01252022010047AnGeom - Q3 - Module 3 - Rotation of Axes

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Department of Education

10 National Capital Region


Quarter 3: Module 3
Rotation of Axes

Writer: Rinalyn M. Salamat (MSHS)

Cover Illustrator: Joel J. Estudillo (SNNHS)

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master the
Rotation of Axes. The scope of this module is to derive the rotation formulas when  is acute and
in the first quadrant, transform equations by rotating the axes through  and determine the acute
angle of rotation such that the transformed equation has no x ' y ' term.

In Quarter 3 Modules 1 and 2, a transformation of coordinates was achieved using the

translation of axes. The new coordinates and equations of second-degree equations were obtained
when the new coordinate axes have the same direction and are parallel to the original coordinate
axes. Now we wish to consider a transformation of coordinates where the new axes have the same
origin but different directions from the original axes. Since the new axes may be obtained by
rotating the original axes through an angle about the origin, the transformation is called a rotation
of axes.

This module is consisting of one (1) lesson which is entitled Rotation of Axes.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. derive the rotation formulas when  is acute and in the first quadrant;
2. transform equations by rotating the axes through  ;
3. find the acute angle of rotation such that the transformed equation has no x ' y ' term.

What I Know
Read and understand each question. Write the correct answer in the space provided.

__________1. Which of the following is the change of axes in which the origin is kept fixed and each
of the new axes makes the same angle  with the corresponding original axes?
A. transformation of axes C. rotation of axes
B. translation of axes D. movement of axes
__________2. Which of the following are the new coordinates of the point P ( 2, −3) when the axes
are rotated through an angle of 60 ?
 2+3 3 2 3 +3  −2 − 3 3 −2 3 − 3 
A.  ,  C.  , 
 2  
 2  2 2 
 2 − 3 3 −2 3 − 3   2−3 3 2 3 −3
B.  ,  D.  , 
  2 
 2 2   2
( )
__________3. What are the new coordinates of P 1, 3 when the axes are rotated through an angle
of 60 ?
A. ( 0, −2 ) B. ( −2, 0 ) C. ( 0, 2 ) D. ( 2, 0 )
__________4. Which of the following is the new equation of 5 x + 6 xy + 5 y − 8 = 0 ?
2 2

x '2 y '2 x '2 y '2 x '2 y '2 x '2 y '2

A. + =1 B. + =1 C. + =1 D. + =1
1 4 4 1 1 2 2 1
__________5. What is the transformed equation of x 2 − y 2 − 9 = 0 when the axes are rotated at an
45 angle?
A. 2 x ' y '+ 9 = 0 B. 2 x ' y '− 9 = 0 C. 9 x ' y '+ 2 = 0 D. 9 x ' y '− 2 = 0

__________6. Which of the following is the new representation of x 2 − xy + y 2 − 2 = 0 after rotating
the xy − coordinate axes through an angle of 45 ?
A. x 2 − y 2 − 9 = 0 B. x '2 + y '2 + 9 = 0 C. x '2 + 3 y '2 = 4
D. x '2 + 4 y '2 = 3
__________7. What is the new representation of x 2 + 4 xy − 2 y 2 − 6 = 0 after rotating through an
 = tan −1   ?
A. x ' + 3 y '2 = 4
B. 2 x '2 − 3 y '2 − 6 = 0 C. x 2 − y 2 − 9 = 0 D. 3x '2 + 3 y '2 + 6 = 0
__________8. Using a graphing calculator which of the following is the graph of
x + 4 xy − 2 y − 6 = 0?
2 2

A. circle B. parabola C. ellipse D. hyperbola

__________9. Which of the following is the original equation of the line given that the transformed
equation is 2 x '− y ' = 4 when  = tan −1   ?
A. x + y = 4 B. x + 2 y = 4 C. x − y = 2
D. 2 x + y = 4
__________10. Which of the following is the transformed equation of x + 4 xy + y 2 − 16 = 0 when the

original axes are rotated by 45 ?

