Who Is The Holy Spirit
Who Is The Holy Spirit
Who Is The Holy Spirit
Who is the
Holy Spirit?
Sinclair Ferguson
Message Introduction
Many Christians have either heard, or even muttered, the phrase, “The Holy Spirit
is the forgotten person of the Trinity.” This assertion misses the real problem in
the church today, a problem not extant in generations past. Christians know about
the Holy Spirit, but, unlike the Father or the Son, they don’t really know who the
Holy Spirit is. In this lecture series, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson purposes to remove this
ignorance by exploring the questions of the identity of the Spirit, the nature of His
character, how we, as Christians, may come to know and have fellowship with Him,
and more.
Scripture Readings
Genesis 1:1–2, 26; 2:7; Exodus 31:1–11; Luke 1:8–17, 26–38; John 16:4–15; 1 Corinthians
6:19–20; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Revelation 22:17
Learning Objectives
1. To introduce the aims of the lecture series:
a. What person is the Spirit?
b. What kind of character does He have?
c. How can we come to know Him and have fellowship with Him?
d. How is it to our advantage that the Lord Jesus has gone away and that the
Holy Spirit has come to the church?
2. To explain how the Spirit is the expression of the inner drive and desire of God
3. To illuminate the Spirit’s role in the shaping and filling of creation
4. To demonstrate how the Spirit works in bringing man into fellowship with God
4 The Holy Spirit
Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go
away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.
—John 16:7
Lecture Outline
I. Who is the Holy Spirit?
A. The etymology of the word “spirit”
i. The Hebrew word “ruah” and the Greek word “pneuma,” which mean
“spirit,” are onomatopoetic.
ii. Both these words describe the wind, or even a gale.
iii. These words point to expressions of great effectiveness. In other words,
they point to the driving energy or the characteristics of an individual
as that individual expresses himself or herself to others in personal
contact and personal communication.
B. The revelation of God in the Holy Spirit
i. The Holy Spirit expresses the inner drive and desire of God in creation
and in redemption and communicates God to us.
ii. God reveals Himself in the Holy Spirit.
1. He reveals Himself in an accommodating manner.
2. He does so in order that His creation might have communion with
Study Questions
1. The Hebrew word “ruah” and the Greek word “pneuma,” apart from meaning
spirit, also mean ______________ .
a. wind
b. fire
c. water
d. earth
2. God personally expresses Himself, His character, and His power to us through
His Spirit.
a. True
b. False
3. God created everything simultaneously and the days of creation are pictures to
help us understand the different elements of creation.
a. True
b. False
4. The Holy Spirit, by forming and filling the shapeless, empty mass, is creating a
temple, a meeting place, for God to have fellowship with His creation.
a. True
b. False
5. The Spirit has brought order and fullness into the creation so that we might
______________ .
a. adore Him
b. worship Him
c. know Him
d. all of the above
2. Why must God accommodate His revelation to human beings? How does this fact
demonstrate the mercy and grace of God?
6 The Holy Spirit
4. What role does the Spirit of God, described as hovering over the waters in Genesis
1:2, play in the creation account of Genesis? How does He interact with the form-
lessness and emptiness? How does this parallel salvation?
5. How does the Holy Spirit’s work in the forming and filling of creation establish a
meeting place between God and His creation, especially man? What places in Scrip-
ture point to this reality?
Message Introduction
Many people have claimed at various times and in various ways that the God of the
Old Testament is not the same God as the God of the New Testament. Sadly, this asser-
tion misunderstands the nature and purposes of God. God is immutable: He does not
change in His nature, character, will, or purposes. Nonetheless, He has chosen to
reveal His person and plans progressively in the history of redemption through His
Spirit. This does not mean that the Spirit did not reveal the face of God at all in the
Old Testament. On the contrary, the Old Testament reveals that the Spirit disclosed
the very personal nature of our Lord to His people throughout the old covenant while
pointing forward to the fullness of this disclosure in Jesus Christ.
Scripture Readings
Genesis 1:2; 2:7; 41:38; Exodus 13:3–11, 30–35; Numbers 11:16–30; 2 Samuel 23:1–7;
Psalm 51:9–12; 104:29–30; 139; Isaiah 63:9–10; Ezekiel 39:29; Daniel 1:17–21; 2:46–49;
Matthew 11:28; Ephesians 4:30; 1 Peter 1:10–12; 2 Peter 1:21
Learning Objectives
1. To explore how the Holy Spirit worked in the old covenant, as recorded in the Old
Testament, to prepare God’s people for the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ
2. To understand the personhood of the Spirit
3. To comprehend that the Spirit wants to bring God’s people into an intimate rela-
tionship with the Lord
4. To see the progressive nature of the work of the Spirit
8 The Holy Spirit
Where shall I go from your Spirit?
Or where shall I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
If I take the wings of the morning
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
even there your hand shall lead me,
and your right hand shall hold me.
—Psalm 139:7–10
Lecture Outline
I. The Spirit of God and the Face of God
A. The Spirit of God makes Christians conscious of God’s presence.
i. Psalm 139: You cannot run from God in His creation.
ii. Psalm 104:29–30: The Spirit of God is not only the expression of the
presence of God, but the Spirit unveils the face of God for us.
1. The Spirit reveals more than just God’s attributes. He reveals the very
face of God.
2. The Old Testament reveals this in many places (e.g. Ezek. 39:29;
Psalm 51).
