Arthur D. Little provides with the ADL matrix that is a portfolio management method
based on thought of product life cycle
 involves the dimensions of environmental assessment and business strength assessment.
 environmental assessment approaches to industry maturity whereas business strength
assessment leads to competitive position
 In ADL portfolio management, industry maturity is very close to the product life cycle or it
could be renamed as industry life cycle
 Industry maturity is classified in four following divisions;
o Embryonic: It involves the introduction stage by following rapid market growth, no or
little competition, high prices and investments and new technology.
o Growth: In this stage, market is strengthening as the sales increases, fe w compe titors
make an appearance and company achieves excellence in bringing up a new product.
o Mature: At maturity stage the market is completely stable with we ll e stablished base of
customers and market shares are also stable. Customers are making re pe ated orde rs,
but, with a lot of competitors, the company has to make efforts in differentiating their
product from competitors.
o Aging: The last stage of the market in which market volume shrinks as the demand
declines, snatching market shares from the competitors becomes difficult, the n company
requires innovating or modifying the product or to make an exit.


o strategy tool for a multi business corporation
o used in brand marketing and product management that assists a company to decide
about the products to be added to its portfolio and opportunities to be prioritized in the
market for investment
o conceptually similar to BCG analysis
o One dimension comprises industry attractiveness measures; the other comprises of
internal business strength measures.
o Keeping this in mind, the BCG matrix and its improved version GE-McKinsey matrix was
o The nine-box matrix plots the Business U nits on 9 cells that indicate whether the company
should invest in a product, harvest/divest it or do a further research on the product and
invest in it if there’re still some resources left.

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 There exist four grand strategic alternatives: Stability; Internal growth; External
acquisitive growth; Retrenchment.
 The stability strategy involves the maintenance of the current business definition by
safeguarding the existing interests and strengths. Instead of a “do nothing” strate gy, it is a
“do nothing new” strategy.
 An internal growth strategy involves re-defining of business definition by substantially
scaling the level of operations through internal development and not taking help of other
corporations or businesses. Market penetration, market development and product
development are emphasised to develop new products, enter new markets and embracing
new technology.
 External Growth Strategy include acquisitions, mergers (one business lose s its ide ntity),
consolidations (both businesses lose their identity, and a new business arises) and joint
 Retrenchment strategy has three dimensions: (i) improvement in pe rformance by scaling
down the level and/or scope of product/market objectives; (ii) cut back in costs; and (iii)
reduction of the scale of operations through the divestment of some units or divisions.
 Internal retrenchment is, labelled as an operating turnaround strategy where the emphasis
is on reducing costs, increasing revenues, reducing assets, and reorganising products and/or
markets to achieve greater efficiency.
 External retrenchment constitutes a more serious form of strategic turnaround, including
such measures as divestiture and liquidation


 In 1985, in his book “Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance”
Michael Porter pronounced the three generic strategies namely “Cost Leadership” (no frills),
“Differentiation” (creating uniquely desirable products and services) and “Focus” (offe ring a
specialized service in a niche market).
 Thereafter, he then subdivided the ‘Focus’ strategy into two parts: “Cost Focus” and
“Differentiation Focus.”
 Cost Leadership strategy also involves the firm winning market share by appealing to cost-
conscious or price-sensitive customers. This is achieved by having the lowest prices in the
target market segment, or at least the lowest price to value ratio.
 A differentiation strategy is appropriate where the target customer segment is not price-
sensitive, the market is competitive or saturated, customers have very specific ne eds which
are possibly under-served, and the firm has unique resources and capabilities which e nable
it to satisfy these needs in ways that are difficult to copy. Differentiation is deemed to be

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successful when a company is able to fetch a premium price for its products or services, has
increased revenue per unit, or is able to retain loyalty of its customers.
 The focus strategy is also known as ‘niche’ strategy. Such a strategy is often used by small
firms/companies. such companies may either use a ‘cost focus’ or a ‘differentiation focus’.
While cost focus makes the firm the lowest cost producer in such niche or segment,
differentiation focus creates competitive advantage through differentiation within the niche or


 While the policy makers and the managers on the top are concerned with the external
environment, the middle level and lower level management are more concerned with the
internal environment.
 Business Environment consists of Internal & External Environment.
 External Environment:
o consists of all those factors that affect a business enterprise from outside its boundaries
o consists of shareholders, legal, competitors, customers, society, gove rnment rules and
regulations, policies and technology etc
o These are uncontrollable factors and firms have to adapt to the components of this
o can be sub-divided into micro environment and macro environment
o The micro environment consists of factors in the company’s immediate environment
namely suppliers, Customers, Marketing Intermediaries, Competitors, public.
o External Macro Environment Factors includes Economic Environment, Political – Le gal
Environment, Technological Environment, Global Environment, Socio-Cultural
Environment, Demographic Environment, Natural Environment, Ecological Environment.
o The demographic environment includes the gender ratio, size and growth of population,
life expectancy of the people, rural-urban distribution of population, the technological
skills and educational levels, language skills of labour force .

 Internal Environment:
o factors in internal environment of business are to a certain extent controllable
o Various Internal Factors are Value System, Mission & Objectives.

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1. Strategy implementation is a process through which a strategy is put into action.

2. Strategy formulation is largely an intellectual process whereas strategy imple mentation is

more operational in character.

3. Strategy formulation requires good conceptual, integrative and analytical skills but strategy
implementation requires special skills in motivating and managing others.

4. Strategy formulation occurs primarily at the corporate level of an organization while

strategy implementation permeates all hierarchy levels.

5. There are two types of linkages between strategy formulation and implementation i.e.
forward linkage and backward linkage

6. Forward linkage is concerned with the influence of the formulation on implementation.

Strategy formulation has forward linkage with implementation in the sense that total
implementation activities are geared according to strategy chosen for implementation. Thus,
implementation is dependent upon formulation.

7. Strategy formulation has backward linkage with implementation as organization te nds to

adopt those strategies which can be implemented with the help of existing structure of
resources joined with some additional efforts.

8. McKinsey developed the 7-S framework management model which organize seven factors
(Namely Strategy, Structure, Systems, Style, Skills, Staff & Shared Values) to organize a
company in an holistic and effective way with the objective to diagnose the causes of
organization problem and formulate program for improvement due to the imple me nt ation of
the strategy which are associated with change in the organization. Strategy, Structure &
Systems are known as Hard “S” & Style, Skills, Staff & Shared Values are known as Soft “S”.

Strategy • actions the organization plans or undertakes in response to or in anticipation of

external environment
• includes purposes, missions, objectives, goals and major action plans and
• targets at gaining competitive advantage over rivals

Structure • is a basic framework to designate responsibilities and functi ons

• prescribes the formal relationship among various positions and activities

Systems • signifies all the rules and regulations, procedures both formal and informal that
complement the organizational structure
• Change in a strategy is implemented through changes in the system.

Style • Style stands for the patterns of behaviour and managerial style of top
management over a period of time
• The style has to change with the change in strategy, system and structure

Skills • the term ‘staff’ refers to the way organizations introduce young recruits into the
main streams of their activities and the manner in which they manage their
careers as the new entrants develop into future managers.

Staff • means organization and individual capabilities

• ability or proficiency in performing a particular task
• Skills are developed over a period of time
• Skills are the dominant capabilities and competencies possessed by the
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organization through its people

Shared • Super ordinate goals stands for company’s mission, vision, values, philosophy in
Values the backdrop of which organizational goals and objectives are set and strategies
(Super are formulated.

• Activation of strategies requires the performance of the following activities:
(i) Institutionalization of strategy (involves two elements: Strategy Communication & Strategy
(ii) Formulation of Action Plans and Programs
(iii) Translating General Objectives into Specific Objectives
(iv) Resource Mobilization and Allocation

• Problems which are encountered in the process of resource allocation are Power Play,
Commitments of Past & Resistance to changes.


• involves the designing of organizational structure and interlinking various de partments and
units of the organization created as a result of the organizational structure.
• Organizational structure is a pattern in which the various parts of the organization are
interrelated or interconnected.
• It involves how the organization will be divided and assigned among various positions,
groups, departments, divisions etc., and the coordination necessary to accomplish
organizational objectives.
• There are two aspects of organization design i.e.: (i) differentiation; and (ii) integration


• There are four forms of Organization Structures namely Functional Structure, Divisional
Structure, Matrix Structure & Free Form Structure.
• Functional Structure:
o The functional structure is based on specialization of functions.
o The structure is suitable to firms operating single or related business.
o Functional structure is generally suitable for stable environments
o Advantages: economies of scale and specialization which increases operational e fficiency
and organization efficiency, economic flexibility and greater motivation to the people
having attached to their area of speciality.
o Limitations: Lack of Responsibility, Complex Activity, Lack of responsiveness & Line and
Staff Conflicts.
• Divisional Structure:
o the activities are grouped according to the types of products manufactured or different
market territories
o organizational units so structured are treated as autonomous segments of the business
o Each division becomes a self-contained block, that each division has a separate set-off
functional departments.
o The two traditional bases of Departmentalization are product and territory
o In territorial divisionalisation, regional offices are established as separate units.
o In multi-product or multi geographical area companies, divisions are created in the form
of various strategic business units (SBUs). The fundamental concept of strategic busine ss
unit is to identify the independent product/market segments served by an organization.
o Divisional structure is more appropriate for dynamic environments
o Advantages: Strict Financial Control, Management by Exception, Enhancement of Morale ,
Care for Strategic Task, High Efficiency Level.
o Limitations: Costly, Competition between Divisions, Co-ordination Problem, Change of
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• Matrix Structure:
o each project and product becomes strategic
o two dimensional structure which emanates from two dimensions authority i.e. pure project
structure and functional structure
o Authority flows vertically within functional department while authority of project manage r
flows horizontally crossing the vertical lines.
o under this structure, people have to report to two bosses, one being the functional head of
the department in which they are working and other being the le ader or co-ordinator of
the project on which they are working.
o Advantages: Direct Relations, Quality Decision, Participative management.
o Disadvantages: Conflicts & Confusions, Delayed Decisions, High degree of Integration.
• Free Form of Organization:
o based on the premise that the organization is an open system and basic task of the
manager is to facilitate the change in the organization
o Free form organization is a rapidly changing, adaptive, temporary system organized
around problems to be solved by groups of relative strangers with diverse professional
o This form of organization is suitable for those industries which have to work in highly
dynamic environments.


• Procedural implementation level concerned with completion of all statutory and other
formalities which have been prescribed by the Government both at Central and State.
• The major procedural requirements involved in the strategy imple mentation proce ss are
Licensing Requirements (IDRA 1951), FEMA Requirements, Foreign Collaboration
Procedures, Capital Issue Requirements, Import & Export Requirements.


• The strategy implementation process is also influenced by the behaviour and attitude of the
strategist along with organizational factors such as corporate culture, corporate values,
ethics and organization sense of social responsibility.
• Some of the issues which are relevant for behavioural implementation of strategy:
o Leadership: Leadership is basically the ability to persuade others to achie ve the de fined
objectives willingly and enthusiastically. Strategist’s leadership role in strategy
implementation is as important as his role of architect of strategy. Leadership style s are
the pattern of behaviour which a leader adopts in influencing the behaviour of his
subordinates in the organizational context.
o Organizational Culture: It is defined as a set of assumptions, beliefs, values and norms
which are shared by people and groups in the organization and control the way they
interact with each other and with stakeholder outside the organization. Two types of
elements decides the Culture (i) Abstract Elements (Internally Oriented like Values, belief)
& (ii) Material Elements (External Factors like building, products)
o Values & Ethics: Business ethics generates from: (a) value forming institutions; (b)
organizational values and goals; (c) colleagues; and (d) professional code of conduct


• The implementation of strategy also requires development of functional policies which
provide the direction to middle management on how to make the optimal use of allocated
resources. They guide the middle level executives in framing operational plans and tactics to
make strategy implementable.


• Strategic control involves the monitoring and evaluation of plans, activities, and results
with a view towards future action, providing a warning signal through diagnosis of data, and
triggering appropriate intervention, be they tactical adjustments or strategic re-orientation.
• Strategic management is basically divided into two distinct part i.e. strategic evaluation
and strategic control.
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• An effective strategic control process should ensure that a n organization is setting out to
achieve the right things, and that the methods being used to achieve these things are
• Role of Strategic Control: When strategic control is undertaking properly, it contributes to the
following specific areas i.e Measurement of Organizational Progress, Feedback for Future
Actions & Linking Performance and Rewards.
• Major Organizational Systems:
o Information System: Management information and control systems are closely
interrelated; the information system is designed on the basis of control system.
o Planning System: planning and control system are closely interlinked there should be
proper integration of the two. This integration can be achieved by developing
consistency of strategic objectives and performance measures.
o Development System: Development system is concerned with developing pe rsonnel to
perform better in their existing position and likely future positions that they are
expected to occupy.
o Appraisal System: Performance appraisal system involves systematic evaluation of the
individual with regard to his performance and his potential for development.
o Motivation System: Since the basic objective of the control is to ensure that
organizational objectives are achieved, motivation plays crucial role in the control
• Control Process consists of following steps: Setting Performance Standards, Measuring
Actual Performance, and Comparison of Actual with Standards, Analysing Variance and
Corrective Action.
• Strategic Control Techniques:
o Sometimes the strategy formulated may not work effectively as devised by the strategists. In
order to overcome this situation the following strategic control techniques are followed.
o Premise Control: Premises include assumptions or forecast of the future and known
conditions that effect the operations of a strategy. Premises are usually conce rned with
environmental and industry factors. Premise control is designed to check syste matically
whether the assumptions set during strategy formulation and implementation process are
still valid.
o Strategic Momentum Control: suitable for organizations working in a re lative ly stable
environment. The major assumptions made at the time of strategic formulation remain
valid for quite long time. There may be change in the environmental factors but such
change is gradual and on predicted lines. There are three approaches for strategic
momentum control: Responsibility Control Centres, Underlying Success Factors and
Generic Strategies.
o Strategic Leap Control: Strategic leap control enables the organizations ope rating in a
relatively unstable and turbulent environment. The following te chniques are ge nerally
used for exercising strategic leap control namely strategic issue management, Strategic
Field Analysis and Systems Modelling.
o Implementation Control: This is designed to assess whether the overall strategy should
be changed in the light of unfolding events and the results associated with incremental
steps and actions to implement the overall strategy. In designing implementation control,
the following two aspects are taken in to consideration namely Monitoring Strategic
Thrusts and Milestone Review.
o Strategic Surveillance: This is a non-focused control and is designed to monitor a broad
range of events inside and outside the organization which are likely to threaten the course
of strategy.
o Special Alert Control: This measure is undertaken to assess the impact of any major
environmental events such as technological invention, regional disturbance between
countries affecting the business, strategic actions taken by a country or countries together
in controlling some critical issues.


• used as a strategic planning and a management technique
• widely used to align the organization’s performance to its vision and objectives
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• improves the communication and feedback process between the employees and management
• used as a tool to monitor performance of the organizational objectives
• The balanced scorecard is divided into four main areas namely financial perspective,
Customer Perspective, Business Process Perspective, and Learning & Growth Perspective.
• Need of balance scorecard:
o Increases the focus on the business strategy and its outcomes.
o Leads to improvised organizational performance through measurements.
o Align the workforce to meet the organization’s strategy on a day-to-day basis.
o Targeting the key determinants or drivers of future performance.
o Improves the level of communication in relation to the organization’s strategy and
o Helps to prioritize projects according to the timeframe and other priority factors


 Strategic change management is the process of delivering the strategy of an organisation
in a controlled, efficient and effective manner.
 It is basically the process of governing a portfolio of programmes, projects and initiatives
within the context of a wider strategy for the organisation.
 The term change refers to an alteration in a system whether physical, biological or social.
 There are three kinds of strategic changes that most of the companies pursue: (i) Re -
engineering (ii) Restructuring; and (iii) Innovation.
 Business process re-engineering is the redesign of the business processes and the
associated systems and organizational structures to achieve a dramatic improvement in
business performance. Business process re -engineering is the examination and change of the
business components such as: strategy, processes, technology, organization culture etc
 Restructuring may be: (i) reducing the level of differentiation and i nte gration by re ducing
divisions, departments or hierarchy levels; (ii) by reducing the number of employe es to bring
the operating cost. Restructuring and downsizing becomes necessary due to: Unforeseen
changes in business environment; New technological de velopme nt; Re duction in de mand;
Excess production capacity; High bureaucratic and operating costs; Impr oving the
competitive advantage.
 Innovation is the process by which organizations use their skills and resources to create new
technologies or goods and services so that they can change and better respond to the ne eds
of their customers.
 Problems of overcoming resistance to change can be managed in the following ways:
Education & communication, Participation, Obtaining Commitment, Leadership, Training &
Psychological counselling, Coercion.
 (Classic Leadership style) Lewin uncovered three key leadership styles: autocratic,
democratic, and laissez-faire.
 In more recent times(modern leadership styles), psychologist Daniel Goleman ide ntified six
key types of leadership styles namely Visionary, Coaching, Affiliative, Democratic, Pace
Setting, Commanding.

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 Also known as Business process change management or Business process redesign or
Business Transformation.
 Adopting BPR as a change management tool requires the organizations to make an
introspection about the fundamentals of the company itself i.e. ‘What they do?’, ‘Why the y
do things?’ and ‘Why do we do things the way we do it?’.
 The primary objective of BPR is to: Eliminate redundancies or futile layers in the whole
process & Eliminate enterprise costs.
 Business Process R e -Engineering (BPR) is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of
business processes aimed at achieving radical improvements in essential contemporary
measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service and speed.
 Business process reengineering became popular in the business world in the 1990s,
inspired by an article called Reengineering Work: Don’t Automate, Obliterate, an article in
Harvard Business Review which was published in the Harvard Business review by Michael
Hammer, the then professor of Computer Science at MIT.
 Companies who adopted BPR: Hallmark, Kodak.
 The following are the objectives for entities to opt for BPR:
o Boost effectiveness and produce higher quality products for end customer
o Improve efficiency in the production processes
o Cost saving in the long run
o Providing more meaningful work to employees
o To be more adaptable and flexible towards future changes.
o Enable new business growth and expansion
 four-strand typology of BPR projects which includes Core Processes, Support Processes,
Business Network Processes, Management Processes.
 BPR is commonly termed as a bi-fold challenge viz. technical and socio-cultural.
 The reasons for failure of BPR may be: Employees’ resistance against change,
Communication breakdown, Personnel turnover during transition.
 Steps for BPR:
o Define : Objectives and Framework
o Identify : Customer Needs
o Study: the Existing Process
o Formulate: a Redesigned Business Plan
o Implement: the Redesign

 Finding and implementing the best business practices.
 Benchmarking is a strategy tool of comparison
 used to compare the performance of the business processes and products of a company
with that of the best performances of other companies inside and outside the industry
which the company is a part of.
 Xerox introduced the process benchmarking technique
 Benchmarking History:
o Reverse Engineering: 1950-75
o Competitive Benchmarking: 1976-86
o Process Benchmarking: 1982-86
o Strategic benchmarking: 1988+
o Global Benchmarking: 1993+
 Three Major Types of Benchmarking:
o Strategic Benchmarking: his type of benchmarking is used to identify the best way to
compete in the market.
o Performance Benchmarking: Performance benchmarking determines how strong a
company’s products and services are when compared to competition.

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o Process Benchmarking: It requires to look at other companies that engage in similar
activities and to identify the best practices that can be applied to your own proce sse s in
order to improve them. It usually derives from performance benchmarking
 Approaches to Benchmarking:
o Internal Benchmarking: In large organizations that have operations in multiple
geographic locations within or outside national and regional boundaries, or
organsations managing plentiful products and services, duplicating functions and
processes are usually performed among different teams, business units or divisions of
the same organsation.
o External or Competitive Benchmarking: Competitive Benchmarking means comparison
with competitors within the Industry. However, External Benchmarking means
comparison with Companies both inside and outside Industry.
o Functional Benchmarking: Managers of functional departments find it useful to analyze
how well their functional area performs compared to functional areas of other
o Generic Benchmarking: General benchmarking refers to comparisons which “focus on
excellent work processes rather than on the business practices of a particular
 Advantages of Benchmarking include
o Easy to understand and use.
o If done properly, it’s a low cost activity that offers huge gains.
o Brings innovative ideas to the company.
o Provides with insight of how other companies organize their operations and processes.
o Increases the awareness of costs and level of performance compared to rivals.
o Facilitates cooperation between teams, units and divisions
 Disadvantages of Benchmarking:
o Requires identification of a benchmarking partner.
o Sometimes impossible to assign a metric to measure a process.
o Might need to hire a consultant.
o The initial costs could be huge.
o Managers often resist the changes.
 Benchmarking Wheel (5 stage process created by analysing more than 20 other models ) :
Plan>Find>Collect> Analyse>Improve


 TQM is a concept given by W. Edwards Deming.
 Original in 1950s & become popular since the early 1980s.
 Originally introduced in Japan after World War II
 The main focus of TQM was and is continuous quality improvement in the areas of product
or service, employer-employee relations and consumer-business relations
 The word “total” means the sum total of every process, every job, every resource, every
output, every person, every time and every place.
 “Quality” is “a degree of excellence”.
 The simple objective of T QM is “Do the right things, right the first time, every time.”
 Although originally applied to manufacturing operations, TQM is now becoming recognized as
a Generic Management tool and is being widely applied in a number of service and public
sector organizations all over the world.
 Some examples of the companies who have implemented TQM include Ford Motor Company,
Phillips Semiconductor, SGL Carbon, Motorola and Toyota Motor Company.
 8 Principles of TQM:
o Customer-focused
o Total Employee Involvement
o Process-centered
o Integrated System
o Strategic and Systematic Approach
o Continual Improvement
o Fact-based Decision Making
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o Communications

 Developed by Motorola in middle 1980’s, Six Sigma is based on quality management
 Six Sigma was popularized by John F. Welch Jr. of General Electric in the 1990’s.
 Six Sigma is a disciplined, statistical-based, data-driven quality control program
 Six Sigma is a Business Strategy, A Vision, A Benchmark, A Goal, A Statistical Measure (Data
Driven Methodology), A Robust Methodology.
 Six Sigma Accuracy Rate = 99.99966% (Defect Rate = 3.44 dpmo)
 How Six Sigma Works:
o Situation 1: The process already existing but it is not working “reasonably” we ll. T his
scenario focuses on use of DMAIC (which stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve
and Control)
o Situation 2: This is the situation when there is no process in existence at all and it has
to be designed using Design For Six Sigma (DFSS) approach. DFSS approach
typically requires IDOV (Identify, Design, Optimize, Validate)
 Six Sigma Training and Certification Levels:
o The Six Sigma training and certification levels are emulated from the martial arts.
o Champion: most basic form, understands the theory of Six Sigma manage ment, but
does not yet have the quantitative skills to function as an active Six Sigma project
team member.
o Yellow Belt: Who has passed the Green Belt certification examination but has not ye t
completed a Six Sigma project. A Yellow Belt should have a basic understanding of Six
Sigma, statistical tools and DMAIC methodology.
o Green Belt (WORK HORSES): individual who works on projects part-time e ither as a
team member for complex projects, or as a project leader for simpler projects. Most
managers in a mature Six Sigma organization are green belts.
o Black Belt: highest level of training in the statistical tools of Six Sigma . de ve lop the
plans for Six Sigma project implementation.
o Master Black Belt: classically trained in statistical tools, Six Sigma methodology and
management processes. Master Black Belts mentor and direct groups of Black Be lts
and Six Sigma teams through various problems that need to be reviewed.


 Gartner coined the term “enterprise resource planning” in 1990.
 ERP is preceded by Material Requirements Planning (MRP), developed by IBM engineer Joseph
Orlicky as a system for calculating the materials and components needed to manufacture a
 In 1983, management expert Oliver Wight developed an extension of MRP called MRP II.
 ERP emerged as an expansion of MRP II, extending its scope beyond manufacturing to cover
business processes such as accounting, human resources and supply chain management, all
managed from a single, centralized database.
 ERP is a modular software system designed to integrate the main functional areas of an
organization’s business processes into a unified system.
 Most important feature of ERP is common central database from which the various ERP
software modules access information.
 This means that companies using ERP are largely saved from having to make double e ntries
to update information because the system shares the data, in turn enabling greater accuracy
and collaboration between the organization’s departments.
 ERP implementation options include on premises, cloud and a mix of the two, calle d hybrid,
such as with platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
 Advantages:
o Can save money over the long run by streamlining processes.
o Provides a unified system that can lower IT-related expenses and end-user training costs.
o Enables greater visibility into myriad areas of the business, such as inve ntory, that are
critical for meeting customer needs.
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o Enables better reporting and planning due to better data.
o Offers better compliance and data security, along with improved data, backup and the
ability to control user rights.

 Disadvantages:
o Can have a high upfront cost.
o Can be difficult to implement.
o Requires change management during and after implementation.
o Basic, core ERP modules may be less sophisticated compared to targeted, stand-alone

6. INDUSTRY 4.0:
 For a manufacturing company to be considered Industry 4.0, it must include
Interoperability, Information Transparency, Technical Assistance and Decentralized
Decision Making.
 Digitization of the manufacturing sector, with embedded sensors in virtually all product
components and manufacturing equipment, ubiquitous cyber physical systems and analysis
of all relevant data.
 Digitization helps to ensure product quality and safety, as well as faste r se rvice de livery,
which goes a long way with customers.

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the field developing computers and robots capable of parsing data
contextually to provide requested information, supply analysis, or trigger events based on
 Artificial Intelligence is the term used to describe a machine’s ability to simulate human
 A common example of AI in today’s world is chatbots, specifically the “live chat” versions that
handle basic customer service requests on company websites.
 Nine Areas for developing AI Business Strategy:
o Business strategy: the first step in any AI strategy is to review your business strategy.
ask yourself questions such as: Is our business strategy still right for us? Is our
strategy still current in this world of smarter products and services? Have our
business priorities changed?
o Strategic AI Priorities: What are our top business priorities? What proble ms do we
want or need to solve? How can AI help us deliver our strategic goals?
o Short-term AI adoption priorities: Ask yourself: Are there any opportunities to
optimise processes in a quick, relatively inexpensive way? What smaller steps and
projects could help us gather information or lay the groundwork for our bigger AI
o Data Strategy: Do we have the right sort of data to achieve our AI prioritie s? Do we
have enough of that data? If we don’t have the right type or volume of data, how will
we get the data we need? Do we have to set up new data collection methods, or will we
use third-party data? Going forward, how can we begin to acquire data in a more
strategic way?
o Ethical and legal issues: you’ll need to ask yourself questions like: How can we avoid
invading people’s privacy? Are there any legal implications of using AI in this way?
What sort of consent do we need from customers/users/employees? How can we
ensure our AI is free of bias and discrimination?
o Technology issues: Consider: What technology is required to achieve our AI prioritie s
(for example, machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement le arning, e tc.)? Do we
have the right technology in place already? If not, what systems do we ne ed to put in
o Skills and capacity: For example: Where are our skills gaps? To fill those gaps, do we
need to hire new talent, train existing staff, work with an external AI provider or
acquire a new business? Do we have awareness and buy-in for AI from leadership and

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at other levels in the business? What can we do to raise awareness and promote buy -
o Implementation: This might surface questions such as: How will we deliver our AI
projects? What are the key next steps? Who is responsible for delivering e ach action?
Which actions or proje cts will need to be outsourced?
o Change management issues: Example questions include: Which employees and
teams will be impacted by this AI project? How can we communicate e ffectively with
those people about the change? How should the change process be managed? How will
AI change our company culture, and how will we manage that culture change?

 Financial technology (Fintech) is used to describe new tech that seeks to improve and
automate the delivery and use of financial services.
 Fintech now describes a variety of financial activities, such as money transfers, de positing a
check with your smartphone, bypassing a bank branch to apply for credit, raising mone y for
a business startup, or managing your investments, generally without the assistance of a
 Fintech also includes the development and use of crypto-currencies such as bitcoin.
 Some of the most active areas of fintech innovation include or revolve around the
following areas:
o Cryptocurrency and digital cash.
o Blockchain technology
o Smart contracts
o Open banking
o Insurtech
o Regtech
o Robo-advisors
o Unbanked/underbanked
o Cybersecurity
 There are four broad categories of users for fintech:1) B2B for banks, 2) their business
clients, 3) B2C for small businesses, and 4) consumers.
 Governments have established fintech sandboxes to evaluate the implications of technology
in the sector.
 The passing of General Data Protection Regulation, a framework for colle cting and using
personal data, in the EU is another attempt to limit the amount of personal data available to

 Blockchain is a series of data linked together.
 Every single transaction is linked to the chain using cryptographic principles in batche s,
making blocks.
 The blocks are connected to each other and have unique identifier codes (called hashes) that
connect them to the previous and the subsequent blocks. This forms a blockchain, usually in
the form of a continuous ledger of transactions.
 It isn’t owned by any one individual. The series is managed and stored across several
computer systems. Each ledger is shared, copied and stored on every computer connected in
the system.
 Blockchain technology has been the backbone of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
 The transparency and the security offered by the technology are some of the main reasons
why cryptocurrency has become so popular.
 Scalability, transaction speed and data protection are key technological hurdles, along with
the difficulty of integrating the technology into existing financial systems.
 The three main properties of Blockchain Technology which have helped it gain widespread
acclaim are as follows: Decentralization, Transparency & Immutability.
 In a decentralized system, the information is not store d by one single entity. hat was the
main ideology behind Bitcoins.

