MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans Replacement

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Three phases 63A &100A Rack

Fan replacement

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

Replacement Procedure
Issued by: FBK 22/09/2014 Creation

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Table of contents:
• Chapter 1: Preliminaries
• Chapter 2: Fan replacement (CIE ST110 already present)
• Chapter 3: Evolution Kit (Statys before February 2013)
• Chapter 4: Testing fan functioning

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement


Replacement Procedure
1. Statys and Load Conditions
Statys must be switched on manual By-Pass and removed from the rack.

2. Compatibility
For Statys Rack three phases 63A &100A manufactured before February 2013,
initial fans must be replaced by a kit (E911667). Kit includes instruction
document (INS 12 65969 ) for mechanical replacement. These information is
also in this document on chapter 2.
Once the set up kit, or for Statys manufactured after February 2013, fans must
be replaced according to this document chapter 3.

3. Tools
Screw gun, Torx socket (TX20), Hexagonal screwdriver 6 & 7), Protection gloves

Torx head
(TX20) screwdriver
(6 & 7)

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

2 Fans replacement ST110 already present

Replacement Procedure
1. Estimated Time
The estimated time for Kit installation in Statys is 1 hour.

2. Parts
2x E170588 VENT AXIAL 24Vcc 119/119/38+al

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

2 Fans replacement ST110 already present

Replacement Procedure
Remove the top cover
1 14 nuts Tx M4x8

Remove front fan

Loose the 2 nuts M4 to remove the fan M10

Disconnect ST110 board XC1

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

2 Fans replacement ST110 already present

Replacement Procedure
Disconnect the fan

Disconnect Fast-on connectors on the fan.

Disconnect XC2 from ST110 board.

Remove white wire from XC2 connector.

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

2 Fans replacement ST110 already present

Replacement Procedure
Remove Fan from the support sub-assembly
Take out the fan and ST110
board on the support

Remove 2x screws Atx M4x12

to dismount ST110

Remove 2x screws Atx M4x12

To free the fan

Assembly new fan on the support

Fast-On connectors
of fan must be in this

Be careful to the
Assembly ST110 board and the
rotation direction of
new fan on the support plate.
the fan

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

2 Fans replacement ST110 already present

Replacement Procedure
Connect the fan

Cut the white wire of the fan in 110mm of length

Strip 6 mm and connect it to terminal 2 of the connector

XC2 between the black and the red wire.
Connect XC2 on ST110 board.

Connect Fast-on connectors on the fan.

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

2 Fans replacement ST110 already present

Replacement Procedure
Assembly front fan sub-assembly
Tighten the 2 nuts M4 to fix the fan

Connect ST110 board XC1

Assembly the top cover

8 14 nuts Tx M4x8

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

2 Fans replacement ST110 already present

Replacement Procedure
Remove back fan sub-assembly

Remove the fan support

plate from the rear panel.
4 screws ATx M5x8

Disconnect Sub-assembly
Disconnect XC1.

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

2 Fans replacement ST110 already present

Replacement Procedure
Disconnect the fan

Disconnect Fast-on connectors on the fan.

Disconnect XC2 from ST110 board.

Remove white wire from XC2 connector.

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

2 Fans replacement ST110 already present

Replacement Procedure
Remove fan from other parts

Remove the support Remove the electronic

plate board ST110

4 screws ATx M4x12

2 screws ATx M4x12

Assembly fan to the support plate


Support plate is not square. Be careful of the position

Assembly the new fan on the support

plate and assembly ST110.
CAUTION : be careful to the
rotation direction of the fan and the
position of the support plate.

4 screws ATx M4x12

2 screws ATx M4x12

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

2 Fans replacement ST110 already present

Replacement Procedure
Connect the fan

Cut the white wire of the fan in 110mm of length

Strip 6 mm and connect it to terminal 2 of the connector

XC2 between the black and the red wire.
Connect XC2 on ST110 board.

Connect Fast-on connectors on the fan.

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

2 Fans replacement ST110 already present

Replacement Procedure
Connect sub-assembly
Connect XC1.

Insert back fan sub-assembly

Insert carefully the sub- CAUTION : be careful not to
assembly in the rack. damage the cables and the
ST110 board

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

2 Fans replacement ST110 already present

Replacement Procedure
Assembly Fan from the support sub-assembly

Assembly the fan support

plate on the rear panel.
4 screws ATx M5x8

Mechanic part of fans replacement is finish


Go directly on chapter 4 for test.

