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Platinum™ VX: Installation and Operation Manual

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Installation and Operation Manual

Platinum™ VX
Frame and Modules
Version 1.2

January 2016
Platinum™ VX Frame and Modules Installation and Operation Manual

Publication Information
© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp.
Proprietary and Confidential.

Imagine Communications considers this document and its contents to be proprietary and confidential.
Except for making a reasonable number of copies for your own internal use, you may not reproduce this
publication, or any part thereof, in any form, by any method, for any purpose, or in any language other
than English without the written consent of Imagine Communications. All others uses are illegal.

This publication is designed to assist in the use of the product as it exists on the date of publication of
this manual, and may not reflect the product at the current time or an unknown time in the future. This
publication does not in any way warrant description accuracy or guarantee the use for the product to
which it refers. Imagine Communications reserves the right, without notice to make such changes in
equipment, design, specifications, components, or documentation as progress may warrant to improve
the performance of the product.

Platinum™, Platinum™ IP3, Magellan CCS Navigator™ are trademarks or trade names of Imagine
Communications or its subsidiaries.

Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and
trade names are the property of their respective companies.

Contact Information
Imagine Communications has office locations around the world. For domestic and international location
and contact information, visit our Contact page

Support Contact Information

For domestic and international support contact information see:
 Support Contacts (http://www.imaginecommunications.com/how-buy/contact-us)
 Worldwide Support e-mail (mailto: [email protected])
 Customer Community Portal (http://app.imaginecommunications.com/customercommunity)
 Warranty & Contract Information (http://www.imaginecommunications.com/services/customer-
 Academy Training (http://www.imaginecommunicationsacademy.com)
 Product Manuals (http://www.imaginecommunications.com/services/product-manuals)

© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential. Version 1.2 | Page 2
Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Contents

Preface................................................................................................................... 8
Manual Information ................................................................................................................................. 8
Purpose................................................................................................................................................. 8
Audience ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Revision History .................................................................................................................................... 8
Writing Conventions........................................................................................................................... 10
Obtaining Documents......................................................................................................................... 10
Unpacking/Shipping Information ........................................................................................................... 11
Unpacking a Product .......................................................................................................................... 11
Product Servicing ................................................................................................................................ 11
Returning a Product ........................................................................................................................... 11
Safety ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Safety Terms and Symbols in this Manual ......................................................................................... 12
References .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Compliance .................................................. 13
Restriction on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Compliance..................................................................... 14

Platinum VX Overview ......................................................................................... 15

Platinum VX Features ............................................................................................................................. 16
Platinum VX CQS Features ...................................................................................................................... 16
Platinum VX CQS Main Board Features .............................................................................................. 17
Platinum VX CQS Sub Board Features ................................................................................................ 17
Platinum VX Control Features ................................................................................................................ 17

Platinum VX Installation ....................................................................................... 18

Electrical Requirements.......................................................................................................................... 18
Environmental Requirements................................................................................................................. 18
Accessories Box ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Rack Mounting for 1/2 RU Frames ......................................................................................................... 19
Rack Mounting for 4/8 RU Frames ......................................................................................................... 20
Network Settings .................................................................................................................................... 22
Setting IP and Subnet Mask Addresses .............................................................................................. 23

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Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Contents

Platinum VX Frame .............................................................................................. 24

1 RU Frame (PV-16X16-FR-1) .................................................................................................................. 24
1 RU Frame (PV-CQ16-FR-1) with Clean and Quiet Switching................................................................ 25
2 RU Frame (PV-48X48-FR-2/PV-72X72-FR-2/PV-72SFP-FR-2) ............................................................... 26
4 RU Frame (PV-FR-4) ............................................................................................................................. 28
8 RU Frame (PV-FR-8) ............................................................................................................................. 30

Platinum VX Modules........................................................................................... 32
Input/Output Modules ........................................................................................................................... 33
HD-BNC I/O Module (PV-24C-IOG) ..................................................................................................... 33
SFP I/O Module (PV-24O-IOG)............................................................................................................ 34
Back Module Extractor (1261Q) ......................................................................................................... 35
Front Fan Module ................................................................................................................................... 37
Fan Status ........................................................................................................................................... 37
Servicing/Replacing Fan Modules in 1/2 RU Frames.......................................................................... 40
Servicing/Replacing Fan Modules in 4/8 RU Frames.......................................................................... 41
Fan Control Module ................................................................................................................................ 42
Resource/Crosspoint Module (PV-144X144-3G4 or PV-288X288-3G8) ................................................. 43
Resource Module Redundancy .......................................................................................................... 45
Adding a Second Resource Module into a Platinum VX Frame.......................................................... 46
Resource/Video Crosspoint Settings .................................................................................................. 46
Installing the Resource/Crosspoint Module into the Frame .............................................................. 47
Extracting the Resource/Crosspoint Module from the Frame ........................................................... 48
Resource/Crosspoint Status on the Frame ........................................................................................ 50
Communications Back Module........................................................................................................... 51
Mid Plane Module .................................................................................................................................. 55
Platinum VX Power Supplies................................................................................................................... 58
Power Supplies in 4 and 8 RU frames................................................................................................. 58
Power Supplies in 1 and 2 RU Frames ................................................................................................ 61
Power Supply Status on the Frame .................................................................................................... 63
Power Supply Status on the Dashboard ............................................................................................. 64
Power Supply Parameters .................................................................................................................. 65

Clean and Quiet Switching ................................................................................... 66

Program and Preview Outputs ............................................................................................................... 66
SFP Relay Bypass..................................................................................................................................... 68
PV-CQ16-FR1 Genlock Specifications ..................................................................................................... 69

Platinum VX Specifications and Power ................................................................. 70

Platinum VX Physical Specifications ....................................................................................................... 70
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Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Contents

Video Specifications................................................................................................................................ 71
Supported SFP Specifications ................................................................................................................. 71
Optical SFPs ........................................................................................................................................ 73
Electrical SFPs ..................................................................................................................................... 74
Analog Converters .............................................................................................................................. 75
HDMI Converters ................................................................................................................................ 76
Platinum VX Power Consumption .......................................................................................................... 78

Alarms and LEDs .................................................................................................. 79

System LEDs ............................................................................................................................................ 79

Platinum VX Client Overview ............................................................................... 80

System and Network Requirements ....................................................................................................... 80
Platinum VX Web UI ........................................................................................................................... 80
Platinum VX IP Address ...................................................................................................................... 80
Supported Network Protocols ............................................................................................................ 80
Using Magellan CCS Navigator ........................................................................................................... 80
Controlling your Platinum VX via a Hardware Control Panel ............................................................. 81
Telnetting into a Platinum VX............................................................................................................. 88
Features .................................................................................................................................................. 89
Dashboard Overview .............................................................................................................................. 89
Configuring the Platinum VX System ...................................................................................................... 89
Accessing the Interface........................................................................................................................... 89

Navigation............................................................................................................ 91
Platinum VX Dashboard .......................................................................................................................... 91
Parametric Control ................................................................................................................................. 93
Read-Only (Status Parameters) .......................................................................................................... 93
List Parameters ................................................................................................................................... 93
Range Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 93
Table Parameters ............................................................................................................................... 94
Frame Specific Details............................................................................................................................. 95
Modules/Components in the Frame .................................................................................................. 97

Parameters ........................................................................................................ 105

Module Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 105
BNC Module Input Parameters ........................................................................................................ 105
BNC Module Output Parameters ..................................................................................................... 106
SFP Module Input Parameters.......................................................................................................... 107
SFP Module Output Parameters....................................................................................................... 108

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Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Contents

CQS Parameters .................................................................................................................................... 113

CQS (1/2) Parameters ....................................................................................................................... 114
Reference Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 114
Advanced Setting.............................................................................................................................. 115
Misc Parameters............................................................................................................................... 120
Frame Specific Parameters ................................................................................................................... 122
Frame Parameters ............................................................................................................................ 122
Video Crosspoint and Control Parameters ....................................................................................... 123
Switch Point Parameters .................................................................................................................. 124
Power Supplies Parameters ............................................................................................................. 125
Ethernet 1 Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 126
Ethernet 2 Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 127
Serial Port Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 128
Clock Parameters.............................................................................................................................. 129

Module Configuration ........................................................................................ 131

CQS Module Configuration ................................................................................................................... 131
CQS Menu ......................................................................................................................................... 131
Reference Menu ............................................................................................................................... 132
Advanced Settings Menu.................................................................................................................. 132

Faults ................................................................................................................. 133

Module Faults ....................................................................................................................................... 133
Filtering Module Faults..................................................................................................................... 134
Editing Module Fault Properties ...................................................................................................... 134
Module Fault Descriptions ............................................................................................................... 134
Faults View ........................................................................................................................................... 135
Fault Log ............................................................................................................................................... 136
Fault Log Contents............................................................................................................................ 136
System Fault Descriptions ................................................................................................................ 137

System Configuration......................................................................................... 138

Manage Controller Settings .................................................................................................................. 139
Frame Control Mode ........................................................................................................................ 140
Database Foundry................................................................................................................................. 141
Database Editor ................................................................................................................................ 142
Restrict Editor ................................................................................................................................... 151
Categories and Index Editor ............................................................................................................. 154
Firmware Foundry ................................................................................................................................ 155
Upgrading the CQS Module.............................................................................................................. 157

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Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Contents

Upgrading to Version 1.2.................................................................................................................. 157

Note for 8 RU Frames: Upgrading from firmware version 1.0.1 ...................................................... 158
User Foundry ........................................................................................................................................ 159
Administrator Account ..................................................................................................................... 159
Operator Account ............................................................................................................................. 159
Changing the Administrator/Operator Password ............................................................................ 160

© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential. Version 1.2 | Page 7
Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Preface

Manual Information
This manual details the features, installation, operation, maintenance, and specifications for the
Platinum VX.

This manual is written for engineers, technicians, and operators responsible for installation, setup,
maintenance, and/or operation of the Platinum VX.

Revision History
Version Date Comments
1.0 March 2015 First Release
1.0.1 April 2015 Minor corrections to content

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Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Preface

Version Date Comments

1.1 Support for new Platinum VX SFP (PV-72SFP-FR-2)
July 2015
Platinum VX SFP updates. The following sections were added/updated:
 Updated Overview with reference to new 2 RU SFP frame
See Platinum VX Overview (on page 15).
 Detailed info on new 2 RU frame
See 2 RU Frame (PV-48X48-FR-2/PV-72X72-FR-2/PV-72SFP-FR-2) (on page 26)
 PV-72SFP main board
See PV-72SFP Modules (2 RU SFP frame) (on page 101)
 Frame specific details.
See Frame Specific Details (on page 95)
 Edits to Modules section
See Input/Output Modules (on page 33)
 Power Consumption details for 2 RU Frame with SFPs
See Platinum VX Power Consumption (on page 78)
 Parameters for supported SFPs
See SFP Module Input Parameters (on page 107) and SFP Module Output
Parameters (on page 108).

Support for new Platinum VX CQS (PV-CQ16-FR-1)

Platinum VX CQS updates. The following sections were added/updated:
 Updated Overview with reference to new CQS module
See Platinum VX Overview (on page 15).
 CQS Features
See Platinum VX CQS Features (on page 16)
 Detailed info on new CQS frame.
See 1 RU (PV-CQ16-FR-1) Clean and Quiet Switching (see "1 RU Frame (PV-CQ16-
FR-1) with Clean and Quiet Switching" on page 25)
 Clean and Quiet Switching Details
See Clean and Quiet Switching (on page 66)
 Genlock Specifications for PV-CQ16-FR1
See PV-CQ16-FR1 Genlock Specifications (on page 69)
 PV-32x32 main board
See PV-32x32 Modules (1 RU CQS frame) (see "PV-32x32 Modules (1 RU and 1 RU
CQS frames)" on page 102)
 CQS Modules
See CQS Modules (see "PV-CQ16 Modules (CQS Modules)" on page 104)
 CQS Parameters
See CQS Parameters (on page 113)
 CQS Module configuration
See CQS Module Configuration (on page 131)

Other minor edits to:

 System LEDs (on page 79)
 Sync Ports (on page 54)

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Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Preface

Version Date Comments

1.2  Support for System Mode operation. See System Mode (on page 140).
January 2016
 Support for Enhanced Salvos using Navigator. See Support for Salvos (on page 83).
 Support for controlling Platinum VX using Legacy Control Panels. See Controlling
your Platinum VX via a Hardware Control Panel (on page 81)
 X/Y Passthrough support via Telnet (and up to 32 connections). See Telnetting
into a Platinum VX (on page 87)
 New Device Types - SD/HD Video and QL Video - when adding
sources/destinations in the Database Foundry. See Device Types (on page 148).
 Redundancy and Front Fan Parameters are no longer present in the Frame
Parameters. See Frame Specific Parameters (on page 121)
 Upgrading to version 1.2. See Upgrading to Version 1.2 (on page 157)
 Upgrade information for 8 RU users on firmware version 1.0.1. See Note for 8 RU
Frames: Upgrading from firmware version 1.0.1 (on page 158)

Writing Conventions
This manual adheres to the following writing conventions.

Term or Convention Description

Bold Indicates dialog box, property sheet, field, button, check box,
list box, combo box, menu, submenu, window, list, and
selection names
Italics Indicates email addresses, names of books and publications,
and first instances of new terms and specialized words that
need emphasis
CAPS Indicates a specific key on the keyboard, such as ENTER, TAB,
Code Indicates variables or command-line entries, such as a DOS
entry or something you type into a field.
> Indicates the direction of navigation through a hierarchy of
menus and windows
hyperlink Indicates a jump to another location within the electronic
document or elsewhere
Internet address Indicates a jump to a Web site or URL

Obtaining Documents
Product support documents can be viewed or downloaded from our website. Alternatively, contact your
Customer Service representative to request a document.

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Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Preface

Unpacking/Shipping Information
Unpacking a Product
This product was carefully inspected, tested, and calibrated before shipment to ensure years of stable
and trouble-free service.
1. Check equipment for any visible damage that may have occurred during transit.
2. Confirm that you have received all items listed on the packing list.
3. Contact your dealer if any item on the packing list is missing.
4. Contact the carrier if any item is damaged.
5. Remove all packaging material from the product and its associated components before you install
the unit.

Keep at least one set of original packaging, in the event that you need to return a product for servicing.

Product Servicing
Except for firmware upgrades, modules are not designed for field servicing. All hardware upgrades,
modifications, or repairs require you to return the modules to the Customer Service center.

Returning a Product
In the unlikely event that your product fails to operate properly, please contact Customer Service to
obtain a Return Authorization (RA) number, and then send the unit back for servicing.

Keep at least one set of original packaging in the event that a product needs to be returned for service.
If the original package is not available, you can supply your own packaging as long as it meets the
following criteria:
 The packaging must be able to withstand the product’s weight.
 The product must be held rigid within the packaging.
 There must be at least 2 in. (5 cm) of space between the product and the container.
 The corners of the product must be protected.

Ship products back to us for servicing prepaid and, if possible, in the original packaging material. If the
product is still within the warranty period, we will return the product prepaid after servicing.

Carefully review all safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this product or any
products connected to it. If this product is rack-mountable, it should be mounted in an appropriate rack
using the rack-mounting positions and rear support guides provided. It is recommended that each frame
be connected to a separate electrical circuit for protection against circuit overloading. If this product
© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential. Version 1.2 | Page 11
Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Preface

relies on forced air cooling, it is recommended that all obstructions to the air flow be removed prior to
mounting the frame in the rack.

If this product has a provision for external earth grounding, it is recommended that the frame be
grounded to earth via the protective earth ground on the rear panel.
IMPORTANT! Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures.

Safety Terms and Symbols in this Manual


Statements identifying conditions or practices that may result in

personal injury or loss of life. High voltage is present.


Statements identifying conditions or practices that can result in

damage to the equipment or other property.

Professional Video Standards
SMPTE Standard for Television — 10-Bit 4:2:2 Component and 4fsc Composite Digital Signals —
Serial Digital Interface

SMPTE Standard for Television — Bit-Serial Digital Interface for High Definition Television Systems

SMPTE Standard for Television — 3G Signal/Data Serial Interface

SMPTE Standard for Television — 540 Mb/s Serial Digital Interface

Digital Video Broadcasting Interfaces for CATV/SMATV Headends and Similar Professional

ITU-R BT601-4
For Serial Digital Video

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Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Preface

EMC Compliance
EN 55022-2010
Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of

EN 61000-3-2:2006 / A2:2009; EN61000-3-3:2008

Information technology equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement

CISPR 22:2008

CISPR 24:2010

Per the provision of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/EC of December 15, 2004.

FCC Part 15 Subpart B:2004

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

These devices do not exceed the Class “A” limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as
set out in the interference standard entitled “Digital Apparatus”

Safety Standards
EN60950-1:2006 / A11:2009 / A1:2010 / A12:2011
Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1: General requirements.

Waste from Electrical and Electronic

Equipment (WEEE) Compliance
The European Union (EU) Directive 2012/19/EU on Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(WEEE) deals with the collection, treatment, recovery, and recycling of electrical and electronic waste
products. The objective of the WEEE Directive is to assign the responsibility for the disposal of
associated hazardous waste to either the producers or users of these products. As of July 4, 2012, the
producers or users of these products were required to recycle electrical and electronic equipment at
end of its useful life, and may not dispose of the equipment in landfills or by using other unapproved
methods. (Some EU member states may have different deadlines.)

© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential. Version 1.2 | Page 13
Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Preface

In accordance with this EU Directive, companies selling electric or electronic devices in the EU will affix
labels indicating that such products must be properly recycled. (See our website for more information.)
Contact your local sales representative for information on returning these products for recycling.
Equipment that complies with the EU directive will be marked with a WEEE-compliant emblem.

Restriction on Hazardous Substances (RoHS)

Directive 2011/65/EU—commonly known as the European Union (EU) Restriction on Hazardous
Substances (RoHS)—sets limits on the use of certain substances found in electrical and electronic
equipment. The intent of this legislation is to reduce the amount of hazardous chemicals that may leach
out of landfill sites or otherwise contaminate the environment during end-of-life recycling. The
Directive, which took effect on June 8, 2011, refers to the following hazardous substances:
 Lead (Pb)
 Mercury (Hg)
 Cadmium (Cd)
 Hexavalent Chromium (Cr-V1)
 Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB)
 Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE)

According to this EU Directive, all products sold in the European Union will be fully RoHS-compliant and
“lead-free.” (See our website for more information.) Spare parts supplied for the repair and upgrade of
equipment sold before July 1, 2006 are exempt from the legislation. Equipment that complies with the
EU directive will be marked with a RoHS-compliant emblem.

© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential. Version 1.2 | Page 14
Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Platinum VX Overview

Platinum VX Overview
Imagine Communications' Platinum VX™ small to mid size router lineup is a dense and powerful series of
HD-SDI routers. It incorporates the latest equalization and reclocker technologies to deliver unparalleled
signal quality and reliability. The system supports both electrical and optical interfaces utilizing HD-BNC
and SFP (small form-factor pluggable) modules respectively providing unprecedented versatility in
system design and implementation. SFP modules currently support HDBNC-SDI, optical, A/D conversion,
and HDMI.

The Platinum VX supports video in matrix sizes from 16 x 16 up to 288 x 288 in four different frame

Frame Size Electrical SFP Total Inputs/Outputs

Inputs/Outputs Inputs/Outputs available
1 RU 16x16 16x16 32x32
1 RU CQS 18x18 12x12 30x30
2 RU
Config 1 48 x 48 - 48 x 48
Config 2 72 x 72 - 72 x 72
Config 3 48 x 48 24 x 24 72 x 72
4 RU 144 x 144 up to 144 x 144
8 RU 288 x 288 up to 288 x 288

The 1 RU variant of the Platinum VX offers 16 inputs and 16 outputs (HD-BNC) with the option to use
SFPs for an additional (optical or electrical) 16 inputs and 16 outputs. A 1 RU frame with a Clean and
Quiet module is also available. See 1 RU Frame (PV-16X16-FR-1) (on page 24) and 1 RU Frame (PV-CQ16-
FR-1) with Clean and Quiet Switching (on page 25).

The 2 RU variant can be ordered in a 48 x 48 HD-BNC configuration, or a 72 x 72 HD-BNC configuration,

or a 72 x 72 mixed configuration (24 x24 SFP and 48 x 48 HD-BNC). See 2 RU Frame (PV-48X48-FR-2/PV-
72X72-FR-2/PV-72SFP-FR-2) (on page 26).

4 and 8 RU variants of the Platinum VX offer Coax/Electrical (HD-BNC) and SFP back module variants,
with 24 inputs and 24 outputs per module. Redundant Video/Crosspoint Modules are available for the 4
and 8 RU variants. Redundant Power is available for all variants. See 4 RU Frame (PV-FR-4) (on page 28)
and 8 RU Frame (PV-FR-8) (on page 30).

With four different physical sizes the Platinum VX can be used for practically any application. The 1 RU
and 2 RU sizes are applicable for space restricted small matrix requirements. The 4 RU and 8 RU versions
are recommended when there is a requirement for a larger matrix, or scope for video matrix growth in
the future.

© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential. Version 1.2 | Page 15
Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Platinum VX Overview

Platinum VX Features
 Density
Using HD-BNC and SFP connectivity, Platinum VX has the greatest density per rack unit of any SDI
video routing system on the market.
 Wide Range of Supported Signal Types
 SD-SDI & HD-SDI to 1080p (3 Gb/s)
 ASI, SMPTE 310, SMPTE 305, etc.
 Legacy analog video supported via conversion to/from SD-SDI on SFP I/O
 Control Panels
The full line of Magellan™ control surfaces can be used with Platinum VX. Multiple panels can be
used on a single frame as needed for the individual routing needs of the customer. Magellan control
panels are ultra thin, less than 2 inches in depth. This allows them to be placed anywhere that is
convenient for the operational need of the router. They can be mounted in the rack with the
Platinum VX or placed in a remote location. Manual control of the Platinum VX router requires at
least one Magellan control surface.
 Control System
Platinum VX has a web interface for configuration, similar to the Platinum IP3™ Controller software.
All setup, configuration, and database functions are accomplished through the web interface housed
within each of the four frames.
 Automation Support
The Platinum VX supports XY serial control from automation systems, eliminating the need for new
drivers. Platinum VX also supports control using LRC and Virtual XY protocol over IP (Ethernet) which
has been implemented by many third-party manufacturers.
 Versatility
With four frame sizes, Platinum VX installations can be tailored to the perfect size to support the
routing needs of today or expansion capability for the future. 1, 4, and 8 RU frames have the
capability to utilize SFP modules to enhance the performance characteristics of the frame. SFP cages
can be used for optical, additional HD-BNCs, analog conversion, and HDMI I/O.
 Full Redundancy Capabilities
All four frame sizes of Platinum VX support redundant power capability. The 4 RU and 8 RU systems
also support optional redundancy for the Crosspoint/Controller within the frame.

Platinum VX CQS Features

 Clean and Quiet Switcher in a 1 RU chassis
 Frame sync or line sync operation
 User-selectable transition modes and duration
 Signal presence monitoring
 Error monitoring (EDH and CRC)
 Freeze and Black monitoring

© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential. Version 1.2 | Page 16
Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Platinum VX Overview

See Platinum VX CQS Main Board Features (on page 17) and Platinum VX CQS Sub Board Features (on
page 17).

Platinum VX CQS Main Board Features

 16 HD-BNC SD/HD/3G SDI inputs
 6 SFP cages for dual SFP inputs
 2 SFP cages for SFP relay bypass inputs and outputs
 One RS-232/422/485 Serial com port for legacy XY protocol over serial support
 16 HD-BNC SD/HD/3G SDI outputs
 6 SFP cages for dual SFP outputs

Platinum VX CQS Sub Board Features

 Four auto-sensing SD/HD/3G SDI inputs with Auto ASI bypass
 Signal presence monitoring
 Error monitoring (EDH, CRC)
 Freeze and Black monitoring
 Two processed SD/HD/3G SDI outputs with processing bypass option for each output

Audio and Video Processing

 Four video frame synchronizers with H-Phase, V-Phase and Frame delay controls
 Four line synchronizers for minimum latency operation
 Four configurable video mixers, with arbitrary transition timing of up to four seconds for the
following transition modes: Cut, X-Fade, V-Fade, Cut-Fade and Fade-Cut
 Four independent simple test signal generators (TSG)
 Four 16 channel audio de-embedders
 64 channels of audio proc amp capability for Mute, Gain, Swap/Copy, Invert, and Sum
 Four Audio Mixers, supporting the following transition modes with arbitrary transition timing (up to
4 seconds)
 Cut
 X-Fade
 V-Fade
 Cut-Fade
 Fade-Cut
 Four 16 channel audio embedders

Platinum VX Control Features

See Platinum VX Client Overview (on page 80)

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Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Platinum VX Installation

Platinum VX Installation
Prior to installing your system, ensure that certain environmental and electrical conditions are met.

Electrical Requirements
The Platinum VX power supplies have a universal input of 100-240 VAC at 47 to 63 Hz (nominal), 75 W.
There is no voltage selector switch. Each frame has space for two power supplies; however, a single
power supply can meet the requirements of a fully-loaded frame.

Environmental Requirements
Platinum VX units are cooled by forced air drawn in from the front, and exhausted through the rear.
There must be free passage for air flow at the front and back of each unit to allow for adequate
ventilation. Take care to select a dry, well-ventilated location with a minimum of dust.

Platinum VX units are designed for mounting in a standard 19-in. (48-cm) rack using front-mounting ears
and rear support brackets, occupying a vertical space of 1.75 in (1 RU), 3.5 in (2 RU), 7 in (4 RU), or 14 in
(8 RU).

When installing a Platinum VX in a rack, ensure that there is adequate space behind the mounting ears
and clearance for the rear connecting cables. Allow about 10 inches (25 cm) of slack in the rear
connecting cables for frame access and maintenance.

After unpacking the frame, and before installing into a console or rack, allow at least 30 minutes for
temperatures to equalize and to eliminate any condensation that may have developed. Platinum VX
frames require an ambient temperature of between 32°F and 104°F (0°C to 40°C) with relative humidity
of 10% to 90% non-condensing).

Accessories Box
Table 1: Accessories Box shipped with Platinum VX frames
1 RU Frame 2 RU Frame 4 RU Frame 8 RU Frame
Power Cords Power Cords Power Cords Power Cords
Power Supplies Power Supplies Extractor Handle Extractor Handle
Rack Mounting Kit Rack Mounting Kit
See Rack Mounting Kit for 1 and 2 RU See Rack Mounting Kit for 4 and 8 RU
Frames (on page 19) Frames (on page 19)

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Table 2: Rack Mounting Kit for 1 and 2 RU Frames

Item Part Number Quantity
Tie bar screws 6-32X3/8 PH_Q 2 pcs
Rear support arms 164-000306Q00 2 pcs
Cable tie bar 164-000305Q00 1 pc

Table 3: Rack Mounting Kit for 4 and 8 RU Frames

Item Part Number Quantity
Bracket screws 4-40X1/4 PH_Q 2 pcs
Brackets FR-905-M7 2 pcs
Rear Support Bar 164-100083Q00 2 pcs

Rack Mounting for 1/2 RU Frames

Although the pre-installed frame-mounting ears provide the main support for the Platinum VX within a
rack, you must install arms, brackets, and a cable relief bar at the rear of the unit to support the weight
of cabling and frame stacking.
Note: The frame mounting ears and the rack support brackets are reversible. You can install them with
the ears at the front and support brackets at the rear or with the ears at the rear and the support
brackets at the front.

The following procedure describes how to install the rack supports.

1. Locate the accessories box. Note that brackets are pre-attached to the frame, and these are what
the arms slide into.

Figure 1: Pre-installed brackets on frame

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2. Attach the cable tie bar between the two support arms using the screws that are provided. You can
secure the cable tie bar through any of the screw holes on the arm.

Figure 2: Attaching the Cable Tie Bar

3. Push the Platinum VX into the front of the rack, and attach the frame’s front-mounting ears to the
rack using the appropriate screws (not provided).
4. Slide the two arms into their slots from the back of the frame and attach the arms to the back of the

Figure 3: Installed Support Arms and Cable Tie Bar

Rack Mounting for 4/8 RU Frames

Although the front mounting ears provide the main support for the frame within a rack, you must install
additional brackets at the rear of the unit to support the weight of cabling and frame stacking. Attach
the brackets to the frame using only the screws that are provided.
Note: The frame mounting ears and the rack support brackets are reversible. You can install them with
the ears at the front and support brackets at the rear, or with the ears at the rear and the support
brackets at the front.

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1. Locate two tongue-shaped frame support brackets and two slotted rack support brackets in the
Accessories Box.

Figure 4: Support Brackets

2. Remove the bottom screw from the back of the frame.

3. Attach the tongue-shaped frame support bracket to the side of the frame by reinserting the screw
removed in the previous step and adding an additional screw next to it. You can position the frame
support bracket as required, depending on the depth of your rack.

Caution: Do not use screws longer than those provided for the rear support brackets. Five 4-40 x1/4-
inch flat-head screws are provided for this purpose. Longer screws could cause internal damage.

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4. Repeat these steps to add the frame support bracket to the other side of the frame.
5. Attach the two slotted rack support brackets at the rear of the rack, with the slots facing inside.

6. Push the frame into the front of the rack, ensuring that the frame support brackets slide into the
slotted rack supports.
7. Attach the front of the frame to the rack, using the appropriate rack screws.
8. Make all necessary electrical and optical connections to the back of the frame.

Network Settings
When shipped, the Platinum VX is configured with a default IP address, subnet mask, and default
gateway. If you intend to control the unit remotely, or connect it to a network hub/ switch along with
other Platinum VX units, you will need to reconfigure the IP with unique network settings. Local control
(with a direct Ethernet crossover connection to a PC) does not require any IP configuration.
 To connect a Platinum VX directly to a PC (no network connection), connect one end of a crossover
Ethernet cable to the Control Ethernet RJ-45 port on the back of the frame, and the other end to the
PC Ethernet port.
 To establish a network connection, connect a straight-through 10/100Base-T Ethernet cable
between the Platinum VX Control Ethernet port and the network hub/switch.

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Setting IP and Subnet Mask Addresses

To allow devices to communicate on a network, you need to set all Platinum VX devices to the same
subnet (network location). When shipped, Platinum VX units are configured with the same default IP
(device identifier) and subnet addresses. These addresses need to be changed so that each unit is
uniquely identified and the network location of all units is accurately reflected.

The default (factory-configured) ENET 1 IP address for every Platinum VX unit is For a
class C network, you must change the first three items in the octet to identify the location (address) of
the unit on your network, and also change the last item in the octet to uniquely identify the device from
other Platinum VX units. The default subnet mask address for every Platinum VX is

See System and Network Requirements (on page 80).

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Installation and Operation Manual Platinum VX Frame

Platinum VX Frame
The following variants are available:
 1 RU Frame (PV-16X16-FR-1) (on page 24)
 1 RU Frame (PV-CQ16-FR-1) with Clean and Quiet Switching (on page 25)
 2 RU Frame (PV-48X48-FR-2/PV-72X72-FR-2/PV-72SFP-FR-2) (on page 26)
 4 RU Frame (PV-FR-4) (on page 28)
 8 RU Frame (PV-FR-8) (on page 30)

1 RU Frame (PV-16X16-FR-1)
The 1 RU Platinum VX frame is orderable as a complete unit. It offers 16 HD-BNC inputs and 16 outputs
via built in connectors on the rear panel.

In addition, there are 16 SFP (small form-factor pluggable) cages on the frame, providing an additional
16 inputs and 16 outputs. You add the hot-pluggable SFP modules to create versatile solutions that fit
the specific application by ordering individual SFPs and sliding them into the cages built into the frame.
All the supported SFP modules are dual port except for the HDMI SFP module. For supported SFP
modules and specifications, see Supported SFP Types (see "Supported SFP Specifications" on page 71).

Table 4: 1 RU Platinum VX Frame Modules and Matrix

Part Number Frame Number of HD-BNC Number of SFP cages for Total Matrix Size
Type Inputs/Outputs additional
PV-16X16-FR-1 1 RU 16x16 16x16 16x16 (electrical only)
32x32 (electrical and SFP)

Figure 5: 1 RU Platinum VX Frame - Front View

Figure 6: 1 RU Platinum VX - Rear View

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Figure 7: 1 RU Platinum VX - Rear View Connectors

For more information on the PV-16X16-FR-1, see:

 PV-16X16-FR-1 User Interface Platinum VX Dashboard (on page 91)
 PV-16X16-FR-1 Frame Contents Frame Specific Details (on page 95)
 Main module in the frame PV-32x32 Modules (see "PV-32x32 Modules (1 RU and 1 RU CQS frames)"
on page 102)

1 RU Frame (PV-CQ16-FR-1) with Clean and

Quiet Switching
The PV-CQ16-FR-1 is a clean and quiet version of the 1 RU Platinum VX, consisting of a 1 RU frame (PV-
FR-1), and an additional Clean and Quiet Switching (CQS) sub board (See PV-CQ16 Modules (CQS
Modules) (on page 104) )

Table 5: 1 RU PV-CQ16-FR-1 Platinum VX Frame Modules and Matrix

Part Number Frame HD-BNC SFP Inputs/outputs Total Matrix Size
Type Inputs/Outputs
18x18 (electrical only)
PV-CQ16-FR-1 1 RU 18x18 12x12
30x30 (electrical and SFP)

Frame Temperature

There are four fans on the PV-CQ16-FR-1 frame. The PV-CQ16 Modules (CQS Modules) (on page 104)
contain temperature sensors and report temperatures by Zone (Zone 1/2/3) in Celsius. If any of the
sensors report temperature over the predefined limit, an Alarm is triggered (Module Temperature is too
high) to alert the user who can then take appropriate actions such as powering off the frame to prevent

For more details, see Clean and Quiet Switching (on page 66).

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2 RU Frame (PV-48X48-FR-2/PV-72X72-FR-
The Platinum VX 2 RU frame is available in 3 different configurations:
 Config 1 (PV-48X48-FR-2)- Pre-fitted, offering a total of 48 electrical inputs and 48 outputs.
 Config 2 (PV-72X72-FR-2) - Pre-fitted, offering a total of 72 electrical inputs and 72 outputs.
 Config 3 (PV-72SFP-FR-2) - Pre-fitted, offering 24 SFP inputs and 24 SFP outputs, plus 48 electrical
inputs and 48 outputs.
Note: The 2 RU frame is factory fitted with 48 x 48 HD-BNC connectors, 72 x 72 HD-BNC connectors, or
mixed SFP (24 x 24) and HD-BNC (48 x 48). It is not user configurable. If future expansion may be
required, consider the 4 RU or 8 RU variants.

Table 6: 2 RU Platinum VX Frame Modules and Matrix

Part Number Frame Number of HD-BNC Number of SFP Total Matrix
Type Inputs/Outputs Inputs/Outputs Size
2 RU - 48x48
PV-48X48-FR-2 48x48
Config 1
See BNC Module Input
Parameters (on page 105) and
BNC Module Output
Parameters (on page 106).

PV-72X72-FR-2 2 RU - 72x72
Config 2
See BNC Module Input
Parameters (on page 105) and
BNC Module Output
Parameters (on page 106).

PV-72SFP-FR-2 2 RU 24x24 72x72

Config 3
See PV-72SFP Modules (2 RU
SFP frame) (on page 101)

Figure 8: 2 RU Platinum VX - Front View

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Figure 9: 2 RU Platinum VX - Rear View (48x48 configuration)

Figure 10: 2 RU Platinum VX - Rear View Connectors (72x72 configuration)

Figure 11: 2 RU Platinum VX - Rear View (24x24 SFP + 48x46 HD-BNC configuration)

Figure 12: 2 RU Platinum VX with SFP - Rear View Connectors (24x24 SFP plus 48x48 HD-BNC

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For more information on PV-48X48-FR-2/PV-72X72-FR-2/PV-72SFP-FR-2, see:

 2 RU Frame User Interface Platinum VX Dashboard (on page 91)
 2 RU Frame Contents Frame Specific Details (on page 95)
 Spec for Supported SFPs in a PV-72SFP-FR-2 Frame Supported SFP Specifications (on page 71)
 Parameters IO-72x72/IO-48x48 (2 RU Frames) (on page 99) and PV-72SFP Modules (2 RU SFP frame)
(on page 101)

4 RU Frame (PV-FR-4)
The Platinum VX 4 RU frame is configurable with up to 6 back modules offering a total of 144 inputs and
144 outputs. Each Input/Output module supports 24x24 HD-BNC or SFP connectivity. For each of the 6
input/output modules, you can choose SFP or HD-BNC variants.

Table 7: 4 RU Platinum VX Frame Modules and Matrix

Part Number Frame No of Number of HD- Number of SFP Total Matrix Size
Type Modules BNC Inputs/Outputs
PV-FR-4 4 RU 6 144x144 144x144

See BNC Module Input Parameters

(on page 105) and BNC Module
Output Parameters (on page 106)

See SFP Module Input Parameters

(on page 107) and SFP Module
Output Parameters (on page 108).