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 A person’s identity is hidden via complex cryptography and represented only by the ir public
address. while the person’s real identity is secure, you will still see all the transactions that
were done by their public address. It adds that extra, and much needed, level of
accountability which is required by some of these biggest institutions.
 Immutability, in the context of the blockchain, means that once something has been e ntered
into the blockchain, it cannot be tampered with. The reason why the blockchain gets this
property is that of the cryptographic hash function.

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Economic Value EVA = NOPAT – (% Cost of Capital x Capital)
Added (EVA)
Net Profit Margin NPM = Net profit after Taxes
(NPM) Sales

Return on Investment ROI = EBIT x Sales x EBIT

(Du Pont) Sales Assets Assets


Present Value of PV = Future Value
Single Cash Flow (1+i)t

Future Value of FVt = PV * (1+i)t

Single Cash Flow
Future Value of FVA = R (1+ i)t – 1
Annuity i

Present Value of PVA = R (1 + i)t – 1

i ( 1+i)t
Present Value of R
Perpetuity i

Present Value of R
Net Present Value 𝑁𝑃𝑉 = [
(1 + 𝐾) 1 +⋯ +(
1 + 𝑘) 𝑛 +
(1 + 𝑘 ) 𝑛 +
(1 + 𝑘) 𝑛 ] − [ 𝐶0 +
(1 + 𝑘) 𝑡 + ⋯+
(1 + 𝑘)𝑛

NPV = Sum of Discounted Cash Inflows – Discounted Cash


Pay Back Period 𝐼𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡

𝑃𝑎𝑦 𝐵𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 =
𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑠

Average Rate of 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑎𝑥𝑒𝑠

Return 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡

Internal Rate of 𝐼𝑅𝑅(𝑟) = 𝑟𝐿 + [

] × 𝐷𝑟
Return 𝐷𝑃𝑉

Or = 𝑟𝐻 − [ ] × 𝐷𝑟

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Profitability Index 𝑃𝑉 𝑜𝑓 𝐹𝑢𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑠
𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 =
𝐼𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
Standard Deviation
∑ 𝑓(𝑥 − −𝑥 )2
𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛√

Co-efficient of 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

𝐶𝑜 − 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = × 100
Variation 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛
Certainty α=Certain Net Cash Flows
Equivalent Uncertain Net Cash Flow
NPV = α NCFt
(1 + Kf)t

α= the risk adjustment factor or the certainty equivalent coefficient

NCFt = the forecasts of net cash flow without risk adjustment
Kf = risk- free rate of return assumed to be constant for all periods

Expected NPV ENPV = ENCFt

(1 + K)t

Where ENPV is the expected net present value, ENCFt expected net
cash flows in period t and k is the discount rate.

ENCF t = NCF * Probability


Value of Firm EBIT
Value of Firm =

Value of Equity EBIT−Interest

Value of Firm =

Total Value of Total Value of Firm = Value of Debt + Market Value of Equity
Overall Cost of D E
Capital Ko = K d × + Ke ×
(D + E) (D + E)
Modigliani Miller EBIT EBIT
Approach Vl = Vu = =
K ol K ou
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Operating Contribution
Leverage Operating Leverage =
Operating Profit (EBIT)
Financial Leverage Operating Profit (EBIT)
Financial Leverage =
Profit Before Tax
Combined Contribution EBIT Contribution
DCL = DOL × DFL = × =

Working Capital CA
Leverage Working Capital Leverage =
Cost of Debt Kd after taxes = Kd (1 – tax rate)

Cost of Preference Kp (cost of pref. share)

Shares Annual dividend of preference shares
Market price of the preference stock
Cost of Equity Ke = R f + β (R m − R f )
Weightage Average WACC = (Equity Weight * Ke ) + (Debt Weight *
Cost of Capital Kd)
Value of Equity
Equity Weight =
Total Capital Employed

Value of Debt
Debt Weight =
Total Capital Employed


Walters Model 𝑟
𝐷 + (𝐸 − 𝐷)
𝑃= 𝑘
Gordon’s Model 𝐸(1 − 𝑏)
𝑘𝑒 − 𝑏𝑟

Dividend Pay-out 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 = (

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠
) × 100
Ratio 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒

Retention Ratio 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 =

𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒−𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒

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= 1−
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒

= 1 − 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜


Working Capital Current Assets – Current Liabilities

Operating Cycle Operating Cycle = R + W + F + D – C

Period of Raw 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑎𝑤 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑎𝑤 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘 =
𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑎𝑤 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑦
Material Stock
Period of Credit 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑟 =
𝑃𝑢𝑟𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑎𝑤 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑦
Granted by
Period of 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 =
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠
Production 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑦

Period of turnover 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑑 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘 =

𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑑 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑠
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑦
of finished goods
Period of credit 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝑏𝑦 𝑐𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑠 =
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑦
taken by customers
William J. Baumal 2 × 𝑇𝑏
Model for Optimal 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎 𝐸𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝑙𝑜𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 = √
Cash Management
Economic Order 2𝐴𝑂
Quantity 𝐸𝑂𝑄 = √
Current Ratio 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 =
𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠
𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠

Acid Test Ratio 𝐴𝑐𝑖𝑑 𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 =

𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 − 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠
𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠

Inventory 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝑇𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 =

𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑑
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦
Current Asset 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑇𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 =
𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠
Turnover 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠

Receivable 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑇𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 =

Turnover 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠

Debt Equity Ratio 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡 − 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 =

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚 𝑑𝑒𝑏𝑡𝑠
𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑠


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Total Return Total return = Current return + Capital return

Holding Period Holding Period Return = Income + (End of Period Value – Initial
Value)/Initial Value
Annualized HPR = {[(Income + (End of Period Value – Initial
Value)] / Initial Value+ 1} 1 /n – 1, where n = number of years.


Return on

Rp = expected return to portfolio
Xi = proportion of total portfolio invested in security i
Ri = expected return to security i
N = total number of securities in portfolio

Covariance 1
𝐶𝑂𝑉𝑥𝑦 = ∑[𝑋𝑖 − 𝐸(𝑋)(𝑌𝑖 − 𝐸 (𝑦)]
𝑖 =1

Where the probabilities are equal and

COVxy = covariance between x and y
xi = return on security x
yi = return on security y
E(X) = expected return to security x
E(Y) = expected return to security y
n = number of observations

Co-efficient of 𝐶𝑂𝑉(𝑥𝑦)
𝐶𝑜𝑟(𝑥𝑦) = 𝑟𝑥𝑦 =
Correlation 𝜎𝑥𝜎𝑦
rxy = coefficient of correlation of x and y
COVxy = covariance between x and y
sx = standard deviation of x
sy = standard deviation of y
Portfolio Risk 𝜎𝑝 = √𝑊𝑥 2 . 𝜎𝑥 2 + 𝑊𝑦 2 . 𝜎𝑦 2 + 2𝑊𝑥 𝑊𝑦 (𝑟𝑥𝑦 𝜎𝑥 𝜎𝑦 )

sp = portfolio standard deviation
wx = percentage weightage of total portfolio value in stock X
wy = percentage weightage of total portfolio value in stock Y
sx = standard deviation of stock X
sy = standard deviation of stock Y
rxy = correlation coefficient of X and Y

Beta 𝐵𝑒𝑡𝑎 =
𝑁𝑜𝑛 − 𝑑𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑜
𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡 𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑜

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Equation of the
market line

Single Index Model 𝑅𝑙 =∝ 𝑖 + 𝛽𝑖 𝑅𝑚 + 𝑒𝑖

Where Ri = Expected return on a security
ai = Alpha Coefficient
bi = Beta Coefficient
RM = Expected Return in market (an Index)
e = Error term with a mean of zero and a constant standard

Multi Index Model = 𝛼𝑖 + 𝛽𝑚 𝛽𝑚 + 𝛽1 𝑅1 + 𝛽2 𝛽2 + 𝛽3 𝛽3 + 𝑒𝑖

The model says that the return of an individual security is a

function of four factors – the general market factor Rm and three
extra-market factors R1 , R2 , R3. The beta coefficients attached to
the four factors have the same meaning as in the single index

Simple Sharpe (𝑅𝑖 − 𝑅𝐹 )/𝛽𝑖

Ri = expected return on stock i
RF = return on a riskless asset
bi = expected change in the rate of return on stock i associated
with a 1 percent change in the market return

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299 | P a g e
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` 2,000 is deposited in a bank for 2 years at simple interest of 6%. How much will be the balance at the end of 2 years?
Note: Use simple interest rate method.
(a) ` 2,000
(b) ` 2,240
(c) ` 2,420
(d) ` 2,640

Required balance is given by
𝐹𝑉𝑛 = 𝑃𝑜 + 𝑃𝑜 (𝑖)(𝑛) = 2,000 + 2,000(0.06)(2) = 2,000 + 240 = 2,240.

YouTube Video Link :

` 2,000 is invested at annual rate of interest of 10%. What is the amount after 2 years if the compounding is done annually?
(a) ` 2,420.00
(b) ` 2,431.00
(c) ` 2,440.58
(d) ` 2,442.70

The annual compounding is given by:
𝐹𝑉 = 𝑃(1 + 𝑖) 𝑛 ,𝑛 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 2, 𝑖 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 0.1 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑃 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 2,000
2,000 (1.1) 2 = 2,000 × 1.21 = 2,420

` 2,000 is invested at annual rate of interest of 10%. What is the amount after 2 years if the compounding is done semi
(a) ` 2,420.00
(b) ` 2,431.00
(c) ` 2,440.58
(d) ` 2,442.70

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑆𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑛 = 2 × 2 = 4, 𝑖 = 0.1/2 = 0.05
𝐹𝑉4 = 2,000 (1 + 0.05) 4 = 2,000 × 1.2155 = 2,431

` 2,000 is invested at annual rate of internet of 10%. What is the amount after 2 years if the compounding is done monthly?
(a) ` 2,420.00
(b) ` 2,431.00
(c) ` 2,440.58
(d) ` 2,442.70

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑙𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑛 = 12 × 2 = 24, 𝑖 = 0.1/12 = 0.00833
𝐹𝑉24 = 2,000(1.00833) 24 = 2,000 × 1.22029 = 2,440.58
YouTube Video Link :

What will be the maturity value of a sum of ` 18,000 invested today at the rate of 5% p.a. for 10 years?
(a) ` 29,360
(b) ` 28,320
(c) ` 29,320
300 | P a g e
(d) ` 35,220

FV of Single Cash Flow
𝐹𝑉 = 𝑃𝑉(1 + 𝑖) 𝑛
= 18000(1 + 0.05)10
= 29,320/−


YouTube Video Link :

A sum of ` 50,000 is invested @ 12% p.a. for 6 years. What will be the present value of its maturity value, assuming a
required rate of return of 10%?
(a) ` 86,000
(b) ` 98,700
(c) ` 55,667
(d) ` 56,504

𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 𝑃𝑉 (1 + 𝑖) 𝑛
= 50000 (1 + 0.12) 6
= 50000 × 1.974
= 98700

𝑃𝑉 = 𝑀𝑉 × 𝑃𝑉𝐹 @ 10% 𝑓𝑜𝑟 6𝑡ℎ 𝑦𝑟

= 98700 × 0.564
= 55667/−

What is the present value of the maturity value of ` 10,000 which has been given on 15% interest for five years while
required rate of return is 10% ? (FV @ 15% after 5 years is 2.01136, FV @ 10% after 5 years is 1.61051)
(a) ` 12,488.94
(b) ` 12.494.88
(c) ` 21.494.88
(d) ` 21.488.94

𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 10,000(1 + 0.15) 2
= 20,113.6/−

𝑃𝑉 =
(1 + 0.1) 5


= 12488.94

The present value of ` 1,000 to be received after one year at the rate of 8% per annum is ` 926, if discounted half yearly, the
present value would be:
(a) ` 924.55
(b) ` 930.00
(c) ` 600.96
(d) ` 934.00


301 | P a g e
𝑟 2
(1 + )
0.08 2
(1 + )
= 0.92455

𝑃𝑉 = 1000 × 0.92455
= 924.55/−


YouTube Video Link :

……………….. is the present value of an asset, if the annual cash inflow is ` 1,000 per year for next 5 years and the
discount rate is 15%.
(a) ` 2,500
(b) ` 3,500
(c) ` 3,352
(d) ` 2,481

𝑃𝑉 𝑜𝑓 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 × 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟
= 1000 × 3.352
= 3352/−

Determine the present value of ` 700 each paid at the end of each of the next 6 years. Assume an 8% interest.
(a) ` 3,263.10
(b) ` 3,632.01
(c) ` 3,326.01
(d) ` 3,236.10

As the present value of an annuity of ` 700 has to be computed. The pre se nt value factor of an
annuity of ` 1 at 8 per cent for 6 years is 4.623. Therefore, the present value of an annuity of `
700 will be: 4.623 × ` 700 = ` 3,236.10
YouTube Video Link :

A person is required to pay four equal annual payments of ` 4,000 each in his Deposit account that pays 10 per cent interest
per year. Find out the future value of annuity at the end of 4 years.

(1+𝑖) 𝑛−1 (1+0.10) 4−1
𝐹𝑉𝐴 = 𝐴 ( ) = ` 4,000 ( ) = ` 4,000 × 4.641 = ` 18,564
𝑖 0.10

Future Value of Annuity at the end of 4 years = ` 18,564

Find the amount of an annuity if payment of ` 500 is made annually for 7 years at interest rate of 14% compounded
(a) ` 5,356.25
(b) ` 5,563.52
(c) ` 5,365.25
(d) ` 5,635.52


302 | P a g e
R = 500, n = 7, i = 0.14
𝐹𝑉𝐴 = 500 × 𝐹𝑉𝐼𝐹𝐴 (7,0.14) = 500 × 10.7304915 = 5,365.25

A person is required to pay 4 equal annual payments of ` 5,000 each in his deposit account that pays 8% interest per year.
Find out the future value of annuity at the end of 4 years.
(a) 22,535
(b) 25,553
(c) 23,355
(d) 23,255

(1 + 𝑖) 𝑛 − 1
𝐹𝑉𝐴 = 𝑅 [ ]
= 5,000 (4.507)
= 22,535

YouTube Video Link :

The effective rate of interest for a sum of money compounded quarterly is 12.55%. What is its nominal yield?
(a) 12.05%
(b) 12.25%
(c) 12.15%
(d) 12%

𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = (1 + ) 4 − 1
0.1255 = (1 + ) 4 − 1
1.1255 = (1 + ) 4
𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑒 4𝑡ℎ 𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝐵𝑜𝑡ℎ 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑠.

1.0299 = 1 +

𝑖 = (1.0299 − 1) × 4

𝑖 = 12%

Given that the effective rate of interest is 9.31% p.a., what is the nominal rate of interest p.a., if compounding is carried out
(a) 9.25%
(b) 8.5%
(c) 9%
(d) 9.20%

𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = (1 + ) 𝑛 − 1
0.0931 = (1 + ) 4 − 1

303 | P a g e
1.0931 = (1 + ) 4

𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑒 4𝑡ℎ 𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝐵𝑜𝑡ℎ 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑠.

1.0225 = 1 +

𝑖 = (1.0225 − 1) × 4

𝑖 = 9%

YouTube Video Link :

Ramu wants to retire and receive ` 3,000 a month. He wants to pass this monthly payment to future generations after his
death. He can earn an interest of 8% compounded annually. How much will he need to set aside to achieve his perpetuity
(a) ` 4,94,775
(b) ` 4,49,775
(c) ` 4,49,577
(d) ` 4,47,975

R = 3,000
i = 0.08/12 or 0.00667
Substituting these values in the above formula, we get
𝑃𝑉𝐴 = = 4,49,775
If an investment of ` 3,00,000 pays ` 25,000 p.a. in perpetuity, what is the Net Present Value, if the interest rate is 9%?
(a) ` – 22222
(b) ` + 22222
(c) ` + 24736
(d) ` + 27250

𝑃𝑉 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 = = 2,77,778/−

𝑁𝑃𝑉 = 𝐶𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 − 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤

= 2,77,778 − 3,00,000

= −22,222/−

YouTube Video Link :

ABCL Company has issued debentures of ` 50 lakhs to be repaid after 7 years. How much should the company invest in a
sinking fund earning 12 percent per annum in order to be able to repay debentures?


304 | P a g e
YouTube Video Link :

Following data in respect of two machines namely ‘A’ and ‘B’ are detailed below Depreciation has been charged on straight
line basis and estimated life of both machines is five years.
I tem Machine A Machine B
Cost 56,125 56,125
Net income after depreciation and taxes:
1st Year 3,375 11,375
2nd Year 5,375 9,375
3rd Year 7,375 7,375
4th Year 9,375 5,375
5th Year 11,375 3,375

Find the average rate of return on Machine A & B.


YouTube Video Link :

MNP Ltd. is considering purchasing of an Asset costing ` 80,000 and having a useful life of 4 years. During the first 2 years,
the net incremental after-tax cash flows are ` 25,000 per annum and for the last two years ` 20,000 per annum. What is the
Payback period for this investment?
(a) 3.2 years
(b) 3.5 years
(c) 4.0 years
(d) Cannot be determined from this information

305 | P a g e
25,000 + 25,000 + 20,000 + 20,000
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝐹𝐴𝑇 =
= 22,500

𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
𝑃𝑎𝑦 𝐵𝑎𝑐𝑘 =
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝐹𝐴𝑇


= 3.5 𝑦𝑟𝑠.


YouTube Video Link :

Firm A is considering a project A. The project involves cash outlay of ` 50,000 (t = 0), working capital outlay of ` 20,000 (t =
2), and is expected to generate Cash Flow After Tax (CFAT) of ` 12,000 per annum for 5 years excluding working capital
release back and terminal value of 20%. What would be your advice to the company using Net Present Value approach, if its
cost of capital is 10%.
(a) Accept the project.
(b) Either Accept or Reject it as NPV is zero.
(c) Reject the project.
(d) Information incomplete.

𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝐶𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 = 50000 + (20000 + 0.826%)
= 66520/−

PV of Cash Inflow

𝑃𝑉 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝐹𝐴𝑇 = 12000 × 3.791

= 45492

𝑆𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑝 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 (𝑇𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙)(5𝑡ℎ 𝑦𝑟 𝑒𝑛𝑑) = 50000 × 20% × 0.621

= 6210/−

𝑃𝑉 𝑜𝑓 𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 (5𝑡ℎ 𝑦𝑟 𝑒𝑛𝑑) = 20000 × 0.621

= 12420

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝐼 = 45492 + 6210 + 12420

= 64122

= 64122 − 66520
= −2398

𝑅𝑒𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡.

COMPUTE the net present value for a project with a net investment of ` 1,00,000 and net cash flows year one is ` 55,000; for
year two is ` 80,000 and for year three is ` 15,000. Further, the company’s cost of capital is 10%?
[PVIF @ 10% for three years are 0.909, 0.826 and 0.751]

Year Net Cash Flows PVIF @ 10% Discounted Cash Flows
0 (1,00,000) 1.000 (1,00,000)
1 55,000 0.909 49,995
306 | P a g e
2 80,000 0.826 66,080
3 15,000 0.751 11,265
Net Present Value 27,340

Recommendation: Since the net present value of the project is positive, the company should accept the


YouTube Video Link :

A company proposes to install machine involving a capital cost of ` 3,60,000. The life of the machine is 5 years and its
salvage value at the end of the life is nil. The machine will produce the net operating income after depreciation of ` 68,000
per annum. The company's tax rate is 45%.

The Net Present Value factors for 5 years are as under:

Discounting rate 14 15 16 17 18
Cumulative 3.43 3.35 3.27 3.20 3.13

You are required to CALCULATE the internal rate of return of the proposal.

Computation of Cash inflow per annum (` )
Net operating income per annum 68,000
Less: Tax @ 45% (30,600)
Profit after tax 37,400
Add: Depreciation (3,60,000/5 years) 72,000
Cash inflow 1,09,400

The IRR of the investment can be found as follows:

𝑁𝑃𝑉 = −𝑅𝑠. 3,60,000 + 𝑅𝑠. 1,09,400 ( 𝑃𝑉𝐴𝐹5 , 𝑟) = 0
𝑅𝑠. 3,60,000
𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑉𝐴𝐹5 , 𝑟 (𝐶𝑢𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 ) = = 3.29
𝑅𝑠. 1,09,400

Computation of Internal Rate of Return

Discounting Rate 15% 16%
Cumulative factor 3.35 3.27
PV of Infl ws 3,66,490 3,57,738
(` 1,09,400 × 3.35) (` 1,09,400 × 3.27)
Initial outlay (`) 3,60,000 3,60,000
NPV (`) 6,490 (2,262)

𝐼𝑅𝑅 = 15 + [ ] = 15 + 0.74 = 15.74%.
6,490 + 2,262

ABC project has the following cash inflows for 4 years as ` 34,444; ` 39,877; ` 25,000; and ` 52,800 respectively. The initial
Investment is ` 1,04,000. Find the correct statement from the following:
Present value of an annuity of rupee one on various discounting factor in 4th year is:
9% 3.2397
13% 2.9745
15% 2.8550
16% 2.7982
17% 2.7432
18% 2.6901

(a) The IRR is less than 9%.

(b) The IRR is greater than or equal to 9%, but less than 13%.
(c) The IRR is greater than 16%, but less than 18%.
(d) The IRR is greater than or equal to 17%.

307 | P a g e
NPV @ 16%:-

34,444 0.862 29,691

39,877 0.743 29,629
25,000 0.641 16,025
52,800 0.552 29,146

NPV @ 17%:-
34,444 0.855 29,450
39,877 0.731 29,150
25,000 0.624 15,600
52,800 0.534 28,195

𝑆𝑜, 𝐴𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑠 𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 16% 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 18%.

A Ltd. is evaluating a project involving an outlay of ` 10,00,000 resulting in an annual cash inflow of ` 2,50,000 for 6 years.
Assuming salvage value of the project is zero; DETERMINE the IRR of the project.

First of all we shall find an approxim ation of the payback period:
Now we shall search this figure in the PVAF table corresponding to 6-year row.
The value 4 lies between values 4.111 and 3.998 correspondingly discounting rates 12% and 13%

NPV @ 12%
𝑁𝑃𝑉12% = (10 ,00,000) + 4.111 × 2,50,000 = 27,750
𝑁𝑃𝑉13% = (10 ,00,000) + 3.998 × 2,50,000 = 500
The internal rate of return is, thus, more than 12% but less than 13%. The exact rate can be obtained by
27 ,750
𝐼𝑅𝑅 = 12% + × (13% − 12%)
27,750 − (500 )
= 12% + = 12.98%
IRR = 12.98%

CALCULATE the internal rate of return of an investment of ` 1,36,000 which yields the following cash inflows:
Year Cash Inflows (in `)
1 30,000
2 40,000
3 60,000
4 30,000
5 20,000

Let us discount cash flows by 10%.
Year Cash Inflows (` ) Discounting factor at 10% Present Value (` )
1 30,000 0.909 27,270
2 40,000 0.826 33,040
3 60,000 0.751 45,060
4 30,000 0.683 20,490
5 20,000 0.621 12,420
Total present value 1,38,280

The present value at 10% comes to ` 1,38,280, which is more than the initial investment. Therefore, a
higher discount rate is suggested, say, 12%.

308 | P a g e
Year Cash Inflows (` ) Discounting factor Present Value (` )
at 12%
1 30,000 0.893 26,790
2 40,000 0.797 31,880
3 60,000 0.712 42,720
4 30,000 0.636 19,080
5 20,000 0.567 11,340
Total present value 1,31,810

The internal rate of return is, thus, more than 10% but less than 12%. The exact rate can be obtained by
𝑅𝑠. 1,38,280 − 𝑅𝑠. 1,36,000
𝐼𝑅𝑅 = [10 + ( )] × 2
𝑅𝑠. 1,38,280 − 𝑅𝑠. 1,31,810
= 10 + ( × 2) = 10 + 0.70
= IRR = 10.70%

A company proposes to install machine involving a capital cost of ` 3,60,000. The life of the machine is 5 years and its
salvage value at the end of the life is nil. The machine will produce the net operating income after depreciation of ` 68,000
per annum. The company's tax rate is 45%.

The Net Present Value factors for 5 years are as under:

Discounting rate 14 15 16 17 18
Cumulative 3.43 3.35 3.27 3.20 3.13

You are required to CALCULATE the internal rate of return of the proposal.

Computation of Cash inflow per annum (` )
Net operating income per annum 68,000
Less: Tax @ 45% (30,600)
Profit after tax 37,400
Add: Depreciation (3,60,000/5 years) 72,000
Cash inflow 1,09,400

The IRR of the investment can be found as follows:

𝑁𝑃𝑉 = −𝑅𝑠. 3,60,000 + 𝑅𝑠. 1,09,400 ( 𝑃𝑉𝐴𝐹5 , 𝑟) = 0
𝑅𝑠. 3,60,000
𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑉𝐴𝐹5 , 𝑟 (𝐶𝑢𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 ) = = 3.29
𝑅𝑠. 1,09,400
Computation of Internal Rate of Return
Discounting Rate 15% 16%
Cumulative factor 3.35 3.27
PV of Inflows 3,66,490 3,57,738
(` 1,09,400 × 3.35) (` 1,09,400 × 3.27)
Initial outlay (`) 3,60,000 3,60,000
NPV (`) 6,490 (2,262)

𝐼𝑅𝑅 = 15 + [ ] = 15 + 0.74 = 15.74%.
6,490 + 2,262

YouTube Video Link :

Suppose we have three projects involving discounted cash outflow of ` 5,50,000, ` 75,000 and ` 1,00,20,000 respectively.
Suppose further that the sum of discounted cash inflows for these projects are ` 6,50,000, ` 95,000 and ` 1,00,30,000
respectively. CALCULATE the desirability factors/Profitability Index for the three projects.

The desirability factors for the three projects would be as follows:

309 | P a g e
𝑅𝑠. 6,50,000
1. = 1.18
𝑅𝑠. 5,50,000
𝑅𝑠. 95,000
2. = 1.27
𝑅𝑠. 75,000
𝑅𝑠. 1,00,30,000
3. = 1.001
𝑅𝑠. 1,00,20,000


YouTube Video Link :

A firm expects an NPV of ` 8,000 if the economy is exceptionally strong (30% probability), an NPV of ` 4,000 if the economy
is normal (40% probability), and an NPV of ` 2,000 if the economy is exceptionally weak (30% probability). Expected Net
present value is ……………. .
(a) 5,200
(b) 6,000
(c) 5,000
(d) 4,600

NPV Probability Expected NPV
8,000 0.3 2,400
4,000 0.4 1,600
2,000 0.3 600

A company is considering two mutually exclusive projects X and Y. Project X costs ` 3,00,000 and Project Y ` 3,60,000. You
have been given below the net present value, probability distribution for each project:
Project X Project Y
NPV Estimate Probability NPV Estimate Probability
(`) (`)
30,000 0.1 30,000 0.2
60,000 0.4 60,000 0.3
1,20,000 0.4 1,20,000 0.3
1,50,000 0.1 1,50,00O 0.2

(i)Compute the expected net present value of Projects X and Y.

(ii)Compute the risk attached to each project i.e., Standard Deviation of each probability distribution.
(iii)Which project do you consider more risky and why?

Project – X (Amount in ` )
NPV Probability Expected NPV Deviation Square of Square of
Estimates 90,000 – (1) Deviation Deviation x
(1) (2) (3) = (1) × (2) (4) (𝟓) = (𝟒) 𝟐 (6) = (5) × (2)
30,000 0.1 3,000 -60,000 36,00,000,000 36,00,00,000
60,000 0.4 24,000 -30,000 9,00,000,000 9,00,00,000
1,20,000 0.4 48,000 30,000 9,00,000,000 9,00,00,000
1,50,000 0.1 15,000 60,000 36,00,000,000 36,00,00,000
Expected 0,000 14,40,000,000
Project – Y (Amount in ` )
NPV Probability Expected NPV Deviation Square of Square of
Estimates 90,000 – (1) Deviation Deviation x
(1) (2) (3) = (1) × (2) (4) (𝟓) = (𝟒) 𝟐 (6) = (5) × (2)
30,000 0.2 6,000 -60, 00 36,00,000,000 72,00,00,000
60,000 0.3 18,000 -30,000 9,00,000,000 27,00,00,000
1,20,000 0.3 36,000 30,000 9,00,000,000 27,00,00,000

310 | P a g e
1,50,000 0.2 30,000 60,000 36,00,000,000 72,00,00,000
Expected 90,000 19,80,000,000

(i)The expected net present value of Projects X and Y is ` 90,000 each.

