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Preface v
Aim of the Designer’s guide v
Layout of this guide v
Acknowledgements v

Chapter 1 Introduction and scope 1

1.1. Introduction 1
1.2. Scope of Eurocode 8 1
1.3. Scope of Eurocode 8 Part 2 2
1.4. Use of Eurocode 8 Part 2 with the other Eurocodes 2
1.5. Additional European standards to be used with EN 1998-2:2005 3
1.6. Assumptions 4
1.7. Distinction between principles and application rules 4
1.8. Terms and definitions – symbols 4
References 4

Chapter 2 Performance requirements and compliance criteria 5

2.1. Performance-based seismic design of bridges 5
2.2. Performance requirements for new bridges in Eurocode 8 7
2.3. Compliance criteria for the non-collapse requirement and
implementation 8
2.4. Exemption from the application of Eurocode 8 16
References 16

Chapter 3 Seismic actions and geotechnical aspects 19

3.1. Design seismic actions 19
3.2. Siting and foundation soils 29
3.3. Soil properties and parameters 30
3.4. Liquefaction, lateral spreading and related phenomena 32
References 36

Chapter 4 Conceptual design of bridges for earthquake resistance 37

4.1. Introduction 37
4.2. General rules for the conceptual design of earthquake-resistant bridges 38
4.3. The choice of connection between the piers and the deck 43
4.4. The piers 53
4.5. The abutments and their connection with the deck 59
4.6. The foundations 64
References 65

Chapter 5 Modelling and analysis of bridges for seismic design 67

5.1. Introduction: methods of analysis in Eurocode 8 67
5.2. The three components of the seismic action in the analysis 68
5.3. Design spectrum for elastic analysis 69
5.4. Behaviour factors for the analysis 69
5.5. Modal response spectrum analysis 73
5.6. Fundamental mode analysis (or ‘equivalent static’ analysis) 92
5.7. Torsional effects in linear analysis 98
5.8. Effective stiffness for the analysis 100
5.9. Calculation of seismic displacement demands through linear analysis 107
5.10. Nonlinear analysis 110
References 117

Chapter 6 Verification and detailing of bridge components for earthquake resistance 119
6.1. Introduction 119
6.2. Combination of gravity and other actions with the design seismic
action 119
6.3. Verification procedure in design for ductility using linear analysis 122
6.4. Capacity design of regions other than flexural plastic hinges in
bridges of ductile behaviour 124
6.5. Overview of detailing and design rules for bridges with ductile or
limited ductile behaviour 129
6.6. Verification and detailing of joints between ductile pier columns and
the deck or a foundation element 129
6.7. Verifications in the context of design for ductility based on nonlinear
analysis 132
6.8. Overlap and clearance lengths at movable joints 135
6.9. Seismic links 140
6.10. Dimensioning of bearings 142
6.11. Verification of abutments 155
6.12. Verification of the foundation 159
6.13. Liquefaction and lateral spreading 164
References 167

Chapter 7 Bridges with seismic isolation 171

7.1. Introduction 171
7.2. Objective, means, performance requirements and conceptual design 171
7.3. Design seismic action 174
7.4. Behaviour families of the most common isolators 174
7.5. Analysis methods 185
7.6. Lateral restoring capability 191
References 191

Chapter 8 Seismic design examples 193

8.1. Introduction 193
8.2. Example of a bridge with ductile piers 193
8.3. Example of a bridge with limited ductile piers 210
8.4. Example of seismic isolation 221
References 249

Index 251


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