Displaying Geospatial Data: Tntedit
Displaying Geospatial Data: Tntedit
Displaying Geospatial Data: Tntedit
Geospatial Data
Displaying Geospatial Data
page 2
Displaying Geospatial Data
Install TNT
You can install the TNT products from a DVD or
Windows computers begin
after downloading from MicroImages’ web site. An each TNT session with the
Installation and Setup Guide in Adobe PDF format MicroImages splash screen.
is provided in the root directory
of the TNT products DVD. You
can also download or view the in-
stallation booklet from Micro-
Images’ web site.
The exercises in this booklet use
sample data available with the
TNT products. Copy the sample
data to your hard drive. Making a
read/write copy enables display
parameters and other information
to be saved. The data and docu-
mentation can be downloaded from MicroImages’
web site. A large collection of Technical Guides on A new edition of TNTmips
that includes the latest error
individual features is also posted on MicroImages’
fixes is posted weekly on
web site. Consult the TechGuides for newer fea- MicroImages’ web site (no
tures that may not be included in this booklet. A software is error free, but
collection of Quick Guides, which provide helpful MicroImages is very
responsive to fixing errors).
hints for using the TNT products is also available.
The posted development
The geospatial display process is common to version also contains newly
added features. You can
TNTmips, TNTedit, and TNTview. It also is at the install and run the
core of the free TNTatlas product. development version and
• TNTview contains the display process, the SML also run the current release
version of TNTmips.
scripting language, the import and export pro-
cesses, and file maintenance procedures.
• TNTedit is TNTview plus the geodata editor, and
The exercises in this
georeferencing. booklet on pages 4–10
• TNTmips is the complete suite of TNT display, introduce basic object and
editing, manipulation, and support processes. display concepts. Pages
11–21 introduce each type
The exercises in this booklet describe the Display of internal spatial data
process as it appears in the TNTmips Pro, TNTmips object. More complex
Basic, and TNTmips Free products. Only slight dif- visualization and output
features, including the
ferences in the way you launch the process appear types of Internet-based
in TNTedit and TNTview. layers supported are
covered on pages 22–42.
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Displaying Geospatial Data
Start TNTmips
Launch TNT for Windows and Mac computers by
double-clicking on the TNT program icon created
during installation. The system also starts the X
2008:74 Server, which provides the operating environment
for TNT (MI/X on Windows and X11 on the Mac).
The tutorial booklets refer to
menu choices with a menu TNT displays its main menu with the items Main,
path notation. For example,
Image, Tileset, Geometric, Terrain, Convert, Script,
choosing Display from the
Main menu is indicated with Tools, and Help. This booklet uses the Display pro-
the menu path “Main / cess to introduce the main types of geospatial ob-
Display.” jects used in the TNT products: raster, vector, CAD,
TIN, shape, and database. The exercises show how
to display both simple and multi-
object / multi-layer views.
When you choose Display from the Main menu,
TNT opens a Display Manager window. Icon but-
tons on the toolbar give you quick access to fre-
quently-used functions. For these introductory ex-
ercises, we will use the simplest form: a 2D display
group. The Display process also supports 3D
groups, display layouts, and page layouts.
launch TNT from the When you are finished with a TNT session, close
select Main / Display
each active TNT process. You exit Display by se-
expose the ToolTip for lecting Exit from the Display menu in the Display
each icon button in turn Manager. You exit TNTmips by selecting Exit from
on the Display Manager the Main menu on the main TNT menu bar. You can
click the New icon
also exit a process using the close icon in the main
button and select window’s title bar. The X Server automatically exits
Empty 2D from its menu when the last TNT process is closed.
You can always tell what an icon button does by exposing its ToolTip: hold your
cursor over an icon button for a moment to see a description of the button’s function.
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
A Project File is the TNT data structure for all raster, vector, CAD,
TIN, database, and text materials, as well as associated subobjects
(such as georeference control and display characteristics).
Switch between Web and Each arrow drops down a list of the contents
local layers using this of drive/directory/file to its left.
arrow. This arrow
drops down a
list of recently
Click on the
icon in this
position to go
up one level in
A Project File may contain many
the directory.
different types of objects; the
list can be set to show all types
or only those selectable in the
An icon current operation.
shows the
type of each
item in the You can view all files in a
list. directory, only RVC files, or
other selected file types.
elements are not
active in the
current context. Already selected items appear in this list.
