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Research Tardinesss 1

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First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for His

showers of blessings throughout our research work to complete the research


We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our research

supervisor, Ms. Magna Leah Alcantara for giving us the opportunity to do the research

and providing invaluable guidance throughout this research. She has taught us the

methodology to carry out the research and to present the research works as clearly as

possible. It was a great privilege and honor to work and study under his guidance. We

are extremely grateful for her.

We are extremely grateful to our parents for their love, prayers, caring and

sacrifices for educating and preparing us for our future. We would like also to thank our

adviser, Mrs. Maria Corazon Morales for supporting and motivating us from our


We also thank our Math teacher, Sir Randell John Sapinosa for helping us for

our statistical and also for supporting us from our research.

Finally, my thanks go to all the people who have supported me to complete

the research work directly or indirectly


Background of the Study

In this generation, tardiness is always seen on few people, especially on some

students. Tardiness is the quality or habit of not adhering to a correct or usual expected

time. It is a violation of the principle of punctuality. Many senior high school students

come late to school and as a result; academic subjects are affected as well as the

grades, they will be miss classes and affect their class performance. A tardy student

presents lack of discipline. When students come to class late because of their tardiness,

it can disrupt the flow of a lecture discussion, distract other students, impede learning,

and generally erode class morale.

The prolonged problem tardiness has been the focus of few researches. It was

properly observed, made solutions on how to prevent it, but this problem is still present.

This problem is present than ever.

The goal of this study is to know the effects of tardiness in academic life of a

student. For the students, they will be aware of the consequences that this problem

caused them academically and it can be a lesson for the students not be tardy again for

they will have an idea in the results. For the teachers and staffs, the benefit of this study

is that they can be aware of the students who are always not on time in their class so

they can discipline and give advice to them. This study will be helpful to them, to know

what are effect tardiness to a student.

The examine is focused and limited only to the Senior High School Student’s

characteristics on how he or she behaves in class and farther more analysis on their

performance as a student. The research instruments that are used is observation and

survey. Only the 20 senior high school students are the respondents of this study. The

research is conducted at People of Grace Christian School.

General Problem

Tardiness of Senior High School Students


1. What are the causes of tardiness of the senior high school students?

2. What can be the effect of tardiness to students and on their studies?

3. How can tardiness be solved?

Thesis Statement

The study aims to identify the effects of tardiness to the academic performance

of senior high school students in People of Grace Christian School.

Significance of the Study

The result and findings of this study about the tardiness of senior high school

students of People of Grace Christian School have both benefit to the students,

teachers, and staff of the school.

For the students, they will be aware in the consequences that tardiness caused

them academically and it can be a lesson for them so if they try to do it again

they will think twice because they already know what will happen if they continue

being tardy.

Lastly for the teachers and staff so that they can be aware of those students who

are always not on time in their class and they can give advice to the students

who are always late so they can avoid being tardy.

Scope and Delimitation

The examine is focused and limited only to the student’s characteristics on how

he/she behaves in class and analysis on their performance as a student

The research instruments were only observation and survey, no other

instruments were used.

Only the senior high school students are the respondents of this study, and they

were only 20 in class. The research will be conduct in People of Grace Christian



Review of related Literature

Introduction of the Review of Related Literature

Our study focuses on the tardiness the Grade 11 and Grade 12 students.

Therefore, the gathered review of related literature focuses on, causes, effects,

definition, prevention and solution of tardiness. It tackles about what and how tardiness

can affect a students and the people around them, the causes and reason why the

student is tardy, and how to prevent or stop this problem from always happening

particularly in schools by giving its solution and by defining what tardiness really is.

The common cause of tardiness is going late at bed and waking up late

the next morning. This will have a negative effect to students that they have incomplete

or failing grade because they doesn’t complete the outputs that they have to pass. We

can prevent this from happening if the teachers will be more strict in rules to students.

The solution for tardiness that is also tackled in this review of related literature is that

the school has to implement policies and rules to follow and if not, those students who

practice tardiness will have punishment.

