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Semantics Laura

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1. Background
Language is a very important communication system for humans. Language is a
human communication tool that is inseparable from the meaning or significance of every
word spoken. As a dynamic element. Language is constantly analyzed and studied using
various approaches to study it. Among other approaches that can be used to study language is
the meaning approach. Semantics is one of the fields of linguistics that studies meaning.
The word semantics comes from the Greek sema which means sign or symbol (sign).
“Semantics” was first used by a French philologist named Michel Breal in 1883. The word
semantics was later agreed upon as a term used for the field of linguistics that studied
linguistic signs with the things they marked. Therefore, the word semantics can be interpreted
as the science of meaning or about meaning, which is one of the three levels of language
analysis: phonology, grammar, and semantics (Chaer. 1994: 2).
The field of linguistic studies whose object of study is the meaning of language is a
linguistic level. Semantics with its object, that is, meaning, is in all or at all levels that build-
up this meaning is in the level of phonology, morphology and syntax. Semantics is not one
level in the sense of the constituent elements of another larger unit, but the elements that are
at all those levels, although the nature of their presence at each level is not the same.
According to Mansoer Pateda (2001: 79) that the term meaning is a confusing word
and term. The meaning is always mixed in the speech of words and sentences. There are
several types of meanings, including lexical meanings, grammatical meanings, denotative
meanings, and connotative meanings. In addition, there is also what is called the relationship
of meaning that is the relationship of meaning is the semantic relationship that exists between
one language unit with another language unit.
Language is the most effective communication medium used by humans to interact
with other individuals. The language used in interacting in our daily life varies greatly, both
in terms of function and form. The level of language use used by the community in
interacting certainly cannot be separated from the use of words or sentences that lead to
meaning, which is the scope of semantics.
2.Problem Statement
Based on the background above, the problem can be formulated as follows:
1. What is the true meaning of meaning?
2. What are the types of meaning?

The purpose of writing this paper is:
1. Explain the nature of meaning
2. Describe the types of meaning

1.The Truth of Meaning

Semantics is a field that studies meaning. The meaning of the meaning itself is very
diverse. Mansoer Pateda (2001:79) suggests that the term meaning is confusing words and
terms. The meaning is always integrated in the utterances of words and sentences. According
to Ullman (in Mansoer Pateda, 2001:82) suggests that meaning is the relationship between
meaning and understanding. In the Linguistic Dictionary, the meaning of meaning is
translated into:
1. speaker’s intent
2. The influence of the application of language in the use of perception or behavior
human or human group
3. The relationship in the sense of equivalence or disproportion between language or
between speech and all the things it shows
4. How to use language symbols (Harimurti Kridalaksana, 2001: 132)
Meaning is an important aspect in a language because with meaning, a
communication can occur smoothly and mutually understood. But if the language users in
speaking to each other do not understand each other the meaning that is in their speech, then
it is impossible for language speech to run communicatively. Here, it is required that the
speaker and the interlocutor must understand each other the meaning of the language they
According to the theory developed from the view of Ferdinand de Saussure, meaning
is ‘understanding’ or ‘concepts that are owned or contained in a linguistic sign. According to
de Saussure, every linguistic sign consists of two elements, namely (1) which is interpreted
(French: signifie, English: signified) and (2) which means (French: signifiant, English:
signifier). What is interpreted (signifie, signified) is actually nothing but the concept or
meaning of a sound sign. Meanwhile, what means (signifiant or signifier) are sounds which
are formed from the phonemes of the language in question. In other words, each sign-
linguistics consists of an element of sound and an element of meaning.
A word, for example a book, consists of sound symbols, namely [b-u-k-u] and
concepts or mental images of objects called books. In addition, for example a chair, the
meaning of the word chair is the concept of a chair that is stored in our brain and is
symbolized by the word [k-u-r-s-i] and has the meaning of a piece of furniture that is used to
In semantic analysis must also be realized, because the language is unique, and has a
very close relationship with cultural issues, the analysis of a language only applies to that
language only, but can not be used to analyze other languages. For example, the word fish in
the language. Indonesia refers to a type of animal that lives in water and is commonly eaten
as a side dish; and in English separan with fish. But the word wak in Javanese not only means
‘fish’ or ‘fish’, but also means meat used as a side dish.
In its use in real speech, the meaning of a word or lexeme is often, and perhaps
usually, regardless of its basic meaning or concept and also of its reference. For example, his
mother’s own crocodile was tricked. Therefore, many experts say that we can only determine
the meaning of a word if the word is already in the context of the sentence.