B. The Spirit reveals the face of God, the personal nature of the Lord, in many ways in
the old covenant.
i. The Spirit reveals God’s personal love for His people by granting them
1. Genesis 41:38: God gives Joseph wisdom, as recognized by Pharaoh.
2. Daniel 1:17–21; 2:46–49: Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges that God has
given Daniel wisdom.
3. The Spirit teaches God’s people wisdom, as even non-believers attest.
ii. The Spirit reveals God in His Word.
1. The Holy Spirit instructs God’s people by His Word throughout the
old covenant.
2. Prophets played a key role in this instruction.
iii. The Spirit reveals God by giving His people gifts.
1. The Spirit gives gifts for the building of the tabernacle (Ex. 31)
2. The tabernacle served as a place in which the people met with God.
iv. The Spirit reveals God by leading His people into freedom and a per-
sonal relationship with the Lord.
1. Isaiah 63:10 and Ephesians 4:30 commmand God’s people not to
grieve the Holy Spirit. This demonstrates His personhood.
2. This language, seen in the context of the exodus, reveals that the
Spirit’s role in the exodus was to lead God’s people into freedom so
that they might have a personal relationship with Him.
2—The Face of God 9
Study Questions
1. The Spirit of God unveils the attributes of God, but not His person.
a. True
b. False
2. The kings and lords of foreign lands recognized the Spirit of the Lord in Joseph,
Daniel, and other because they possessed ______________ .
a. good looks
b. excellent rhetoric
c. wisdom
d. intelligence
3. When the prophets speak about the hand of the Lord being upon them, they
mean that the Spirit of the Lord has ______________ .
a. disciplined them
b. spoken to them
c. touched them physically
d. come upon them
4. All of God’s people experienced the fullness of His revelation through the Spirit
in the old covenant.
a. True
b. False
1. How does the Holy Spirit unveil the face of God? What does it mean, “to unveil
the face of God”? What does this reveal about God’s attributes?
2. How does the Holy Spirit reveal the Father in the wisdom He grants to His peo-
ple? Explain your answer in light of the biblical accounts of Joseph and Daniel.
Can you describe any events in your own life in which the wisdom of God in you
has instigated notice and remark by unbelievers?
3. How does the Holy Spirit instruct God’s people? Support your answer from
4. What do Isaiah 63:9–10 and Ephesians 4:30 reveal to us about the nature of the
Holy Spirit? How is this demonstrated in the work of the Exodus?
5. Is there a progress to the work of the Spirit? If so, why? If there is progress to the
work of the Spirit, to what goal does it point?
Message Introduction
It is tempting to understand the Spirit as an impersonal force fulfilling the purposes
of God mechanically. However, the Scriptures paint a different picture, and they por-
tray the Spirit as anything but impersonal. The third person of the Trinity is personal,
and His role in the life and ministry of Jesus attests to this fact. The Spirit is the life-
long companion and friend of Jesus, and the two were never, nor ever will be, apart.
This revelation is marvelous, and our wonder should increase as we consider Jesus’
role in sending His Spirit, His companion and friend, to dwell with us.
Scripture Readings
Genesis 1:2; Isaiah 11:2–3; 42; 49; 52–53; 61:1–2; Psalm 27; Matthew 5–7; Luke 1:26–38;
2:41–52; 4:17–21; John 14:8–11, 15–17; 1 Peter 1:10–12
Learning Objectives
1. To understand how Jesus reveals the Father and the Spirit
2. To see the close relationship between Jesus and the Holy Spirit
3. To comprehend the role of the Spirit in Jesus’ conception, infancy, and childhood
Now all the furniture is in the room, but it’s only when you turn the light on that you
realize all the furniture is there. This is very much like the Old Testament revelation of
God. The God of the Old Testament is the same as the God of the New Testament. He is
Father and Son and Holy Spirit, but there’s a sense in which, for believers under the old
covenant, they lived in a kind of darkened room.
—B.B. Warfield
12 The Holy Spirit
Lecture Outline
I. Jesus Christ’s Revelation
A. Scripture proclaims that Jesus reveals the Father.
B. Similar to His revelation of the Father, Jesus reveals the Holy Spirit as well.
i. John 14:17: “You [the disciples] know him [the Spirit], because he dwells
with you and will be in you.”
1. Jesus does not refer here to a difference between old covenant and
new covenant believers.
2. The Spirit has been with the disciples because the Lord Jesus has
been with them.
ii. Just as the disciples know the Father because of Jesus’ fellowship with
Him, the disciples know the Spirit because of His fellowship with
Study Questions
2. When Jesus said, “You know him [the Spirit], for he dwells with you and will be
with you,” He meant that ______________ .
a. Old Testament and New Testament believers were different
b. the disciples knew the Spirit because He had been with them in Jesus
c. each disciple had the fullness of the indwelling of the Spirit
d. the disciples were perfect
3. The prophet who makes clearest to us the ministry of the Holy Spirit in relation
to the Lord Jesus is ______________ .
a. Isaiah
b. Jeremiah
c. Amos
d. Malachi
4. The Spirit is the lifelong companion, supporter, encourager, counselor, and direc-
tor of the Lord Jesus Christ.
a. True
b. False
5. The Holy Spirit became Jesus’ companion and friend at the beginning of His
a. True
b. False
1. How does Jesus reveal the Father? How does Jesus reveal the Holy Spirit? Are
there differences in these revelations? Why or why not?
2. Read the passages in Isaiah referenced above in the section “Scripture Read-
ings.” What do these passages disclose about Jesus Christ and His relationship
to the Spirit?
3. What was the role of the Holy Spirit in the infancy of Jesus? How does Genesis
1:2 illuminate the work of the Spirit in Luke 1 and the conception of Jesus?
