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A Research Paper Presented to the Senior High School Research Council

General Santos City National High School

Calumpang, General Santos City


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Practical Research 1


KAMSA, Bai Alliah

BONGGOT, Phoebe Jean

ORDENIZA , Jessa Mae

SANTIAGO, Laurence

POGOY, Jeremy

Grade 11 HUMSS – Augustine

March 2020

Having this humble piece of work come into reality means saying a word for the

people who brought the best of author’s life. Firstly, we want to acknowledge with

profound gratitude our Almighty God/Allah for blessing us throughout our journey. In

completing this research paper, we had to take the help and guidance of some

respected persons, who deserve our deepest gratitude. This paper and the research

behind it would not have been possible without the exceptional financial support of our

parents and for being the primary inspiration in working hard and striving to be nothing

but the best.

To Ma’am Maribelle Rieta her enthusiasm, knowledge and exacting attention to detail

have been an inspiration and kept our work on track throughout numerous

consultations. We are also grateful for the insightful comments offered by our friends

who has generosity and expertise of one and all have improved this study in

innumerable ways and saved us from many errors

Many people, especially my classmates have made valuable comments and

encouragement which gave us a strong will to continue. Also to our crushes and loved

ones who kept supporting us. We would also like to expand our gratitude to all those

who have directly and indirectly guided us.

The Researchers

This study is about the implications on the attitude of the G11 TVL students on getting

low grades towards their studies. It covers most of their experiences and struggles as a

student who face ups and downs in journey of studying. Students experiences getting

low grades. There are good and bad effects to their attitude such as doing good more

in studies or being a stubborn student. Furthermore, they have weaknesses whereas it

affects their student life. Students who have low grades has academic self-

perceptions, lower self-motivations and self-regulation and less- goals. Also they

experience many different feelings after getting low grades. Moreover, students are

being scared for their parents scolding and parents has lack of parental involvement

that causes students having low grades.



Title Page ……………………………………………………………………….. i

Acknowledgment ………………………………………………………………. ii

Abstract ……………………………………………………………………….... iii

Chapter I – Introduction

Background of the Study ……………………………………………… 1 Grand

Tour Question …………………………………………………. 2

Objectives of the Study ………………………………………………… 2

Benefits and Beneficiaries………………………………………….. 3

Scope and Delimitation ………………………………………………. 3

Definition of Terms and Concepts……………………………………. 4

Chapter II – Review of Related Literature

Theoretical Framework.………………………………………………… 5

Related Literature ……………………………………………………... 6

Related Studies ………………………………………………………... 7

Foreign Studies ………………………………………………… 7

Local Studies …………………………………………………... 9

Research Gap …………………………………………………………. 11

Chapter III – Methodology

Research Design ……………………………………………………….. 13

Participants ……………………………………………………………… 14
Locale of the Study ……………………………………….………….. 14

Map of the Location of the Study ………………………….…………. 15 Data

Collection ………………………………………………………. 16

Interview Techniques ……………………………………………….. 17

Ethical Considerations ………………………………………………… 17

Sampling ………………………………………………………………… 18

Instrumentation ………………………………………………………… 18

Data Analysis and Interpretation ………………………………………. 19

Chapter IV – Results and Discussion

Feelings about having low grades ………………………..…………… 20

Causes of having low grades………………………….…...…….……. 23

Effects of getting low grades on Attitude ……………………………... 25

Realizations after getting low grades ……………………….………… 26

Chapter V – Reflection and Recommendation

Reflection……………………………………………………………….. 29

Recommendation ……………………………………………………… 29

References ……………………………………………………………………. 30


Letter Asking for Permission to Conduct the Study ……………….. 32

Interview Guide ………………………………………………………... 33

Assent Forms ………………………………………….………………... 34

Curriculum Vitae ………………………………………………………………… 39

Chapter I

Background of the Study

To experience the real excitement of success one must experience bitterness of

failure for once, and from our errors we can learn more than learning from our sources,

and this does not mean that human deliberately fail to succeed. The concept of

academic failure can be defined as a stop of attempting because of the fear of

committing errors or the law and weakness of the students mark under the normal

average in a study subject level as a result of a variety of reasons. Aremu (2003)

identifies the poor academic performance as a performance that is adjudged by the

examiner and some other significant as failing below an expected standard.

Academic failure is not only frustrating to the students and parents; the effects are

equally crucial on the society in terms of lack of manpower in all fields. The problem of

low academic achievement is one of the biggest problems that facing the modern

educational institutions. According to Tamimi (2012), in a study about weakness in

students’ performance, this problem has become a global problem. He found that there

are factors resulting to poor academic achievement such a social, economic, and

political factors.