A. 3x '2 − y '2 = 16 B. 3x '2 + y '2 = 16 C. x '2 − 3 y '2 = 16 D. x '2 + 3 y '2 = 16

What’s In
Find the equation into which each equation is transformed if the axes are translated to the new
origin as indicated. Draw the original and new axes and sketch the graph of the given equation.

1. y − 4 x + 8 = 0;
( 2,0 )

2. 3x − y + 18 x − 2 y + 14 = 0;
2 2
( −3, −1)

What’s New
I. Complete the table below. Use a calculator, if necessary. Round off the answer into two (2)
decimal places.
 sin  cos  tan 
1. 30
2. 45
3. 60
4. 70
5. 85

II. Enumerate the formulas under each trigonometric identity.

General Addition
Pythagorean Identities Double Angle Identities

What is It

Consider a point P ( x, y ) relative to the original coordinate system and P ( x ', y ' ) relative to
the new rotated system as shown in Figure 1. If the original axes were rotated through an angle 
and coincide with the new axes is called a rotation of the old one. The transformation of the new
axes obtained by rotating the old axes through an angle about the origin is called a rotation of
Let  be the amount of rotation and let  be the angle between the axes and the length of
OP , as shown in Figure 2. Then, using the definition of sine and cosine
x = OP cos ( +  ) x ' = OP cos 
y = OP sin ( +  ) y ' = OP sin 
Simplifying the values of x and y , getting,
x = OP cos ( +  ) y = OP sin ( +  )
x = OP ( cos  cos  − sin  sin  ) y = OP ( sin  cos  + cos  sin  )
x = OP cos  cos  − OP sin  sin  y = OP sin  cos  + OP cos  sin 
x = ( OP cos  ) cos  − ( OP sin  ) sin  y = ( OP cos  ) sin  + ( OP sin  ) cos 
x = x 'cos  − y 'sin  y = x 'sin  + y 'cos 
These equations are called equations of the rotations. If the generated system is solved for x '
and y ' , we get the alternative set of equations x ' = x cos  + y sin  and y ' = y cos  − x sin 


P(x, y)

Figure 1 Figure 2

Rotation of Axes Formula

The coordinates ( x, y ) and ( x ', y ' ) based on rotated sets of axes are
related by either of the following:
x = x 'cos  − y 'sin  and y = x 'sin  + y 'cos 
x ' = x cos  + y sin  and y ' = y cos  − x sin  ,
where  , 0    90 , is the angle of rotation.

Example 1: The positive axis is rotated by 30 . Find the x ' y ' -coordinate of the point whose
coordinates are ( 2,5 ) .
Solution: The given is the measure of  which is 30 and a point with the given coordinates of
( 2,5) , where x = 2 and y = 5 . Since we are looking for the new coordinates when the
original axes were rotated by the given angle, apply the rotation formulas for x ' and
y ' , getting,
x ' = x cos  + y sin 
x ' = ( 2 ) cos ( 30 ) + ( 5 ) sin ( 30 )
 3 1
x ' = 2   + 5  
 2  2
x' = 3 +
x '  4.23

y ' = y cos  − x sin 

 3 1
y ' = 5   − 2   Figure 3
 2  2 Point and its rotated axes.
5 3
y'= −1
y '  3.33
Therefore, new coordinates of ( 2,5) when the axes are rotated at 30 angle are
( 4.23,3.33) . Figure 3 shows the point and the rotated axes.

