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Reliability Analysis Techniques For Aircraft Certification

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Reliability Analysis Techniques:

How They Relate To Aircraft Certification

Mark S. Saglimbene, Director Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Engr., The Omnicon Group, Inc.,
Key Words: R&M in Product Design, Reliability, System Safety

SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS diagram the constant failure rate period in the life of an
electronic component.
Classic reliability analysis techniques, namely, Reliability
Prediction, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Failure Mode 2.2 Discussion of Empirical Methods
Effect Analysis (FMEA) are the framework for the aircraft
Although empirical prediction standards have been used
certification process. These innovative technique have been
for many years, it is always vital to understand the limitations
utilized since the 1990s with the advent of the Society of
of the information obtained using these values. The
Automotive Engineer’s Aerospace Recommended Practice
advantages and disadvantages of empirical methods have been
4761 (SAE ARP 4761). Today, SAE ARP 4761 is the defacto
frequently debated over the years. A brief summary from the
standard used for aircraft certification. SAE ARP 4761 draws
publications in industry, military and academia is presented
heavily on reliability techniques with roots steeped in the
military programs of the 20th century.
2.3 Advantages of empirical methods:
1. Easy to use, with the availability of component
Before examining the current aircraft certification process
models exist.
it is important to review each of these analysis techniques.
2. Relatively good performance as indicators of inherent
RELIABILITY ANALYSIS 3. Provide an approximation of field failure rates.
Reliability prediction has been used as a reliability 2.4 Disadvantages of empirical methods
engineering tool for over 50 years. Although reliability
1. A large part of the data used by the traditional models is
prediction is only one element of a well-structured reliability
program it is the backbone of these complimentary analyses.
2. Failure of the components is not always a result of
However, it is imperative to note that in order to be effective,
component-intrinsic mechanisms but can be caused by the
this process must be complemented by other elements.
system design.
2.1 History of Reliability Prediction 3. The reliability prediction models are based on industry-
average values of failure rate, which are neither vendor-
MIL-HDBK-217 is highly recognized in military and
specific nor device-specific.
commercial industries. It is probably the most internationally
4. The difficulty in collecting good quality field and
accepted empirical reliability prediction method. The last
manufacturing data, which are needed to define the
version is MIL-HDBK-217F, which was released in 1991 and
adjustment factors, such as the Pi factors in MIL-HDBK-
had two revisions: Notice 1 in 1992 and Notice 2 in 1995.
The MIL-HDBK-217 predictive method consists of two
parts; one is known as the parts count method and the other is 3 FMEA (FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS)
called the part stress method [1]. The parts count method
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a
assumes typical operating conditions of part complexity,
systematic analysis approach that identifies potential failure
ambient temperature, various electrical stresses, operation
modes in a system. It also identifies critical or significant
mode and environment.
design or process characteristics that require special controls
The part stress method requires the specific part’s
to prevent or detect failure modes. FMEA is a tool used to
complexity, application stresses, environmental factors, etc. to
prevent problems from occurring.
determine the parts failure rate.
MIL-HDBK-217 methodology attempts to calculate the 3.1 History of FMEA
constant failure portion of a components life cycle. It does not
The use of FMEA is not a recent method of analysis. This
deal with early failures or end of life wear-out failures.
technique has been in existence for many years.. Before any
Figure 1 represents the classic “Bathtub Curve” used to
documented format was developed, engineers would try to