Modern research shows that there is a relationship between achievement and attitude

towards education in the secondary level, good academic achievement is essential for
prosperous educational future. Attitude is one of the factors which may influence

academic achievement. Ramon (2014) stated that students with positive or negative

belief lead to favorable or unfavorable attitudes respectively toward their studies.

The General Santos City National High School TVL track is getting bigger percentage of

having poor grades of the students among other tracks. Receiving low grade and

everyone knowing about it is really matter of shame. Because of that the researchers

want to know what are the implications on the attitudes of the students in getting low


Grand Tour Question

This study seeks to answer the question:

1. How does getting low grades affect the attitude of the TVL students toward

their studies?


This study aims to investigates the implications on the attitude of the students in getting

low grades.

It specially aims to:

1. Discuss the reason why students in GSCNHS get low grades that affect their

2. Describes the behavior of students in GSCNHS that make them get low


Benefits and Beneficiaries

This study will be beneficial to the following:

Students. The study will help students to know what are the various causes and effects

on getting low grades in their attitude. Also, it will help them better understand how this

problem will affect their life as a student.

Teachers. This study could help the teacher how they will handle the students

according to their studies and serve as a help to teachers to understand how students

behave when getting low grades.

Parents. This study will give further information for parents to be aware and understand

how parent-child interaction help the student and also observe as a basis on how will

they improve in making parental involvement to the child’s academic performance.

School Administration. This study could help the institution to be aware and to be

prepared of what might happen to the students because of their attitude that may affect

the society in the future.

Future Researchers. The result of this study will serve as a guideline to future

researchers who may be conducting related research study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study determines only the low grades implications on the attitude of the TVL track

students. It only involves TVL students in G11 senior high school of General Santos City

National High School, School Year 2019-2020.

Operational Definition of Terms and Concepts

To avoid misinterpretation and provide ideal concepts of the content of this study, the

following terms are defined operationally.

Low Grades. This term refers to having an inferior grade or lowest that is does not meet

the specified range of the grading system of GSCNHS.

Implications. This term is the likely to happen as a result pf getting low grades of the


Attitude. This term refers to the way of feeling or acting toward getting low grades of the


TVL students. This term refers to the students who are in track Tech-Vocational

Livelihood on the Senior High School of GSCNHS.



Theoretical Framework

Academic performance as articulated by Ayliff (2012) In his study about the intentions of

students of University of Caste is influenced by the graduation system and differences

on the high and low achieving student and perception.

Ayliff (2012) has a theory about underachievers’ motivitaions,attitude and achievements

in which he state that “attitudes towards school consist of self-reported interest in and

positive feeling towards school”. Underachievers may not lack knowledge of strategies,

but rather they may not understand that strategic behavior in conjunction within effort

results in achievement. When students value the goals associated with school, they are

more likely to be achievers. Students invariably express almost a reverence for

education while consistently underachieving. Students tend to put less effort and

commitment in their schoolwork. He stated that’s students’ interest in their coursework

is related to their personality and motivational characteristics.

The above-mentioned theory encourages the researchers to conduct the present study

to examine whether the same implications on the attitude of G-11 TVL students having

low grades in their academic performances happen in General Santos City National

High School, school year 2019-2020.

Related Literature
A journal article published on August 16, 2009 in by Mendel Marcus

describes where the excellence of students and the GPA of students affect their attitude

od superiority and inferiority that gets developed in them. Students who obtain lower

grade do not want to take risky or innovative tasks and choose simple tasks, much

below their caliber. This keeps them away from learning or experimenting new things.

Actually, it makes their learning skills slow than high achieving students.

Students receiving lower grades than expected are likely to perceive the grades as

unfair, whereas students receiving higher grades expected are likely to perceive the

grades are fair. Grades influence attitudes, In the classroom context the procedures

used to allocate grades could influence students perception of procedural fairness and

evaluations. There is a strong association between individuals, commitment and their

academic performance. Students who have negative attitude, activities are found to

exhibit challenging behavior including anti-social and off-task behavior.

In a editorial article published on June 5, 2018 in Frontiers in Psychology about

implicit Theories of Intelligence and Academic Achievement describes that incremental

theorists are more likely to have higher grades in specific subjects and overall


This study has a significant connection to the present study because it has shown that

there are positive effects of students’ implicit theories of intelligence on their academic

outcomes. Individuals, who entity of fixed theories of intelligence, tend to believe that

skills and abilities are relatively stable. The study is related to the implications of the
attitudes of the students toward their studies where it conveys important effects of poor

grades to the abilities and intelligence of the students.

