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Abdulloh Zakariya - Pragmatic B

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Name : Abdulloh Zakariya

NIM : 19320019
Class : Pragmatic-B

Definition, Functions, Strengths and Weaknesses in Felicity

In pragmatic studies there is a theory of speech acts in which the term felicity condition
refers to the conditions that must exist and the criteria that must be met in order for the act to
achieve the goal. A sentence must not only be grammatical to be done correctly, it must also
be precise or fit for purpose. Felicity condition refers to the effectiveness of using speaker's
speech acts. Austin (1962), said that in using speech acts a person must meet certain conditions
regarding the actions spoken. For example, when a person makes a promise to another person,
he or she must satisfy the condition that the listener or the promisee has a need for something
to be promised, and the speaker or promise giver will have the intention to fulfill that. Therefore
the act of promising would be valid to be considered a favorable condition. By definition, the
condition of felicity is a condition when the utterance made has met the appropriate conditions
such as, appropriate context, conventional existence, authority, and the sincerity of the speaker.
In this essay, the author will discuss more deeply about the function of felicity conditions for
speech acts with examples of felicity conditions in illocutionary acts, as well as the weaknesses
and strengths of speech acts.
The Felicity condition plays a very important role in speech acts when someone wants
to speak. Because of this, the spoken sentence must pass filtering or word sorting so that the
propriety of the sentence spoken reaches its goal. According to Austin (1962), there are 3
conditions so that performative speech can be carried out (felicity conditions), namely: 1. The
persons and circumstances must be appropriate, for example the speech that is often conveyed
to the bride and groom "I declare the brothers as husband and wife" only can be fulfilled if the
person who utters the utterance is someone who is authorized to utter the utterance., 2. The act
must be executed completely and correctly executed by all participants, for example, a leader
who says “you are absolutely wrong” to his subordinates but does not being able to point out
the error or what rules make it considered wrong is an invalid speech., 3. The participants must
have the appropriate intentions, for example the speech "I'II see you on the office at there",
whereas actually at three o'clock the speaker did not hold another promise with a certain party,
then the speech is invalid. In essence, all utterances contain the meaning of action, and not only
speech that has performative verbs.
Each theory has advantages and disadvantages, as for the advantages in this felicity
condition as has been conveyed by (Paltridge, 2000: 18) that speech acts have a unique way of
expressing speech acts from a linguistic point of view. Speech acts are divided into assertive,
directive, commissive, expressive and declarative. Usually we use the interrogative form to
seek or get information/something. declarative form to make a statement or convey
information, imperative form to tell someone to do something. Felicity condition in speech acts
also has advantages as an approach that tries to formulate how knowledge is brought into the
game. For example, when someone doesn't have a topic of conversation when they're on a first
date and the atmosphere starts to get quiet, then one of the couples asks "What time is it? It
seems it's late at night", this is to attract the other person's attention to go home or start looking.
new topic of conversation. In addition, Felicity condition also helps to understand the unspoken
aspects of what people say, direct and indirect speech activities. In this case listeners are able
to understand indirect speech acts by relying on their knowledge of speech acts. This implies
that when we have the concept of speech acts, we can understand the unspoken components of
what someone said and meant. For example, there is an athlete who says to his coach "I'm tired"
what the athlete means is that he wants to ask his coach to rest.
The weakness of Felicity condition in speech act as well as interpreting the meaning of
speech act is not easy but also not difficult. For example, when a couple is climbing a mountain,
suddenly the woman says to the man, "The trail is very steep." Here, in fact, the woman wants
to rest for a while or also wants to be carried by a man. In addition, another weakness is as
Paltridge, 2000, said that indirect speech acts are sometimes difficult to detect for second
language learners because they are not always familiar with them in English. For example, I
am an english learner, where english is my sec language. One of my English friends said "can
you carry my bag?", then I replied "no, I can't". Here I don't want to refuse my friend's request.
I thought that my friend left her heavy bag, but my friend intended to help her carry a small
bag containing some things.
Speech acts are something that is important in language life, so humans need to know
the concept of speech acts and also the conditions that must be met to achieve speech acts called
the condition of felicity. The term felicity condition refers to the conditions that must exist and
the criteria that must be met in order for the speech act to achieve its goal. Speech acts have
several advantages, including speech acts that have a unique way of expressing, have several
functions which are to facilitate communication, and finally speech acts have a special concept
to be understood by people. Apart from that, it also has weaknesses, including interpreting
meanings that are not easy and not difficult, indirect speech acts are difficult to detect and the
last speech acts form another system. Therefore, we must understand the concept of felicity
condition and speech act to communicate properly according to the structure, content and


Austin, J. L. 1962. How to Do Things with Words. Cambridge-Mass: Harvard

University Press.

Paltridge, B. 2000. Making Sense of Discourse Analysis. Gold Coast: Antipodean


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