14 The Holy Spirit
4. What did Jesus mean when he said to Mary, “Why were you looking for me? Did
you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” How did Jesus “grow in wis-
dom and stature”?
5. Did Jesus know His messianic role as a young boy, even His eventual death on
the cross? How would Jesus have arrived at this knowledge?
Dwelling Within
Message Introduction
The temptations endured by Jesus in the wilderness are remarkable accounts of
Jesus’ righteous fortitude in the face of the most trying conditions. Having received
the approval of the Father and the anointing of the Spirit at His baptism, Jesus, debil-
itated and suffering, succeeded where our forefather, the first Adam, failed, setting
the stage for a ministry that would lead to His victory in the resurrection. However,
Jesus did not undergo these trials alone, but He received the ministrations and sup-
port of His companion, the Holy Spirit, the same person who led Jesus into the
wilderness. The Spirit orchestrated these events and assisted Jesus in order that He
might rebuke the Devil and move into His rightful position as our Savior.
Scripture Readings
Genesis 1:2; 8:6–19; Deuteronomy 29:29; Matthew 3:13–17; Mark 1:9–11; Luke 3:21–22,
23–38; 4:1–13; John 1:29–34; 2 Corinthians 5:17; 13:14
Learning Objectives
1. To receive a stronger grasp of our limitation in understanding the interrelationship
of the persons of the Trinity
2. To comprehend the significance behind Jesus’ baptism and temptations in the
3. To understand the role of the Spirit in Jesus’ baptism and temptations in the
The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to
us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.
—Deuteronomy 29:29
16 The Holy Spirit
Lecture Outline
I. The Mystery of the Trinity
A. Deuteronomy 29:29: There are many things about the Trinity that we wouldn’t be
able to understand if God told them to us.
B. God has chosen not to disclose other aspects about the Trinity.
C. Yet, despite the previous facts, God does disclose information about the inter-
relation of the Trinity in His Word, and Jesus provides the access to knowing the
Father and the Spirit.
II. The Revelation of the Holy Spirit in the Baptism and Temptations of Jesus
A. At Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus in the form of a dove.
i. There is an analogy between the appearance of a dove and Genesis 1:2
1. The Holy Spirit, in His power, begins a new creation at Jesus’ bap-
tism, similar to His creative work as recorded in Genesis 1.
2. Luke’s placement of Jesus’ genealogy after the baptism testifies to
His creative power that goes all the way back to the beginning of cre-
3. 2 Corinthians 5:17: “If we are in Christ, we have entered into a new
ii. The appearance of the dove hearkens back to the account of Noah in
Genesis 8:6–19.
1. Noah could not provide the rest promised by his name.
2. Jesus’ baptism demonstrates that He will receive the deluge of God’s
judgment in His true and final baptism on the cross.
iii. The location of Jesus’ baptism at the Jordan also possesses significance.
1. The Israelites crossed the Jordan on dry ground into the Promised
Land with the ark of the covenant.
2. Jesus will lead His people into the eternal rest of the Promised Land.
B. The anointing of Jesus
i. The Holy Spirit anoints Jesus to fulfill the offices of prophet, priest, and
1. Prophet = to deliver God’s message
2. Priest = to offer Himself on the cross
3. King = to reign over His people and the whole earth
ii. This anointing signifies Jesus entering into a different, dynamic stage of
redemptive history.
C. The temptation of Jesus
i. The Holy Spirit “throws” Jesus into the wilderness in order that the
Devil might tempt Him.
1. The temptation of Jesus parallels the temptation of Adam.
a. While Adam endured temptation in comfort, fullness, and peace,
Jesus endured temptation in harshness, want, and hostility. (Note
Mark’s statement about the wild beasts surrounding Jesus.)
4—Dwelling Within 17
b. While Adam failed the single temptation of the Devil, Jesus re-
buffed His three attempts and sent him fleeing.
2. The Holy Spirit leads Jesus into the wilderness so that He might
empower Him to overcome the wiles of the Devil and move into the
role of the second Adam.
ii. The same Spirit who overcame the Devil in Jesus resides in God’s peo-
ple today, who serve as prophets, priests, and kings by virtue of Jesus
death, resurrection, ascension, and His sending of the Spirit.
Study Questions
2. God has revealed to Christians in His Word the entire interrelationship of the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
a. True
b. False
3. Modalism/Sabellianism asserts that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are
______________ .
a. different modes/aspects
b. distinct persons
c. distinct beings
d. different substances
4. The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus at His baptism in the form of a
______________ .
a. raven
b. eagle
c. wood pigeon
d. dove
1. Why is man unable to know everything about the interrelationship of the Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit? What information does God’s Word reveal about this inter-
relationship? Provide Scripture references.
18 The Holy Spirit
2. How were the three persons of the Trinity in fellowship with one another at
Jesus’ baptism? Why does Luke place the genealogy of Jesus immediately after
Jesus’ baptism?
3. Why does the Spirit take the form of a dove at Jesus’ baptism? What connection
does this have with Noah? Is there any significance in the fact that Jesus’ baptism
took place in the Jordan River?
4. What is the significance behind Jesus’ anointing at His baptism? How is the bap-
tism of Jesus different from our baptism?
5. Why did the Holy Spirit drive Jesus into the wilderness? What comparisons is
Scripture making between Adam and Jesus? What role does the Holy Spirit play
in this episode? What does this mean for Christians today?