Related studies

Foreign Studies

In a study conducted by Askhia (2010) in Nigeria, the underachievers exhibited low

academic self-perceptions, lower self-motivations and self-regulation and less goal-

directed behavior and more negative attitudes toward school, also attitudes towards

teachers most gained low marks simultaneously affects their academic cumulative

grade points. Students normally feel down and upset when they get grades lower than

they expect. That leads to serious matter like mental emotions that may trigger the

students’ behavior. All over the country, there is a consensus of opinion that the fallen

standard of education in Nigeria School Council justified the problematic nature and

generalization of poor secondary school. The percentage of failure is higher than

expected outcome.

This study shows a significant connection to the present study because it tells about the

factors of dealing with students with low academic achievement and the effects of it to

their behavioral pattern. Moreover, it also has the same concept with the present study

where it revolves on the implications on the attitude of the students having low grades.
A study conducted by Morakinyo (2012) about Malaysian students who have falling

level of academic achievement is attributable. The causations of poor academic

achievements is unending and some of the factors are motivational orientation, self-

esteem / self-efficacy, emotional problems, study habits, teacher consolation and poor

interpersonal relationships.

It is a study that shows consequential connection to the present study, because

students having poor grades expatriate conditions like how self-esteem and presents

social challenges at standard lower than their peers. Some students cite parents for

causing falling grades, either by falling to set good examples of placing students under

pressure or lacking of support that leads to changes of behavior of the students toward

their studies. Others, however, identify multiple factors that affect their levels of


Greenberg (2016) in his research conducted in the University of Arizona explored

the relationships between the student characteristics and academic achievement.

Students who value learning and believe in the importance of grades increase

achievement orientation and motivation. Over 85% of the students get poor grades

because they put less effort and commitment into their school works. The intentions of

students to persist are influenced by their graduation system. The comparison of high

achiever and low achiever attitudes, perceptions and motivation achievement among

students in which states that attitudes towards school consist of the students self-

reported interest in and positive feelings towards school.

This study shows significant relation to the present study because it

particularized at finding out factors that contribute to poor academic achievement.

Students who get low grades show the root of paradox in an inadequate

conceptualization and measurement of students attitude toward education. The

students’ goals and objective to improve is one of the characteristics that help the

scholastic performance of students in school. Students’ concrete attitudes vary in

accordance with their perceptions and understanding of the importance of education ton

their lives.

Local Studies

Andaya (2009) in his study conducted in the Manila Science High School,

phrased that a child with lower academic achievement should be understood by their

learning style preference and study habits. The interplay of learning style preferences,

study habits and academic achievement of students enrolled in Manila Science High

School are recognized by their innate learning dispositions and their attitude towards

their studies. He found out that there is a positive and significant relationships between

study habits of students and their academic performance.

The findings of the researcher are significantly related to the present study because in

every school setting particularly in higher education institutions, the academic

performance of the students is an indicator of a quality of learning experience.

Awareness of different learning style preferences of students get good grades by

learning and process in information in their own ways. The study discussed the by the

researcher connected to the lower academic achievement style preferences is

somewhat related and the same in terms of the academic performances of students

toward their studies.

Magbanua (2012) considers that academic failure as the situation in which the subject

does not attain the expected achievement according to a student’s her. Abilities result

an altered personality which affects all other aspects of life. He notes that while current

educational system perceives that the students fails if she or he does not pass, more

appropriate for determining academic failure is whether the students perform below his

or her potential.

The findings of the researcher is consequential to the present study because it explains

that academic achievement can affect all other aspects of life and attitude or behavior of

students. Students that do not get the standard average question their capabilities or

their learning skills.

Research Gap

Jaafar (2014) described the attitudes, self-efficacy and students’ academic

performance in Mathematics of second year Malaysian students. The study is all about

the attitudes of the Malaysian students towards their studies during the first and second

semester. Similarly, the present study focuses on the implications on the attitude of the

G11 TVL Senior High students of General Santos City National High School on school
year 2019-2020 towards their studies having low grades. Moreover, if focuses on both

attitudes towards studies having lower academic grades of the students.

Velasquez (2013) delineates the comparison of high achievers and low achievers

attitudes, perceptions and motivations. The study focuses on comparing high achieving

adolescent attitudes toward school, attitudes towards teachers, goal-evaluation,

motivation and general academic of self-perceptions. Moreover, the present study

focuses only on the implications on the attitudes of the students toward their studies.

The majority research investigates the common characteristics of underachieving


Mesir (2013) elaborates the students’ attitude and their academic performance in

nationhood education of Nigeria second level of students. The study shows that

attitudes academic achievement affects their attitude in learning. The discussion also

shows that attitude affects their classroom learning styles. On the other hand, the

present study about the implications of the attitude of the student toward their studies.