Example 2: Find the new equation of x 2 − xy + y 2 − 6 = 0 after rotating the axes through an angle
of 45 .
Solution: Using the GeoGebra or Desmos, graph the given equation, x 2 − xy + y 2 − 6 = 0 . The
graphed conic is an ellipse rotated at an angle of 45 as shown by the blue line in
2 1
Figure 4. Since  = 45 , we can note that sin  = cos  = = , then using the
2 2
rotation of axes formulas, we get,
x = x 'cos  − y 'sin 
x = x 'cos ( 45 ) − y 'sin ( 45 )
 1   1 
x = x '  − y ' 
 2  2
x '− y '

y = x 'sin  + y 'cos 
y = x ' ( 45 ) + y ' ( 45 )
 1   1 
y = x '  + y ' 
 2  2 Figure 4
x '+ y ' Graph of and its rotated axes.
Substituting the value of x and y in the original equation, we get,
x 2 − xy + y 2 − 6 = 0
2 2
 x '− y '   x '− y '  x '+ y '   x '+ y ' 
  −  +  −6 = 0
 2   2  2   2 
x '2 − 2 x ' y '+ y '2 x '2 − y '2 x '2 + 2 x ' y '+ y '2
− + =6
2 2 2
x '2 − 2 x ' y '+ y '2 − ( x '2 − y '2 ) + x '2 + 2 x ' y '+ y '2 = 12
x '2 + 3 y '2 = 12
x '2 3 y '2 12
+ =
12 12 12
x '2 y '2
+ =1
12 4
As shown in Figure 4, the equation of the ellipse when the axes were rotated at 45
x '2 y '2
angle is + = 1 , where a = 2 3 and b = 2 .
12 4
Example 3: Find the new representation of x 2 + 4 xy − 2 y 2 − 24 = 0 after rotating through an
angle,  = tan −1   .
Solutions: Since the given angle is  = tan −1   , applying the Pythagorean triangle, we get
y 1 Figure 5
sin  = = Illustration of Pythagorean Triangle to get
r 5
the and .
x 2
cos  = =
r 5

Solving for the equation of
rotation, we get

x = x 'cos  − y 'sin 
 2   1 
x = x '  − y ' 
 5  5
2 x '− y '

y = x 'sin  + y 'cos 
 1   2 
y = x '  + y ' 
 5  5
x '+ 2 y '
y= Figure 6
Graph of and its
rotated axes.

Substituting the value of x and y in the original equation, we get,

x 2 + 4 xy − 2 y 2 − 24 = 0
2 2
 2 x '− y '   2 x '− y '  x '+ 2 y '   x '+ 2 y ' 
  + 4   − 2  − 24 = 0
 5   5  5   5 
4 x '2 − 4 x ' y '− y '2 8 x '2 + 16 x ' y '− 4 x ' y '− 8 y '2 2 x '2 + 8 x ' y '+ 8 y '2
+ − = 24
5 5 5
4 x '2 − 4 x ' y '+ y '2 + 8 x '2 + 16 x ' y '− 4 x ' y '− 8 y '2 − ( 2 x '2 + 8 x ' y '+ 8 y '2 ) = 24
4 x '2 − 4 x ' y '+ y '2 + 8 x '2 + 12 x ' y '− 8 y '2 − 2 x '2 − 8 x ' y '− 8 y '2 = 120
( 4 x ' + 8x ' − 2 x ' ) + ( y ' '− 8 y ' − 8 y ' ) + ( −4 x ' y '+ 12 x ' y '− 8 x ' y ' ) = 120
2 2 2 2 2 2

10 x '2 − 15 y '2 = 120

10 x '2 15 y '2 120
− =
120 120 120
x '2 y '2
− =1
12 8
x '2 y '2
Figure 6 shows the sketch of the graph of − = 1 , where a = 2 3 , and b = 2 2
12 8
Example 4: Find the acute angle of rotation such that the transformed equation of
2 x2 + 3xy + y 2 = 8 will have no x ' y ' term.
Solution: Use the rotation formulas, y ' = y cos  − x sin  and y = x 'sin  + y 'cos  , to find the
required angle  . Substitute these values of x and y to the original given, and we
2 x 2 + 3xy + y 2 = 8
2 ( x 'cos  − y 'sin  ) + 3 ( x 'cos  − y 'sin  )( x 'sin  + y 'cos  ) + ( x 'sin  + y 'cos  ) = 8
2 2

