Prelim Purposive #2
Prelim Purposive #2
Prelim Purposive #2
SY 2021-2022
Second Semester – Prelim
Purposive Communication
I. Rationale
A. Define ethics
B. Know how to communicate in an ethical manner
C. Apply these principles to their communication process.
A. Terms to study. Here are some important words for you to know. Find the meaning of
each term. Write them beside each word.
1. Truthfulness
2. Accuracy
3. Honesty
4. Reason
5. Credo
6. Ethics
B. Presentation & Discussion
Firstly, they “advocate truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason as essential to the
integrity of communication.” Nowadays, social media and speeches in public have been so
filled with black propaganda and whitewashing that there is a call to reiterate the need for
truth and honesty.
Secondly, the NCA also endorses “freedom of express, diversity of perspective, and
tolerance of dissent to achieve the informed and responsible decision-making fundamental to
a civil society.” In certain political climates, people may feel threatened to the point that they
no longer feel that it is safe to express what they feel or think.
Thirdly, the NCA states that they “condemn communication that degrades individuals
and humanity through distortion, intimidation, coercion, and violence, and through the
expression of intolerance and hatred.” This condemnation is important because it safeguards
society from racism, sexism, and violence against oppressed peoples.
Lastly, the NCA states that communicators should “accept responsibility for the short and
long-term consequences of our own communication and expect the same of others.” All too
often, there have been people who do not feel accountable for their actions.
C. Feedback
-What part of the discussion were not clear to you
-What part of the discussion confuses you?
-What part of the PowerPoint presentation was easy to comprehend?
-Which part of the discussion did you find difficult?
D. Assignment or Project
1. When you think of politician today, would you say that they have been
communicating in an ethical manner??
Answer: No because politicians are the art of lying to keep people from finding out
bad stuff and keep the nation going, regardless of the consequences. They can’t hold
their tongues to speak in a respectable tone.
2. Who comes to your mind on the subject of violating the ethics of communication?
Answer: The politicians and our president for example when president Rodrigo made
his speech in front on the camera and the people, he always says foul words also, we
all know politicians. We all know politicians are liars and thieves and yet we listen
and some even worship them.
A. Activity.
1. What is ethics?
Answer: How a person uses language, media, journalism, and creates relationships that
are guided by an individual's moral and values. These ethics consider being aware of the
consequences of behavior and consequences; it's to “respect other points of view and
tolerate disagreement”.
Answer: Be an pro-actively listen to the speaker, and to not just hear what they want to
hear, or to hear only parts of the conversation.
B. Group work
● What problems can arise when people are not ethical in their communication practices?
Answer: When regular people do not use good manners when communicating, anything
from an argument to a physical fight can happen. When political leaders from different
countries do the same thing, the effects may be would be worse, from severing diplomatic
ties, sanctions, trade wars even military conflicts.
● Make a research of a person who is not ethical in his/her communication practice. Show
it through a PowerPoint presentation
V. Wrap up