Both studies similarly describe the low excellence of students that affect their attitude

and commitment in learning.

Chapter III


This chapter shows the methods, processes and techniques used by the researchers in

doing this study. This includes research design, data collection, interview techniques

and instrumentation.

Research Design

This study would use as the phenomenological approach. The phenomenological

design focuses on experiences as lived by the participants. It uses observation and

interview. It emphasizes on the importance of personal perspectives and interpretation.

The researchers interviewed G11 TVL students who experienced getting law grades in

senior high of General Santos City National High School. The interview focused on

specific implications on their attitudes during school year 2019-2020 and how they

coped with their experiences after getting law grades.


The participants of this study includes 10 G11 students ages 16-18 years old who is

studying in Senior High of General Santos City National High School. The implications

on their attitude on getting law grades is the main source of data in the study. They are

interviewed concerning about the implications on their attitude on getting law grades as


Local of The Study

This study was conducted on General Santos City National High School. It is the place

where the study was conducted since there is a track of TVL. The TVL track is where

the research participants was taken from.

Map Of The Location Of The Study

Figure 1: Map of the Location of the Study

Data Collection

1. Constructing the research instrument.

2. Asking permission to conduct the study.

3. Setting an appointment with the research participants.

4. Having the consent/assent from signed.

5. Transcribing and analyzing data.

Interview Techniques

In this study, individual interviews were conducted during the data collection phase, and

participants were interviewed one at a time to illustrate accessibility. Audio and video

were recorded in an interview with permission from the participant. In addition, any

conditions agreed upon by the researcher and the study participants in connection with

the consent/assent from was strictly observed during the interview.

Ethical Consideration

Before conducting individual interviews, study participants made a statement of

agreement. This statement is consistent with the fact that the participants answered all

the question raised during the interviewed regarding the survey. To protect the identify
and integrity of participants, their names was not mentioned in the results of the study,

and they should remain confidential even after the study.


In this study, the purposive sampling method was used. Ten participants were selected

based on a set of criteria determined by the researcher depending on the nature and

purpose of the study. When choosing study participants the researchers strictly adhered

to the criteria.


This survey would use interview guide to collect data from participants. Interview guide

was used for asking question about implications on attitude of the students affects due

to poor grades. It included open-ended question that covered the implication since they

started studying.
Data Analysis and Interview

In analyzing and interpreting the data received from the participants, the researchers

would use

methods of bracketing, clustering and theme analysis. The responses of the participants

were analyzed in such a way that they only made meaningful statements. The concept

leading to the formulation of the themes are formed from his meaningful statement. The

themes was discussed in detail in the research result.

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the findings and interpretations of the data collected by the

researchers on the implications on the attitude of the G11 TVL student of Generan

Santos City National High School towards their studies on getting low grades. The

information were taken from the individual interviews directed by the researchers with

the participants of the study.

Feelings about having low grades

A. Feeling regretful

The G11 student in TVL track of General Santos City National High School are being

regreful after getting low grades. Regretful is a feeling of sadness or disappointment,

which is caused by something that has happened. Participant A stressed "... Sometimes

i hope that i can have it higher because some said that there's alwsys a next time to do

your best. Last semester I take it easily but now I can't just take it lightly like before".

This finding is supported by askbia (2010) which stated that students normally feel down

and upset when they get grades lower than they expect. That leads to serious matter

like mental emotions that may trigger the students behavior.

".Ano usahay ga asa ko na makaya pa mutaas kay naa man gud silay ginaingon basi

mabawi pa sunod simuon na nimog tarong. Tong ni agi tong last sem bitaw kaning easy

easy lng sa akoa tapos karong second sem dili na diay nako maeasy easy parehas

dati". (DAT, parA)

B. Feeling sad and problematic

Students in G11 TVL Track of General Santos City National High School are sad and

and problematic after getting low grades. This feeling naturally happens when students

get low grades. Specifically, Participant B responded that "It makes me sad and

problematic". This feeling is supported by the journal article (2009) by Mendel

Marcus describes where the excellence of the students and the GPA of students affect

their attitude of and inferiority that gets developed in them. Students tend to be unhappy

of the loss and problematic in the uncertainties or difficulties inherent in getting low


"Kuan lng karang sad og problemado". (DAT, parB)

C. Feeling disappointed
The G11 students in TVL of General Santos City National High School are feeling

disappointed when getting low grade. As participant C quoted that “ I’m shocked and

disappointed on myself. Also discouraged because I got 77 even though I always

participates in class and raised my hand when recitations”. In connection with the

finding the study of Magbanua (2012) considers considers that academic failure as the

situation in which the subject does not attain the expected achievement according to a

student’s her. Abilities result an altered personality which affects all other aspects of life.