(𝑖𝑖) 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ∑√𝑆𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑥 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦

𝐼𝑛 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑋: 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = √14,40,000,000 = 37,947

𝐼𝑛 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑌: 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = √19,80,000,00 = 44,497

𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
(𝑖𝑖𝑖 ) 𝐶𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 =
𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒

𝐼𝑛 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑋: 𝐶𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = = 0.42

𝐼𝑛 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑌: 𝐶𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = = 0.4944 𝑜𝑟 0.50

Project Y is riskier since it has a higher coefficient of variation.

311 | P a g e
YouTube Video Link (THEORY) :
YouTube Video Link (QUESTION) :

Calculate the value of the firm MNP Ltd. according to the Net Income Approach. The company expects a net operating income
of ` 80,000. It has ` 2,00,000, 8% Debentures. The equity capitalization rate of the company is 10%. (Ignore the Income
(a) ` 8,40,000
(b) ` 8,60,000
(c) ` 8,80,000
(d) ` 8,90,000

𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑒𝑏𝑡 = 2,00,000

𝑁𝑂𝐼 − 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡
𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 =
𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒

80,000 − (2,00,000 × 8%)



= 6,40,000

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑚 = 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡 + 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦

= 2,00,000 + 6,40,000
= 8,40,000

EBIT of R Ltd. is ` 5,00,000. The company has 10%, ` 20,00,000 debentures. The equity capitalization rate i.e. 𝐾𝑒 is 16%.
Calculate market value of firm as per Net Income (NI) Approach. Ignore taxation.
(a) ` 20,00,000
(b) ` 38,75,000
(c) ` 38,57,000
(d) ` 20,75,000

Market Value Of Debt = 20,00,000
Market Value Of Equity = EBT/Ke = [5,00,000 – (20,00,000*10%)]/16% = 3,00,000/16%
= 18,75,000

Total Market Value = Market Value Of Debt + Market Value Of Equity

= 20,00,000+18,75,000
= 38,75,000


YouTube Video Link :

ABC Ltd. expects a net operating income of ` 1,00,000. It has ` 5,00,000, 6% Debentures. The overall capitalization is 10%.
Calculate cost of equity according to the Net Operating Income Approach.
(a) 14%
(b) 21%
(c) 18%
(d) 21.8%

312 | P a g e
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒
𝑂𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 =
𝑂𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒


= 10,00,000

𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 − 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑒𝑏𝑡

= 10,00,000 − 5,00,000
= 5,00,000

𝐾𝑒 =
𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 × 100

1,00,000 − (5,00,000 × 6%)

= × 100

= × 100

= 14%

A firm has EBIT of ` 50,000. Market value of debt is ` 80,000 and overall capitalization rate is 20%. Market value of equity
under NOI Approach is:
(a) ` 1,70,000
(b) ` 2,50,000
(c) ` 30,000
(d) ` 1,30,000

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑚 =


= 2,50,000

𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 − 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡

= 2,50,000 − 80,000
= 1,70,000/−

YouTube Video Link :

A company PQR Ltd. has EBIT of ` 2,00,000. Expected return on its Investment @ of 12%. What is the total value of the firm
according to Miller-Modigliani theory?
(a) ` 16,66,667
(b) ` 17,85,714
(c) ` 20,00,000
(d) ` 22,40,000

𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑚 (𝑀.𝑀. ) =
313 | P a g e

= 16,66,667

YouTube Video Link (THEORY) :
YouTube Video Link (QUESTION) :

X company has sales of ` 12,00,000, Variable Cost is 50% and fixed cost ` 2,50,000. Operating leverage of the company is:
(a) 1.33
(b) 1.67
(c) 1.71
(d) 2

Sales 12,00,000
(-) VC @ 50% 6,00,000
Contribution 6,00,000
(-) FC (2,50,000)
EBIT 3,50,000

𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 =

= 1.71 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠

YouTube Video Link :

A firm provides the following information:

Sold 2,00,000 units @ ` 30 per unit; Variable cost ` 15 per unit, fixed cost ` 10,00,000 and debt of ` 10,00,000 at 10% rate
of interest. Calculate the degree of Financial leverage.
(a) 1.5
(b) 0.66
(c) 1.053
(d) Insufficient information

Sales (2,00,000 × 30) 60,00,000
VC (2,00,000 × 15) (30,00,000)
Contribution 30,00,000
(-) FC (10,00,000)
EBIT 20,00,000
(-) Interest (10,00,000 × 10%) (1,00,000)
EBT 19,00,000

𝐹𝐿 =


314 | P a g e
= 1.053 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠

YouTube Video Link :

A firm’s details are as under :

Sales (@ 100 per unit) ` 2 ,00,000
Variable Cost 50%
Fixed Cost ` 10,00,000

It has borrowed ` 10,00,000 @ 10% p.a. and its equity share capital is ` 10,00,000 ` 100 each)

(a) Operating Leverage
(b) Financial Leverage
(c) Combined Leverage

Sales 24,00,000
Less : Variable cost 12,00,000
Contribution 12,00,000
Less : Fixed cost 10,00,000
EBIT 2,00,000
Less : Interest 1,00,000
EBT 1,00,000
Less : Tax (50%) 50,000
EAT 50,000
No. of equity shares 10,000

(𝑎) 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 = = 6 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠

(𝑏) 𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 = = 2 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠

(𝑐) 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝑂𝐿 × 𝐹𝐿 = 6 × 2 = 12 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠.


YouTube Video Link :

A firm has a Degree of Operating Leverage (DOI) of 5 and Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL) of 4. The interest burden is ` 300
Lakhs, variable cost as a % to sales is 75%, and the effective tax rate is 45%. Its fixed cost is:
(a) ` 1600 Lakhs
(b) ` 1450 Lakhs
(c) ` 1500 Lakhs
(d) ` 1700 Lakhs

𝐹𝐿 =
𝐹𝐿 =
𝐸𝐵𝐼𝑇 − 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡
𝐸𝐵𝐼𝑇 − 300

315 | P a g e
4 𝐸𝐵𝐼𝑇 − 1200 = 𝐸𝐵𝐼𝑇
3 𝐸𝐵𝐼𝑇 = 1200
𝐸𝐵𝐼𝑇 = 400

𝐹𝐿 =
𝐶 = 2000

𝐹𝐶 = 2000 − 400 = 1600

YouTube Video Link :

MNC expects its sales to increase by 10% from the current year level of ` 5 million. With a Net Profit Margin of 8% and a
payout ratio of 30%, what financing for the next year will be available from internal sources?
(a) ` 4,40,000
(b) ` 3,08,000
(c) ` 0.4 million
(d) ` 0.404 million

𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 × 𝑁𝑃% × (1 − 𝑝𝑎𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑡)
= (50,00,000 + 10%) × 8% × (1 − 0.3)
= 55,00,000 × 8% × 0.7%
= 3,08,000/−

The Capital Structure of Neel Ltd. is as under:

Equity + Reserves & Surplus 200 Lakhs
10% Preference Shares 50 Lakhs
12% Term Loans 150 Lakhs
What should be the approx. Earnings before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) so that Earnings Per Share (EPS) is 0 (Nil)? Assume Tax
Rate 35%.
(a) ` 23.00 Lakhs
(b) ` 24.75 Lakhs
(c) ` 25.69 Lakhs
(d) ` 29.30 Lakhs

Reverse W orking:
EPS =0
+ Pref. Dividend (50 × 10%) =5
PAT =5
PBT = 7.69
( )
100% − 35%
+ Interest (150 × 12%) = 18
= 25.69

ABC Limited books of accounts show profit from operation (EBDIT) at ` 500 Lakhs, it paid 12% on a debt of ` 1,000 Lakhs,
Depreciation is ` 100 Lakhs and Tax 35%. Profit after Tax will be:
(a) ` 184 Lakhs
(b) ` 182 Lakhs
(c) ` 178 Lakhs

316 | P a g e
(d) ` 180 Lakhs

EBIT = 500
(-) Depreciation = (100)
(-) Interest (1000 × 12%) = (120)
EBT = 280
(-) Tax @ 35% = (98)
PAT = 182 Lakhs

A firm’s details are as under :

Sales (@ 100 per unit) ` 24,00,000
Variable Cost 50%
Fixed Cost ` 10,00,000

It has borrowed ` 10,00,000 @ 10% p.a. and its equity share capital is ` 10,00,000 ` 100 each)

(a) Operating Leverage
(b) Financial Leverage
(c) Combined Leverage
(d) Return on Investment
(e) If the sales increases by ` 6,00,000; what will be new EBIT?

Sales 24,00,000
Less : Variable cost 12,00,000
Contribution 12,00,000
Less : Fixed cost 10,00,000
EBIT 2,00,000
Less : Interest 1,00,000
EBIT 1,00,000
Less : Tax (50%) 50,000
EAT 50,000
No. of equity shares 10,000

(𝑎) 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 = = 6 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠

(𝑏) 𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 = = 2 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠

(𝑐) 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝑂𝐿 × 𝐹𝐿 = 6 × 2 = 12 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠.

50 ,000
(𝑑 ) 𝑅. 𝑂. 𝐼 = × 100 = 5%

𝐸𝐴𝑇 − 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑓. 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑑

𝐻𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑅𝑂𝐼 𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑠 𝑅𝑂𝐸 𝑖. 𝑒. =
𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 ′ 𝑓𝑢𝑛𝑑

We can assume there is no reserves & surplus and no other funding, Then investme nt = ESC + Debt =
10,00,000+ 10,00,000 = 20,00,000
𝑅. 𝑂. 𝐼 =

2 ,00,000
𝑅. 𝑂. 𝐼 =

317 | P a g e
R. O. I = 10%

(e) Operating Leverage = 6


6× 1
∆𝐸𝐵𝐼𝑇 = = 1.5

Increase in EBIT = ` 2,00,000 × 1.5 = ` 3,00,000

New EBIT = 5,00,000

318 | P a g e
YouTube Video Link (FORMULAE) :
YouTube Video Link (QUESTION) :

A Ltd. issues ` 50,000 8% debentures at a discount of 5%. The tax rate is 50%. The cost of debt capital is:
(a) 5.42%
(b) 5.1%
(c) 4.42%
(d) 4.21%

𝐼(𝑙 − 𝑡)
𝐾𝑑 = × 100

8(1 − 0.5)
= × 100
100 − 5%

= 4.21%

Parag Ltd. issued 14% bonds of ` 100 each at 98%. Corporate tax rate is 34%. Issue expense per bond was ` 1.5. Cost of
Debt = ?
(a) 9.24%
(b) 9.38%
(c) 9.58%
(d) 9.12%

14 (1 − 0.34)
𝐾𝑑 = = 0.0958 𝑖. 𝑒. 9.58%
100 − 2 − 1.5

A Company issues ` 75,00,000 12% Debentures of ` 100 each. Debentures are redeemable after the expiry of fixed period of
7 years at par. The Company is in 35% tax bracket. Calculate the cost of debt after tax, if debentures are issued at 10%
(a) 9.72%
(b) 7.80%
(c) 9.27%
(d) 8.46%

𝑆𝑣 = 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 − 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 − 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡
= 100 − 0 − 10
= 90

100 − 90
[12 (1 − 0.35) + ( )]
𝐾𝑑 = 7
100 + 90
( )

7.8 + 1.43

𝐾𝑑 = 0.0972 𝑖. 𝑒. 9.72%

A Company issues ` 48,50,000 12% Debentures of ` 100 each. Debentures are redeemable at par after the expiry of fixed
period of 7 years. The Company is in 35% tax bracket. Calculate the cost of debt after tax, if debentures are issued at 10%
(a) 6.77%
(b) 6.07%
319 | P a g e
(c) 7.60%
(d) 6.88%

𝑆𝑣 = 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 + 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑢𝑚
= 100 + 10
= 110
100 − 110
[12 (1 − 0.35) + ( )]
𝐾𝑑 = 7
100 + 110
( )

7.8 − 1.43

𝐾𝑑 = 0.0607 𝑖. 𝑒. 6.07%

PQR Ltd. keeps a perpetual fixed amount of debenture with coupon rate of 16% in its books. Debenture sells at par (face value
` 100) in the market and company pays 40% tax. What is the cost of debenture, if sold at 10% premium in the market?
(a) 8.82%
(b) 8.72%
(c) 8.27%
(d) 9.10%

𝐼(𝑙 − 𝑡)
𝑘𝑑 = × 100

100 × 16%(1 − 0.4)

= × 100
(100 + 10%)

= × 100

= 8.72%


YouTube Video Link :

Varun Ltd. is issuing 1 Lakh 12% Irredeemable preference shares of the face value of ` 100 each. If the floatation cost is ` 2
per share, what is the cost of these Preference Shares?
(a) 12.00%
(b) 12.14%
(c) 12.24%
(d) 12.34%

𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑃𝑆 = × 100

(100 × 12%)
= × 100
100 − 2
= × 100

= 12.24%

A company issues ` 10,000 10% Preference Shares of ` 100 each redeemable after 10 years at a premium of 5%. The cost of
320 | P a g e
issue is ` 2 per share. The cost of preference capital is:
(a) 10.14%
(b) 10.34%
(c) 10.74%
(d) 10.54%

(𝑅𝑉 − 𝑁𝑃)
𝐾𝑃 = 𝑛 × 100

(105 − 98)
10 +
= 10 × 100
105 + 98
( )

= 10.54%

Y Ltd. issues preference shares of face value ` 500 each carrying 14% dividend and it realizes ` 480 per share. The shares are
repayable after 12 years at 2% premium. Corporate tax rate is 25%. Issue expenses per share was ` 2.5.
(a) 14.25%
(b) 15.92%
(c) 14.73%
(d) 14.02%

𝑅 − 𝑆𝑣
[𝐷𝑝 + ( 𝑣 )]
𝐾𝑝 = 𝑁
𝑅 + 𝑆𝑣
( 𝑣 )
510 − 477.5
[70 + ( )]
𝐾𝑝 = 12
510 + 477.5
( )


𝐾𝑝 = 0.1473 𝑖. 𝑒. 14.73%

PWA Ltd. has ` 100, 10.5% preference shares amounting to ` 100 Million. The preferred stock of the company is redeemable
after 5 years is currently selling at ` 98.15 per preference share. The beta of the company is ` 1.7158. The applicable income
tax rate for the company is 35%. 𝐾𝑝 = ?
(a) 10%
(b) 11%
(c) 12%
(d) 13%

100 − 98.15
[10.5 + ( )]
𝐾𝑝 = 5
100 + 98.15
( )


321 | P a g e
= 0.1097 𝑖. 𝑒. 10.97% 𝑠𝑎𝑦 11%

YouTube Video Link :

A company has currently 2,000 equity shares of ` 100 each and its earnings are ` 20,000. Its current market price is ` 110
and the growth rate of EPS is expected to be 5%, The cost of equity is …………… .
(a) 10.94%
(b) 9.55%
(c) 9.95%
(d) 11.60%

𝐾𝑒 =

20,000/2,000(1 + 5%)

= × 100

= 9.54%

Number of existing equity share = 8 crore, Market value of existing share = ` 55, Net earnings = ` 80 crore. Cost of equity
on basis of Earning-price Ratio approach is:
(a) 5.55%
(b) 5.15%
(c) 18.18%
(d) 18.02%

𝐸𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 1
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦(𝑃/𝐸) = × 100 𝑂𝑅

= × 100
= × 100

= 18.18%

ANT Corporation common stock has a beta, (𝛽), of 1.5. The risk-free rate is 8%, and the market return is 12%. Determine the
cost of equity shares using the CAPM.
(a) 14%
(b) 11%
(c) 12%
(d) 13%

𝐾𝑒 (𝐶𝐴𝑃𝑀) = 𝑅𝑓 + 𝛽(𝑅 𝑚 − 𝑅𝑓)
= 8% + 1.5(12% − 8%)
= 14%

Cost of common stock is 16% and bond yield is 9% then bond risk premium would be –
(a) 0.07%
(b) 7%

322 | P a g e
(c) 0.7%
(d) 25%

Cost of Equity = Yield on Bond + Risk Premium
Risk Premium = Cost of Equity – Yield
Risk Premium = 16% - 9%
Risk Premium = 7%


YouTube Video Link :

The liability side of Shivanee Ltd.’s Balance Sheet shows Equity capital ` 25 Lakhs and Retained Earnings ` 50 Lakhs. Face
value of its share is ` 100 each and market value is ` 300 each. If the investors expect a Rate of Return of 18%, and if the
cost of floatation of issuing fresh Equity is 5%, what is the Cost of Retained Earnings?
(a) 17.50%
(b) 18.00%
(c) 9.00%
(d) 8.75%

𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐸𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 = 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦
∴ 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛
∴ 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐸𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 = 18%


YouTube Video Link (FORMULAE) :
YouTube Video Link (QUESTION) :

Compute the average cost of capital by using market value as weights from the following information:
Net Operating Income ` 2,00,000, Total Investment ` 10,00,000, if the firm uses 5% debenture of ` 4,00,000 and equity
capitalization rate is 11%.
(a) 20%
(b) 9.9%
(c) 9.82%
(d) 11%

2,00,000 − (4,00,000 × 5%)
𝑀𝑉 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 =

= 16,36,363/−

Source Cost MV W eight Cost × W eight

Equity 11% 16,36,363 0.80 8.8%
Debt 5% 4,00,000 0.20 1%
20,36,363 9.82%

ABC Ltd. has the following capital structure:

Equity share capital ` 10,00,000, 10% preference share capital ` 5,00,000, 8% Debentures ` 15,00,000. Cost of equity is
estimated to be 15%. Calculate the Weighted Average Cost of Capital, assuming tax rate is 50%.
(a) 6.67%
(b) 8.67%
(c) 9.67%
(d) 7.67%

Source Amt. Cost W eight Cost × W eight

323 | P a g e
ESC 10,00,000 15% 0.333 5%
PSC 5,00,000 10% 0.167 1.67%
Debenture 15,00,000 8% (1 – 0.5) = 4% 0.5 2%
30,00,000 8.67%

MNP Ltd. has a target capital structure of 60 percent common stock, 10 percent preferred stock, and 30 percent debt. Its cost
of equity is 15 percent, the cost of preferred stock is 7 percent, and the cost of debt is 10 percent. The relevant tax rate is 40
percent. What is its WACC?
(a) 11.3%
(b) 11.5%
(c) 11.7%
(d) 12.1%

Source W eight Cost (after tax) 𝑾𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 × Cost
Common Stock 0.6 15% 9%
Preferred Stock 0.1 7% 0.7%
Debt 0.3 10% (1-0.4) = 6% 1.8%

From the following details calculate the WACC:

Capital Market 𝐾0
Value `
Equity shares 4,00,00,000 18.5%
Preference shares 20,80,000 14.29%
Debentures 67,50,000 10.95%
(a) 17.28%
(b) 16.52%
(c) 16.34%
(d) 17.93%
Capital Market Value Proportion Cost (%) Cost * Prop. (%)
Equity Shares 4,00,00,000 81.92% 18.5 15.16
Preference Shares 20,80,000 4.26% 14.29 0.61
Debentures 67,50,000 13.82% 10.95 1.51
4,88,30,000 100% 17.28


YouTube Video Link :

Workout the marginal cost of capital from the following data of a New Proposed Project:
` in Cost
lakhs %
Equity 1,000 18
Retained Earning 250 18
Preference Capital 500 12
Debt 750 16
(a) 15.20%
(b) 14.20%
(c) 16.20%
(d) 18.20%

Capital Amount Proportion Cost Cost *
(%) Prop.
Equity 1,000 40% 18 7.20%
324 | P a g e
Retained Earning 250 10% 18 1.80%
Preference 500 20% 12 2.40%
Debt 750 30% 16 4.80%
2500 100% 16.20%

Ganesh Ltd. requires amount of ` 5,00,000 to finance a project. It was decided to raise such finance by issue of debentures.
Cost of debt is 10% (before tax) up to ` 2,00,000 and 13% (before tax) beyond that. Tax rate is 30%. What is the average
marginal cost of capital of new finance of ` 5,00,000?
(a) 7.37%
(b) 11.5%
(c) 8.26%
(d) 9.12%

Cost of 10% Debt:
𝐾𝑑 = 𝐼 (1 − 𝑡)
= 10 (1 – 0.3)
= 7%

Cost of 13% Debt:

𝐾𝑑 𝐼 (1 − 𝑡)
= 13 (1 – 0.3)
= 9.1%

Capital Amount Prop Cost (%) Cost * Prop

10% Debt 2,00,000 40% 7 2.80%
13% Debt 3,00,000 60% 9.1 5.46%
5,00,000 100% 8.26%

Calculate the marginal cost of capital (MCC) for the firm if it raises ` 750 million for a new project. The firm plans to have a
target debt to value ratio of 20%. The beta of new project is 1.4375. The debt capital will be raised through term loans. It will
carry interest rate of 9.5% for the first ` 100 million and 10% for the next ` 50 million.

The current market price per equity share is ` 60. The prevailing default risk free interest rate on 10-year GOI treasury bonds
is 5.5%. The average market risk premium is 8%. Assume Tax Rate = 35%
(a) 14.86%
(b) 12.22%
(c) 13.04%
(d) 15.95%

Cost of equity – CAPM Method:
𝐾𝑒 = 𝑅𝑓 + 𝛽 (𝑅𝑚 − 𝑅𝑓)
= 5.5 + 1.4375 × 8
= 17%

Cost of 9.5% debt:

𝐾𝑑 = 𝐼 (1 − 𝑡)
= 9.5 (1 − 0.35)
= 6.175%

Cost of 10% debt:

𝐾𝑑 = 𝐼 (1 − 𝑡)
= 10 (1 − 0.35)
= 6.5%

325 | P a g e
ABC Ltd. needs additional finance of ` 750 million with debt to value ratio of 80% . This finance
will be raised as follows:
Capital % ` in million
Equity 80% 600
Debt: 20%
- 9.5% Debt 100
- 10% Debt 50
- 750

Equity 600 80% 17 13.60%

9.5% Debt 100 13.33% 6.175 0.82%
10% Debt 50 6.67% 6.5 0.44%
750 100% 14.86%

326 | P a g e
YouTube Video Link (THEORY) :
YouTube Video Link (QUESTION) :

What should be the optimum dividend payout ratio, when r = 15% & Ke = 12%.
(a) 100%
(b) 50%
(c) 0%
(d) None

As r > Ke, Company should retain all earnings and Optimum Dividend Payout will be 0%

From the following information find the market value per share as per Walter’s model:
Earnings of the Company ` 5,00,000, Dividend Payout ratio 60%, No. of shares outstanding 1,00,000, Equity capitalization
rate is 12% and Rate of return on investment is 15%.
(a) 45.83
(b) 48.53
(c) 49.27
(d) 47.19

(5 × 60%) + (5 − 3) ×
𝑃= 0.12
3 + 2.5

= 45.83

The earning per share of a company is ` 10. It has an internal rate of return of 15% and the capitalization rate of the same
risk class is 12.5%. If Walter’s model is used, what should be the price of a share at optimum payout?
(a) 92
(b) 94
(c) 96
(d) 98

𝐴𝑠 𝑟 > 𝑘 𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑝𝑎𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑖𝑠 0%
𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 100%
𝑔 = 𝑏𝑟
= 15% × 1
= 15%
𝐷 + (𝐸 − 𝐷)

0 + (10 − 0)
= 0.125


= 96

327 | P a g e
The following information pertains to M/s XY Ltd.
Earnings of the Company ` 5,00,000
Dividend Payout ratio 60%
No. of shares outstanding 1,00,000
Equity capitalization rate 12%
Rate of return on investment 15%

(i) What would be the market value per share as per Walter’s model?
(ii) What is the optimum dividend payout ratio according to Walter’s model and the market value of Company’s share at that
payout ratio?

(a) M/s XY Ltd.
(i) Walter’s model is given by
𝐷 + (𝐸 − 𝐷)(𝑟/𝐾𝑒 )

P = Market price per share.
E = Earnings per share = ` 5
D = Dividend per share = ` 3
r = Return earned on investment = 15%
𝐾𝑒 = Cost of equity capital = 12%
0.15 0.15
3 + (5 − 3) × 3+2×
0.12 0.12
𝑃= =
0.12 0.12

= ` 45.83

(ii) According to Walter’s model when the return on investment is more than the cost of equity capital, the
price per share increases as the dividend pay-out ratio decreases. Hence, the optimum dividend pay-out
ratio in this case is nil.
So, at a pay-out ratio of zero, the market value of the company’s share will be:
0 + (5 − 0)
= 𝑅𝑠. 52.08

YouTube Video Link :

If the company’s Dividend pay-out ratio is 60% & ROI is 16%, what should be the growth rate:
(a) 5%
(b) 7%
(c) 6.4%
(d) 9.6%

G = ROI × Retention Ratio
G = 16% × (1 – 0.6)
G = 6.4%

Determine the market price of a share of XYZ Ltd. as per Gordon’s Model, given equity capitalization rate = 11%, Expected
Earning = ` 20, rate of return on investment = 10% and retention ratio = 30%.
(a) ` 165
(b) ` 175
(c) ` 185
(d) ` 195


328 | P a g e
𝐾𝑒 − 𝑔

20 × (1 − 30%)
11% − (10% × 0.3)


= 175

If a firm declared 25% dividend on share of Face Value of ` 10, its growth rate is 5%, and if the rate of capitalization is 12%,
its expected price would be ` ……………….. .
(a) 31.25
(b) 33.50
(c) 36.00
(d) 37.50

Dividend Growth Model
𝑃0 =
𝐾𝑒 − 𝑔

(10 × 25%) + 5%
12% − 5%


= 37.5/−

The following information is collected from the annual reports of J Ltd:

Profit before tax ` 2.50 crore
Tax rate 40 percent
Retention ratio 40 percent
Number of outstanding shares 50,00,000
Equity capitalization rate 12 percent
Rate of return on investment 15 percent
What should be the market price per share according to Gordon's model of dividend policy?

𝐸(1 − 𝑏)
𝑃0 =
𝐾 − 𝑏𝑟

𝑃0 = 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒

E = Earnings per share (` 1.50 crore/50,00,000) = ` 3
K = Cost of Capital =12%
b = Retention Ratio (%) = 40%
r = IRR = 15%
br = Growth Rate (0.40 × 15%) = 6%
3(1 − 0.40)
𝑃0 =
0.12 − 0.06
1.80 𝑅𝑠. 1.80
= =
0.12 − 0.06 0.06

= ` 30.00

The cost of capital of a firm is 12% and its expected Earnings Per Share at the end of the year is ` 20. Its existing payout
ratio is 25%. The company is planning to increase its payout ratio to 50%. What will be the effect of this change on the
329 | P a g e
market price of equity shares (MPS) of the company as per Gordon’s model, if the reinvestment rate of the company is 15%?
(a) It will increase by ` 444
(b) It will decrease by ` 444
(c) It will increase by ` 222
(d) It will decrease by ` 222

At 25% Pay-out:
G = retention ratio * reinvestment rate
= 75% * 15%
= 11.25%

𝑃𝑜 =
𝐾𝑒 − 𝑔
20 ∗ 25%
𝑃𝑜 =
12% − 11.25%

= 666/−

50% Pay-out:
G = retention ratio * reinvestment rate
= 50% * 15%
= 7.5%

𝑃𝑜 =
𝐾𝑒 − 𝑔
20 ∗ 50%
𝑃𝑜 =
12% − 7.5%

= 222/−

Change = Decline of 444/-

YouTube Video Link (FORMULAE) :
YouTube Video Link (QUESTION) :

A Company Ltd., has 50,000 shares outstanding. The current market price of the shares is ` 50 each. The company expects the
net profit of ` 1 ,00,000 during the year and it belongs to a risk class for which the appropriate capitalization rate has been
estimated to be 25%. The company is considering dividend of ` 10 per share for the current year. What will be the price of the
share at the end of the year, if the dividend is not paid?
(a) ` 60.5
(b) ` 62.5
(c) ` 72.5
(d) ` 52.5

𝐷1 − 𝑃1
𝑃0 =
1 + 𝐾𝑒

0 − 𝑃1
50 =
1 + 0.25

𝑃1 = 62.5

330 | P a g e
YouTube Video Link (FORMULAE) :
YouTube Video Link (QUESTION) :

Calculate the working capital from the following data:

Particulars `
Raw Material Stock 11,70,000
WIP Stock 9,58,750
Finished Goods Stock 26,65,000
Debtors 55,12,000
Cash & Bank 6,00,000
Creditors 17,55,000
Outstanding expenses 14,95,000
(a) 76,75,550
(b) 76,55,750
(c) 75,65,750
(d) 77,55,650

𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 11,70,000 + 9,58,750 + 26,65,000 + 55,12,000 + 6,00,000 − 17,55,000 − 14,95,000
= 76,55,750
YouTube Video Link :

Consider the following factors – Gross operating cycle – 80 days; Net operating cycle – 55 days; Raw material holding period
– 40 days, Conversion period – 2 days; Finished goods holding period – 20 days; Average collection period will be:
(a) 87 days
(b) 37 days
(c) 18 days
(d) 62 days

𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐶𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 = 𝑅 + 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 + 𝐹 + 𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑
80 = 40 + 2 + 20 + 𝐶
𝐶 = 18 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠

Consider the following data and compute the total sales amount:
(i) Closing balance of receivables : ` 30 lakhs
(ii) Opening balance of receivables : ` 20 lakhs
(iii) Average collection period : 25 days
(iv) Credit sales are 73% of sales (assume 365 days in a year)
(a) ` 365 lakhs
(b) ` 500 lakhs
(c) ` 550 lakhs
(d) ` 730 lakhs

𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡𝑜𝑟
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 =
𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠/365

(30 + 20)
25 = 2

25 =

331 | P a g e
25 = 25 ×

𝐶𝑆 = 365

𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒 = 73% × 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠

𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒 =


= 500 𝐿𝑎𝑘ℎ𝑠

Debtors velocity = 3 months

Sales = ` 25,00,000
Bills receivable & Bills payable were ` 60,000 and ` 36,667 respectively.
Sundry debtors = ?
(a) ` 6,25,000
(b) ` 5,25,000
(c) ` 5,65,000
(d) ` 6,65,000

𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒
𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 = × 12
𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠
3= × 12

x = Account Receivable = 6,25,000.