Definition of Tardiness

According to (Dafiaghor, 2011) tardiness is when an individual arrives late at the

given or proper time. It is also defined as being late for any measurable length of time

past the proper time (Weade, 2004). Lateness is synonymous to tardiness, it also

implies slow action, said also by (Weade, 2004). People not showing on time shows the

meaning of tardiness to (Lauby, 2009).It is also defines by (Oxford Advanced Learners

Dictionary, 2010) when an individual arrives late.

Causes of Tardiness

As studied in (CareerBuilder, 2015) the most common reason for a student being

late, are being stuck on a traffic, bad weather and waking up late. Then (M, 2016) said

that because of tardiness, students cannot follow the lessons discussed in school but

thinks it’s okay to be late. (Santillano, 2010) stated that being late can affect the

punctuality of a student because of a family problem and anxiety. According to the

study of (Oghuybu, 2008) female students are more likely to be late than male

students because of “their involvement in domestic activities by their parents”. (Helena,

2018) also stated that the parents fail to make sure that their child is up and ready for

school because they don’t monitor their child in using their gadgets.

Effects of Tardiness

According to (Kim, 2007) the effect of tardiness to students is of other people

losing respect for them. It can also downgrade their grades in their final grade. As a

result of this tardiness, it can lead them to fail behind lecture and (Rebecca, 2017) said

it can affect a student by missing out important announcements. In the article of (Global,

2017) they said it can affect the students and the teachers in class for it can cause

distraction then (Bennion, 2018) said tardiness can cause students to miss out on

learning opportunities, they can miss important announcement, test, quizzes and other

school activities. (Pilgrim, 2013) also said that it can affect their performance and grade

and they will get a low score for they miss out many things.

Solution to tardiness

According to (Wells, 2014) motivating the students to come on time may reduce

them from being tardy and teachers should always ask the reason why they are late.

Then for (McFarlin, 2015), to reduce the tardiness of a student, schedule a meeting

with the student who is tardy and ask them the reason why they are late then

enforce a policy swiftly that they can follow. (Scott, 2015) said in his article that the

practice of saying no for example they will not be allowed to enter the room if the

class has started and they are late. It will be a lesson for them to come early. For

(Barnes, 2016) making things clear to students that attendance is really important; if

they come early to school give them reward or appreciation for them being responsible.

(Holden, 2014) stated that when the class starts and students came late they should be

given a tardy slip, they can only come to their class if they have a tardy slip, that slip will

be recorded in a book and punishment will be given for student that has many record in

that book.

Prevention of Tardiness

According to (Weade, 2004) other schools initiated and constructed

interdisciplinary curriculum. (Weade, 2004) also said that others also conduct and

implement tardiness policies, wherein they approach the students. From (Bataineh,

2014) being a role model for the behavior you want to see and require is another key to

prevent tardiness. Calling administrators so that they can emphasize the “minor”

policies of the school also helps, according to (Wenglinsky, 1999). Making clear from

the start that attendance and being on time is a must is also one way to prevent it.

(Barnes, 2017)



Research Design

We chose to use overt participant as our way of observing, for in this observation

the identity of the researcher is known to the group being studied. We will observe the

Senior High School students at People of Grace Christian School.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted in People of Grace Christian School Inc. It is a God-

centered school that is located at Kamuning Quezon City, Philippines. It was built by

Pastor Joey and Amy Tupe with the help of others.

Sample or Respondents

The examine is focus and limited only to the Senior High School students of

People of Grace Christian School that ages 16 to 20 years old. We have 20

respondents from senior high school department and the sampling method that we use

is purposive to help us to choose who really suits to our research study.

Research Instrument

The research instruments that are used are observation and survey. During the

study there will be printed questionnaire to be provided to the respondents, which are

the Senior High School students of People Grace Christian School.

Data Collection Procedure

We will interview our respondents with the given material which is the printed

questionnaire that will serves as our primary source and will help us to gather data. We

will start gathering data on February 15, 2019 at People of Grace Christian School,

located at Baranggay Kamuning, Quezon City.

Survey Questions

1.) Do you often come late to school?

2.) Does lack of punctuality affect your academic status?

