Vaikrtika Rahasya - The Mystery of The Transformations
Vaikrtika Rahasya - The Mystery of The Transformations
Vaikrtika Rahasya - The Mystery of The Transformations
|| atha vaikR^itikarahasyam.h ||
R^iShirovAcha |
and Bhagavati[6]."
[3] fierce
[4] unassailable
[5] noble
in order to kill Madhu and Kaitabha She was praised by the lotus-seated
[7] Brahma. The story of the slaying of Madhu and Kaitabha is the
"She has ten faces, ten arms, ten feet and shines like kajal[8]. Her
"Even though her sharp teeth glitter and her form is terrible to behold
Mahashri[9] Herself." 1/7
11/9/21, 5:05 PM [Advaita-l] Vaikrtika rahasya -- the mystery of the transformations
khaDgabANagadAshUlasha~NkhachakrabhushuNDibhR^it.h |
"A sword, arrow, mace, trident, sudarshan chakra, conch, bhushundi[10], She
has [in Her ten arms], and an iron club, bow, and a severed head dripping
aarAdhitA vashIkuryatpUjAkartushcharAcharam.h || 6 ||
"She is the maya of Vishnu, Mahakali hard to conquer. When worshipped She
makes the performer of Her puja ruler over all that moves and is still."
sarvadevasharIrebhyo yAvirbhUtAmitaprabhA |
"Who came from the bodies of all the Devas shining with unimaginable
[11] The description of the formation of the Goddess from the energies of
all the Gods is described in chapter 2 of the Devi Mahatmya. The slaying
"[She has] a white head, blue-black arms, pale white breasts, red waist,
suchitrajaghanA chitramAlyAmbaravibhUShaNA |
chitrAnulepanA kAntirUpasaubhAgyashAlinI || 9 ||
"Her lap is very beautiful and beautiful are her necklaces, clothes, and
ornaments. She wears beautiful ornaments. She embodies desire, form, and
"As eighteen-armed worship Her though She has one thousand[12] arms. I shall
describe the weapons [carried] there in order from the lowest left hand."
"A rudraksha mala, lotus, and arrow are there and sword, vajra, mace,
alaMkR^itabhujAmebhirAyudhaiH kamalAsanAm.h || 12 ||
"shakti[13], staff, shield and bow, drinking vessel and water pot. She
whose arms are adorned with with these weapons is seated upon a lotus."
[13] the word actually means power but here it is used in the sense of 'a
spear'. 2/7
11/9/21, 5:05 PM [Advaita-l] Vaikrtika rahasya -- the mystery of the transformations
sarvadevamayImIshAM mahAlakShmImimAM nR^ipa |
"The Lady who is composed of all the Gods is Mahalakshmi oh king. One
should worship Her to become lord over all Gods and worlds."
gaurIdehAtsamudbhUtA yA satvaikaguNAshrayA |
"She who was born from the body of Gauri relying only on the sattva guna,
[14] The story of the slaying of Shumbha and Nishumbha is the uttara
"In her eight arms are an arrow, pestle, trident and Sudarshana chakra,
"By worshipping Her with bhakti, She grants omniescence. This Goddess is
"Thus the forms of the murtis have been described to you oh king. Now I
shall explain to you the worship of the Mother of the Universe in each
individual form."
they should be worshipped to the right and left of Her respectively and
right and Lakshmi and Hrshikesha[18] to their left respectively, the three
"The eighteen-armed in the middle, to Her left the ten-headed, and to Her
Here is a diagram (it will look best in a fixed space font) of the layout 3/7
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[19] time
[20] death
avatAratrayArchAyAM stotramantrAstadAshrayAH |
"In the worship of the three avataras, the stotras and mantras should be
ruler of punya[24] and papa[25] and the great ruler of all the worlds."
[24] virtue
[25] sin
thus one should worship Chandika, who loves her bhaktas, as the support of
the world..."
arghyAdibhirala~NkArairgandhapuShpaistathAkShataiH | 4/7
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dhUpairdIpaishcha naivedyairnAnAbhakShyasamanvitaiH || 27 ||
[28] meat and wine are only used in the Vamachari or left-handed tantric
[30] sandalwood
sakarpUraischa tAmbUlairbhaktibhAvasamanvitaiH |
[31] camphor
[32] betelnut
"Mahisha should be worshipped who achieved oneness with the Lady[33]. And
to the right the lion who is is the symbol of all dharma and posesses
[33] Although he was a sinner and enemy of the Goddess, Mahishasuras total
obsession with her was like a kind of meditation so that by coming into
"...the vehicle [of the Goddess] should be worshipped who is the support
of all that is moving and still. All this should be done with devotion
Putting the information from the last few shlokas together, these are the
| | Mahakali | |
| | eighteen-handed | |
+ +---------+-------+ +
| | Mahisha | Simha | |
+------+---------+-------+-------+ 5/7
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| | eight-handed | |
"Then with salutations, one should recite the three charitas. or with the
charitArdhaM tu na japejjapa.NshchchhadramavApnuyAt.h |
"one should not stop in the middle of a charita. This would cause a
kShamApayejjagaddhAtrIM muhurmuhuratandritaH |
" should ask the Support of the World for forgiveness time and time
again. With each shloka, sacrifice a mixture of milk, sesame and ghee
[into fire.]"
namonamaHpadairdevIM pUjayetsusamAhitaH || 35 ||
"or with each mantra of the stotras sacrifice to Chandika the auspicious
[35] Another reference to the devisukta in the 5th chapter of the Devi
ones self, meditating on Lady Chandika for a long time becoming filled
"Thus worshipping with devotion the Supreme Ruler, one obtains all desires
"One who does not worship Chandika daily with the spirit of devotion finds
"Therefore worship oh king the Great Ruler of All Worlds Chandika with the 6/7
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|| iti vaikR^itikarahasyam.h ||
-- 7/7