Debtors + Bills Receivable = Account Receivable
x + 60,000 = 6,25,000
x = Debtors = 5,65,000
YouTube Video Link :

Current ratio is 4:1. Net Working Capital is ` 30,000. Find the amount of Liquid assets if value of stock is ` 8,000.
(a) ` 10,000
(b) ` 40,000
(c) ` 32,000
(d) ` 2,000

𝐶𝑅 =

𝐶𝐴 = 4 𝐶𝐿 _______________(1)


30000 = 4𝐶𝐿 − 𝐶𝐿

𝐶𝐿 = 10000
332 | P a g e
𝐶𝐴 = 4 × 10000

= 40000

𝐿𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡 = 𝐶𝐴 − 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘

= 40000 − 8000
= 32000

YouTube Video Link :

Current assets are twice the current liabilities. If the net working capital is ` 60,000, current assets would be:
(a) ` 60,000
(b) ` 1,00,000
(c) ` 1,20,000
(d) ` 1,10,000

𝐶𝐴 = 2 𝐶𝐿 ___________(1)
60,000 = 𝐶𝐴 − 𝐶𝐿 __________(2)
𝑃𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐸𝑔. (1) 𝑖𝑛 (2); 𝑤𝑒 𝑔𝑒𝑡
60,000 = 2 𝐶𝐿 − 𝐶𝐿
𝐶𝐿 = 60,000
𝐶𝐴 = 2 𝐶𝐿
= 2 × 60,000
𝐶𝐿 = 1,20,000

S Ltd. gives the following information:

Net working capital ` 2,80,000
Current ratio 2.4
Liquid ratio 1.6
Current Assets = ?
(a) ` 2,00,000
(b) ` 2,80,000
(c) ` 4,80,000
(d) ` 3,60,000

𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 =
2.4 =
2.4y = x

Working Capital = CA – CL
2,80,000 = 2.4y – y
2,80,000 = 1.4y
Y = 2,00,000
𝑥 = 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 = 2,00,000 × 2.4 = 4,80,000
YouTube Video Link :

Creditors velocity = 2 months.

Cost of goods sold = ` 20,00,000
Opening stock = ` 9,90,000

333 | P a g e
Closing stock = ` 10,10,000
Bills receivable & Bills payable were ` 60,000 and ` 36,667 respectively.
Creditors = ?
(a) ` 3,36,667
(b) ` 3,66,333
(c) ` 3,30,367
(d) ` 3,00,000

Opening stock + Purchase – Closing stock = Cost of goods sold
9,90,000 + x – 10,10,000= 20,00,000
x = Purchase = 20,20,000
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒
𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 = × 12
𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑃𝑢𝑟𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑠
2= × 12

x = Accounts Payable = 3,36,667

Creditors + Bills Payable = Account Payable
x + 36,667 = 3,36,667
x = Creditors = 3,00,000
YouTube Video Link :

Gross profit ratio = 20%.

Stock velocity = 6 month
Gross profit for the year ended amounts to ` 5,00,000. Stock at the end of the year is ` 20,000 more than what it was at the
beginning of the year.
Closing stock = ?
(a) ` 10,00,000
(b) ` 9,90,000
(c) ` 10,10,000
(d) ` 10,20,000

Sales 25,00,000
(-) Gross profit 20% (5,00,000)
Cost of goods sold 20,00,000

𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘
𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 = × 12
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑑

6= × 12

x = Average Stock = 10,00,000

Let Opening stock be = x
Closing stock = x + 20,000

𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘 − 𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘

𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘 =

𝑥 + (𝑥 + 20,000)
10,00,000 =

20,00,000 = 2x + 20,000

334 | P a g e
19,80,000 = 2x
x = Opening stock = 9,90,000
Closing stock = 9,90,000 + 20,000 = 10,10,000
YouTube Video Link :

What will be the operating cycle period if raw materials are in store for 2 months, processing time 2 ½ months finished goods
remain in store for 15 days, debtors are allowed 60 days’ credit and credit received from suppliers of raw material is 1
(a) 7 months
(b) 6 months
(c) 6 ½ months
(d) 5 months

𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐶𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 = 𝑅 + 𝑊𝐼𝑃 + 𝐹𝐺 + 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡𝑜𝑟 − 𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑜𝑟
= 2 + 2.5 + 0.5 + 2 − 1
= 6 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑠

Operating cycle days of Ramji Ltd. is 167 days. Other details are as follows:
Raw material stock velocity 79 days
Debtors collection period 70 days
WIP conversion period 36 days
Finished goods conversion period 29 days
Creditors payment period = ?
(a) 47 days
(b) 94 days
(c) 52 days
(d) 59 days

Let the creditors payment period be ‘x’.
79 + 70 + 36 + 29 – x = 167
- x = - 47
x = Creditors payment period = 47 days

If raw material consumed is ` 8,42,000; cost of production is ` 14,25,000; Stock of raw material & WIP is ` 1,24,000 and `
72,000 respectively then Raw Material Conversion period will be –
Note: 1 Year = 365 days
(a) 54 days
(b) 18 days
(c) 29 days
(d) 49 days

𝑅𝑎𝑤 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘 1,24,000
𝑅𝑎𝑤 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 = × 365 = × 365 = 54 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠
𝑅𝑎𝑤 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑑 8,42,000

YouTube Video Link (3 METHOD) :
YouTube Video Link (QUESTION) :

If Current Assets are ` 1,09,05,750 and Current Liabilities are ` 32,50,000 then maximum permissible bank finance as per
first method of Tandon Committee norms is –
(a) ` 57,41,813
(b) ` 49,29,313
(c) ` 52,29,813
(d) ` 49,41,813

335 | P a g e
Maximum permissible bank finance as per Tandon Committee norms:
Method 1 : 75% of (Current Assets – Current Liabilities)
= 0.75 × (1,09,05,750 − 32,50,000)
= 57,41,813

If Current Assets are ` 1,09,05,750 and Current Liabilities are ` 32,50,000 then maximum permissible Bank Finance as per
Second Method of Tandon Committee norms is –
(a) ` 57,41,813
(b) ` 49,29,313
(c) ` 52,29,813
(d) ` 49,41,813

Maximum permissible bank finance as per Tandon Committee norms:
Method 2: 75% of Current Assets – Current Liabilities
= (0.75 × 1,09,05,750) − 32,50,000
= 49,29,313

Current Assets & Current Liabilities of Deelip Ltd. are 9,60,000 and 3,60,000 respectively. Maximum permissible bank finance
as per Tandon Committee norms is 3,15,000. What are the core current assets of Deelip Ltd.?
(a) ` 60,000
(b) ` 45,000
(c) ` 30,000
(d) ` 90,000

3,15,000 = [75% 𝑜𝑓 (𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 − 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠)] − 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠
3,15,000 = [0.75 × (9,60,000 − 𝑥)] − 3,60,000
3,15,000 = 7,20,000 − 0.75𝑥 − 3,60,000
−45,000 = −0.75𝑥
x = Core Current Assets = 60,000
YouTube Video Link :

The Net Working Capital (NWC) of a firm is ` 14 Lakhs. It purchased ` 30 Lakhs worth of raw materials on credit, issued 7%
debentures for ` 20 Lakhs, and purchased a machine for ` 18 Lakhs for cash. The new NWC of the firm will be:
(a) ` 12 Lakhs
(b) ` 16 Lakhs
(c) ` 15 Lakhs
(d) ` 10 Lakhs

Effect on NW C
(𝑖)𝑃𝑢𝑟𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑀 𝑜𝑛 𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 = 𝑛𝑜 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡
(𝑖𝑖)𝐼𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑒𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 = 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑁𝑊𝐶 𝑏𝑦 20 𝐿𝑎𝑘ℎ𝑠
(𝑖𝑖𝑖)𝑃𝑢𝑟𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐶𝑎𝑠ℎ = 𝐷𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑁𝑊𝐶 𝑏𝑦 18 𝐿𝑎𝑘ℎ𝑠
Net Effect Increase 2 Lakhs
+Opening 14 Lakhs
=Closing 16 Lakhs

YouTube Video Link (THEORY) :
YouTube Video Link (QUESTION) :

Monthly demand for a raw material is 150 units. Ordering cost per order is ` 8 and annual carrying cost per unit is ` 2.
336 | P a g e
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) under the above circumstances will be:
(a) 90
(b) 120
(c) 150
(d) 180

2× 𝐴 ×𝑂
𝐸𝑂𝑄 = √

2 × (150 × 12) × 8

= √14400

= 120 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠

The following details are available in respect of a firm: Annual requirement of inventory 20,000 units. Cost per unit (other
than carrying and ordering cost) is ` 10, Carrying cost are likely to be 10% per year, Cost of placing an order is ` 500 per
order. The economic ordering quantity is:
(a) 4472 Units
(b) 4274 Units
(c) 5270 Units
(d) 4760 Units

2 × 20,000 × 500
𝐸𝑂𝑄 = √
10 × 10%

= 4,472 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠

YouTube Video Link :

JP Limited has earned 10% return on total assets of ` 18,00,000 and has a net profit ratio of 8%. Find out sales of the
(a) ` 14,40,000
(b) ` 25,00,000
(c) ` 27,50,000
(d) ` 22,50,000

𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 = 𝑇. 𝐴 × 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛
= 18,00,000 × 10%
= 1,80,000

𝑁𝑃% =

8% =

𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 = 22,50,000

337 | P a g e
YouTube Video Link :

The annual cash requirement of A Ltd. is ` 25 lakh. Cost of conversion of marketable securities per lot is ` 2,500. The
company can earn 5% annual yield on its securities. What will be the economic lot size according to the Baumol Model?
(a) ` 1,00,000
(b) ` 2,50,000
(c) ` 5,00,000
(d) ` 4,75,000

2 × 25,00,000 × 2,500
𝐸𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝐿𝑜𝑡 𝑆𝑖𝑧𝑒 = √
= 5,00,000

YouTube Video Link (THEORY) :
YouTube Video Link (QUESTION) :

Ace Ltd. manufactures a product and the following particulars are collected for the year ended March, 2013:
- Monthly demand (units) 250
- Cost of placing an order (`) 100
- Annual carrying cost (` per unit) 15
- Normal usage (units per week) 50
- Minimum usage (units per week) 25
- Maximum usage (units per week) 75
- Re-order period (weeks) 4 – 6

You are required to calculate:

(i) Re-order quantity
(ii) Re-order level
(iii) Minimum level
(iv) Maximum level
(v) Average stock level.

2𝑈 × 𝑃
(𝑖) 𝑅𝑒 − 𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑄𝑢𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑦 = √
Where, U = Annual consumption (units) during the year
P = Cost of placing an order
S = Annual carrying cost per unit
2 × 2,600 × 𝑅𝑠. 100
=√ = 186 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠 (𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑥 . )
𝑅𝑠. 15
Note: Since normal usage is 50 units per week the annual consumption of the year is = 52 weeks x 50 =
2,600 units.

(ii) Re -order level = Maximum Re -order period or Maximum delivery period x Maximum usage = 6 weeks ×
75 = 450 units.

(iii) Minimum level = Re -order level – (Normal usage x Average delivery period or Normal re -order period)
= 450 units – (50 units x 5 weeks) = 200 units.

(iv) Maximum level = (Re -order level + Re -order quantity) - (Minimum usage x Minimum delivery period or
Minimum re -order period)
= (450 units + 186 units) – (25 units x 4 weeks) = 536 units.

338 | P a g e
(v) Average stock level = [(Maximum level + Minimum level) ] ÷ 2
536 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠 + 200 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠
= 368 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠.
Or Average stock level = Minimum level + 1/2 Reorder quantity
= 200 units + 1/2 x 186 = 293 units.

Materials X and Y are used as follows:

Minimum usage − 50 units each per week
Maximum usage − 150 units each per week
Normal usage − 100 units each per week
Ordering quantities X = 600 units
Y = 1,000 units
Delivery period X = 4 − 6 weeks
Y = 2 − 4 weeks
Calculate for each material (i) Maximum level (ii) Minimum level and (iii) Ordering level.

Material X
Ordering level = Maximum usage x Maximum delive ry period
= 150 × 6
= 900 units.

Minimum level = Ordering level - (Normal usage x Normal delivery period)

= 900 − (100 × 5)
= 400 units

Maximum level = (Ordering level + Ordering quantity) −

(Minimum usage x Minimum delivery period)
= 900 + 600 − (50 × 4)
= 1,500 − 200
= 1,300 units

Material Y
Ordering Level = Maximum usage x Maximum delivery period
= 150 × 4 = 600 units

Minimum Level = Ordering level − (Normal usage x Normal delivery

= 600 − (100 × 3) = 300 units.

Maximum Level = (Ordinary level + Ordering quantity) - (Minimum usage x Minimum delivery period)
= 600 + 1,000 − (50 × 2)
= 1,600 − 100 = 1,500 units.

Normal delivery period has been computed as follows:

𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑋 = = 5 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑠
𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑋 = = 3 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑠

339 | P a g e
YouTube Video Link :

If the risk free rate of interest is 11% and expected return on market portfolio is 18%, ascertain expected return of the portfolio
if 𝛽 of portfolio is 0.90.
(a) 17.1%
(b) 17.2%
(c) 17.3%
(d) 18.1%

𝐸𝑅 𝑝 = 𝑅𝑓 + 𝛽(𝑅𝑚 − 𝑅𝑓)
= 11% + 0.9(18% − 11%)
= 17.3%

Mr. A is planning to buy a security and is in a dilemma regarding price to be paid. For this he is relying on the required ra te of
return on the security. Help him out to calculate the aforesaid rate (%), if you are informed that security’s standard deviation is
6%, correlation coefficient of the security with the market is 0.6, and market standard deviation is 5%. You may assume that
return from risk-free security in the market is 8%, and return on market portfolio is 12%.
(a) 10.68%
(b) 10.88%
(c) 10.58%
(d) 10.78%

𝑆𝐷 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦
𝛽 = 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐶𝑜 − 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 ×
𝑆𝐷 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡

= 0.6 ×

= 0.72

𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛 = 𝑅𝑓 + 𝛽(𝑅𝑚 − 𝑅𝑓 )

= 8% + 0.72(12% − 8%)
= 10.88%

YouTube Video Link :

When a portfolio comprises investment in three shares (Share A – 40%, Share B – 25% and Share C – 35%) whose beta factors
are 1.3, 1.6 and 1.2, respectively, the portfolio beta is:
(a) 1.34
(b) 1.43
(c) 1.24
(d) 1.42

Portfolio Beta = (1.3 * 40%) + (1.6 * 25%) + (1.2 * 35%)
Portfolio Beta = 0.52 + 0.4 + 0.42
Portfolio Beta = 1.34

340 | P a g e
YouTube Video Link :

Given: risk free rate of return = 5%, Market Return = 10%, cost of equity = 15%, value of beta is:
(a) 1.9
(b) 1.8
(c) 2.0
(d) 2.2

Cost of Equity = Risk free rate of return + Beta(Market return – Risk free rate)
Beta = (Cost of Equity – Risk free rate)/(Market return – Risk free rate)
Beta = (15% - 5%) / (10% - 5%)
Beta = 10%/ 5%
Beta = 2.0

The standard deviation of market returns is 15. The return of stock X is 25%. The riskless rate of interest is 5%. The risk
premium of the X stock is:
(a) 1.33
(b) 5
(c) 15
(d) 20

𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛 = 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛 + 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑢𝑚
341 | P a g e
𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑢𝑚 = 25% − 5%
= 20%

The Company’s beta is 1.40 Times. The market return is 14%. The risk free rate is 10%. Calculate expected return based on
(a) 10%
(b) 14%
(c) 15.6%
(d) 18%

Expected Return of Portfolio = Rf + B(Rm – Rf)
= 10% + 1.4 (14% - 10%)
= 15.60%


YouTube Video Link :

If the standard deviation of a portfolio return is 15% and risk tolerance level for the investor is 40. What will be the risk penalty
for the investor?
(a) 4.5%
(b) 2.67%
(c) 6.32%
(d) 5.625%

𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑆𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑑 (𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒)
𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑃𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑡𝑦 =
𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑇𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒


= 5.625%


YouTube Video Link :

An investor purchases an 8% bond having a face value of ` 1,000 and maturity of 5 years for ` 900. A year later he sells it for `
960 in the market. The holding period gain of the investor is:
(a) 8.88%
(b) 14.00%
(c) 14.58%
(d) 15.55%

𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑑 + 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑒
𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛 = × 100
𝑃𝑢𝑟𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒
(1000 × 8%) + (960 − 900)
= × 100
80 + 60
= × 100

= 15.55%

342 | P a g e
The price of a share is ` 100 today. It grows to ` 125 at the end of the 1st year, ` 187.5 at the end of the 2nd year and ` 243.75
at the end of the 3rd year. What is the average rate of return?
(a) 35.5%
(b) 35%
(c) 34.5%
(d) 34%

125 − 100
1𝑠𝑡 𝑦𝑟 = × 100 = 25%
187.5 − 125
2𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑟 = × 100 = 50%

243.75 − 187.5
3𝑟𝑑 𝑦𝑟 = × 100 = 30%

25% + 50% + 30%

𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 =
= 35%


YouTube Video Link :

You made a ` 1,50,000 capital investment in your company. Your operating profit, after taxes, is ` 50,000. The opportunity cost
of that investment is 12%. Calculate Economic Value Added.
(a) ` 50,000
(b) ` 18,000
(c) ` 32,000
(d) ` 25,000

EVA = 50,000– (1,50,000 * 12%)
EVA = 50,000 – 18,000
EVA = 32,000

YouTube Video Link (THEORY) :
YouTube Video Link (QUESTION) :
A Portfolio Manager has invested in Blue Chip Funds which gives 19% return with a standard deviation of 3.5%.
Calculate Sharpe Ratio if
(a) Risk Free Return is 7%,
(b) Return on Sensex is 18% with a standard deviation of 4%.

343 | P a g e

1. Which of the following is true regarding financial decisions of a firm?

(a) Investment Decisions are dependent on Financing Decisions.
(b) Financing Decisions are dependent on Dividend Decisions.
(c) Dividend Decisions are dependent on Investment Decisions.
(d) All the three decisions are inter-related.

2. What will be the maturity value of a sum of ` 18,000 invested today at the rate of 5% p.a. for 10
(a) ` 29,360
(b) ` 28,320
(c) ` 29,320
(d) ` 35,220

3. The competing objectives of financial management have been:

(a) Profit Maximization and Wealth Maximization
(b) Profit Maximization and Economic Value Maximization
(c) Economic Value Maximization and Wealth Maximization
(d) EPS Maximization and Economic Value Maximization

4. Which of the following is an example of systematic risk in stocks?

(a) Company strike
(b) Industrial recession
(c) Unexpected entry of a new competitor in the market
(d) Bankruptcy of a major supplier

5. Treasury Bills are issued by:

(a) Public limited companies.
(b) Blue chip companies.
(c) Banks and selected all-India Financial Institutions only.
(d) Central government.

6. Given that the effective rate of interest is 9.31% p.a., what is the nominal rate of interest p.a., if
compounding is carried out quarterly?
(e) 9.25%
(f) 8.5%
(g) 9%
(h) 9.20%

7. Decisions related to the mix of debt and equity in the balance sheet best relates to which of the
(a) Capital budget
(b) Capital structure
(c) Capital expenditure
(d) Operating leverage

8. Which of the following are not applicable in the case of Payback period calculation of investment
(a) It is simple in concept and application.
(b) It favours only those projects that generate substantial inflows in the earlier years.
(c) The cut-off period is chosen arbitrarily.
(d) It considers the time value of money.

9. The Security Market Line shows the relationship between:

344 | P a g e
(a) Expected rate of return and beta
(b) Expected rate of return and diversifiable risk
(c) Required rate of return and unsystematic risk
(d) Realized rate of return and beta

10. The cost of retained earnings is equal to:

(a) Dividend pay-out ratio
(b) Rate of return expected on the Equity Share
(c) Risk-free rate of return
(d) Dividend yield ratio

11. Decision rules based on Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) and Net Be nefit Cost Ratio (NBCR) criteria
(a) If BCR <1, accept the project
(b) If NBCR < 0, accept the project
(c) If NBCR > 0, reject the project
(d) If BCR < 1, reject the project

12. An equity share with beta greater than unity would be called:
(a) A defensive stock, because it is expected to decrease more than the market increase
(b) An aggressive stock, because it is expected to increase more than the market increase
(c) A defensive stock, because it is expected to increase more than the market decrease
(d) A aggressive stock, because it is expected to decrease more than the market increase

13. An interest that has been annualized using composed interest is terms as:
(a) Annual interest rate.
(b) Discounted interest rate.
(c) Effective annual interest rate.
(d) Simple interest rate.

14. The risk aversion of investors can be measured by:

(a) Risk-free rate of return.
(b) Market rate of return.
(c) Variance of the return from a security.
(d) The difference between the market rate of return and the risk-free rate of return.

15. If a firm declared 25% dividend on share of Face Value of ` 10, its growth rate is 5%, and if the
rate of capitalization is 12%, its expected price would be ` ……………….. .
(e) 31.25
(f) 33.50
(g) 36.00
(h) 37.50

16. Capital Budgeting Decisions are part and parcel of:

(a) Financing and Investing Decisions
(b) Investing and Dividend Decisions
(c) Financing and Dividend Decisions
(d) Only Investing Decisions

17. Diversification can eliminate risk, if the securities of a portfolio are:

(a) Perfectly positively correlated
(b) Perfectly negatively correlated
(c) Weakly positively correlated
(d) Weakly negatively correlated

18. ……………….. is the present value of an asset, if the annual cash inflow is ` 1,000 pe r ye ar for
next 5 years and the discount rate is 15.
345 | P a g e
(e) ` 2,500
(f) ` 3,500
(g) ` 3,352
(h) ` 2,481

19. An investor purchases an 8% bond having a face value of ` 1,000 and maturity of 5 ye ars for `
900. A year later he sells it for ` 960 in the market. The holding period gain of the investor is:
(e) 8.88%
(f) 14.00%
(g) 14.58%
(h) 15.55%

20. The effective rate of interest for a sum of money compounded quarterly is 12.55% . What is its
nominal yield?
(e) 12.05%
(f) 12.25%
(g) 12.15%
(h) 12%

21. The price of a share is ` 100 today. It grows to ` 125 at the end of the 1st ye ar, ` 187.5 at the
end of the 2nd year and ` 243.75 at the end of the 3rd year. What is the average rate of return?
(e) 35.5%
(f) 35%
(g) 34.5%
(h) 34%

22. What is the present value of an annuity of ` 15,000 starting immediately (t = 0) and paying
another 5 annual instalments? Assume a discounting rate of 12%.
(a) ` 85,460
(b) ` 82,500
(c) ` 75,120
(d) ` 88,120
My Answer is coming: 69072/-

23. Which of the following does not contribute to systematic risk?

(a) Change in the interest rates.
(b) Change in the level of government spending.
(c) Emergence of a new competitor.
(d) Change in the industrial policy.

24. Varun Ltd. is issuing 1 Lakh 12% Irredeemable preference shares of the face value of ` 100
each. If the floatation cost is ` 2 per share, what is the cost of these Preference Shares?
(e) 12.00%
(f) 12.14%
(g) 12.24%
(h) 12.34%

25. If an investment of ` 3,00,000 pays ` 25,000 p.a. in perpetuity, what is the Net Present Value, if
the interest rate is 9%?
(e) ` – 22222
(f) ` + 22222
(g) ` + 24736
(h) ` + 27250

26. Which approach in capital structure argues that the overall capitalization rate and the cost of
debt remains constant for all degrees of leverage, as the same is offse t by an incre ase in the
equity capitalization rate?
346 | P a g e
(a) NI Approach
(b) NOI Approach
(c) Walter’s Approach
(d) Gordon’s Approach

27. An arrangement where a bank allows a borrower to overdraw up to a certain limit for working
capital financing is known as:
(a) Bridge Loan
(b) Cash Credit
(c) Term Loan
(d) Leverage Buy Out

28. Funds represented by cheques which have been issued, but which have not bee n de bite d from
bank is technically referred to as:
(a) Indenture
(b) Forward Cover
(c) Float
(d) Proxy

29. The Net Working Capital (NWC) of a firm is ` 14 Lakhs. It purchased ` 30 Lakhs worth of raw
materials on credit, issued 7% debentures for ` 20 Lakhs, and purchase d a machine for ` 18
Lakhs for cash. The new NWC of the firm will be:
(e) ` 12 Lakhs
(f) ` 16 Lakhs
(g) ` 15 Lakhs
(h) ` 10 Lakhs

30. A firm has a Degree of Operating Leverage (DOI) of 5 and Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL) of
4. The interest burden is ` 300 Lakhs, variable cost as a % to sales is 75%, and the effective tax
rate is 45%. Its fixe d cost is:
(e) ` 1600 Lakhs
(f) ` 1450 Lakhs
(g) ` 1500 Lakhs
(h) ` 1700 Lakhs

31. ABC analysis is useful for:

(a) Analyzing inventory based on their usage and movement
(b) Reduction of total investment in material
(c) Determining the optimal level of safety stock
(d) Analyzing inventory based on their availability

32. Consider the following factors – Gross operating cycle – 80 days; Net operating cycle – 55 days;
Raw material holding period – 40 days, Conversion period – 2 days; Finished goods holding
period – 20 days; Average collection period will be:
(e) 87 days
(f) 37 days
(g) 18 days
(h) 62 days

33. MNC expects its sales to increase by 10% from the current year level of ` 5 million. With a Ne t
Profit Margin of 8% and a payout ratio of 30%, what financing for the next year will be available
from internal sources?
(e) ` 4,40,000
(f) ` 3,08,000
(g) ` 0.4 million
(h) ` 0.404 million

347 | P a g e
34. If a company acquired a helicopter for its top management for a certain period on a fixed
payment, which of the following will be true regarding leverage?
(a) DOL will increase
(b) DFL will increase
(c) DOL will decrease
(d) DCL will remain unchanged

35. Which of the following is not a valid assumption of MM approach to capital structure?
(a) Securities are infinitely divisible
(b) Lack of free flow of information
(c) Transactions costs are zero
(d) No taxation

36. Which of the following will not have an impact on a firm’s treasury position?
(a) Dividend payment
(b) Tax payment
(c) Buying fixed assets
(d) Issuing bonus shares

37. A firm has a DOL of 6 at a certain production level. If Sales of the firm rise by 1%, it implies
(a) EBIT will also rise by 1%
(b) EBIT will rise by 1/6%
(c) EBIT will rise by 6%
(d) Change in EBIT is undecided

38. Determination of “safety stock” requires a trade -off between:

(a) Carrying costs and stock-out cost
(b) Ordering cost and carrying cost
(c) Ordering cost and stock-out cost
(d) Lead time and order point

39. Which of the following is not a valid assumption of EOQ model?

(a) Demand forecast is available
(b) Inventory can be replenished immediately
(c) Cost per order is variable
(d) Carrying cost is a fixed percentage

40. Which of the following investment decisions is required to be taken for a stock, if its intrinsic
value is greater than its market value?
(a) Sell
(b) Hold
(c) Buy
(d) Indifferent

41. Monthly demand for a raw material is 150 units. Ordering cost per order is ` 8 and annual
carrying cost per unit is ` 2. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) under the above circumstances
will be:
(e) 90
(f) 120
(g) 150
(h) 180

42. Earnings per share (EPS) is equal to:

(a) Profit after tax/no. of shares in authorized capital
(b) Profit after tax/no. of shares in issued capital
(c) Profit after tax/net worth
348 | P a g e
(d) Profit before tax/net worth

43. Interest coverage ratio of 6 indicates:

(a) Sales are 6 times of interest.
(b) Profit after tax is 6 times of interest.
(c) EBIT is 6 times of interest.
(d) Interest is 6 times profit after tax.