Trinitarian Fellowship
Message Introduction
Companionship plays a large role in the life of Christians and non-Christians alike. It
is wonderful to possess friends and loved ones with whom you can reveal the inner
workings of your heart without fear, rejection, and spite. We don’t need to explain
ourselves or our emotions to these loved ones. They know us just as we know them.
The Father, Son, and Spirit experience this mutual love, openness, and adoration in a
manner that cannot be explained or replicated. When Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit, He
marveled at the work of His companion, the Holy Spirit, who sought to bring about
the purposes of the Father so that the Savior, who He had nurtured and preserved
throughout His entire life, might achieve the joy the Father had intended for Him
since the beginning of time.
Scripture Readings
Isaiah 61:1–2; Luke 4:14–15, 17–21; 10:21–24; 11:14–23; 12:10; John 10:14–18; 14:15–17
Learning Objectives
1. To understand the role of the Spirit in Jesus’ life and ministry
2. To comprehend what it means when Scripture describes Jesus as “rejoicing in the
3. To see the heinousness of blaspheming the Holy Spirit
4. To appreciate the intimacy of the Spirit with the Son
20 The Holy Spirit
In that same hour he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of
heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understand-
ing and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will.
All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows who the Son
is except the Father, or who the Father is except the Son and anyone to whom the Son
chooses to reveal him.”
—Luke 10:21–22
Lecture Outline
I. The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Life and Ministry of Jesus
A. The Holy Spirit enabled Jesus to loose His people from the bondage of sin.
i. Luke 4:17–21: Jesus read from Isaiah 61:1–2 at the synagogue in
ii. The Spirit’s anointing of Jesus allowed Him to say to the people that He
had come to take away their sin and liberate them from their depravity.
B. The Spirit enabled Jesus to bring restoration during His ministry in a manner
never before seen in redemptive history.
i. Jesus healed many and brought restoration to a sick and hurting land.
ii. Jesus did not heal everyone, but He brought healing and restoration in
order to provide a glimpse of the future, permanent restoration.
C. The Spirit enabled Jesus to deliver the oppressed from demonic bondage.
i. The ministry of Jesus witnessed the largest influx of demonic activity
in the history of the world.
1. Demonic forces understood their time of preeminence was drawing
to a close.
2. Their master had been thwarted by Jesus and they sought to strike at
Him in a last-ditch effort to prevent His salvific work.
ii. The Holy Spirit empowered Jesus to establish His kingdom and defeat
His demonic opponents.
Study Questions
1. All inhabitants of Nazareth accepted Jesus’ declaration that He was the Spirit-
filled Messiah prophesied by Isaiah.
a. True
b. False
2. The Bible contains a vast number of accounts chronicling demonic activity and
demonic possessions.
a. True
b. False
3. Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit when He heard the disciples recounting their exploits
(as recorded in Luke 10) because He marveled at the Spirit’s activity.
a. True
b. False
5. The Father’s love for Jesus was never greater than at Jesus’ ______________ .
a. baptism
b. crucifixion
c. birth
d. circumcision
22 The Holy Spirit
1. Why did Jesus choose Isaiah 61:1–2 to read at the synagogue in Nazareth? What
does this passage say about the role of the Holy Spirit in the life and ministry of
2. Why did Jesus perform miracles? What do the miracles signify, and what insight
do they give us about the future?
3. Why is there such a concentration of demons in Israel during the time of Jesus’
ministry? What role does the Holy Spirit play in Jesus activity?
4. What does it mean when Scripture states that Jesus “rejoiced in the Spirit”?
5. Why does Jesus proclaim blaspheming the Holy Spirit to be an unforgivable sin?
Why is it so heinous?
The Sustainer
Message Introduction
The picture of Jesus on the cross at Calvary is the loneliest portrait of a man in the
history of the world. He hung dying, incurring the wrath of His Father as He bore
the sins of the world. These sins were not His own, and He had never before been
prevented from communing with His heavenly Father. Yet, the Holy Spirit sustained
Jesus through His sacrifice, and He preserved Him just as He had done from the
moment of Christ’s conception. This same Spirit who fortified Jesus to atone for the
sins of His people dwells in us today, an unspeakable privilege that should unite the
church in humility, thankfulness, and love.
Scripture Readings
Psalm 22; 24; Matthew 27:46; John 14:15–17; Acts 1:9; Romans 1:4; 1 Corinthians
15:42–49; 2 Corinthians 3:16–18; Hebrews 9:11–14
Learning Objectives
1. To see how the Holy Spirit remained with Jesus at the end of His ministry and life
2. To understand the complete harmony in which Jesus and the Spirit commune
3. To recognize that marriage serves as a hint of the relationship between the persons
of the Trinity, particularly the Son and the Spirit
4. To realize that the same Spirit that dwells in Jesus dwells in each of His sheep
For if the blood of goats and bulls, and the sprinkling of defiled persons with the ashes of
a heifer, sanctify for the purification of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ,
who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our con-
science from dead works to serve the living God.
—Hebrews 9:13–14
24 The Holy Spirit
Lecture Outline
I. The Role of the Holy Spirit at the End of Jesus’ Life
A. Hebrews 9:14: As Jesus offered Himself as the atoning sacrifice on the cross, the
Holy Spirit sustained Him.
i. Jesus felt the abandonment of the Father as He bore the judgment of
God’s wrath upon sin.
ii. The Holy Spirit sustained Jesus on the cross and enabled Him to bear
the sins of the world.
B. The Holy Spirit vindicated Jesus through His transforming power in the resurrec-
tion (Rom. 1:4).