Figure 13: 4 RU Platinum VX- Front View

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Figure 14: 4 RU Platinum VX - Rear View (showing 1 SFP and 5 HD-BNC modules)

Figure 15: 4 RU Platinum VX - Rear View Connectors (showing 1 SFP and 5 HD-BNC modules)

For more information on PV-FR-4, see:

 4/8 RU Frame User Interface Platinum VX Dashboard (on page 91)
 4/8 RU Frame Contents Frame Specific Details (on page 95)
 Spec for Supported SFPs Supported SFP Specifications (on page 71)
 Parameters Module Parameters (on page 105)

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8 RU Frame (PV-FR-8)
The Platinum VX 8 RU frame is configurable with up to 12 back modules offering a total of 288 inputs
and 288 outputs. Each Input/Output module supports 24x24 HD-BNC or SFP connectivity. For each of
the 12 input/output modules, you can choose SFP or HD-BNC variants.

Table 8: 8 RU Platinum VX Frame Modules and Matrix

Part Number Frame No of Number of HD- Number of SFP Total Matrix Size
Type Modules BNC Inputs/Outputs
PV-FR-8 8 RU 12 288x288 288x288

See BNC Module Input Parameters

(on page 105) and BNC Module
Output Parameters (on page 106)

See SFP Module Input Parameters

(on page 107) and SFP Module
Output Parameters (on page 108).

Figure 16: Platinum VX 8 RU - Front View

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Figure 17: Platinum VX 8 RU - Rear View (showing 2 SFP and 10 HD-BNC modules)

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Platinum VX Modules
Table 9: Platinum VX Modules
Module Description
PV-24C-IOG Platinum VX SD/HD/3G Modular 24 input and 24 output Coax Video I/O
See HD-BNC I/O Module (see "HD-BNC I/O Module (PV-24C-IOG)" on page 33)
PV-24O-IOG Platinum VX SD/HD/3G Modular 24 input and 24 output SFP Cage Video I/O
See SFP I/O Module (see "SFP I/O Module (PV-24O-IOG)" on page 34)
PV-144X144-3G4 Platinum VX SD/HD/3G 144X144 Video Crosspoint and Control Module
For 4 RU. See Resource/Crosspoint Module (PV-144X144-3G4 or PV-288X288-
3G8) (on page 43)
PV-288X288-3G8 Platinum VX SD/HD/3G 288X288 Video Crosspoint and Control Module
For 8 RU. See Resource/Crosspoint Module (PV-144X144-3G4 or PV-288X288-
3G8) (on page 43)
PV-PS Platinum VX Power Supply (Redundant, AC)
See Platinum VX Power Supplies (on page 58)
Communications Back Module
See Communication Back Module (see "Communications Back Module" on page
Front Fan Module
See Front Fan Module (on page 37)
Fan Control Module
See Fan Control Module (on page 42)
Mid Plane
See Mid Plane Module (on page 55)

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Input/Output Modules
The number of modules in the Platinum VX Frame depends on the frame size.
Note: These individual input/output modules only apply to 4 and 8 RU frames. The 1 and 2 RU frames
have no modules, just built-in connectors; the 2 RU frame is factory fitted depending on how you order
it (3 configurations available).

For 4 and 8 RU frames, you can have modules with electrical inputs/outputs (see HD-BNC I/O Module
(PV-24C-IOG) (on page 33)) as well as modules with SFP inputs/outputs (see SFP I/O Module (PV-24O-
IOG) (on page 34)).

Table 10: Input/Output Modules in different Platinum VX variants

Frame Size Modules Inputs Outputs
12 288 288
8 RU

6 144 144
4 RU

2 RU - 72 (HD-BNC) 72 (HD-BNC)
- 48 (HD-BNC) 48 (HD-BNC)
- 72 72
(48 HD-BNC and 24 SFP) (48 HD-BNC and 24 SFP)
1 RU 1 (electrical only) 16 16
(with the 16 SFP 32 32
cages used)

HD-BNC I/O Module (PV-24C-IOG)

The HD-BNC back module offers 24 electrical inputs and 24 electrical outputs. Through the web based
UI, for each Input or Output module, you can see status and set editable parameters. See Modules in the
Frame (see "Modules/Components in the Frame" on page 97).

Figure 18: HD-BNC Input/Output Module

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1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 OUT

IN 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Figure 19: Connectors on the HD-BNC Input/Output Module

SFP I/O Module (PV-24O-IOG)

The SFP back module offers 24 inputs and 24 outputs. Through the web based UI, for each Input or
Output module, you can see status and set editable parameters. See Modules in the Frame (see
"Modules/Components in the Frame" on page 97).

Figure 20: SFP Input/Output Module

Figure 21: Connectors on the SFP Input/Output Module

For supported SFP modules and specifications, see Supported SFP Types (see "Supported SFP
Specifications" on page 71).
Note that SFPs must be purchased from Imagine Communications.

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Back Module Extractor (1261Q)

A back module extractor (1261Q) is shipped with 4 and 8 RU frames. You can find the extractor in the
accessories box. The extractor is used to remove HD-BNC or SFP back modules from 4 or 8 RU frames.

Figure 22: Back Module Extractor

Once removed from the accessories box, there is a slot on the bottom right hand corner of the frame
that the Extractor can be placed into when not in or use or for general convenience.

Figure 23: Slots for Extractor Figure 24: Extractor inserted into slots

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To use the extractor to remove a back module:

1. Loosen the screws on both sides of the module to be removed.

2. Note the two guide holes at the top (center) of the module that the extractor needs to go into.

3. Place the back module extractor into the guide holes and then hold and firmly pull the extractor
handle to remove the module from the frame.

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Front Fan Module

 The 1 and 2 RU Platinum VX frames have four fans that are connected directly to the main board.
 The 4 RU Platinum VX frame has 2 fan modules, with 4 fans mounted on each fan.
 The 8 RU Platinum VX frame has 16 fans mounted on four front fan modules.

Since the 4 and 8 RU Platinum VX frames both have redundant Crosspoint/Control modules, grouping
the fans on separate fan modules ensures the active Crosspoint/Control Module is cooled if the
redundant Crosspoint/Control Module is removed in order to be serviced.

When the frame is powered up, by default, the fans initially run at full speed, and then stabilize to
normal speed in a minute or so.

If any of the fans in the group fail, an alarm is triggered (see Fault Descriptions (see "System Fault
Descriptions" on page 137)).
CAUTION: Front Fan modules are the main source of cooling for the entire system. In the event of a fan
failure, ensure that you replace the fan as soon as possible to prevent overheating.

Fan Status
Each fan reports its status to the control system. Fan Status is presented to users in different ways:


Alarm Chassis Fan Status Fan LEDs
1 RU
An Alarm is triggered Color status indicators on the No fan specific LEDs, see
2 RU if a fan fails. Control System dashboard System LEDs (on page 79)
indicate fan status.
3 RU See Fan Alarms (on Fan LEDs on the outside of the
4 RU page 40) See Chassis Fan Status on the frame indicate fan status.
Controller Dashboard (on page
37) See Fan Status on LEDs on the
Frame (see "Fan Status
Hardware LEDs on the Frame"
on page 38)

Chassis Fan Status on the Controller Dashboard

The main dashboard has fan status graphically represented with red (alarm or missing) and green (good)
software LEDs as fan status indicators.
 1 and 2 RU frames have indicators for each of the 4 fans on board.

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 4 and 8 RU frames display fans in fan module groups, indicating fan status.

Fan Status Hardware LEDs on the Frame

4 and 8 RU frames have Hardware LEDs for fan status on the front of the frame.

For example, in case of the 4 RU frame below, there are 4 LEDs on each fan module, and each LED points
to the specific fan that it providing status for. There are 8 fan LEDs on a 4 RU Platinum VX.

Figure 25: Fan Status LEDs on 4 RU Platinum VX

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There are 16 fan LEDs on an 8RU Platinum VX.

Figure 26: Fan Status LEDs on 4 RU Platinum VX

For 1 and 2 RU frames that have no fan specific hardware LEDs (like the 4 and 8 RU frames), you can:
 See Fan Status on the main navigation dashboard

 Look for Fan Failures in the Faults

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Fan Alarms
If a fan fails, an alarm is asserted and details are displayed in the Faults View.

Figure 27: Fan Failures in the Faults View

Servicing/Replacing Fan Modules in 1/2 RU Frames

1 and 2 RU frames have four individual fans. To replace a fan in a 1 or 2 RU frame:
1. First unscrew the front panel and remove the two captive screws.

Figure 28: Unscrewing the front of a 1 RU frame

2. Once the front comes off, you can remove any of the 4 individual fans by first unplugging the fan

Figure 29: Disconnecting the Fan connector from a fan in a 1 RU frame

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3. Then remove the two top screws on the fan, and remove the fan from the frame

Figure 30: Unscrewing a fan in a 1 RU frame

Servicing/Replacing Fan Modules in 4/8 RU Frames

In a 4 or 8 RU frame, fans are mounted onto fan modules, 4 fans to a fan module, 2 fan modules in a 4
RU frame, and 4 fan modules in an 8 RU frame. The fan module has a connector in the center that plugs
into the fan control module (see Fan Control Module (on page 42)) in the frame.

To replace a fan in a 4 or 8 RU frame, you have to remove the entire fan module.
1. Loosen the knob in the center of the module and then gently pull the fan module out.

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2. Then unplug each of the 4 connectors for a fan module.

Figure 31: Fan Module in a 4 RU frame

3. Once you remove the fan module, individual fans can be unscrewed by removing the screws in all 4
Note: If you need to service the Crosspoint/Control Module (4/8 RU frames only), the fan modules need
to be removed. For the 8 RU, the two left fan modules have to be extracted from the system. For the 4
RU, only one fan module needs to be removed.

Fan Control Module

Note: This section is applicable to 4 RU and 8 RU frames that have a fan control module. 1 and 2 RU
frame fans are controlled by the circuit on the main board.

In 4 and 8 RU Platinum VX frames, the Fan control module controls the front fan module. Fan status is
reported to the Controller module. The following are the number of Fan Control modules depending on
the frame size:

Frame Size Number of Fan Control Modules

4 RU 2
8 RU 4

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If you take the front of the frame (which has the fan module embedded in it) off by loosening the knob
in the center and then gently pulling it off, you can see the Fan Control Module that plugs into a
connector on the Fan Module.

Figure 32: Fan Control Module in a 4 RU Platinum VX Frame

Resource/Crosspoint Module (PV-144X144-

3G4 or PV-288X288-3G8)
The Resource/Crosspoint module is present in 4 and 8 RU frames. This module performs both Control
functions as well as Crosspoint functions. The module is located in the middle of the frame and visible
when the front panel door is removed.

The Resource/Crosspoint module that goes into a 4 RU frame is different from the one that goes into an
8 RU frame The PV-144X144-3G4 Module goes in a 4 RU frame, and the PV-288X288-3G8 module goes
in an 8 RU frame.

There are 2 slots in each frame for Resource/Crosspoint modules, but only one module is standard with
the frame. A second one can be purchased for redundancy. See Resource Module Redundancy (on page

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Figure 33: 4 RU Resource/Crosspoint Module

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Figure 34: 8 RU Resource/Crosspoint Module

Resource Module Redundancy

4 RU and 8 RU Platinum VX frames support optional redundancy for the Crosspoint/Resource Module
within the frame. 4/8 RU frames come with a single Crosspoint/Resource Module, and a second one can
be used for redundancy. If one module detects failure of the other, it switches over control and
continues router operation.
Note that there is only 1 Crosspoint/Resource module in 1/2 RU frames.

If you have 2 Crosspoint/Resource Modules, you can set the active one via the Select Active PVX-
RES/Video Crosspoint parameter in the Video Crosspoint and Control Card section of the Frame
Parameters (accessed by clicking the Open Frame button.

In case of redundant Resource/Crosspoint modules, when upgrading resource module firmware, images
are also synchronized. If the alternate firmware image is activated on the active module, the alternate
image on the standby module also becomes active.

In normal operating mode, all parameter and route changes are synchronized from the Active/Master
Resource Module (PVX-RES) to the Standby Resource Module (PVX-RES).
 Active and Standby states are non-volatile

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 An active PVX-RES remains active after a power cycle

 The standby PVX-RES only becomes active if the active PVX-RES is removed or in case of manual
 If two PVX-RES modules are inserted into a frame and powered up at the same time, the PVX-RES in
the top slot will have higher priority.

You can control Redundancy settings via the Web based UI. See Redundancy Parameters.

Adding a Second Resource Module into a Platinum VX Frame

When a second Resource module is inserted into a frame that already has an active Resource module, it
influences the determination of the new active Resource module for the frame, based on 2 factors:
 Its role in the previous frame it was in (whether it was Active or Redundant)
 Its position in the new frame it is inserted into (whether it is inserted into Slot 1 or the Slot 2 of the
 Whether it is inserted when the frame is operational or powered down

For example, if a frame containing a single active Resource module in Slot 2 is powered down before
inserting a second Resource module (that was previously active in another frame) into Slot 1, when the
frame is powered up again, the newly inserted Resource Module in Slot 1 becomes the active one and
retains the route configurations of the frame it was previously in.

To maintain the precedence of the existing (active) Resource module in your frame, it is recommended
that you:
 Insert a second Resource module while the frame is operational, without powering it down and wait
for the synchronization process to complete.
 Ensure the existing Resource module is in Slot 1 of your frame
 Ensure the inserted Resource module is put into Slot 2 of the frame

Resource/Video Crosspoint Settings

You can control view status and control Video Crosspoint settings via the Web based UI. See Video
Crosspoint and Control Parameters (on page 123).

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Installing the Resource/Crosspoint Module into the Frame

1. When installing the

Crosspoint Module into
the Frame, note the
notch at the bottom of
the frame that the card
should slide into.

2. Position the Crosspoint

Module in the slot and
slide into the frame.

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3. Once you slide the

module in, wait until the
module is positioned in
the frame such that the
top and bottom
extractors come
together easily. Then
slide them into place.

Extracting the Resource/Crosspoint Module from the Frame

1. Locate the Crosspoint Module in the


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2. Loosen the top and bottom extractors

on the Crosspoint module by gently
pulling the extractors outward.

3. Once the extractors have been

loosened, grasp the upper and lower
extractors and pull outward to slide
the module out of the frame.

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Resource/Crosspoint Status on the Frame

Crosspoint/Resource Modules in 4 and 8 RU frames indicate their status via ON/ACTIVE LEDs on the
front of the frame.

A 4 RU frame has 2 ON/ACTIVE LEDs on the front of the frame, one for each of the 2 Crosspoints (if
present). The LED is will be green for the active crosspoint, and yellow for the secondary crosspoint. If
there is only one Crosspoint in the frame, only 1 LED will be lit.

Figure 35: Resource/Crosspoint Module LEDs on a 4 RU Frame

An 8 RU frame has 4 ON/ACTIVE LEDs. When looking at the frame from the front:
 The ON/ACTIVE LED on the top left and bottom left-hand corners represent one Crosspoint (both
crosspoint LEDs mirror each other)
 The ON/ACTIVE LED on the top right and bottom right-hand corners represent the second
Crosspoint, if present (both crosspoint LEDs mirror each other)

The LEDs will be green for the active crosspoint, and yellow for the secondary crosspoint. If there is only
one Crosspoint in the frame, only 1 LED (top and bottom) will be lit.

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Figure 36: Resource/Crosspoint Module LEDs on an 8 RU Frame

Communications Back Module

The Communications Back Module provides an interface between communications connectors and
Resource Modules. All control ports remain inactive until, and only if, the router has fully booted and
has established communications.

Even in a powered-down state, a router connected to any communications system must not interfere
with that system, and therefore must not violate the communications standard (RS-232, RS-422, IEEE
802, etc.) when in this state.

The following connector types are available on the module:

 Two Ethernet Ports (RJ 45 10/100/1000)
 One Serial Port (RS 232/422)
 One Sync Port (loop through HD-BNC Video Reference)

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Ethernet Ports
IP Address 1
IP Mask 1
Gateway Address 1

IP Address 2
IP Mask 2
Gateway Address 2

Figure 37: Ethernet Ports on the Rear of an 8 RU Platinum VX Frame

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You can control Ethernet settings via the Web based UI. See Ethernet 1 Parameters (on page 126) and
Ethernet 2 Parameters (on page 127).
Note: Ethernet 1 and 2 must be on separate subnets.

Changing the Default Primary and Secondary IP Addresses

Ethernet settings can be changed via the Platinum VX Web interface. To do this:
1. Launch the Platinum VX UI in a web browser
2. Click the Configure System link in the top right hand corner.
3. Click Manage Controller Settings
4. Set new IP Addresses in the Primary IP and Secondary IP fields.

Serial Ports
See Serial Port Parameters (on page 128) to control settings via the Web based UI.

RS-232 Pin Assignments

Table 11: RS-232 Signal Format Pin Assignments

Pin Function
1 Frame Ground
2 RxD (Data received by router)
3 TxD (Data sent by router)
4 Data Terminal Ready*
5 Ground
6 Data Set Ready (DSR)*
7 Request to Send (RTS)**
8 Clear to Send (RTS)**
9 Frame Ground
* Pins 4 and 6 connected internally.
** Pins 7 and 8 connected internally

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RS-422 Pin Assignments

Table 12: RS-422 Signal Format Pin Assignments

Connection to Remote
Pin Signal (Tributary) Description
Computer (Controller)
1 FG Frame ground Frame ground
2 Ta (Tx-) Transmitted data Ra (Rx-)
7 Tb (Tx+) (twisted pair) Rb (Rx+)
6 Tc Received data shield Received data shield
8 Ra (Rx-) Received data Ta (Tx-)
3 Rb (Rx+) (twisted pair) Tb (Tx+)
4 Rc Transmitted data Transmitted data
shield shield
9 FG Frame ground Frame ground
5 SP (Not connected) (Not connected)

Sync Ports
The communications back module on the rear of 4 and 8 RU Platinum VX frames includes a sync port
with looping connectors. Each sync input automatically detects and locks to <NTSC, PAL, analog HD Tri-
Level> signals.

Figure 38: Sync Ports on the rear of 4/8 RU Platinum VX frames

Sync References and Switch Triggering

If no Sync signals are present, the switches occur asynchronously after a reasonable time-out period
(<0.1 seconds from reception of command). If a sync reference was present and is then removed (or
accidentally goes away), the router maintains relative vertical interval switching until a reference is

The following references can be detected and used to switch the following video standards on the
correct lines as per SMPTE RP168.