44. Debtors turnover ratio reflects:

(a) Collection period
(b) Debtors in relation to credit sales
(c) Debtors in relation to total sales
(d) Aging of the debtors

45. Consider the following data and compute the total sales amount:
(i) Closing balance of receivables : ` 30 lakhs
(ii) Opening balance of receivables : ` 20 lakhs
(iii) Average collection period : 25 days
(iv) Credit sales are 73% of sales (assume 365 days in a year)
(e) ` 365 lakhs
(f) ` 500 lakhs
(g) ` 550 lakhs
(h) ` 730 lakhs

46. If the expected dividend is less than the actual dividend paid, the rational expectation approach
suggests that the:
(a) Share price will increase.
(b) Share prices will go down.
(c) Value of the firm will go up.
(d) Both (a) and (c) above

47. The EOQ for a firm is 7200 units. The minimum order size stipulated by the supplie r is 9000
units for utilizing a cash discount on the purchase price. The annual usage of the mate rial in
units is 80,000 and the cost per order is ` 100. If the company decides to utilize cash discount,
savings in the total ordering cost will be:
(a) ` 400
(b) ` 500
(c) ` 600
(d) ` 700
Something is wrong with the question or the options.

48. Walter model can be applied only to those companies which:

(a) Earn high profits.
(b) Make investment by resorting to high level of debts.
(c) Make investments without borrowing or raising external equity.
(d) Do not make any investment.

49. Cash Management Model has been propounded by:

(a) Linter
(b) Walter
(c) Baumol
(d) Gordon

50. The Weighted Average Cost of Capital computations:

(a) Assign more weight to Equity.
(b) Assign more weight to Debentures.
(c) Excludes Retained Earnings.
349 | P a g e
(d) Assigns weights based on Market Value or Book Value.

51. The liability side of Shivanee Ltd.’s Balance Sheet shows Equity capital ` 25 Lakhs and Retained
Earnings ` 50 Lakhs. Face value of its share is ` 100 each and market value is ` 300 each. If the
investors expect a Rate of Return of 18%, and if the cost of floatation of issuing fre sh Equity is
5%, what is the Cost of Retained Earnings?
(e) 17.50%
(f) 18.00%
(g) 9.00%
(h) 8.75%

52. The Capital Structure of Neel Ltd. is as under:

Equity + Reserves & Surplus 200 Lakhs
10% Preference Shares 50 Lakhs
12% Term Loans 150 Lakhs
What should be the approx. Earnings before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) so that Earnings Per
Share (EPS) is 0 (Nil)? Assume Tax Rate 35%.
(e) ` 23.00 Lakhs
(f) ` 24.75 Lakhs
(g) ` 25.69 Lakhs
(h) ` 29.30 Lakhs

53. ABC Limited books of accounts show profit from operation (EBDIT) at ` 500 Lakhs, it paid 12%
on a debt of ` 1,000 Lakhs, Depreciation is ` 100 Lakhs and Tax 35%. Profit after Tax will be:
(e) ` 184 Lakhs
(f) ` 182 Lakhs
(g) ` 178 Lakhs
(h) ` 180 Lakhs

54. As you increase the number of stocks in a portfolio, the systematic risk is likely to:
(a) Remain constant
(b) Increase at a decreasing rate
(c) Decrease at a decreasing rate
(d) Decrease at an increasing rate

55. Current ratio is 4:1. Net Working Capital is ` 30,000. Find the amount of Liquid asse ts if value
of stock is ` 8,000.
(e) ` 10,000
(f) ` 40,000
(g) ` 32,000
(h) ` 2,000

56. A sum of ` 50,000 is invested @ 12% p.a. for 6 years. What will be the present value of its
maturity value, assuming a required rate of return of 10%?
(e) ` 86,000
(f) ` 98,700
(g) ` 55,667
(h) ` 56,504

57. The cost of capital of a firm is 12% and its expected Earnings Per Share at the end of the year is
` 20. Its existing payout ratio is 25%. The company is planning to incre ase its payout ratio to
50%. What will be the effect of this change on the market price of e quity share s (MPS) of the
company as per Gordon’s model, if the reinvestment rate of the company is 15%?
(e) It will increase by ` 444
(f) It will decrease by ` 444
(g) It will increase by ` 222
(h) It will decrease by ` 222
350 | P a g e
58. Mr. A is planning to buy a security and is in a dilemma regarding price to be paid. For this he is
relying on the required rate of return on the security. Help him out to calculate the aforesaid
rate (%), if you are informed that security’s standard deviation is 6%, corre lation coe ff icient of
the security with the market is 0.6, and market standard deviation is 5%. You may assume that
return from risk-free security in the market is 8%, and return on market portfolio is 12%.
(e) 10.68%
(f) 10.88%
(g) 10.58%
(h) 10.78%

59. Firm A is considering a project A. The project involves cash outlay of ` 50,000 (t = 0), working
capital outlay of ` 20,000 (t = 2), and is expected to generate Cash Flow Afte r Tax (CFAT) of `
12,000 per annum for 5 years excluding working capital release back and terminal value of
20%. What would be your advice to the company using Net Present Value approach, if its cost of
capital is 10%.
(e) Accept the project.
(f) Either Accept or Reject it as NPV is zero.
(g) Reject the project.
(h) Information incomplete.

60. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) determines:

(a) The order size that minimize the total inventory cost.
(b) The order size where ordering cost is the lowest.
(c) The order size where the carrying cost is minimum.
(d) The order size which will earn discounts on purchase.


61. A corporate strategy can be defined as:

(a) A list of actions about operational planning and statement of organization structure and
control system
(b) A statement of how to compete, direction of growth and method of assessing environment
(c) Abatement of organization’s activities and allocation of resources
(d) A course of action or choice of alternatives, specifying the resources required to achieve
certain stated objectives

62. A Strategic Business Unit (SBU) is defined as a division of an organization:

(a) That help in the marketing operations.
(b) That enable managers to have better control over the resources.
(c) That help in the choice of technology.
(d) That help in the allocation of scarce resources.

63. Total Quality Management was initially applied in:

(a) South Korea
(b) Japan
(c) United Kingdom
(d) United State of America

64. How often should strategic management activities be performed?

(a) Annually
(b) Quarterly
(c) Monthly
(d) Continuously

65. What is six-sigma risk/return level?

(a) High-Low
351 | P a g e
(b) Medium-High
(c) Low-Low
(d) High-High

66. Which “S” is not part of McKinseys 7-S Framework?

(a) Shared value
(b) System
(c) Staff
(d) Synergy

67. Under the BCG growth-share matrix, low share, high-growth businesses or products are called?
(a) Stars
(b) Cash cows
(c) Question marks
(d) Dogs

68. Ansoff’s matrix is useful for:

(a) Joining a business’s marketing strategy with general strategic direction
(b) Establishing an editorial calendar for staff to follows
(c) Understanding buyer persons and buyer behaviours
(d) Hiring new staff and training them on marketing tactics

69. Which category of benchmarking involves multi-site comparison of process and performance?
(a) Internal
(b) Generic
(c) Competitive
(d) Functional

70. Which of the following answers to the question:

‘Where does the organization aspire to be in the future?’
(a) Mission Statement
(b) Vision Statement
(c) Objectives
(d) Core Values

71. Which of the following is a force in the Porter’s five forces model of industry attractiveness?
(a) Bargaining power of suppliers
(b) Competitive market
(c) Low cost for customers
(d) Opportunity for substitutes

72. The principles of the business process re -engineering (BPR) approach do not include:
(a) Rethinking business processes cross-functionally to organize work around natural
information flows.
(b) Striving for improvements in performance by radical rethinking and redesigning the process.
(c) Checking that all internal customers act as their own suppl iers to identify problems
(d) Scrapping any process line over two years old and starting again from scratch

73. What does Cash Cow symbolize in BCG matrix?

(a) Volatility
(b) Unattractive Investment
(c) Profitability
(d) Cash Drain

74. What are focus strategies?

(a) When a company focuses on supplying differential products which appeal to different market
352 | P a g e
(b) Where a company chooses to concentrate on only one market segment or a limite d range of
(c) Where a company focuses on achieving lower costs than its rivals so as to compete across a
broad range of market segments
(d) When a company conducts market research through focus groups to de te rmine how the ir
strategy should be shaped

75. The BCG matrix is based on:

(a) Industry attractiveness and business strength
(b) Industry growth rate and business strength
(c) Industry attractiveness and relative market share
(d) Industry growth and market share

76. Which of these are characteristics of matrix structure?

(a) Decentralization and co-ordination
(b) Centralization and control
(c) Centralization and co-ordination
(d) Decentralization and control

77. Which is the term used in Ansoff’s matrix for increasing market share with existing products in
existing markets?
(a) Market Development
(b) Market Penetration
(c) Product Development
(d) Diversification

78. Successful differentiation strategy allows the company to:

(a) Gain buyer loyalty to its brands
(b) Charge too high a price premium
(c) Depend only on intrinsic product attributes
(d) Have product quality that exceeds buyers’ needs

79. What are enduring statements of purpose that distinguish one business from other similar
(a) Policies
(b) Mission statements
(c) Objectives
(d) Rules

80. Typically profits are highest in which stage of industry life -cycle?
(a) Introduction
(b) Growth
(c) Maturity
(d) Decline

81. Blue Ocean Strategy is concerned with:

(a) Moving into new markets with new products
(b) Creating new market places where there is no competition
(c) Developments of products and markets in order to ensure survival
(d) Making the product unique in terms of attributes

82. The product-market matrix comprising strategies of penetration, market development, product
development and diversification was first formulated by:
(a) Ansoff
(b) Drucker
(c) Porter
(d) Prahlad
353 | P a g e
83. Which of the following market structures would be commonly identified with FMCG products?
(a) Monopoly
(b) Monopolistic competition
(c) Oligopoly
(d) Perfect competition

84. Directional Policy Matrix is same as:

(a) The BCG Model
(b) The 9-cell GE Matrix
(c) The Life-cycle Portfolio analysis
(d) The 3 × 3 competitive positioning matrix

85. Outsourcing is the:

(a) Spinning off of a value -creating activity to create a new firm
(b) Selling of a value-creating activity to other firms
(c) Purchase of a value -creating activity from an external supplier
(d) Use of computers to obtain value -creating data from the Internet

86. The existence of price -wars in the airline industry in India indicates that:
(a) Customers are relatively weak because of the high switching costs created by fre que nt flye r
(b) The industry is moving towards differentiation of services
(c) The competitive rivalry in the industry is severe
(d) The economic segment of the external environment has shifted, but the airline strategies
have not changed

87. What type of organizational structure do most small business follow?

(a) Divisional Structure
(b) Functional Structure
(c) Hour Glass Structure
(d) Matrix Structure

88. Which section of the SWOT Matrix involves matching inte rnal strengths with external
(a) The WT cell
(b) The SW cell
(c) The SO cell
(d) The ST cell

89. What can be defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross -
functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives?
(a) Strategy Formulation
(b) Strategy Evaluation
(c) Strategy Implementation
(d) Strategic Management

90. The emphasis on product design is very high, the intensity of competition is low, and the market
growth rate is low in the …………….. stage of the industry life-cycle.
(a) Maturity
(b) Introduction
(c) Growth
(d) Decline

91. The most probable time to pursue a harvest strategy is in a situation of ………. .
(a) High growth
(b) Decline in the market life-cycle
354 | P a g e
(c) Strong competitive advantage
(d) Mergers and acquisition

92. Vertical integration may be beneficial when:

(a) Lower transaction costs and improved co-ordination are vital and achievable
(b) Flexibility is reduced, providing a more stationery position in the competitive environment
(c) Various segregated specializations will be combined
(d) The minimum efficient scales of two corporations are different

93. Conglomerate diversification is another name for which of the following?

(a) Related diversification
(b) Unrelated diversification
(c) Portfolio diversification
(d) Acquisition diversification

94. When two organizations combine to increase their strengths and financial gains, it is called:
(a) Hostile takeover
(b) Liquidation
(c) Merger
(d) Acquisition

95. Financial objectives involve all of the following, except:

(a) Growth in revenues
(b) Larger market share
(c) Higher dividends
(d) Greater return on investment

96. Which of these basic questions should a vision statement answer?

(a) What is our business?
(b) Who are our competitors?
(c) Where we are to go?
(d) Why do we exist?

97. A firm successfully implementing a differentiation strategy would expect:

(a) Customers to be sensitive to price increases
(b) To charge premium prices
(c) Customers to perceive the product as standard
(d) To automatically have high levels of power over suppliers

98. The concept of ‘Core Competence’ has been advocated by:

(a) Gary Hamel and Peter Drucker
(b) C. K. Prahlad and Gary Hamel
(c) C. K. Prahlad and Michael Porter
(d) C. K. Prahlad and Peter Drucker

99. Which of the following can be said to be the strategy followed in TOWS approach?
(a) Defensive Strategy
(b) Offensive Strategy
(c) Attack Strategy
(d) Functional Strategy

100. Porter’s Generic strategies include:

(a) Cost Differentiation, Product Focus, Leadership
(b) Price Leadership, Cost Focus, Product Differentiation
(c) Price Differentiation, Leadership, Cost Focus
(d) Cost Leadership, Differentiation and Focus

355 | P a g e
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

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51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
*Wrong Question

(2) Ans: C
FV of Single Cash Flow
𝐹𝑉 = 𝑃𝑉(1 + 𝑖) 𝑛
= 18000(1 + 0.05)10
= 29,320/−

(6) Ans: C
𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = (1 + ) 𝑛 − 1
0.0931 = (1 + ) 4 − 1
1.0931 = (1 + ) 4

𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑒 4𝑡ℎ 𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝐵𝑜𝑡ℎ 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑠.

1.0225 = 1 +

𝑖 = (1.0225 − 1) × 4

357 | P a g e
𝑖 = 9%

(15) Ans: D
Dividend Growth Model
𝑃0 =
𝐾𝑒 − 𝑔

(10 × 25%) + 5%
12% − 5%


= 37.5/−

(18) Ans: C
𝑃𝑉 𝑜𝑓 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 × 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟

= 1000 × 3.352
= 3352/−

(19) Ans: D
𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑑 + 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑒
𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛 = × 100
𝑃𝑢𝑟𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒
(1000 × 8%) + (960 − 900)
= × 100
80 + 60
= × 100

= 15.55%

(20) Ans: D
𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = (1 + ) 4 − 1
0.1255 = (1 + ) 4 − 1
1.1255 = (1 + ) 4
𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑒 4𝑡ℎ 𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝐵𝑜𝑡ℎ 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑠.

1.0299 = 1 +

𝑖 = (1.0299 − 1) × 4

𝑖 = 12%

(21) Ans: B
125 − 100
1𝑠𝑡 𝑦𝑟 = × 100 = 25%

187.5 − 125
2𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑟 = × 100 = 50%

358 | P a g e
243.75 − 187.5
3𝑟𝑑 𝑦𝑟 = × 100 = 30%

25% + 50% + 30%

𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 =
= 35%

My Answer is coming: 69075/-
Options given in the question are wrong. You can check in ICSI Suggested answers also. They have
mentioned this.
𝑃𝑉 = 15000 + (𝑃𝑉 𝑜𝑓 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 5 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠)
= 15000 + (15000 × 3.605)
= 69075/−

(24) Ans: C
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑃𝑆 = × 100

(100 × 12%)
= × 100
100 − 2
= × 100

= 12.24%

(25) Ans: A
𝑃𝑉 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 = = 2,77,778/−

𝑁𝑃𝑉 = 𝐶𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 − 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤

= 2,77,778 − 3,00,000

= −22,222/−

(29) Ans: B
Effect on NW C
(𝑖)𝑃𝑢𝑟𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑀 𝑜𝑛 𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 = 𝑛𝑜 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡
(𝑖𝑖)𝐼𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑒𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 = 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑁𝑊𝐶 𝑏𝑦 20 𝐿𝑎𝑘ℎ𝑠
(𝑖𝑖𝑖)𝑃𝑢𝑟𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐶𝑎𝑠ℎ = 𝐷𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑁𝑊𝐶 𝑏𝑦 18 𝐿𝑎𝑘ℎ𝑠
Net Effect Increase 2 Lakhs
+Opening 14 Lakhs
=Closing 16 Lakhs

(30) Ans: A
𝐹𝐿 =
𝐹𝐿 =
𝐸𝐵𝑇 − 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡

𝐸𝐵𝐼𝑇 − 300

359 | P a g e
4 𝐸𝐵𝐼𝑇 − 1200 = 𝐸𝐵𝐼𝑇
3 𝐸𝐵𝐼𝑇 = 1200
𝐸𝐵𝐼𝑇 = 400

𝐹𝐿 =
𝐶 = 2000


𝐹𝐶 = 2000 − 400 = 1600

(32) Ans: C
𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐶𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 = 𝑅 + 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 + 𝐹 + 𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑
80 = 40 + 2 + 20 + 𝐶
𝐶 = 18 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠

(33) Ans: B
𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 × 𝑁𝑃% × (1 − 𝑝𝑎𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑡)
= (50,00,000 + 10%) × 8% × (1 − 0.3)
= 55,00,000 × 8% × 0.7%
= 3,08,000/−

(41) Ans: B
2× 𝐴 ×𝑂
𝐸𝑂𝑄 = √

2 × (150 × 12) × 8

= √14400

= 120 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠

(45) Ans: B
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡𝑜𝑟
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 =
𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠/365

(30 + 20)
25 = 2

25 =

25 = 25 ×

𝐶𝑆 = 365

𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒 = 73% × 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠

360 | P a g e
𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒 =


= 500 𝐿𝑎𝑘ℎ𝑠

(51) Ans: B
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐸𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 = 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦
∴ 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛
∴ 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐸𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 = 18%

(52) Ans: C
Reverse W orking:
EPS =0
+ Pref. Dividend (50 × 10%) =5
PAT =5
PBT = 7.69
( )
100% − 35%
+ Interest (150 × 12%) = 18
= 25.69

(53) Ans: B
EBIT = 500
(-) Debenture = (100)
(-) Interest (1000 × 12%) = (120)
EBT = 280
(-) Tax @ 35% = (98)
PAT = 182 Lakhs

(55) Ans: C
𝐶𝑅 =

𝐶𝐴 = 4 𝐶𝐿 _______________(1)


30000 = 4𝐶𝐿 − 𝐶𝐿

𝐶𝐿 = 10000

𝐶𝐴 = 4 × 10000

= 40000

𝐿𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡 = 𝐶𝐴 − 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘

= 40000 − 8000
= 32000

361 | P a g e
(56) Ans: C
𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 𝑃𝑉 (1 + 𝑖) 𝑛
= 50000 (1 + 0.12) 6
= 50000 × 1.974
= 98700

𝑃𝑉 = 𝑀𝑉 × 𝑃𝑉𝐹 @ 10% 𝑓𝑜𝑟 6𝑡ℎ 𝑦𝑟

= 98700 × 0.564
= 55667/−

(57) Ans: B
At 25% Payout:
G = retention ratio * reinvestment rate
= 75% * 15%
= 11.25%

𝑃𝑜 =
𝐾𝑒 − 𝑔
20 ∗ 25%
𝑃𝑜 =
12% − 11.25%

= 666/−

50% Payout:
G = retention ratio * reinvestment rate
= 50% * 15%
= 7.5%

𝑃𝑜 =
𝐾𝑒 − 𝑔
20 ∗ 50%
𝑃𝑜 =
12% − 7.5%

= 222/−

Change = Decline of 444/-

(58) Ans: B
𝑆𝐷 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦
𝛽 = 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐶𝑜 − 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 ×
𝑆𝐷 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡

= 0.6 ×

= 0.72

𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛 = 𝑅𝑓 + 𝛽(𝑅𝑚 − 𝑅𝑓 )

= 8% + 0.72(12% − 8%)
= 10.88%

(59) Ans: C
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝐶𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 = 50000 + (20000 + 0.826%)
= 66520/−

PV of Cash Inflow

362 | P a g e
𝑃𝑉 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝐹𝐴𝑇 = 12000 × 3.791
= 45492

𝑆𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑝 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 (𝑇𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙)(5𝑡ℎ 𝑦𝑟 𝑒𝑛𝑑) = 50000 × 20% × 0.621

= 6210/−

𝑃𝑉 𝑜𝑓 𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 (5𝑡ℎ 𝑦𝑟 𝑒𝑛𝑑) = 20000 × 0.621

= 12420

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝐼 = 45492 + 6210 + 12420

= 64122

= 64122 − 66520
= −2398

𝑅𝑒𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡.

363 | P a g e

(1) A firm expects an NPV of ` 8,000 if the economy is exceptionally strong (30% probability), an
NPV of ` 4,000 if the economy is normal (40% probability), and an NPV of ` 2,000 if the economy is
exceptionally weak (30% probability). Expected Net present value is ……………. .
(a) 5,200
(b) 6,000
(c) 5,000
(d) 4,600

(2) Calculate the value of the firm MNP Ltd. according to the Net Income Approach. The company
expects a net operating income of ` 80,000. It has ` 2,00,000, 8% Debentures. The equity
capitalization rate of the company is 10%. (Ignore the Income Tax).
(a) ` 8,40,000
(b) ` 8,60,000
(c) ` 8,80,000
(d) ` 8,90,000

(3) ABC Ltd. expects a net operating income of ` 1,00,000. It has ` 5,00,000, 6% De be ntures. The
overall capitalization is 10%. Calculate cost of equity according to the Net Operating Income
(a) 14%
(b) 21%
(c) 18%
(d) 21.8%

(4) Compute the average cost of capital by using market value as weights from the following
Net Operating Income ` 2,00,000, Total Investment ` 10,00,000, if the firm uses 5% de benture of `
4,00,000 and equity capitalization rate is 11%.
(a) 20%
(b) 9.9%
(c) 9.82%
(d) 11%

(5) A company PQR Ltd. has EBIT of ` 2,00,000. Expected return on its Investment @ of 12%. What
is the total value of the firm according to Miller-Modigliani theory?
(a) ` 16,66,667
(b) ` 17,85,714
(c) ` 20,00,000
(d) ` 22,40,000

(6) A firm has EBIT of ` 50,000. Market value of debt is ` 80,000 and overall capitalization rate is
20%. Market value of equity under NOI Approach is:
(a) ` 1,70,000
(b) ` 2,50,000
(c) ` 30,000
(d) ` 1,30,000

(7) X company has sales of ` 12,00,000, Variable Cost is 50% and fixed cost ` 2,50,000. Ope rating
leverage of the company is:
(a) 1.33
(b) 1.67
(c) 1.71
(d) 2

364 | P a g e
(8) A Ltd. issues ` 50,000 8% debentures at a discount of 5%. The tax rate is 50%. The cost of de bt
capital is:
(a) 5.42%
(b) 5.1%
(c) 4.42%
(d) 4.21%

(9) A company issues ` 10,000 10% Preference Shares of ` 100 each redeemable after 10 years at a
premium of 5%. The cost of issue is ` 2 per share. The cost of preference capital is:
(a) 10.14%
(b) 10.34%
(c) 10.74%
(d) 10.54%

(10) Number of existing equity share = 8 crore, Market value of existing share = ` 55, Net earnings =
` 80 crore. Cost of equity on basis of Earning-price Ratio approach is:
(a) 5.55%
(b) 5.15%
(c) 18.18%
(d) 18.02%

(11) ABC Ltd. has the following capital structure:

Equity share capital ` 10,00,000, 10% preference share capital ` 5,00,000, 8% Debentures `
15,00,000. Cost of equity is estimated to be 15%. Calculate the Weighted Average Cost of Capital,
assuming tax rate is 50%.
(a) 6.67%
(b) 8.67%
(c) 9.67%
(d) 7.67%

(12) Find the correct statements regarding the risk-adjusted discount rate (RADR) approach?
(a) Under the RADR approach, we should accept a project if its net present value (NPV)
calculated using a risk-adjusted discount rate is positive.
(b) Adjusting the firm’s overall cost of capital upward is required if the project or group are of higher
than average risk.
(c) Under the RADR approach, we should still compare a project’s internal rate of return (IRR) to the
firm’s overall weighted-average cost of capital in order to decide acceptance/rejection.
(d) Adjusting the firm’s overall cost of capital downward is required if the proje ct or group are of
lower than average risk.

(13) PQR Ltd. keeps a perpetual fixed amount of debenture with coupon rate of 16% in its books.
Debenture sells at par (face value ` 100) in the market and company pays 40% tax. What is the cost
of debenture, if sold at 10% premium in the market?
(a) 8.82%
(b) 8.72%
(c) 8.27%
(d) 9.10%

(14) ANT Corporation common stock has a beta, (𝛽), of 1.5. The risk-free rate is 8%, and the market
return is 12%. Determine the cost of equity shares using the CAPM.
(a) 14%
(b) 11%
(c) 12%
(d) 13%

365 | P a g e
(15) MNP Ltd. has a target capital structure of 60 percent common stock, 10 percent preferred
stock, and 30 percent debt. Its cost of equity is 15 percent, the cost of preferred stock is 7 pe rce nt,
and the cost of debt is 10 percent. The relevant tax rate is 40 percent. What is its WACC?
(a) 11.3%
(b) 11.5%
(c) 11.7%
(d) 12.1%

(16) A company has currently 2,000 equity shares of ` 100 each and its earnings are ` 20,000. Its
current market price is ` 110 and the growth rate of EPS is expected to be 5%, The cost of equity is
…………… .
(a) 10.94%
(b) 9.55%
(c) 9.95%
(d) 11.60%

(17) A firm provides the following information:

Sold 2,00,000 units @ ` 30 per unit; Variable cost ` 15 per unit, fixed cost ` 10,00,000 and de bt of
` 10,00,000 at 10% rate of interest. Calculate the degree of Financial leverage.
(a) 1.5
(b) 0.66
(c) 1.053
(d) Insufficient information

(18) SKY Ltd. is considering three different financing alternatives – debt, preferred stock and
common equity. The firm has created an EBIT-EPS chart that shows se ve ral indifference points.
What does each indifference point show the firm?
(a) The level of EBIT that generates identical EPS under different alterative financing plans.
(b) The level of sales that generates identical EBIT and EPS figures.
(c) It shows the level of EBIT and EPS at which DFL is identical under different alternative financing
(d) None of the above

(19) Which one is not a characteristics of Little-Mireless (L-M) approach?

(a) Domestic currency is used an numeraire
(b) Uncommitted social income is the measurement base
(c) At one place all SCBA objectives are fulfilled
(d) International price is used as numeraire

(20) Different aspects of UNIDO approach of social cost benefit analysis are examined in how many
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

(21) The earning per share of a company is ` 10. It has an internal rate of re turn of 15% and the
capitalization rate of the same risk class is 12.5%. If Walter’s model is use d, what should be the
price of a share at optimum payout?
(a) 92
(b) 94
(c) 96
(d) 98

(22) From the following information find the market value per share as per Walter’s model:
Earnings of the Company ` 5,00,000, Dividend Payout ratio 60%, No. of shares outstanding
1,00,000, Equity capitalization rate is 12% and Rate of return on investment is 15%.
366 | P a g e
(a) 45.83
(b) 48.53
(c) 49.27
(d) 47.19

(23) Modigliani and Miller argue that the dividend decision ……………………. .
(a) Is irrelevant as the value of the firm is based on the earning power of its assets
(b) Is relevant as the value of the firm is not based just on the earning power of its assets
(c) Is irrelevant as dividends represent cash leaving the firm to share holders, who own the firm
(d) Is relevant as cash outflow always influences other firm decisions

(24) Determine the market price of a share of XYZ Ltd. as per Gordon’s Model, given equity
capitalization rate = 11%, Expected Earning = ` 20, rate of return on investment = 10% and
retention ratio = 30%.
(a) ` 165
(b) ` 175
(c) ` 185
(d) ` 195

(25) A Company Ltd., has 50,000 shares outstanding. The current market price of the shares is `
50 each. The company expects the net profit of ` 1 ,00,000 during the year and it belongs to a risk
class for which the appropriate capitalization rate has been estimated to be 25% . The company is
considering dividend of ` 10 per share for the current year. What will be the price of the share at
the end of the year, if the dividend is not paid?
(a) ` 60.5
(b) ` 62.5
(c) ` 72.5
(d) ` 52.5

(26) Which of the following statements is not true in the context of ‘M-M’s dividend theory?
(a) The firm operates in perfect capital markets
(b) All investors are rational
(c) There is no fixed investment policy of the firm
(d) The dividend policy of the firm is irrelevant

(27) The annual cash requirement of A Ltd. is ` 25 lakh. Cost of conversion of marketable securities
per lot is ` 2,500. The company can earn 5% annual yield on its securities. What will be the
economic lot size according to the Baumol Model?
(a) ` 1,00,000
(b) ` 2,50,000
(c) ` 5,00,000
(d) ` 4,75,000

(28) The following details are available in respect of a firm: Annual requirement of inventory 20,000
units. Cost per unit (other than carrying and ordering cost) is ` 10, Carrying cost are like ly to be
10% per year, Cost of placing an order is ` 500 per order. The economic ordering quantity is:
(a) 4472 Units
(b) 4274 Units
(c) 5270 Units
(d) 4760 Units

(29) What will be the operating cycle period if raw materials are in store for 2 months, proce ssing
time 2 ½ months finished goods remain in store for 15 days, debtors ar e allowed 60 days’ cre dit
and credit received from suppliers of raw material is 1 month:
(a) 7 months
(b) 6 months
367 | P a g e
(c) 6 ½ months
(d) 5 months

(30) Current assets are twice the current liabilities. If the net working capital is ` 60,000, curre nt
assets would be:
(a) ` 60,000
(b) ` 1,00,000
(c) ` 1,20,000
(d) ` 1,10,000

(31) Concept of Maximum Permissible Bank financial was introduced by:

(a) Kannan Committee
(b) Chore Committee
(c) Nayak Committee
(d) Tandon Committee

(32) Reorder level + Reorder Quantity – (Minimum Consumption × Minimum delivery period)
determines which stock level:
(a) Reorder level
(b) Maximum level
(c) Minimum level
(d) Average level

(33) Efficiency of a credit control system does not get influenced by:
(a) Timely billing
(b) Accurate billing
(c) Compliance with the specified credit policy
(d) Cash discount availed by the customers

(34) Before taking investment decision, an investor makes a comparison of the …………………
available from each avenue and e lements of ………………. involved in it.
(a) Gross profit, Management
(b) Returns, Management
(c) Returns, Risk
(d) Risk, Returns

(35) Speculator is a person:

(a) W ho acts in a risky financial transaction, in the hope of substantial profit
(b) Who acts in a less risky financial transaction, in the hope of substantial profit
(c) Who uses only his own fund to make profit
(d) Who analyse the performance of the company but does not make any transactions

(36) An investor is holding 100 shares of PQR Ltd. The curr ent rate of dividend paid by the
company is ` 10 per share. The long-term growth rate is expected to be 10% and the expe cted rate
of return is 20%. Current market price of the share is:
(a) ` 110
(b) ` 112
(c) ` 120
(d) ` 111

(37) According to ………………. the ory, it is futile to engage in Technical analysis.