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Figure 1. Bathtub Curve
3.4 Applications for FMEA
anticipate what could go wrong with a design or process
before it was developed or tested. Since this method applied • Process - analyze manufacturing and assembly processes.
trial and error techniques, each failure brought a new • Design - analyze products before they are released for
opportunity to perfect the design. However, this required production.
starting from the beginning time and time again until the • Concept - analyze systems or subsystems in the early
failure was eliminated. This technique was both costly and design concept stages.
time consuming. • Equipment - analyze machinery and equipment design
FMEAs were formally introduced in the late 1940’s with before they are purchased.
the introduction of MIL-STD-1629. Used for aerospace / 3.5 FMEA in Aerospace and Defense
rocket development, the FMEA and the more detailed Failure
Mode and Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA) were helpful FMEA continues to be an integral part of the development of
in avoiding preventable failures. Aircraft, Missile Systems, Radar, Communications,
The primary push for failure prevention came during the Electronics and other key technologies. Constant innovations
1960’s while developing the technology for placing a man on in this analysis technique continue to increase its’
the moon. The automotive industry also used FMEAs effectiveness.
effectively for production improvement as well as design 4 FAULT TREE ANALYSIS (FTA)
Fault tree analysis (FTA) is a failure analysis technique in
3.2 FMEA Development which an undesired system event is analyzed using Boolean
FMEAs are developed in two distinct phases: logic to combine a series of lower-level events. This analysis
• The first phase is to postulate each failure mode based on method is primarily used to determine the probability of a
the functional requirements and then determine the safety hazard. This process is considered a “Top Down”
appropriate effects. If the severity of the effect is critical, approach as compared to FMEA which is typically a “Bottom
actions are considered to change the design and eliminate Up” approach.
the Failure Mode if possible or protecting the end user 4.1 History of FTA
from the effect.
• The second phase adds causes and probability of Fault Tree Analysis attempts to model and analyze failure
occurrences to each Failure Mode. This is the detailed processes of engineering and biological systems. FTA is
development section of the FMEA process. In a piece part basically composed of logic diagrams that display the state of
analysis each component will be listed with its the system and is constructed using graphical design
appropriate failure mode and failure rate. techniques. Engineers were responsible for the development of
Fault Tree Analysis because its development requires people
3.3 Benefits of FMEA with deep understanding of the system architecture as
• Improves the quality, reliability, and safety of products opposed to a mathematician or analyst.
and processes Some people define FTA as another part or technique of
• Improves company image and competitiveness reliability analysis. Although both model the same major
• Increases customer satisfaction aspect they have arisen from two different perspectives.
• Reduces product development timing and cost Reliability was basically developed by mathematicians, while
• Documents and tracks action taken to reduce risk FTA as stated above was developed by engineers.
FTA was initially developed for projects that cannot tolerate
any error. taken as the top event of a logic tree. There is only one top
Bell Telephone Laboratories started the development of event and all elemental events must branch down from it.
FTA during early 60's for the U.S. Air Force. Later, U.S. When fault trees are labeled with actual failure probabilities
nuclear power plants and the Boeing Company used the computer programs can calculate top event probabilities.
system extensively. FTA is used in safety engineering as well 4.4 The Fault Tree Diagram
as all major fields of engineering.
The FTA is usually written using conventional logic gate
4.2 Why Fault Tree Analysis? symbols. The route through a tree between an event and an
Since no system functions perfectly, dealing with a initiator in the tree is called a Cut Set. The shortest credible
subsystem failure is a necessity, and any working system way through the tree from fault to initiating event is called a
eventually will have a fault in some place. However, the Minimal Cut Set.
probability for a complete or partial success is greater than the Many different approaches can be used to model a FTA,
probability of a complete failure or partial failure. but the most common and popular way can be summarized in
Because assembling a complete system level FTA can be a a few steps. FTA is used to analyze a fault event and that one
lengthy and expensive task, the preferred method is to and only one top event can be analyzed in a single fault tree.
consider subsystems. In this way dealing with subsystems can FTA analysis involves five steps:
assure less chance for error and overall fewer system analysis 1. Defining the undesired event
hours. Using computer modeling tools, the subsystems 2. Obtaining an understanding of the system
integrate to form a well analyzed total system. 3. Constructing the fault tree
4. Evaluating the fault tree
4.3 Methodology 5. Controlling the hazards
In Fault Tree Analysis, an undesired system effect is

Figure 2. FTA Example from ARP 4761

makes this practical. Computer software is used integrate
4.5 Definition of the undesired event
FMEA and FTA leading to less costly system analysis.
For aircraft certification the Functional Hazard Analysis Proper interface with system designers having full
defines the hazards to be examined via FTA. An engineer knowledge of the system is key to insure that no cause is
with extensive and comprehensive knowledge of the design of overlooked which could affect the undesired event. For the
the system is the best person to define the undesired events. selected event all causes are then numbered and sequenced in
Undesired events are then used to define the various top the order of occurrence and then are used for the next step
events that make up the FTA, one top event for each FTA; no which is drawing or constructing the fault tree.
two events will be used to make one FTA.
4.7 Construction of the fault tree
4.6 Obtain an understanding of the system
At the outset, the undesired event must be selected and
Once the undesired event is selected, all causes with the system must be analyzed to identify all the causing effects
probabilities of affecting the undesired event are studied and and, if possible, their probabilities. Once this is accomplished
analyzed. Getting exact numbers for the probabilities leading the fault tree can be constructed. The Fault Tree is based on
to the event is usually unlikely because of time and cost “AND” and “OR” gates which define the major characteristics
constraints. However selecting elemental events from FMEA of the top event.
4.8 Evaluate the fault tree: have endured and matured over most of the last half century.
After the fault tree has been assembled for a specific 6 TYING IT ALL TOGETHER
undesired event, it is evaluated, compared to system
The interrelation is as follows: Reliability Prediction
requirements and analyzed for any possible system
values are used in developing quantitative FMEAs. Each
failure mode in the FMEA is related to component parts, their
4.9 Controlling the hazards: respective failure rate modified by several factors including
failure mode distribution which allocates the total failure rate
After identifying the hazards, all possible methods are
of a component or function to each of its failure modes.
explored to decrease the probability of occurrence. While this
These failure modes are in turn are used to provide the
step is very specific and differs largely from one system to
“elemental events” for the Fault Tree Analysis. FTAs are
another, it is an integral step in the process.
calculated for each critical hazard identified.
5 RELIABILITY ANALYSES AND ARP 4761 Ultimately for aircraft certification, i.e. FAR 25.1309,
Fault Tree Analysis results are used to show compliance with
ARP 4761 “Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the
the appropriate requirements.
Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems and
The functional hazard assessment (FHA) analyses the
Equipment” utilizes each of the above analysis techniques to
potential consequences on safety resulting from the loss or
determine compliance with related Federal Aviation
degradation of system functions. Using service experience,
Regulations (FARs).
engineering and operational judgment, the severity of each
Although ARP 4761 methodology defines the System
hazard effect is determined qualitatively and is placed in a
Safety Assessment (SSA) as the primary certification
class. Safety objectives determine the maximum tolerable
document, the primary analyses used to perform this
probability of occurrence of a hazard, in order to achieve a
assessment is Reliability Prediction, FMEA and FTA which
tolerable risk level.