“ Nashock eh og nadisappoint ko sa akong kaugalingon. Na kuan sad nadiscourage ko

ba kay 77 na sige man kog aorticipate og sige taas kamot inig mga recitations sa klase”.

D. Feeling scared of parents reactions

The students are having feelings of being scared in their parents reactions when after

getting low grades. As participant D responded that “ I’m sad and scared the thought

that I have low grades. Because my parents will be angry at me”. The finding was

supported by Morakinyo (2012), students cite parents for causing falling grades, either

by falling to set good examples of placing students under pressure or lacking of support

that leads to changes of behavior of the students toward their studies.

“Nasad ko og nahadlok pagkahibalo nako na naa koy gamay na grado. Kay akong

parents masuko sa akoa”. (DAT,parD)

Causes of having low grades

A. Being irresponsible

Every student have causes of why they get low grades and the students on TVL track of

General Santos City National High School is being irresponsible when after getting low

grades. Participant C said that “I always sleep in class, not listening in class and not

taking down notes”. Also participant E responded that “ … I sleep in class, and uses

cellphone when discussion”. This finding was supported by a study conducted by

Askhia (2010) in Nigeria, the underachievers exhibited low academic self-perceptions,

lower self-motivations and self-regulation and less goal-directed behavior and more

negative attitudes toward school, also attitudes towards teachers most gained low

marks simultaneously affects their academic cumulative grade points.

“ Sige ra ko katulog, dili maminaw, tapos wala sad gatake down notes”. (DAT,parC)

“ Kay matulog man gud ko sa klase. Gagamit sad og cellphone inig discussion”.

(DAT,par E)

B. Absences and Tardiness

Students from G11 TVL of General Santos City National High School has commonly

cause of getting low grades are absences and tardiness. Participant D stated that “ My
absences and not doing my assignments”. And Participant A response was “…the

absences I made”. It was supported by Greenberg (2016) which explained that over

85% of the students get poor grades because they put less effort and commitment into

their school works.

“ Sa mga absent og kuan wala ko gahimog mga assignment”. (DAT, parD)

“ … mga absent nako”. (DAT, parA)

C. Procrastination

Other cause of getting low grades by the G11 TVL students in General Santos City

National High School is procrastination. As responded by participant A “ I’m always late

in class”. And participant C said that “ I always sleep in class”. Procrastination is doing

something habitually and intentionally and this finding was supported by a study

conducted by Morakinyo (2012) about Malaysian students who have falling level of

academic achievement is attributable. The causations of poor academic achievements

is unending and some of the factors are motivational orientation, self-esteem / self-

efficacy, emotional problems, study habits, teacher consolation and poor interpersonal


“ Kuan kay permi ko late”. (DAT,parA)

“ Dati sige ra kog katulog dili maminaw”. (DAT, parC)

Effects of getting low grades on attitude

A. Becoming more serious with studies

There are effects after having or getting low grades and the students of G11 TVL of

General Santos City National High School are becoming more serious with studies

when they get low grades. Participant A responded that “ I care more on the results of

my quizzes and always raise my hand when recitations”. Also participant C said that “ I

strive harder for my future”. This finding was supported by Greenberg (2016) that

students who value learning and believe in the importance of grades increase

achievement orientation and motivation.

“ Mas ano, mas nagaingat ko karun sa mga scores sa mga quiz, nya permi nako gataas

og kamot og naay recitations”. (DAT,par A)

“ Kuan naningkamot ko para sa future nako”. (DAT, par C)

B. Losing the motivation to do well in studies

There are students on G11 TVL of General Santos City who always bring negativity in

their self and loses motivation to do well in studying after getting low grades. As

responded by participant E “ Before I participate in class and gets high quizzes. And

studying always in home but because of the result, I’m tired of studying. This finding

was supported by Marcus (2009) that students who obtain lower grade do not want to

take risky or innovative tasks and choose simple tasks, much below their caliber. This
keeps them away from learning or experimenting new things. Actually, it makes their

learning skills slow than high achieving students.

“ Dati magparticipate pa sa klase then dako ang mga score sa quizzes the lagi

nagastudy sa bahay. Karon gikapoyan nakog skwela tungod ato”. (DAT, parE)

Realizations after getting low grades

A. Do more in studies, particularly in quizzes and activities.

Naturally students always has a realizations after having low grades and one of it is

doing good more in studying, specially with the quizzes and activities they take.