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Switch Triggering
Signal Standard
SwitchPoint Standard Signal Line Detected Reference
1080I/59.54 7 525/59.94I
1080P/59.94 7 525/59.94I
720P/59.94 7 525/59.94I
525/59.94/I 10 525/59.94I
1080I/50 7 625/50/I
1080P/50 7 625/50/I
720P/50 7 625/50/I
625/50/I 6 625/50/I
1080P/59.94 7 1080I/59.94, 1080P/59.94
1080I/59.54 7 1080I/59.94, 1080P/59.94
720P/59.94 7 1080I/59.94, 1080P/59.94
720P/59.94 7 720P/59.94
1080P/50 7 1080I/50, 1080P/50
1080I/50 7 1080I/50, 1080P/50
720P/50 7 1080I/50, 1080P/50
720P/50 7 720P/50

Mid Plane Module

The Mid Plane Module is the central interconnect module in 4 and 8 RU Platinum VX frames.

Figure 39: Mid Plane Module in a 4 RU frame

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Figure 40: Mid Plane Module in an 8 RU Frame

The Mid Plane Module has sockets on both sides for Crosspoint Modules and Input/Output Modules
that plug into it.

Plugs on the edge of the Crosspoint/Resource modules connect to the sockets on the Mid Plane.
Crosspoint/Resource modules (in 4 and 8 RU frames) go into the frame vertically, from the front.

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Plugs on the edge of the Input/Output modules connect to sockets on the Mid Plane. Input/Output
modules go into the frame horizontally, from the rear.

The Mid Plane Module takes the input signal and routes it to the Crosspoint. After processing completes,
it re-routes the signals back to the outputs. The Mid Plane is a passive module with no active
components, however there are fuses on it. These fuses are to prevent damage to module connectors.

Table 13: Fuses on the Mid Plane Module

Fuse Type Fuse Rating Present on Part Number

Fastblow 10 Amps All Slots 127-100013Q00

Table 14: Mid Plane Module Slots

Slot Type Number of Slots in 4 Number of Slots in 8
Input Module Slots 6 12
Crosspoint/Resource Module Slots 2 2
Sync Distribution Module Slots 1 1
Fan Control Module 2 4

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Platinum VX Power Supplies

The Platinum VX frame comes with two power supplies. The 4 and 8 RU Platinum VX frames come with
two 650 Watt AC power supplies, and the 1 and 2 RU Platinum VX frames come with two 12 Volts DC
external power supplies. The 4 and 8 RU Power Supplies are referenced as LEFT and RIGHT and the 1
and 2 RU Power Supplies are referenced as PS1 and PS2.

The Platinum VX frame provides the capability to house two power supplies, however only one is
required for full load capability of the frame. When two power supply units are installed in a frame or
connected to a frame, they support load sharing between them to reduce power supply unit stress. In
the event of a loss of either PS1 (Left) or PS2 (Right) power supply, the alternate power supply will take

Even though you have 2 power supplies, depending on whether you choose to use them both (or if you
turn on power for one or both), redundancy can be enabled or disabled via the Redundant Power
Supplies parameter (See Power Supplies Parameters (on page 125)). Set this to Yes if you plan to use
both power supplies and want to enable redundancy.

For the 4 and 8 RU frames, the bulk of the power (approximately 600W) is used to power the modules
in the frame; the other 20W is required for the Frame Cooling Fans and the Front Control Panel, to a
total of 650W maximum from any of the combined loads. Cooling for the Power Supply is provided by its
internal fan(s) which are temperature controlled and run when the temperature inside the Power
Supply requires cooling. This is completely independent of the frame cooling.

Power Supplies in 4 and 8 RU frames

In case of a 4 or 8 RU frame, the power supply is a fully self-contained and enclosed unit, with rear
mounted power inlets and output connectors. The 4 or 8 RU frame comes with two power supplies,
located behind access panels on the left and right hand sides of the frame.

Figure 41: Access Doors to Power Supplies on a 4 RU frame

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4/8 RU frames have two power inlets on the rear of the frame for each of the power supplies. One or
both may be plugged in, and the power inlets are identified as LEFT or RIGHT.

Figure 42: Power Supply Connectors on the Rear of a 4 RU frame

The access panel on the front of the 4/8 RU frame can be easily opened by pressing down on the lever
on the top and then pulling the access panel outwards. Once you open the access panel, the power
switch and indicators lights are visible. The indicator light will be red if the power supply is present but
not connected. It will be be green if power is functioning properly.

Figure 43: With the access panel closed Figure 44: With the access panel open

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650 Watt AC Power Supply for 4/8 RU frames (PV-PS)

A 650 Watt Power Supply (PV-PS) is used in 4 and 8 RU Platinum VX frames. The AC power supply is
rated at 100-240 VAC input, and operates between 90 - 250 VAC.

Table 15: 650 Watt Power Supply Input Specification

Item Specification
Input Voltage  Rated: 100 - 240 VAC
 Operating: 90 - 250 VAC
Frequency  Rated: 50 - 60 Hz
 Operating: 47 - 63 Hz
Input Current  Rated: 9 A rms maximum
 Operating: 8 A rms maximum at 90 VAC with 650 W output
 Operating: 3 A rms maximum at 250 VAC with 650 W
Inrush Current 40A peak maximum @ High Line, hot or cold start, duration
not to exceed 10 ms.
Efficiency No less than 86% at any net power level greater than 25% of
rated output.
Power Factor  >0.95 at output power >50% load @ 250 VAC input
 >0.95 at output power >30% load @ 90 VAC input
 >0.97 at 90 to 135 VAC and >0.95 at 180 to 250 VAC, typical
Harmonic Distortion Complies with the requirements of EN61000-3-2.

The maximum continuous output power is limited to 650 watts. Should the load exceed the maximum
current, or in the event of a short circuit, the power supply will shut down within 110% to 120% of its
maximum current rating. It will resume normal operation upon removal of the offending load / short
within 1 second of removal of the fault condition, in the absence of any other shut-down conditions,
such as thermal.

650 Watt Power Supply Pinouts

Connector Pin Out: Pin Pin Type Name Description
A1 Signal I2C ADDR0 Input
I2C Address Bit 0 (LSB)
A2 Signal I2C DATA Bi-directional
I2C Data
A3 Signal I2C CLK Input
I2C Clock
A4 Signal ISHARE Current sharing, connected
between both PSUs.
B1 Power Blade GND Ground

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B2 (these 8 pins are

shorted together)
D1 Power Blade GND Ground
D2 (these 8 pins are
shorted together)
F1 Power Blade +12V Power Rail, +12V
F2 (these 8 pins are
shorted together)
H1 Power Blade +12V Power Rail, +12V
H2 (these 8 pins are
shorted together)

Power Supplies in 1 and 2 RU Frames

In case of 1 and 2 RU frames, power supplies are external to the frame, and are supplied by a 160W AC-
DC Single Output Desktop Power supply.

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On 1 and 2 RU frames, power inlets are identified as PS1 and PS2 and there are two power inlets on the
rear of the frame for each of the power supplies. One or both may be plugged in.

Figure 45: Power Supply Connectors on the Rear of a 2 RU frame

When connecting the power supply cable into the outlet on the frame, ensure you hold down and push
back the locking mechanism. Similarly, when removing the cable from the output on the frame, release
the locking mechanism and then pull the cable out.

Figure 46: 160 Watt Power Supply for 1/2 RU Frames Figure 47: Power Supply Connector

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160 Watt AC-DC Power Supply for 1/2 RU frames (122-100051Q00)

Table 16: 160 Watt Power Supply Input Specification
Item Specification
Input Voltage Range 85 ~ 264VAC 120 ~ 370VDC

Frequency Range 47 ~ 63Hz

Input Current  Rated: 9 A rms maximum

 Operating: 8 A rms maximum at 90 VAC with 650 W output
 Operating: 3 A rms maximum at 250 VAC with 650 W
AC Current 1.85A / 115VAC
1A / 230VAC
Inrush Current 120A / 230VAC

Efficiency 89%
Power Factor  PF>0.95 / 230 VAC
 PF>0.98 / 115 VAC at full load

160 Watt Power Supply Pinouts

Pin Number Output

1, 4 12 +V
2, 3 12 -V
2 3
1 4

Power Supply Status on the Frame

1/2 RU frames have power status indicated by the POWER LED on the right hand side of the frame. If
you don't see a green light, it indicates no power is present or switched on.

Figure 48: Power LED on a 1/2 RU Frame

4/8 RU frames have power status indicated by a red/green light visible through the access door to the
power supplies on the left and right hand sides of the frame. If you see a red light, it indicates the power
supply is not connected or switched on. If you see a green light, it indicates the power supply is
functioning properly.
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Figure 49: Power on a 4/8 RU Frame

Power Supply Status on the Dashboard

Status for installed (one or both) power supplies is displayed on the main dashboard in the right hand
corner (below the IP Addresses).
 In case of a 4/8 RU frame, power supply status is displayed for LEFT and RIGHT supplies. This is
based on the position they are plugged in, looking at the frame from the front.
 In case of a 1/2 RU frame, the power is indicated by supply - PS1 and PS2. This is to help identify the
power supply plug that goes in.

Figure 50: 8 RU Power Status Figure 51: 1/2 RU Power Status

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Power Supply Parameters

See Power Supplies Parameters (on page 125).

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Clean and Quiet Switching

Clean refers to non-disruptive, glitch-free transition of Video content when switching from one source to
another (at the same data- and frame-rate). Quiet refers to audible artefact (pops, clicks) free transition
of embedded Audio content when switching from one source another source (at the same data- and

The PV-CQ16-FR-1 supports a number of mechanisms that can trigger a switch. Switching between
sources can be triggered by hardware or software driven events. A TAKE command from a Magellan
Remote Control Panel (RCP) can also trigger a switch.
Note: Two signals routed to the same clean quiet switch must be the same standard. The output of
switching between two mismatched signals may be unexpected, and will not be clean and quiet.

See Program and Preview Outputs (on page 66) and SFP Relay Bypass (on page 68)

For more details on the PV-CQ16-FR-1, see:

 PV-CQ16-FR-1 User Interface Platinum VX Dashboard (on page 91)
 PV-CQ16-FR-1 Frame Contents Frame Specific Details (on page 95)
 Main module in the frame PV-32x32 Modules (see "PV-32x32 Modules (1 RU and 1 RU CQS frames)"
on page 102)
 CQS module in the frame CQS Modules (see "PV-CQ16 Modules (CQS Modules)" on page 104)
 Spec for Supported SFPs in a CQS Frame Supported SFP Specifications (on page 71)
 CQS Parameters CQS Parameters (on page 113)
 Configuring the CQS Module CQS Module Configuration (on page 131)
Note: If you intend to use a Magellan (RCP) panel to control your Platinum VX router, see the Magellan
RCP 3.6 User Manual for instructions on how to configure clean and quiet switching for a Platinum VX
controlled by a Magellan panel.

Program and Preview Outputs

The Platinum VX CQS frame has the following input and outputs:

Inputs Outputs Connected To

1-16 1-16 External BNC Connectors
17-32 17-32 External SFP Connectors

The CQS module in the frame consists of two 2x2 clean and quiet switches, with the Program Output as
one output of the switch, and Preview as the second output.
 The Program Output provides a continuous error-free stream. In the event of signal loss, a black or
frozen signal is generated at this output. Switching between the two input sources to the program
output is carried out by transitioning from one source to another with user specified transition type
and duration.

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 The Preview Output acts as the preview of the source which will be switched to the program
output. There may be disruptions in the stream. Any video or audio processing such as frame delay,
audio gain, etc. applied to the program output will also apply to the preview output.
When the Resource Module (PVX-RES) receives a command to route a source to the program
output, it routes the source to the preview output first and then starts the transition of the source
to the program output.

When the Program Output destination button is selected, sources change immediately on the preview
bus as they are selected on the panel. Once the desired source has been located, pressing "take" on the
control panel initiates the predetermined transition from the source selected as the current output on
the program bus to the newly selected source. The state of the preview output is selectable in the setup
menus (CQS 1/2 Transition Mode Setup parameter) to continue to display the last selected source (set
to Copy) or it can be programmed to change to indicate the source that was formerly on the program
output before the transition (set to Swap).

The clean/quiet switch on the Platinum VX CQS frame can be achieved on two program outputs
(Program 1 on SFP output 28 and Program 2 on SFP output 32).

Figure 52: Program and Preview outputs on the Platinum VX CQS

Internally, the 1 RU Platinum VX CQS module has the following default Output to Program assignments.

Output Type Assigned To

28 SFP Program 1
32 SFP Program 2
1 BNC Preview 1
2 BNC Preview 2

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SFP Relay Bypass

The Platinum VX CQS frame has 2 SFP modules (SFP+ETRX+BP) that come with the frame. These 2 SFP
Relay bypass modules are provided on the SFP input side (Slots 27-28 and 21-32), to avoid program
output interruption in the event the frame loses power.
 SFP Inputs on the relay bypass module are Inputs #27 and #31
 SFP Outputs on the relay bypass module are Outputs #28 and #32

Figure 53: Relay Bypass on the Platinum VX CQS

If SFP relay bypass modules are detected on input side, SFP output slots 27-28 and 31-32 are disabled.

The expected behavior for the SFP relay bypass module is as follows:
 Power Loss Setup: The user provides a stream for power loss, and connects that stream to the SFP
relay bypass module’s input port.
 Power Loss: When frame power is lost, the program output in the SFP relay bypass module
immediately connects to its input signal. This is non clean and quiet switch and a glitch is to be
 Power Restoration: After power is restored to the frame, the output will initially still be the power-
loss signal, and will be switched to the real program signal only after the CQS module boots up and
routing before power lost is recovered. This transition is also a non clean and quiet switch.

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PV-CQ16-FR1 Genlock Specifications

Reference Standard Video Standard Reference Standard Video Standard

525/59.94/I 625/50/I 1080I/50

525/59.94I 1080I/59.54 1080P/50
1080P/59.94 720P/50
720P/59.94 625/50/I
1080P/59.94 720p/59.94 720P/59.94
1080P/50 720P/50 720P/50

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Platinum VX Specifications and

Platinum VX Physical Specifications
Table 17: Platinum VX Physical Specifications
1 RU 2 RU 4 RU 8 RU

Width 17.5 in. (44.5 cm) 17.5 in. (44.5 17.5 in. (44.5 17.5 in. (44.5
cm) cm) cm)
Depth 10.75 in. 10.75 in. 18.5 in.(46.7cm) 18.5 in.(46.7cm)
Height 1.75 in 3.5 in 7 in 14 in
Weight (approx, fully loaded) 2.5kg 5kg 7kg 15kg
Matrix Size 16x16 + 48x48 or 72x72 144x144 288x288
Matrix Module Capacity
Back Modules - - 6 12
Resource/Crosspoint - - 2 2
Standard Equipment
Power Supplies 2 2 2 2
Fan Module - - 2 4
Resource/Crosspoint Module - - 1 1
Upgrade Options
Redundant No No Yes Yes
Resource/Crosspoint Module

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Video Specifications
Table 18: Video Specifications
Item Description
Connectors  75 Ohms (HD-BNC)
 LC (Optical)
Signal Type  SMPTE 424M
 SMPTE 292M
 SMPTE 259M
 SMPTE 344M
 Most other < 1Vpp digital signals, 3Mb/s to 3.0Gb/s
Impedance 75 Ohms (HD-BNC)
Return Loss  > 15dB, up to 1.485GHz
 > 10dB, 1.485GHz to 2.97GHz
Amplitude  800mV +/- 10%
 1600mV +/- 10%
Overshoot <10%
DC Offset 0V +/- 0.5V
Rise Time  400-700pS - 270Mb/s
 < 135pS - 1.485Gb/s
 < 100pS - 2.97Gb/s
Fall Time  400-700pS - 270Mb/s
 < 135pS - 1.485Gb/s
 < 100pS - 2.97Gb/s
Jitter  <0.2UI reclocked 270Mb/s, 1.485Gb/s
 <0.3UI reclocked 2.97Gb/s

Supported SFP Specifications

Table 19: SPF Specifications
SFP Type SFP Type Description
Optical SFPs OP+SFP+2ORX+NR Dual SFP Series, Dual channel optical inputs of SD/HD/3G PIN
Optical Receiver (see Receiver (non-reclocking)
Optical Receiver
Specifications" on page
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SFP Type SFP Type Description

OP+SFP+2OTX+13+NR SFP Series, Dual channel optical outputs of SD/HD/3G 1310nm
Dual Optical Transmitter wavelength (non-reclocking)
Dual Optical Transmitter
Specifications" on page
Electrical SFPs SFP+2ERX+NR Dual SFP Series, Dual-channel HD BNC inputs of SD/HD/3G (Non-
Electrical Receiver (see reclocked output)
Electrical Receiver
Specifications" on page
SFP+2ETX+NR Dual SFP Series, Dual-channel HD BNC outputs of SD/HD/3G (Non-
Electrical Transmitter (see reclocked output)
Electrical Transmitter
Specifications" on page
Analog SFP+2E+DEC Dual SFP Series, Dual-channel HD BNC Analog To Digital Decoder
Converters Electrical Receiver (see Input Module
"SFP+2E+DEC Dual
Electrical Receiver
Specifications" on page
SFP+2E+ENC Dual SFP Series, Dual-channel HD BNC Digital To Analog Encoder
Electrical Transmitters Output Module
(see "SFP+2E+ENC Dual
Electrical Transmitters
Specifications" on page
HDMI SFP+HDMI+OUT (see SFP Series, HDMI Output Module
Converters "SFP+HDMI+OUT
Specifications" on page
SFP+HDMI+IN (see SFP Series, HDMI Input Module
Specifications" on page
Note that SFPs must be purchased from Imagine Communications.

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Optical SFPs
OP+SFP+2ORX+NR Dual Optical Receiver Specifications
The OP+SFP+2ORX+NR is a dual optical receiver SFP designed to receive two SDI signals at up to 2.97
Gb/s over single mode fiber, and to convert optical SDI to electrical SDI, as defined in SMPTE 297-2006.