3.) Are there some classes that you miss?

4.) Do you take make-up class/es?

5.) Are there some situations that would cause you to be tardy?

6.) Can you handle the situations that would cause you to be tardy?

7.) What time do you fall asleep? (multiple choice)

8.) What time do you usually wake up on a school day? (multiple choice)

9.) Do you have a routine after waking up?

10.) How long do you usually take you to get to school? (multiple choice)

Results and Discussion

Interpretation: 75% of the senior high school students often come late to school and

only 25% are those who does not. The chart above shows that there are more senior

high school students who come late to school.

Interpretation: The result had a much higher percentage to those students whose lack

of punctuality affect their academic status than on those who do not. According to

Gottfried (2012), students who are tardy are more frequently to have lower test scores.

Interpretation: A lot of senior high school students misses their other class because of

being tardy. According to Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), coming late in class distracts

the rest of the students and disrupt the flow of the discussion. According to Caldarella

et. al, (2011) teachers can come frustrated as late students disrupt instruction, often

requiring teachers re-teaching of what they have missed.

Interpretation: Most of the senior high school students does not take their make-up

classes. According to Haque (2012), students who fully misses their class significantly

increase their likelihood of poor grades by doing so.

Interpretation: 80% of the senior high school students answered that there are some

situations that caused them to be tardy. According to Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011)

the common cause of being tardy is going late to bed and waking up late the next


Inetpretation: You can clearly see that half of the people can handle the situations that

cause them to be tardy positively, and half of them cannot. One of the reasons why they

can handle it positively because of their peers, according to Kelly (2018).

Interpretation: You will see that the highest percentage of students that usually fall

asleep at night during school days is 10 pm onwards and it follows to the second

highest percentage 9pm and last is 8pm. Going late to bed cancause them on being

tardy, according to Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011).

Interpretation: 50% of the senior high school students usually wakes up on a school

day around 8 am onwards. 40% of them wakes up 6-7 am and 10% of them wakes up

5-6 am. Some study revealed that one of the causes of lateness is going late to bed

because of watching films and home movies, resulting into waking up late in the

morning, according to Oghuvbu (2008).

Interpretation: Majority 55% have a routine after waking up and 45% of them don’t

have. According to Phillips (2018), routine helps an individual stick to life.

Interpretation: A percentage of 40% of senior high school student takes them 30

minutes and above to get to school and 35% of them 20 minutes and last 25% of them

takes 15 minutes and below.

Conceptual Framework

Tardiness of senior high school


Effects of tardiness:

Other people Missing out Can cause

losing respect for important distraction in
them announcements class

Miss out learning

opportunities Lower grades



 This research studied the Effects of tardiness on Senior High School students in

People of Grace Christian School, and knowing the definition, cause, effect, solution

and prevention of tardiness. According to the study, the most common cause of

tardiness in the students is waking up late, traffic and family issues.


The most prevalent reason why Senior High School students are tardy is that

they do not sleep early and it caused them to wake up late in the morning. When they

become tardy their academic status is badly affected. Additionally, they tend to miss

their first subject because of their tardiness.

The study showed that effects of tardiness on Senior High School students of

People of Grace Christian School, most common reason to be tardy is waking up late.

Lastly the percentage of tardiness among Senior High School students was quite high

considering more than half of the respondent showed tardiness.


The Tardiness of students can have an effect in academic achievement,

developed study habits. Tardiness has adverse effects on a student’s academic life and

as a result of the research, the researchers recommend the usage of measures such as

practicing a routine of waking up early, strict implementation of sleeping early and

constant monitoring by parents.

For parents they should improve the level of control and care for their children,

show more interest and concern in their study and personal life of their child.

For future researches, researchers may focus on deeply exploring effects,

causes and how will it be prevented especially on teenagers who comprise a majority of

the senior high school population.


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Barnes. (2017). Retrieved from https://milady.cengage.com/blog/6-ways-deal-students-


Bataineh. (2014). Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/site/monteramath07/teacher-


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Wells. (2014). Retrieved from https://www.youthchg.com/tardiness/

Wenglinsky. (1999). Retrieved from


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