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Cleaning Validation

What do you need to consider to ensure

a successful outcome?

White Paper

Steve Alley, Technical Specialist
Brian Hammond, RSSL Consultant
Darlington Nwodo, Microbiology Laboratory Manager

The data used to determine the success of a cleaning validation is built upon both the effective
evaluation of the manufacturing plant and the robustness of the validated analytical method.
In order to ensure the safety of the consumer, there must be a high degree of confidence in the
analytical results in order to verify the absence of residues at the prescribed limits on the various
equipment surfaces and to control microbiological contamination. This white paper discusses
the over-arching strategy for performing a successful cleaning validation, with detail on some
of the key factors to consider at both the manufacturing, microbiological and analytical stages,
highlighting many common pitfalls to avoid.

Introduction 3

UnderstandIng your equipment and what affects cleaning 4

Design and control of cleaning methods 5

Issues with sampling and testing 5

Development and validation of analytical test methods 6

Microbiological contamination 8

Conclusion 10

Cross contamination must be avoided in the The data used to confirm a positive/successful cleaning
Pharmaceutical industry at all costs and successful validation is underpinned by the results of validated
cleaning validation ensures that patients are not put at analytical methods. It is essential that these results are
risk due to cross contamination. truly representative as patient safety is based upon the
The process can be divided into a number of sections absence of equipment residues.
each of which must be fully understood and areas of So what are those areas of concern, what affects your
concern addressed to ensure a successful outcome across ability to get a successful outcome and what do you
the entire process. This spans both the manufacturing need to consider when carrying out a Cleaning Validation
and subsequent analytical and microbological support. exercise?

Complete Find and deal with all 1. Engineer them out or

understanding of areas of the plant that
your manufacturing 2. Include them in your
could cause
equipment and cleaning exercise

Properly design your 1. Avoid as much manual cleaning as possible

2. Operate valves, reflux vessels etc., to ensure adequate removal
cleaning methods to
ensure maximum of contamination
removal of product 3. Check previous process investigations to ensure coverage
contamination 4. Fully train all staff

Swab staff need training in:

Understand the
Fully train and test your 1. The swabbing procedure
inherent errors in
testing and ensure swab staff to reduce the 2. Ability to determine
complete training likelihood of error swab areas
3. Reproducibility

Good design and 1. Fully train analytical staff

4 validation of analytical
test methods
2. Understand your analytical methodology
3. Fully validate the analytical procedures used

Fig 1. Summary of areas of concern

Figure 1. An overview of the areas to be considered to ensure success.

Understanding your equipment
and what affects cleaning

Figure 2: Showing complex nature of a cleaning plant

A detailed study of all the equipment to be cleaned required and that all gaskets in the plant are in good
must be carried out by a qualified team to ensure the condition to reduce the risks.
chosen cleaning method will be successful. This is 3. Filter meshes – These are designed to retain product
colloquially known as “Walking the plant”. It is important and therefore can also result in cross contamination if
to understand what can affect your cleaning results and not carefully cleaned.
to either engineer out those areas of concern or include 4. Valves – Material can be drawn into valve housings and
them in your cleaning procedure. returned to the product stream at a later date resulting
in cross contamination. All valves in the product stream
Areas of concern should be investigated, a cross section dismantled and
All product contact pipe work should be thoroughly tested during validation to ensure that they do not
evaluated. The geometry of the pipe work can play present a risk to the outcome.
a vital role in a successful outcome. Multiple bends,
5. Pumps and samplers – These pieces of equipment
flanges, angles of pipework and dead ends, can all result
are very difficult to clean successfully. It should be
in product retention and possible cross contamination.
determined if they are really necessary. Can the
There are recorded cases in the industry of minor changes
geometry of the plant be altered to avoid their usage?
to pipework geometry resulting in cross contamination
If not they must be included in your cleaning exercise.
6. Process investigations – It is important that an
Remember – If you change the shape of a piece of
understanding of what can go wrong in a process is
pipework it may no longer clean as well.
obtained. Sometimes a process error at an earlier date
Specific areas to be mindful of are:
can result in product being deposited in an area of
1. Service lines – These are small bore lines and very the plant where it normally would not reach. This can
difficult to clean. There have been a number of then result in swab failures during cleaning or more
cases over the years where investigations into cross critically Product contamination at a later date. E.g.
contamination issues have concluded that the service Over-heating of a vessel can result in product being
lines were at fault. Ensure that you have adequate deposited in condenser return lines.
safeguards in place (e.g. non return valves and filters)
7. Packaging lines – It should be determined that there are
to ensure these lines do not get contaminated.
no areas in the line where tablets could bounce and get
2. Gaskets – The microscopic nature of materials used to stuck e.g. on the top of sensors etc. These may then
make gaskets result in product retention and possible fall off later into a different product and cause cross-
swab failure. It is recognised that gaskets are necessary contamination, patient injury or even death. Screens
but a study should be carried out to ensure that should be erected at these areas to ensure this cannot
there are not gaskets in the system that are no longer ever happen.