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Displaying Geospatial Data
A Project File may be logically organized
A Project File or a Folder
to include one or more Folders.
may contain several
Observe the DISPLAYGROUPS folder in the
objects. For this exercise,
object list (but do not
you will select all the
select it).
selectable objects in the list.
Project FIles are read or write locked during usage to protect your data. A read-
locked file can be opened by another process for reading but not for writing. The
WIndows OS manages most file locking but if your files are on a networked drive or
you are using a Mac, file locking is handled by TNT. If your computer shuts down
abnormally while a Project File is locked by TNT, you can unlock it by deleting the
.LOK file (such as BLACKBRN.LOK) located in the same directory. For additional informa-
tion on file locking, see the Understanding and Maintaing Project Files booklet.
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Displaying Geospatial Data
Stop Previous Zoom Zoom to Stereo Snapshot Mark Toggle Unmark Select View-in-
out Max Detail Exclusive Marked All Reposition View
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
If multiple
records are
attached, it is
indicated here
in single record
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
Theme Mapping
Theme Mapping applies Vector, shape, and TIN objects can be displayed “By
selected values in a
database to the drawing
Theme” so that selected values in associated data-
styles used for elements in base tables control the display style of the elements.
vector and TIN objects. For example, a “Flow_Capacity” field associated with
STEPS pipeline line elements could be used to determine
click the PARCEL the display color and style for all the pipeline ele-
object icon to open ments in a vector object. Raster objects can also be
the Vector Layer
Controls dialog displayed by theme using cell value ranges to de-
select the Polygon tab fine the theme classes.
and change Style to
In this exercise the TX_LAND_VA (land tax value) field
click [OK] to initiate a from the county AUDITOR database is used to control
redisplay the display style of the PARCEL polygons. A color
close this display Group spread from yellow to red has been created so that
by selecting Close
Group from the right- churches, public buildings, and parcels with no
button menu for Group 1 buildings (zero tax value) display in yellow, and par-
in the Display Manager cels with the highest tax values display in red. Inter-
If you click [Edit] next to mediate tax values are green, blue, and purple.
Style in the Vector Layer
Controls when a theme map The Theme Mapping Controls let you decide how
style object is selected, TNT to count the elements being theme mapped (by da-
opens the Theme Mapping tabase reference, by element size, or using all records)
Controls window. You can
select the database table,
and whether to include all classes in the distribu-
theme field, number of tion. Other parameters set in this window are de-
themes, and color spread scribed at the right and illustrated below.
for drawing styles. See the
Theme Mapping booklet for
additional information.
Values in the
TX_LAND_VA field are
used to control the
display style of the
PARCEL polygons.
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Displaying Geospatial Data
total number
of records
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Displaying Geospatial Data
LiDAR Display
STEPS LAS is a public format for LiDAR (Light Detection
open a new display
group and select the
and Ranging) data that can be directly used in the
LIDARCLS.LAS file from the TNT products. LAS files typically contain tens of
SML data collection millions of points that provide high resolution el-
choose Tools/Point evation information acquired by optical remote
Profile (View window)
resize and reposition
sensing. These points may have associated classifi-
the box that appears cation information from a standard classification
and note the effect on table for this data type. This information is presented
the profile shown as a TNT database table. A tool for classifying/
click on the LAS layer
icon to open the Layer
reclassifying points is provided in the Display pro-
Controls and explore cess for LAS layers. You use this tool in conjunction
the various options with the selection tools in the GeoToolbox.
right-click on the layer
name and choose A number of styling choices are available for LAS
Reclassify points (e.g., by elevation, by class, by intensity).
note the options LAS layers can also be displayed as a surface gener-
ated from the point classes you select. The Point
Profile tool, which can be used with 3D vector and
shape objects as well as LAS files, provides a
vertical view of the points within a selected area.
A number of Technical Guides concerning the
use of LAS files in the TNT products are posted
on MicroImages’ web site.
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Displaying Geospatial Data
For information on the 3D display of TINs, see the tutorial booklet 3D Perspective
Visualization. To see how TINs are used in Stereo-to-DEM and surface modeling, see
the booklets, Making DEMs and Orthophotos and Surface Modeling.
