Revision Exercise 10: Concept Traps (p.388)

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2 Force and Motion Chapter 10 Gravitation

Revision exercise 10
vY = vX = v
Concept traps (p.388)
1 F
The acceleration due to gravity decreases 8 C
when the distance from the Earth increases. It
W=  (for constant m)
equals 9.81 m s2 on the Earth’s surface only.
2 F
The energy of a satellite travelling around the
Earth in a circular orbit remains constant. The = =
gravitational force does no work on the
satellite as it is perpendicular to the
displacement of the satellite.
3 T WM = WE 

Multiple-choice questions (p.388) = 8830  0.107

4 B
= 3340 N
5 C
9 B
W=  (for constant m)
m= = = 900 kg

aM = = = 3.71 m s2
= =
10 A
11 A
12 C
rP = rE = RE = 2RE
a= = = = 1.5 m s2
6 C
7 C
13 B
By = ,
By = ,

v=  (for constant M) r=

T= = = 
= =

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2 Force and Motion Chapter 10 Gravitation

21 (a) Gravitational field strength

= = = 1M

vY = vX =v = 0.79v = 2.55  103 N kg1 1A

(b) By = , 1M
14 C

M= r3 v=

= 5.24  103  (6050  105)3

= 4.86  1024 kg
= 2.41  104 m s1 1A
g= 1
The orbital speed is 2.41  10 m s . 4

(c) Period = 1M
= = 6.52 N

kg1 =
15 (HKALE 2009 Paper 2 Q5)
= 5.937  107 s = 687 days 1A
16 (HKALE 2010 Paper 2 Q12)
22 (a) Orbital period = 4  70 = 280 days 1A
17 (HKDSE 2012 Paper 1A Q14)
18 (HKDSE 2013 Paper 1A Q15) (b) Orbital speed = 1M
19 (HKDSE 2014 Paper 1A Q11)

Conventional questions (p.390) = 5.194  106 m s1

20 (a)  5.19  106 m s1 1A
(c) By = , 1M

(X closer to the Moon) 1A M=

(b) The Earth is more massive than the
Moon, 1A =
By F = , 1A
= 8.09  1036 kg 1A
X should be closer to the Moon 1A The black hole’s mass is 8.09  10 kg. 36

to make the forces from the bodies equal 23 (a) Weight = mg 1A

in magnitude. By Newton’s second law, F = ma 1A
(c) It would move towards the Earth. 1A ma = mg

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2 Force and Motion Chapter 10 Gravitation

a =g 1A (v halved) 1A
(b) Acceleration due to gravity 25 (a)
= 1M

= 1.62 m s2 1A
(c) Take downwards as positive.
By s = ut + at 2, 1M (i) (Tangential direction) 1A
(ii) (Towards Earth’s centre) 1A
1.2 = 0 + (1.62)t 2
(b) (i) By mg = and g = g0 ,
t = 1.22 s 1A
24 (a) The planet’s mass 1A 1M + 1M
and radius 1A
g0 =
(b) The force acting on the satellite by the
planet is always perpendicular to the
displacement of the satellite. 1A v =

(c) (i) By = , 1M


From the figure, when v = 4 km s1,

= 5460 m s1 1A
r = 4  104 km 1M 1
The linear speed is 5460 m s .
M= (ii) Weight
= mg
= 9.60  1024 kg 1A
The mass is 9.60  1024 kg.
(ii) = mg0

= 1000(9.81)

= 2230 N 1A
26 (a) The gravitational field strength at a point
in a gravitational field is the
gravitational force acting per unit mass
at that point. 1A

(b) g=  1M

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2 Force and Motion Chapter 10 Gravitation

(b) A

= =

gM = gE
For AOB being very small,
distance travelled by object in 1 s
=g 22 = AC  AB 1A
AO + AB = BO
2 2 2
= 0.4g 1A
(6370  10 ) + AB 3 2 2
The gravitational field strength on the
= (6370  103 + 4.91)2
surface of Mars is 0.4g.
AB = 7910 m
(c) Mass of Opportunity
The speed of the object is 7910 m s1.
= = = 184.5 kg 1M
(c) By mg = , 1M
Weight on Mars v=
= mg =
= 184.5  0.4  9.81
= 7910 m s1
= 724 N 1A
The speed found by Newton’s law of
(d) F/N
universal gravitation is the same as the
answer to (b). 1A

28 (a) W = mg = mg0 1M

0 t/s
r= = = 4810
(Correct labels with units) 1A
(F increasing) 1A km

(Smooth curve) 1A h = 4810  3400 = 1410 km 1A

(b) (i) The height is much smaller than the
27 (a) s = ut + at 2 1M
planet’s radius. 1A

=0+ (9.81)12 Therefore, the change in g is

negligible. 1A
= 4.905 m  4.91 m 1A (ii) Gain in PE = loss in KE
The distance fallen is 4.91 m.
mgh = mv2 1M

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2 Force and Motion Chapter 10 Gravitation

g= = = 5 m s2 By a = r 2 and T = ,

T=  (for constant r) 1A
m= = = 40 kg 1A

The mass of the object is 40 kg. aT 1A

 The period of the satellite is shorter.
(c) By F = W = , 1M
30 (a) Period = 24  3600 = 86 400 s 1A