Remember – A good plant walk around, if performed thoroughly, with the right team, will not only reduce errors,
but will also write most of your cleaning validation protocol. Swabbing points and plant break in lists can be
decided during this investigation.

Design and control of cleaning methods
Good cleaning procedures are fundamental. A procedure in Place (CIP) can be performed in place of manual
that has been used for years may not necessarily be the cleaning, e.g. moving a pan filter from beside the vessel
best. A review of the methods should be carried out at to the floor below can result in a double bonus. The pan
validation to determine their suitability and effectiveness. filter can then be washed using a CIP procedure and the
Procedures should include factors such as: move also results in a loss of a pump and extra pipework.
This sort of rearrangement should be considered as it
1. Operation of valves during cleaning
reduces risks of error.
2. Filling pipework with solvent and allowing
Ensure that:
dissolution time
• Written procedures will deal with the outcome of a
3. Refluxing solvent around system and through
process failure based on knowledge of what can go
condenser return lines
wrong in your process. Often what can go wrong in a
Manual cleaning is very subjective. Two different operators process is more critical to the cleaning than what
may not necessarily clean to the same degree. In order can go right.
to achieve reproducibility it is critical that all operators
• All process operators are fully trained and their
carry out the procedure in the same way. Very detailed
records are up to date. Validation exercises have failed
procedures and training are required to ensure the
in the past, during audits, due to failure to ensure that
successful outcome of a manual cleaning exercise. It
operators’ training records were complete and
is sometimes easier to alter plant layout so that Clean
up to date.

Figure 3: Example of problematic plant areas

Issues with sampling and testing

A considerable proportion of the testing failures • Test the ability of the operator to perform not only
experienced in the industry are not related to the ability the swab procedure itself but also their skill in:
to clean the equipment or perform the analysis. They are – Being able to determine the correct area to be
solely related to the skills of the person taking the swabs. swabbed even when they cannot visually see
It is easy to write and train a procedure on how to carry where the task is being performed. Failure to
out a swab test but it is a different thing being able to swab the required area will result in either a failed
perform a test correctly and reproducibly. So what can swab or worse still, from a cross contamination
be done to reduce this risk and help secure a successful viewpoint, a passed result which should really fail.
validation outcome?
– Their reproducibility in being able to repeat this
• A number of issues can be identified related to the exercise 4 times in exactly the same place.
swabbing procedure and these must all be addressed
It has been demonstrated that a swab taken using 4
if success is to be guaranteed.
wipes of the same area results in maximum recovery
• Control of swab equipment – It is essential that all the (>90%) from a given surface. However the ability to do
equipment used to carry out a swab test is reliably this requires considerable skill and training.
controlled. It is extremely easy to contaminate a swab
All of the above require considerable skill and extensive
and put your whole cleaning validation exercise at
training of the operator. However, techniques have been
risk of failure. The swab material, the solvent used,
developed that will test these skills and give assurance
any disposable gloves etc. must be very carefully
that the final test results reflect the actual plant
controlled to reduce the risk of possible false results.
cleanliness and not the ability of the swab operator to
perform the task.