Simplify the given equation. Then, collect and combine similar terms and we obtain,
( 2cos  +
) ( ) ( )
3 sin  cos + sin 2  x '2 + −2sin  cos  + 3 cos 2  − 3 sin 2  x ' y '+ 2sin 2  − 3 sin  cos + cos2  y '2 = 8

Since the x ' y ' term needs to be eliminated, we set the coefficient equal to zero. Thus,
we have,
−2sin  cos  + 3 cos 2  − 3 sin 2  = 0

Using the double angle identities, sin 2 = 2sin  cos  and cos 2 = cos  − sin  , we
2 2

obtain the equation in the form

− sin 2 + 3 cos 2 = 0

− sin 2 + 3 cos 2 = 0
3 cos 2 = sin 2
3 cos 2 sin 2
cos 2 cos 2
tan 2 = 3
2 = tan −1 ( 3)
2 = 60
 = 30

Figure 7
Graph of and its
rotated axes.

A rotation of 30 eliminates the 2x2 + 3xy + y2 = 8 term. This value of  reduces the original
equation, 2 x2 + 3xy + y 2 = 8 to its new representation of 5 x '2 + y '2 = 16 when the axes
were rotated at the given angle measure. The graph of the given conic is represented
in Figure 7.

What’s More
I. Find the new equation of each given when the axes are rotated through the given angle.
Sketch the graphs of the new equation using the GeoGebra/Desmos. Show the solutions
in the space provided.

1. 3x − y = 4 ,  = 60

2. x 2 + xy + y 2 = 1 ,  = 45

3. x2 − 4 xy + 4 y 2 − 8 5x − 4 5 y = 0 ,  = tan −1  

II. Find the angle of rotation in each second-degree equation such that the transformed
equation will have no x ' y ' term. Show the solutions in the space provided.
1. 3xy + y − 2 = 0

2. x 2 − 3xy + 4 y 2 + 7 = 0

What I Have Learned
You are assigned to help a classmate on answering his/her Quarter 3 Module 3: Rotation
of Axes. You need to help him/her understand how to derive the rotation formulas when  is acute
and in the first quadrant, how to transform equations by rotating the axes through  , and how
to find the acute angle of rotation such that the transformed equation has no x ' y ' term. Using the
scroll below, create a mind map that will help your classmate understand the topic easily.

What I Can Do
All About Parabola

In Quarter 3 Module 3, you have learned

about the definition and properties of a parabola. In
this section, you will explore again the said conic
section using the rotation of axes. Answer the
following tasks below. Show the solutions and
express the final answer in complete sentences.

1. Use the rotation axes to show that the

36 x 2 + 96 xy + 64 y 2 + 20 x − 15 y + 25 = 0
represents a parabola.
2. Find the xy and x ' y ' -coordinates of the Parabola Shape in Real Life
3. Find an equation of the directrix in the xy -coordinate system.

Rubric for grading:

Fairly Needs
Excellent Satisfactory
Criteria Satisfactory Improvement
5 points 4 points
3 points 1 point
The solution is neat The solution is The solution is No solution was
Presentation and organized. organized but not incomplete. presented.
The student gave a The student gave a The student gave The student gave
correct answer with correct answer with an incorrect answer an incorrect answer
Answer the correct label no label and not but expressed it in without a label and
and stated it in a expressed in a a sentence. not expressed in a
complete sentence. sentence. sentence.

Read and understand each question. Write the best answer in the space provided.