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Displaying Geospatial Data
Multi-Layer Display
One of the most powerful This exercise builds a complex display from raster,
visualization features of
vector, CAD, and database objects. Add these lay-
TNT is the way it so easily
integrates geospatial data ers to a new group:
objects of all types and map Raster: BLACKBRN / AERIAL
projections. Vector: BLACKBRN / STREETS
window, click Add Database: BLACKBRN / CRIME
Objects and select the
first four objects listed When you select multiple objects for display, be sure
click on Add
each one is registered to some spatial coordinate
Database Table
Pinmap and select the reference system, as they are in this sample data.
CRIME table listed TNT automatically reconciles different map projec-
click on parcel Layer tions and coordinate systems, but if one object has
Controls icon in the
no map registration, then you will get unpredictable
Manager window and
adjust its polygon display results. (To add map registration to an ob-
display controls ject that has none, refer to the Georeferencing tuto-
(change the Style: to rial.) You receive a warning message if you try to mix
georeferenced and nongeoreferenced objects in the
Several multi-object layout
same display group.
objects are included with the
TNTmips Free sample data. Click
Objects must also share a reasonable spatial proxim-
Open Display in the Manager and ity. A raster in Texas and a vector in Japan may be
browse through the LAYOUTS selected together, but a full display would zoom out
Project Files in / BEREA , /
BLACKBRN , / C B _ D ATA , and / so far that the objects would be too small to see.
page 22
Displaying Geospatial Data
Directions from
Nebraska to
*Use of web Montana
layers generated by
requires a Google Maps were
TNT saved as a My Maps kml
professional file and displayed in
product. TNTmips together with
Internet tilesets for the
states the path crosses.
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
Recent arrow
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
Quick Snapshots
STEPS You can create a new raster in your choice of formats
zoom in on an area of that captures the canvas area of any View window by
interest in the View
from the previous clicking on its Quick Snapshot icon. Your prefer-
exercise ences for the format of this raster, whether to save
click on the Quick georeference information in auxiliary files, and where
Snapshot icon in to save the raster can all be specified on the Snapshot
the View window
make the desired panel of the Options window opened from the Dis-
choices in the Quick play Manager (Options/View Options). If you have
Snapshot Settings not set up these parameters prior to clicking on the
window if this is your Quick Snapshot icon for the first time, a Quick
first Quick Snapshot
review your settings by Snapshot Settings window will open that provides
choosing Options/View the same choices found on the Snapshot panel of the
Options* in the Display Options window.
Manager if this is not
your first snapshot The options you set are used when you click on the
click on New, choose Quick Snapshot icon so that no further input is
2D Display, and
select your newly
needed from you. If you want to alter the saved
created snapshot (all location or the automatic name for an individual
external formats listed snapshot, choose View/Save Snapshot As in the
are supported for direct View window you want to take a snapshot of. You
zoom out in the View
need to revisit the Snapshot panel of the Options
you created a snapshot window to change other parameters.
of and in the View with
the snapshot raster A snapshot is a raster with a one-to-one correspon-
dence between its cells and the display pixels on
* If you forget where your
snapshots are being saved your View canvas. If background area is showing in
or want to change other your view, it will be captured as part of the snapshot.
parameters, you can open
this window at any time. You get these four files when you click on the
Quick Snapshot icon with the options shown
Choose between a variety
of compression options and With the parameters shown, the
formats next snapshot saved by
including clicking on the Quick
internal Snapshot icon would be
(RVC) and E:\snapshots\Pic7.tif.
(GeoJP2, This number increments
JP2, automatically as quick
GeoTIFF, snapshots are saved to
TIFF, JPEG, the designated folder.
and PNG)
format These options are not
files. active if saving to
internal format (RVC).
page 28
Displaying Geospatial Data
for the Locator, which lets you reposition and zoom PAGE25
right-click on the
your view by moving and/or resizing the rectangle
checkbox for a vector
that represents the area currently in the view, layer in the Legend and
and the Magnifier, which provides a zoomed turn off the Show
view of the area around the cursor. Locator icon
drag the separator
You decide how detailed you want your Legend to between the Legend
be using the expand/collapse icon to reveal or hide and view canvas
drag the separator
details about each layer. There are also right mouse
between the Legend
button menu options at the display level (group or and Locator
layout) to expand or collapse all layers in the Leg- click the expand/
end. When collapsed, only the layer names are collapse box for the
soil layer to hide its
shown in the legend.
