Reliability Analysis Techniques For Aircraft Certification
Reliability Analysis Techniques For Aircraft Certification
Reliability Analysis Techniques For Aircraft Certification
SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS diagram the constant failure rate period in the life of an
electronic component.
Classic reliability analysis techniques, namely, Reliability
Prediction, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Failure Mode 2.2 Discussion of Empirical Methods
Effect Analysis (FMEA) are the framework for the aircraft
Although empirical prediction standards have been used
certification process. These innovative technique have been
for many years, it is always vital to understand the limitations
utilized since the 1990s with the advent of the Society of
of the information obtained using these values. The
Automotive Engineer’s Aerospace Recommended Practice
advantages and disadvantages of empirical methods have been
4761 (SAE ARP 4761). Today, SAE ARP 4761 is the defacto
frequently debated over the years. A brief summary from the
standard used for aircraft certification. SAE ARP 4761 draws
publications in industry, military and academia is presented
heavily on reliability techniques with roots steeped in the
military programs of the 20th century.
2.3 Advantages of empirical methods:
1. Easy to use, with the availability of component
Before examining the current aircraft certification process
models exist.
it is important to review each of these analysis techniques.
2. Relatively good performance as indicators of inherent
RELIABILITY ANALYSIS 3. Provide an approximation of field failure rates.
Reliability prediction has been used as a reliability 2.4 Disadvantages of empirical methods
engineering tool for over 50 years. Although reliability
1. A large part of the data used by the traditional models is
prediction is only one element of a well-structured reliability
program it is the backbone of these complimentary analyses.
2. Failure of the components is not always a result of
However, it is imperative to note that in order to be effective,
component-intrinsic mechanisms but can be caused by the
this process must be complemented by other elements.
system design.
2.1 History of Reliability Prediction 3. The reliability prediction models are based on industry-
average values of failure rate, which are neither vendor-
MIL-HDBK-217 is highly recognized in military and
specific nor device-specific.
commercial industries. It is probably the most internationally
4. The difficulty in collecting good quality field and
accepted empirical reliability prediction method. The last
manufacturing data, which are needed to define the
version is MIL-HDBK-217F, which was released in 1991 and
adjustment factors, such as the Pi factors in MIL-HDBK-
had two revisions: Notice 1 in 1992 and Notice 2 in 1995.
The MIL-HDBK-217 predictive method consists of two
parts; one is known as the parts count method and the other is 3 FMEA (FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS)
called the part stress method [1]. The parts count method
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a
assumes typical operating conditions of part complexity,
systematic analysis approach that identifies potential failure
ambient temperature, various electrical stresses, operation
modes in a system. It also identifies critical or significant
mode and environment.
design or process characteristics that require special controls
The part stress method requires the specific part’s
to prevent or detect failure modes. FMEA is a tool used to
complexity, application stresses, environmental factors, etc. to
prevent problems from occurring.
determine the parts failure rate.
MIL-HDBK-217 methodology attempts to calculate the 3.1 History of FMEA
constant failure portion of a components life cycle. It does not
The use of FMEA is not a recent method of analysis. This
deal with early failures or end of life wear-out failures.
technique has been in existence for many years.. Before any
Figure 1 represents the classic “Bathtub Curve” used to
documented format was developed, engineers would try to