__________1. Which of the following are the new coordinates of ( −10, −5 ) when the xy − axes are
rotated at an angle of tan −1   ?
A. (11, 2 ) B. ( −11, 2 ) C. ( −11, −2 ) D. (11, −2 )
__________2. What is the original equation of the line when the transformed equation is y ' = 2 and
the axes were rotated at  = 45 ?
A. x − y + 2 2 = 0 B. x + y + 2 2 = 0 C. x + y − 2 2 = 0 D. x − y − 2 2 = 0
__________3. Which of the following is the transformed equation of x + 3xy + 5 y 2 − 11 = 0 when the

 3 
coordinate axes are rotated through  = sin 
 10 
A. −11x '2 − y '2 = −22 C. 11x '2 + y '2 = 22
B. 11x '2 − y '2 = 22 D. 11x '2 + y '2 = −22
__________4. What is the new representation of xy = 12 when the axes are rotated at 45 an angle?
A. x '2 − y '2 = 24 B. x '2 + y '2 = 24 C. x '2 − y '2 = −24 D. x '2 + y '2 = −24
__________5. At what angle does xy = 1 must be rotated to obtain a transformed equation of
x '2 y '2
− = 1?
2 2
A. 30 B. 45 C. 60 D. 90

Additional Activities
Answer the following items. Show the solutions in the space provided and state the final answer
in a complete sentence.

1. Find the new equation of x 2 − xy + y 2 − 2 = 0 when the axes are rotated through  = 45 .
Sketch the graphs of the new equation using the GeoGebra/Desmos.

2. Find the angle of rotation in 13x2 + 6 3xy + 7 y 2 − 32 = 0 such that the transformed equation
will have no x ' y ' term. Show the solutions in the space provided.

Read and understand each question. Write the best answer in the space provided.

__________1. Which of the following is the change of axes in which the origin is kept fixed and each
of the new axes makes the same angle  with the corresponding original axes?
A. transformation of axes C. rotation of axes
B. translation of axes D. movement of axes
__________2. Which of the following are the new coordinates of the point P ( 2, −3) when the axes
are rotated through an angle of 60 ?
 2+3 3 2 3 +3  −2 − 3 3 −2 3 − 3 
A.  ,  C.  , 
 2 2   2 2
  
 2 − 3 3 −2 3 − 3   2−3 3 2 3 −3
B.  ,  D.  , 
  2 
 2 2   2
( )
__________3. What are the new coordinates of P 1, 3 when the axes are rotated through an angle
of 60 ?
A. ( 0, −2 ) B. ( −2, 0 ) C. ( 0, 2 ) D. ( 2, 0 )
__________4. Which of the following are the new coordinates of ( −10, −5 ) when the xy − axes are
rotated at an angle of tan −1   ?
A. (11, 2 ) B. ( −11, 2 ) C. ( −11, −2 ) D. (11, −2 )
__________5. Which of the following is the new equation of 5 x 2 + 6 xy + 5 y 2 − 8 = 0 ?
x '2 y '2 x '2 y '2 x '2 y '2 x '2 y '2
A. + =1 B. + =1 +
C. =1 D. + =1
1 4 4 1 1 2 2 1
__________6. Which of the following is the transformed equation of x 2 + 3xy + 5 y 2 − 11 = 0 when the
 3 
coordinate axes are rotated through  = sin 
 10 
A. −11x '2 − y '2 = −22 C. 11x '2 + y '2 = 22
B. 11x '2 − y '2 = 22 D. 11x '2 + y '2 = −22
__________7. What is the new representation of xy = 12 when the axes are rotated at 45 an angle?
A. x '2 − y '2 = 24 B. x '2 + y '2 = 24 C. x '2 − y '2 = −24 D. x '2 + y '2 = −24
__________8. What is the transformed equation of x 2 − y 2 − 9 = 0 when the axes are rotated at an
45 angle?
A. 2 x ' y '+ 9 = 0 B. 2 x ' y '− 9 = 0 C. 9 x ' y '+ 2 = 0 D. 9 x ' y '− 2 = 0
__________9. Which of the following is the new representation of x 2 − xy + y 2 − 2 = 0 after rotating
the xy − coordinate axes through an angle of 45 ?
A. x 2 − y 2 − 9 = 0 B. x '2 + y '2 + 9 = 0 C. x '2 + 3 y '2 = 4 D. x '2 + 4 y '2 = 3
__________10. What is the new representation of x 2 + 4 xy − 2 y 2 − 6 = 0 after rotating through an
 = tan −1   ?
 2
A. x ' + 3 y '2 = 4
B. 2 x '2 − 3 y '2 − 6 = 0 C. x 2 − y 2 − 9 = 0 D. 3x '2 + 3 y '2 + 6 = 0
__________11. Using a graphing calculator which of the following is the graph of
x 2 + 4 xy − 2 y 2 − 6 = 0?
A. circle B. parabola C. ellipse D. hyperbola
__________12. Which of the following is the original equation of the line given that the transformed
equation is 2 x '− y ' = 4 when  = tan −1   ?
A. x + y = 4 B. x + 2 y = 4 C. x − y = 2 D. 2 x + y = 4
__________13. What is the original equation of the line when the transformed equation is y ' = 2
and the axes were rotated at  = 45 ?
A. x − y + 2 2 = 0 B. x + y + 2 2 = 0 C. x + y − 2 2 = 0 D. x − y − 2 2 = 0
__________14. Which of the following is the transformed equation of x + 4 xy + y 2 − 16 = 0 when the