(a) Dow Jones theory
(b) Random W alk theory
(c) Efficient Market theory
(d) None of the above

(38) Which of the following statement defines the efficient market?

368 | P a g e
(a) Information is fully reflected on the stock prices
(b) The stock exchanges is fully automated
(c) The market is mentioned by the regulation authorities
(d) Free entry and exit of the investors

(39) …………………… focus more on past price movements of firm’s stock than on the unde rlying
determinations of future profitability.
(a) Fundamental Analysis
(b) System Analysis
(c) Credit Analysis
(d) Technical Analysis

(40) If the markets are efficient, the security price provides:

(a) Inadequate return for taking up risk
(b) Normal return for the level of risk taken
(c) High return for the level of risk taken
(d) Both (a) and (c)

(41) Consider a graph with standard deviation on the horizontal axis and e xpe cte d re turn on the
vertical axis. The line that connects the risk-free rate and the optimal risky portfolio is called:
(a) The indifference curve
(b) The security market line
(c) The capital market line
(d) The characteristic line

(42) If the standard deviation of a portfolio return is 15% and risk tolerance level for the inve stor is
40. What will be the risk penalty for the investor?
(a) 4.5%
(b) 2.67%
(c) 6.32%
(d) 5.625%

(43) Which of the following is the equation of the Security Market Line (SML)?
(𝑎) 𝑅 𝑖 + 𝑅 𝐹 (𝑅𝑚 − 𝑅𝐹 )
(𝑏)𝑅 𝑖 = 𝑅 𝐹 (𝑅𝑚 − 𝑅𝐹 )
(𝑐)𝑅 𝑖 = 𝑅 𝐹 + 𝛽𝑖 (𝑅𝐹 − 𝑅𝑚 )
(𝒅)𝑹𝒊 = 𝑹𝑭 + 𝜷𝒊 (𝑹𝒎 − 𝑹𝑭 )

(44) Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Account for ……………… .

(a) Unsystematic risk
(b) Systematic risk
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Not used for risk analysis

(45) When a portfolio comprises investment in three shares (Share A – 40% , Share B – 25% and
Share C – 35%) whose beta factors are 1.3, 1.6 and 1.2, respectively, the portfolio beta is:
(a) 1.34
(b) 1.43
(c) 1.24
(d) 1.42

(46) If the risk free rate of interest is 11% and expected return on market portfolio is 18%, ascertain
expected return of the portfolio if 𝛽 of portfolio is 0.90.
(a) 17.1%
(b) 17.2%
(c) 17.3%
(d) 18.1%
369 | P a g e
(47) The unsystematic risk is explained:
(a) By variance of the index
(b) By unexplained variance of the index
(c) By explained variance of the index
(d) Not affected by variance

(48) The standard deviation of market returns is 15. The return of stock X is 25%. The riskless rate
of interest is 5%. The risk premium of the X stock is:
(a) 1.33
(b) 5
(c) 15
(d) 20

(49) The Sharpe index assigns the high value to funds that have:
(a) Low standard deviations
(b) Higher returns
(c) Higher risk adjusted returns
(d) Higher risk premium

(50) JP Limited has earned 10% return on total assets of ` 18,00,000 and has a ne t profit ratio of
8%. Find out sales of the company.
(a) ` 14,40,000
(b) ` 25,00,000
(c) ` 27,50,000
(d) ` 22,50,000

(51) Find the correct statement regarding the profit maximization:

(a) Profit maximization considers the firm’s risk level.
(b) Profit maximization will not lead to increasing short-term profits at the expense of lowering
expected future profits.
(c) Profit maximization does consider the impact on individual shareholder’s EPS.
(d) Profit maximization is concerned more with maximizing net income than the stock price.

(52) From which of the following, Economic Value Added (EVA) will not increase:
(a) Operating profits grow without employing additional capital
(b) Unproductive capital is liquidated
(c) Cash flow generated by a business equal to the cost of the capital
(d) Additional capital is invested in the projects, that give higher returns than the cost of procuring
new capital

(53) ……………….. is the most appropriate goal of the firm.

(a) Shareholder wealth maximization
(b) Profit maximization
(c) Stakeholder maximization
(d) EPS maximization

(54) Earnings per share can be calculated as:

(a) Use the income statement to determine earnings after taxes (net income) and divide by the
previous period’s earnings after taxes. Then subtract 1 from the previously calculated value.
(b) Use the income statement to determine earnings after taxes (net income) and divide by
the number of common shares outstanding.
(c) Use the income statement to determine earnings after taxes (net income) and divide by the
number of common and preferred shares outstanding.
(d) Use the income stateme nt to determine earnings after taxes (net income) and divide by the
forecasted period’s earnings after taxes. Then subject 1 from the previously calculated value.

370 | P a g e
(55) Investment Decision in Financial Management does not include:
(a) Dividend Payout Decision
(b) Capital Budgeting Decision
(c) Working Capital Management
(d) Re-allocation of Capital

(56) The main function of a financial manager include the following except:
(a) Asset Management
(b) Capital Structure Planning
(c) Fund Management
(d) Internal Control and Audit

(57) The present value of ` 1,000 to be received after one year at the rate of 8% per annum is ` 926,
if discounted half yearly, the present value would be:
(a) ` 924.55
(b) ` 930.00
(c) ` 600.96
(d) ` 934.00

(58) What is the present value of the maturity value of ` 10,000 which has been given on 15%
interest for five years while required rate of return is 10% ? (FV @ 15% after 5 years is 2.01136, FV
@ 10% after 5 years is 1.61051)
(a) ` 12,488.94
(b) ` 12.494.88
(c) ` 21.494.88
(d) ` 21.488.94

(59) MNP Ltd. is considering purchasing of an Asset costing ` 80,000 and having a use ful life of 4
years. During the first 2 years, the net incremental after-tax cash flows are ` 25,000 pe r annum
and for the last two years ` 20,000 per annum. What is the Payback period for this investment?
(a) 3.2 years
(b) 3.5 years
(c) 4.0 years
(d) Cannot be determined from this information

(60) ABC project has the following cash inflows for 4 years as ` 34,444; ` 39,877; ` 25,000; and `
52,800 respectively. The initial Investment is ` 1,04,000. Find the correct statement from the
Present value of an annuity of rupee one on various discounting factor in 4th year is:
9% 3.2397
13% 2.9745
15% 2.8550
16% 2.7982
17% 2.7432
18% 2.6901

(a) The IRR is less than 9%.

(b) The IRR is greater than or equal to 9%, but less than 13%.
(c) The IRR is greater than 16%, but less than 18%.
(d) The IRR is greater than or equal to 17%.

371 | P a g e

(61) Guidelines developed by an organization to govern the actions of those who are a part of it, is
known as:
(a) Business Policy
(b) Marketing strategy
(c) Formulation strategy
(d) Values

(62) The …………………… process commences at corporate level. Here the organization se ts out its
overall mission, purpose, and values.
(a) Researching
(b) Strategic planning
(c) Controlling
(d) Managing

(63) The marketing strategy emphasises price as the key to good value; operations runs with tight
cost control; development focuses on cost reduction. Which of the competitive strategies is
illustrated here?
(a) Divisionalisation
(b) Differentiation focus
(c) Differentiation
(d) Cost leadership

(64) Which of the following statements are correct?

(1) Supply chain management is a narrower concept than logisti cs management.
(2) Reduction of inventory is a key objective of logistics management.
(3) Outbound logistics is also called upstream logistics.
(4) Logistical Network includes various facilities like manufacturing plants, warehouses,
distribution centres.
(a) (1), (2), (3) and (4) are correct
(b) (1), (3) and (4) are correct
(c) (2) and (3) are correct
(d) (2) and (4) are correct

(65) Statement (I): Stars operate in low growth industries and maintain high market share.
Statement (II): “Dogs” have weak market share in high-growth market.
Codes :
(a) Statement (I) is correct but (II) is incorrect
(b) Statement (II) is correct but (I) is incorrect
(c) Both the statements (I) and (II) are correct
(d) Both the statements (I) and (II) are incorrect

(66) Which of the following is the Strategy of TOWS?

(a) Competitive Strategy
(b) Corporate Strategy
(c) Business Strategy
(d) Functional Strategy

(67) The two internal elements of SWOT analysis are:

(a) Weaknesses and threats
(b) Opportunities and threats
(c) Strengths and weaknesses
(d) Strengths and threats

372 | P a g e
(68) In SWOT analysis, situations in which firms could convert weaknesses into strengths and
threats into opportunities, known as:
(a) Conversion strategies
(b) Strategic leverage
(c) Strategic policy
(d) Vulnerability

(69) Which can be termed as disadvantage of PERT?

(a) Compels managers to plan their projects critically in considerable detail from be ginning to the
end and analyse all factors affecting the progress of the plan
(b) Provides management a tool for forecasting the impact of schedule changes. The likely probable
spots are located early enough to take preventive measures or corrective actions.
(c) The considerable amount of data may be presented in a precise manner.
(d) The costs may be higher than the conventional methods of planning and as it needs a
high degree of planning skill and minute details resulting in rise in time and manpower

(70) What is the term used in Ansoff’s matrix for increasing market share with existing prod ucts in
new markets?
(a) Market development
(b) Market penetration
(c) Product development
(d) Diversification

(71) Porter’s generic strategies are:

(a) Low price, differentiation, focus
(b) Cost leadership, differentiation, cost focus, differentiation focus
(c) Price leadership, differentiation, focus
(d) Low cost, differentiation, focus differentiation

(72) A sudden increase in critical resources which may invite an imme diate re assessment of the
organization strategy is an example of:
(a) Strategic Leap Control
(b) Implementation Control
(c) Strategic Surveillance
(d) Special Alert Control

(73) Strategic changes that most of the companies pursue are the following except:
(a) Re-engineering
(b) Restructuring
(c) Innovation
(d) Liquidation

(74) If misinformation and lack of information create barriers in managing change, it can be
managed by:
(a) Participation
(b) Education and Communication
(c) Leadership
(d) Obtaining commitment

(75) Important benefits of McKinsey’s 7-S framework Model is/are as follows:

(a) It is a diagnostic tool for understanding the organization which are non-effective
(b) It helps to guide organization change
(c) It combines rational and hard elements with emotional and soft elements
(d) All of the above

(76) Restructuring and downsizing becomes necessary due to the following factors except:
373 | P a g e
(a) Unforeseen changes in business environment
(b) New technological development
(c) Increase in demand
(d) Excess production capacity

(77) In ………………… structure, the activities are grouped according to the types of products
manufactured or different market territories as the organizations began to grow by expanding
variety of functions performed.
(a) Divisional Structure
(b) Functional Structure
(c) Horizontal Structure
(d) Vertical Structure

(78) What is the term for the monitoring of events both internal and e xte rnal to the organization
that effects strategy?
(a) Operational control
(b) Strategic control
(c) Strategic surveillance
(d) Environmental scanning

(79) Improving quality through small, incremental improvements is a characteristic of what types of
quality management system?
(a) Just-in-time
(b) Six Sigma
(c) Total Quality Management
(d) Kaizen

(80) Where was Total Quality Management first developed?

(a) USA
(b) UK
(c) Japan
(d) Korea

(81) Which of the following are key components of a Total Quality Management system?
(a) Individual responsibility, incremental improvement, use of raw data
(b) Collective responsibility, continual
(c) Group responsibility, staged improvement, knowledge
(d) Involves everyone, continual improvement, use of data and knowledge

(82) Match the following benchmarking events with historical development:

Benchmarking History Years
(a) Reverse Engineering (1) 1982-1986
(b) Process benchmarking (2) 1976-1986
(c) Strategic benchmarking (3) 1950-1975
(d) Competitive benchmarking (4) 1988+

(a) (a) – (1), (b) – (3), (c) – (2), (d) – (4)

(b) (a) – (3), (b) – (1), (c) – (4), (d) – (2)
(c) (a) – (3), (b) – (1), (c) – (2), (d) – (4)
(d) (a) – (3), (b) – (2), (c) – (1), (d) – (4)

(83) In Six sigma, DMAIC stands for:

(a) Do-Measure-Act-Implement-Check
(b) Define-Measure-Act-Implement-Control
(c) Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control
(d) Do-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control

374 | P a g e
(84) In TQM, which of the following is not classified as ‘cost of non-conformance’?
(a) Testing equipment
(b) Reworking
(c) Warranty claims
(d) Product design

(85) “Six Sigma” management has several levels of certification. It does not include:
(a) Yellow Belt
(b) Green Belt
(c) Champion
(d) W hite Belt

(86) Generally in what order managers perform their managerial functions?

(a) Organizing, planning, controlling, leading
(b) Organizing, leading, planning, controlling
(c) Planning, organizing, leading, controlling
(d) Planning, organizing, controlling, leading

(87) The famous book “The Management Theory of Jungle” is written by:
(a) Harold Koontz
(b) Henri Fayol
(c) Peter Drucker
(d) George Terry

(88) At what level of an organization does a corporate manager operate?

(a) Functional
(b) Operational
(c) Middle level
(d) Top level

(89) Consider the following statements:

(1) Establishment of objectives
(2) Choose of alternative courses of action
(3) Delegation of authority
(4) Decision only by production manager
Out of these statements:
(a) (1), (2), (3) and (4) are correct
(b) (1), (3) and (4) are correct
(c) (1) and (2) are correct
(d) (2) and (3) are correct

(90) When a manager monitors the work performance of workers in his department to de te rmine if
the quality of their work is ‘up to standard’, this manager is engaging in which function?
(a) Planning
(b) Controlling
(c) Organising
(d) Leading

(91) Following are controlling functions of the management?

(1) Analysis of variances
(2) Initiating corrective action
(3) Measurement of Actual performance
(4) Establishment of standards
Correct sequence is:
(a) (4), (2), (3), (1)
(b) (2), (3), (1), (4)
(c) (4), (1), (2), (3)
375 | P a g e
(d) (4), (3), (1), (2)

(92) ………………….is a conscious attempt made by the executive to influence the role of individu al
and group behaviours.
(a) Direction
(b) Motivation
(c) Leadership
(d) Controlling

(93) What is the term for the action in which managers at an organization analyse the current
situation of their organization and then develop plans to accomplish its mis sion and achieve its
(a) Synergy planning
(b) Strategy formulation
(c) Functional planning
(d) SWOT analysis

(94) Match the following Porter’s five forces factors:

(a) Brand reputation and Government (1) Buyer power
(b) Materials scarcity and Threat of (2) Rivalry among existing
integrating forward
(c) Price sensitivity and Threat of backward (3) Threat of new entry
(d) Customer loyalty and Threat of (4) Supplier power
horizontal integration

The correct order is:

(a) (a) – (2), (b) – (3), (c) – (1), (d) – (4)
(b) (a) – (3), (b) – (1), (c) – (4), (d) – (2)
(c) (a) – (3), (b) – (4), (c) – (1), (d) – (2)
(d) (a) – (2), (b) – (4), (c) – (1), (d) – (3)

(95) In the business, Macro environment factor, what does PEST stand for?
(a) Political, environmental, strategic, testing
(b) Political, environmental, strategic, technological
(c) Political, economic, strategic, technological
(d) Political, economic, social, technological

(96) Profitability stemming from how well a firm positions itself in the market is a ke y fe ature of
which writer’s view on strategy?
(a) Peter Drucker
(b) Jay Barney
(c) Michael Porter
(d) Henry Mintzberg

(97) Porter’s Value Chain is essentially a tool for:

(a) Calculating what a firm is worth
(b) Advising firms on how to price their products
(c) Identifying the competitive forces within an industry
(d) Diagnosing and enhancing sources of competitive advantage within an organization

(98) …………………… refers to key strategic leadership roles in which a leader quickly and cle arly
works through the complexity of key issues problem and opportunities to affect actions.
(a) Navigator
(b) Strategist
(c) Captivator
376 | P a g e
(d) Enterprise Guardian

(99) The ……………………. answers the question “Where do we aim to be ”? Whe re as ……… ……….
answers the questions “What we do? What makes us different?”
(a) Vision statement; mission statement
(b) Short-term objectives; long-term objectives
(c) Objectives; strategies
(d) Mission; vision

(100) Large organizations create ………………, which assume the role of a se parate company and
create their own strategies and plans in order to achieve their corporate goals and contribution to
the overall organization.
(a) Marketing objectives
(b) Strategic business units
(c) Marketing activities
(d) Business development units

377 | P a g e
Q. 1. Ans. (D)
NPV Probability Expected NPV
8,000 0.3 2,400
4,000 0.4 1,600
2,000 0.3 600

Q. 2. Ans. (A)
𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑒𝑏𝑡 = 2,00,000

𝑁𝑂𝐼 − 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡
𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 =
𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒

80,000 − (2,00,000 × 8%)



= 6,40,000

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑚 = 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡 + 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦

= 2,00,000 + 6,40,000
= 8,40,000

Q. 3. Ans. (A)
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒
𝑂𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 =
𝑂𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒


= 10,00,000

𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 − 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑒𝑏𝑡

= 10,00,000 − 5,00,000
= 5,00,000

𝐾𝑒 =
𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 × 100

1,00,000 − (5,00,000 × 6%)

= × 100

= × 100

= 14%

Q. 4. Ans. (C)
2,00,000 − (4,00,000 × 5%)
𝑀𝑉 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 =

= 16,36,363/−

378 | P a g e
Source Cost MV Weight Cost × Weight
Equity 11% 16,36,363 0.80 8.8%
Debt 5% 4,00,000 0.20 1%
20,36,363 9.82%

Q. 5. Ans. (A)
𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑚 (𝑀.𝑀. ) =


= 16,66,667

Q. 6. Ans. (A)
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑚 =


= 2,50,000

𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 − 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡

= 2,50,000 − 80,000
= 1,70,000/−

Q. 7. Ans. (C)
Sales 12,00,000
(-) VC @ 50% 6,00,000
Contribution 6,00,000
(-) FC (2,50,000)
EBIT 3,50,000

𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 =


= 1.71 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠

Q. 8. Ans. (D)
𝐼(𝑙 − 𝑡)
𝐾𝑑 = × 100
8(1 − 0.5)
= × 100
100 − 5%

= 4.21%

Q. 9. Ans. (D)

(𝑅𝑉 − 𝑁𝑃)
𝐾𝑃 = 𝑛 × 100
379 | P a g e
(105 − 98)
10 +
= 10 × 100
105 + 98
( )

= 10.54%

Q. 10. Ans. (C)

𝐸𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 1
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦(𝑃/𝐸) = × 100 𝑂𝑅

= × 100
= × 100

= 18.18%

Q. 11. Ans. (B)

Source Amt. Cost Weight Cost × Weight
ESC 10,00,000 15% 0.333 5%
PSC 5,00,000 10% 0.167 1.67%
Debenture 15,00,000 8% (1 – 0.5) = 4% 0.5 2%
30,00,000 8.67%

Q. 13. Ans. (B)

𝐼(𝑙 − 𝑡)
𝑘𝑑 = × 100
100 × 16%(1 − 0.4)
= × 100
(100 + 10%)

= × 100

= 8.72%

Q. 14. Ans. (A)

𝐾𝑒 (𝐶𝐴𝑃𝑀) = 𝑅𝑓 + 𝛽(𝑅 𝑚 − 𝑅𝑓)
= 8% + 1.5(12% − 8%)
= 14%

Q. 15. Ans. (B)

Source W eight Cost (after tax) 𝑾𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 × Cost
Common Stock 0.6 15% 9%
Preferred Stock 0.1 7% 0.7%
Debt 0.3 10% (1-0.4) = 6% 1.8%

Q. 16. Ans. (B)

𝐾𝑒 =

380 | P a g e
20,000/2,000(1 + 5%)

= × 100

= 9.54%

Q. 17. Ans. (C)

Sales (2,00,000 × 30) 60,00,000
VC (2,00,000 × 15) (30,00,000)
Contribution 30,00,000
(-) FC (10,00,000)
EBIT 20,00,000
(-) Interest (10,00,000 × 10%) (1,00,000)
EBT 19,00,000

𝐹𝐿 =

= 1.053 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠

Q. 21. Ans. (C)

𝐴𝑠 𝑟 > 𝑘 𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑝𝑎𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑖𝑠 0%
𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 100%
𝑔 = 𝑏𝑟
= 15% × 1
= 15%
𝐷 + (𝐸 − 𝐷)

0 + (10 − 0)
= 0.125

= 96

Q. 22. Ans. (A)

(5 × 60%) + (5 − 3) ×
𝑃= 0.12
3 + 2.5

= 45.83

Q. 24. Ans. (B)

𝐾𝑒 − 𝑔
381 | P a g e
20 × (1 − 30%)
11% − (10% × 0.3)


= 175

Q. 25. Ans. (B)

𝐷1 − 𝑃1
𝑃0 =
1 + 𝐾𝑒

0 − 𝑃1
50 =
1 + 0.25

𝑃1 = 62.5

Q. 27. Ans. (C)

2 × 25,00,000 × 2,500
𝐸𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝐿𝑜𝑡 𝑆𝑖𝑧𝑒 = √
= 5,00,000

Q. 28. Ans. (A)

2 × 20,000 × 500
𝐸𝑂𝑄 = √
10 × 10%

= 4,472 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠

Q. 29. Ans. (B)

𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐶𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 = 𝑅 + 𝑊𝐼𝑃 + 𝐹𝐺 + 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡𝑜𝑟 − 𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑜𝑟
= 2 + 2.5 + 0.5 + 2 − 1
= 6 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑠

Q. 30. Ans. (C)

𝐶𝐴 = 2 𝐶𝐿 ___________(1)
60,000 = 𝐶𝐴 − 𝐶𝐿 __________(2)
𝑃𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐸𝑔. (1) 𝑖𝑛 (2); 𝑤𝑒 𝑔𝑒𝑡
60,000 = 2 𝐶𝐿 − 𝐶𝐿
𝐶𝐿 = 60,000
𝐶𝐴 = 2 𝐶𝐿
= 2 × 60,000
𝐶𝐿 = 1,20,000

Q. 36. Ans. (A)

𝑃0 =
𝐾𝑒 − 𝑔

10 (1 + 10%)
𝑃0 =
20% − 10%

𝑃0 =

382 | P a g e
P0 = ` 110

Q. 42. Ans. (D)

𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑆𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑑 (𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒)
𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑃𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑡𝑦 =
𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑇𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒



= 5.625%

Q. 45. Ans. (A)

Portfolio Beta = (1.3 *40%) + (1.6 * 25%) + (1.2 * 35%)
Portfolio Beta = 0.52 + 0.4 + 0.42
Portfolio Beta = 1.34

Q. 46. Ans. (C)

𝐸𝑅 𝑝 = 𝑅𝑓 + 𝛽(𝑅𝑚 − 𝑅𝑓)
= 11% + 0.9(18% − 11%)
= 17.3%

Q. 48. Ans. (D)

𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛 = 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛 + 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑢𝑚
𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑢𝑚 = 25% − 5%
= 20%

Q. 50. Ans. (D)

𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 = 𝑇. 𝐴 × 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛
= 18,00,000 × 10%
= 1,80,000

𝑁𝑃% =
8% =

𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 = 22,50,000

Q. 57. Ans. (A)

𝑟 2
(1 + )
0.08 2
(1 + )
= 0.92455

𝑃𝑉 = 1000 × 0.92455
= 924.55/−

Q. 58. Ans. (A)

𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 10,000(1 + 0.15) 2

383 | P a g e
= 20,113.6/−

𝑃𝑉 =
(1 + 0.1) 5


= 12488.94

Q. 59. Ans. (B)

25,000 + 25,000 + 20,000 + 20,000
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝐹𝐴𝑇 =
= 22,500

𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
𝑃𝑎𝑦 𝐵𝑎𝑐𝑘 =
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝐹𝐴𝑇


= 3.5 𝑦𝑟𝑠.

Q. 60. Ans. (C)

NPV @ 16%:-

34,444 0.862 29,691

39,877 0.743 29,629
25,000 0.641 16,025
52,800 0.552 29,146

NPV @ 17%:-
34,444 0.855 29,450
39,877 0.731 29,150
25,000 0.624 15,600
52,800 0.534 28,195

𝑆𝑜, 𝐴𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑠 𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 16% 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 18%.

