Necromunda Quick Ref v1 1
Necromunda Quick Ref v1 1
Necromunda Quick Ref v1 1
Turn Sequence Bottle Test: if 25% of the models are down or out of action test leadership.
Bottle Test Escape pinning
Escape pinning - If there is a certain friendly model within 2" then roll initiative or less on 1D6.
Move (Don't count Juves, fighters who are broken, or fighters who are down).
- Work out wounds Move
- Break test - Basic move is 4".
Hand to hand - If you don't shoot you can run 8", but if you run within 8" of an enemy then stop.
- Work out wounds - If you charge into close combat you can move 8" (but you have to declare
- Break test you are charging before measuring the distance).
Recovery - If you are pinned you can crawl 2".
- Difficult ground halves movement.
Hiding - Very difficult ground quarters movement.
- Must be behind cover. - Barriers less than 1" high and 1" or less wide don't affect movement.
- Can't run and hide. - Barriers between 1" and 2" high and 1" or less wide halve movement.
- Spotted if within - Barriers over 2" high or 1" wide are impassable.
initiative inches.
To Hit Modifiers - Shots are can only be fired at a 90 degree arc in front of the model.
Partial cover -1 - You can't shoot if you are hand to hand fighting.
Cover -2 - The closest target must be shot at, unless there is a target in less cover.
Appearing -1 - Apply cover and "to hit" modifiers, then look up BS on table.
Disappearing -1 BS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Charging -1 Die Roll: 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3
Rapid Moving -1 - A roll of 1 is always a miss. Any miss counts as a stray shot.
Small -1 - Stray shots hit a friendly fighter 1/2" from the line of fire on a D6 roll of 1.
Large +1 - If a six is rolled, then an extra die can be rolled to increase the score:
Extra roll: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ammo Roll Score +0 +0 +0 +1 +2 +3
D6 Result: - If a six is rolled then an ammo roll is required (see table on left).
< roll Stops working - A fighter who is hit becomes pinned, put the model face up.
1 Explodes if a - A fighter who is hit may be wounded (see wounds section).
second roll fails.
Hand to hand fighting
Hand to hand - Both fighters roll attack dice. A second close combat weapon adds one die,
Charged +1 but fighters with a basic, special or heavy weapon can't roll an additional die.
(obstacle) -1 - All fighters have a knife, even if the model doesn't show one.
Fumble -1 - Most pistols can be used in hand to hand combat, but not flame pistols.
Critical hit +1 - Apply modifiers (see table on left).
Higher up +1 - Difference in scores is number of hits. A tie is decided by highest initiative.
Encumbered -1 - Work out number of wounds.