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Question Paper Code: 17126: Reg. No

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Reg. No.

Question Paper Code : 17126


Fourth Semester
Common to B.E. – Computer Science and Engineering & B.Tech. – Information Technology
(Regulations: Mepco – R2019)
Duration: 3 Hours Max. : 100 Marks
Answer ALL Questions
PART A – (10  2 = 20 Marks)

A, CO1 1. A lot consists of 10 good articles, 4 with minor defects and 2 with major defects.
Two articles are chosen from the lot at random without replacement. Then the
probability that both are good is __________. Justify your answer.
A) 5⁄6 B) 3⁄8 C) 1⁄6 D) 1⁄3
R, CO1 2. Write down the relation between the raw moments and central moments.
R, CO2 3. The joint PDF of X and Y is f x, y   ex  y , x  0 and y  0 . Are X and Y
A, CO2 4. If X and Y are two dimensional random variable and var x  var  y   2 ,
covx, y   , then var 2x  3 y  is _________. Justify your answer.
A) 6 2 B) 7 2 C) 5 2 D) 4 2
U, CO3 5. Define irreducible Markov chain.
R, CO3 6. If X t  is the number of telephone calls receiving at switchboard in
0, t , t 0,  is________. Justify your answer.
A) Continuous Random Process B) Discrete Random Process
C) Continuous Random Sequence D) Discrete Random Sequence
R, CO4 7. Give Kendall’s notation for representing queuing model.
R, CO4 8. When there are more than one server, customer behavior in which he moves from
onequeue to another is known as ______. Justify your answer.
A) balking B) jockeying C) reneging D) alternating
U, CO5 9. Explain Type I and Type II errors in testing of hypothesis.
U, CO5 10. A chi-square value can never be negative because:
A) Differences between expected and observed frequencies are squared
B) A negative value would mean that the observed frequencies were
C) The absolute value of the differences is computed
D) It is always zero

PART B – (5  16 = 80 Marks)
A, CO1 11. a) i. In a bolt factory, machines A, B and C produce 25%, 35% and
40% of the total output, respectively. Of their outputs 5%, 4% and
2% respectively, are defective bolts. If a bolt is chosen at random
from the combined output, what is the probability that it is
defective? If a bolt chosen at random is found to be defective,
what is the probability that it was produced by B or C? (8 Marks)
A, CO1 11. a) ii. The mileage in thousands of miles which car owners get with a
certain kind of tyre is a random variable having PDF
1 x
f x   e 20 for x  0. Find the probabilities that one of
these tyres will last A) atmost 10,000 miles B) any where from
16,000 to 24,000 miles C) atleast 30,000 miles. (8 Marks)
A, CO1 11. b) i. Find the moment generating function of a random variable X
 x, for 0  x  1

whose PDF is defined by f x   2  x, for 1  x  2
 0, otherwise

Hence obtain the mean and variance of X. (8 Marks)
A, CO1 11. b) ii. Suppose that during rainy season on a tropical island the length of
the shower has an exponential distribution with parameter   2,
time being measured in minutes. What is the probability that a
shower will last more than three minutes? If a shower has already
lasted for 2 minutes, what is the probability that it will last for at
least three more minutes? (8 Marks)

A, CO2 12. a) If two dimensional random variables X and Y have the joint
probability density function f x, y   2  x  y, 0  x  1,
0  y  1. Obtain the correlation coefficient between X and Y. (16 Marks)
A, CO2 12. b) i. If the joint probability density function of X and Y is given by
 x 2  y 2 
f x, y   4 xye   , x  0, y  0 , find the probability

density function of U  X 2  Y 2 . (8 Marks)

A, CO2 12. b) ii. Obtain the equation of the line of y on x for the following data:
X : 65 66 67 67 68 69 70 72
Y : 67 68 65 68 72 72 69 71 (8 Marks)

A, CO3 13. a) i. Consider the random process X t   cost    where  is a
random variable with density function f    , where

 
   . Check whether the process is stationaryor not.
2 2 (8 Marks)
A, CO3 13. a) ii. A man either drives a car catches a train to go to office each day.
He never goes 2 days in a row by train but if he drives one day,
then the next day he is just as likely to drive again as he is to
travel by train. Now suppose that on the first day of the week, the
man tossed a fair die and drove to work if and only if a 6
appeared. Find A) the probability that he takes a train on the third
day and B) the probability that he drives to work in the long run. (8 Marks)
A, CO3 13. b) i. Consider the process X t   Acos t  B sin t where A and B are
independent random variables  is a constant and with
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Check,
whether {X(t)} is wide sense stationary or not. (8 Marks)
A, CO3 13. b) ii. A machine goes out of order, whenever a component fails. The
failure of this part follows a Poisson process with a mean rate of 1
per week. A) Find the probability that 2 weeks have elapsed since
last failure B) If there are 5 spare parts of this component in an
inventory and that the next supply is not due in 10 weeks, find the
probability that the machine will not be out of order in the next 10
weeks. (8 Marks)

A, CO4 14. a) i. Arrivals at a telephone booth are considered to be Poisson with an

average time of 12 minutes between one arrival and the next. The
length of a phone call is assumed to be distributed exponentially
with mean 4 minutes.
A) Find the average number of persons waiting in the system
B) What is the probability that a person arriving at the booth
will have to wait in the queue?
C) What is the probability that it will take him more than 10
minutes altogether to wait for the phone and complete his
D) Estimate the fraction of the day when the phone will be in
use. (8 Marks)

A, CO4 14. a) ii. A petrol pump station has 4 pumps. The service times follow the
exponential distribution with a mean of 6 minutes and cars arrive
for service in a Poisson process at the rate of 30 cars per hour.
A) What is the probability that an arrival would have to wait
in line?
B) Find the average waiting time, average time spent in the
system and the average number of cars in the system.
C) For what percentage of time would a pump be idle on an
average? (8 Marks)
A, CO4 14. b) Derive Pollaczek-Khinchine formula. (16 Marks)

L, CO5 15. a) i. A simple sample of heights of 6400 English men has a mean of
170 cm and a S.D. of 6.4 cm. while of simple sample of heights of
1600 Americans has a mean of 172 cm and a S.D of 6.3 cm. Do
the data indicate that Americans are, on the average, taller than
the Englishmen?Use Z5% = 1.65. (8 Marks)
CO5 15. a) ii. Samples of two types of electric bulbs were tested for length of
life and the following data were obtained.
Sample Size Sample mean Standard Deviation
1 8 1234 hours 36 hours
2 7 1036 hours 40 hours
Is the difference in the means sufficient to warrant that type I
bulbs are superior to type II bulbs? Use t5% = 1.771 for  = 13. (8 Marks)
L, CO5 15. b) i. Two random samples gave the following results:
Sample Size Sample mean Variance
1 8 9.6 1.2
2 11 16.5 2.5
Can we conclude that the two samples have been drawn from the
same normal population? Use F5% (10,7) = 3.64 and t5% (v = 17) =
2.11. (8 Marks)
L, CO5 15. b) ii. Theory predicts that the proportion of beans in four groups A,B,C,
D should be 9:3:3:1. In an experiment among 1600 beans, the
numbers in the four groups were 882, 313, 287 and 118. Does the
experiment support the theory?
Use 52% ( v = 3)  7.82. (8 Marks)


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