2. Kinds of Meaning
Types of meaning can be distinguished based on several criteria and points of view.
Based on the type of semantics, it can be distinguished between lexical meaning, grammatical
meaning and contextual meaning. Based on the presence or absence of referents in a word,
referential and non-referential meanings can be distinguished. Based on whether there is a
sense of value in a word, it can be distinguished between connotative and denotative
meanings. Based on the accuracy of the meaning, it can be distinguished the meaning of the
word and the meaning of the term. There are also conceptual and associative meanings, idiom
meanings and proverbs, connotative meaning, stylistic meaning, affective meaning,
collocative meaning, generic meaning, specific meaning, and thematic meaning.

2.1.Lexical, Grammatical, and Contextual Meaning

 Lexical meaning (lexical meaning, sematic meaning, external meaning) is the
meaning of a word that stands alone, both in basic form and in complex form
(derivative) and the meaning that exists remains as what we can see in the dictionary.
House: a building for human habitation
Eating: chewing and swallowing something

 Meaning is the meaning that arises as a result of combining a word in a sentence.

Grammatical meaning can also arise as a result of grammatical processes such as
affixation, reduplication and composition.
Home: owning a house
Houses : many houses > Restaurant house where to eat
Daddy's house: Daddy's house

 Contextual meaning arises as a result of the relationship between speech and situation.
Contextual meaning is also called structural meaning because the process and
grammatical unit are always related to the grammatical structure.
The hair on Grandma's head is white.
Pak Harjo is a school principal.
The letterhead contains the address and telephone number.
Head rice is more expensive.
The meaning of context can also relate to the situation, namely the place, time, and
environment of the use of the language. As an example again in the sentence three times four
how much? If asked to a junior high school student, the answer would be twelve, but if asked
to a photographer, the answer would be five hundred or with another answer.

2.2.Referential and Nonreferential Meaning

 Referent according to Palmer (Mansoer Pateda, 2001: 125) is the relationship between
linguistic elements in the form of words, sentences and the world. Nonlinguistic
experience. Reference or reference can be interpreted in the form of objects, events,
processes or reality. A reference is something that is indicated by a symbol.
Referential meaning implies meaning that directly refers to something, both objects,
symptoms, reality, events and processes.
Referential meaning according to the description above can be interpreted as meaning
that is directly related to the reference indicated by the word or utterance. It can also
be said that referential meaning is the meaning of language elements that are closely
related to the world outside the language, either in the form of concrete objects or
ideas that can be explained through component analysis. Example: horse, red and
picture are referential words because there are references in the real world

 The meaning of non-referential reference does not stay in one form. Words that have
non-referential meanings are called deictic words. Which includes deictic words are
pronoun words, such as (he, I, and you); words that express space, such as (here,
there, and there); words that express time, such as (now, tomorrow, and later); and
pointer words, such as (this and that).

2.3.Denotative and Connotative Meaning

 Denotative meaning (referential) is the meaning that indicates directly to the reference
or the basic meaning. Denotative words are aptly used in scholarly works.
Red: color like the color of blood.
Snake: creeping animal, legless, scaly skin.

 Connotative meaning (evaluation) is an additional meaning to the basic meaning in

the form of a certain taste or image value. Words that have connotative meaning are
reasonable to use in literary works. The basic meaning of some words, for example:
labor, job, employee, and employee, is indeed the same, namely a person who works,
but the value is different. The word labor and workers has a low / rude value, while
employees and employees have a high sense of value. Connotations can be divided
into two types, namely positive connotations and positive connotations negative.

2.4.Meaning of Words and Meaning of Terms

1. Initially, the meaning that a word has is a lexical meaning or a denotative meaning.
However, in its use the meaning of the word only becomes clear if the word is already
in the context of the sentence or the context of the situation. For example, we don’t
know the meaning of falling before the word is in its context. Therefore, the meaning
of the word mash is general, rude and unclear.

2. The meaning of the term has a definite, clear, unquestionable meaning, even without
the context of the sentence. Therefore it is often said that the term is context-free,
while the word is not context-free. Just keep in mind that a term is only used in the
scientific field and certain activities. Example: the words hand and arm are synonyms.
But the two words are different in the field of medicine. Hand means the part from the
wrist to the fingers, while the arm means from the wrist to the base of the shoulder. In
language development, there are a number of terms which, because they are often
used, have become common vocabulary. This means that the term is not used in the
scientific field, but has been used in general outside the field.