According to participant C “ You should do your responsibilities as a student if you want

to have good grades”. It is supported by Greenberg (2016) which is that students’ goals

and objective to improve is one of the characteristics that help the scholastic

performance of students in school. Students’ concrete attitudes vary in accordance with

their perceptions and understanding of the importance of education ton their lives.

“ Dalat himuon nimo imong responsiblities bilang estudyante kung gusto kag maayo na


B. Lessen absences
Lessening absences is one of the realizations made by the students came from G11

TVL, according to participant B “ You shouldn’t absent to class and listen to have good

grades”. This finding is supported by the study of Ayliff (2012) he stated that

underachievers may not lack knowledge of strategies, but rather they may not

understand that strategic behavior in conjunction within effort results in achievement.

When students value the goals associated with school, they are more likely to be

achievers. Students invariably express almost a reverence for education while

consistently underachieving.

“ Dapat kuan jud kanang dili jud ka mag sigeg absent para madako imong grado. Og

maminaw sad”. (DAT,parB)

C. If it’s not meant to be, it will be total acceptance

Accepting the truth and just go with the flow is another realization of the students. It

becomes a common understanding of the faith of your journey. As participant E

answered that “ Even though you do well if it’s not for you, it will never be yours”. This

finding is supported by Ashkia (2010) whereas the underachievers exhibited low

academic self-perceptions, lower self-motivations and self-regulation and less goal-

directed behavior and more negative attitudes toward school, also attitudes towards
teachers most gained low marks simultaneously affects their academic cumulative

grade points.

“ Bisan unsaon pa nimo pagtinarong og di jud para nimo di jud”. (DAT, parE)

Chapter V


This study is all about the implications on the attitude of the students in getting

low grades. Students experiences getting low grades and it has an effect to their life as

a student. Also they experience many different feelings and changes in their attitude

after getting low grades.

Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are given:

1. G11 students should learn to improve their motivational orientation, self-

esteem / self-efficacy, emotional problems, study habits, and interpersonal


2. Teachers should use formative assessment tasks and discourse strategies to

encourage students to share their ideas with other students,

3. G11 students should participate in class so that they cannot get low grades.

4. Teacher consolation should be done to by the students who are getting low


5. Future researchers should conduct an study about " Willingness and

Techniques of the Honor Students" to inspire students who get low grades.

6. Parental involvement should be improve as it needs by the students


Andaya, D. (2009). Students Level of Academic Achievement in Manila Science High

School. Retrieved from

Aremu, L. (2016). Relationship Between Teachers Educational Qualifications And

Student’s Achievement. Retrieved from

Ashkia,R. (2010). Underachievers low academic achievement.

Retrieved from

Ayliff, J. R. (2012). Underachievers’ motivations, attitude and achievements.

Retrieved from

Frontier in Psychology. (2018). Implicit Theories of Intelligence and Academic

Achievement: A Meta-Analytic. Retrieved from

Greenberg, J. (2016).Students' Attitudes and Their Academic Performance in

Nationhood Education. Retrieved from

Jaafar, A. (2014). Attitudes and Motivation of Malaysian Secondary Students towards

learning. Retrieved from

Magbanua, S. (2012). Academic failure and students' viewpoint. Retrieved from

Marcus, M. (2009). Excellence and the GPA of students. Retrieved from

Mesir, L. (2013). Discipline and Academic Performance: A Study of Selected secondary

Schools in Lagos Nigeria. Retrieved from

Morakinyo, P. (2012). Falling level of Academic Achievement of Secondary Malaysian

Students. Retrieved from
Ramon, A. (2014). Factors Affecting poor academic performance of students. Retrieved

Tamimi, S. (2012). Poor Grades. Retrieved from

Velasquez, J. (2013). Reasons Students Get Poor Grades. Retrieved from
February 14, 2020


Principal II
General Santos City National High School

Dear Sir:

Magandang Gensan!

We will be conducting a qualitative research entitled “ Getting Low Grades: It’s Implications on
the Attitude of the G11 TVL Students Towards their Studies” this semester. This school-based
study aims to investigate the different experiences of Filipino parents during and after the
recently experienced earthquakes in our city.

In this connection, we would like to seek your permission to conduct the study. Once
completed, our final research paper will be submitted to the Research Department as a major
requirement in Practical Research 1.

We are looking forward to your favorable response. Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,


Lead Researcher


Subject Teacher


Principal II

RESEARCH TITLE: Getting Low Grades: It’s Implications on the Attitude of the Grade
11 Students Towards their Studies

GRAND TOUR QUESTION: How does getting low grades influence the attitudes of
the TVL students towards their studies
Building Rapport : How long have you been getting low grades?
Is it something you did not want to happen to you?

