Physical Security Management

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WILL SHERMAN Home Phone: (702) 515-1241

5032 Cascade Pools Avenue
E-mail: [email protected]
Las Vegas, Nevada 89131

JOB OBJECTIVE: Seeks Team Lead and/or Senior Level Security (Information/Person
nel) Management Position
L-3 Communications/c2s2
COB Basrah, MNF-Iraq (Sep
05 Jun 10)
Site Team Lead Assistant/Security Investigator/LEP Screener (Intelligen
ce Support)
- Provides Theater Counter-Intelligence Operations/Sup
port through Security Screening of Locals and
Third Country Nationals
- Elicit raw information from screening applicants for
collation and processing into Intelligence data
- Gather/Input Screening applicants Bio-Metric Data (I
ris, Fingerprints and Photos) using Bio-Metrics
Automated Toolset Systems (BATS)
- Conduct initial/annual screening interviews of Local
ly Employed Personnel (LEP) and Third Country
Nationals to curtail Threats and Unauthorized Access
to MNF-Iraq Coalition Installations
- Provides LEP Screening Support to enhance Force Prot
ection and Anti-Terrorist Operation of MNF-I
Coalition Installations
- Completed to date over 3000 Screening Interviews
- Refer Individual(s) of possible Intelligence Value t
o Tactical Human Intelligence Support Teams for
further Interrogation of Intelligence data
- Conducts Preliminary Credibility Assessment System Ex
aminations (PCASS Interviews)
Anteon Corporation/25th S
ignal Battalion (S-2)
Camp As-Sayliyah, ARCENT-
Qatar (May 05 Sep 05)
Security Program Manager and Intelligence Officer