Development and validation of analytical test methods
Alongside the product manufacture, the analytical at the limits, (2) specificity (between the target analyte
method is of critical importance when assessing the and other matrix components) and (3) a curtailed run
cleanliness of pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment. time to allow the requisite high sample throughput that is
In order to satisfy this requirement, it is key to ensure generally needed when analysing swab samples.
a high level of confidence in the generation of results In many respects, the requirements for validating
derived through the use of the method. This, in turn, is cleaning methods are closely aligned with a standard
underpinned by the development of a suitable, fit-for- assay, evaluating factors such as specificity, accuracy
purpose analytical method, designed not only to be (recovery), linearity, sensitivity, precision, robustness and
specific to the analyte, but also able to ensure its ability solution stability. However, one area that does require
to quantify at the prescribed residue limits. some time is the swabbing technique itself. A large part
On the subject of residue limits, this is very much a of the development procedure itself is focused upon
subject in its own right. The regulatory authorities do not deriving a swabbing procedure that allows acceptable
set limits for specific products. The key factors to bear recovery of API residues from the required surface
in mind when approaching this with respect to a given types. Furthermore, the choice of swab surface used
pharmaceutical product: will be dictated by conducting a plant walk-around and
• Defined limits should be logical subsequent risk assessment of the manufacturing plant
and determination of the key ‘risk’ areas where residues
• They should be practical and achievable (in terms of
are most likely to remain following manufacture.
method sensitivity)
It should be noted that there is currently an increasing
• Verifiable
shift towards the use of Total Orgatnic Carbon (TOC)
An approach for limit setting should be identified early Analysis to determine residues following cleaning of the
on since this will have a direct impact on the analytical manufacturing plant. The increasing view is that apart
test method and its ability to detect the analyte(s) at the from looking at specific active traces, a ‘crude’ evaluation
required level. of contamination should be considered. The advantages
Determining cleanliness can prove to be a very of TOC over more traditional HPLC methods are (1) the
challenging task, with the aim being to measure trace ability to evaluate the overall contamination, and (2),
residues (target analytes) on the surfaces. The residue reduced time and cost for the development, validation
must initially be extracted from a surface, recovered from and subsequent analysis. This can potentially have very
the extraction matrix and then suitably quantified. Note real positives from a manufacturing perspective as it
that sampling is usually performed via direct methods will enable much more rapid turn-around time for the
(swabbing), however indirect strategies (such as rinse analytics, thereby reducing down-time for the plant.
samples) may also be used, though the latter is not a Whilst TOC may be suitable in certain cases, these
preferred approach. would be limited to manufacturing lines that have
Very often, the starting point in the development of a proven control of the cleaning process and hence where
cleaning method would be based upon a previously TOC results (i.e. non-specific, gross contamination) are
developed assay method. The main aspects to be borne determined to be well below the specified residue limits.
in mind are (1) attainment of suitable sensitivity to If this is not the case, then it would be necessary to
quantify develop specific methods (such as HPLC) to determine
the levels of a given active(s).

Figure 4: Swabbing of a stainless steel coupon

Often, insufficient time is invested in the actual swabbing regime, which can ultimately lead to a less than robust final
method. Each of the surface types identified (discussed previously) should be spiked with the API (at the calculated
residue limit) and experiments performed to demonstrate that acceptable recovery is repeatedly obtained. This can
involve the evaluation of a number of different swabbing solvents and swab types together with optimisation of the
actual swab technique. This, combined with the need to be able to repeatedly detect residues at very low levels, can
contribute significantly towards the time required for successful method development and validation.

Figure 5: Example of different swab types

Recovery experiments essentially underpin all other Another key factor to be considered throughout the
validation parameters since the residue must be: development process is the stability of the analytical
1. Successfully extracted from a surface samples; that is, the ability of the active substance to
2. Recovered from the extraction matrix degrade once in the extraction solvent. If appropriate
3. Appropriately quantified expiry dates are not set, significant degradation could
If the method is shown to have sufficient accuracy, then occur, leading to apparent low swab levels, which could
all of these parameters can be evaluated as a single actually be attributable to the instability of the active and
entity. If inadequate results are obtained then each of not representative of the levels actually swabbed from
the steps would need to be investigated individually to the equipment surfaces – potentially giving a result that
identify which of the component steps is responsible for “passed” which should actually fail.
the poor recovery, and allow screening of other solvents There is such an array of validation parameters that
or swab material that may improve recovery. It should could be discussed, however this article cannot
provide assurance that an analyte can be analysed in possibly do each of these justice. However, In terms
a matrix, which, for a finished product, would include of analytical method validation, there should be no
excipients, impurities or perhaps solvents used in the unexpected surprises. All of the critical parameters to
manufacture of the actual API. If a cleaning agent is used, be assessed should be identified and evaluated prior to
its composition should also be considered. An evaluation commencement of the formal validation. The method
of specificity should first be conducted to ensure the development should therefore be used to obtain the
absence of any interference between matrix components initial information to set the limits stipulated within a
and the target analyte. validation protocol and hence build in Quality by Design.