Table 20: OP+SFP+2ORX+NR Dual Optical Receiver Specifications

Item Specification
Standards  3G: SMPTE 424M (2.97, 2.97/1.001 Gb/s)
 HD: SMPTE 292M (1.485, 1.485/1.001 Gb/s)
 SD: SMPTE 259M-C (270Mb/s, 525/625 component video)
 ASI: DVB-ASI 270Mb/s
Wavelength 1150 - 1600 nm
Sensitivity -19dBm (typical), ER=7dB, 3G pathological
Power Monitoring Accuracy ±3 dB
Maximum Back Reflection -27 dB
Optical Return Loss >29 dB
Maximum Input Power +3 dBm (@1310 nm)
Power Consumption Typical: 680 mW

OP+SFP+2OTX+13+NR Dual Optical Transmitter Specifications

The OP+SFP+2OTX+13+NR is an dual optical FP (Fabry-Perot) Transmitter, capable of transmitting two
SDI signals up to 2.97 Gb/s over single-mode fiber and converting electrical-to-optical SDI signals, as
defined in SMPTE 297-2006.

Table 21: OP+SFP+2OTX+13+NR Dual Optical Transmitter Specifications

Item Specification
Standards  3G: SMPTE 424M (2.97, 2.97/1.001 Gb/s)
 HD: SMPTE 292M (1.485, 1.485/1.001 Gb/s)
 SD: SMPTE 259M-C (270Mb/s, 525/625 component
 ASI: DVB-ASI 270Mb/s
Wavelength Typical: 1310 nm (1260 - 1360 nm)
Spectral Line Width Typical: 1.5 nm
Average Optical Output Power Typical: -2.5 dBm (-6 to 0.5 dBm)
Extinction Ration 7 to 14 dB
Optical Rise/Fall Time Typical: 70 ps
Power Consumption Typical: 1080 mW

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Electrical SFPs
SFP+2ERX+NR Dual Electrical Receiver Specifications
The SFP+2ERX+NR is an electrical dual receiver SFP module, designed to receive two SDI signals at up to
2.97 Gb/s over 75 ohm coaxial cables via HD-BNC connectors. The integrated equalizer features DC
restoration to compensate for the DC content of SMPTE pathological test patterns.

Table 22: SFP+2ERX+NR Dual Electrical Receiver Specifications

Item Specification
Connector Type HD-BNC
Standards  3G: SMPTE 424M (2.97, 2.97/1.001 Gb/s)
 HD: SMPTE 292M (1.485, 1.485/1.001 Gb/s)
 SD: SMPTE 259M-C (270Mb/s, 525/625 component
 ASI: DVB-ASI 270Mb/s
Impedance 75 ohms
Return Loss  3G: >15 dB from 5 MHz to 1485 MHz; >10 dB from 1485
MHz to 2970 MHz
 HD: >15 dB from 5 MHz to 1485 MHz
 SD: >15 dB from 5 MHz to 270 MHz
Equalization  3G: 120 m (typical) for Belden 1694A
 HD: >150m for Belden 1694A
 SD: >420m for Belden 1694A; > 320m for Belden 8281B
Power Consumption Typical: 620 mW

SFP+2ETX+NR Dual Electrical Transmitter Specifications

The SFP+2ETX+NR is a dual electrical SFP transmitter, designed to transmit two SDI signals at up to 2.97
Gb/s over 75 ohm coaxial cables via HD-BNC connectors.

Table 23: SFP+2ETX+NR Dual Electrical Transmitter Specifications

Item Specification
Connector Type HD-BNC
Standards  3G: SMPTE 424M (2.97, 2.97/1.001 Gb/s)
 HD: SMPTE 292M (1.485, 1.485/1.001 Gb/s)
 SD: SMPTE 259M-C (270Mb/s, 525/625 component
 ASI: DVB-ASI 270Mb/s

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Item Specification
Impedance 75 ohms
Return Loss  3G: >15 dB from 5 MHz to 1485 MHz; >10 dB from 1485
MHz to 2970 MHz
 HD: >15 dB from 5 MHz to 1485 MHz
 SD: >15 dB from 5 MHz to 270 MHz
Signal Level 800 mV ± 10%
D.C. offset 0.0 V ± 0.5 V
 3G: <135 ps
Rise and fall time
 HD: <270 ps
 SD: 0.4 to 1.5 ns
Overshoot < 10% of amplitude
Jitter  3G: <2.0 UI (10Hz), <0.3 UI (100KHz)
 HD: <1.0 UI (10Hz), <0.2 UI (100KHz)
 SD: <0.2 UI
Power Consumption Typical: 340 mW

Analog Converters
SFP+2E+DEC Dual Electrical Receiver Specifications
The SFP+2E+DEC is a dual electrical SFP receiver, designed to decode two video composite (CVBS) signals
over 75 ohm coaxial cables via HD-BNC connectors. The module decodes NTSC/PAL composite inputs
and converts to SD-SDI signals.

Table 24: SFP+2E+DEC Dual Electrical Receiver Specifications

Item Specification
Connector Type HD-BNC
Standards  NTSC, NTSC J, and NTSC 4.43
 PAL-B/G/H/I/D, PAL-M, PAL-N, and PAL-60
Impedance 75 ohms
Return Loss 30 dB (typical) from 0.1 MHz to 6 MHz
Input Level 270 to 830 mV pk-to-pk
Cutoff Frequency (3dB) Typical: 13 MHz
Passband Flatness Typical: 0.25 dB (f < 5MHz, VVIN = 0.65 V pk-to-pk,
reference level measured at 1MHz)
Stopband Cutoff Typical: 53 MHz

Signal-to-Noise Ratio Typical: 58 dB

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Item Specification
Propagation delay  NTSC: 260 us
 PAL: 231 us
Power Consumption Typical: 1020 mW

SFP+2E+ENC Dual Electrical Transmitters Specifications

The SFP+2E+ENC is a dual electrical transmitter SFP module that encodes video composite (CVBS) signals
over 75 ohm coaxial cables via HD-BNC connectors. The module converts SD-SDI signals to NTSC/PAL
composite output.

Table 25: SFP+2E+ENC Dual Electrical Transmitter Specifications

Item Specification
Connector Type HD-BNC
Standards NTSC, PAL-M, PAL-B/G/H/I/D, PAL-N
Impedance 75 ohms
Return Loss 30 dB (typical) from 0.1 MHz to 6 MHz
Output level 0 - 1.0 V pk-to-pk (300 mV DC offset)
Resolution 0 bits

Luminance Nonlinearity Typical: ±0.5%

Differential Gain Typical: 0.5% (NTSC)

Differential Phase Typical: 0.6 deg (NTSC)

Signal-to-Noise Ratio 58 dB, typical, luma ramp

Propagation delay  NTSC: 3.4 us

 PAL: 3.2 us
Power Consumption Typical: 1220 mW

HDMI Converters
SFP+HDMI+OUT Specifications
The SFP+HDMI+OUT is an electrical transmitter module designed to convert SDI signals to an HDMI
output without scaling artifacts. Up to eight channels of audio are supported in HDMI mode.

Table 26: SFP+HDMI+OUT Specifications

Item Specification
Connector Type HDMI 1.4 type-D

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Item Specification
Standards  525i/625i,
 1080i (50/59.94/60 Hz)
 720p/1080p (23.98/24/25/29.97/30/50/59.94/60 Hz)
 1080p Level B-DL (50/59.94/60 Hz)
TMDS Output Clock Freq 20 to 150 MHz
TMDS Output Clock Duty Cycle 48% to 52%
TMDS Differential Swing Typical: 1000 mV (800 to 1200 mV)
TMDS Rise/Fall Time Typical: 175 ps (Min: 75 ps)
Maximum Output Current (5V) Min: 55 mA
Output Voltage (5V) Typical: 5.05V (4.8 to 5.3 V)

Power Consumption Typical: 1030 mW

SFP+HDMI+IN Specifications
The SFP+HDMI+IN is an electrical receiver module designed to convert HDMI input to a SDI format
without scaling artifacts. Up to 4 channels of audio are supported in HDMI mode.

Table 27: SFP+HDMI+IN Specifications

Item Specification
Connector Type HDMI 1.4 type-D
Standards  525i/625i,
 1080i (50/59.94/60 Hz)
 720p/1080p (23.98/24/25/29.97/30/50/59.94/60 Hz)
TMDS Input Clock Freq 20 to 165 MHz
TMDS Clock Duty Cycle Typical: 50% Minimum: 45%
Intrapair Differential Input Min: 0.4 t BIT
Channel-to-Channel Min: 0.6 t PIXEL
Differential Input Skew
Power Consumption Typical: 1283 mW

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Platinum VX Power Consumption

Table 28: Platinum VX Power Consumption
1 RU 1 RU (CQS) 2 RU 4 RU 8 RU

16 x 16 (1 RU only) 36W N/A N/A N/A N/A

48 x 48 (2 RU only) N/A N/A 50W N/A N/A
72 x 72 (2 RU only) N/A N/A 70W N/A N/A
72 x 72 (2 RU with SFP) N/A N/A 90W N/A N/A
All HD-BNC modules (4/8 N/A N/A N/A 110W 490W
All SFPs loaded in SFP Slots 48W 100W N/A 190W 635W
Without SFPs N/A 65W N/A N/A N/A

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Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Alarms and LEDs

Alarms and LEDs

System LEDs
3 LEDs on the frame indicate Crosspoint Control and System Status. If the Alarm LED is on, it indicates a
system level problem such as a fan failure.

Figure 54: System LEDs on 1/2 RU Frames Figure 55: System LEDs on 4/8 RU frames

Table 29: System LEDs

LED Applicable Color Description Alarm Level
4/8 RU Green Crosspoint is powered Informational
ON / Active LED

Amber Active Crosspoint Informational

Sync LED All Solid Informational

Sync reference is present.

Alarm LED All Red This LED is enabled: Informational

 When the Resource Module
(PVX-RES) is in failsafe mode
(solid red)
 During LLDC identification
(flashing red)
Power 1/2 RU Green Frame is powered Informational

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Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Platinum VX Client Overview

Platinum VX Client Overview

The Platinum VX Client is a web-based tool for configuration and operation of your Platinum VX router.
It provides support for configuration, status, and alarm management of the routing system.

System and Network Requirements

The following are requirements for the PC used to monitor and control a Platinum VX:
 Operating System: Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1
 JavaScript enabled web browser; Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher
 Silverlight version 5.0 or higher
 Magellan CCS Navigator (to create a routing system)

Platinum VX Web UI
The Platinum VX Web UI is Silverlight based, so your Browser must meet the minimum requirements
specified for support of Microsoft Silverlight 5.0 or higher.
Note: Ensure the appropriate Silverlight version is used based on the Operating System running on
the PC, be it 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64). The officially supported browser is Internet Explorer 10 or

Platinum VX IP Address
The Platinum VX ships with a pre-configured (ENET 1) IP Address - Use this IP Address
to log into the system through the Silverlight UI and then change the IP Address if required.

Supported Network Protocols

The Platinum VX supports the following network protocols for remote/network control:
 CCS Protocol (via Magellan Remote Control Panels)

Using Magellan CCS Navigator

Database functions are provided from within the Platinum VX via the built in database editor. However,
you still need Magellan CSS Navigator if you want to include your Platinum VX as part of a routing
system with other devices and for other advanced functions.

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Controlling your Platinum VX via a Hardware Control Panel

You can control your Platinum VX frame via a hardware panel such as a Magellan™ Router Control Panel
(RCP). You can also use certain Imagine Communications legacy control panels to control your Platinum

If you would like to use a legacy control panel, you need to set it up such that there is an Edge in
between your control panel and your Platinum VX. The EDGE is a 1 RU router protocol translator (from
Imagine Communications) that acts as a gateway in between.

Legacy Control Panel EDGE

Do the following to set up:

1. Configure the EDGE as a virtual X/Y client of the Platinum VX. Refer the Edge Protocol Gateway
Manual for details.
2. Ensure the EDGE is physically connected to your legacy control panel.
3. Set up the IP Address of the Platinum VX as the Server in the EDGE.
4. Go to the Platinum VX Database Editor. Create a database, set up categories and indexes as

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5. In Navigator, create a Routing System by polling using the Platinum VX IP Address.

Once complete, your routing system will show the EDGE and the legacy control panel physically
connected to the EDGE.

6. Go to the DB Editor in Navigator, and import the Platinum VX database by clicking the Import from
Device button.

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7. Publish. Or in case of legacy control panels, most of which do not support doing a Publish, open the
control panel configuration window, map the button assignments, and then download the
configuration to the panel.

Support for Salvos

A salvo is a predefined list of crosspoints, that when executed (take), will be switched in the specified
time frame. Salvos can be used to store commonly used complex router setups involving multiple
destinations for instant recall. Salvos are executed from a hardware control panel (or its web UI) and
defined using Magellan™ CCS Navigator.

When used with a Magellan™ Router Control Panel (RCP), the Platinum VX supports enhanced salvos.
When used with other legacy control panels, only basic/normal salvos are supported. Salvos have to be
downloaded to legacy panels.

Enhanced Salvos are salvos that can be executed even if Sources and Destinations are locked or
protected. Depending on the options selected, an enhanced salvo can:
 Override protected sources and destinations only
 Override sources and destinations locked by the same user that executes the salvo
 Override sources and destinations locked by any user
Note: Enhanced salvos must be published to the applicable device before they can be executed.

Magellan CCS Navigator is needed to define salvos and to publish. If you publish directly from the
Platinum VX Database Editor and sync your control panel to the Platinum VX without publishing the

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database from Navigator, you will lose Salvo content, since the Platinum VX by itself does not interpret
salvos. You must publish via Navigator, where Salvos have been defined.

Create a Salvo by doing the following:

1. Create your Routing system in Navigator, either by polling using your Platinum VX IP Address or
pulling your Platinum VX into an existing routing system.
2. Right click your routing system and select Create > Routing Salvo

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3. Click New, enter a Name for the Salvo

4. Select Enhanced Salvo if desired.

Select one of No Force Unlock, Force Unlock current user destinations, or Force Unlock all users
locked destinations.

5. Click OK and Save.

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6. Click Publish to Devices (for Magellan panels).

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7. On legacy control panels, map the basic salvos onto buttons and download the configuration to the

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Telnetting into a Platinum VX

You can telnet into a Platinum VX by entering:
Telnet <IPAddress>
 UserName: leitch
 Password: leitchadmin

Once you telnet in (without specifying the port number), it connects directly to port 23.
Note that the Platinum VX telnet only supports XY pass through protocol and not XY terminal

You will see system heartbeats on connection (t*H,<ID>). You can get X/Y status, query device status,
crosspoint status, etc. For example:
@ I?T
Response from all the XY devices connected to the Platinum VX
@ S?0
Reports entire level crosspoint status S:0<D#>,<S#>
@ F?0
Reports level 0 logical size and physical matrix size

Refer the Serial Protocol Reference Manual for details.

Port 23 is the router control terminal. Port 24 is the application service terminal. To connect to port 24,
Telnet <IPAddress> 24
Note: You can now have up to 32 clients connected. In the past, you could have only 4 connections.

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Dashboard View with System Information and Status Dashboard Overview (on page 89)
Parametric Device Control for Modules Modules in the Frame (see
"Modules/Components in the
Frame" on page 97)
Frame Specific Parameters Frame Specific Parameters (on
page 121)
System Configuration and Monitoring Configuration Dashboard (see
"System Configuration" on page
Database Functions Database Foundry (on page 141)
Upgrades for Resource Modules Firmware Foundry (on page 155)
Access Rights User Foundry (on page 159)
Faults View Faults View (on page 135)
Fault Log Fault Log (on page 136)

Dashboard Overview
The Platinum VX dashboard provides:
 A Physical view of the defined Routing system
 A List View of Modules
 Visual Alarm Status

For more details, see Navigation (on page 91).

Configuring the Platinum VX System

See Configuration Dashboard (see "System Configuration" on page 138) for details on setting up the
Platinum VX system.

Accessing the Interface

Log into the Platinum VX system by opening a web browser and entering the IP Address of the Platinum
VX. The home page displays a dashboard from where you can configure, view, and monitor different
elements of your system.
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Platinum VX Dashboard
Accessing the Web interface for a Platinum VX frame displays a dashboard with details on the Frame
Name, Type, IP Address, Status, Faults, Power Supply Status, Chassis Fan Status and so on. There are also
links to Configure the System (See Configuration Dashboard (see "System Configuration" on page 138))
and to view the Fault Log (See Fault Log (on page 136))

Figure 56: Dashboard for an 8 RU Platinum VX

Figure 57: Dashboard for a 2 RU Platinum VX with SFP (PV-72SFP-F R-2)

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Figure 58: Dashboard for an 1 RU Platinum VX with CQS (PV-CQ16-FR-1)

Table 30: Platinum VX Dashboard

Key Label Description
1 List View
Physical view of the overall system (Default view)
2 Faults View An overview of components/modules with faults and links to open,
disable, or acknowledge faults. See Faults View (on page 135).
3. Faults Log Link to the Fault Log (on page 136) that opens in a new window.
4. Configure System Links to configure the system and perform functions related to
Firmware Management, and User Accounts. See Configuration
Dashboard (see "System Configuration" on page 138).
5. Help Link to the User Manual
6. Alarms Active System Faults. See the Faults Tab (Faults View (on page 135))
for details.
7. Frame Details Platinum VX Frame details along with IP address, firmware versions,
resource card information, and fault information. See Frame Specific
Details (on page 95).
8. IP Addresses Defined in Manage Controller Settings (on page 139).
9. Power Supply Status Indicators for power supplies. See Power Supply Status on the
Dashboard (on page 64)
10 Fan Chassis Status Fan supply status categorized by location (front top, front bottom,
rear). See Chassis Fan Status on the Controller Dashboard (on page

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Parametric Control
Read-Only (Status Parameters)
Read-only or status parameters feed back the current state of a specific parameter.

Figure 59: Example of a Read-Only Parameter

List Parameters
List parameters contain a series of possible values for a specific parameter. Enumeration and string-list
parameter changes are always delayed. List parameters are identifiable by the arrow in the right corner
of the button. When you roll the mouse over a list parameter, the button highlights, and when you click
the arrow, available options are displayed. Select an item in the list to set the value for this parameter.

Figure 60: Example of a List Parameter

Range Parameters
A range parameter uses an incremented slider to choose a value from all available values. Numeric
parameter values are represented by a sliding bar on the display screen. A progress bar indicates where
the current value is within the entire range the parameter presents. The current value is shown at the
right of the progress bar.

You can control the editable parameters by entering values, selecting options from drop down lists, or in
some cases by dragging a slider to the appropriate value.

Figure 61: Example of a Range Parameter

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Table Parameters
Table parameters provide an interface to view a large number of settings in a single screen, linking
multiple instances of the same parameter or series of parameters.
Note: In cases where the same set of parameters apply for multiple channels (such as Inputs or
Outputs), parameters are grouped under a single table, accessible through a Show Table Link listed
against that option.