2.5.Conceptual Meaning and Associative Meaning

1. Conceptual meaning, namely meaning that is in accordance with the concept,
meaning that is in accordance with its referent, and meaning that is free from any
association or relationship. Conceptual meaning is also called denotative meaning,
referential meaning. Lexical meaning. Example: a house has the conceptual meaning
of a building where humans live.

2. Associative meaning is also called figurative meaning or the use of words that are
not true. Associative meaning is the meaning that a word has with respect to the
relationship of the word to circumstances outside the language. For example, the word
chameleon is associated with the meaning of people who are not opinionated.

2.6.Meaning of Idioms and Proverbs

1. Idiomatic meaning is the meaning contained in idioms, meanings that deviate from the
conceptual and grammatical meanings of their constituents. In Indonesian, there are two
kinds of idioms, namely (a) full idioms and (b) partial idioms. Full idioms are idioms whose
elements as a whole are already a unity with one meaning. Example: toiling means working
hard. Some idioms are idioms in which there are still elements that still have lexical meaning.
Example: yellow newspaper which means newspaper that contains sensational news.
Newspaper still has its lexical meaning.

2. The meaning of a proverb has a meaning that can still be traced or traced from the meaning
of its elements because of the association between the original meaning and the meaning of
the proverb. Example: like a dog with a cat which means two people who never get along.
This meaning has an association, that the animals whose names are cats and dogs when they
meet are always fighting.

2.7.Stylistic Meaning, Affective Meaning, Collocative Meaning, Generic

Meaning, Specific Meaning, and Thematic Meaning
1. Generic meaning is a broad, general conceptual meaning, which includes several specific
or narrow conceptual meanings. For example, the school in the sentence “Our school wins”
includes not only the building, but also the teachers, students and administrative staff of the
school concerned.

2. The specific meaning is the conceptual, distinctive, and narrow meaning. For example, if
you say “linguist”, then what is meant is not all experts, but someone who specializes in the
field of language.

3. Affective meaning is the meaning that arises as a result of the listener’s or reader’s reaction
to the use of language. Therefore, affective meaning is related to language style.

4. Stylistic meaning is related to the use of language that gives rise to effect mainly on the
reader Stylistic meaning is felt more inside a literary work. A literary work will have its own
place for us because the word used contains a statistical meaning. Mean statistical is more
displayed through the style of language.

5. Collocative meaning is the meaning associated with the use of several words in the same
environment. For example the word fish, carp. Vegetables, tomatoes of course these words
will appear in the kitchen environment. There are three limitations of words when associated
with collocative meanings, namely (a) meaning is limited by the elements that make up the
word or word relationship, (b) meaning is limited by the degree of word suitability, (c)
meaning is limited by speed.

6. Thematic meaning is the meaning expressed by the speaker or writer, either through the
order of words, the focus of the conversation, or the emphasis of the conversation.

1. Conclusion
Language is a human communication tool that cannot be separated from the meaning
or meaning of every word spoken. Semantics is a field of linguistics that studies meaning.
The meaning of the meaning itself is very diverse. In the Linguistic Dictionary, the meaning
of translated into:
1. The speaker’s intent;
2. The influence of the application of language in the use of human perception or
behavior or human groups;
3. The relationship in the sense of equivalence or disproportion between language or
between speech and all the things it shows, and
4. How to use language symbols.
In this semantic study we can find out about the nature of meaning, types of meaning
(lexical meaning, grammatical and contextual meaning, referential and non-referential,
connotative and denotative meanings, meanings of terms and word meaning, conceptual and
associative meaning, idiom and proverb meaning, connotative meaning, stylistic meaning,
affective meaning, collocative meaning, generic meaning, specific meaning, and thematic

2. Suggestions
This suggestion is intended for the Indonesian people in general and for all students,
in this changing era we should be more responsive to the changes that occur, especially in the
Indonesian language field. We must preserve Indonesian as the national language. We need
to pay close attention to the changes that occur so that the authenticity of the Indonesian
language is maintained.

 https://serupa.id/semantik-pengertian-jenis-manfaat-analisis-makna-dsb/
 https://iwantongeng.blogspot.com/2015/01/makna-dalam-kajian-
 https://www.linguistikid.com/2019/11/jenis-jenis-makna-dalam-

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