M= (b) Angular speed of the men

= = = 7.27  105 rad s1
= 8.67  1023 kg 1A By F = mr , 2
The mass of the planet is 8.67  1023 kg. Centripetal force needed by X
29 (a) By mg = mr 2, 1M = 60(6370  103)(7.27  105)2
= 2.02 N 1A
Centripetal force needed by Y
= 60[(6370  103) sin 40](7.27  105)2
= 1.30 N 1A
=1.24  10 rad s 1 (c)

Period of satellite = 1M
weight mg X

= reaction N

= 5060 s 1A
(b) Period of man Centripetal force = mg  N 1M

= 24  3600 2.02 = 60(9.81)  N

= 86 400 s 1A N = 587 N 1A

(c) The scale’s reading is 587 N.

man (d)
weight mg0
Earth reaction N

The centripetal acceleration of the

satellite is g0 while that of the man is
plane of orbit
equal to < g0. 1A

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2 Force and Motion Chapter 10 Gravitation

(Passing through Y and Earth’s centre) = 3.20  104 m s1 1A

1A 32 (HKALE 2005 Paper 1 Q6)

31 (a) By = and T = ,1M 33 (a) Speed is a scalar (is described by

magnitude only) 1A
= while velocity is a vector (is described
by both magnitude and direction). 1A
T2 = 1M (b) (i) By s = (u + v)t, 1M

T2 / 1010 s2 2.39 9.41 38.3 208

3.6 = 1M
r3 / 1025 m3 7.52 30.2 123 664
T 2 / 1010 s2 u = 3.4 m s1 1A
200  The initial vertical velocity of the
projectile is 3.4 m s1.
140 (ii) a = 1M
= 1M
= 1.60 m s2 1A

20 The acceleration due to gravity on

100 200 300 400 500 600 the Moon is 1.60 m s2.
r 3 / 1025 m3 (iii) The other time
= 4.26  0.90 1M
(Correct labels with units) 1A
= 3.36 s 1A
(Data points correct) 1A
(A correct straight line) 1A

(b) Slope = 1M

M = 1.97  1027 kg 1A (Correct diagram) 3  1A

The mass of Jupiter is 1.97  1027 kg. (v) This method is not valid on the
(c) By = , Earth 1A
because there is air resistance on
orbital speed
the Earth and the motion of the
= projectile will be affected. 1A
(c) (i) Resultant initial velocity
= =
= 3.94 m s1 1A

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2 Force and Motion Chapter 10 Gravitation

tan  = After passing the point of intersection,

the force of gravity from the Earth has a
 = 59.5 1A larger magnitude than that from the
The resultant initial velocity of the Moon. The resultant force points
projectile is 3.94 m s1 at 59.5 towards the Earth. 1A
above the horizontal. (e) It would require more energy 1A
(Correct calculating method for because both the forces of gravity from
both values) 1M the Earth and the Moon are in the
(ii) The projectile will land on the opposite direction as its motion. 1A
moving Moon vehicle. 1A 35 (HKDSE Practice Paper 2012 Paper 1B Q4)
As there is no horizontal net force
acting on it during its flight, its Experiment questions (p.394)
horizontal velocity remains the 36 (a) Let F the force between the large ball
same as the vehicle. 1A and the small ball.
34 (a) r = 1.0  105 km = 1.0  108 m 1M
F= 1M
g= 1M
The two forces form a couple.
= Moment = Fd 1M

2.1  1010 = d
= 0.04 N kg1
The calculated value agrees with the
graph. 1A
(b) The Moon’s mass is much less that the G = 5.67  1011 N m2 kg2 1A
Earth’s. 1A (b) Percentage error = 
(c) 3.45  10 km5
The resultant field at this point is zero. / 100%

The fields from the Earth and the Moon = 15.0% 1A

balance each other at this point. 1A (c) Air current 1A

(d) Before reaching the point of intersection (d) (i) Let T be the tension in the string, M

indicated in Figure q, the force of gravity be the mass of X and m be the mass

from the Moon has a larger magnitude of Y.

than that from the Earth. The resultant Consider the vertical direction.

force points towards the Moon. 1A T cos  = mg (1) 1A

At the point of intersection, the forces of Consider the horizontal direction.

gravity from the two bodies have the T sin  = (2) 1A

same magnitude and their resultant is
(2)  (1),
zero. 1A

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2 Force and Motion Chapter 10 Gravitation

tan  = 1A

The angle  is independent of m, so

he is incorrect. 1A
(ii) No, 1A
this is because the angle  is very
small ( 109 degrees). 1A
The error is very large in
measuring such a small angle. 1A

Physics in article (p.395)

37 (a) Period = 24  3600 = 86 400 s 1A
(b) The centripetal acceleration is equal to
the acceleration due to gravity.
r 2 = g 1M

r = g0 1M


= 4.222  107 m
Height above Earth’s surface
= 4.222  107  6370  103
= 3.59  107 m 1A
(c) A geostationary satellite appears at a
fixed position in the sky. 1A
Satellite antennas on the ground need not
move and can point in a fixed direction
in communicating with the satellite. 1A

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