The screen is divided into three panes:

 The module and its Input/Output categories on the left
 Instances in the middle (for example 12 outputs for the SFP module)
 Parameter fields to the right

You can drag the divider between these panes to expand and contract the view. You will see multiple
rows corresponding to multiple channels. In this case, 12 rows are displayed for each of the 12 outputs
for the SFP module. Menu options in the drop down list in the top right hand corner.

To change a table parameter:

1. Select a row (input) from the middle section. The Parameter pane updates to display the options
and current settings for that row. By default, the parameter pane displays parameters for the first
row in the table. The top right corner of the screen updates to indicate the row the parameters are
2. Select the parameter you want to change.

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Frame Specific Details

When you click the Go to Frame button on the main dashboard, the contents of the frame are

4/8 RU Frames
In case of 4 and 8 RU frames, individual modules are displayed (See BNC Input/Output Modules (4/8
RU Frames) (on page 99) and SFP Input/Output Modules (4/8 RU Frames) (on page 99)).

Figure 62: 8 RU Frame Dashboard

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1/2 RU Frames (PV-16X16-FR-1/PV-48X48-FR-2/PV-72X72-FR-2)

1 and 2 RU frames display one main board (See PV-32x32 Modules (1 RU and 1 RU CQS frames) (on
page 102) and IO-72x72/IO-48x48 (2 RU Frames) (on page 99)).

Figure 63: 2 RU Frame Dashboard

1 RU Clean and Quiet Frame (PV-CQ16-FR-1)

1 RU Clean and Quiet frames (PV-CQ16-FR-1 frame) display 2 modules: the main board (PV-32x32
Modules (1 RU and 1 RU CQS frames) (on page 102)), and the Clean and Quiet sub board (PV-CQ16
Modules (CQS Modules) (on page 104)).

Figure 64: 1 RU CQS Frame Dashboard

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2 RU SFP Frame (PV-72SFP-FR-2)

2 RU SFP frames (PV-72SFP-FR-2 frame) display 1 module: the main board (See PV-72SFP Modules (2
RU SFP frame) (on page 101).

For all frame types, a complete snapshot of the frame content is displayed, including:
 Modules in the Frame (see "Modules/Components in the Frame" on page 97)
 Module Faults
 Frame Specific Parameters (on page 121)
 Frame Faults
 Power Supply and Chassis Fan Status

Modules/Components in the Frame

Module specific details are displayed in the main area. The following details are displayed per
 Name: The type of card. For example, BNC or SFP or CQS
 Slot: The slot the card resides in
 Category: The type of card - Input/Output, Crosspoint, Control
 Version: The firmware version running on the card
 Product ID: The ID for the module
 Alarm Status: Red (major), Yellow (minor), Blank (healthy)
 Open Module: Click to go to a specific card/module and view details. See Module Details (on page

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Module Details
When you click the Open Module button against a module in the Frame View, Module details are
displayed in a window superimposed over the previous frame window.
 In case of 4/8 RU frames, the Module window displays ALL of the modules of the same type as the
one that you selected (these would be either BNC Input/Output Modules (4/8 RU Frames) (on page
99) or SFP Input/Output Modules (4/8 RU Frames) (on page 99)
 In case of 1/2 RU Frames, the built in components are displayed (IO-72x72/IO-48x48 (2 RU Frames)
(on page 99), PV-27SFP Modules (2 RU SFP frame) (see "PV-72SFP Modules (2 RU SFP frame)" on
page 101) or PV-32x32 Modules (1 RU and 1 RU CQS frames) (on page 102)

The following details are displayed:

Figure 65: Module Details

1 Modules List The first column displays the name of the selected module
(and the slot it is in), and lists other modules of the same type
in the frame, if present. You can access details of other similar
modules by clicking on them in the list. When you select a
module in this list, information on the frame it belongs to, the
slot, version, and serial number is dynamically updated in the
header at the top, and parameters are displayed on the right.
2 Module Displays parameter categories/menus and individual
Parameters parameters for the selected module. Parameter options can be
changed using the GUI.
See Parametric Control (on page 93).
3 Module Faults Displays any existing faults (and related details) for the
selected module. See Module Faults
4 Faults Overview The number of major and minor faults for the module are
displayed at the top.
5 Close Button You can close the Module window at any time by clicking the
Close button at the top right hand corner of the screen.
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BNC Input/Output Modules (4/8 RU Frames)

BNC Module details are displayed when you click the Open Module button against a BNC Module in the
Modules Dashboard View.

A list of all BNC Modules in the frame along with the slot they're in is displayed on the left. To the right,
you see Parameters for that BNC Module, categorized by Input (see BNC Module Input Parameters (on
page 105)) and Output (see BNC Module Output Parameters (on page 106)).

SFP Input/Output Modules (4/8 RU Frames)

SFP Module details are displayed when you click the Open Module button against an SFP Module in the
Modules Dashboard View.

A list of all SFP Modules in the frame along with which Slot they're in is displayed on the left.

To the right, you see Parameters for that SFP Module, categorized by:
 Input (see SFP Module Input Parameters (on page 107))
 Output (see SFP Module Output Parameters (on page 108)).

IO-72x72/IO-48x48 (2 RU Frames)
2 RU PV-48X48-FR-2 and PV-72X72-FR-2 frames don't have individual modules. A single main board IO-
72x72/IO-48x48 is displayed when you click the Go to Frame button on the main dashboard.

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The frame has either 48 or 72 inputs and outputs and parameters for these are displayed to the right,
categorized under Input and Output menus.

Under Inputs, the Input Port Type column displays information for:
 BNC in input slots 1-48 or 1-72
(For BNC parameters, see BNC Module Input Parameters (on page 105))

Under Outputs, the Output Port Type column displays information for:
 BNC in output slots 1-48 or 1-72
(For BNC parameters, see BNC Module Output Parameters (on page 106))

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PV-72SFP Modules (2 RU SFP frame)

The 2 RU SFP Frame (PV-72SFP-FR-2) doesn't have any individual modules. A single main board PV-
72SFP with 72 inputs and outputs is displayed when you click the Go to Frame button on the main

Parameters for inputs/outputs are displayed to the right, categorized under Input and Output menus.

Under Input, the Input Port Type column displays information for:
 SFPs in input slots 1-24
Note: If there is no SFP plugged in, Input Port Type will display No Module.
For SFP parameters - displayed depending on the type of SFP inserted - see SFP Module
Input Parameters (on page 107). Also see Supported SFP Specifications (on page 71).
 BNC in input slots 25-72
Note: For BNC parameters, see BNC Module Input Parameters (on page 105).

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Under Outputs, the Output Port Type column displays information for:
 SFPs in output slots 1-24
Note: For SFP parameters - displayed depending on the type of SFP inserted - see SFP
Module Output Parameters (on page 108)). Also see Supported SFP Specifications (on page
 BNC in output slots 25-72
Note: For BNC parameters, see BNC Module Output Parameters (on page 106).

PV-32x32 Modules (1 RU and 1 RU CQS frames)

In a 1 RU (PV-16X16-FR-1), a single PV-32x32 component is displayed when you click the Go to Frame
button on the main dashboard.

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A 1 RU CQS frame (PV-CQ16-FR-1) displays a CQS Module (PV-CQ16) in addition.

Both the 1 RU and 1 RU CQS frames offer up to 32 inputs and outputs, and parameters for these are
displayed to the right, categorized under Input and Output menus.

Under Input, the Input Port Type column displays information for:
 BNCs in input slots 1-16
(For BNC parameters, see BNC Module Input Parameters (on page 105))
 SFPs (if plugged in) in input slots 17-32
(SFP Parameters are displayed depending on the type of SFP inserted. See Supported SFP
Specifications (on page 71).)

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Under Output, the Output Port Type column displays information for:
 BNCs in output slots 1-16
(For BNC parameters, see BNC Module Input Parameters (on page 105))
 SFPs (if plugged in) in output slots 17-32
(SFP Parameters are displayed depending on the type of SFP inserted. See Supported SFP
Specifications (on page 71).)

PV-CQ16 Modules (CQS Modules)

PV-CQ16 is the CQS Module present in a 1 RU CQS frame (See 1 RU Frame (PV-CQ16-FR-1) with Clean
and Quiet Switching (on page 25))

When you click the Open Module button against a CQS Module in the Modules Dashboard View,
parameters are displayed to the right, categorized under menus. See CQS Parameters (on page 113).

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Module Parameters
BNC Module Input Parameters
The following Input parameters are displayed:

Table 31: BNC Module - Input Parameters

Name Description Type Options
Input Port Type Reports the type of port. RO  BNC
EQ Bypass Sets the EQ mode RW  On
 Off (Default)
Signal Input Range In normal operation, input EQ is set to RW  Normal (800mVpp)
compensate cable loss where at the other  Small (400mVpp)
end of the cable, the driver outputs
If a passive splitter is present on the input
side of the module, set this to Small

Figure 66: BNC Module Inputs

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BNC Module Output Parameters

The following parameters are displayed:

Table 32: BNC Module - Output Parameters

Name Description Type Options
Output Port Type Reports the type of port. RO  BNC

Output Reclocker Mode Sets the reclock mode to RW  Auto (Default)

automatic or bypass or to one  3G
of three manual fixed rates.
 HD
 SD
 Bypass
Output Data Rate Detects data rate RO  Unknown
 SD
 HD
 3G
Switch Point RW  Switch Point 1
 Switch Point 2
 Switch Point 3
 Switch Point 4

Figure 67: BNC Module Outputs

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SFP Module Input Parameters

In This Section
SFP+2E+DEC Dual Electrical Receiver Parameters ................................. 107
SFP+2ERX+NR Dual Electrical Receiver Parameters............................... 107
OP+SFP+2ORX+NR Dual Optical Receiver Parameters .......................... 108
SFP+HDMI+IN Electrical Receiver Parameters ....................................... 108
Note: Specific parameters displayed correspond to the type of SFP.

SFP+2E+DEC Dual Electrical Receiver Parameters

Table 33: SFP+2E+DEC Module Input Parameters
Name Description Type Options
Input SFP ID Reports the type of SFP RO SFP+2E+DEC

Input Port Type SFP Description RO Dual Composite RX

Input SFP Temperature Displays the internal temperature RO Range:-198 to 262 °F

for the SFP (-128 to 128 °C)
Signal Status Reports input signal status. Reports RO  525
the line rate if supported signal is  625
 No Signal
 Unknown
ADC Out-of-Range Reports whether the input signal RO  Yes
level is out of ADC processing range  No
Decoder Video Standard Video standard for decoding RO  Auto (NTSC/PAL-B)
 NTSC-4.43
 PAL60

SFP+2ERX+NR Dual Electrical Receiver Parameters

Table 34: SFP+2ERX+NR Module Input Parameters
Name Description Type Options
Input SFP ID Reports the type of SFP RO SFP+2ERX+NR

Input Port Type SFP Description RO Dual SDI/ASI RX

Input SFP Temperature Displays the internal temperature RO Range:-198 to 262 °F

for the SFP (-128 to 128 °C)

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OP+SFP+2ORX+NR Dual Optical Receiver Parameters

Table 35: OP+SFP+2ORX+NR Module Input Parameters
Name Description Type Options
Input SFP ID Reports the type of SFP RO OP+SFP+2ORX+NR

Input Port Type SFP Description RO Dual Optical RX

Input SFP Temperature Displays the internal temperature RO Range:-198 to 262 °F

for the SFP (-128 to 128 °C)
Signal Power Reports the received power RO  No Signal
 -26 to +10 dBm
 Too Low

SFP+HDMI+IN Electrical Receiver Parameters

Table 36: SFP+HDMI+IN Input Parameters
Name Description Type Options
Input SFP ID Reports the type of SFP RO SFP+HDMI+IN
Input Port Type SFP Description RO HDMI RX

Input SFP Temperature Displays the internal temperature RO Range:-198 to 262 °F

for the SFP (-128 to 128 °C)
Valid TDMS DE Reports the presence status of RO  Yes
input data  No

Valid TDMS Clock Reports the presence status of RO  Yes

input clock  No
HDMI Input Module Reports the detected input signal RO  DVI
mode  HDMI
HDMI Input Video Standard Reports the detected input signal RO  <Detected Standard>
Audio Channel Count Reports the detected audio RO  Unknown
channel numbers.  2-8
Input Audio Mute Mutes the output audio RW  Yes
 No

SFP Module Output Parameters

In This Section
SFP+2ETX+NR Dual Electrical Transmitter Parameters.......................... 109
SFP+2E+ENC Dual Electrical Transmitter Parameters ............................ 109
OP+SFP+2OTX+13+NR Dual Optical Transmitter Parameters ............... 110
SFP+HDMI+OUT Electrical Transmitter Parameters .............................. 111
Note: Specific parameters displayed correspond to the type of SFP.

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SFP+2ETX+NR Dual Electrical Transmitter Parameters

Table 37: SFP+2ETX+NR Output Parameters
Name Description Type Options
Output SFP ID Reports the type of SFP RO SFP+2ERX+NR

Output Port Type SFP Description RO SFP+2ERX+NR

Output SFP Temperature Displays the internal temperature RO Range:-198 to 262 °F

for the SFP (-128 to 128 °C)
Output Reclocker Mode Sets the reclock mode to automatic RW  Auto
or bypass or to one of three  SD
manual fixed rates.
 HD
 3G
 Bypass
Output Data Rate Reports the signal rate detected RO  Unknown
 SD
 HD
 3G
 No Signal
Switch Point RW  Switch Point 1
 Switch Point 2
 Switch Point 3
 Switch Point 4

SFP+2E+ENC Dual Electrical Transmitter Parameters

Table 38: SFP+2E+ENC Output Parameters
Name Description Type Options
Output SFP ID Reports the type of SFP RO SFP+2ER+ENC

Output Port Type SFP Description RO Dual Composite TX

Output SFP Temperature Displays the internal temperature RO Range:-198 to 262 °F

for the SFP (-128 to 128 °C)
Output Data Rate Reports the signal rate detected RO  Unknown
 SD
 HD
 3G
 No Signal
Switch Point RW  Switch Point 1
 Switch Point 2
 Switch Point 3
 Switch Point 4

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Name Description Type Options

Encoder Video Standard RW  NTSC
Pedestal Control RW  On
 Off
VBI Blanking RW  On
 Off

OP+SFP+2OTX+13+NR Dual Optical Transmitter Parameters

Table 39: OP+SFP+2OTX+13+NR Output Parameters
Name Description Type Options
Output SFP ID Reports the type of SFP RO SFP+2ERX+NR

Output Port Type SFP Description RO SFP+2ERX+NR

Output SFP Temperature Displays the internal temperature RO Range:-198 to 262 °F

for the SFP (-128 to 128 °C)
Output Reclocker Mode Sets the reclock mode to automatic RW  Auto
or bypass or to one of three  SD
manual fixed rates
 HD
 3G
 Bypass
Output Data Rate Reports the signal rate detected RO  Unknown
 SD
 HD
 3G
 No Signal
Switch Point RW  Switch Point 1
 Switch Point 2
 Switch Point 3
 Switch Point 4
Mute RW  Off
 On
Wavelength Reports the transmitter RO 0 to 10000 nm

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SFP+HDMI+OUT Electrical Transmitter Parameters

Table 40: SFP+HDMI+Out Output Parameters
Name Description Type Options
Output SFP ID Reports the type of SFP RO SFP+HDMI+OUT
Output Port Type SFP Description RO HDMI TX

Output SFP Temperature Displays the internal temperature RO Range:-198 to 262 °F

for the SFP (-128 to 128 °C)
Output Reclocker Mode Sets the reclock mode to automatic RW  Auto
or bypass or to one of three  SD
manual fixed rates
 HD
 3G
 Bypass
Output Data Rate Reports the signal rate detected RO  Unknown
 SD
 HD
 3G
 No Signal
Switch Point RW  Switch Point 1
 Switch Point 2
 Switch Point 3
 Switch Point 4
EDH Presence Reports the presence of EDH RO  Yes
packages for SD-SDI  No
Emb Audio Group Presence Reports the presence of an RO  <String>
embedded audio group
HDMI Output Module Sets the output mode RW  HDMI
(This control must be set to the  DVI
correct value to enable the SFP
HDMI Output Format Sets the output video format RW  RGB 444
 YCbCr 422
 YCbCr 444
Clock Termination Detects the presence of a RO  Yes
termination (sink) device  No

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Name Description Type Options

DDC Control Status Reports whether there is an error RO  No Error
in the DDC communication  Bad Receiver BKSV
 Ri Mismatch
 Pj Mismatch
 I2C Error (usually a no-ack)
 Timed Out Waiting for
Downstream Repeater DONE
 Max Cascade of Repeaters
 SHA-1 Hash Check of KSV List
 Too Many Devices Connected to
Repeater Tree

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CQS Parameters
The CQS Parameters are displayed in the following groups in the UI:

CQS 1 (See CQS (1/2) Parameters (on page 114))

CQS 2 (See CQS (1/2) Parameters (on page 114))

Reference (See Reference Parameters (on page 114))

 Status

Advanced Setting (See Advanced Setting (on page 115))

 CQS 1 (See CQS 1/2 (Advanced) (on page 115)
 CQS 1 A/B (See CQS 1/2 A/B (Advanced) (on page
 Video (See Video (on page 117))
 Audio (See Audio (on page 118))
o DMB Status
o Audio Gain
o Audio Invert
o Audio Summing
o Audio Copy/Swap
o Audio Mute
 CQS 2 (See CQS 1/2 (Advanced) (on page 115)
 CQS 2 A/B (See CQS 1/2 A/B (Advanced) (on page
 Audio (See Audio (on page 118))
o Audio Gain
o Audio Invert
o Audio Summing
o Audio Copy/Swap
o Audio Mute
 Audio TSG (See Audio TSG (on page 119))
 Audio Tones Ch 1 A
 Audio Tones Ch 1 B
 Audio Tones Ch 2 A
 Audio Tones Ch 2 B

Misc (See Misc Parameters (on page 120))

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CQS (1/2) Parameters

Table 41: CQS 1/2 Parameters
Name Description Type Options
Source for Program 1/2 The input source channel RO  CQS 1A
connected to CQS 1/2 Program  CQS 1B
 CQS 2A
 CQS 2B
CQS 1/2 Transition Mode Setup RW  Swap
 Copy
Transition Rate Sets the transition rate in RW  0 ms to 4000 ms
milliseconds for the designated
CQ switch. 0 is the default.
Transition Type Select the transition effect for the RW  Cut (default)
designated CQ switch  V-Fade
 Cut-Fade
 Fade-Cut
 X-Fade
Take Policy Select how the switch responds RW  Ignore
when a transition that is in  Terminate
progress is interrupted by yet
 Undo
another trigger (Take).