Microbiological Contamination
Aside from the manufacturing and analytical aspects, it Note – The test results cannot be taken in place of a
is also paramount to consider cleaning validation from a validation. This is because they do not represent how
microbiology point of view. This focuses on contamination the disinfectants are used in practice against your
control in pharmaceutical and healthcare facilities. surfaces and organisms present in your facilities.
Pharmaceutical manufacturing process can be subjected
to microbial contamination. Therefore a good cleaning Validating your disinfectant
and disinfection process is necessary to maintain a good
The effectiveness of a disinfectant would depend on the
hygiene in facilities.
biocidal properties of the disinfectant. However, a number
Disinfectants are used to prevent microbial contamination of factors can affect the effectiveness depending on the
of pharmaceutical products. way it is used.
Where chemical disinfectants are used as part of The following factors most be considered in the validation
contamination control, it is important to evaluate the process to help establish if your disinfectants are fit for
efficacy of the disinfectants to ensure they are fit for purpose.
• Contact time – Apply contact times that are practical
So why do you have to evaluate the efficacy of your and are actually followed in the disinfection process.
disinfectant? Shorter contact times can be validated to cover a
Apart from being a regulatory requirement, you need to worst case scenario. Consider a practical contact time
establish whether your disinfectants are effective under the when testing alcohol as it evaporates within a short
conditions they are used. Factors such as the surfaces they period of time. Some sporicidal agents might need an
are used on, contact time, concentration and so on will extended contact time depending on prior knowledge
alter the effectiveness of disinfectants. The test performed provided by the manufacturer.
by the disinfectant manufacturer before release does • Surface – Make sure the disinfectants are validated
not mimic the way you use them, and therefore does not against the surfaces they are used on. In some cases,
establish they are fit for purpose. not all surfaces can be included in the cleaning
validation, therefore a risk assessment approach
Choosing a disinfectant most be adopted to determine the most appropriate
Disinfectants are usually chosen based on their surfaces to use.
chemical properties and expected effectiveness against Use the exact surface present in your facility as a
microorganisms. slight modification might affect the efficacy of the
Before evaluating the efficacy of your disinfectant, it is disinfectant. For example if you have a coated vinyl
important to consider a few points and ask do I have the floor within your facilities, then the exact vinyl surface
right disinfectants in place? should be used.

• Bactericidal and fungicidal agents – It is important to • Condition – The validation process should apply
use disinfectants that are effective against bacteria interfering substances to create a clean or a dirty
and fungi. This will ensure that bacteria and fungi on condition. Substances like Bovine Serum Albumin can
surfaces are killed. be added to mimic the amount of soiling present on
surfaces. Select the most appropriate condition that
• Sporicidal agents – It is important to have disinfectant
mimics where disinfectants are used.
that are effective against bacteria and fungi but some
disinfectants are only effective against vegetative • Temperature – Validation should be performed under
microorganisms. Not all disinfectants are effective the same temperature the disinfectants are used.
against spores, therefore a sporicide should be added • Organisms – Ensure the organisms used covers
to the disinfectant rotation. a variety so that the bactericidal, fungicidal and
• Sterile disinfectant – If disinfectants are used in a sporicidal ability of the disinfectants can be
cleanroom (Grade A and B) environment, they determined.
should be sterile prior to use. Where disinfectants are • Environmental isolates – Environmental isolates should
transferred into spray bottles before use, then the be added to the validation process to help prove that
bottles should also be sterilised. the disinfectants are effective against organisms they
• Available data – Disinfectant manufacturers that supply would encounter on your facilities.
to the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries • In use state – Disinfectants should be validated at their
perform various tests that evaluates the efficacy of in use state. If they are transferred to a spray bottle,
their disinfectants. then it should be validated at that state.
Ask the manufacturer for the available data to help you They should also be validated at the end of their hold
establish if the selected disinfectants are good enough. time to cover a worst case scenario. The concentration
at which the disinfectant are used must also be applied
in the validation process.