Questions: Please help me understand what it’s like to be a student who gets
low grades.
 Do you get low grades?
o What is your lowest grade?
 What is your reaction/s about it?
o Can you tell me more about that?
 What are the causes of having low grades?
o How does it affect your life as a student?
 Does getting low grades affect your attitude?
o How does your attitude/behavior before that time compare to
your attitude/behavior now?
 What else would you like to share about getting low grades?

RESEARCH TITLE: Getting Low Grades: It’s Implications on the Attitude of the Grade
11 Students Towards their Studies

RESEARCHERS: Kamsa, Bai Alliah

Bonggot, Phoebe Jean
Ordeniza, Jessa Mae
Santiago, Laurence
Pogoy, Jeremy

We are doing a research study the implications on the attitude of the students in getting low

When we are finished with this study we will write a report about what was learned.  This report
will not include your name or that you were in the study.

You do not have to be in this study if you do not want to be.  Also, you may stop or pause the
interview at any time. Your parents know about the study, too.

If you decide you want to be in this study, please sign your name.

I, Buen D. Serentas. want to be in this research study.

(Student’s Printed Name)

________________________________________       ___February 17, 2020___

               (Student’s Signature)                                   (Date)

I, Verginia D. Serentas. allow my child to be in this research study.

(Parent’s Printed Name)

_________________________________________      ___February 18, 2020___

               (Parent’s Signature)                      (Date)

RESEARCH TITLE: Getting Low Grades: It’s Implications on the Attitude of the Grade
11 Students Towards their Studies

RESEARCHERS: Kamsa, Bai Alliah

Bonggot, Phoebe Jean
Ordeniza, Jessa Mae
Santiago, Laurence
Pogoy, Jeremy

We are doing a research study the implications on the attitude of the students in getting low

When we are finished with this study we will write a report about what was learned.  This report
will not include your name or that you were in the study.

You do not have to be in this study if you do not want to be.  Also, you may stop or pause the
interview at any time. Your parents know about the study, too.

If you decide you want to be in this study, please sign your name.

I, Agaspar Adrian S. Latayada want to be in this research study.

(Student’s Printed Name)

________________________________________       ___February 17, 2020___

               (Student’s Signature)                                   (Date)

I, Ginalyn Sinoy allow my child to be in this research study.

(Parent’s Printed Name)

_________________________________________      ___February 18, 2020___

               (Parent’s Signature)                      (Date)

RESEARCH TITLE: Getting Low Grades: It’s Implications on the Attitude of the Grade
11 Students Towards their Studies

RESEARCHERS: Kamsa, Bai Alliah

Bonggot, Phoebe Jean
Ordeniza, Jessa Mae
Santiago, Laurence
Pogoy, Jeremy

We are doing a research study the implications on the attitude of the students in getting low

When we are finished with this study we will write a report about what was learned.  This report
will not include your name or that you were in the study.

You do not have to be in this study if you do not want to be.  Also, you may stop or pause the
interview at any time. Your parents know about the study, too.

If you decide you want to be in this study, please sign your name.

I, Jerwin D. Caipilan want to be in this research study.

(Student’s Printed Name)

________________________________________       ___February 17, 2020___

               (Student’s Signature)                                   (Date)

I, Cudenia Caipilan allow my child to be in this research study.

(Parent’s Printed Name)

_________________________________________      ___February 18, 2020___

               (Parent’s Signature)                      (Date)

RESEARCH TITLE: Getting Low Grades: It’s Implications on the Attitude of the Grade
11 Students Towards their Studies

RESEARCHERS: Kamsa, Bai Alliah

Bonggot, Phoebe Jean
Ordeniza, Jessa Mae
Santiago, Laurence
Pogoy, Jeremy

We are doing a research study the implications on the attitude of the students in getting low

When we are finished with this study we will write a report about what was learned.  This report
will not include your name or that you were in the study.

You do not have to be in this study if you do not want to be.  Also, you may stop or pause the
interview at any time. Your parents know about the study, too.

If you decide you want to be in this study, please sign your name.

I, Jaymark G. Nuñez want to be in this research study.

(Student’s Printed Name)

________________________________________       ___February 17, 2020___

               (Student’s Signature)                                   (Date)

I, Joel G. Nuñez allow my child to be in this research study.

(Parent’s Printed Name)

_________________________________________      ___February 18, 2020___

               (Parent’s Signature)                      (Date)

RESEARCH TITLE: Getting Low Grades: It’s Implications on the Attitude of the Grade
11 Students Towards their Studies

RESEARCHERS: Kamsa, Bai Alliah

Bonggot, Phoebe Jean
Ordeniza, Jessa Mae
Santiago, Laurence
Pogoy, Jeremy

We are doing a research study about implications on the attitude of the students in getting low

When we are finished with this study we will write a report about what was learned. 
This report will not include your name or that you were in the study.