- Managed the U.S. Army 25th Signal Battalion Perso

nnel, Information, Physical, Operation (OPSEC), and Force Protection Security Pr
- Served as the Subject Matter Expert regarding Per
sonnel Security, Special Access, and Industrial Security Programs
- Reviewed, processed and submitted SF 86/Electroni
c Personnel Security Questionnaires (EPSQ/e-QIP), for initial, and Periodic Re-I
nvestigation of Security Clearances
- Managed, monitored, and tracked Personnel Securit
y Clearances/Investigations through use of Joint Personnel Adjudication System (
JPAS)/Joint Clearance & Access Verification (JCAV), and Defense Clearance & Inve
stigation Index (DCII) database Systems
- Conducted and monitored the Battalion Security tr
aining programs, such as Level 1, Anti-terrorism, OPSEC, COMSEC, Information Sec
urity, and Force Protection
- Provided personnel, force protection and informat
ion Security assistance to support Battalion operations deployed at Forward Oper
ating locations in U.S. Army Central Command area of operations (Afghanistan)
- Provided and conducted Intelligence Analysis and
Anti-Terrorist Threat Briefs as needed
Titan Technical Resource
Heidelberg (Campbell Bar
racks), Germany (Feb 05 May 05)
Force Protection/Physical Security and Anti-Terrorist Specialist
- Served as the Force Protection/Physical Security
Specialist, V Corps Headquarters Force Protection
Branch (Consultant/Expert)
- Performed Force Protection Surveys and Assessment
of subordinate Units Force Protection
Programs, Policies, Procedures, and Security Syst
- Conducted liaison with primary V Corps Staff and
The Chief of Staff on Physical Security,
Force Protection, Anti-Terrorism, OPSEC issues, c
oncerns and recommendations
- Served as the Focal Point on V Corps Staff for po
licies and procedures governing Physical Security and
Force Protection to include Information, Personne
l, and Industrial Security
- Maintained records and provides expertise on impr
oving security for critical facilities, Mission Essential
Vulnerable Areas (MEVAs), High Density Targets, H
igh Profile Targets and Special Events
- Provided oversight of V Corps Force Protection, P
hysical Security, and Anti-Terrorist Training Programs
- Monitored the protection of classified/unclassifi
ed sensitive information related to programs/projects thus
insuring that information was properly used, stor
ed, transmitted and destroyed.
- Served on Joint Anti-Terrorist working Group and
attends Senior Anti-Terrorist Working Group Meetings
- Provided Command advice, guidance, and assistance
to subordinate units concerning Physical Security
Force Protection policies, procedures, and Plan i
Anteon Corporation
Camp Doha, Kuwait (Apr 0
4 Feb 05)
Personnel Security Program Manager/Specialist II
- Managed the U.S. Army 54th Signal Battalion Perso
nnel, Information, Physical, Operation and
Counter-Intelligence Security Programs
- Reviewed, processed, and submitted SF 86/Electron
ic Personnel Security Questionnaires
(EPSQ) for Initial, and Periodic Re-Investigation
of Security Clearances
- Managed, monitored and tracked Personnel Security
Clearances/Investigations through use of Joint
Personnel Adjudication Systems (JPAS)/Joint Clear
ance & Access Verification
(JCAV), and Defense Clearance & Investigation Ind
ex (DCII) database Systems
- Conducted and monitored Anti-Terrorist Level 1, O
PSEC, Department of the Army Cryptographic
Access (DACAP) and Security Awareness Education T
raining Programs
- Conducted Inspections of Units Physical, Informat
ion and Personnel Security Programs, Tactical
Control/Communication Facilities and submitted re
ports, results and recommendations
- Supported the organizing, training, and implement
ation of security programs, and assisted with the
development and writing of security related polic
ies and procedures
- Served as the subject matter expert regarding Ind
ustrial Security Program Management (NISPOM)
- Provided and Conducted Intelligence/Level 1, Anti
Terrorist Threat Briefings
CACI Premier Technology,
Camp Victory, Iraq (Aug
03 Mar 04)
Security Investigator/Analyst 1 (LEP Screener)
- Conducted daily Security Screenings on Local and
Third Country Nationals to
determine suitability/access to Multi-National C
oalition Forces Iraq Installations
- Input intelligence data on Local and Third Country Nationals using Bio-Metrics
Automated Toolset (BATS) Computer System
- Coordinated with Arabic Interpreters to gather Intelligence information from m
ultiple sources
- Provided Information/Personnel Security, Force Protection and performs Secur
ity background investigations on individual(s) requesting security clearance and
Installation Access
- Provided Investigative services, Intelligence support and case control managem
- Maintained Local/Third Country Nationals Screening Cell Security Operating P
- Conducted Initial, Semi-Annual, and Annual Screening of Local/Third Country
- Conducted over 100 Security Screenings/Interviews of Local/Third Country Natio
Combat Support Associate
s (CSA)/Holmes & Narver Services, Inc
Camp Doha, Kuwait (Dec 9
9 Aug 03)
Anti- Terrorist Force Protection Security Shift Supervisor
- Provided Supervision, Leadership, Management, and Administrative support to
over 50 plus Force Protection officers
- Provided Security, Law Enforcement and Force Protection services to U.S. A
rmy and Coalition Forces
- Responded as On-Scene Commander to incidents, alarms, and accidents