Microbiological practical test
The efficacy of a disinfectant can be demonstrated with a Test process – A known level of test organisms are dried
suspension test or a surface test. on the surfaces then the disinfectant is added to the
Suspension test can be used to determine if the surface and left for the standard contact time used
concentration at which a disinfectant is used is effective. during disinfection.
Since the disinfectant is tested in a suspension, it does The effect of the disinfectant is neutralised after the
not mimic the way it is used in practice. contact time and the recovery of surviving organisms
A surface test is designed to mimic a possible will be used to evaluate the efficacy of the disinfectant.
contamination on a surface which can be found in a Numerous controls are used to ensure that the result is
pharmaceutical or healthcare facility in the presence of due to the effect of the disinfectant. See figure 5 below
an interfering substance. for an overview of the test process on stainless steel.

The Quantitative Surface Test EN 13697 can be used to

validate the efficacy of a chemical disinfectant.

Figure 6: Overview of the surface test process on a stainless steel surface

Validate environmental monitoring media

To have confidence that your selected disinfectants are not influencing the recovery of organisms on media used to
perform routine environmental monitoring, it is important to verify the process.
This validation will enable pharmaceutical and healthcare facilities to implement the use of adequate contact plates
and swabs containing the appropriate neutralisers in the environmental monitoring process.

The over-arching principle when embarking on pharmaceutical cleaning validation is to ensure that the
manufacturing and analytical aspects are conducted synergistically, with good communication between
consultancy, manufacturing, analytical and microbiological teams. This will build solid foundations to ensure
that the final analytical method is able to fully encompass the requirements of the cleaning process, and can
reliably and consistently quantify the required residues at the calculated limits, and establish the efficacy of the
disinfectants used on site. Hence ensuring the pharmaceutical product is safe for the consumer.

RSSL is an established expert in this field and our coordinated approach to cleaning validation with analysis, consultancy
and training services ensures that clients in pharmaceutical and bio-pharmaceutical production satisfy their regulatory
requirements. These services will provide you with a thorough grounding in process design and pitfalls to avoid, along
with understanding of fundamental issues in this area. To find out more about our cleaning validation services please
contact us on: +44 (0)118 918 4076, email [email protected], or visit www.rssl.com

About the authors

Steve Alley Steve has sixteen years’ industry experience, having
BSc (Hons) MRSC RSci graduated in 2000 from Kingston University with
Technical Specialist a Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Science.
He has spent his entire career to date working in
the pharmaceutical sector and has gained all of his
experience within a CRO environment, gaining exposure
to a wide range of analytical techniques and product
matrices. Steve’s main area of expertise is Early Phase
Development, Validation and Stability Testing of New
Chemical Entities and Formulations mainly in Pre-clinical
Development or Phases I and II.

Brian Hammond Brian has forty six years’ experience in the industry
Cleaning Validation after graduating in 1970 from London University. His
RSSL Consultant experience was initially in Analytical Development moving
onto Quality Compliance and System Validation, followed
by 21 years’ experience in the training and consultancy
arena. Brian’s main area of expertise is in Cleaning
Validation, he has been heavily involved in developing
techniques, resolving issues and has been running very
successful cleaning validation training courses for RSSL
for many years.

Darlington Nwodo Darlington has several years of experience in the industry.

BSc (Hons) MRSB He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Science from
Microbiology Laboratory the University of Hertfordshire. He has spent his entire
Manager career in the CRO environment where he has gained a lot
of experience in performing a range of pharmaceutical
microbiological tests including method development and
pharmacopeial method verifications. Darlington has a
strong background in performing EN methods with years
of hands on experience in performing microbiological

About Reading Scientific Services Ltd (RSSL)
RSSL is firmly established as a trusted are wide ranging, and provide support
partner in the provision of analytical, through the full product lifecycle. RSSL
investigational, consultancy and is routinely inspected by the MHRA,
training services to clients in the food, FDA and UKAS which ensures that our
consumer goods, pharmaceutical, analytical services meet the needs of
biopharmaceutical and healthcare industry. We are trusted by industry
sectors. to provide a solution with scientific
excellence, outstanding customer service
Our chemical, physical, biochemical,
and professionalism.
biological and microbiological services

Contact us to find out more about our

expertise and how we can support you:
Tel: +44 (0)118 918 4076 Email: [email protected] Web: www.rssl.com

Reading Scientific Services Ltd

The Reading Science Centre, Whiteknights Campus, Pepper Lane, Reading, Berkshire RG6 6LA

© 2017 RSSL. All rights reserved.


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