C. The Holy Spirit played an important role in the ascension of Jesus (Acts 1:9)
i. A cloud takes the ascending Jesus out of sight.
1. This is the glory cloud revealed among the people of God during the
old covenant.
2. The Spirit ushers the victorious Jesus into the heavenly realm and
the right hand of the Father.
ii. The Spirit plays a role in Jesus life from His birth, to His ascension, and
D. 1 Corinthians 15:42–49 and 2 Corinthians 3:16–18 speak about the nature of resur-
rection bodies.
i. Jesus body was sown in dishonor but raised in glory. Christians experi-
ence this same fate by their union with Jesus.
ii. Paul explains that this knowledge only comes when the Spirit removes
the veil of unbelief.
Study Questions
3. Marriage is a hint from God about what His Trinitarian fellowship is like.
a. True
b. False
4. A different Spirit dwells in Jesus than the one that dwells in Christians.
a. True
b. False
1. Did the Holy Spirit abandon Jesus while He hung on the cross? If not, what role
did the Spirit play in that act of atonement? In His resurrection?
2. Why does the book of Acts specifically mention the presence of clouds in
the ascension of Jesus? What role does the Holy Spirit play in this episode in
redemptive history? How did the early church understand this act?
5. Since the same Spirit that dwells in Christ dwells in each one of His sheep, how
should that affect the way Christians treat one another?
Message Introduction
New covenant believers receive such a fullness of the Spirit that sometimes we
struggle to understand the conditions of believers in the old covenant. The Spirit
withheld the fullness of His manifestation, and only some experienced a heightened
revelation of His goodness. While this was more than sufficient for faith and worship,
new covenant believers enjoy the astounding privilege of seeing the almighty God in
the face of Jesus Christ. Jesus promised this blessing, and He fulfilled His promise
at Pentecost, the unique event at which He poured out His Spirit in rivers of living
water to His church.
Scripture Readings
Genesis 1:2; Psalm 2; Isaiah 12:3; Joel 2:28–29; Zechariah 13:1; Luke 3:16; John 1:29–
34; 7:37–39; 14:15–17; 16:8–11; Acts 1:1–11; 2:1–41
Learning Objectives
1. To understand the way in which Jesus gives His Spirit to His disciples
2. To comprehend the importance behind Jesus’ words at the Feast of Booths as
recounted in John 7
3. To understand the activity of the Spirit through Jesus at Pentecost
If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the scrip-
tures have said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.
—John 7:37–38
7—Rivers of Living Water 27
Lecture Outline
I. Rivers of Living Waters
A. John 7:37–39: Jesus stood on the last day of the Feast of Booths and declared that
the one who believed in Him, “out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”
i. Jesus said this about the Spirit, who had not been given to the church.
ii. Jesus, although generally reserved in His public disclosure, stood
among the Jews and called for belief in Him.
1. The ceremony of the Feast of Booths called for the pouring of water
around the base of the altar of burnt offering while the Jews walked
around it.
2. The ceremony, although not prescribed in Scripture, served as a
reminder of God’s activity among His people and signified a longing
for the outpouring of God’s Spirit (Isa. 12:3).
B. There are two different ways to translate Jesus’ declaration.
i. First option: out of the believer will flow rivers of living water.
ii. Second option: Jesus refers to Himself as the rivers of living water.
iii. Dr. Ferguson prefers the second option.
1. Jesus will send the Spirit at Pentecost, and this will serve as the out-
pouring of the rivers of living water.
2. The water that flowed from Jesus side when it was pierced also fore-
shadows this event.
II. Pentecost
A. John the Baptist prophesied that Jesus would baptize with the Spirit and fire
(Luke 3:16).
i. The disciples obeyed Jesus’ command and waited in Jerusalem for
Jesus’ Spirit.
ii. Jesus sent His Spirit to the disciples on Pentecost in transforming, cre-
ative power.
B. The Spirit worked in a unique manner on the day of Pentecost.
i. Acts 2:2: The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples like a gale, echoing
the creative power of Genesis 1:2.
ii. The Holy Spirit rectified the dilemma fashioned at the Tower of Babel
(Gen 11).
1. Mankind sought to overthrow the rule of God, so God muddled their
communication and scattered them across the earth.
2. The Holy Spirit brings new community to what was formerly divided.
iii. The list of nations provided by Luke in Acts demonstrates that the Holy
Spirit was blessing all the nations through the seed of Abraham (Jesus).
iv. The Holy Spirit fulfills the prophecy of Joel 2 and provides access to
God through Jesus Christ to every Christian.
v. As the messianic King prophesied in Psalm 2, the Holy Spirit brings all
nations before Jesus to bow in homage to Him.
28 The Holy Spirit
Study Questions
2. When John records in the seventh chapter of His gospel that “the Spirit was
not,” He meant that the Spirit ______________ .
a. did not exist
b. was displeased
c. had not been given to the church
d. resided in heaven only
3. The water that flowed from Jesus’ pierced side after His death represents the
life-giving Spirit He would send at Pentecost.
a. True
b. False
4. The Tower of Babel was an attempt by men to get closer to God so that they
might worship Him better.
a. True
b. False
5. Pentecost is a fulfillment of God’s promise that all the nations will be blessed by
the seed of Abraham.
a. True
b. False
1. Why did Jesus stand among the people during the Feast of Booths and proclaim,
“If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the
scriptures have said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water”? What sig-
nificance did this carry in relation to the rites of the feast?
3. Is the outpouring of the Spirit that occurred at Pentecost repeated? Why or why
4. Why did the disciples of Jesus receive the ability to speak different languages?
How does this relate to the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11)?