The default layer name is determined by a View Op- turn off the Show
Legend toggle on the
tions setting (see page 40) on the Layer tabbed panel. Options menu in the
Your choices are Object Description, Object Name, View window or use
and File and Object Name. You can also right-click the Show Legend
on the layer name in either the Display Manager or icon
Legend and choose Rename. Your newly entered
layer name is remembered when the group or layout Adjust the width of the
is saved. Legend and the height
of the Locator by
Legend for the Crow
dragging the separator
Butte soils vector layer
between the panels.
has been collapsed.
page 29
Displaying Geospatial Data
GeoFormula Layers
A GeoFormula is a computed display layer that uses
Select New / Empty one or more input objects to derive a layer for dis-
2D in the Manager play. It gives you a way to combine objects “on the
select Add / Layer / fly” rather than preparing objects for display ahead
GeoFormula / Add of time with preliminary processing. A GeoFormula
GeoFormula Layer in the
Manager window is a dynamic display layer that contains a “virtual
select Formula / Open in object.” The GeoFormula layer does not create an
the GeoFormula Layer output object that is saved in a Project File. In-
Controls dialog stead, it creates a display layer that releases all its
use the standard Select
File process to select system resources (such as disk space and memory)
GEOFRMLA / STRETCH2.GSF when you are finished with it.
in the Select Objects
dialog, select RED, GREEN, In the exercise on page 12, you used three raster
and BLUE from CB_DATA/ objects for component color from CB_DATA / CB_TM.
CB_TM Here you will use the components that would create
click [OK] to close the
GeoFormula Layer
a natural color display if chosen as an RGB set. The
Controls dialog GeoFormula creates another false-color image. If
you are familiar with a programming language, such
as C or BASIC, you should get a sense of how a
GeoFormula works by examining the script illustrated
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
STEPS When your display group contains several layers,
open the group
the layers on top may sometimes completely hide the
layers below. The View-in-View tool provides one
select the View-in- way to hide one or more top layers in order to show
View tool in the the hidden layers. In a complex, multi-layer view,
View window
you can use the Show / Hide checkbox for each layer
notice that when the
View-in-View tool to select the layers you want the tool to expose. The
is active, an View-in-View tool displays the “show” layers
additional choice inside the box, and the original view elsewhere.
appears on the
The View-in-View tool gives you an excellent
visibility checkbox
right button menu visualization method for comparing multiple layers
draw a View-in-View of geodata.
box on the image
slide the box to a The View-in-View tool is an elastic box that you can
different place and use resize or move around as you compare different areas
the elastic box resizing of the layers.
right-click anywhere on When you choose the View-in-View tool, the top
the image to reverse the layer is automatically turned off inside the View-in-
inside/outside View-in-
View rendering View elastic box. You can toggle layers on and off
inside and outside the View-in-View rectangle us-
ing the visibility checkbox in either the Legend of
Right-click on the visibility the View window or in the Display Manager. When
checkbox to toggle on/off
a layer is toggled off in any open view, its check
layers in a specific view.
mark is dimmed in the Display Manager.
Draw a View-in-
View box and slide
it around to see a
layer that is hidden right-click anywhere in
below other layers. the display to reverse the
View-in-View layers
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
A layer's right-mouse
button menu lets you
move it up or down in
the drawing order.
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
tersheds, or land use polygons. You can use re- expand the vector
layer in the Manager
gions to select point, line, or polygon elements that and click on the Enable/
lie completely inside, completely outside, partially Disable for Marking icon
inside, or partially outside the active region (the re-
gion highlighted on the Region panel).
