PALS Assessment Quiz Answers
PALS Assessment Quiz Answers
PALS Assessment Quiz Answers
6. 0.02mg/kg
11. V. Fib
12. Shock, shock shock- 2J/kg then 4J/kg and followed by another 4J/kg. If no success,
intubate, start IV and compressions. Give epinephrine either IV or ET whichever is in
first, shock again with 4 J/kg after 30 seconds of compressions to let drug circulate.
Repeat epi every 5 minutes. Can give lidocaine 1mg/kg followed by another 4J shock.
Max dose of lidocaine 3 mg/kg. Amiodarone- 5mg/kg bolus, or Magnesium 25-50 mg/kg
for Torsades. .Remember to follow each drug intervention with a 4J/kg shock.
13. Defibrillate
16. 5 H’s and 5 T’s- hypovolemia, hyperkalemia, hypothermia, hyper H+( acidosis),
hypoxia Tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade,toxins, thrombus in heart, thrombus
in lung (PE)
17. Epinephrine
20. All drugs are given on a kg basis. In order to avoid medication errors it is better to
record the initial triage weight in kilograms.
22. 60 BPM
25. 90 + ( 2 X age in years) this gives the 50th percentile for weight. PALS teaches 70 +
( 2 X age in years) which is only the 5th percentile.
26. 8 years
1. Lay person no longer needs to feel for a pulse before beginning CPR in the unconscious
victim. For unconscious patients with FB occlusion-start CPR
2. “Phone fast”- CPR is initiated in the child less than 8 years of age, since the most
common cause of arrest is respiratory. For patients over the age of 8 “Phone first” to
activate EMS and get help. There are 4 settings in which the patient over 8 years of age
should receive one minute of CPR before phoning for help:
**submersion-near drowning. poisoning or drug overdose, trauma, respiratory arrest
3. Strong emphasis on BVM ventilation based on the Gausche airway study showing BVM
outcome was better than intubation outcome when performed by Prehospital providers.
4. Preferred method for CPR is the thumb-hand technique (wrap your hands around the
infant’s chest and back, and use the thumbs to compress the chest over the sternum)
Better compressions are achieved with this method. The other method is the 2 finger
6. IO lines used to be recommended only for pediatric patients less than 6 years of age, the
new AHA recommendation is to use it in all age groups.
7. Try vagal maneuvers while preparing for drug therapy or cardioversion for patients with
SVT. Old guidelines did not mention these maneuvers. Orbital compression, however, is
not recommended.
8. Try amiodarone for refractory SVT, pulseless VT and VF. Dose is 5mg/kg IV/IO given
as a rapid bolus. For perfusing tachycardias use a loading dose of 5mg/kg infused over
20-60 minutes( maximum dose of 15mg/kg/day)
11. LMA can be used as an airway adjunct in pediatric patients ( this modality was not
available in the early 1990’s)
12. Neonatal resuscitation: start CPR for absent HR or HR less than 60 BPM if spite of
assisted ventilation for 30 seconds.
13. Do not suction the trachea of a vigorous infant with meconium staining regardless of how
thick the meconium is.