Ejercicios Resueltos Variable Compleja

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Problem 1

Let u(x, y) = Re f (x, y) and v(x, y) = Im f (x, y). Then

−y 2 2
−y 2
u(x, y) = ex cos(2xy), v(x, y) = ex sin(2xy),
∂u 2 2 ∂v
= ex −y (2x cos(2xy) − 2y sin(2xy)) = ,
∂x ∂y
∂u 2 2 ∂v
= ex −y (−2y cos(2xy) − 2x sin(2xy)) = − .
∂y ∂x
Hence f (z) satisfies the Caychy-Riemann equations for all z ∈ C, so f (z) is entire.

Problem 2
We calculate
= 3x2 − 3y 2 − 2x
= −6xy + 2y
v(x, y) = 3yx2 − y 3 − 2xy
is an harmonic conjugate. (The others only differ by a constant.)

Problem 3
−3z 2 +4z+2
i. Domain of analyticity is C \ {0, −1} while f 0 (z) = (z 2 +z)2 .

ii. Domain of analyticity is C \ {iπ(k + 1/2) : k ∈ Z}, and f 0 (z) = 1/ cosh2 z.

Problem 4
Use the branch Log(15z 2 − 227z + 23) with domain D∗ = {z : |z| < 1/10}.
Then the principal branch of the logarithm is defined on the domain. Here f 0 (z) =
15z 2 −227z+23 .

Problem 5
i. Write (z 2 + z)2/7 = exp 27 log(z 2 + z). For z = −1/2, z 2 + z = −1/4, so we
can use a branch of the logarithm which is defined for z 6∈ R+ to define f (z) =
exp 72 (Log(−(z 2 + z)) + πi) with domain D∗ = {z : |z + 12 | < 21 }.

ii. As before (z 2 +z)2/7 = exp 27 log(z 2 +z). Note that z 2 +z does not take negative
real values unless x ≤ 0. Hence we can use the principal branch of the logarithm
to define f (z) = exp 72 Log(z 2 + z) with domain D∗ = {z : |z − 12 | < 21 }.

In both cases f 0 (z) = 27 (z 2 + z)2/7 (2z + 1)(z 2 + z)−1 , with the branch used in
f (z) being the one from the respective problem.

Problem 6
Problem 7
We can write
Z Z 0 Z
sin2 zdz = sin2 z dz + sin2 z dz,
Γ −π Γ0

where Γ0 is the circle part of the contour. Since sin2 z is entire, the second integral
vanishes, while standard calculus results give that the first integral equals π/2.

Problem 8
Using the branch F (z) = Lπ/2 (z − i) as defined on p. 121 in the book, we see
that F (z) is an antiderivative of (z − i)−1 defined on D∗ = C \ i[1, ∞). Hence by
theorem 7 p. 176 we get
dz = F (1 + i/2) − F (−1 + i/2)
Γ z−i
= Log |1 + 3i/2| + i Argπ/2 (1 − i/2) − Log | − 1 − i/2| − i Argπ/2 (−1 + 3i/2)
= iπ − 2i arctan 1/2.

Problem 9
Using the branch F (z) = Lπ/2 (z + i) as defined on p. 121 in the book, we see
that F (z) is an antiderivative of (z + i)−1 defined on D∗ = C \ i[−1, ∞). Hence by
theorem 7 p. 176 we get
dz = F (1 + i/2) − F (−1 + i/2)
Γ z−i
= Log |1 + 3i/2| + i Argπ/2 (1 + 3i/2) − Log | − 1 + 3i/2| − i Argπ/2 (−1 + 3i/2)
= iπ + 2i arctan 3/2.

Problem 10
Decomposing into partial fractions, we get
2z − 1 2−i
2 + iz
dz = dz + dz,
Γ z Γ z Γ z +i
where the first integral vanishes since it is analytic on and inside the contour Γ,
while for the second integral we have
dz = 2πi(2 − i)
Γ z+i
so our integral equals 2π(1 + 2i).

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