Figure 3. Quantitative Hazard Requirements (Re: ARP 4761)

progressed it was obvious that this aircraft design presented

new and unique challenges.
As defined in ARP 4761, PSSA includes qualitative
Recently, we were given a certification effort that analyses (FHA, FMEA, and FTA) meant to ensure that the
included a brand new aircraft design in the new Very Light Jet design is robust enough, so that under critical failure
(VLJ) aircraft type. We would oversee system certification of scenarios, there is sufficient inherent redundancy to enable the
the whole aircraft. This was exciting because never before had continued safe operation of the aircraft.
I been involved in ALL the systems on one aircraft. It was a The effort was proceeding on schedule until the braking
contemporary design and the schedule was very aggressive. system analysis turned up a potential deficiency. The braking
The initial effort was to prepare Preliminary System Safety system is a typical light aircraft braking system with two
Analyses (PSSAs) for each of the critical systems. As work independent hydraulically actuated disc brakes on each of the
two main landing gear wheels. Although there is independence speed or nose wheel steering at lower speeds. Failure of nose
with each side isolated from the other, this aircraft required wheel steering could be mitigated by differential braking,
differential braking for steering. The aircraft did not employ a thereby neither system failure would contribute to a
nose wheel steering system. The ground steering function catastrophic event.
would be performed using differential braking and a free Ultimately a design change was instituted to include nose
castering nose wheel. wheel steering in the design.
The deleterious result of this unique design (for a jet
aircraft) was first exposed during the formulation of the REFERENCES
functional hazard analysis where hazards relating to loss of 1. SAE ARP 4761, “Guidelines and Methods for Conducting
braking were combined with hazards related to loss of the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems
directional control. These hazards are then analyzed using and Equipment”, December 1996
FMEA and FTA. 2. MIL-HDBK-217F, Reliability Prediction of Electronic
The braking design was adequate for braking but certainly Equipment, 1991, Notice 1 (1992) and Notice 2 (1995).
not robust enough when the additional function of directional 3. MIL-STD-1629A, "Procedures for Performing a Failure
control was added. This included the ground steering function Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis” 24 November
while taxiing, in the initial part of the take-off roll, and in the 1980, Notice 1, 7 June 1983 and Notice 2, 28 November
latter part of the landing roll. 1984.
The additional hazards that were postulated uncovered a
potentially catastrophic loss of directional control. BIOGRAPHY
This means that the failure of one wheel brake could cause the Mark Saglimbene
loss of directional control, and at high speed this could lead to The Omicon Group, Inc.
departure from the runway and catastrophic loss of the 40 Arkay Drive
aircraft. Hauppauge, NY 11788
Our recommendation to mitigate this severity was to 631-436-7918 x306
employ an independent means of directional control. At high Email: [email protected]
speed this requirement is covered by the rudder. However the
rudder loses control authority at lower speeds. These lower Mark Saglimbene has over twenty-five years experience in
speeds are still high enough to cause catastrophic loss of the reliability, maintainability, and safety (RM&S) for electronic
aircraft if the aircraft were to depart the runway. and electro-mechanical systems such as avionics, computer
The proposal was to include rudder and nose wheel network systems, and aerospace systems. He has performed
steering as mitigating functions for the catastrophic loss of RM&S analyses on complex military systems as well as flight
directional control. critical commercial aircraft systems leading to government
With a nose wheel steering system, loss of one side of certification. He has a B. S. in Electrical Engineering from
braking, although contributing to excessively long landing Polytechnic Institute of New York (currently Polytechnic
distance, would not necessarily lead to loss of directional Institute of New York University) and is an Instrument Rated
control. This is because any yawing moment introduced by off Private Pilot.
center braking force could be countered by the rudder at high

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