A Heavenly Birth
Message Introduction
For those who stand outside of faith, the message of the gospel may appear burden-
some and shackling. Yet, this could not be farther from the truth. The regeneration
of the Spirit liberates believers to turn their affections to Christ and put their faith in
Him. God’s people were created to enjoy this knowledge and love of the Savior, and
they receive fulfillment only when their hearts are turned to Him. Jesus’ yoke is easy
and His burden is light (Matt. 11:30), and man remains in darkness, empty, burdened,
and miserable, until the Spirit breathes life and light into his dead, sinful heart.
Scripture Readings
John 1:12, 29–34; 3:1–21; 16:8–11; 1 Corinthians 12:13; Colossians 2:6–3:4; 1 Peter 1:23;
James 1:18
Learning Objectives
1. To understand how the Holy Spirit works in the lives of individual believers
2. To comprehend how the Holy Spirit brings individuals into the kingdom of God
Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he
cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which
is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’
The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it
comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
—John 3:5–8
8—A Heavenly Birth 31
Lecture Outline
I. Our Participation with Jesus Christ
A. Jesus performs many non-repeatable activities as the unique God-man and
B. Nonetheless, the Scriptures speak about Christians participating in these activities
with Jesus (Col. 2:6–3:4).
i. On the day of Pentecost, Jesus provides the great, once-and-for-all bap-
tism of the Spirit.
ii. Yet, as Paul states in 2 Corinthians 12:13, all Christians receive the bap-
tism of the Holy Spirit, even if only later in time they are added to this
Study Questions
2. The Pharisee who met Jesus at night as recorded in John 3 was named
______________ .
a. Ehud
b. Zechariah
c. Simeon
d. Nicodemus
5. You know you have been born again if you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord
and Savior.
a. True
b. False
8—A Heavenly Birth 33
2. Can an individual not be a believer and still know much about Christianity and do
many things for the good of the church? Why or why not? Use Scripture to defend
your position.
3. What does it mean to be “born from above”? What role does the Spirit play in this?
4. What significance does Jesus’ likening salvation to the movement of wind hold?
What does this say about the Spirit’s role in salvation?
5. How does the Spirit free sinners from a state of bondage? Does this liberation free
sinners from all forms of bondage? Why or why not?
A Heavenly Helper
Message Introduction
The thought of walking, sitting, and eating with Jesus brings Christians great joy, and
His physical absence leaves us longing to be in His presence. As wonderful as this
thought and longing is, we should not neglect the truth that Jesus has sent another
helper. The Holy Spirit, the comforter, teacher, advocate, and homemaker, dwells
within God’s people and illuminates their hearts with the fullness of Christ. We see
Christ clearly now because His companion, His Spirit, resides within us.
Scripture Readings
John 3:1–21; 13:12; 14:15–31; 15:26–27
Learning Objectives
1. To understand how the Holy Spirit continues His ministry to us after regeneration
2. To understand how the Holy Spirit takes the place of Jesus in the life of the
believer by teaching us, being our advocate, and serving as a divine homemaker
But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth,
who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me. And you also will bear wit-
ness, because you have been with me from the beginning.
—John 15:26–27
Lecture Outline
The Work of the Spirit in the Life of the Believer
A. John 14:16: Jesus promised to send another helper, the Parakletos.
i. Parakletos means “to call alongside.”
ii. The Holy Spirit ministers alongside of believers.
9—A Heavenly Helper 35
B. Jesus states that the Holy Spirit is another help of the same kind as Himself.
i. The disciples worried over losing Jesus.
ii. Jesus reassured them that the Spirit, the other helper, was like Himself.
C. The Spirit demonstrates that He is of the same kind as Jesus because He teaches.
i. The disciples had enjoyed three years of Jesus’ masterful teaching.
ii. Jesus promises that the Spirit will teach the marvelous things of God to
the hearts of His people, not the least of which will be further revela-
tion concerning the interrelations of the persons of the Trinity.
iii. The teaching will inspire heightened worship of the Lord.
D. Jesus promises that the Spirit will bear witness to Jesus and reveal to them the
things to come.
i. The Spirit will remind the disciples of all that Jesus did and reveal to
them all the things to come: the content of the New Testament.
ii. The Holy Spirit will teach the disciples and generations of Christians to
come through the revelation of the New Testament.
iii. Furthermore, the Spirit will illuminate understanding in the heart.
E. Jesus promises to send the Spirit in order that He might counsel His people.
i. By counsel, Jesus means that the Spirit will bear witness about Him.
ii. The Holy Spirit will also bear witness about Jesus through the disciples
to the world.
iii. The Holy Spirit will play the role of both the prosecutor and the
defense attorney: He will convict the world and lead them to faith
through the disciples, and He will defend them and bear witness to the
truth of Christ in them.
F. Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will be a divine homemaker.
i. The Spirit will prepare the hearts of His people for indwelling of the
Father and the Son.
ii. The Spirit, as the homemaker, will transform the heart of the believer
so that God might dwell there eternally.
Study Questions
1. The Apostle John is the person most interested in the work of the Holy Spirit.
a. True
b. False
3. The Spirit will never teach Christians anything more than Jesus taught His
a. True
b. False
4. The parakletos, according to the Greek usage of the word, may mean
______________ .
a. warrior
b. friend
c. advocate
d. king
5. The Holy Spirit’s role as the divine homemaker is the most minor function He
serves in the life of a Christian.
a. True
b. False
1. Why is the Holy Spirit called the Parakletos? What does this tell us about the
nature of His ministry to believers?