original axes are rotated by 45 ?

A. 3x '2 − y '2 = 16 B. 3x '2 + y '2 = 16 C. x '2 − 3 y '2 = 16 D. x '2 + 3 y '2 = 16
__________15. At what angle does xy = 1 must be rotated to obtain a transformed equation of
x '2 y '2
− = 1?
2 2
A. 30 B. 45 C. 60 D. 90

Feliciano, Florentino T. and Uy, Fausto B. (1994). Modern Analytic Geometry. Manila: Merriam &
Webster Bookstore Inc.
Quirino, Dean Demetrio A. and Mijares, Jose M. (1964) Plane and Solid Analytic Geometry. Quezon
City, Philippines: Royal Publishing House, Inc.
Riddle, Douglas R. (2013). Analytic Geometry 6th Edition. Ortigas Avenue, Pasig City: Cengage
Learning Asia Pte Ltd (Philippine Branch).
Sirug, Winston S. (2015). Analytic Geometry. Intramuros, Manila, Metro Manila: Mindshapers
Co., Inc.
Transformations and Coordinate Plane. Retrieved from
http://aldentech.wnyric.org/webshare/frizzo/Geometry/Chapter06.pdf. March 22, 2021.
Translation and Rotation of Axes. Retrieved from
March 22, 2021.
Rotation of Axes. Retrieved from
https://people.richland.edu/james/spring21/m122/rotation.pdf. April 24, 2021.
Rotation of Axes. Retrieved from https://www.emathzone.com/tutorials/geometry/rotation-of-
axes.html. April 24, 2021.

Rotation of Axes. Retrieved from
https://www.stewartcalculus.com/data/CALCULUS/upfiles/RotationofAxes.pdf. April 24, 2021.
Rotation of Axes. Retrieved from https://jhevonorg.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/rotation-of-
axes.pdf. April 24, 2021.
Rotation of Axes. Retrieved from
n4.pdf. April 24, 2021.
Translations, Rotations, and Reflections. Retrieved from https://www.ck12.org/book/ck-12-
middle-school-math-concepts-grade-7/section/8.19/. March 22, 2021.

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Rinalyn M. Salamat (MSHS)

Editor: Analyn C. Santos (MSHS)
Internal Reviewer: Maria A. Nicolas (OIC Principal, MSHS)
Dominador J. Villafria (Education Program Supervisor-Mathematics)
Cover Illustrator: Joel J. Estudillo (SNNHS)
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Dominador J. Villafria
Education Program Supervisor-Mathematics

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero

Education Program Supervisor– LRMS

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

Email Address: [email protected]

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

City of Good Character

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