384 | P a g e
1. ABC Ltd. has capital investment of ` 400 crores. After tax operating income is ` 45 crore and
company has a cost of capital of 10% Determine the “Economic Value” Added of the firm:
(A) ` 2 Crore
(B) ` 3 Crore
(C) ` 4 Crore
(D) ` 5 Crore

2. ............means the management of an organization maximizes the present value not only for
shareholders but for all including employees, customers, suppliers and community at large.
(A) Profit Maximisation
(B) Wealth Maximisation

3. Financial Management is mainly concerned with:

(A) Acquiring and developing assets to forfeit its overall benefit
(B) Acquiring, financing and managing assets to accomplish the overall goal of a business
(C) Efficient management of the business
(D) Sole objective of profit maximization

4. Which of the following need not be followed by the finance manager for measuring and
maximizing shareholders’ wealth?
(A) Accounting profit analysis
(B) Cash Flow approach
(C) Cost benefits analysis
(D) Application of time value of money

5. Which of the following statement is correct, related to fixed charges like interest on debt?
(A) Higher the fixed charges, greater the risk
(B) Higher the fixed charges, lower the risk
(C) Higher the fixed charges, no change in the risk
(D) Higher the fixed charges, risk may cither be lower or higher

6. A company is considering a proposal to install cither a semi -automatic or highly automatic

machine. If the firm installs a semi-automatic machine it excludes the acceptance of pro posal to
install highly automatic machine. Which type of capital budgeting decision is this ?
(A) Mutually exclusive decisions
(B) Independent decision
(C) Contingent decisions
(D) Rejectable decisions

7. Risk Adjusted Discount Rate (RADR) is:

(A) Risk free rate minus risk premium
(B) Risk free rate plus risk premium
(C) Risk free rate multiplied by risk premium
(D) Risk free rate divided by risk premium

8. Derive the formula for calculation of NPV if ‘NCF’ represents net cash flow, ‘K’ re pre sents risk
adjusted discount rate, ‘I’ represents initial investment, and ‘t’ represents time period:
(𝐴 )𝑁𝑃𝑉 = ∑
𝑡−𝐷 (1 + 𝑘) 𝑡 − 𝐼
(𝐵)𝑁𝑃𝑉 = ∑ 𝑡−𝑂
𝑡−𝑛 1 + 𝑘)

385 | P a g e
(𝐶 )𝑁𝑃𝑉 = ∑ 𝑡−𝐼
𝑡=0 (1 + 𝑘)

(𝐷) 𝑁𝑃𝑉 = ∑ 𝑡−1
𝑡=0 1 + 𝑘)

9. Find the amount of an annuity if payment of ` 50,000 is made annually for 7 ye ars at inte rest
rate of 14% compounded annually.
(A) ` 5,36,000
(B) ` 5,35,000
(C) ` 5,36,500
(D) ` 5,35,000

10. A profitability index of 0.90 for a project means:

(A) The present value of benefits is 90% greater than the project’s costs
(B) The project’s NPV is positive
(C) The project returns 90 cents in present value for each current rupee invested
(D) The payback period is less than two years

11. Which of the following statement is correct?

(A) If the NPV of a project is greater than 0. Its PI will be negative
(B) If the IRR of a project is 0% its NPV, Using a discount rate, k greater than o. will be 0
(C) If the PI of a project is less than I, its NPV should be negative
(D) If the IRR of a project is greater than the discount rate, k, its Pl will be less than 1 and its NPV
will be greater than 0

12. If the cut off rate of a project is lower than IRR, we may:
(A) Accept the proposal
(B) Reject the proposal
(C) Be neutral about it
(D) Wait for the IRR to increase and match the cut off rate

13. The re-investment assumption in the case of IRR technique assumes:

(A) Cash flows can be re -invested at the project IRR
(B) Cash flows can be re -invested at the weighted cost of capital
(C) Cash flows can be re -invested at the marginal cost of capital
(D) None of the above

14. For a Project, the cost benefit ratio is equal to one, then:
(A) IRR will be greater than one
(B) IRR will be greater than discount rate
(C) IRR will be lesser than discount rate
(D) IRR will be equal to discount rate

15. In a capital budgeting decision, incremental cash flows mean:

(A) Cash flows which are increasing
(B) Cash Flows occurring over a period of time
(C) Cash flows directly related to the project
(D) Difference between cash inflows and outflows for each and every expenditure

16. Shaktiman Inc. considering a project that requires ` 4 Crore as initial investment. It is expected
to generate annual after-tax cash flows of ` 60 Lakh for 12 years. Shaktiman’s we ighted ave rage
cost of capital (WACC) is 14%. This project’s net present value (NPV) and the approximate inte rnal
rate of return (IRR) are:
(A) -60,40,000 10%
(B) -60,40,000 14%
386 | P a g e
(C) -62,10,000 14%
(D) -61,10,000 10%

17. Mohan Pizza Ltd. is considering purchasing of a Pizza Oven. The expected purchase price is `
2,70,000, expected annual revenues from the oven is `1,50,000, and expected annual costs are `
90,000, including ` 22,500 of depreciation. The investment has a payback period of approximately:
(A) 2.3 years
(B) 4.2 years
(C) 3.3 years
(D) 4.5 years

(18) A capital budgeting technique which does not require the computation of cost of capital for
decision making purposes is,
(A) Net Present Value method
(B) Internal Rate of Return method
(C) Modified Internal Rate of Return method
(D) Payback Period METHOD

19. When EBIT is higher than Financial Break-even point, there would be:
(A) Positive Financial Leverage
(B) No Financial Leverage
(C) Higher Financial Le verage
(D) Negative Financial Leverage

20. _______________ of an organization refers to the composition of its long -term funds and its
capital structure.
(A) Capitalisation
(B) Over-capitalisation
(C) Under-capitalisation
(D) Market capitalization

21. A critical assumption of the net operating income (NOI) approach to valuation is:
(A) That debt and equity levels remain unchanged
(B) That dividends increase at a constant rate
(C) That 𝑘 0 remains constant regardless of changes in leverage
(D) That interest expenses and taxes are included in the calculation

22. Capital structure of ABC Ltd. consists of equity share capital ` 1,00,000 (10000 share of @ ` 10
each) and 8% debentures of ` 50,000 & earnings before interest and tax is ` 20,000. The de gree of
financial leverage is:
(A) 1
(B) 1.25
(C) 2
(D) 2.5

23. An EBIT-EPS indifference analysis chart is used for __________________

(A) Evaluating the effects of business risk on EPS
(B) Examining EPS results for alternative financial plans at varying EBIT levels
(C) Determining the impact of a change in sales on EBIT
(D) Showing the changes in EPS quality over time

24. Degree of combined leverage is the fraction of:

(A) Percentage change in EBIT on Percentage change in Sales
(B) Percentage change in EPS on Percentage change in Sales
(C) Percentage change in Sales on Percentage change in EPS
(D) Percentage change in EPS on Percentage change in EBIT

387 | P a g e
25. From the following information, calculate combined leverage:
Sales ` 20,00,000
Variable Cost 40%
Fixed Cost ` 10,00,000
Borrowings ` 10,00,000
@ 8% p. a.
(A) 7
(B) 0.9
(C) 9
(D) 10

26. The _____________ is the percentage change in earnings per share that results from a percentage
change in operating income.
(A) Degree of combined leverage
(B) Degree of financial leverage
(C) Break-even point
(D) Degree of operating leverage

27. Which kind of capital structure has a large proportion consisting of equity capital and re tained
earnings which have been ploughed back into the firm over a considerably large period of time?
(A) Pyramid shaped Capital structure
(B) Horizontal Capital Structure
(C) Vertical Capital Structure
(D) Inverted Pyramid shaped Capital Structure

28. Which is not the main function of specialised financial institutions established by the Ce ntral
and State governments?
(A) To grant loans for a longer period to industrial establishment
(B) To help the establishment of business units that require small amount of funds and have short
gestation period
(C) To provide support for the speedy development of the economy in general and backward regions
in particular
(D) To offer specialized services operating in the areas of promotion, project assistance, te chnical
assistance services and training and development of entrepreneurs

29. PQR Ltd. has expected earnings at ` 40 per share which is growing at 9% annually. Company
follows fixed pay-out ratio of 60%. The market price of its share is ` 500. What is the current cost of
(A) 12%
(B) 12.8%
(C) 13.8%
(D) 12.1%

30. Sachin Company has sales of ` 75,00,000, Variable cost of ` 45,00,000 and fixed cost of `
15,00,000. Operating leverage will be:
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

31. A company has issued 50,000 equity shares of ` 100 each. Its current market price is ` 90 pe r
share and the current dividend is ` 8 per share. The dividends are expected to grow at the rate of
10%. Compute the cost of equity capital:
(A) 14.07%
(B) 18.78%
(C) 19.78%
(D) 9.78%
388 | P a g e
32. Shyamali Limited is currently financed with ` 5,00,000 of 10% Debenture and ` 15,00,000 of
Equity share. The equity share has a beta of 1.5, and the risk free rate is 6%, and the marke t risk
premium is 4%. The tax rate is 20%. What is the WACC of Shyamali Limited?
(A) 11%
(B) 12%
(C) 13%
(D) 10%

33. The cost of each component of a firm’s capital structure multiplied by its weight in the capital
structure is called:
(A) Marginal cost of capital
(B) The cost of debt
(C) Weighted average cost of capital
(D) Opportunity Cost

34. While calculating weighted average cost of capital which is not considered:
(A) Retained earnings
(B) Bank borrowings for working capital
(C) Cost of issue shares
(D) Weights are based on market value or on book value

35. Venture capital means:

(A) equity funds from internal sources used to finance high-risk projects
(B) capital raised from issuing equity securities in order to retire debt securities
(C) financing for few firms which generally entails high levels of risk
(D) bank loans used to pay the start-up costs of a new firm

36. In Social Cost-Benefit Analysis, a project is analysed from the point of view of the benefit, if:
(A) It will generate for the society as a whole
(B) It will generate for a particular Company
(C) It will generate for a particular Industry
(D) It will generate for the customers

37. Which of the following statement is correct with respect to Gordon’s model?
(A) When IRR is greater than cost of capital, the price per share increases and divide nd pay -out
(B) When IRR is greater than cost of capital, the price per share de creases and divide nd pay -out
(C) When IRR is equal to cost of capital, the price per share increases and dividend pay -out
(D) When IRR is lower than cost of capital, the price per share increases and dividend pay-out

38. What are the different options other than cash used for distributing profits to shareholders?
(A) Bonus shares
(B) Stock split
(C) Stock dividend
(D) All of the above

39. According to the Walter’s model, a firm should have 100% dividend pay-out ratio when:
(A) 𝑟 = 𝑘𝑒
(B) 𝑟 < 𝑘𝑒
(C) 𝑟 > 𝑘𝑒
(D) 𝑔 > 𝑘𝑒

389 | P a g e
40. Modigliani and Miller, recognizing that dividends do somehow affect stock prices, sugge st that
positive effects of dividend increases are attributable:
(A) Directly to the dividend policy
(B) Directly to the optimal capital structure
(C) Not to the informational content but to the consistency in the payment of dividends
(D) Not to the dividend itself but to the informational content of the dividends with respect to future

41. A Company has 5,000 shares of ` 100 each. The capitalisation rate is 12%. Income before tax is
` 2,00,000. Tax rate is 30%. Dividend pay-out ratio is 50%. Find Market Price Pe r Share (MPS) at
the end of the current year based on MM approach if dividend is paid.
(A) ` 101
(B) ` 100
(C) ` 99
(D) ` 98

42. PQR company earns ` 10 per share, is capitalised at a rate of 10 per cent and has a rate of
return on investment of 20 percent. If dividend pay-out ratio is 50%, what should be the price pe r
share, according to Walter’s model?
(A) ` 200
(B) ` 150
(C) ` 125
(D) ` 225

43. When the firm does not pay out fixed dividend regularly, the divided policy is known as:
(A) Irregular
(B) Regular
(C) No immediate
(D) Liberal

44. What do you understand by the term ‘factoring’ with respect to management of accounts
(A) Use of accounts receivables as prime collateral for a secured loan
(B) Pledging of accounts receivables to a lender
(C) Outright sale of accounts receivables to a financial agency
(D) Encashing accounts receivable before closure of accounts

45. Calculate maximum permissible bank finance (MPBF) as per first method suggested by the
Tandon Committee, from the information given below:
Particulars Amount (` lakhs)
Creditors 150
Other current liabilities 50
Debenture 400
Finished goods 500
Receivables 150
Other current assets 150
(A) ` 150 Lakhs
(b) ` 200 Lakhs
(C) ` 350 Lakhs
(D) ` 450 Lakhs

46. Credit term ‘4/20 net 90’ means:

(A) 0.40% discount will be granted if the customer pays within 90 days
(B) 20% discount will be granted if the customer pays within 4 days, and if he doe s not avail the
offer he must make payment within 90 days
(C) Net 90% discount will be granted if the customer pays 4 times the amount due within 20 days

390 | P a g e
(D) 4% discount will be granted if the customer pays within 20 days, otherwise he must make
payment within 90 days

47. According to William J. Baumol’s economic order quantity model with respect to cash
management, optimum cash level is that level of cash where:
(A) Carrying costs are maximum and transactions costs are minimum
(B) Carrying costs and transactions costs are minimum
(C) Carrying costs and transactions costs are maximum
(D) Carrying costs are minimum and transactions costs are maximum

48. Determine the economic order quantity from the following figures:
(i) Annual requirement of inventory 1,00,000 units
(ii) Cost per unit (other than carrying and ordering cost) ` 20
(iii) Carrying cost are likely to be 10% per year
(iv) Cost of placing order ` 1,000 per order
(A) 10,000 Units
(B) 1,000 Units
(C) 2,000 Units
(D) 5,000 Units

49. Net Operating Cycle (NOC) can be defined as sum of:

(A) Raw Material, W.I.P. and Finished Goods Conversion period
(B) Raw Material, W.I.P., Finished Goods and Receivables Conversion period
(C) Inventory Plus Receivables Conversion period minus Deferral period
(D) None of the above

50. Net working capital is equal to:

(A) Fixed Assets-Current Assets
(B) Current Assets-Current Liabilities
(C) Current Assets-Cash
(D) Long Term Loans-Short Term Loans

51. The intercept of Security Market Line (SML) on the Y Axis is _________________
(A) Risk Free Return
(B) Risk Premium
(C) Market Return
(D) Beta ()

52. In _______________, the future earning capacity is predicted with the help of accounting ratios.
(A) Technical Analysis
(B) Industry Analysis
(C) Economic Analysis
(D) Company Analysis

53. Beta of the Market portfolio generally is:

(A) Zero
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) Negative

54. The main aim of portfolio is to reduce ___________ by diversification

(A) Risk
(B) Profit
(C) Cash flow
(D) Borrowing Fund

391 | P a g e
55. Suppose two portfolios have the same average return, the same standard deviation of re turns,
but portfolio A has a higher beta than portfolio B. According to the Sharpe measure, the
performance of portfolio A.
(A) Is the same as the performance of portfolio B
(B) Is better than the performance of portfolio B
(C) Is poorer than the performance of portfolio B
(D) Cannot be measured

56. Anubhav is planning to purchase a share that has a beta coefficient of 0.95 He e stimates the
expected market return to be 12% while T-Bills yield 7% What rate should he expect and require on
the Stock according to be SML. (Security Market Line)?
(A) 11.33%
(B) 12.67%
(C) 12.33%
(D) 11.75%

57. Tansen Ltd. has a beta of 0.80. If the expected market return is 21.50 and the risk fre e rate of
return is 9.50%. Using CAPM mode to calculate the appropriate required rate of return:
(A) 19.10%
(B) 20.10%
(C) 20.30%
(D) 22.00%

58. Which of the following is most closely associated with the terms ‘primary trend.’ ‘intermediate
trend.’ and ‘short-term trend’ ?
(A) Trend line
(B) Dow Theory
(C) Candlestick chart
(D) Bar chart

59. Bar chart is used to illustrate:

(A) High, Low and closing stock price on a daily basis
(B) Reversal in the direction of stock prices without consideration of tune
(C) High, Low, opening and closing price on a daily basis
(D) The candlestick line

60. Which of the following is not a basic principle of the Dow Theory ?
(A) A bear market is established when the Dow Jones Industrial Average is moving down
(B) There is usually a positive relationship between a trend and the volume of shares traded
(C) The financial market has three distinct types of movements : the primary trend, the
intermediate trend and short-term trends
(D) The intermediate trend has duration of three weeks to six months

392 | P a g e

61. The first ever 14 principles of ‘classical management theory’ was shelled out by :
(A) George R Terry
(B) Henry Fayol
(C) Peter Drucker
(D) Harold Koontz

62. Which of the following is not a function of management?

(A) Planning
(B) Staffing
(C) Co-operation
(D) Controlling

63. Planning process begins with:

(A) Establishment of objectives
(B) Generating alternatives
(C) Selecting alternatives
(D) Resource allocation

64. The framework within which managerial and operating tasks are performed is called:
(A) Staffing
(B) Organisation structure
(C) Job design
(D) Departmentation

65. An efficient control system helps to:

(A) Accomplish organizational objectives
(B) Boost employees’ morale
(C) Judge accuracy of standards
(D) All of the above

66. Which one of the following is not part of the Porter’s Five Forces model?
(A) Rivalry among shareholders
(B) Bargaining power of suppliers
(C) Rivalry among present competitors
(D) Bargaining power of buyers

67. The fundamental purpose for the existence of any organization is described by its:
(A) Visions
(B) Mission
(C) Objective
(D) Strategy

68. Which of the following is not considered as a major elements of the strategic management
(A) Environmental Scanning
(B) Implementing strategy
(C) Evaluating strategy
(D) Assigning administrative tasks

69. Which of the following is a part of Macro Business environment?

(A) Suppliers
(B) Customers
(C) Competitors
(D) Technology

393 | P a g e
70. Threat to New Entrants to the industry is very low when:
(A) Smaller capital is required to make an entry
(B) Existing firms do not have strong brand value
(C) There is no or little government regulation
(D) Customer switching costs are high

71. Rivalry among competitors in an industry is NOT intensed when:

(A) There are several competitors
(B) High customer loyalty is existing
(C) Exit barriers are high
(D) Products can be easily substituted

72. Which strategy is about how to compete successfully in particular markets?

(A) Business-level strategy
(B) Corporate-level strategy
(C) Alliance-based strategy
(D) Operational-level strategy

73. What is the key benefit of identifying the organisation’s SBUs?

(A) It helps the development of business-level strategies
(B) It makes financial control easier
(C) It prevents a focus solely on market-based criteria
(D) It decreases the complexity of the organisation’s structures

74. Select the incorrect statement regarding Business Strategy/Corporate Strategy:

(A) Business Strategy can be viewed as the strategy designed by the business managers to
improvise the overall performance of the firm
(B) Corporate Strategy is the one expressed in the mission statement of the company, which
describes the business type and ultimate goal of the organization
(C) The nature of business strategy is executive and governing, whereas the corporate strategy is
deterministic and legislative
(D) Business strategy is a long term strategy; corporate strategy is a short term one

75. Strategic Marketing answers three ‘W’s except:

(A) Which markets to compete in?
(B) Where to bargain for purchase?
(C) What is the basis of the firm’s competitive?
(D) When to compete?

76. Which of the followings is not part of production strategies under Competitive Priorities?
(A) Market segmentation strategy
(B) Price or cost strategy
(C) Quality strategy
(D) Delivery strategy

77. What strategy shall be used for the products classified as Dogs in BCG matrix?
(A) New customer acquisition
(B) Divest
(C) Sales promotion
(D) Invest

78. Strategies that minimize weakness and avoid threats are represented by which cell of the TOWS
(A) The WT cell
(B) The WO cell

394 | P a g e
(C) The SO cell
(D) The ST cell

79. An organization that has a high market share position and competes in a low -growth industry
is referred to as a _______________________
(A) Dog
(B) Question Mark
(C) Star
(D) Cash Cows

80. ‘Build,’ ‘Hold,’ Harvest’ and ‘Divest’ are the strategies explained by:
(A) Ansoff’s Product Matrix Growth
(B) ADL matrix
(C) GE McKinsey Matrix
(D) BCG Matrix

81. The SWOT/TOWS analysis is a very simple yet valuable technique which aids in identifying
opportunities and threats from an _____________ environment, and analysing its __________________
strengths and weakness.
(A) external; own
(B) own; own
(C) external; external
(D) own; external

82. In long run, when the growth rate slows down stars become:
(A) Question Marks
(B) Moon
(C) Dogs
(D) Cash Cows

83. GE Nine-cell Matrix is based on:

(A) Market growth rate and relative market share
(B) Market growth rate and business strength
(C) Market attractiveness and relative market share
(D) Market attractiveness and business strength

84. Which one of the following is NOT a level of diversification prescribed in Ansoff’s matrix?
(A) Diversification into related markets
(B) Conglomerate Diversification with new product
(C) Diversification into unrelated markets using existing resources
(D) Diversification into unrelated markets using new resources

85. According to Porter’s generic strategy model, Mercedes-Benz C-Class could sell its cars as most
expensive ones, is an example of:
(A) The Cost Leadership Strategy
(B) The Differentiation Strategy
(C) The Focus Strategy
(D) Combination Strategies

86. In Porter’s Generic Strategies model, a focus strategy includes:

(A) Selling a high range of products
(B) Selling products that require less cost to produce
(C) Selling to premium customers
(D) Selling to a niche market

87. Which of the following is not correct related with reference to PERT?

395 | P a g e
(A) Compels managers to plan their projects critically in considerable detail from be ginning to the
end and analyse all factors affecting the progress of the plan.
(B) Provides management a tool for forecasting the impact of schedule changes. The likely trouble
spots are located early enough to take preventive measures or corrective actions
(C) A considerable amount of data may be presented in precise manner. The task relationships are
presented graphically for easier evaluation
(D) The PERT time is based upon 5-way estimate and hence is the most objective time in the light of
uncertainties and results in greater degree of accuracy in time forecasting.

88. According to MCKINSEYS 7-S framework, change in strategy is implemented through change in
(A) Systems
(B) Style
(C) Shared Values
(D) Skills

89. The difference between strategy formulation and strategy implementation is that:
(A) Strategy is developed by Top Management Team and implemented by Managers
(B) Strategy is created by a few but implemented by all
(C) Strategy is customer centric and implementation is operations centric
(D) All of the above

90. Which of the following most suitably supplies to the matrix structure?
(A) It encourages empowerment which results in high morale and motivation adding to quality
decisions and implementation
(B) It incurs extra costs since each division has its own set of functional departments
(C) It seeks to introduce specialist functional managers into organisations
(D) It allows the owner to control all aspects of the business

91. Which model is based on the premise that the organization is an open system and basic task of
the manager is to facilitate the change in the organization?
(A) Free Form Organisation
(B) The divisional structure
(C) Matrix Structure
(D) The functional structure

92. Which is not a correct element of strategic leadership?

(A) It deals with vision keeping the mission insight and with effectiveness and results
(B) It emphasises on transformational aspects which leads to emergence of leaders in the
(C) It inspires and motivates people to work together with a common vision and purpose
(D) Strategic leadership has internal focus rather than external focus which helps the organization
to relate with environment

93. Which strategic control techniques enables the organizations operating in a relatively unstable
and turbulent environment in defining new strategic requirements and to cope with environmental
(A) Premise Control
(B) Strategic Leap Control
(C) Special Alert Control
(D) Strategic Momentum Control

94. Which of the following perspective is not a part of Balance Scorecard?

(A) Financial Perspective
(B) Customer Perspective
(C) Learning and Growth Perspective
(D) Creditors Perspective
396 | P a g e
95. Business Process Reengineering mainly involves:
(A) Radical improvement of various measures of performance
(B) Fine-tuning of the production process
(C) Slight reduction in cost
(D) Recruitment of business process Engineers

96. Which is not a factor for a successful implementation of BPR as identified AL -Mashari and
(A) Change in management
(B) Management competencies
(C) Organizational structure
(D)Business network process

97. With reference to benchmarking, select the correct statement out of the following:
(A) Finding and implementing the best business
(B) Traditional controlling is also known as benchmarking
(C) The focus of benchmarking is to identify and eliminate non-value added activities
(D) Benchmarking deals only with medium size organization

98. Which of the practice started by Ford Motor with a slogan of ‘Quality is Job 1’?
(A) Total Quality Management
(B) Six Sigma
(C) Business Excellence Model
(D) Business Process Reengineering

99. In which Six Sigma, an individual should have a basic understanding of Six Sigma, statistical
tools and DMAIC methodology?
(A) Yellow Belt
(B) Green Belt
(C) Black Belt
(D) Master Black Belt

100. In ‘DMAIC’, with reference to Six Sigma D stands for:

(A) Direction
(B) Define
(C) Decision
(D) Dignity

397 | P a g e
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

398 | P a g e
EVA = NOPAT – COC = 45 – (400 ×10%) = 5 Crores

(1 + 𝑖) 𝑛 − 1
𝐹𝑉𝐴 = 𝐴 ( )
(1 + 0.14) 7 − 1
𝐹𝑉𝐴 = 50000 ( )
FVA = 5,36,525
Approx 5,36,500

Annuity Factor of 14% for 12 years is 5.66
NPV = DCI – DCO = (60 × 5.66) – 400 = -60.4 Lakhs

IRR can be guessed without workings also.

As NPV is 60.4 answer is A or B
IRR cannot be 14% as at IRR, NPV is 0.
Currently, NPV is negative, So IRR will be less that Discounting Rate (14%)
So, logically IRR will be 10%.

(Annual Revenue – Annual Costs) + Depreciation = (1,50,000 – 90,000) + 22,500 = 82,500
Payback Period = Investment ÷ Annual Cash Inflows = 2,70,000 ÷ 82,500 = 3.27 Years

Degree of Financial Leverage = EBIT ÷ EBT
Degree of Financial Leverage = 20,000 ÷ [20,000 – (50,000 × 8%] = 1.25

PV% = 100% - 40% = 60%
Contribution = Sales × PV % = 20,00,000 × 60% = 12,00,000
EBT = Contribution – Fixed Cost – Interest = 12,00,000 – 10,00,000 – (10,00,000 × 8%) = 1,20,000
Combined Leverage = Contribution ÷ EBT = 12,00,000 ÷ 1,20,000 = 10 Times

As pay-out Ratio is Given, we should use Dividend Growth Approach.
Ke = [D1 ÷ Po] + g
Ke = [(EPS × Payout %) ÷ Po] + g
Ke = [(40×60%) ÷ 500] + 0.09
Ke = 0.048 + 0.09
Ke = 0.0138 i.e. 13.8%

Contribution = Sales – Variable Cost = 75,00,000 – 45,00,000 = 30,00,000
EBIT = Contribution – Fixed Cost = 30,00,000 – 15,00,000 = 15,00,000
Operating Leverage = Contribution ÷ EBIT = 30,00,000 ÷ 15,00,000 = 2

Ke = [D1 ÷ Po] + g
Ke = [(8 × (1+0.1) ÷ 90] + 0.1
Ke = 0.0978 + 0.1
Ke = 0.1978 i.e. 19.78%
As Current Dividend is given, we have to calculate Expected Dividend i.e D1 = D0 ×(1+g)

399 | P a g e
Kd = 10%(1-0.2) = 8%
Weight of Debt = 15,00,000 / (5,00,000+ 15,00,000)=0.25

Ke = 6% + (1.5 × 4%) = 12%

Weight of Equity = 1 – 0.25 = 0.75

Debt 8% 0.25 2%
Equity 12% 0.75 9%

EPS = (2,00,000 – 30%)/5000 = 28
Dividend = 28 × 50% = 14
𝑃𝑜 = (𝐷1 + 𝑃1)
100 = (14 + 𝑃1)
1 + 0.12
112 = 14 + P1
P1 = 112 – 14
P1 = 98

𝐷 + (𝐸 − 𝐷)
𝑃= 𝑘
(10 × 50%) + (10 − 5)
𝑃= 0.1
P = 150

CA = 150+150+500=800
CL = 150+50=200
MPBF (First Method) = 75% (CA – CL) = 75% (800 – 200) = 450 Lakhs
Debenture is assumed to be non-current liability.

Alternate Answer:
If we assume Debenture as a current liability, then Current Liability = 150 + 50 + 400 = 600
MPBF (First Method) = 75% (CA – CL) = 75% (800 – 600) = 150 Lakhs

EOQ = √

EOQ = 10,000 Units

Required Return = 7% + [0.95 × (12% - 7%)] = 11.75%

CAPM = 9.5% + [0.80 × (21.5% – 9.5%)] = 19.1%

400 | P a g e

1. Find out the average size of receivables if the goods are sold for ` 10,00,000 on a ne t 60 cre dit
term with an assumption that 25% of the customers do not pay within the prescribed time.
(A) ` 2,50,000
(B) ` 2,00,000
(C) ` 2,08,333
(D) ` 2,18,333

2. Which of the following statements is not true?

(A) Management of working capital is an essential task of the finance manager
(B) Fluctuating working capital is needed to meet the seasonal requirements of the business
(C) A conservative current asset financing policy relies more on short term bank financing and le ss
on long term sources.
(D) An aggressive current asset financing policy relies heavily on short term bank finance.