2. How is the Holy Spirit of the same kind as Jesus? How and what does Jesus
promise the Spirit will teach His people? Where does Jesus say we learn the
teaching of the Holy Spirit?
3. How does the Holy Spirit serve as Jesus’ and our counselor?
5. Take some time and reflect on the fact that Jesus loves His people so much He
would send His Spirit to perform all the roles Dr. Ferguson discussed in this
lesson. What does this reveal about the character of Jesus? The character of the
Holy Spirit?
Message Introduction
Scripture gives many titles to the Spirit, both explicitly and implicitly. He is our com-
forter, advocate, and the one who regenerates our hearts and pours life into dust. Yet,
there is one title that we pass over simply because of its familiarity: the Spirit is the
Holy Spirit. He is holy in and of Himself, and Jesus sends His Holy Spirit to dwell in
us in order that we might be holy. Long ago, the Lord commanded “be holy, for I am
holy.” The Spirit of Jesus aids believers in their sanctification and their growth in the
image of our holy Savior.
Scripture Readings
Isaiah 6:1–7; Romans 3:21–31; 6:1–11; 7:14–25; 8:1–4, 9–14; 1 Corinthians 6:15;
2 Corinthians 13:14; Galatians 5:16–24; Ephesians 4:30; Philippians 2:12–13
Learning Objectives
1. To understand the importance of some of the titles that the Holy Spirit gives
Himself in Scripture
2. To comprehend how the Spirit of God is given to us in order to create holiness
3. To see how the Spirit creates in us motives and desires to live righteous lives for
Christ, with whom we are united by the Spirit
So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you
live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of
the body, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.
—Romans 8:12-14
38 The Holy Spirit
Lecture Outline
I. Titles of the Spirit
A. Throughout the Bible, titles are given to express the work, purpose, and function of
the individuals to which they are ascribed.
B. The Spirit receives or merits various titles in Scripture.
i. He is a creator and a re-creator Spirit.
ii. Jesus refers to the Spirit as the divine Paraclete.
iii. The Spirit is the Holy Spirit, because He is in Himself holy.
II. The Role of the Holy Spirit in Creating Holiness in the Lives of Believers
A. The Christian life is filled with a tension between holiness and sin (Rom. 7:14–25).
i. Christians still possess sin despite their regeneration.
ii. Yet, as sons and daughters of God, we have a union with Jesus and the
indwelling of the Spirit, which demands holiness.
B. Paul teaches in his letter to the Romans how Christians are able to put to death the
deeds of the body through the Spirit.
i. The Spirit creates in believers a sense that they must put sin to death in
their lives (Rom. 6:1–11).
ii. The Spirit makes the mortification of sin possible.
iii. The Spirit creates a sense in the believer that he or she is responsible
for resisting the temptation to sin (Phil. 2:12–13).
iv. The Holy Spirit creates in us a desire to be like Christ.
C. Paul also stresses that the Holy Spirit creates motives in us that make us want to
live in a holy fashion (Rom. 8:1–4, 9–14).
i. The Holy Spirit shifts our attention from the short term to eternity,
from the visible to the invisible.
ii. The Spirit points our eyes on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which makes
sinning unthinkable.
iii. The Spirit gives us discernment and a sense of how we should behave.
iv. The Spirit illuminates our union with Jesus Christ, which makes
any form of sinning or being joined to sin unfathomable. This reality
demonstrates that when we sin, our sinless, Holy Savior is joined to
uncleanness on account of our actions (1 Cor. 6:15).
Study Questions
2. The Holy Spirit eradicates all sin in the heart of the believer at regeneration.
a. True
b. False
4. The Spirit gives Christians a general discernment and sense of the place of things
in the Christian life.
a. True
b. False
1. What do we mean when say that the Spirit is the Holy Spirit? What impact does
that have on us as Christians?
2. What does it mean to be sons of God (Romans 8:12–13)? How does this affect
Christian conduct?
3. What are the four things, according to Dr. Ferguson’s analysis of Paul’s instruc-
tion to the Romans, that the Spirit creates in believers to help them put sin to
death in their lives?
4. How does the Spirit create motives within us that make us want to live righ-
teously and in a holy fashion?
5. Since the Holy Spirit unites us to Christ, what implications does this have for
Christian living? How does Paul explore this idea in 1 Corinthians 6:15?
Message Introduction
All Christians face the tension in their lives between the promise of complete, per-
manent restoration and the present state of struggle with sin. Yet, it is important to
remember that if we were left alone and unaided, then there would be no struggle
on our part, only failure. By the grace of God, the Holy Spirit works on our behalf
to transform us into the image of Christ and to assist us in our moral weaknesses.
Furthermore, He does not pop in and out at sporadic intervals, exerting only the bar-
est amount of power. On the contrary, just as the Spirit dwells in Jesus, He dwells in
us permanently, and He is content to bear the brunt of our burden.
Scripture Reading
Romans 8:1–39
Learning Objectives
1. To understand the task of the Holy Spirit to conform us to the image of Christ, as
well as His passion for it
2. To recognize how the Holy Spirit assists us in our moral weaknesses
3. To understand the gracious work of the Trinity, particularly the person of the
Spirit, in prayer
Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps,
you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the
leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not
surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abomi-
nably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation
is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out
11—The Inward Groan 41
a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards.
You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace.
He intends to come and live in it Himself.