You do not have to be in this study if you do not want to be.  Also, you may stop or
pause the interview at any time.

If you decide you want to be in this study, please sign your name.

I, Bernard Barrina. want to be in this research study.

(Printed Name)

________________________________________       February 17, 2020___

               (Signature)                                   (Date)

Personal Information:
Gender: Age: Female
Address: 16 years old
39.2,Purok Hairol Ummah, Barangay Tambler,
General Santos City

Date of Birth: August 26,2003

Place of Birth: Buluan, Maguindanao

Contact Number: 09676920248

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Mother’s Name: Johaina V. Kamsa

Mother’s Occupation: OFW

Father’s Name: Dante G. Kamsa

Father’s Occupation: Army

Educational Background:
FVR Village Elementary School
Elementary: FVR Village, 39.2, Tambler, General Santos City
General Santos City National High School
Junior High School: Calumpang, General Santos City
General Santos City National High School
Senior High School: Calumpang, General Santos City
(At Present)

Learning Insights:
Throughout this research work I have learned to value more collaborative
work and the embodiment of patience, understanding, and determination were
really essential towards achieving success. Indeed, research is not just a mere
subject for compliance but a tool to guide us in real life situations.

Personal Information:
Gender: Age: Female
Address: 17 years old
Zone 7,Blk.8, Barangay Fatima, General
Santos City

Date of Birth: March 17, 2003

Place of Birth: General Santos City

Contact Number: 09321860942

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Mother’s Name: Alnie Griengo Bonggot

Mother’s Occupation: Housewife

Father’s Name: Kenneth Flores Bonggot

Father’s Occupation: Truck Driver

Educational Background:
Upper Tambler Elementary School II
Elementary: Tambler, General Santos City
General Santos City National High School
Junior High School: Calumpang, General Santos City
General Santos City National High School
Senior High School: Calumpang, General Santos City
(At Present)

Learning Insights:
Research is challenging for me because of this i know how to accept the
questions that taken from our study to make a better future you must know
how important to learned this.
Personal Information:
Gender: Age: Female
Address: 17 years old
Zone 11-A, Blk. 20, Barangay Fatima General
Santos City

Date of Birth: March 14, 2003

Place of Birth: General Santos City

Contact Number: 09166296838

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Mother’s Name: Jessieneth D. Ordeniza

Mother’s Occupation: Housewife

Father’s Name: Jimmy Alambatang Ordeniza

Father’s Occupation: Furniture Maker

Educational Background:
Upper Tambler Elementary School II
Elementary: Tambler, General Santos City
General Santos City National High School
Junior High School: Calumpang, General Santos City
General Santos City National High School
Senior High School: Calumpang, General Santos City
(At Present)

Learning Insights:
I've learned that giving instructions is a crucial instance when we talk about
saving time, bad instructions can be a waste of this resource. There is another fact
that determine a good research, it is the equitable participation among students
and the teacher, research is a challenged for me as a student.

Personal Information:
Gender: Age: Male
Address: 18 old
Lote, Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City

Date of Birth: June 21, 2001

Place of Birth: Koronodal City

Contact Number: 09774971742

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Mother’s Name: Rina F. Santiago

Mother’s Occupation: Sales Lady

Father’s Name: Michael John D. Santiago

Father’s Occupation: Died

Educational Background:
Sto. Niño Central Elementary School
Elementary: FVR Village, 39.2, Tambler, General Santos City
General Santos City National High School
Junior High School: Calumpang, General Santos City
General Santos City National High School
Senior High School: Calumpang, General Santos City
Learning Insights:
Research help me to understand more about processing some details
and problems it also help me to learn more about the purpose of it also
to become a good writer and researcher in the right time.

(At Present)

Personal Information:
Gender: Age: Male
Address: 19 years old
Pacman Village, Barangay Calumpang,General
Santos City

Date of Birth: August 14, 2000

Place of Birth: Lower Makar, Labangal, General Santos City

Contact Number: 09514817290

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Mother’s Name: Romelina C. Pogoy

Mother’s Occupation: Housewife

Father’s Name: Roger G. Pogoy

Father’s Occupation: Fisherman

Educational Background:
Romana C. Acharon Elementary School
Elementary: Calumpang, General Santos City
General Santos City National High School
Junior High School: Calumpang, General Santos City
General Santos City National High School
Senior High School: Calumpang, General Santos City
(At Present)

Learning Insights:
Research taught me how to be a good researcher and how to handle my
time wisely. It made me realize how to be a better person and how to
make a better future.

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