College of Health Sciences

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Catanduanes State University


Virac, Catanduanes



NAME: SHEENA B. SARMIENTO PROGRAM: ______________________

STUDENT ID NO.: 2018-00520 DATE: December 19,2021 SCORE:

1. Answer the questions below. This exam will be 40% of your final examination grade
while the 60% will be your practical exam (interview) with resume and application
2. Answers, which shall be submitted on or before December 19, 2021; and should be
presented right after each item.
3. Please submit your answers via messenger.

A. What is the primary goal of decent work in the Philippines? Discuss them in terms of
freedom, equity, security and human dignity. (1-15)

One of the primary objectives of the International Labor Organization is to promote the
possibilities of women and men finding and maintaining decent employment in conditions of
freedom, justice and security, as well as human dignity. In other words, it is the prospect of
constructive work in which one's rights are protected, enough money is generated, and
enough social assistance is provided. Governments, workers, and employers are the three
elements of the International Labor Organization (International Labor Organization). As part
of the country's rebuilding efforts, the Decent Work Nation Programme (DWCP) Philippines
2020-24 symbolizes the common interests of the government, staff, and employers in the
nation, with a particular emphasis on employment, labor force regulation, and social
protection as part of the overall rebuilding effort. When developing the DWCP, the
International Labor Organization (ILO) collaborates with its member countries to ensure that
the plan is aligned with the national, social, and economic growth priorities of each country.
This helps countries move closer to the realization of decent work and to sustain tripartite
efforts in ways that are acceptable to them. The Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP)
Philippines 2020-24 is a comprehensive strategy framework for nationwide stakeholders to
drive and implement inclusive development in the Philippines from 2020 to 2024. The DWCP
Philippines 2020-24 is also recognized as the Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP)
Philippines. Following extensive consultations with tripartite constituents, this strategy was
developed, with a particular emphasis on three priorities: employment, labor market
regulations, and social welfare, among other things. It is possible to attain freedom, fairness,
security, and human dignity in this manner.

B. Is International Labor Code (ILO) enough in providing protection to the Filipino Nurses
workers? Justify your answer. (16-30)

Yes, In the Philippines, the Labor Code is the fundamental instrument that offers a
protective shield to workers. It was enacted amid an economic system in which import
substitution was the primary source of growth. Its fundamental premise is that as the
economy develops, the majority of workers will eventually join the ranks of regular
employees. As a result, the Labor Code's provisions are primarily designed to safeguard
those what have regular employment. The International Labor Code is sufficient to give
protection to Filipino nurses and their families. Workers in the Philippines are protected by a
complete overview of labor legislation that are in effect across the country. Unfortunately, the
government's incapacity to verify that commercial businesses comply with the code is the
major reason for the continuation of the workers' ill treatment. The Labor Law of the
Philippines is the legal code that controls all employment regulations and labor relations in
the Philippines. It is the most comprehensive legal code in the world. The outcome will be
improved protection for both employees and employers, as well as a decreased likelihood of
being the target of unfair treatment or exploitation. In Philippines, no worker is forced to work
more than eight hours a day on a daily basis.

C. Republic Act No. 8042 insitutes policies of overseas employment and establish a higher
standard of protection and promotion of migrant workers.

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8042. Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995. An act
to establish policies for overseas employment and to provide a higher level of protection and
promotion for migrant workers, their families, and overseas Filipinos in distress, among other

Cite two (2) situations of a possible problem that may be encountered by a nurse
working abroad in which this Republic Act may help or provide justice. (31-50)

 When a nurse experience gender inequality in terms of working in overseas especially in

the situation where they neglect male nurses, this Republic act as this implies that the
State shall apply gender sensitive criteria in the formulation and implementation of
policies and programs affecting migrant workers and the composition of bodies tasked
for the welfare of migrant workers. According in the study of Florence in 2017 that
gender discrimination remains problem in the world as a whole and unfortunately,
nursing profession is not immune to this problem. Gender discrimination is rejection or
restriction made on the basis of socially constructed gender roles which prevents a
person from relishing full human rights. Role strain has been defined as when an
individual is likely to experience tension in coping with the rations of dissenting roles.
Role strain can occur when the men in nursing are observed by lecturers and peers to
occupy a female role distinct with their masculine gender which may lead to
diminishment of their individual contribution.

 During recruitment and application process, many organization urged to nurses to pay
for fees which increases their burden. This act could help them in a way that
government fees and other administrative costs of recruitment, introduction, placement
and assistance to migrant workers shall be rendered free without prejudice to the
provision of Section 36 hereof.


Prepared by:

Associate Prof. V
Catanduanes State University
Virac, Catanduanes



Each of the items in the attached questionnaire will be checked using the
prepared Rubrics for Essay.


Essay: A piece of writing about a particular subject that tells student thoughts and opinions,
or what have been discussed in the lecture.
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Quality of
comprehensively Present ideas Present ideas
Information Ideas are vague
and substantially consistently inconsistently
Concise but Incoherent and
Organization Concise and
Coherent idea incoherent disorganized
(20%) coherent idea
idea ideas
Vocabulary, Vocabulary, Vocabulary,
grammar and grammar and grammar and
writing style are writing style writing style
Grammar grammar and
used are used are used
(25%) writing style are
consistently frequently occasionally
throughout the throughout the throughout the
discussion. discussion. discussion.
Writing shows
Writing shows Writing shows Writing shows
Understanding a very
excellent satisfactory poor
(20%) satisfactory
understanding understanding understanding
Almost no error Few errors Several errors Numerous errors

Prepared by:

Associate Prof. V

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