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

3 Fans replacement to add ST110

Replacement Procedure
1. Estimated Time
The estimated time for fans replacement in Statys 100A is 2 hours.

2. Parts
Kit to add ST110
1 x E911667 STS 100-KIT_VENT_CIM
2x E045878 SMT FUSE FAST 2A
1x E045508 SMT FUSE FAST 4A
2x E170588 VENT AXIAL 24Vcc 119/119/38+al
2x E962647 *CIE ST110
1x LCA-M405654 STS 100-CAB_CDE_VENT
10x E432348 VIS ATFOR CBX M4-12 ZnB

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

3 Fans replacement to add ST110

Replacement Procedure
Remove Fan from the support sub-assembly

Replacing the fan M10

Remove the top cover.

14 screws Tx M4x8

Loosen the 2 nuts to remove the front panel. 2 nuts M4

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

3 Fans replacement to add ST110

Replacement Procedure
Remove old Fan from the support sub-assembly

Disconnect the connector XJ10 Remove the fan from the support
and remove the fan M10. plate.

4 screws ATx M4x12

3 Assembly the new fan

E962647 CIE ST110

Wires of fan must be in this corner

Assembly the electronic board ST110

and the new fan on the support plate.
CAUTION : be careful to the
rotation direction of the fan.
4 screws ATx M4x12

E170588 VENT AXIAL 24Vcc 119/119/38+al

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

3 Fans replacement to add ST110

Replacement Procedure
Connect new fan

Connect the fan on ST110 XC2

Reassembly the fan in the STS

rack and tighten the M4 nuts.

Connect the power supply between the

connector XJ10 and the power input
XC1 of the ST110 board.

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

3 Fans replacement to add ST110

Replacement Procedure
Open Electronic sub-assembly
Remove the left side panel.
CAUTION : Be careful not to damage the
cables when removing panel.

10 screws Tx M4x8

Remove the ST 300 support plate.

CAUTION : be careful not to damage the
ribbon cables when removing support.
5 polyamide nuts M3

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

3 Fans replacement to add ST110

Replacement Procedure
Change fuses on ST300 and ST500

On the ST300 board remove the fuse F6 (2A)

and replace it by a fuse 4A (E045508).

CAUTION : According to
On the two ST500 boards remove ST500 version, the
the fuse F4 (750 mA) and replace it support of fuse can be
by a fuse 2A (E045878). glued. Be particularly
careful for removing F4.

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

3 Fans replacement to add ST110

Replacement Procedure
Assemble mechanical parts

Reassemble the ST300

support plate.
CAUTION : be careful not
to damage the ribbon
5 polyamide nuts

10 screws Tx M4x8

Reassemble the left side panel.

CAUTION : Be careful not to
damage the cables when
assembly the panel.

Reassemble the front panel.

Tighten the M4 nuts.

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

3 Fans replacement to add ST110

Replacement Procedure
8 Removing fan M20

Remove the fan support

plate from the rear panel.
4 screws ATx M5x8

Disconnect the XJ20

connector and remove the
fan from the support plate.

4 screws ATx M4x12

9 Assemble fan M20

Support plate is not square. Be careful of the position

Assembly the new fan on the support

plate and assembly ST110.
CAUTION : be careful to the
rotation direction of the fan and the
position of the support plate.

4 screws ATx M4x12

2 screws ATx M4x12

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

3 Fans replacement to add ST110

Replacement Procedure
Replacing fan M20

Connect XC2 connector on ST110

Connect the power supply between

the connector XJ20 and the power
input XC1 of the ST110 board.

Insert carefully the sub-assembly in

the rack.
CAUTION : be careful not to
damage the cables and the
ST110 board

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

3 Fans replacement to add ST110

Replacement Procedure
Finishing mechanical step

Reassemble the fan support

plate on the rack.

4 screws ATx M5x8

Reassemble the top cover

14 screws Tx M4x8

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

4 Tests

Replacement Procedure
1 Tests

It is not possible to validate sense of rotation of the fans.
Visual validation during mounting step is the only possible verification

Statys three phase 63A-100A do not require fan calibration.

Fans managed its own diagnostic.

Plug the module in the Rack.

If no alarm is generated (preventive), Statys is OK.

Activate convenient SCR according to the active By-Pass.

Switch of the By-Pass.

MSM 14 75003 - Statys 100A - Fans replacement

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