The default is Ignore (a transition

in progress is not interrupted by
other events)

Reference Parameters
Table 42: Reference Parameters
Name Description Type Options
Reference Select Set the source for video reference RW  External Ref
 Free-Run
Video Sync Mode Set the operation mode of the RW  Frame Sync
video synchronization  Line Sync

Table 43: Reference > Status Parameters

Name Description Type Options
Reference Standard Displays the reference video RO  Not Present
standard.  525
 625
 720p/50
 720p/59.94
 1080i/50

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Name Description Type Options

 1080i/59.94

Reference Locked Indicates whether an external RO  Yes

reference is present and the  No
genlock circuitry has successfully
locked to it.
Proc Channel (1-4) Locked Confirms whether the processing RO  Free-Run (default)
signal from the frame sync or line  Yes
sync is in a "locked" state
 No

Advanced Setting
Note: This menu contains processing parameters for each input channel. There are two inputs (A and B)
for each CQ switch. When a TAKE action is executed by the switch, A or B becomes the output and the
next TAKE action changes another input to output.

The concept of Program and Preview is applied on the output of the switch. Any setting changes are
applied to input signals before a switch and may or may not affect the current outputs (program or
preview). If an input is the current output, changes to it will be applied to the output signal.

After a system reboot, only the Program output has a guaranteed connection to the source routed prior
to rebooting. The Preview may connect with the same source as the Program output.

Table 44: Advanced Setting

Name Description Type Options
Audio Control Style Use to switch between Mono and RW  Mono
Stereo modes  Stereo
Audio V-Fade Enables an audio V-fade (clean RW  Enable
audio hotswitch).  Disable
Fade Time Set the global audio fade rate RW 0 seconds to 1 second

CQS 1/2 (Advanced)

Table 45: CQS 1/2 (Advanced)
Name Description Type Options
Frame Sync Output Standard Set Frame Sync's output format RW  Follow Input Standard
 525
 625
 720p/50
 720p/59.94
 1080i/50
 1080i/59.94
 1080p/50
 1080p/59.94

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Name Description Type Options

V-Phase Adjusts the vertical phase of the RW  0 lines to 524 lines (SD-525)
frame sync  0 lines to 624 lines (SD-625)
 0 lines to 749 lines (720p/59.94,
720p/60, 720p/50)
 0 lines to 1124 lines (all 1080i
and 1080p variations)
H-Phase Adjusts the horizontal phase of RW  0.000 us to 63.481 us (SD-525)
the frame sync  0.000 us to 63.926 us (SD-625)
 0.000 us to 22.231 us
 0.000 us to 26.653 us (720p/50)
 0.000 us to 29.646 us
 0.000 us to 35.542 us (1080i/50)
 0.000 us to 14.823 us
 0.000 us to 17.771 us (1080p/50)
LOV Mode Set the output behavior of the RW  Pass
module during loss of input video  Freeze (Default)
 Black

CQS 1/2 A/B (Advanced)

Table 46: CQS 1/2 A/B (Advanced)

Name Description Type Options
TSG Enable Enable Test Pattern Generation RW  On
 Off
TSG Select Select test patterns for each SDI RW  Black
Input (when TSG Enable is active).  Color Bars 75%
 Horizontal Sweep Y-only
 Horizontal Sweep
 White
 CrossHatch

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Table 47: Video Parameters

Name Description Type Options
CQS (1/2 A/B) Video Status Video standard of processing RO  Not Present
channel  525
 625
 720p/50
 720p/59.94
 1080p/50
 1080p/59.94
 1080i/50
 1080i/59.94
CQS (1/2 A/B) Black Detected Black frames detected on channel RO  Yes
 No
CQS (1/2 A/B) Freeze Detected Frozen frames detected on RO  Yes
channel  No

Table 48: EDH-CRC-SQM Parameters

Name Description Type Options
CQS (1/2 A/B) Input Y CRC Displays Y CRC errors for HD-SDI RO 0 to 4294967295 and precision of 0
Status input decimal places
CQS (1/2 A/B) Input C CRC Displays C CRC errors for HD-SDI RO 0 to 4294967295 and precision of 0
Status input decimal places
CQS (1/2 A/B) Input EDH/CRC Enables EDH/CRC error logging for RW  Enable
Enable Channel Input  Disable
CQS (1/2 A/B) Input EDH/CRC Clears the EDH/CRC error counter RW  Yes
Clear for Channel Input  No

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Table 49: Audio Parameters

Category Name Description Type Options
DMB Status CQS (1/2 A/B) Audio V-bit Status RO

CQS (1/2 A/B) Audio Format Fdbk RO

CQS (1/2 A/B) Peak/Mute Status RO

CQS (1/2 A/B) Group (1-4) Reports the presence of audio RO  Yes
Present group (1-4) in the SDI signal.  No
CQS (1/2 A/B) Group (1-4) Reports if a checksum error has RO  Yes
Checksum Error occurred in the group (1-4)  No

CQS (1/2 A/B) Group (1-4) DBN Reports if a data block number RO  Yes
Error error has occurred in the group  No
CQS (1/2 A/B) Group (1-4) Parity Reports if a parity error has RO  Yes
Error occurred in the group (1-4)  No
CQS (1/2 A/B) Group (1-4) ECC Reports if an error correction RO  Yes
Error code error has occurred in the  No
group (1-4)
CQS (1/2 A/B) Group (1-4) Active Reports the active channels from RO  None
Channels the control packet of audio group  CH1
 CH2
 CH12
 CH3
 CH13
 CH23
 CH123
 CH4
 CH14
 CH24
 CH124
 CH34
 CH134
 CH234
 CH1234
CQS (1/2 A/B) Group (1-4) Reports the sampling rate from RO  48.0 kHz
Sampling Rate the control packet of audio group  44.1 kHz
 32.0 kHz
 FreeRun
Audio Gain CQS (1/2 A/B) Gain Lock When enabled, this parameter RW  Yes
couples together the gain  No

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Category Name Description Type Options

CQS (1/2 A/B) Ch Gain Use this control to adjust the gain  -36.0 dB to 36.0
of the designated embedded dB
(Channels audio output channel pairs 1A/1B (0.0 dB default)
1A/1B/2A/2B/3A/3B/4A/4B/5A/5 to 8A/8B.
Audio Invert CQS (1/2 A/B) Ch Invert This control inverts the selected  Yes
audio channel pairs to correct for  No
(Channels phase error.
Audio Summing CQS (1/2 A/B) Ch Summing These controls enable or disable  None
the summing of the designated  Right to Left
(Channels 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B, output embedded audio pair.
 Left to Right
4A/4B, 5A/5B, 6A/6B, 7A/7B,
8A/8B)  Both

Audio Copy/Swap CQS (1/2 A/B) Ch Copy/Swap Use this control to copy or swap  No Swap
the designated output embedded  Swap
(Channels 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B, audio pair.
 Left to Right
4A/4B, 5A/5B, 6A/6B, 7A/7B,
8A/8B)  Right to Left

Audio Mute CQS (1/2 A/B) Ch Mute Individual embedded channels  Yes
can be muted using this control.  No

Audio TSG
Table 50: Audio TSG Parameters
Name Description Type Options
Test Tone 400 Hz (dBFS) Audio test signal generator level RW 6.0 dBFS to 0.0 dBFS
control to adjust the volume of (-18.0 dBFS default)
the audio test tones
Test Tone 1 kHz (dBFS) Audio test signal generator level RW 6.0 dBFS to 0.0 dBFS
control to adjust the volume of (-18.0 dBFS default)
the audio test tones
Test Tone 2 kHz (dBFS) Audio test signal generator level RW 6.0 dBFS to 0.0 dBFS
control to adjust the volume of (-18.0 dBFS default)
the audio test tones
Test Tone 4 kHz (dBFS) Audio test signal generator level RW 6.0 dBFS to 0.0 dBFS
control to adjust the volume of (-18.0 dBFS default)
the audio test tones

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Audio Test Tones Ch 1A/1B/2A/2B

Table 51: Audio TSG Parameters

Name Description Type Options
CQS (1A/1B/2A/2B) Ch (1A-8B) Selects the source for output RW  DMB Ch
Output Sources embedded audio channel (1A-8B)  Test Tone 400 Hz
 Test Tone 1 kHz
 Test Tone 2 kHz
 Test Tone 4 kHz
 Mute
 EBU R68

Misc Parameters
Table 52: Misc Parameters
Category Name Description Type Options
Set the duration of the RW 0 to 4000 ms
Transition Rate (Fast) (ms)
Configuration (A duration of 0 ms results
automatically in an instant Cut)
Transition Rate (Medium) (ms) RW 0 to 4000 ms

Transition Rate (Slow) (ms) RW 0 to 4000 ms

Temperature Zone 1 (degrees C) Temperature of Zone 1 RO 0 to 86 degrees C

(When higher than 86 C, the

submodule shuts down. At 84 C,
a warning alarm will is
Temperature Sub Zone 2 (degrees C) Temperature of Zone 2 RO 0 to 86 degrees C
(When higher than 86 C, the
submodule shuts down. At 84 C,
a warning alarm will is
Board triggered)
Temperature Temperature Sub Zone 3 (degrees C) Temperature of Zone 3 RO 0 to 86 degrees C
(When higher than 86 C, the
submodule shuts down. At 84 C,
a warning alarm will is
Temperature Sub Board FPGA (degrees C) Temperature of FPGA RO 0 to 86 degrees C
(When higher than 86 C, the
submodule shuts down. At 84 C,
a warning alarm will is
Displays available system
Available System Memory (kB) RO
memory in the CQS module

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Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Parameters

Category Name Description Type Options

Displays the current CQS
Configuration RO
configuration on CQS module
Hardware Main Version Hardware Version RO <Version>

Hardware Version of CQS <Version>

CQS Hardware Version RO
CQS FPGA Version Date of main FPGA Revision RO <Date>

CQS Firmware Revision Version of CQS firmware RO <Version>

Version of firmware on the CQS <Version>

CQS 2nd CPU Firmware Version RO
module (CPU2)
Version of alternate firmware <Version>
CQS Firmware Alternate Revision RO
on the CQS module
Serial Number Displays the unit's serial number RO <String>
Restore settings to manufactory  Yes
Factory Default RW
default  No

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Frame Specific Parameters

Frame specific components and their parameters can be viewed by clicking the Open Frame link.

Figure 68: Open Frame option to access Frame parameters

The following parameters provide a control interface to the Platinum VX frame. These parameters are
divided into different menu groups:

Frame Parameters (on page 122)

Video Crosspoint and Control Parameters

(on page 123)
Redundancy Parameters
Switch Point Parameters (on page 124)
Power Supplies Parameters (on page 125)
Ethernet 1 Parameters (on page 126)
Ethernet 2 Parameters (on page 127)
Serial Port Parameters (on page 128)
Clock Parameters (on page 129)

Frame Parameters
The Frame section provides the following parameters:

Table 53: Frame Parameters

Parameter Type Description/Options

Frame Type RO  PV-FR-1

 PV-FR-2

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Parameter Type Description/Options

 PV-FR-4
 PV-FR-8
 PV-CQ16-FR-1
 PV-72SFP-FR-2
Frame ID RW A unique frame identifier (0-511)

Figure 69: Frame Parameters

Video Crosspoint and Control Parameters

The Video Crosspoint and Control Card section provides the following parameters:

Table 54: Video Crosspoint and Control Card Parameters

Parameter Type Description/Options
PVX-RES 1 Serial # RO  <String>
 Not Present
PVX-RES 2 Serial # RO  <String>
(4 RU and 8 RU only)  Not Present
PVX-RES / Video Crosspoint 1 RO  Active
 Standby
 Not Present
 Failed
PVX-RES / Video Crosspoint 2 RO  Active
(4 RU and 8 RU only)  Standby
 Not Present
 Failed
Select Active PVX-RES / Video RW  PVX-RES / Video Crosspoint 1
Crosspoint  PVX-RES / Video Crosspoint 2
(4 RU and 8 RU only)

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Parameter Type Description/Options

PVX-RES Firmware Version RO A string showing the current firmware version of the active

PVX-RES Alternate Version RO A string showing the firmware version on the alternate
bank of the active PVX-RES

Figure 70: PVX-RES / Video Crosspoint Parameters

Switch Point Parameters

The Switch Point section provides the following parameters (for Switch Point 1-4):

Table 55: Switch Point Parameters

Parameter Type Description/Options

Switch Point Configuration RW  Standard

 Advanced
 Auto
Switch Point Standard RW  Analog 525/59.94
 Analog 625/50
 1280x720/50P
 1280x720/59.94P
 1920x1080/59.94I
 1920x1080/50I
 1920x1080/59.94P
 1920x1080/5OP
Switch Point Delay RO  0 to 65535

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Parameter Type Description/Options

Detected Reference RO Displays the current detected reference standard.

 None
 Analog 525/59.94
 Analog 625/50
 1280x720/50P
 1280x720/59.94P
 1920x1080/59.94I
 1920x1080/50I
 1920x1080/59.94P
 1920x1080/5OP

Figure 71: Switch Point Parameters

Power Supplies Parameters

The Power Supplies section provides the following parameters (for each of the power supplies):

Table 56: Power Supplies Parameters

Parameter Type Description/Options
Redundant Power Supplies RW  Yes
 No
Power Supply Status RO  OK
(Table Parameter)  Not Present
 Fault
 N/A
Power Supply Temperature RO  OK
(Table Parameter)  Not Present

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Parameter Type Description/Options

 Fault
 N/A
Note: This parameter applies to 4 and 8 RU power

Figure 72: Power Supplies Parameters

Ethernet 1 Parameters
The Ethernet 1 section provides the following parameters:

Table 57: Ethernet 1 Parameters

Parameter Type Description/Options
MAC Address 1 RO MAC Address of the 1st Ethernet Port on the Resource
If using redundant Resource modules in a 4/8 RU frame:
 Port 1 if the Resource module on the top slot is active
 Port 3 if the Resource module on the bottom slot is
IP Address 1 RW IP address string for the back panel Ethernet connectors 1
and 3

IP Mask 1 RW IP mask string for the back panel Ethernet connectors 1

and 3

Gateway Address 1 RW Gateway Address string

Save Ethernet 1 RW  No
 Yes

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Note: Ensure you set Save Ethernet 1 to Yes to save changes made here.

Figure 73: Ethernet 1 Parameters

Ethernet 2 Parameters
The Ethernet 2 section provides the following parameters:

Table 58: Ethernet 2 Parameters

Parameter Type Description/Options
MAC Address 2 RO MAC Address of the 1st Ethernet Port on the Resource
If using redundant Resource modules in a 4/8 RU frame:
 Port 2 if the Resource module on the top slot is active
 Port 4 if the Resource module on the bottom slot is
IP Address 2 RW IP address string for the back panel Ethernet connectors 2
and 4
IP Mask 2 RW IP mask string for the back panel Ethernet connectors 2
and 4
Gateway Address 2 RW Gateway Address string

Save Ethernet 2 RW  No
 Yes

Note: Ensure you set Save Ethernet 2 to Yes to save changes made here.

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Figure 74: Ethernet 2 Parameters

Serial Port Parameters

The Serial Port section provides the following parameters:

Table 59: Serial Port Parameters

Parameter Type Description/Options
Port Mode RW  RS 232
 RS 422
Port Baud Rate RW  300
 600
 1200
 2400
 4800
 9600
 14400
 19200
 38400
 57600
 115200
Port Stop Bit RW  1
 2
Port Parity RW  None
 Odd
 Even
Save Serial RW  No
 Yes

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Note: Ensure you set Save Serial to Yes to save changes made here.

Figure 75: Serial Port Parameters

Clock Parameters
The Clock section provides the following parameters:

Table 60: Clock Parameters

Parameter Type Description/Options
UTC Date (YYYY-MM-DD) RW Set the UTC Date in YYYY-MM-DD format

UTC Time (hh:mm) RO The current UTC Time in yyyy:mm:dd format

Set UTC Date (YYYY-MM-DD) RO Set the UTC Date in yyyy:mm:dd format

Set UTC Time (hh:mm:ss) RW Set the UTC Time in hh:mm:ss format

Set Clock Now RW  No

 Yes

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Note that the Set UTC Date, Set UTC time, and Set Clock Now parameters will be visible if the Platinum
VX frame is in Standalone mode. When in System Mode, the Platinum VX syncs time with the IP3
Controller controlling it.

Figure 76: Clock Parameters

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Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Module Configuration

Module Configuration
CQS Module Configuration
There are 3 main menus via which you configure CQS:
 CQS 1/CQS 2 (See CQS Menu (on page 131))
 Reference (See Reference Menu (on page 132))
 Advanced Settings (See Advanced Settings Menu (on page 132))
Note: The CQS 1 and CQS 2 menus have the same parameters for configuring video and audio
processing in the switches.

CQS Menu
Set the following options in the CQS menu:
 CQS Transition Mode Setup
Set Transition Mode to Swap (default) or Copy depending on which input sources are to be routed to
the preview and program output after the transition.
 If you use Swap, the source at the Program output will be switched to Preview output and
the source at the Preview output will be switched to the Program output.
 If you use Copy, the source at the Preview output will be switched to the Program output
and the Preview output will remain the same.
 Transition Rate
Select the transition duration. Set to Fast, Medium, or Slow. Time used for fast, medium and slow is
configurable from 0 to 4 seconds. If 0 is used, the transition effect will be a ‘Cut’.
 Transition Type
Select the transition type for the program output by picking one of Cut, V Fade, Cut Fade, Fade Cut,
X Fade.
 Audio transitions are always synced to video transitions.
 Non PCM audio transitions are performed as a cut.
 PCM audio requires 1 frame to fade in or out of a video cut.
 The duration of PCM audio transitions is 2 frames for the zero frame ‘Cut’ transition.
 For Cut-Fade, audio fades out 1 frame before the video cut; fade in duration is as specified.
 For Fade-Cut and (non-zero frame) Cut, audio fades in 1 frame after the video cut.
 With V-Fade and X-Fade, the audio transition occurs at the middle of the transition.
 With all other transition types, the audio transition occurs at the video cut.
 Take Policy
Specify switch behavior if a new command received when current transition is still in progress.
 Ignore: Ignores consecutive ‘Takes’ while current transition is in progress

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 Terminate: Terminates current transition with a ‘Cut’

 Undo: Undoes the current transition, reverting to the previous state

For more details, see CQS 1/2 A/B (Advanced) (on page 116).

