German Pronunciation For Beginners
German Pronunciation For Beginners
German Pronunciation For Beginners
The Ultimate Guide
Wondering how to pronounce German words?
2 of 14 7/31/2021, 10:32 PM
German Pronunciation for Beginners
Part 2 below!
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Are you wondering how to say those What are the vowels in German?
odd combinations of consonants like
CH... You may have seen vowels with
dots on them: Ä Ö Ü., how do you pronounce ich?
Or Dachshund. Not to mention Koch. Like a smiley face in the middle of a
word Ü.
And what about SCH, how is that
supposed to be pronounced? You may be wondering how to say
If you’re confused about German Or Mueller. Is that the same as
pronunciation then I have good Müller? (Yes, it is!) Maybe you can
news for you: just say Muller? (No, you can’t.)
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German Pronunciation for Beginners
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German Pronunciation for Beginners
Rule 2: � and ie
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German Pronunciation for Beginners
If you remember to
say all the vowels in German words just like they
are pronounced in the alphabet
pronounce all letters in a word, even long words
pronounce an E at the end of a word
pronounced EI as "I"
pronounce IE as "EE"
then: Congratulations!
You have mastered level 1! You will no longer sound
like a beginner. People will understand what you’re
saying and you will communicate with much more
ease. Prima!
Watch the video and practice saying the words from 1:30 onwards.
It’s important to say the words out loud. Challenge yourself to say them before I do in the video.
That way your brain will get used to seeing words with EI and it will become automatic to say
them as I.
There are more tips on how to remember EI and IE in the video.
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German Pronunciation for Beginners
then that means,
viel sounds exactly like the English word “feel”.
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German Pronunciation for Beginners
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German Pronunciation for Beginners
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German Pronunciation for Beginners
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German Pronunciation for Beginners
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German Pronunciation for Beginners
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German Pronunciation for Beginners
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German Pronunciation for Beginners
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