select the
In this exercise, a region is used to find all windmills GeoToolbox, and
click the Add button
within 100 yards of any stream. The region object is
on the Region panel
a 100-yard buffer zone created around the Crow Butte select the CB_WELLS /
hydrology. Buffer zone regions can be created di- HYDROBUFFER region object
rectly in the Display process or using the separate select the Region
tool in the GeoTool-
Geometric/Compute/Buffer Zones process, which
provides more options and allows other types of choose the Select tab in
geometric output. This buffer zone is applied in an the GeoToolbox, and
element selection operation on the WELLS object from click Select Elements
change the "which are"
CB_WELLS, which contains point elements. Since
option button to
point elements have a location but no length or area, Completely Outside and
there is no possibility of a point element being par- click Select Elements
tially inside or outside a selection region. again
page 37
Displaying Geospatial Data
int y
Pr ispla
Sn rint
page 38
Displaying Geospatial Data
Using Styles
Point, line, and polygon elements can be rendered in STEPS
a wide variety of drawing styles. In several previous click Add Objects
and select MAPLO /
exercises you have applied predefined styles to the MILLNGTN /
vector and CAD objects you have displayed. In ROADSANDSTREAMS
this exercise you will examine the selection of line click the object icon
styles associated with the ROADSANDSTREAMS CAD in the Manager or
Legend list to open the
object in the MILLNGTN Project File. CAD Layer Controls
Style objects are independent from particular geodata select the Elements tab
click the Specify button
objects, so one style object can be used by many for Style
different geodata objects. Using the same styles for click on the Line icon
many objects helps you standardize your symbol- to the right of the
ogy and ensure that all your project materials follow Edit Styles button
examine the Assign
the same style rules. Styles by Attribute dialog
Styles can be automatically selected according to (but do not make any
the attributes of each geospatial element. At the click [Cancel] to close
simplest level that means “roads” will have a differ- the Assign Styles by
ent drawing style than “rivers.” But even more use- Attribute dialog
ful is the kind of differentiation between classes of click [Cancel] to close
the CAD Layer Controls
roads and classes of rivers, as illustrated. dialog
CLASS.Class attribute
is associated with the
styles in CADSTYLE.
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
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Displaying Geospatial Data
page 43
Advanced Software for Geospatial Analysis
MicroImages, Inc. publishes a complete line of professional software for advanced geospatial data D
visualization, analysis, and publishing. Contact us or visit our web site for detailed product I
information. S
TNTmips Pro TNTmips is a professional system for fully integrated GIS, image analysis, L
CAD, TIN, desktop cartography, and geospatial database management. A
TNTedit TNTedit provides interactive tools to create, georeference, and edit vector, image, Y
CAD, TIN, and relational database project materials in a wide variety of formats. I
TNTview TNTview has the same powerful display features as TNTmips and is perfect for
those who do not need the technical processing and preparation features of TNTmips.
TNTatlas TNTatlas lets you publish and distribute your spatial project materials on CD-
ROM at low cost. TNTatlas CDs can be used on any popular computing platform.
TNTmips Basic TNTmips Basic is a very low cost version of TNTmips for students and
professionals with small projects with large object size limits than TNTmips Free.
TNTmips Free TNTmips Free is a free version of TNTmips for students and professionals
with small projects. You can download TNTmips Free from MicroImages’ web site.
attribute tables .................................. 15 measuring ......................................... 36
buffer zones ..................................... 31 multiple views .................................. 31
CAD objects .................................... 16 object selection ......................... 6, 7, 26
database ...................................... 15, 17 page layout ................................. 34, 38
DataTips ........................................... 21 pinmaps ............................................ 17
display group ..................................... 7 printing ............................................. 38
Display Manager window ............ 5, 10 Project File ......................................... 7
Display View window ................... 5, 8 reference materials ............................ 42
expanding layers ........................ 19, 29 regions ............................................. 37
GeoFormula layers ........................... 30 RGB rasters ............................... 12, 13
GeoLocking ..................................... 31 sample data ......................................... 3
georeferencing .................................. 21 scripts .............................................. 24
GeoToolbox ..................................... 36 selecting elements ....................... 17, 31
groups and layouts ..................... 34–35 shape objects .................................... 19
Help ................................................. 35 snapshots ................................... 28, 38
hotkeys ............................................. 33 styles .................................... 14–18, 39
KML ................................................ 23 theme mapping ................................. 18
layouts .................................. 28, 29, 32 TIN objects ...................................... 21
legends ............................... 5, 9, 11, 23 ToolTips ............................................. 4
LiDAR layers ................................... 20 transparency ............................... 14, 22
Locator ......................................... 9, 29 View-in-View .................................. 32
map projections ................................ 22 web layers .................................. 23–25
MicroImages, Inc.