3. According to Dow Jones theory, share prices demonstrate a pattern over:

(A) one to two years
(B) two to three years
(C) three to four years
(D) four to five years

4. The term “ECMH” refers to:

(A) Efficient Capital Micro Investment Hypothesis
(B) Efficient Capital Macro Investment Hypothesis
(C) Efficient Capital Management Investment Hypothesis
(D) Efficient Capital Market Hypothesis

5. Doubt bottom formation chart represents:

(A) a bullish development
(B) a bearish development
(C) a pattern of uncertainty
(D) None of the above

6. Which of the following are two major tools of technical analysis?

(A) Line chart, Bar chart
(B) Triangular task, Range taks
(C) Candlestick chart, Point and figure chart
(D) Charts, Indicators

7. Risk can be classified into:

(A) Planned, Unplanned
(B) Regular, Irregular
(C) Organized, Unorganized
(D) Systematic, Unsystematic

8. Which of the following is not a requirement for an efficient security market?

(A) Taxes are assumed to have no noticeable effect on investment policy
(B) Investors are rational
(C) Transaction costs of securities are considered
(D) Every investor has similar access to investible funds at the same terms and conditions

9. From the following calculate coefficient of correlation of x and y:

Covariance between x and y =8
Standard deviation of x =2
Standard deviation of y =4
401 | P a g e
(A) – 1.0
(B) 1.0
(C) 0.5
(D) – 0.5

10. If the stocks are independent of each other, the correlation coefficient would be:
(A) Zero
(B) + 1
(C) – 1
(D) 0.50

11. Utility of the portfolio can be measured through:

(A) Risk squared/Risk tolerance
(B) Risk tolerance/Risk squared
(C) Expected return – Risk penalty
(D) Risk penalty – Expected return

12. If the risk penalty is 4.50% and portfolio’s expected return is 13%, what will be the utility of the
(A) 8.5%
(B) 2.89%
(C) 0.35%
(D) – 8.5%

13. Which of the following is not an assumption of CAPM?

(A) Diversified Portfolio
(B) Single-period transaction horizon
(C) Investor can borrow and lend at the risk-free rate of return
(D) Capital market is not perfect

14. From the following calculate Economic Value Added (EVA): Capital invested ` 50,000; operating
profit after tax 20,000; opportunity cost is 10%.
(A) ` 15,000
(B) ` 20,000
(C) ` 30,000
(D) ` 50,000

15. ABC Ltd. paid up share capital is ` 10 lakh of 2.00 lakh equity shares (Dividend paid @ 5% pe r
equity) and 10% preference share capital 50 lakh. Income tax @ 40% and te rm loan from SBI ` 2
crore @ 15% interest per annum. EBIT for the year is:
(A) 55 lakh
(B) 48.00 lakh
(C) 52 lakh
(D) 54.00 lakh

16. Ravi and Sam invested in equity market ` 2.00 lakh each and Ravi invested in manufacturing
sector and Sam invested in IT sector at the end of the year overall yield from manufacturing sector
4.75% and IT sector 7.25%. The alternatively Bank interest yield of 6.75% in term deposits.
Calculate loss or gain to Ravi and Sam.
(A) Loss 1,000, Loss – 1,000
(B) Gain 2,000, Gain – 2,000
(C) Loss 4,000, Gain – 1,000
(D) Gain 2,500, Gain – 1,000

17. GRI Co. Ltd., decided to invest in plant and machinery ` 650.00 lakh and life of asset estimated
is 5 years. At the end of the fifth year estimated residual value 3.00 lakh and disposal e xpe nse s

402 | P a g e
1.00 lakh only. The estimated inflow ` 75, 90, 110, 125 and 140 lakh respe ctively and PVF @ 9%
for the year 1-5 as (0.9174, 0.8417, 07722, 0.7084 and 0.6499 respectively). Calculate NPV.
(A) 239.66
(B) (-) 239.66
(C) 240.96
(D) – 240.96

18. Das Co. Ltd., EBIT for the year 15 lakh interest @ 12.5% loan capital of 40 lakh and 13.75%
loan capital of 30 lakh and soft loan interest @ 5.50% against loan capital of 75 lakh.
Company’s EBT as % to EBIT is:
(A) 11.67%
(B) 11.33%
(C) 11.37%
(D) 11.55%

19. AXN Co. Ltd., has two products X and Y. Y’s selling price @ 120% of X and sale s volume of ‘X’
as 150% of Y’s sales of 3,00,000 units @ 90 per unit.
The variable cost per unit ‘X’ and ‘Y’ is ` 70 and ` 88 respectively and Fixe d Cost ` 8.50 lakh pe r
Calculate operating leverage:
(A) 1.43
(B) 1.58
(C) 1.92
(D) 1.25

20. From the following information, calculate the expected rate of return of a portfolio:
Risk free rate of interest 10%
Expected return of market portfolio 16%
Standard deviation of an asset 2.8%
Market standard deviation 2.3%
Correlation co-efficient of portfolio with market 0.8%
(A) 15.82%
(B) 13.94%
(C) 10.00%
(D) 16.00%

21. A company would like to have liquid resources for transaction purposes, as a precautionary
measure and for …………………..
(A) Fiance opportunities
(B) Resource utilization
(C) Speculative opportunities
(D) Accumulation of future reserves

22. Efficiency of production operations and the relationship between production cost and se lling
price is resulting of:
(A) Net profit before taxes
(B) Net profit before taxes and deferred expenses
(C) Gross profit margin
(D) Gross profit plus realization from production wastages

23. The XYZ Co. Ltd. borrowed capital is NIL and entire capital block of ` 300 lakh is funded by
owners. Earning Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) for the year @ 28.50%, applicable tax rate @ 45% .
Calculate Earning After Tax (EAT).
(A) ` 42.50 Lakh
(B) ` 47.03 Lakh
(C) ` 42.60 Lakh
(D) ` 42.75 Lakh
403 | P a g e
24. ABC Ltd. has borrowed capital of ` 100 lakh and rate of interest is 12%. Owne rs capital ` 400
lakh and EBIT for the year is 10% against the sales of ` 1200 lakh. Applicable tax rate is 50%.
Determine the percentage of return on investment to owners fund.
(A) 12.50%
(B) 13.25%
(C) 13.50%
(D) 14.50%

25. The goal of Economic Value Added (EVA) is to take into account the …………………. in the
(A) Cost of investments
(B) Cost of insurance
(C) Cost of capital invested
(D) Cost of non-service capital invested

26. The finance manager of the company can take care of duties such as:
(1) Forecasting of sales
(2) Raising funds
(3) Managing funds
(4) Managing board of directors meeting
Correct combinations of emerging roles of finance manager are:
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 1, 2 and 4
(C) 2 and 3
(D) 2, 3 and 4

27. The capital budgeting techniques are:

(1) Payback period
(2) Average rate of return
(3) Net present value
(4) Internal rate of return
(5) Profitability index
Which of the above is discounted cash flow techniques?
(A) 3, 4 and 5
(B) 3, 4 and 2
(C) 1, 2 and 4
(D) 2, 3 and 1

28. The initial investment a project requires ` 5,00,000, the expected annual cash inflow is `
90,000 for ten years. Determine the pay back period.
(A) 5 years and 9 months (Approx.)
(B) 5 years and 4 months (Approx.)
(C) 4 years and 7 months (Approx.)
(D) 5 years and 7 months (Approx.)

29. The initial investment required for projects ‘A’ and ‘B’ is ` 1,00,000 each. The pr e se nt value of
future cash flows from the projects are ` 1,15,500 and ` 1,19,500 respectively. Calculate the
Profitability Index (PI) of projects A and B.
(A) PI of A and B – 0.8658 and 0.8368
(B) PI of A and B – 1.155 and 1.195
(C) PI of A and B – 0.8368 and 0.8658
(D) PI of A and B – 1.195 and 1.155

30. To determine the co-efficient of variation, the formula is:

𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
(𝐴 ) × 100
404 | P a g e
𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
(𝐵) × 100

𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
(𝐶 ) × 100

(𝐷) × 100
𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

31. Profitability Index method gives due consideration to the ………………. .

(A) Time value of money
(B) Finance cost of investments
(C) Traditional value of money
(D) Cost and time value of money

32. ABC Ltd. has estimated cash inflow of year 1, 2 and 3 as ` 500 lakh, 1200 lakh and 1500 lakh
respectively. The profitability of success is 0.70, 0.65 and 0.75 respectively. The PV factor @ 10%
for the year 1, 2 and 3 are 0.909, 0.826 and 0.751 respectively. Estimated initial inve stment is `
1500 lakh. The expected NPV is:
(A) ` 307.21 Lakh
(B) ` 305.71 Lakh
(C) ` 307.31 Lakh
(D) ` 310.51 Lakh

33. A Ltd., informed Profit After Tax (PAT) ` 7,50,000. Interest expenses were ` 2,75,000, tax rate
was 40%. What will be the Net Operating Income of A Ltd.?
(A) ` 13,25,000
(B) ` 14,25,000
(C) ` 13,75,000
(D) ` 15,25,000

34. The financial leverage can be arrived by using the formula:

(A) Operating Profit/Profit After Tax
(B) Profit After Tax/EBIT
(D) EBT (Operating Profit)/Profit Before Tax

35. The financial breakeven point is:

(A) Level of EBT at which EPS is zero
(B) Level of EAT at which EPS is zero
(C) Level of EBIT at which EPS is zero
(D) Level of EBIT at which EPS is zero and above

36. NM Co. Ltd., reported sales for the year 50 lakh and variable cost ratio is 575 and fixe d cost of
admin and selling and distribution as 9.50 and 4.80 and 3.90 lakh, respectively. The resulting
operating leverage is:
(A) 6.72 Times
(B) 6.89 Times
(C) 6.52 Times
(D) 6.69 Times

37. There are four approaches to capital structure decisions:

(1) Net Income
(2) Net Operating Income
(3) …………………. (4) …………………..
(A) Modern Capital Theory, Traditional

405 | P a g e
(B) Traditional, Gross Income
(C) Traditional, Michael Miller
(D) Modigliani Miller, Traditional

38. Which of the following are the type of capital structure?

(1) Horizontal
(2) Polygon
(3) Pyramid
(4) Inverted Pyramid
(5) Rhombus
(6) Vertical
(A) 6, 5, 4 and 3
(B) 5, 4, 3 and 2
(C) 1, 3, 4 and 6
(D) 1, 3, 4 and 5

39. The internal sources of long term finance are:

(A) Equity share capital, Preference share capital, Retained earnings
(B) Equity share capital, Preference share capital, Preference share capital, Debentures
(C) Debentures, Term loans, Retained earnings
(D) Preference share capital, Term loans, Debentures

40. A Ltd. Co. issued 6%, 2000 irredeemable debentures of ` 100 each @ 10% premium. The
company falls in 50% tax bracket. Find out the cost of debenture after tax.
(A) 2.73%
(B) 6.00%
(C) 3.00%
(D) 3.73%

41. A company has issued 10,000 equity shares of ` 100 each. Its current market price is ` 98 pe r
share and the current dividend is ` 4.5 per share. The dividends are expected to grow at the rate of
10%. Compute the cost of equity capital.
(A) 15.05%
(B) 9.80%
(C) 10.00%
(D) 4.50%

42. The cost of retained earnings are often taken as equal to the:
(A) Cost of equity
(B) Cost of debenture
(C) Weighted Average Cost of Capital
(D) Any of the above

43. Long term finance is required to finance:

(A) Fixed assets, variable part of working capital and expansion of business
(B) Fixed assets, permanent part of working capital and expansion of business
(C) Fixed assets and working capital
(D) Only fixed assets

44. The capital structure of ABC Ltd. consists, debentures, preference share, e quity shares and
retained earnings. The weight of each security is 28.57%, 9.53%, 14.28% and 47.62% respectively.
The specific cost of capital is 14.6%, 10.50%, 20.00% and 18.00% respectively. Determine the
weighted average cost of capital (WACC).
(A) 16.60%
(B) 18.20%
(C) 16.42%
(D) 15.60%
406 | P a g e
45. In case of agricultural and rural development projects generally the prescribed IRR for viability
(A) 10% in India and other developing countries
(B) 15% in India and other developing countries
(C) 20% in India and other developing countries
(D) 22.5% in India and other developing countries

46. Benefit cost ratio (BCR) is unviable when it is:

(A) Less than one
(B) Equal to one
(C) More than one
(D) More than five

47. Lending policy and appraisal norms by banks are decided by the…………………
(A) Reserve Bank of India
(B) Government of India
(C) Financial Institutions
(D) Prime Minister of India

48. Which of the following is not a feature of Finance Lease?

(A) The lessee is responsible for maintenance, insurance and taxes
(B) The lessee usually enjoys the option for renewing the lease
(C) It is an intermediate term to a long-term non-cancellable arrangement
(D) The lease term is significantly less than the economic life of the equipment

49. Presently, units in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) enjoy ………….% income tax e xe mptions on
export income for first five years, ………… % for the next five years thereafter and …………. % of the
ploughed back export profit for another five years.
(A) 100%, 50%, 50%
(B) 100%, 100%, 50%
(C) 100%, 50%, 25%
(D) 50%, 25%, 25%

50. Cost escalation results in:

(A) The decrease in project cost
(B) The increase in project cost
(C) No change in project cost
(D) The increase in profit

51. Which one of the following is not an assumption of Walter’s model?

(A) The firm finance all investment through Debt or Retained earnings
(B) The firm’s internal rate of return is constant
(C) The firm’s cost of equity capital is constant
(D) The firm has a very long or infinite life.

52. When return on investment is equal to the market capitalization rate, the optimum payout ratio
would be:
(A) Zero
(B) 100%
(C) 50%
(D) All the pay out ratios would be optimum

53. A company earns ` 5 per share. The capitalization rate is 10% and rate of return on investment
is 18%. What would be the value of share at optimum payout ratio?
(A) ` 70
(B) ` 80
407 | P a g e
(C) ` 90
(D) ` 100

54. A Ltd. has 20,000 shares of ` 100 each. The company is contemplating to declare a divide nd of
` 5 per share at the end of the current year. The capitalization rate of the company is 10%.
Calculate the value of share if dividend is not declared.
(A) ` 100
(B) ` 105
(C) ` 110
(D) ` 115

55. Determine the market price of a share of A Ltd. by using Gordon’s Mode l. Give n 𝑘 𝑒= 12% , E =
20, r = 12%, b = 60%
(A) ` 166.67
(B) ` 210.52
(C) ` 189.19
(D) ` 181.82

56. If a company is using constant pay out ratio policy of dividend, the amount of dividend would:
(A) decrease with an increase in income
(B) increase with an increase in income
(C) remain same
(D) can’t be determined

57. A company has sales of ` 20 crore and 40% of the sales is on credit. Expenses on credit
collection is 1.50%. The company targets to reduce collection expenses by 40%. Calculate the
expected saving target of the company.
(A) ` 4.80 lakh
(B) ` 7.20 lakh
(C) ` 4.50 lakh
(D) ` 7.80 lakh

58. The monthly requirement of raw material of A Ltd. is 1200 units, ordering cost is ` 400 per
order and carrying cost is 13% of unit value of ` 150. EOQ units are:
(A) 767 Units
(B) 769 Units
(C) 762 Units
(D) 765 Units

59. Negative working capital implies that:

(A) Current Assets > Current Liabilities
(B) Current Assets = Current Liabilities
(C) Current Assets < Current Liabilities
(D) Current Assets > Fixed Assets

60. A company has Raw material holding period – 27 days; Conversion period – 25 days; Finished
goods holding period – 28 days; Period of accounts receivables – 20 days; Period of accounts
payable – three fourth of accounts receivables; operating cycle period will be:
(A) 65 days
(B) 75 days
(C) 80 days
(D) 85 days

408 | P a g e
61. Restructuring and downsizing becomes necessary due to:
(A) New technology development
(B) Reduction in demand
(C) Improving the competitive advantages
(D) All the option are correct

62. Which of the following techniques are generally used for exercising strategic leap control?
(A) Strategic issue management
(B) Strategic Field Analysis
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

63. The primary objective of business process re -engineering is to :

(A) Eliminate redundancies
(B) Eliminate enterprise cost
(C) Eliminate heavy investment in low return
(D) Both (A) and (B)

64. The three main properties of Block Chain technology are:

(A) Centralization, Transparency, Improvements
(B) Recentralization, Transparency, Immutability
(C) Decentralization, Transparency, Immutability
(D) Centralization, Transparency, Unchangeable

65. The term DMAIC stands for ………..

(A) Decision, Meet the target, Approve, Improve, Carryout the plan
(B) Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control
(C) Desire, Measure, Alternative, Improve Check and proceed
(D) Decision, Meet the target, Analyze Improve, Check and proceed

66. The simple objective of total quality management is ……………….

(A) Production aim to manufacture quality products
(B) Production aim to arrest zero defectives
(C) Do the quality plan, strict with the quality timeframe, re -examine the quality achievement
(D) Do the right things, right the first time, every time

67. The term “ASQC” stands for:

(A) Amritsar Society for Quality Control
(B) African Society for Quality Control
(C) American Society for Quality Control
(D) Ahmedabad Society for Quality Control

68. The X Co. Ltd., wants to achieve the six sigma status in their manufacturing set -up and to
achieve this the company must reduce the manufacturing defects to a level of no more than :
(A) 3.4 per million
(B) 2.33 per million
(C) 6.21 per million
(D) 0.01 per million

69. Which of the following is not a type of benchmarking identified by Tuominen and Bogan and
English ?
(A) Strategic benchmarking
(B) Performance benchmarking
(C) Process benchmarking
(D) Quality benchmarking
409 | P a g e
70. Choose the correct sequence of benchmarking wheel :
(A) Plan → Find Collect → Analyze → Improve
(B) Find → Plan → Collect → Analyze → Improve
(C) Find → Analyze → Plan → Collect → Improve
(D) Analyze → Plan → Find → Improve

71. Match the correct management theories of (1) Scientific management (2) Administrative (3)
Bureaucratic (4) Relations
(a) Henri Fayol’s (b) Elton Mayo’s (c) Frederic W. Taylor (d) Max Weber
(A) 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b
(B) 1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a
(C) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b
(D) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d

72. According to Theo Haimann “Staffing Pertains to recruitment, selection, development and
(A) Orientation and Placement
(B) Compensation of Subordinates
(C) Performance and Evaluation
(D) Promotion and Transfer

73. The direction is said to be all those activities which are designed to encourage the subordinate
(A) to work superior’s satisfaction
(B) to work management objectives
(C) to work effectively and efficiently
(D) to work as a team and to achieve the common goal

74. Controlling measures, the deviation of actual performance from the :

(A) Planned Performance
(B) Standard Performance
(C) Deviated Path of Management Plan
(D) Ineffective areas of performance

75. Which of the following is not a characteristic of controlling function of management?

(A) Controlling is an end function
(B) Controlling is a dynamic process
(C) Controlling is not related with planning
(D) Controlling is forward looking

76. “Rule of thumb should be replaced by scientific analysis of work.”

The above principle was given by:
(A) Henri Fayol
(B) F.W. Taylor
(C) Max Weber
(D) Elton Mayo

77. Select the correct sequence of the four phases of strategic management process:
(A) Strategy Formulation → Strategy Implementation → Environmental scanning → Strategy
(B) Environmental scanning → Strategy formulation → Strategy Implementation
(C) Environmental scanning → Strategy formulation → Strategy Implementation → Strategy
(D) Strategy Implementation → Environmental scanning → Strategy Implementation

410 | P a g e
78. A company secretary in today’s era while discharging his or her professional obligations has to
perform several roles; from the following list out the roles to be performed by a company secretary.
(1) Advisory
(2) Compliances
(3) Flawless disclosure and re porting
(4) Communication with stakeholders
(A) 1,2,3,4
(B) 1,2,4
(C) 1,2,3
(D) 2,3,4

79. The Professor Michael Porter’s five forces factors are (1) Threat of new entry (2) Supplie r powe r
(3) Buyer power (4) ………….. (5) ……………
(A) Negotiation skill, Market Alternatives
(B) Threat of substitutes, Poor marketing network
(C) Threat of substitutes, Rivalry among existing competitors
(D) Marketing Plan, Advertisement budget

80. Which of the following statements is not true?

(A) Strategic leadership refers to a manager’s potential to articulate the strategic vision for the
(B) Strategic leaders generate organizational structure, assign resources and communicate strategic
(C) Strategic leader have to work in a certain environment on various strategic issues.
(D) The main purpose of strategic leadership is strategic productivity.

81. The corporate finance manager should try to balance between …………… to ensure minimized
risk and maximized profit.
(A) Unit cost and profit
(B) Debt capital interest and outflow of cash
(C) Cost savings and controlled expenses
(D) Debt and equity

82. The dividend declaration on is driving force to investors to invest more and positive sing of
equity market.
(A) Statement is correct
(B) Statement is incorrect
(C) Statement is exceptional
(D) Statement is not acceptable

83. ………… one of the implementing HR – Strategy.

(A) Economical HR budget
(B) Identifying HR weakness
(C) Outcome of HR deployed
(D) Gap Analysis

84. The UN Co. Ltd. took a policy decision that company’s products will be converted as Eco
Friendly products and this move is known as ………..
(A) Competitive priorities of production strategy
(B) Change in conventional sales strategy
(C) Future market customer strategy
(D) Alternative cost saving strategy

85. The Logistic is …………… tactical decisions about transporting and ware - housing.
(A) Confined
(B) Not confined
(C) Analytical tool
411 | P a g e
(D) Cost saving area

86. Under Low-Cost strategy, the company fights ……… selling its products at ………..prices.
(A) Wide market competition, buy one get one offer.
(B) Massive market competition, very lower
(C) cut-throat competition, heavy discount
(D) Aggressive competitor market share, throw away

87. Which of the following is not correct for vision statement?

(A) It outline WHERE you want to be
(B) It talks about future
(C) It lists where you see yourself some years from now
(D) It answers the question, ‘What do we do? What makes us different?’

88. Match the following (1) Maxi – Maxi (i) Defensive (2) Maxi – Mini (ii) Competitive (3) Mini – Maxi
(iii) Conservative (4) Mini – Mini (iv) Aggressive
(A) (1) – (iv), (2) – (iii), (3) – (ii) (4) – (i)
(B) (1) – (iii), (2) – (ii), (3) – (iv) (4) – (i)
(C) (1) – (i), (2) – (iii), (3) – (ii) (4) – (iv)
(D) (1) – (iv), (2) – (i), (3) – (ii) (4) – (iii)

89. Indian Dairy Products market total size is ` 28,000 crore and XY Co. Ltd. dominating market
share of ` 4,800 crore and AN Co. Ltd, having turnover of ` 428.50 crore. Find relative market
share of AN Co. Ltd.
(A) 8.93%
(B) 17.14%
(C) 1.53%

90. The terms, build; hold; harvest; divest are closely linked with strategies of ………
(A) Ansoff Matrix
(B) BCG Matrix
(C) ADL Matrix
(D) GE Mckinsey Matrix

91. Dev Co. Ltd. Strategic Management Team now under the process of designing the stralegic plan
analysis and one of the plans using the terms SO, WO, ST, WT which is fit with matrix boxes of :
(A) TOWS Analysis
(B) SWOT Analysis
(C) CPM Analysis
(D) PERT Analysis

92. The …………Matrix also helps in brainstorming to bring out great ideas to generating e ffective
strategies and tactics.
(B) Defensive
(C) Aggressive

93. PERT and CPM two complementary statistical techniques utilized in ………………
(A) Event based scheduling methods
(B) Activity time-based scheduling methods
(C) Network based scheduling methods
(D) Project modelling methods

94. The book **Competitive Advantages: Creating and Sustaining Superior

performance** is authored by:
(A) Michael Samuel
412 | P a g e
(B) Michael Lawrence
(C) Michael Arthur
(D) Michael Porter

95. Which of the following is not a component of macro environment of external environment?
(A) Suppliers, customers, marketing intermediaries, competitors, public
(B) Economic, political-legal
(C) Demographic, natural, ecological
(D) Global, Socio-cultural

96. The strategy formulation is largely a/an …………… process whereas strategy implementation is
more operational in character.
(A) Intellectual
(B) Conceptual
(C) Analytical
(D) Strategy

97. Name the 3 S’s which are described as Hard S’s by Mckinsey:
(A) Strategy, Structure, Systems
(B) Strategy, Shared value, Style
(C) Skills, Staff, Style
(D) Skills, Shared value, System

98. Which “S” is not part of Mckinsey 7-S framework?

(A) Super Ordinate Goals
(B) Skills
(C) Staff
(D) Strategy

99. Which of the following is not true for balance scorecard?

(A) The balance scorecard is divided into four main areas
(B) The four areas are not interrelated
(C) The balance scorecard is used as a strategic planning and a management techniques
(D) Financial perspective, business process perspective, customer perspective and learning and
growth perspective are the four main areas of balance scorecard.

100. Which of the following is not an example of strategic changes that most of the companies
(A) Re-engineering
(B) Restructuring
(C) Innovation
(D) Shut Down

413 | P a g e

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
C A D A W Q# C B A A A

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
A D C W Q# A B A B C D

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

My Explanations on W rong Questions

W Q 15:
EBIT = (Reverse Working Question)
EBIT (7th Step) 39,16,667
(-) Interest (6 Step)
th 30,00,000 (20,00,000 × 15%)
EBT (100%) (5th Step) 9,16,667
(-) Tax @ (40%) (4 Step)
th 3,66,667 (5,50,000 ÷ 60%) × 40%
EAT (60%) (3rd Step) 5,50,000 (5,0,000 + 50,000)
(-) Pref. Div. (2nd Step) 5,00,000 (50,00,000 × 10%)
Equity Div. (1 Step)
st 50,000 (10,00,000 × 5%)
39,16,667 is not given in the options.

W Q 54:
Insufficient Data to solve the question.

W Q 98: All options are included in 7S Framework. The question is wrongly drafted. It should be
which of the following is NOT a part of SOFT S in 7S Framework. Then Option will be D.

Size of Receivables = Normal 60 Days Sales on Credit + 25% do not pay = (10,00,000 × 60/360) +
25% = 1,66,666 + 25% = 2,08,333

414 | P a g e
𝐶𝑂𝑉 −8 −8
𝐶𝑜 − 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = = = = −1
𝑆𝑑𝑥 × 𝑆𝑑𝑦 2 × 4 8

Utility = 13% - 4.5% = 8.5%

EVA = 20,000 – (50,000 × 10%) = 20,000 – 5,000 = 15,000

Ravi = 2,00,000 × (4.75% - 6.75%) = - 4,000 Loss
Sam = 2,00,000 × (7.25% - 6.75%) = 1000 Gain

NPV = PV of Inflow – PV of Outflow
= {[(75 × 0.9174) + (90 × 0.8417) + (110 × 0.7722) + (125 × 0.7084) + (140 × 0.6499) + [(3 − 1) × 0.6499)] ]}

= (68.805 + 75.753 + 84.942 + 88.55 + 90.986 + 1.2998) – 650

= - 239.66

EBIT 15,00,000
(-) Interest 13,25,000
(40,00,000 × 12.5%) +
(30,00,000 × 13.75%) +
(75,00,000 × 5.5%) +

EBT :- 1,75,000

𝐸𝐵𝑇 1,75,000
= × 100 = 11.67%
𝐸𝐵𝐼𝑇 15,00,000

Sales Volume 4,50,000 3,00,000
(3,00,000 × 150%)
SP 75 90
( × 100)
Sales 3,37,50,000 2,70,00,000
VC 70 88
Contribution 22,50,000 6,00,000
4,50,000 × (75 – 70) 3,00,000 × (90 – 88)

Total Sale = 6,07,50,000

Total Contribution = 28,50,000
EBIT = C – FC = 2,85,000 – 8,50,000 = 20,00,000

𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑏𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 2,8,50,000
𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 = = = 1.43
𝐸𝐵𝐼𝑇 20,00,000

𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐶𝑜 − 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 × 6𝑠
𝐵𝑒𝑡𝑎 =

415 | P a g e
0.8 × 2.8%

= 0.97 times

𝐸𝑅 (𝑃) = 𝑅𝑓 + 𝐵(𝑅 𝑚 − 𝑅𝑓 )
= 10% + 0.97 (16% - 10%)
= 15.82%

EBIT (300 × 28.5%) 85.5
(-) Interest 0
EBT 85.5
(-) Tax @ 45% (38.475)
EAT 47.025

EBIT (1200 × 10%) 120
(-) Interest (100 × 12%) (12)
EBT 108
(-) Tax @ 50% (54)
EAT 54

𝑅𝑂𝐸 = × 100

= × 100

= 13.55

𝐼𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
𝑃𝑎𝑦𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 =
𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝐼


= 5.55 years

0.55 yrs. = 0.55 × 12

= 6.66 months i.e. 7 months
∴ 5 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 7 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑠

PI 1,15,500 1,19,500
1,00,000 1,00,000
= 1.155 = 1.195

Expected NPV :-
I 500 0.70 0.909 318.15
II 1,200 0.65 0.826 644.28
III 1,500 0.75 0.751 844.875
PV of CI 1,807.305

416 | P a g e
NPV = 1,807.305 – 1,500
= 307.305

Question is silent on whether Net operating income is before tax or after tax. If your try to compute
after tax that answer is not in option. So, it can be interpreted to be be fore tax ope rating income
which is EBIT.

𝐸𝐴𝑇 7,50,000
𝐸𝐵𝑇 = = = 12,50,000
(1 − 𝑡) (1 − 0.4)

EBIT = EBT + Interest = 12,50,000 + 2,75,000 =15,25,000

Please Notes :- Interest (1 – t) is added back only when we want to calculate NOPAT from PAT.

Contribution = Sales – VC = 50,00,000 – 57% = 21,50,000
EBIT = C – FC = 21,50,000 – 9,50,000 – 4,80,000 – 3,90,000 = 3,30,000
𝐶 21,50,000
∴ 𝑂𝐿 = = = 6.52 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠
𝐸𝐵𝐼𝑇 3,30,000

𝐼(1 − 𝑡)
𝑘𝑑 = × 100

(100 × 6%)(1 − 0.5)

= × 100
100 + 10%

= × 100

= 2.73%

𝐷0 (1 − 𝑔)
𝑘𝑒 = +𝑔
4.5(1 + 0.1)
= + 10%

= 5.05% + 10%
= 15.05%

W ACC :-
Deb. 0.285% 14.6% 4.17122
PS 0.0953 10.50% 1.00065
ES 0.1428 20.00% 2.856
RE 0.4762 18.00% 8.5716
16.59947 i.e. 16.60%

Optimum pay-out will be 0% as r × ke
W alter’s Approach
𝐷 + (𝐸 − 𝐷)
𝑃= 𝑘𝑒

417 | P a g e
0+ (5 − 0)
= 0.10

= 90

𝐺𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑜𝑛 𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 =
𝑘𝑒 − 𝑔

20 × 40%
12% − 7.2%
= 166.67

Payout Ratio = (1 – b) = (1 – 0.6) = 0.4 i.e. 40%

g = b × r = 60% × 12% = 7.2%

Credit Sale = 20 Crores × 40% = 8 Crores
Current Collection Exp. = 8 Crores × 1.5%
= 0.12 Crores i.e. 12 Lakhs
Savings (40%) = 12 Lakhs × 40% = 4.8 Lakhs

2 × 1200 × 12 × 400
𝐸𝑂𝑄 = √
150 × 13%

= 768.6 units i.e. 769 units

Operating Cycle = (27 + 25 + 28 + 20) - (20 × )
= 100 – 15
= 85

𝑋𝑌 𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒 = × 100 = 17.14%

𝐴𝑁 = × 100 = 1.53%

𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒 = = 8.93%

418 | P a g e

Some Questions of ICSI Paper are wrongly framed. I have mentioned at the required places and
tried to give explanations regarding the same. I don’t know how marking is done for wrongly framed
questions as ICSI has nowhere give Policy of Marking on this topic.

In some questions, my answer may differ from ICSI Suggested answer. In such situation, student
can decide whom to follow. I have tried to give working notes for all practical questions.

419 | P a g e

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