—C.S. Lewis
Lecture Outline
The Work of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s Transformation
A. The Holy Spirit has a passion to make God’s people more like Jesus.
B. Romans 8 provides information concerning how the Holy Spirit assists in this
i. Paul frequently employs the term “groaning” in Romans 8.
1. The earth, Christians, and the Spirit groan.
2. The groaning does not result from a lack of the Holy Spirit, but it
occurs because of His presence.
a. As Christians, there is a constant tension between present sin and
the hope of holiness.
b. The groaning we experience results from a longing for the day
when we will be like Christ. It is not a groan of despair.
ii. Paul explains that God makes provisions to help us in our moral
1. The word for help in 8:26 is sunantilambanomai.
a. The word is prefixed with two seemingly opposite prepositions.
b. The word means to come along side and assist, normally in a task
too great for one party.
2. The Spirit assists the believer by enabling him to live for the glory
of God, a task a Christian cannot perform without the power of the
Holy Spirit.
iii. The Spirit assists in our prayers.
1. Verse 28 explains that sometimes Christians do not know what to
pray for as we ought.
2. When the Father sees this weakness, He does not take over and
remove us from the equation of prayer, but He gives the Spirit.
a. The Father gives the Spirit, who makes intercession with groans/
longings too deep for words.
b. Because the Spirit knows the mind of the Lord, who reads our
hearts, the Spirit enables us to pray according to the perfect will
of God in our hearts.
C. God’s willingness to assist in the transformation and weaknesses of His people
demonstrates a love and tenderness that merits the utmost gratitude.
42 The Holy Spirit
Study Questions
1. Paul’s driving goal behind the content of Romans 8 is to demonstrate how the
Holy Spirit ______________ .
a. is united to Jesus
b. gives glory to the Father and the Son
c. overcomes the Devil
d. conforms believers to the image of Christ
2. If you take the proper steps to experiencing the full power of the Holy Spirit, you
will no longer struggle and groan as described in Romans 8.
a. True
b. False
4. The Spirit never intercedes on the behalf of believers, for this is the work of the
Son only.
a. True
b. False
5. A true Christian matures to the state where they always know exactly what to
pray for and how to pray for it.
a. True
b. False
2. How does the Holy Spirit help us in our moral weakness? How does Paul
describe the activity of the Spirit in this process?
4. How does the relationship of the Father to the Spirit assist us in our prayers?
5. Take some time and contemplate the work of the persons of the Trinity in
Christian prayer. What does this demonstrate about our God? How will this
knowledge alter the way you pray?
Message Introduction
Children need their parents. Yet, at certain times, this need is heightened. The
majority of these cases involve distress and suffering. When Paul speaks about the
sons of God crying out to their Father, he has these times in mind. Even in times of
deepest sorrow, in stages of greatest need, the child of God may cry out to Him with
confidence that He desires their supplication. The sons of God have this privileged
access on account of the work of the Holy Spirit, who brings us from the darkness
into the light of God’s family and conforms us to the image of our perfect elder
brother, Jesus.
Scripture Readings
Luke 11:13; Romans 8; Galatians 4:1–7
Learning Objectives
1. To recognize how the Spirit bears witness with our spirits that we are the children
of God
2. To understand the inheritance Christians receive as the sons of God
3. To comprehend the access we have to our caring Father in times of pain and
4. To realize the ultimate goal of the work of the Spirit
For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received
the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”
—Romans 8:15
44 The Holy Spirit
Lecture Outline
I. The Spirit of Adoption
A. Romans 8 explains that the work of the Spirit aims at bringing Christians into the
family of God.
i. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ, and they can
never be separated from Him.
ii. The Spirit of God who comes through Jesus Christ unveils the face of
the Father so that we might, like Jesus, call Him our heavenly Father.
B. Paul uses the language of sonship in Romans 8 (and Galatians 4) to demonstrate
that all of God’s children, male and female alike, receive Jesus’ inheritance.
i. In Biblical times, daughters did not inherit. Therefore, Paul wants to
make it clear that all of God’s children inherit.
ii. The sons of God, furthermore, are heirs to the full inheritance of Christ,
not just a pittance.
C. Paul explains that Christians can cry boldly to their Father by virtue of the sonship
purchased by Jesus.
i. The Greek word Paul uses for “cry” (krazo) refers to a sharp cry of pain.
1. All Christians can call out to God in their distress.
2. The Father makes Himself accessible in all levels and stages of crisis,
and He delights to receive us as His children.
ii. This is a great privilege that we as Christians sometimes take for
Study Questions
1. Romans 8 may be summarized in two statements: there is no condemnation for
those who are in Christ Jesus, and ______________ .
a. the Spirit intercedes for God’s people
b. God has predestined some for salvation
c. Jesus now sits at the right hand of the Father
d. there is nor separation for those who are in Christ Jesus
2. One of the purposes of the Spirit’s ministry is to bring us into the family of God.
a. True
b. False
3. The sons of God only receive a small portion of the blessings stored up for Jesus
a. True
b. False
5. The ultimate goal of the work of the Spirit is to bring glory to Jesus Christ.
a. True
b. False
2. Why is the New Testament full of Christians speaking to God as their “Heavenly
3. Why does Paul use the language of “sons of God” when referring to male and
female Christians alike in Romans 8? What inheritance do the sons of God
receive? How do they receive it?
4. What type of cry does Paul refer to in Romans 8:15? What does this reveal about
the plight of the Christian? What does this disclose about the nature of God?
5. What is God’s ultimate goal, the purpose of the work of the Holy Spirit? How
does God accomplish this? What place do Christians have in this goal?