Reference Menu
Set the following options in the Reference menu:
 Reference Select
Specify the reference signal to use for switch operation.
 External Ref: External reference provided to frame will be used for CQS
 Free-run: Internal reference will be used. (mainly for testing purposes)
If Free-run is selected, the reference standard (Standard for Free Run parameter) must be
specified and set to 23.98Hz, 24Hz, 30/60Hz, 29/59Hz, or 25/50Hz. Note that this parameter is
hidden if an External reference is selected.
 Video Sync Mode
Set to Frame Sync or Line Sync.
Note: The Reference Standard parameter displays the reference signal detected by the CQS module.

For more details, see Reference Parameters (on page 114).

Advanced Settings Menu

This menu contains processing parameters for each input channel. For each CQ switch, there are two
inputs, A and B.

Set options as required. For example:

 Frame Sync Output Standard
Select the video standard for both Program and Preview output. If Follow Input Standard
(default) is selected and there is an LOV at the input, the output standard remains unchanged.
 V-Phase and H-Phase
Adjust the vertical and horizontal phase of the frame sync
 Transition Rate (ms)
Select the duration of the transition. The default is 0 msec, which automatically sets the
transition type to ‘Cut’.
 LOV Mode
Select the output signal when LOV is detected at the input
 Freeze Mode
Select the frozen video type (Field 1, Field 2. Frame). This parameter is only visible when LOV
Mode is set to Freeze.

For more details, see Advanced Setting (on page 115) parameters.

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Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual Faults

Module Faults
Module faults can be viewed by doing the following:
1. Click the Go to Frame button on the main navigation page
2. Click the Open Module button against a Module
3. Click the Faults button to open the module specific Faults tab

Module faults are displayed with the following details:

Figure 77: Module Faults

 ID: The Fault ID

 Fault Name: The Fault Name, for example, Output Signal Presence
 Error Level: Major or Minor
 Enable/Disable: Whether the fault has been enabled or disabled
 Priority: The priority level of the fault (1-10)
 Trigger:
 Clear (sec):
 Ack: Whether the fault has been acknowledged
 Active: Whether the fault is active

Also see System Fault Descriptions (on page 137).

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Filtering Module Faults

Use the Sort All by Active or Show All options to filter the fault display.

Click the page numbers to navigate between pages (10 faults displayed per page).

Editing Module Fault Properties

Click on any of the faults to have editable details displayed to the right. You can choose to
enable/disable the fault, change priority, trigger value, clear value, and acknowledge.

Figure 78: Editing Fault Properties

Module Fault Descriptions

The following table lists possible module faults and descriptions:

Table 61: Module Fault Descriptions

Data Description
Output Signal Presence x Loss of Signal in an Output Module.
Invalid Module Active when the user inserts a TX SFP module into a
RX port or vice versa.

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Faults View
Faults View is a high level view of all modules in the Frame that currently have faults, as opposed to the
Module specific fault view that is displayed when you choose to see faults for a specific module (See
Module Faults (on page 133)).

You can opt to view alarms in the following ways:

 No Grouping: A flat list of all active alarms

(Major, minor, informational)
 Group by Device: List of active alarms grouped by device

Grouping by Device creates groups per frame listing all faults. The header of the group indicates the
frame name, and the total number of major/minor faults.

Figure 79: Faults Grouped by Device

Individual items are listed with details on:

 Parent - The Frame (name) that the Module is in
 Device - The Frame name again
 Fault Name - The type of Fault, and the component it is for. For example, Fan 3 Failure.
 Acknowledgment - Whether the Fault has been acknowledged
 Time Issued - The Time the Fault occurred. See Fault Log (on page 136).
 Error Level - Whether major, minor, etc.
 Count - The Fault count

There are also links to:

 Disable the Fault
 Acknowledge the Fault
 Open the Frame

Faults can be selected by clicking on them individually, or clicking the Select All button at the top to
select all faults.

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You can group Disable/Acknowledge Faults by either selecting all, or multiple selecting using the CRTL or
SHIFT key and then clicking Disable Faults or Acknowledge Faults beside Multi-Row Edit at the top.
Note: Once you disable a fault, to re-enable it, you will need to go to that Module’s Faults view and
enable the fault from there.

Fault Log
The Fault Log is accessible in the main Navigation dashboard, by clicking the Fault Log button.

The log contains data on faults and events. Click Load Log to load the log contents.

Fault Log Contents

The Fault Log contains detailed information in a spreadsheet format. Data is classified by Time Issued,
Fault/Event Name, Data, Priority, Count, Acknowledgment, Triggered (status), Fault/Event ID.

The Fault/Event name column provides details on whether it is a Fault or an Event. If an Event, details
are provided in the adjacent Data column, for example Frame Booted Up.

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You can sort any of the columns by clicking the header, for example, if you click the Fault/Event Name
header, similar faults are grouped together. Or you can sort by Time Issued.

You can Refresh, Clear, or Export the log contents.

Figure 80: Fault Log Contents

System Fault Descriptions

The following are possible system faults:
 Back Module Power Failure
 Crosspoint Power
 Fan <number> Failure
 Power Supply <number> failure
 Module <number> alarm

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Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual System Configuration

System Configuration
Click the Configure System link in the toolbar at the top to start configuring your Platinum VX system.

The Configuration Dashboard is then displayed. You can do the following:

Database Foundry (on page 141) Work with Sources and Destinations in the Database
Firmware Foundry (on page 155) Apply Firmware Upgrades
User Foundry (on page 159) Manager User Accounts and Passwords.
Manage Controller Settings (on Manage Controller Settings
page 139)

Figure 81: Platinum VX Configuration Dashboard

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Manage Controller Settings

Controller Settings are accessible via the System Configuration dashboard.

The following settings can be defined here:

 Mode: The operation mode. Click Set to change. Options are Standalone or System. Ensure
Standalone is selected for the first release of the Platinum VX. See System Frame Control Mode (see
"Frame Control Mode" on page 140) for more details on that option.
 Primary IP: The Primary IP Address.
 Secondary IP: The Secondary IP Address.
 Frame ID: The Frame ID

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Frame Control Mode

Platinum VX Routers can be set to System Mode or Standalone Mode.

System Mode
The System Mode is intended for use when you want your Platinum VX frame to be controlled by a
Platinum IP3 Controller (that's also controlling other devices such as Platinum IP3 15/28 RU routers,
third party routers, and legacy routers).

You can set your Platinum VX to System Mode by going to Configure System > Manage Controller
Settings in the Platinum VX Web UI.

When you set the Frame Operation and Control Mode to System, the system prompts you to refresh the
browser and you see the following screen indicating that the system is in System mode and cannot be
accessed via the Platinum VX web interface. It will be accessible if you switch to Standalone mode, but
then the frame will not be controllable by the IP3.

Once a Platinum VX system is in System mode, it cannot be accessed via the Platinum VX web interface.

Standalone Mode
Use the Standalone mode for standalone operation of the Platinum VX. When a Platinum VX is in
Standalone mode, you can only access it via its own web interface and it cannot be controlled by an IP3

You can change a Platinum VX's mode from Standalone to System via the Web UI.

Note: Every time you change the Platinum VX's mode, the router will be rebooted and video outputs will
be lost. The signal will be restored once the router is up and running.

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Note: Only Administrators have the option to switch from System mode to Standalone mode.
If an Operator logs in, the button (Set) to switch modes is grayed out.

Database Foundry
The Firmware Foundry is accessible via the System Configuration dashboard.

The Database Foundry contains various Database Editors to create a Database Matrix Definition System
for Platinum VX.
 Database Editor (on page 142)
 Restrict Editor (on page 151)
 Categories and Index Editor (on page 154)

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Note that the Platinum VX does not currently support a multi-level configuration.

Database Editor
Click the Database Editor button in the Database Foundry view to access the Database Editor.

The first time you access the Database Editor, a database is auto-generated depending on the size of the
frame detected (1/2/4/8).

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The Database Editor interface enables you to define sources and destinations and perform actions on
them. Ensure you're in the required tab (Sources or Destinations) for instance, if you want to add
Sources, ensure you're in the Sources tab.

You can perform a variety of functions on sources and destinations including:

 Add
 Insert
 Update
 Undo/Redo
 Remove
 Save
 Validate
 Publish
 Resync
 Import
 Export
 Set Preferences

Click the Add button to add a new source or destination.
 Number: The number of Sources or Destinations to create. By default, a single Source/Destination
will be created. If a greater number is entered here, for example 10, 10 sequential sources or
destinations will be created, incrementally named (based on the Name Prefix) and with the same
 Use Name Index: Select this option to use Name Indices. Unchecking this grays out the Name Index
 Name Prefix: Enter a name for the Source or Destination. By default, Sr or Ds. Limited to 8
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 Name Index: Index of the Source/Destination.

 Alias: Alias for the Source/Destination.
 Long Name: Long Name for the Source/Destination. Opt to provide a longer more descriptive name
than the character limited Name.
 Description: Description of the Source/Destination.
 Device Type: Video, SD/HD Video, or QL Video. See Device Types (on page 148).

Video Starting Location

 Frame: The Frame that the Source/Destination is in
 Location Type: Whether Input (IN) or Output (OUT)
 Slot: The Slot in the Frame that the Source is in.
 Port: The Port for the Slot. Ports 1 to 24 available for selection
 Channels: Set to Video 1
 Maximum number of Video Ports per module: This affects how the sources/destinations are spread
across the modules

Figure 82: Database Editor - Add Function

The Insert allows you to choose where to Add sources/destinations.

For example, if you previously defined Sr1-Sr5, and you want to add a new source right after Sr1 (rather
than after Sr5), use the Insert option to do so. If you use Add in this case, Sr6 will be placed after Sr5.

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Note: For inserted sources/destinations, indices will not be maintained in a sequential order.

Figure 83: Database Editor - Insert option

Use the Update option to modify details for a previously created Source or Destination. Select the
appropriate checkbox to modify that section.

Figure 84: Database Editor - Update option

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To create a disconnect source or destination, use the Add (on page 143) function to add the source or
destination, uncheck the Use Name Index checkbox, and enter a descriptive name in the Name Prefix
field so you can easily distinguish this as a Disconnect.

Once you create the source/destination, select it, and in the pane below, change the Connection Status
from Assigned to Disconnect.

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Undo or Redo the last option.

Select one or more Sources/Destinations and click Remove to delete them.

Click to Save changes.

Click to Validate sources/destinations added. If any of the sources/destinations do not validate properly,
you will see an icon beside them that you can click on to see the validation details.

Click to Publish changes to the database.

Click to resynchronize all XY indices across the source or destination.
Note: After a Resync, XY indices will be resynchronized based on Source/Destination numbers. If the
existing Navigator routing database contains salvos based on the old XY indices, doing a resync on
Platinum VX database and then importing to Navigator DBEditor will result in a loss of Salvo crosspoint

Import and Export

The Platinum VX database can be exported to/imported from another Platinum VX router, allowing for
the database to be reused on a different Platinum VX router. Using the Export function in the Database
Editor, you can export the Database from one Platinum VX router, and use the Import function to
import it to another Platinum VX router.
Note that you can only export from a Platinum VX router to a Platinum VX router; you cannot import a
Platinum VX database to another router, for example, Platinum IP3. You can however import/export
across different Platinum VX frame variants. For example, you can export the database from a 2 RU
frame and import it to an 8 RU frame.

To export the database:

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1. In the Source Platinum VX router's Database Editor, click the More button and select Export

2. Enter a filename and select a location to export the database file to.
The database is exported in .pvx format and it contains the following files:
- CategoryIndex.xml
- DeviceMapping.xml
- DeviceTypes.xml
- LogicalDB.xml
- names.txt
Note that you cannot see these files directly; to do so, rename the exported .pvx to zip and then
extract the files.

To import a database:
1. In the target Platinum VX router's Database Editor, click the More button and select Import
2. Select a valid .pvx file that was created by exporting the Database from a Platinum VX router

Device Types
Device types are an important part of the signal definition and are used in routing systems to identify
and organize all of the separately routable parts of a signal.

In case of the Platinum VX, device types are built-in, and you can just select the appropriate one from
the Device Type drop down list when adding (see Add (on page 143)), inserting (see Insert (on page
144)), or updating (see Update (on page 145)) a source or destination. You can choose from Video,
SD/HD Video, and QL Video depending on what you need.

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Video Device Type

Use the Video Device Type to do a single switch/route.

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SD/HD Video Device Type

Use the SD/HD Video Device Type to route 2 Crosspoints together.

QL Video Device Type

Use the QL Video Device Type to route 4 Crosspoints together.

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Restrict Editor
Click the Restrict Editor button in the Database Foundry view to access the Restrict Editor.

The Restrict Editor enables you to restrict routing of selected logical sources to logical destinations.
These restrictions are used to enforce business policy and reduce operator errors. Source Restrict
definitions are in sets; you can define one or more source restrict sets, and each set consists of a list of
one or more logical sources restricted from being routed to a list of one or more logical destinations.
You can define as many source restrict sets as required.
The database must be defined before any source restrict definitions, because Source Restricts apply to
the existing logical database.

The editor displays existing source restrict sets on the left, and the content of the currently selected
restrict set on the right. You can remove or edit an existing restrict set, or create a new one.

Rules when creating Restrict Sets

The following rules apply when creating a new restrict set:
 The relation between destinations and sources defined in a restrict set is "Any of".
For example, any of the sources included into the restrict set cannot be routed to any of the
destinations included in that restrict set.
 Restrict sets can be defined in any of the following formats:
 One source to many destinations
 Many sources to one destination
 Many sources to many destinations

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The same source/destination can be used in multiple restriction sets.

Creating a new Restrict Set

1. Click the New Restrict button. The New Restrict Set dialog is displayed.
2. In the Destinations tab, define the list of logical destinations that the restrict set applies to by
selecting from the available logical destinations (in the database) and clicking Add.

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3. In the Sources tab, define the list of logical sources that you want to restrict from being routed to
each destination defined in the previous step by selecting from the available logical sources (in the
database) and clicking Add.

4. Optionally, name the restrict set (at the bottom of the screen) and click OK.
Once the dialog closes the new restrict set will appear in the list of restrict sets.

5. Click the Save button to save changes, and then click Publish.

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Categories and Index Editor

Click the Categories and Indexes Editor button in the Database Foundry view to access the Categories
and Indexes Editor.

Categories are a navigational tool that help you find specific ports on a large router. Indexes are the
characters assigned to a category. Category indexing is the primary method of selecting sources and
destinations on hardware control panels used to control a Router. With category indexing, both a
category (for example, VTR, CAM, etc.) and an index (21, 2, 36, etc.) are required to identify a device.
The first click of a button selects the category; the second click selects the index.

For example, you may have a category called CAM, and within that you have four cameras with index
labels 1, 2, 3, and 4. In order to select the destination or source on a control panel, you would first click
CAM, and the options would then refresh to offer you 1,2,3,4.

This method of category indexing allows many sources to be accessed from a single panel without the
need for hundreds of selection buttons. A Broadcast Center, for example, could contain twenty
monitors, each of which could be accessed using the one button labeled “MON” followed by the
appropriate index number. Similarly, each of twenty cameras could be selected using only one button
labeled “CAM” followed by the appropriate index number.

Using the Categories and Index Editor

Sources and Destinations are displayed on the left. You have the following options:
 Autogenerate: Click the Autogenerate button to generate categories and indexes for all sources and
destinations. This is the easiest way to do it, and you can then edit or tweak as required.

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 Create New Category and Index: Click the New Category button and give the Category a name; then
click the New Index button and enter an index.

Click Save when done, and then click the Publish button to publish changes to the database.

Firmware Foundry
The Firmware Foundry is accessible via the System Configuration dashboard.

To upgrade the firmware:

1. Click the Upgrade button

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2. Browse and select the firmware package. Click Open.

3. You will get a message confirming the upgrade.

4. Upload and Upgrade progress will be displayed on the right

5. Click the Activate button to activate the new firmware

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6. A message will be displayed confirming that firmware activation is in progress. Refresh your browser
after a while.

Upgrading the CQS Module

The CQS Module is not upgraded separately, but is upgraded via the PVX-RES Resource Module
firmware that is applied to the frame.

Upgrading to Version 1.2

Follow these steps, provided:
 You're using a 1/2/4 RU frame running any firmware version OR
 An 8 RU frame currently running at least version 1.1
Note: If you have an 8 RU frame and you're running the very first version 1.0.1, see Note for 8 RU
Frames: Upgrading from firmware version 1.0.1 (on page 158) for upgrade instructions.
1. In the Web UI, go to the Firmware Foundry. Click the Upgrade button.
2. Browse and select the PVX-RES 1.2 firmware package. Click Open.

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3. A message will be displayed confirming the upgrade and upgrade progress will be displayed on the
4. Click the Activate button to activate the new firmware
5. A message will be displayed confirming that firmware activation is in progress. Refresh your browser
after a while.

Note for 8 RU Frames: Upgrading from firmware version 1.0.1

If you are:
 Using an 8 RU frame AND
 Currently running the first firmware version (1.0.1)

You first need to upgrade to an intermediate version (1.0.3), and then to the latest version. Follow these
1. In the Web UI, go to the Firmware Foundry. Click the Upgrade button.
2. Browse and select the PVX-RES 1.0.3 firmware package. Click Open.
3. A message will be displayed confirming the upgrade and upgrade progress will be displayed on the
4. Once complete, click the Activate button to activate the new firmware
5. A message will be displayed confirming that firmware activation is in progress. Refresh your browser
after a while.

Once the 8 RU frame is running version 1.0.3, you can upgrade to the latest version (1.2)
1. In the Web UI, go to the Firmware Foundry. Click the Upgrade button.
2. Browse and select the PVX-RES 1.2 firmware package. Click Open.
3. A message will be displayed confirming the upgrade and upgrade progress will be displayed on the
4. Click the Activate button to activate the new firmware
5. A message will be displayed confirming that firmware activation is in progress. Refresh your browser
after a while.

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User Foundry
The User Foundry is accessible via the System Configuration dashboard, and is used to manage user
accounts and passwords.

The Platinum VX application ships with two access accounts:

Administrator Account
This account has full access rights. Some of the key Administrator privileges include:
 Managing Operator and Administrator Passwords
 Software Upgrades

Operator Account
This account has the following privileges:
 Frame Control
 Control of Input/Output parameters

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Changing the Administrator/Operator Password

To change either of the passwords, click the Change Password link and enter a new password.

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