- Investigated, interviewed, and processed personnel complaints, incidents, and
- Completed shift duty schedules, monitor/processed leaves, evaluations, and rep
- Supervisor in charge of Convoy operations
- Supervisor in charges of Vehicle search operations for Improvised explosives a
nd bombs
- Provided Executive protection for visiting dignitaries
- Recognized for Outstanding Performance, and Selected as Shift Supervisor (Dec
ITT Federal Services Int
ernational Corporation
Camp Doha, Kuwait (Dec 9
7 Nov 99)
Anti-Terrorist Force Protection Security Specialist
Provided security and force protection services for Combat Support Services Con
U.S. Army, Camp Doha Kuwait
Responded to alarms activations involving U.S. Army/Air Force physical resource
s and assets
Investigated, Interviewed and process personnel complaints, Incidents and Accid
Performs interior/exterior Installation Law Enforcement and perimeter patrol
Performed Entry Control to Installation, Aircraft areas, communication/classifi
ed restricted
Areas and Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIF)
Provided security escort/convoy operations involving U.S. Army/Air Force person
nel and Equipment
Performed vehicle search operation for explosives and bombs
USAF, Howard AFB, Panama (Mar 96 -
Nov 97)
Chief, Security Forces Training Section
Managed the Physical Security/Law Enforcement Training programs
Instructed and evaluated unit training for over 275 security forces personnel
Developed training exercise evaluation outlines
Wrote Physical Security/Law Enforcement lesson plans of instructions
Evaluated and provided feedback on Security/Law Enforcement practical exercises
Reviewed personnel training records and determined training needs
Managed and published monthly training and appointment schedules
Trained Unit Personnel on Physical Security/Law Enforcement equipment
Supervised two training instructors, one scheduler and one administrator
USAF, Howard AFB, Panama (Dec 93 - Feb 96)
Chief, Supply, Armament and Equipment Custodian
Weapons custodian for over 800 small arms & heavy weapons (M16, M9, M203s, and
Munitions account custodian for over 200,000 rounds of ammunitions
Managed and trained security forces on weapon/explosive safety programs
Established training programs to enhance assigned armories knowledge on weapon
safety and accountability
Monitored daily issue/turn-in procedures of all weapons and equipment
Supervised five Weapon armories
Processed/purchased Equipment requests using Form 9s & 2001s
Attended Base Supply Management and Equipment Custodian Training Classes
Conducted/Inventoried supplies and equipment
Superintendent, Administration and Reports Branch
Supervised and Managed five work centers, manned by nine military and three civ
* Pass and Registration, which provided service to over 15,000 customers annuall
* Information/Personnel and Industrial Security Programs, which inspected classi
fied material storage accounts and processing of personnel Security Clearances
* Resources Protection, which provided technical guidance to over 70 funds, weap
ons, and explosive facilities
* Reports and Analysis, which processed over 3,500 citations and 1,000 reports a
* Crime Prevention, which taught the D.A.R.E. program at two DOD elementary scho
* Organized the Installation Security Council/Resources Protection Executive Com
mittee meetings, which discussed the protection of military resources and facili
United States Air Force Security Police/Law Enforcement Academy
United States Air Force Installation Anti-Terrorist Training School
United States Air Force Academic Instructor, Leadership and Management School
Associate Degree, Sociology, Criminology, and Industrial Security Management
Initial/Mid-Level Total Quality Leadership/Management Course
Weapons qualification training (M-9 Pistol, M-16 Rifle, and M-60 Machine Gun)
Level 1 AntiTerrorist/Force Protection Training
Conus Replacement Center (CRC) Orientation/Processing (Sep 2003)
Basic Industrial Security Management Course (Defense Security Service Academy)
Basic Information Security Management (Defense Security Service Academy)
Essentials of Industrial Security Management (Defense Security Service Academy)
Protecting Secret and Confidential Documents (Defense Security Service Academy)
Personnel Security Management Course (Defense Security Service Academy)
DOD Personnel Security Adjudications Course (Defense Security Service Academy)
Marking Classified Information (Defense Security Service Academy)
Information Assurance/Computer Users Initial/Refresher Security Course (U.S. Ar
my Signal Center)
Information Assurance Security Officer Training Course (U.S. Army Signal Center
U.S. Army Physical Security Course (ATSC, Fort Eustis, Virginia)
U.S. Army Counter-Intelligence Agent Course - 97B (ATSC, Fort Eustis, Virginia)
U.S Army Basic Intel Analyst Course 96B (ATSC, Fort Eustis, Virginia)
U.S Army Military Police School/Military Police Investigations Course (Fort Leo
nard Wood, Missouri)
Level II, Unit Force Protection/Antiterrorism Advisors Course (Fort Leonard Wo
od, Missouri)
Facility Security Officer (FSO) Course/Management (Defense Security Services)
Completed US Army Contractor Automated Verification System (ACAVS) Contract Mon
itor Training
DOD INFOSEC Awareness Training
Bio-Metric Automated Tools Sets Training (BATS)
Preliminary Credibility Assessment System (PCASS) Training/Certification

Top Secret Security Clearance/SSBI

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